"MS Excel:" |
"MS Excel: , , Excel. , Excel: , , , . 10 , , ."
Price: 34.99

"How To Make Gels in a Professional Way (Basic to Advanced)" |
"This online natural gel making class will teach you the process of making your own gels, by harnessing the power of uses of essential oils used in it.We will focus on how to use the natural extracts and synthetic extracts and also herbal extracts from plants and trees to make Gels."
Price: 1600.00

"How to Start a Business with Your Kid" |
"Are you a parent of creative kids? Does your kid have all kinds of new ideas all the time?Does your kid dream of starting their business?Are you a parent who want to help your kids expand their passion and create a business?If you answered yes to any of those questions above, this course is made for you and your kid(s)!This course is designed for parents who want to help their kids to kick start a business. We won't talk much about entrepreneurship in theory, but every section is designed with real actionable steps you guys can take and start a business now. The whole course meant to provide you a blueprint to kickstart the business with your kids in weeks. Through this course, you will learn how to start launching a product or service. Especially during this time while staying home with your kid, you can finish this course and start building a business before summer arrives!By the end of this course, you will have:Found your kid's passion or interests & what they want to createNailed down the problem you & your kid want to solveDesigned your product together and got your MVP prototypesDeveloped a list of customers and found launching partnersWritten down strategies to launch a video campaignRecorded and edited your video campaignCrafted email drip campaigns to help with your launchBuild relationships with potential usersHave plans to reach out to news and mediaPlanned in on site sales in local events or markets.Along the course, I will give specific examples of real kid entrepreneurs that I have interviewed. You can use that as an example to show your kids and let them know creating a business is possible at their age. You can take the course first and then teach your kids step-by-step, or you guys can go through the course together as I try to make all the materials very visual and kid-friendly.I hope you and your child will enjoy this special course I have designed just for you. Just remember, the best way to learn is through doing. I highly recommend you guys take advantage of all the work sheets I prepared for you in each section. Now, let's start building a business together!"
Price: 129.99

"Visiting a Chemical Manufacturing Plant" |
"This course is intended to provide individuals visiting an industrial or manufacturing site with basic information on how to prepare for a visit and what to expect upon arrival. It is a general overview of typical requirements found at many different chemical plants and industrial facilities and is applicable to all types of visitors from job applicants to sales representatives to industrial contractors. "
Price: 19.99

"CCSP Certification Practice Test (2020)" |
"Welcome to this CCSP Certification Practice Test (2020) CurseWhat you get?250 High Quality practice questionsAnswers & Explanations are verified by subject matter expertAlways updated30 Days money back guarantee bu udemyAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?No prerequisites needed as this is a practice testWhat will students learn in your course?250 Practice question will help you score at least 80% on the main exam."
Price: 19.99

"Canva 101- Create Beautiful Designs from Scratch" |
"Canva 101- Create Beautiful Design from Scratch is an introductory design course for freelancers, small businesses, and personal brands looking to market themselves independently. The course focuses on how to use the Canva platform for design needs, how to interact with the different design elements and other useful resources that will help you produce finished and ready-to-use designs."
Price: 19.99

"Retos Estratgicos del Talento Humano" |
"Este curso permitir conocer de modo general los diferentes procesos relacionados con el rea, su impacto en la gestin con los colaboradores y ofrece una visin amplia del papel que cumple el gestor del talento en la organizacin, desde los procesos de reclutamiento, seleccin y vinculacin, pasando por la capacitacin y la evaluacin del desempeo.Igualmente los estudiantes podrn reconocer las diferentes tendencias y desafos del rea para las organizaciones actuales, tales como la gestin de las generaciones que confluyen en la organizacin, el teletrabajo y la importancia del anlisis del talento."
Price: 19.99

"DSE VA" |
"??N. Lai ! : 1. ;2. ;3. 40-100;30tv! ? N. Lai!"
Price: 49.99

"Homemade Italian Cooking Course with Italians" |
"Introduction to Toscana Mia Italian Home - Made Cooking Course with ItaliansCompleting the course youll be able to cook really al dente pasta , to prepare 5 traditional Italian dishes: a red sauce and a white sauce, a meat and a vegetable dish and a dessert. And extras.The course is based on the traditional way of organizing a meal in a Italian family where most people want pasta, some meat, some vegetables and if you have guests you offer a dessert.So in this course we are going to prepare: Red Sauce :Tomato and Black Olives Sauce White Sauce:Mushroom Sauce We teach you how to choose and cook dry pasta . Meatloaf Bell Peppers/Capsicum Stuffed with Rice Black Cherry and Pistachio Gelato /Italian Ice CreamWell see also the different way of measuring our ingredients and -most important, how to prepare a good soffritto to start our pasta sauce or meat dish.You may find two names for the ingredients trying to welcome the variants of the English language.NEW !!We have add a new recipe : Italian Ciabatta Bread"
Price: 49.99

"Cmo convertirte en el protagonista de tu vida" |
"Un curso que te lleva por las herramientas necesarias para cambiar la forma en la que vives todos los das. Vers como:Auto observarteEncontrar tus hbitos sanosDocumentar tus emocionesAgradecerTomar las riendas de tu vidaHoy en da vivimos en momentos que nos desafan todos los das, tanto en nuestro trabajo como en nuestras relaciones, y este curso es para ayudarte a hacer un cambio de mirada sobre cmo encaras tus das, tus conversaciones con el resto y contigo mismo."
Price: 24.99

"Selling is the most basic and fundamental skill required to be a successful as an entrepreneur, job professional or even as an student. Although a lot has been said and too much of a big deal has been made about it, Ive seen a lot of people around me, even on my own sales team, who are scared of selling.What they dont realize is that theyve been selling all their life.In fact, all of us have been selling all our lives in some form or another. Be it selling a reason to your parents for why you want them to buy you a bike to convincing your interviewer on why they should hire you.Selling is not an art but a skill that anyone can master in few simple steps.1. Provide a solution to a problem.2. Convince them they're getting a good deal.3. Show customers that youre offering value. (Remember Offer Good Value, Not the Discounted Price)As famously said by Robert Louis Stevenson Everyone lives by selling something.By the end of this course, you can expect yourself to have great knowledge and confidence about following things - - Enjoy selling by befriending customers- Close deals with confidence- Be organised and efficient- Understand the selling process and how to master it- Feel confident preparing for a sales meeting or to pitch in your product/service to a potential customer- Know different selling styles and their uses- Handling objections and hidden excuses- Simple tricks to raise yourself above 90% of the competition"
Price: 9920.00

"The Python Built-in Function Tutorial Series" |
"This series consists of dedicated videos for every Python built-in function. There are ~70 videos averaging 3.5 minutes in length for a 4 hour course. There is a lot of value and information in every clip.Full of examples, this is a great way to learn Python concepts and syntax in video format.Any Python developer, beginner to advanced, will learn something with these videos.I believe The Python Standard Library has many tools that are misunderstood or not used to their full potential. Hopefully these videos can help bring the documentation to life! Big thanks to anyone who supports me."
Price: 19.99

"Risikoanalyse - Werde ein FMEA Experte" |
"Die Fehlermglichkeits- und Einflussanalyse (FMEA) ist eine anerkannt Methode zur prventive Fehlervermeidung. Lerne die Vorgehensweise der Methode kennen und erhalte tiefgreifende Kenntnisse rund um die FMEA.Nach diesem Kurs wirst du die FMEA korrekt und effizient einsetzen knnen.Erhalte einen berblick ber die Q-Werkzeuge welche dich bei der Erstellung und Pflege der FMEA untersttzen. Baue dir ein tiefgreifendes Wissen bezglich der FMEA Methode aufGeschichte und BranchenUnterschied und Zusammenspiel zwischen Design- und Prozess-FMEAsDie 7 Schritte der FMEA nach AIAG/VDAFMEA-Moderation, PFMEA Review und die Einfhrung im UnternehmenQ-WerkzeugeErweitere deine Fhigkeiten im Bereich QualittsmanagementQualittswerkzeugen und Methoden finden inzwischen in vielen Brachen Anwendung wodurch immer mehr Arbeitspltze in diesem Bereich entstehen. Durch den Erwerb der FMEA Methodenkompetenz steigerst du dein Humankapital! KursinhaltIch zeige ich dir wie die Design und Prozess FMEA gem dem neuen AIAG/VDA FMEA Handbuch funktioniert. Der Kurs besteht aus animierten Videos, den Theorie-Teilen, in denen du dich zurcklehnen und zuhren knnt, aus Quiz-Fragen und aus einem praktischen Beispiel (Design- und Prozess-FMEA fr ein Schneckengetriebe) und einer bung die sich durch den Hauptteil des Kurses zieht und aufeinander aufbaut. Mit Abschluss dieser bung wirst du deine erste kleine FMEA erstellt haben.Nach diesem Kurs wirst du die Methode also verstehen und einsetzen knnen.Im Anschluss an die 7 Schritte zur Erstellung einer FMEA werden ich dir zustzlich das P-FMEA Review, die Moderation einer FMEA und die Einfhrung der Methode in einem Unternehmen vorstellen.Auerdem zeige ich dir ntzliche Q-Werkzeuge, welche dich zum Beispiel bei der Ursachenforschung oder Wirksamkeitskontrollen von Manahmen untersttzen. (Ablaufdiagramm, Brainstorming, Ishikawa und 5-Why, Datensammelblatt, Histogramm, Regelkarte, Pareto, Korrelationsdiagramm)Zudem bekommst du Infomaterial und alle notwendigen Templates zu Verfgung gestellt.Vielen Spa in diesem Kurs"
Price: 74.99

"Virtual Meetings - Best Practices" |
"With the current COVID-19 pandemic forcing a majority of us to work from home, we are now engaging in more virtual meetings than ever before. While some of us are comfortable meeting in a virtual environment, a majority of us are relatively new to virtual meetings. This course provides you with the basic best practices that should be utilized in virtual meetings. By implementing these best practices, you will also elevate your professional presence during your virtual meeting."
Price: 19.99

"Emotional Intelligence - Vital for Success!" |
"How Emotional Intelligence plays a vital role in your work and personal life?Emotional intelligence is widely known to be a key component of effective leadership. The ability to be perceptively in tune with yourself and your emotions, as well as having sound situational awareness can be a powerful tool for leading a team. The act of knowing, understanding, and responding to emotions, overcoming stress in the moment, and being aware of how your words and actions affect others, is described as emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence for leadership can consist of these five attributes: self-awareness, self-regulations, motivation, empathy, and social skills.You can learn to be emotionally independent and gain the attributes that allow you to have emotional intelligence by connecting to core emotions, accepting them, and being aware of how they affect your decisions and actions.Being able to relate behaviors and challenges of emotional intelligence on workplace performance is an immense advantage in building an exceptional team.1. Self-awareness or self-managementEI begins with this trait, as self-aware is quiet significant in shaping individuals careers or life. You carry great understanding of your moods, emotions, and drives.2. Self-regulationIts a continuation flow from self-awareness but directs individuals on a different path. It opens areas of trustworthiness and integrity.3. MotivationAn individual with good understanding of EI plays a vital role at work or in personal life. With optimism with become ambassador instead only employees of their organisation.4. EmpathyEmpathy built within all of us but cultivating the essence is on occasion becomes challenging.5. Social SkillEI within social skills makes a greater impact as how one individual manages the relationship with their team members as well those outside their organisation.My niche' is to develop and enhance individuals & corporate sector emotional intelligence so they can operate to achieve an amazing results.We are aware that the workplace can be very stressful when we have to deal with challenging leadership, giving and receiving feedback, dealing with change, achieving deadlines, and dealing with setback and failures.We can equip ourselves with skills to manage our emotions in such situations to be able to respond confidently. We do not need to be controlled by the circumstances.Learning and application of principles of Emotional Intelligence can enhance your self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills."
Price: 39.99

"Masterclass en Inteligencia Artificial" |
"Hoy, te traemos el rey de nuestros cursos de Inteligencia artificial:Masterclass en Inteligencia ArtificialTe entusiasma la Inteligencia Artificial? Quieres aprender a construir el modelo de IA ms poderoso desarrollado hasta ahora e incluso jugar contra l a ver quien gana? Suena tentador, verdad?Entonces el curso Masterclass en Inteligencia Artificial es la eleccin perfecta para ti. Esta caja de herramientas de IA es todo lo que necesitas para entender IA con facilidad. Obtendrs ms de 10 horas de gua paso a paso y el mapa de ruta completo que te ayudar a construir tu propio modelo hbrido de IA desde cero.En este curso, te ensearemos cmo desarrollar el ms poderoso modelo de inteligencia artificial basado en los modelos ms robustos de todos: Sistemas Hbridos de Inteligencia. Hasta ahora, este modelo ha demostrado ser el mejor estado del arte de la IA jams creado, superando a sus predecesores en todas las competiciones de IA con puntuaciones increblemente altas.Este modelo hbrido se llama acertadamente el Modelo del Mundo Completo, y combina todos los modelos de ltima generacin de las diferentes ramas de la IA, incluyendo Deep Learning, Aprendizaje por Refuerzo Profundo, Polticas de Gradiente, e incluso, la NeuroEvolucin Profunda.Al inscribirte en este curso tendrs la oportunidad de aprender a combinar estos modelos para lograr el mejor rendimiento del sistema de inteligencia artificial:Redes neuronales artificiales completamente conectadas.Redes neuronales convolucionales.Redes neuronales recurrentes.Autocodificadores Variacionales.Redes de Densidad Mixta.Algoritmos genticos.Estrategias de evolucin.Estrategia de Adaptacin de la Matriz de Covarianza (CMA-ES).Poltica de Gradientes de exploracin de parmetros.Entre de muchos otros modelos.Esto no se trata de un simple curso de inteligencia artificial, sino de un paquete que combina un curso y un pack de herramientas de los modelos ms poderosos de la IA. Podrs descargar este kit de herramientas y usarlo para construir sistemas inteligentes hbridos. Los modelos hbridos se estn convirtiendo en los ganadores de la competicin en el marco de la IA, as que ya es hora de que aprendas a manejarlos.Adems, tambin te daremos las implementaciones completas en los dos Frameworks de la IA: TensorFlow y Keras. As que siempre que quieras construir una IA para una aplicacin especfica, puedes simplemente tomar los modelos que necesites en el kit de herramientas, y reutilizarlos para diferentes proyectos!No esperes ms para unirte a nosotros en este viaje pico para dominar el futuro de la IA - los modelos hbridos de IA."
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft PowerApps para Iniciantes" |
"Que tal criar aplicativos mobile para o seu negocio de forma RPIDA e FCIL? E melhor SEM CDIGOS COMPLEXOS , isso mesmo - no necessrio ter habilidades em programao.O Microsoft PowerApps permite que as pessoas, sem nenhuma habilidade de desenvolvimento, criem aplicativos compatveis com dispositivos mveis com base em seus dados. Permitir que outras pessoas usem o aplicativo criado para navegar pelos dados e talvez at modific-los.Nesse Curso exploraremos os recursos para criar um aplicativo web usando o PowerApps Studio, personalizado para o seu negcios e envolvendo dados e outros recursos que podem ser crticos para a empresa que sero melhores visualizados e fossem pblicos. No perca tempo e junte-se a milhares de outros estudantes e compartilhe uma experincia valiosa. Comece hoje mesmo, a criar novas OPORTUNIDADES para o seu negocio ou carreira e quem sabe no, criar uma segunda renda ou adicionaram novas habilidades crticas..."
Price: 399.99

"Python programming for C++ developers" |
"The course is designed for C++ developers to quickly grasp Python syntax. We will learn Python syntax and a comparitive study is done in each lecture comparing C++ and python syntax. The course gives you a boost in learning python without going through clumsy documentation or lengthy books. The pace of the course is quick, so that you don't get bored with extra ordinary details but it is balanced with the depth of information that you are not left out on any topics."
Price: 74.99

"Python Interview Questions & Answers 2020 - Practice Test 1" |
"Welcome to the Python Interview Question & Answer preparation course, and practice set! Python programming is one of the the most demanded courses online to assist you with acing the Python Interview, and land your next dream position! This course will encourage you all that you have to know to land your next Python job, including the practice sets comprising of 450+ questions & answers along with: Genuine inquiries questions and how to answer themGenuine coding activities and how to tackle them Non-specialized inquiries addresses that assist you with showing your experience as an expert Python designer A lot of tests that will solidify your insight Propelled remarks for progressively senior engineersPython is one of the most used programming languages for giant business applications and Big Data arrangements. Enormous organizations like Amazon, Netflix, Google and so forth use Python in their Data engineering. This course is intended to assist you with accomplishing your objectives in Python field. Programming Engineers with Python information may get more pay than others with comparable capabilities without Python information. In this course, you will figure out how to deal with inquiries on Python in Software Design and Development. I will clarify you the significant ideas of Python language. You will likewise get familiar with the advantages and use instances of Python in this course."
Price: 19.99

"Makrokonomie 1" |
"Du bekommst einfache, bewhrte Rezepte, um alle klassischen Prfungsaufgaben zu lsen. Schritt fr Schritt und mit System werden die verschiedenen Modelle erklrt.Die Modelle werden an Prfungsaufgaben erkrt. Das Niveau wird systematisch gesteigert um dich optimal fr die Prfung vorzubereiten.Es werden folgende Gebiete behandelt: GtermarktFinanz- und Geldmarkt ArbeitsmarktIS-LM Modell AS-AD Modell Solow Modell"
Price: 29.99

"Gri Su Sistem Tasarm" |
"Selamlar,Bu kurs kapsamnda Gri Su nedir ?Gri Su ierii , zellikleri ve bileenleriGri Su elde etme ve kullanm alanlarGri Su Artma YntemleriLeed & Breeam Sertikifa puanlarGri Su Tasarm nasl yaplr ? teorik bilgilendirme sonucu mevcut proje zerinden tasarm ve tantm yaplacaktr.Bu kurs kimler iin uygun : *Yeni mezun mhendisler*Makine teknikerleri*almakta olan makine mhendisleri*Mekanik tesisat antiye mavi yaka alanlar"
Price: 59.99

"Cook Traditional Food : How To Cook All Berbers Food" |
"welcomePerhaps you know the Berber culture or just hear about it and do not know anything about their traditional food and clothingAs a barbarian woman, I decided to share this course with you to teach you how to cook the most famous dishes and refreshments in the Berber culture in the easiest way and get to know the names of the Berber dishesAlso this course helps restaurant owners to add a new type of food to their list and it will also make you bring a new type of food to your family."
Price: 24.99

"Creando contenido interactivo para tu negocio" |
"Qu hacer con tu negocio cuando el mundo se detiene y la gente no puede salir de sus casas? El Covid-19 nos impone el desafo de reforzar nuestros canales online, generando contenidos digitales de alta calidad. Ante la necesidad de conectar y establecer relaciones con nuestros consumidores en esta nueva realidad, sern clave los contenidos que cuenten con un mayor componente visual, que combinen elementos digitales que generen impacto y estimulen al usuario a convertir. Cmo generar mayor retencin y reducir el rebote de tus canales digitales? Descbrelo en este curso."
Price: 24.99

"PLANEACIN Estratgica Empresarial" |
"Con nuestro Curso logrars entender y aplicar conceptos y herramientas prcticas para disear e implementar Planeacin Estratgica al interior de las empresas o a nivel personal, con el fin de lograr sus objetivos y visin de manera eficaz y organizada. Comenzaremos con toda la fundamentacin y conceptualizacin requerida, luego iremos de lo macro hasta llegar al menor nivel de detalle con los planes de accin y el seguimiento a todo lo establecido. Sin duda marcar un antes y un despus en su empresa y vida tanto profesional como personal.17 aos de experiencia como Consultores y Capacitadores en mas de 300 organizaciones dan toda la confianza y respaldo en temas de calidad total, productividad, mejoramiento continuo / kaizen, estrategia, liderazgo y xito empresarial."
Price: 99.99

"Problem Solving for Business Analytics" |
"If you are an experienced Data Scientist, Data Translator or Chief Data Officer looking for higher rates of success in your analytics projects, this course is for you.During this course, you will learn how to:Identify, investigate and understand the key users for business analytics problemsGenerate, analyze and prioritize creative solutionsTest the functional, technological and economical aspects of the analytical solutionGet senior management buy-inThis course combines my personal experience at leading consultancies like The Boston Consulting Group and my personal learning at top universities like London Business School and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It offers strong topic foundation as well as deep practical insights into the art and science of problem solving for business analytics."
Price: 19.99

"Bodypainting with Lana Chromium" |
"This course gives you a well-paced and detailed review of bodypainting process. Great for beginners or if you just want to upgrade your skills to the next level. Doing an assignment will help you get the most out of new knowledgeTopics covered in class:What paints to use to paint on skinDifferent types of bodypaints and finishesWater-activated and non-water activated paints for skinTips & tricks to make your process of painting easy and fastPaint application techniquesBrush application techniquesAssignment at the end of the course with feedback from the instructor"
Price: 99.99

"Restaurant Indian food is delicious but difficult to replicate at home. That is because we don't know how to cook food with base gravies. I realise, how important a good gravy or curry base is. Especially with Indian food. And they are usually so easy to make. They just need the right ingredients and some proportions. With all the Gravies at hand one can cook any dish in 10 minutes. Plus I have added the recipes made with different gravies. If you want to start your Own Indian catering, a restaurant, food truck or you are a food enthusiast this is the course for you. This course will teach you to control the spice level in the curries and yet make delicious food. So let's embark on this Magical Masala Trail of Indian cooking."
Price: 34.99

"How To Start A Business/eCommerce Store" |
"I designed this course so that the viewer could get ""straight-to-the-point-tips"" on how to start a business from scratch and how to start an eCommerce store using Shopify! I also threw in tips on what apps to use to get you on the path to making sales! With this information, it's possible to be up and running within a week!"
Price: 199.99

"Aprende Ingeniera Inversa con Geomagic Desing X" |
"En este curso aprenders del el software de ingeniera inversa mas exhaustivo del mercado, combina CAD basado en rbol de operaciones con datos de escaneo 3D para crear modelos slidos editables basados en funciones, para Cuando no existen modelos o planos, es necesario un ajuste perfecto, proyectos de gran escala, ademas crea superficies exactas basadas en formas orgnicas para formar modelos CAD"
Price: 139.99

"Advanced Rhythm" |
"This 32-video course will teach you powerful tools for performing complex rhythms and polyrhythmic cycles, especially those found in Western contemporary classical music, Indian classical music, and jazz.Concepts from the Karnatic rhythm theory of South India are generalized to illustrate rhythmic techniques that can be applied to any style of music and any instrument. Rhythms are learned using vocal syllables called Solkattu.Learn a college semester's worth of material from home. By the end of the course you will be able to perform complex phrases in odd divisions, polyrhythmic cycles up to 9:8, phrases in polyrhythmic frames, and more. You will acquire an exciting collection of raw material for composition and improvisation, as well as new techniques for interpreting scores with rhythmic complexities."
Price: 149.99

"IGCSE Computer Science Python Coding Master Class" |
"By the end of this course, you will be able to solve real world coding challenge. you will have consolidated your Python knowledge.you will have improved your Python coding skills.you will master IGCSE pre-released paper. In this course, we will study 4 sets of pre-released material for IGCSE CS Paper 2. they are 2019 Nov, 2019 Jun, 2018 Oct, 2018 Jun. Overall, you will learn 12 different papers. by studying the course, you will not only be able to improve your programming skills significantly in Python. also it will help you to improve your exam grade. more importantly, you will have the skills to solve real world coding challenges.the new contents will be added to the course on weekly basis. please leave you feedback for me to improve my lessons. CODING IS FUN! ENJOY YOUR LEARNING!"
Price: 19.99
