"ABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.31(C_TAW12_731) Practice Exam" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for ABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.31(C_TAW12_731) Practice ExamOnline practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.31(C_TAW12_731) Practice ExamExam Code: C_TAW12_731Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 180 minsNumber of Questions : 80 questionsPassing Score : 60%Total Questions to check your knowledge: 80"
Price: 129.99

"Gagner des abonns YouTube : mthodes gratuites et payantes" |
"1 million d'abonns en 1 mois ?Si c'est ce que vous cherchez, faite demi tour car le but de cette formation est d'apprendre faire dvelopper une chane YouTube de manire durable !Qu'est ce que ""de manire durable"" signifie ?- Croissance qui augmente avec le temps et qui ne stagne pas (technique pour briser les priodes de stagnation)- Dvelopper une image de marque autour de votre chane (on va tout de suite savoir qu'il s'agit de vous !)- Mettre en place des stratgies de rfrencement naturel - Possibilit de mettre en place des systme automatiques (payant) permettant de dvelopper une audience plus rapidement que le rfrencement naturel (pour pas cher) - Avoir un horizon d'objectif long terme (exemple : vouloir crer une chane YouTube qui sera encore prsente dans 10 ans et non pas une chane qui fait le buzz 2 mois)Si la manire durable vous attire plus que la croissance tout prix, alors cette formation est faites pour vous ! Portez vous bien,Valentin,(Pour les manires payantes, il faudra avoir un compte google ads et facebooks ads, trs rapide crer et simple, vous pouvez aussi trouver des tuto sur internet pour la cration de ces comptes)"
Price: 19.99

"Build 2 Responsive Website with HTML5 & CSS3 Beginner to Adv" |
"This Course will talk about HTML5 and CSS3.'HTML5 is one of the hot web technologies and is widely gaining acceptance across mobile and web. In our course, you get a complete resource that can get you started on application development for HTML5. In our course, you work on actual examples and go through important concepts required for through knowledge.''Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. CSS is a cornerstone technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and JavaScript.'Now it's your turn to decide. This is what you get: Lifetime access to my HD quality videos. No monthly subscription. Learn at your own pace, whenever you want. All lectures are downloadable to make your learning experience even better. Free helpful support in the course Q&A when you have questions or get stuck"
Price: 104.99

"iOS Development Crash Course - Learn How to Create iOS Apps" |
"Welcome to the Swift Basics Course where we aim to start learning about Swift Programming from SCRATCH!You don't need any past programming experience and/or mobile app development experience in any programming language to take this course, we will learn to Code Swift from Scratch.What is Swift Swift is a general-purpose programming language developed by Apple to create apps for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS and even for tvOS.What you are going to learnUse of Xcode's Playground Environment - Learn to use Playground which is very powerful Interactive work Environment for Swift ProgrammingSwift Variables and Constants - Learn the basics of Variables, Constants and their Data Types in SwiftOperators in Swift - Learn how to use various operators in Swift that includes Arithmetic Operators, Compound Assignment Operators, Comparison Operators and Logical Operators.Characters and Strings - Learn to manipulate Strings and Characters in your code and different functions associated with them.Collection Types in Swift - Learn about Arrays, Dictionaries, Sets and Tuples in Swift and how to use them. Also learn about different method associated with them.Swift Control Flow - This section deals with iterators and conditionals. Learn how to use while loops, For loops in Swift.Swift Functions - We will learn about Functions, how to create them, pass parameters to a function and get return values from a function.Classes in Swift - Learn how to use blueprint like Class in Swift.Struct in Swift - Learn how to use blueprint like Struct in Swift.Additional Content: We will create a TODO List iOS Application for your iPhoneBy the end of this course, you will be well versed with:Swift FundamentalsVariables and Constants in SwiftOperators in SwiftCreating Functions Creating LoopsConditions in SwiftCollection Types in SwiftEnums in SwiftSwitch Statements in SwiftStruct in Swift Classes in SwiftAnd much moreAnd you will be ready to create your first iOS AppYou would have created a Todo list App yourselfYou'll get friendly support in the Q&A area.Take this course now and start learning Swift Programming Language"
Price: 12800.00

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Exam 2020" |
"This course intends to help anyone to fully prepare for their AWS Certification track. You will have full access in this updated practice test for AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Certification. This also provides detailed explanations to help you understand deeply the concepts. Through these practice exams, you will gain better understanding and knowledge in AWS by going through the answers. You will have unlimited access to this course and is easily accessible through a mobile phones or computer/laptops, which will help you gear up for your exam and your career.1. 3 SETS OF HIGH QUALITY PRACTICE TEST - questions were carefully prepared for you to understand the overall aspect of knowledge to pass the certification.2. NEAR THE ACTUAL EXAM SITUATIONS - there is no best way to prepare for the actual certification than making sure the difficulty of practice almost matched.3. EXPLANATIONS TO THE ANSWERS AND LINKS - detailed explanations have been presented to make sure that you understand the concept not just the mere answer to the questions. This gives you broad knowledge whenever you encounter a similar exam question.4. UPDATED QUESTION BANK - we make sure to keep with the latest exam format based from the community feedbacks which help us to better prepare these practice test.5. ACCESS IN ANY MOBILE DEVICEWe are also banking in your part that you have done your preparation by going through the course and this practice test is your supplement to your study to test your preparedness. We highly suggest that you have gone through deep study and make this as your last step before taking the exam. Remember AWS CSA Pro is a different beast but we are here to help you slaying it."
Price: 24.99

"-Les techniques et secrets expliqus dans ce programme peuvent vous aider tripler liste email pour augmenter vos chances d'atteindre vos objectifs!Mais aussi,vous avez la possibilit d'adapter,les stratgies enseignes dans ce programme pour augmenter vos chances d'atteindre n'importe quel objectif,que a soit pour attirer ou garder russite,bonheur,productivit,amour,confiance en soi,libert financire,minceur,gratitudeJe tiens remercier les milliers de personnes (plus de 100 000 personnes) de centaines de pays du monde entier qui m'ont fait confiance pour acheter mes produits sur et hors Internet ! (pourtant au dbut, on m'a dit que malgr mes diplmes de (docteur...), les gens comme moi n'ont le droit de russir que dans le sport ou le rap...) ce qui est certain, j'ai d battre des records pour prendre ma place et j'ai russi... -Aprs ce programme, vous pourrez adapter les stratgies et secrets expliqus pour acclrer la ralisation de vos rves ! Vous pourrez galement dvelopper votre bien-tre, votre force mentale, votre bonheur..."
Price: 199.99

"-Les techniques et secrets expliqus dans ce programme vous aideront Maigrir, apprendre matriser poids sans stress,sans abandonner grignotageJe tiens remercier les milliers de personnes (plus de 100 000 personnes) de centaines de pays du monde entier qui m'ont fait confiance pour acheter mes produits sur et hors Internet ! (pourtant au dbut, on m'a dit que malgr mes diplmes de (docteur...), les gens comme moi n'ont le droit de russir que dans le sport ou le rap...) ce qui est certain, j'ai d battre des records pour prendre ma place et j'ai russi... -Aprs ce programme, vous pourrez adapter les stratgies et secrets expliqus pour acclrer la ralisation de vos rves ! Vous pourrez galement dvelopper votre bien-tre, votre force mentale, votre bonheur..."
Price: 199.99

"Camtasia 2020 Epic Motion Graphics & Animations 2nd Edition" |
"This class is a continuation mastering the Motion Graphics and Animation features in Camtasia by the actually creating something epic. In this case we will use the custom animation feature to create epic motion graphic transitions and a tiny bit of animations will be applied to text using the behaviors feature.Learning Objectives:1. Learn how to create unique designs by combining transitions and custom animations2. Create your own designs using the skills you learn from this course3. Be inspired by the motion graphics created in this course and combine it with your own creative zestEnd of Course Assignments:Using the knowledge you gain in this course create your own unique motion graphic. I think the sample I created of an additional animation transition at end of class assignment video should help inspire you creating something unique.Submit it to the community for review by either me or other studentsMake modifications based on feedback and see how much sharing and constructive criticism can take your design to the next level.Also you will create the last part of sweeping rectangle animation on your own.Ultimate I want my students to have fun so don't worry if your design is not perfect. It's not about where you start but instead where you want to go. So as long as you are improving that is what matters the most."
Price: 199.99

"best home remedies for covid 19 prevention" |
"Outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics of highly communicable diseases have afflicted mankind since the beginning of human history and were very well -known to the ancient Ayurvedic scholars. In the Charaka samhita (one of the principle textbooks of Ayurveda) both epidemics and pandemics are clearly described together with what preventive measures should be taken. Epidemics are defined as sudden, unexpected outbreaks of a disease within a fairly local area. Pandemics, in contrast, refer to a very widespread disease that affects an entire nation or the world. In Ayurveda epidemics are called aupasargika roga and pandemics are janapadodhvansa roga. Coronavirus is an example of the latter. Janapadodhvansa literally means annihilation of society."
Price: 19.99

"How to treat allergic rhinitis (hay fever) with acupressure" |
"Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a chronic respiratory disorder associated with a substantial health and psychological burden. The prevalence of AR is on the increase and the use of medication come with moderate to sever side effects. This has led to more people turning to complementary medicine to manage their symptoms. Acupuncture and acupressure have been shown to be equal to or significantly better than medication in the management of AR. This course aim to show you how to effectively treat AR with acupressure, how to locate and stimulate acupressure points and how to employ preventative measure to reduce the symptoms of allergic rhinitis."
Price: 19.99

"Lp Trnh iOS - Swift 5" |
"Trong kha hc ny, bn s c hng dn cc kin thc lp trnh iOS ca Apple l Swift 5. Ni dung gm c kin thc gm c - Lm vic vi Xcode- Lm vic vi UI- Kin thc lp trnh vi Swift- Lm vic Gesture- Lm vic vi TableviewHon thnh kho hc bn c th t tay vit cho mnh mt ng dng iOS c bn, nu am m th bn c th t hc pht trin ngh nghip sau ny."
Price: 19.99

"The STATA OMNIBUS: Regression and Modelling with STATA" |
"4 COURSES IN ONE!Learn everything you need to know about linear regression, non-linear regression, regression modelling and STATA in one package.Linear and Non-Linear Regression.Learning and applying new statistical techniques can often be a daunting experience.""Easy Statistics"" is designed to provide you with a compact, and easy to understand, course that focuses on the basic principles of statistical methodology.This course will focus on the concept of linear regression and non-linear regression. Specifically Ordinary Least Squares, Logit and Probit Regression.This course will explain what regression is and how linear and non-liner regression works. It will examine how Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) works and how Logit and Probit models work. It will do this without any complicated equations or mathematics. The focus of this course is on application and interpretation of regression. The learning on this course is underpinned by animated graphics that demonstrate particular statistical concepts.No prior knowledge is necessary and this course is for anyone who needs to engage with quantitative analysis.The main learning outcomes are:To learn and understand the basic statistical intuition behind Ordinary Least SquaresTo be at ease with general regression terminology and the assumptions behind Ordinary Least SquaresTo be able to comfortably interpret and analyze complicated linear regression output from Ordinary Least SquaresTo learn tips and tricks around linear regression analysisTo learn and understand the basic statistical intuition behind non-linear regressionTo learn and understand how Logit and Probit models workTo be able to comfortably interpret and analyze complicated regression output from Logit and Probit regressionTo learn tips and tricks around non-linear Regression analysisSpecific topics that will be covered are:What kinds of regression analysis existCorrelation versus causationParametric and non-parametric lines of best fitThe least squares methodR-squaredBeta's, standard errorsT-statistics, p-values and confidence intervalsBest Linear Unbiased EstimatorThe Gauss-Markov assumptionsBias versus efficiencyHomoskedasticityCollinearityFunctional form Zero conditional mean Regression in logsPractical model buildingUnderstanding regression outputPresenting regression outputWhat kinds of non-linear regression analysis existHow does non-linear regression work?Why is non-linear regression useful?What is Maximum Likelihood?The Linear Probability ModelLogit and Probit regressionLatent variablesMarginal effectsDummy variables in Logit and Probit regressionGoodness-of-fit statisticsOdd-ratios for Logit modelsPractical Logit and Probit model building in StataThe computer software Stata will be used to demonstrate practical examples. Regression ModellingUnderstanding how regression analysis works is only half the battle. There are many pitfalls to avoid and tricks to learn when modelling data in a regression setting. Often, it takes years of experience to accumulate these. In these sessions, we will examine some of the most common modelling issues. What is the theory behind them, what do they do and how can we deal with them? Each topic has a practical demonstration in Stata. Themes include:Fundamental of Regression Modelling - What is the Philosophy?Functional Form - How to Model Non-Linear Relationships in a Linear RegressionInteraction Effects - How to Use and Interpret Interaction EffectsUsing Time - Exploring Dynamics Relationships with Time InformationCategorical Explanatory Variables - How to Code, Use and Interpret themDealing with Multicollinearity - Excluding and Transforming Collinear VariablesDealing with Missing Data - How to See the UnseenThe Essential Guide to StataLearning and applying new statistical techniques can be daunting experience.This is especially true once one engages with real life data sets that do not allow for easy click-and-go analysis, but require a deeper level of understanding of programme coding, data manipulation, output interpretation, output formatting and selecting the right kind of analytical methodology.In this course you will receive a comprehensive introduction to Stata and its various uses in modern data analysis. You will learn to understand the many options that Stata gives you in manipulating, exploring, visualizing and modelling complex types of data. By the end of the course you will feel confident in your ability to engage with Stata and handle complex data analytics. The focus of this class will consistently be on creating a good practice and emphasising the practical application and interpretation of commonly used statistical techniques without resorting to deep statistical theory or equations.This course will focus on providing an overview of data analytics using Stata.No prior engagement with is Stata needed. Some prior statistics knowledge will help but is not necessary.The course is aimed at anyone interested in data analytics using Stata.Some basic quantitative/statistical knowledge will be required; this is not an introduction to statistics course but rather the application and interpretation of such using Stata.Topics covered will include:Getting started with StataViewing and exploring dataManipulating dataVisualising dataCorrelation and ANOVARegression including diagnostics (Ordinary Least Squares)Regression model buildingHypothesis testingBinary outcome models (Logit and Probit)Categorical choice models (Ordered Logit and Multinomial Logit)Simulation techniquesCount data modelsSurvival data analysisPanel data analysis"
Price: 39.99

"Complete Wordpress Website for Freelancing Jobs" |
"Learn complete WordPress website making in this course and after that, you will be completely able to make any type of website for your freelancing jobs on Fiverr, Upwork, and many more freelancing websites. You will definitely love this course because it is very simple to understand and It will make you capable of making any website for your clients and earn you a lot of money."
Price: 19.99

"Business Development GOD: Audit, Strategy & Pricing" |
"JOIN ME AS I TURN YOU INTO YOUR COMPANYS BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT GODDo you want to expand your business GLOBALLY?Have you wanted to FIND A MARKET in a country with a stable currency?Need help ANALYZING foreign markets and PRICING your products abroad?Tired of Udemy courses with bare minimum, if any HOMEWORK?If so, this course is designed specifically for you! I want to share my top secret, Russian business development knowledge as to help your company become the next UNICORN.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CURRICULUMBusiness Development God course is a comprehensive curriculum divided into 3 parts:Audit, Strategy and PricingPartners Acquisition Plan, Finding Your ApproachPitching, NegotiationsAUDIT, STRATEGY and PRICING DESCRIPTIONThis is the first course, which will help you determineWhether your company is ready for going international and if not, then determine the steps you need to do to make it happenThe long-term vision of your company and productThe cutting edge of your productThe appropriate sales channelsThe optimal pricing decisions-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AFTER THESE COURSES YOU WILLDiscover your CUTTING EDGEKnow your TARGET MARKETKnow how to competitively PRICE your productStart the first steps towards creating long lasting BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MY EXPERIENCE AND SKOLKOVOI work at Russias Silicon Valley, where we have more than 2000 innovative companies from IT, energy efficiency, industrial and other sectors. Every week I meet 2-3 companies and notice the problems they experience with international and local business development such as long-term vision, lack of financial resources etc. Normally it is my job to help them personally but now I am taking my experience global!You will learn from personal experience all the ins and outs of international business development and be given personally crafted home tasks to drive that knowledge home. I am dedicated to making this course, and by extension your business a success. I actively monitor the course and will personally answer any questions posted in the Q&A section of my videos. When you sign up for my course, you sign up to become a resident under my wing!"
Price: 34.99

"Creating Pitch Decks for Negotiations and Project Proposals" |
"JOIN ME AS I TURN YOU INTO YOUR COMPANYS BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT GODDo you want to expand your business or raise funds GLOBALLY?Have you wanted to FIND A MARKET in a country with a stable currency?Need help ANALYZING foreign markets and PRICING your products abroad?Tired of negotiations with potential partners, that do not result in DEAL CLOSING?If so, this course is designed specifically for you! I want to share my top secret, Russian business development knowledge as to help your company become the next UNICORN.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CURRICULUMBusiness Development God course is a comprehensive curriculum divided into 3 parts:Audit, Strategy & PricingSALES FUNNEL, KPIs, FIRST PARTNERS DESCRIPTIONCREATING PITCH DECKS FOR NEGOTIATIONS AND PROJECT PROPOSALS DESCRIPTION (described below)Creating Pitch Decks for Negotiations and Project ProposalsCREATING PITCH DECKS FOR NEGOTIATIONS AND PROJECT PROPOSALS DESCRIPTIONThis is the third course, which will help you determine:How to structure and make an ideal product pitch deck for potential partnersWhich components you should include in your seed round pitchHow to structure 1-pager brochure for a cold e-mailTechniques for the effective pitchWhat to do before, during and after the pitch-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AFTER THESE COURSES YOU WILLCreate your first PRODUCT PITCHSell your idea to investors with exceptional SEED ROUND PITCHSend out your first 1-PAGER BROCHUREPITCH SUCCINTLYBreak the ice with your INVESTORS after the pitch-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MY EXPERIENCE AND SKOLKOVOI work at Russias Silicon Valley, where we have more than 2000 innovative companies from IT, energy efficiency, industrial and other sectors. Every week I meet 2-3 companies and notice the problems they experience with international and local business development such as long-term vision, lack of financial resources etc. Normally it is my job to help them personally but now I am taking my experience global!You will learn from personal experience all the ins and outs of international business development and be given personally crafted home tasks to drive that knowledge home. I am dedicated to making this course, and by extension your business a success. I actively monitor the course and will personally answer any questions posted in the Q&A section of my videos. When you sign up for my course, you sign up to become a resident under my wing!"
Price: 34.99

"Functional Combat Conditioning Level 1" |
"The Holistic Warrior Conditioning Program is proud to present: Functional Combat Conditioning Level 1.This complete mind, body, and energy program is the foundation of the 8 level system. It is a high energy program, that combines the best of functional exercise science and temple style martial arts training to provide you a workout that gives multiple levels of results.These workouts will provide you with full body exercises, indepth details of all techniques and movements, and increased overall health. The program bridges the gap of ancient and modern arts and science in an engaging and passionate journey towards self mastery. Whether you are a beginner looking to develop a strong foundation or a veteran looking to sharpen and challenge your current skills, this program has made it available. You will work to develop true functional strength and effective skills in a fun and exciting way.Learn authentic martial arts techniques from various disciplines from the comfort of your own home or mobile device. - no experience needed!Progress through all 8 levels of the system, as you unlock dormant energies and abilities that assist you on your path to your human potential. Each Core Workout inludes mobility exercises, dynamic warm-ups, functional exercise, martial arts techniques, Flexibility, Qigong exercises, and deliverded with a H.I.I.T. style program design.Learn techniques from various art forms and disciplines, such as:Shaolin Kungfu Boxing Muay Thai White Crane Wing Chun And More!Workout to exclusive high energy music produced for this program specifically!This program has all the ingredients to help you achieve your health and fitness goals!Will you take the challenge and walk the path of the warrior leading to self mastery?Get Started Today!"
Price: 29.99

"Data Structure & Algorithms using C++ : Zero To Mastery 2020" |
"So you want to learn and master Data Structure and Algorithm , I have done it. I am a recent graduate who has cracked interviews of top product based companies and landed job offers from many companies (Amazon, Samsung , Microsoft, Flipkart ...)Also I performed very well in university exams .I know what university asks and what these top product based companies ask in their interview.So i have created this course keeping in mind university syllabus and also to make you ready to get those valuable internships and placements.You will top your university exams and will become interview ready at the same time.I know how professors teach in colleges , they just discuss theory , but hey I am not a professor instead a bro. I will teach you things which really matter . Also i have shared many tips and tricks in the course .So what are you waiting for ?? Master Data Structure and Algorithms , top you university exam and get those valuable internships and placements Still have doubt , see the course content , no one is teaching you variation of binary search , every other instructor will teach you standard binary search. I am also teaching Dynamic Programming which is difficult to teach and other instructors are not teaching this but its a very important topic and you must know it. We are solving 30+ problems on Recursion , other instructor will teach you theory, theory and theory and at max will solve 3-4 problemsNote : If you want to learn only theory do NOT enroll in this course . This course is 100% practicalMy approach is very simple : discuss the relevant theory and then solve lots of problems . I teach concepts by solving lots of problems and you should be ready to solve lots of problems as Assignments , Quizzes etcAs if this was not enough , I have shared tips and tricks on how to become good in competitive programming ( yes i have did CP in college) Source code for all Programs is available for you to download Sign up today!"
Price: 199.99

"Hardware 2.0 para iniciantes" |
"No curso HARDWARE 2.0 para iniciantes. Voc ir aprender de uma forma simples, rpida e muito eficaz como funciona um computador, quais seus componentes e como montar e desmontar de forma correta sua maquina. Com isso voc ter uma base slida em conhecimentos de hardware de computadores e poder futuramente se tornar um profissional na rea."
Price: 39.99

"Guided course ""Strip dance class""" |
"The best practical course if you just want to start dancing!You will learn, how to warm up before danceHow to do basic elements and how to improvise using chair, floor and your body!Put on your comfortable clothes and take off your shoes. There is no special demands for your body or shape. The style is good for everyone. Enjoy your dancing and make your hubby happier with your movements. This practice helps to develop your sexuality, self confidence and self estimate."
Price: 19.99

"TIBCO TB0-123 Active Matrix Business Works 5 Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) By default, Active Matrix Business 5.9 uses the Java Runtime Environment version?multiple-choicea) 1.3.2b) 1.5.0c) 1.6.0d) 1.4.2e) NoneQ) Send an e-mail activity by using e-mail protocol?a) IMAPb) HTTPc) POP3d) SMTPe) NoneQ) What global variable option, make sure that the global variable is visible and can be configured in the TIBCO Administrator?multiple-choicea) A typeb) servicec) Spreadd) restrictione) NoneQ) What connection / share in the active matrix of business may refer to the JNDI configuration?a) HTTP and FTPb) TCP, JMSc) FTP and JDBCd) JMS and JDBCe) None"
Price: 164.99

"Oracle 1Z0-330 Fusion Workforce Compensation Service Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) When configuring the budget page, activate Compensation performance Rating column from which section? (Choose the best answer.)a) Summaryb) Detailtablec) Workers Listd) Actionse) InformationQ) What are the two attributes of classification of primary elements? (Pick one.)a) They are globally applicable.b) They are editablec) They are user-definedd) They are not editable.e) They are predefined.Q) Identify three event-driven configurations that can be modified for approval tasks allocation delivered vary according to the business requirements. (Choose three.)a) Assignment and Routing Policyb) Escalation and expiration policiesc) Approval and refusal Policiesd) Notification Settingse) Data Driven RoutingQ) The customer wants to limit contributions to a particular individual compensation plan for employees with at least one year of service. How should you do this? (Choose the best answer.)a) Create a relevant and associate eligibility profile with the plan.b) Creating user-defined criteria, and then create the profile and plan eligibility.c) Create a derivative factor, and then create the profile and plan eligibility.d) Create a fitness profile with the option to exclude and associate it with the plane) Use a quick formula for limiting access to the floorQ) While working on compensating changes in an Excel spreadsheet, select the option Upload a Manger and then tries to instantly download the uploaded data. As a consultant, it is advisable not to do so because of which reason? (Choose the best answer.)a) This action causes the data committed to rear roller, thereby revoking the changes transformed.b) This action causes the data committed to download immediately, thereby obscuring the error messages.c) The uploaded data requires a bit 'of time to be processed by the server and, therefore, when you click download now, it could still show the older data.d) When the Upload button is clicked, the data is loaded into a staging table and a loading process is triggered. e) This process must successfully complete before new data can be downloaded."
Price: 164.99

Price: 5400.00

"- Google Adwords" |
Price: 29.99

"Design Thinking Simplified" |
"Design thinking can sprout organic growth and sustainable innovation. Given its capability for deep user immersion via uncovering unarticulated needs and perspectives while having the leeway to explore multiple ideas in an innovative setting were failing fast for a more robust success is not a taboo but encouraged. Benefits of Design Thinking?Better ProductsDecrease CostsHappier CustomersSpeed to MarketVisibility Across EnterpriseIncrease Revenue streams"
Price: 114.99

"Power Query Excel" |
", , . , , , , , , ,"
Price: 1799.00

"Linear Models In Machine Learning" |
"Machine learning relates to many different ideas, programming languages, frameworks. Machine learning is difficult to define in just a sentence or two. But essentially, machine learning is giving a computer the ability to write its own rules or algorithms and learn about new things, on its own. In this course, we'll explore some basic machine learning concepts and load data to make predictions."
Price: 174.99

"Neural Network Guide In ML For Beginners" |
"They say we live in a world where machines are getting smarter and people dumber! While the jury's still out on whether we are getting dumber, there is no doubt that machines are getting smarter. They are increasingly able to do things we always thought were too vast and complex for anyone but the smartest humans. Intelligence is no longer the exclusive domain of human beings. Computers are increasingly outsmarting the world's best professionals in areas as diverse as the most complex multi player games, the most difficult medical diagnoses and the most challenging legal problems, to name but three. At the heart of this revolution in 'artificial intelligence' lies machine learning. It's changing every field, everyday. None of us are left untouched. It therefore essential for all of us to understand what machine learning is, why it is becoming so critical and fundamental, and how machines learn. This course takes you through all of this in a simple, easy to understand manner."
Price: 189.99

"Curving In ML For Beginner" |
"In the world of today and especially tomorrow machine learning will be the driving force of the economy. No matter who you are, an entrepreneur or an employee, machine learning will be on your agenda.It's time to get your hands dirty and dive into one of the hottest topics on this planet.Besides self driving cars, one of the main challenges in machine learning is textanalysis. Figuring out which text is relevant or what is the sentiment of certain comments could drastically improve performance on all kinds of issues. Just think about the presidential election or the stockmarket development. Impossible is nothing."
Price: 194.99

"Flat illustrations with Procreate - 5 styles" |
"In this class I will show you how to make flat illustrations with Procreate, but you can follow along with another digital software as well.This class is meant for beginners, as you don't need any drawing skills to achieve a beautiful illustration with a great impact.The class is made with illustrations of women, but you can select any kind of photo to work with.We will first select a picture, I'll give you sources and tips for this, then choose between five styles:- totally flat with minimum details and shadows, this will be our foundation for all other styles where we will trace over the photo, select our colors, fill the shapes- flat with details and shadows, we will be more detailed in our drawing for a different effect- then we will add patterns in our shapes so we can add another dimension to our illustration- we will play with overlapping shapes, giving a dark edge between them- and in the last style we will add gaps between shapes ofr a slightly different look"
Price: 19.99

"How to Create a Font on the iPad" |
"In this course you will learn how to create a font using only an iPad. You will need to download the required software from the App Store, which costs around $8 US dollars. I recommend using the Apple Pencil or another stylus, but this is not necessary, you may also use your finger.You will learn how to use the software tools that will allow us to draw each letter of the alphabet. I will tell you which characters you should create, and which ones you can leave out. You will learn how to easily create an all caps font, as well as how to turn a font into a font family by giving the letters more or less weight; creating a bold style or thin style.You will get access to the 4 fonts shown on this course, which you can use as an example or guide to create your own."
Price: 19.99

"6 tastes in Ayurveda - a Precise Food Manual" |
"This class explains in a simple way Ayurvedic approach towards nutrition. We will provide you with a handy manual dividing every food substance into suitable or unsuitable, in multiple variations for every Ayurvedic constitution. This manual saves you a lot of time spent on searching, you will immediately learn which food fits with your body type and which does not. Reach your health independence right now and enjoy your Ayurvedic path. Our motto: ""It is better to help others, but even better to teach you how to help yourselves on your own."""
Price: 29.99
