"Mal di schiena: esercizi per discopatie e artrosi" |
"In questo corso di 5 lezioni, a difficolt crescente, imparerai a conoscere meglio il tuo corpo, quali sono i suoi limiti e capirai come poterli superare, migliorando la flessibilit e la tua forza, incrementando la tua elasticit. La costanza nellesecuzione di tutti gli esercizi proposti, ti aiuteranno ad evitare blocchi improvvisi della tua colonna, permettendoti anche di ridurre il consumo di farmaci, che avrai certamente usato in questi anni per sentire meno dolore, ma che avranno incrementato sempre la sua rigidit."
Price: 39.99

"Allenamento all'aperto" |
"Allenamento all'aperto un programma di training pensato per allenarsi all'aria aperta. Il programma si sviluppa con un work-out perfetto, composto da esercizi a corpo libero, esercizi di resistenza e ad alta intesit, sfide e sedute individuali davvero complete. Il nostro programma, prevede due modalit di training, composte ognuna da 6 allenamenti per un totale di 12 sedute pensate e realizzate da 5 trainer diversi.I programmi sono cos composti:PROGRAMMA ALLENAMENTO - Marta, Michael e SimoneTotale allenamenti: 63 allenamenti composti da workout a livello crescente 3 allenamenti ""sfida"" con progressione di esercizi Spartan SystemPROGRAMMA ALLENAMENTO - Nadir e AlbertoTotale allenamenti: 63 allenamenti composti da esercizi fitness a corpo libero a livello crescente 3 allenamenti ""sfida"" con progressione di esercizi per provare a realizzare la ""Verticale su braccia""Entrambi i programmi prevedono livelli crescenti (da livello 1 a 3) tra i vari allenamenti proposti. Il livello pu variare in base a:INTENSIT ESERCIZIODURATA ESERCIZIOFORZA RICHIESTAMOBILIT RICHIESTALo avete capito. Sar davvero bello allenarsi all'aria aperta con noi.Buon divertimento!"
Price: 24.99

"Coreografa de Danza Arabe de la cancin Bum Bum" |
"Vamos a bailar la cancin Bum Bum de Mohamed Ramadan! Te ensear movimientos del estilo urbano de msica y danza egipcia llamado Mahraganat adems de practicar tcnica de danza oriental estilo egipcio!Te va a encantar y a retar! Te explicar paso a paso!Recuerda que este curso incluye el PDF descargable con la cancin traducida! Vamos! Entrenemos junt@s!"
Price: 19.99

"Java For Beginners 2020" |
"Hi,Welcome to my course. Under the following sections I would like to present a short Introduction to Java Framework.New to this topic or just want to refresh your memory really quick on Java? In this case this course is for you!Under this course I will provide an initial overview of the main principles that should be known under a Java Interview preparation process in terms of Java Collections and Abstract Classes and Interfaces (both theory and practical examples)Will provide the overview of what we will discuss about:Java CollectionsList<E>ArrayList<E>LinkedList<E>Set<E>HashSet<E>LinkedHashSet<E>TreeSet<E>Map<K,V>HashMap<K,V>LinkedHashMap<K,V>TreeMap<K,V>-------------------------------------------Abstract Classes- main characteristics- importance/role- practical examples------------------------------------------Interfaces- specific particularities- importance- concrete examples------------------------------------------This is just an introduction to this concept since I want to support students to gather knowledge in a fast and easy way.Enjoy"
Price: 49.99

"Vestidos Para Nias. Paso a paso" |
"En este curso aprenders paso a paso todas las tcnicas necesarias para convertirte en una experta en confeccin de vestidos para nias, ya sea que trabajes en la modisteria o seas una mama recursiva que quiera ahorrar y aprender a disear para sus hijas.Te enseare, corte con patrn y medidas.Te enseare a decorar los vestidos.Y te enseare todos los tips profesionales que he aprendido a lo largo de 18 aos de experiencia que llevo como modista y diseadora profesional.Ademas te doy acceso a mis redes sociales en donde podrs contactarme para asesorarte y darte acompaamiento y as resolver cualquier duda que puedas tener. Mis redes las encuentras dando clip en los enlaces que se encuentran en la portada de los patrones. As que no te lo puedes perder!!!Te espero dentro!!!"
Price: 19.99

"6 saatda mqavil hququ - mqayisli analiz" |
"Kurs aadak suallarn cavablandrlmasna alr: Mqavil ndir? Mqavil azadl prinsipi nec tzahr olunur? Mqavil nec balanr? Mqavilnin balanma mrhllri hanslardr? Oferta ndir? Ofertaya dair msllr digr hquq sistemlrind nec tnzimlnir? Aksept ndir? Akseptl bal msllr digr hquq sistemlrind nec tnzimlnir? Mqavilnin balanma an v yeri nec myyn olunur? Digr hquq sistemlrind mqavilnin balanma an v yeri nec myyn olunur? Mqavil hrracda nec balanr? Mqavilnin mzmunu ndir? Mqavilnin standart rtlri ndir? Mqavillr nec interpretasiya olunmaldr? (mqayisli thlil) Mqavilnin formalar hanslardr? Digr hquq sistemlrind mqavillr dair hans formalar var? Mqavil nec dyidirilir? Mqavil nec lv olunur?Yuxardak suallara cavablar qanunvericiliyin thlillri v real praktiki misallarla aradrlr."
Price: 19.99

"Network Address Translation - Cisco ASA and ASAx Firewalls" |
"This course has three modules.The first module will teach you Everything there is to know about Network Address Translation: Why it exists, How it it works, What happens to packets as they get translated. This module will explain every type of translation: Static NAT, Static PAT, Dynamic PAT, and Dynamic NAT. You'll learn about each of these in a way that is completely vendor agnostic -- the concepts you learn here will apply to any vendor and any platform. You'll then learn how these four types of translations are used in Policy NAT and Twice NAT.The second module will teach you the Syntax and Configuration of every type of NAT. There are two ways to configure NAT on a Cisco ASA and ASAx Firewall, and those two ways are Auto NAT and Manual NAT. Both of these methods require the use of objects, so this module starts with by defining and configuring objects. Then we discuss Auto NAT, when to use it and how to configure it. Then we talk through Manual NAT and provide configuration examples of every type of NAT it can configure. That leads us into an illustration of NAT Exemption. Finally, we finally wrap up with a discussion on NAT precedence and the order in which NAT statements are evaluated by the ASA..Lastly, the third module will circle back to the concepts learned in the first module, and actually prove and demonstrate every claim that was made about NAT. The goal of this course is not only to tell you how NAT works, but also to prove it to you so you can see it for yourself."
Price: 24.99

"Yang Tai Chi for Beginners Part 1 with Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming" |
"2 hours 37 minutesLearn Part One of the Yang-style Tai Chi 108-form with step by step instruction by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming. Front and rear view. A detailed private tai chi class with Master Yang.Tai Chi Chuan is a kind of moving meditation with ancient roots in Chinese martial arts. In this program, Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming teaches you Part One traditional Yang-style long form step-by-step, while explaining the meaning of each movement. Traditionally, a student will practice the first section of the 108-form for 6-12 months before moving on to learn parts 2 & 3.Yang Tai Chi is the most popular style in the world, and it is practiced by millions of people every day. By practicing Tai Chi, you relax the mind and body deeply, which is the key to maintaining and improving your health. When you are calm and centered, your body's natural restorative abilities and immune system are energized and effective.Regular practice can benefit your strength, flexibility, bone-density, and muscle mass. The low-impact exercise has been shown to improve symptoms of depression and insomnia, and promote the healing of chronic conditions. Tai Chi is an excellent way to relieve stress, lower your blood pressure, and develop a positive attitude toward life. Tai Chi will increase your circulation of blood, nutrients, and energy throughout the body, resulting in improved vitality and longevity.Master Yang instructs the complete Tai Chi form from the front, and shows each movement one-by-one from multiple angles. There is also a rear view of the form that you can simply follow-along with once you're familiar with the movements.Tai Chi will develop your mind's alertness, awareness, and concentration. Most importantly, as you practice, pay attention to the feeling within the movements, so you may appreciate the profound essence of Tai Chi Chuan.Learn Part 1 of the form step-by-stepLow-impact movements; good for all fitness levelsEvery movement explained in detail10 video lessons / 2 hours 37 minutesAlso available: Parts 2 & 3 of the 108 form (180 minutes)Dr. Yang's tai chi lineage can be traced back to the Yang family through Grandmaster Kao, Tao () and his teacher Yue, Huanzhi (), an indoor disciple of Yang, Chengfu ().""The Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi"" says: ""regular practice leads to more vigor and flexibility, better balance and mobility, and a sense of well-being. Cutting-edge research from Harvard Medical School also supports the long-standing claims that Tai Chi also has a beneficial impact on the health of the heart, bones, nerves and muscles, immune system, and the mind."""
Price: 69.99

"Correct posture and run from pain with corrective exercises" |
"Do you got a bad posture or have clients with some kind of bad posture? Are you experiencing pain or discomfort in the musculoskeletal system? Are you a personal trainer or a Health & Fitness professional?This course is designed for people who wants to have a greater knowledge on how to help a client or himself to correct bad postures or to get ride of pain or discomfort associated to muscle imbalances and bad postures.This is not your typical gym course. This is a specialization course adapted from various courses, to be one of the best practical methods to correct body dysfunctions.In this course i'll go over the science behind bad postures, the procedure to assess human movement dysfunctions and which muscle imbalances are occuring on each of them, how to correct it with exercise, the use of self-myofascial release tools and stretching to inhibit overactive muscles and how to activate underactive muscles.Here is what's inside this course:What is Corrective Exercise and why? (injuries and pain, the future and the corrective exercise continuum)Understanding Movement Impairments (static malalignments, altered muscle recruitment and dynamic malaligments)Assessing Movement Dysfunction (Health risk appraisal, static postural assessment, transitional and dynamic postural assessments and range of motion)The Corrective Exercise algorythmInhibitory and Stretching techniques (self-myofascial release and static stretching & neuromuscular stretching)Strengthening techniques (isolated strengthening)Compound techniques (global dynamic movement)Corrective exercise strategies to Movement Impairments (foot and ankle, knee, LPHC, Shoulder and head/neck)Exercises BibleAfter completing this course, I'm sure you're going to be more able to help your clients or yourself by prescribing to them a a well balanced structurized corrective workout plan, in which you can correct the dysfunctions and the muscle imbalances of your client. ""If you think that a client who you helped to reach their goals, is very happy for it, you've never had a client happy with you for helping them to get ride of the chronic pain he was going through!"""
Price: 199.99

"Bachata Sensual Estilo Chicos" |
"En este curso aprenders recursos que te ayudarn a ser mejor bailarn de bachata en general y te aportaremos trucos fciles para ello.Clases de mejora de paso bsico, de disociacin corporal, de musicalidad, de pasos libres... etc.El curso tiene tanto pasos de nivel inicio como pasos de nivel avanzado. Sirve para todo tipo de bailarines."
Price: 19.99

"Become the Person You Want to Be in 10 Days" |
"WHAT MY STUDENTS SAY ABOUT MY CONTENT""Thank you for changing my reality"" - Monica P.""I just finished your course but I know it will never be over. I already want to do it over and over again. There were some moments really deep and moving. The anchor will stay with me, help me, and provide me with self-confidence in my life. I'm infinitely thankful."" - Nicoletta""Lovely practice. I really resonated with each and every one of these affirmations. I let them wash over me and flow through me, rather than repeating them all, but I felt them take hold of my imagination and settle comfortably into my mind as the way things now are, just as they should be."" - Rebecca""I have no words to explain the joy I felt in this meditation. Thank you. Namaste."" - MargaretWHY YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE WITH MEInternationally Certified Therapist helping clients all over the world achieve the life they want to liveMeditation Teacher - 44,000+ Plays on Insight Timer (#1 Free Meditation App for Sleep, Relax & More)WHAT YOU WILL ACHIEVE WITH THIS COURSEWelcome to the course that will teach you how to become the person you want to be by using practices of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Neuroscience. You are here because you probably already have some ideas on how this course can help you.Now think of people you know who are genuinely happy and at peace with themselves. In a moment I will tell you a little secret on what all those people have in common. But first, let me tell you what's special about this course.The first unique feature of the course is that in this journey you will learn the best ways to become who you dream to be, without having to read hundreds of books or study for years how the mind works. Thats because I already selected the best lessons for you from years of studies, practice, and experience.The second special feature is I wont only share knowledge with you. In every lesson, we will also experience a new practice together.Im Fabio, the founder of Mindflow, the first Adaptive Meditation App. My whole life I have been passionate about the human mind and obsessed with understanding why people do what they do. Most importantly I was curious about how to shape the mind into a better version of itself. A long time ago my mentor told me something that shaped forever the way I see peoples minds - Hacking has more to do with psychology than computer science. Ever since Ive studied neuroscience, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypnotherapy for years, practicing those learnings with hundreds of people in my journey across the world as I became a coach and a therapist.I promised I would have shared a secret with you. What do all happy, fulfilled, and peaceful people have in common? I studied the profiles of more than 200 world-class successful spiritual leaders, business people, and athletes to realize they all mastered one simple thing. They knew themselves deeply and managed their own minds and emotions. But simple is not easy. This is why I made this course. To make it easy for you to learn these precious skills and transform your mind and yourself to be free to live the life you want to live.No pre-requirements are necessary other than keeping an open mind. You can take a look at the introduction video to better understand if this course is, in fact, the right one for you, and I will see you in the first session to start your new life."
Price: 124.99

"Slack Administration" |
"Slack brings the team together, wherever you are With all of your communication and tools in one place, remote teams will stay productive no matter where youre working from. It's where the people you need, the information you share, and the tools you use come together to get things done. we discuss the slack application uses in this course."
Price: 19.99

"Follow Me to learn Wi-Fi Packet Capture using Wireshark" |
"Follow me as I show you how to properly capture WLAN/Wi-Fi traffic on Windows, MAC OSX, or (Debisan) Linux machines using Wireshark. This is not as easy as it appears, and this course will break down the challenge as well as arm you with what you need to both capture and start analyzing WLAN/Wi-Fi traffic."
Price: 19.99

"The Fundamentals of Linux Administration:Mastery Course 2020" |
"Welcome to the course The Fundamentals of Linux Administration where you are going to develop mastery over the Linux Command Line with very practical ways of learning and understanding Linux.This course has been designed to ensure that you will be able to continuously improve your Linux skills, develop your in-depth knowledge about Linux Administration thereby giving a platform to your career progression with NO unnecessary wasting of time and useless data being taught in this course.Course is structured to start with the very basics of Linux where you will get to learn everything about Linux and Linux Commands. You'll be gradually be tuned to work with complex Linux commands which are very very useful for a Linux Administrator. You get on-hands training on-the go while you are watching the video tutorials and you get cheat sheets and help documents in every section which actually saves you a lot of time. Check the Course Content for Chapter wise distribution of the course.**********************************************************************************************************************************************Here are some of the testimonial from my students:This is a really good course that covers a lot information about Linux. -- Raymond FeenstraI already had a bit of knowledge of Linux but still, I wasnt that comfortable. I enrolled for this course with an idea to revive my understandings and learn more. And this course has met all my expectations very well. Good explanations and vast topics covered. I would suggest the instructor add more questions to the quizzes. Surely recommended the course to beginners as well as I-know-little-bit person like me. -- Prerna (Udemy Student)Well.. It helped getting the basics very clear. A Brilliant Course. Well explained and topics covered nicely with clear explanations. Surely Recommended. Thank You Mr. Piyush..!! -- Ashish Kandwal (Udemy Student)An amazing experience learning Linux from a really energetic instructor. Course structure is well defined. Good hands-on practice helped a lot. Myself being a beginner, got real learning stuff in this course. Thank You. Highly Recommended for anyone reading this. -- Akhil Sharma (Udemy Student)Hello, this video is very good for basic concepts of Linux. Recomended for every who wants to study Linux. Come on buy this video all. thank you sir for your good videos for us. -- Anton (Udemy Student)The instructor has explained the entire Linux OS in great detail using alot of examples and rich resources. The entire study material with quizes, and the instructor's way of teaching is very helpful for people who are beginners in learning Linux OS. Looking forward to advance course also. Very good Job. Bravo Zulu! -- Kshitijnoor SIngh (Udemy Student)Content rich course. Properly structured and explained well. Meets all my requirements as a beginner in the field of Linux. Overall...I learnt a lot and I fact enjoyed too watching the videos. --Neha (Udemy Student)Very helpful course and much recommended for a beginners like me....instructor keeps command line terminal in front of you for the most of the time and therefore learning gets easier. overall a good course to enroll in.... kudos to the instructor!!! good work. -- Amit Joshi (Udemy Student)"
Price: 1280.00

"Ringtraining Anfnger (4+18 Wochen)" |
"Dies ist ein Komplettkurs fr das Training an Ringen. Er beinhaltet eine 4-wchige Vorbereitungsphase und eine 18 Wchige Hauptphase. In unserer Endversion siehst du, welche Bewegungen du lernst und wie du sie miteinander kombinierst. Im einzelnen sind es:- einen Dip (Beugesttz)- einen Pull Up (Klimmzug) - ein Muscle Up (Die Kombination aus Pull Up und Dip)- einen L-Sit (gesttzter Winkelsitz)- den L-Hang (Winkelsitz im Hang)- einen Skin the Cat (Aus dem Langhang mit gestreckten Armen in den Rckhang)Das Ziel ist die Kombination aller Bewegungen in einer sogenannten Flowcombo."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Sneaker Arbitrage - How To Resell Sneakers on GOAT" |
"In this Resell Sneakers - Guide to GOAT App Sneaker Home Business Course we cover everything you will need to know in order to get your GOAT sneaker reselling business up and running dominating sneaker market. In this course you will learn where and how to source shoes, how to read the sneaker market, how to sell shoes, get paid, organize a sneaker business and MORE!The goal of this course is to provide all the information needed to start a sneaker business and create a system where you can have shoes selling daily and sweet profits coming in from your sales on GOAT.From all the sneaker reselling methods, this is the easiest and most simple way to start making money flipping shoes and making money online quickly.You will learn how to easily make money flipping shoes on GOAT. I will take you through the whole process:1. Opening a GOAT account.2. Finding where to source shoes in your area and online.3. How to get major discounts on shoes below retail price. (Important)4. How to evaluate whether a product will sell, and whether it will be profitable.5. Methods in pricing sneakers for maximum profit and sales velocity.6. How to collect your profits from GOAT and more and moreI love this business model because of how efficient a system GOAT has created, a live sneaker market for buyers and sellers that models the stock market!GOAT takes care of creating the listing, providing photos of the shoes, customer service, returns, driving traffic to their site and the most important thing.. PUTTING MONEY IN YOUR POCKET!What you will learn in the course is very easy to do, anyone can learn it, and you can get stafted today! No need to sit on the sidelines and watch. You can start now! Start by watching the sample lessons and you will be ready to get started. Non of this works if you fail to do the most important thing.. TAKE ACTION!To start, all you need is a smart phone and around $50 to $100 to buy your first pairs of kicks. Get them listed on GOAT, wait for a sale, ship it off, and youll be paid out a few days later. Rinse, and repeat! Its that easy!I created this course for YOU, and everything else who wants to flip sneakers on GOAT but dont know how, stop waiting and lets take action together and get you making money online!Remember you could literally receive your first StockX payout this week if you get started now.Enroll now! See you inside the course.."
Price: 29.99

newwayenglishege |
""" ! 2020"" , . 20% 80% ! 20% """" , , . , , IELTS, FCE, CAE . , - . , . """" . . . 2 , . , ! . ."
Price: 1799.00

"Day trade 02 importantes indicadores para iq option OTC" |
"Desejo passar os meus conhecimentos para pessoas interessadas em operar na plataforma com mais assertividade e ndice de acertos.Combinaes de estratgias que traro resultados assertivos em at 90% em OTC.Plataforma Iq OptionAprenda de forma simples e pratica, ferramenta que pode agregar aos seus conhecimentos de Price Action e analise de Velas."
Price: 84.99

"Aprende Sketchup Online desde cero sin instalar programas" |
"La creacin de este curso es con el fin de que cualquier interesado en crear estructuras 3D como edificios, casas, urbanizaciones, muebles, entre otros ms, lo pueda hacer en corto tiempo y con la facilidad que permite el programa de SketchUp. Adems, de poder dar vida a cualquier proyecto utilizando herramientas fciles de manejar que nos da el programa tambin y lo mejor, totalmente personalizadas. En esta versin de SketchUp Online, tendrs la posibilidad de crear todos estos proyectos sin necesidad de invertir en el programa; no hay nada ms triste que invertir en un programa y que luego no nos guste su plataforma o que no es lo que buscamos, para ms tarde no utilizarlo o vernos en la tarea de tener que utilizarlo as no cumpla nuestras expectativas. En cambio, s tenemos la posibilidad de probar el programa con el que vamos a trabajar y ste nos brinda unos excelentes resultados, sin el riesgo de invertir en el programa, el panorama cambia, verdad?. A manera personal, te recomiendo mucho este programa y te aseguro que te va a encantar. Debido a, la sencillez de las herramientas y a los resultados que vas a lograr. Ahora, djame explicarte qu contenido tiene el curso de Aprendiendo SketchUp desde cero 2020; ste se divide en seis bloques temticos:1) Pasos iniciales y conociendo la plataforma de SketchUp Online.2) Conoce las herramientas de SketchUp Online y practica con ellas en la creacin de dibujos 2D y modelados 3D.3) Aprende a modelar sobre un plano 2D rpidamente.4) Crea terminaciones y espacios en el proyecto con las herramientas del programa.5) Agrega diseo y color a tu proyecto tomando de referencia tendencias en decoracin / diseo interior.6) Haz destacar tu proyecto: aprender a cmo presentarlo y realiza un portafolio profesional.Ya que tienes toda la informacin necesaria del curso, te invito a inscribirte en el curso. En l, vas a encontrar una modalidad de aprendizaje flexible, vas a poder descargar las clases y estudiar en cualquier dispositivo dnde quieras, las veces que desees. Todos los vdeos se encuentran en una calidad HD, audio y subttulos para que sean ms accesibles al momento que ests estudiando. Contars adems, con soporte exclusivo de cualquier duda que tengas acerca de una clase o tema en especfico.Un saludo y nos vemos en clase! :)"
Price: 39.99

"Aprenda a investir em Fundos Imobilirios (FII`s)" |
"O Curso Aprenda a Investir em Fundos Imobilirios feito para VOC que quer entrar de cabea nesse mundo e no sabe nada, para VOC que quer aprender mais sobre esta modalidade de investimento ou tem curiosidade. O Curso aborda de maneira simples conceitos relacionados a fundos imobilirios e tambm a respeito de como voc deve se preparar para iniciar seus investimentos nessa classe de ativos."
Price: 39.99

"Armona Moderna Simplificada 1" |
"Domina las bases de la Armona Moderna con estas 10 lecciones fundamentales que todo msico debera conocer.Aprenderemos desde los conceptos bsicos hasta los elementos fundamentales para comprender la armona y crear tus propios arreglos.Todo paso a paso, de forma progresiva y visto desde una perspectiva prctica. Este mtodo ha sido estudiado por cientos de estudiantes alrededor del mundo, y ahora est disponible en 10 sesiones intensivas."
Price: 19.99

"Introduo ao Sistema Tributrio Nacional" |
"Curso de Introduo ao Sistema Nacional Tributrio com todas as informaes necessrias a se ""adentrar"" nesse universo:IntroduoNoes PreliminaresO Direito TributrioOs limites ao poder de tributarPrincpios do Direito TributrioImunidadesSistema Tributrio NacionalDefinio de TributoCompetncia TributriaEspcies TributriasImpostosClassificao dos ImpostosTaxasContribuies de MelhoriaEmprstimos CompulsriosContribuiesMatriz de Incidncia TributriaImpostos da UnioITRIOFIIIEIPIIRImpostos EstaduaisICMSISSITCMDImpostos MunicipaisIPTUISSITBIO Simples Nacional Linha do TempoParte IParte IIVenha entender o Sistema Tributrio e desmistificar de vez a ideia de que o Estuda dessa rea chata e complicada."
Price: 39.99

"Advanced React (Render Performance Best Practices Patterns)" |
"Advanced React & Web Development For Intermediate/Advanced DevelopersAt last, A React Performance & Best Practices CourseBecome an Advanced React Developer This course is UP-TODATE with the latest React version 16.13+This course is UP-TODATE with the latest ES2020 versionThis IS NOT FOR YOU if you just want to build some nice and good looking application.If you just passed this level of building nice and good looking application and want to focus on best practices and performance so this course is fo you. This course contains a lot of theoritical materials and diagrams for deeper understanding.In this course, bonus lectures continuously will be added in the future, like CONCURRENT React Mode and moreAt the end of the course you will be able to:1. Write high quality React components2. Master React CORE concepts3. Build applications with high PERFORMANCE4. Write React applications with Patterns5. Know the What? Why? & How?6. Master the best PRACTICES used in the industry7. Build Powerful, Scalable, Fast & Maintainable Web ApplicationsWho is this course for:1. React Developers who want to sharpen their skills2. React Developers who want to become advanced/expert developers3. Developers who seek how to write high quality code4. Developers who seek to aquire best practices5. Developers who want to learn about application performance6. Developers who want to learn not only the technical stuff, but also the important theory behind7. React developers who want to learn about lazy loading7. React developers who want to learn about software principlesPrerequisites:1. Basic React knowledge, like components, state, props, render MUST2. HTML, JSX, JavaScript MUST3. Redux Saga OptionalThis course includes:1. Redux overview2. Redux-saga overview3. Software principles in web application4. Bundle Splitting5. Lazy Loading6. Anti-Patterns & Bad Practices to avoid7. Render Performance8. Why rendered9. Avoid Reconciliation10. React Core Concepts11. Routing12. Styling with Themes13. Material-UI14. ES202015. Design Pattern16. Files Generators17. High Quality boilerplate18. Data Flow Diagrams for deep understanding19. DevTools"
Price: 199.99

"Brackets types and systems orthodontic course" |
"This course will take you from zero to hero of the following orthodontic topic: Decision on bracket type and system.Here are the main headlines that this course covers:Decision on bracket type and system1. Evolution of treatment mechanics and contemporary appliance design1.1 Edgewise appliance First, second, third order bends1.2 Straight wire applianceMechanics with the SWACanine retractionMethods of space closureAppliance compensation2. Roth PrescriptionJustification on modificationsMechanotherapy3. McLaughlin Bennett Trevisi (MBT) prescriptionSpace closureAppliance compensationClass II div 1 growth modificationClass II camouflageClass II Surgical casesClass II div 2Class III camouflageClass III surgical casesPalatally placed upper lateral incisorsLingually placed lower incisorMaxillary lateral incisor SubstitutionPalatally impacted Maxillary caninesBuccally displaced maxillary canines4. Alexander orthodontic philosophy4.1 Alexander principles4.2 Treatment philosophyDiagnosis and treatment planningBracket selection and prescriptionArch shapeTreatment mechanicsBracket selectionNon-extraction treatmentExtra oral forces applicationProper timing with class ii elasticsFinishing and retention procedures in alexander discipline5. Damon system5.1 The Damon Philosophy5.2 Bracket Design5.3 Treatment Planning5.4 Bracket Selection5.5 Treatment Phases5.6 Managing Severely Displaced or Rotated Teeth5.7 Retention"
Price: 199.99

"Coronavirus and covid-19 - things you have to know" |
"CORONAVIRUS is a very dangerous kind of virus. Every day thousands of people die because of COVID-19. But you can protect your health and health of your family! TOPICS OF THE COURSE:Part 1. Introduction. What you'll learn in the course.Part 2. How your organism fights with viruses:What are bodys barriers against to viruses,How immune system fights with viruses,Valiorization - fighting with viral infections in the past,first vaccines.This is to help you understand, how your organism fights with viruses, how you can recognize viral infection and how to don't make the organism's fight more difficult.Part 3. Coronavirus and covid-19 - ways of protection your health and your family:Meaning of general hygiene in antiviral protection,Safety rules as for sneezing and coughing,Effective disinfection,Rules of safe going outside,Masks for prevention,Protecting your eyes against viral infection,Simple and important ways of making your immunity stronger the basics.This is for helping you be safer as for viral danger. Part 4. Coronavirus and your health and safety - further helpful information (additional lectures):Coronavirus - effective disinfection of yourself and your home,Coronavirus - protective masks, how to use them and which is worth to have,Coronavirus - social distancing. Does it really work?Coronavirus - safety rules of going out and coming back home.Part 5. Additional information and thank youThank you :-)Second part of the course - information.Stay healthy and be happy! :-)"
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Photoshop CS6 Course For Beginners" |
"*** New Classes Updated 21 May 2020 ***If You Can Think It, You Can Make It With Photoshop CS6, The Worlds Best Imaging And Graphic Design Software. Create Very Useful Designs Logo Design,Business Cards,Poster Design,Menu Cards,Backgrounds,Photo Editing And More..!You Want To Learn How To Use Adobe Photoshop CS6 ? Learn Photoshop Course Easily!Learn Photo Editing For BeginnersFull Course At Really Affordable PricesLifetime Access To This CourseBonus Lectures Towards The End Of The Course.What Is This Adobe Photoshop Course All About?This Course Is Available In Hindi Language, And Complete Guide To Adobe Photoshop CS6, You'll Not Only Learn All Of The Editing Tools Available In Adobe Photoshop, But Also How To Design Actual Graphics You Can Use For Your Business, Or For Entertainment.A Professional Photoshop CS6 Complete Basic To Advance Training Specially Designed For Everybody Who Wants To Make Their Career In Design In Photoshop. This Course Is Good For, And A Step-By-Step Guide On Photoshop Workspace.PhotographersWeb DesignersCataloger DesignersPrinters"
Price: 1280.00

"Guida completa ai Fogli Google - Da zero a esperto" |
"Con questo corso potrai realizzare fantastici fogli di calcolo per elaborare e gestire i tuoi dati. Non richiesto alcun requisito di partenza ma il corso intensivo ed arriverai presto a creare formule e funzioni avanzate.Sarai in grado di visualizzare le tue tabelle tramite splendidi grafici, costruire Dashboard e fogli dinamici per analizzare e monitorare i tuoi dati. Potrai inoltre creare semplici e rapidi fogli di inserimento per rendere il tuo lavoro molto pi efficiente. Apprenderai inoltre la registrazione delle macro e potrai vederne la loro applicazione in diversi esempi. Questo di aprir un mondo che va ben oltre il classico uso dei fogli elettronici."
Price: 159.99

"Learn to Memories A Days of the Week From Year [1600 - 2399]" |
"Become A Human Mental Calendar Calculator from Scratch!Learn to take a Date, Month and, Year, then compute what Day of the Week it was or it will be From 17th century to 24th century in under 10 seconds (with a little practice you can do it in under 5 seconds) and if you would like to you can go even beyond 24th century.Benefits of this course:Boost Your MemoryImprove ProductivityBuild Self ConfidenceMore than that just Imagine the reaction of your Friends and Family Members when you show them this trick, they will get Astounded by this Mental Feat, as they have never thought that such a thing is possible for any human. Just imagine the reaction of your colleagues when they tell you the next seminar will be held on let's say 28th August 2020 and you can quickly reply that 'oh so the seminar will be on Friday'. On their subconscious mind, People will feel you are more Productive, Self-confident and energetic.When you develop your skillset and take your Brain to Mental gym that's when everyone will start treating you differently."
Price: 1280.00

"Fotografa y Vdeo con Smartphone" |
"NUNCA SER UN TIEMPO MEJOR PARA COMENZAR A REALIZAR FOTOGRAFAS CON PASIN Y PROFESIONALISMO.Este es un curso completo que te dar las herramientas necesarias para tomar fotografas y vdeos de calidad, adems adquirirs consejos prcticos para que las publiques en tu Instagram. Empezaremos desde cero, pero al terminar el curso podrs darte cuenta de tu gran avance. cada una de las clases tienen tips y ejemplos reales, prcticos y visuales vistos desde mi experiencia personal en 9 aos en esta industria. Haremos el trabajo como un profesional al punto que ni sabrn que son fotos realizadas con un Smarthphone; Preproduccin, realizacin, postproduccin y publicacin ser nuestro flujo de trabajo para que nuestras redes sociales personales o de nuestro emprendimiento, sean agradables a la vista de nuestra audiencia, y as llegar a muchos ms. Te invito a que me acompaes a ser creativo y recursivo en este mundo audiovisual.Solo necesitas ser persistente. Solo necesitas creer en ti mismo. Solo debes mantener tu ojo en la meta (sin importar si es Android o IOS, y sin importar la gama de tu telfono mvil, esta ser la base para emprender en una nueva pasin)."
Price: 24.99

"Edible and Medicinal Plants and Trees with Spencer Bolejack" |
"This is a fun class that highlights many of Spencer's favorite plants for survival. Spencer is not a doctor, so nothing in this video is intended to treat, cure, diagnose or otherwise substitute for professional certified medical advice! This is a look at history, Cherokee lore, Appalachian tales, and folk uses of plants for health and wellness. The information is geared toward ethical use and understanding, survival, and relationship with the natural world. This is a video version of Spencer's popular class offered through Land of the Sky Wilderness School in Western NC."
Price: 19.99

"Certificate Program on Financial Management" |
"Proper Hands-On Financial Management Leads Any Department To Run In Smoother Flow And It Helps To Stay Focused On The Ultimate Goals Too, It Has Not Been As Easy As It Was Written. Lots Of Aspects An Individual Or A Team Needs To Stay Ready With To Keep It Rightly Balanced Moreover This Certificate Program Delivers The Right Point View To Stepping Up Well In That True Direction.""Well, I Think That There's A Very Thin Dividing Line Between Success And Failure. And I Think If You Start A Business Without Financial Backing, You're Likely To Go The Wrong Side Of That Dividing Line."" - Richard Branson"
Price: 164.99
