"LinkedIn - Lead Generation for Business - Hindi Tutorial2020" |
"Welcome to LinkedIn Lead generation for Business in Hindi Tutorial 2020... Know in this video How to get more connections and How to get more clients for your business? After learning this course you are able to work for your business and get a good job as a Linkedin Expert."
Price: 1280.00

"Adobe Photoshop CC Beginner to Pro in Malayalam 2020" |
". . . . . .This course was designed to teach you everything you need to know to make full use of Adobe Photoshop CC. Adobe Photoshop CC is a complex graphics and image editing software and paint program. It has become a mainstay with graphics designers, professional photographers, and even hobbyists to edit graphics as well as create and manipulate images.Students learn how to use the Adobe Photoshop interface and access its expansive set of features. Lessons cover the basics of saving and storing image files and defining the various processes used for image editing. When they complete this Adobe Photoshop course, students will know how to use the software for image editing and basic manipulation. The course requires access to Adobe Photoshop version CS4 or later.You'll discover how to: Easily navigate Photoshop's interface to find what you need Crop and resize images Work with color to edit and manipulate images Combine aspects of several images into one professional images Work with layers Paint using Photoshop's many tools Add text to images Create and use gradients Use the new Content-Aware feature to remove objects from images without leaving an empty space or making it look like the image was edited How to select objects easier and better than ever before How to use filters to manipulate the look and feel of images And much, much more!By the end of the course, no matter who you are or how much experience you've had with the program in the past, you will be an advanced user capable of using Adobe Photoshop CC like a professional to create, edit, and manipulate images. Photoshop CC is much more than a photo editor. You'll be surprised at what you learn to do."
Price: 1280.00

"Basic Selling Skills" |
"This Basic Selling Skills course will provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills in order to become a successful salesperson. The following aspects are covered in this practical course i.e.- Introduction & The Selling Cycle.- Preparation - Planning The Sale.- How To Do Prospecting.- The First Contact With Prospective Customers.- Qualifying Customer Needs.- How To Do An Effective Sales Presentation.- How To Handle Objections.- How To Negotiate The Sale With Customers.- How To Close The Sale.- The Final Greeting.- How To Do Follow-up & After-care.- Getting Repeat Business & Referrals & Building A Loyal Customer Base.- Understanding Buyer Behavior & Buying Signals.- Understanding The Application Of Neuro-Linguistic Programming & Body Language.- How To Handle Difficult Prospective Customers.- The Things Great Salespeople Do Right All The Time.- The Most Common Mistakes Made By Average & Poor Salespeople.- Facilitating The Meeting Of Minds Between Salespeople & Customers.- Dispelling Some Common Myths About Selling.- Conclusion."
Price: 54.99

"Gesto gil com Microsoft Planner" |
"Agilidade, Performance e Produtividade so aspectos essenciais no dia dia correto? Contudo como podemos mudar este mindset, fomentando mudanas, quebrando paradigmas existentes milhares de anos?O Microsoft Planner pode nos auxiliar, criando uma colaboratividade com todos integrantes, membros da nossa equipe, fazendo o gerenciamento necessrio das atividades determinando os responsveis e ainda acompanhando o andamento da produo. Sensacional n?A ferramenta pode ser usada tambm para gerenciar eventos e promover o debate de ideias sobre uma tarefa. Pode ser utilizada para trabalhos acadmicos em grupo, na gesto de recursos humanos, alm de vrias outras atividades.Com este treinamento voc estar capacitado para atuar em projetos geis, interagindo com todos os membros, dominando todas as funcionalidades desta fantstica ferramenta. Venha conferir =)"
Price: 39.99

"L'preuve de synthse pour les concours d'enseignant" |
"Ce cours vous prsentera les modalits de droulement de l'preuve de synthse lors d'un concours pour devenir enseignant. Il sera bas sur cas d'tude d'un concours CAPLP 2019 en filire conomie-gestion (lyce professionnel).Il est tir de mon exprience de ce concours que j'ai pass en candidat libre, sans suivre de formation pralable, en menant une vie professionnelle et personnelle en parallle, et o j'ai pourtant russi les deux preuves d'admissibilit.Aprs une prsentation de l'preuve et des commentaires et attentes du jury, nous aborderons en dtail les conseils et techniques pour construire une synthse efficace tout en russissant grer le temps imparti. Nous aborderons galement la deuxime partie de l'preuve qui est une rponse argumente aux questions porte didactique.A la fin de cette formation, vous serez mieux prpar.e pour cette preuve, notamment si c'est la premire fois que vous vous prsentez un concours.Aprs cela, la balle est dans votre camp ! Ne vous dcouragez pas et persvrez, mais il est possible d'y arriver comme je l'ai fait.Bon courage tous !"
Price: 24.99

"Pandemi COVID-19 telah memberikan dampak buruk terhadap beberapa jenis industri di Indonesia. Jenis-jenis industri yang terkena dampak paling tinggi adalah maskapai penerbangan, otomotif, retail, minyak dan gas, perhotelan dan pariwisata. Sedangkan beberapa jenis industri yang terkena dampak level moderat adalah properti, agrikultur, produk alam, produk kimia, penyewaan properti dan jasa pengeboran minyak (Bisnis Indonesia 04/04/2020). Perusahaan-perusahaan yang terkena dampak Pandemi COVID-19 tentu perlu mengantisipasi permasalahan-permasalahan ketenagakerjaan apa yang mungkin dihadapi seperti pengupahan, pemutusan hubungan kerja, pembayaran THR, Unpaid Leave, Work From Home dan permasalahan lainnya. Untuk itu, pemahaman yang baik terkait aspek hukum ketenagakerjaan perlu diperoleh agar perusahaan mampu melakukan mitigasi atas risiko-risiko yang mungkin dihadapi."
Price: 980000.00

"Theory of Gaussian Process Regression for Machine Learning" |
"Probabilistic modelling, which falls under the Bayesian paradigm, is gaining popularity world-wide. Its powerful capabilities, such as giving a reliable estimation of its own uncertainty, makes Gaussian process regression a must-have skill for any data scientist. Gaussian process regression is especially powerful when applied in the fields of data science, financial analysis, engineering and geostatistics. This course covers the fundamental mathematical concepts needed by the modern data scientist to confidently apply Gaussian process regression. The course also covers the implementation of Gaussian process regression in Python."
Price: 19.99

"Persuasive Business Writing Skills" |
"Do you sometimes have difficulty in getting your point across in emails and other written documents? Struggle to make yourself heard and to get others to do what you want? May be you think your written communications are too blunt? Or perhaps you have a tendency to waffle? If you want to learn how to write effective communications which appear professional and which will influence and persuade your audience, then this workshop is for you. We will look at some of the key tools & techniques that you can easily apply to your own writing and improve the effectiveness of your writing. Helping you to communicate more effectively and efficiently - and achieve your communication objectives first time, every time."
Price: 19.99

"COORDINATE GEOMETRY -Become an expert in coordinate geometry" |
"This course teaches you that how to be an expert in Coordinate geometry as well as in Analytical geometry.This course is useful for the students who has coordinate geometry in their curriculum and here you are going to learn Basics of coordinate geometryDistance between the two pointsMid point of line segmentSectional point of line segmentSlope of lineDetermination of Parallel and Perpendicular linesLine equationcentroid of the triangleArea of triangle and quadrilateralSolving the straight lines using graphs All these sections with examples are explained in this course."
Price: 1280.00

"Dijital Ortamda Portfolyo Hazrlama" |
"Portfolyo, bir kiiyi tantmak amacyla belirli bir alan zerine hazrlanm dosya veya bilgi topluluudur. Elektronik portfolyolar, geleneksel portfolyolarla benzerlik gsterir. Ancak, elektronik portfolyo hazrlamak iin belirli bir teknolojik bilgi ve beceriye sahip olmak gerekir. nternet ortamnda fotoraflarn tantmak isteyen, elektronik ortamda rnlerini tantmak isteyenlere ynelik bir eitimdir. nternet ortamnda kurumsal kimlik oluturmak isteyenler iinde faydal bir eitim olacaktr. Teekkrler."
Price: 19.99

Winology |
", , , - ! , , , . : - - - - , . - , ."
Price: 19799.00

community |
", , . . . . ..."
Price: 19.99

"Innovation Leadership" |
"This course takes a dive in the following subjects:1) Leadership- Definition- Maslow's hierarchy of needs- Leadership and Management- Leadership styles- Situational leadership- Practical leadership tip2) Innovation- Definition- Innovation Vs Invention- The Innovation matrix- Innovation process3) Innovation Leadership- Its importance today- Your purpose- From I to We- Your sweet spot- Johari Window- Proper surround- Steve Jobs example4) Your personal plan- Your plan to follow5) Wrap up- What did we learn- Getting your certificate"
Price: 19.99

"Mtodo PAR" |
"El Mtodo PAR es una propuesta teraputica orientada a mejorar las relaciones de pareja, teniendo como punto de partida el trabajo individual de cada miembro de la misma.Est fundamentada en tres reas de trabajo principales, que son la premisa de las siglas PARProgramasAlianzaRumboTodo el contenido est estructurado a travs de mdulos que contienen lecciones y temas, cuyo propsito es el de primeramente ampliar la consciencia en virtud del rea de trabajo que se est abordando, para ello nos apoyamos en recursos de audio video y escritos. Ya esta primera instancia te va a permitir tener una perspectiva diferente de tu situacin, y este nuevo enfoque sin lugar a dudas ya es un combustible sumamente potente para generar cambios en tu vida.En el campo de los conflictos la percepcin es la piedra angular, si cambias la percepcin el conflicto desaparece.Luego para garantizar que los cambios sean profundos y permanentes, te ofrecemos por cada mdulo, una serie de ejercicios, actividades y recomendaciones de fcil aplicacin pero de gran Impacto, cuya eficacia han sido probadas y comprobadas a travs de varios aos de terapias individuales, talleres y convivencias.El Mtodo PAR tiene un carcter inclusivo, est diseado para que pueda ser tomado por cualquier persona independientemente de su edad, sexualidad fsica, creencia religiosa o situacin sentimental. Inclusive una persona que no tenga una relacin de pareja establecida, pero desee mejorar internamente puede aplicar el mtodo, y de este modo prepararse desde una consciencia ms elevada, a una experiencia de pareja ms alineada con sus propsitos y deseos.Cuando un ser humano se propone a hacer un trabajo interno en pro de su evolucin, es imposible cuantificar y calificar los beneficios que va a obtener, pues esta simple pero al mismo tiempo trascendente decisin, va a desencadenar una serie de eventos y posibilidades en sintona con ese deseo de cambio y mejora, de all en lo sucesivo. Sin embargo a modo general te podemos sealar, que al aplicar el mtodo con compromiso y responsabilidad, vas a desarrollar niveles de SATISFACCIN mayores en tu vida, producto del autoconocimiento; esto te llevar a su vez a manifestar ESTABILIDAD, como consecuencia de la aplicacin de nuevas herramientas, que te facilitarn el transitar de tu da a da y, si lo proyectas a tu relacin de pareja, esta se tornar ms ARMONIOSA generando que cada miembro de la misma, se comporte como un instrumento de APOYO, ACOMPAAMIENTO Y DISFRUTE del otro en una total SINERGIA.Te invitamos a darte este gran regalo de transformacin para ti, y para esa institucin sagrada llamada pareja, qu es el ncleo de la familia y la sociedad."
Price: 49.99

"MD-100 Windows 10 Microsoft Instructor Led Training Course" |
"This course is way more then the average training course on Udemy! Have access to the following:Training from an instructor of over 20 years who has helped thousands on their certification journeyLecture that explains the concepts in an easy to learn method for someone that is just starting out with this materialInstructor led hands on that can be followed even if you have little to no experienceHands on tutorials that can be practiced 24/7 regardless of if you have Windows 10 in front of youThe hands on activities in this course will prepare you for all the lab based scenario's that show up on the MD-100 examTOPICS COVERED INCLUDING HANDS ON LECTURE AND PRACTICE TUTORIALS:IntroductionFoundation of Microsoft DomainsFoundation of RAS, DMZ, VirtualizationFoundation of Microsoft Cloud ServicesDeploying WindowsSelecting the appropriate Windows EditionWindows Deployment Tools (Windows ADK, MDT, DISM, USMT, ACT, VAMT and more)Understanding Traditional ImagingMigrating User Data with the User State Migration ToolUnderstanding Windows Activation (MAK, KMS, Active Directory Based)Performing Post-Installation ConfigurationThe Settings App vs Control PanelA Foundation of PowershellConfiguring Language Settings, Edge web browser, Mobile Settings, Sign-In Options and the Desktops FeatureManaging Devices, Data, Users and GroupsManaging Devices in Active DirectoryJoining Windows 10 to a Microsoft DomainCreating Local users and Domain UsersCreating and managing Local groups and domain groupsUnderstanding User ProfilesConfiguring Data Access and ProtectionUnderstanding NTFS PermissionsCreating Shared folders and permissionsUnderstanding conflicting permissions between Share and NTFSManaging Disk QuotasConfiguring Devices using the Registry and Group PoliciesUnderstanding the Registry in Windows 10Implementing Local Group PoliciesUnderstanding Active Directory Group Policy ObjectsTroubleshooting PoliciesManaging Windows SecurityConfiguring the User Account Control (UAC)Configuring the Windows Defender FirewallImplementing Encrypting File System (EFS)Implementing Bitlocker EncryptionConfiguring ConnectivityUnderstanding TCP/IPConfiguring the TCP/IP settings on Windows 10Setting the Proxy Server settings on Windows 10Understanding WiFiConfiguring the WiFi settings on Windows 10Troubleshooting connectivity using commands (Ipconfig, Ping, Tracert, Pathping, Netstat, Nslookup)Remote ConnectivityUnderstanding and creating a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection in Windows 10Powershell RemotingRemote Desktop, Remote Assistance, and Quick AssistManaging Windows UpdatesSelecting the appropriate Update Servicing ChannelUnderstanding the Windows Update SettingsUnderstanding the different methods of providing updates to your environmentMonitoring and Managing WindowsUnderstanding and Configuring the Windows Event LogUtilizing the Windows Monitoring Tools"
Price: 39.99

"Learn XLOOKUP in 14 easy examples" |
"My name is Jiri, I am an excel trainer and this is my class on the XLOOKUP function. If you have Office 365, you already have access to this new amazing function that is here to replace VLOOKUP. If you master it, your life will be so much easier! It does not matter if you used VLOOKUP before, this class is for you.This training has 14 videos with easy examples + additional free 14 examples on VLOOKUP. Each video is a self contained lesson If you want to follow what I am doing, please download the worksheet with the sample data I am using.I hope you will enjoy this class. I also believe and this knowledge of Excel will bring you better job or easier and happier days at work."
Price: 34.99

"How I paid down credit card debt in 6 Months" |
"When I found myself deep in credit card debt, I struggled to find real world examples of how to pay it down without paying extras for debt consolidation. So I created my own plan and am teaching it in this course of how I paid down over $5k of credit card debt in 6 months. It can be so exhausting to be in debt, so this is an affordable resource and guide to pay down your own debt with lectures, real world examples and worksheets for you to make your own plan and feel confident in it to pay everything off."
Price: 19.99

"Realiza presentaciones orales de impacto" |
"En este curso aprenders los secretos ms interesantes y tiles para hablar en pblico. Realmente hablar es fcil... pero hablar bien?, generar impacto? SER MEMORABLE?, cambiar vidas?.La palabra es un gran motor que nos puede llevar a acciones inimaginables, es el poder de los grandes, y como una habilidad blanda o soft skill, todos debemos de aprender a dominarla. Si bien en algunas escuelas nos ensean a hablar en pblico, bien dice Stephen Covey, es una competencias que debemos de afilar constantemente ""sharp the skill"".Poder transmitir el mensaje es poder vivir, convivir, aprender, y escuchar entre otras experiencias, te invito a que pierdas el miedo de probarte a ti mismo, vers que esto te dar seguridad en ti mismo y eso se reflejar en todos tus mbitos de vida.Te mando un saludo y espero verte pronto por aqu.Atte Carlos Marentes"
Price: 34.99

"El Primer Paso: Orientacin vocacional y de carrera" |
"Cerca del 40% de jvenes de primer ao que ingresan a la universidad se cambian de carrera en el primer semestre. El 80% de los alumnos de ltimo ao de universidad argumentan ""no estar seguros"" de haber elegido la carrera correcta Qu est sucediendo? Qu estamos haciendo mal los padres? Qu falta a nivel escolar para ayudar ms y mejor?El Primer Paso Este es el resultado de ms de 10 aos dndome a la tarea de investigar, recopilar y estudiar todo lo relacionado con el discernimiento vocacional, la construccin de carrera y, sobre todo, gua y mentora profesional de jvenes.Durante muchos aos ofrec asesoras individuales a muchos jvenes que llegaban a mi en bsqueda del mismo apoyo que yo hubiera querido tener antes de ingresar a la universidad. Ms entendiendo que en el mundo existen ms de 150,000,000 de universitarios, decid que era momento de disear una plataforma online que pudiera tener un alcance mayor y ms rpido.El Primer Paso es mi aportacin al mundo para ayudar a cientos de personas a resolver cuestiones como:Cul es mi vocacin?Cmo saber que estoy en la profesin correcta?Qu implica tener una licenciatura (o posgrado)?Cmo conciliar vocacin y trabajo?Cmo ganar dinero con mi vocacin?Qu errores debo evitar en materia profesional?Por dnde empiezo mi vida universitaria?Qu sigue despus de la universidad?Si me equivoqu de carrera o profesin puedo rectificar?"
Price: 49.99

"O Segredo das Vendas Online" |
"Esse curso voltado para quem quer vender mais no Marketplace do Facebook. Ensinamos dicas de como fazer um bom ttulo, descrio e escolher uma boa foto. Ensinamos tcnicas de abordagem em uma venda online. Como manter o cliente no foco. Como criar estratgias dentro e fora do seu site ou loja virtual. Tambm voltado para quem quer vender no Mercado Livre. Ateno: O resultado de um vendedor na Internet, pode ser diferente do outro."
Price: 39.99

binsoliman2030 |
"( )"
Price: 19.99

"SFTP Client/Server Deep Dive - With OpenSSH Server & WinSCP" |
"First learn how SFTP (SSH File Transport Protocol) is different from FTP and FTPS. Then learn how to use SFTP clients (such as WinSCP and Filezilla. and the Linux SFTP command). Then learn how an administrator can install OpenSSH to host an SFTP site, and add users and keys as needed. OpenSSH is demonstrated on both Windows Server and Linux/Ubuntu Server. Programmers will learn how to use an SFTP library to perform SFTP get and put commands from a language (using C# for demos). Learn how to schedule scripts (PowerShell for Windows) and Bash Scripts for Ubuntu. BizTalk Developers also learn how to setup receive and send ports that access the SFTP sites created in prior lessons."
Price: 59.99

"SAP C_HANA Certified Application Associate - Practice Tests" |
"Is getting SAP C_HANA Certified Application Associate Certification your dream? Then, look no further and start practicing this real time like Exam simulation questions.At the End of the Comprehensive questions practice, you will be confident enough to pass your SAP C_HANA Certified Application Associate Exam in your first attempt. Once you finish each practice test, you shall be guided with the Feedback mechanism for your answers that are Incorrect. This aids you to improve your learning and practice more before you attempt your final Exam.Understand the SAP C_HANA Certified Application Associate Exam concept with our Real time simulation questions and timeline so that you get to pass with confidence.Our guides and Practice Test are prepared by the Leading Industry Experts. So, rest assured if you practice and understand the concepts, passing the exam should be a Cake Walk.Join our Students as they are excited to practice.SAP Provided Certification Details:Certification Name: SAP C_HANAIMP Certified Application AssociateExam: 158 questionsExam Passing Score: 75 (118 of 158)Exam Duration: 100 MinutesType of Questions: MCQ (Single or Multiple choices)Our Practice Exams:Total Questions out of 5 Practice Tests: 159Type of Questions: MCQ (Single or Multiple choices)Passing Score: 60% (You can retake any number of times J )What is Included in this Course?5 Practice Exams with 30 or more questions each and 159 Questions in total so that, each practice exam brings you closer to your Dream Certification.You shall experience Scenario based questions that are challenging to test and guide your understanding of the subject.Ten Reasons that makes this course Unique?1. Exam Pattern Similar to real time SAP C_HANA Certified Application Associate Exams2. Prepared by Industry Leading Experts3. Feedback Mechanism about the questions after answering4. Test Score Report5. Question Bank updates over the time6. Learn on the Go7. Instructor Support8. Study Groups for Q & A9. Quick References10. Satisfied StudentsWe wish you a Good Luck and Get Certified Today!"
Price: 19.99

"Apache Nifi De A Z - le Guide complet" |
"Nifi c'est quoi ?""NiFi est un logiciel libre de gestion de flux de donnes. Il permet de grer et d'automatiser des flux de donnes entre plusieurs systmes informatiques, partir d'une interface web et dans un environnement distribu."" Nifi est bas sur le paradigme de programmation : FBP , Flow-Based Programming.Pas besoin de savoir programmer pour utiliser Nifi grce son IHM web puissante qui va nous faciliter la vie.=============================Dans ce cours nous allons apprendre utiliser Nifi pour crer votre propre flow de donnes. l'issue de la formation vous serez mme de comprendre et d'utiliser toutes les fonctionnalits de Nifi.Vous aurez toutes les cls en main et serez autonome pour utiliser les plus de 250 processors disponibles! Vous allez comprendre l'ensemble des concepts les plus importants de Nifi :AttributsProcess groupVariablesconnectionsprocessorsTemplateMonitoring...J'ai moi-mme utilis Nifi de faon professionnelle pendant plusieurs annes, cela me permet d'tre critique sur les bonnes pratiques avoir et d'enrichir la formation avec mes propres expriences."
Price: 199.99

"Psicomotricidad y Juego en nios" |
"Un curso que nos invita a tener una inmersin profunda al mundo del nio, brindndonos las pautas necesarias para interpretar las acciones ejecutadas, deseos, intenciones tnicas, gestos y lenguaje en sus experiencias constantes.Dirigido a todos los profesionales que atienden y acompaan a los nios en su proceso de maduracin, psiclogos, Terapeutas / Rehabilitadores, educadores de escuela infantil, de espacios familiares y de ludotecas, Maestros de Preescolar y Primaria, Educacin Especial."
Price: 570.00

"Kickstart Your Freelancing Career" |
"Learn how to start a fulfilling freelance business, working with clients, pricing strategies, managing your money and marketing yourself as a freelancer!Meet Shivam in this course where he takes you through the basics of starting a freelance business that not only generates income for you but also is fulfilling for your soul. You will learn to figure out your own unique value proposition, how to talk and work with clients, overcome the fears of starting a business and rejection, how to price your services and much more to give your freelance career the right start.Important things that you will learn:Figuring out what you're good at, and what you can provide to the marketWhat experience are you going to provide for your clientsOvercome the FEAR of rejectionHow to price your work and get paidFreelancer marketing 101Manage your money as a freelancerYou should take this course step by step. Give yourself the permission to not finish the course within 2 hours. Each lesson exists to solve a specific purpose of a freelancer's journey.Work through each of the lessons on your own pace and you will be on your way to become a world class freelancer."
Price: 39.99

"Iniciadores de inversiones financieras." |
"Sabes qu es el Wealth Management? Es la creacin de una estrategia utilizando tu perfil de inversin, crear un presupuesto mensual para invertir y emplear estrategias fiscales para generar un patrimonio que perdure mucho tiempo. No importa si no sabes nada sobre inversiones o finanzas, el curso est hecho para ensearte a crear tu propia estrategia de wealth management y utilizar los recursos que tienes a tu favor. Aprenders lo que no te ensean: conocer tu perfil de inversin y a explicarte el teje y maneje de manera sencilla lo que hay detrs de una accin, o de un Bono o de un fondo de inversin. Mi objetivo es que despus de graduarte, entiendas cmo funciona el mercado financiero y, si ests interesado en aperturar una cuenta de inversin, te acerques al asesor que ms confianza tengas con conocimientos en mano para que le des accin a estos conocimientos. O quin sabe, quizs hacerlo t mismo."
Price: 570.00

"JLPT (N5) para hispanohablantes" |
"A lo largo del curso, conocers el tipo de preguntas que se te presentarn en el examen JLPT en cada una de las secciones que lo componen, as como consejos y estrategias para resolverlas. Se te proporcionarn tablas y listas con la informacin ms importante, resumida de una forma clara y con ejemplos de aplicacin, todo lo anterior previamente revisado por hablantes nativos del idioma japons. Tendrs ejercicios y examenes de prueba, adems de recomendaciones de recursos externos para ayudarte en el estudio del idioma japons enfocado a JLPT."
Price: 19.99

"Online Marktplatz mit Wordpress erstellen" |
"In diesem Kurs erstellen wir in wenigen Minuten einen modernen und responsiven Webshop. Diesen verwandeln wir anschlieend in einen Online Marktplatz im Stile von Amazon oder Etsy. Du wirst nach diesem Kurs nicht nur in der Lage sein, deine eigenen Produkte online zu verkaufen, sondern ermglichst auch anderen Hndlern oder Produzenten, ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen ber deine Plattform zu vertreiben. Du wirst bei jedem Verkauf Geld verdienen, indem du eine Provision fr jeden festlegst, der sich auf deiner Seite als Verkufer registriert. Das Beste daran: Die Umsetzung dauert nur wenige Stunden und du musst keinen Cent investieren und nicht eine einzige Zeile Code schreiben. Kosten entstehen gegebenenfalls nach Fertigstellung des Marktplatzes fr das Webhosting und fr die Rechtssicherheit deiner Seite. "
Price: 24.99

"A Comprehensive and simple course on stock markets.A course created and designed for beginners , enthusiasts, traders and investors.You will learn about trading and investing in stock markets. The trainer will go through many complicated topics but will explain them in the most simplistic manner and with real life examples.You will be provided with extensive study materials related to the topics being covered during the classes. Each study material is carefully prepared with a lot of real life examples to make the concepts more relatable.Basics of stock markets.Terminologies & Basic Introduction.Fundamental analysis basics.Financial statement basics.Financial ratio analysis.Creating your portfolio.Introduction to technical analysis.Introduction to indicators.Introduction to sentiment analysis"
Price: 1280.00

"Korean Selfdefense intermediate" |
"This course starts where our beginner course stopped. We advice you to take the beginner course first, before starting with this one. In this course instructor Klaas Barends take you through the Chongmukwan curriculum for green, blue and purple belt. A wide range of kicks, strikes, joint locks, throws and hankido selfdefense exercises is taught. Of course you start with the basics and learn more falling techniques as well."
Price: 19.99
