"Learn about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder" |
"Are you someone who lives with OCD, obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours that make life really stressful? Do you feel as though you are not living the life you truly deserve, feeling stuck because of OCD? Are you someone who is supporting a loved one through OCD or are you a student of mental health and psychology? If any of this is true for you, you have landed on the right page.I would like to welcome you to this course and congratulate you for taking the first step to learning about OCD. In this course, we will discuss all aspects of OCD. I will take you through a journey of considering what is OCD, how and why it develops, as well as the psychological mechanisms that underlie and maintain the persistence of OCD. We will also be discussing different treatment options available for people who may be struggling with OCD, as well as going through specific example techniques that we can consider its application.This course is useful for people who want to learn about OCD from an educational standpoint, as well as people who may be struggling with this difficulty themselves or have a friend or family member who is struggling and wishes to support them. With this course, as all of my other courses, I hope that we can enter with an open mind, embracing loving kindness as well as holding a compassionate position so we can better understand mental health difficulties and support ourselves to live better lives."
Price: 44.99

"HVAC Chiller System & HVAC CHW Flow Rate Calculation" |
"A Chilled Water HVAC system is one of the most used HVAC systems in various applications. This course will equip you with the necessary essentials of such a system along with explaining its functionality in terms of it's operation and components.In addition; When it to comes to selecting a Chilled Water HVAC system for your application there are key factors that should be taken into consideration. In this course you will learn one of the most important requirements needed to base your design and study of the chilled water HVAC system; that is the required chilled water FLOW-RATE for your application. This Concept is illusive to many professionals and Practitioners within the field. In this Course We will Show you how it's Done.This course is Designed and Engineered to bridge the gap between the Academics and the Application.This Course is designed by an Honors Mechanical Engineer/Project Manager with over 9 years in the field along with being a Certified Educator and Teacher. Therefore; you will be receiving quality education that will save you hours of random research.The Course is of High Caliber and Surely you Will Not Find a better suited Course that actually Delivers since the aim is to transform your educational experience rather than simply ""Teach"""
Price: 199.99

120-snsq |
Price: 94.99

"Executive Coaching: Illustration through Nokia as a Case" |
"I feel honoured to state that I have crossed 12,000 students combined in all courses I offered in UDEMY and have been able to keep the rating beyond 4.0.Some of you gave really positive feedback as following: ""I love this course""""Well, this course was about one of those engaging topics of the modern era in the world of technology. The contents were amazingly presented and the instructor provided the detailed view on the strategy part regarding Nokia mainly and others too. Being a professional not in technology field though, this course certainly provided insights into strategy and I would really like to apply those techniques into my job and expect to come up with desired results. Hence, i highly recommend this course to my friends, colleagues and those personnels be it the job seekers or entrepreneurs"".Are you a manager but being challenged by your team's poor performance? orAre you a project manager from technical background who needs managerial understanding? orAre you an engineer or technician managing a team? orAre you an aspiring student of management looking for management career?This is the right course for you. I have reviewed over 90 courses on management coaching in Udemy and realised that many of these courses are either too practice focused or too theory focused. Therefore, I have taken a middle ground in blending theory and practice. For theory, I have reviewed the extant theories and emerging theories alike and related that with examples from Nokia where I spent over half a decade in strategic analysis area. After the course, - You will feel confident in your ability to manage your team and deliver results- Structure your team towards management by objective (MBO)- Develop your communication and leadership skills so that you can understand others while being understood. - Understand how to set team's expectations, limitations, and build confidence- Help your employees to manage emotions and be empowered- Encourage sub-ordinates to take responsibility and transfer authority- Explore your managerial niche and design your career growth trajectory - Understand how to manage under uncertainty with proven models and tools- Realise the power of understanding emotions rather than competence- Learn why change is hard and what could be done- Once you master these techniques, you may become a consultant as well. An alternative path to career planning may become a possibilityApart from these key objectives and results (OBR), you will learn the definition and functions of management together with changing role of a manager. While you will immerse into four functions of management: planning, organising, leading, and controlling, you will explore how resources are optimised for MBO (management by objective) and jobs to be done approach. At the end you will look through the future in chapter covering organisational change and development together with contemporary issues in management."
Price: 19.99

"INTRODUCCINEl curso de ZOOM esta dirigido a todo tipo de personas que desee aprender a manejar esta herramienta tan importando en nuestra vida digital, es de suma importancia, ya que es necesario actualizarse para poder seguir siendo productivo en el mercado actual. Un mercado que cada vez exige que aprendamos de herramientas tecnolgicas para poder ser ms productivos y adaptados al mundo actual.OBJETIVOSSer experto en manejo de la herramienta ZOOM esto incluye:Poder programar una reunin de forma sencilla y segura.Ingresa a una sala de forma fcil y rpidaPoder hacer video conferencia de forma fluida y bien organizada.Aprender a dar clases, si eres profesor o instructor.Aprender a grabar tus video conferencias.TEMARIO DEL CURSOSECCIN 1:Crean una cuenta en ZoomConfiguracin de Perfil de UsuarioConocer la interfaz de usuario de tu PerfilSECCIN 2:Descargar Zoom Para PCConocer la Interfaz de Usuario de Zoom para PCCambiar el Idioma.Configuracin de Zoom para PCSECCIN 3:Pasos bsicosCrear cuenta desde la Aplicacin para PCCrear un Canal de MensajeraProgramar una ReuninAprender a unirse a una salaAgendar una reuninCompartir PantallaSECCIN 4:CONOCER LA INTERFAZ DE USUARIO DE LA REUNINActivar o desactivar AudioActivar o Desactivar VideoSeguridad de la ReuninFuncin ChatFuncin ParticipantesSECCIN 5:Funcin Compartir PantallaFuncin Grabar ConferenciaFuncin PizarraFuncin Escribir o Dibujar en PantallaFuncin Terminar ReuninSECCIN 6:FUNCIONALIDADES PARA CUENTA PREMIUMFuncin Transmisin en video por youtube o FacebookFuncionalidades de AdministradorSECCIN 7:Fin del CursoAgradecimientos.Encuesta"
Price: 39.99

"Cognitive Emotional Therapy Life Coaching Program" |
"If you have ever imagined yourself helping others remove the obstacles in their lives so they can start living a more meaningful life, then this may be the course for you. I am so excited to offer an online Life Coaching course that will help provide you with the training to make this dream a reality!In this course you will start by building a foundation for not only becoming a Certified C.E.T. Life Coach, but thinking like one. After I had received my training 10 years ago, I remember saying to a colleague, ""I don't really feel like a Life Coach"". I had gained a great deal of knowledge during my training (about human behavior, human development, the ways that trauma can manifest and so on), but the way I viewed myself and others had not really changed. After gaining some experience, and applying my knowledge of energy anatomy, I started to feel different. I started to feel and think like a Professional Life Coach, and it changed my entire life in a deeply profound way. That is what I aim to instill in my students. I designed a Life Coach training program that offers both the knowledge and understanding of human behavior coupled with the knowledge and understanding of emotional awareness and how energy internally and externally effects our well being.This course is divided into 2 major sections. The first section of this course The Foundation Stage. You will learn about the goals of Life Coaching and creating the healing perspective. You will discover the ins and outs of what it means to truly heal, and how important your mindset is as the Life Coach guiding this transformation. You will learn to recognize what is being held in the energy of yourself and your clients, and the important role of boundary building in all stages of the Coaching process. You will learn how to build and nurture healthy relationships in both your personal and professional life. Becoming a Life Coach requires active listening, and one of the main reasons to develop this in Coaching is so that your intuition can become active in your sessions. This is a natural process of development that takes place during this course. You will also learn about the helpful use of hands on energy healing in the Life Coach setting. The field of energy healing and energy anatomy is growing, and there is a reason. Learning just the basics of how to apply my hands on energy healing technique will help to inform you of how energy travels through out the body, how blocks become formed, and how healing occurs when we learn to move these blocks. This training will provide powerful knowledge that you can continue to grow and learn from long after completion of this course. The second section of this course is The Transformation Stage. You will begin this section by learning the 6 steps used in Cognitive Emotional Therapy. This is the structure that you will become accustomed to using during your sessions. The knowledge to be gained here, will be done through experiential learning. This process will help you to identify what blocks are stopping your clients from achieving their goals. You will learn to look at their cognitive and emotional patterning to help your clients effectively remove blocks and realign to their authentic nature. The power of setting intentions will be used in this course as a tool to support the Coaching process. Along with setting intentions you will learn proven techniques to help them align with their true desires. You will also develop a style of building rapport within the Coaching environment. This will provide your clients with a strong sense of safety while handling difficult realizations and transforming beliefs. Throughout this entire course we will be using guided meditation as a tool to self-exploration. You do not need to have any experience with meditation to receive the many benefits. In this course we will use meditation to enhance your learning and personal healing experience. Each meditation will guide you to explore the new concepts presented each week. After or before most of the meditations you will be doing exercises to inspire a deeper understanding of the concepts. You will even be given a guided meditation script that you can use with your own clients. This course comes with a C.E.T. Life Coach Certification and an invitation to become part of our online Coaching Community."
Price: 84.99

"CCA175 Spark & Hadoop Developer Exam Practice Sets" |
"Note: This course is personally designed from my own experience and has no affiliation with any person or organization. This practice course and its videos, documents and other associated content has been produced by myself. This is an unofficial content and has no relation with Cloudera or anyone else. Content in this practice sets are solely meant to help student and build confidence for the real Cloudera CCA175 Spark & Hadoop Developer Exam.Course Descriptions:This course is designed for Cloudera CCA175 Spark & Hadoop Developer Exam practice. To practice this sets all you need is Cloudera Quick Start VM with Spark 2.4 or higher installed. This practice course has scenario based problems, the way you might expect to see in real exam. Each set has time clock. At the beginning of each sets you're given instructions how to prepare the input data for all the problems that you'll be solving. You're given expected sample output, wherever possible. All problems are explained with step by step solutions and guided you how you should validate the results to make sure you answered the problem covering the output requirements. Each practice sets are thoughtfully designed to cover what you might encounter in real exam. This course will surely boost your confidence and help you appear for the exam without fear. In each practice sets I've covered all below topics of the latest CCA175 exam curriculum.Transform, Stage, and StoreConvert a set of data values in a given format stored in HDFS into new data values or a new data format and write them into HDFS.Load data from HDFS for use in Spark applicationsWrite the results back into HDFS using SparkRead and write files in a variety of file formatsPerform standard extract, transform, load (ETL) processes on data using the Spark APIData AnalysisUse Spark SQL to interact with the metastore programmatically. Generate reports by using queries against loaded data.Use metastore tables as an input source or an output sink for Spark applicationsUnderstand the fundamentals of querying datasets in SparkFilter data using SparkWrite queries that calculate aggregate statisticsJoin disparate datasets using SparkProduce ranked or sorted data"
Price: 19.99

"machine learning" |
": , , . , . , , . .SGD- Stochastic Gradient DescentBackpropagationOverfitting & HyperparametersL1 & L2 RegularizationDropoutCross entropy loss function & softmax activation functionCNN - Convolutional Neural NetworkCNN layers ,Conv2D, pooling, strides, padding, channelsRegressionmelspectogramData augmentationBatch NormalizationFunctional APICheckpoints and CallbacksTransfer learningFeature extractions"
Price: 139.99

"EU Competition Law" |
"The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of 27 member states that are located primarily in Europe. Its members have a combined area of 4,233,255.3 km2 and an estimated total population of about 447 million. The EU has developed an internal single market through a standardised system of laws that apply in all member states in those matters, and only those matters, where members have agreed to act as one.Competition law is a law that promotes or seeks to maintain market competition by regulating anti-competitive conduct by companies. Competition law is implemented through public and private enforcement.zgr Baykara talks about EU Competition Law in all its details."
Price: 24.99

"Spark AR Studio for Beginners: Create Your Own Filters" |
"Start creating your filters professionally with Spark AR Studio!If you are looking for a filter creating an application that will allow you to create filters however you want them, Spark AR Studio is the best answer. Spark AR Studio is used by professionals across the world for every type of filter. This full course is the best way to jump right in and start creating.Make filters the way you imagine them!Practice creating while you learn. This course includes templates with filters and most of the time it's going to be project templates so you can follow along, customize, and actually learn by doing.What makes me qualified to teach you?My name is Artem and I'm a creator, YouTuber with one of the biggest channels about Spark AR Studio.Few course reviews:Truly gives you great hands-on training so that you can actually create filters on Spark AR. Great course. - Jim B.Awesome course, easy to follow! - Tom C.Your course is amazing, so I can say that I am learning a lot. Your English is very easy to understand ( I'm from Brazil). Thanks for sharing your amazing knowledge. - Jerilson D.My Promise to YouI'm a full-time filter creator and online teacher. I'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.What is this Spark AR Studio course all about?In this complete guide to Spark AR Studio filter creating a course, you'll not only learn all of the filter creating tools available in Spark AR Studio, but also how to create with the mindset of a professional filter artist.This course will cover everything you need to know to start filter creating, including:Starting a projectCreating your filtersAdding pictures, text in filterAdding effects like VHS, Old Camera, Dust, Scratches Creating a LUT or Color Filter""Who are you?"" or ""What are you?"" filterWorking with 3D objects in real world Makeup filter with freckles, blush, retouch or soft skin effectExporting & Publishing your filter on Instagram and FacebookAdvanced efficiency tipsSo much more!Learn from someone who is currently working in the industry, who knows the most current techniques.BONUS: As a bonus, you'll receive projects files templates to practice with while I teach you with.By the end of this course, your confidence as a filter creator will soar You'll have a thorough understanding of how to use Spark AR Studio for fun or as a career opportunity.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Artem"
Price: 54.99

"HTML5 CSS3 Website for portfolio." |
"Let's study the html5, css3 base. Let's see how to use libraries, including jQuery. Screw the slider. Let's make adaptive layout, cross-browser compatibility, animation. Pour the code on GitHub and Firebase. Get a URL at the end of the course to send and show your work via the link. html5, css3. , JQuery. . , , . GitHub Firebase. URL , ."
Price: 19.99

"How To Create The Perfect Science Lesson Plan" |
"Creating the perfect lesson takes a delicate balance of planning, resources, teaching, summarizing, and collaborating. This course is designed to use resources, techniques, and strategies to create the perfect lesson plan that will meet the needs of all of the students within the typical science classroom. When students are effectively challenged and encouraged to learn, they can move from simple recall to a deeper level of understanding that involves critical and extended thinking."
Price: 19.99

"Laravel - . ." |
", Laravel - . . , . , Laravel. , """" . , , , . :- Laravel - PHP- MVC- GIT- MySQL- JavaScript- SmartGit- Open Server - PHPStorm- AdminLTE 3.0- Full Stack Development"
Price: 29.99

"Property & Real Estate Photography" |
"If you want to take great Property & Real Estate photographs, this is the course for you. This course will get you taking great property photos in just 4 hours.The course includes:2 hours of Property Photography training videosTeaching aids to accompany the videosA document explaining common camera functionalityProperty Photography Course ContentThis course is broken into sections. First, we deal with the camera and equipment you could use.Unlike other trainers, I am realistic about the budget you may have for photography gear. Perhaps, you have no influence over the equipment you get to use.In this section, I explain all the different options and the pros and cons of each.In this section we dont just cover cameras, we look at tripods, flashes, lighting equipment, lenses and remote controls. I also tell you how you can work with the equipment you have, even if it is not ideal.The next section is Photography Skills. Many trainers like to make photography sound complicated it is not. I will keep it simple and focused on what you need to know to take great property photos. We will start with the simple stuff and just build it up until you have the knowledge to take great property photographs like a proEnsuring that the photo shoot is a success is determined before you even arrive at the property. We cover what to do before the shoot to make sure it is a success. These are the things that if you educate your property owners on, will ensure a successful shoot.The next section follows on to Preparing The Property. This section is the final touches of getting the property right before taking the photos.We are finally ready to start taking property photos! We build on all of the technical skills you have learnt earlier in the course to make sure your photos really pop.The next section looks at Inventory Photos and how to be take them.Who is this course for?This course is for anyone who wants to take great property photographs, including:LandlordsProperty ManagersReal Estate AgentsLetting AgentsServiced Accommodation ProvidersHoteliersDevelopersHomeownersAnyone wanting to set up a Property Photography businessEquipment NeededIt makes me laugh that for certain courses you need to have equipment that is completely out of reach for most property & Real Estate professionals. This course will teach you to make the most of the photography equipment that you have, give you the pros and cons of equipment options, as well as showing how to work around not have all the latest and greatest gear.The minimum equipment needed for this course is a camera any camera.If you have a top of the range full frame camera great! If you have the cheapest compact no worries! This course is open to all.Experienced Photography CoachThere are other options for learning how to take great property photos. However, how many of them are designed by an experienced photography coach and professional jobbing property photographer?I own Landlord Photography, a UK Property Photography company with multiple offices. I am also still an active property photographer. Before becoming a property photographer, I was a photography trainer.You are in good hands.I focus on the skills you need to take photos of the bread and butter properties that the majority of property professionals are dealing with on a daily basis.The course includes all the tips and tricks I have picked up along the way as a property photographer.Get this course now to start taking great property photos that sell properties."
Price: 44.99

"How to be super star Fitness Instructor" |
"Coming out from this course you will be equipped with two major set of skills would help you to figure out your way to recognition and what i consider the most important outcome is the action plan that we are going to build it together and we will hold you accountable as a community ( yes you will be part of a community thats eager to greatness) and we will have regular check on your progress"
Price: 29.99

"Curso de AutoCAD Bsico 2021" |
"Al completar el curso, el alumno ser capaz de desarrollar cualquier proyecto de ingeniera, arquitectnico mecnico por medio de las herramientas que le presenta el programa. Conocer el funcionamiento de todos los comandos de manera que sea capaz de elegir el comando ms adecuado para resolver cada necesidad de dibujo."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Revit 2021" |
"Con el curso Virtual de Revit, puedes ser ms productivo realizando proyectos BIM de una manera rpida y sencilla desde su casa u oficina. Ya que es de la misma marca de AutoCAD y es lo ltimo en tecnologa para desarrollar proyectos de edificaciones en 3D, adems de generar los planos del proyecto con plantas, alzados, cortes y secciones, compatibilidad con AutoCAD, cuantificaciones, perspectivas y Renders."
Price: 19.99

"Cracking the financial markets ~ Forbes recognized teacher" |
"Dearest friendsWelcome to the first day of the rest of your life. One of the most important steps in anyones career in building wealth is to move on to becoming a professional investor. In general terms people who are wise about wealth and money tend to make their money work for them. The moment you purchased this book you took an important step, even if you did not know you took the step. The step that you took was the decision to use your money wisely and make it work for you.Along with taking this step you also took a second step, you both decided to use money wisely but you also took a further step of educating yourself on what the wise use of money means. One can make the decision to use their money wisely, however if one does not know how to use money wisely they may, in many cases, actually do the opposite.Having purchased this book you are now at a stage of your financial intelligence career whereby you will not waste money on fruitless investments but rather make tactical and mathematical decisions about how to grow your money.Only the elite in trading actually make money from trading. There are different statistics in the ether of the trading world that suggests somewhere between 5% and 25% of traders and investors actually profit from their endeavors. The reason this is true is that only this small minority of traders actually make highly educated decisions about their trading activities.This book is intended to not only teach you how to make highly educated decisions on trading but also test your trading strategies prior to making an investment. The book will teach you some of the fundamental aspects of trading and investing but the most important part of what you will learn from this book is how to test your assumptions and ensure the trades you place are logical and not just based on your own unconscious bias.Generally speaking there are three different types of traders in this world. The first type of trader is a person who makes decisions based on what they believe and their own unconscious bias or feelings. The second type of person is the type of person that uses both their emotions and empirical data or evidence, such as technical indicators or fundamental analysis such as the analysis of financial statements. The third type of person is the person that lets data make decisions for them. These people dont care what their emotions tell them as they understand the fallibility of their emotions, and they make their investment and trading decisions purely based on the data. We intend to walk you through the steps of becoming a type three person. In saying that, it is important to mention that it is wise to remain perhaps 80% as a type three person and 20% as a type two person. The genius in every individual comes from listening to your emotions and working with infinite intelligence. Therefore, although we want to turn you into a person who is predominantly type three we also encourage you to go back down to type two so you can improve using your own genius. Simply put, we want you to remember to go back down to type two sometimes, think and test your thoughts.Now that you are here your success should no longer be speculative but rather mathematical. Once you complete this book it is suggested that you read it again and store it in your memories. It will teach you to always ensure you are making calculated decisions, therefore always maximizing your probability of increasing your wealth."
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Trading and Investing ~ Forbes Teacher" |
"Dearest friendsWelcome to the first day of the rest of your life. One of the most important steps in anyones career in building wealth is to move on to becoming a professional investor. In general terms people who are wise about wealth and money tend to make their money work for them. The moment you purchased this book you took an important step, even if you did not know you took the step. The step that you took was the decision to use your money wisely and make it work for you.Along with taking this step you also took a second step, you both decided to use money wisely but you also took a further step of educating yourself on what the wise use of money means. One can make the decision to use their money wisely, however if one does not know how to use money wisely they may, in many cases, actually do the opposite.Only the elite in trading actually make money from trading. There are different statistics in the ether of the trading world that suggests somewhere between 5% and 25% of traders and investors actually profit from their endeavors. The reason this is true is that only this small minority of traders actually make highly educated decisions about their trading activities.This course will introduce you to the investing and trading world and teach you everything you need to fully understand not only how to trade but also the more complex details of trading platforms.Benjamin Boyle has 4 business and investing qualifications and is uniquely situated as a result to teach this topic."
Price: 19.99

"curso de automaquillaje para principiantes" |
"DescripcinCurso de automaquillaje exclusivo para principiantes, es tu momento de aprender a maquillarte, una forma de cultivar tu amor propio y de proyectar tu belleza, desarrolla esta habilidad para mejorar tus ingresos. Y ser una mujer ms segura.Qu aprender?Te explicamos desde ceroAprende con lo que tengas en casaTe recomendamos diferentes marcas acorde a tus necesidadesPuedes empezar a aprender con lo que tengas en casaEste curso te preparar para la nueva era que est por venir, desarrollars tus habilidades y proyectars seguridadP.D. : Este curso no incluye kit de bienvenida."
Price: 270.00

"Learn how to play volleyball, from zero to good, modul 1" |
"This is the first part of a 3-module complete guide to teach you everything about volleyball, from basic passing to accurately placing your jump-serve.ContentIn module 1, you'll learn how to develop proper technique for all basic volleyball skills. For each, there is a comprehensive tutorial that teaches you everything you need, likebody orientationstancehand positionpoint of contactmovementvariationswhen to employ itand much more. All tutorials are very detailed, easy to understand and adaptable to various playing situations. Demonstrations from various angles, in slow motion, and with different speeds and adaptations will help you to replicate them easily.Further ModulesModule 2 will tie in with intermediate techniques like: Back setting, overhand serving, spiking footwork & dumping, blocking with shuffle steps and diving.Module 3 is all about advanced techniques, like: Passing to defend, jump setting, jump float serve, spiking, swing blocking, the pancake and jump serving. You can find both courses on Udemy when you search for volleyball.What doesn't this course teach me?There are no exercises for teams of more than two players. This course is specifically made that you, and your friend, can progress as fast as possible.Tactics. There are no videos about in game transitions, playing systems with specializations or any further tactical elements. The basic strategy however, is outlined, so you'll learn how the game is played on a professional level.EquipmentThe drills are designed so that you don't need any special equipment, you wouldn't have lying around at home anyway.Time requirementIf your schedule is entirely empty, you can go through the whole course within a week. If you only have one hour per week to train, you can take yourself 6 months. As long as you keep a consistent rhythm, you can go with whatever pace fits your current lifestyle.Now take matters into your own hands! Get the course, watch the tutorials, follow along with the exercises and let the jaws of your friends drop when you dominate in your next game."
Price: 29.99

"Membuat Website Toko Online Cepat dan Mudah dengan Wordpress" |
"Era digital saat ini semuanya serba online termasuk dalam hal jual-beli. Saatnya menjangkau pasar yang lebih luas menggunakan website toko online sebagai media promosi dan katalog produk kita. Membuat website tidaklah harus paham dengan dunia komputer atau programming.Melalui pelatihan ini anda akan bisa menghasilkan sebuah website toko online ataupun website company profil yang bisa untuk usaha anda atau anda membuka jasa pembuatan website. Pelatihan ini juga dilakukan secara gamblang sehingga mudah dimengerti karena langsung ke studi kasus pembuatannya dari awal sampai akhir.Silakan kontak WA 6289673766789 untuk konsultasi dan masuk ke Group Member."
Price: 280000.00

"Russian for beginners.``Starter pack-1``" |
"In 8 lessons you will learn how to read, write and build sentences in Russian. By the end of the ``Starter pack-1`` you will have learned around 51 verb,24 adjectives and roughly 150 words.We will learn:Russian alphabetPersonal & possessive pronounsGender of nounsDeclension of adjectivesPlural form of nounsPresent, Past, Future Simple & their Question & Negative form.Question wordsVerbs of motionConjunctionsNumerals (from 1 to 1000)Conjugation of irregular verbs"
Price: 19.99

"ICH Guidelines ( Pharmaceutical Quality) Part 01" |
"This Course explained in very simple English & course designed for all Pharmaceutical Professionals. It is really value for moneyThis course contains Quality Guidelines for Stability, Analytical Validation & Impurities as per ICH (International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use) Note- This course contains unique trick to remember guidelines effortlessly (Highly Recommended)"
Price: 1280.00

"CompTIA Network+ Certification (N10-007) - 100% Pass" |
"Pass the CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) Exam with realistic Practice Questions and Help/Advice from ProfessionalsThe course content has been developed by professionals within Information Technology, cyber-security, and the educational sector.With over 7 years of experience in multiple vendor qualifications and working within the Educational sector, these questions have been developed carefully to aid individuals with the preparation of their official exams.I have taught hundreds of students in a variety of vendor qualifications ranging from Networking, Security, SAP, Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning, and Business Management concepts just to mention a few.All of the courses are designed with students in mind and questions are carefully structured to mimic the real exam to help you achieve your goal and pass the vendor qualification.This course has been constructed with all the learning aims of the Qualification to best prepare you for the final exam. All the elements of the syllabus have been incorporated to fully cover all the elements and challenge you and give you the best preparation to pass the qualification in your first attempt.Wishing you all the best for your career and best of luck with your exams."
Price: 44.99

"30 days Weight Loss w. Zumba Program." |
"In 30 days this course gives you step by step exercises to loose your weight as well as to keep your body in shape and build your muscles in tone. This course is perfect for the beginner who never do exercises before, as they get the instructions to begin with. Everyday will be different Zumba program which has been modified, chosen and in order to give effective and fast result to your body experience. The program will upgrading from 15 minutes exercise to 30 minutes exercises. As it divided in 4 weeks section. Put your goal and reach your dream body in 30 days."
Price: 19.99

"Danza del Vientre iniciacin" |
"Si quieres aprender danza oriental o ""danza del vientre"", disponer de un gran repertorio de pasos, muchas secuencias para practicarlos (organizados en bloques), y una coreografa final este es tu curso!Aprende desde cero, o si ya bailas, repasa la base para pulir la postura, la tcnica y organizar el repertorio de movimientos o pasos.Disfruta de este milenario arte, y sobre todo, disfrtate a t misma."
Price: 44.99

"End to End Transcription Jobs in Upwork - Job Focused" |
"Do you know, A Transcription specialist earns 6$ hourly to 100$/hourly rate. Where do you want to see yourself? This one hour course is focused on tips to identify genuine online website and finding best transcription jobs, completing the job with 95% accuracy. This crash course will help you to identify the the best way to sell your skills on transcription industry and stand out among competitors. Below are the topics I have covered in this course. Introduction to TranscriptionIncome opportunities of transcriptionIntroduction to freelance websites and transcription JobsHow to find a transcription JobTranscription job demoQuality check, review and submit for payment"
Price: 49.99

"Tableau Specialist Certification Exams" |
"The course aims to test the ability, understanding of beginners to learn tableau and the desire to gain Tableau Specialist Certification early. Sample tests are designed and updated to be as close as possible to the real exam and cover the basic knowledge required for the Tableau Specialist certification exam.Test content helps users to test their knowledge and review the important content needed with the test. 6 Theoretical tests and practice testExam Format:Time Limit: 60 minutes Question Format: Multiple choice, multiple response, hands-onNumber of Questions: 30 Passing Score: 70%"
Price: 19.99

"Produo de Videoaulas" |
"Este curso foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de capacitar e orientar professores para a publicao de videoaulas na Internet utilizando recursos limitados de gravao, adaptaes em ambientes e equipamentos e ferramentas gratuitas baseadas em software livre.O curso abrange todo o embasamento conceitual, apresenta e detalha termos e procedimentos comumente utilizados para a produo de vdeos e apresenta tcnicas e dicas para a execuo de todos os passos envolvidos na pr-produo, gravao, edio e publicao de vdeos com vis educacional."
Price: 99.99

"Gne Enerjisi ve Sketchup" |
"Bu eitimde sizlere gne enerjisi projesini sketchup yardmyla izmek iin neler bilmek gerekiyor anlatmaya altm.Eitimin ilk blmlerinde sketchup programn reneceiz. izim iin bizlere neler lazm uygulamal olarak reneceiz.Dier blmlerde fabrika yada iletme atlar nasl izilir ilk olarak neler bilmemiz gerekiyor onlar reneceiz.Sonraki blmlerde gne enerji proje aamasnda glgeli yerlerden nasl kaarz onlar greceiz."
Price: 79.99
