"Pardot Specialist Certification Preparation Kit" |
"Congratulations on taking the next step to prepare for your Pardot Specialist credential. This preparation kit has the information you need to help you study and prepare for your exam.The Salesforce Pardot Specialist exam measures a candidates knowledge and skills related to the following objectives. A candidate should have hands-on experience integrating the Pardot platform into marketing workflows and can demonstrate the application of each of the features/functions below.Visitors and Prospects: 8%Describe the relationship between visitors and prospects.Given a scenario, apply the appropriate plan of action using Prospect Audits.Administration: 11%Illustrate how to create, edit, and map fields.Explain the relationship between Pardot and Salesforce.Describe the capabilities of the Pardot Recycle Bin.Pardot Forms, Form Handlers and Landing Pages: 20%Given a scenario, identify the capabilities, use cases and interpret metrics of Pardot forms.Identify the capabilities, use cases and interpret reporting metrics for landing pages.Lead Management: 24%Explain the components and use cases of an automation rule.Distinguish between the capabilities of, use cases for, and how to create different types of lists.Define the capabilities of a completion action.Define the capabilities of a segmentation rule.Define the capabilities of page actions.Explain what a Score measures and how scoring is managed.Explain what a Grade measures and how grading is managed.Identify the capabilities and use cases of custom redirects.Email Marketing: 20%Distinguish between an Email and an Email Template.Given a scenario, identify the capabilities and use cases for email.Distinguish between the metrics collected in Pardot email reporting.Engagement Studio: 17%Distinguish between the components of an engagement program.Explain the process of updating an engagement program including its assets."
Price: 49.99

"ISO 37001:2016 Sistemas de Gestin Antisoborno" |
"Objetivo del Curso: Al finalizar el curso, el participante conocer los requisitos de un sistema de gestin antisoborno basado en la norma ISO 37001:2016.ISO 37001:2016 Sistemas de Gestin AntisobornoLa adopcin de un sistema de gestin antisoborno es una decisin estratgica para una organizacin que le puede ayudar a mejorar su desempeo global y proporcionar una base slida para las iniciativas de desarrollo.Los beneficios potenciales para una organizacin de implementar un sistema de gestin antisoborno basado en esta Norma Internacional son:Previene, detecta y afronta los riesgos de corrupcin.Reduce el riesgo de corrupcin mediante la implementacin de controles financieros en una etapa temprana.Mejora de forma continua las prcticas anticorrupcin.Asegura que socios y clientes se adhieren de forma proactiva a los procesos anticorrupcin.Atrae nuevos negocios.Aumenta el reconocimiento internacional.Promueve la confianza.Reduce costes por multas y sanciones penales.Previene conflictos de inters.Promueve una cultura anticorrupcin.Contenido temtico del curso El presente curso tendr la siguiente estructura: Seccin 1. Aspectos Generales de un Sistema de Gestin AntisobornoSeccin 2. Capitulo 4. Contexto de la OrganizacinSeccin 3. Capitulo 5. LiderazgoSeccin 4. Capitulo 6. PlanificacinSeccin 5. Capitulo 7. ApoyoSeccin 6. Capitulo 8. OperacinSeccin 7. Capitulo 9. Evaluacin del desempeoSeccin 8. Capitulo 10. MejoraSeccin 9. Conclusiones y proceso de certificacin"
Price: 345.00

"Implantao de um S.G.I. ( Sistema de Gesto Integrado)" |
"Ol,Este curso foi desenvolvido para voc que atua nas reas de qualidade, meio ambiente, sade e segurana do trabalho que quer melhorar o desempenho de sua empresa.Chamado de Implantao de um Sistema de Gesto Integrado, neste curso voc poder melhorar a eficincia de sua empresa com indicadores de desempenho adequados a realidade . O S S.G.I. foi baseado nas normas ISO 9001:2015, ISSO 14001:2015 e ISSO 45001:2018 e poder ser aplicado com tranquilidade e segurana, junto com as ferramentas disponveis que disponibilizei para voc aplicar na empresa e fazer o SGI implementado."
Price: 189.99

"nva cum s i construieti propriul SITE de la 0" |
"nva cum s i construieti un site profesional fr cunotine de programare sau design.Afl cum s i optimizezi imaginile pentru o mai bun ncrcare a site-ului.Cum s i creezi propria pagin cu oferta business-ului tu.Construiete-i singur propriul SEO pentru o mai bun ncadrare n Google Search.nva cum s i ii site-ul optimizat att pentru desktop ct i pentru mobile."
Price: 24.99

"Watercolor Sea (ENG)" |
"The sea is calling! And this is true even for watercolorists: water is one of the most difficult subjects to paint with watercolors. I want to teach you all the tricks and techniques of depicting the sea element.There are 6 blocks in my course - from the simplest to the most complex, from calm waves to absolutely clear water. For each topic there are lessons-exercises, auxiliary materials and basic video lessons, which you can use to paint your beautiful work.You can watch the lessons at any time, view them again and again to fix the result and share your progress. Remember that the most important thing is practice!Let's paint?"
Price: 99.99

"Power Pack for Kids" |
"This course has been designed to help children be more confident. It provides practical methods and lesson plans focusing on 3 main areas:1. Essential Life Skills to provide children with a strong foundation2. Daily Gratitude Practice to cultivate a problem-solving attitude3. Dealing with Bullying - techniques to empower and promote understanding1. Essential Life Skills provide children with a strong foundation in this fast-paced world of instant gratification. It allows them to understand the values of doing the right thing and underpins their sense of self worth by raising their self-awareness.You will get:i. A Positive Start manual supplemented by 10 videos covering each of the 10 life skills - explanations and tasks for the children to completeii. 2 storybooks to reinforce this learning as children bond with the charactersiii. Achievement tables for children to put what they have learned into practiceUpon concluding this section they will receive a Certificate of Achievement. ACHIEVEMENT BOLSTERS SELF-CONFIDENCE2. Daily Gratitude Practice helps children see the positive side of a situation instead of dwelling on the negative. By becoming more positive they will see solutions in stead of problems and move away from worrying about the the past and future, focusing more on the present and how they can be of greater service to themselves and others.GRATITUDE MAKES US MORE OPEN TO RECEIVING, WE MOVE AWAY FROM BEING CLOSED. WE BECOME HAPPIER AND MORE CONFIDENT.Journalling supports this shift to positivity as well as introducing a daily habit of writing and looking at our thoughts and behaviour. This practice fosters greater clarity and self-awareness.You will get:A 6-week Positivity Journal course with booklet for the children and resources for each of the 6 sections:1. Gratitude2. Good Things3. Happiness4. Mindfulness5. Balance6. Giving BackWriting a journal can make us more aware (and self-aware) and help us detect previously unnoticed, unhealthy patterns in our thoughts and behaviours. It allows us to take more control over our lives and puts things in perspective. Furthermore, it can help us shift from a negative mindset to a more positive one, especially about ourselves (Robinson, 2017).BEING MORE SELF-AWARE AND CLEARER ON WHO WE ARE AND WANT MAKES US MORE ASSURED OF OUR DECISIONS AND ACTIONS.3. Bullying can make children feel like a victim. It undermines their self-confidence. This section gives them:i. 5 practical steps to tackles bullying at schoolii. A basic understanding of how trying to understand the bully and being compassionate can help them - and the bully.You will get:i. 2 anti-bullying storybooksii. 5 practical tips and supporting resourcesNOT FEELING LIKE A VICTIM. KNOWING WHAT TO DO, HOW TO ASK FOR HELP, EMPOWERS CHILDREN AND PREVENTS A LOSS OF CONFIDENCE.Note from instructor:We live in a very complex worldand its getting busier by the day. Its no wonder so many children feel overwhelmed especially as they transition from primary to secondary school. These times of worry can have a negative impact on a child with lasting effects. An unhealthy body and mind impairs their capacity to learn, grow and experience life. This course provides tools that act as a child's compass steering them through the noise, and guiding them to make good decisions. My fun and engaging storybooks and positivity journal are two such tools that move them away from anxiety, stress, bullying and negative self-talk, and prepare them for a life of positivity, gratitude, happiness, success and confidence."
Price: 99.99

"MATEMTICA PARA INICIANTES - Regra de 3 Simples" |
"Este curso tem o objetivo de proporcionar aos estudantes o conhecimento bsico para a resoluo de questes relacionadas a Regra de 3 simples. Tipo de conta que por sua vez que muito utilizada em situaes que envolvam clculos financeiros, misturas qumicas, converses de grandezas na Fsica. A Regra de 3 simples o processo prtico para resolver problemas que envolvam 4 valores dos quais conhecemos 3 deles. Devemos, portanto, determinar um valor a partir dos 3 j conhecido."
Price: 39.99

"Service Parts Supply Chains: Service Preparation" |
"Welcome to Service Parts Supply Chains: Service PreparationIf you are a professional or a student of supply chains and aftermarket logistics, or youre simply curious about what it takes to get a service parts supply chain ready for launch, then this course is for you! It is a continuation of my Introduction course (Service Parts Supply Chains: An Introduction) where I present an overview of service preparation, operations, and supply chain management. In this course we will really dig into service preparation specifics.You will learn about contract analysis and how to identify key operational challenges in a series level agreement. And how you can use the Due Diligence to find out what you need to know about the customer.Then we will dive into the design of a service parts supply chain and explore the key concepts around logistics design, product lifecycle verification, trade compliance, system modeling, and inventory dimensioning.Once designed we will jump into implementation mode and look at how to acquire the inventory, setup our logistics infrastructure, transfer the customer's assets, and finally verify our solution and launch the new service.Included in the course, you will also get carefully crafted summary slides in pdf format that you can download and use at your discretion.Here is what we will cover in the different sections:Introduction: here we will look at supply chains in general, what service parts are and where they fit into the overall picture, the reasons to want to outsource service parts, and an overview of the phases and activities in Service Preparation.Contract Analysis: is about understanding the scope, terms and conditions and operational implications of the contract. We explore the contract structure, and dive deeper into the service level agreement and installed base characteristics.Due Diligence: is the mechanism used to undertake an investigation prior to the acquisition of a business or when entering in a contractual relationship. We will explore the purpose and types, the activities involved, and the impact of due diligence on the initial service quality.Logistic Network Design: in this activity we determine the warehousing and distribution infrastructure required to deliver the service according to the SLA requirements.Product Lifecycle Verification: focuses on evaluating where each service part in the contract scope leis on the lifecycle curve and determine any operational constraints that may apply. We also look at how to manage the lifecycle curve and key aspects of revision chaining.Trade Compliance Check: is all about adhering import/export regulations and the documentation needed, the risks involved, and watching out for trade sanctions.System Modeling: The task of building a virtual model of the service parts supply chain side in the IT solution, for the purpose of managing, reporting and optimizing the service parts operation from a performance and cost perspectives. In this section we explore extensively a Service Parts Operational Model.Inventory Dimensioning: the inventory management function is responsible for inventory availability. Through inventory dimensioning it determines the initial amount of stock required, per product number and stocking location, for the launch of the service. We will cover the key factors influencing the dimensioning process.Inventory Acquisition: we determine the service parts types and quantities that need to be acquired in order to reach the stock levels defined in the inventory dimensioning activity.Logistic Network Setup: with input from the logistic network design and inventory dimensioning we proceed to physically establish stocking locations, set-up distribution lanes, and secure transport capacity.System Model Population: based on input from logistics design/implementation, inventory dimensioning/acquisition, the SLA, and others, we populate the system model with all the data needed to execute the service.Asset Transfer: here we focus on the operational challenges related to transferring assets from the Customer to the Service Provider in a service parts outsourcing scenario, in preparation for the service launch.Verification and Launch: here we explore the principles behind the continuous testing during service preparation, the overlap between asset transfer and final verification, and the initial post-launch challenges.Join me in exploring this fascinating journey from contract signature to launch, in the world of spare part management.All the best,Alex."
Price: 199.99

"Zoom H6 Audio Recording Essentials" |
"Zoom H6 Audio Recording Essentials explores many of the essential features and tools available within the Zoom H6 Recorder. As a podcast editor, producer, and host, I record all 3 of my shows using the Zoom H6 recorder. It's versatile, powerful, compact, and loaded with useful features. I liken it to a recording studio in the palm of your hand. This course will boost your confidence and increase your skills and knowledge in using the Zoom H6 recorder as part of your podcast or recording arsenal. There are no prerequisites for this course. This course consists of 26 lectures distributed across 2 sections:Section One: Introduction to the Zoom H6Section Two: Navigating the Zoom H6In Section One, we spend our time getting familiar with the hardware side of the Zoom H6, the button layout, navigation techniques, and the detachable mic adapters. In Section Two, we turn our attention to the software side of the H6 as we navigate through the different display windows, turn features on and off, and learn the folder structure of the H6. It's in this section that we explore features of the H6 like phantom power, plugin power, SD card size types and limits, compression and limiters, updating the firmware, backup recordings, recording formats, the low-cut filter, recording in stereo, MS-RAW, using the H6 as a pass-thru mixer, and updating the firmware. NOTE: I am not affiliated with the fine folks at Zoom in any way. I have not been asked to endorse their product and I receive no compensation from them. I simply like this product which I've been using for over 4 years now and I wanted to dive deeper and teach a course on it. Thank you for your interest in this course and I hope to see you inside."
Price: 19.99

"Axure RP 9 Fortgeschritten Deutsch" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du mit Axure den nchsten Schritt zu gehen. Wenn du interaktive, dynamische und realistische Prototypen bauen mchtest, ist dieser Kurs genau der Richtige fr dich.Axure RP 9 ist das einzige Prototyping Tool am Markt, dass Interaktionen realistisch nachstellen kann, ohne das dabei mehrere Plugins oder weitere Programme bentigt werden. Es hilft dir dabei, eine bessere User Experience zu liefern, da du frh Ideen testen kannst und keinen Entwickler dafr bentigst.Lerne in diesem Kurs:- wie man Interaktionen mit Bedingungen baut, um den Prototypen auf Nutzereingaben adquat reagieren zu lassen- Daten in deinem Prototypen bearbeitest, filterst und sortierst und- wie du einzigartige Interaktionsmglichkeiten wie Drag & Drop simulieren kannst. Wenn du diesen Kurs gemacht hast, kannst du deinen Prototypen auf ein neues Level heben und somit das gesamte Potenzial von Axure RP noch viel besser ausschpfen."
Price: 39.99

"IBM C2010-505 Smart Cloud Control IT Asset Management Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) When can the eligibility status changes to inactive?a) Once the work has been approved.b) If there is a certification for graduation.c) When the operation of the scanning date is not active.d) When the link to the table TOOLQUAl removed.e) NoneQ) As licenses, which are transmitted to IBM Smart Cloud Control desktop?a) between pointsb) between pointsc) between organizationsd) between accounts ledgere) NoneQ) How License tracked by computer?a) Using the license tab Related computersb) Use the tab Computer Assets license stop sectionc) license to use, with detailed records related to access to your computerd) license to use, contact an authorized mail access to your computere) NoneQ) Activities incidents should be carried out in accordance with the internal status?a) APPRb) INPRGc) WAPPRd) turne) None"
Price: 179.99

"CompTIA SY0-401 Security Cryptography Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following protocols using asymmetric, to open the session and then establishes a symmetric key for the rest of the session?a) SFTPb) HTTPSc) TFTPd) TLSe) NoneQ) A company uses PGP to protect sensitive e-mail reserved. Which of the following types of encryption used by the key exchange?a) Symmetricb) Session on the basis ofc) hashd) asymmetrice) NoneQ) Which of the following is true with respect to the asymmetric encryption?a) Message is encrypted with a secret key can be decrypted with the same keyb) Message is encrypted with the public key can be decrypted using the public key.c) A message encrypted with a public key can be decrypted with the same key.d) Message is encrypted with the public key can be decrypted using the private key.e) NoneQ) RADIUS encryption used is best described as:a) quantumb) elliptic curvec) asymmetricd) Symmetrice) None"
Price: 169.99

"Mastering Git Fundamentals: With BitBucket & GitHub" |
"Version control systems is a central component for any file based project. Weather you are a Software Developer, QA Engineer, or a Project Manager, chances are that you might have already heard about version control systems and probably about GIT. Well even if you are not in software engineering field, Git will be helpful to version control any files or store your files for free in cloud based repo like GitHub.Git is a third generation version control system and far more improved tool if compared to the previous version control tools like SVN. In this course on Git, we will start from the fundamentals and learn each and every crucial command in detail with good real life scenarios and in a easy way. Starting from installing the git tool, creating repository, cloning, pushing to central cloud storage, and to more intimidating concepts like merge, rebases, resolving conflicts and others will be covered in abundance and easy to understand details.We will decode GIT the stupid content tracker, and learn that its more intelligent and smarter to work with. You don't need any technical background for taking this course. If you have a PC, laptop and Internet connection(for few sessions) then its more than enough. This course contains all the information that you need to use Git fluently in your day to day tasks.Join now and master GIT the Distributed Version Control System(DVCS) in a easy and digestible way, one of the most popular version control system and take a bold step towards the devops journey.Thank You!Kumar'S"
Price: 19.99

"Become a Project Management Master (#2) [Earn 2.75 PDUs]" |
"Want to distinguish yourself as an exceptional project manager and quickly rise to the top? Then this course is for you.Being involved in project management you may well know that this industry is growing at an immense rate, that despite the job market uncertainties brought about by the 4th industrial revolution. (And now exacerbated by the worldwide pandemic.)The Project Management Institute (PMI), probably the most recognized authority on project management worldwide, estimates that job growth in the project management industry will be a staggering 33% or 22 million jobs by 2027. So, if you further your education as a project manager you know you will have the job security that very few industries can still provide. The next step is of course to distinguish yourself as one of the industry leaders and start earning a high end salary.This course is an excellent starting point to do just that!Project management is an extremely intricate field and requires you to have knowledge in a vast majority of technical fields. The 5 processes ranging from project initiation to project closure are all extremely important pieces of the overall puzzle and you will need to master them all to distinguish yourself as one of the best. In this course you will learn everything you need to know about the initiating process group. Furthermore you will also gain a working understanding of the very important work that happens before a project can be initiated. Understanding pre-project work makes a big difference in your ability to start your project on the right foot. The knowledge you will in this course regarding project initiation and how to ensure you start the project the right way will prove to be invaluable. The techniques thought in this course will not only help you to effectively initiate your projects, but it will ensure that you facilitate stakeholder alignment before project planning even starts, giving you a great head start and ensuring that you eliminate or at the very least limit the effect of two of the largest contributors to project failure namely lack of stakeholder engagement and misalignment of stakeholder expectations.This course is designed to arm you with the essential knowledge you require to lay the foundation upon which the remainder of your project will be built.The course will cover all of the essentials of pre-project work or project conception, which is the work done at a program or portfolio level that aims to ensure the viability and practicality of the project before it is even initiated. The stakeholder engagement techniques taught as part of the needs definition process will prove to be one of the most useful skills you can have as a project manager. The course then goes on to teach you what initiation is all about and how to compile a project charter containing all the precursor information you will need to effectively plan the project later on. Particular attention is given to the compilation of the initial scope that forms part of the charter and the techniques taught here will set the pace for the rest of the project. The course also covers stakeholder identification and analysis in detail. The last topic of the course is that of the project kick-off meeting, what it's purpose is and how you can use it to get project team buy in.Building a house on the wrong foundation will ultimate cause a myriad of problems later on and the same holds true for project management. This course will arm you with the knowledge you need to lay a strong foundation, ensuring you eliminate a lot of the problems that may have presented itself in the future had you not done so.The course design caters for those who already have the foundational knowledge of project management and are familiar with the PMI project management methodology. Beginners are however welcome to take it up as well as the course is structured to add value to all project management professionals. Newcomers to project management will find this knowledge very beneficial, as it will enable them to start project the way they are supposed to be started, greatly reducing the chances of issues popping up in later project phases."
Price: 74.99

"Automotive Ethernet" |
"Because of the advancements in infotainment, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), and autonomous driving electrical systems these days have become more complex. Such systems with large amounts of real-time data require a mode for faster and highly reliable communication networks between various electronic control units (ECUs) in them. With small changes in the new physical layer (PHY) came our Automotive Ethernet which could provide the needed solution for automotive electrical systems. In this course, we will cover most of the use cases of Automotive Ethernet with sample demonstrations.Content and OverviewDetailed overview of ethernet data communication on single twisted pair cable BroadR-Reach Physical layer DoIP Protocol specification and introduction to DoIPSOME/IP communication with a QT dashboard applicationPrecision Time Protocol for time synchronizationAudio Video Bridging(AVB): Protocol explanation for low latency Audio Video data over a Time Sensitive NetworkOverview on CAN-Ethernet Gateway to connect the ethernet-based system to an existing classic vehicle networkWhy would you take this course?With its high-speed reliable data transfer and cheap cabling features automotive ethernet is the necessity for modern cars. It can provide increased energy efficiency and less complexity in the wiring. So if you are going to be working with any Automotive companies out there you will definitely have to come across automotive ethernet. There will be no future cars without it. There is a lot of researches happening in autonomous driving and ADAS which cannot be achieved without Automotive Ethernet. So the course can really help you students or professionals interested in this booming stream of the automotive world."
Price: 4800.00

"Word do bsico ao avanado" |
"Esse curso para voc que ainda no conhece os recursos mais importantes do software microsoft Word, que nas tarefas mais simples como criar um sumrio, inserir uma imagem, criar bibliografias etc... se atrapalha e faz uma baguna geral no seu trabalho, no se preocupe todos passamos por isso, ento este curso o guia definitivo para trabalhar de forma autnoma no word, sem precisar ter que recorrer a um tutorial quando precisar de algo."
Price: 99.99

"Reasoning (Verbal + Non-Verbal)" |
"? Course Government Job (SSC, BANK, RAILWAY, DEFENSE, MBA, LIC, POLICE, SUB INSPECTOR, UPSC(CSAT), PSCs, TET etc.) Course Syllabus systematic Classroom Classroom (Feel) Course ? Attempt Exam Clear SSC-2 , RAILWAY-3 CTET-1 interest () , 4 Offline Coaching 2500 Students Government Job( ) (Teaching) Student (Long Distance) Time , ? Book Question Short Method Question Material Maths and Reasoning 90% 95% Question Previous year Question Bank ( Question Bank SSC, BANK, RAILWAY, DEFENCE, TET OTHER COMPETATIVE EXAM ) Course ? Course 3-4 Class Class - Students Online Pen, Copy Book , Students Online Book Pdf. Free , Student Class Video Book (pdf) Question , Pdf Download Print Amazon Class Material Niraj Kumar Search ( Print Quality ) Note:- Reasoning Class Material Pdf. 9771926514 whatsApp Message BOOK-2 send Free Pdf. Video:- Net Slow , 360p 480p Quality Practice ?1. Class 2 3 Question Book Next Class , 2. maintain , 50 Question , ( 1 10 10 1 )3. :- Maths & Reasoning Subject Practice Strong () Maths Practice Subject 4-5 Maths Reasoning 100% Question Course ? Course Google play store Udemy app. Download Main Page Search Button Search :-1. Maths - Niraj KumarOr,2. Reasoning - Niraj Kumar 7-7 Free demo class , Demo Class Buy Course My Course Show Course - Subject 1. Mathematics (Arith.+Advance) Chapters----------------------50 Nos. of Classes-------------- Nos. of questions----------- Time -----------------------2. Reasoning(Verbal+Non-verbal) Chapters---------------------48 Nos. of Classes--------------75 Nos. of questions-----------1565 Time ------------------------88hour 15min. :-1. Book, Copy and Pen:- Online Question Note , , Note practice , Expert 2. Net pack and Mobile or laptop:- Online Course 3. Mobile Stand:- Mobile Stand Uncomfortable 4. Headphone:- Headphone Note:- Course 9771926514 WhatsApp Message Call Maths Class Join ? Maths Class Join 9771926514 WhatsApp Message DIS-1 Process Message Maths Class Material Pdf. 9771926514 whatsApp Message BOOK-1 send Free Pdf."
Price: 2240.00

"Meditation Mastery for Subconscious Reprogramming" |
"Do old habits constantly creep and sabotage all of your good intentions? Whether we like it or not the stresses of everyday life are damaging our health, both physically and mentally. Spending just 20 minutes a day meditating can have a dramatic effect on your physical, psychological and even spiritual health. This course will show you how to become a master of your mind and body, it also explains the bodys energy and hormonal systems, how meditation affects this and how this helps the mind, body, and spirit.Meditation benefits everyone who practices it, for numerous reasons and the benefits can be seen by undertaking consistent practice over time. Meditation Mastery has been designed in such a way that it can be taken by anyone, no matter whether you have a lapsed meditation practise or you would like to re-establish old habits or if you have never heard of meditation before."
Price: 59.99

"AutoCAD 2020 Complete Course" |
"In this course student learn all the things mentioned blow AutoCAD Sketching (Drawing tools, modify tools, how to create dimension, creating layers, creating blocks, details about utilities)How to add constraints, how to modify geometric dimensionHow to render 3D modelExercise Practice tutorials3D modeling ( Modeling tools, Solid Editing, 3D modify tools, creating section plane, how to use coordinates, visual styles of product )How to convert 2D sketch into 3DHow to apply materials on partRendering2D and 3D exercisesLayout"
Price: 29.99

"Python Dictionaries, Functions & Classes" |
"Learn the fundamentals of Python through video lectures, quizzes, and practice problems.Python is an easy to learn programming language with a wide variety of well-paying jobs in many fields, including data science, web development, and network programming. There couldnt be a better time for you to join the world of Python!"
Price: 194.99

"Fusion 360 - Complete Solution for 3D Printing" |
"Welcome to the course, Learning Fusion360 with real projects.As the course name suggests, the tutorial series is intended to be easy. Being the instructor I have done my best to visually show you how to use every essential tool, and how to complete your project step by step. After completing this course you will know the software well enough to show off a new talent at work or design something you have always been trying to visualize.The course is broken into two main components. First you will learn each essential tool one by one. Then you will create simple easy and interesting projetcs This course is truly simple.So thank you for considering to learn Fusion360 with this simple course. Fusion360 is a very valuable skill to have so why not begin learning Fusion360 today?"
Price: 19.99

RevMan |
", , RevMan .RevMan study , bias , Figure . , , . . ."
Price: 24.99

"Nuke Full Comprehensive Course For Absolute Beginners Part 1" |
"As this quotes says a fool can make something complicated, it takes a genius to make it simple by Woody Guthrie so here I am trying to be genius.Jokes apart but seriously The USB of this Nuke course is super basic quality and as I said my vision is to make chain of courses to make a journey and I am inviting you to take this course to take a new journey in a whole new level so lets start with this super basic course of Nuke. See you all first lecture.About MeHello everybody. I am Arijit an instructor with 15 years of teaching experience from 1st April 2006, I started teaching.More than 15000 offline students I have taught in these years.I am having a mission to teach a series of nuke classes and this is the best place to teach my vision. When I am talking about my vision that is to teach the entire pipeline and workflow of this VFX world so that I can teach you the software called Nuke. Teaching means for me to deliver the simplest way possible.I will be there 24X7 to help you out to solve your doubt in every step.I give quality teaching and proper learning curve by providing two elements of success in this field which is knowledge and skill. Chisel and Hammer are knowledge and making a sculpture by using those is skill. My goal is to share both fundamental aspect to students to be able to come out in fling color in this creative universe to make job fetching process smoother and easier by choosing proper fine tune and key aspects of quality Demo reel and presentation which can mesmerize studios and fulfill their expectation."
Price: 6400.00

"Creating professional whiteboard animation (videoscribe)2020" |
"Sparkol Videoscribe is one of the best and easy to use whiteboard animation program. It's widely used by Business/Website owners, Marketers and Sales people to spread their products/services and drive sales without needing to have any previous experience with animation coding or graphic design. Also, used by online instructors who want to create high quality explainer and engaging videos to their students.If you Are a:YoutuberFreelancerVideo EditorArtistOnline Course CreatorOnline MarketerThan this is the course for you!Videoscribe offers a 7 day free trial, so download it today and enrol in this course to learn how to take your video creation skills to the next level!I designed this course carefully in order to be understood by absolute beginners as easily as possible. It includes working files and samples attached. Also, I care to answer all your questions as soon as possible and make sure you understand every bit of this course because I care about my students, I really want them to be successful.I am confident you will learn a lot from this course . I am here to help you with any questions you may have.This course have at least 10 minutes of free previews available to you, so you can quickly determine if it's the right one for you! Finally, you will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course.Come on in and we are going to have some fun together,"
Price: 199.99

"Atendimento de Alta Performance" |
"ALTA PERFORMANCE VOC DOMINA A ALTA PERFORMANCE PROFISSIONAL? Recebe elogios por seu trabalho em reunies de equipe? um especialista em sua rea e seus colegas de trabalho sempre te pedem conselhos? Ser um profissional de alta performance no s aumentar suas chances de obter melhores salrios e progredir na carreira, como tambm poder ser fonte de orgulho e satisfao pessoal. Definir metas e atingir resultados, demonstrando sua experincia, seu potencial e suas habilidades, tambm so elementos fundamentais para o sucesso profissional.Neste curso voc vai aprender:IntraempreendedorismoAutoconhecimentoCompetnciasTratar ou Atender Bem?tica e ValoresExperincia do UsurioMomentos de VerdadeTcnicas de AtendimentoLinguagens Verbal e CorporalSituaes DifceisInteligncia EmocionalAutoavaliaoProposta para o futuro"
Price: 159.99

"Programacin en C de Cero a Experto con Estructuras de Datos" |
"CUPONES DE DESCUENTO:Precio reducido al MXIMO: MEJORPRECIOCupn de Descuento Mensual: SEPTIEMBRE_CAPDESISSi lo que te interesa es practicar con ejercicios estas en el lugar correcto. Al pasar a los ejercicios aprenderemos buenas practicas y tips para programar de una manera mas eficiente que te servirn para cualquier lenguaje de programacin posterior con la ayuda de Visual Studio Code Y CLion.Qu es C?C es el lenguaje de programacin de propsito general asociado, de modo universal, al sistema operativo UNIX. Sin embargo, la popularidad, eficacia y potencia de C, se ha producido porque este lenguaje no est prcticamente asociado a ningn sistema operativo, ni a ninguna mquina, en especial. sta es la razn fundamental, por la cual C, es conocido como el lenguaje de programacin de sistemas, por excelencia.Ventajas de C:El lenguaje C es poderoso y flexible, con rdenes, operaciones y funciones de biblioteca que se pueden utilizar para escribir la mayora de los programas que corren en la computadora.C se utiliza por programadores profesionales para desarrollar software en la mayora de los modernos sistemas de computadora.Se puede utilizar C para desarrollar sistemas operativos, compiladores, sistemas de tiempo real y aplicaciones de comunicaciones.Un programa C puede ser escrito para un tipo de computadora y trasladarse a otra computadora con pocas o ninguna modificacinEn este curso Aprenders:Elementos BsicosOperaciones y ExpresionesLa librera string.hEstructuras de SeleccinEstructuras de Control con BuclesFuncionesArreglos con Listas y TablasEstructurasApuntadoresManejo de ArchivosCadenasHeadersProyecto (Contabilizar gastos)Memoria Esttica vs Memoria DinmicaAsignacin Dinmica de memoriaAlgoritmos de OrdenamientoAlgoritmos de BsquedaCLionRefuerzo Antes de Estructura de datosTeora de ListasLista Simplemente EnlazadaPilasColasArbolesGrafosCON ACTUALIZACIONES MENSUALES!"
Price: 49.99

"How to Create Online Courses that Sell." |
"Are you tired of people picking your brain for free? Do you want to stop trading hours for money?Are you tired of people picking your brain for free? Do you want to stop trading hours for money?This Is The Best Knowledge Monetisation Solution For You.In 2015, I stumbled on an online business I could do from home The MTN data sharing business. It was a pretty lucrative business that made me hit 7 figures in Naira within 4 months. I couldnt contain my excitement as I saw the business grow.As I grew, I wanted to help more people, especially women around me, to start this business and make money the same way I was.This made me host my very first online class on a BBM group to teach these women what I knew about the business. Over the last 5 years, I have trained over 2000 women on the business online and created over 50 online courses to teach what I know on my two online academies.In 2018, my business did over 40,0000 USD from online courses and in 2019, we doubled this while doing way less.After getting so many requests from my followers and clients, I am now ready to teach savvy and knowledgeable individuals how they can create wealth and impact from what they know.HOW TO CREATE ONLINE COURSE THAT SELL is my fool-proof system to help you create, launch and sell out your online course.In this course, I will show you how to:Identify your cashable knowledge especially when you are knowledgeable about so many things.Choose the right topic that will resonate with your audience.Validate your topic so you dont hear crickets when you launch.Price your online course so you dont short-change yourself or become too pricy.Map out your content in a way that gives your students easy understanding.Learn all the tech tools you need to set up.Design your opt-in and sales pages, etc.Build an automated sales funnel to sell your course while you sleepGrow your own loyal following for your own brandLearn all the tech tools you need to set up.Get a step-by-step launch activities plan that will ensure you do the right thing at the right time.Learn post-launch activities that can ensure you make more money even after you officially close cart.Get a proven system of marketing your online course.Learn how to build your email list with those who are likely to buy from you.Who this course is for:Coaches, Speakers, Experts, Creatives and Service based entrepreneurs who are tired of not getting paid what they are worth and want to share their knowledge with millions of people but don't know HOW yet.If you want to make massive impact with your knowledge, then this program is for you.If you want to make passive income by sharing your exclusive knowledge with the world, this is for you.If you want more time for your family, passion and lifestyle, then this is DEFINITELY for you.When you finish this course, you'll feel confident to share your wisdom online, and have access to a community of other online instructors so you can continue to gain more insight for success.With our 30-day 100% money back guarantee, there is nothing holding you back from jumping in right now and trying the course out.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in class!"
Price: 159.99

"Time management: The honest approach" |
"Time is such a precious resource that managing it correctly seems like a smart thing to do.In this course you are going to learn a series of techniques that will help you understand why time management is so important and how to get the most of the 24 hours you have in the day.These techniques are proven and well used by professionals across many fields. I personally use them on my day-to-day basis.I've decided to give time management a different perspective, sharing the techniques and tools that have helped me throughout my career.As a software engineer, I have a lot to do during my day and very little time, so it is important for me to make the most of it.Some of the content you'll see on this course is popular, and I'll approach it from a different and practical angle. Some other is not so mainstream and I consider they are hidden gems in the productivity world.I will do my best to provide you with concise and practical content, as well as being available to answer your doubts."
Price: 24.99

"Poltica e Manual de Qualidade" |
"Este curso as diferenas entre poltica, processo e procedimento. Desde a criao, elaborao de um manual de qualidade, at o que deve conter e as principais diferenas existentes nos documentos de qualidade. O grande objetivo o de aprender de forma sucinta e prtica, a aplicao e elaborao dos documentos contidos em um sistema de gesto da qualidade, seja para a melhoria da qualidade na produo de um produto ou at mesma, nos procedimentos e processos para aumentar a qualidade de um servio."
Price: 69.99

"Curso PNL Lidando com as emoes" |
"Neste curso voc aprender a detectar qual emoo est sentindo,aps isso, saber qual mensagem est por trs de cada emoo e como fazer para sair dela, atravs de tcnicas simples porm eficazes.Saber qual emoo muito parecida com a ansiedade, porm no ansiedade, vou revelar qual ! Aprender a mensagem da DEPRESSO, DA CULPA, DA FRUSTRAO, DA RAIVA, DA INVEJA,DA ANSIEDADE, DO APEGO. Ir aprender como se blindar emocionalmente."
Price: 39.99

"AWS SageMaker Practical for Beginners Build 6 Projects" |
"Machine and deep learning are the hottest topics in tech! Diverse fields have adopted ML and DL techniques, from banking to healthcare, transportation to technology.AWS is one of the most widely used ML cloud computing platforms worldwide several Fortune 500 companies depend on AWS for their business operations.SageMaker is a fully managed service within AWS that allows data scientists and AI practitioners to train, test, and deploy AI/ML models quickly and efficiently.In this course, students will learn how to create AI/ML models using AWS SageMaker. Projects will cover various topics from business, healthcare, and Tech. In this course, students will be able to master many topics in a practical way such as: (1) Data Engineering and Feature Engineering, (2) AI/ML Models selection, (3) Appropriate AWS SageMaker Algorithm selection to solve business problem, (4) AI/ML models building, training, and deployment, (5) Model optimization and Hyper-parameters tuning.The course covers many topics such as data engineering, AWS services and algorithms, and machine/deep learning basics in a practical way:Data engineering: Data types, key python libraries (pandas, Numpy, scikit Learn, MatplotLib, and Seaborn), data distributions and feature engineering (imputation, binning, encoding, and normalization).AWS services and algorithms: Amazon SageMaker, Linear Learner (Regression/Classification), Amazon S3 Storage services, gradient boosted trees (XGBoost), image classification, principal component analysis (PCA), SageMaker Studio and AutoML.Machine and deep learning basics: Types of artificial neural networks (ANNs) such as feedforward ANNs, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), activation functions (sigmoid, RELU and hyperbolic tangent), machine learning training strategies (supervised/ unsupervised), gradient descent algorithm, learning rate, backpropagation, bias, variance, bias-variance trade-off, regularization (L1 and L2), overfitting, dropout, feature detectors, pooling, batch normalization, vanishing gradient problem, confusion matrix, precision, recall, F1-score, root mean squared error (RMSE), ensemble learning, decision trees, and random forest.We teach SageMakers vast range of ML and DL tools with practice-led projects. Delve into:Project #1: Train, test and deploy simple regression model to predict employees salary using AWS SageMaker Linear LearnerProject #2: Train, test and deploy a multiple linear regression machine learning model to predict medical insurance premium.Project #3: Train, test and deploy a model to predict retail store sales using XGboost regression and optimize model hyperparameters using SageMaker Hyperparameters tuning tool.Project #4: Perform Dimensionality reduction Using SageMaker built-in PCA algorithm and build a classifier model to predict cardiovascular disease using XGBoost Classification model.Project #5: Develop a traffic sign classifier model using Sagemaker and Tensorflow.Project #6: Deep Dive in AWS SageMaker Studio, AutoML, and model debugging.The course is targeted towards beginner developers and data scientists wanting to get fundamental understanding of AWS SageMaker and solve real world challenging problems. Basic knowledge of Machine Learning, python programming and AWS cloud is recommended. Heres a list of who is this course for:Beginners Data Science wanting to advance their careers and build their portfolio.Seasoned consultants wanting to transform businesses by leveraging AI/ML using SageMaker.Tech enthusiasts who are passionate and new to Data science & AI and want to gain practical experience using AWS SageMaker.Enroll today and I look forward to seeing you inside."
Price: 199.99
