"Google Ads Fundamentals: 2020 Ad Campaign Guide" |
"Welcome to the Google Ads Fundamentals course. First of all I would like to congratulate you for getting this course because you don't have the slightest clue of what you have in your hands. This course will help you understand the basics and every hidden secrets in google adwords. In this course, you'll learn the basics of adwords right from the setting up of your gmail account to the creation of your first topnotch advert using adwords platfrom. In this course, the methods used in delivering the lecture are carefully selected in order in order to bring the best out of the students that enrolled for the course. With the rise in competition in the selling of goods and services around the world, only the best advertisement setup will make selling easy by targeting the right set of customers that needs the services or product needed. And in view of that, this course is the best and perfect match for such competitions because it provides the needed informations. Also, pros and cons are highlighted. N.B: This course will widen your horizon to getting the know the true potentials of your business thereby increasing your sales revenue.LET'S GET STARTED !!!"
Price: 19.99

"Clickfunnels 2020: Sales Funnel & Courses + FREE Funnels!" |
"Over the last few years, advertising has drastically changed and it will never be the same...Websites are getting obsolete and businesses that do not adapt go bankrupt...You can't market the same way you did few years ago because market is very different today..We have to do a better job marketing and use innovative high-converting strategies...So, how do you increase sales and get new customers in the competitive market?By using Sales funnels! ClickFunnels is an amazing tool that gives entrepreneurs and small business owners the power to build insanely convertible sales funnel without having to spend a fortune or hire a full-time marketing team! Clickfunnels alone can replace team of 100 full time sales people...ClickFunnels Is Your Best Bet If You Want Your Business To Be Successful One!If you have ever wondered how to create the highest converting opt in pages for your business, then this course is for you!Here's just a little bit of what you're going to learn on the inside:What is a Sales Funnel And Why Websites Are DeadHow to Create an Automated Evergreen Webinar FunnelHow to Create a Paid Membership Funnel with Login and Product AccessHow to Immediately Send Emails to New SubscribersHow to Accept Credit Card Payments And PayPalHow to Create Custom URL Links For Your FunnelsHow to Create Your Own FunnelsHow to Split Test And Optimize Your Funnels For Higher ConversionsHow to Make One Click Upsells and Order BumpsHow to Install Your Facebook Pixel, Google Analytics And HotjarAnd Much More...Did I mention the BONUSES You Will Get?Because I am committed to your success, I will be Including some tools that I think you will find incredibly valuable.You will have FREE access to my Funnels That You can use for your business by click of a button...You will get Webinar Funnel so you can build webinars quickly. Then I will give you Membership Funnel so you can create your own self-hosted online courses and sell them at whatever price you choose and have full control!You will also get Lead Magnet Funnel so you can start collecting leads and build your email list! I will also give you Sales Funnel so you can start selling whatever you choose. And more...So If you're looking for simple, yet proven strategies to increasing your profits, this course is perfect for you!It doesnt matter if you're an advanced or beginner marketer, funnel builder, social media expert, entrepreneur or business owner, this course guaranteed to help you increase revenue and sales!I hope to see you on the inside!To Your Victory!Mario"
Price: 199.99

"Become The Best Version Of Yourself" |
"ATTENTION: To All Those Who Want to Be the Best Version of Themselves""Discover How to Transform Your Life and Claim Your Personal Power""Finally! A Step-By-Step Guide To Help You Become the Best Version of YourselfFrom: [YOUR NAME]With the growing presence and obsession around social media, it is becoming harder and harder to find our true selves.We get completely lost in a world where showing a perfect body, outfit, or face is allowing people to earn more likes.So how do you find yourself in all that fake projection of living your best life? How do you become the best version of yourself? Learn to Live Your Best Life and Claim Your Personal Powers!Discovering your true self is possible, and when you choose to be authentic and in integrity with your true self, you will realize that everything falls in place.Life can be so much more when you know who you are and where you are going.Did You Know You Too Can Become the Perfect Version of Yourself?When you shift your focus to who you are and what you want out of life, you find your true self.Creating boundaries, being self-aware, and identifying your wounds are only a few ways to reclaim your powers and live the life youve always dreamed of.From the time we are born, many will be educated to be a version of themselves that please others.Whether it comes from the way you were raised or how you were taught in school, we often learn to put a mask on and be an actor in our life.Unfortunately, that behavior will not lead you to be happy and live a fulfilling life.You can discover the best version of yourself and transform your life so that you are no longer an actor in your life. Choose to live the life that was made for you.With that said, how do you become the best version of yourself?Here's The SolutionI created a training course where you will learn about your triggers, identify the things that you want to change in your life, explore your shadows, and, most of all, find yourself again.You will be guided through a series of exercises and reflections that will help you personalize your experience with that guide.In no time, you will have done work on yourself and found the best version of yourself that will allow you to transform your life and live happily and fulfilled. Im proud to introduce to you...BECOME THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELFHow to Transform Your Life and Claim Your Personal PowerSEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 199.99

"80 Derste Batan Sona ZBrush" |
"AAIDAK MADDELER OKUMADAN KAYIT OLMAYINIZ LTFEN!.ZBRUSH'I KULLANABLECENZE NZE YARAYACAINA EMN OLMADAN LTFEN KAYIT OLMAYINIZ!zbrush ile ilgili gelen sorularn ou kolaylkla zm buluyorken; programdaki ince detaylarla ilgili sorularnz hi anlalmayabiliyor text ile. sorularnz youtube a bandicam/camtasia yada daha iyisi bedava olan ""OBS Studio (opensource Broadcasting Software)"" gibi bir programla masastnden sesli ksa 1 dakikalk bir video eklinde anlatarak sesli sorar, youtube da ykler sorunuzu gnderirseniz zmn detaylaryla anlatarak gnderiyorum. ama hemen dakikasnda cevap beklemeyin gecikmeler olabilir. hogreceksiniz. biraz bekleyeceksiniz. bu kursa kaydolacaksanz bu maddeyi peinen kabul etmi olduunuzu unutmayn!!!.TEORK BLG LE RENENLERE GRE KESNLKLE DELDR.PROGRAM KURAMAYANLARA GRE KESNLKLE DELDR.""RETME"" YOK ""RENME"" VARDIR. BU KURSDA, ""UYGULAYARAK RENME"" METODU KULLANILIR.BU KURS; ZIP ARV DOSYASINI AABLMEK. DOSYA AABLME YETS GEREKTRR.TEMEL NGLZCE VE TEMEL BLGSAYAR KULLANIMI GEREKTRR,SANAT VEYA ENDSTRYEL SANATA LG, TEMEL DZEYDE ESTETK VE SANATSAL HAZIR BULUNULUK GEREKTRR.3 BOYUTLU PROGRAMLAR HAKKINDA GR DZEYNDE HAZIR BULUNULUU OLMAYANLARA GRE DELDR.Sorularnz Discord (https: // discord . gg / Cf8YsGp) ile ayn gn iinde cevaplamaya teamviewer ile uzaktan eriimle zmeye alyorum. insanz cevap veremeyebiliriz gremeyebiliriz. hogreceksiniz. biraz bekleyeceksiniz. bu kursa kaydolacaksanz bu maddeyi peinen kabul etmi olduunuzu unutmayn!!!.Takldnz ksmlar bandicam, camtasia yada daha iyisi bedava olan ""OBS Studio (opensource Broadcasting Software)"" gibi bir masast video kaydetme program ile mikrofonla anlatp videoyu youtube a atp ya da discord ile gnderirseniz ben de videolu zm gnderiyorum ayn gn younluk yoksa.En iyi renme yntemi uygulayarak renmektir. Bu kurs dorudan pratik yaparak retme tekniini kullanr. Teorik bilgiler ise pratik bilgilerin iine datlm olarak mevcuttur.Bir alanda, tam anlamyla uzmanlamak yetenee deil; ayracanz 10.000 saat kuralna baldr.Eer binlerce saati Zbrush iin feda etmeye niyetli deilseniz, insanlarn yeteneklerinin doutan geldiini sananlardansnz demektir. ZBrush iin sabrla binlerce saat feda etmeye hazr iseniz devam edin.Bu video kursta neler reneceksiniz.3 boyut dnyasnn ve Polygonun temel kurallar (Son derslerde)Hibiryerde daha nce anlatlmam kendi kefettiim bir extract teknii ile oyun motorlarna uygun temiz topoloji de elbise kalb karmakOyun motorlarna uygun Dk ve Yksek Poligon Modeller oluturmakBirok Organik ve Kat farkl rnek zerinde Resim haritalarnn (UV Map) pratik ekilde oluturulmasTm fralarn kullanmlarSon grnt resmi almakKat ModellemekBirok uygula ile Dynamic Subdivision ile dk poligon modellemekReferans Resim ile Model oluturmakOrganik ModellemekArzal Geometrileri Kurtarmak / Dzeltmek (Son Dersler)Klasik ve Yeni eklenen Deformasyon AralarFra OluturmakDilimleme Tralama FralarDetayl olarak simetri zelliinin kullanlmasSubtoolZRemesher (Tek tula Poligon optimizasyonu)Dynamesh(Organik modellemede)ZModeler (Dehet bir poligon modelleme teknolojisidir)Geometri BlmBoolean ilemleriyle kark modelleri oluturulmasZSphere ve ZSketchSpotlightPolyPaint ve Doku / Kaplama oluturmakMateryal Deitirme ve atama ilemleriFibermesh (sa,kl,krk,t,imen oluturmada)Movie MensZBrush da bir tek fray bile kullanmasn bilmezseniz ok ey karm olursunuz. ZBrush'n hemen tm fralarnn aklamas ve nerelerde ie yaradklarn ayrntl ekilde uygulamalar yaparak reneceiz.Ne yazk ki bu video kurs ne kadar kapsaml olursa olsun, ZBrush'n zelliklerini bir kursa sdrmak imkansz grnyor.ZBrush: Oyun, Reklamclk,Film ve Animasyon, Oyuncak ve Tak Tasarm, 3Boyutlu Yazclardan rn elde etme, gibi geni bir yelpazeye st dzey rnler retmenizi salar."
Price: 19.99

"Blender 2.8 for 3D Printing - Intro to Flexible Design" |
"This course is the 2nd Course of my Blender 2.8 for 3D Printing that will get you started with your 3D Print Design future! In this course we'll be diving a little deeper into flexible design workflows and getting you more comfortable with the process.Goal: This course is all about learning how to be a flexible designer. By teaching you three different workflows in lithophanes, 3d printed vases, and custom rings, you'll learn how to really start thinking about design structure for your prints.Watch Time: 1 hour 23 minsDesign Estimate: 3 hrsWHAT YOU'LL LEARN:Intro to the Displacement ModifierInto to working with CurvesIntro to the Lathe ToolIntro to Practical MeasurementsIntro to working w/ Images & TextAccess to Lesson & File DownloadsAccess to the Designer's Discord"
Price: 199.99

"Ultimate Resume Makeover" |
"If you're looking for your dream job change, you have to be prepared to act quickly. That means having an incredible, on-point, ""Incredible"" resume. Is yours in working order? This course helps anyone make over a normal resume into something truly wonderful. European Testing Manager of the Award Winner, Narayanan Palani takes you through the very same process he uses for his Resume to develop your own IT resumes better and crispy for technical software engineering roles. He teaches you how to condense years of experience into a compelling marketing document, address career changes and job hops, and choose the right format for the final document.***Exclusive price reduction and discounts are announced in facebook page 'Software Automation Testing Secrets Revealed'*****Reviews (of Udemy Courses from Narayanan Palani):""A very must course for the QA engineer. It covers the topics that come in ISTQB paper. Go for it.""""Awesome materials and sessions to listen to them. It really helps with my foundation level examination. Thank you Narayana Palani. I will definitely suggest to my fellow members.""""Thank you for this course! It's well structured and contains very useful information for my certification preparation.""""I've been in the QA industry for 7 years and this course is teaching me things I didn't know. It makes sense, straight forward and gets to the point. the instructor is knowledgable and clearly a professional. I'm learning so much. Looking forward to completing the course and taking the big test!""""This course has given me value addition in my learning phase of ISTQB. One amazing trainer with detailed explanations to each and every topic. Abundant questions and in depth coverage of the syllabus.Many Thanks! :)""""It'a good course for going to certification""""Very good content and briefly explained the all test techniques in simple way, easy to understand. Course content might be very good but what is the use if you have to wait forever and ever for videos to stream. I always come up with lot of interest to learn in Udemy course which is posted by Narayanan.""""An extremely helpful and informative course. The course is nicely designed keeping focus on entire ISTQB Foundation Course 2018 syllabus, it's contents are very well organised. All lectures are very clear, the instructor have good hold on the respective topics and explains the concepts nicely in understandable manner. Every section has relevant assignments and resources, which are extremely helpful. Instructor is very professional and pleasant to learn from. The videos used are of high quality, in terms of video and audio quality. I would strongly recommend this course..!!""**About Author:Expertly leading, controlling and directing Quality Engineering for feature teams through dynamic engineering interventions.Stellar test specialist with 11 awards, 19 international certifications, 8 published research papers and 5 best sellers across the world.Implementing continued efforts to improve the test process (TPI Next*), innovate cutting edge technologies, volunteer for sharing technical knowledge via internal guilds and training series.Endorsed by the Tech City, UK as an Exceptional Talent within the digital technology arena with a focus on delivering standards and high-end client experience.Driving a team of fourteen quality engineers to display strong professionalism, best practices, coding standards, elevating industry trend towards innovation of niche tools and technologies.Successfully designed GITHUB open-source testing projects & UDEMY training programs that are accessed globally and assists job seekers with the junior testing jobs.Skilled in providing innovative solutions to complex technical issues, utilizing systems to re-engineer outdated processes and delivering world-class results.**For Your Reference:Language: Strong Indian accent of English (not suitable for few participants if no prior experience in hearing the English in Indian accent)DISCLAIMER:YOUR USE OF UDEMY.COM (THE SITE),THIS COURSE (THE ""COURSE"") AND ANY AND ALL OTHER CONTENT, INFORMATION, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED ON OR PROVIDED BY OR THROUGH THE SITE OR OTHERWISE BY NARAYANAN PALANI (""INSTRUCTOR"") , IS VOLUNTARY AND SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY. INSTRUCTOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY INCORRECT ANSWERS, PARTIAL MATERIALS, OR ANY KIND OF PROBLEMS THAT MAY RESULT OR ARISE FROM YOUR USE OF THE SITE AND COURSE, ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM THE SITE, AND/OR ANY OTHER CONTENT, INFORMATION, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OFFERED OR PROVIDED BY OR THROUGH INSTRUCTOR, INCLUDING, VIDEOS,QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS,ASSIGNMENTS,PRACTICE TESTS,CAPTIONS,DOCUMENTS,POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS (COLLECTIVELY, THE CONTENT)."
Price: 199.99

"Best Violin Sound Production Techniques" |
"This course will give you the technical skills to get the best tonal potential from your violin.Topics covered in the course include:The three different vibrato types will be discussed and explored. Bowing technique and exercises to apply your natural arm weight into the stringsThe importance of the mind in creating your individual tonePractical exercises to develop the relevant muscles for use in violin sound production."
Price: 199.99

"Objective and Key Results (OKR)." |
", , . , KPI - . , Google, LinkedIn, Oracle - Objective and Key Results (OKR). , . OKR , OKR (Objectives & Key results), KPI, , Google LinkedIn. eazzy.academy. . , . . : OKR (Objectives & Key Results), KPI? OKR, KPI. ? OKR OKR. ? OKR OKR : OKR coach, Sverh Eazzy, MBA, TEDx , - RadarTech LeaderShip, . , - -, 3000 . -, , , . 5000 , . . : - -1 -2 HR-BP, HRD HR , OKR"
Price: 99.99

"Recruiting Training:How to create an ad for your position" |
"This mini-course is excellent for beginners who are interested in learning how to create your very own marketable job description. This course will be reviewing seven essential sections, tips to help you best advertise your description, how to write copy for your descriptions creatively. The learning objective for this course is for you to be able to research and create an accurate, detailed, professional-looking job description that will help you reach candidates who are interested in working for your brand/company."
Price: 89.99

"Expresses Regulares para HFSQL (PCSOFT)" |
"Curso SQL - Expresses Regulares para Hyper File SQL (HFSQL) da PCSOFT utilizadas em todas as plataformas, Windev, Windev Mobile e Webdev..Curso de SQL para qualquer Base de Dados com especial destaque para as ferramentas da PCSOFT, Windev, Webdev e Windev Mobile.Neste Curso vo ser apresentados os conceitos de Expresses Regulares em SQL, Structured Query Language, utilizados em qualquer base de dados com especial destaque no Hyper Fyle SQL (HFSQL)."
Price: 24.99

"A Guide to Ransomware Protection" |
"In the recent years ransomware became talk aof the town and is creating big issues for small as well as big organizations and hence it is important to understand all about the ransomware from primariy organizations point of view as well as Individual's point o view to a certain level.One should know how the ransomware works and how to protect our organization against ransomware and also what can be done in case of ransomware attack. I tries to cover all teh topics over here.It talks about Introduction to Ransomware, Types of Ransomware, How it works, Precautionary meassures, Preparation against ransomware attacks and handling any ransomware incident.Students who are interested in learning cyber security specific topics and interested in working with organizations in the IT security domain.One should have basic understanding of systems and networks. Should be proficient in computers.No special requirements except a computer or a laptop or mobile phone. In addition one need speaker or headphone for listening purpose.Students with interest in the cyber security domain should opt for this course. However it does not talks about how to create or operate the ransomware. Please use it for benifiting your organization and to get understanding about teh topic. Students will understand how to deal with ransomware and also prevention measures. They will understand the options available for recovery and provide them with the confidence required for dealing with ransomware. Ransomware being a prime topic nowadays and also companies specificlly requires people with good amount of dealing with ransomware and hence student with sufficient knowledge with have an edge over others.It can help students to get various job roles including security analyst, security engineer, incident handling team mebers etc.."
Price: 24.99

"Planilhas Google - do bsico ao avanado" |
"Este curso destinado a todos que esto migrando ou que gostariam de aprender em profundidade a utilizar as planilhas eletrnicas do Google e explorar melhor seus recursos.No final do curso os alunos podero considerar-se usurios avanados do aplicativo com uma slida base de conhecimento adquiridos com os mdulos produzidos sobre o tema.As planilhas do Google so uma alternativa para aqueles que no querem investir muito dinheiro em um pacote pago de aplicativos. Com este curso o aluno ter no final dele, noes avanadas do aplicativo e poder utilizar conceitos de anlise e criao para seus trabalhos.Se voc j tem bons conhecimentos de planilha eletrnica ou se j fez algum mdulo bsico ou intermedirio, esse curso o complemento que faltava para voc! Melhore suas capacidades de uso e anlise de dados com os conhecimentos adquiridos nesse curso.SEO 01. Apresentao do cursoAula 1: Apresentao inicialAula 2: Apresentao do professorSEO 02. Fundamentos bsicosAula 3: Tela inicialAula 4: Zoom In e Zoom OutAula 5: Incluir e excluir - linhas ou colunasAula 6: Formatao bsica. Exemplo: Lista de comprasAula 7: Congelar linhas e colunasAula 8: Categorizar - Ordenar - FiltrarAula 9: Clulas - Formatao de alturas e largurasAula 10: Clulas - MesclarAula 11: Clulas - CoresAula 12: Clulas - PincelAula 13: Clulas - Formatao de nmerosAula 14: Introduo ao sinal de IGUAL ""=""Aula 15: Nomear clulas (intervalo de clulas)Aula 16: Exerccios: Operaes bsicas (somar, subtrair, dividir e multiplicar)Aula 17: Funcionalidade ""Arrastar"" em listas e tabelasAula 18: Exerccio - Tabuada de PitgorasAula 19: Colar EspecialAula 20: Colar especial - dados transpostosAula 21: PorcentagensSEO 03. Grficos e outras frmulasAula 22: Introduo da SeoAula 23: Funo: HOJE()Aula 24: Funo: NDICE()Aula 25: Funo: GOOGLEFINANCE() - IntroduoAula 26: Funo: SEERRO()Aula 27: Grficos - IntroduoAula 28: Travar ClulasAula 29: Grficos - ComparaoAula 30: Funo: TEXTJOIN()Aula 31: Grficos PercentuaisSEO 04. Funes EssenciaisAula 32: Introduo da SeoAula 33: Funes: ALEATRIO(), ARRED(), ARREDONDAR.PARA.CIMA() E ARREDONDAR.PARA.BAIXO()Aula 34: Frmulas dentro de frmulasAula 35: Funo: ALEATRIOENTRE()Aula 36: Funes MXIMO() MNIMO() e MED()Aula 37: Funo: PROCV()Aula 38: Funo SE() e incluir comentrios na planilhaAula 39: Funo SE() - atributo ""expresso_lgica""Aula 40: Funo SE() - exerccioAula 41: Funo CONTAR.VAZIO()Aula 42: Funes CONT.SE() e CONT.SES()Aula 43: Exemplo: Carteira de AesAula 44: Carteira de Aes - tabela de transaesAula 45: Carteira de Aes - frmulas iniciaisAula 46: Funo: CL.VAZIA() - Carteira de AesAula 47: Funo GOOGLEFINANCE() - Carteira de AesAula 48: Carteira de Aes - definindo os ativosAula 49: Funo GOOGLEFINANCE() - atributo percentual de variaoAula 50: FUNO GOOGLEFINANCE() - atributos high e lowAula 51: Funo GOOGLEFINANCE() - atributos shares, volume e volumeavg"
Price: 39.99

"Microsoft Excel - do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Esse curso de Excel 100% prtico! Ao final de cada aula, voc ter um exerccio para melhor fixao do contedo.Sero abordados os conceitos do bsico ao avanado, cobrindo todo o contedo necessrio para voc usar o Excel de modo confortvel. Aprenderemos planilhas, frmulas, funes bsicas, funes avanadas e grficos. Ao final deste curso, voc estar apto para usar o Excel aproveitando ao mximo todos os recursos disponveis."
Price: 39.99

"Rhino Grasshopper Arched Wireframe Structure" |
"Are you interested in Grasshopper and want to learn how it works? Don't be intimidated and give it a try! My name is David Copete and I will make sure to guide you through the exercise steps so you can learn the interface. Once you get through the initial learning stage, it will become one of your most useful design tools.In this class you will learn how to create a Parametric Roof Truss System using Grasshopper for Rhino. Grasshopper is a bit intimidating at first, but with some experience it can become one of the most useful tools. These tutorials are great for students who are trying to expand their design arsenal. They will allow you to create some complex and impressive designs in a quick amount of time. The steps in this tutorial are useful for many other applications. So make sure to follow me for future lessons, and let me know if you have any questions, or ideas for future videos. By the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of how Parametric Design works and how you can apply it to your specific use case.I highly recommend this lesson! Why?It is simple and straightforward with full explanations of the process of parametric design using Grasshopper.I will show you a real world example. By the end of the lesson you have a useful script that you can use to share with your firm, or impress your friends and teachers.Who can benefit from this lesson?Designers who want to learn Grasshopper and Parametric DesignArchitectsEngineersDesign students3D modelers interested in parametric design.3D Print designers"
Price: 19.99

"Rhino Grasshopper Parametric Wireframe Structure" |
"Are you interested in Grasshopper and want to learn how it works? Don't be intimidated and give it a try! My name is David Copete and I will make sure to guide you through the exercise steps so you can learn the interface. Once you get through the initial learning stage, it will become one of your most useful design tools.In this class you will learn how to create a Parametric Wireframe Structure System using Grasshopper for Rhino. Grasshopper is a bit intimidating at first, but with some experience it can become one of the most useful tools. These tutorials are great for students who are trying to expand their design arsenal. They will allow you to create some complex and impressive designs in a quick amount of time. The steps in this tutorial are useful for many other applications. So make sure to follow me for future lessons, and let me know if you have any questions, or ideas for future videos. By the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of how Parametric Design works and how you can apply it to your specific use case.I highly recommend this lesson! Why?It is simple and straightforward with full explanations of the process of parametric design using Grasshopper.I will show you a real world example. By the end of the lesson you have a useful script that you can use to share with your firm, or impress your friends and teachers.Who can benefit from this lesson?Designers who want to learn Grasshopper and Parametric DesignArchitectsEngineersDesign students3D modelers interested in parametric design.3D Print designers"
Price: 19.99

"Ketogenic Diet - How to Lose Weight Using Science" |
"An Accidental Diet Discovered in 1924For Treating Children With EpilepsyTurns Out To Be The Fastest & SafestWay To Lose WeightStop STRUGGLING & Feeling Frustrated Without losing weightWith a Ketogenic Diet, you will:Turn Your Body Into A 24/7 Fat Burning MachineBe Healthier, Happier & FitterBe At Your Very Best Self, Physically and Mentally.Have A High Mental Focus To Be Productive At WorkLive Longer And Become A Cancer-Proof SuperhumanMelt That Stubborn Belly FatsMost Important, You Will Reach Your Fitness Goals Much Sooner Than You Think!What's included in this course? Everything you need to lose weight with ketogenic and live a healthier lifestyle Keto Diet video program - 10 videos (Learn everything about Kento diet in 1 hour)The Keto diet program audio - listen on the go if you don't have time to watch videosThe 5 Most Common Myths That Stop People From Trying The Keto DietKetogenic diet - 86 pages EbookKetogenic diet - 19 pages checklistTop Ketogenic foods & Recipes for fat loss - 41 pages EbookKeto Cookbook - more than 60 Keto recipes in 82 pagesClever Keto Deiting - A complete beginner's guide to Keto dieting the clever wayKeto Coffee - What is Keto Coffee? and how can it help you30 Day Low Carb Diet Ketosis PlanKetogenic Lifestyle"
Price: 19.99

"Space Marine Helmet - Blender 2.8 and Substance Painter" |
"First person shooters and the space marine characters that inhabit those games have been all the the rage since the beginning of the genre and continue to remain popular to this day. That's why having the ability to generate cool, sci-fi hard surface assets is an important skill to have in order to thrive in the game industry. Taking ample inspiration from a popular first person shooter protagonist, let's take on the fun task of creating a battle helmet asset that will fit onto a space marine character. I'll take you through all the steps across modeling, texturing, and rendering the asset so that it can look its best for your game or online portfolio.Once you learn the techniques involved in creating this awesome helmet, you'll be fully equipped to expand on it and generate other pieces of armor or hard surface video game assets as you please.So don't wait. Hop right into this course and upgrade your 3D game art skills right away! "
Price: 89.99

"Windows 10 Services Administration and Troubleshooting" |
"Over this course, you'll learn about key Windows services, including the following:DHCP, Workstation & ServerSecondary Login & Group Policy ClientRemote Access and Remote RegistryWindows Installer & Windows TimeUser Profile, Netlogin and Windows SecurityAlso included on this course are any commands that would be associated with these services, for example the DHCP service includes an explanation of the ipconfig command that would be used to view a machine's current IP address"
Price: 19.99

"- - B2 / C1" |
"- 13 --"
Price: 19.99

"Meditation for Beginners Stress Reduction & Better Focus" |
"Recognizing thoughts strengthens your ability to direct attention. Thoughts are not the reality; they are just our interpretation.The goal of this meditation course is to be able to direct thoughts and use them more wisely.Meditation strengthens our ability to recognize thoughts and allows us to create the necessary space to decide on how we relate to them.Separating yourself from your thoughts is giving you choice.When we interpret and analyze especially negative thoughts too much, we nurture fear and anxiety.Giving your body more space, will open yourself up for intuition and spontaneity.This makes clear, effective and creative thoughts possible."
Price: 19.99

"Meditation fr Anfnger Besserer Fokus & Weniger Stress" |
"Das Erkennen von Gedanken strkt deine Fhigkeit, deine Aufmerksamkeit zu lenken. Gedanken sind nicht die Realitt; Sie sind nur unsere Interpretation davon.Das Ziel dieses Meditationskurses ist es, zu lernen Gedanken zu lenken und weiser einsetzen zu knnen.Meditation strkt unsere Fhigkeit, Gedanken zu erkennen, und ermglicht es uns, den notwendigen Raum zu schaffen, um zu entscheiden, wie wir mit ihnen umgehen.Wenn du dich von deinen Gedanken trennst, hast du mehr Wahlmglichkeiten.Wenn wir insbesondere negative Gedanken zu sehr interpretieren und analysieren, frdern wir Angst und Furcht.Wenn Du deinem Krper mehr Platz gibst, ffnest du dich fr mehr Intuition und Spontanitt.Dies ermglicht klare, effektive und kreative Gedanken."
Price: 19.99

"BIM - The methodology complete course" |
"In this advanced course I show you step by step how to implement the BIM methodology in projects and organizations. Including practice modules where you will work on real projects using Autodesk programs to create truly useful models, perform 4D simulations, create conceptual design proposals, produce exact metric computations for cost estimates, and use Revit with external databases for Management. of Facilities.This course is the equivalent of several Masters of BIM Project Management, whose cost is around USD3000 to USD5000, but, instead of investing such amount, you can get the same knowledge for a fraction of the cost. With my other Revit and Robot courses you will have a complete view of BIM. Remember that BIM is not a program, it is a working method based on new technologies. Nobody tells you that and therefore you might think that to know BIM you only need to know how to model in Revit. But this is false, and that's why many do not get the expected results despite spending thousands of dollars on training and software.With this course you will learn to use BIM throughout the life cycle of the project, at the same time that you will be able to work in practical and guided exercises on the programs.The AulaGeo team worked hard on this course. It was developed in Spanish by Enzo, voiced by Gabriella for English speaking students."
Price: 199.99

"The Shopify Dropshipping Aliexpress Course 2020 (Updated)" |
"Preparation takes time, that's why I created this Shopify Dropshipping Course to guide you all through the way!My goal is to help you built your own Shopify Dropshipping store that will earn you money while you sleep!Here's just a little bit of what you're going to learn on the inside: Introduction Into Ecommerce and Dropshipping! Detailed Introduction Into Finding the Best Products to Dropship on Shopify! Detailed Introduction Into Shipping and Customs! Introduction Into Finding the Best Dropshipping Suppliers! Introduction Into Setting Up a Fully Optimized Shopify Store! Introduction Into How to Drive Huge Buyer Ready Traffic to Your Shopify Store! Introduction Into Automate Sales with Completely Free Traffic (NO ADS)! Introduction Into Scaling Your Shopify Business to The Next Level! Join the Shopify Heroes Movement! HOW TO GET INTO SHOPIFY HEROES ACADEMY FOR FREE + LEARN MORE!Did I mention the BEST PART?Because I am committed to your success, I will be Including some tools that I think you will find incredibly valuable.So If you're looking for simple, yet proven strategies to increasing your profits, this course is for you!It doesnt matter if you're an advanced or beginner marketer, funnel builder, social media expert, entrepreneur or business owner, this course guaranteed to help you increase revenue and sales!I hope to see you on the inside!Welcome to the complete Shopify Aliexpress Dropshipping Heroes course (last update May 2020). I'm going to teach you, step-by-step, how to build a highly profitable eCommerce store, from scratch. You don't need any prior knowledge of eCommerce or any technical skills - if you can use a web browser you are good to go!My name is Shreyansh Singh and I've been a successful online entrepreneur since 2016. Over the years, I've built successful businesses in eCommerce, Amazon FBA , SMMA, I have extensive knowledge of the complete business cycle and a wealth of real world experience. But the best part is I've been able to live the Internet lifestyle, making great money working from anywhere and having the flexibility to do what I want when I want. And that's what I'm going to teach you !At the end of this course you will have a profitable eCommerce store which could supplement your existing income or transform your life by giving you your very own online business that could even allow you to escape the 9 to 5 altogether. It's entirely up to you, your commitment, your determination - if I can do this then anyone can. I'll be your instructor throughout and I'll even help you kickstart your store by sharing products and markets with you that are working for me today.The course is designed with the total beginner in mind, but if you're struggling in eCommerce many of the tips and tricks I'll share with you will help you on your way. I'll be taking you step-by-step, showing you exactly what I have done to build a profitable eCommerce business. We'll be learning by doing and within the first few lectures you will have built your very own fully operational eCommerce store. From there, I'll teach you how to find profitable markets, find hot selling products within those markets, identify your ideal customer and then drive them to your store to buy your products.The final lectures will focus on how you can build your store towards $1 Million and how to sell them at a much much higher price also having a equity.So what are you waiting for, let's get started right now on building a financially secure future.Heres to Your SuccessYour Friend,Shreyansh :)"
Price: 19.99

"Lean 101-A short introduction to Lean origins and principles" |
"Hello and welcome to Lean 101The word Lean is dropped into conversations regularly in the product world. But many don't have a clue what it means! Over the course of about 30 minutes, Dave Keenan aims to answer the question of What Is Lean.He starts around 1950, looking at the emergence of Lean as a philosophy to address a rising question around how groups of people work on complicated problems in a new age of automation. He then spans 75 years of progress as Lean becomes the most successful product management philosophy before being overtaken by philosophies like Agile as the world became more complex.And who should take this course? Anyone who wants a high level but comprehensive understanding of Lean.BTW: I have a number of paid courses on Udemy. This course started as a two part webinar that I presented (Lean 101 and Agile 101). The feedback was great so I have decided to put it up here as a FREE course. The graphics are not brilliant but the content is good. I hope the quality is good enough for you!"
Price: 19.99

"Build Result System, Certificate Generator and CBT Using PHP" |
"Building dynamic websites is not an easy challenge and requires time and effort dedicated to coding every bit and piece of the website, which is why anytime there is a new tool that promises to ease the woes of coding, developers always jump at the chance to try it.CodeIgniter is a simple open-source framework that makes it the coding tasks easier by providing a faster way to set up a PHP website from the ground-up. This tool with a small framework ensures that developers can design websites that are light, fast and dynamic.So, for any developer that wants to become a server-side master, this is a tool that they should definitely have in their toolkit. But, its not always easy to find a course that is clear and concise and targets exactly what you are looking for!This is why we have designed this course with an aim teach you everything you need know about CodeIgniter with real world project (Building Standard and Complete Computer Based Test Software) using a no-fluff and clear approach at the topic at hand, this tutorial will breakdown CodeIgniter into simple and easy to learn videos so as to be able to build any real world application on CodeIgniter.At the end of this course, you will have not only learnt the CodeIgniter framework, but you will actually be able to start building your own projects from scratch. In addition to knowledge, this course will also give you the practical hands-on experience and the confidence to start coding your own websites by building computer based test system.The course will start at the very beginning with a detailed introduction into the CodeIgniter framework, from there moving on to installing the framework. From there you will become familiar with the framework, and start building your own cbt software.Join us today as we learn CodeIgniter together by building real world software and be free from some authors who claim to teach you a particular programming language but only teach you basis and some copy and paste projects which at the end cannot take you to anywhere.Some of those things we will cover are as follows:1. Complete chat Application 2. Compute Based Test the following features:a. Filling the gap questionsb. Multiple choice questionsc. True or false questions3. How to integrate html admin template in codeigniter4. Build complete result processing management system5. Build complete automated certificate management systemSign up today, and look forwards to:HD 1080p video content, everything youll ever need to succeed as a CodeIgniter developer.Building complete and standard computer based test software.All the knowledge you need to start building any web app you wantBuild computer based test softwareChallenges and SolutionsFast and helpful support if you need anything or have questionsMy great sense of humor.From Beginner to Expert CodeIgniter DeveloperWe know that youre here because you value your time. If you wanted to watch someone program for hours and hours without explaining what theyre doing, youd be on YouTube.By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. There are beautiful animations that explain all the difficult concepts and were always on hand to answer student questions.So by the end of the course, youll completely understand:CodeIgniter framework to level of building your own software especially school system.How to use Ajax, jQuery effectivelyHow to create secure Login for CodeSoftware Design: How to organise and format code for readability and how to implement the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern.Control Structures: Using If/Else clauses, Switch statements and logic to control the flow of execution.Concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): The type system, variables, functions and methods, inheritance, classes and protocols.Join us NOW as we build this awesome software together using one of the best frameworks - Codeigniter!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Python Ninja - The Complete Beginner's Programing Guide 2020" |
"This course teaching you everything to get started with programming using Python Programming Language, this course is learning by doing, no long boring lectures, instead we will work on exercises where I will introduce all the concepts required. I have found that learning by doing is the best approach for learning and that's what we are going to follow.At the end of the course you will come out as a much stronger Python programmer and masters all your basic concepts. This course lays the basic foundation for your programming journey, this is a course which I wished I had when I was learning.There are hundreds of exercises in this course to make you really stronger and retain concepts in a much better way, and I hope you have a fabulous journey on the way.Initially we will get our system ready for python by installing Python 3 and Visual Studio Code, then we will proceed to different sections, each section consists of a dedicated topic. The recommended order of learning is from top to bottom, progressive sections built on concepts learned in the previous sections.List of topics included - VariablesBasic Data TypesDecision Making - If and ElseFunctionsStatic TypingListsLoops - for, whileStringsDictionaryTuplesSetsPackagesObject Oriented ProgrammingFiles HandlingError handlingDoctestDecoratorsMagic MethodsThe complete reference code is available for download, you can freely download it and compare to your exercises and solutions.Sounds interesting? Enroll today and learn from the most comprehensive, practical and practice oriented course on the internet!"
Price: 49.99

"Lucrative Trend Forecasting Techniques for Creating Wall Art" |
"Have you been wondering how to create artwork and that will become sought after and in demand? Do you want to add to your income by producing gorgeous, large wall art pieces? This class will help you figure out a strategy for doing thatIn the mass market of wall art, being in the know on the latest trends is essential to staying relevant and up to date with your work. It is hard to ignore the trends we see running through modern new visual art work. There is a reason we see certain subject matter and themes become trendy. For instance, there is an emerging trend of alcohol ink and marbling, a very sensual and organic art form surging in popularity right now. We are also seeing a huge surge in bold, expressive and simple abstract art. And what about color? It is hard to ignore what is currently in style. I want to go over several of the trends I think can be long-term design shifts that will last not just for months, but for years to come. If you are a visual artist or photographer who has wondered how to transition from selling only through your POD sites, your personal retail store, your e-commerce site, galleries and art and craft shows and sales, this is the class for you. Learn how to produce the type of work licensing agents are looking for. Help them make the deals you need to start profiting from the sale of your art on a mass scale.Knowing the trends is important to build a successful body of artwork. It is good to be informed about the trends, but how can we research them? Every year there are a variety of trends that emerge. There is something for everyone, and fads which last more than a year or two can become recognized as trends. Those which have lasted more than one year are those I focus on in this class. Every trend discussed in the class is backed up with examples and explanation. Being a designer comes with an innate responsibility to be in the know of the latest creative developments, worldwide, as this directly affects our choice of products, colors and styles. My hope is that after seeing all the examples and explanation, you can better grasp how the trend will look on the art pieces you plan to produce. The focus for this class is mass appeal large wall art.Are you primed to create artwork and paintings that will become wildly popular and help you build up revenue? Thats completely achievable once youre able to forecast and research using the methods discussed in this class. It has worked for me, so why not you?The key concepts I will include: Review of my techniques and variables affecting todays market An overview of what is trending now in home dcor artwork Methods to predict color trends early Approaches you can take in your creative work moving forwardThis is a great course for you to take no matter what your purpose for the artwork you create. Start straight away, so you can be benefitting from your knowledge immediately in your art practice!Intro:This short intro will give you an overview of the class.Lesson 1: Inspiration, Examples and OverviewIn this lesson, I will show you how I am inspired to create art for wall dcor. I will show you what I get for inspiration from my licensing agent, what the publishers send out for inspiration, and how to search out trends that lead to both publishers and interior designers.Lesson 2: Looking at Timeless CategoriesHere we will look at my work as it has evolved over the years and we will talk about two popular current categories, line art and statement portraits.Lesson 3: Abstract Art and BeyondIn this lesson, we will look at abstract art and talk about why it is an important and timeless trend. We will also discuss why we look at trends in general. Finally, we will look at specific trending artists to see their techniques.Lesson 4: Looking at Color TrendsWithin this lesson, we will look at color trends and I will teach you how to find out about trends for this year and a peek at the future. This is a key skill so you can help yourself in the future.Lesson 5: Project: A Gallery Wall MockupThis is the project I suggest you do for fun as you begin your journey of looking at trends in wall art dcor. I will walk you through all the steps and show you where you can find more reading material.OutroWe will conclude everything in this lesson with a chat about next steps.Concepts covered:Concepts covered include but are not limited to trend hunting, trend spotting, color trends, style trends, home dcor wall art styles, the importance of color in home dcor, mockups, marketing your art, working with design supplements, finding online reference, Pantone Color predictions, using Shutterstock for color trend huntingYou will get the bonus ofaround an hour of direction from an instructor who has been in the graphic design business and education for over 40 yearsknowledge of multiple ways to solve each design challengehandouts explaining key conceptsa list of helpful online sites to further your education into surface pattern design."
Price: 24.99

"Automation to Make Templates for Illustrator Scallop Pattern" |
"Are you one of those people who loves pattern? Perhaps youve seen some great patterns on wallpaper, or the upholstery on a striking sofa, or a sweet pillow, and you have wondered how its done. Maybe youve wanted to create a damask, or medallion repeat pattern but have gotten loss in the technical aspects of making it work. Does this sound like you? Scallop repeating patterns can seem very complicated, but like anything, if you break it down and figure out a way to automate parts of the process, youll notice that it isnt too challenging. In my course, Delicious Scallops Automation to Produce Templates for Pattern Layouts, Im sharing everything Ive learned about scallop pattern making from hours of creating and perfecting using my personal technique. This course is specific to the scallop shape with the added bonus of creating a template you can use for hundreds of future repeating pattern designs.Ill also show you my step by step process, from planning your scallop to creating the final repeat in Illustrator, to creating the template with transformations, to finally applying the pattern created onto mockups. Dont worry! Its not that hard!This class will focus on creating patterns with transformed elements. What I mean by that is you will only need to create the single scallop, and Illustrator will do all the repeat work in a LIVE way. You will see what is happening with your motifs everywhere in the repeat as you do the initial scallop. I would recommend some knowledge of pattern-making with the goal of wanting to learn additional techniques. In class, well talk about both design and technical aspects of reflected repeats. Well discuss design theory which enhances and reinforces the scallop shape. I will demonstrate the Illustrator software engines which include transformation and live transformation. I will be demonstrating using Illustrator, but its the concepts that are important, and these could easily be applied in similar software as well.For class, you will need a way to create your motifs, so a draw program (vector based) is recommended. Examples include Affinity Designer and Corel DRAW. You will need to be able to create or import your vector drawn motifs, copy them, reflect them, and move them. Although some of the steps seem quite advanced, I will demonstrate them at a reasonable pace so that it will be easy to follow along. This course is not really for beginner levels; I recommend being acquainted with Illustrator somewhat, and, also knowing the basic principles of creating pattern repeats.Adobe Illustrator is recommended for this class, so as that is what is being featured here, and it makes use of the Transformation Effects and the Appearance Panel.The key concepts I will include: review of my techniques in creating the initial scallop template good examples with a goal in mind methods to automate with Actions and Transformations approaches you can take in your creative workThis is a great course for you to take no matter what your purpose for the pattern you create. Start now, so you can be benefitting from your knowledge immediately in your art practice!Are you primed to create intricate scallop designs and a re-usable template? Thats completely achievable once you have completed this course with me today! Lets not waste any more time yakking! Lets get right to it!Intro:This short intro will give you an overview of the class.Lesson 1: Template and Document Set-upIn this lesson, I will show you my inspiration, the initial set up of the scallop shape, and an explanation of the live transformations we will be setting up. I show you the complete pattern collection for which I am making this coordinate, and I explain what my process will be.Lesson 2: Transformation Settings for Auto RepeatIn this lesson, we will examine methods to help automate the process of designing the repetition in our pattern tile. We will create the reflect transformation first, then work towards the move transformation which helps repeat our scallop in its 5 different positions to fill our swatch area. This method will allow you to see changes in real-time. Its an amazing way to help you create symmetry and good design.Lesson 3: Finalizing and Testing the TransformationIn this lesson, we will begin to test our transformation and I will explain important concepts. This lesson is filled with helpful tips and tricks.Lesson 4: Using the Template to Arrange MotifsWithin this lesson, we will work on arranging the motifs in a pleasing way. I discuss many tips and tricks and you will learn much of the theory around pattern design. Specifically, we look at design considerations to help reinforce the scallop shape.Lesson 5: Layout FinessingAt this stage of the game, we start to pull our pattern together and ready ourselves for the next step which is finalizing the scallop and repeating the central non-symmetrical elements. We are getting closer and closer to testing our repeat!Lesson 6: Finalizing the ScallopThis is the last step before we move to testing our repeat! We will experiment with finessing, using techniques such as the envelope warp. We will also talk about color choices and other design considerations.Lesson 7: Testing Different Color CombosIn this lesson, we will repeat the central elements and will prepare to finalize our color choices. We will experiment with different combos and discuss the implications of using a scallop shape in the background or eliminating it altogether! You will also learn about Illustrator actions which are useful in this type of pattern design.Lesson 8: Showing Off Our PatternsExporting our assets with our final color choices is demonstrated in 2 ways. We first create large samples of our different color swatches and use the asset export panel to export as high resolution files for our mockups. Secondly, we create individual swatches of each color option, open these in Photoshop, and then save them as Photoshop Patterns. We can then choose between using the original exported swatch assets or creating fill layers with each pattern swatch and play with the scale right there in Photoshop. We complete a couple of mockups at this time; one where we create a group with a mask, and one where we use a Smart Object.ConclusionWe will conclude everything in this lesson with a chat about next steps.Concepts covered:Concepts covered include but are not limited to pattern design, repeated patterns, surface pattern design, damask, scallop pattern, scallop, Illustrator repeat, Illustrator pattern design tool, Illustrator Automation, Illustrator color settings, Illustrator actions, achieving symmetry in design, Illustrator Effects, Illustrator transformation, envelope warp, the Appearance Panel, automated repeats, arranging motifs, color considerations, design considerations, using Illustrator brushes, layout finessing, color experimentation in Illustrator vector pattern designYou will get the bonus ofover an hour of direction from an instructor who has been in the graphic design business and education for over 40 yearsknowledge of multiple ways to solve each design challengehandouts explaining key conceptsa list of helpful online sites to further your education into surface pattern design."
Price: 24.99

"Cisco SD-WAN Solutions (ENSDWI 300-415) Weekend Crash Course" |
"This hands-on course covers the Cisco CCNP Enterprise ENSDWI objectives and contains extensive demonstrations to reinforce the knowledge learned. This course helps you prepare to take the Implementing Cisco SD-WAN Solutions (300-415 ENSDWI) exam, which is part of the new CCNP Enterprise certification and the Cisco Certified Specialist - Enterprise SD-WAN Implementation certification."
Price: 19.99

"GCPGoogle Cloud Platform Associate Cloud Engineer" |
"GCP Associate Cloud Engineer LinkedInPayScale20201,300GCP Associate Cloud Engineer GoogleAWSAzureGCPGmailGoogle MapsYouTubeAIGCPIT"
Price: 2400.00

"3 courses, Gardening, house plants, succulents for beginners" |
"Gardening for beginnersI know when I started out doing my garden, I found the world of planting a labyrinth of one disaster after another. To start with, plants are not the cheapest things in the world, and if you dont know what youre doing with them, buying plants can become a large expense especially if you end up killing them! Secondly, when you buy a plant it looks one way, but after a few weeks or months of growing, it can either grow completely out of control or, worse, it can die.Over the years, after a lot of trial and error, I have learnt a lot about which plants to buy at which times of year, and how to care for them so that you end up with a beautiful floral display throughout the year.This is a course to give you some ideas about simple, easy to care for plants and grass care that will make your garden into the envy of your neighbourhood and wont require hours and hours of hard work.5 houseplants for beginners and how to take care of themIn recent years, houseplants have been gaining in popularity. Compared with just twenty years ago, the number of people of all ages becoming interested in bringing the outdoors in is enormous!Studies have even been done showing that not only are houseplants visually beautiful, but theyre also good for your health! We all know that plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, therefore freshening up our air and eliminating harmful toxins, but just by having a few plants around the house, we can also reduce our stress levels and boost our mood.So, in this course, were going to look at five beautiful and easy-to-care for houseplants that are perfect for the beginner who wants to get green fingered. This course is aimed at any age and any level of expertise, and its full of hints and tips on how to keep our green friends happy and healthy.5 succulents for beginners and how to take care of themThere is one collection of houseplants that are very easy to look after called succulents. Succulents are ideal for everybody especially if you dont have a green thumb. So, if you want to get in on the houseplant craze but dont think you could keep a peace lily alive for more than a few weeks, then turn your hand to these hardy little succulents.Succulents are plants that store water in their leaves. The name succulent comes from the Latin word sucus, which means juice or sap. Youll notice that their leaves are much thicker than other plants, and they are native to deserts and very dry areas.Succulents are so varied that there is something for everybody no matter what your taste. Plus, studies have been done showing that not only are houseplants, including succulents, visually beautiful, but theyre also good for your health! We all know that plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, therefore freshening up our air and eliminating harmful toxins, but just by having a few plants around the house, we can also reduce our stress levels and boost our mood.So, in this course, were going to look at five beautiful and easy-to-care for succulents that are perfect for the beginner who wants to get green fingered. This course is aimed at any age and any level of expertise, and its full of hints and tips on how to keep our green friends happy and healthy. Plus, Ive made sure to include succulents that are easy to come by, meaning you shouldnt have much trouble trying to track them down."
Price: 124.99
