"EXIN Agile Scrum Foundation: Exam Simulator" |
"The EXIN Agile Scrum Foundation offers professionals a unique certification that combines Agile service management techniques and Scrum development frameworks. The exams assess candidates on their knowledge of the fundamental concepts and their application.Course Type: Trial ExamHelp students prepare for their certification exams by providing practice questions.Course content:Simulator of 40 multiple-choice questions to support certification, in which you can practice with questions similar to the real exam, marking your answer and seeing the score obtained at the end, each time the questions are ordered randomly, in this way You can exercise as many times as you deem necessary.Self Instructional Support Material for certification.Get 25 USD discount on the EXIN Agile Scrum Foundation Certification when buying the exam with us. Only valid for USA.Important considerations:This course is NOT the official EXIN training.This course does NOT include Videos.We are an EXIN Authorized Exam Center."
Price: 19.99

"EXIN Privacy & Data Protection Essentials: Exam Simulator" |
"Wherever personal data is collected, stored, used, and finally deleted or destroyed, privacy concerns arise. With the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) the Council of the European Union aims to strengthen and unify data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU). This regulation affects every organization that processes personal data of EU citizens. The EXIN Privacy & Data Protection Essentials certification covers the main subjects related to the GDPR, which should be known by everyone working with personal data.Course Type: Trial ExamHelp students prepare for their certification exams by providing practice questions.Course content:Simulator of 40 multiple-choice questions to support certification, in which you can practice with questions similar to the real exam, marking your answer and seeing the score obtained at the end, each time the questions are ordered randomly, in this way You can exercise as many times as you deem necessary.Self Instructional Support Material for certification.Get 25 USD discount on the EXIN Privacy & Data Protection Essentials Certification when buying the exam with us. Only valid for USA.Important considerations:This course is NOT the official EXIN training.This course does NOT include Videos.We are an EXIN Authorized Exam Center."
Price: 39.99

"EXIN Blockchain Essentials: Exam Simulator" |
"EXIN Blockchain Essentialsis a foundation level certification. It validates a professionals knowledge about blockchain as a ledger with potential as a worldwide, decentralized record for the registration, inventory, and transfer of assets: finance, property, products and intangible assets such as votes, software, health data and ideas. The certification covers the basic concepts of blockchain, the potential fields of application, the potential value for the organization and the technology driving blockchain.Course Type: Trial ExamHelp students prepare for their certification exams by providing practice questions.Course content:Simulator of 40 multiple-choice questions to support certification, in which you can practice with questions similar to the real exam, marking your answer and seeing the score obtained at the end, each time the questions are ordered randomly, in this way You can exercise as many times as you deem necessary.Self Instructional Support Material for certification.Get 25 USD discount on the EXIN Blockchain Essentials Certification when buying the exam with us. Only valid for USA.Important considerations:This course is NOT the official EXIN training.This course does NOT include Videos.We are an EXIN Authorized Exam Center."
Price: 19.99

"EXIN Microsoft Operations Framework Foundation: Simulator" |
"The Microsoft Operations Framework Foundation exam is based on the MOF guidance. This guidance consists of best practices and provides guidelines to determine what is needed for the IT organization and how to successfully approach IT Service Management.This module offers an introduction to IT Service Operations Management and covers the essential elements and concepts of MOF.Course Type: Trial ExamHelp students prepare for their certification exams by providing practice questions.Course content:Simulator of 40 multiple-choice questions to support certification, in which you can practice with questions similar to the real exam, marking your answer and seeing the score obtained at the end, each time the questions are ordered randomly, in this way You can exercise as many times as you deem necessary.Self Instructional Support Material for certification.Get 25 USD discount on the EXIN Microsoft Operations Framework Foundation Certification when buying the exam with us. Only valid for USA.Important considerations:This course is NOT the official EXIN training.This course does NOT include Videos.We are an EXIN Authorized Exam Center."
Price: 19.99

"MCD - MuleSoft Certified Developer - Level 1 [Mule 4] [2020]" |
"Special Offer : get 1 Pratice exam and pick 1 for free from our Practice setsWelcome To The MuleSoft Certified Developer - Level 1 (Mule 4) Practice Tests, The Final Exam preparation From I-Certified : This mock exam is good practice test for you to prepare for the Developer Exam for Mule 4. This has questions from various disciplines like Application Networks, API-Led Connectivity, Anypoint Platform, API Management, Mule Events, Structuring Mule Apps, DataWeave, Triggering Flows, etc. This course is a good practice to access your knowledge on developer related topics. It will help you identity strengths and weaknesses as it would provide you with answers and its explainations. This is at a comparable difficulty to the protored exam."
Price: 19.99

"Aptitude Test: All Competitive Exams (Quantitative Aptitude)" |
"Aptitude test is one of the most important sections in all the Competitive exams, Entrance exams and Campus Interviews in order to grab Government jobs as well as IT Jobs. So Practice well and enhance your Aptitude skill with Fresherslive resources.Quantitative aptitude questions are important for Merit listing and for Final Selection in various exams like UPSC Competitive Exams, Railway Competitive Exam, IBPS Exam, Bank Competitive Exams, GATE Exam, Common Aptitude Test (CAT), MAT, GMAT, CSAT, CLAT , ICET, SSC Competitive Exams, SNAP Test, KPSC, XAT, GRE, Defence Competitive Exams, L.I.C/ G. I.C Competitive Exams, TNPSC, University Grants Commission (UGC), Career Aptitude Test (IT Companies) and etc,."
Price: 12800.00

"Laravel 7 Vuejs & RESTful API Course With Complete Project" |
"One of the Best Laravel 7 VueJs And Restful API Course on Udemy.Have you been looking for an advanced laravel Vue JS All in one coruse?Have you been searching for a course that will teach you the advanced core features of the LARAVEL framework Vuejs and also with Restful API?Have you wondered how to build and deploy a REAL WORLD APPLICATION ?Have you searched for a tutorial to learn the advanced concepts of LARAVEL ,VUEJS and RESTFUL API ? the best PHP framework and the best FRONTEND JAVASCRIPT FRAMEWORK ?Well, I've got good news for you. Search no more.WE introduce to you, Laravel 7 Vuejs & RESTful API Course With Complete ProjectLaravel is an open-source PHP framework, which is robust and easy to understand. It follows a model-view-controller design pattern. Laravel reuses the existing components of different frameworks which helps in creating a web application. The web application thus designed is more structured and pragmatic.We have design this course like that way first of all you will earn all Basic Laravel 7 Fundamentals by creating one CRUD Application with image. Then you will learn Basic Vuejs Fundamentals and after that you will learn Basic RESTful API Fundamentals. Then together all exprience we will create one complete inventory management system with user Laravel 7, Vuejs and Restful API. Sound is great right? What is your benefit ?As i told you this complete project course which beings you to Beginner to Advance level by creating complete most advanced Inventory management System Project. You will able to understand how to complete one project, how to handle project bugs, Core structures of MVC. This complete project will help you to get a job with this new skill. You will be able to start work for your client. Add this project in your profolio and university assignment And most importantly you will get my support with in 24 hours. If you have any issues just let me know about this i will be in your touch. What is the Best Part of this Course?Create Complete Inventory Management System Project Get a Deep Understanding of Laravel 7Get a Deep Understanding of Vue JsGet a Deep Understanding of Restful ApiBasic Vuejs FundamentalsJWT Token Login AuthenticationVueJs Filter OptionsVueJs Events MethodsProduct Search OptionJWT Implement in ProjectProduct Stock ManagementImage Intervention With ValidationBasic Laravel 7 FundamentalsBasic RESTful API FundamentalsProject Add to Cart OptionVueJs Vue CLICreate Rest API for ProjectProduct Report OptionCreate Components for ProjectEmployee Salary System Option.and much more functions ..This course you will not just learn you actually doing it. Learn and apply this on live project with me. Sound Great right? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Click the ""Enroll Now"" button at the top right now!I am excited to see you in the course!Sincerely,easy Learning"
Price: 199.99

"Curso de SEO OFF-PAGE do Iniciante ao Avanado (2020)" |
"J aprendeu SEO on-page, aplicou, e viu poucos resultados porque o nicho do seu negcio possui uma concorrncia mdia ou alta nas buscas?Ento, voc precisa aprender o que de fato vai fazer o teu site alcanar no s a primeira pgina de resultados do Google, mas tambm o top 3 das buscas!As tcnicas de SEO off-page que voc ir aprender no curso, so exatamente o que voc precisa para ter sucesso, e eu vou te ensinar exatamente o passo a passo que eu fao para posicionar sites no topo!Os backlinks so de extrema importncia para um site chegar no topo, eles representam em torno de 80% dessa ""fora"" que seu site precisa para chegar l.Ensino de forma aberta e sem enrolao, o que eu aplico nos meus sites e dos meus clientes.Te espero dentro do curso! ;)"
Price: 579.99

"Creacin e instalacin de un acuario paso por paso" |
"Aprenders a realizar una estructura para la urna que elijas. Tambin te ensear cmo empezar a tener el acuario desde 0: desde la grava o substrato hasta pasados unos meses en que limpies la primera vez el filtro y compruebes cmo es todo el proceso de crecimiento de las plantas."
Price: 24.99

"Microservices, Spring Boot, padres de Restfull, Exception" |
"** Voc que est procurando conhecimento em microservices, seja muito bem vindo. Saiba, que fundamental ter em mente que existem muitas coisas para aprender. Sendo assim, sempre gosto de destacar que as tecnologias avanam, verso novas so lanadas todo ano, mas o conceito base, no. Ento, voc pode usar mensageria com RabbitMQ, SQS, Kafka ou algumas outras que tem no mercado. Mas importante aprender o conceito de mensageria, independente da ferramenta. E exatamente isso que nosso foco. ** Meu proprsito ensinar vrios conceitos sobre microservices, de forma gradual, prtica, descontrada, e leve. Mas, sempre que puder, aprofunde mais. Pois, no se engane. No se aprende microservice com apenas 1 curso (material), se aprende, estudando os conceitos passo a passo e sempre buscando novos materiais.Criar uma API simples com Spring Boot, mas criar uma com os padres corretos, com as boas prticas que facilite a utilizao mais complicado.Neste curso vamos alm. Vamos discutir os padres, as boas prticas e vamos criar uma API. Vamos explorar tambm as exceptions e handler com feign para saber como a API deve se comportar.Desenvolver um microservices com as boas prticas de API essencial para um bom programador.** Conceitos do curso:1. Padres de API;2. Comunicao sncrona com RestAPI;3. Exceptions;4. Handler;** ImportanteFazer um curso e publicar na Udemy no simples. Alguns dos meu cursos eu crio o cdigo antes, para saber melhor como explicar na aula. Alguns eu crio na durante a gravao, por ser algum conceito mais simples. Sempre publico todos os cdigos dos cursos, para os alunos poderem acompanhar mais facilmente. Alguns gostam que o cdigo esteja j pronto e outros gostam de cursos que criam o cdigo nas aulas. O meu objetivo sempre explicar da melhor forma possvel, de forma simples, conceitos complexo, preparando antes ou no. ** Tenho mais de 9 cursos na Udemy que fazem parte da minha trilha de cursos, todos focados em microservices. Se precisar, estou disponvel para dvidas e sugestes."
Price: 39.99

"Lash Lift Beginner Course" |
"Introduction of course content and was the expect from the course is as follows:Basic Intro of Lash Lift About lash lift and lash lift product procedures Lash lift steps Maintain Infection controlEye Anatomy Lash growth and LashesConsultationHow to set up the work station Lash lift procedureBasic lash lift steps and over view of the steps in creating a lash lift-This course is only an outline and a basic description of a full eyelash lift course. We highly advise to complete a registered lash lift course with a trainer at a beauty academy."
Price: 199.99

"SAP Fiori-SAPUI5 CRUD App using Web IDE in the cloud (2020)" |
"Embark on a Step-by-Step journey to build Enterprise SAPUI5 applications.Learn how to use MVC Concepts with CRUD OData explained in a realistic simple way using the latest tools.Use SAP Web IDE to rapidly build SAPUI5 applications using live OData Services.Learn How to utilize the Northwind OData Service to Create, Read, Update and Delete using your custom developed SAPUI5 Application.Upon completion of this course you will receive a certification of completion from Udemy."
Price: 600.00

"PMP Concept Practice Tests (Most critical questions)" |
"These tests are to be taken once you complete reading the PMBOK. It will check how comfortable you are with the entire framework. The questions in these tests are not exactly what will be asked in PMP test. But if you pass these tests, it means that the concepts are clear in your mind. If you are clear, you can answer any question in the PMP Test."
Price: 1280.00

"Philosophy of Science: from Observation to Scientific Theory" |
"Are you interested in what is the relation between scientific theories and reality? Are you curious about how scientific reasoning operates or what is the main backbone schema of every scientific inference?These are issues concerning the foundations of science that was mainly a concern of the philosophical stream of Logical Empiricist or Positivists in the 20th century and was the base of the emergence of the philosophy of science in general.The course will analyze the following topics:-The relation of language and reality- The relation between observation and theory formation-The interrelation of causation and induction-The anatomy of Human Reasoning-The analysis of ideas to sensory impressions: simple ideas and complex ideas and how they are formed from observation -The problem of induction- The assessment of the truth or falsity of synthetic propositions -The inductive reasoning-The contribution of philosophy to the foundation of science-The strict empirical stance towards language and its concepts for the formation of theories-The verifiability principle-The criterion of verifiability-How formal methods influenced the Logical PositivistsAlso, the following questions will be explored:- How observation structures our scientific theories?-How causation is related to scientific reasoning-what is the problem of induction and its relation to causal reasoning?-What are analytic propositions?-What are synthetic propositions?- What are synthetic a priori propositions and how they are related to experience and observation?- Why theories must depend on observation?-why analytic propositions are necessarily trueamong othersGenerally, this course will be based on the accumulation of ideas that resulted in the emergence of the philosophical movement of Logical empiricism and their concerns about the foundations of science and its formulation of scientific theoriesWith this course, you will be able to understand the main issues around the philosophy of science today and make you capable of using the main philosophical ideas of the philosophy of science and analytic philosophy to deepen into further analysis and research of the foundations of science for those who are interested. The Concepts of causation and how it is related to scientific inference will be analyzed. the relation between the language and reality will be of main analysis as out of this relation scientific theories are constructed and structured We will observe how British empiricism's ideas were exploited by the Logical Positivists; how the ideas of Immanuel Kant and the developments of the formal methods within the philosophical doctrine of Logicism resulted in the creation of a strict empirical language that has both formal features and empirical ones and used for the analysis of scientific propositions.This course is suitable for undergraduate and masters students of philosophy, scientists who want to explore the philosophical discussions around the issues concerning the foundation of science as well as beginners with a little knowledge of philosophy that want to explore how philosophy can conceptually contribute to the foundation of scientific inference and methodology."
Price: 19.99

"Power BI desktop and DAX complete training in Hindi" |
"The demand for Microsoft Power BI professionals is growing day by day. A lot of people that belong to different professions are now moving to the emerging field of data analytics using power bi desktop & core dax power bi.Data Chunks is offering for those people a complete online Power BI Training in hindi and urdu. This training includes- Data sources & Data import- Data transformation- Power BI features- DAX (Data Analysis Expressions)- Power BI Service- Dashboard design & developmentCourse highlights This course will cover the Power BI complete cycle. We will start with data exploration, data cleaning, data transformation, and data modeling. The core of any analytical dashboard is clean data. Data modeling & transformation is the key step to make data in such a way that it is ready for analysis. Data is like fuel for vehicles to drive. Understanding the data is very important. Once data get prepared and transformed according to requirement, we can visualize it in different ways.FeaturesWe will cover almost all the features available in the Power BI like different visuals, their formatting, Filters pan, query editor, table tools, bookmarks, selections, and sync slicers in detail.DAX (Data Analysis Expression)A big portion of this course is dedicated to learning DAX (Data Analysis Expression). DAX is a formula language to build simple to complex measures to solve a different kind of business problems. This course will discuss Power BI DAX secrets from basics to advance.Power BI Dashboard case studyThe last part of this course is dedicated to building a Power BI Dashboard. We have covered the Covid-19 case study to do data transformation and visualization. It will be a very interesting journey towards learning Power BI & DAX together to build great dashboards to solve a number of business problems.Final words, I am very hopeful that if you learn all these concepts that are discussed in the course, you can transform your career to Data Analysis.It is one of the hottest fields with very high pays. You will have lifetime access to this course, and I will keep updating this course with the new Power BI features.Best of luckAbout meI am your instructor Muhammad Asif Microsoft certified solutions expert in data management & Analytics. I have more than 10 years of experience in Microsoft BI stack with world-leading financial Firm. You will learn what exactly is used in the industry."
Price: 99.99

"9A0-148 Adobe Flash CS5 ACE Certified Practice Exam" |
"86 UNIQUE practice questions for 9A0-148 Adobe Flash CS5 ACE Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 9A0-148 Adobe Flash CS5 ACE Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 86Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (64 of 86)"
Price: 144.99

"Make Your Meetings More Effective!" |
"Meetings are a necessary business tool for exchanging information, solving problems, and reviewing progress. But they must be managed and they must be used effectively. This course will unlock the knowledge you need to understand how to make the most of your meetings, and ensure that your meetings serve your business and staff well."
Price: 24.99

"watercolour monochrome portrait" |
"Hello Artistshow are you ? everything is good ? i wish you the best all time ! :)in this class, i do a watercolor portrait, in monochrome, basically on blue tonality.i will use only 2/3 colours ( +1 with a little bit of gouache white for the final highlights) and try to do a deep dark tridimensionality but even with a smooth shading and blendingi show you here the entire full process.hopefully you will enjoy this painting, and let me know anything you wish i'll do for yousee you soon :)"
Price: 19.99

"Watercolour Painting - Birds" |
"hello Artists !how are you !?everything is good ? I wish you the best all the time ! :)in this class, I'm painting a composition of two birds [swallow], with a dynamic light blue sky background.I want to show here, a painting with a deep color contrast, like ""black"" [payne's gray] yellow-orange and white.also, I want to show the best way to start a painting like this.should I start from main subjects ? or the first step should be the light background ?i hope you will enjoy this class, and as usual, please let me know if you liked it :)see you for the next project !"
Price: 19.99

"Watercolour and airbrush realistic portrait" |
"Hello Artistshow are you ? everything is good ? i wish you the best all time ! :)in this class, i do a watercolour portrait, warm tonality, mixing the airbrush and watercolor technique.realistic portrait done in airbrush, and abstract watercolour background, in wet on wet techniquei will show you in this class the entire process.hopefully you will enjoy this painting, and let me know anything you wish i'll do for yousee you soon :)"
Price: 24.99

"watercolour and fountain pen sketch portrait" |
"Hello Artistsso in this class, as you will see, I created watercolour sketch portrait artwork, from a reference image of a friend and model.You should find a good quality image (it's better if will be in black and white, to see better color tone and value) and then transfer it on a watercolour paper.there is many ways to transfer the image, the best is to sketch freehand, or you can use the grid method, or again use a led pad, or graphite paperwhen you have the basic trace on the watercolour's paper, adjust it with pencil, and fell free to follow your style as a sketch, but don't mark the paper too strong, because if you need to erase, you will still to get the paper signed.at this point, start to ink your sketch, with some waterproof ink.you can follow many different style, like cartoon, manga, fast sketch, crossed shadows, dot work etc.sketch the main lines of the portrait, and then you can start to add watercolour, to find the volumes, and mixing the techniques.make a goos skin tone, mixing yellow, bright red, burnt humber, sepia, dark green and a lot of gouache white. Actually this is important, because is your start point.when you get a good skin tone base, you can decide to make it more warm, or cold, that's completely up to you.start with a quite dark background in wet on wet technique, to get more deep in the final result and make the main subject more visibile and important.use a smooth brush, like a mop can carry a lot of water and also can shade and blendthe art tool you need isgood watercolour paper (I used an arches 300gsm rough 23x31 cm)pencil (I used a mechanical pencil 0,5mm with derwent lab 2B )fountain pen ( feel free to use some micron pen, or classical nib pen)ink 100% waterproofsoft brushes, and if is possible, one dedicated to wet on wet techniquewatercoloursome more advicetake your time, don't rushbetween the steps, make sure everything is complete drymake sure to use 100% waterproof inkfind a good skin tone base tonalitythank you to follow me, and thank you to see my artworkwill see you next class, and please contact me for any question.nero"
Price: 19.99

"Live Auftritt Guide fr Hobby Musiker" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du wie du eine geile Live Performance auf die Bhne bringen kannst. Der Kurs ist fr Anfnger und Fortgeschrittene (Bezogen auf die Bhnenerfahrung). Egal ob dein erster Auftritt bevorsteht oder dein zehnter, hier bekommst du alles an die Hand um deine Auftritte zu optimieren. Der Kurs ist strukturiert aufgebaut und fhrt dich von der Vorbereitung bis hin zum Auftritt durch alle wichtigen Schritte durch."
Price: 19.99

"Yoga & Meditation with Jordana Reim - level 1" |
"This video is from a well known expert Jordana Reim who will share with about following points. Build Healthy, Productive and Happy Teams with our Corporate ProgramsManage Workplace Stress & Anxiety to Increase ProductivityReplace Fatigue and Burnout with an Energy-Boosting Culture, Promoting Clarity and CreativityReduce Absenteeism through Wellness ProgramsDevelop Peak Leaders and Organisational Teams through Workshops and Retreats"
Price: 39.99

"Ethics of Computing : Introduction to IT and Computer Ethics" |
"Learn about Computer Ethics from end-user perspective, professional perspective, organization and business perspective, and socio-technical perspective. Computer Ethics course : Introduction to Computing and ICT Ethics on Udemy is an easy to follow course with scenarios, concepts, lectures, quizzes and articles.We talk about:1. Difference scenarios related to Computing Ethics2. Ethics3. Introduction to Computer Ethics4. Ethics of Computing from end-user / personal perspective5. Computer Ethics from professional perspective6. CE from organizational and business perspective7. CE from socio-technical perspectiveWe explore the topics of privacy, piracy, surveillance for influencing, digital divide, digital inclusion, values in computing technologies and many more.In this course, when we talk about Computer Ethics then we also talk about Computing Ethics, Social Media Ethics, Information Systems Ethics, Data Sciences Ethics, Cyber Ethics, Information Technology Ethics (IT Ethics) and Information and Communication Technology Ethics (ICT ethics). I will add the real life cases and links to other resources.Ethics tells us what is right and what is wrong. It helps us in choosing the right course of Action. As computers and computing systems are becoming integral parts of our personal, professional, organizational and socio-technical lives, one can argue that they have many benefits and they can have a negative impact on us.This course is design for the people who are interested in the field of Ethics and Information Technology. Students who are taking a Computer Ethics course, Cyber Ethics course, Information Technology Ethics course, Data Sciences Ethics course or Ethics and Information and Communication Technology course at the college or university level will find interesting scenarios andWatch the free tutorials of this course before selecting the course. You have the 30 days money back guarantee by Udemy if you dont like it then you can claim back. So, its a win win situation."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Power BI : crez votre 1er rapport en une heure !" |
"Pour recevoir un coupon permettant d'acheter ce cours seulement 9,99 (prix le plus bas possible sur Udemy), envoyez-moi un message dhania.mamodaly@biist.pro""Excellent cours, trs clair, trs didactique et bien pens. On avance progressivement dans l'apprentissage du logiciel, on apprend des fonctionnalits utiles chaque tape ; Trs facile et agrable suivre, une vraie russite !"", (Robin L.)""Pour partir de 0 cette formation est parfaite. C'est trs bien explique et on comprend tout de suite comment s'articule le produit. Le rythme est assez rapide mais c'est la bonne quantit d'information qui est donne. En 1h l'essentiel est dit, et on comprend trs bien les diffrentes parties de Power BI. L'interface utilisateur est extrmement bien prsente, ce qui est essentiel pour ce type de logiciel."" (Fiona L.)""Le cours fait un tour trs complet de Power BI, en enseignant au moyen d'exemples pratiques ses principales caractristiques et possibilits. Je considre que c'est un cours trs recommandable."" (Alejandro A.)""Super explication"" (Khaled B.)Vous avez beaucoup entendu parler de Power BI ? Cet outil qui rvolutionne les entreprises et leurs manires de travailler et surtout qui ouvre de nouvelles perspectives lanalyse de donnes !Vous aimeriez, vous aussi, crer un rapport dynamique dans Power BI, un tableau de bord attrayant et qui reflte parfaitement vos donnes ? Qui les fait parler travers des visuels clairs ? Qui vous fait gagner du temps par rapport Excel ?Vous avez cette curiosit et lenvie dapprendre mais vous navez pas beaucoup de temps devant vous ?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Alors cette formation est faite pour vous !! En effet, en moins de 2 heures d'efforts : Vous apprendrez facilement connecter vos donnes Power BI Desktop les transformer grce la puissance Power Query crer des visualisations impactantes, interactives et avec un beau design Tout a en ralisant deux cas concrets de manire rapide et efficaceA la fin de cette formation vous : Matriserez les bases de Power BI et serez prts crer vous-mme un rapport Power BI (et vous pourrez en tre fiers) Connatrez les outils qui composent Power BI et comment ils se compltent Saurez aussi utiliser quelques fonctionnalits intermdiaires et avances pour toucher du doigt lnorme potentiel de Power BI (mesures en DAX, Intelligence Artificielle, Tooltip personnalis...entre autres)N'hsitez plus, passez l'action et inscrivez-vous ce cours acclre sur Power BI.Note : Tous les participants auront accs aux donnes, au fichier Power BI qui contient le rapport final (format .pbix) et aux mises jour qui seront apportes ce cours (nouvelles vidos, complments de cours, etc.)"
Price: 69.99

"Store and Process Big Data. Excel, MySQL, Spark." |
"This course is intended to be an initiation to learn #BigData and #MachineLearning with #Python programming for absolute beginners that have no background in programming. In this course, we will step by step, using the example of real data, we will go through the main processes related to the topic ""Big data and machine learning"". Since the material turned out to be voluminous, I divided the course into five parts. In this part we will consider the main options for storing big data. In practical lesson we will install the MySQL server on computer and learn how to work and edit MySQL databases. In the fifth lesson we will take one regular exel table and transfer the information from this table to the MySql server. Then we will install the spark in order to work with datasets in a distributed manner.Then, to process the distributed data, we export the data from MySQL into spark. And with the help of Jupiter Notebook, we prepare the data for visualization of this data. In this course, you will be guided through the basics of using:SparkMySQLJupyter Notebook Spark Topics covered in this course: Lecture 2. Big Data Storage. Three ways to store digital data.What is big data?What storage options we have today?Public Cloud and Private Cloud.Distribute you dataLecture 3. MySql. SQL. Introduction. How it works?What is MySQL?How Does MySQL Work?Why is MySQL so Popular?Lecture 4. Installing and Launching MySQL Workbench. How to Get Started with MySQL Workbench.MySQL server setupInitial settingsGetting Started with MySQLLecture 5. Practice. Excel table into MySql. Import Excel data into a MySQL database.Import Excel data into a MySQLCreate a new MySQL table.Most Common Queries.SELECT, DROP, UPDATE query mysqlLecture 6. Spark. Hadoop. Data's Distribution. A Storage System for Big Data.What is Hadoop?Spark vs MySqlSpark. Analytics engine for big data processingLecture 7. Installing and Launching Apache Spark. Download and Get Started.Installing Apache Sparkupdating PATH environmentGetting Started with SparkLaunching Apache SparkLecture 8. Practice. Connecting Python To The Spark. Get Started with PySpark and Jupyter Notebook.Installing Anaconda On WindowsRunning the Jupyter NotebookConnecting Jupyter notebook to SparkLecture 9. Practice. Connecting MySQL with Spark. Export Data from Mysql to Spark. Distributed Computing with Spark.Connecting Jupyter notebook to SparkHow to set up PySpark for your Jupyter NotebookExport Data from Mysql to SparkImporting Spark Dataframes from MySQL on Jupyter notebooksThe course is best-suited for learners who are interested in Big Data and Machine Learning (using Python) or for learners who already have Python programming skills but want to practice with a hands-on, real-world data project can also benefit from this course."
Price: 34.99

daw01learn |
". . . . . :- .- .- . . . . ."
Price: 24.99

"Research Methods for Medical and Health Studies" |
"Research is a journey for information through a determined hunt or examination or experimentation that went for the disclosure and elucidation of new learning (WHO, 2001). It implies disclosure of new data or the use of existing data in a novel manner and the requirement for evidence. It is essential for medical doctors and practitioners to gain basic knowledge on how to conduct the research before starting the project.At the end of the course the participants will be able to: To understand the basics of medical research To understand different types of study design To identify the overall process of designing a research study from its proposal to its report. To be familiar with ethical issues in medical research To define the meaning of a variable, and to be able to identify independent, dependent variables. To know the various types of sampling methods To know how sample size is determined in medical research."
Price: 19.99

"Almanca greniyorum - A1 -" |
"Merhabalar, ben Aslhan Ceylan nam dier Kafdanda ( nedenini kurs ierii videosunda ve sonraki kurslarmda grebileceksiniz ). Bu ve bundan sonraki kurslarmda, renirken elenmeye hazr olabilirsiniz. Kurs bitiminde Almanca A1 seviyesini tamamlam olacaz; yazl kurallar dnda rendiklerimiz bize, ''konuabiliyorum'' dedirtecek. Almanca dilini, yaratc drama ve mzik ile ilikilendirmek mi? Evet, bu kursta renirken glmseyecek, yeri gelecek kendinizi ayna karsnda ya da bir arkadanz ile konuurken bulacaksnz. Bu gne kadar karnza kmayan, farkl teknikler ve materyaller ile ilk seviyemiz olan A1 i; yklediim etkinlikler, verdiim devler ve kurs ierisindeki kk ipular ile tamamlayabileceksiniz. Tek beceri deil, tm becerilerin gelimesini destekleyen retim program ile dili renirken; dinleyecek, konuacak, yazacak ve okuyabileceksiniz. Bu kursun ierisinde dil bilgisi kurallarna boulmayacak, allagelmiin dnda bir renim ortamna sahip olacaksnz. Batan balyoruz; her ayrntda boulmayp yzyoruz, dil renmek ne de kolaym diyoruz. Daha birok srprizi barndran bu kurs iin; Aslhan retmeniniz artk burada..- Kurs ierii ve bilgilendirme : - Bu kurs Almanca dilini sfrdan renmek isteyen; her ya grubuna belirli yerlerde dokunabilecek dzeyde hazrlanmtr.- Almanca dilini biliyor olup da, kendine farkl bak alar ve yenilikler katmak isteyenler iin de uygundur.- Trke dil bilgisine hakim olmanz sizler iin avantaj salayacaktr ve baz konular anlayabilmenizi kolaylatracaktr.- Mfredat ierisinde, derslerin aklama ksmlarnda ise; her dersten sonra edinmi olabileceiniz kazanmlar yer almaktadr.- Allm olan sistem dnda; drama ve bol srpriz barndran bu kursa merhaba diyebilirsiniz."
Price: 19.99

"Proyectos de fontanera en Open BIM con CYPE 2Parte" |
"Este curso, aunque lo puedas ver de forma independiente, es la segunda parte del curso Proyectos tcnicos de fontanera en el flujo de trabajo Open BIM con CYPE. En este curso vemos como realizar el dimensionado de la instalacin de evacuacin de aguas en varios tipos de edificio. Aprenders a trabajar con el programa de clculo CYPEPLUMBING Sanitary Systems. Lo podis encontrar en la plataforma BIMserver.center. La intencin es que lleguis al nivel experto en la utilizacin de esta aplicacin.Se utilizan referencias a normas para explicar los clculos y comprobaciones del programa. Tengo ms de 20 aos de experiencia en elaboracin de proyectos y adems de explicar el programa tambin pongo mi experiencia para explicar soluciones para proyectar con rapidez y con calidad.Todas las semanas publicar nuevos vdeos hasta completar los tres proyectos propuestos para este curso."
Price: 19.99

"Education Cloud Consultant Preparation Kit" |
"Congratulations on taking the next step to prepare for your Salesforce Education Cloud Consultant credential. This preparation kit has the information you need to help you study and prepare for your exam.The Salesforce Education Cloud Consultant exam measures a candidates knowledge and skills related to the following objectives.Education Cloud Applications, Settings, and Configuration: 23%Explain the capabilities and limitations of Education Data Architecture (EDA), including compatibility with other Salesforce products and features.Install and configure EDA.Install and configure Advisor Link.Implementation Strategies: 18%Given a scenario, determine how to facilitate a successful implementation (plan, gather requirements, design, build, test, document, deploy, and optimize).Advise on governance, change management, staffing, and adoption best practices, including community resources for long-term solution success.Given a scenario, identify timing considerations for a successful deployment.Solution Design: 19%Explain the similarities, differences, and relationships between EDA account models and standard Salesforce Account-Contact data models.Given a scenario, design an appropriate and scalable solution for a higher-education customer.Know where to find available open-source solutions.Given a scenario, determine when it is appropriate to use EDA, other Salesforce solutions, open-source solutions, and third-party applications.Domain Expertise: 19%Given a business challenge, determine the Salesforce solutions that satisfy customer requirements for marketing and engagement.Given a business challenge, determine the Salesforce solutions that satisfy customer requirements for recruitment and admissions.Given a business challenge, determine the Salesforce solutions that satisfy customer requirements for student success.Given a business challenge, determine the Salesforce solutions that satisfy customer requirements for advancement and alumni relations.Integration and Data Management: 17%Given a scenario, explain integration considerations for connecting higher-education systems in an Education Cloud implementation.Given a scenario, explain data migration considerations in Education Cloud.Given a scenario, analyze the implications and design considerations of large data volumes.Given a scenario, explain data management considerations in Education Cloud.Analytics: 5%Given a scenario, determine the appropriate reporting solution in Education Cloud.Given a scenario, explain the security and data visibility considerations when designing reports and dashboards to serve different personas."
Price: 49.99
