"Time Flies. Teach Your Children to be the Best Pilots!" |
"I created and developed this course to help Parents guide their children into living their full potential. Through this course and the four major pillars introduced in it, parents will be able to teach, train and help their children to use their time effectively and wisely. This course will teach them to be more focused, determined, motivated and will help them learn many positive skills such as studying efficiently, getting organized and enjoying new hobbies and interests."
Price: 34.99

"Learn Video Editing, Animation and VFX from Scratch. IFREE" |
"The Video Editing Course/ Masterclass is a full-on beginner course, that covers a wide array of subjects, tailored for everybody, no matter their skill level. This course will primarily be focused on teaching the student, how to go from a beginner to master in video editing, animating, and VFX. The instructor, Hristijan Radulovski, will walk you through step-by-step up the video editing mountain from a simple beginner, where you will learn all the basics, to an intermediate, where you will be met with higher complexity topics, to a master of video editing, where you will learn such complex subjects that can lend you jobs in animation, video editing, and Visual Effects. The skills and subjects learned in this course if applied in your YouTube videos or other projects, will help you achieve great success, economic and social, increased views, more subscribers and a potential to unlock ""viral"" status, as well as high respect towards the time you spent editing your video, from your viewers. Trust me, your fan base will appreciate the effort you have put into your video editing project, to make your video stand out and be the best it can be. Overall, the instructor Hristijan Radulovski, will step-by-step walk you up the mountain and make sure you understand and can apply all the skills learned, no matter which path you choose, a job, or just for fun. STAY HEALTHY!!!"
Price: 19.99

"The Python 3 Certification Course" |
"You will be learning the basics of python in this course.Python is one of the fastest growing languagePython is interpreted, object oriented, high level, procedure oriented languageIt has different versionsThe reason behind it is there are huge number of libraries available in the market, many companies and developers are using it and it can be implemented in many areas.It is general Purpose language as it can be used in Machine learning, GUI, Software Development, Web development and many more.Google, YouTube, Dropbox, NASA, Yahoo use python"
Price: 159.99

"Python 2 Guide For Beginners" |
"Do you want to become a programmer?Do you want to be able to create games, work with files, manipulate data, and much more?If you want to learn programming or are learning Python for the first time, then you've come to the right place!Python is a powerful, modern programming language that has the capabilities required for experienced programmers, while being easy enough for beginners to learn. Python is a well-developed, stable, and fun programming language that is suitable for complex and simple development projects. Programmers love Python because of how simple and easy it is to use.This course has everything you need to get started with Python. We'll first start with the basics of Python - learning about strings, variables, and data types. Then, we'll move on to loops and conditionals. Once we're done with that, we'll learn about functions and files in Python."
Price: 189.99

"Wireshark Ethical Hacker Guide" |
"Wireshark is the most widely used network capture and protocol analyzer on the market. It is used by IT and Network administrators to troubleshoot network connectivity issues and by Network Security analysts to dissect network attacks. This free and open source application is so widely used in the industry because it works. It is cross platform, meaning that it runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, and FreeBSD.This course is an introduction to the application and goes over the basics to get you started capturing and analyzing network traffic. It will build your base by explaining the theory behind how networks work and then get you into real-world applications of the software."
Price: 184.99

"Ethical Hacking Nmap Course" |
"Welcome to the Nmap Course!Nmap is the Internets most popular network scanner with advanced features that most people don't know even exists! Discover the secrets of ethical hacking and network discovery, using Nmap on this complete course.Nmap is an indispensable tool that all techies should know well. It is used by all good ethical hackers, penetration testers, systems administrators, and anyone in fact who wants to discovery more about the security of a network and its hosts. You cannot be a good ethical hacker or systems administrator without being an expert in Nmap. You will go from beginner in easy to follow structured steps - and we cover all major platforms that Nmap can be used on, including - Windows, Mac, Linux and Kali."
Price: 194.99

"Collections in Python [Exercises]" |
"This course assumes that you have already learned about Python's collections (lists, dicts, sets, and tuples) and you are now doing your first steps in strengthening your understanding through extensive practice. This course includes more than 40 coding exercises organized into the following topics: lists, sets, tuples, and dicts. Each coding exercise includes code the student needs to complete its missing parts, and submit. Taking this course, if you feel that you would like to have more exercises of a specific level about a specific collection type please don't hesitate and let us know. We will take your needs into account when working on the next version. If you encounter an exercise you fail to complete and have difficulties understanding its solution please let us know and we will prepare a video that explains that specific exercise and its solution. "
Price: 19.99

"Retrao de M5 pode te salvar" |
"Sabe aqueles detalhes que os traders no Youtube no passam nos vdeos? Aqui dentro desse treinamento voc aprende com clareza o porque eles tem resultados com retraes e voc no.Aprenda de uma vez por todas qual a regio onde a vela vai retrair e voc vai colocar o seu lucro no bolso."
Price: 99.99

"Intro to Substance Designer for Beginners" |
"Creating a Custom Brick Material - Substance Designer Tutorial[1hr 28min] Project Files IncludedLearn how to create bricks from scratch in this beginner Substance Designer Tutorial! This course is designed for anyone new to Substance Designer. I'll walk you through step-by-step on how to create a material and show you how to export it to Substance Painter. This 1.5 hour tutorial will get you up and running quickly.Files:All files need Substance Designer 2020 or newer to openVideo Tutorials:There are 13 Video Tutorial each averaging under 10 minutes. These can be viewed in order or feel to jump into any lesson to just learn a specific technique."
Price: 19.99

"Creating Stylized Lava Cave Game Environment" |
"In this course I'll show you how to create a stylized environment that can be used for games or cinematics. We are going to create everything from scrach using 3Ds Max, Zbrush, Substance Painter and Unreal Engine 4. As the process of creating the environment is long there are going to be two types of video tutorials, once that I show and explain on a test model what I'm using and the once that I'll be modeling by using the same teqchies in a normal speed, but there will be only chill backround music."
Price: 59.99

"MS-300T01 365" |
"SharePoint SharePoint . SharePoint SharePoint . SharePoint Online Configure Site Collection Manage Site Collection : .Explain the Site Collection Concepts .Create Site Collection .Manage Site Collection Storage Limits SharePoint. SharePoint Admin Center . OneDrive for Business OneDrive for Business. OneDrive for Business . OneDrive for Business. OneDrive for Business OneDrive for Business : . Manage users storage Limits OneDrive for Business. OneDrive Admin Center OneDrive for Business."
Price: 24.99

"The Mindful Leader - Mein Weg zur achtsamen Fhrung" |
"Es gibt mehr als 200+ Millionen Unternehmen auf der Welt mit geschtzten 10+ Millionen Fhrungskrften, von denen die meisten die Vorteile bewusster und achtsamer Fhrung nicht kennen.Stellen Sie sich vor, die meisten Fhrungskrfte wrden achtsame Fhrung in Ihren persnlichen Fhrungsstil integrieren, um ihre emotionale Intelligenz (EQ), ihre Selbstwahrnehmung und ihre Intuition zu steigern, um damit die Qualitt Ihrer Entscheidungen zu verbessern.Dieser Kurs wird deinen Geist und deine Fhrungsqualitten nachhaltig transformierenIn diesem strukturierten und umfassenden Online-Kurs unterrichtet Dr. Reiner Kraft das Thema Mindful Leadership (Achtsame Fhrung) aus der Perspektive von Fhrungskrften unter Verwendung eines wissenschaftlichen und datengesteuerten Ansatzes.Die unterliegende Methodik basiert auf dem regelmssigen Training der Achtsamkeit, welches dein Bewusstseins Wachstum kultiviert.Das erwartet Dich:Wir verwenden das Framework Die 7 Sulen der achtsamen Fhrung, was die ntige Systematik, Orientierung und Struktur in dein persnliches Wachstum bringt.Darauf aufbauend werden effektive Methoden und Prozesse vorgestellt, womit du deinen Geist systematisch ""aufrumen"" kannst, sowie alte reaktive Gedankenmuster erkennen, und damit deinen Geist nachhaltig umprogrammieren und transformieren kannst.Durch ein hheres Niveau des Bewusstseins erwachen in dir neue Fhigkeiten (""Superpowers""), deine emotionale Intelligenz (EQ) wird gesteigert, und du bist tiefer mit dir selbst und deiner Intuition verbunden. Deine Fhigkeiten der Selbstwahrnehmung und Selbstreflexion wird sich vertiefen.Mit neuen positiven Gedanken und einer tieferen Verbindung zu dir selbst bekommst du Klarheit bei deinen inneren Werten, deiner eigentlichen Mission, und wie du dabei mit deiner speziellen Kombination an Fhigkeiten die Welt nachhaltig beeinflussen kannst.Mit einem solchen starken geistigen Fundament wird dann gezeigt, wie du New Leadership mit Hilfe der in der Praxis erprobten ""12 Prinzipien der achtsamen Fhrung"" deine Effektivitt als Fhrungskraft auf ein neues Niveau bringen kannst.Mit dem Absolvieren dieses Kurses bist du optimal ausgestattet, um die Arbeitswelt und dein Unternehmen zu einem New Workplace zu transformieren, welches einen positiven Beitrag zu dieser Welt beisteuert."
Price: 144.99

"2020 Ultimate Transcription and Captioning Course" |
"Get 2 Courses In 1 - Master the Basics of Captioning & Transcription and Discover What Best Free/Paid Transcription & Captioning Tools There Are!Together we will take your Captioning and Transcription Knowledge to a whole new level through a series of video tutorial lectures.During the Transcription Course Youll Learn: Basic Transcription Terms and the General Process of Transcription How to Use 2 Free / 2 Paid Transcription Editing Tools, 2 Automated Transcription Tools, and 1 Translation Tool How to Remove Background Noises Keyboard Shortcuts & English AutoCorrect Software With 5 Practice Activities to Sharpen Your Transcription SkillsDuring the Captioning Course Youll Learn: Basic Captioning Terms, Such As Subtitles, Open/Closed Captions, Srt, and More! Professional Subtitles & Captions Guidelines How to Use 2 Free / 1 Paid Captioning Editing Tools, 2 Automated Captioning Tools, and 1 Translation Tool How to Remove Background Noises Keyboard Shortcuts & English AutoCorrect Software With 5 Practice Activities to Sharpen Your Captioning SkillsWhen I learn something new about the topics covered in this course, I add it to the course - at no additional cost to you! You have my guarantee that you will love what you learn in this captioning course.__________________________________________________________________________See you on the course!Sincerely,Instructor Nitay"
Price: 199.99

"Transformar Personas - Digitalizar Organizaciones" |
"En este programa revisaremos el impacto de la transformacin digital en la gestin de personas, focalizando en cada subsistema de Recursos Humanos as como en los desafos presentes y futuros del rea.Un programa dinmico en el que trabajaremos sobre conceptos modernos del mundo de la transformacin digital y en el Rol de Recursos Humanos como el principal agente de cambio en una organizacin."
Price: 59.99

"Fashion Illustration Unique Masterclass Fashion Design" |
"Master Fashion Illustration within days Secrets, tips and tricks from a business insider who has 10-year experience in the fashion industry.Anyone and everyone can learn and master Fashion Illustration within days (no, not years, not even months) and produce great sketches within minutes. If you want to learn it the traditional way - the hard-earned way, and try to eyeball everything from scratch, and spend months and years on learning how to become an artist, then you could SKIP this course because that is apparently not what this course covers. This course is for ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS with NO PREREQUISITE drawing skill.What you will learn through this course includes:How to draw anyway and produce real results, even if you feel like giving up all the time.How to create 9-head and 10-head croquis with straight standing and moving poses within minutes (with templates provided).How to produce a pencil sketch for your client in less than 10 minutes.How to pick out your favourite coloring method that best conveys your style.How to get creative with 3 super cool and fun fashion illustration projects, including the Runway Inspired Project, Story Telling Project and Mixed Media Project.Let's get started with our first sketch!"
Price: 19.99

"Tai Chi Fit FLOW with David-Dorian Ross (YMAA Tai Chi)" |
"Feel the Flow of Tai Chi! In Tai Chi Fit FLOW, David-Dorian Ross gently guides you through a simple Tai Chi workout with an emphasis on continuity, connection, and your feeling of FLOW. The moves are shown in mirror-view, repeated to the left and right before a simple transition takes you to the next step.The FLOW workout meets the needs of a variety of different students. First, this is the absolute best starting place for tai chi beginners who just want to experience the moves and the deep feeling of tai chi for the first time. Tai Chi Fit - FLOW is also an excellent form of tai chi for seniors, as well as those with common medical conditions such as Parkinsons, fibromyalgia, peripheral neuropathy, hemophilia, diabetes, or obesity. Recent studies show Tai Chi to be the optimal human exercise, and a powerful booster for your immune system, increasing bone density and stimulating production of immune cells.Tai Chi Fit FLOW includes:Mirror-view tai chi moves to the left and right.Low-impact, amazing whole body exercise.Easy beginner-friendly follow-along workout.The FLOW workout is a perfect way to begin a tai chi practice without the stress of memorizing a form. Just follow along! It is also a great way for experienced tai chi practitioners to drill on the movements, and practice the often-overlooked tai chi principle of ""continuity without interruption.Many more streaming titles available from the YMAA website.Master David-Dorian Ross has been pioneer in bringing tai chi to the masses in a modern format. He has studied traditional tai chi and yoga since the 1970s with various masters and currently trains with Grandmaster Chungliang Al Huang (). David-Dorian ran a tai chi school in Portland for years, then offered free outdoor classes in Hawaii, and eventually gave free daily classes online for his TaijiFit students.""David-Dorian Ross is #1 bestselling creator of Tai Chi instructional video programs in the world. He has personally written, produced, directed or instructed more than 150 award-winning videos and television episodes, including the #1 bestselling DVD Tai Chi Fit Over 50, and the #1-selling TaiChi video series in the world - The Essentials of Tai Chi and Qigong by The Great Courses. He is also the #1 creator of online Tai Chi instructional streaming video, with hundreds of free videos on his YouTube channel ""DrTaiChi.""David-Dorian is an 8x US national Tai Chi performance gold medalist, World silver medalist and 2x World bronze medalist - the highest awards ever given to an American Tai Chi athlete in international competition. He partnered with international martial arts legend Jet Li to create the Taiji Zen online instructional program, and David-Dorian is the only Master of this style outside of China. David-Dorian has been teaching Tai Chi since the 1980's and Inside Kung-fu magazine called him ""the man who brought Tai Chi mainstream."" Jet Li called him ""the American Idol of Tai Chi."" He is also the producer of 24 Hours of World Peace, the live web broadcast of World Tai Chi Qigong Day.David-Dorian Ross is the CEO of TaijiFit International. His company specializes in online Tai Chi training - and was the pioneer in using 3-way interactive livestreaming to learn Tai Chi and to take daily Tai Chi classes. His students participate in classes from home, and come from all over the US, Canada, South America, Belgium, Germany, the UK, Poland, Uzbekistan, New Zealand and Taiwan. He currently travels throughout the US to conduct live teacher training seminars."""
Price: 29.99

"Design Your Bulletproof Blueprint to Move Ideas into Action" |
"If your brain is trying to sort through all the ideas/clutter, and youre ready to feel more organized and get clear on which shiny things you should be prioritizing, this is for YOU! Learn to sort through all your ideas and thoughts, get clarity on the things that matter, and create your very OWN customized ACTION plan and blueprint for success.Whats Included:4 thought provoking mastermind modulesTemplates and tools to make life easierAccess to our private Facebook communityBONUS - 1:1 coaching call with the instructorBONUS - 1 month FREE inclusion in the Strategy Slay Inner Circle Mastermind where youll be able to engage directly with me and attend monthly Zoom calls!!This training will help you prioritize all your ideas and plan your success, for guaranteed peace of mind and power! Use your time wisely and set yourself up for success NOWthe Strategy Slay System has your back!Nothing complicated or overwhelming, just simple steady steps so you see results and progress. By the end of the training, youll have an outline and plan in place, the confidence and support to keep you moving forward, and access to a like-minded and motivated online community to help keep you going on your journey.Life is short! No more talking, thinking, dreaming about it.the time is now. I look forward to helping you get organized, get started, and make things happen!"
Price: 199.99

"Construyendo mi negocio" |
"Con este curso aplicars elementos modernos de un Plan de Negocio desde la ptica de Lean Startup. Asimismo aprenders a disear una estrategia gil, prctica e innovadora para crear tu negocio, acorde a los cambios de sociedad que se viven en la actualidad. Aprenders para el diseo de estrategias de negocio, de la operacin, y as como los aspectos financieros principales para detonar tu proyecto de negocio."
Price: 270.00

"Zoho Expense: The Comprehensive Guide" |
"The course starts by going over the basics for both a person who needs to create and submit and expense, to a user who needs to approve and reimburse an expense. This is explained for both the desktop and mobile application.From here, we go into the advanced features of configuring the correct budget, policy and approval settings to meet the particular needs of your organization. In this advanced features section, we also describe how automations can streamline your business' workflow and create efficiencies within your work.Finally, we go over the most common Zoho Expense questions and provide answers in video form."
Price: 29.99

"Jira Tutorial: Jira Core vs Software vs Service Desk" |
"From Jira Version 7 onwards, Jira has split into three standalone applications: Jira Core, Jira Software and Jira Service Desk. In this course, we explore the differences between these applications to help you make an informed choice of the app you need.This course is brought to you by Actonic, an agile IT consulting company. We drive breakthrough innovation and help clients to cope with the challenges of digitalization and digital transformation. As an Atlassian Silver Solution Partner, we work with Jira on a daily basis, helping our customers streamline their processes and increase their efficiency. Apart from that, we offer training programs where we share our extensive experience."
Price: 79.99

"Getting Started With A Digital Marketing Strategy" |
"Are you finding yourself with a new need to market online? Or perhaps you've been dipping your toes in digital marketing but need to take things to the next level? This course will help you take smart, intentional steps toward digital marketing success. We'll set a solid foundation that makes sense to your business before diving into digital marketing specifics. By the end, you'll be well on your way to having your own strategy ready to go, with the confidence needed to take action in your daily work."
Price: 199.99

"10th Grade Geometry" |
"This course covers a variety of Geometry topics, such as Angles i a Triangle, Distance Formula, Midpoint Formula, Exterior Angle Theorem, Pythagorean Theorem, and Trig Ratios. Each topics comes with a lecture and worksheets (answers provided). All topics are discussed with a step by step demonstration on how to perform each topic."
Price: 19.99

"How To Write a Business Plan in 7 Easy Steps" |
"This course teach how to write a Business Plan in 7 easy steps. This course consists of the 7 sections of a Business Plan. The 7 sections are: Executive Summary, Company Summary, Product and Services Summary, Market Analysis Summary, Competitive Edge Summary, Operations Summary, and Financial Plan and Appendices. Students will be able to write a Business Plan to become a successful entrepreneur."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering the Essentials of Algebra II" |
"In this course, students will explore topics of Algebra 2. This course includes: Absolute Value Equations, Systems of Three Equations, Basic Matrix Operations, Operations with Complex Numbers (Imaginary i), Quadratic Formula, and Properties of Logarithms. This course also provides worksheets with answers for each topic. This course will begin with basic functions of Algebra 2 and progress to more difficult functions of Algebra 2. Upon completing this course, students will have a full understanding of the basic functions of Algebra 2."
Price: 19.99

"German Beginner Course Learn German fast and easy (A1)" |
"Learning German can be fun!Have you always wanted to learn German but always thought that it was too difficult or too time consuming ? Then this course is for you. This course is designed to help you learn German intuitively. In just four and a half hours you will learn German basics, easy German grammar topics and you will learn how to communicate is specific situations - for example when you're eating out, talking about your hobbies and many more. It can be your ticket to enjoying street culture in Berlin, skiing in the Bavarian and Austrian Alps, enjoying the beauty of the Black Forrest and the Rhine Rive Valley and many other great experiences.Your course enrollment includes activities, handouts, quizzes, 1-on-1 expert support, LIFETIME access, free course updates and a lot more!It doesn't matter whether you are new to the German language or not, whether you are German beginner or already know some words and phrases in German - this course will allow you to improve your German constantly. You will learn basic vocabulary and phrases, grammar structures, knowledge about false friends and much more. You will also learn how to apply all of that in real life and there will also be some real-life German conversation examples after each section._______Why take this course?It's a great introduction to the German languageIt's made specificly for beginners, so you don't need to worry about course requirementsIt's taught by a German native speakerIt's conversation based, so you will actually be able to talk about specific topics in German You will be able to speak with confidenceYou will get a ton of helpful additional material (mostly in the form of .pdf files) for you to downloadIt's value for money - You will spend a small amount but gain a lot of knowledgeIt's short, effective and practicalYou have nothing to lose, give yourself the opportunity to learn a new language and broaden your horizon.You will get a certification when you complete the course.______This course is specifically for:Beginners who want to know about the German languagePeople without any or little German experienceEveryone who would like to broaden their horizonPeople with an open mind and a willingness to learnPeople who prefer conversation skills over grammar skillsPeople who like to learn visually______Who this course is NOT for:People who prefer quantity over qualityPeople who are looking for a detailed grammar coursePeople who are looking for a course that brings you to an intermediate or expert levelPeople who only want to know about formal conversation______With your enrollment you will receive:High-quality video lectures that explain the different topics and also show you how to apply them in real lifeQuizzes and activities that help you validate what you learnt and put it into practiceDownloadable handouts like overviews, vocabulary lists and exercises in .pdf-format30-day satisfaction or money back guaranteeFull lifetime access with no expiration so you can complete the course at your own pace, anywhere, on any device and come back for a refresher at any time.Access on computer, phone, tablet and TV______________________________________________________________________Are you ready to take your German to the next level?Let's go!"
Price: 149.99

"Gesto de Compras atuais e tendncia para indstria 4.0" |
"Integrar a administrao da logstica de produo com a cadeia interna e externa de fornecedores de modo que as informaes fluam de forma sistmica e organizada, abordando todo o sistema a partir do MRP (Planejamento de Materiais), com foco no atendimento pleno da expectativa do cliente quanto a qualidade e prazo de entrega, entendo as necessidades do consumidor 4.0 e integrando as tcnicas da indstria 4.0."
Price: 39.99

"Grafana Beginners to Advance Course for 2020" |
"In this course you're going to learn about Grafana version 6. This is also the latest version currently available in the market.We will discuss in detail on below topics:Grafana overviewInstalling Grafana on Linux and Windows operating System understanding default configurationManaging Grafana Services such as Service Start/Stop/Restart Changing default Grafana configuration such as ports or application database.Learning to Uninstall GrafanaUpgrading From Grafana Version 6 to Latest Version 7Understanding Grafana User Interface in DetailConnecting Grafana to MySQL To create Dashboards/VisualizationsInstalling and Configuring InfluxDB and TelegrafConnecting Grafana to InfluxDB to create VisualizationsCreating Thresholds in GrafanaCreating Different Graphs such as Graph/Bar/Stats/Gauge etc.Integrating Grafana with Telegram Configuring Alerts in Grafana DashboardsUsers and Roles Management in Grafana"
Price: 199.99

"Planilha Pronta - Conciliao Bancria" |
"Esse curso baseado em planilha pronta, tem por objetivo, incentivar e ajudar aqueles que buscam a evoluo pessoal e profissional, utilizando planilhas elaboradas com dados selecionados para consulta e operacionalidade em rotinas de conciliao bancria, com intuito de manter o controle administrativo e contbil em uso nas empresas, dos seus saldos bancrios em dinheiro mantido em contas correntes de instituies financeiras ou bancosTrazemos oportunidade e agilidade com uma Planilha Pronta contendo frmulas expostas, conseguindo assim, realizar pesquisas e desenvolver diversos projetos futuros para si ou sua empresa.No mas me coloco disposio para quaisquer esclarecimentos."
Price: 39.99

"senschal ganz einfach nhen Schnittmuster in 5 Gren XS-XL" |
"SEN*Schal auch zum Wenden - SCHNRSCHAL in 5 Gren fr die ganze Familie Schnittmuster & VIDEONHKURS - firstloungeberlin Dieser senschal ist so vielseitig, wie es berhaupt ein Halstuch nur sein kann. Hier sind viele Stoffarten kombinierbar und das Schnittmuster so umfangreich in 5 Gren , dass keiner aus der Familie zu kurz kommen mu. Auerdem kann hier wirklich jeder Stoff genutzt werden, der den Hals kuschelig wrmt, weich umspielt und dem Outfit schmeichelt. Das Halstuch kann auch gewendet getragen werden. Der auergewhnliche senverschlu ist das i-Tpfelchen an dem senschal und gibt dem Ganzen eine ganz individuelle Note. Hier kann man sich in Kreativitt wirklich austoben! Ob mit oder ohne Schnrung,, ob senfrei oder mit Karabiner. Mit der ausfhrlichen Nhanleitung und den Tipps kann nichts mehr schiefgehen. Da macht nicht nur das Nhen spa, sondern auch das Kombinieren und Verschenken. VIDEO-Nhkurs ist speziell fr Nhanfnger gestaltet. Der Kurs beinhaltet:Nhmaschine; nhen; Schnittmuster zum AusdruckenMaterialngaben, Checkliste, Schnitt zusammenfgenZuschnitterklrung, Vlies aufbgelnnhen, wenden, Wendeffnung schlieen in 3 Variantensen anbringen, fertig! Das Arbeitsmaterial beinhaltet: eine Checkliste, kleine Legende, Materialverbrauch, Grentabelle, Schnittmuster, Ausdruckempfehlung - fr Nhanfnger gestaltet!Den Schnitt kannst Du bequem in schwarz/wei am eigenen Drucker in Originalgre DIN A4 ausdrucken, 8 Seiten, zusammenfgen, ausschneiden und loslegen... Du bentigt einen einfachen Drucker fr DIN A4 und z.B. den gratis Adobe Reader. Wir haben eine Ausdruckempfehlung fr den Adobe Reader beigefgt. NEU! Auerdem befindet sich zustzlich in diesem Ebook das Schnittmuster in einer Groformatdatei in DIN A0 (1189 mm x 841 mm), dass man fr sich in SCHWARZ/WEI oder FARBE ausdrucken (lassen) kann."
Price: 19.99

"Enviesamento inconsciente (Unconscious bias)" |
"Esta formao visa a tomada de conscincia sobre o enviesamento inconsciente, os esteretipos e os preconceitos e a forma como podem ter impacto no nosso dia a dia profissional e pessoal. Para alm da tomada de conscincia e da compreenso dos conceitos, o curso permitir passar ao atravs da identificao de situaes concretas e da aprendizagem de estratgias para gerir o enviesamento inconsciente e consequentemente uma tomada de deciso mais consciente."
Price: 24.99

"Energy efficiency in HVAC" |
"Benefits of the courseWhy HVAC consumes major power in any Industry / Commercial or residential buildings HVAC working system with easy to understand diagrams.Terminologies related to HVACRefrigerants and properties of refrigerantsCompressors used in HVAC, their working and selectionHow to save Energy in cold chain and ventilation systemPerformance evaluation of HVACEnergy saving methods like Proper sizing, heat recovery, VFD and VAV system, Insulation, Underfloor coolingDesign approach for sustainable Architect"
Price: 99.99
