"Meditation - Inner Journey of Self (Mindfulness)" |
"Meditation is an approach to training the mind, similar to the way that fitness is an approach to training the body. Meditation will help you in self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-discipline, mindfulness, stress management, and personality development. To achieve anything in life, the focus is a must. This course talks about real-time experiences and easier ways of meditation. Starting from the basic foundation to advance levels of meditations."
Price: 29.99

"Aprende Google Sheets (porque es mejor que Excel)" |
"Te invitamos a participar en este Curso Bsico - Intermedio sobre Google Sheets, una herramienta que cada da toma ms importancia en entornos de trabajo colaborativo en pequeas y grandes empresas, universidades y en uso personal.El programa desarrollado en este curso, te guiar paso a paso en la apropiacin de las competencias que te convertirn en un usuario con capacidades bsicas e incluso intermedias de esta potente herramienta.Se utilizarn grficos y simulaciones explcitos, procedimientos muy detallados de cada proceso, que te permitir convertir este curso en tu ndice de consulta cuando as lo requieras.De forma muy resumida, en este curso abordaremos los siguientes aspectos:Estudiaremos todos los conceptos bsicos asociados a las hojas de clculo.Te mostraremos cmo manejar los archivos creados a travs de Google Drive. Describiremos las distintas herramientas de la hoja de clculo.Aprenders a importar tus archivos de Excel y trabajar con ellos.Vers todas las semejanzas y diferencias entre Excel y Google Sheets.Aprenders a compartir las hojas de clculo y a trabajar con equipos de trabajo. Obtendrs los fundamentos bsicos del uso de funciones. Abordaremos las funciones ms conocidas y utilizadas. Aprenders tambin a trabajar con sentencias condicionales de distinto tipo, lo cual te convertir en un usuario con conocimientos intermedios de la herramienta.Por ltimo aprenders a plasmar los datos obtenidos en grficos sorprendentes."
Price: 24.99

"Abap - Tela de seleo turbinada" |
"O curso consistir nos seguintes tpicos:Declarao de PARAMETERS e suas variaes.Declarao de SELECT-OPTIONS e suas variaes.Evento INITIALIZATION.Evento AT SELECTION SCREEN.Validaes.Bloquear parmetros de tela.Esconder parmetros de tela.Evento USER-COMMANDBox de ttulos (SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK).Comentrios, quebra de linhas e formataes.Declarao de Check box.Declarao de Radio Button e variaes na implementao.Criao de botes e implementao de USER-COMMAND.Criao de abas e navegao entre sub-telas.Chamada de novas telas (SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF SCREEN).Match Code ou Ajuda de Pesquisa."
Price: 39.99

"The Data Science Course 2020 Q2 Updated: Part 4 > Python & R" |
"Both Python and R are popular programming languages for Data Science. While Rs functionality is developed with statisticians in mind (think of R's strong data visualization capabilities!), Python is often praised for its easy-to-understand syntax.Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman created the open-source language R in 1995 as an implementation of the S programming language. The purpose was to develop a language that focused on delivering a better and more user-friendly way to do data analysis, statistics and graphical models.Python was created by Guido Van Rossem in 1991 and emphasizes productivity and code readability. Programmers that want to delve into data analysis or apply statistical techniques are some of the main users of Python for statistical purposes.As a data scientist its your job to pick the language that best fits the needs. Some questions that can help you:What problems do you want to solve?What are the net costs for learning a language?What are the commonly used tools in your field?What are the other available tools and how do these relate to the commonly used tools?When and how to use R?R is mainly used when the data analysis task requires standalone computing or analysis on individual servers. Its great for exploratory work, and it's handy for almost any type of data analysis because of the huge number of packages and readily usable tests that often provide you with the necessary tools to get up and running quickly. R can even be part of a big data solution.When getting started with R, a good first step is to install the amazing RStudio IDE. Once this is done, we recommend you to have a look at the following popular packages:dplyr, plyr and data.table to easily manipulate packages,stringr to manipulate strings,zoo to work with regular and irregular time series,ggvis, lattice, and ggplot2 to visualize data, andcaret for machine learningWhen and how to use Python?You can use Python when your data analysis tasks need to be integrated with web apps or if statistics code needs to be incorporated into a production database. Being a fully fledged programming language, its a great tool to implement algorithms for production use.While the infancy of Python packages for data analysis was an issue in the past, this has improved significantly over the years. Make sure to install NumPy /SciPy (scientific computing) and pandas (data manipulation) to make Python usable for data analysis. Also have a look at matplotlib to make graphics, and scikit-learn for machine learning.Unlike R, Python has no clear winning IDE. We recommend you to have a look at Spyder, IPython Notebook and Rodeo to see which one best fits your needs.* We recommend all our students to learn both the programming languages and use them where appropriate since many Data Science teams today are bilingual, leveraging both R and Python in their work."
Price: 99.99

"The Data Science Course 2020 Q2 Updated: Part 1" |
"Data Scientist is a person who is better at statistics than any programmer and better at programming than any statistician. - Josh WillsThe Data Science Course 2020 Q2 Updated: Part 1In this course we lay your foundation on Data Science. More often than not participants rush into learning data science without knowing what exactly they are getting into: this course will give you insights and clarity on what data science is all about. Statistics, Math, Linear AlgebraIf we talk in general about Data Science, then for a serious understanding and work we need a fundamental course in probability theory (and therefore, mathematical analysis as a necessary tool in probability theory), linear algebra and, of course, mathematical statistics. Fundamental mathematical knowledge is important in order to be able to analyze the results of applying data processing algorithms. There are examples of relatively strong engineers in machine learning without such a background, but this is rather the exception.Data Mining and Data VisualizationData Mining is an important analytic process designed to explore data. It is the process of analyzing hidden patterns of data according to different perspectives for categorization into useful information, which is collected and assembled in common areas, such as data warehouses, for efficient analysis, data mining algorithms, facilitating business decision making and other information requirements to ultimately cut costs and increase revenue.Machine LearningMachine learning allows you to train computers to act independently so that we do not have to write detailed instructions for performing certain tasks. For this reason, machine learning is of great value for almost any area, but first of all, of course, it will work well where there is Data Science.Programming (Python & R)We recommend all our students to learn both the programming languages and use them where appropriate since many Data Science teams today are bilingual, leveraging both R and Python in their work.Through our Four-part series we will take you step by step, this is our first part which will lay your foundation. We will deal with the below sections in this Part 1:Data Science RolesData Science InsightsTerminologies and Statistical Methods in Data ScienceDiscrete and Continuous random variablesBasics of descriptive statistics Understanding Percentile"
Price: 99.99

"Guitarra do Zero - Guia Prtico e Fundamentos" |
"Este curso o Guia do Guitarrista Iniciante definitivo para voc que busca aprender o instrumento por si s (auto-didata) e quer uma orientao de quais passos seguir.Deixei em ordem cronolgica o que voc precisa ter na ponta dos dedos para iniciar sua jornada na guitarra: conhecer as nomenclaturas e tcnica, acordes, conhecer todos os shapes da penta m7 e escalas maiores e menores. Com isso, voc ir conseguir tocar suas msicas e com certeza ter uma noo maior do que este fabuloso instrumento que a guitarra."
Price: 39.99

"NeuroMarketing e Vendita. Master Class (corso professionale)" |
"LE 16 LEZIONI DEL CORSOSicuro che il tuo cervello faccia scelte razionali?Il paradosso delle etichette deterrenti.Abbiamo 3 cervelli ma solo uno decide.I 6 stimoli fondamentali per condizionare il cervello.Il successo in 4 passi: come organizzare la strategia.Individua il problema/esigenza del tuo cliente.Emotional Selling Proposition: convincere con le emozioni.Archetypal Branding: i 12 archetipi sociologici universali.Dimostra il guadagno e convinci i tuoi clienti.Le 5 pi efficaci tipologie di gancio per colpire il cervello.Product Placement, se e come funziona.Web Neuromarketing: cosa e come funziona.Fondamentali di Funnel di Marketing e Vendita.Fondamentali di Marketing Automation.Fondamentali di Marketing Automation Comportamentale.Come parlare in pubblico (Business Public Speaking).9 OTTIMI MOTIVI PER ACQUISTARLOScopri il Metodo 3BRAINS che ti permette di creare una Comunicazione altamente persuasiva.Capisci come creare messaggi che possano superare ogni obiezione!Scopri le tecniche per Posizionarti e Distruggere la tua Concorrenza.Impari il nuovo Copywriting Quantistico per agganciare immediatamente lattenzione del tuo cliente.Comprendi cosa ti serve per Trovare Clienti in Rete con una struttura che lavori per te 24h su 24.Scopri Potenziare il tuo sito con la Marketing Automation (un Venditore Automatico per te!).Impari le tecniche per presentare in pubblico il tuo business e convincere i tuoi interlocutori.Capisci finalmente come far fruttare DEFINITIVAMENTE i tuoi investimenti sul web.Scopri le tattiche e le strategie per ottenere VERAMENTE pi clienti e vendere di pi.RELATORE PRINCIPALEMassimo Petrucci tra i primi 100 influencers mondiali nel campo della Lead Generation secondo losservatorio internazionale Onalytica. Ha ideato il nuovo paradigma del Copywriting di cui il libro Copywriting Quantistico (Flaccovio Editore) in cui propone un nuovo approccio alla comunicazione persuasiva. autore anche del bestseller ""Lead Generation, tutto quello che ti serve qui"" (Amazon). anche Coacher, Speaker e Formatore, nonch Autore di libri sui temi della Lead Generation e i Funnel di Vendita. Ha condiviso il palco con esperti internazionali di marketing come David Meerman Scott (Le Nuove Regole del Marketing e delle Vendite). spesso chiamato dalle aziende per Coaching di Formazione per i propri Team Marketing o per le loro Reti Vendita. frequentemente invitato dalle universit per tenere formazione nei Master sui temi quali la comunicazione digitale, il Web Marketing e il Copywriting."
Price: 199.99

"EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)" |
"EMDR, Trke almyla Gz Hareketleriyle Duyarszlatrma ve Yeniden leme, gl bir psikoterapi yaklamdr. Bugne kadar her yatan yaklak 2 milyon kiinin farkl tiplerde psikolojik rahatszlklarnn baaryla tedavi edilmesini salamtr. EMDR teorisinin altyapsn oluturan fizyolojik temelli bir sistemle, her yeni deneyim aracl ile kendisine ulaan bilgiyi iler ve ilevsel hale getirir. Duygu, dnce, duyum, imge, ses, koku gibi bilgiler ilenip ilikili an alarna balanarak btnleir. Bylece o deneyimle ilgili renme gerekleir. Edindiimiz bilgiler gelecekte tepkilerimizi uygun bir ekilde ynlendirmek zere depolanm olur."
Price: 49.99

"Make Instagram Arts And Edits Using Mobile Phone" |
"In this course you will learn to edit photos and make Instagram arts which will help you to grow your Instagram account.You will Also Learn to make time lapse and post on Social Media like ticktok you tube etc.You Can:Make Instagram ArtsOutline ArtworkPhoto EditingMaking Time lapseTracingColoringDesiginingAfter this Course:Make Instagram AcoountMake Tiktok AccountMarket Your Photo VideosGrow Your Accounts"
Price: 44.99

"E-Ticaret Sat Hacminizi Hemen ve Hzlca Bytn!" |
"Gnmz e-ticaretlerin en temel sorunlarndan biri sat aldktan sonra gelitirmeler konusunda gzlerden birok noktay karmasdr. E-Ticaret hacminin genilemesi ve siteye olan geri dnlerin artmas iin izlenmesi gereken yntemleri yaadm ve uyguladm sitelerden esinlenerek toparladm. Eitim yine hap bilgiler ieriyor. Zamannz oka almadan uygulama odakl ve pratikte sonu verecek eitim sizlerle."
Price: 29.99

"Holistic Approaches for Living with Anxiety" |
"This course is intended to provide holistic models and practical tools for working with anxiety. Often medication and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) are the primary treatments people are offered when struggling with anxiety. While some people find these options very helpful, others may find them limited as resources. In this course, I will introduce several holistic and complementary models for understanding and living with anxiety.The course is meant to serve as an introductory resource and will be broken into 3 sections:Anxiety and the Body: this will help to better understand what happens physically during anxiety, and how to use movement and body awareness as resources to help regulate anxiety. Anxiety and Relationships: this section explains how most anxiety is relationship-based, and how to interact with others in a way that reduces anxiety. This section focusses on our relationship patterns that may trigger anxiety. Anxiety, Ayurveda & Herbal Allies: this section introduces an alternative model of understanding anxiety, drawing from the eastern science of Ayurveda. Simple herbs and recipes to nourish the body will also be offered as well as Ayurvedic lifestyle practices.Drawing on my years of personal and professional training and experience as a clinical social worker, mental health therapist, and yoga teacher, this course is designed to empower learners to understand and manage anxiety in a way that honours mind, body, and spirit."
Price: 39.99

"Formao DBA SQL Server 2019 completo T-SQL, design e admin" |
"Este curso apresenta os fundamentos para escrita de consultas em T-SQL, para o desenvolvimento de um banco de dados e para a administrao do Microsoft SQL Server 2019. Nele, sero abordados os principais tpicos do Exame 70-761 Querying Data with Transact-SQL e do Exame 70-762 Developing SQL Databases da Microsoft, que so os requisitos para a certificao MCSA SQL Database Development.Alm disso, sero abordados os principais tpicos do Exame 70-764 Administrao de uma Infraestrutura de banco de dados SQL da Microsoft, que um dos requisitos para a certificao MCSA SQL Server Database Administration.Aps o curso, o aluno estar apto a:Utilizar ferramentas de consulta no SQL Server;Escrever consultas utilizando SELECT;Agrupar e resumir dados;Relacionar diversas tabelas com Joins;Inserir, alterar e deletar dados;Trabalhar com subconsultas;Consultar campos de texto usando ndices do tipo Full-Text;Utilizar objetos de programao, tais como views, funes, procedures e triggers;Consultar metadados;Trabalhar com transaes;Aplicar tcnicas avanadas na construo de consultas, tais como utilizao de cursores, converses de tipos de dados, SQL dinmico e XML;Criar um banco de dados no SQL Server;Desenvolver tabelas e trabalhar com tipos de dados;Implementar ndices e performance tunning;Aplicar a integridade referencial em tabelas e codificar triggers;Trabalhar com XML;Desenvolver Views;Criar Stored Procedures;Implementar User Defined Functions;Entender sobre CLRs;Gerenciar transaes e locks;Instalar e configurar o SQL Server 2019;Gerenciar bancos de dados e arquivos;Realizar backups e restores;Implementar a gesto de segurana de instncias;Trabalhar com transferncia de dados;Configurar a automao de tarefas administrativas;Implementar uma replicao;Configurar ambientes de alta disponibilidade;Monitorar o SQL Server;Resolver de problemas de conexo e erros genricos;Efetuar performance tuning;Como pr-requisitos, espera-se que o aluno tenha conhecimentos em lgica de programao e tenha conhecimentos bsicos sobre bancos de dados relacionais."
Price: 279.99

"Sfrdan 4X Seviyesine - Hzl Okuma ve Anlama Eitimi" |
"Geleceinizi grmek istiyorsanz, gemiinize bakmanz yeterlidir. nsanlar hayatnda olduu kadar iinde de ayn dorular yapmaya devam ettii kadar, ayn yanllar da yapmaya devam eder. Zaman deiir, teknoloji deiir, konfor ve i yap eklimiz deiir. Ancak insan yaratl ayndr, ayn kalr. Gemiiniz bu nedenle geleceinizdir. Sadece %3 orannda bir grup insan geleceini deitirecek ""KSEL DEVRM""ine cesaretle ve ak yreklilikle yol alrken, kalan %97 deiimi ve baary yakalayanlardan olabilmek iin ayn hatalar daha inatla, daha sklkla tekrarlamaya ve ayn duvara tekrar tekrar midini kaybetmeden kafasn vurmaya devam eder.Kiisel Devriminize hazr msnz? Hayatnz ve iinizi daha iyi yapmak iin attnz her adm Kiisel Devriminize atlm bir admdr.Her kitap yaanm bir hayattr. Her okuduumuz kitap bir mrmzde bize yeni baka hayatlar da yaatr.Ortalama her CEO ylda 40 civar kitap okur denir. Bilgi anda zaman hzl akyor ve her anmzda kendimizi gelitirmek zorunda hissediyorsak, en hzl bilgiye eriim kaynamz okumak olacaktr.Okumak ise okul zamanndan itibaren yanl retilen, bu nedenle hzl ve anlaml okuma yerine daha tembellemi bir okuma teknii yznden skc, zaman kayb gibi hissettirmektedir. Geen sene okuduunuz bir kitab dnn, aklnzda ne kadar kald. ""Olay Roma'da geiyor"" dan te aklnzda kalan detaylar kitabn % 5-10 u dahi deildir.Bu nedenle hem hzl okumak, hem de okurken anlamanz artrmak, aklda kalcl maksimize edebilmek iin bu kursu hazrladm.Artk yanz veya zaman bulamamanz dert etmeyecek, daha hzl okurken daha kolay anlayacak ve aklda tutacaksnz. Kitabn kaln olmas sorun olmayacak, gnler iinde ve hatta saatler iinde kitaplar bitirebilmenin tadna varacaksnz."
Price: 109.99

"VMware Certified Professional VCPC550 vCloud Automation Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Vsphere administrator can create anxiety for the two entities? (Choose two.)a) LUNb) Data storec) templated) folderQ) The administrator must add the user group to the Director vCloud, which will be assigned administrative rights. Two of which are the source, the administrator can import the group? (Choose two.)a) LDAPb) Vsphere SSOc) local serverd) GatewayQ) vCloud medium has the following characteristics: The virtual machine, which is part VAPP template requires at least 5 Gb thin provisioned space. That the configured maximum size of the disk, which can be used as part of the new vApp using this template?a) 10 GBb) 30 GBc) 50 GBd) 70 GBe) NoneQ) Wednesday was Org VDCs with the following parameters: a corporate administrator must VDC meets the following requirements: - Resources are made only when the vApps created. - The network must cover large distances. Org VDC that will satisfy the needs of the administrator?a) Eastb) westc) to Northd) southe) None"
Price: 169.99

"CISM Information Security Management Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following would be the first step in the development of information security plan?a) A technical vulnerability assessmentb) Analysis of the current business strategyc) Make a business impact analysisd) Assess the current level of security awarenesse) NoneQ) The eldest management commitment and support of information security can best be achieved through presentations:a) using illustrative examples of successful attacks.b) explain the technical risks of the organization.c) to assess the organization of the best security practices.d) the associated security key business objectives.e) NoneQ) The most appropriate role for the management of information security support are:a) assessment of suppliers that offer security.b) assessment of risks to the organization.c) approval of policy statements and funding.d) monitoring compliance with regulatory requirements.e) NoneQ) Which of the following would be the best way to ensure the success of information security management within an organization?a) Coordinating committees approve security projectsb) Safety training is provided to all managersc) Security training is available to all employees on the intranetd) The steering groups to follow the laws and regulationse) None"
Price: 179.99

"CompTIA A + 220-802 Certification Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The technician must configure wired SOHO network to the client. The client wanted to ensure that unauthorized computers are not easily communicate on the network. Which of the following can design do?a) Enable MAC Filterb) Encrypt passwordsc) disable SSIDd) disable DHCPe) NoneQ) Which of the examples given below digital security? (Choose two).a) strong passwordsb) Privacy screenc) Trayd) MAC filteringe) trapQ) One user reports that their print job, with the shadow of the previous image. Which of the following is the most likely cause?a) Separation ~~ POS = TRUNC padsb) fuserc) coronad) Sensor assemblye) NoneQ) Which of the following shows the number of conversions from your computer to your destination?a) IPCONFIGb) NetStatc) PINGd) tracerte) None"
Price: 174.99

"CompTIA CT0-101 Convergence + Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following protocols can be used when calling the script flows in Interactive Voice Response (IVR)?a) HTMLb) HTTPc) XML / VXMLd) TCP / IPe) NoneQ) Which of the following codecs to be a technician to configure the server VoIP, to match the voice quality on a standard public switched telephone network (PSTN) phone calls to VoIP?a) G. 729b) G. 732c) G. 722d) G. 711e) NoneQ) Which of the following is necessary to bring internet connection to multiple Internet service providers (ISP)?a) BGP-4b) REST IN PEACEc) IS-ISd) OSPFe) NoneQ) The survey of Internet addresses E.164 numbering at:a) ENUM.b) SNMP.c) CDR.d) SS7.e) None"
Price: 174.99

"PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI ACP) Certification" |
"PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) is one of the fastest-growing certifications in Agile project management. It validates your knowledge and expertise in Agile methodologies including Scrum, XP, Kanban, and Lean. This course will help prepare you to sit for the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) exam. This course is aligned with PMI's Agile Practice Guide.PMI ACP Tests are very similar to the questions that appear in the actual PMI ACP certification exam. It will make you understand the PMI-ACP certification exam pattern. Thus, appearing in the PMI ACP free test will make you familiar with the actual exam.PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI ACP) Free Test is composed of 1000 unique questions. So, trying it will let you know your current preparation level for the PMI-ACP certification exam. And you will be able to continue your preparation according to that.We recommend you to take full-length practice tests for your preparation so that you can get complete access to our testing & reporting features. Also, practicing through these practice tests will boost your confidence, and you will be able to pass the PMI ACP certification exam in the first attempt."
Price: 99.99

"Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Practice Exam" |
"Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) is a qualification obtained by demonstrating knowledge of assessing the security of computer systems by looking for weaknesses and vulnerabilities in target systems, using the same knowledge and tools as a malicious hacker, but in a lawful and legitimate manner to assess the security posture of a target system. This knowledge is assessed by answering multiple choice questions regarding various ethical hacking techniques and tools. The code for the CEH exam is 312-50. This certification has now been made a baseline with a progression to the CEH (Practical), launched in March 2018, a test of penetration testing skills in a lab environment where the candidate must demonstrate the ability to apply techniques and use penetration testing tools to compromise various simulated systems within a virtual environment."
Price: 19.99

"ITIL 4 Foundation Practice Exam" |
"ITIL is a widely-adopted body of knowledge and best practices for successful IT service management that links with training and certification. ITIL 4 has evolved from the current version by re-shaping much of the established ITSM practices in the wider context of customer experience; value streams and digital transformation; as well as embracing new ways of working, such as Lean, Agile, and DevOps.ITIL 4 provides the guidance organizations need to address new service management challenges and utilize the potential of modern technology. It is designed to ensure a flexible, coordinated and integrated system for the effective governance and management of IT-enabled services.ITIL Foundation is the first ITIL 4 publication and the latest evolution of the most widely-adopted guidance for ITSM. Its audience ranges from IT and business students taking their first steps in service management to seasoned professionals familiar with earlier versions of ITIL and other sources of industry best practice.The guidance provided in this publication can be adopted and adapted for all types of organizations and services. To show how the concepts of ITIL can be practically applied to an organization's activities, ITIL Foundation follows the exploits of a fictional company on its ITIL journey."
Price: 19.99

"PMP Practice Exam 2020 (1500 questions)" |
"What is the PMP?Wherever you are in your career, the globally recognized Project Management Professional (PMP) certification tells employers, peers, and the world you know what youre doing in project management.Even if project manager isnt part of your title, the PMP applies to anyone who helps bring a project to completion. Just like a CPA validates expertise for accountants, the PMP recognizes your ability to manage projectsand the hard work youve done so far.Why the PMPThe PMP delivers value far into your career. CIO magazine ranked the PMP as the top project management certification because it proves you have the specific skills and experience employers seek. Certified PMPs report earning up to 25% more than non-certified project management professionals."
Price: 19.99

"Sharepoint Sitios Fundamentos" |
"Este curso de Microsoft Sharepoint Online es una introduccin a los sitios y las aplicaciones de Sharepoint como emplearlas a modo de colaboracin, nos centramos en la parte mas fuerte de estas aplicaciones y el entorno de colaboracion de los sitios.Este curso es una introduccin a Microsoft Sharepoint.Miraremos tambin como integrar Sharepoint en nuestro Equipo con Microsoft Teams"
Price: 29.99

"[SNS] React Hooks + Django RestFramework API Web" |
"Facebook, Instagram, Slack, Uber, PaypalReactYoutubeInstagramPythonWebDjangoRestFrameworkSNS""Django REST API""""React Hooks + Django REST Framework API Web()""[]Reack HooksMaterial UIReact IconReact Cookie[]Django REST Framework"
Price: 19800.00

"Curso de Industria 4.0" |
"Actualmente, el mundo est experimentando un gran ""cambio revolucionario"". Las olas de la Cuarta Revolucin Industrial ya estn extendindose a los diferentes rincones de la sociedad y economa moderna.La aparicin de nuevas tecnologas (como la Inteligencia Artificial, Internet de las Cosas, Big Data, Computacin en la Nube, Vehculos Autnomos y Robots) y su convergencia con otras tecnologas estn cambiando profundamente el estilo de vida de los seres humanos y los paradigmas tradicionales de hacer negocios.Ante esta tendencia, los videos de este curso explicarn de una manera simple qu es la Industria 4.0 y discutirn sus puntos claves, para que podamos prepararnos ante este reto y podamos encontrar los diferentes tipos de oportunidades."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Notion Course 2020: Boost your Productivity" |
"...Do you want to learn the number #1 productivity tool and accomplish more in less time?Are you tired of having to use a bunch of different apps like Trello, ToDoist, Evernote, Google Docs, etc?Or are you struggling to meet your deadlines and need a system to help you with your projects?If your answer is a big YES... Then this is exactly the course you are looking for!...So what is the course about?This is a truly complete Notion course, that teaches everything that you need to know without getting into uneseccary details.I will take you from a complete Notion beginner to an advanced user. You will not just learn what options and features are available but you will also have a chance to see them and do them yourself.Come with me on a journey with the goal of truly understanding Notion's interface. I assure you that I explain everything on the way with detail!You will learn how to use workspaces, create your own pages, modify templates, and create an all in one tool-package that fits your personal needs. To achieve our goal together, I encourage you to simultaneously do what we are talking about in each lesson and spend some time experimenting with yourself.What makes this course different is that is just doesn't get lost in the tiring details, but focuses only on the important and vital information. I will show you everything and give you the proper guidelines so you can then yourself create your own digital organization space. So, by the end of the course, you will be capable to start using Notion in your everyday life for keeping Notes and Documents, Knowledge Bases, Tasks and Projects, and Spreadsheets and Databases ALL in one place....Here is exactly what we cover in this course: Creating from scratch pages you can use right away. Everything you need to know in order to gain a deep understanding of how Databases work in Notion. How to use and modify the given page templates and match them to your personal preferences. Learn about some very useful everyday pages, especially for students. Learn how to organize and structure your workspace into your personal and work-life goals. What's new in the latest version of Notion. Some useful tips and tricks that can save you time and effort....The course also includes links to templates on life planning and getting things done that you can clone and personalize within Notion. Templates include:Life Dashboard / Home Page (x4) - Link belowAnnual Review Page - Link inside the lessonResonance Calendar- Link inside the lessonHabit Tracker - Link inside the lessonProjects and Goals Manager - You can find it in 'Templates'Task Manager - You can find it in 'Templates'Many more...Let's now find out if this course is for you. It's a perfect fit if...Student #1: You want to replace your large number of applications used in your everyday life with an all in one package.Student #2: You want to gain a deep understanding of the most talked-about productivity app out there.Student #3: You are interested in digitally organizing your personal and work life.Student #4: You want to get started with a simple productivity app and see if that works for you....Now it's your turn to decide. This is what you get: English closed captions (not the auto-generated ones provided by Udemy). All videos are downloadable. Learn wherever you want, even without an internet connection! Lifetime access to HD quality videos. No monthly subscription. Learn at your own pace, whenever you want. Free helpful support in the course Q&A when you have questions or get stuck. 10+ Free templates for you to duplicate and useSounds great? Then start this adventure today by clicking the Take this course"" button, and join me in the only Notion course that you will need!Who this course is for:Take this course if you want to replace your large number of applications used in your everyday life with an all in one package.Take this course if you want to gain a deep understanding of the most talked-about productivity app by hundreds of YouTubers.Take this course if you're interested in digitally organizing your personal and work life.Take this course if you want to get started with a simple productivity app and see if that works for you.*Updated on May 19th"
Price: 49.99

"Tally ERP9 With GST Step By Step Guide From Basic to Advance" |
"Tally is widely use ERP Systems in the world and more than 1.6 Million users are used around the world and it helps to maintenance our Daily company's transactions with prefect and Easy manner. it is assist to maintenance Accounting transactions, inventory management, tax management, payroll management and GST with Little Effort.Welcome to Tally ERP9 With GST Step By Step Guide From Basic to Advance Course , The Course is Most Essential for Who are working as An Accountant in a Company, Future Tally Users, Commerce Students and Financial Managers. I Hope You Will Learn Lot about TALLY ERP 9 From Basic to Advance and It Will Help to improve Your Career Path. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF THE COURSE ?Become a Master in Tally ERP9 In Multiple areas such as Ledger creation, Voucher Creation, Bank Reconciliation, Inventory Management, Payroll Management , GST14 Real world Practical Example Demonstrate by Instructor8 Hours Complete Demonstration Course including GST 14 Downloadable Resources for Practice with TALLY ERP9In this course, I have covered Tally ERP 9 From Basic Concepts to Advanced Concept Including GST and The Course Designs to Learn Tally ERP 9 Step by Step with Real World Practical Examples. The Course Divided 14 Chapters and The Details as Below.CHAPTER-01 INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTINGCHAPTER-02 TALLY INSTALLATION AND COMPANY CREATIONCHAPTER-03 INTRODUCTION TO TALLYCHAPTER-04 LEDGER CREATION WITH TRAIL BALANCECHAPTER-05 TYPE OF VOUCHERS IN TALLYCHAPTER-06 TRAIL BALANCE WITH TRANSACTIONCHAPTER-07 BANK RECONCILIATION IN TALLYCHAPTER - 08 INVENTORY CREATION IN TALLYCHAPTER - 09 GODOWN CREATION IN TALLYCHAPTER -10 PAYROLL IN TALLYCHAPTER -11 TALLY WITH GSTCHAPTER-12 TOP 25 SHORTCUT KEYS IN TALLYCHAPTER-13 EXPORT REPORT IN TALLYCHAPTER-14 BACKUP & RESTORE"
Price: 199.99

"Python Camp - Build Basic Understanding" |
"This is the most straight-forward, course for the Python programming language. Whether you have never programmed before, already know basic syntax, or want to learn about Python,This course will teach you Python in a practical manner, with every lecture comes a full coding. Learn in whatever manner is best for you!We will start by helping you get Python installed on your computer, regardless of your operating system, whether its Linux, MacOS, or Windows, we've got you covered!"
Price: 19.99

"Cycles, Seasons, & Story" |
"There is a time and a season for everything! This course illustrates how women have a special connection to the moon and dives into how to honor each phase and season of the moon cycle. It includes nine videos, along with tools to begin tracking the lunar cycle alongside your menstrual cycle, as well as breathing exercises for each moon phase and additional material that will help you get the most out of your moon cycle experience.These ideas are SO important for you to be able to honor natural ebbs and flows, and manifest the life you want with the aid of very clear prompts every night in the sky. The moon reminds us that we are meant to have desires, to push towards light. It also reminds us that there are times for retreating and reflecting. There is so much to glean from cycles!"
Price: 49.99

"Allenamento a circuito con Michael" |
"COSA FAREMOAllenamento a corpo libero, in casa o in giardino, con sfide ed esercizi in progressionePROGRAMMAIl corso sar composto da 4 lezioni:Lezione 1: Livello 1 - Riscaldamento + circuito + defaticamentoLezione 2: Livello 2 - Riscaldamento + circuito + defaticamentoLezione 3: Livello 3 - Riscaldamento + circuito + defaticamentoLezione 4: Livello 4 - Riscaldamento + circuito + defaticamentoMODALIT DI SVOLGIMENTOIl programma di allenamento pu essere svolto in diversi modi in funzione del livello di preparazione, del tempo a disposizione o del livello proposto nella seduta.Ogni lezione struttura con un riscaldamento, 4 esercizi a circuito in posizioni sempre diverse (es. in piedi, prono, supino ecc...) e una sessione finale con due esercizi di allungamento.Le sfide proposte da questo programma sono nel realizzare gli esercizi di ogni lezione in modo completo e consapevole per poi passare alla lezione successiva aumentando la difficolt e il controllo su ogni esercizio. MATERIALE NECESSARIOSedia o sgabello, tazzina caff, vassoio, tappetino (facoltativo), acqua"
Price: 19.99

"Alta intensit con Nadir" |
"COSA FAREMOAllenamento a corpo libero e ad alta intensit, in casa o in giardino.PROGRAMMAIl corso sar composto da 6 lezioni:Lezione 1: Riscaldamento e attivazioneLezione 2: AddominaliLezione 3: Arti superiori e bracciaLezione 4: Arti inferiori e gambeLezione 5: Allenamento a circuitoLezione 6: DefaticamentoMODALIT DI SVOLGIMENTOIl programma di allenamento pu essere svolto in diversi modi in funzione del livello di preparazione, del tempo a disposizione o della struttura che si vuole dare alla seduta. Per maggiori informazioni sulle modalit di svolgimento delle sedute accedi alle ""Risorse"" della Lezione 1 e guarda il video ""Tutorial App Timer Wod"".MATERIALE NECESSARIOSedia, tappetino (facoltativo), acqua, cronometro o App Timer Wod."
Price: 19.99

"Allenamento a casa con Michael" |
"COSA FAREMOAllenamento a corpo libero, in casa o in giardino, con esercizi che mirano a migliorare la qualit delle tue articolazioni in termini di mobilit, elasticit e tenuta muscolare.PROGRAMMAIl corso sar composto da:Lezione 1 - Seduta completa - Postura modernaLezione 2 - Seduta completa - Allenamento a circuitoLezione 3 - Seduta completa - Allenamento alta intensitLezione 4 - Seduta completa - Allenamento di qualitMODALIT DI SVOLGIMENTOIl programma di allenamento pu essere svolto in diversi modi in funzione del livello di preparazione, del tempo a disposizione o del livello proposto nella seduta.Il corso strutturato con un'unica lezione, che potete seguire passo passo con l'istruttore cogliendo pratici consigli, correzioni e suggerimentiMATERIALE NECESSARIOTappetino"
Price: 24.99
