"Success After College" |
"This is the ULTIMATE course on how to get a job after college and for the rest of your life! It took me until I was in my thirties to learn the things I am teaching you in this course. So get ready! If you follow the steps laid out in this course, you will be on the fast track to landing your first job out of college and getting equipped with the mindset you need to accomplish anything you want in your career."
Price: 34.99

"Clculo de Reatores Qumicos" |
"Ol, tudo bom?Meu nome Renato e sou professor na Ufscar de Fenmenos de Transporte e Reatores Qumicos. Tambm sou professor na Unimep de Reatores Qumicos e Operaes Unitrias.Nem sempre (ok, quase nunca!) um assunto querido no meio qumico, os reatores qumicos so peas fundamentais em boa parte da indstria de transformao, por isso seu conhecimento, ainda que bsico, algo essencial e mais, chega a ser um diferencial profissional.Esse curso tem por objetivo clarear um pouco a viso de estudantes e profissionais da rea sobre os principais tipos de reatores (Batelada, CSTR e PFR), mais especificamente na questo do CLCULO desses reatores (usando como bibliografia Fogler, H.S. Elementos de Engenharia das Reaes Qumicas. Rio de Janeiro: LTC Editora, 2002 e Levenspiel, O. Engenharia das Reaes Qumicas. So Paulo: Edgard Blcher Ltda, 1994). Para ficar mais fcil o entendimento, trabalharemos com reaes simples e irreversveis para que as particularidades de cada reator possam ser explicadas sem que outras coisas embaralhem as informaes na sua cabea.So 45 exerccios resolvidos e comentados entre exemplos e listas de exerccios, feitos passo-a-passo (incluindo as integrais e aquelas etapas ""matemgicas""), alm de um bnus com 15 questes de concursos tambm comentadas.So 60 questes. Mais de 7 horas com, predominantemente, resoluo de exerccios.Tire a poeira da calculadora e vamos nessa!"
Price: 84.99

"Intro to Floral Illustration : How to Draw Wildflowers" |
"One of my favorite things to draw is flowers; especially wildflowers. I'll show you how to illustrate these, step-by-step, and we'll then work on a final project together that combines the lessons into a floral quote. No lettering skills needed! You can use this art for personal use, or take your work and turn it into a greeting card or art print and gift it to someone special.SUPPLIES - For this class, you'll only need a few things: your favorite ink pens, in a variety of sizes (my favorite: Micron Pens) pencil regular printer or copy paper a curated Pinterest Board included for reference a printable template (pdf included)WHAT YOU'LL LEARN: I'll show you some easy illustration techniques to create light & shadows on your florals, and how to add different textures to your work. We will use some reference images, and I'll take you through my process of creating a balanced layout. For the final project, we will combine the florals and text together into a fun composition. In the end, you'll have all the tools and skills you need to create even more floral illustrations!OVERVIEW of the Wildflower Lessons: Lessons 1: Dandelion Lessons 2: Daisy Lessons 3: Lavender Lessons 4: Coneflower Lessons 5: Queen Anne's Lace Lessons 6: Lily of the Valley Lessons 7: Golden Poppy Lessons 8: Filler Foliage Fun Bonus & Final Project: I've also included a printable typography guide for the final project. Feel free to either use this template or use your own lettering!Happy Drawing!!- Neesha"
Price: 19.99

"Speak Up! Public Speaking for Leadership Development" |
"Do you need to speak up during meetings but lack confidence and feel nervous? When you do speak up, do you feel like you are not being heard or taken seriously? Have you recently had a break in confidence that is showing up in how you communicate yourself? Do you feel like your body language or voice does not convey the authority of a leader? Have you experienced some success in communication but want to develop your potential? Hi! Im Rebecca Martin and Im an executive communication coach. If you answered ""yes"" to any of the above questions then this course is for you. After taking my course you will have the tools and experience to communicate yourself as confident and an authority in any high-stakes situations. Here's what sets this course apart from other public speaking courses: This course is structured intelligently for you to move quickly and go deep. Your time is valuable. This course is thoughtfully crafted to give you an intensive experience that will bring your communication to the next level. You'll start at the root of the problem by understanding what is getting in your way of achieving your communication potential, which most likely is fear and your inner critic. Youll learn to embrace your unique communication style so that when you do speak up, you will feel authentic and know how to deliver value that you believe in.This is not a one-size-fits-all approach, you can tailor these lessons to you. You'll learn how to assess yourself and choose the voice and body language techniques that help you to communicate with confidence and authority. Each lecture gives you actionable homework so that by the end of the course you'll have experienced a new relationship with communication and presentation. You will learn by doing. Each lecture is crafted to deliver concentrated value and to support different learning styles. Whether you're a doer, a reader, or a listener, each lecture is accompanied by a PDF and MP4.If you are looking to bring yourself to the next level in your career, it's important that you understand the tools that you have at your immediate disposal. This course is packed with accessible insights and actionable steps to bring your communication to the next level. ***********************************Reviews of Rebecca Martin Coaching:""Working with Rebecca was a fantastic experience that I would absolutely recommend to anyone trying to become more persuasive, effective, and comfortable in their professional and personal communication. She was patient and helpful throughout the process, and the tools she gave me have helped me in work and life. A+."" Andrew W.""This has really helped me grow as a person/professional. Having this under my belt, so to speak, has given me great confidence that I actually can speak in front of crowds and do so successfully without appearing nervous or rushing through the material just so I can sit down. Being able to do this opens up doors for me in my career that I have shied away from in trying to avoid public speaking. I may never totally enjoy public speaking but it no longer controls my life and my choices about my profession. It's a great feeling to no longer have this anxiety that would plague me for even the smallest presentations."" Cathy D. ""I reached out to Rebecca to help me with my presentation insecurities. I wanted to be more comfortable when speaking in meetings at work, when presenting and sharing my perspective. She helped me gain confidence and taught me how to be calm and expressive when speaking in public. As a result, not only have I gained several presentation opportunities, but also I ended up getting promoted. Isnt this life changing? She is an exceptional coach."" Alma M."
Price: 69.99

"Erstelle eine Webseite mit All-Inkl und Wordpress" |
"Dieser Kurs zeigt Ihnen wie Sie eine Webseite auf All-Inkl und Wordpress einrichten knnen. In diesem Kurs lernen Sie zwei Produkte von All-Inkl (All-Inkl Privat und All-Inkl Premium) kennen und lernen wie Sie Wordpress auf All-Inkl installieren knnen. Zudem whlen Sie ein Wordpress-Theme, eine Beispielwebseite fr ein Restaurant aus und installieren dieses gemeinsam innerhalb Wordpress auf All-Inkl."
Price: 79.99

"Infinite abundance energy for love, health and prosperity" |
"Did you know you have the power within you to create the abundant life that you always dreamt about?Can you imagine having the ability to create and build a happier, healthier, and more prosperous reality by simply clearing energy blockages?Do you want to have infinite abundance, or in other words to have lots of health, love, and money?We all have the power to connect with this special concept called the energy of abundance...When we change the habitual patterns that repeat the same reality over and over, we will be able to change what is blocking us to achieve our goal in lifeIts that easy!!!This master class will help you awaken your Gods giving power and jump to a different timeline where you will be connected to infinite abundance.You will heal the past and brighten your present and future.There is enough in the universe to give you the life you deserve and want. Just by wakening up your own healing powers, you will be able to create the exciting life you want.I will guide you step by step, how to tap into your divine power and the tools to connect you to the energy that will lead to the divine journey to infinite abundance.You will learn how to clear blockages and create new circuits of energy through thoughts and emotions and reconnect back to the source.So you can stand in a radiant new reality of infinite abundance. There is an energy out there that can change your life right now...it changed mine...what are you waiting for?"
Price: 99.99

"Sfrdan HTML 5 Eitimi" |
"Bu Eitim serisinde batan balayarak ileri seviye HTML 5 eitim seviyesini tamamlamay bunun yan sra karlkl uygulamalar ile pekitirme ve renme sresini ksaltma ve bu konuda artk kendi kendine yetebilme amac gdlerek hazrlanmtr. Eitim de yapmamz gerek eylerin en banda renilen konu veya bilginin birden fazla rneinin yaplmas anda uygulanmas nemlidir. Uygulayarak renme modelini kullanarak baz kavramlarn rnek yapa yapa renmek insan beyninin en kolay ve en uzun sreli hafza da kalmasna yardmc olmasdr. Gelin hep beraber sizlerle HTML 5 konusunda artk cv'mize ve kendimize bir + koymaya balayalm."
Price: 49.99

"MOS Excel 2016 Exam 77-727 Preparation" |
"The course will prepare you for the MOS Excel 77-727 exam by taking you through all of the major skills required. You will also be able to complete a mock MOS Excel exam. These tutorials will get straight to what you need to know for your upcoming exam, no fluff just the skills that are relevant to helping you pass the exam with confidence. The course will cover managing Excel worksheet and workbooks, formatting worksheets, Excel chart and images, Excel functions, formulas, and operations, and lastly, Excel tables. The best part? You will be given a practice test to download to see if you are ready! Good luck!"
Price: 114.99

"Closely-Guarded Secrets to Networking Success" |
"Why Use the DISC Model? People often ask why they should use the DISC model rather than some other model of behavior when they are looking for a tool to improve communication skills, relationship building skills, teamwork, and leadership effectiveness.There are many excellent models on the market that are similar to or drive at answering the same questions addressed by the DISC model of human behavior.Here are some of the main reasons we recommend the DISC model: It is simple enough that o You can work with someone for only a few minutes and start to develop insights that will help you work with them more effectively. o You can use it when you are tired, stressed or angry. o You dont need assessment results to get a quick understanding of another person. (Assessments help you to get a deeper understanding, but the simplicity of the model helps you to get close just by observing behaviours, tones, word choices, and decision-making tendencies.) It is descriptive enough that o It helps you to see others more objectively and less subjectively. o It leads you towards understanding and away from judgment. It is accurate enough that o You can get a good guess about what someone wants from you when you communicate. o You can quickly understand another persons perspective. It is flexible enough that o you can use it on the fly in real-life situations. o You can learn to see the blends, subtleties and variations in other peoples perspectives without trying to force them neatly into a single box or label them.Is the model perfect? No.Does the model explain every nuance of human behavior? No.Are there better clinical or analytical models? Yes.Despite these limitations, for real-world, working-with-people-in-the-moment situations, we think it is the best tool available.These are some of the reasons that we recommend the DISC model as the foundation."
Price: 750.00

"Cisco CCNA 200-301 Practice Exam Questions Set 2020 Version" |
"Welcome to the CCNA 200-301 Practice Exam Questions Set. These are the most up to date practice exam questions you will find on Udemy. These are not re-used questions from 200-125 CCNA, but a fresh set for the new syllabus. Currently there are over 100 practice questions available in this exam set, each categorised by the six 200-301 covered exam topics.These practice tests cover the CCNA 200-301 syllabus questions and you will get confidence for passing the CCNA 200-301 Cisco Exam. This practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment with newly updated questions as per the new exam topics.CCNA 200-301 Exam details:Exam Title: Cisco Certified Network AssociateExam Code: 200-301 CCNADuration: 120 MinutesAvailability: Pearson VUE Testing CenterTest Format: Multiple choice questionsPassing Score: A passing score is 800-850 out of 1000 points depending on the examCCNA 200-301 covered exam topics.Network fundamentals (20%)Network access (20%)IP connectivity (25%)IP services (10%)Security fundamentals (15%)Automation and programmability (10%)The practice exam will go over the above topics and provide real questions to prepare you to pass the exam!Who this course is for:Who want to pass CCNA 200-301Network and System Admin/EngineersAnyone who are preparing for exam CCNA Certification.Who are interested in networking career30 Day Money Back Guarantee!Start preparing with these practice questions today!"
Price: 19.99

"Python for Machine Learning" |
"I intend to make this short course available to Hindi speaking students. Python as a language is awesome, but its even better int he fields of Data Science and Machine Learning.Here in this course, we will start from step 1 of Python such as Variables, data types towards the must haves such classes and packages, and in the last 3 sections - the most interesting part of the course where we learn about the topics such as Matplotlib, Graphs, NumPy and Pandas.Let's learn together and up-skill ourselves for the higher demands for Data Scientists and ML Engineers in coming 2-3 years.What we will cover?Python environment setupPython cloud platforms specialized for Machine Learning & Data ScienceBasics of the languageData Types & VariablesList, Tuples, Sets, DictionaryExperimental program to understand the performance difference among the complex data typesMap, Reduce, FilterLambda ExpressionsFunctionsClasses, Constructors, DocstringInheritanceMatplotlib, several graphsNumpyPandasExamples for graphs and data computationsAll the best!"
Price: 1280.00

"Tutorial WhatsApp adverteren (WhatsApp Marketing)" |
"Wist je dat je WhatsApp kunt inzetten in je Facebook/Instagram advertenties? Je kunt je potentile klanten advertenties laten zien in Facebook en Instagram waarbij ze via de actieknop met 1 klik geleid worden naar een WhatsApp gesprek met jou.De kennis die ik je in deze training ga mee geven, levert het je volgende op: Je kunt Facebook en Instagram advertenties opzetten waarbij je je potentile klanten direct leidt naar een WhatsApp gesprek Door het persoonlijke karakter van WhatsApp creer je een vertrouwensband en zullen potentile klanten eerder geneigd zijn bij je te kopen WhatsApp is daarom heel goed in te zetten bij retargeting: overtuig je warme doelgroep met persoonlijke tips en adviezen Je onderscheidt je van de concurrentie, want WhatsApp wordt nog niet veel gebruikt met adverteren 9 op de 10 Nederlanders maakt gebruik van WhatsApp: dikke kans dus dat jouw doelgroep hier ook op zitWat is WhatsApp adverteren (of WhatsApp marketing)?Dit is niet zoals bij Facebook en Instagram dat je tussen de berichten door advertenties te zien krijgt, maar het gaat om advertenties die je in Facebook en Instagram te zien krijgt waarbij je via een actieknop met 1 klik geleid wordt naar een WhatsApp gesprek (i.p.v. naar een website) met de adverteerder.Waarom zou je WhatsApp adverteren willen inzetten? Het is een laagdrempelige manier van contact en redelijk anoniem. Veel mensen pakken niet zo snel de telefoon, maar zijn wel bereid om te chatten. Het is persoonlijk contact en daarom vooral goed in te zetten bij potentile klanten. Mensen die nog niet zeker zijn of ze bij jou willen kopen kun je d.m.v. een WhatsApp gesprek voorzien van persoonlijke tips en adviezen. ? Het wordt op dit moment nog niet veel gebruikt, dus doe er je voordeel mee om je zo te onderscheiden van de concurrentie. ? WhatsApp groeit nog steeds, in Nederland zijn er 12,1 miljoen gebruikers, dat is 9 op de 10! Hier liggen dus veel kansen voor jou als ondernemer!Wat krijg je in de tutorial?Ik leg je stap voor stap uit hoe je een WhatsApp advertentie maakt aan de hand van een duidelijke video en de belangrijkste punten nog eens samengevat in een handige ebookIn de video kijk je mee op mijn scherm welke stappen ik zet in Facebook Advertentiebeheer om een WhatsApp advertentie te makenUitleg over de WhatsApp Business app: waarom zou je dit willen gebruiken in combinatie met WhatsApp adverterenDe tutorial is ook geschikt voor beginners!"
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a conformar la Comisin de Seguridad e Higiene" |
"Hola, veo que te a interesado el curso, en este curso aprenders los conceptos y trminos bsicos como el que es y el para que sirve la Comisin de Seguridad e Higiene, ademas de, como integrarla, el marco legal que le concierne, que funciones llevan acabo quienes la conforman y el como operarla de manera adecuada"
Price: 270.00

"Grafologa de la letra ""i""" |
"El alumno tendr los conocimientos necesarios para interpretar el significado grafolgico de las distintas variantes de plasmar la letra i del alfabeto espaol.Conocer las 3 esferas del comportamiento humano, el significado del espacio grfico derecho e izquierdo y la interpretacin de las diferentes formas de escribir la letra ""i"".Estudiar las caractersticas personales de los individuos que escriben el punto de la letra ""i"" muy alto, alto, normal, bajo y muy bajo; as como el significado del punto impreso muy adelantado, adelantado, normal, atrasado y muy atrasado."
Price: 24.99

"Value Education and Professional Ethics" |
"This course will help you change your perception towards your life to make you a better person leading a better life. The Course is divided into 5 lectures, each dealing with specially a different aspect of value education. The first lecture deals with the topic of need, basic guidelines, content and process of value education. The second lecture deals with Understanding harmony in the human beings & Harmony in Myself. The 3rd lecture deals with Harmony in family & society and in relationships, in the 4th lecture I will discuss about, Harmony in nature and co-existence, and finally in 5th lecture I will talk about implication of harmony how we understood to the professional ethics. Hope you enjoy this course so lets get started."
Price: 1280.00

"PTE Academic - Preparation Course" |
"Este curso foi desenvolvido para ajudar Brasileiros que desejam estudar em, ou imigrar para, outro pas e precisam demonstrar sua proficincia na lngua inglesa. Aqui vocs aprendero tudo o que precisam para tirar a nota que desejam, mesmo se seu foco for 79+. Templates, truques e dicas para cada questo sero fornecidos e ensinados. Se voc precisa fazer o PTE, voc veio ao lugar certo."
Price: 99.99

"Engineering Career:Studying, Working, Entrepreneur, Research" |
"This course covers a prospects on an Engineering Career via Engineering Studies. It starts with an Introduction to the different types of Engineering Available (i.e. Civil, Electrical, Mechanical) and the electives (i.e. Demolition, Aeronautical, Bio Chemical). It exposes you to the different disciplines to provide you a starting point and options.It progresses ahead a few steps to let you know your Return of Investment (ROI) by understanding how much you can earn by doing an Engineering Career/Job in Engineering & Technology firms. The course divides the salaries by Demographics (Country, Experience, Different Universities) and gives an insight of an Engineering Career vs other professions.Moving on to an explanation of the academics one will go through in a typical engineering course based on the discipline chosen and the further specializations. A sub-portion will guide you in the world of Engineering Software, the types, and the simulations you may do as a practicing engineer or student. Upon graduating, options are provided on which big companies you may proceed to earn a living; and if you have no interest in working as an Engineer, the options are revealed. An Engineer is required in every sector - not only in Engineering!The emphasis is a large portion of the course goes to a Real Life Case Study of Civil Engineering - studying and working it in different parties (Design Consultancy, Construction/Contractors, Developers, Authorities/Ministries) and what they do. This is devised through real life experience from myself; a Practicing Engineer to explain what an Engineers Life is; from technical to soft-skills and management to owning your own company as an Engineer Entrepreneur. Finally a conclusion is given on choosing an Engineering prospective for your future. There will be videos, with my self explaining the slides, providing examples, giving reading resources of reality from famous firms and inspiring you towards an Engineering Career!"
Price: 209.99

"Learn Object Oriented Programming with Java" |
"The Java programming language is over 25 years old, and yet Java is still one of the most popular programming languages used today.Do you have an Android device in your pocket? If so, you have a Java powerhouse right there, running apps and games that are all coded in Java. Java is the key to mobile development and object-oriented programming. Object oriented programming (OOP) is a type of computer programming where you can define the data type of a data structure, and then functions (types of operations) are applied to that data structure. This allows you to program faster and with higher quality by using encapsulation, abstractions, inheritance, and polymorphism in your programs.Sound complicated? Well, it is actually easier than you think, with the right instructor. Thats where I come in. My name is Randy Fuller, and I have been coding in Java for over 20 years. If you want to learn Java, this course is your best place to start. Throughout this course, I will take you step-by-step through everything you need to know including:Setting up your workstation and development environmentCreating simple programsUnderstanding object oriented programming (OOP)Error handlingData structuresSo much moreThe course even comes with a full 30-day money-back guarantee, so if you arent happy or satisfied with the course, you can return it with no questions asked for a full refund.You literally have nothing to lose, so enroll now and lets start your coding career today!"
Price: 99.99

"Estruturas Isostticas - Exerccios Resolvidos" |
"O objetivo do curso ESTRUTURAS ISOSTTICAS - EXERCCIOS RESOLVIDOS apresentar diversos exerccios resolvidos sobre Estruturas Isostticas, envolvendo estruturas do tipo viga, prtico e trelia. Classificamos os exerccios nos nveis fcil e mdio. Teremos vdeos aulas extras de sobre como usar software FTOOL para o clculo de estruturas reticuladas. Um aula extra tambm estar disponvel sobre o uso do mtodo de Cross para o clculo do esforo do momento fletor em estruturas do tipo viga contnua."
Price: 54.99

"Game Audio 101: How to Create Sounds for Games" |
"Dive into making sounds for games by examining both the artistic and technological aspects of audio conceptualization and creation. We will cover the basics of sound in the physical and digital realm, uses of sound in games, sound effects editing, and sound effects delivery.At a high level, we'll coverThe essential ways to use sound in gamesAudio physics and vocabularyHow to define space with soundMicrophone types and characteristicsRecording/capturing assetsThought process and aesthetics for Sound DesignEditing functions and navigation of Pro ToolsCreating audio asset types specific to gamesCheck out the bundle course ""Game Audio 101 & 201"" to get both courses at a discounted price, and go from beginner to advanced Game Sound Designer!"
Price: 59.99

"Traditional Fermentation 101" |
"In this course, we will dive into the wonderful world of traditional fermentation. We will briefly cover the history of fermentation, the science behind true fermentation, and the actual nitty gritty of preparing a brine ferment. We will end with a brief overview of the other types of ferments beyond brine fermented vegetables. By the end of this course, we will have an overall understanding and method for correctly and safely fermenting hundreds of types of vegetables!"
Price: 19.99

"Elabora tu Plan de negocios paso a paso" |
"La elaboracin de un plan de negocios es fundamental para buscar financiacin, socios o inversores; y sirve como gua para quienes estn al frente de la empresa. Tambin te ser de gran ayuda si buscas elaborar un Plan de Negocios detallado y concienzudo para conocimientos tanto acadmicos como laboralesEste sera tu primer paso para tener un emprendimiento exitoso"
Price: 19.99

"How To Write Innovative Songs on Acoustic Guitar" |
"This course explores the musical variables that lead to unique songwriting, specifically on acoustic guitar. It debunks the myth that every possible song has already been written and opens up channels for envisioning new directions for music. The lectures include easy-to-follow visuals that help explain musical components and how they enhance the creative process. One of the main themes is that songwriting is like mixing a stew or building a house."
Price: 24.99

"Cmo hacer un video para alquilar/vender tu casa en 15 min" |
"Una de las cosas que ms aprecian los clientes cuando van a alquilar o comprar una casa, es tener muy buena informacin sobre la misma y entender cmo ser su vida una vez entren a vivir en esa casa. De ah que te proponga hacer un video, que es una forma muy sencilla de mostrarles cmo. El hacer el marketing de mis viviendas con estos videos me ha permitido tenerlas siempre llenas y con lista de espera, porque las personas que vienen a alquilarlas saben perfectamente que les cubre sus necesidades.Te comparto la plantilla con la que yo alquilo o vendo mis casas y que est ya probada, para que t, en unos 15 minutos de tu tiempo, ya tengas un video profesional que haga que tu casa se venda o alquile rpidamente. Vamos a ello :)"
Price: 34.99

"Nutanix Certified Professional (NCP 5.10) Practice Test" |
"""Nutanix Certified Professional (NCP 5.10) Practice Test"" is No. 1 in Top earning courses related to Topic ""Nutanix"" in Udemy.This Practice test is completely relevant to all new NCP-MCI 5.15 exam too. But to make the course recommendations and Questions trimmed down to more suitable NCP-MCI 5.15 Created a separate test. You can navigate to my profile and get the latest ""Nutanix Certified Professional (NCP-MCI 5.15) Practice Test"". Please choose the one that fits your needs. Refer announcement for suggested free course materials to refer, before attempting NCP 5.10 exam. *August 2020 - Update* Added 30 new questions to practice test 3 including some scenario-based questions.*August 2020 - Update 2* Added 20 new questions to practice test 3. If you have already taken it, retake the exam to get updated questions. In exam perspective practice test 3 is more important and it has around 110 questions now.About NCP: The Nutanix Certified Professional (NCP) certification confirms your ability to administer the Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Platform and successfully deploy and manage workloads critical to your business.Note: This test covers most of the exam objectives below. Feel free to post on the QA section if you have any issues!The practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for the real exam. It is highly important to use our practice tests as a resource, not just the only resource.NCP 5.10 exam objectives: 1 Nutanix enterprise cloud concepts 2 Managing a Nutanix cluster 3 Securing a Nutanix cluster 4 Networking 5 VM creation and management 6 Health monitoring and alerts 7 Distributed storage fabric 8 Acropolis storage services 9 Data resiliency 10 Data protection 11 Prism central 12 Lifecycle operationsCourse image credit: Freepik"
Price: 99.99

"Social and Emotional Learning in World Language Classrooms" |
"Watch this course to find how to apply SEL to improve student learning in the World Language classroom. Teachers and administrators who work in different learning contexts use and operationalize SEL at the classroom and school levels in different ways. Find out how you can explore new and exciting ways to engage students with SEL in World Languages. This course is meant for graduate students in education who wish to teach World Languages, student teachers in World Language classrooms, World Language teachers, and administrators who cover World Languages."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda Maquiagem Teatral (Cnica e artstica)" |
"O curso de maquiagem teatral, capacita a aluna e o aluno, para realizar maquiagens e caracterizaes de personagens para obras teatrais, musicais, dana, circo, feiras, eventos e festas temticas, valendo-se de tcnicas e produtos adequados para a composio visual pertinente ao contexto do personagem e evento. Esse curso consiste em apresentar conceitos desde os materiais e suas principais diferenas, tambm apresenta uma noo simples de como realizar um croqui de maquiagem, alm de ensinar uma das tcnicas mais utilizadas na maquiagem teatral que luz e sombra (contorno e iluminao), com essa tcnica voc ser capaz de criar diferentes personagens, com formatos de rosto distintos, nesse curso ser apresentado como realizar a maquiagem de envelhecimento teatral e tambm a maquiagem de rosto redondo para personagens fantasiosos. Este curso conta com o apoio de material em formato PDF.Lembre-se que por ser um curso que ensina tcnicas de maneira didtica o importante voc treinar sempre que puder para adquirir uma satisfao na qualidade do seu trabalho!"
Price: 99.99

"Social Media Content Creation & Boosted Posts Course" |
"In this S.M.A.R.T. Social Media Content Creation & Boosted Posts Course you'll learn everything you need to know to create engaging social media content, schedule your social media posts, and boost posts for maximum conversions.Things you'll learn include:Figuring out what to post every weekCreating your content calendarHow to schedule Facebook & Instagram posts for FREEScheduling a week's worth of social posts in 20 minutes or lessDriving website traffic with your social media postsSaving time by spinning social media contentQuestions to ask if your social marketing isn't going wellWhat boosted posts are and when you should use themThe rules you need to know before boosting a postHow to boost a post properlyHow to target the people most likely to convertSetting a budget that works for your businessHow to analyze and learn from your boosted posts' resultsQuestions to ask if your Boosted Posts aren't producing resultsBy the end of this S.M.A.R.T. Social Media Content Creation & Boosted Posts Course, you'll be able to confidently create, schedule, and promote social media content for any business.Social Marketing doesn't have to be hard or time-consuming. Our S.M.A.R.T. Social Marketing System will be a game-changer for your business!"
Price: 179.99

"Seja um Fotgrafo Infantil de Sucesso" |
"Neste curso, voc receber informaes valiosas que no so abordadas em nenhum outro, e que somente anos de experincia te dariam.Se voc quer viver da fotografia, acredite: o que vai te manter, como profissional, no mercado infantil no a sua foto (somente)! Existe muito mais em jogo do que a foto que voc entrega ao cliente. preciso estar preparado para conduzir de maneira eficiente uma sesso de fotos com bebs, crianas e suas famlias. Conhecer as caractersticas de cada idade, os aspectos comportamentais, ferramentas de comunicao e todo o planejamento que antecede a prestao desse servio.Ao entregar uma excelente experincia ao seu cliente, voc estar ganhando a sua fidelidade e muito provavelmente a sua recomendao para familiares e amigos. Ou seja, voc no s vai manter seus clientes como conquistar novos.Economize tempo atravs da minha experincia de 10 anos com esse pblico, e torne-se um fotgrafo de bebs e crianas de sucesso!Neste workshop, sero abordados os seguintes assuntos: as fases das diversas idade de bebs e crianas e o que esperar de cada uma delas como gerenciar suas expectativas e as dos pais como planejar criativamente a sua sesso (o que levar em conta ao escolher sua locao, hora do dia, roupas, acessorios, atividades) dicas prticas e casesAo final deste workshop:Voc estar mais preparado e confiante para lidar com este pblico, e seus pais, o que possibilitar maior sucesso nos seus futuros ensaios. Alm disso, ao proporcionar uma boa experincia ao seu cliente, favorecer o boca-a-boca positivo do seu trabalho, resultando em indicaes de novos trabalhos.OBSERVAES: O conhecimento dos conceitos fundamentais e tcnicos da fotografia (velocidade, abertura do diafragma, ISO) no abordado nas video-aulas. Este workshop no aborda a fotografia newborn. Este workshop no aborda fotografia de festas infantis."
Price: 69.99

"Evde Aletsiz Fitness- Kas Anatomisi- Fonksiyonlar- Antreman" |
"13.06.2020 Gncelleme : Brachialis Kas Anatomisi - Fonksiyonlar - Esnetme ve alma Hareketleri, Plank Hareketi Doru Form.27.05.2020 Gncelleme : Antremanda kullandmz Hareketlerin derinleme incelemesi - doru formu - sakatlanmadan en verimli ekilde alma Blm ve ilke ders olarak Squat videosu eklendi. Sizler iin hazrladm kursun hedefi : Fitness sporunu bilinli yapmak.Fitness sporu, gerek yeni balayanlar olsun, gerekse amatr olarak bu sporu icra edenler iin sakatlanma oran ok yksek bir spor daldr. Bunun genel olarak nedeni kendi vcudumuzu tam olarak tanmamamz, kaslarmzn fonksiyonu ve mekanii hakkndaki eksik bilgilerimizi ve en nemlisi antreman srasnda yaplan hareketlerin yanl formundan oluan sakatlklardr. Benim bu kursta amacm; size kendi vcudunuzun fonksiyon testleri yardmyla u anki durumun test edin, anatomi dersleri ile almak istediimiz kaslarn tam olarak nerede olduu ve nereden nereye gittiini renin, yine kursta gsterdiim esnetme hareketleri ile ksalmaya yz tutmu kaslar yine doru ekilde esneterek postur bozukluklarn giderin ve son olarak gsterdiim hareketler ve bunlarn dzgn formu ile sakatlanmadan en verimli ekilde imkannz olan heryerde bu sporu icra edin.Bunun yannda sizler iin balangtan ileri seviyeye kadar 20 dakikalk HIIT Antreman hazrladm. Videoyu izleyerek beni takip edebilir ve haftann 2-3 gn bu antreman yaparak istediiniz vcuda ksa srede ulaabilirsiniz. HIIT Antreman ncesi 7 dakikalk snma ve Antreman sonras yine 5-10 dakikalk cool-down esnetme videosu da cabas.Benim kursumu neden satn almalsnz?Uzun sre birok spor daln denememin yannda 2010'dan beri Fitness Sporu ile urayor olmam.Eitimimi Almanya'nn en iyi Akademilerinden biri olan IST Enstitsnde tamamlam olmam.Hali hazrda Fitness salonunda altm iin size sunduum tm bilgileri her zaman yelerimize de sunmam ve uzun srede gzlemlediim olumlu geri dnmler.Videoda paylatm baz yntemlerin Kendi bel rahatszlklklarmda da denediim (anterior pelvic tilt) ve uzun vadede iyi sonular alm olmamKurs ieriini sade bir dille herkesin anlayaca bir dille anlatmak iin zen gstermem.Kursumuzu gelitireceimden emin olabilirsiniz. Deiik konu anlatmlar ve 20 dakikalk HIIT antreman gibi spesifik kaslar altrmak iin antreman programlar kursumuza devaml eklenecektir.Kurs ve fitness hakknda sorulan her trl soruya elimden geldiince cevap vermeye alacam.Salcakla kaln!Kemal Esensoy"
Price: 299.99

"Her Kesin Yapabilicei Yerli Dropshipping Modeli (Yeni)" |
"Yeni Kimsenin Bahsetmedii Dropshipping Modeli 7-den 70'e Her Kesin Yapabilecei Dropshipping. Size Balk Tutmay Gstericem. Bi sr dropshipping videosu olduu iin her kese basit bi ekilde gsteriliyor ama bbaladnda bu kadar basit olmadn gryorsun bi sr bilmediin terimler sebebini bilmedii halde askya alnan maazalar. nemli olan kimsenin nasl trafik olutura bilirsiniz gstermemesi , deme alrken paypal olmad iin ne kadar zorluklarla yzleiceinizi gstermemesi 40'dan ok giriim yaptm online olarak ve sonu olarak size kendi deneyimlediim tecrbeyi gstericem"
Price: 49.99
