"TE0-122 12 Teradata SQL Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Companies want a consistent ranking of all the employee's salary. They do not want employees with the same salary data the same rank number. In the ordered analytic function should be used?a) RANKb) quantizec) ROW_NUMBERd) PERCENT_RANKe) NoneQ) What are the three types of user-defined functions makes support Tera? (Choose three.)a) Diagram b) Localc) scalard) Globale) aggregateQ) The company wants to extract statistical information on wages from the total sample of employees. He wants to create 10 sections of wages, with $ 0 as the lower limit and $ 1 million as the upper limit. In the ordered analytic function should be used?a) RANKb) quantizec) SAMPLE_IDd) WIDTH_BUCKETe) NoneWhich attributes the function returns information about how named expression shown?a) A TYPEb) FORMATc) SHOWd) STANDARDe) None"
Price: 159.99

"Corso Professionale Agile Scrum e Scrum Master" |
"Nuova Pubblicazione, Prezzo Promo per un periodo limitato di tempo.Include Video Lezioni + eBook online (nessun'altro lo offre su Udemy) + Simulatore di Esame PSM I. Sono Angelo Tofalo e ho pi di 15 anni di esperienza professionale maturata allinterno di una importante azienda multinazionale di Consulenza prima come Project Manager e successivamente come Agile Transformation Coach. Ho molti progetti al mio attivo e, come molti di voi che vi state affacciando allAgile, ho un forte Background su progetti di tipo tradizionale, e mi sono affacciato verso lAgile quando ne ho compreso i punti di forza e il grande interesse che molte aziende stanno avendo anche in Italia a riguardo.Questo Corso indirizzato a:Project Manager, Team Lead, analisti, Sviluppatori, Executive e chiunque (anche in ambiti non IT) voglia imparare il framework Scruma chiunque sia interessato ad ottenere la Certificazione da Scrum Mastera Chiunque abbia interesse a ruotare i propri progetti Waterfall verso lAgilee a Chiunque, a qualsiasi livello, stia gi praticando lo Scrum con qualche difficolt e/o senza adeguata formazione e voglia ottenere solide basi per riconsiderare le proprie praticheHo realizzato questo Corso per il grande interesse che oramai anche in Italia le aziende hanno verso le pratiche Agile e Scrum in particolare e perch, ciononostante, durante la mia esperienza ho notato come molti progetti Scrum in realt non praticano correttamente il framework e per questo entrano in difficolt oppure, nei casi migliori, viaggiano ad un livello sub-ottimale e non riescono a massimizzarne i benefici.Ho realizzato questo Corso anche per colmare un vuoto nella formazione su questa materia. Per imparare correttamente il Framework Scrum vi sono poche (o nessuna) alternative di qualit ai corsi di tipo classroom che hanno costi molto pi alti e location di erogazione del corso spesso distanti da quella propria.Il mio Corso molto strutturato, ricco di contenuti e illustrazioni e presta molta attenzione ai dettagli. Rappresenta a mio avviso il modo migliore sia per affacciarsi al Framework sia, soprattutto, per preparare al meglio lesame di Certificazione PSM I (che ricordo essere molto Prestigiosa sul mercato e anche abbastanza difficile da superare).In particolare, ciascun modulo e ciascuna lezione sono identificati da una label che indica:se il suo contenuto parte della Scrum Guide ufficiale e dunque oggetto di domande di esame PSM Ioppure rappresenta un Contenuto addizionale (i suoi concetti sono utili per comprendere meglio alcune domande desame pi subdole)oppure un Contenuto addizionale (di livello intermedio-avanzato) utile soprattutto per acquisire una conoscenza aggiuntiva da applicare nella pratica del lavoro in ScrumDi conseguenza possibile costruire 3 percorsi di apprendimento:percorso Base per il Neofita di Agile e Scrum che vuole acquisire una prima conoscenza (comprensiva comunque di tutte le nozioni del Framework della Scrum Guide)Persone con conoscenza base e/o gi praticanti che vogliono acquisire tutte le nozioni e pratiche necessarie per preparare al meglio la Certificazione PSM 1 oppure ripensare le proprie pratiche ScrumChiunque voglia effettuare un percorso completo, arrivando ad approfondire taluni aspetti e pratiche importanti come la requisitazione Agile, le principali tecniche di stima, le principali metriche di monitoraggio dellandamento del progetto o lapplicazione dello Scrum in contesti di pi team che lavorano su uno stesso prodottoIn sintesi, il Corso costituito da pi di 4 ore di Video, eBook (online viewer) di 270 pagine schematiche e illustrate suddivise in 10 moduli e 30 lezioni, 7 contenuti addizionali da scaricare, Test pratici ad ogni fine modulo e un Simulatore di esame PSM I costituito da 80 domande in inglese che presentano una complessit simile a quella dellesame reale. Ciascuna domanda poi corredata da una spiegazione esaustiva della risposta corretta e, ove necessario, del perch le altre non sono corrette nel contesto.Un particolare contenuto scaricabile (+30 pagine) consente inoltre di leggere e comprendere gli accadimenti e le dinamiche che si verificano nella pratica in un ipotetico team Scrum nel day by day di uno Sprint. Ho scelto come lingua del Video e delle slide lItaliano per una migliore comprensione dellargomento da parte dei corsisti e per venire incontro anche alle esigenze di quanti non hanno completa familiarit con linglese. Ciononostante, ho introdotto anche la corrispondente fraseologia inglese su argomenti che spesso sono oggetto di domanda desame PSM I.Nota: per coloro che siano interessati alla versione inglese dello stesso Video Corso (audio inglese + slide in inglese) potete trovare il link Udemy pi in basso in questa pagina o aggiungendo il suffisso: /course/professional-course-agile-scrum-and-scrum-master/"
Price: 19.99

"Scrum Master Certification: VideoCourse + eBook +2 Exam Test" |
"The MOST COMPREHENSIVE Course ABOUT SCRUM AND PROFESSIONAL SCRUM MASTER I CERTIFICATION 3 LEARNING PATHS, FROM BEGINNERS TO ALREADY SCRUM PRACTITIONERS INCLUDES VIDEO COURSE + eBOOK (nobody else offers an accompanying eBook on Udemy) + 2 PSM I SIMULATORSHi! I am Angelo Tofalo and I have 17 years of professional experience gained within an important multinational company first as Project Manager and subsequently as Agile Transformation Coach. I have dozens of projects to my credit and, like many of you who are looking at the Agile, I have a strong background on traditional projects, and I became passionate about the agile methodology when I understood its strengths and the great interest that many companies are having about it.I believe that in order to be a successful Agilist, it is necessary to pay the right attention also to Training. That's why i am proud to teach you all the tips and tricks to best prepare for the Professional Scrum Master Certification, and for the same reason i have achieved for myself over time many important Certifications, including: PSM I , SAFe SPC (the most important worldwide Framework to scale Agile to the entire Organization), LeSS (another very important framework to Scale Agile), Enterprise Business Agility Strategist (issued by AgilityHealth) and PMP (prestigious certification as Project Management Professional issued by PMI institute). So, differently from most other courses on Scrum Master Certification, both my Certifications and years of practices as Agile Coach and Trainer, will make the difference and be the best guarantee for the purchase of my course ! WHY CHOOSE MY COURSE ?I realized this Course because of the great interest that companies have towards Agile and Scrum practices in particular and because, nevertheless, during my experience I noticed that many Scrum projects do not actually practice the framework correctly and for this reason they get into difficulties or, in the best cases, they travel at a sub-optimal level and are unable to maximize its benefits.I have also created this Course to fill a gap in training on this subject. To learn the Scrum Framework correctly there are few quality alternatives to classroom type courses that have much higher costs and course delivery locations often far from your own. Also, many online courses are not completely aligned to the Scrum Guide and this could represent a risk for your exam.Note: All my Students pass the exam at first attempt and with an average percentage of around 95%! (with top students reporting all correct answers!)HOW IS THIS COURSE STRUCTURED ?My course is very structured, rich in content and illustrations and pays great attention to detail. It represents in my opinion the best way both to approach the Framework and, above all, to better prepare for the PSM I Certification exam (which I remember is very Prestigious on the market and also quite difficult to pass).In particular, each module and each lesson is identified by a label that indicates:if its content is part of the official Scrum Guide and therefore the subject of PSM I examination questionsor represents an Additional Content (its concepts are useful to better understand some more sneaky exam questions)or an additional Content (of intermediate-advanced level) useful above all to acquire additional knowledge to be applied in the practice of work in ScrumAs a result, it is possible to build 3 learning paths:A first path intended for Agile and Scrum Neophyte who wants to acquire a first knowledge (including all the notions of the Scrum Guide Framework)A second path intended for People with basic knowledge and/or already practitioners who want to acquire all the knowledge and practices necessary to better prepare for PSM 1 Certification or rethink their Scrum practices.A third path intended for whoever wants to carry out a complete path, going as far as to deepen some important aspects and practices such as Agile requirements, the main estimation techniques, the main metrics for monitoring the progress of the project or the application of the Scrum in contexts of more than one team working on the same product.In summary, the Course consists of 3,5 hours of Video, online eBook with +250 schematic and illustrated pages divided into 10 modules and 30 lessons, 7 additional content to download, Practice Test at the end of each module and 2 final PSM I Exam Simulators consisting each of 80 quality questions in English with a complexity similar to the real exam. Each question is then accompanied by a full explanation of the correct answer. As said, no other course on Udemy offers you an accompanying ebook! This is particular useful as subsequent study (after the videos) and as quick reference during your exam ! (CTRL + F)DO I GET A GUARANTEE ?Absolutely yes ! You can enroll now 100% risk-free because you receive 30 days, unconditional full money-back guarantee in case you are not satisfied.So, go ahead and click the Buy Now button right now !Note1: Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Master, PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, etc. are protected brand of Scrum dot org. Current course and practice exam are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum . org. The authors of the Scrum Guide are Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland.The Nexus Guide is developed and sustained by Ken Schwaber and Scrum dot orgNo changes have been made to the content of the Scrum Guide and the Nexus GuideNote2: For italian learners, it is available also the italian version under this suffix: /course/corso-professionale-agile-scrum-e-scrum-master/?referralCode=F5112A0EB1566ABDB297"
Price: 19.99

"PMI Risk Management Professional Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) It works as a project manager for BlueWell Inc. Your project is late and we must respond to risk. That likely response you can choose from that will also cause to upgrade the human resource management plan?a) Teaming agreementsb) transferencec) Crashing the projectd) Fast monitoring of the projectQ) The draft Risk Management knowledge area focuses on which of the following processes? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.a) Quantitative Risk Analysisb) Risk Monitoring and Controlc) Potential risk monitoringd) Planning Risk ManagementQ) There are five inputs to the quantitative analysis of the risk process. Which of the following is not an input to execute the process of quantitative analysis of the risk?a) risk registerb) risk management planc) the cost management pland) Enterprise environmental factorsQ) In which part of a project are the risks and the greatest opportunities and require planning and forecasting of intense risk events?a) closingb) Planningc) Startd) executionQ) Courtney is the project manager for his organization. She is working with the project team to complete the qualitative analysis of risk to your project. While Courtney analysis encourages the project team to begin the grouping of identified risks for common causes. What it is the main advantage of group risks most common causes during the Qualitative Risk Analysis?a) It helps the project team realize more full of risks of the project areas.b) It saves time, collecting related resources, such as members of the project team, to analyze risk events.c) It can lead to developing effective responses at risk.d) It can lead to the creation of unique risk categories for each project."
Price: 149.99

"Revit - Curso prtico" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender todos os recursos necessrios para criar um projeto de edificao utilizando a ferramenta Revit, faremos juntos a construo e detalhamento de uma residncia, passando por todos os elementos construtivos, e faremos a criao dos materiais de acabamento, para voc aprender e depois poder aplicar em seus projetos pessoais e profissionais.Seja bem vindo ao mundo BIM, com o revit voc poder se iterar melhor com esse novo conceito na construo civil que o sistema BIM!!"
Price: 39.99

"Learn Basics of Algebra From Scratch" |
"Introduction to Algebra is a beginner level course. This course starts from scratch and discusses about Algebraic Expression, Algebraic Term, Coefficient, Variables and PEMDAS. You can take this course as a beginner or someone who is interested in learning mathematical concepts. This course aids you in college or university entrance exams."
Price: 194.99

"Learn Basics of Averages From Scratch" |
"In this course students will learn about Averages, interesting results obtained from Averages ,Mean and Mode will also be discussed. This course also contains a quiz to check your understanding of the course. The course is designed in a fun and exciting way to make sure you understand and enjoy at the same time."
Price: 194.99

"Learn Basics Of Logarithms" |
"In this course students will learn 1) Logarithm2) Logarithm ( Understanding Intuitively)3) Common Vs Natural Log4) Product Formulae5) Quotient Formulae6) Power Formulae7) Base Changing Formulae8) One To One Property 9) Interesting and useful results The course also involves learning in a fun and interesting way that will keep you occupied and a quiz at the end to check your understanding ."
Price: 194.99

"Successful Virtual Meetings" |
"Within this course you will get tips on how to prepare, host and follow-up your virtual meeting in such a way to make it a success. Therefore you will get to know psychological specifics that impact human behavior in virtual rooms as well as the advantages of hosting virtual sessions. At the end of the course you will know how to actively engage your attendees. and have access to several downloadable resources and links to additional material."
Price: 19.99

"Provas e estratgias" |
"A Palestra PROVAS E ESTRATGIAS oferece ferramentas para identificao dos diversos tipos de provas e para preparao de estratgias para elas. So mais de 3 horas aulas e 2 vdeos prticos.Neste encontro falamos de provas objetivas e discursivas, provas longas e curtas, forma para responder e chutar questes, alimentao e descansos durante a prova, controle de tempo, aspectos psicolgicos e, principalmente, os aspectos principais para ter um estratgia bem definida para se preparar e realizar uma prova.Ateno: Nesta palestra no oferecemos mtodos de estudo, tambm no oferecemos frmulas mgicas ou indicamos aquilo que voc deve fazer, preferimos trabalhar oferecendo ferramentas para que voc possa montar uma estratgia de acordo com o seu perfil e com as suas necessidades.Caso voc queira saber mais sobre provas ou criar uma estratgia para elas este produto para voc."
Price: 54.99

"Kotlin Java" |
"Kotlin Kotlin Kotlin 2011 JVM Java Java Java Kotlin Java Java Kotlin 2017 Google Android Kotlin Android Kotlin Kotlin Kotlin Java 1 Kotlin Android"
Price: 2400.00

"Mezcla como un Dj" |
"En este curso de Deejay se aprendern los fundamentos de la msica electrnica y as aplicar la tcnica de mezcla BEATMATCHING. Se demostrarn los procedimientos realizados por un Deejay durante la mezcla sincronizada de 2 o ms pistas musicales y se usarn herramientas como un controlador y un software profesional de deejay, podrs lograr una sincrona rtmica y estructural entre tus pistas favoritas para que la msica nunca pare de sonar."
Price: 34.99

"Windows 10 - Informtica Simples e Descomplicada" |
"Windows 10 um sistema operacional da Microsoft, e atualmente a principal verso do Windows. A sua primeira verso de testes foi lanada a 1 de outubro de 2014 e apresentou uma srie de mudanas em relao ao seu predecessor, o Windows 8.1. Entre elas, esto a volta do menu Iniciar, mltiplos ambientes de trabalho, novo navegador (Microsoft Edge), aplicativos renovados (Foto, Vdeo, Msica, Loja, Outlook, Office Mobile e at o prompt de comando) Seja Bem Vindo ao Windows 10Aula 1: Seja Bem Vindo!Aula 2: Are de TrabalhoAula 3: Boto Minimizar, Maximizar, Restaurar e FecharAula 4: Conhecendo o MouseAula 5: O Teclado - Tipos e ValoresAula 6: Utilizando o CAPSLOOK, SHIFT, BACK SPACE, BARRA DE ESPAO.Aula 7: Reconhecendo o seu computador X Nota FiscalAula 8: Ainda Reconhecendo o seu Sistema OperacionalAprendendo a Baixar AplicativosAula 9: Instalando Navegador FirefoxAula 10: Instalando Navegador GoogleAula 11: Instalando o Antivrus Avast Free AntivrusAula 12: Mais um pouco sobre o AvastAula 13: Baixando Leitor de PDFAula 14: Reconhecendo a Velocidade da Internet e Tentando melhorarAula 15: Baixando e Instalando o CCleaner em InglsDesinstalando aplicativos BaixadosAula 16: Desinstalando o Aplicativo Ccleaner e Instalando em ProtugusConfiguraes Bsicas do WindowsAula 17: ConfiguraesAula 18: VdeoAula 19: ArmazenamentoAula 20: Personalizao, IniciarAula 21: Personalizao, TemasAula 22: Personalizao, Tela de FundoAula 23: Tela de BloqueioCriando E-Mail'sAula 24: Criando Email no GmailAula 25: Atualizando o Gmail para PortugusAula 26: Criando Email no YahooAula 27: Organizando as Telas Yahoo e GmailEnviando Email'sAula 28: Teoria do envio de E-mailAula 29: Enviando e-mail do Yahoo para o GmailAula 30: Gmail Respondendo ao YahooAula 31: Enviando e-mail com Anexo ""Foto""Redes SociaisAula 32: Criando Conta no FaceBookAula 33: Modificando Perfil no Facebook e enviar solicitao de amizadeAula 34: Respondendo solicitao de amizade no FacebookAula 35: Criando Conta no InstagramAula 36: Colocando a Foto de Perfil no InstagramPastas e DiretriosAula 37: O Que so Diretrios ou Pastas?Aula 38: Criando Diretrios ou PastasAula 39: Removendo Diretrios ou PastasAula 40: Renomeando DiretriosAula 41: Copiando DiretriosArquivosAula 42: Gravando Arquivos, Imagem da InternetAula 43: Gravando um TextoAplicativos NativosAula 44: CalculadoraAula 45: Microsoft EdgeAula 46: WordPadAula 47: PaintAula 48: Acessrios do WindowsManipulando com ArquivosAula 49: Vamos Manipular com arquivos - Pate 1Aula 50: Vende-se um Pneu de Moto - WordPad - Paint + NavegadorAula 51: Gravando o ArquivoAula 52: Tratamento com Arquivos de Texto - Formatao SimplesAula 53: Colocando imagem no texto"
Price: 249.99

trendblog |
Price: 19.99

"Mastering the science of making realistic hairs" |
"Hello guys, I am parshwika, your course instructor, I started my own art career in 2018 and I am a completely self-taught artist.This course contains basic about how to draw a hairs (everything you need to know about drawing a hairs) along hair drawing in complete depth completely narrated by me ITS AN ULTIMATE DRAWING COURSE ON HOW TO DRAW A REALISTIC HAIRS COVERING EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HOW TO DRAW A HAIRThis is course is an easy step by step process targetted for anyone to draw and shade without any experience or knowledge/ no art degree.Most simplified version to draw and shade a female hair.I am on a mission to help to struggle and aspiring artists in their art career. From 2018 till 2020 I had learned a lot, I started from complete scratch and till now I have gained some experience in making a portrait. Since I struggled a lot as I am not from art school don't have any art degree and so I really wasn't knowing how to draw, it was a challenge for me but then I took this challenge and in 2 years I learned by practicing daily and making new artworks. One thing I want to say that you don't need any art degree or any kind of experience to become an artist, cause at that time when I was starting with art people were telling me you don't have any experience and any art degree so you cant draw and sketch. I prove them wrong by practicing daily and making new artworks and I am combining my tips and techniques that I personally used in this art course, this course will going to cover how to draw and sketch and shade a female face step by step taking you to every aspect of an artwork, I hope it will help you. Please give your feedback and reviews as it will help me to improve more.Regardsparshwika"
Price: 44.99

"Top MS Excel Tools & Tricks Mastery Course(Advance 20 Tools)" |
"20 Advance Excel Tools (Not Tricks and Not Tips) Need to Master in 2020(Concise/Short.If you're a business/Working professional, who uses (or will be using Microsoft Excel) on a daily basis, this is the course for you!The Course will Help You Build a Strong Foundation in Excel & Solve Complex Problems Fast - This is How: Use my top 20 Tools(Not Tricks and Not Tips) to increase Productivity and save time Learn the top 20 Excel Tools(Not Tricks and Not Tips) for quick and fast calculation in no time.This course is NOT an introduction to Excel.It's about featuring some of the most powerful and effective tools and techniques used by Excel professionals, and sharing them through nice, clear demos and unique, real-world case studies.20 Sheets for 20 Excel Tools and Bonus Sheets for Bonus tools:1) Data Grouping2) Data Consolidation3) Freeze Panes4) Splitting of Column5) Text to Column6) Flash Fill7) Remove Duplicates8) Hide Row & Column9) Hide Worksheet & Hide Workbook10) Auditing Tools11) SUBTOTAL Feature12) GO TO SPECIAL TAB13) Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)14) Ribbon Customization Create a tab of your name15) Hide/Remove Tab16) The Secret Excel Camera Tool17) Amazing Secrets of Paste Special18) Find/Replace19) Quick Analysis20) The Power of Hyperlinks**********************************************Super Amazing Bonuses:1) Bonus Tool 12) Bonus Tool 23) Bonus Tool 34) Bonus Tool 45) Bonus Tool 5**********************************************[Excel Shortcuts keys for all tool used in this course.]<<<<Real Time Excel Data which is used in the industries.>>>Practice Files, Assignments and Case- StudiesE-book guide to assist while watching the videos**********************************************Super BONUS: MASTER HYPERLINKED WORKBOOK All sheets as one place.***** THE MOST RELEVANT CONTENT TO GET YOU UP TO SPEED ********** CLEAR AND CRISP VIDEO RESOLUTION ********** CLEAR AND GOOD AUDIO ********** COURSE UPDATED: Aug 2020 *****Becoming advanced in Excel takes practice, readiness to learn new methods and willingness to apply these to practical cases. Take this course to get a head start!SummaryMy motto of creating this course program is increase the awareness of the top excel tools which will eventually help you to solve complex problems. Explore the best possibilities Excel offers you, only then are you able to do any type of analysis with the best and clean method in the shortest time.[*****It's time to start working smarter, not harder. *******]If you're looking to maximize your efficiency, supercharge your productivity, and become an absolute Excel POWER USER, this is the course for you.See you in there!Nipun Gupta, Trulabz TechnologiesTake action now to take yourself to the next level of professional development. Click on the TAKE THIS COURSE button, located on the top right corner of the page, NOWevery moment you delay you are delaying that next step up in your career*** LIFETIME access includes Excel Pro Tip PDF eBook, Excel project files, 1-on-1 expert support, and a 100% guarantee ***"
Price: 3200.00

"Alemn en 5 palavras Curso 1 en espaol para iniciantes" |
"Hola y Willkommen (Hola y bienvenido!)Puedo ayudarte a aprender alemn? Quieres dominar el alemn? Entonces mis clases son perfectas para ti.Inscrbase en el curso de alemn en 5 palabras ahora mismo y comience a hablar alemn desde el 1er daMi nombre es Renan y he enseado idiomas extranjeros durante ms de quince aos. Me encantan los idiomas y, sobre todo, me encanta ensear idiomas. Este es mi objetivo en la vida y mi pasin. Me encanta viajar y hablar con los nativos en su propio idioma y descubrir los detalles de su cultura y su vida. Y es por esta razn que, a lo largo de mi vida, aprend ms de 10 idiomas y viv en ms de 15 pases (entre ellos Alemania, Italia, Francia, China, Brasil, Argentina, Colombia y Per). He sido profesor de idiomas durante ms de 15 aos, traductor e intrprete oficial. Siempre he trabajado con la enseanza y el uso de idiomas.Como estudiante y profesor de idiomas, siempre me he percatado de que los mtodos tradicionales son muy aburridos, agotadores y requieren mucho tiempo. Mi objetivo siempre ha sido aprender un idioma de una manera rpida, divertida y prctica. Y tuve xito!Y es por eso que cre el curso Alemn en 5 palabras como una forma de hacer que el aprendizaje del alemn sea ms fcil que nunca y accesible para cualquier persona, especialmente para las personas que intentaron aprender y fallaron en el pasado, y las personas que quieren entender cmo el idioma funciona y quieren lograr niveles ms avanzados. Por esta razn, decid crear un curso COMPLETO y con las primeras 15 lecciones GRATUITAS para que pueda ver si el mtodo es efectivo para usted. Estoy seguro de que s.Mi curso es perfecto tanto para iniciantes como para aquellos estudiantes que no tienen ningn conocimiento del alemn, ya que divido el idioma en partes pequeas que muestro cmo ensamblar de una manera lgica y fcil de entender.Antes de comenzar cada leccin, hago una revisin de la leccin anterior y, solo despus de eso, se presentarn las nuevas palabras. Como estas palabras siempre sern revisadas en el futuro, no hay riesgo de olvidarlas.Con este mtodo, dejars de ser un principiante total y comenzars a construir tus propias frases en solo algunos minutos.Inscrbase en el curso de alemn en 5 palabras ahora mismo y comience a hablar alemn desde el 1er daPRUEBE CLASES GRATUITAS Y EL CURSO DE DEMOSTRACINMira las primeras lecciones a continuacin de forma gratuita y entenders lo que quiero decir! Quiero que realmente aprendas alemn, por eso las primeras 15 lecciones de este curso son gratuitas y estn aqu esperndote.Quiero que veas lo simple y fcil que es aprender alemn.CMO FUNCIONA EL CURSO ALEMN EN 5 PALABRAS?Como el nombre sugiere, cada leccin de este curso presenta 5 palabras nuevas que irs a aprender.Como este primer curso es para iniciantes, las palabras tambin sern para iniciantes (o A1 segn el marco europeo para las lenguas).Primero, repasars la leccin anterior y solo despus de eso aprenders las 5 palabras nuevas que se pueden usar para crear nuevas frases. La pronunciacin y las estructuras gramaticales se aprendern de manera muy eficiente y fcil, junto con las palabras.Es decir, en cada leccin usars las palabras y las estructuras aprendidas en las lecciones pasadas, adems de agregar las 5 palabras y estructuras nuevas aprendidas en la leccin actual.Al final del curso, haremos algunas clases prcticas y objetivas de pronunciacin y algunos ejercicios adicionales disponibles en PDF o grabados en video.A lo largo del curso, las oraciones sern cada vez ms largas y complejas, pero fciles de memorizar. Esta es una seal de que estars madurando en el idioma. Pero no te preocupes, como profesor de idiomas, s hasta dnde puedo llegar.Estoy seguro de que no olvidars las palabras, ya que esta es una forma revolucionaria de ensear idiomas, y si este mtodo funcion para que yo aprendiera 10 idiomas y para miles de otros estudiantes, tambin funcionar para ti.Este es un curso muy simple con frases, estructuras y ejercicios prcticos en tiempo real que son fciles de recordar, pero puedo asegurarte que es uno de los cursos ms completos para el aprendizaje de idiomas disponibles en el mercado a un precio muy accesible y en lnea.MIS CONSEJOS- Siempre escriba las nuevas palabras y frases despus de repetirlas.- Siempre repita las palabras y las frases en voz alta.- Hable con los nativos a travs de Internet y en persona.- Habla y pregntale a tu maestro (si tambin quieres hablar en alemn, estoy disponible) :)POR QU CRE ESTE MTODO DE 5 PALABRAS?Cuando comienzas a aprender algo nuevo, tiendes a comenzar con mucha emocin y motivacin. En la primera semana, estudias durante horas, pero en la semana siguiente, solo vas a estudiar durante una hora, y entonces disminuyes a media hora, luego disminuyes a de vez en cuando, hasta que te das cuenta de que no ests aprendiendo, te aburres , te decepcionas y te das por vencido.Adems, en los cursos tradicionales, a menudo aprendemos frases que nunca usaremos. Lo que hice en los cursos de 5 palabras fue cambiar lo que aprendiste primero. Eleg las palabras ms usadas y las enseo para que puedas decir cosas que realmente usars.Este curso presenta lecciones muy cortas con palabras que son fciles de memorizar, con contexto y con mucha prctica. Vocabulario, estructura y prctica, esto es lo que necesitamos para aprender un idioma. Y con el alemn no es diferente.1. MOTIVACINPara aprender algo de forma eficiente, debes estar motivado, de lo contrario ser una tarea ardua y al final terminars rindindote.Si te limitas a aprender 5 palabras y algunas estructuras al da en clases que van de 3 a 5 minutos, siempre mantendrs el idioma alemn fresco en tu mente. Vers que ests aprendiendo y esto aumentar tu entusiasmo para seguir adelante.2. CONSTANCIAComo alguien que ha estudiado y aprendido idiomas durante ms de 20 aos, puedo garantizar que 5 palabras al da en clases de 3 a 5 minutos son mil veces ms eficientes que 4 horas, dos veces por semana. Es muy fcil encontrar de 3 a 5 minutos al da, incluso en las personas ms ocupadas y en los horarios ms ocupados.Si estudias 5 palabras al da en lecciones de 3 a 5 minutos, pronto se convertir en un hbito en tu vida. Es mucho ms fcil adaptarse a un hbito diario de 3 minutos que a un hbito de una hora por semana. Al hacerlo, te convertirs en un estudiante mucho ms constante y la constancia es la clave del xito.3. MEMORIZACINEsta es la razn principal para que limites tu estudio a solo 5 palabras en lecciones cortas. Si estudias algo durante unos minutos todos los das, tu cerebro memorizar la informacin ms rpido que si la vieras durante horas dos veces por semana. Tu cerebro ver que esta informacin se repite todos los das y la almacenar en tu memoria a largo plazo, despus de todo, el alemn ser parte de tu vida diaria, no?Por eso cre este curso y este mtodo. Te impresionar la facilidad con que las palabras permanecern en tu cerebro si te limitas a aprender solo 5 palabras al da.Entonces, si quieres un curso completo, rpido y fcil que realmente te ensee a hablar alemn y que no te mandendr estagnado en un nivel bsico, regstrate hoy en el curso Alemn en 5 palabras.Vielen Dank (muchas gracias)Inscrbase en el curso de alemn en 5 palabras ahora mismo y comience a hablar alemn desde el 1er da"
Price: 199.99

"Advanced Selling Skills" |
"This Advanced Selling Skills course will provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to increase your sales substantially. It covers the following important topics i.e.- Introduction & Unique Challenges Faced By Salespeople.- Advanced Opening Approaches & Techniques.- Advanced Need Qualification Approaches & Questioning Techniques - Part 1.- Advanced Need Qualification Approaches & Questioning Techniques - Part 2.- Advanced Closing Approaches & Techniques - Part 1.- Advanced Closing Approaches & Techniques - Part 2.- Adjusting Your Selling Approach To The Different Types of Generations of Customers - Part 1.- Adjusting Your Selling Approach To The Different Types of Generations of Customers - Part 2.- Adjusting Your Selling Approach To The Different Types of Generations of Customers - Part 3.- Adjusting Your Selling Approach To The Different Types of Generations of Customers - Part 4.- Adjusting Your Selling Approach To The Different Types of Buyers Encountered - Part 1.- Adjusting Your Selling Approach To The Different Types of Buyers Encountered - Part 2.- Adjusting Your Selling Approach To The Different Types of Buyers Encountered - Part 3.- How To Tell If Prospective Or Existing Customers Are Lying To You.- Understanding The Application Of Neuro-Linguistic Programming & Body Language.- How To Use Neuro-Linguistic Programming In Advanced Selling.- How To Deliver A World Class Presentation.- Conclusion."
Price: 54.99

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Price: 3600.00

"FMEA: ""primi passi""" |
"Prevenire meglio che curare si dice sempre, la FMEA punta proprio su questo: individua, prima e durante il completamento di un processo o progetto, le varie problematiche che si possono presentare categorizzandole in base al loro impatto sul risultato finale. Mi apre la strada per una gestione del progetto-processo quasi esente da ""problemi di giovent""."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende PHP, jQuery,HTML5,CSS realizando una red social" |
"Con este curso de casi siete horas de duracin vas a poder aprender mucho sobre desarrollo web y mejoraras tus conocimientos.Aprenders a crear una red social bsica desde cero, paso a paso y sencillamente que es lo ms importante.As que te animo a que empieces este curso que he creado con tanta ilusin."
Price: 19.99

"Sustentabilidade e Minimalismo" |
"O Curso traz caractersticas importantes para entendermos a importncia do Termo sustentabilidade e o que est atrelado a Ele. Vamos Passar pelos nmeros do Mundo, saber o que o PIB e IDH, engenharia da Sustentabilidade, Iso 14001, Agricultura Sustentvel.Minimalismo, vamos entender porque esse movimento de atitude vem ganhando fora, principalmente nas redes sociais, quais conceitos e mitos sobre a prtica."
Price: 24.99

"EXCEL per le aziende - livello ""start""" |
"Nel corso ""EXCEL per le aziende"" vengono illustrate le prime 30 funzionalit di Excel finalizzate alla gestione, monitoraggio ed elaborazione dei dati aziendali (flussi C/R, fatturato, performance dipendenti, fornitori, previsioni, ecc.).Si tratta del livello ""start"", ossia del 1 livello. Seguiranno altri 2 corsi, per arrivare ad utilizzare le funzionalit pi avanzate di Excel."
Price: 99.99

"Statistische Grundlagen in der Qualittssicherung Teil 1" |
"Hier werden Grundlagen vermittelt, die bei der statistischen Auswertung und Bewertung von Messreihen in der Qualittssicherung bentigt werden. Dieser Kurs befasst sich mit der Analyse von messbaren Merkmalen auf Basis der Normalverteilung. Es werden die Kennwerte der Normalverteilung vermittelt sowie die Berechnung der Maschinen- und Prozessfhigkeit (cmk und cpk). Anhand des Zufallsstreubereichs werden Prozessanteile oberhalb, unterhalb oder zwischen bestimmtem Werten berechnet."
Price: 49.99

"Evita realizar esos cursos largusimos en los que tienes que estudiar mil cosas sin sentido para la aplicacin prctica. En este curso podrs aprender de forma rpida y muy prctica a confeccionar dietas para disminuir tu grasa corporal y perder peso. Material muy completo y sencillo.El curso est dividido en tres bloques:- Bienvenida.- Teora.- Prctica.A travs de los bloques irs aprendiendo y asimilando conceptos tiles para intervenir en un programa de prdida de peso y definicin muscular."
Price: 29.99

"Fitness & Nutrition Master Class - How To Get Beach Ready" |
"A fitness and nutrition course designed to take you to the next level, put together by a personal trainer/coach with over 20 years of training and coaching experience. Applicable information that can be used to invigograte your current regime coupled with a system that is proven to work when achieving health and fitness goals."
Price: 19.99

"Flower Making 4 Video Course - Beginner to Intermediate" |
"This is a course that will teach you all there is to start making beautiful homemade flowers and create delicate works of art by learning from this 4 video course.You will learn the following in this course:1. Dough making at home with simple ingredients2. Color Mixing with Oil Paints3. The Flower Making Process - by hand and with tools4. Arranging flowers on different objects for final decorationWe are 100% certain you will appreciate what we have brought to you with this course."
Price: 19.99

Switchwords |
"This is a certified course from Heal Eterniti to train your mind through one word, phrases, numbers and combined mental techniques to make a tool that can manifest your heart's desires, learn and utilize the easiest, powerful and quick manifesting tool of modern times, certificate provided at the end of the training program."
Price: 49.99

Supera-te |
"O curso Supera-te com Inteligncia Emocional um curso prtico que ajudar quem queira ser um pouco melhor no s na sua vida profissional como pessoal. Fala sobre comunicar melhor, compreender e ser melhor compreendido, gesto de emoes e gesto de stress, produtividade, entre outros. No fala sobre a teoria da inteligncia emocional nem o que esta significa nas vrias correntes existentes, fala sim como sermos mais inteligentes emocionalmente na prtica."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de limpeza de pele" |
"Voc quer um curso rpido, dinmico e com praticidade em estudar a hora que voc quiser?Voc quer uma tima estrutura com vdeos aulas, material em PDF e atividades de fixao ?Voc quer ao final do curso ter o domnio completo do trabalho?Voc quer ao final do curso adquirir o certificado de qualificao?Voc quer entrar no mundo da beleza com pouco investimento e mais lucro? Voc quer autonomia em sua jornada de trabalho e ganhando dinheiro na hora?Voc quer ser reconhecido (renome) no mundo esttica ?Este curso vai lhe proporcionar conhecimentos tericos e prtico com as vdeos aulas, voc pode interagir comigo tirando suas dvidas em perguntas e respostas na plataforma do curso, material em PDF para que voc possa imprimir montando sua apostila tendo acesso rpido a qualquer dvida na hora que estiver atendendo seu cliente.Conecte-se comigo nas redes sociais, para ver o trabalho na prtica.rosianeheckert"
Price: 294.99

"Corso Trading & Analisi Tecnica" |
"Il trading una forma di investimento che si sta diffondendo rapidamente grazie alla tecnologia che abbiamo a disposizione oggi.Grazie al trading potresti essere in grado di crearti una entrata aggiuntiva o addirittura trasformare questo mestiere nella tua fonte di reddito principale. Questo corso ti insegner le basi fondamentali dell' analisi tecnica. Il corso illustrato parlando chiaramente e senza utilizzare tecnicismi difficili da comprendere questi due fattori rendono il corso frequentabile per chiunque."
Price: 19.99
