"Master Your Emotions and Their Management" |
"What You Can Expect To LearnThis is the seventh course (there are totally 7) from the ""6 Keys to ULTIMATE Confidence, Body, and Self-Esteem"" program, which will be a blueprint to boosting:Emotional Confidence-learn how to master your emotions, and successfully manage your emotions, so that you will master your negative emotions, and manage anger and fear successfully; become more in control, and enjoy peaceful confidence within you, but also become successful in managing emotions within your relationships, too."
Price: 199.99

"Geometria Descritiva" |
"Este curso consiste na explicao de exerccios de geometria descritiva atravs da resoluo de exerccios de incio ao fim. A cada aula corresponde um exerccio resolvido.Resolvemos exerccios selecionados de forma a cobrir todos os contedos dos mdulos, para que aps a resoluo de todos os exerccios os alunos fiquem capazes de resolver qualquer exerccio desta matria.Este curso composto por 3 Mdulos que abrangem todos os contedos de Interseo entre planos do 10 ano/ Ano 1 da Disciplina de Geometria Descritiva do Ensino Secundrio.O Mdulo 1 refere-se interseo entre dois planos projetantes;O Mdulo 2 apresenta a interseo de um plano projetante com um plano no projetante;O Mdulo 3 abrange a interseo entre dois planos no projetantes e a interseo de um plano com os planos bissetores."
Price: 39.99

"CompTIA JK0-019 E2C Network Media & Typologies Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following is most likely cause of intermittent connectivity issues with a CAT5 network cable?a) Cable was loop too many times.b) Cable has a twist tie attached too close to the connector.c) The cable is too hot.d) Cable runs too close to a fluorescent light.Q) Which of the following is an example of a means of CSMA / CD?a) WEPb) SONETc) Token ringd) EthernetQ) Etherneta) Ethernetb) Non-plenum CAT5ec) CAT5 plenumd) plenum CAT5eQ) Which of the following components of wiring distribution is referred to as the basic communication closet for an organization?a) MDFb) smart jackc) IDFd) demarc extensionQ) Users notice a problem with their network connectivity when the auxiliary lamps are on. Which of the following would be the cause of this problem?a) DDOSb) cross talkc) open shortd) EMI"
Price: 159.99

globalplayer2-4 |
"TOEICUdemy305Mindset305Non-JapaneseDual Perspective44110111213"
Price: 15600.00

"Dijital Kavramlar, Dnme Becerileri ve renme Trleri" |
"Bu kurs 3 farkl blmeden olumaktadr. Btn kurs materyalleri, renmeyi keyifli, ekici ve anlalr klmak adna ileri dzey grselletirme ve animasyon teknikleri ile hazrlanmtr. Blmlerde u konular yer almaktadr:1. blmde, gnmzde kullanlan ve gelecekte hayatmzda daha ok yer alacak teknolojileri hakknda bilgiler anlatlmaktadr.2. blmde dnce trleri hakknda bilgiler yer almaktadr.3. blmde ise, renme trleri hakknda bilgiler yer almaktadr.Bu eitim programndaki bilgiler, okul, i ve gnlk hayatta hem entellektel bilgileriniz artrmaya katk salayacak, hem de i yap ekillerinize katk salayacaktr."
Price: 29.99

"Okta - From Zero to Hero" |
"Hi! I am an Okta Certified Consultant and I have carefully designed this course for you to get to know the aspects of Okta in a simple and pleasant manner.Course is intended for anyone out there working with Okta or simply interested in this field. You frankly don't need much previous information to get started and learn what I am presenting here.For you to understand who am I and how I teach - I put two lessons free to preview. Lecture titled ""Who am I"" - section 1 and lecture ""Org2Org"" - section 8.Also, I have a truly 'human' approach and you'll see that I'll face errors as well in this course, but I am finding a solution to overcome them successfully, on the spot. I hope that this course will inspire you more into staying calm and collected when facing technical issues. With some basic best-practices you will get them resolved. This Okta Guide is intended to mimic reality and my aim is to show you that anyone can make mistakes, but also that anyone can overcome them; this is not a course where everything works for me, but not for you. No, I give you this pleasant pragmatic approach on the situation. Hop on this ride with me and let me present this to you.Interested in certifications?Okta Certified Professional - You can get this one if you follow each aspect of this course and attribute all the info to yourself.Okta Certified Administrator - You can take this one by doing the aforementioned, but also not skipping, but studying each document / KB article I attached this courseOkta Certified Consultant - This is achievable, but it's up to you paying close attention to logic and details - also, I recommend you to study the Okta OIDC articles on their Support page, Inbound SAML (Org2Org would be fine as well here) and know OktaEL (Okta Expression Language) by heart to get this one. If you already have the Admin Certificate, I can guarantee you will still find a lot of new info throughout this course!You'll get to see:More than 10 hours of hands-on training;~90 different links to Okta docs and not only and files I attached that will furthermore detail my presentations;Step-by-step practice exercises;Some lengthy lectures (to treat almost every aspect of a specific situation), yes, but full of explanations to set you on the right track.You will:Learn the features in the Okta Admin Panel and in End-User's one;Create your own Users;Add your own Applications and learn how to assign them in various ways;Study Okta Groups, App-Groups and Okta Group Rules;Create and understand the Policies (Sign On, MFA, Password Policies);Develop a strong knowledge about Attribute Mappings, Single Sign-On and Provisioning configurationsRun Okta APIs - learn about Software like Postman;Work with SysLog and understand its concepts;Integrate Org2Org implementations;Understand IWA;Even get to work with Python and Okta APIs through it;Understand how to troubleshoot Okta and get my recommendations and best practices;Have a recap about Networking as a bonus lecture."
Price: 24.99

"Key Account Management - KAM" |
"This ground breaking course is meant to lay down the basics of Key Account Management (KAM) for entry level, mid level sales professionals. It will help sales associates who wish to move to a bigger league, get added responsibilities and be well paid. learn how to deploy key account strategies via Strategic Account Plans (SAPs)learn the concept of account mapping.learn how to conduct Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs)learn the concept and use of Sales Intensity Plans (SIPs)learn how to formulate annual sales plans - strategieslearn about RFPs & how to manage them"
Price: 12800.00

"BASIC TO ADVANCED: Scrummaging Techniques" |
"BASIC TO ADVANCED SCRUM TECHNIQUES - Welcome to this Udemy course, created to complement my other coaching course, COACHING THE SCRUM IN RUGBY UNION: THE WHAT, WHEN & HOW. After many questions and quality feedback, this course was designed to provide the technical detail coaches should be looking for throughout the rugby union scrum. Use these techniques as a guide to create your own scrum style and give your players increased levels of detail and technical feedback. Join a host of students from the COACHING THE SCRUM IN RUGBY UNION course who have already used the strategies to influence their coaching philosophy.Take a look at the some of the 5 feedback from coaches on my other courses!InstructorSteven Neville is the instructor. He is a professional scrum coach applying his trade in the English Championship.The Full Course The course is separated into four main sections or modules. THE CROUCH, THE BIND, THE HIT & THE PUSH. Each module breaks down the relevant techniques associated with each phase of the scrum. All lectures give clear audio and visual examples, including annotated freeze frames, videos from professional scrum training and professional competition. The course also gives examples of the type of exercises that could be used to best coach the relevant techniques. Some of the sections within the course include: 1. Setup & Crouch 2. Loosehead & Tighthead Binding 3. Hit & Chase 4. Extending & Calling 5. Hooker Strike & ChannelAll of the techniques described are applicable for coaches of all levels. The techniques covered include the very basics of scrum training relevant not only to beginners but those playing at a higher level. If you have any questions or want to ask about any of the content presented on the courses, please send me a message at any time. Don't forget to also follow my Twitter and connect on Linkedin for further content & information."
Price: 19.99

"Sfrdan Uygulamal ROS Eitimi" |
"Sfrdan Uygulamal ROS Eitimi, hem teorik hem de uygulamal olarak tasarlanmtr.Kurs erii blmnde blm balklar ve video balklar detayl, anlalr biimde yazlmtr. Bu sayede kursun size hitap edip etmediini kolayca anlayabilirsiniz.Kurs; mmkn olduunca ezberden uzak, mantn kavratma anlayyla birok kaynaktan faydanlarak hazrlanmtr.Kurs boyunca, mfredatmz dahilinde yer alan konulardaki sorularnz en ge 24 saat ierisinde yantlanacaktr.En dk fiyatla kursa sahip olabilmeniz iin, indirim kuponlar oluturulacaktr. Bu kuponlara sahip olabilmeniz iin eitmen profilimde yer alan Youtube, Linkedin, blog sitesi gibi mecralara urayabilir veya mail atabilirsiniz.Kursun yaynlanma tarihi: 22.05.2020"
Price: 399.99

"Fibre Reinforced Concrete (FRC)" |
"Cracking of concrete is inevitable and at the same time civil and structural engineers are spending much time and efforts to control this phenomenon. One of the best solutions, nowadays, is the use of Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC).In this course you are going to learn about Fibre / Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC) incorporating both metallic and non-metallic fibres. By the end of the course you are expected to:Know different types of fibers and their propertiesConducting flexural analyse of FRC elementsBecome a designer and being able to design structural members made of FRCUnderstand durability and sustainability of structures incorporating fibresCourse teaching will be based on explaining the theoretical part and then illustrating numerical or practical examples. To enhance and secure a better understanding, some practical images from civil engineering field will be shown and students will get a copy of Excel analysis spreadsheets. In addition to the online quizzes, students will get some exercises to solve on their own time. Join the course and gain the cognition and knowledge to become a structural designer and analyser of FRC elements."
Price: 49.99

"The Ultimate Pandas Bootcamp: Advanced Python Data Analysis" |
"Welcome to the best resource online for learning and mastering data analysis with pandas and python.Over 31 hours, 10+ datasets, and 50+ skill challenges, you will gain hands-on mastery of, not only pandas 1.0.x, but also tens of computer science, statistics, and programming concepts.We will break down, understand, and practice hundreds of methods, attributes, and techniques in pandas and python that will fundamentally change the way you work with data.In The Ultimate Pandas Bootcamp (2020) you wont be working with outdated versions of pandas, writing repetitive commands on the same boring dataset. Instead, youll learn pandorable and pythonic solutions to interesting, real-world data problems, while working with many diverse datasets that range from wine servings, video game sales, and SAT scores to stock prices, college salaries and more!Data analysis is an applied science, which is why in each section, youll stop and practice what you learn in dedicated skill challenges, followed by detailed solutions where we often consider and compare alternative solutions.Data analysis is one of the most in-demand skill across all industries and an increasing number of roles. And python is increasingly the language of choice.Pandas is the wonderful open-source library that is the embodiment of those trends: based on the python programming language, pandas is the de facto data analysis library in the python data science community. Structure & Curriculum Over more than 31 hours, we'll cover everything that pandas has to offer, from manipulating series and dataframes, to merging datasets, handling time series, aggregations, filtering, sorting and much more!The first four sections of the bootcamp constitute the core curriculum. You'll get acquainted with series and dataframes and develop an in-depth understanding of pandas data structures. Series at a Glance Series Methods and Handling Introducing DataFrames DataFrames More In DepthIn the next eight sections, you will dive into more advanced topics and take your pandas skills to another level, learning how to work with multiple datasets, manipulate time series, visualize data, write custom functions to transform data and much more. Working With Multiple DataFrames Going MultiDimensional GroupBy And Aggregates Reshaping With Pivots Working With Dates And Time Regular Expressions And Text Manipulation Visualizing Data Data Formats And I/OPandas and python go hand-in-hand which is why this bootcamp also includes a full-length introduction to the python programming language, to get you up and running writing pythonic code in no time.This is the ultimate course on one of the most-valuable skills today. I hope you commit to mastering data analysis with pandas. See you inside!"
Price: 19.99

"Docker Certified Associate 2020 - Practice Exams - NEW!!" |
"FULLY UPDATED to the new DCA - Docker Certified Associate exam version!All questions were specially prepared taking care about how each topic is required in the exam. All topics are covered in these four (4) Practice Exams.All questions has an explanation making reference to Docker Oficial Documentation, the book ""Docker Deep Dive""(Nigel Poulton) and Technical articles. Final results of the Practice Exams will show your performance by subject areas according to Oficial DCA Study Guide.I got my DCA Certification recently, and I mean that if You get 85% on each practice exam , You are Ready to get your DCA certification!!Of course, You have to study each topic and practice in available Labs on Internet such as Katacoda or Play with Docker. But, pay attention!! Only candidates that is practicing to answer practice questions it will be prepared to get certified.A Must read book is ""Docker Deep dive"" (Nigel Poulton). Independently if you will apply to the exam or not, read this book.Read this book, practice on Katacoda or Play with Docker and finally practice answering these Exam questions until get +85%. Once you get +85% on each exam , schedule your exam.REMEMBER!!!There is a proctor which it will require ID document (Passport or Driver License) and a fully clean table. He/She will look by you Webcam.If you have questions, Do not hesitate to contact me if you require any assistance. I will send you my contact information as soon as you get this course.Note: This test is NOT intended to leak any questions or other such content from the real exam and it does not offend the rules and regulations of Certification. Its sole purpose is to challenge the candidates' preparation in order to provide them with self-assessment and scopes of improvisation.My Docker credential : 13557307Good Luck!Best Regards"
Price: 19.99

"Docker Certified Associate 2020 Portugues - 165 Questes" |
"Ola,Este Simulado tem como objetivo ajudar os estudantes e Profissionais que buscam a certificao Docker Certified Associate.As questes esto atualizadas e foram elaboradas em Portugues com base nas questes que caram na prova de Certificao.Todas as questes tem uma explicao ao final, fazendo referencia a documentao oficial ou a algum artigo tcnico sobre o assunto em questo.Os resultados sero exibidos ao final mostrando seu desempenho por rea de acordo com o study guide da Certificao (Ex:Storage and Volumes, Installation and Configuration...etc)Ao obter bons resultados no simulado , certamente o aluno passar na prova de certificao. claro que o aluno deve se preparar para todos os temas que caem na prova conforme descrito no Study Guide do site oficial da Docker.Eu tirei minha certificao recentemente , e eu garanto que ao obter notas acima de 85% nos 4 simulados, o aluno estar preparado para passar na prova de certificao . A Prova Docker Certified Associate feita em Ingles, onde um ""Procter"" te acompanha em tempo real pela webcam do seu computador.Apesar da prova ser feita em Ingles, muitos profissionais buscam materiais em Portugues , pois, devido as dificuldades com a Lingua Inglesa , esses profissionais buscam mais insumos de preparao na lingua portuguesa . Pratique nos Labs virtuais, Katacoda ou Play with Docker , e por fim pratique a realizao do exame at atingir acima de 85% Certamente ao compreender os temas, e dinamica das questes e fazendo os simulados ficar muito mais fcil para obter um timo desempenho na prova Oficial.Garanto sem sombra de duvida que ao obter nota acima de 85% nos simulados voce passar na prova Oficial.O Exame feito em Ingles, e tera um Proctor que ira pedir seus documentos para validar sua identidade, e pedira para mostrar sua mesa pra verificar se esta completamente ""clean"" , ou seja, sem NADA!! na mesa, apenas o notebook ou computador.Fico a disposio para esclarecer dvidas sobre o simulado assim como sobre a Prova Oficial.Nota: Os simulados no tem como objetivo revelar ou vazar qualquer questo do exame oficial, alm disso, os simulados respeitam os regulamentos da Certificao. O nico propsito dos simulados desafiar os candidatos na preparao para a prova e obter uma auto avaliao de desempenho. Minha credencial Docker : 13557307Boa sorte! Grande Abrao"
Price: 39.99

": , PMP; . , , , PMBOK, 15 ."
Price: 19.99

"Design & Architecture SOA, Services & Microservices(S90.03B)" |
"This exam delves into the service-oriented architectural model and the service-orientation design paradigm and establishes the unique characteristics and dynamics that constitute service-oriented solution logic. The course raises a series of distinct considerations for designing service-oriented solutions with microservices, as well as REST services and Web services.The following primary topics are covered: Fundamental Application Design with SOA Service-Orientation vs. Silo-Based Design Service-Oriented Application Design with Microservices Understanding Services and Service Capabilities Understanding the Functional Context of Microservices Complex Service Composition Design, Composition Runtime Roles and Responsibilities Composition with Microservices Distinguishing Characteristics of the SOA Model The Eight Design Principles of Service-Orientation Contract-First Design, Standardized Service Contracts and Uniform Contracts Service Loose Coupling and Coupling Types, Service Abstraction and Information Hiding Service Reusability and Agnostic Design, Service Autonomy and Runtime Control Service Statelessness and State Deferral, Service Discoverability and Interpretability Design Guidelines for REST Services Design Guidelines for Web Services Design Guidelines for Microservices"
Price: 19.99

"React Js. + ES6 + Axios. De 0 a experto!" |
"React.js es la librera frontend con la que estn construidas las dos redes sociales ms grandes: Facebook e Instagram. En este curso aprenders a crear tus propios componentes React con la sintaxis JSX y usarlos para crear interfaces de usuario.De igual forma, aprenders a realizar peticiones HTTP con Axios en conjunto con ECMAEscript 6, el nuevo estndar de JavaScript."
Price: 19.99

"Der ANTI AGING Kurs - Kostenlos jung und schlank bleiben" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst duGewohnheiten abzulegendir Ziele zu setzenZeit zu sparenSchlaf als Wunderwaffe einzusetzendie richtigen Lebensmittel und Getrnke zu whlenBewegung in dein Leben zu bringen, in kleinen Schrittendein Wissen zu testen mit dem SchlussquizzZugang zu meiner Facebook GruppeDas ist ein Simone Christina - Essentials Kurs. Vorkenntnisse sind keine ntig. In diesem Kurs werden die Basics behandelt."
Price: 19.99

energy_success |
"- / ? (), / -? - , , - ? , ... . ! ?1. , , . , . , . , .2. """" , """" . . , , .3) . , , . , . . 3 : , . , . , , - . -, . , !"
Price: 2799.00

"Fundamentals of Wine Tasting - Taste Wine like a Sommelier" |
"Whether you are blind tasting wine for pleasure or training for one of the systematic deductive tasting method exams, this course will empower you with all the fundamental knowledge for wine tasting. Sommelier and TV Host, Ryan Vet, will take you through this in-depth, advanced course for wine tasting. After taking this course your appreciation for wine will be deepened and you will be further equipped to pass one of the many wine certifications with flying colors.In this wine tasting course, we will explore how to properly taste wines like a sommelier. Students will learn how to identify colors and hues, identify key tasting notes as well as structural elements.Learning how to blind taste wine is not a magic trick. Through a series of deductive reasoning, you too can be able to identify and narrow down the potential wines in your glass. First you must understand how to use the deductive and systematic methodologies for tasting wine like a sommelier.While this course is not affiliated with any certifying body, it can help to prepare for you exams such as the Society for Wine Educators, Wine and Spirit Education Trust and the Court of Master Sommeliers. This course is not a substitute for their materials but an additional resource for you as you learn how to study the deductive wine tasting and systematic wine tasting method."
Price: 74.99

"Create a Successful YouTube Channel with Great Content" |
"This course is designed for anyone looking to create a YouTube Channel but has no idea how to begin. Go from setting up your channel to filling it with relevant content to draw views and eventually learn to funnel them into your sales website or hire you for business. Youtube is the #2 largest search engine in the world. Your brand should be there! learn to create content that people will want to find and come back to time and time again. Gain subscribers and learn how to get them into your sales funnel and into your client base! Don't have a clue what to put on your YouTube Channel? No Sweat! There are three distinctive lessons geared towards helping you create relevant content for your industry that viewers will want to watch. Learn how to convey your message with:Great ContentExcellent DeliveryThe Right Equipment Helpful Keywords and Search TermsPLUS BONUS VIDEOS on Endscreen and card Setup and more! Reach out to the course instructor for personalized content ideas and consultation as part of your course price."
Price: 34.99

"Descobrindo o Marketing Olfativo" |
"O atual mercado exige que marcas busquem novos mtodos para conquistar clientes e expressar seus diferenciais. A partir desse material, entenda como uma identidade olfativa capaz de engajar o consumidor a partir de experincias sensoriais exclusivas, influenciando sua percepo e comportamento de forma profunda a partir de estratgias especficas."
Price: 84.99

"Zen and Passing the CFRE Exam" |
"Zen and Passing the CFRE Exam is a single primer lesson that guides the professional fundraiser through a series of strategies aimed at teaching the student on how to be best positioned to pass the CFRE examination. Becoming a Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE) is a certification governed by CFRE International and the examination is administered by CFRE International. While CFRE International provides a list of domain concepts that must be mastered by the candidate as well as a reading list of dozens of textbooks from which the exam questions are gleaned, there is no central strategy apparent for the exam. This course fills that void by providing the keys to strategic thinking in taking the exam. The course is taught by Dean Adkins, CFRE, a lecturer in fundraising from the University of Michigan. Professor Adkins has taught the course many times previously as a single day seminar but now has condensed that seminar into a single 75 - minute presentation that binds all of the cited materials into one outline covering five sections and can be referenced time and time again."
Price: 19.99

"Raliser un Logiciel rel sous Python, PyQt5 et QT Designer" |
"Envisagez-vous de matriser PyQt5 pour le dveloppement d'interfaces graphiques? crivez-vous des codes en Python et vous vous demandez comment vous pouvez tout convertir en une belle interface utilisateur interactive qui peut tre utilise par un grand nombre de personnes?Je peux vous garantir que vous prenez la meilleure dcision dans le monde d'aujourd'hui. Aprs avoir suivi ce cours, vous atteindrez votre objectif.J'ai conu ce cours de manire couvrir tous les aspects obligatoires du dveloppement Python-PyQt5, partir du tlchargement des outils de travail jusqu'au dploiement final de notre logiciel auprs d'autres utilisateurs. La mthode d'apprentissage que j'ai choisis est particulire car nous allons travailler sur une tude de cas relle ""rien de mieux que de faire des choses relles"" => nous allons crer un logiciel pour rpondre la demande d'un client (un logiciel de gestion de pices de rechange pour une entreprise manufacturire)Le langage Python prsente un grand nombre d'avantages: c'est un langage orient objet, interprt, typ dynamiquement et bnficiant d'une gestion de la mmoire via un garbage collector.Pour toutes ces raisons, Python est un langage trs simple utiliser. Cependant, la cration d'une interface en Python l'aide d'outils de base est quelque peu fastidieuse. C'est pourquoi il existe de nombreux modules Python permettant de raliser des interfaces graphiques, PyQt est le meilleur.C'est Multi-plateformes et disponible pour Unix, Windows et Mac OS X avec des apparence natives. Les applications prsentent l'apparence des systmes d'exploitation sur lesquels elles s'excutent par dfaut, mais il est possible d'installer une autre apparence, mme l'excution; il est implment sur les couches infrieures des systmes graphiques.PyQt5 est un module qui vous permet de lier le langage Python la bibliothque Qt. Il vous permet de crer des interfaces graphiques en Python. Une extension de QtDesigner (utilitaire graphique pour crer des interfaces Qt) permet de grer le code python des interfaces graphiques. PyQt possde tous les avantages du clbre Qt.Ce que vous apprendrez dans ce cours:- Introduction aux objectifs et modules du cours- Installer Anaconda- Installez PyQt5- Installer SQLITE Manager- Crez une base de donnes parts.db et remplissez-la de donnes- Crer le premier script Python pour se connecter et interroger le parts.db- Introduire QT Designer et crer une interface graphique- Crez un beau style pour l'interface graphique- Crez le code complet pour excuter l'interface graphique et faire les fonctionnalits du logiciel- Comment ajouter et compiler des ressources comme (photos ...)- Comment crer un fichier excutable final et le partager avec des amis, clients etc."
Price: 19.99

"Warsztat medytacyjny: praca z mylami i emocjami" |
"Medytacja jest bardzo skutecznym narzdziem do poprawy jakoci naszego ycia. Pozwala osign niezbdny dystans, spokj i wiksz rwnowag. Dziki praktyce uwanoci lepiej radzimy sobie z natrtnymi mylami i emocjami, co bezporednio wpywa na nasze reakcje i samopoczucie, na decyzje oraz ocen rzeczywistoci. Dlatego warto korzysta z narzdzi wypracowanych w rnych tradycjach wiata, by poprawia jako swojego ycia. Na potrzeby tego warsztatu, poza wiedz teoretyczn, przygotowaam take 7 rnych medytacji i wicze ( w tym wiczenia oddechowe), ktre pomog w wyciszeniu i uspokojeniu oraz wprowadz do naszego ycia wicej harmonii i radoci."
Price: 249.99

"Deeper Relations#2 - Companion" |
"In this session well put in motion loyalty, reliability, sincerity and lasting bondage. Well train how to maintain your integrity and devotion. Well guide you how to consciously dance with your lifetime buddy, playmate, protector and freely express with your complement.Subarchetypes of Companion: The Faithful, The Protector, The GiverThe Organizer (spends their time and efforts making sure the other person doesnt have to worry about the details. The Organizer frees up time for the other person to focus on important matters) The Supporter/Wingman (provides the friend with essential support and back up when needed. This type is prepared, honest and anticipating the needs of their friend/partner)The Conscience (Sometimes the Companion acts as a moral compass for a person that is a bit unpredictable and wild. They feel it is their responsibility to keep them on the right track. They will cover for them when they are in trouble. The Doubter( This partnership works because the Doubter brings a bit of reality to the relationship, pointing out would be hazards and trying to talk their friend out of crazy or dangerous ideas and/or criminal activities.)The Joker/Fool (offers comic relief to the often over-serious friend. They bring laughter and light-hearted quality to serious situations. The Joker type uses the wisdom of humor to keep the spirits of those around them lifted and never lets optimism die.)"
Price: 29.99

"Learn to Dance Jamaican Dancehall" |
"Dancehall is a blend of Old School, Middle School, New School, and female steps straight out of the Kingston, Jamaica party scene. Since it is taught from the Western perspective, it strives to honor the creators of these movements while blending it with other Urban styles. Classes focus on exploring and breaking down these steps and combining them in a simple choreographies at the end of each section. Each section has two different videos with two different sets of steps."
Price: 24.99

"350-501 SPCOR: Cisco CCNP Service Provider" |
"Achieving CCNP Service Provider certification proves your skills with service provider solutions. To earn CCNP Service Provider certification, you pass two exams: one that covers core service provider technologies and one service provider concentration exam of your choice, so you can customize your certification to your technical area of focus.350-501 SPCOR: Implementing and Operating Cisco Service Provider Network Core Technologies (SPCOR)This exam tests your knowledge of implementing core service provider network technologies, including:Core architectureServicesNetworkingAutomationQuality of servicesSecurityNetwork assurance"
Price: 19.99

"SAA-C02 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 2020" |
"The AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C02) examination is intended for individuals who perform in a solutions architect role. This exam validates an examinees ability to effectively demonstrate knowledge of how to architect and deploy secure and robust applications on AWS technologies. It validates an examinees ability to: Define a solution using architectural design principles based on customer requirements. Provide implementation guidance based on best practices to an organization throughout the lifecycle of a project."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Algebra 1 and Algebra 2" |
"This course is filled with lectures on Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 topics. This course is designed for students who may have difficulties in Algebra 1 and Algebra 2. Each lesson comes with a set of practice questions with answers. Included in this course:Multi-Step EquationsTwo Step InequalitiesMultiplying PolynomialsSystem of Equations by SubstitutionPolynomials (adding and subtracting)Graphing Slope Dividing PolynomialsAbsolute Value EquationsSystems of Three EquationsBasic Matrix OperationsOperations with Complex NumbersUsing Quadratic Formula"
Price: 19.99

"Camtasia 9 Studio Eitimi ile ren - Mutlu Kurt" |
"Video montaj hakknda ne var ise, bir videoyu kesmek krpmak kopyalamak. Video kalitesini ayarlamak, videonun altna mzik eklemek o mziin desibelini ayarlamak, green screenden yararlanarak arka plan silmek yani ksacas aklnza ne geliyorsa hepsini renebileceksiniz. Dilediiniz videoyu zorlanmadan montajlayabilecek. Bu kurs ierisinde projelere doyamayacaksnz. Saatlerce srecek eitimimizi aldnzda mrlk bir destee de sahip olmu olacaksnz. Gerek aile hatralarnz gerek vloglarnz gerekse eitli mecralardaki videolarnz artk daha profesyonel ekilde montajlayarak dikkatleri zerinize ekeceksiniz."
Price: 409.99

"Magickal Mechanics" |
"Magickal Mechanics teaches you the 12 theories of magick that help practitioners understand the ""rules of the road"" in magick. The 12 theories dictate how magick works and functions in reality, and how you can utilize them to your advantage in your spellwork to craft effective magick rituals.Mechanics are defined as a branch of physical science that deals with energy and forces and their effect on things in the universe. This book presents mechanics of magick based on their consistency in practice across the majority of magickal systems of thought and their effectiveness in creating changes in one's reality. Thorough explanations of each mechanic is followed by scientific knowledge, anecdotes and examples to illustrate each mechanic's efficacy and why they apply to all paths of magickal practice."
Price: 19.99
