"Formao de Auditores Internos - Modulo II" |
"A Auditoria Interna uma atividade independente e objetiva de avaliao (assurance) e de consultoria, desenhada para adicionar valor e melhorar as operaes de uma organizao. Ela auxilia a organizao a realizar seus objetivos a partir da aplicao de uma abordagem sistemtica e disciplinada para avaliar e melhorar a eficcia dos processos de gerenciamento de riscos, controles e governana. Dentre os assuntos que sero abordados no treinamento, destacamos:Definies, normas, atividades, estatuto, independncia e objetividade;Responsabilidade tica de um Auditor interno;Auditoria Baseada em Riscos;Auditoria Baseada em Risco - ABR;Controles Internos;Plano Anual, Comunicao e Monitoramento;Plano Anual de Auditoria (PAA ou PAAI), baseado em levantamento de riscos;Comunicao dos resultados;Monitoramento das Aes Corretivas."
Price: 189.99

"Advanced Process Control & Safety Instrumented Systems SIS" |
"Welcome to this online course on advanced process control.Control in process industries refers to the regulation of all aspects of the process. Precise control of level, temperature, pressure and flow is important in many process applications.This course introduces you to advanced process control in process industries, explains why control is important and identifies different ways in which precise control is ensured for the main process equipment such as chemical reactors, pumps, compressors, fired heaters and heat exchangers just to name a few.The course also introduces you to Safety Instrumented Systems SIS, Alarm Systems and Interlocks : their anatomy, their requirement, their functions and how they are represented in engineering drawings such as Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams, more commonly referred to as P&IDs.The course includes extensive graphics and industrial process control schemes for each major piece of equipment found in the process industry, as well as numerous Safety Instrumented Systems that will be broken down for you into easily digestible concepts.The knowledge gained in this course will help you to understand all process control loops and safety systems so that you can draw the correct information from them.Finally, included in the course are access to numerous downloadable resources, real industrial examples of process control and the keys to interpret them in high quality video lectures. You will be able to practice and become even more proficient with these bonus items that you will find throughout the course.So with no further ado, check out the free preview videos and the curriculum of the course and we look forward to seeing you in the first section.Hope to see you thereWR TrainingSpread the wings of your knowledge"
Price: 69.99

"Aditivos Contratuais - Teoria e Prtica" |
"Diversas situaes podem levar necessidade de se modificar as condies de um contrato existente, e fazer isso de forma segura o melhor caminho para evitar problemas para as partes envolvidas.Neste curso voc aprender de forma simplificada a teoria e a prtica para que essas modificaes atendam ao interesse dos contratantes e garanta a segurana jurdica, uma das finalidades de se criar um contrato escrito, bem como de seus aditivos quando pertinentes.Trata-se de um curso ""raiz"", direto ao ponto e sem firulas. Se esse estilo de contedo lhe interessa, seremos bons companheiros neste curso vitalcio!"
Price: 69.99

"ISO 9001:2015 Story: A Holistic Complicated Approach" |
"Background: Alteration is a manufacture of our era. Institutions, if they are to continue applicable, have to comply adroitly to constant variations in their circumferences. Customers alter their inclinations over shorter period spans. Contest can be universal and is oftentimes supported by the forward journey of technological invention. Governments put modern regulations. Anyway, transformations in community and in paths of thinking require fresh authorities on directors. In a universe of complexity and alteration, directors are requested to outline a much greater variety of issues.In modern years, with the evolution of market competition, globalization, and the development in communication movements, quality management has actually begun to be a pivotal strategy for institutions to preserve their market location. Quality Management exercises relate to management plans and strategies that are substantial in assisting companies to develop quality, minimize costs, and elevate output.Some survey for improved countries has discovered proof that certified companies are more prosperous than non-certified companies in expressions of financial measurements like return on properties. Having accomplished ISO 9001 certificate, many companies only perform their business in harmony with the documented QMS in order to earn the highest advantages from it automatically. We can summarize that ISO 9001:2015 emphasizes the demand for managing alteration, when matched with the former ISO 9001:2008 edition. Thus far, companies demand to completely manage alteration to be eligible to effectively develop their business outcomes and operations.The Aim of this Course: Change management demands analyzing troubles and pro actively applying methodologies or procedures with a team view to impact and manage on-going alteration while utilizing and conserving information frameworks to face organizational targets. An issue with alteration is that it manufactures many alter management actions but it oftentimes does not manufacture wanted outcomes. Taking the background into account, the aim of this course is to decide the ISO 9001:2015 efficacy as a holistic complicated approach on organizational accomplishment as there is an increasing orientation in several industrialized lands, which demands statutory bodies, departments, and other common sector institutions to be altered to be more thin and effective, and finally financially more reasonable in their processes.Course Questions: Does it concern what alteration approach is utilized to manufacture an alteration in an institution? If so, why? To start an alteration, an individual must recognize what demands to alter and why. And as well, what are the dangers of not making a change? How will the alteration improve the person? What will he/she obtain by creating the alteration?Is the company pleased with the existing Quality Management System via holistic complicated approach? Does it assist and combine the work well? Is it actually a lean operation based framework? How to determine targets that occasionally are in contest or even oppositionist? How to attain the best commune to do the substantial missions? How to match the various commune needed to accomplish the different aims and the various missions that participate to accomplish these targets? How to gain the inputs/resources (human, financial, and material resources) to accomplish the institutions objectives and mission? How to accomplish the outputs/results prepared (whether services or goods) and manufacture them to attain the end customer? How to recognize the expectations and demands of the different stakeholders that affect or are affected by the institution and how to fit this to the exterior context and the neighboring circumference?The interesting requests are whether a favorable condition of organizational complexity does occur, how essential the standard of complexity is in expressions of demonstrating organizational accomplishment and In what tracks did complexity thinking affect on the teams management and perception of risk? How can ISO management frameworks be utilized to develop organizational performance and practices? How can directors evade the obstacles that frequently result from the application of these frameworks?From an individual scene, how can alteration actions be preferable managed and planned to confirm prosperous alteration applications to assist the institution? From an individual point of view, how efficient are coaching documents and processes to help practicum members to do alteration functions? Does this conduct in more competence and as well what percentage do you assess? How much period of time do you assess is spent on this holistic complicated approach for alteration within the firm? Do you sense that it is valuable? Why?Relying on the reply, some companies should theorize the predictable ISO 9001:2015 standard as a considerable chance to reignite and review theirs frameworks. If the framework is running well, maybe just set it to the modern ISO 9001:2015 alterations.Significance of the Course: Deciding what kind of reply is suitable when institutions are met with increasing environmental complexity is actually one of the prime requests in science and practice. While some survey understands complexity method to become one of the prime modern methods in business science, others deny its relationship completely.The ISO 9001:2015 standard application has become an essential research topic for several years now, concentrating on whole the standard versions and testing for example, its prosperity, advantages and effects.Holism places the survey of wholes prior to the parts. And thus far, it does not attempt to break institutions, or other structures, down into portions in order to intervene in them and recognize them. It alternatively focuses its interest at the organizational standard and on assuring that the portions are linked correctly together and are working well to render the aims of the whole.Managerial knowledge of the barriers is critical to block the troubles from happening. An appropriate management of the alteration procedure, effective trainings, efficient communication and elevated awareness concerning ISO 9001:2015 advantages via holistic complicated approach are extremely suggested in order to guarantee a prosperous application and elevate the quality management framework performance.Methods and Approach: Holism derives from the Greek expression ""holos"" which denotes whole. Holism is founded on the immortal philosophy which assures that whole things in the world are section of whole or a person unity. When we present substantial trust, we trust the essential goodness in others and as well demand to link and generate a feeling of society and familiarity with others. Implied in the presumptions of unity and wholeness, and interconnectedness and interdependence, is the basis of individual responsibility. If we as persons recognize we are section of an essential unity, thereafter we will naturally sense a responsibility and connectedness to each other and as well to the whole.Complexity is frequently misused as a reasoning in the business universe. In spite of their efforts to recognize complexity, most analysts, journalists, managers, and in some situations even research workers construct their demonstrations and reasoning of how to collaborate with complexity on plain cause-and-impact chains. As a consequence, it is frequently debated that the prosperity manufactured by own weaknesses and strengths is generated by complexity. Complexity theory has improved over the latest few decades like an effort to produce theoretical feeling of the function of risk, instability, and uncertainty in new social existence. Thus, it is substantial to recognize complexity and its fundamental merits.Originative holistic complicated approach which combines holism and complexity theories - a modern improvement in systems thinking that I used in this course, desires to supply directors with the joint advantages of holism and complexity theories so that they can perform their works better. However, Holism by itself grants many benefits over reductionist, traditional tactics in treating with complexity, diversity and alteration. As systems reasoning has improved it has found out a diversity of various tracks of being holistic, founded upon various metaphors and paradigms. We are now eligible, thus, to become inventive in the path we draw near being holistic and complicated.Discussion: When commune are faced with a holistic complicated tactic, or a modern way of performing things and as well even when they recognize how to alter, it needs time for them to completely admit the alteration. This is wherever day to day directors leadership is so essential, in assisting to resolve troubles arising from the alteration and commonly to treat with the modern market encouragement.Each individual being is a complex framework, permanently exchanging materials together with her/his environment, and altering in reply to alterations in, for instance, water, temperature, levels of glucose in the bloodstream, or gases in the air. A condition of dynamic steadiness, far-from-equilibrium, is preserved by the persistent action of fundamentally passive return loops (which counteract alteration), managed via the living organism itself. Collapse of the dynamic condition amidst the living creature and its surroundings means dying.ISO 9001 advantages and motivations can be classified as being mostly interior or exterior ones. Exterior causes are basically linked with promotional and marketing issues, whilst the interior class is linked to interior organizational developmentsHowever, ISO renders not only to institute performance standards but, as well, to define the procedures via which the goodness management standards may be gotten, and via which the efficiency and effectiveness of the Quality Management Framework may be developed. The initial edition of the family for quality management systems of ISO 9000 standards, was released in 1987. Through the introduction stage of ISO standardization, the prime targets of institutions demanding ISO 9001 chain certificate were to apply an authenticated quality framework to ease the arrival to diversifying and more needing universal markets.ISO had revised its ISO 9001 standard, anyway, in 2000 and as well in 2008. The following revision targeted to permit for an elevated ISO 9001 elasticity while assuring that firms that meet its needs can consistently supply services and products that comply with their customers anticipations and demands and meet the pertinent regulatory and statutory requirements. Anyway, ISO revised the ISO 9001:2008 Universal Standard driving to the releasing of ISO 9001:2015 standard on September 15, 2015.Results and Conclusion: It supposes that the world is comprised of a large number of attached parts, each of which collaborate together in the benefit of the whole. Thus, holism is founded on the notions of interconnectedness and unity. Notions linked to complexity theory supply means for improving sights, dynamic and integrative surveys of the various units of reference. Anyway, from these scenes one have components that permit a vision of orientations which can be determined as collection of agents, sides of conjectural or essential causation.Clearly, if service institutions desire to accomplish business advantages and superior outcomes, the achievement of a quality certification to ISO 9001, anyway, should not become the termination, but the beginning point for diffusing an efficient QMS in the search for quality development.However, the ISO 9001:2008 is actually a standard of generic management framework that is usable to public and private; small and large; commercial, industrial, and service companies. The ISO 9001:2015 demands supply a powerful foundation for a management framework for business that boosts the strategic trend of the institution. By realizing ISO 9001:2015 efficacy via holistic complicated approach established on its goals, managers may be conscious of what to develop to elevate the standards efficacy and thus far directly develop service institution performance in expressions of quality and operative outcomes and indirectly in expressions of financial outcomes.Future Recommendation: It should be admitted that this course is actually a facilitation of a very complicated matter and the dissection suggested by me is exposed to be criticized. Survey should be achieved to arrive the truth of these suggestions and to match, in the aftertime, organizational cultures of institutions that have become prosperous at performing ISO 9001:2015 standard via holistic complicated approach with those that have become ineffective.Anyway, it would be very essential to own further survey exploring the impact of certificate not merely on criteria linked to privilege enablers, but as well on criteria linked to excellence outcomes. After all, though privilege enablers are crucial for long-term prosperity and performance, excellence outcomes are decisive in judging the total efficiency and effectiveness of the frameworks performance. Likewise, it would be very entertaining to own further survey considering the outcomes of ISO 9001:2015 certificate via holistic complicated approach on hard measures instead of managers conceptions, although in this situation we should be very cautious how to precisely measure the support of ISO 9001:2015 certificate via holistic complicated approach on these measurements as distinguished from other environmental and business parameters.Keywords: ISO 9001:2015, Holism Theory, Complexity Theory, Holistic Complicated Approach, Quality Management and Change Management."
Price: 99.99

"The Software Architecture and Design Course for Beginners" |
"Welcome to our Course !You can Learn complete information related to Software Architecture and Design. It is the best course for Software Architecture and Design. This course of Software Architecture and Design will able you to start your Learning as a beginner.Important Topics you can learn and get Explanation are :Software Architecture and DesignKey PrinciplesArchitecture ModelsObject-Oriented ParadigmData Flow ArchitectureData-Centered ArchitectureThank you so much !Our Team will Happy to see in Course !Note that Our team is present every time for you and available here for any questions you may have. You can ask any question which you want."
Price: 19.99

"SAP HANA Simple Finances Implementation, Modeling & Reports" |
"SAP S/4 HANA is a game changing and best selling product in the history of SAP. Helping companies solve data, reporting challenges and unleash their potential with a real time platform. It is one of the most updated products of SAP. Learn the concept of S/4 HANA and how you can implement it to get a high paying careerLearnings from this course:60+ lectures of Professionally authored contentUnderstand why SAP HANA, Concepts, Architecture and Use casesGet Comfortable with SAP HANA landscape, associated tools and StudioLearn the different methods and tools to get data from SAP and Non-SAP SourcesLearn In-Memory modeling techniquesCertification simulation after each topicBenefits of this course:By achieving this skill you will be able to get a high paying jobMore flexibility in life and get enough free time by earning moreRecession free career (Bigger companies uses SAP even in time of recession)Make big amounts by SAP consultancyBe Top 1% Earner among SAP Consultants"
Price: 199.99

"This course looks at the basics of playing the violin in a casual way. We talk about whether the violin can be called the Hardest instruments, a look at the essential parts of the violin, looking at getting your posture and your placement of holding the instrument correct. It also looks at understanding the basics of tuning and understanding definitions of what open strings are, playing E A D G and starting off with a basic look at the song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. "
Price: 34.99

"Curso: Como Tocar Violo SEM PESTANA" |
"Curso: Como Tocar Violo SEM PESTANAO curso ensina a fazer acordes sem pestana no violo, de uma forma simples e prtica, sempre com uma msica para treinar cada acorde.Assim o aluno fica apto para aprender uma quantidade de msicas absurdamente maior, pois de uma forma geral as msicas com pestanas so muito frequentes e constantemente os alunos se deparam com essa barreira e ficam um bom tempo tocando apenas msicas sem pestana. Isso pode desanim-lo e por isso muitos desistem.O conhecimento do curso proporciona algo muito especial, proporciona mais poder de deciso ao aluno para que ele possa definir as msicas que quer tocar, alm disso, ter mais liberdade para tocar as suas msicas preferidas. O que no campo de aprendizagem musical, faz toda a diferena!Quando o aluno toca as msicas que ama, ele ganha muita motivao. E pela falta de motivao que muitos desistem, pois em muitos casos, eles foram induzidos a tocar coisas que no faziam seus olhos brilharem.Ter autonomia para escolher o que vai tocar, tendo um leque maior de opes, faz total diferena!O curso no ensina que o aluno deve desistir da pestana e que ele nunca vai precisar aprender. Pelo contrrio, a pestana faz parte do aprendizado eterno de violo.Mas o que incentivado aprender uma forma mais fcil de tocar as msicas que deseja enquanto treina paralelamente o uso da pestana em seus treinamentos dirios.Sobre o Professor:Anderson Paiva toca Violo e Guitarra desde os 15 anos de idade e tem mais de 20 anos de experincia de mercado como Msico e Professor.Tem como influncia os grandes mestres da guitarra da dcada de 60 e 70 e tem como conceito os timbres orgnicos e um estilo vintage, com foco no sentimento e criatividade.Ao longo de sua experincia desenvolveu um mtodo prtico e descomplicado de fazer o aluno desenvolver uma alma artstica e se soltar das amarras da teoria musical.O que os alunos dizem sobre o professor:Roberto K.""Didtico e muito fcil de seguir.""Alex R.""Excelente, gostei de sua espontaneidade!""Renato C.""Mtodo bem didtico!""Adilson A.""Gostei muito do professor, uma excelente didtica...""Aprenda Como Tocar Violo SEM PESTANA. Inscreva-se agora!"
Price: 99.99

"Instalaciones elctricas de interior." |
"El objetivo del curso es brindar al participante una gua prctica que le permita realizar sus actividades laborales con tica profesional, teniendo presenta los criterios necesarios para intervenir una instalacin elctrica residencial o industrial de forma segura y cumpliendo con estndares internacionales.Para esto se ha dividido el curso en siete (7) mdulos, cada uno de ellos con alcances y objetivos especficos y alcanzables por el participante, si bien los mdulos estn planteados en una secuencia de conocimiento lgicos, no son obligatorios para el lector cursarlos todos, es decir, es opcional la escogencia de los mdulos que para el lector sea de su inters.El Modulo II, permite al participante implementar los conocimientos tcnicos conceptual y de normativa, en el montaje de instalaciones elctricas de interior, aplicando criterios para la seleccin adecuadamente los dispositivos de maniobra y de proteccin; as como, contar con las herramientas necesarias para identificar fallas y desperfectos, en los elementos y componentes de las instalaciones elctricas, mediante el uso de equipos de medicin."
Price: 19.99

"PHP Masterclass" |
"Voc j sentiu vontade de trabalhar de qualquer lugar, bastando ter apenas um computador e uma internet? E se eu te falar que esse curso a porta de entrada para a realizao desse sonho?Fazer um curso desse porte leva muito tempo e dedicao e necessrio abordar todos os tpicos que so utilizados no dia a dia.Ahhhh! Como eu queria que existisse um curso desse porte quando eu comecei a programar com meus 12 anos de idade (21 anos atrs), e agora voc tem a oportunidade de conhecer a linguagem de programao PHP em menos de 6 horas de curso.Se voc aluno de faculdade e possui alguma matria de Algoritmo e Lgica de Programao, sinta-se a vontade para comprar esse curso. Costumo dizer que ""quem aprende a programar bem em uma linguagem, programa em qualquer outra.""Entre de cabea no mundo da programao, conquiste sua independncia financeira e desfrute de solues simples, baratas e extremamente lucrativas.Te espero na aula!"
Price: 159.99

"Generating and Working with Major Scales" |
"You will understand how one of the fundamental aspects of music works - the major scale, and have the understanding and practice to create these building blocks and manipulate them in your chosen area as you see fit? This is not a video about production, or how to produce a particular style; This isnt necessarily about playing an instrument either? Nor is this video going to teach you how to read music? Although there will be frequent exercises throughout the course that are practical in nature - There are also tasks that dont require an instrument!"
Price: 19.99

crowdfundingpart2 |
Price: 4800.00

"Bayesian Statistics and Credibility Theory" |
"This short course aims to address the following syllabus objectives of the Actuarial Exams:Explain the fundamental concepts of Bayesian statistics and use these concepts to calculate Bayesian estimators. Use Bayes theorem to calculate simple conditional probabilities. Explain what is meant by a prior distribution, a posterior distribution and a conjugate prior distribution.Derive the posterior distribution for a parameter in simple cases. Explain what is meant by a loss function. Use simple loss functions to derive Bayesian estimates of parameters. Explain what is meant by the credibility premium formula and describe the role played by the credibility factor. Explain the Bayesian approach to credibility theory and use it to derive credibility premiums in simple cases. Explain the empirical Bayes approach to credibility theory and use it to derive credibility premiums in simple cases. Explain the differences between the two approaches and state the assumptions underlying each of them."
Price: 24.99

"Realize Your Potential in English" |
"Use this course to make language learning a habit, overcome your fears and boost your motivation and confidence. You will learn how to add language learning to your life in a way that is fun and works for you. You'll also learn how to reflect on your experiences and overcome negative thinking patterns that keep you from practicing. You will understand how to track your progress and see how you are doing over time."
Price: 39.99

"Google Certified Professional Cloud Security Engineer:Tests" |
"Welcome to the practice test for Exam Google Certified Professional Cloud Security Engineer:TestsIT certifications are important credentials that can boost your value, your salary, and your employment opportunities.Google Professional Cloud Security Engineer is an individual responsible for helping organizations in the design and implementation of highly-secure infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform .The professional cloud security engineer leverages their knowledge for designing, development, and management of infrastructure with Google security technologiesSkill Measurements :Configuration of access within a cloud solution environment.Configuration of network security.Ensuring data protection.Management of operations in a cloud solution environment.Ensuring compliance.This practice test will help you prepare for the real official exam test environment. This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Google in any way.Wish you all the best for your exam !"
Price: 29.99

"Google Classroom: Implementacin de un ejemplo practico" |
"SOBRE EL CURSO:El proceso de formacin est diseado bajo una metodologa prctica, ya que a travs de la construccin de un curso ejemplo, te ensear como utilizar las herramientas de google classroom para construir un aula virtual siguiendo los pasos del modelo PACIE.Primeramente te desempears como el rol de diseador instruccional en donde aprenders un modelo de construccin de aulas virtuales muy conocido a nivel plataformas elearning.Conocers sobre la estructura lgica que debes seguir para construir un curso en Google Classroom o en cualquier otra plataforma de aprendizaje virtual.Aprenders a manejar las herramientas tarea, tarea con cuestionario, pregunta y material.Vivirs la experiencia de ser profesor y estudiante, para que puedas entender como Google Classroom maneja estos roles dentro del proceso de enseanza aprendizaje.Programars la liberacin de recursos de manera automtica, lo cual te permitir dedicarle ms tiempo a la tutorizacin y dejar que el sistema se encargue de entregar y abrir los recursos en las horas y fechas que especfiques.Aprenders a matricular a los estudiantes a travs de la invitacin por correo electrnico a cdigo de clase.Dominars el libro de calificaciones para que puedas colocar notas manuales, automticas y trabajar con categoras de calificaciones.Manejars los formularios de Google Form y aprenders a configurarlos y colocar las notas dentro de Google Classroom.Realizars el proceso de realizacin de copias de seguridad y reinicio de un curso.Aprenders a reutilizar recursos o actividades que has creado en otras clases de Google Classroom.Instalars la aplicacin de Google Classroom para dispositivos mviles.Aprenders a implementar el sistema de video conferencia ZOOM para dar clases en vivo con tus estudiantes e integrars Youtube para crear una videoteca en la cual puedas guardar las clases de ZOOM y permitir que los estudiantes puedan revisar tus exposiciones en vivo las veces que as lo requieran y tambien es una estrategia para apoyar a aquellos participantes que de una u otro forma no puedieron estar en alguna de tus sesiones en vivo.Es un curso diseado para favorecer la prctica y el aprendizaje bajo una experiencia de 360, con el objetivo de desarrollar las competencias como tutor virtual y que puedas apoyar a tus estudiantes una vez publiques tu curso.Es un curso corto, prctico y que de seguro te gustar. Esta diseado siguiendo el estandar de otros cursos publicados: ""Creacin de Aulas Iconogrficas para Moodle"" y ""Gamificacin en Moodle"".Empecemos, de seguro aprovechars mucho este proceso de formacin.Tu amigo y tutor,Juvenal..."
Price: 19.99

"Foundations in the Study of Magic, Part 7: Science & Magic" |
"In Part 7 of the Foundations in the Study of Magic we will discuss the intersection of magic and science from the 17th Century. In Section 1 we will present a short historiography of science and the boundaries of science and non-science. In Section 2 we will discuss how ancient astrological models paved the way for modern astronomy. In Section 3 you will be presented with two mini case studies that highlight the theocratic pushback towards new ideas and scientific advancements. In Section 4 we will discuss the intersection of magic and science thorough the history of alchemy and its relationship to chemistry. And in Section 5 you will be presented with a final case study on sciences most famous innovator in the early modern period Isaac Newton. The lecture will conclude with a sneak peak at what's to come in Part 8: The Enlightenment."
Price: 199.99

telework |
"ZOOM4160UdemyVS40%18%216012131 on 1ZOOM""""UdemyUdemy2.5+YouTube4.5+ExcelVBAExcelMOS6Udemy"
Price: 3000.00

"Gerenciamento de manuteno Industrial - Parte 01" |
"Inscreva-se hoje e ganhe:Acesso vitalcio a TODO curso + Certificado;Exemplos de planilhas de controle;Treinamentos para voc ser um lder na rea;So vrios vdeos aulas + materiais extras;Suporte tcnico; Aproveite o valor promocional;O que exatamente voc vai aprender?Introduo a gerncia de manuteno.Estratgias de gerenciamento de manuteno.Tag e classificao dos equipamentos.Organizaes de manuteno e pessoas.Implantao de inspeo.Implantao de manuteno preventiva.Controle de sobressalentes.Plano mestre de inspeo e manuteno"
Price: 129.99

"Excel para empresas" |
"Reduce tiempo, elimina errores de clculo, automatiza funciones, estandariza formatos, crea reportes impactantes.No inviertas tiempo en cursos con contenido de relleno. Este curso esta enfocado en ensearte las funciones ms tiles en la vida laboral, en pocas horas tendrs una visin completa de los alcances de Excel sin importar el nivel que tengas.Aprende a:Tablas dinmicas.Funciones como: bsquedas, matriciales, sumarsi, lgicas... Formatos condicionales.Grficos avanzados....y todo lo que necesitas para destacar en tu trabajo."
Price: 345.00

"Deutsch fr Dich: B2 - Deutsch fr Fortgeschrittene" |
"Dieser Kurs soll dir helfen, das Niveau B2 zu erreichen oder dein Niveau zu verbessern. Der Kurs beinhaltet Erklrungen, Beispiele und bungen. Das Ziel ist, Deutsch besser zu verstehen, korrekt zu benutzen und deine Sprache insgesamt flexibler und abwechslungsreicher zu machen. Dein Verstndnis der deutschen Sprache soll vertieft werden.Ich habe versucht, die Erklrungen klar zu gestalten. Die vielen Beispiele sollen dir helfen, verschiedene Strukturen in unterschiedlichen Kontexten zu verstehen. Natrlich gibt es auch bungen, Quiz und Aufgaben. So kannst du gleich ben, was du gelernt hast. Auerdem gibt es auch Aufgabenbltter im pdf-Format, die du herunterladen kannst. Manche Aufgaben haben eine individuelle Lsung. Fr diese kannst du Feedback von mir bekommen.Dieser Kurs soll die allgemeine Sprache verbessern und bereitet nicht direkt auf eine B2-Prfung vor (kein Prfungsaufgaben-Training!). Aber da deine Sprache akkurater und flssiger werden wird, ist dieser Kurs natrlich auch hier eine Hilfe. Vergiss nicht, dass du die Video-Geschwindigkeit individuell einstellen kannst (unten links am Player), falls du die Videos zu schnell (oder zu langsam) findest.Anmerkung zu den Untertiteln:In den Untertiteln werden folgende Abkrzungen benutzt:d.h. - das heitz.B. - zum Beispielusw. - und so weiterbzw. - beziehungsweise"
Price: 99.99

"Deutsch fr Dich: B1/B2 - Deutsche Verben Masterclass" |
"Manche Unterschiede zwischen Verben sind einfach aus praktischen Grnden wichtig. Zum Beispiel wann man sehen, ansehen oder zusehen benutzt. Oder was der Unterschied zwischen kaufen und einkaufen ist. Oder was wir sagen knnen, wenn man einen Gegenstand nicht stellen oder legen kann, wie z.B. ein Taschentuch in eine Hosentasche.Diese und viele andere Fragen, die du dir schon gestellt hast, werden in diesem Kurs beantwortet.Auerdem beantwortet der Kurs auch viele Fragen, die du wahrscheinlich nie hattest, die aber tatschlich ziemlich interessant sind.Zum Beispiel sagen wir, wenn eine Uhr zu schnell ist: Die Uhr geht vor. Aber wenn ich vorgehe, bin ich dann auch zu schnell? Warum soll ich jemanden nicht anmachen, wenn ich nur doch nur mit ihm sprechen will?Nach diesem Kurs wirst du viele Wrter, die du schon kennst, besser verstehen. Und andere Wrter werden ganz neu fr dich sein und dir die Mglichkeit geben, dich noch besser ausdrcken zu knnen.Zu allen Erklrungen gibt es Beispiele und danach einen Test mit Lsungen.Am Ende des Kurses steht noch ein Grammatikteil. Dieser enthlt Wiederholung aus den Niveaus bis B1, aber auch einiges an neuen Informationen.Es gibt also einiges zu tun. Lass uns anfangen!"
Price: 59.99

"Yin Yoga Basics" |
"Yin Yoga for Deep Relaxation, Flexibility and WellbeingAre you looking for a gentle yoga practice to help you start, or end the day in the best possible way? Would you like to discover where yoga and meditation meet? Would you like to experience several slow, deeply relaxing yoga practices?...If so you have come to the right place!Yin yoga is a style of yoga featuring restorative poses, held for several minutes to bring about a calming of the nervous system and deep flexibility throughout all the joints in the body. The aim of this style is to help the individual to relax very deeply, while gaining flexibility and experiencing a sense of mindfulness and presence in the here and now. This course is gentle and restorative while also being very powerful. The optional use of props and easier variations of poses has been created to make this course as accessible as possible - even for people very new to yoga. Yin Yoga for Deep Relaxation, Flexibility and Wellbeing is a course to guide you through a variety of Yin Yoga Practices- It contains 3x Full-Length Classes (approx 1 hour each)1x 20 Minute practice 1x 15 Minute practiceYou can find a perfect yin yoga practice no matter how much time you have available to you! I hope that you enjoy this course very much, Namaste, Sacha Heath"
Price: 19.99

"Designer Grfico para Igrejas - Criao de Flyers" |
"Nos ltimos tempos, as redes sociais tm atrado a ateno de muitas pessoas os atraindo para seus feeds e mostrando contedos de entretenimento e fazendo com que muitas pessoas estejam durante muito tempo nelas.Com base nisso, as peas publicitrias e as propagandas tem tomado espao nas redes sociais tornando-se assim o maior campo de atrao de pblico.Nesse curso, eu me comprometo em contribuir com na sua carreira mostrando desde o zero como CONSTRUIR UMA ARTE dentro do Photoshop. Aqui, me esfossarei ao mximo para ampliar seus conhecimentos e te fazer produzir sua primeira pea para divulgao... Nesse sentido, mostrarei como criar peas publicitrias sobre IGREJAS, CONGRESSOS, CULTOS E FESTAS voltados para o pblico religioso."
Price: 39.99

"Acrylic LANDSCAPE 'Bush Walk' with a Palette Knife. Level 2" |
"The Palette Knife is a multipurpose painting tool. Use it to mix and apply paint to your canvas and it will give you a totally new and exciting painting experience!With the Palette Knife:Paint with more spontaneity without getting tight and detailedMix clean vibrant coloursMix colours on your palette with more volume of paintSpread the paint with broad strokesUse the edge of the knife to paint lines and the tip to dab spots of paintLay one colour over another, wet in wetFeel inspired to explore and develop your skills further with this bold and direct technique of paintingPalette Layout and Colour Mixing:Having your colours organized on your palette can help to prevent you from randomly mixing colours all over the palette. I will show you a simple method of laying out your primary colours that you can use on a consistent basis to avoid confusion and mixing muddy colours! I have placed a strong emphasis on Colour Mixing. I feel that having a good understanding of how to mix colours effectively will provide you with a solid foundation for painting your landscape. At the beginning of the course I will take you through a simple colour mixing exercise that will prepare and introduce you to a range of colours that you will be mixing for the featured 'Bush Walk' landscape. Simplifying the Composition:Before you commence the featured painting I will show you the original photo reference image that this landscape is based on. I will demonstrate how to simplify some of the elements in the picture to make the composition more interesting!Follow my step by step demonstrations of the Colour Mixing Chart and 'Bush Walk' landscape and you will see plenty of close ups of the colour mixing from your point of view as if you were mixing the colours.For this 'Bush Walk' landscape you will use a fan brush, palette knife and 4 Acrylic Colours. NOTE: The same principles and techniques also apply to Oils and can be used in exactly the same way!Cobalt BlueUltramarine Blue,Permanent CrimsonYellowWhiteVideo 3 covers a full list of materials required for this course!This Impressionist style approach with the palette knife can help to prevent you from falling into the trap of painting detail so that your painting doesnt look tight and controlled. The palette knife can be great fun and allow you to paint broadly with expressive freedom.So ENROLL NOW for a Palette Knife experience!Who this course is for?Beginners and Intermediates who want to:Paint with the Palette Knife to bring a whole new approach to their paintings Paint with a limited colour paletteDevelop their skills in colour mixingUse the palette knife to mix clean vibrant coloursPaint in a broad Impressionist style without getting caught up in detailWhat bonuses are included in this course?Photo reference of my Colour Mixing chartPhoto reference of the Original Landscape that the featured 'Bush Walk' painting is based onPhoto reference of my Landscape painting demonstration"
Price: 34.99

"Teoria della patente B" |
"Corso completo di teoria per conseguire la patente di guida italiana con particolari riferimenti alle domande dei Quiz dell'esame (esercizi, consigli e tecniche per massimizzare i risultati). Il corso realizzato in modo da ricalcare il pi possibile le lezioni di teoria che quotidianamente l'insegnante tiene in Autoscuola. Per poter ottenere il massimo risultato l'ascolto delle lezioni deve essere accostato a una periodica esercitazione ai Quiz usufruibili tramite app gratuite."
Price: 199.99

"Build an e-commerce store with WordPress and WooCommerce" |
"This course is designed for anyone who wants to build an e-commerce store using WordPress and WooCommerce. Unlike other courses, we will not be using generic free themes. If you purchase this course, you will have access to my premium WordPress theme: Intandem. Not only that, but included with the theme are a number of premium WordPress plugins, including: Slider Revolution - Build incredible sliders and carousels that will give your website a much more polished and professional look.WP Bakery - Easily build complex, beautiful page layouts using one of the most popular page builders in the world.I will show you, from beginning to end, how to create a modern, attractive and responsive e-commerce website that will impress your customers.Follow along as I create a beautiful e-commerce website for a fictional clothing brand. You can then take the skills you learn and build your own projects.It is a fact that customers are less likely to place orders on websites that look unprofessional, poorly designed or that don't work. By following this course and using my theme, you will end up with a website that will not suffer from any of these issues. By following along with this course, you will learn about WordPress, WooCommerce, web design, WPBakery, Slider Revolution, and the principles of creating a high-performance e-commerce store.* Please note that although this theme comes bundled with WPBakery and Slider Revolution, you will not be entitled to support from the plugin authors, nor automatic updates. To receive these features you would have to purchase the standalone plugins. This is standard practice for premium WordPress themes, such as those found on Themeforest. However, the versions bundled with the theme are fully functional and can be used on commercial sites."
Price: 199.99

"Forex Trading for beginners" |
"Forex Trading for beginners is for anyone who wants to start trading in forex. The forex market is extremely complex and risky and success in such a market requires a strong foundation in the right education. We will cover the following in the course:Introduction to the forex marketsPrincipal currencies that are traded int the forex marketForex trading conceptsFundamental and technical analysisDeveloping a forex trading planTrading in demo mode and navigating the MT4 Trading platformEach section will have video lectures and handouts that summaries the key concept in each section. You will also need to attempt a quiz at the end of each section."
Price: 54.99

"Blockchain Web Development on Ethereum [2020]" |
"Over 11,000 happy students from 136 countries!Hello! Welcome to the Complete Blockchain Web Application Development course, the only course you need to build decentralized web applications. While there are other courses, how is this one different? You will learn all fundamental aspects of creating and connecting blockchain application to the frontend interface and interacting with it.Course is divided into 3 main sections:Frontend application - developed in Angular, completely decoupled from blockchain. Smart Contract and blockchain - learning the fundamentals of developing, deploying (locally) and interacting with smart contract.Middleware - The most important ""glue"" between the frontend and smart contract.How is the course structure?This IS NOT 10-hour course with 200 lectures, boring powerpoint slides and lot's of theory. This IS NOT pre-scripted, pre-coded, no errors - way of programming.This IS hands on practice straight away, building real web application.This IS realistic way of programming on the fly, encountering errors which you might get and solving them on the way.This IS powerful new skill, which you are able to use straight after the course yourself!Sign up today and see how fun and exciting the web development of blockchain application can be!"
Price: 99.99

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Price: 19.99

"Laravel RESTful APIs - Admin App, Docker, Open API(Swagger)" |
"Learn how to create an Admin App using Laravel Rest API's. In this tutorial you will learn: How to create Api's with LaravelAuthenticate using Laravel PassportAuthorization using Laravel GatesLaravel API ResourcesInstall and use DockerUpload ImagesExport CSV'sUse Open API(Swagger) DocumentationIf these are what you are looking for then this course is for you."
Price: 34.99
