"WSO Health, Safety & Environment Levels 1, 2 & 3" |
"The health and safety in the workplace are designed to create awareness of key health and safety issues found in the workplace as well as the role you will play in ensuring yours as well as others safety. The program offers the skills and knowledge required to start a career in the field of health and safety."
Price: 34.99

"Herbal Spring Tonics and Natural Spring Cleaning" |
"This course is a Herbal Medicine Course addressing health and wellness during spring time. I will introduce you to several spring plants and show you how to identify them. These plants are all important for cleansing and supporting the body after winter. You will learn how to make simple remedies as well as tasty recipes. The second part of this course is all about spring cleaning your home with natural ingredients. Avoiding commercial cleaning agents reduces the toxic chemical load in your home and in your body."
Price: 19.99

"How to Draw Cartoon Faces" |
"Are you a beginner? This is for you. I go through the step by step method on how to draw a cartoon face. It's one of my shorter and simpler programs. Be able to draw cartoon faces by the end of it.Here is what's in the program:- Supplies for Cuteness- Cartoon Eyes- Cartoon Nose- Cartoon Lip / Ears- Head Shapes / Hair- Demonstration of Process- Final - HomeworkLet's Get Started!"
Price: 19.99

"Teaching Collocations" |
"In this course, you will explore the many ways collocations help English language learners improve their communication competence. We will look at the role collocations play in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The course includes sample lessons as well as ideas to help you integrate collocation awareness activities in your classroom. When you finish this course, you will be equipped with a pool of classroom ideas and teaching strategies to empower your students. "
Price: 24.99

"SAP CAA - Central Finance in SAP S/4HANA C_S4FCF_1909" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode, the Total number of questions will be around 78+.SAP Certified Application Associate - Central Finance in SAP S/4HANA C_S4FCF_1909 Test seriesSAP C_S4FCF_1909 practice testThe 'SAP Certified Application Associate - Central Finance in SAP S/4HANA' certification exam validates that the candidate possesses the fundamental and core knowledge required of the Central Finance profile. This certification proves that the candidate has an overall understanding and indepth technical skills to participate as a member of a project team in a mentored role. This certification exam is recommended as an entry level qualification. It is recommended as verification the consultant is ready to contribute significantly to Central Finance implementation projects. It puts the consultant in a position to be onboarded to an implementation project quickly and to contribute to the project's success right away. This certificate is the ideal starting point for a career as a Central Finance consultant.Topic AreasInitial Load in Central Finance > 12% Real time Replication in Central Finance > 12% System Landscape Transformation Server (SLT) 8% - 12% SAP Master Data Governance 8% - 12% Central Finance Setup and Configuration 8% - 12% Corporate Finance Processes supported by Central Finance 8% - 12% Enhancements in the Controlling Area (CO-PA, WBS) 8% - 12% Run Phase in Central Finance < 8% Central Finance Landscape Architecture < 8% Integration Technology ALE < 8% System Integration Concepts < 8%"
Price: 19.99

"SAP CAA - SAP S/4HANA for Management Accounting Associates" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode, the Total number of questions will be around 62+.SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA for Management Accounting Associates (SAP S/4HANA 1909) C_TS4CO_1909 Test seriesSAP C_TS4CO_1909 practice testThe 'SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA for Management Accounting Associates (SAP S/4HANA 1909)' certification exam verifies that the candidate possesses fundamental knowledge and proven skills in the area of SAP S/4HANA Management Accounting. It tests that the candidate has a good overall understanding within this consultant profile and can implement this knowledge practically in projects under the guidance of an experienced consultant. It is recommended as an entry-level qualification to allow consultants to get acquainted within Management Accounting projects. This certificate is the ideal starting point for a professional career as a Management Accounting consultant on SAP S/4HANA. If experience in SAP implementation projects of Management Accounting are added over years, a professional career can be validated by taking a second exam which focuses on the migration from SAP ERP to SAP S/4HANA: ""SAP Certified Application Professional - Financials in SAP S/4HANA for SAP ERP Financials experts"".Topic Areas Cost Center Accounting > 12% Product Cost Planning > 12% Profitability Analysis > 12% Cost Object Controlling > 12% Internal Orders 8% - 12% Reporting 8% - 12% Organizational Assignments and Process Integration 8% - 12% Profit Center Accounting < 8%"
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Big Data - Specialty" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode, the Total number of questions will be around 90+.AWS Certified Big Data - Specialty (BDS-C00) Test seriesThe AWS Certified Big Data Specialty certification is intended for individuals who perform complex Big Data analyses with at least two years of experience using AWS technology.Abilities Validated by the CertificationImplement core AWS Big Data services according to basic architecture best practicesDesign and maintain Big DataLeverage tools to automate data analysis"
Price: 19.99

"SAP CAA - SAP S/4HANA Cloud - Procurement Implementation" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode, the Total number of questions will be around 85+.SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA Cloud - Procurement Implementation Test seriesSAP C_S4CPR_2005 practice testThe ""SAP Certified Application Associate SAP S/4HANA Cloud - Procurement Implementation"" certification exam for essentials edition validates that the candidate possesses SAP Activate onboarding fundamentals and core knowledge in the Procurement line of business area required of the consultant profile. This certification proves that the candidate has an overall understanding and indepth technical skills to participate as a member of an SAP S/4HANA Cloud, essentials edition implementation project team with a focus on Procurement in a mentored role.Topic AreasScope Item Level Implementation and Configuration for Procurement > 12% Configuration and Integration 8% - 12% Integrations with Ariba 8% - 12% SAP Activate Methodology, Lifecycle Management and Best Practices < 8% Fit-to-Standard Workshop < 8% SAP S/4HANA Cloud - Procurement Overview < 8% Organizational Units and System Data < 8% Business Process Testing < 8% Real-Time Reporting and Monitoring < 8% Data Migration and Master Data Management < 8%"
Price: 19.99

"SAP SuccessFactors Performance and Goal Management Q4/2019" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode, the Total number of questions will be around 115+.SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP SuccessFactors Performance and Goal Management Q4/2019 C_THR82_1911 Test seriesSAP C_THR82_1911 practice testThe ""SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP SuccessFactors Performance and Goal Management Q4/2019"" certification exam verifies that the candidate possesses the basic knowledge in the area of the SAP SuccessFactors Performance and Goal Management application. This certificate proves that the candidate has a basic and overall understanding within this consultant profile of the industry solution, and can implement this knowledge practically in projects under guidance of an experienced consultant.Topic AreasGoal Plans > 12%Form Templates > 12%Continuous Performance Management 8% - 12%Configuration of Performance Management 8% - 12%Calibration 8% - 12%Performance Rating & Permissions 8% - 12%Competencies 8% - 12%Route Maps < 8%360 Multi-Rater < 8%Translation < 8%"
Price: 19.99

"Advantages of being a post-netocrat:1. You can be successful in online and real life areas;2. You can use authority created on the Internet in the real world as well;3. You have more freedom and choices in problem solving.I am encouraging you to become a post-netocrat. Try to act like a post-netocrat for three or four months. Just try the following 100 steps and wear this identity. Maybe you will like it. Maybe this is what you need."
Price: 29.99

"T Meditando para Ansiosos - CURSO DE MEDITAO" |
"De acordo com a OMS (Organizao Mundial da Sade) o Brasil o pas que possui mais ansiosos no mundo, so 18,6 milhes de brasileiros que convivem com os sintomas. Eu entro nessa estatstica. Fui diagnosticada em 2016 com transtorno de ansiedade, mas desde os meus 13 anos lembro de ter os sintomas das crises. Desde ento, venho encontrando no yoga uma ferramenta de autoconhecimento e autorregulao corporal que me mantm em equilbrio. As tcnicas de respirao, as posturas, as meditaes e essa nova forma de cuidar do corpo me encantaram.Quando acabei minha graduao em Cincias Biolgicas, fiz o meu primeiro curso de formao em yoga para poder entender mais, buscando aprender a lidar com o meu transtorno. Antes de acabar j estava dando aulas para compartilhar tudo o que eu estava aprendendo. Hoje, sou formada em Yoga Integral, Yoga Restaurativa e Yoga para crianas e estou fazendo outro curso de formao reconhecido pela Yoga Alliance. Tambm estou cursando minha segunda graduao, em Nutrio na UFRJ. E cada vez mais, busco entender como o yoga ajuda a ansiedade, com uma viso mais holstica, integrando cincia e conhecimento milenar. E foi justamente isso que busquei trazer nesse curso. Alm de selecionar meditaes que trazem relaxamento e tranquilidade, trouxe meditaes com comprovao cientfica contra transtorno de ansiedade, depresso e bipolaridade. Tambm integrei o conhecimento ocidental, da cincia, com tradies orientais, trazendo tcnicas meditativas de diversas culturas. Espero que esse curso seja revelador e de grande ajuda para o seu processo na busca por harmonia e leveza. Que voc consiga olhar pra sua mente de outra forma e que descubra todo o potencial que ela apresenta ! Nos vemos na prxima aula ! Bruna Bali."
Price: 69.99

"Sanando Mi Nio Interno" |
"Hola, mi nombre es Karlin RomeroSoy Especialista en:Medicina Tradicional ChinaMaestra ReikiMagnetoterapeutaMasoterapeuta Nuestro nio interno, nos ayudara a recrear vivencias, situaciones que han marcado nuestra vida y que deseamos sanar, nos ayudara a olvidarnos del rencor, de los abusos, los maltratos, de todo aquello que nos doli y que de cierto modo nos duele y no nos deja continuar. Esta dedicado a todas aquellas personas que incluso no se quieren a si mismas y que requieren hacerlo para poder dar cario a quienes le rodean, seres que viven en la amargura, en el odio y el resentimiento.Es imprescindible mutar toda esa energa negativa por una armoniosa, que te permita sentirte feliz, tranquilo y de esta manera desenvolverte mejor en tus actividades.No olvidemos que llegamos a este plano terrestre para cumplir una misin que les haga sentirse plenos."
Price: 19.99

"Linux Hacking Tools - Etik Hacker ve Siber Gvenlik Eitimi" |
"Linux Hacking Tools - Etik Hacker ve Siber Gvenlik Eitimi her birey iin uygundur. Eitim balang ksmnda sizlere linux komutlar ve bu komutlarn anlamlar aktarlmaktadr. Bu eitim ierii tamamen uygulamal olarak anlatlmaktadr. Kullanlan her hacking program sizlere grevleri, ilevleri ve parametreleri ile rnekler ile gsterilmektedir. Eitim ieriinde ki hacking toollar szma testlerinde en sk kullanlan toollardr. Toollar renirken ayn zamanda arka planda nasl altklarn da wireshark ile analiz ederek renebileceksiniz. Eitim ieriindeki toollarn hepsi hacking ilemlerinde kullanlan programlardr."
Price: 409.99

"Vers la certification Professional Scrum Developer (PSD)" |
"Mise en pratiques des questions d''examen de la certification professionnelle Scrum Developer, questions pratiques Scrum PSD pour la certification en ligne PSD 1 questions courantes + quelques conseils pour russir la certification Scrum Developer en ligne de la Scrum org. Comment ce cours peut-il vous aider vous prparer et russir l'examen Scrum Developer 1 ? Tlchargez le Scrum guide (gratuit sur le site scrum org) et lisez-le trs attentivement. La cl du succs est de bien comprendre les rponses du guide Scrum. Il ne s'agit pas de tout mmoriser.Cette formation contient plus de 200 questions avec leurs corrections dtailles (4 quiz x 80 questions chacun) que vous pouvez apprendre en mme temps. Toutes les questions adhrent la dernire version du Scrum Guide (novembre 2017) et seront continuellement affines en fonction des commentaires et des questions des utilisateurs. Vous pouvez rencontrer toutes ces questions lors d'un vritable examen de certification. Les questions sont en anglais (unique langue disponible pour la certification PSD 1 )"
Price: 19.99

"Vers les certifications Scrum master, PO & Scrum developer" |
"Mise en pratiques des questions d''examen de la certification professionnelle Scrum Master & Scrum Product Owner & Professional Scrum Developer, questions pratiques Scrum PSM et PSPO 1 et PSD 1 pour les certifications en ligne PSM 1 & PSPO 1 & PSD 1 questions courantes + quelques conseils pour russir la certification Scrum Master Product Owner et Scrum Developeren ligne de la Scrum org. Comment ce cours peut-il vous aider vous prparer et russir les examens Scrum Master 1 et Scrum Product Owner 1 et Scrum Developer 1? Tlchargez le Scrum guide (gratuit sur le site scrum org) et lisez-le trs attentivement. La cl du succs est de bien comprendre les rponses du guide Scrum. Il ne s'agit pas de tout mmoriser.Cette formation contient plus de 350 questions avec leurs corrections dtailles (2 quiz x 80 questions pour PSM 1 et 2 quiz x 80 questions pour PSPO 1 et 2 quiz x 80 questions pour PSD1) que vous pouvez apprendre en mme temps. Toutes les questions adhrent la dernire version du Scrum Guide (novembre 2017) et seront continuellement affines en fonction des commentaires et des questions des utilisateurs. Vous pouvez rencontrer toutes ces questions lors d'un vritable examen de certification. Les questions sont en anglais (unique langue disponible pour la certification PSM 1 et PSPO 1 et PSD 1)"
Price: 19.99

"Programacin con el Lenguaje Estadstico R. De 0 a Experto." |
"Machine Learning con Python. Aprendizaje Automtico AvanzadoProgramacin con el lenguaje estadstico R. De 0 a experto.Instructor: Dr. Manuel Castillo-CaraDescripcin del Curso:Hoy en da, la programacin computacional es esencial para el trabajo de los profesionales en Ciencia de Datos. La mayor parte de plataformas comerciales brindan una gama muy reducida de anlisis posibles. R es la plataforma libre por excelencia, preferida por la comunidad analtica global. Ofrece una variedad muy amplia de mtodos disponibles en Paquetes y la posibilidad de programar nuestras propias funciones y adaptar las existentes. Adems,cada da la comunidad analtica pone a disposicin nuevas funciones para ser utilizadas libre y gratuitamente. Es por ello que resulta muy beneficiosa la especializacin en esta plataforma.En este sentido, R se est convirtiendo rpidamente en el lenguaje de programacin lder en estadstica y ciencia de datos. Cada ao, el nmero de usuarios R crece en un 40% y cada vez ms organizaciones lo utilizan en sus actividades cotidianas. En esta introduccin a R, dominar los conceptos bsicos de este lenguaje de programacin de cdigo abierto, incluidos factores, listas y dataframes. Con el conocimiento adquirido en este curso, estar listo para realizar su primer anlisis de datos.El curso es de carcter terico-prctico, tiene como propsito proporcionar a los estudiantes la comprensin y aplicacin de los fundamentos y principios del desarrollo de software en el entorno Rstudio usando para ello el lenguaje de programacin R y como rea de aplicacin los conceptos sobre estadstica descriptiva. Este curso comprende los contenidos: Conceptos bsicos en R.VectoresMatricesDataframesGrficas en datos contnuosFrecuenciasGrficas en datos cualitativosMedidas estadsticasRepresentaciones grficas sobre medidas estadsticasRepresentaciones grficas avanzadasCaractersticas del Curso:Recuerda que esta formacin incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este curso es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 39.99

"Como atrair clientes para seu estabelecimento atravs do MKT" |
"Vamos introduzir com um nivelamento sobre os principais conceitos necessrios para voc dominar a ferramenta de criao de anncios do facebook/instagram;Vamos ensinar como configurar seu estabelecimento nas redes sociais e o que deve ser publicado em suas redes sociais de forma profissional;Vamos ensinar como configurar e como usar a ferramenta de gerao de campanhas de marketing do facebook/instagramVamos apresentar a estrutura de uma campanha de marketing e sua estratgia matadora para atrair clientes para seu estabelecimento;Vamos criar juntos as campanhas de marketing direcionadas para o publico:que NO te conhece;que j se envolveu contigo e ainda no se tornou seu cliente e,o pblico que j seu cliente."
Price: 324.99

"Complete Instagram Growth Marketing Masterclass + 28 Presets" |
"Join over 100K Students worldwide and learn in this course how to build REAL REACH and REAL FOLLOWERS on Instagram, convert your followers to paying customers and develop the right strategy for your business that ensures your success in the long term and brings you sales! In this course you will get: The right strategy that fits your business, regardless of whether you offer a service, want to become an influencer or sell a physical product to increase your sales! The detailed instructions on how to set up your Instagram account (from very beginning to advanced know-how how to grow your Instagram account and to make money), crack the INSTAGRAM ALGORITHM and let it work for your account, and in particular what you should focus on in order to remain successful in the long term and make your activities time-saving.The complete knowledge with all experiences, tricks and know-how how to set up a successful Instagram account (with these strategies my account has grown over 90k annually). In the course, you will receive our most popular 28 LIGHTROOM PRESETS as a Bonus and learn how you can quickly edit pictures with a few clicks. Furthermore, we will show you the exact content and growth strategies for your business - industry-specific content strategies for:Entrepreneur, coaches, consulting, lawyers, tax consultants Influencers, bloggers, personalities, artists, musicians, bands Sports industry - athletes, personal trainers, sales of sports products Beauty industry - hair & make up, cosmetics, sale of beauty products Consumer goods, food, food bloggers Fashion industry, consumer goods, online shops Technical branch - tech products, car industry Financial Services IndustryThis course is for everyone who finally wants to build real followers on Instagram with help of Instagram algorithm, want to make money with Instagram and who wants to use Instagram as an advertising platform for themselves and their products."
Price: 19.99

"How to Use Remote Sensing Techniques in ArcGIS(Step by Step)" |
"In this course, you will learn How to Use Remote Sensing Techniques in ArcGIS(Step by Step) is supported by the applications and presented to participiants. You will have valuable chance to learn main techniques for remote sensing. We will create our own study area then we will start to use remote sensing techniquesYou are not expected to learn about Advanced Remote Sensing Concepts by purchasing this course. Having basic level knowledge of using ArcGIS program will be able to help you understand the course more effectively. Therefore, you can reach the basic level information by starting with my another course, ArcGIS Desktop Education Course: (Arcmap-Arccatalog-Arcmap 3d-Arcscene (Basic Level Training). You could refresh your skills ;) After 3 hours training,totally 12 lectures. Enrolling this course,you will be able to learn these techniques: How to download Landsat Satellite Images according to specified criteria,How to clip the working area we determined on the downloaded Landsat 8 Satellite Image with different methods (Clip)How to produce Composite Satellite Image using bands of Landsat 8 satellite image,Examination of different band combinations of Lansat 8 satellite image,How to make supervised classification by using composite image.How to calculate the detail class areas of supervised classification Satelite ImageWhy and how to make unsupervised classificationHow take vector datasets from the raster dataHow to make accuracy analysis for supervised classification. How to make vegetation density using NVDI analysis,How to analyze the temporal change by analyzing Landsat5 images of different times of a region where Flood Disaster is experienced,How to improve the spatial resolution of the Landsat 7 ETM + image with a spatial resolution of 30 * 30 m by using the pansharpened method,Image Proccesing,Analysis of the Image Analysis toolAnd many of the tips....International Udemy Certificate *English subtitles are ready for non english speakers! Its the best way to understand tutorials if you are non english speakers. Everyone is welcome in this world ;) In this course, you will learn the Basic Remote Sensing Techniques and how to perform these methods for our applications. All Methods are pretty easy to understand and practical with applications. This course will be able to help your GIS projects. This course will be good start for who interests with Remote Sensing Applications. Thank you"
Price: 19.99

"INSTAGRAM Makeup Course 2020 - 10 Creative Makeup Looks!" |
"In This Course I Will Show You How You Can Achieve The Latest Instagram Makeup Trends Of 2020 And 2021! From The Fox Eye, Cut Crease, Euphoria Trend To 60s Ultra Glam, Editorial And The Perfect Wing Liner. I Want To Push Your Creative Talent And Show You The Best Techniques And Methods To Create Eye Catching Looks! This Course Is Perfect For Any Makeup Experimentalists Or MUA's. Great For A Portfolio, Photoshoots, Clients And Of Course... INSTAGRAM! I Want To Be Your Mentor For Life And Support You Through Your Makeup Journey."
Price: 34.99

"Anger & Stress Management Skills" |
"This course is designed for you to effective and properly combat stress and anger. These proven techniques and this lecture combined with worksheets is using clinically proven methods and techniques for dealing with stress and anger. You will walk away from this course with mental health training to combat these stresses of modern living.Course Structure:1. Intro2. Anger Management Skills3. Stress Management4. Coping Skills5. Take a Break Cards6. Cycle of Anger7. Change My Mood/Change My Thinking8. Congrats - End of Course"
Price: 19.99

"A Afetividade e a Aprendizagem" |
"Esse curso sobre a importncia da Afetividade para Aprendizagem e o papel das questes emocionais e cognitivas como indissociveis para que haja uma aprendizagem significativa. Aborda os conceitos relacionados a definio da Afetividade e pesquisas relacionadas a esse tema. H a abordagem sobre o papel do professor como educador bem como o papel fundamental que a famlia tem na vida de cada indivduo para sua formao global bem como a necessidade da haver um trabalho em conjunto entre famlia e escola."
Price: 19.99

"Controles operacionais logsticos" |
"O curso controles operacionais logsticos foi desenvolvido com uma metodologia 100% voltada para a prtica de exerccios e desafios, que auxiliam na resoluo de problemas de mdia e alta complexidade na rotina dos profissionais e de quem deseja atuar nesta rea. Utilizando-se de modelos e anlises para situaes reais vivenciadas no mercado e no ambiente corporativo."
Price: 34.99

"(70-764) Administrao da Infraestrutura do SQL Server 2019" |
"Este curso apresenta os fundamentos para administrao de bancos de dados no Microsoft SQL Server 2019. Nele, sero abordados os principais tpicos do Exame 70-764 Administrao de uma Infraestrutura de banco de dados SQL da Microsoft, que um dos requisitos para a certificao MCSA SQL Server Database Administration.Aps o curso, o aluno estar apto a:Instalar e configurar o SQL Server 2019;Gerenciar bancos de dados e arquivos;Realizar backups e restores;Implementar a gesto de segurana de instncias;Trabalhar com transferncia de dados;Configurar a automao de tarefas administrativas;Implementar uma replicao;Configurar ambientes de alta disponibilidade;Monitorar o SQL Server;Resolver de problemas de conexo e erros genricos;Efetuar performance tuning;Como pr-requisitos, espera-se que o aluno tenha conhecimentos em lgica de programao e tenha conhecimentos bsicos sobre bancos de dados relacionais."
Price: 99.99

"Learn Photoshop for Photographers" |
"This course aims to teach you all the tools Photoshop has for photographers. Photoshop is a big program and has tools for photographers, designers, 2d artists, concept artists and so on. There are a series of tools that can be used to enhance your imagesHere are the topics covered in the course:- Configuring the Workspace in Photoshop- Layers- Layer Styles- Aligning Layers and Snaping Mode- Blending Modes- Masking- Move Tool and Selections- Crop Tool- Brush Tool and Gradient Tool- Clone Tool - Spot Healing Brush Tool - Erase Tool- Dodge and Burn Tools- Text Tool- Adjustment Layers - Brightness and Contrast and Curves- Adjustment Layers - Gradient and Solid Color- Adjustment Layers - Vibrance - Hue and Saturation - Black and White- Adjustment Layers - Color Balance - Photo Filter - Color Lookup - Gradient Map- Filters - Blur - Sharpening - Lens Flare and Liquify- Smart Objects- Actions- Free Transform - Distort - Perspective Warp- Panoramas- Camera RAW Plugin- Exercise 1- Exercise 2- Exercise 3- Exercise 4- Exercise 5"
Price: 119.99

"Salesforce Platform App Builder Practical Exam Test 100%PASS" |
"The best Salesforce Platform App Builder Certification Practical Tests and that is all I want to say. By doing all these practice tests, you are not only learning day to day Salesforce app builder works, but you also access to the valuable exam like practicals which is going to help you a lot with your exam. And it has awesome explanation and tips from the Salesforce documentation"
Price: 19.99

"PEGACSA-V6-2 Certified System Architect Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) PrP component that defines and implements an interface between an external program function as a client process and system Commander, which acts as a server called ______________________? (Choose one)multiple-choicea) connectorb) activityc) serviced) missione) NoneQ) Which of the following tools are typically used for performance evaluation in the process of developing applications PrP? (Choose three)multi-selecta) preflightb) BUDDYc) rules inspectord) My alertse) tenderloinQ) Rules on service level include the following intervals? (Choose two)a) milestoneb) demandc) purposed) DeadlineQ) What type of connector can be used to connect an assignment to a different form? (Choose one)a) Feed action, b) Is alwaysc) whend) Statuse) None"
Price: 174.99

"SAP C_TERP10_65 Associate Business Foundation Integrate Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The main functions in SAP, represented by (select the correct answer):a) SAP XIb) SAP EPc) SAP Web ASd) SAP BIe) NoneQ) Which of the following are available in LIS? (Select all that apply)a) SISb) PURCHISc) TISd) PMISe) INVCOQ) Process maps can be transferred to the APO, how to (select the correct answer)a) PPD-xb) Bournec) ZPd) PPMe) NoneQ) A document management system allows the integration of external files, which of the following? (Choose the correct answer)a) MDMb) SAP XIc) interface PLMd) Web ASe) CAx"
Price: 179.99

"ITIL 4 Foundation Practice Certification Exams (6 Exams)" |
"This practice exam course is designed around the official exam guide for ITIL 4 Foundation from Axelos, weighting the 12 Knowledge Areas properly, so you can pass the actual ITIL 4 Foundation Certification Exam with confidence!You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to pass the exam, saving you time and money. After practicing these tests and scoring an 80% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS your certification on the first attempt and avoid costly re-scheduling fees.After each practice exam attempt, you will receive your total final score, along with feedback on each and every question -- telling you exactly why each answer is correct so that you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and perform some additional studying.These ITIL 4 Foundation Practice Exams have the timed test-taking capability and provides you with interactive, question-level feedback.These practice exams are constantly updated to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the ITIL 4 Foundation exams, and also provides you with a 30-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked! How ITIL rehearses portrayed in ITIL 4 will keep up the worth and significance gave by the current ITIL forms, while simultaneously extend to be incorporated into various regions of administration the executives and IT, from interest to esteem. I have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test. After passing these exams, you will be fully prepared for what it is like to take the ITIL 4 Foundation Certification Exam."
Price: 99.99

"College/ Academy Prep 101" |
"This course will prepare students for college and the police academy. In this course, students will learn about what is expected of them for both college and the police academy. Mental preparation, gathering resources, and following the tips presented in this video will help the students be successful in college or at the police academy."
Price: 19.99

"Discover and Succeed with Your Authentic Self" |
"What You Can Expect To LearnThis is the sixth course (there are totally 7) from the ""6 Keys to ULTIMATE Confidence, Body, and Self-Esteem"" program, which will be a blueprint to boosting:Spiritual Confidence-discover and succeed with Your Authentic Self / Soul / Spirit, so that you will influence others, have leadership stance and executive presence, you will be rising to the top, gaining energy and motivation to take successful actions."
Price: 199.99
