takkengyoho |
"16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16"
Price: 3000.00

"Ultimate guide to design your own machine" |
"To follow this course, you dont have to be an engineer nor even greatly proficient in the mechanical field. All you really need is to have basic knowledge of designing on CATIA V5 and be fond of mechanical designs.I chose catia for my designs because it is, as you no doubt know, one of the most used 3D programs by great companies like: Boeing, Bombardier Aronautique, Michelin, Renault, LG, Thales, nokia and so many others.I wanted to create a series of courses entitled: IMD, first to fulfill a dream Ive always had about designing mechanical machines and second, and no less important, I wanted to share with you my know-how, and the experiences Ive gained along quite a few years.The first course of the series is going to be: how to design a nailing table?This particular product is of course already on the market.However, the object is to work on the weaknesses of the existing products and make our product:-comfortable to use-easy and quick to disassemble-capable of moving the palletsIll also show you how to integrate ready-designed parts found on the net youll be needing into your own designIn addition, this course will teach you how to turn a 2D mechanism into a 3D one certainly a very important steps in your design.OK Enough talking and lets get down to business."
Price: 24.99

"Curso Completo de Ingls - do Zero Fluncia." |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender ingls do absoluto zero at chegar fluncia do idioma. Todo programa do curso est focando em desenvolver o contedo que voc utiliza dentro dos contextos sociais e profissionais. Em outras palavras, cada lio que voc faz, voc ir aplicar no seu dia-a-dia - primeiramente, exercitando consigo mesmo e depois, com seus colegas de estudos.Aqui voc encontrar todo o arcabouo da estrutura da lngua inglesa, desde o bsico de conjugao de verbos at expresses idiomticas, bem como dicas de ingls coloquial para o seu dia-a-dia.Este curso tambm serve de base preparatria para voc realizar viagens, exames, entrevistas de emprego e at mesmo se voc estiver pensando em viver num pas que tenha a lngua de Shakespeare, como a lngua primria. Ademais, esse curso tambm fortalece bases para outros meus cursos de Ingls especficos aqui no Udemy."
Price: 39.99

"MCX CrudeOil Intraday Trading Setup in Hindi 2.O" |
"Learn MCX CrudeOil A-Z Intraday Trading Complete Setup 2.OIn this course, I give you some good trading strategies for day trading. This strategy helps you to make good profits in mcx market. The key point of this setup is its easy to understand everyone. This setup is tested on the Indian MCX market."
Price: 44.99

"Amazon WorkSpaces - The Secured Virtual Desktops on AWS" |
"COVID-19 changed views about what can be done remotely. As published in Forbes on April 17, 2020, The Unsung Application Heroes Of AWS Come Through During COVID-19 Crisis, Amazon WorkSpaces provide an appealing, cost-friendly alternative to on-prem VDI solutions and traditional desktop PCs, allowing for the speedy provisioning of Windows and Linux desktops in mere minutesHere is a statement from CIO of an Indian Bank to IANS in an interview:""We have realised that certain kinds of work can be done purely through Amazon WorkSpaces directly from contract resources sitting at contract locations, instead from our office premises,""Organisations are increasingly looking for options for employees to work securely from any location. Whether it is to support work from anywhere, global workforce collaboration or to ensure business continuity in the face of disasters, organisations want remote work solutions that they can depend on.Amazon WorkSpaces is a managed desktop computing service running on the AWS Cloud. WorkSpaces allows you to easily provision cloud based desktops that allow you to access any file they need from all kinds of devices. Your documents, applications and resources can be accessed on devices including Windows, mac, chromebook, ipad, fire tablets, android tablets, web browsers like chrome and firefox.WorkSpaces lets you provision high quality desktop experience for any number of users at a cost that is competitive with the traditional desktops and half the cost of most virtual desktops infrastructure VDI solutions.This course is designed keeping in mind both Administrators and Users. You could be a Student, Contractor, Employee working remotely and want the applications and tools to quickly deploy and use at a global scale. So you are at the right place !!! For Administrators it helps in securing resources, lowering the costs, delivering high quality user experience, simplifying administration and scaling on demand.For Users, WorkSpaces helps to get instant access to apps and data going between devices and getting work done from anywhere.About the Course:During this course we will start with a basic overview of each service, one by one, then move on to a more practical experience by demonstrating an integration of all these services with an on-premises network, and a discussion of the available options to configure these services to make them suit your company's needs.So here is the complete package for you to work with AWS servicesWorkSpacesWorkDocsAppStream 2.0WorkSpace Application ManagerWorkLinkConcept and Lab Exercises for each service on AWS ConsoleUpdates and Advanced Topics arriving soon..."
Price: 24.99

"Learn Academic Auditing of Schools" |
"The course ""Learn Academic Auditing of Schools"" delivers the priority towards Kaizen, as an effective measure towards continuous development and improvement as a common cause. This shares the very importance of Academic Audits, the process, the Concept and the realization of its importance in particular. The module imparts learning and dynamic data of conduct in practice towards a positive roll of satisfaction taking all concerns in as a segment to deal towards excellence."
Price: 19.99

"There are a lot of additives that make communication complete and have good meaning to both listeners and communicators. Clear articulation makes communication effective in that it help the listener or the parties in communication to effectively and efficiently comprehend each other.Poor communication make it difficult and unattractive for the listener to even listen to what the person is communicating, its even irritating to the ear's. There should be good audibility of volume which make communication clearly good to hea,r the fluency pause and pace all need to be study carefully because it's has a role to play in communication.We all need to learn communication well so that we can have a positive impact to affect our customers and enhance our image."
Price: 94.99

"Clear the 3 biggest blocks to weight-loss" |
"Have you spent years trying to lose weight but gotten nowhere? Despite following all the advice of the weight-loss industry? In this course, were going to tackle the three biggest subconscious blocks to weight-loss. Find them, uproot them, and clear them with EFT Tapping.Were going to explore the 3 most common, subconscious reasons for why your body-brain is fighting with you to keep the weight on And! More importantly, after weve identified some of these self-sabotaging beliefs, were going to shift them, release them, and transform them with some mighty powerful energy healing modalities.These subconscious blocks mean that your weight-loss efforts just never get you anywhere why? Because buried deep in your subconscious mind are a whole host of reasons for why your brain/body believes this weight is benefiting you in some way... and so your body's 'fat storage' switches are flicked to 'on'.Losing weight is about understanding and unravelling the reasons why your brain has switched all your internal settings to fat storage mode.When your brain decides that the fat on your body is necessary, it will fight hard and fight clever to make sure it stays there. It will slow your metabolism right down to a snails pace, itll make you feel lethargic and unmotivated to move your body, youll feel tired a lot of the time and the only thing youll want to do in the evenings is binge-watch tv and graze on snacks. As well, your cravings for things like chocolate and pizza will go through the roof, and your brain will switch your system over from burning your fat stores for fuel, to burning your muscle tissue for fuel.Trying to lose weight when your system has all your fat storage switches flicked to on like this is like trying to run up a mountain made of jelly in rollerskates.What kinds of reasons might your subconscious have for holding onto extra body fat? They can be physical. For example, if youve become leptin-resistant, which is linked to insulin resistance, then your brain cannot see how much fat youre carrying because the messages from leptin, which is the hormone that reports back to your brain about how much fat is on the body are not getting through. You could be 200 pounds overweight but your brain cannot see the fat and it wrongly believes youre starving to death, so it switches all your internal chemistry to store fat mode.Or, your reasons could be emotional, rooted in a childhood experience or trauma. For example, many people who hold onto to large amounts of excess weight experienced some kind of body boundary violation when they were children, this could be sexual or physical abuse. Subconsciously, they are protecting themselves with a suit of body fat armour.These are just two examples. There are many thousands of other reasons why your body and brain wants to keep some protective fat on your body and in my healing work with weight-loss clients, I've noticed that all these many and varied reasons can be divided into three main areas: Love, Protection, and Survival.In this mini-course, you will learn:- Why dieting is a complete waste of time. Its not about what you eat its about WHY youre choosing to eat what you eat. I say choosing because consciously, youre not choosing you think you are but youre not its your subconscious mind that's driving your choices and thats what we need to access in order for your life to really transform.- How your conscious mind is pretty much powerless against your subconscious mind. So if you want to lose weight permanently, you need to get your subconscious mind on board with the idea.- The reasons that the brain views sugary-fatty foods as a substitute for love, such as how breast milk programmed us to find them irresistible and intertwined with unconditional love, to the physiological and addictive effects on sugar on the brain's pleasure centre.- The reasons why the brain uses body fat as a protective suit of armour to literally put a buffer between you and your bully, your attacker, your abuser.- The reasons why the brain views body fat as a precious commodity that will keep you alive during times of famine (which the brain thinks is coming when you go on a diet)- How the key is in shifting the focus from your mouth to your mind.Anyway, before you get started, let me tell you a little more about me. My names Tamara, for many years I was a journalist and magazine editor, today Im an energy therapist, yoga instructor and an author and I specialize in a mind body spirit approach to weight-loss because after 40 years of following mainstream diet industry advice yet failing to lose weight, I finally understood that mainstream calories in calories out advice is woefully lacking.I spent four decades trying to run up the jelly mountain in roller skates; wasting my life on punitive dieting and exercise regimes before I understood that I needed to reprogram my brain before any changes to my lifestyle would make any difference.But yes, I spent forty years four decades trying mainstream diet advice from every possible angle.Thats a massive waste of life all because I believed the freaking stupid so-called advice from the mainstream diet industry that basically got me a whole lot fatter, and massively miserable.So, if you're ready to stop fighting your body, stop fat-shaming yourself, and start understanding why your body and brain is determined to keep your fat stores higher than you want them, then let's get on with it!"
Price: 19.99

"O PowerPoint um software utilizado para a criao, edio e exibio de apresentaes grficas, sendo originalmente desenvolvido para a plataforma Windows, mas podendo ser utilizando tambm pela plataforma Mac OS X.A evoluo do programa permite aos usurios uma interface clara e melhoria na visualizao de slides, praticidade na criao e elaborao de apresentaes. Agora, desenvolver e visualizar suas apresentaes ficou mais fcil e prtico. possvel usar textos, planilhas e outros documentos criados em Excel, Word e outros programas do pacote Office. As telas do programa podem ser compostas por sons, vdeos, imagens e grficos, alm dos efeitos prticos de transio de slides.Neste Curso Bsico, voc ir conhecer as ferramentas essenciais do programa, alm de insero de imagens, criao de slides com transies, animaes entre outros para utiliz-lo quando for necessrio fazer apresentaes escolares ou acadmicas."
Price: 109.99

"CRM for real estate investors Pipedrive" |
"How many deals did you get this month?How many deals did you close this month?What is your conversion rate?What is your revenue goal?How far are you today from achieving your revenue goal this month, this quarter, or this year?Those are fundamental to each business. However, it is not something they teach us in high school. We need to learn it somehow ourselves.After years of owning my business, I dedicated the significant portion of my success to our CRM.CRM is the core of our business.In this course, I want to share my knowledge. It is not rocket science, but you need to set it up correctly and know the basics to start using it right away."
Price: 99.99

"CRM for small businesses Pipedrive for small businesses" |
"How many deals did you get this month?How many deals did you close this month?What is your conversion rate?What is your revenue goal?How far are you today from achieving your revenue goal this month, this quarter, or this year?Those are fundamental to each business. However, it is not something they teach us in high school. We need to learn it somehow ourselves.After years of owning my business, I dedicated the significant portion of my success to our CRM.CRM is the core of our business.In this course, I want to share my knowledge. It is not rocket science, but you need to set it up correctly and know the basics to start using it right away."
Price: 99.99

"Negocio online sem barreiras-trabalhe em casa e revenda PLRS" |
"Quer aprender a criar o seu negcio online de sucesso do zero e passo a passo, mesmo que voc no saiba nada? Sem precisar criar produtos digitais, ou ser uma autoridade em seu nicho,alem de tudo isso tendo mais oportunidades nesse mercado que s cresce?Meu nome jhon lima e j ajudei centenas de pessoas como voc a melhorar suas habilidades de como criar e gerar resultados online atravs de diversos nichos de mercado, em negcios prsperos e duradouros,por isso venho te trazer essa oportunidade unica,talvez essa seja a sua ultima chance de mudar de vida pra melhor assim como eu mudei a minha, e tambm j mudei a vida de outras centenas de alunos, vou te ajudar a criar o negocio dos seus sonhos.Crie seu negocio com PLR: Infoprodutos Com Direito De Revenda - Negcios OnlineAprenda passo a passo a como lucrar com produtos PLRAprenda a usar produtos de livre licena para vender na internetAprenda Como comear um negcio na internet sem ter produto.Aprenda a Como ser infoprodutor, mesmo sem ter criado um produto digitalAprenda Como encontrar produtos para serem licenciados"
Price: 204.99

"Mastering Spider Guard - Jiu Jitsu" |
"Mastering Spider Guard - Jiu JitsuHow is this course different than all the other Jiu Jitsu courses you may come across?You will notice that with this course along with all my other courses I have released in the past. Is that I cover the most important details and concepts without you having to watch a 10 minute video that keeps dragging out. The techniques are detailed yet the videos are quick and straight to the point. They were made to be watched multiple times, with your need to revisit them accordingly. This Brazilian Jiu Jitsu course is for all levels, starting with the basic partner drills and sweeps from spider guard . Covering all concepts and going over the proper ways of how to use your open guard properly. Then moving into more advance guards transitions and sweeps such as the delariva guard, x guard and so on. This course will also cover how to pass open guards along with combination attack moves when your opponent shuts down your first offensive move, plus much more. Who this course is for:This course is for all practitioners who want to improve their overall Brazilian Jiu jitsu & submission grappling Game.For white belts who are just starting out and want to get a head of the game and move through the belt ranks much faster.For blue, purple, brown, and black belts looking for that extra edge against their competitors.This is a course intended for mostly grappling with the Gi, however, there are techniques that be easily used in No-Gi grappling, such as the guard passes and submissions.This course is also for parents who want their children to build their confidence in their martial arts classes and competition and in overall life."
Price: 44.99

"AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Certification Fondamentaux - Franais" |
"Dans cette formation, vous apprendrez les bases de Microsoft Azure et les fondamentaux de la certification AZ-900. Cette formation couvre les principes fondamentaux du cloud Azure et vous donnera les comptences ncessaires pour devenir un boss du cloud. Embarquez avec moi dans le virage technologique et ensemble dcouvrons Microsoft Azure."
Price: 24.99

"Microsoft Azure-AZ-900 Practice test Updated october 2020" |
"Note : If you are currently without a job because of the Covid-19 situation and are trying to get certified to open more jobs opportunities, please reach out to me on LinkedIn and i will give you access to the exam, for free. This complete exam preparation test with 160 questions will give you the knowledge needed to pass the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 exam. If you want to be an Azure Certified Expert and gain knowledge in Microsoft Azure, this exam is the first step toward that goal. Candidates for this exam should have foundational knowledge of cloud services and how those services are provided with Microsoft Azure. Azure Fundamentals exam is an opportunity to prove knowledge of cloud concepts, core Azure services, Azure pricing, SLA, and lifecycle, and the fundamentals of cloud security, privacy, compliance, and trust. This exam is intended for people beginning to work with cloud-based solutions and services. Candidates should be able to demonstrate a fundamental knowledge of cloud concepts, as well as Azure services, workloads, security, privacy, pricing, and support. In addition, you should be familiar with concepts of networking, storage, compute, application support, and application development. Azure Fundamentals can be used to prepare for other Azure role-based or specialty certifications, but it is not a prerequisite for any of them."
Price: 24.99

"Kubernetes for Beginners" |
"When we started working on Docker and Kubernetes few years back, not much information/help was available regarding these, how to get started with this emerging concept. Learning Kubernetes is very painful process. There are many components in Kubernetes and their relationship is complex. Understanding so many components and their relationship is very time consuming process. Now we do not want this to happen to the persons who at this point of time want to enter into this field.Once everything was crystal clear in our minds, we started making this course. This course covers basics of Kubernetes. Everything has been explained by giving examples and graphical representations. This work covers topics such as Kubernetes introduction, Kubernetes Installation, Pods, ReplicaSets, Deployments, Deployment Strategy and Services.Docker and Kubernetes are revolutionizing the software industry. Kubernetes is very robust, scalable and feature rich container orchestration system. Learning Kubernetes is essential for any DevOps professional."
Price: 10240.00

"Verilog for an FPGA Engineer with Xilinx Vivado Design Suite" |
"This Course will teach you Fundamentals of Verilog which every VLSI Job aspirant must know before appearing for the Recruitment process or anyone interested in FPGA's. The course will explore various Verilog constructs through real system examples along with assignments, quizzes to enhance learning. Each module consists of some discussion on common interview questions to create a framework for Interview preparation. The entire course is taught using the Xilinx Vivado Design Suite to give practical exposure with Industry's most popular Toolsets."
Price: 1920.00

"Game Plan for clearing Level 2 Enterprise Architecture Exam" |
"The course helps with getting certified in preparing for the Level 2 Foundation TOGAF Standard 9.2 Exam from the Open Group. It is assumed that one has already studied the Level 2 syllabus and only needs to brush up the concepts. Ideally a week before actually taking the exam this course can be useful to cram the concepts quickly.Quite useful for candidates to do the last minute brush up to gain confidence that the preparation meets the demands of the TOGAF 9.2 Level 2 exam. Useful for the candidate opting for the self study route to get the industry leading TOGAF Foundation Level 2 certification for IT professionals and architects."
Price: 49.99

"Emergency Medicine" |
"This course will teach all the ways to identify and manage a patient with cardiac arrest, shock etc. We start with identifying the patient, assessing his/ her status and then management. Language has been kept as simple as possible so that even lay people can understand. At the same time enough medical knowledge is provided for medical, paramedical, dental, nursing students and doctors. "
Price: 189.99

"Vue.js de A Z" |
"Le Framework JS que tout le monde aime !Vue.js fait lunanimit, il est plus simple apprendre que les autres, moins prise de tte, et sa communaut est top.Mais quoi a sert, un framework JavaScript ?Bonne question ! Cela sert raliser des applications web, cest--dire des sites avec beaucoup de fonctionnalits, lutilisation de composants pour grer les diffrentes parties dun site, ainsi quun transfert et une utilisation de donnes entre les composants et bien dautres choses Exemples :Google driveWikipediaFacebook / Twitter / etc Dribble / BehancePeut-tre as-tu dj essay React ou Angular Qui sont, entendons-nous bien, des Frameworks gniaux, mais srieusement plus compliqu apprhender de prime abord que Vue.js, et qui peuvent dcourager lamateur le plus motiv par le nombre de mises jour, de changement, de contenu dprci et de communaut pas toujours bienveillante quil peut y avoir.Donc on se dcourage, on snerveOn se sent nul et on se dit quon est peut tre pas fait pour a ! Que nenni, je suis partisan du fait que les formateurs en sont pour beaucoup dans lhistoire.Dans ce cours je cherche tre (le plus) pdagogue possible.Avec Vue.js tu peux dj carter la doc qui change 10 fois de figure tous les 6 mois et les adorateurs zls prt vendre leur bras droit pour dfendre leur techno prfre, il y en a(beaucoup) moins.On va apprendre ensemble et pas pas les piliers du Framework.Quest ce quon va faire dans cours ?1re partie :Dcouverte de vue avec un simple index.htmlLes instancesLes directives (vnements, conditions)Les mthodesLes bonnes maniresGrer les donnesGrer le CSS2me partie :Travailler de manire pro avec VUE-CLIUtilisations avance des composantsUtilisation de propsUtiliser un framework CSS avec VueLes slotsLes formulairesApprendre le routing3me partieCrer des ongletsCrer une jolie to-do listeUn systme de blogUne app mtoVoila tout ce quon va apprendre, dans la joie et la bonne humeur.Mais est ce que Vue.js est une techno demande ?Ce Framework est de plus en plus populaire, en effet depuis fin 2019 sa cote grimpe. De nombreux acteurs du web lont choisi, comme Alibaba, Gitlab, Nintendo, Laravel qui lutilisent pour leur site.Comment accder au cours ?Tu as juste cliquer sur acheter ce cours , te crer un compte si ce nest pas dj fait et cest bon ! Tu as accs directement au cours, que tu peux suivre sur ordinateur, tablette ou tlphone, vie.Rendez-vous de lautre ct !"
Price: 199.99

"C# interfaces - Blazor, API, UWP, WPF, Office" |
"This course is your fast track to gaining some experience. Once you know how to use C#, you will need to go and get familiar with one of the interface technologies. Maybe you will learn windows desktop development with WPF, or maybe it will be API development. But it is unlikely that you will work or experience more than two or three options. In the course, you will see how to applications, the logic part for them, are built in basic C# libraries and then afterwards integrated into various C# interface technologies - WPF, Blazor, Excel add-ins and others."
Price: 24.99

"Een vintage cocktail stoel bekleden" |
"Een vintage cocktailstoel bekleden.Als je de cursus helemaal hebt gedaan, dan kan je zelf een vintage cocktail stoel bekleden. Uiteraard oefening baart kunst. Maar met een beetje geduld kom je er wel. Eventuele vragen kan je stellen via het Q&A blad van deze cursus. Tijdens deze cursus leer ik je hoe je een vintage cocktailstoel met een professionele afwerking opnieuw kunt bekleden. Als je nog nooit een stoel hebt gestoffeerd, is dat geen probleem, ik begeleid je stap voor stap door het hele proces. Als je echter eerst wat basisvaardigheden wilt, dan kan het nuttig zijn om je in te schrijven voor mijn cursus op udemy namelijk Eetkamer stoelen stofferen. Daar zijn alle basisoefeningen in opgenomen.Tijdens de video's neem ik je stap voor stap mee door de volgende fasen van het stoffeerproces:De oude stof verwijderen.Een vereninterieur creren.Crin en jute (vulling) aanbrengen.Een jute wrong maken.Een bies naaien.Knopen makenEen puntstrip gebruikenEn uiteraard de stof bevestigen.Tot straks in de klas.Marja KooremanStof en Steen"
Price: 49.99

"OSHA safety specialist preparation course" |
Price: 199.99

"Jardn medicinal" |
"Aplicaciones prcticas de algunos remedios naturales extrados de las plantas que podemos cultivar con facilidad en casa. Conoceremos a siete plantas que pueden conseguirse fcilmente y que necesitan pocos cuidados. Adems conoceremos algunas de sus propiedades medicinales que nos pueden aportar numerosos beneficios para nuestra salud y tambin como uso culinario."
Price: 19.99

"ISC2 CISSP-ISSMP Certification Exam : Practice Tests 2020" |
"ISC2 CISSP-ISSMP Certification Exam : Practice Tests 2020You are vital to your organizations success. Prove your knowledge and leadership skills with the CISSP-ISSMPYoure on the leading edge of your craft. Here are just a few reasons to challenge yourself with this cybersecurity management certification:You want to stand out from your fellow CISSPs. This exam proves you have an elite level of knowledge and expertise.The CISSP-ISSMP opens doors from new career paths and jobs, to more exciting work.This is an opportunity to dive deep and hone your craft. Youll find new ways to grow and stay on the forefront of information security. CISSP-ISSMP Domain Included topics :Leadership and Business ManagementSystems Lifecycle ManagementRisk ManagementThreat Intelligence and Incident ManagementContingency ManagementLaw, Ethics and Security Compliance ManagementCybersecurity management certification shows you excel at establishing, presenting and governing information security programs. You also demonstrate deep management and leadership skills whether youre leading incident handling and/or a breach mitigation teamThis practice test will help you prepare for the official exam test environment. This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with ISC2 CISSP-ISSMP in any way."
Price: 29.99

"Curso Bsico de Administrao" |
"O que Administrao?Para que serve a Administrao?Quais so as funes de um administrador?Como realizar cada uma das funes bsicas de gesto?Muita gente pensa que a administrao lida com grficos, formulrios, documentos, estruturas, manuais passo a passo que mostram o que fazer e como, em tudo. Igualmente imaginam que a gesto uma coisa exata, formal, numrica, estruturada e segura. Essas pessoas podero dececpcionar-se com esse curso, porque ele vai mostrar que no nada disso. Administrao lidar com gente, de modo planejado, organizado, motivar pessoas, controlar atividades do modo mais eficaz e racional. lgico que h eventualmente grficos, esquemas, estruturas, manuais... mas tudo isso meio e a parte menos importante, que no ser tratada aqui. O que esse curso vai oferecer?Este um curso curto, com pouco mas suficiente enfoque terico, mas, com nfase na vida prtica. Muita gente ao ouvir algumas aulas pensar assim: Mas isso muito simples! simples depois que o professor diz, evidentemente. Mas, h necessidade de saber separar o simpes certo do simpes errado - e o professor tem autoridade intelectual para mostrar caminhos de verdadeira eficincia, j que est h dcadas na rea e e professor de gestores de alto nvel em ps-graduao. O professor fala com linguagem simples e inteligvel, mas, seus contedos so rigorosamente informados e procedentes. o curso ideal para pessoas que precisam compreender o que gesto e como essa pode ajud-las em suas atividades - em empresas, organizaes sem fins lucrativos, atividades sociais. Muito til tambm para empreendedores sem formao especfica em gesto e que queiram levar suas empresas ao crescimento mais seguro.A pessoa que almeja ganhar mais, conquistar maior influncia nas decises da organizao, tornar-me mais empregvel e ""promovvel"", enfim, crescer na carreira, precisa dos conhecimentos bsicos de gesto. Qualquer que seja a rea profissional, h um momento decisivo em que a pessoa precisar assumir a liderana - e sem preparo no d. Aqui ela obtm os fundamentos a partir dos quais, juntando novos estudos e experincia prtica, poder crescer. Curso prtico e rpido que mostra os fundamentos, as bases, da administrao de empresas, eventos, atividades. Mostra por que o conhecimento de gesto essencial para todas as pessoas que desejam obter mais de seus recursos e talentos e contribuir mais com as organizaes a que se vinculam. Traz conceitos e prticas simples que fazem toda a diferena em termos de eficincia e eficcia, ou seja, produtividade.O curso composto de vdeos diretos, curtos, que tratam da gesto real e dos problemas reais das pessoas que ocupam posies de liderana. Para cada vdeo h um texto curto que facilita a reteno e ampliao do que foi assimilado. Por fim, h um e-book completo (Aula 3), que apresenta cheklists (orientaes passo a passo) para as funes mais importantes da gesto."
Price: 39.99

manychatarabic |
": flow"
Price: 24.99

UP |
Price: 3000.00

"Cmo Vender sin Vender: 7 Secretos para Vivir de las Ventas" |
"Las Ventas son la opcin nmero 1 que he encontrado para tener tiempo. Tiempo para mi familia, para mi comunidad, para mis pasatiempos, para desarrollar mis habilidades, y, en fin, para SER LIBRE.COMPROBADO. Este Curso no te convertir en un mejor vendedor, pero s te convertir en el hombre o la mujer, a la cual las personas, le querrn comprar. Porque VENDER, tiene mucho ms que ver con quien eres, que con lo que haces.Aprenders, en 7 sencillos pasos, la valiosa informacin que yo mismo recib, y que, en menos de 2 semanas, me ayud a triplicar mis ingresos. Con estos 7 Secretos, logrars:Una mejor comprensin de cmo piensan tus clientes.Aprender cmo vivir de las ventas.Aumentar tus ingresos, dentro de los prximos das y semanas.Conocer la manera ms eficaz de cuidar los detalles de tu negocio o producto. Porque recuerda, vender est en los detalles.Obtener la gua y apoyo de los mejores mentores.Utilizar una herramienta de liderazgo increble para leer a las personas inmediatamente, a fin de poder saber qu les motiva a tomar accin inmediata.Y, POR LTIMO, y ms importante, deseo que ganes LIBERTAD. Libertad para lo que T quieras. Quiero que no tengas que pedirle permiso a nadie para estar con tu familia o amigos. Quiero que tengas el tiempo y entusiasmo para desarrollar tus talentos y habilidades al mximo. Sinceramente, eso es lo que deseoOJO. Tu tiempo es ms valioso que el dinero. As que revisa bien los vdeos de prueba y, si lo deseas, lee con detenimiento las siguientes opiniones de mis clientes, sobre las herramientas que comparto en este curso, a fin de que sepas si esto es realmente para ti. Adems, no pierdes nada y ganas demasiado. Recuerda que tienes 30 das para pedir tu devolucin, en caso de que este curso no sea el indicado para ti en este momento. Lo que piensan mis clientes:""Me pareci como una amena charla con un buen amigo, lleno de consejos tiles para poner a la prctica inmediatamente"". -Luis""Le agradezco al autor por haber aclarado y acomodado mis ideas. Haba cosas que ya estaba haciendo, ahora es tiempo de pulir, hacer y crecer. Es un tesoro econmico que devolver 10X"". - Csar Guerrero""Excelentes secretos. Tiene una manera muy sencilla de hacer ver las cosas. Es un curso que realmente recomiendo a personas de ventas"". -ngel Mrquez""Acabo de emprender un negocio, y me encanta documentarme y que mejor tomando excelentes cursos como ste que te impulsa a seguir adelante. Me encant porque el punto de vista del autor es muy humano. No te ensea a vender por vender como el ttulo lo deja ver, sino que te da excelentes recomendaciones de cmo lograrlo cambiando aspectos personales, pero muy significativo para lo que ests emprendiendo en la vida! Felicitaciones Sr. Manuel y muchas gracias!"". -Sarai Rivera""Maravillosos consejos.. sin duda sper recomendado! Gracias Manuel por compartir tan extraordinarios consejos.. me motivaste a leer ms de tus libros. Gracias, gracias"". -Ricardo DazMi Objetivo Principal es Aadirte Valor. Valor para tu Vida, Resultados, y XITO como Profesional. Es por eso que, al adquirir este curso, tambin obtendrs 5 Maravillosos Bonos:Liderazgo y Personalidad (Gemas). Una herramienta que vale 10 veces la inversin que ests realizando al comprar este curso. Videos: Si deseas aumentar tus ventas y resultados, aumenta tu frecuencia y energa. La gente compra vitalidad y energa. Video:Multiplica tus Resultados y Vulvete Extraordinario(a).Video: El Pndulo de la Vida. Elimina tus Miedos y recorre el camino hacia la abundancia y felicidad.Recibe Gratis Hoy Mismo 5 de mis libros relacionados con los temas de este curso. 1-Cmo Vender sin Vender:7 Secretos Para Vivir de las Ventas y No Morir en el Intento2-Cmo Vender sin Vender: Persuasin, Los 7 Secretos3-Obligado a Emprender: Oro Molido para convertirte en un Emprendedor Exitoso4-Liderazgo sin Lmites:5 Principios de xito5-Aprendizaje Va Osmosis:El Mtodo Comprobado y Rpido para ProgresarTe Felicito por tu decisin! Veo a futuro y s que juntos llegaremos muy lejos. Te veo adentro del curso."
Price: 29.99

"Aprende a influir en las Personas" |
"Esta formacin est diseada para ensearte todos los secretos de la Programacin Neurolingstica para que puedas influir en las personas y conseguir tus objetivos.Tanto si tienes experiencia como si no, en cada una de las clases irs descubriendo el poder del conocimiento de la imagen personal, de los distintos sistemas de representacin y la importancia del lenguaje verbal y no verbal.Pasa al nivel superior!Consigue tus objetivos!Alcanza to destino de xito!"
Price: 194.99

"Java untuk Pemula: Pemrograman yang Wajib Anda Kuasai" |
"Jadilah programmer Java dan pelajari salah satu skills dan bahasa pemrograman yang paling POWERFUL di seluruh dunia!Video ini adalah online course yang paling lengkap, to-the point, dan mudah dipahami untuk bahasa pemrograman Java di Udemy! Tidak peduli apakah Anda belum pernah mempelajari bahasa pemrograman apapun sebelumnya, atau sudah mengetahui berbagai macam sintaks dasar, atau ingin mempelajari fitur-fitur canggih Java, video course ini dirancang tentu saja untuk Anda! Dalam kursus ini, kami akan mengajari Anda pemrograman Java secara efektif!Dilengkapi dengan berjam-jam video course, latihan coding, dan kuis, kursus komprehensif ini tidak membutuhkan pengalaman apapun! Bahkan Anda bisa mengoperasikannya menggunakan MS Windows. Video course ini akan mengajarkan Anda Java secara praktis dengan setiap bab dilengkapi screencast yang mengajarkan sintaks, fungsi, dan aturan pemrograman lengkap dan latihan-latihan yang menarik! Tunggu apa lagi, ayo belajarlah dengan cara yang terbaik untuk Anda!Kami akan memulainya dengan pembahasan kode sederhana Java. Lantas, kami akan membantu Anda menginstal Java di komputer Anda. Kami membahas berbagai topik, termasuk:Dasar-Dasar JavaJava dan Pengolahan NilaiMethod Bawaan dengan JavaPerulangan pada JavaPercabangan pada JavaOlah Data dengan JavaJava dan DatabaseAnda akan mendapatkan akses seumur hidup ke seluruh materi di dalam video course ini dari awal hingga tuntas!Video course ini dilengkapi dengan jaminan uang kembali 30 hari! Jika Anda tidak puas dengan cara penyampaian atau isi materi, Anda akan mendapatkan uang Anda kembali. UTUH! Jadi tunggu apa lagi? Pelajari Java dengan cara termudah yang akan meningkatkan karir dan menambah pengetahuan Anda, semuanya dengan cara yang menyenangkan dan praktis!"
Price: 280000.00
