"Carreira em Foco" |
"O curso Carreira em Foco possui o objetivo de apresentar mtodo para voc criar e gerenciar o sucesso de sua carreira.Para isso, oferece vrias ferramentas para ampliar sua autonomia decisria. Com isso voc ser capaz de decidir o que ir fazer, onde ir trabalhar e como ir alcanar suas metas pessoais e profissionais. E o mais importante: ser capaz de decidir fazer o que gosta e ainda ser bem pago (a) por isso."
Price: 84.99

"Kubernetes for web developers - hands on examples" |
"This course is created following the feedback on my Docker course. Kubernetes appeared to be the next logical step to explore, and once having the containers, came the time to understand how to orchestrate them. If you are already familiar with containers concepts, and you would also like to learn how to orchestrate them, then this course is for you.Since I was looking for something practical and fast enough in order to test the orchestration concepts I choose the microk8s environment. Please be assured that all the commands running with microk8s environment are also valid Kubernetes commands, so the examples provided behave the same way as if they run on a production Kubernetes cluster.This course will give you the opportunity to:develop straight from your console / terminaluse microk8s, which offers the lightest possible Kubernetes distribution for testing on your own machine. This means you wont need a special hosting or a powerful server in order to work with the provided examplesgain stability and assurance that you can apply the learned skills in practiceharness the power of Kubernetes in order to manage web applicationsAll the videos show hands on approaches, so you'll just need to follow on and try the examples at your own pace. At the same time in order to explain the concepts in the environment of Kubernetes I will guide you through the lectures' content. In case you need further theoretical background, I advise you to check the official Kubernetes documentation.As you might have projects requiring a specific setup, you can use the course material as a base from which you can start, customize and build on, adapting the examples to your own needs. Additionally you will learn how to build Docker images, and I am sure you will enjoy the course if you like to self experiment. What you'll need in order to start with the course:Basic knowledge of Docker in order to fully understand the examples The course is useful for:web developers, who would like to enter in the world of containers and orchestrationanyone, who wants to try these modern concepts in practice on their local machineweb enthusiasts, who want to transfer their project workloads on KubernetesI am staying open for questions on the implementations provided.Please, enjoy and see you soon!UPDATE: The Course material is now compatible with Ubuntu, Windows and Mac operating systems!"
Price: 199.99

"The Automatic Transmission" |
"In this course we will be demonstrating and disassembling the automatic transmission. This course is more advanced than the previous courses we have completed so, be sure and watch and re-watch the videos carefully. This course will not show every type of transmission on the market as there are too many to list and it is constantly changing. This course is designed to give a general overview in disassembly and troubleshooting mechanical issues with the automatic transmission."
Price: 34.99

"Create An Affiliate Marketing Website With WordPress 2020" |
"In This video, I'm going to show you step by step how to start your own affiliate marketing website. If you want to learn how to make money online, then this video will definitely help you out! We are going to give you step by step details on how to make the website, create content, market your website, and tips and how to grow you affiliate marketing website so you can start making passive income and make money online! YOU CAN DO IT!Why Take This AMAZING Course?Highest Rated Instructor Here On Udemy For WordPress LessonsLearn how to use the #1 Best selling WordPress Theme In The WorldMaster WordPress and Affiliate Marketing. Complete Beginners GuideGet a Modern And Amazing Look For Your Website That Will Impress!Learn From A Professional Who Creates Websites For a Living with over 500,000 Monthly Visits!THE MOST UPDATE AND MODERN TUTORIAL. Don't Settle For Outdated Content!Get A fully Responsive Website And Mobile ResponsiveUnlike Other Lectures. I Cover Everything. Don't be left in the dark with other lectures that are only one hour long. I help my students and make sure they are 100% informed on all WordPress features. This lecture is very detailed and will make you fully understand how you can create your WordPress Affiliate Marketing website from scratch as a beginner.What Will I Learn From This Course?Setting up your domain and hostingCreate Modern, Beautiful, and STUNNING Websites!Create An Affiliate Marketing website where you can refer products to customers and make money online!Create Pre-Made layouts for clientsMaster Affiliate Marketing And Start Earning Commissions!LEARN HOW TO DRAG AND DROP MODULES + VISUAL BUILDER EASY!Master WordPress. Create Your Own Affiliate Marketing Website Simply And Easily.What are the requirements?No Experience Required. Complete Beginners Welcome!What am I going to get from this course?MASTER WORDPRESSCreate Your Own Website From ScratchCreate MODERN Style 2020 WebsitesMASTER Affiliate Marketing What is the target audience?Anyone. This Course is for anyone with a desire to learnAnyone Who Wants To Start Their Own WebsiteAnyone Who Wants To MASTER WordPress And Affiliate MarketingWhat youll learnCreate Websites From ScratchStart Their Own Web Design BusinessCreate Modern Style Websites In Under An HourAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Just an Internet Connection And A Computer!No Experience Required, Beginners Welcome!Who this course is for:Anyone who wants to learn how to make a website step by stepAnyone who wants to create their own businessWho this course is for:Anyone who wants to learn how to make a WordPress website with no experienceAnyone who wants to make a website the easiest wayAnyone who wants to learn how to start a web design businessAnyone who wants to make money online"
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentals of Social Impact" |
"Society as we all know is interlinked and because of that, both intended and unintended actions can both positively or negatively affect the way we leave. Social Impact because of policy change, project implementation or unforeseen disasters can have a profound impact in society. This impact can be negative or positive. This course, explains the basics of Social Impact and why Society needs to undertake Social Impact Assessments on a regular basis."
Price: 29.99

"Gesto de Documentos na Nuvem com Google Drive" |
"Crie, compartilhe e gerencie seu documentos digitais de forma rpida, simples e segura usando o Google Drive.Estamos nos acostumando a lidar com um volume grande de documentos, sobretudo digitais, temos arquivos no computador do trabalho, no celular, no tablet e, at mesmo, em pendrive. E esse volume imenso de informaes pode gerar confuso e perda de tempo ao precisar recuperar uma informao. Sem contar o desespero de procurar um documento e no encontr-lo na hora em que precisamos.Voc certamente se viu em uma dessas situaes, no mesmo!Neste curso ns aprenderemos a utilizar os recursos do Google Drive para cuidar de toda a sua documentao e assim ganhar tranquilidade e produtividade no seu cotidiano. No se preocupe pois o Google Drive gratuito e confivel sendo necessrio apenas que tenha uma conta no Gmail para desfrutar dos seus benefcios. Eu vou te ajudar a criar uma, caso no tenha!Ao se inscrever neste curso voc tem as seguintes vantagens: Voc no precisar comprar programa algum; Voc no precisa ter conhecimentos prvios de design; Voc no precisa de grandes conhecimentos em informtica; Voc conhecer o passo a passo para utilizao da ferramenta, com uma linguagem simples e objetiva para que voc entenda perfeitamente como criar seus designs; Voc no corre riscos: este curso tem garantia TOTAL de satisfao de 30 dias; Acesso vitalcio ao curso, ou seja, voc tem liberdade completa para comear e terminar o curso quando voc quiser e ainda poder acessar todas as atualizaes! Acesso gratuito ao meu grupo exclusivo de alunos onde voc poder continuar aprendendo comigo e com o grupo todos os dias; Suas perguntas so respondidas e no mximo 48 horas por mim mesma.Veja o que j disseram sobre meus cursos:""Janete o curso est otimo, estou um pouco em atraso com as atividades pq a rotina mudou um pouco aqui em casa, me concentro para fazer quando a Julia dorme, mas estou adorando conhecer mais a fundo as ferramentas. Suas explicaes so claras e pontuais. Super recomendo o curso. Grande beijo Juliana""""O curso foi excelente...eu tive pouco tempo para fazer...tinha feito um planejamento e tive que mudar em virtude desta pandemia... Mas adorei e recomendo. E irei continuar treinando as ferramentas. Alexandre""*Comentrios e avaliaes postados nas redes sociais.O que voc est esperando?Inscreva-se no curso e comece agora mesmo!Entretanto, se voc tiver alguma dvida pode me chamar que estarei disposio para esclarecer tudo que voc precisar! Assim, teremos um excelente curso e voc estar feliz com este investimento no seu desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional!"
Price: 39.99

"Nutrition for Athletes" |
"Are you interested in sport nutrition? Maybe you're an athlete or a coach, or a student or a lifelong learner looking to understand more about how nutrition and exercise affect our bodies.If so, this is the course for you. We will look at how the body adapts to training and why nutrition is vital to this process. We will look at macros (carbohydrate, proteins and fats), micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) but we will also look at:How to construct a healthier dietCalculate your personal nutritional requirementsManage your hydrationFuel appropriately for exercise and competitive sportUnderstand the psychology of healthy eatingTaught by Chris Worfolk, qualified psychologist, British Triathlon coach, author of The One-Hour Guide to Sport Nutrition, Ironman triathlete and ultramarathon runner.This course is accredited by IOATH and you will receive a free copy of the e-book edition of Chris's book when you join the course.Watch the video or check out our preview lessons to get a taste of what is inside.If that sounds exciting, hit the ""buy now"" button to get started immediately. I can't wait to see you inside the course!"
Price: 99.99

"Amazon CloudWatch in 60 Minutes: Monitor your AWS resources" |
"Learn from industry-leading DevOps and Cloud Engineers at Releaseworks:In the next 60 minutes, you will learn the core features of CloudWatch like Metrics, Logs, Events, Alarms, ServiceLens and Synthetics, and how to use them in practice. We will also cover the basic usage of the CloudWatch API with Python and the Boto3 library.Amazon Web Services, or AWS, is the leading cloud platform in the world. Amazon CloudWatch is the native monitoring and log aggregation platform in AWS. Amazon CloudWatch enables you to monitor both infrastructure and applications running in AWS and provides a multitude of useful features to gather, analyze, and visualize operational data.Amazon CloudWatch Fundamentals includes 8 labs to help you practice along with the instructor, and learn by doing.This course will teach you how to create monitoring dashboards for your AWS resources, and configure alarms when there is an issue that needs your attention. We will walk you through using ServiceLens to monitor the health of your applications beneath the surface, and creating canary scripts with CloudWatch Synthetics to enable better monitoring of your application and API endpoints.To help you take your knowledge to the next level, we will also teach you how to use simple Python scripts to integrate with the open CloudWatch API for reading data and sending Custom Metrics into Amazon CloudWatch.Finally, we will teach you the best practices of alerting, based on our experience working with a number of critical systems and software development teams.Did you know that DevOps is one of the most sought-after set of skills in the job market right now, with tens of thousands of open roles globally. According to PayScale, the median DevOps salary in the U.S. is $93,770 per year. The best DevOps specialists on the market can name their price, and often earn more than $200,000 in a year. The best time to start learning DevOps was 5 years ago - the second best time is now!Releaseworks is an upskilling-focussed DevOps and cloud engineering consultancy based in London. We help some of the largest digital organizations in the world to take full advantage of the cloud, and implement DevOps ways of working. Our mission is to help software development teams release better software, faster. Releaseworks Academy is the collection of learning resources that we use to upskill the software development teams of our clients, as well as our own cloud engineers."
Price: 64.99

"Nutrition for Inflammation" |
"Inflammation is at the root of almost every chronic health condition. The list of symptoms of systemic inflammation is a lengthy one including joint and body pain, weight gain, brain fog, anxiety and depression, digestive problems, migraines, skins issues and persistent fatigue to name of few of the more common ones. Inflammation is at the root of almost every autoimmune disease as well. In this course, we are going to cover how to heal inflammation naturally using food as medicine and integrative medicine practices such as meditation and exercise. We will begin with understanding how the immune system works, then discuss inflammation when it is doing what it should and when it is not. We will discuss what causes inflammation, leaky gut syndrome, dysbiosis and how to determine where your weak link of inflammation is. Students will learn what foods to avoid, and how to create a diet plan that works right for them.I too used to suffer from inflammation-related issues. I had brain fog, fatigue and skin issues. I was on the edge of adrenal fatigue and burnt out. As a practicing Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, this was hard for me to accept, but it was my reality. I used the principle and techniques in this course to heal myself, and hundreds of my patients.There is a new fad diet every day. Someone telling you do not do, that do this! In Nutrition for Inflammation, we address the root of the matter. We address the cause of the problem, inflammation, and in doing so, we treat all the branches the symptoms. We explore the latest health and nutrition research to reverse chronic inflammation.This course includes:A 9-week nutrition planOver 60 RecipesMeal tracking sheetsWorksheets to help you track your progressMUCH MORE..."
Price: 204.99

"Gua prctica de Finanzas Personales" |
"Buenas noticias: no tienes que ser perfecto para tener organizada tus finanzas. O la persona ms inteligente. O tener suerte.De hecho, puede tener unas finanzas saneadas con cualquier cantidad de dinero si aprendes y pones en marcha el sistema de automatiza, y olvdate que te ensear en este curso.? Imagnate cmo cambiara tu vida si te despertaras todos los das sabiendo que:->Tu dinero va automticamente a donde se supona que tiene que ir->Tus facturas se van pagando a tiempo todos los meses, y tu ests tranquilo porque sabes que lo tienes controlado.-> Ests ahorrando de manera automtica y ya has empezado a invertir para la jubilacin.->Adems, te sobra dinero para gastar en lo que ms quieres libre de culpa.No es un sueo imposible. Esa es la verdadera libertad financiera. ?Y de eso se trata esta gua. Puedes acabar con tu chaos, con tus preocupaciones financieras, tus sentimientos de agobio y la frustracin no saber si te lo puedes permitir.Y no tienes que estudiar grficos de inters compuesto, o semanas intentando saber cules son las acciones ms rentables en el mercado de valores.Todo lo que tienes que hacer el ordenar, y automatizar.En esta gua aprenders: Errores que cometemos con las finanzas: El problema con los consejos convencionales de dinero que nos mantiene frustrados y confusos. Cmo configurar tus cuentas para que pases menos de una hora al mes preocupndote por el dinero El secreto para ahorrar dinero sin dolor, mientras sigues gastando dinero en que realmente te hace feliz. Una gua de inversin para principiantes: invierte en bolsa desde 50 al mes, y entendiendo cmo lo haces.Entra en el curso y descubre cmo."
Price: 19.99

"AZ-900 - Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Training Bootcamp 2020" |
"Welcome! I'm here to help you prepare and PASS the newest Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Exam.Beginners welcome: no need to know anything about Microsoft Azure!This is going to be a 9 hours long journey and passing the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam will be worth it!HOW THIS COURSE IS DIFFERENTI have closely aligned this course with the official Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 exam guide and structured the course so that you can study at a pace that suits you best. I start with some basic background to get everyone up to speed on what cloud computing is and its benefits, before progressing through each knowledge domain.I am absolutely convinced that using practical hands-on labs will improve memory retention and maximise knowledge, so I have included many (optional) hands-on guided labs for those who have the time and desire to build a practical skillset. With this all-in-on Udemy Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Training Bootcamp, you'll be ready to pass the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam first time.This Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Training Bootcamp course is different from the other ones you'll find on Udemy. We will spend over nine hours discussing Azure in depth.It covers in-depth all the new topics on the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 examIt's packed with practical knowledge and hands-on labs on how to really deploy Microsoft Azure fundamental servicesIt teaches you how to prepare for the AZ-900 exam AND how to prepare for the real worldIt's a logical progression of topics, not a list of random servicesIt's fast-paced and to the pointAll 500+ slides available as downloadable PDFEnglish Professional Closed Captions (CC)Simply put, here's what we'll learn to PASS the Microsoft Azure AZ-900 Fundamentals exam:Azure Cloud Fundamentals: cloud deployment and computing models, Azure global infrastructure with regions and availability zonesAzure Core Compute Services: VMs, NSGs, LBs, Containers, Azure App Service, Azure Function, Azure Logic AppsAzure Core Storage Services: Storage Accounts, Managed Disks, Azure Blob Storage, Azure Files Storage, Azure Queues Storage, Azure TablesAzure Core Databases Services: Cosmos DB, SQL DB, MySQL DB, PostgreSQL DBAzure Miscellaneous Services: IoT, Big Data and Analytics, AI & ML, DevOps in AzureAzure Resource Manager: ARM and ARM templates, Tags, Policies and LocksMonitoring and Compliance: Azure Blueprints, Advisor, Azure Monitor, Azure Service HealthSecurity Services Fundamentals: Cloud Shared Responsibility Model, Azure Security Center, Azure Active Directory, MFA, RBAC, Firewall & DDoS, Azure Key Vault, AIP, ATPPricing and Support: TCO Calculator, Azure Advisor, Azure Cost Management, Azure Support Plans, Azure Service Level Agreements (SLAs)WHAT DO OTHER STUDENTS SAY?Check out the excellent course reviews from our many students who passed their Azure AZ-900 exam: The course was excellent and went into greater detail than was required to pass the exam, including practical demonstrations to reinforce the concepts. I would highly recommend this course to anyone studying for the AZ-900 exam. This is THE most amazing AZ-900 Fundamentals Course i have seen in Udemy and on the 'Net. I recommend this course to anybody - as it is crisp clear and complex enough to understand the concepts. The practicals / hands-on dispersed across the course helps one to understand the concepts fully. Really loved this course. This course helped me pass the first time. I think what separates this course from others is the fact that this course has a lot of hands-on exercises, and the instructor really knows his stuff. Happy studying everyone! Excelente, muy completo! Totalmente recomendable. Great content, concise and easy to follow. I passed the exam 880 out of 1000, with help from this course, especially the labs, quizes and practice exams. Oh and remainder to delete all resources helps to save some $$$ from unexpected Azure costs. Many thanks, Ciprian, and looking forward to more Azure courses for AZ104, 300 & 301 from you!This Azure AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Training Bootcamp course is full of opportunities to apply your knowledge:There are many hands-on lectures in every moduleThere are Quizzes at the end of every moduleWe'll be using the Azure Free Tier most of the timeThis course also comes with: Lifetime access to all future updates A responsive instructor in the Q&A Section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download Course Audiobook to Learn on the go Quizzes at the End of each Module Two Exam Practice Tests English Professional Closed Captions (CC)MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEI am totally confident in the value of this Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Training Bootcamp which comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Fast-track your Azure exam success and get lifetime access now - risk-free!"
Price: 29.99

"Surfacing a Datsun 240Z with Rhino 3D ( V6 or V5 ) Level 2" |
"This Level 2 course is an in depth lesson on creating surfaces using the Datsun 240 Z as a subject. This course is recommended for users already familiar with Rhino 3D's working environment and tools.We will explore surfacing, using Rhino V6 . However, V5 users can also follow along. Rendering will be done with Rhino Render Cycles and then using Vray for Rhino ( Vray 3.4 or later )."
Price: 199.99

Lodash |
"Javascript - Lodash. Javascript , , Lodash, . , , , . Lodash , , . Lodash . , . , . : Debounce throttle Lodash ... Javascript , !"
Price: 74.99

"Learn Tableau. Prevent the Zombie Apocalypse." |
"You're about to be parachute dropped smack in the middle of the zombie hordes in order to infiltrate a secret data center in Moldova and recover lost files.The previous operator there uploaded several tutorials on how to use Tableau to analyze the data. Follow the tutorials. Learn Tableau. And find the insights we need to save the world from the zombie apocalypse.You will learn:How to connect to dataBasics of the Tableau interfaceHow to build mapsView and tab management techniquesHow to build effective bar chartsHow to use aggregation How to use hierarchical segmentsHow to compare measuresHow to do a comparative multivariate bar chartScatterplotsCalculated fieldsDashboardsAnd much more!Why you should learn it:Data visualization is in high demandTableau skills are in high demandKnowing them will help you get a better jobData visualization jobs typically allow working from homeData visualization can even be applied to jobs that aren't data-centricUnderstanding data basics in a data-saturated world is importantThe world needs you, analyst. Learn Tableau and stop the zombies."
Price: 19.99

"R Grficos e Infogrficos: GGPLOT2 Data Viz" |
"GGPLOT2 um pacote de visualizao de dados para a linguagem de programao estatstica R. Criado por Hadley Wickham em 2005. O ggplot2 uma implementao da Grammar of Graphics de Leland Wilkinson - um esquema geral para visualizao de dados que divide grficos em componentes semnticos, como escalas e camadasPara criao de qualquer modelo ou teste estatstico, o uso da visualizao dos resultados importante na deciso de quais variveis podem ser utilizadas. O grfico explica o fenmeno estatstico de forma visual e simplificada, levando a interpretaes variadas.Um grfico composto pelo uso de atributos estticos (posio, cor, forma, tamanho) e de objetos geomtricos (pontos, linhas, barras, caixas). Aqui neste curso de Grficos e infogrficos utilizando a linguagem R , por meio do pacote GGPLOT2, voc aprender de uma forma bem intuitiva e prtica.O GGPLOT2 um pacote R dedicado visualizao de dados. Ele pode melhorar significativamente a qualidade e a esttica de seus grficos e torn-lo muito mais atraentes e impactantes.O GGPLOT2 pode servir como um substituto para os grficos de base em R e contm vrios padres para exibio na Web e impresso de escalas comuns. Desde 2005, o ggplot2 cresceu para se tornar um dos pacotes R mais populares.VOC AINDA GANHA Acesso total vitalcio ao contedo do curso; Certificado de concluso do curso oferecido pela Udemy; Acesso no seu dispositivo mvel e TV ou Computador; Garantia de 30 dias para a devoluo do seu dinheiro; Acesso 24h / 7 dias por semana aos instrutores atravs da seo de Perguntas e Respostas.SEJA MAIS UM ALUNO DESTE CLUBE QUE NO PARA DE CRESCER!"
Price: 174.99

"Canva 2020 for Non-Designers - Beginner to Expert" |
"Canva 2020 for non-designers Beginner to ExpertLearn how to easily design professional looking social media posts with Canva, to give life to your brands!If you are a non-designer and dont know how to startIf you want to convert simple images to creative designsIf you want to give imaginations to reality and give life to brand.And your answer to these Questions are Yes. Then you are at the right place.What does the course cover?Create & Set up free account of CanvaDiscussed each or every design tool of CanvaDeep understanding of Design InterfaceDiscover Canva Amazing FeaturesBest Use of Canva TemplatesAccess free Canva Photos & how to upload your imagesUse of built in Photo editing toolsCreate Perfect Color CombinationUse of graphic Elements that already exist in Canva LibraryWhat you will learn?You will easily learn everything about Canva.Start with scratch and become beginner to Expert.You will learn how to cope your ideas with built in Canva templates.Create Professional & Enchanting Social Media designs that helps to increase your brand sales.Social Media Posts You'll Learn How to Create?Facebook PostFacebook CoverInstagram PostTwitter PostPinterest PinsAnnouncement PostOkay, if you really want to learn to design Professional social media posts on your social media platforms and post it on daily basis. Then This course is for You!So, Enroll NowStart your learning today!"
Price: 19.99

"Become a Blockchain Developer: Ethereum + Solidity + Project" |
"Become a Blockchain Developer: Ethereum + Solidity + ProjectSmart Contract Programming on Ethereum Blockchain - Bonus Project: Learn how to code an Ethereum Wallet with SolidityLooking for information on Ethereum Blockchain Smart Contract coding and only found theory? Not anymore. This excellent course takes you through a full practical session on Ethereum Blockchain Smart Contract coding, with Solidity.The coding skills you need to tell the world that you are a BLOCKCHAIN DEVELOPER. Also, a bonus project has been given as part of this course to help you try out your coding skills but if you get stuck somewhere I have given the whole coding walk-through explaining each and every step. Master this course and prove to the world that you have control over Blockchain. We have used all the latest updates so you can catch up to the leaders."
Price: 19.99

"The Paintings of Leonardo da Vinci" |
"This is a course on the Paintings of Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian polymath of the Renaissance whose areas of interest included invention, drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, science, music, mathematics, engineering, literature, anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany, paleontology, and cartography. In this course we are going to focus on his paintings. Though not many, his paintings are among the greatest treasures of human creation."
Price: 194.99

"Como mejora el posicionamiento de tu negocio local en Google" |
"Mediante ciertas tcnicas y acciones podemos conseguir que nuestro negocio aparezca en una buena posicin dentro de los resultados Locales de Google cuando buscamos servicios o productos, se denomina SEO Local.En la actualidad Google est premiando en las primeras posiciones las bsquedas de negocios o servicios por ubicacin o locales, por encima de resultados orgnicos.En este curso aprenderemos las acciones que debemos realizar para mejorar nuestro negocio en local:Que es el SEO Local?Fuentes de datosFactores del posicionamientoFicha Google My BusinessEstudio de palabras clave para webAjustes para mejorar nuestra webMenciones"
Price: 29.99

"Lean Master in Lean Culture Implementation with go4sixsigma" |
"During this training you will learn how to implement Lean in Your company step by stepThere are 10 steps in Lean Culture implementation and you will learn all of them!The implementation of Lean culture is structured step by step approach instead of rapid transformation. Its a process of building the capabilities of employees to understand their customers, measure performance and solve problems. Its about creating a new company culture: how people behave and think.1. Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Training. The primary goal of training is to build within company a network of skilled staff, practitioners, and leaders, and to contribute to establishing a continuous improvement culture. A hands-on introduction to the philosophy and methodology of Lean process improvement. Participants apply the techniques to an actual work process.2. Kaizen board design and implementation. Kaizen board design and implementation based on 7 Wastes reduction in order to support the organization sustainably improve its effectiveness and connect actions with company values3. Process improvement workshop. Map the end-to-end process in order to improve process efficiency and standardise activities, go and see approach. Process improvement workshop is the most efficient way of getting to the heart of process and improving it. The well-structured workshop is the best way to find and eliminate process steps not adding value to your Customer. Define the process Create SIPOC Map the current state of the process Identify Wastes and areas for improvement List all improvements actions Create implementation plan4. Visual management and performance meetings. Visual management and performance board helps analyse team capacity. Performance meetings are team meetings used to drive problem solving and communication with structured agenda to review the teams performance, challenges and progress of actions within 15 minutes each day5. Problem solving sessions. Problem solving sessions is an approach used to identify the root cause of a problem and then implement permanent solutions. Problem solving sessions to be run weekly always the same day and same time6. KPI. Define KPIs and implement visual management to track top 3 KPI per team. Key Performance Indicators reflects how an area is performing against cost, quality, delivery and the customer in alignment with the strategic business goals7. 5S methodology. 5S methodology implemented step by step starting with the areas having the biggest impact on the customer. It focuses on physical layout, tools and information accessibility8. Skills matrix. Analyse the current skill development system, create skills matrix and define upskilling plans to support people development and learning organization9. Kanban system implementation to solve problems and realize Just in Time10. Hoshin Kanri. The company strategy deployment model: goal setting with associated performance targetsIn the end of the training you can download Udemy Certificate when your Course has 100% progres!"
Price: 99.99

"The Beauty of Portrait Drawing - The Front View." |
"To draw a really good portrait, just copying what you see is not enough. You need to understand what you see. If you want to draw professionally, you have to know how a human head is made and how to render it on the paper sheet. In this course you will learn the anatomy, the forms and the method to draw a front view portrait that inspire awe in your observers. During this course you will learn knowledge that you need and you will apply it, as you draw your first front view portrait with me. You will follow the creation of a portrait explained step by step."
Price: 49.99

"Go (golang) Bootcamp" |
"In this course we learn Google's go programming language (golang) by coding and building a demo MVP of a monitoring service.We explore the language syntax and constructs and learn how to combine the different parts into a well-architectured application.The pace of the course is suited for novice programmers who do not know go already."
Price: 24.99

"Basic Web Design with HTML & CSS" |
"This course is designed to teach the basic creation of web pages using HTML and CSS. Learning HTML and CSS will put you on the right path to becoming a web developer/designer, code cruncher, or present various other job opportunities. You can take this course knowing that it will help you advance to the next level in your job search and become a great tool to have in your back pocket. Included in the course is the creation of web pages using HTML and CSS in a text editor. The Notepad, Notepad ++ text editors can be used on a PC, and Sublime text can be used on a Mac computer."
Price: 34.99

"Crop Improvement and Environmental Protection MCQ (Bio Tech)" |
"Crop improvement refers to the genetic alteration of plants to satisfy human needs. In prehistory, human forebears in various parts of the world brought into cultivation a few hundred species from the hundreds of thousands available. In the process they transformed elements of these species into crops though genetic alterations that involved conscious and unconscious selection, the differential reproduction of variants. Through a long history of trial and error, a relatively few plant species have become the mainstay of agriculture and thus the world's food supply. This process of domestication involved the identification of certain useful wild species combined with a process of selection that brought about changes in appearance, quality, and productivity. The exact details of the process that altered the major crops is not fully understood, but it is clear that the genetic changes were enormous in many cases. In fact some crop plants have been so changed that for many of them, maize, for example, their origins are obscure, with no extant close wild relativesEnvironmental protection is the practice of protecting the natural environment by individuals, organizations and governments. Its objectives are to conserve natural resources and the existing natural environment and, where possible, to repair damage and reverse trendsDue to the pressures of overconsumption, population growth and technology, the biophysical environment is being degraded, sometimes permanently. This has been recognized, and governments have begun placing restraints on activities that cause environmental degradation. Since the 1960s, environmental movements have created more awareness of the multiple environmental problems. There is disagreement on the extent of the environmental impact of human activity, so protection measures are occasionally debatedThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Special Proteins, Crop Improvement and Environmental Protection.Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 51 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side"
Price: 19.99

"Complete Ansible Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero in Ansible" |
"Become an Ansible Expert is the one of the most requested DevOps skills!Whether you have never learn about Ansible, or want to learn about the advanced features of Ansible, this course is for you !!Whether you want to get theories of Ansible only, or love Hands-on & getting your hands dirty, this course is for you as well !! With 100 lectures of video comprehensive , the course includes also :- assignments- quizzes - and Capstone Project.In this course you will learn everything you need to become an Ansible Pro! Including:How to prepare a Lab Environment to play with AnsibleAnsible Modules - from scratchAnsible Adhoc commandAnsible PlaybooksAnsible Variables - Global ScopeAnsible Variables - Play ScopeAnsible Variable - Host ScopeAnsible Inventory - Expanding the inventoryAnsible Task Control ( if-else, for loop,..)Jinja2 TemplatesAnsible Vault [ Not Hashicorp Vault :) ]Ansible Roles Install Jenkins with AnsibleInstall Docker Engine with AnsibleInstall a Kubernetes Cluster with AnsibleAnsible CollectionsMore Advanced Topics, Hints and Best practices ( Dynamic Inventory,... etc)Capstone Project (with Go Lang, React Js and MongoDB)CAPSTONE PROJECT------In the Capstone Project section, we will configure/deploy step by step a three tier Application ( React, Go, MongoDB) using Ansible.In this project, you will get your hands dirty by tackling all topics that you learnt in the previous sections and more.This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in any way, you'll get your money back. So what are you waiting for? Take advantage of this time to upgrade your skills and put Ansible on your resume with CONFIDENCE!"
Price: 99.99

"Five Novels in Translation" |
"When we study literature, it tends to be in our own language. Some of the greatest novels ever written may not have been created in a language with which we are familiar. These days, excellent editions of many of these novels have been translated into modern English so that we can enjoy them almost as much as if we read them in the original. This course introduces you to five of the best of them."
Price: 19.99

"Patrones de Diseo Kotlin" |
"A travs del curso de Patrones de Diseo Kotlin aprenders a utilizar cada unos de estos patrones que llevan aos ayudando a desarrolladores a producir cdigo de ms calidad. El objetivo de los patrones de diseo software es ayudar a los desarrolladores a resolver problemas comunes que nos ocurren a todos los desarrolladores de software. Si vas a desarrollar aplicaciones Kotlin a nivel profesional es imprescindible conocer estos patrones y manejarlos con soltura. Los patrones que vas a ver a los largo de este curso son los siguientes: Patrones Creacionales: El objetivo de estos patrones es facilitarnos la vida a la hora de crear instancias.Factory Method PatternAbstract Factory PatternBuilder PatternPrototype PatternSinglenton PatternPatrones de Comportamiento: Su objetivo es definir la forma en la que interactan y se reparten responsabilidades las distintas clases de nuestro proyecto.Chain of Responsibility PatternCommand PatternInterpreter PatternIteractor PatternMediator PatternMemento PatternObsever PatternState PatternStrategy PatternTemplate method PatternVisitor PatternPatrones Estructurales: Se encargan de la composicin de las clases y objetosAdapter PatternBridge PatternComposite PatternDecorator PatternFacade PatternFlyweight PatternProxy Pattern"
Price: 19.99

"Pros Tennis Footwork" |
"*** THIS WEEK ONLY SPECIAL DEAL WITH 97% OFF - GET THIS PREMIUM ONLINE TENNIS COURSE for JUST 13.99 USE TENNISSEPTEMBER at Checkout ***Pros Tennis Footwork - Discover How to Apply ATP Pros Footwork Into Your GameIn this course you going to learn all necessary footwork patters that are used by ATP Pros and I will show you step by step how to apply all into your game so you can start feeling instant results next time you train.Correct and efficient footwork is crucial if you want to not just to enjoy tennis but if you aim to get to the next level - its absolute MUST to know how to move around the court!Most of Club tennis players don't know how to move correctly and they end up ""running around the court"" and losing lots of energy because of that.On the other side, when you watching PROS - likes of Federer, Nadal or Murray, you get the feeling that they are moving around the court with ease...Some answer - because they are SUPER FIT - YES, it is truth, BUT without correct footwork they would be exactly at the same point as you are now!After applying all inside this Premium Level Course you going to become a different player that everybody in your club will be afraid of and you going to enjoy tennis more as you will finally be able to move well, efficiently and effortlessly. The best players in the world understand the importance of correct footwork and they work on it on day to day basis!so..What You Will Learn inside this course:- How to effectively apply the very same footwork used by ATP Pros into your game.- How to move better, more efficient and more organised around the court.- How to use right steps and right footwork patterns.- How to train on your own and transform your game in matter of days.- How to finally get in early and correct positions.- How to avoid getting tired over and over by avoiding running on the court and loosing way to much energy.- PROs Tennis Footwork Patterns, Exercises and training drills proven by ATP Pros that Ive been using on court with my players for over 15 years.What others Say About This Course:Ive got all of Jans programs, but Pros Tennis Footwork program just did it for me. Before that I was running on the court completely disorganised, so now by following Jans advice and the same patterns that pros use I can feel what it really is to play a bit like a PRO! Marc Tillman, Medium Level Player, AustraliaI always wondered there must be a kept secret by Pros. I now believe right footwork is the key, so I highly recommend this program to any club tennis player who wants to see massive improvement! Peter Floyd, Intermediate Level Player, USAExcellent as always Jan. Will start training tomorrow and cant wait to move like Federer! Many thanks! John Ayburry, Medium Level Player, London, UKI am looking forward to help you transform your Tennis Footwork and to help you take your game to the next level!Jan MetelkaFounder of PLB Tennis Method *** THIS WEEK ONLY SPECIAL DEAL WITH 97% OFF - GET THIS PREMIUM ONLINE TENNIS COURSE for JUST 13.99 USE TENNISSEPTEMBER at Checkout ***"
Price: 199.99

"Best course for learning Telugu Language" |
"Learning a language is a long journey with small destination. so this course is the first destination towards completing your journey. I will keep posting new courses to make to complete your journey. My aim is very simple. To teach different languages so wherever you go you should be familiar with the language to make a connection, very easily,The course emphasis on the different types of sentences and how they are arranged to give a small glimpse of how language works. The Vocabulary of Foreign Language and Indian Language are quite different. So you may find difficult to learn Telugu Language. But the course is made in such a manner to make you feel comfortable while learning it and therefore I kept it very short and simple."
Price: 34.99

"PremierePro""SNS""_VOL1" |
"Adobe Premiere Pro""SNS"" """"VOL1SNSWithFunOnline"
Price: 18000.00

"Tunisian recipe : How to cook Lablebi" |
"Hello and welcome to my course :)In this course , I will teach you how to cook one of the most famous tunisian recipes and it's called Lablebi.This Meal is well known as one of the most appetizing tasty traditional meal in tunisia.The best parts in this recipe are :1- delicious and appetizing.2- Simple and easy to cook (takes about 10 minutes long to be made)3- Not pricey . Costs about 5$ (by my calculations and my opinion)"
Price: 19.99
