"ISO 45001:2018 Sal ve Gvenlii Bilgilendirme Eitimi" |
"ISO 45001:2018 Sal ve Gvenlii Ynetim Sistemi Bilgilendirme EitimiISO 45001:2018 Gei Zaman izelgesiAnnex SL nedir?10 Standart MaddesiPUK DngsISO 45001:2018 in OHSAS 18001 den farkllklar neler olduu hakknda bilgilendirmelerBlmler:1- Kapsam2- Atf Yaplan Standartlar3- Terimler ve Tarifler4- Kuruluun Balam5- Liderlik ve alanlarn Katlm6- Planlama7- Destek8- Operasyon9- Performans Deerlendirme10- yiletirme Blmleri ve alt balklar hakknda bilgilendirmeler, Eitimi pdf olarak indirebilme ve d kaynaklar."
Price: 49.99

"Risk Deerlendirme Rehberi ve Fine-Kinney Risk Deerlendirme" |
"Risk Deerlendirme Rehberinde risklerin insanlar tarafndan nasl algland,Tehlike ve Riskin tanmnn ne olduu,Risklerin belirlenmesi, ortadan kaldrlmas iin yaplmas gerekenler,Risk deerlendirme hiyerarisi,Riskleri kabul edilebilir risk dzeyine indirilmesi,Dzeltici faaliyet nedir, ne ie yarar,nleyici faaliyet nedir, ne ie yarar,Neden DF amalyz,Risk deerlendirmesi yaplrken kimlerin katlmas gerektii,Fine-Kinney Risk Deerlendirme Metodu ne olduu,Fine-Kinney in ortaya k,Fine-Kinney i dier risk deerlendirmelerinden ayran zellikleri,Fine-Kinney Risk Deerlendirmesi yaplrken dikkat edilecek konular,Olaslk, iddet, Frekans tanm ve saysal deerleri yazlrken dikkat edilecekler.Ek olarak:rnek: Fine-Kinney Risk Deerlendirmesi,Risk Deerlendirme Rehberi.Konularnda sizlere bilgi vermeye alacam."
Price: 49.99

"Canva Grafikkurs" |
"Damit du als Business wahr und ernst genommen wirst, ist ein professioneller Auenauftritt unheimlich wichtig. Vielleicht ist dein Bro in der Garage oder im Home-Office, doch dein Auenauftritt sollte wie eine Weltfirma sein.In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir, wie du dir ein professionelles Corporate Design aufbaust und wie du dann deine professionelle Firmengrafiken mit dem Tool Canva ganz einfach selbst erstellst."
Price: 49.99

"SolidWorks 2019 3 Boyutlu Kat Model Eitimi (ndirim Kodu)" |
"Herkese selamlar,SolidWorks 2019 3 Boyutlu Kat Model Eitiminde sizler SolidWorks'n parametrik alma mantn, unsurlar, unsurlarn ileyiini ve ilevlerini tm ayarlar kontrol etmeyi, tasarm mantn - tam tanml kurall bir izim oluturmay eksiksiz bir ekilde reneceksiniz. erisinde aklnza gelebilecek her konu var ve her konu zerinde almalar yaplarak oluturuldu. Kat model oluturma mantn kavradktan sonra tm rendiklerinizi altrmalar blmnde pekitireceinize emin olabilirsiniz. yi almalar dilerim.Sayglarmlamer Faruk ARASMekanik Tasarm Mhendisi"
Price: 49.99

"SolidWorks 2019 2 Boyutlu izim Eitimi (cretsiz)" |
"Herkese selamlar,SolidWorks 2019 2 boyutlu izim eitim serisini sizlere cretsiz sunmaktaym. erisinde, kurall bir izim oluturmaya dair tm detaylar yer almaktadr. Buradaki eitimi -tekrar edip kavradktan sonra- ltfen 3 boyutlu eitim serisine gei yapn. Orada da sizi mkemmel teknik detaylar karlayacaktr. Bir CAD programn tam ve eksiksiz renmek isteyen herkesi eitim serilerime davet ediyorum. yi almalar dilerim.Sayg ve Sevgi ilemer Faruk ARASMekanik Tasarm Mhendisi"
Price: 49.99

"PLC S7-1200 Tia Portal Sfrdan leriye Eitim Kursu Chapt1" |
"Oluturduum bu ilk kursta balang ve orta dzeydeki konular yer alyor.Tia Portal PLC programna ilk olarak balayan kiiler basit ve grsel anlatm sayesinde konuyu kavrayacaklarn syleyebilirim.Ayrnt isteyen kiilerin harmanlanm bilgi birikimi sayesinde kendilerine katacaklar bilgiler bulacaklarna eminim.Gerek sahadan verilen rnekler ve zel sorular sayesinde kendinizi bir kat daha gelitireceiniz gzel bir kurs olduuna inanyorum. Bu alanda kursta yer alan kiiler Sral bir ders ak eklinde giden kurs ierii birbiri ile balantl olup ak basitten zora doru ekillenmitir.Ayn klasmanda dier kurslar arasndaki ders anlatm saati en fazla lde yararlanabileceiniz ieriklerden oluuyor."
Price: 89.99

"""Eigentlich"" - Ab heute sage ich wirksam nein" |
"Du wirst Grenzen setzen, die Dir ermglichen, mehr Zeit frs Wesentliche im Leben zu haben. Und Du wirst das alles erreichen ohne schlechtes Gewissen und die Gefahr, doch wieder schwach zu werden. Die vermittelten Techniken und Tipps sind 1.000-fach erprobt und sehr leicht zu lernen. Auch der Spa wird nicht zu kurz kommen, selbst wenn das Thema durchaus ernst ist.Da Menschen zum Teil meine Seminare wiederholt besucht haben, damit sich die Technik noch besser festigt, hast Du natrlich einen riesigen Vorteil. Das gesamte Material steht Dir in Zukunft weiter zur Verfgung.Auch wenn alle beschriebenen Techniken auf linguistischen Erkenntnissen basieren, werde ich Dich nicht mit wissenschaftlicher Theorie langweilen, sondern konzentriere mich auf das Handwerkszeug, das Du sofort umsetzen kannst.Ich wnsche Dir viel Spa mit und bei diesem Kurs!"
Price: 49.99

"Ionic Practice Test" |
"Ionic is one of the most exciting technologies you can learn at the moment - it enables you to use one codebase (written in HTML, JS and CSS) to build and ship apps as normal (progressive) web apps as well as real native mobile apps for iOS and Android. This course teaches you the latest version of Ionic from scratch with no prior knowledge about it assumed.Angular (formerly Angular 2) allows you to create awesome web applications powered by TypeScript / JavaScript. Wouldn't it be great to use that Angular knowledge to build web applications that can be compiled into native mobile apps, running on any iOS or Android device? And also publish them as progressive web apps at the same time.The Ionic framework allows you to do just that! Use your existing Angular, HTML, JS and CSS knowledge and build your native mobile app with that! Ionic offers a lot of beautiful components (which you'll learn about in this course) that can be used to compose native-like user interfaces.Capacitor (another tool provided by the Ionic team) will handle the rest as it's used to then build a native mobile app for iOS/ Android based on your code. This allows you to focus on the things you know and release your application on all possible devices (desktop and mobile) without having to learn thousands of different languages! Indeed, with Ionic, you can use one codebase to ship three different apps (iOS, Android, web).No wonder that hybrid frameworks like Ionic are extremely popular and in high demand!My name is Maximilian Schwarzmller and I'm a freelance web developer as well as creator of many 5-star rated courses here on Udemy - including my ""Angular - The Complete Guide"" course, the bestselling Angular course on Udemy!I love creating awesome web applications and it simply is amazing to now use that knowledge and build native mobile apps with it, too!This course takes your from zero to published app, taking a very practice-orientated route. You'll a realistic app (where users can create and book events) throughout the course, learning about the basics of Ionic, its rich component library, how to fetch and handle user input, how to store data and access native device features and much more!You'll dive into all important Ionic components as well as concepts like navigation (tabs, sidemenus), user input, native device features (e.g. camera), storage, http, authentication!And since building apps is only part of the fun, you'll of course also learn how to run your apps either in the browser, on an emulator or on your own device!What exactly are you going to learn then?A brief refresher on AngularHow to set up your Ionic projectsThe basics about Ionic - How navigation works, how your project is structured and you use its rich component libraryHow to use the many beautiful components Ionic ships withHow to use different kinds of navigation concepts: ""Back""-Button-Navigation, tabs and sidemenusHow to show modals, alerts, toasts and many, many more useful UI componentsHow to test the app in the browser, on emulators or real devicesHow to fetch and handle user input through inputs, textfields, dropdowns, dialogs etc.How to authenticate users and access web servers to store + load dataHow to access the local device storage and native device features like the camera or geolocationSo much more ... like styling and theming your appFinally, you'll learn how to configure your app and publish it to the App Store or Google Play Store (or as a progressive web app)Does this sound great?I can't wait to welcome you in this course!Who this course is for:This course is for students who want to use their Angular knowledge to build native mobile apps & web apps with one codebaseThis course is for everyone interested in diving into the development of native mobile apps for iOS and Android"
Price: 1280.00

"Kiisel Veriler Hukuku Online Eitimi" |
"Alannda uzman avukat ve akademisyenler ile birlikte profesyonel olarak KVKK uyum danmanl ve eitimleri veren ABM Hukuk ve Danmanlk tarafndan hazrlanan bu eitim ile birlikte, ""kiisel veriler hukuku"" kapsamnda Kiisel Verileri Koruma Kanunu'nda, Kurum tarafndan karlan ynetmeliklerde, teblilerde ve taahhtnamelerde ngrlen hkmler erevesinde ""kiisel verileri koruma usul ve esaslar"" ile KVKK uyumunun nasl gerekletirilmesi gerektiini tm detaylaryla reneceksiniz."
Price: 179.99

"Telefon-Akquise fr Profis" |
"Kunden gewinnen ist die Knigs-Disziplin im Verkauf! Wer die Akquise am Telefon beherrscht, wird immer ein gefragter Verkaufsprofi sein. Hier erfahren Sie, wie Sie Menschen am Telefon fr sich gewinnen und zu profitablen Kunden machen.InhaltWie Sie sich professionell vorbereiten Wie Sie am Telefon erfolgreich Kunden gewinnen Wie Sie einen professionellen Telefon-Leitfaden aufbauen und erfolgreich anwenden Wie Sie mit Empfangsdamen am Telefon richtig umgehen Wie Sie die den Entscheider am Telefon fr sich gewinnen"
Price: 64.99

"Management with Mind Maps" |
"Mind Maps improve information retention and make it easy to get an overview of complex situations.This course offers insights via Mind Maps to make management less overwhelming.We cover the 5 core disciplines:1. Personal Credibility with your staff and superiors.2. Problem Solving Skills3. People Skills for better Communication and Conflict Resolution4. Continuing Personal Development5. Self Awareness - how you make others feel and behaveWhen the pressure is on you can always refer back to a Mind Map to discover the best way ahead."
Price: 19.99

"Cold Calling: Instant Cold Calling Authority" |
"Learn the Top Secret Techniques Used by Professional Phone Closers to Pitch and Close Huge Deals Over the Phone! "Linda is an amazing advisor who shared her knowledge regarding phone sales training. Cold calling is a daunting task for most people, but Linda is an effective teacher, able to break down the phone selling into a process with manageable components. She will help you overcome your psychological barriers. More importantly, she emphasizes the importance of building relationships with the prospect, instead of outright selling. This is an eye-opening concept that is critical in today's world of hyper-active marketing. I would not hesitate to work with Linda with respect to telemarketing" Denis Isip Instant Cold Calling Authority is a guide to the crucial ingredients that you need to include in your pitch that will communicate strong positioning to your prospect. This will help to make sure that you are listened to with respect and attention when calling your prospects. If you are a business owner who wants to use the phone to build your business then this course will help. The reason so many entrepreneurs fail at cold calling is that they have not made the correct preparation to ensure their target audience will want to listen to what they have to say. In this course you will find out the secret techniques used by the super star sales people who routinely sell big deals over the phone. The course is simple to understand for newbies and experienced sales people will also find it valuable to be able to check their pitches to see if they have these same ingredients used by sellers of huge deals. The techniques apply to any industry that closes deals over the phone but if you use the phone to get appointments then incorporating these techniques will put your appointment setting on steroids!"
Price: 19.99

"Medical Illustration mit C4D und Redshift 3.x" |
"Du mchtest mit C4D und Redshift medizinsche Illustrationen erstellen ? Dann bist Du hier richtig !Ich mchte Dir mit einfachen Schritten zeigen, wie Du komplexe organische Formen direkt in C4D modellieren kannst. Am Beispiel einer Gallenblase mit Gallengngen und einem Dnndarmabschnitt mchte ich Dir alle Modellierungstechniken zeigen, um dieses Modell zu erstellen. Dabei ist es mir wichtig, dass wir eine saubere Geometrie erstellen, damit Du anschlieend ein sauberes UV-Layout fr die Texturierung vorfindest. Zusammen werden wir fr dieses Modell Texturen erstellen und das Modell mit Bodypaint mit Farben und Texturen bemalen. Dabei werde ich Dir in einfachen Schritten den Workflow mit Bodypaint zeigen, damit Du in zuknftigen Projekten Bodypaint einsetzen kannst. Du wirst sehen, dass Bodypaint Dir in vielen Dingen die Arbeit deutlich leichter machen kann. Wir werden in diesem Kurs komplett auf Plugins oder Drittanbieter von Texturingtools ganz bewut verzichten. Auch wenn ich ein groer Fan von ""Substance Painter"" und ""Mari"" bin, bin ich davon berzeugt, dass man mit Bodypaint seinen Workflow deutlich untesttzen kann um nicht immer zwischen einzelnen Tools zu wechseln. Um schnell eine Textur auf das Modell aufzutragen ist Bodypaint sehr gut geeignet. Ich mchte Dir gerne die Vorteile von Bodypaint zeigen. Wir werden einfache Materialien mit Redshift erstellen. Hier werden wir mit dem neuen Nodeeditor von C4D arbeiten, welcher wesentlich intuitiver ist, als die alte Nodeansicht von Redshift. Nachdem wir das Modeling, Shading, Texturing abgeschlossen haben, mchte ich Dir einen einfachen Workflow fr die Beleuchtung zeigen und anschlieend das Bild rendern. Ich zeige Dir einfache Einstellungsmglichkeiten in Redshift und auch professionelle Einstellungen um zum optimalen Ergebnis zu kommen. Wir werden Masken und Multipasses rendern, um zum Schluss in Photoshop oder Affinity Photo das Bild zu finalisieren. Diesem Kurs liegen alle C4D Files bei. Bitte benutze die beigelegten Files nur fr den Gebrauch dieses Kurses und nur fr private Zwecke."
Price: 19.99

"Bootstrap 4 Beginners Guide Bootstrap 4 Rapid Web Design" |
"Bootstrap 4 - Beginners guide to creating a webpage using Bootstrap 4 from scratch and more.Bootstrap is a framework to help you design websites faster and easier.Explore how you can use Bootstrap 4 to create websites, Apply classes and attributes to your HTML website web pages and watch the transition to fully responsive and beautiful layout - that's works across browsers and has a tonne of support online. Why Bootstrap ?CSS responsive for phones, tablets or desktopmobile-first approach made for mobileWeb development made easy apply CSS modern browsers compatibleSource Code included - create your own Bootstrap website todayBONUS - Free PDF Bootstrap 4 Guide to getting started with top links, resources and source code to help guide you through the lessons.__________________________________________________________________________Bootstrap enables you to create websites quicker and easier than ever! Let us introduce you to using Bootstrap to create websitesHere is What You Will Learn in this Bootstrap 4 CourseExamples of how to setup Bootstrap within your webpagesSource Code included to work along with the course contentIts easier than ever to create Bootstrap themes with BootstrapGrid system which is the heart of Bootstrap - with examples of the new improved functionality of Bootstrap 4 grid systemWells and thumbnails are now replaced with Cards - new extendable containerCore fundamental concepts of BootstrapHow to create websites with BootstrapThe new and improved navigation bar for BootstrapMore background options and how to apply them to your web pagesBootstrapBuild responsive, mobile-first projects on the web with the worlds most popular front-end component library.Bootstrap is an open source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS. Quickly prototype your ideas or build your entire app with our Sass variables and mixins, responsive grid system, extensive prebuilt components, and powerful plugins built on jQuery.Taught by an instructor with many years of web development experience ready to help you learn more about Bootstrap and answer any questions you might have. __________________________________________________________________________When we learn something new, I add it to the course - at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life.In addition to the Udemy 30-day money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course. If you ever have any questions please feel free to message us directly and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible!__________________________________________________________________________What I can't do in this Course..I can't guarantee your success this course does take work on your part. But You Can Do It!__________________________________________________________________________Click the ""take this course"" button at the top right now!...every hour you delay is costing you money...See you in the course!Sincerely,Laurence Svekis"
Price: 99.99

"Aprenda tudo sobre o melhor NoSQL do mundo, o MongoDB!" |
"O MongoDB um programa de banco de dados livre e de cdigo aberto criado em 2009. Classificado como um programa de banco de dados NoSQL(DB no relacional), o MongoDB usa documentos similares ao do JSON com esquemas. O MongoDB desenvolvido pela MongoDB Inc. e licenciado sob uma combinao da GNU e da Licena Apache, portanto TOTALMENTE GRATUITO!Ele orientado a documentos de multiplataforma, que fornece, um alto desempenho, alta disponibilidade e fcil escalabilidade. Muitas empresas do mundo todo, esto usando o MongoDB, pois assim, pois possvel criar mais programas e aplicativos mais rpido e seguro, alm disso, as alteraes dos dados e o uso com maior escalabilidade fica muito mais eficiente do que em comparao com Banco de Dados Relacionais.O uso mais comum para usar o MongoDB, em Single View, IoT, Mobile, Anlise em Tempo Real, Personalizao, Catlogo e Gerenciamento de Contedo, e principalmente com o uso da Big Data. Por causa da possibilidade de executar a mltiplas transaes, o Mongo o mais completo para isso.O Node.js um interpretador de JavaScript assncrono com cdigo aberto orientado a eventos, criado em 2009, focado em migrar a programao do Javascript do cliente (frontend) para os servidores, criando aplicaes de alta escalabilidade (como um servidor web), manipulando milhares de conexes/eventos simultneas em tempo real numa nica mquina fsica.Nesse curso todos podero aprender a usar o MongoDB mesmo aqueles que nunca mexeram antes. Embora seja altamente recomendvel ter algum conhecimento de Linux. Nossas aulas so explicados de forma bem detalhada passo a passo com slides e cdigos para downloads."
Price: 19.99

"Tablas Dinmicas en Excel - Dashboards y Anlisis de Datos" |
"Qu son las Tablas Dinmicas?Las Tablas Dinmicas de Microsoft Excel se han transformado en la herramienta fundamental para reunir, analizar y mostrar miles y miles de datos de una manera super sencilla y atractiva.Por qu se han vuelto tan populares?Porque permiten que cualquier usuario pueda aprender en poco tiempo a procesar grandes cantidades de datos sin usar ni una sola frmula.Pero Fede, Excel se basa en frmulas!As es. Y las Tablas Dinmicas hacen las frmulas por ti. Tu te encargas de decirle a Excel qu es lo que quieres, y las Tablas Dinmicas hacen todo el trabajo. Tienes que aprender a usar esta herramienta! Es increble!Si no aprendes a usarla, recuerda que los dems pueden estarlo haciendo ahora mismo, y corrern con ventaja.Qu aprender a hacer en este curso?Dominar Tablas Dinmicas es tan solo el principio. Eso es lo que hacen todos. Yo te llevar a lo mximo. No solo podrs crear, organizar y editar como un profesional, sino que tambin aprenders a importar datos desde otros libros de Excel e incluso desde otras fuentes externas. Combinars diferentes tablas en una misma tabla y aprenders trucos y atajos que los usuarios normales no conocen. Luego aprenders a crear Grficos Dinmicos, con ello podrs disear tableros interactivos (Dashboards) para que esas aburridas tablas de Excel cobren vida y se transformen en imgenes, colores, botones, mapas y deslizadores que permitan al usuario visualizar toda la informacin de un modo creativo, interesante e interactivo, como si fuera un tablero de operaciones.Preprate, todos en la oficina te pedirn que te encargues de mostrar sus datos.Y por qu debera tomar este curso para aprender a usarlas?Porque comenzaremos desde ceroPorque explicaremos todo hasta llegar a lo avanzadoPorque las lecciones son breves y puntualesPorque tendrs tareas y exmenes para poner en prctica lo que aprendesPorque descargars archivos de ejemplo para seguir todas las clasesPorque contestar tus preguntas en menos de 24 horasPorque aunque el curso est completo, sigo agregando lecciones en base a las dudas o propuestas de los estudiantesFede, puedo comprobar tu experiencia enseando Excel?Claro que s. Tan solo busca ""Excel"" en Udemy y vers que soy uno de los instructores mejor calificados y ms vendidos sobre el tema. Mira todas esas estrellas que otros estudiantes han dejado, lee sus comentarios. Ellos hablan por mi. Me enorgullece poder decir que mis estudiantes han desarrollado habilidades en Excel que los han llevado a dominar la aplicacin e incluso a conseguir trabajos formales gracias a lo que han aprendido en mis cursos. Encontrars sus testimonios en los comentarios de mis cursos. Me obsesiona llevar a mis estudiantes al mximo, y me llena el corazn de alegra cuando veo esas historias.Para saber ms de mi experiencia como instructor mira mi perfil, y revisa las lecciones gratuitas de este curso para comprobar mi estilo de enseanza y chequea el programa del curso, para comprobar la forma escalonada y organizada en que voy ampliando el contenido desde lo bsico hasta lo complejo, en escalones pequeos que siempre podrs alcanzar, sin saltos ni esfuerzo. Cuando mires para atrs no creers lo alto y lejos que has llegado.Est garantizado que dominar Tablas Dinmicas?Claro que s. Y no es una forma de decirlo. Est garantizado. Y tanto es as, que si en 30 das no ests convencido de ello, Udemy te devuelve el 100% del dinero sin preguntas. Hay acaso una mejor GARANTA?Realmente no excusas para no inscribirte. Vamos! Estoy ansioso por verte en la leccin #1Federico Garay"
Price: 94.99

"Tally ERP 9 Training with GST in Hindi" |
"Tally.ERP 9 has advanced integration capabilities in the form of Application programming interfaces to make the software extensible. Tally is the most demanding ERP software available in the market. The course content is going to teach students in detail on how to manage and account and Inventory in Tally. The course in in detail and will take you through the complete procedure. Even if you do not have accounts background, you will be able to understand and apply."
Price: 3200.00

"Machine Learning with ML.Net for Absolute Beginners" |
"Note: This course is designed with ML.Net 1.5.0-preview2Machine Learning is learning from experience and making predictions based on its experience.In Machine Learning, we need to create a pipeline, and pass training data based on that Machine will learn how to react on data.ML.NET gives you the ability to add machine learning to .NET applications.We are going to use C# throughout this series, but F# also supported by ML.Net.ML.Net officially publicly announced in Build 2019.It is a free, open-source, and cross-platform.It is available on both the dotnet core as well as the dotnet framework.The course outline includes:Introduction to Machine Learning. And understood how its different from Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence.Learn what is ML.Net and understood the structure of ML.Net SDK.Create a first model for Regression. And perform a prediction on it.Evaluate model and cross-validate with data.Load data from various sources like file, database, and binary.Filter out data from the data view.Export created the model and load saved model for performing further operations.Learn about binary classification and use it for creating a model with different trainers.Perform sentimental analysis on text data to determine users intention is positive or negative.Use the Multiclass classification for prediction.Use the TensorFlow model for computer vision to determine which object represent by images.Then we will see examples of using other trainers like Anomaly Detection, Ranking, Forecasting, Clustering, and Recommendation.Perform Transformation on data related to Text, Conversion, Categorical, TimeSeries, etc.Then see how we can perform AutoML using ModelBuilder UI and CLI.Learn what is ONNX, and how we can create and use ONNX models.Then see how we can use models to perform predictions from ASP.Net Core."
Price: 29.99

"Linear Algebra for College Exams" |
"Linear Algebra for College Exams : Solve the system using Gauss-Jordan Elimination Solve the system using Row operationFree variableLeading term Echelon FormReduced Echelon FormVector Space Vector SpaceSubspace SubspaceHomogeneous system for different values of KThe system has unique solution,more than one solution (infinite), or no solutionLinear CombinationSpansLinear independence (Linearly independent)Linear dependence (Linearly dependent)What is basis?Show that these vectors form a basis for R^3Row space,column space,null space (solution space)Rank and Nullity of a MatrixThe dimension of row space, column space, null space, or any matrixInner product spacesThe norm of a vectorOrthogonal vectors proofInner product rulesdistance between two vectorsdiscuss the originality of two vectors u,vInner product integral"
Price: 79.99

"Practice PMI-ACP Exam: Agile Certified Practitioner, 2020" |
"This course includes 240 PMI-ACP exam questions based on the Agile practice standard, 1st edition published by PMI, and PMI-ACP exam content outline. Each of the 240 PMI-ACP questions of this course have a detailed answer, and were written by me few days after i passed my PMI-ACP exam with above target.This course is one of the best tools to pass the PMI-ACP exam from the first trial, it's very realistic and close to what you will see in your real PMI-ACP exam. This course includes two full practice exams, each with 120 questions and time boxed into 3 hours as per the real PMI-ACP exam and as per the PMI standards.The PMI-ACP practice tests of this course are based on PMIs Agile practice standard, 1st edition, PMI-ACP exam content outline, and few PMI-ACP exam preparation books.You can pause the PMI-ACP test in between and you are allowed to re-take the test later. Your test will resume from where you left, but the test time will be reduced by the amount of time you've taken in the previous attempt.These simulated PMI-ACP exams may be used in several ways. If you take it as a final, you will get a very good idea how you would do if you walked right in to take the PMI-ACP exam. In that way, it can be a very good readiness indicator. Use this PMI-ACP exam again and again to practice before you go for the real PMI-ACP exam.Each PMI-ACP practice exam of this course contains 120 questions and should be completed in 3 hours as per the real PMI-ACP exam standards. A passing score of this PMI-ACP exam is 96 out of 120, which is 80%. I advise you repeat this exam more than one time until you reach a score of not less than 85%, after that you can go for the Real PMI-ACP exam.This course PMI-ACP exams are structured as per the PMI standards and exam domains: Domain 1: Agile Principles and Mindset -16%Domain 2: Value-driven Delivery - 20%Domain 3: Stakeholder Engagement - 17%Domain 4: Team Performance - 16%Domain 5: Adaptive Planning -12 %Domain 6: Problem Detection and Resolution -10 %Domain 7: Continuous Improvement (Product, Process, People) - 9 %Take a try and enroll for this course, and don't forget that you have 30 days money back guarantee! Note: This course is different from the others as it was created by an instructor who passed the PMP, PMI-ACP, and PMI-RMP exams on his first attempt, so, the instructor knows how to pass the different exams from the PMI on the first trial.I am a PMP, PMI-RMP, PMI-ACP, and PRINCE2 Practitioner in good standing who has delivered hundreds of training courses. These are my IDs:Project Management Professional, PMP #1955425 Risk Management Professional, PMI-RMP #1982971Agile Certified Practitioner, PMI-ACP #9625125PRINCE2 Practitioner, GR657024205SA Disclaimer: PMI, PMBOK, RMP, CAPM and PMP are registered trademarks of Project Management Institute (PMI)."
Price: 99.99

"Capacitao para Professores de cursos EAD e On-line" |
"Esse curso focado nos professores que pretendem dar aulas EAD ou on-line mas precisam saber por onde comear. Os vdeos so objetivos e explicam como usar diversas ferramentas, quase todas gratuitas, para que as aulas tenham qualidade sejam dinmicas. Vrios programas como Zoom, Google Meet, o pacote GSuite, Youtube, ferramentas para gravao de vdeo e outras so explicadas de forma breve e objetiva para que o professor possa j comear a utilizar os recursos durante o curso.Vamos nos comunicar com voc pelo canal Udemy e conforme seu feedback vamos respondendo dvidas que podero ajudar outros colegas. Esperamos que esse curso esteja sempre focado nas SUAS necessidades."
Price: 39.99

"What you should consider in marriage: As a Muslim in Europe" |
"BismillahAssalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,Nowadays, marriage rates are going down and divorce rates are increasing Those who married find themselves in unhappy marriages People are suffering in their marriagesMany of them married with good intentions We can see this fact regardless of faith and culture worldwide!But Why is that so?People who are in unhappy marriages realizing that marrying someone blindly is not the right way!I says: good intentions alone wont give you good results!In this course I will teach you some ideas to increase your chances for finding your self in a happy marriage. The more knowledge you gain about marriage, the better are your chances to find yourself in a happy marriage.Before you invest in a matrimonial website Invest in this course, invest into your marriage!"
Price: 79.99

"A Practical Guide to Coding with Python" |
"This Python course is intended for a beginner audience and provides a comprehensive summary of the Python Programming language key concepts. we begin by setting up our programming environment using the popular Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook and provide a quick rundown of the tools we need to begin coding. Subsequent Chapters and broken down by topic. By the end of this course, the potential student would have gained enough experience to approach more advanced-intermediate Python projects.Section 1 Setup & ToolsLearning Objectives1. Setup and Tools2. Anaconda Setup3. Installing Python4. Installing Jupyter Notebook5. Section SummarySection 2 Jupyter Notebook Overview and Python TipsLearning Objectives1. Section Intro2. Jupyter Notebook Section Overview3. Jupyter Notebook Interface Tour4. Saving and Loading Jupyter Notebook files5. Python Documentation and Learning Tips6. Getting Help7. Jupyter Notebook comments and Markdowns8. Converting Jupyter notebook files to HTML, PDFSection 3 Python Variables and Data-typesLearning Objectives1. Using python as a calculator2. Python Variables and Data-types3. Introduction to Python Variables and data-types4. Python Variables and data-types part 25. Output Formatting6. Using Format Specifiers7. Python Variable naming rules8. Converting to other datatypes using python9. Section Optional Exercise/SolutionsSection 4 FunctionsLearning Objectives1. Creating Functions in Python2. Function to Calculate Average3. Section Optional Exercise/SolutionsSection 5 ListsLearning Objectives1. Understanding Python lists2. Working with lists and list methods3. Section Optional Exercise/SolutionsSection 6 Python DictionariesLearning Objectives1. Review on Markdown cells2. Dictionaries Section Intro3. Python Dictionaries4. Example using Python Dictionaries5. Section Optional Exercise/SolutionsSection 7 ModulesLearning Objectives1. Section Into2. Modules visual Intro3. Exploring Modules4. Examples using python modules5. Running a module from the command line6. Exporting and downloading .py files7. Running a python script from the command line8. Section Optional Exercise/SolutionsSection 8 Program Logic and Flow ControlLearning Objectives1. Logic2. Using the comparison operators3. Example using comparison operators4. Using comparison operators Example 25. Conditional and flow control statements6. Example using conditional and flow control statements7. Conditional and flow control statements example 28. Section Optional Exercise/SolutionsSection 9 LoopsLearning Objectives1. Loops section intro2. Python loops3. While loop4. For loop5. Section Optional Exercise/SolutionsSection 10 Exceptions and Exception HandlingLearning Objectives1. section intro2. Python Exceptions and Exception Handling3. Exception Handling Examples4. Section Optional Exercise/SolutionsSection 11 Working with Files in PythonLearning Objectives1. section intro2. Understanding File Structure3. Files and File paths4. Files and File path part 25. Using the os module6. Using the os module part 27. Fixing an Error8. Section Optional Exercise/SolutionsSection 12 Reading and Writing DataLearning Objectives1. Reading and writing files in python2. Writing data to files3. Working with csv files4. Reading data from a csv file5. Writing data to a csv file6. Writing data to a csv file using writelines and lists7. Section Optional Exercise/SolutionsSection 13 Object Oriented Programming with PythonLearning Objectives1. Section Intro2. Introduction to Objects and classes3. Creating a class in Python4. Understanding the __init__() method5. Intro to Method Overloading6. Method Overloading Example7. Method Overloading using *args8. Python Method Overriding9. Using pythons Super() keyword10. Section Optional Exercise/Solutions"
Price: 79.99

"Practical Methods for Building an Ethical Culture" |
"A company's ethics will determine its reputation. Good business ethics are essential for the long-term success of an organization. Implementing an ethical program will foster a successful company culture and increase profitability. Developing a Business Ethics program takes time and effort, but doing so will do more than improve business, it will change lives.A company's ethics will have an influence on all levels of business. It will influence all who interact with the company including customers, employees, suppliers, competitors, etc. All of these groups will have an effect on the way a company's ethics are developed. It is a two-way street; the influence goes both ways, which makes understanding ethics a very important part of doing business today. Ethics is very important, as news can now spread faster and farther than ever before.Course Objectives:Define and understand ethics.Understand the benefits of ethics.Create strategies to implement ethics at work.Recognize social and business responsibility.Identify ethical and unethical behavior.Learn how to make ethical decisions and lead with integrity."
Price: 19.99

"Forensic Investigator Intermediate" |
"Computer Security and Computer Investigations are changing terms. Many systems are built on a regular basis for computer investigations, be it cyber fraud, forensic analysis, cyber audits, or even basic electronic data recovery. The methods and techniques discussed in this class will train students to conduct computer investigations using revolutionary digital forensics technology.Get certified in using forensically sound investigative techniques in order to evaluate the scene, collect and document all relevant information, interview appropriate personnel, maintain chain-of custody, and write a findings report on various levels of computer attacks.With this course, a professional can feel confident about his knowledge and ability to analyze any security flaws that may arise in the system. REGISTER TODAY!"
Price: 149.99

"Commission Extreme Blueprint Advanced" |
"Why remain satisfied with the previous training?With very little effort on your part, you can become an overnight expert on this topic and never worry about technical hurdles with wordpress again.That is why weve prepared another series of videos that will help you enormously in your online journey.IntroducingCommission Extreme Blueprint AdvancedThese 18 Video Series.This package is like having an expert sitting down with you in your home or office and showing you exactly how its done.This would easily cost you hundreds of dollars per hour, if you could even find someone willing to do this for you.But listen, even with a slightly better result could end up making you thousands of dollars over the course of the next few monthsBut, dont worry. You wont pay thousands of dollars for your upgrade today.this advanced video series that will take you by the hand and make bring you insane results.Accelerate Your Success Now!We want to make sure you succeed with this training and this advanced video series is a must have."
Price: 24.99

"Music, Instruments, and Science" |
"In this course you're going to have fun!- Learn about the science of sound- Turn kitchenware into fun, drive your parents crazy instruments- Study musical notation. Learn how to read music- Make and beat your own drumAll brought to you by the crazy, musically talented Professor Jimmy and his brother Mr. Divine."
Price: 19.99

"IT Beginner To Advance Level Course Hindi / Urdu" |
"Join over 260,000 learning students and start gaining the drawing skills you've always wanted.You can learn all about windows setup to all of the software and others materialsThe Ultimate Drawing Course will show you how to create advanced art that will stand up as professional work. This course will enhance or give you skills in the world of drawing - or your money backThe course is your track to obtaining drawing skills like you always knew you should have! Whether for your own projects or to draw for other people.This course will take you from having little knowledge in drawing to creating advanced art and having a deep understanding of drawing fundamentals.So what else is in it for you?Youll create over 50 different projects in this course that will take you from beginner to expert!Youll gain instant access to all 11 sections of the course.The course is set up to quickly take you through step by step, the process of drawing in many different styles. It will equip you with the knowledge to create stunning designs and illustrations!Dont believe me? I offer you a full money back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course.Heres what you get with the course:Youll get access to the11 sections of the course that will teach you the fundamentals of drawing from the ground up. The course is supported with over 11 hours of clear content that I walk you through each step of the way.All at your fingers tips instantly.The course starts with the basics. You will get an in depth understanding of the fundamentals of drawing. Fundamentals are the most important part of creating professional art. You will learn everything from line fundamentals all the way up to highlight and shadows.Next youll learn how perspective works and how to incorporate it into your art. You will be learning 1, 2, and 3 point perspective.Once youve learned perspective you are going to learn how to create texture and apply it to your drawings.Then you are going to learn how to draw from life. Observing life and drawing it is a very important skill when it comes to art.At this point youll be ready to start drawing the human face. We will spend a whole section learning how to draw the human face from different angles.Next youre going to learn how to draw the human figure.Lastly you will gain access to the bonus section where Ill teach you how I draw animation styled characters step by step.Over the 7 chapters you will learn:How to draw an eyeLine fundamentalsShape and form fundamentalHow to use value and contrastSpace and perspectiveStill life drawingCreating textureDrawing the human faceDrawing the human figureDrawing animation styled artWhat else will you get?- Personal contact with me, the course tutor- Lifetime access to course materials- Understanding of how professional art is created- Quizzes and exercise work sheetsThis all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message.I will be here for you every step of the way!So what are you waiting for? Sign up now and change your art world today!Who this course is for:Students wanting to learn how to drawStudents willing to put in a couple hours to learn how to drawStudents willing to take action and start drawing amazing artworkStudents wanting to add another skill to their tool belt"
Price: 19.99

Price: 19.99

"Women's Health : Gynecology, Infertility and IVF" |
"Detailed video tutorial of Gynecology and IVF. It teaches the physiology and the pathologies in women. It starts from basic and tells all the details required. The video is kept crisp and up to the point and can be played on all desktop and mobile devices. I have also added points about IVF."
Price: 189.99

"Introduction to Mixpanel" |
"Mixpanel is a popular product analytics solution used by analysts and product managers around the world.In this short but informative course you will learn the basics of the Mixpanel platform.In this course I cover the following topics:What is Mixpanel?What is event data?How much will Mixpanel cost your business?How to navigate in MixpanelI do a deep dive into 3 Mixpanel reportsTest your knowledge of event dataLet's get started!Why you should learn from me?I have over 6 years of experience working with Mixpanel both as an entrepreneur and Director of Analytics at a large hi-tech company.I was responsible for implementing Mixpanel at my previous company and training analysts and product managers on how to best use Mixpanel.I've written extensively about event data, product analytics and tools like Mixpanel on my site, ProjectBI.This is my second Udemy course for analysts. My first course has over 3,000 students.Enjoy the course."
Price: 19.99
