"TOGAF 9 Combined Part 1 and Part 2 Exam (OG0-093 - English)" |
"Be a TOGAF Certified! The Open Group OG0-093 Practice Tests with real exam questions. Pass score: The pass mark for Part 1 is 55%, which means 22 or more points out of maximum of 40 points. For Part 2, the pass mark is 60%, which means 24 or more points out of a maximum of 40 points. Note that you must pass both parts of the exam to achieve an overall pass result. If you fail either part you fail the examination, however you only need retake the examination(s) corresponding to the failed section(s)."
Price: 79.99

"TOGAF 9 Part 2 Exam" |
"This practice is the Part 2 Practice Test and is representative of the content covered in the TOGAF 9 Part 2 Examination. It includes question formats found in the actual examination. It is designed to help individuals prepare for the TOGAF 9 Part 2 Examination by providing a set of practice questions and answers."
Price: 49.99

"Aprenda design de sobrancelha masculina do zero!" |
"Aprenda a fazer design de sobrancelha masculina utilizando tcnicas profissionais e atualizadas, de forma simplificada e descomplicada, sinta segurana, porque voc ir aprender o passo a passo de design de sobrancelha com muito mais facilidade para atuar no mercado de trabalho, um profissional de sucesso e conquistar a sua independncia financeira. "
Price: 39.99

"Fashion Illustration-Beginner to Intermediate Complete Guide" |
"In this course you will get a complete overview of Fashion Illustration. I have covered all the important areas starting from female croque to prints, textures, silhouettes, hairstyle, gown, jeans and hats. Each month I will add videos, resources or styling tips in order to keep you up-to date. If you are interested in fashion illustration and designing or want to express your collection of skillful ideas concerning designs this course is for you. Through this course you will be able to communicate your design ideas with great appeal."
Price: 49.99

"Curso de automaquillaje - Cami Make up" |
"Aprenders a resaltar tu belleza natural , a maquillarte de acuerdo a tu forma del rostro y tipo de piel .Aprenders a analizar tu armona, es decir que colores te quedan bien al momento de crear un maquillaje natural y un maquillaje de contraste .Aprenders a utilizar las brochas de maquillaje adecuadamente y cmo lavarlas .Cmo escoger los productos de maquillaje de acuerdo a tu tipo de piel y tus gustos .Aprenders todos mis trucos que he aplicado en mi trayectoria como maquilladora profesional , maquillando a mujeres de distintas partes del mundo ."
Price: 19.99

"Apache Cassandra: teoria e prtica" |
"Imenso volume de dados. Enormes requisitos de performance. Gigantescas demandas de escalabilidade. Esses desafios colossais exigem um banco de dados que aguente a presso. E, mais ainda: exigem um desenvolvedor que, com slidos conhecimentos tericos e forte vis prtico, d conta do recado com maestria.Se identificou? Ento o curso Apache Cassandra: teoria e prtica para voc.Vamos, juntos, passo a passo, dominar esse banco de dados noSql e chegar a um novo patamar em nossas solues de software e, claro, em nossas carreiras."
Price: 39.99

"Seja um Mgico - Introduo Arte Mgica" |
"Esse curso foi criado com o intuito de dar o pontap inicial naquelas pessoas que gostam e querem se divertir fazendo mgica. Com mgicas simples e muito impressionantes, vocs podem agora brincar, divertir e impressionar toda a famlia. Ento, acessa o curso e venha Ser um Mgico junto comigo! Te espero!!"
Price: 54.99

"Vendas descomplicadas" |
"O vendedor aquele que resolve problemas das pessoas. Por isso o arquiteto precisa ser vendedor. O dentista precisa ser vendedor. O artista precisa ser vendedor e o empresrio precisa ser vendedor.Vender se conectar com o usuriosE trazer prosperidade para dentro de casa.No curso voc vai aprender:- Recuperar o orgulho de ser vendedor- Funil de marketing e vendas- Marketing e vendas andam juntos- As fases de um processo de vendas- Como fazer vendas complexas"
Price: 174.99

"Kryptowhrungen: Einsteigerkurs fr Kryptotrading" |
"""Freunde und Verwandte haben mir stolz von ihren ETF Fonds und der 8% Rendite erzhlt, die sie in einem ganzen Jahr damit verdient haben. Mit meinem Startkapital damals htte diese Rendite allerdings nur fr ein extra Mittagessen inklusive Nachspeise gereicht. Als ein guter Freund mir den Kryptomarkt gezeigt hat, berkam mich das Gefhl zum allerersten Mal einen Vorteil gegenber der Masse zu haben. 20%, 30%, manchmal stiegen der Bitcoinpreis und co. sogar um 50% an nur einem Tag!Wenn ich diese Preisschwnge jetzt nur noch zu meinen Gunsten ausnutzen knnte ...-> Bereits 2 Jahre spter, nachdem ich diesen Gedanken ausformuliert hatte, habe ich es geschafft mir mit dem Handel von Kryptowhrungen ein sechsstelliges Vermgen aufzubauen und als Vollzeit Trader die Welt zu bereisen.In diesem Kurs lernst du die Grundlagen und ZWEI meiner TOP Strategien, sodass auch du, ohne jegliches Vorwissen dir ein Einkommen als Krypto-Trader/Investor aufbauen kannst!""Viel Spa dabei und Happy Trading!- Walter"
Price: 24.99

"Kickstart Your Real Estate English" |
"Who is this course for?If you learn English and work in real estate, this course will help you become more confident and fluent when communicating with clients and colleagues.What's in the course?This course contains essential vocabulary and expressions used in the real estate industry.The course is divided into 3 sections:- Properties and locations- Buying, selling and leasing- Communicating with clientsAbout the instructorJennifer is the co-founder and senior instructor at Real Estate English Academy. She has her finger on the pulse when it comes to English language requirements in the real estate industry. With over 1,000,000 words translated in 2019 alone, she manages one of the premier language service providers for the real estate industry. Her clients include global real estate players such as Colliers International, Savills, BNP Paribas Real Estate and many more.With her industry experience of more than 15 years, Jennifer also benefits from her experience teaching one-on-one real estate English courses.""This is my chance to give back to real estate professionals around the world. It's time to share my knowledge with others. Real estate English courses are the perfect platform to do this. I'm excited to go on this journey with students and to help them get better results."""
Price: 34.99

"Python for Data Science and Machine Learning beginners" |
"Hi all Its Jay I am a data scientist by profession and Instructor by passion I have around 4 years of experience as data scientist, I started my career as analyst as gradually moved to data scientist hence I can understand what are programming prerequisites for data scientist. This course is created for absolute beginners of data science and machine learning. It covers all aspect of python languages required in data science machine learning and deep learning."
Price: 19.99

"Master the Resin Art Beach scape-Beginner friendly" |
"Will You Believe If I Say you Don't Need Prior Art Knowledge or Experience To Get Started With Resin Art?Yes,You Heard It Right!This Course Is Completely Beginner Friendly.Let's Create Some Fantabulous Art together while we play with the Resin medium.This Course Covers All The Tricks And Hacks for starting with your first Resin Artpiece.This Course Is Inclusive of detailed list of all basic supplies that is required to get started."
Price: 1280.00

YouTube |
"YouTubeYouTube() YouTube 2020 YouTube YouTubeYouTube514YouTube YouTube5"
Price: 24000.00

"Criao de Loja Virtual, sem programao!" |
"se voc sempre quis ter sua loja virtual e nunca conseguiu criar sua loja de forma profissional chegou a sua hora!Voc ir aprender a criar sua loja virtual profissional sem programao, em poucos dias sua loja estar online.Nunca foi to fcil ter a sua loja na internet e vender pra topo o Pas."
Price: 39.99

"Master the Fundamentals of Arithmetics Quickly and Easily" |
"This course contain 14 lectures all of which are in video format and also include full explanations of all the basic topics of arithmetics, Its also include solved examples and at the end of video there are exercise questions for you to solve and practice. Master the Fundamentals of Arithmetics is organised as following sections:Numbers SetIndex NotationsPrime FactorisationSquare & Cube RootsHCF and LCMOperations On IntegersCombined OperationsFractions & Mixed NumbersDecimals"
Price: 24.99

"Anyone who completed salesforce trailhead and wishes to crystallize concepts through real life scenario related to SALESFORCE CERTIFIED MARKETING CLOUD CONSULTANT certification examKnowledge of standard and Industry Best practices for clear certification exam..Please note that this is not course materials and is Practice set ONLY so try only when you completed your trailhead associated with this certification and ready for actual certification exam.The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant program is designed for consultants who have hands-on experience implementing Marketing Cloud Email Studio, Journey Builder, Automation Studio, Content Builder, Contact Builder, and Marketing Cloud Connect in a customer-facing role.The candidate has proven experience with the administration and configuration of the Marketing Cloud Email application, as demonstrated through successful completion of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist exam.This credential is targeted toward the Marketing Cloud Consultant or Partner who has mastered the implementation of Marketing Cloud by demonstrating implementation design best practices, executing the deployment of campaigns, and finalizing custom solutions for customers."
Price: 1280.00

"ANSIEDADE: Controle pela raz!" |
"J tentou diversos mtodos e no obteve sucesso no controle da sua ansiedade? Estou aqui para ajudar voc DEFINITIVAMENTE!Sou Fernanda Goulart, farmacutica e terapeuta, especialista em neurocincia. Depois conhecer a ansiedade e perceber que as tcnicas e medicamentos disponveis apenas ""amenizavam"" os sintomas, mas no controlavam de maneira efetiva, resolvi buscar o melhor mtodo para o controle desse transtorno. O que trago para voc so tcnicas simples e totalmente efetivas, que trabalham desde as CAUSAS da ansiedade at o controle dos sintomas. Sei que nunca contaram isso para voc, mas controlar a ansiedade pode SIM ser muito simples, basta controlar trabalhando as causas, pela RAZ!Esse treinamento o resultado de muitos atendimentos repletos de transformao, aplicados por mim em meus queridos pacientes. Tenho certeza que ao concluir esse treinamento voc no apenas controlar sua ansiedade, mas ver que possvel viver a vida dos seus SONHOS.Convido voc, ento, a tomar essa deciso e iniciar essa jornada comigo! Ao acessar o curso, alm das aulas voc encontrar bnus bem especiais. Um deles um contato EXCLUSIVO para que voc converse diretamente comigo e eu lhe auxilie de forma ainda mais prxima! Vamos caminhar juntos ento?Com amor, Fernanda Goulart."
Price: 69.99

"Aprende y domina las escalas pentatonicas" |
"Es un curso diseado para poder tocar las cinco posiciones de la escala pentatonica, en su modalidad mayor o menor, y en cualquier tonalidad, ademas de links, fingering y estilos, ademas de servir para entender el principio terico e historia de la escala. Es el curso ideal para principiantes o de nivel medio que quieren una ayuda a desbloquear totalmente el mstil de la guitarra."
Price: 19.99

"Eletricidade e Magnetismo" |
"Este um curso acadmico voltado para alunos dos cursos de cincias exatas, mais especificamente Fsica e Engenharia. Aqui iremos trabalhar os contedos de forma simples e eficiente, usando a ferramenta Paint do Windows. Teremos aulas tericas onde abordarei o contedo e mostrarei a resoluo dos exerccios de nveis mais avanados dignos de um curso superior de Fsica."
Price: 39.99

"Salesforce Flow: Advanced Salesforce Automation" |
"The basics and advanced flow techniques. Go from never seeing flow to learning how to use advanced flow techniques in under 2 hours! You will get a quick overview of the canvas and then move into more advanced features and finish with building demo flows. Take your Salesforce process automation to the next level, no more just relying on process builder to get tasks done."
Price: 19.99

"Remote Worker's Guide to Time Management" |
"In this course, you'll learn best practices for how to get control of your workspace, set up your calendar, prioritize your daily tasks, and finally, manage your energy for maximum focus. This program starts with an assessment, so you can see where you have the most opportunity for skill development. After the assessment, you'll be able to dive into the video content with more directed goals.I take a holistic approach to Time Management- we aren't robots! I'm sure you have many demands competing for your attention, especially if you work from your home. Let's get real about major factors impacting your productivity and come up with a game plan to take steps towards getting those habits on the right track.Congratulations on taking this first step towards improving your habits!"
Price: 29.99

"VMWare Professional vSphere 6.7 Practice Exam (2V0-21.19)" |
"In this practice test set, well cover all the topics included in the VMware vSphere 2V0-21.19 VCP 6.7 DCV exam objectives, including: vSphere, ESXi, vCenter Security, SSO, and Role-based Access Control vSphere Networking and Storage, including vSAN and VVOLs vSphere Upgrades Troubleshooting, Clustering, DRS, HA, FT, EVC And much more!Make sure you are ready to pass the VMware vSphere 2V0-21.19 VCP 6.7 DCV exam by using these practice tests, which are written to mimic the kinds of questions you will see on the actual certification test."
Price: 24.99

"Instalao e Configurao do Moodle 3.8" |
"Se voc deseja criar um Portal de Cursos Online ou uma Universidade corporativa, esse o primeiro passo que precisa realizar para poder comear a disponibilizar seus materiais e tarefas para seus alunos ou colaboradores. Neste curso, voc vai aprender na prtica como instalar e configurar a sua plataforma de cursos online."
Price: 39.99

"5 Powerful Ways To Increase Your Clients" |
"Have you set a vision to attract more clients and grow your business this year?If not this is a great step to get into these 5 Powerful Ways of Increasing your clients which will make you an Entrepreneur who PLAYs To WIN?Are you ready to discover and embrace the love and knowledge you have inside yourself that you are waiting to offer to the world through your products or services.With these of 5 powerful ways to increase your clients you will learn:1. How to get yourself ready to attract and increase your clients.2. How to find the courage and confidence by overcome your fears, doubts and limiting beliefs that cause hindrances in your Extraordinary Success3. How to leverage on your own expertise and build confidence4. How to Conquer your clients and some5. Powerful exercises which will help you take action to increase your client basesThese are very small action steps you can take to get started. Theres no reason you cant start getting clients RIGHT AWAY, RIGHT NOW!If you follow the easy-to-implement steps which is there in this course youll be able to elevating your business now by increasing your clients."
Price: 19.99

"12 Easy Steps to the Python Data Analysis, Beginners Guide" |
"Why Learn Python for Data Analysis?My name is Paulius. I have been working as Business & Data Analyst for multiple years in various international organisations. The amount of data these organisations are facing increases exponentially. So, I have decided that I need to know how to analyse, process and transform large sets of data. I could no longer entirely rely on Excel. It would crash anytime the data size grows larger.Then, why Learn Python For Data Analysis? Well, Python is excellent for beginners because it has a simple syntax . Therefore, you will be quick to write programmes , make meaningful analysis , get those insights you need and start having some fun. Plus, Python has an extensive collection of libraries such as pandas, NumPy or matplotlib. They include tools that allow you to pull in powerful functionality like complex data analysis , machine learning and visualisations into your programs. In some cases, you will need only a single line of code.One essential aspect of Python is a large community of users who are willing to help . It is crazy, what obscure data analysis problems I was able to solve using their assistants . Plus, the biggest companies like Google, Dropbox, Reddit and Instagram are using Python as well and with a good reason. Course Prepared Using My ExperienceThree years ago, I started my journey in learning Python. Picking up multiple tutorials and even building a fully functional online store. However, I have found that tutors in those courses almost always assume some level of programming experience. Even when the level is identified as a beginner, they would either not explain some concepts or start with detail explanations but by the end of the course, begin skipping. I believe this is because they learned basics some time ago and forgot what it takes and what would be unclear for a beginner. Hence, I would have to watch multiple video courses to gain a suitable basis for picking up more complex libraries.For example, simple question how exactly index works in lists. Some reason courses I have seen would not dive into detail explanation, and I would have to find answers in online forums.I have decided enough is enough, I need to help others, who want to learn data analysis with Python and want to do it smartly . Thus, I have created a Python Beginners Course to expedite your learning and generate value faster by going straight to the point of learning Python for Data Analysis. Through the course, I include my tips & tricks as well as lessons learned.After you complete the course, you will be ready and equipped to handle more complicated libraries like pandas and know with confidence how Python works. Do not need to create appsOk, you have decided to go with Python. But how to be smart about learning it? Various courses teach you basics that apply to the development of apps. Yet, when you analyse data , you may not need all that functionality.Say, take my personal experience, I frequently need to create a one-off project with insights for my management. I would need to take several sets of data, transform and clean it. Then I would prepare insights reports or visualisations. But that does not require creating an app with complex functionality, error handling pr complicated UI. Concentrate on what you needTherefore, for data analysis, creating fully completed apps could become a distraction. Even though you may use some of the other complex capabilities of Python in the future, it is not a requirement to start doing data analysis.Ultimately, you will realise that there is so much functionality available for Python that you cannot learn everything. You will need to find a balance. If your goal is to analyse data, you should go more in-depth in data specific libraries and not try to learn a bit of every single library available for Python. Future TrainingWhy should you care about pandas, I hear you ask? Pandas is a genuine workhorse for data analysis. It allows you to analyse, transform, clean data and do much more in python. It is a fast, powerful, flexible and easy to use open-source data analysis and manipulation tool, built on top of the Python programming language.If you want to be great at data analysis pandas is what you need. I have tried to include all the required basics in the course for you to be ready to handle pandas. So, let's start! So, brew a nice cup of coffee , get some desserts and dig into Python Beginners Guide To The Data Analysis Galaxy Volume 1.Enjoy and do not forget to have some fun! Exercise Files: Downloadable content as part of Introduction. Included Final Class File in each video so you can easily follow videos. Also, the same exercises available after each training video."
Price: 39.99

"Mulesoft Certified Developer Mule 4 Level-1 Practice Exam" |
"Practice tests to evaluate your knowledge for MCD Certification exam with 100% assured actual certification exam passing result on first attempt3 practice tests totaling 100 challenging scenario based questionnaires in Multiple Choice Question format.Who this practice test for?Those, who are planning for MCD certification.Those, who wants to test their knowledge on MuleSoft Development.What makes these practice tests UNIQUE when compared to other MCD practice/mock tests in Udemy?85% are scenario based questionnaire similar to actual certification examAll the scenario been tested in latest MuleSoft release (AnyPoint Studio 7.5 and Mule 4.3)All are distinctive questions. (There will be few questions which you feel as repeated. Note - I have introduced confusing elements in the scenario, read the questions carefully and answer)Each questions have explanation which you wont find from other creators and I have provided additional learning reference link to gain more insight on the topics been questionedIf you need more explanation or clarification, I'm approachableDon't get surprised, if you see similar scenarios in certification exam.Practice test covers all the module topics as part of certification preparationAPI ManagementMule EventConnectorsComponentsValidationError HandlingBatch processing Dataweave TransformationMUnitAnd many more ..After completing these practice tests, he/she identifies strengths and weaknessescomparable difficulty with real time exam questionsbook certification slot with confidence and take exam and certify successfullyshare the knowledge with peers & colleaguesexcel in MuleSoft related work projects and interviews"
Price: 2880.00

"Microsoft Teams - Simplifique la colaboracin" |
"Teams es una plataforma intuitiva que simplifica la colaboracin dentro de las empresas. Puede trabajar en documentos, comunicarse por chat, llamadas y videoconferencias, compartir pantallas, programar reuniones y enriquecer su trabajo en equipo con otros extras tiles como los wikis.Preprese para descubrir Microsoft Teams como su lugar central dentro de Microsoft 365. Teams ser su punto central para cualquier trabajo que implique comunicacin y colaboracin.Cuando complete esta capacitacin, se convertir en un miembro particularmente valioso del equipo, aumentar su productividad significativamente y lograr hacer las cosas."
Price: 19.99

"Practical Accessibility for Web Developers: Form Controls" |
"Practical Accessibility for Web Developers: Form ControlsHave you noticed a communication gap between web developers and accessibility testers?Are you frustrated that the accessibility testers can't always tell you what needs to be fixed in order to be compliant?Are you struggling to conform to (or even make sense of) Section 508 or Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)?For me, yes to all three. That's why I created this course.This course is for web developers that want to create accessible web forms; but don't want to hear someone comb through every criterion of WCAG. In this course we'll cover the following form elements and talk about how to make sure they are WCAG 2.1/2.2 compliant:Labels (Traditional and Hidden)Fieldsets and GroupsForm InstructionsTextboxesSelect ControlsRadio ButtonsCheckboxesButtonsMarking Required Fieldsand much more including ARIA attributes, screen readers, and pitfalls!While this course is geared toward web developers - accessibility testers, designers, or anyone else that has a stake or interest in WCAG 2.1/2.2 compliant web forms gain value from it. If you're considering taking this course, I recommend you have at least beginner-level knowledge of the following:HTMLCSSJavaScript/jQuery"
Price: 79.99

"Machine Learning for Finance" |
"Machine Learning for Finance is a perfect course for financial professionals entering the fintech domain. It shows how to solve some of the most common and pressing issues facing institutions in the financial industry, from retail banks to hedge funds.This video course focuses on Machine Learning and covers a range of analysis tools, such as NumPy, Matplotlib, and Pandas. It is packed full of hands-on code simulating many of the problems and providing working solutions.This course aims to build your confidence and the experience to go ahead and tackle real-life problems in financial analysis. The industry is adopting automatic, data-driven algorithms at a rapid pace, and Machine Learning for Finance gives you the skills you need to be at the forefront.By the end of this course, you will be equipped with all the tools from the world of Finance, machine learning and deep learning essential for tackling all these pressing issues in the area of Fintech.About the AuthorAryan Singh is a data scientist with a penchant for solving business problems across different domains by using machine learning and deep learning. He is an avid reader and has a keen interest in NLP research. He loves to participate and organize hackathons and has won a number of them. Currently, he works as a data scientist at Publicis Sapient."
Price: 124.99

"How Stress leads to Heart Attack and Cardiac Arrest" |
"Have you experienced stress in the past? If yes then do you know the biological changes that happen inside your body during that time?Have you experienced heart attack or cardiac arrest? If no, then will you get one in the future?Do you know all the types of heart diseases that can occur to people? If no, then when are you planning to learn about it in the future?Medical science shows that the damage caused in our heart is for long term and if you got any kind of heart problem, then you will have to take medication throughout your life, and if you skip them, then you increase your chances of getting heart attackMany people assume the stress is bad and it can lead to heart attack or stroke, but do they know the science behind it?This course will start in a step by step process, where you will see how our body changes its functions, to adapt to the stressful environment. and then the sequence of heart problems that leads you to heart attack or cardiac arrest. My course is completely based on scientific facts, and it will prove to you how stress can contribute towards cardiovascular disease"
Price: 19.99

"SAP SD (SAP Sales and Distribution) Detailed Course" |
"SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) is an important module of SAP ERP consisting of business processes required in selling, shipping, billing of a product. ... Key sub-modules of SAP SD are Customer and Vendor Master Data, Sales, Delivery, Billing, Pricing, and Credit ManagementEnterprise StructureCustomer MasterMaterial MasterSales Process - Inquiry & Quotation, Sales Order, Outbound Delivery & BillingDeterminationsSales Document ControlsSample Sales- Credit Memo - Debit MemoListing & ExclusionMaterial DeterminationPricingFree GoodsAccount DeterminationStock TransferRebate ProcessingConsignmentCredit Management"
Price: 49.99
