"SAP Solution Manager 7.2 Certification Preparation Test" |
"Key features:45 Questions.No duplicate questions.Scenario based questions.Guarantee of Passing certification exam.Specially designed for SAP Solution Manager, Mandatory and Managed System Configuration (7.2 SPS8)Ideal for C_SM100_7208 Sample Questions and answers:Question:What do you need to consider when sizing a sap Solution Manager System?There are 3 correct answers to this question.a) The Total number of role of current users connecting to the SAP Solution Managerb) The number of available CPU's in the managed systems landscape enviornment.c) The total number of ABAP work processes that are active on your SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP Systemsd) The total number of Java server nodes that are active on your SAP NetWeaver AS Java Systemse) The scenarios implemented in SAP Solution Manager System and the number of documents created by scenario.Answer: a,d,eIf you wish to take on Maintenance Certificates, which of the following pre-requisites you will take into consideration except one:a) Software component version ABAP: 700 SP-PI 2005 SP6 , 710 SP-PI 2005 SP4b) SDCCN Configuredc) System Number 5 digits availabled) Job REFRESH _ADMIN_DATA_FROM_SUPPORT run on SAP Solution ManagerAnswer: cWhich of the following statement as regards Accelerated SAP is/are correct?There are 3 correct answers to this question.a) The purpose of ASAP is to successfully implement SAP solutions across multiple industries and customer environmentsb) ASAP was first introduced as a PC-based tool set called Economic Value Added SAPc) ASAP methodology is now fully integrated with SAP Solution Manager.d) ASAP roadmaps outline the activities involve in implementing, upgrading, or enhancing SAP solutions.Answer: a, c, dWhich applications and tools except SAP Solution Manager use the data stored in the System Landscape Directory (SLD) to provide a service? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. a) SAP Search and Classification (TREX) b) Web Dynpro Runtime (Destination Information) c) EH SAP Netweaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI) d) CA Introscope Enterprise Manager e) SAP Netweaver Process Integration (PI) Answer: c. d. e"
Price: 199.99

"ServiceNow Integration With Covid-19 API" |
"The primary focus of this course is teach you, how you can integrate Service Now With Third Party API's.You will create a custom table, load historical data related to Covid-19 cases into our custom table. You will create Rest request to pull the daily summary and insert the result into our table, finally automate the data collection process.By the end of the course you should be able to create a custom table, work with some other public API's which can provide some data and replicate what you have learnt here."
Price: 19.99

"CEHv10 - EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker -Practice Tests" |
"As cyber-attack threats are rapidly increasing on a daily basis and corporations are in need of ethical hackers who can overcome any potential attack and defend the organisation. Ethical hackers are individuals who think like a hacker, possess skills of a real hacker but their main objective is to protect organisations from being attacked. They carry out extensive security measures to assess the IT security architecture, spot vulnerabalities, close loopholes for exploitation, report accordingly to the companies and save them from massive losses in case of a breach. The demand for ethical hackers has exponentially increased in the last few years. Millions of positions haven't been filled hence CEH will be a great start to support a career change or can be used as a stepping stone to prepare for advanced certifications like ECSA, LPT, OSCP.The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) program is the most comprehensive ethical hacking course on the globe to help information security professionals grasp the fundamentals of ethical hacking. The hacking course outcome helps you become a professional who systematically attempts to inspect network infrastructures with the consent of its owner to find security vulnerabilities which a malicious hacker could potentially exploit. This hacking course helps you assess the security posture of an organization by identifying vulnerabilities in the network and system infrastructure to determine if unauthorized access is possible.The purpose of the CEH credential is to:Establish and govern minimum standards for credentialing professional information security specialists in ethical hacking measures.Inform the public that credentialed individuals meet or exceed the minimum standards.Reinforce ethical hacking as a unique and self-regulating profession.The exam is outlined in a total of 20 modules and in the exam you will be tested for the theory-based questions/scenarios on these following modules:Module 01: Introduction to Ethical HackingModule 02: Footprinting and ReconnaissanceModule 03: Scanning NetworksModule 04: EnumerationModule 05: Vulnerability AnalysisModule 06: System HackingModule 07: Malware ThreatsModule 08: SniffingModule 09: Social EngineeringModule 10: Denial-of-ServiceModule 11: Session HijackingModule 12: Evading IDS, Firewalls, and HoneypotsModule 13: Hacking Web ServersModule 14: Hacking Web ApplicationsModule 15: SQL InjectionModule 16: Hacking Wireless NetworksModule 17: Hacking Mobile PlatformsModule 18: IoT HackingModule 19: Cloud ComputingModule 20: Cryptography312-50 exam info :Number of Questions: 125Test Duration: 4 HoursTest Format: Multiple ChoiceTest Delivery: ECC EXAM, VUEThe practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics. The practice tests are accurate, proven correct by test-takers and will get you maximum score in the exam yet it is highly important to use our practice tests as a resource, not just the only resource. Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as the regular updates.Best of luck!Practice until you can't get it wrong!"
Price: 29.99

"SAA-C01 - AWS Solutions Architect Associate - Practice Tests" |
"Amazon Web Services widely known as AWS is the leading cloud provider in the world according to the market share. An AWS Solution Architect is one of the top-paying and highly demanding certification in the world as the need for cloud solutions is becoming more mainstreamed among organisations. As per the ever-growing need of cloud solutions any individual with extensive knowledge of cloud technology is highly recognized among top companies in the world that lead to greater future job opportunities.The exam will test your skills and abilities and validate you to effectively demonstrate knowledge of how to architect and deploy secure and robust applications on AWS technologies, defining a solution using architectural design principles based on customer requirements and providing implementation guidance based on best practices to the organization throughout the life cycle of the project.The exam is outlined in a total of 6 domains and they are as follows:Domain 1: Design Resilient Architectures (34%)Domain 2: Define Performant Architectures (24%)Domain 3: Specify Secure Applications and Architectures (26%)Domain 4: Design Cost-Optimized Architectures (10%)Domain 5: Define Operationally Excellent Architectures (6%)The practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics. The practice tests are accurate, proven correct by test-takers and will get you a pass in the exam. Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as the regular updates.Best of luck!Practice until you can't get it wrong!"
Price: 19.99

"Online Oyun Gelitirme Eitimi (MMORPG)" |
"Bilgisayar oyunlarn oynayan bir ok kii aklndan ""bu oyunlar nasl yaplyor"" diye dnm olabilir. ahsen ben zamannda ok dnrdm ve oynadm oyunda bu zellikler de olsayd daha iyi olur diye dnrdm. Bu merak beni ok uzun bir servene srkledi. Bu eitim serisi ile mevcut oyun dosyalar ile dzenlemeler yapmay ve daha sonrasnda python, lua, c++ programlama dillerini kullanarak oyuna eklemeler, yeni sistemler yazmay reneceksiniz. Eer kendinizi ok gelitirirseniz yapacanz projeleri bu ilerle uraan kiilere satarak kendinize ek gelir kaps oluturabilirsiniz.Trkiye'de ve dnyann bir ok lkesinde yzlerce kiinin oluturduu geliimci a ve binlerce oyuncu kitlesine gzel projeler sunma frsat yakalayabileceksiniz. stelik takldnz bir ok konu da yardm alacanz yerli ve yabanc forum siteleri de mevcut. Bu eitim serisini hazrlayan kii olarak kendi platformum zerinden elimden geldiince yardmc olmaya zen gsteriyorum...Eitim serisi kademeli olarak ileyecektir.Balangta gereken dosyalardan bahsedeim, daha sonrasnda test serverimizi kurmak iin yaplacaklar anlatyorum. Devamnda oyunu tanyoruz ve ufaktan dzenlemeler yapmay reniyor. lerleyen safhalarda artk eitim serisi tamamen programlama ynne kayacak. rnek bir oyun zerinden programlama dilleri ile nelerin yaplabileceini uygulamal olarak renebileceksiniz.Unutmayn! Bu eitim serisi uygulamal olarak ilemektedir. Derslerin sralamasna gre gereken bilgiler videolar iinde verilmeye zen gsterilmitir. Hazrlanrken daha nce bu tarz ilerle uramayan insanlarn anlayaca ekilde anlatmaya zen gsterdim.Zamanla yeni ders anlatmlarn ekliyorum. Bu uzun sreli ve srekli gncellenen eitim serisi. Bu sre ierisinde anlatmam istediiniz eyleri bana iletebilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Acrylic lesson - Poppy fields - Landscape" |
"Antelope Valley is a beautiful place, endless fields of blooming poppies! Let's paint it! In this tutorial, we learn how to paint a beautiful blue sky with clouds, snowy mountains, and small flowers and grass with different brushes - flat of zigzag-shaped. The tutorial has detailed comments about painting techniques, color mixes, and numbers of brushes!"
Price: 19.99

"Max Net Matematik 8. Snf Soru Bankas LGS Hazrlk" |
"Matematik Max Net Soru Bankasnda her kazanmla ilgili rencinin dzeyine gre deien seviyelerde yorum gcn gelitiren sorulara, snavlara daha hzl adapte olmasn salayacak ok sayda ""yeni nesil soru rneine yer verildi. zellikle ""yeni nesil soru saysn maksimumda tutmaya zen gsterildi.lk aamada bilgi ve kavrama yeteneini len soru ve testlere, ikinci aamada ise st dzey beceri ve yorum gcn gelitiren soru ve testlere yer verildi.Akl yrterek, sistemli dnerek, kendinizce ""zgn zm yollar gelitirerek doru cevaba ulamanz salayacak sorular ""yldzl sorular, bu sorulardan oluan testler de ""yldzl test olarak adlandrld. Bu kitapta ""Yldzl Soru olarak adlandrdmz tm sorular, Mill Eitim Bakanlnn yaymlad rnek sorularda ve yaplan merkez snavda ska yer alan yeni nesil soru teknikleri de dikkate alnarak hazrland.Ayrca 2018-19 MEB - LGSde kan tm sorulara kitapta yer vererek ""yeni nesil soru rneklerini pekitirmeye ve rencinin snavlarda hangi konudan nasl sorularla karlaabileceini grmesini salamaya altk. Bu sorular, ilgili olduklar blmlerin ilk sayfalarna yerletirildi."
Price: 69.99

"Essential Russian 30 Days Course - 30 Days Russian Challenge" |
"Welcome to 30 Days Russian Challenge Basics!This course consists of 30 lessons divided in 5 modules.Each module has 5 conversational lessons and 1 review lesson that get you through all the materials of the previous lessons. This way you get to see what parts of the course you know and which lessons you ,might have to repeat. Each review lesson has a Worksheet Booklet. I recommend you to complete these worksheets before you watch any of review lessons. However if you feel like you need more guidance feel free to complete it with a video or even after.Each lesson should take you only around 15 minutes to get through. It is an online course though which means that you can repeat each lesson as many times as you need and spend as many days with it as you want. It is easy to trace your progress throughout the whole course. You can find more visual explanation in the second lecture of the Introduction Module.Most importantly don`t forget to have fun with it! Use it the way you find most suitable and most useful for yourself."
Price: 19.99

"Boost your potential: self-awareness and goal setting!" |
"This course is for people who:- Support non-stop development- Eager to learn more and broaden their worldview- Feels like he can achieve more, but does not know where to go - Identifies his unrecognised needs and wishes ('I want something, but do not know what exactly')- Interested in personal and professional growth"
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a Entender o Ingls Falado por Nativos" |
"- MTODO SIMPLES, FCIL E EFICAZ COM RESULTADOS EM CURTO PRAZO.- DE NADA ADIANTA SABER FALAR OU LER, SE VOC NO CONSEGUE ENTENDER O QUE OUVE!O curso vai aperfeioar em voc 3 habilidades: a compreenso do ingls falado, sua pronncia e a ampliao de vocabulrio. Ao concluir o curso, voc ser capaz de compreender com muito mais facilidade e naturalidade o ingls de filmes, sries, reunies de trabalho, apresentaes, viagens e conversas com estrangeiros. Alm de um listening melhor, voc ter tambm um vocabulrio muito mais amplo.E por ltimo, vir o aperfeioamento da sua pronncia, fazendo com que o seu ingls fique o mais parecido possvel com o de um falante nativo.A metodologia e contedo deste curso foram desenvolvidos especialmente para os estudantes brasileiros, levando em considerao suas principais dificuldades e dvidas com relao lngua inglesa.Dentro da plataforma do curso, voc ter acesso 150 textos/dilogos com udios em ingls e suas transcries. A transcrio estar no idioma original (ingls) com traduo para o portugus.Os textos e dilogos so curtos, com durao que varia de 30 segundos a 3 minutos. Os contedos so originais e exclusivos, narrados por americanos e britnicos.Junto com os udios, voc ter acesso a um manual que vai orient-lo nos estudos. O manual um passo a passo que vai lhe ensinar como estudar e como tirar o mximo proveito de todo o contedo oferecido no curso.O curso est dividido em 3 nveis: bsico, intermedirio e avanado.No momento em que voc estiver ouvindo os udios e lendo os textos, voc estar em imerso com o idioma. A imerso fundamental para que voc alcance um nvel cada vez mais avanado de ingls. Esse mtodo de estudos j foi testado e aprovado, e utilizado por poliglotas do mundo todo! importante que voc faa cada uma das aulas acompanhado do Livro de Atividades com as perguntas de compreenso e interpretao. Este um curso 100% ONLINE - sua metodologia perfeita para quem tem uma rotina e um dia a dia corrido e no tem tempo para estudar.Caso voc tenha dvidas e precise de ajuda no decorrer do curso, s falar comigo em um dos canais de comunicao e suporte disponveis. Ser um prazer atend-lo!"
Price: 189.99

"FL Studio dalla A alla Z - Il corso completo in Italiano" |
"ATTENZIONE: Inserendo il codice sconto SCONTO5EURO riceverai uno sconto di 5 euro , inoltre mi attribuirai la vendita e mi darai una mano come creatore di questo corso. GRAZIE MILLE DAVVERO! Ma ora veniamo a noi:Benvenuti al corso completo di FL Studio, un software intuitivo e professionale.Il corso comprende 54 lezioni per 12 ore di video. Infatti tratter tante cose: tutte le funzionalit del software, basi della teoria musicale, concetti pi avanzati che riguardano la qualit delle tracce che comporrete e molto altro (tutto frutto della mia ricerca che va avanti dal 2015). Man mano che ricever feedback e richieste dagli studenti, verranno caricati nuove lezioni/sezioni.Inoltre sar presente una sezione BONUS, in cui vi mostrer come pubblicizzare i vostri lavori (prendetelo come un regalo).Prima tratteremo la teoria, che purtroppo o per fortuna fondamentale, per passare poi alla pratica.La struttura del corso studiata per soddisfare le esigenze di neofiti, dj, ma anche per chiunque volesse rivedere concetti che non ha molto chiari e che vorrebbe approfondire, come ad esempio mixing e mastering.Insieme vedremo addirittura l'intero processo di produzione, quindi dall'inizio (arrangiamento) alla fine (mastering ed esportazione).Trovate incluso l'FLP della traccia che ho prodotto nel corso! Il prezzo quindi basso in confronto al valore del corso, ma ho preso questa decisione.Quindi l'unica cosa che posso dirvi di darci dentro, qui c' davvero tutto e prima inizierete, prima potrete scrivere la vostra prima traccia!SCRIVIMI su Instagram @flstudioaz per ulteriori info!"
Price: 139.99

"Dana do Ventre - Os Segredos do Vu de Seda" |
"Neste Curso ensino a voc que j pratica dana do ventre, mas que ainda est comeando, a como manusear e danar lindamente com o vu de seda e como emendar os movimentos para criar a sua prpria dana e torn-la potica e inesquecvel.Comeamos do bsico onde voc poder aprender at 27 movimentos, alm de ensinar a fazer a ligao entre eles criando sequncias fluidas e naturais."
Price: 54.99

"7 Gnde Sfrdan leri Excel GLOBAL SERTFKALI" |
"Kursumuz, toplam 4 buuk saatlik 13 blm ve 7 dev uygulamasndan olumaktadr. Hi Excel bilgisi olmayanlar iin, belirtilen ynergelere uyulduu takdirde 7 gnde (dev uygulamalar ile birlikte sadece 9 gnde) ileri seviyede Excel retmeyi hedeflemektedir. Eitim esnasnda yapacanz dev uygulamalar ile birlikte pratik yapm ve rendiklerinizi pekitirmi olacaksnz.7 dev uygulamasndan da 70 ve zeri puan almanz durumunda UFUK EDUCATION ACADEMY EXCEL SPECIALIST SERTFKASI almaya hak kazanacaksnz.Sertifikalarmzn IMS Global standartlarna uygun ve Sertifier gvencesi altnda Uluslararas Geerlilii bulunmaktadr. Sertifika rneini Kaynaklar blmnde grebilirsiniz. Ayrca sertifikada bulunan ID numaras ile tm dnyada geerlilii konusunda sorgulama yaplabilmektedir.dev uygulamalarndan 70'in altnda puan almanz durumunda eitmenin geri bildirimleri dorultusunda gerekli dzenlemeleri yapp puannz yukar tayabilirsiniz. Burada ama sertifika almanz zorlatrmak deil, rendiinize emin olmaktr. Bu eitimi baaryla tamamladnz takdirde dier rakiplerinizin her zaman bir adm nlerinde olacaksnz. Excel - WIP Teknii le 7 Gnde leri Excel1. Satr, stun ve hcre tantm2. Giri Sekmesi Uygulamalar Kes, kopyala, yaptr Biim Boyacs kullanm Kenarlk kullanm Karakter yn deitirme Hcre birletirme Hcre biimlendirme Hzl tablo oluturma Otomatik toplam alma Hcre filtreleme Hcre sralama Bul ve Deitir3. Ekle Sekmesi Uygulamalar Pivot tablo oluturma Hzl tablo oluturma evrimii ve evrimd resim ekleme SmartArt Ekran resmi ekme Grafik oluturma Mini Grafik oluturma Kpr ekleme Metin Kutusu ekleme WordArt mza ekleme Simge4. Sayfa Dzeni Sekmesi Temalar Renk Paleti seimi Kat Dzeni ve Kat Boyutu ayarlar Yazdrma ayarlar kt boyutunu leklendirme Klavuz izgileri Nesneleri sayfada ne ve arkaya tama Nesne gruplandrma Nesnelerin ynn deitirme5. Formller Sekmesi fx Fonksiyon tuu kullanm Otomatik Toplam Etkileyenleri ve Etkilenenleri zle Gzc Penceresi6. Gzden Geir Sekmesi Yazm Denetimi E Anlaml szck arama Aklama ekleme Mrekkep Gster alma Sayfasn kitleme alma Kitabn kitleme7. Grnm Sekmesi Sayfa grnm deitirme Seili hcreleri yaknlatr Ayn anda farkl pencerelerde alma Satr, stun sabitleme Bamsz Blme Geerli pencereyi gizleme Zaman Uyumlu KaydrmaFORML YAZMA MANTIINI KAVRAMAFonksiyonlar sadece Ksayol Tular ile deil yazarak da hazrlama.Farkl fonksiyonlar birletirebilme.Senaryolar ve kullanlmas gereken formller.8. Basit Formller9. stee gre uyarlanm hcre biimlendirme (karakter sabitleme)10. Farkl hcreleri tek hcrede istee gre birletirme11. Gelimi Veri kullanarak ""Ve"" ve ""Veya"" fonksiyonlar12. Durum zmlemesi ve Hedef Ara13. Eer fonksiyonu kullanm ve farkl fonksiyonlarla birletirme14. zel Yaptr ile tm stuna ilem uygulama15. Deyara ve Yatayara fonskiyonlar kullanm16. Metni Stunlara Dntr ile hcre ayrma17. Eersay fonksiyonu kullanm18. Farkl 2 tabloyu karlatrma19. Bo satr ve stunlar silmeKurs gereksinimleri veya n koullar var m? Bu kurstan en iyi ekilde yararlanmak iin herhangi bir n bilgiye ihtiyacnz yoktur. Bilmeniz gereken her ey size bu kursta retilecektir. Sadece eitimi, Microsoft Excel ykl olan bir bilgisayar banda uygulayarak almanzda fayda olacaktr. Ders sunumlarn aygtnza indirerek mutlaka tekrar etmelisiniz. Ders sonlarnda devlerinizi yaparak daha hzl ve emin admlarla ilerleyebilirsiniz. Bu kurs program, sizi kiisel ve profesyonel olarak gelitirmek iin tasarlanmtr. Kendi evinizin rahatlnda, her yerde ve her zaman derslere ulaabilirsiniz. Derslere akll telefon / tablet veya bilgisayarnzdan ulaabilirsiniz. Bu kurstan azami olarak faydalanmak iin ilenen konular, her dersin sonunda verilen devleri yaparak, pratik snavlarna girerek ve eksik kaldnz konular tekrar ederek hayatnza katmanz tavsiye ediyoruz.Keyifli eitimler..."
Price: 119.99

"The Complete SAP Workflow Training (2020)" |
"After completing this course you will be able to create your own complex SAP workflow from scratch. You will deal with maintenance, analysis, and debugging of existing SAP workflow processes without any problem. Shortly speaking, you will update the SAP Workflow into your profile and take your professional career to the next level.That is the complex SAP Workflow directly rooted in my experience, it gathers all I would like to know when I started my SAP Workflow projects. Everything is shown on the live SAP System, communicated in a simple and understandable way. The course starts with an introduction of what SAP Workflow is, later creation of the simplest SAP workflow on the System.We go through all aspects of SAP Workflow, like:- Workflow Builder,- dialog and background tasks,- business objects, Inheritance, and delegations of them,- Workflow built on classic SE24 objects,- containers, bindings, events,- user assignments with roles, rules, organizational structures,- and all is presented on the newest SAP HANA systemThe best part is, that I'm constantly updating it with new content."
Price: 24.99

"Kubernetes Architecture: The world behind the yaml files" |
"The purpose of this course is to give the students an understanding of how Kubernetes works from within, what are its core components and how these components interact with each other. As a result, students will have a better understanding of what Kubernetes does behind the scenes, which will be very helpful when working on their future projects. This course provides a balanced mix between theory and practice so that the student can get hands-on without losing track of the main concepts and the big picture."
Price: 29.99

"Restaurant Training Programs" |
"This course is designed to give you an architectural layout of what an effective restaurant or retail training program looks like. You will see the most important elements of creating an effective program, and developing your training team. You will review: OrientationsContent creationTraining validation methodsCommunication toolsThe coaching modelTrainer selection and development Executing an effective training program is the most important thing you do as a manager. Build a great team starting from day one, and build a strong pipeline of future leaders for your business."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Currency Design" |
"In this course, you will learn the compelling and transformative practice of currency design.Before the explosion of blockchain ledgers in 2008, currency design was a little-known field where community-focused economies grew as pragmatic responses to blockers to effective sharing and exchange of resources. This course approaches crypto-economics, and accounting from the perspective of this long-cultivated wisdom on designing economies for deep wealth (before and beyond money).This course is focused on the conceptual and historical background of currency design and money, with case studies and lectures by experienced designers and key voices in imagining alternative financial systems. You will learn about designing reputation systems, impact assessments, mutual credit systems, and, importantly, why many currencies fail. We also look at the notion of the ""commons"" and offer some guidance as to how currencies can be targeted to solve problems of commons-management, including funding and participation. Featured speakers: Ferananda Ibarra, Arthur Brock, Emaline Friedman, Jean Russell, Brett Scott, Mamading Ceesay, Jordan MacLeod, Sean Esbjorn-Hargens, Claudia Meglin, Siddharth Sthalekar, Noah Thorp, David Rose, and Matthew Slater "
Price: 149.99

"Mezcla de beats urbanos" |
"Se utilizarn herramientas como ecualizadores, compresores, saturadores, reverberaciones y delays. Se aprendern tcnicas avanzadas como side-chain por frecuencia, aprendern a darle espacio al kick con el bajo y los dems instrumentos utilizando herramientas como ecualizadores, compresores multibanda. Aprenderemos a darle una buena espacialidad a nuestras mezclas por medio de fusiones en diferentes procesos."
Price: 39.99

"The Luxury Industry : Products, Services and Experiences" |
"Luxury Industry can be classified into a large number of products, services, and experiences.. Everyone knows about the basic luxury goods like apparel and accessories but not the special ones like luxury yachts, jewelry, watches, wines, perfumes, cigars, jets, fine arts, luxury unique experiences, luxury concierge services, and many other products. In this course, you have a concentrated dose to understand each of these.. one by one. In just about 10 -15 minutes for each, you will understand What they are? Who are the key players? What is their history? How are the products used? What are the market trends? What is the future? and everything that you should know as a learned sophisticated luxury professional or enthusiast. You complete this course and very soon you will really be talking and thinking luxury."
Price: 29.99

"Englischkurs - Englisch Lernen mit Animationen und Dialogen" |
"Willkommen zu unserem Englischkurs. Dieser Kurs konzentriert sich hauptschlich darauf, zu lehren, wie man flieend und mit einer guten Aussprache Englisch spricht.In diesem Kurs lernen Sie Englisch mit den Dialogen, die von amerikanischen Lehrern aufgenommen werden, so dass Sie Englisch wie ein Muttersprachler sprechen knnen.Langweilen Sie sich mit grammatikalischen Kursen und Bchern, weil Sie die wirkliche Sprache nicht lernen knnen? Dieser Online-Kurs wird Ihr Problem lsen.Hier in diesem Kurs helfen Ihnen unsere Animationsfiguren beim Erlernen des tglichen Umgangs mit Englisch. Die Dialoge in unserem Kurs sind aus dem tglichen Leben ausgewhlt und systematisch geordnet worden.Sie werden die am hufigsten verwendeten Wrter und Satzstrukturen im Alltagsenglisch sehen. Jede Lektion ist so gestaltet, dass Sie die gelernten Stze wiederholen und ben knnen.Da alle Aussagen von amerikanischen Lehrern aufgezeichnet werden, knnen Sie die wirkliche Aussprache und den Akzent lernen.Die Aussagen in Animationsvideos werden Ihnen auch in schriftlicher Form zur Verfgung gestellt, so dass Sie sie mit den bersetzungen in Ihrer eigenen Sprache vergleichen knnen.Bitte schalten Sie die Untertitel in Ihrer eigenen Sprache ein, dann verpassen Sie nichts, was Sie hren. Die bersetzungen in den Untertiteln zeigen Ihnen die wahre Bedeutung der Stze, die Sie hren.Zustzlich haben wir Dialoge und Zielformulierungen als pdf-Dokumente und Artikel hinzugefgt. Diese Dokumente inkludierenGesprche in den Animations videosbersetzungen der Erklrungen in den DialogenZielwrter und PhrasenZustzliche ErklrungenUnd notwendige GrammatikerklrungenWir haben unserem Kurs auch einige Videos zur Erklrung der Grammatik und Struktur hinzugefgt, um Ihr Lernen zu verstrken. Schauen Sie sich diese Videos an, um zu erfahren, wie Sie mit der gleichen Struktur mehr Stze erstellen knnen.Wenn Sie diesen Kurs beendet haben,Sie knnen auf bequeme Weise mit den Auslndern sprechen,und verstehen Sie die Dinge, die Sie auf Englisch hren und lesen, wie z.B. Filme, Lieder, Nachrichten und so weiter.Wenn Sie sich fr diesen Kurs anmelden, haben Sie lebenslangen Zugang zu allen Materialien und Aktualisierungen, die dem Kurs hinzugefgt wurden. Wir werden den Kurs stndig aktualisieren, indem wir neue Animationsvideos und Materialien hinzufgen.Corpus Academy"
Price: 119.99

"The Ultimate Stock Trading Course- Technical Analysis (NISM)" |
"The purpose of this course is to impart basic knowledge of the Indian securities markets & various strategies to deal with Intraday & Delivery trades in the stock market. This course has all the necessary charts which are required to analyze any stock movement & make the most profitable move. This course will help: 1.Students2. Investors 3. Traders4. Teachers5. Businessman Best Highlights of the Course: A. Technical analysis & Price movements of stocks.B. Reading Charts like Bolinger bands, CCI Chart, RoC chart Stockhastics Charts,RSI Indicators etc.C. 14 Strategies for Intraday Trading to maximize your profits.D. Reading Trend Analysis- Momentum trend, Reversal Trading strategy, Gap & go Strategy, Bull flag strategy, Pullback & Breakout Trading Strategy.E. Understand Futures & options in derivatives.F. Understand Hedging strategies- Long & Short Straddle, Strip & Strap, Bull Call/put strategy, Bear Call/Put Strategy, Long & Short Strangle, Butterfly strategy & Collar strategy.G. Financial planning to maximize your return from the securities market."
Price: 3520.00

"Fixed appliances treatment and bonding in orthodontics" |
"This course will take you from zero to hero of the following orthodontic topics: Contemporary fixed appliances and Bonding in orthodontics. Here are the main headlines that this course covers:Contemporary fixed appliances1. Advantages and limitations of fixed appliances2. History of fixed appliances2.1 Edgewise appliance2.2 Light wire appliance2.3 The readjusted applianceRothMBTLingual appliances3. Components of the fixed appliances4. Types of brackets4.1. Metal brackets- Stainless steel brackets- Cobalt chromium brackets- Titanium Brackets- Plastic Brackets- Ceramic Brackets- Individually Customized Brackets5. Part of a bracket5.1 Bracket slot5.2 Type of bends for three-dimensional tooth movementsFirst order bendsSecond order bendsThird order bends5.3 Modification of slot dimensionAdvantages and disadvantages of 0.022 slotAdvantages and disadvantages of 0.018 slot6. Morphology of the brackets6.1 Single slot brackets6.2 Twin bracket7. Slot modifications to reduce friction8. Ligation of the brackets8.1 Self-ligating brackets8.2 Tie lings of the brackets9. Auxiliary features9.1 Power arms9.2 Accessary slots10. Archwires10.1 Physical properties of an archwire10.2 Archwire materials10.3 Other auxiliaries10.4 Palatal and lingual arches11. Fixed expansion arches11.1 Quad helix11.2 Hyrax12. Fixed Appliance for distalization12.1 Pendulum12.2 Distal Jet12.3 Veltri distalizer12.4 Belussi DistalizerBonding in orthodontics1. Bonding Procedure1.1 Cleaning1.2 Enamel conditioning1.3 Sealing1.4 Positioning1.5 Bonding1.6 Banding of molars1.7 Bonding to crowns1.8 Bonding to amalgam1.9 Bonding to composite restorations2. Indirect Bonding3. Instruments used in orthodontics4. Bracket positioning chart5. Ideal arch form5.1 The tapered arch form5.2 The square arch form5.3 The ovoid arch form6. Tips on placing brackets in different cases7. Treatment stages7.1 Stage 1: Leveling and Aligning7.2 Stage 2: Working Stage7.3 Stage 3: Finishing Stage"
Price: 199.99

"Narrative Design: Screenwriting for Games and Movies" |
"Become a better Narrative Designer, Writer and Screenwriter by applying different modes of Storytelling, Philosophy and Thought. This course is like Occam's Razor, we will get straight to the point.These game-changing lectures are informed by a Narrative Designer in the Games Industry and a Filmmaker with a Bachelors in Film & Media Production that has attended Cannes Film Festival. With our 10-years of international experience, we have freelanced and networked our way through Europe, Asia and the Middle East within the Film and Games Industry. You will gain practical and unconventional knowledge about the writing process, constructing reality with philosophical theories and the secrets of standing out from the crowd."
Price: 69.99

"Engineering Drawing: MCQ Practice Questions (Civil)" |
"Engineering Graphics in Civil Engineering, also known as Engineering drawing, or alternatively engineering drafting. This 100+ Engineering Drawing questions and answers focuses on all areas of Engineering Drawing subject covering 100+ topics in Engineering Drawing. These topics are chosen from a collection of most authoritative and best reference books on Engineering Drawing. One should spend 1 hour daily for 2-3 months to learn and assimilate Engineering Drawing comprehensively. This way of systematic learning will prepare anyone easily towards Engineering Drawing interviews, online tests, examinations and certifications.In this course we included :Various questions for engineering drawing interviews.Included Engineering Drawing Question papers.Gate questions on engineering drawing.SSC,RRB,PSC Engineering questions.Multiple choice questions for preparing other various exams.These questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Engineering Graphics/Drawing Practice questions for Civil Engineering."
Price: 1280.00

"How To Write Your First Novel" |
"A brief overview of this course:Take the right preparations for writing a bookLearn about tools to overcome writing obstacles, such as a writer's blockGet familiar with the most successful story structure out thereUnderstand what it takes to self-publish your book How long has it been on your list?SOME DAY you want to write a book. Some day you want to take the opportunity to share a story that's been sitting in you for a while. You want to express yourself in a creative way. Or maybe you want to take on a challenge--writing a book just seems like a fantastic challenge.Or both.And you're right.Publishing a book and being able to entertain and enrich your readers is a great feeling - I can say from personal experience.But... I can almost hear you thinking it.There are so many objections that are holding you back now. Obstacles that get in the way of your published book.I have no experience.Nobody wants to read my book.I have no inspiration.I don't have a publisher.I don't have time.These are a number of excuses that I have regularly heard pass by (and that I myself had).But... Don't you think it's time to deal with them?And to really start writing that book?That is exactly what I hope to teach you in this course. My goal is to teach you everything that is needed to make your dream-writing and publishing your own novel-come true!And soon! So we can all enjoy it!In this course you'll find, among other things:Excuses and obstacles that are holding you back now and how to tackle themA way to practice a writer's mindsetPreparations you need to make before you start writing your bookA frequently used (successful) story structure and how to apply it to your own storyFrequently used character roles and how to make a strong main character An action plan (to take action ;))And as an extra you'll get:a BONUS video to help you self-publish your book In short, plenty of information and practical tools and tips that will motivate and help you to get that book on paper! Writing a book starts with the right preparation and commitment.You've put it off long enough, haven't you :)?Start today!"
Price: 19.99

"Launching A Business Website From Scratch With WordPress" |
"In this tutorial you will learn how to:-Introduction To Website And User Experience -Introduction To Brand Design and content planning-Setting A Budget For Your Website-How To Register Your Domain And Set Up Hosting-Overview of WordPress-How To Upload And Install your WordPress theme -How To Customize Your Website-How To Create And Manage Menus--How To Update Your WordPress Theme Setting-How To Update Your WordPress Theme Customization-How To Use The Themify Builder"
Price: 19.99

"2020 . Photoshop." |
"Adobe Photoshop , -. ? - . , . , , . . , , . . - Photoshop CC 2020, , . ?: : , , , -, , , . .. , . ."
Price: 119.99

"Effective Communications in a Virtual Team Environment" |
"In the changing landscape of business today, particularly as more and more of us have to work with our teams remotely, this course will help you be more effective in your communications and ultimately improve the way you lead your teamsIt will help you to understand why communications are critical to creating high performing teamsYou will learn about the challenges of communicating in a virtual environmentYou will gain insight into how people's different learning styles have an effect on how they communicate, and how this may change in a virtual environmentFinally, you will learn tools and tips to help you create better more effective communications with your team in a virtual environment"
Price: 24.99

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Price: 29.99

"ServiceNow- CSA - Orlando Delta Practice Tests" |
"Two Practice Tests are included each having 10 questions. The questions are based on Orlando Release Notes available on ServiceNow site. Please download the entire Release Notes as a PDF document. The Delta exam for Orlando closes on June 24, 2020 and can be taken by enrolling for the test on Now Learning Site. The first 2 tests are free.By completing the two Practice tests offered here you would be able to completed the Orlando Release Delta exam"
Price: 19.99

"Professional Business Leadership Certification" |
"Learn How You Can Leap Right In Straight Away And Make A Significant Impact On An Organization. A Leadership And Management Curriculum That Makes An Impact:You, Will, Learn To Encourage And Lead Others Generously Yourself; And How You Relate To Individuals And Circumstances.Certificate Program For Leadership & Management Will Build Up Your Personal Leadership Skills, Guiding You To Accomplish Your Professional Goals And Deliver Results For Your Establishment."
Price: 164.99
