"Learn Professional C++ Using Custom Libraries" |
"Course OutlineCourse title: ""Learn Professional C++ Using Custom Libraries""Duration: 3 hrs+The set of libraries are very close to standard ISO C++ libraries.Some are NEW, & some are inspired from standard C++ with more features.In this course, there will be no series 2 (with same name), bcoz there will be continuous addition of new programs.As this course is for lifetime access as per the platform's membership policy, so no problem in there.Topics covered:- `pprint`- `magic_enum`- `result`Applications using C++:- Blockchain (EOS)- Data Science+ write faster code: C++ (definitely for Codebases)+ write code fast: python (NOT for Codebase)- GUI (using Qt)"
Price: 29.99

"Linux Administration : Basic To Intermediate" |
"This course on Linux Administration is a beginner to the intermediate level course. This course is useful for database administrators, Beginner level cloud administrators, Developers who wish to work on the Linux environment.The course will be coveringInstallation of Oracle Enterprise LinuxCreating and managing users and groupsDirectory and file managementPermissions at the OS levelProcess ManagementBasics of shell scripting"
Price: 19.99

"Product owner interview questions, answers and explanations" |
"I have interviewed hundreds of Product owners during my career, some of them passed the interview many other didn't. In most cases they had it wrong and they where trying to convince me of the wrong thing. Product owners are not project managers and if you're a project manager you need to understand how to interview for a product owner position because the expectations are different.In this course we will go through the key areas of a product owner interview:Backlog managementTeam collaborationStakeholder collaborationGeneral interview questionsThe objective is not to train you to be a product owner, but to ensure that you're able to share that you're a great product owner to your interviewers. For this reason all the questions have not only the answer but also the explanation!Additionally I'm happy to help my alumny, just ask me any question outside of this booklet and I will keep it growing, so Ask me anything.At the end of the day is about you getting your dream job and then being the professional that the world needs."
Price: 199.99

"HTML ." |
": HTML : Tags : Paragraph Formatting : Text Formatting and Colors : Images : Links : Tables : Forms : Frames : Sound, Video, and Animation : (CSS) Introduction to Cascading Style sheets (CSS) : Publishing Your Site on the Internet : Arabic Web Sites : What's Next? : Practical Project"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle SQL Eitimi" |
"Oracle SQL Eitimi : Saysz rneklerle desteklenmi bu eitimde Veri Tanmlama Dili (DDL),Veri leme Dili (DML),Veri Kontrol Dili (DCL), lem Kontrol (TCL) komutlarn renerek SQL sorgularn yazabilir hale geleceksiniz.Kurs kimler iin uygun ? Kursumuza SQL renmek isteyen herkes katlabilmektedir.Bilgi ilem personeli olmak isteyen,Oracle SQL diliyle rapor ve analiz sorgular hazrlamak isteyenler,Veritaban ileyi mantn merak edenler,Sql alannda uzmanlama hedefi olanlar,"
Price: 49.99

"Sfrdan leri Dzey Bilgisayar Donanm Eitimi" |
"Bilgisayar Donanm;Bilgisayar oluturan paralarn tmne donanm denir. Donanm, i donanm ve d donanm olmak zere iki ksmdan oluur. Bu ayrm, kasann iinde bulunan ve dnda kalan paralardr.Donanm Paralar;Bilgisayar donanm , i donanm paralar; ana kart, ilemci, ram, sabit disk,ssd, ses kart, ekran kart, ethernet ve modem'dir. D donanm paralar ise; kasa, klavye, fare, kulaklk, hoparlr, yazc, tarayc ve monitr'dr."
Price: 49.99

"Administrao Financeira para Iniciantes com HP12C [*TOP*]" |
"Esteja preparado para o mercado. Enriqueca sua formao acadmica e profissional com os fundamentos da matemtica financeira.Neste curso voc ir aprender os conceitos fundamentais da matemtica financeira: HP12C, juros, valor futuro, valor presente, Tabela PRICE.Se voc tem dificuldade com clculo matemtico ou financeiro, mas precisa aprender sobre finanas para alguma disciplina na faculdade, seu trabalho ou vida pessoal, ento este curso para voc!Neste curso os temas FINANAS, ADMINISTRAO FINANCEIRA e MATEMTICA FINANCEIRA so abordados de uma forma DIDTICA e SIMPLES, o que fundamental para aqueles que se arrepiam s em ouvir a palavra clculo."
Price: 39.99

"Formao Segurana na internet" |
"Segurana da Informao um tema que interessa a todos, gestores e usurios. Seguem algum dos principais motivos:A internet abriu um leque enorme de oportunidades para as empresas fazerem negcio. Entretanto, se no tratada de forma adequada no contexto da segurana da informao, pode coloca-la em situao de vulnerabilidadeA segurana das informaes deve ser uma prioridade para as organizacoes nos dias atuaisEmpresas que so vtimas de algum tipo de violao de segurana podem sofrer perdas financeiras diretas, ter suas informaes estrategicas expostas, multas, pagamentos ilegais, custas judiciais, reputao prejudicada, queda nos preos se suas aes e muitos outros tipos de prejuizoSegurana da informao no apenas um problema de tecnologia; envolve uma srie de fatores pessoais, operacionais e processuais quem podem criar e ampliar a vulnerabilidade de uma empresa"
Price: 39.99

"Time Management For Entrepreneurs" |
"""Discover The Simple Steps You Need to Take to Better Manage Your Time As An Entrepreneur So You Can Get More Done.""Finally! A Simple Step-by-Step Plan for Entrepreneurs to Get More Done in Less TimeThe job of an entrepreneur is tough.They have to manage every aspect of their business from sales to marketing to finance.Many new entrepreneurs believe that in order for them to succeed they have to work harder and put in more hours because the more they can accomplish the higher their chances for success.However, in order to avoid the burnout that is so common among entrepreneurs today, you have to learn how to work smarter, not harder.The Benefits of Time Management For EntrepreneursFor entrepreneurs, managing their time is more critical than ever.In 2015, the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that productivity levels among entrepreneurs decreased in both 2014 and 2015.This decrease in productivity can be extremely detrimental for entrepreneurs who face tons of challenges every day and continually expanding to do list.If you don't think time management is essential for your success as an entrepreneur, along with helping you get more done, here are several other benefits that you can gain.A marked decrease in stress levelsHigher productivity levelsMore higher-quality work being producedMore free time to spend participating in activities that you enjoyGreater opportunitiesLess time wastedImproves your reputationIf youre struggling with managing your time as an entrepreneur, youre not alone.If youre like many entrepreneurs, you may be unsure of how to get started with managing your time better, so you can get more done.Luckily, Ive created a simple step-by-step plan for entrepreneurs to start to get more done in less time.This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know to manage your time better so you can accomplish more and reach your goals.Let me introduce you to...TIME MANAGEMENT FOR ENTREPRENEURSThe Simple Step-By-Step Plan For Entrepreneurs To Get More Done In Less Time"
Price: 184.99

"Youtube Authority: Grow a Successful Youtube Channel" |
"""Discover How to Build Your YouTube Authority with this Comprehensive Guide on Starting and Growing a Successful YouTube Channel.""Finally! A Comprehensive Guide on How to Start and Grow a Successful YouTube Channel for your Business or BrandOver the last several years, YouTube has become a serious marketing platform where businesses are given the opportunity to promote content in a truly visual and highly engaging way.Today, more than 1.9 billion users visit YouTube on a monthly basis and watch billions of hours of videos every day, making YouTube the second most visited website in the world.Since its launch in 2005, YouTube has come a long way.It has morphed form a website to upload amateur videos to a place where you can watch more types of content than even TV is capable of showing.It has also become an extremely powerful tool for businesses to increase awareness of their brand, drive more traffic to their company sites, and reach a broad audience around the world.Are You Missing Out on a Massive Opportunity?If your company isnt already leveraging the power of YouTube here are some of the massive benefits that youre missing out on.Capture more attention and gain more exposure to your target audience.Increase the traffic volume to your business website.Youll rank high in Google searches and other search engines.You can repurpose your website content to gain even more awareness of your brand.You can grow your audience worldwide.You can build your email list with the help of YouTube.If you arent taking advantage of YouTube for your business you are missing out on marketing your company and growing your business.If youre like many business owners, you may be unsure of how to get started on YouTube.Luckily, Ive created a comprehensive guide that will show you exactly how to start and grow a successful YouTube channel for your business or brand.This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know to get started on YouTube.Let me introduce to you...YOUTUBE AUTHORITYHow To Start and Grow a Successful YouTube Channel For Your Business or Brand"
Price: 144.99

"How To Develop Emotional Intelligence" |
"""Finally! A Simple Step-by-Step Guide to Developing Self-Awareness, Improving Your People Skills, and Creating Happier Relationships by Developing Your Emotional Intelligence""Get The Ultimate Guide To Developing Emotional IntelligenceOver the last several decades, the topic of emotional intelligence has become a popular topic the world over.Over the years, there have been many scientific studies that have been conducted on the subject of emotional intelligence, and the findings are astounding.One finding uncovered by several studies is that your IQ only accounts for 20 percent of our achievements in life, while the other 80 percent depends solely on our emotional intelligence.When it comes to finding success in the workplace, many employers are looking at emotional intelligence skills to help them improve both profitability and productivity.Unfortunately, having low levels of emotional intelligence can take its toll on your mental and emotional well-being. Do You Have Low Emotional Intelligence?But how do you know if you suffer from low emotional intelligence? Here are some of the more common signs that you might have low emotional intelligence.You constantly perform poorly at workYou criticize others every chance you getYou are constantly angry for no reasonYou have trouble working in a teamYou arent mindful of how others feelIt comes naturally for you to blame others for your misfortunesYou dont like to try anything newYou have trouble facing adversityYoure bitter about your failuresYou continue to argue even when theres no pointIf any of these signs sounds familiar to you, it could mean that you are suffering from a low level of emotional intelligence, which will dramatically decrease your chances of being successful.Luckily, Ive created a simple step-by-step guide for how to develop your emotional intelligence.This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know for developing self-awareness, improving your people skills, and creating happier relationships.Allow me to introduce to you...HOW TO DEVELOP EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEA Step-By-Step Guide To Developing Self-Awareness, Improving Your People Skills, and Creating Happier Relationships"
Price: 199.99

"How to Kickstart & Grow Your Art Career In The Game Industry" |
"In this course we will guide you on how to develop and target your work for the game art industry and the best practices to create a strong portfolio efficiently that will get you noticed by art directors and head recruiters.This course specifically focuses on landing your first job in the game industry. There are also tips for intermediate artists looking to improve their chances at landing interviews, and provides insight to 3 specific artist roles in the ever increasing competitive gaming industry job market.This course is aimed at:* Beginners ideally who already have some 2d/3d work * Students who have graduated but have not yet been secured their first job* Career changes with 2D/3D experience in a different creative fieldWe focus on three main roles:3D Character Modeler (console/mobile)3D Animator (console/mobile)Generalist 2D 3D artist for mobileEach section is split into 3 sectionsLearning skillsConstructingTargetingWe'll go through project ideas, how to stay motivated, common mistakes often made to avoid being passed on during the selection process, and best practices when applying for jobs.This collaboration is between Game Art Co and Class Creatives.So lets get started on your path to the industry please check out the videos below.About your Instructors:Game Art Co Founded by Nick Sweetman is a collective of game artists based in Helsinki, Finland. Finland is considered a super power in the mobile gaming industry. Passionate about teaching we want all our students to succeed on their chosen learning path. We have trained over 20,000 students on Udemy! Our courses are practical and focus on the essential core skills and workflow needed by an industry game artist. Our learning content is designed to be inspiring, effective & efficient. With a combined experience of over twenty years in the games industry. With over 20 published and award winning titles released on console, PC and mobile. Our artists come from companies that include Rovio, Remedy and Supercell. Our courses adapt the Finnish style of educational training which is consistently ranked the best in the world.Class Creatives has over 20 years of professional industry experience and nearly a decade of accredited university level instruction. Instructors featured from Studios such as Walt Disney Animation Studios, Walt Disney Television, Google, Nintendo, Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Sony Computer Ent, Sucker Punch, Guerrilla Games, Infinity Ward, and more!."
Price: 199.99

"Building The Ultimate Customer Profile" |
"Have you struggled to market your business or spent too much money without getting the right results?It could be that you're not targeting the right audience or haven't defined an ideal customer to market to. Going through the ultimate customer profile course will help you understand the importance of a customer-first targeted approach to your marketing and give you an ideal buyer to bounce ideas off of."
Price: 19.99

"Entity Framework core: SQL Data Access with C# & .Net" |
"Entity Framework Core is the Default Technology in terms of SQL Database access with dotnet core. Almost every project with dotnet core nowadays will use it, so to push your skills, career and future salary you ought to learn this technology.As a dotnet core Developer you cannot move around this technology. This is why I made this course so you can profit from expertise of many years as a freelance developer.Learn in this course everything about the following topics:What is Entity Framework Core all about and why do we need it?What is an ORM (object relational mapper)?Which basic building blocks does EF core consist ofDbContextPOCOsMigrationsChange Trackingand much moreCreate a Database with the Code First ApproachCreate the access code from an existing Database with the Database First ApproachQueries and Commands with the EF core Query APIMigrations: manage the database schemaChangeTracking & PerformanceAlso this course offers lots and lots of source code, extra insights and downloadable contents. It also tests everything you learned in a section with a Quiz as well as an Assignment.All topics are explained with a real world application which is in use to date (yet in a slightly simpliefied version).As Database systems we use the following:SQlite (easier to deliver with downloadable code)PostgreSQL (probably the best open source SQL Database out there)MariaDB (As MySQL fork the probably most used Open Source Database)Additionally there is a Bonus Section with Introduction and Refreshers to the following topics:DockerSQLLINQVS CodeENROLL NOW, make use of my experience and support and put your career on the next step of the ladder.All the bestYour InstructorTimo"
Price: 29.99

"Wireshark Abordagem Bsica" |
"O Wireshark um analisador de protocolos gratuito , a ferramenta nmero um para anlise de pacotes em redes de computadores, apoiando em diagnsticos e solues de problemas.Este curso uma abordagem bsica sobre a ferramenta , so apresentados laboratrios bsicos e prticos onde voc poder conhecer mais a fundo a ferramenta."
Price: 34.99

"AZ-204-Developing Solutions for MS Azure: Practice Test" |
"Candidates for this exam should have subject matter expertise designing, building, testing, and maintaining cloud applications and services on Microsoft Azure.Responsibilities for an Azure Developer include participating in all phases of cloud development from requirements definition and design, to development, deployment, and maintenance. performance tuning, and monitoring.Azure Developers partner with cloud solution architects, cloud DBAs, cloud administrators, and clients to implement solutions.A candidate for this exam should have 1-2 years professional development experience and experience with Microsoft Azure. In addition, the role should have ability programming in a language supported by Azure and proficiency in Azure SDKs, Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, data storage options, data connections, APIs, app authentication and authorization, compute and container deployment, debugging, performance tuning, and monitoring.Skills measuredDevelop Azure compute solutions (25-30%)Develop for Azure storage (10-15%)Implement Azure security (15-20%)Monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize Azure solutions (10-15%)Connect to and consume Azure services and third-party services (25-30%)"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Data Structures & Algorithms" |
"This course is for all those people who want to learn data structure and Algorithm from absolute basic to Intermediate level. We don't expect you to have any prior knowledge on Data Structure or Algorithm, but a basic prior knowledge of any Programming Language(preferably C++) will be helpful.Thanks for stopping by !"
Price: 12800.00

"Rhino Grasshopper Parametric Voronoi Pavilion." |
"Are you interested in Grasshopper and want to learn how it works? Don't be intimidated and give it a try! My name is David Copete and I will make sure to guide you through the exercise steps so you can learn the interface. Once you get through the initial learning stage, it will become one of your most useful design tools.In this class you will learn how to create a Parametric Roof Truss System using Grasshopper for Rhino. Grasshopper is a bit intimidating at first, but with some experience it can become one of the most useful tools. These tutorials are great for students who are trying to expand their design arsenal. They will allow you to create some complex and impressive designs in a quick amount of time. The steps in this tutorial are useful for many other applications. So make sure to follow me for future lessons, and let me know if you have any questions, or ideas for future videos. By the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of how Parametric Design works and how you can apply it to your specific use case.I highly recommend this lesson! Why?It is simple and straightforward with full explanations of the process of parametric design using Grasshopper.I will show you a real world example. By the end of the lesson you have a useful script that you can use to share with your firm, or impress your friends and teachers.Who can benefit from this lesson?Designers who want to learn Grasshopper and Parametric DesignArchitectsEngineersDesign students3D modelers interested in parametric design.3D Print designers"
Price: 19.99

"Amna's SAT chemistry practice course" |
"The course includes:A complete SAT chemistry exam-style practice paper (created by me, so you won't find it anywhere else online)My video explanations to each question SAT is a trademark registered and owned by the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product."
Price: 34.99

"Interactive Sports Nutrition Videos For Basketball Families" |
"In this interactive class, kids and parents are going to dig deeper into the fundamentals of sports nutrition for young athletes. After you answer fun, multiple-choice, video questions and get explanations, youll better understand What to eat, When to eat, and How Much to eat for the best possible performance.During your Project, youll learn how to choose healthy PreGame Meals with common foods already in your home. You'll learn how to calculate your daily amount of carbohydrates and plug it into a sustainable plan to help give your athlete the edge on the basketball court.All of our content is backed by 9 years of professional basketball experience! Join us!"
Price: 19.99

"Artificial Intelligence In Digital Marketing" |
"Additional content:10 AI Marketing ArticlesGoogles AI Future and What It Means For SEO EbookINTRODUCINGArtificial Intelligence In Digital MarketingHow Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Digital Marketing And Howto be ReadyNo stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the sameHeres Just A Quick Preview Of What YoullDiscover Inside...What Is AI And Machine Learning?Google As An AI-First CompanyPreparing For Semantic SearchBig DataComputer VisionAdvertisingEmail MarketingChatbotsDeveloping Your AI Skills Using SQLHow To Future Proof Your MarketingPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually learn and be ready for Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing!Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide?IF YOU ANSWER YES TO ANY OF THE BELOW, YOU NEED THISYou want to ensure that your websites manage to hold their position in the SERPs.You want your advertising campaigns to remain profitable, and that your services remain relevant.You want to create endless amounts of content in a second.You want to be ready for the future of the industry.You want to know the different types of AI and machine learning in the context of digital marketing."
Price: 19.99

"SAFETY ENGINEERING-Awareness Program of an Electrical Safety" |
"This course is suitable for all level of workers, graduates & studentsThis course contains brief study on basics of electricity, causes & severity of electrical shock & analysis of an electrical burnsTopics discussed in this Programs includes;Electrical shock potential-Touch potential -Step potentialCauses of electrical fires - Brief study on different types of causesArc flash - Complete safety analysisStatic electricity - Concept & Tips to avoid static electricityDetail study on different types of an electrical hazardsDiscussion on Control measures, Strength & capability of equipmentElectrical Protection devices such as fuses, mcb, insulation, RCD etc,, Inspection & maintaining strategies Safe system of work At the end of this section, Emergency procedures during an electrical incidents also briefly discussedComplete study of first aid method such as, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) steps & Automated external defibrillator procedures explained in a comprehensive way with pictures."
Price: 19.99

"Posicionamento Estratgico para aumentar lucros" |
"Este um curso intensivo sobre posicionamento estratgico com foco na anlise do setor da organizao para identificar as aes a serem tomadas para se obter mais lucros.Voc vai aprender conceitos como competncias essenciais; vantagens competitivas; oportunidades e ameaas; atratividade e lucratividade; anlise do setor; posicionamento competitivo; estratgias de competio por custos e por diferenciao; objetivos de desempenho; e objetivos qualificadores e ganhadores de pedido.Tudo de maneira simples, direta e didtica, de fcil entendimento para todos os colaboradores da empresa.So conceitos utilizadas nas estratgias das maiores empresas do mundo nas ltimas dcadas. Por isso, este conhecimento essencial para qualquer pessoa que desejar trabalhar com gesto.Satisfao garantida ou seu dinheiro de volta""E se eu no gostar do curso? Ns devolvemos seu dinheiro! Essa mais uma garantia de qualidade e um incentivo a mais para voc comear j! Aps a compra voc ter 30 dias para testar o produto, e se no gostar, basta solicitar o reembolso.Se voc tambm pretende seguir em busca da sua melhor verso, matricule-se agora!"
Price: 399.99

kak_stat_frilanserom_tretiy_etap_pervyy_zakaz_na_freelance |
"- . - . - , . - . - -, - , , ! , . ! !"
Price: 19.99

"Convert Web to Android App - Ready to publish on Play Store" |
"In this mobile-first world, having just a website isnt sufficient for a great digital presence. Having a mobile app will help you to acquire more customers and grow the revenue of your business. If you have a B2C website and still havent planned for having an app then you are missing great revenue opportunities. With a mobile app, you can make it is easy for people to discover your products and services right at their fingertips. Today, most of companies engaged in trade and services strive to provide a maximally personalized experience for their existing and potential customers. One of the easiest ways to do this is to create a mobile application. As a rule, most small and owners of medium-sized businesses owners choose web applications because they easily adapt to any format of user devices and are smaller in size than native and native-like ones.Web apps, however, are limited in access to built-in smartphone features (in particular, cameras), interactivity, and the achievable complexity of business logic. Moreover, they cannot work in absence of constant connection to the Internet.How much does it cost to make an app?Generally, the cost of making a mobile app ranges extremely: from total zero to unbelievably expensive price that could reach millions. Although, frankly there is no simple answer to this inquiry due to multiple factors at play. Different developer rates, project complexity and time it takes to build an app impact the cost of making a mobile application. The price to make an app depends on the following aspects:type (mobile game, business, social networking, lifestyle. etc.)platforms (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, etc.)design (basic, individual, custom)number of pagesfeatures & infrastructureIf we split mobile apps into 3 categories in regards to complexity (simple, moderate, complex), and take 2 kinds of hourly rates into account, this is how much app costs to make approximately:Dont waste your moneyInside this course, youre getting exactly the same course materials and curriculum as our 1 week in-person tutorial. Instead of spending lots to make an app from scratch and taking time off work, save loads by getting this course and do it at your own pace!Good NewsThe good news is that you do not have spend lots of money before you can create or build an apps for you businesses or for you clients, there are many tools out there that help you to facilitate this. However, some of these tools are free for some period of time while some are totally free but place their logo on the app you have created.What are the tools we will be using in this course?We will focus on just a single tool, though we are going to touch like four tools that can help us to convert our web application to mobile application but our major focus is going to be on a single tool.Why do I need to join this course?This is going to be one of the best course here, because more tools and more information will be added for you to keep informed on the latest and most current tools to convert your web application to mobile application with coding, free and easy to use.What are you waiting for?Now that you understand the purpose of this course and the great benefit you are going to archive by taking this course. Click on enroll button as you join me to learn how to build app without coding, free and without any copy right logo."
Price: 19.99

"EXIN Privacy & Data Protection: Simulador de Examen" |
"EXIN Privacy & Data Protection Foundation (PDPF) es una certificacin que valida el conocimiento de un profesional sobre la organizacin de la proteccin de los datos personales, las normas de la Unin Europea y los reglamentos referentes a la proteccin de datos.All donde se recopilen, almacenen, utilicen y, por ltimo, se eliminen o destruyan datos personales, surgen las preocupaciones sobre privacidad. Con el Reglamento General de Proteccin de Datos de la UE (RGPD) el Consejo de la Unin Europea procura fortalecer y unificar la proteccin de datos para todos los individuos dentro de la Unin Europea (UE).Tipo de Curso: Examen de PruebaAyuda a los estudiantes a prepararse para sus exmenes de certificacin proporcionando preguntas de prctica.Contenido del Curso:Simulador de 40 preguntas de seleccin mltiple de apoyo para la certificacin en Espaol, en la cual puedes practicar con preguntas similares al examen real, marcando tu respuesta y ver al final el puntaje obtenido, en cada intento las preguntas se ordenan aleatoriamente, de esta forma puedes ejercitar todas las veces que estimes necesario.Material Auto Instruccional de Apoyo a la certificacin en Ingls.Obtn 25 dlares o 20 euros de descuento en la certificacin de EXIN Privacy & Data Protection Foundation al comprar el examen con nosotros. Consideraciones Importantes:Este curso NO es el entrenamiento oficial de EXIN.Este curso NO incluye Videos.Somos un Centro de Examen autorizado de EXIN.La entrega de material del curso se realiza va e-mail, de Lunes a Viernes de 09:00 a 18:00 horas y Sbado de 09:00 a 14:00 horas. Domingo Cerrado. Zona Horaria: UTC/GMT -3 horas.Si tienes consultas adicionales, contctanos va WhatsApp al +56 9 43532900"
Price: 19.99

"EXIN BCS SIAM Foundation: Simulador de Examen" |
"La Integracin y Gestin del Servicio es una metodologa utilizada para la gestin de varios proveedores de servicios y su perfecta integracin para proporcionar un enfoque nico de organizacin de TI. EXIN BCS SIAM Foundation pone a prueba el conocimiento y la comprensin de un candidato sobre la terminologa y los principios bsicos. Esta certificacin cubre temas tales como: los beneficios potenciales, as como los retos y riesgos de la implementacin de la Integracin y Gestin del Servicio. La certificacin SIAM tambin incluye ejemplos de estructuras de implementacin, gobierno, herramientas y consideraciones relacionadas con los datos, as como los procesos comunes utilizados en un ecosistema de SIAM. Un candidato que complete EXIN BCS SIAM Foundation con xito sabe cmo la Integracin y Gestin del Servicio aporta valor al negocio y es capaz de contribuir a la implementacin y utilizacin de la Integracin y Gestin del Servicio en una organizacin. Tipo de Curso: Examen de PruebaAyuda a los estudiantes a prepararse para sus exmenes de certificacin proporcionando preguntas de prctica.Contenido del Curso:Simulador de 40 preguntas de seleccin mltiple de apoyo para la certificacin en Espaol, en la cual puedes practicar con preguntas similares al examen real, marcando tu respuesta y ver al final el puntaje obtenido, en cada intento las preguntas se ordenan aleatoriamente, de esta forma puedes ejercitar todas las veces que estimes necesario.Material Auto Instruccional de Apoyo a la certificacin en Ingls.Obtn 25 euros de descuento en la Certificacin EXIN BCS SIAM Foundation al comprar el examen con nosotros. Solo vlido para Espaa.Consideraciones Importantes:Este curso NO es el entrenamiento oficial de EXIN.Este curso NO incluye Videos.Somos un Centro de Examen autorizado de EXIN."
Price: 19.99

"EXIN BCS SIAM Foundation: Simulador de Exames" |
"A Integrao e Gerenciamento de Servio uma metodologia usada para gerenciar vrios provedores de servio e integr-los perfeitamente para criar uma nica organizao de TI voltada para os negcios. EXIN BCS SIAM Foundation testa o conhecimento e a compreenso do candidato sobre a terminologia e os princpios bsicos. Esta certificao abrange temas como: os benefcios em potencial, osriscos e desafios da implementao da Integrao e Gerenciamento de Servio. A certificao SIAM tambm contm exemplos de estruturas de implementao, governana, ferramentas e consideraes de dados, bem como os processos comuns usados em um ecossistema SIAM. O candidato que conclui com sucesso oEXIN BCS SIAM Foundation sabercomo a Integrao e Gerenciamento de Servioagrega valor de negcio e capaz de contribuir para a implementao e o uso da Integrao eGerenciamento de Servio em uma organizao.Tipo de curso: Teste experimentalAjude os alunos a se prepararem para os exames de certificao, fornecendo perguntas prticas.Contedo do curso:Simulador de 40 perguntas de mltipla escolha para dar suporte certificao em portugus, nas quais voc pode praticar com perguntas semelhantes ao exame real, marcando sua resposta e vendo a pontuao obtida no final, cada vez que as perguntas so ordenadas aleatoriamente, dessa maneira Voc pode se exercitar quantas vezes achar necessrio.Material de suporte auto-instrutivo para certificao em ingls.Aconselhamos o processo de compra e o exame de certificao EXIN BCS SIAM Foundation.Consideraes importantes:Este curso NO o treinamento oficial do EXIN.Este curso NO inclui vdeos.Somos um Centro de Exame Autorizado EXIN."
Price: 39.99

"EXIN Business Continuity Management: Simulador de Examen" |
"La Gestin de la Continuidad del Negocio es un proceso de gestin holstico que identifica las amenazas potenciales para una organizacin y el impacto que stas podran tener sobre las operaciones del negocio, en caso de realizarse. Proporciona un marco en el que construir una resiliencia organizacional con la capacidad de una respuesta efectiva que salvaguarde los intereses de las partes interesadas, las actividades de creacin de valor y las relacionadas con el prestigio y la imagen de marca (Fuente: ISO 22301:2012).Tipo de Curso: Examen de PruebaAyuda a los estudiantes a prepararse para sus exmenes de certificacin proporcionando preguntas de prctica.Contenido del Curso:Simulador de 40 preguntas de seleccin mltiple de apoyo para la certificacin en Espaol, en la cual puedes practicar con preguntas similares al examen real, marcando tu respuesta y ver al final el puntaje obtenido, en cada intento las preguntas se ordenan aleatoriamente, de esta forma puedes ejercitar todas las veces que estimes necesario.Material Auto Instruccional de Apoyo a la certificacin en Ingls.Obtn 25 euros de descuento en la Certificacin EXIN Business Continuity Management al comprar el examen con nosotros. Solo vlido para Espaa.Consideraciones Importantes:Este curso NO es el entrenamiento oficial de EXIN.Este curso NO incluye Videos.Somos un Centro de Examen autorizado de EXIN."
Price: 19.99

"EXIN Blockchain Foundation: Exam Simulator" |
"EXIN Blockchain Foundation is a foundation level certification. It validates a professionals knowledge about blockchain as a ledger with potential as a worldwide, decentralized record for the registration, inventory, and transfer of assets: finance, property, products and intangible assets such as votes, software, health data and ideas. The certification covers the basic concepts of blockchain, the potential fields of application, the potential value for the organization and the technology driving blockchainCourse Type: Trial ExamHelp students prepare for their certification exams by providing practice questions.Course content:Simulator of 40 multiple-choice questions to support certification, in which you can practice with questions similar to the real exam, marking your answer and seeing the score obtained at the end, each time the questions are ordered randomly, in this way You can exercise as many times as you deem necessary.Self Instructional Support Material for certification.Get 25 USD discount on the EXIN Blockchain Foundation Certification when buying the exam with us. Only valid for USA.Important considerations:This course is NOT the official EXIN training.This course does NOT include Videos.We are an EXIN Authorized Exam Center."
Price: 39.99

"EXIN Information Security Foundation: Simulador de Exames" |
"A EXIN Information Security Foundation uma certificao relevante para todos os profissionais que trabalham com informaes confidenciais. Explica o conceito, valor e importncia da segurana da informao, bem como ameaas e riscos. O exame abrange: Informaes e segurana Ameaas e riscos Medidas de abordagem e organizao Legislao e regulamentosTipo de curso: Teste experimentalAjude os alunos a se prepararem para os exames de certificao, fornecendo perguntas prticas.Contedo do curso:Simulador de 40 perguntas de mltipla escolha para dar suporte certificao em portugus, nas quais voc pode praticar com perguntas semelhantes ao exame real, marcando sua resposta e vendo a pontuao obtida no final, cada vez que as perguntas so ordenadas aleatoriamente, dessa maneira Voc pode se exercitar quantas vezes achar necessrio.Material de suporte auto-instrutivo para certificao em ingls.Obtenha um desconto de 15% na certificao EXIN Information Security Foundation based on ISO IEC 27001 adquirindo o exame conosco.Consideraes importantes:Este curso NO o treinamento oficial do EXIN.Este curso NO inclui vdeos.Somos um Centro de Exame Autorizado EXIN."
Price: 39.99
