"Integrate Access with Excel" |
"While spreadsheets are far easier to create than a database, spreadsheet formulas and functions for data management are generally laborious, time consuming and error prone. Especially when your data is in multiple sheets that must be joined. Now you can have the best of both worlds - and no programming is required.You will learn to move your Excel data into Access and design queries that produce information efficiently and accurately, and can be saved to be rerun whenever necessary or when your data changes.This course is based on a real world example: You will follow along and permanently join three spreadsheets of data within Access, and use a real database query tool to produce ten different reports from the data. Each lesson builds on the one before, gradually increasing your skills, and by the end of the course you will learn to do everything you learned with the single click of a button."
Price: 49.99

"OSHA Professionals: Silica Dust Hazards and Prevention" |
"This Course:This course is about the New Epidemic in which OSHA and the construction industry are desperately trying to bring to light the scourge of Silicosis. In fact, the effects of Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS) are now being compared to the recent and brutally extensive Asbestos Plague. 1000's of Americans suffer from RCS caused symptoms and 100's die each year. World-wide the numbers are at a massive scale. But it's not a contagious infection. It's not even spread by a local germ. It is a life altering condition - but it is easily avoided with wise protective measures and controls.Here, we give you the most comprehensive and illustrated view of ""RCS"" you're ever going to find - from full and complete content to every type of multi-media that effectively illustrates every point.Time well spent:The 35 minutes it takes to go through this course will seem like half that time due to our smooth content flow covering every topic with engaging examples and attractive artwork. No topic will be thoughtlessly repeated. No vague formulas will be given for you to figure out on your own. This course contains well thought out curriculum with rich full media illustrating every point in an easy to understand and user-friendly way. You may even find yourself reviewing content to see our animations, videos and illustrations again!What you get:A FREE 'Conditions for a Respirator' Manual (Table 1) easily shows exactly when to wear a respirator.Our lovely host ALEXIS who charmingly takes you through each topic and detail related to Silica.Multiple VIDEOS of diverse Work Scenes, Situations and Conditions, Multiple ANIMATIONS of Effects on Human Body, Work Zone breathing, Respirator Fitting, Multiple ILLUSTRATIONS of Origins of Silica, Charts made easy, Safety Practices & Controls, Multiple SIMULATIONS of how soon you might get Silicosis, Symptoms, Diseases, Tools, Problem Situations, Quizzes - that test your knowledge as you go as well as a final test - all of which reinforce your retention.What you will learn:You will learn - All the places where deadly Silica dust is contained and produced.You will learn - The Hazards that lurk everywhere in the construction industry that you must avoid.You will learn - The terrible effects Silicosis has on the Human BodyYou will learn - The Symptoms that point to on coming Silicosis the terrible irreversible lung disease.You will learn - About the air you breath in your work day.You will learn - The Standards OSHA has issued to provide for your safety in every situation.You will learn - Proven Control Methods and Practices that will protect you.You will learn - How to choose and fit your respirator.You will learn - When to wear your respirator based on air MonitoringYou will learn - When to wear your respirator based on using our easy Respirator Manual (Table 1).Who this course is for:If you are in any of the 100s of professions that are tied to the construction industry you should take this course. The only substances more common on earth than Silica are water and oxygen. It is absolutely everywhere. It is in our dirt, walls, floors, roads, sidewalks, bricks, concrete, sheet rock, asphalt, abrasives, paint, and all it takes is cutting, drilling, chipping or grinding into it to easily disperse it. Authorities have known about it for decades. A few tried to warn us. Now you have all of this protective knowledge right here in this highly effective course."
Price: 19.99

"The complete Abacus training program" |
"If you are searching for a course that could help you improve your mathematics skills and ability to perform calculations fluidly, then this is the one which will train you to do so. This course is provided with downloadable resources which are actually worksheets to give a better practice. This course will help you master the use of abacus and eventually train you to do calculations without any equipment (pen,paper,ABACUS) in real life problems.Don`t judge this course by it`s duration because it provides downloadable resources (practice questions) which you have to practice other than the video lectures. What I feel is; you don`t need to invest much of your valuable time in watching videos because the abacus method works on only three simple rules and rest are it`s variations ,so, this course is designed keeping this point in mind which will take just few minutes from your schedule to develop your skills."
Price: 1280.00

"AIIoT Raspberry PiOpenCV" |
Price: 7800.00

"Internetten Para Kazanmaya Ne Dersin?" |
"Hi Bir Beceriniz Olmadan Bile Para Kazanabilirsiniz.Bu kurs istediiniz zaman istediiniz yerden para kazanabilirsinizok basit grevlerAnket yaparakDollar kazanmakTiktok zerinden para kazanEk bilgilerok sorulan sorulara cevapPasif gelir oluturma5 saniye iinde para kazanmakYatrm yapma Para biriktirmekOyun oynayarak para kazanmakinternetten para kazanmakBtn Bunlar Gnlk 2-3 Saatinizi ayrarak Yapabilirsiniz En gzeli ie gitmenize de gerek yok banzn stnde srekli duran bi patronda yok istediiniz zaman para kazanabilirsiniz stelik Bunu ailenizle sevdiklerinizle zaman geirerek yapabilirsiniz"
Price: 49.99

"AWS S3 - Caso prctico subir y bajar archivos con Java" |
"En este curso aprenders a utilizar el Software Development Kit de Amazon Web Services orientado a S3, sabrs cmo:Subir archivo por archivo a un bucket en S3.Subir carpetas completas de archivos a un bucket en S3.Descargar archivos desde un bucket en S3 a una localizacin en tu equipo.Esto con la ayuda de una herramienta grfica que desarrollaremos con Java, donde se podr elegir el archivo o carpeta que se requiera subir a S3, as mismo podrs elegir la ruta en donde se descargar el archivo que est en el bucket de S3."
Price: 270.00

"Especializao em Proteo Trmica p/ Motores Eltricos" |
"Ronaldo Lima, MBA em Engenharia de Manuteno e criador do prestigiado Canal de Eletricidade no Youtube, como reduzir drasticamente a queima de motores eltricos. Aprenda tambm a analisar essas falhas e saiba como elas ocorrem. Conhea os recursos de proteo dedicados superaquecimento, com base na leitura de termistores PTC e aprenda como instalar e associar esses dispositivos com outras protees eltricas existentes no comando."
Price: 39.99

"Mejora del desempeo Individual (liderazgo Trascendente)" |
"1. Responsabilidad; La capacidad de dar respuesta o respons-(h)abilidad ante una situacin como expresin directa de nuestra voluntad y libertad.2. La cultura de la responsabilidad; Cmo asumir una responsabilidad incondicional que lleve a verse a si mismo como un protagonista.3. Por qu el lder siempre es responsable?; No somos responsables de las circunstancias, sino de la manera de enfrentar esas circunstancias.4. Yo soy el responsable!; Como afecta en los resultados la definicin tradicional de responsabilidad y como adquirir una definicin que pueda cambiar nuestra vida.5. Cmo hacer que las cosas sucedan; Si quiero ser parte de la solucin, tengo que considerarme parte del problema.6.- Cmo desarrollar la habilidad para responder ante los nuevos requerimientos; Como concentrarse en aquello que puedes controlar, y ser un protagonista, y no concentrarse en aquello que est ms all tu control, y ser una vctima.7. Todo resultado requiere de accin: Los resultados por encima del promedio no surgen de la rutina, sino de accin que van ms all de los lmites establecidos.8. La visin; como generadora de conductas.Qu, cmo y Porqu hacemos lo que hacemos9. Todo compromiso comienza con una visin; Por qu es importante que los supervisores tengan una visin clara? Sin visin las capacidades y recursos no pueden accionarse en la direccin correcta.10. El poder de la visin; Si tu y tus colaboradores no saben hacia donde van, tu liderazgo no importa. No es lo que la visin es, sino lo que la visin logra.11. Visiones eficaces y visiones ineficaces; La visin como gua para las decisiones cotidianas, de manera que los individuos apunte hacia el mismo objetivo.12. Una visin convincente crea una cultura de compromiso; No es el eslogan pegado a la pared lo que da la visin, es el propsito y significado de las acciones personales que el lder vive y fomenta da a da en los dems.13. Una visin puede existir en cualquier parte de una organizacin; Desarrollar la visin del supervisor que permita llevar a su equipo de trabajo de un estado actual a uno deseado.14. Como la visin del futuro genera una imagen positiva y compromiso en el presente; La realidad futura es una construccin mental que el cuerpo considera como cierta, por lo tanto genera un estado y una condicin de logro.15. La visin; como generadora de conductas.Qu, cmo y Porqu hacemos lo que hacemos16. Los mapas mentales o paradigmas; Por qu vemos las cosas como las vemos?Ver desde diferentes posiciones y generar una visin conjunta.17. Qu entendemos por competencia?: 1. Desde la perspectiva de los deportes, competencia clsica. 2. Como habilidad o destreza..18. Ser competente: No garantiza el futuro, slo el presente. Las competencias actuales son el resultado del pasado; de esta manera, el cambio natural exige estndares mayores para el futuro.19. Ir de la competencia a la sobrecompetencia: La competencia implica ir contra el estndar de otros, en donde alguien tiene que perder para que otro gane. La sobrecompetencia implica ir contra sus propios estndares.20. Construccin de la sobrecompetencia: No es con saltos cunticos o acciones extraordinarias como se dan los grandes cambio. Son las pequeas, constantes y disciplinadas acciones.21. Cmo gestionar la sobrecompetencia?: Las cuatro inteligencias de desarrollo. La inteligencia Fsica, Mental, Emocional y Espiritual. Cmo se mide y se administran estas cuatro inteligencias de la gestin personal?"
Price: 270.00

"Curso Mesa Radinica de Florais Xamnicos" |
"Ao adquirir este curso, voc assistir tambm dentro da plataforma o curso de Florais Xamnicos, onde ir conhecer todas as essncias e seus potenciais poderes de equilbrio. Uma vez munido de conhecimento, voc poder ser sintonizado no sistema, se tornando assim tambm Mestre e podendo portanto sintonizar outras pessoas.Agora voc est diante de uma oportunidade imperdvel, onde por apenas um valor simblico de troca, poder se tornar um grande operador da Mesa Radinica de Florais Xamnicos."
Price: 54.99

"Bellydance para principiantes; los 7 pasos bsicos" |
"Bienvenid@s a este curso para principiantes en el bellydance, este curso es para ti y para todas las personas del mundo que buscan un espacio para aprender, conocer, y disfrutar de la cultura de medio oriente, por medio de la msica, los vestuarios, la historia y sobretodo la danza; este espacio te permitir reconectarte con tu cuerpo, tu sensualidad y con tu feminidad; fortaleciendo tu personalidad, tu autoestima y mejorando tu calidad de vida. El principal objetivo es adquirir un nueva habilidad como lo es el baile; logrando la satisfaccin personal, mental y fsica de cada uno de ustedes En este curso encontraras informacin terica como lo es la historia del bellydance, tres de las bailarinas que propagaron esta danza y tres de los ritmos de esta danza. Y en la prctica te proporcionar las instrucciones a seguir para la realizacin de cada uno de los ejercicios; as como tambin el calentamiento adecuado para evitar posibles lesiones y un ejercicio de estiramiento el cual debers realizar al finalizar tu clase. Adicional a esto te voy a regalar paso a paso como ir montando una coreografa y tambin el video de la coreografa completaNo te preocupes, NO ESTAS SOL@!, estoy contigo en cada paso y en cualquier momento que me necesites para que tu aprendizaje tenga el mayor aprovechamiento."
Price: 420.00

"Life Purpose Mastery" |
"Why Is That...Why is that people work so hard only to continue struggling? Can you relate?You do everything you can. You are supposedly doing the right thing and speaking the right words. Yet there is something deeply missing from your life. You strive to be the best partner, employee, father, mother or boss you can be but even that doesnt fill the empty void inside. Whats worse is youre not doing what you love. Youre stuck in a job you hate and try to survive. You struggle financially, going from paycheck after paycheck to pay the bills.You do what society defines to be the right thing to do for a happy life.Have You Ever Asked...Is there any meaning to all this?Am I meant for more?What is the purpose of my life? You wouldnt be asking these questions unless deep down inside you knew the answer. You know there is so much more to this. You are meant for so much more. You are here for a purpose. In fact, you already know within you that you have a purpose in life. You also have big dreams and ambitions but for years, they only remained because of fear and uncertainty.Fear Not...In the Life Purpose Mastery Program, you embark on an self exploration journey that will help you discover your path to living a purposeful, fulfilling and abundant life.When you join the Life Purpose Mastery Program, you will1. Have total clarity and a powerful vision for living a purposeful life2. Find your sweet spot in life3. Gain a big dose of motivation to transform your life4. Identify your top values and discover your gifts, talents and passion5. Clear your limiting beliefs and fears that are holding you back from living your best life6. Gain a sense of absolute certainty and confidence in yourself7. Identify the competence and skills that you need to acquire to help you move forward8. Start taking massive action to achieve your desirable result9. Expand your consciousness and accelerate your personal growth10. Find your true divine purpose in life that will guide you towards the right pathIn this program, Tim Huynh takes you through the life purpose mastery formula that comprises of four core areas you need to stabilize to create that purposeful life of your dream. By the end of the program, youll have very clear idea of what lights you up, what youre meant to do on earth and an action plan on how you can achieve it. In other words, you will have absolutely clarity and certainty on how to take every aspect of your life to the next level.There are a total of four modules. Each module is comprised of:1. Recorded audiovisual content sessions with exercises.2. Supporting materials including worksheets and explanatory text.3. Techniques to help you implement whats been taught in the content.MODULE 1 CLARITYIn module 1, you will gain absolute clarity on how to find the sweet spot of life by identifying your values, gifts or talents, passion, vehicle, and impact statement. By the end of this module, you will have a clear vision of what you want your life to look like, a vision thats going to pull you forward in life.Outline:1. Introduction to Module 11.2 Discover Your Core Values1.3 Tapping Into Your Passions1.4 Uncovering Your Hidden Gifts and Talents1.5 Revealing Your Purpose and Creating Impact1.6 The Key to SuccessMODULE 2 CLEARINGIn module 2, you will learn the limiting beliefs and stories that you have been unconsciously carrying with you that are holding you back from living the life that you envision. These limiting beliefs drag you down and suppress you from taking your life to the next level. When you become aware of these limiting stories, they become powerless and you gain the power and freedom back to take control of your life.Outline:2. Introduction to Module 22.1 Clearing the Blockages Holding You Back2.2 Guided Meditation to Remove Subconscious Blocks MODULE 3 CERTAINTYIn module 3, you will gain absolute certainty that you are on the right path. You will learn how to develop the skills and competence that you need to acquire to achieve your dreams and goals.Outline:3. Introduction to Module 33.1 Building Confidence and Self-Worth to Become Great3.2 Building Resilience To Overcome Anything3.3 Building Competence to Achieve AnythingMODULE 4 CREATIONIn module 4, you develop an action plan of how you can live your life with purpose. By the end of this module, you will walk away with a detailed step-by-step plan of action to get you from where you are to where you want to be.Outline:4. Introduction to Module 44.1 Effective Action Planning To Live Your Ideal Life Faster4.2 Eliminating Procrastination To Become Super Productive4.3 Becoming Committed and Accountable to Your DreamsRegister todayYouve got big dreams and ambitions. Now, its time to start acting on them.I challenge you to take every aspect of your life to the next level by taking action NOW.With the right formula, everyone can find their purpose in life and live a life of fulfillment and abundance.Its TIME to take action to start living your true lifes purpose. Life is short.Stop wasting time living a dull, stagnant and meaningless life.You know you are meant for more.People spend thousands of dollars on meaningless material things that dont bring them real fulfillment. Tim Huynh has seen this firsthand coaching his lost, unfulfilled clients and has made his mission is to help people make a bigger impact by inspiring and empowering them to live a life of purpose, fulfillment and abundance.Having trained and coached thousands of people, as well as learning from spiritual teachers, world leaders and industry experts, he has created this unique program with proven processes to help people find true meaning and purpose in life at a fraction of the cost.There is so much packed into this intensive 4 module program that will help you discover your path to true purpose, fulfillment and abundance."
Price: 194.99

"Learn To Create AI Assistant (JARVIS) With Python" |
"In this course, you will learn how you can make one AI Assistant (JARVIS) using Python Programming Language.This course you will Teach how you can create a basic Artificial Intelligence Assistant similar to the one from Marvel's Iron Man movie. It is a Beginner level course and more following courses are coming up soon.So what are you waiting for?Enroll now."
Price: 199.99

"The Pass Off Course" |
"Most couples choose to plan their own wedding...BUT then they get stuck planning their wedding down to the wire, spinning with stress and never getting to truly enjoy all their hard work, time and money they spent planning their once in a lifetime experience! This course teaches you how to plan your wedding from beginning to end (leaving nothing out) while always keeping The Pass Off in mind. The Pass Off is when you pass over every detail, thought or stress you ever had about your wedding to a point of contact (i.e. day of coordinator, friend, family member) so they can perfectly execute your special day on your behalf - leaving you 100% confident, with nothing to do but sip on a mimosa!Now you can plan your own wedding AND feel 100% confident, anxiety-free and completely present to soak in every second of your wedding day!"
Price: 84.99

"Google Analytics Certification Exam Practice Tests : 2020" |
"These mocks are made after proper research and introduce you to a variety of questions. After going through these questions there is a 95% + chance that you'll easily pass the original exam!FEATURES : 30 days money back guarantee!Get hired as a Google Analytics SpecialistBoost your resume and your career!Get Google Analytics CertifiedGet response to your queries within 24 hoursQuestions updated every month.Get exclusive access to a community of other dedicated learnersIf these mocks are attempted multiple times then you'll be absolutely confident while giving the actual exam. If you are able to score well in all mocks then you'll most likely perform exceptionally well in the actual exam conducted by google."
Price: 19.99

"Der ultimative Passivkurs fr Deutschlerner" |
"Na, wie geht's? Hast du Schwierigkeiten mit der deutschen Grammatik? Insbesondere mit Passiv? In diesem Kurs lernst du alles ber Passiv, was du wissen musst! Nachdem du den gesamten Kurs gesehen hast, wirst du wissen, was der Unterschied zwischen Aktiv und Passiv ist, wie man Passiv in verschiedenen Zeiten bildet und was eigentlich genau Vorgans- bzw. Zustandspassiv bedeutet. In allen fnf Lehrvideos gibt es interaktive Teile, in denen du das Gelernte sofort anwenden und testen kannst. Ich erklre dir alles auf Deutsch, langsam und deutlich gesprochen, mit vielen interessanten und leicht verstndlichen Beispielen."
Price: 19.99

"Complete Cyber Security Threat Intelligence Researcher" |
"In todays cyber security landscape, it isn't possible to prevent every attacks. Todays attackers have significant funding, are patient, sophisticated, and target vulnerabilities in people and processes as well as technologies. With organizations increasingly relying on digitized information and sharing vast amounts of data across the globe, they have become easier targets for many different forms of attack. As a result, every companys day-to-day operations, data and intellectual property are seriously at risk. In a corporate context, a cyber attack can not only damage your brand and reputation, it can also result in loss of competitive advantage, create legal/regulatory noncompliance and cause steep financial damage.Todays secure environment will have vulnerabilities in it tomorrow, so an organization cannot allow itself to become complacent. There is only so much an organization can do by defending itself against threats that have already occurred. If an organization only reacts to new threats as they come up, are likely acting too late. It is important to understand and prioritize cyber threat intelligence processes, and how they can be integrated into an organizations security operations in a way that adds value."
Price: 114.99

"Copywriting Emozionale Per Scrittori, Venditori e Blogger" |
"Grazie a questo corso sarai in grado di migliorare la tua tecnica di scrittura. Imparerai ad individuare i bisogni del lettore e ad intercettare i suoi desideri inconsci. Ti insegner inoltre a strutturare il testo in maniera semplice ed efficace, a trovare idee per i tuoi testi e a creare una connessione emozionale autentica con il tuo lettore. Un corso per tutti coloro che desiderano migliorare le proprie skill di copywriting narrativo e commerciale.Indice delle lezioni:Cos' il Copywriting Emozionale? Come Funziona?Intercettare i Bisogni: Curiosit, Indipendenza, Potere, Risparmio, AccettazioneI Trigger di Competizione, Famiglia, Idealismo, Onore e Contatto SocialeI Trigger di Status, Tranquillit, Esercizio Fisico, Romanticismo e SerenitObiettivi, Obiezioni, Target, Storytelling, Giustificare con Logica ed EmpatiaTecniche Emozionali e Logiche: Urgenza, Comparazione, Cifre, CTA, Domande e Guidare il LettoreTrifecta Neuro Affective, Coinvolgimento Emotivo, Testimonianze e Personalizzazione del messaggioStruttura del testo, Tipologie, Concept, Scaletta e Tecniche Creative a BlocchiConclusioni"
Price: 74.99

"Introduction to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Certificate" |
"This is a comprehensive overview of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). The course is suitable for anyone with an interest in the subject, whether that be from a professional or personal perspective. We look at the nature of OCS, the symptoms, causes, maintenance factors, co-morbidity, treatment, interventions and support strategies. Approached from a Cognitive Behavioural perspective, but other forms of intervention are discussed, along with a number of theories about causal factors for the condition. The course is largely video presentation based with Psychologist, CBT Therapist, Expert Witness and Forensic Mental Health Specialist Kevin O'Doherty."
Price: 99.99

"The Perfect Balance Diet With Ayurveda" |
"The Perfect Balance Diet is all about keeping ourselves in balance in each of the four areas of life: body, mind, spirit, and space, using the principles behind Ayurveda, Indias Science of Life.The recipes you get each week help to fill up our tummies with wholesome, delicious, fresh foods that contribute to your overall health and well being.The articles and videos in the 28 day plan give us food for thought, different ways of thinking about things to encourage mindfulness.The weekly meditations are means to feed the soul. These are recipes for relaxation that you can use every single day.And as much as our environment feeds us, we also feed it. Our living space gives us energy, comfort, a place where we can feel safe and centered. Its important for us to be careful about what we are giving back to the space we live in.Join us for 28 days and see the benefits for yourself!"
Price: 19.99

"FL Studio - Musical Theory for Electronic Music Production" |
"Struggling to understand musical theory as a music producer? Look no further!In this brand new course, learn everything from scales to arpeggios, MIDI files to chords, and everything in between. Specifically catered towards music producers, we will look at musical theory in this context.Although this is geared towards users of FL Studio, this is also applicable for users of any DAW (Digital Audio Workstation)What's included?Learn the differences between major and minor scales, and the 3 types of minor scales that existThe Blues scale, and how you can use itWhat chords are, why they are vitally important in writing music, and how to use popular chord progressions (as well as some not-so-popular ones!)Arpeggios and how they can be used in your musicThe Circle of FifthsMIDI Files, how to import and export themAnd much more!We start off in the introduction by explaining why musical theory is important, even in this day and age of automation, digital music production and vocoding, where it seems like everything is already done for you. We look at how to use your tools in your Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) to your advantage, and work alongside them, rather than simply relying on them.We then look at the differences between scales, firstly looking at major and minor scales, before moving on to more unique examples such as the blues scale.In addition to this, chord progressions are then examined, along with detailed explanations of how you can go about writing your own chord progressions and melodies to go along with them"
Price: 129.99

"Lei Anticorrupo (Lei 12.846/13)" |
"Apresentar os aspectos essenciais da lei, requisitos principais, sanes, red flags (riscos e pontos de ateno), controles preventivos e detectivos;Demonstrar exemplos de documentos, tais como: plano de combate corrupo, controles preventivos e detectivos anticorrupo e outros;Explicar os mecanismos antifraude e anticorrupo e respectivos estgios, divididos em preveno, deteco, investigao e correo;Mostrar a forma de garantir a efetividade do compliance, bem como a matriz de avaliao do treinamento anticorrupo e a matriz para avaliao do recebimento de presentes;Propiciar um exemplo prtico da matriz de responsabilidade para criao de um ambiente ntegro para atender o compliance da lei, assim como o Diagrama do Processo de Tratamento de Fraude e Corrupo (este diagrama baseado no fluxo de tratamento de fraude e corrupo do TCU Tribunal de Contas da Unio)."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Git & GitHub 2020 Course: Beginner to Advanced" |
"Learn the fundamentals of Version Control through this step-by-step tutorial that will teach you the ins-and-outs of Git. This course is your complete guide to how Git and GitHub work in a professional team environment.Git is a free and open source Distributed Version Control System (DVCS) designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.Throughout this course, you'll learn about Git's core functionality so you can understand how and why its used in organizations. Well look into both basic and more advanced features, like branches, pull request, tagging and merging. We'll demonstrate how having a working knowledge of a VCS like Git can be a lifesaver in emergency situations or when debugging. And then we'll explore how to use a VCS to work with others through remote repositories, like the ones provided by GitHub.Then, we'll explore why GitHub is such a powerful and popular tool among software developers, project managers, team members, designers, and students for its flexibility and control. Youll see how to manage a software project, and how to utilize Git and GitHub to work effectively as a team.Finally youll examine how to plan, follow and execute a project with Git and GitHub, and then apply those concepts to real-world situations.What You Will LearnThe course is designed to teach you:How to Install and configure Git.Create and Manage Git repository and Git workflows.Track changes, work with branches, Pull Request and tags.Create, Configure and Manage GitHub Repository.Navigate, Use, and Contribute to open source projects though GitHub.Working with teams on GitHub Projects.And more Once you have completed the course, you should be able to immediately start using Git and GitHub to manage your own code.PS: Check the Free Preview videos to know more about the course and to be sure you can get accustomed to my accent.Enroll now!"
Price: 199.99

"SAP ABAP Programming For Beginners to Advanced" |
"1 Introduction to SAPIntroduction to ERPOverview of SAPSAP modules at a Glance2 ABAP Data TypesCharacterIntegerNumeric CharacterFloating PointPacked DecimalsTimeDate, Strings3 Loops & BranchesDo, Do n times, WhileIf, If Else, if Ladder, CaseSmall ProgramsFactorial programIndentationCode InspectorExtended Program Check4 Structures & Internal TablesOver View of StructuresSimilar Structures creationDifferent StructuresDifferent structures with Extra FieldsOver View of Internal TablesSimilar Internal tables creationDifferent Internal tablesDifferent Internal tables with Extra FieldsModify Operation on Internal TableDelete Operation on Internal Tables Sorting Of internal tables ( Sort) Searching Techniques Of internal Table5 Landscape & SAP R/3 ArchitectureLandscape ModelOverview of R/36 Normalization & Select StatementsOver view of NormalizationSelect StatementsLogical operatorsSelect Single & Up to 1 rowsNested Select queriesFor all EntriesJoin StatementsInner join & Left Outer Join7 Modularization TechniquesOver view of ModularizationMacrosIncludesSubroutinesFunction Modules8 Selection Screen DesignOver View of Selection ScreenSelection Screen elements9 Basic ReportOver view of ReportReport with out eventsReport with events ( Classical report)Interactive ReportMenu DesignMessage class CreationText messages creationHide TechniqueGet Cursor TechniqueRead Line StatementAt Events ( control Events)Variant CreationTransaction Code CreationEnd User access10 BDC (Batch Data Communication)Over view of BDCGUI Up loadGUI Down loadData setsBDC ProgrammingCall TransactionSession Methods11 Data DictionaryCreation of Data Base TableCreation of DomainsCreation of Data typesCreation of ViewsCreation of StructuresCreation of Type poolsCreation of Search HelpCreation of Lock objectsCreation of table maintenance12 Module PoolsOver view of Module poolsCreation of Create buttonCreation of DisplayCreation of Sub screensCreation of Tab StripCreation of Table ControlCreation of Save button to update Data Base13 Sap ScriptsOver view of ScriptsCreation of ParagraphsCreation of Character FormatsCreation of PagesCreation of WindowsCreation of Page windowsCreation of Script programUser Exists Over viewCross Applications14 RFCOver view of CACreation of RFCFetching Data Using RFCARFC & TRFC15 ALV (ABAP List Viewer)Over view of ALVALV List DisplayALV Grid DisplayALV Catalog Creation16 BAPIOver View Of BAPIRemote FM CreationCreation of BORCreation of BAPICheck The Status of BAPISuper type Creation17 LSMWOver view of LSMWCreation of Project , Sub Project , Object TypeCreation of Batch Input Using Recording ModeSteps To Create LSMW18 SMART FORMSOver view of Smart FormsCreation of Paragraphs(Styles)Creation of Character Formats(Styles)Creation of PagesCreation of WindowsCreation of Page windowsCreation of table formatCreation of Smart Form program19 ALE/IdocsOver view of ALE/ IDOcsCreation of RFC DestinationsCreation of PortsCreation of Partner ProfileCreation of Distributed sysTransfer the data Btw sys20 ABAP OOPSWhat is OOPS ?Classes, instances, referencesEventsInheritance, interfaces, polymorphismGlobal classes/interfaces (Class Builder)Class-based exception"
Price: 49.99

"Control the Project Schedule (PMI - PMP)" |
"The Control the Project Schedule (PMI - PMP) is course 11 of 28 of the Project Management Professional Certification Program (PMI-PMP). It's essential in successful project management to be able to monitor activities to discover and correct any schedule variances, evaluate the effective schedule changes on all project activities, and make adjustments as required to minimize risk on your project schedule. In this course, you're going to learn how to apply useful techniques to control the project schedule to keep your project on track.1. Inputs to Control Schedule2. Tools and Techniques of Control Schedule 3. Monitoring Schedule Performance4. Outputs of Control Schedule5. Use Resource Leveling6. Use Resource Smoothing7. Crash the Schedule8. Use Fast Tracking9. Exercise: Controlling the Project ScheduleThats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 24.99

"HTML 5 & CSS 3 Mastery - Build Responsive Modern Websites" |
"*** BRAND NEW HTML AND CSS COURSE WITH THE VERY LATEST WEB DEVELOPMENT TECHNIQUES ***Do you want to learn how to build beautiful modern and responsive websites with HTML and CSS? Look no further because you have come to the right course. Welcome to the HTML 5 and CSS 3 mastery course where you will learn all the necessary techniques to build yourself a website. But wait ... there are hundreds of other HTML & CSS courses? What is different about this course? Why should I enroll in it?Reason #1: The most up to date HTML/CSS course This course focuses purely on HTML 5 and CSS 3 coding standards for the year 2020. You will learn all the very latest techniques and coding syntax used to build modern responsive websites.Reason #2: It is project basedIn this course, you are not just going to learn how to code but you are also going to apply that new found knowledge to build a REAL website. Reason #3: You will not just learn how to codeYes Coding is great, but it's not everything! This is why I am going to show you how to properly design a website by teaching you the basics of web design. You will learn how to choose the right type of fonts, colors, images and also how to properly structure your website.You will also learn how to apply good SEO techniques and also how you can optimize your code and content for speed.Reason #4: You will have a full website to add to your PortfolioBy the end of the course, you will have a complete, ready-to-launch website that looks great on any computer, tablet, and smartphone. You will also get all the code used throughout the course for quick and easy reference.Reason #5: Bonus ContentIn addition to learning HTML and CSS, you will also learn how to use browser inspectors, code in PHP and also learn how to add transitions and animations to make your website exciting. You will also get my PDF handbook for HTML and CSS resources.Sounds great but what exactly am I going to learn in this course?When you enroll in this course, here is what you can expect to learn:Easy-to-follow and hands-on web development with HTML 5 and CSS 3How to use browser inspector tools to perform live design changes on any websiteSimple-to-use web design guidelines and tips to design beautiful websitesResponsive web design: learn how to create websites that look good on all screen sizes.How to get and use free images, fonts and icons on your websiteHow to optimize your website for good speed performance and for search engines (SEO)How to choose a domain name and web hostingHow to transfer your local code over to a live serverHow to launch your website on the internetand much more** Perfect for Complete Beginners or Intermediate Coders**If you have never written a single line of code before, then this course is going to be perfect for you as I start from the very basics and then slowly begin to introduce you to more advanced topics.The course is also great for you if you already know some HTML and CSS but you struggle with trying to apply them to build a full website. I hope to see you registered in the course."
Price: 99.99

"Computer Science [101] - Procedural Programming C++" |
"In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of Software Engineering. After you have taking this course, you will be able to create procedural programs in C++. You will also have a good understanding of procedural programming along with the structure of programs. This course is the first course in a series of courses. This series is an attempt to provide all the information you would learn in a modern Computer Science college course for those who are unable to attend college. To be clear, this course does NOT provide a degree of any sort but it does provide all the information you'd get in a modern college computer science course."
Price: 19.99

"Modern Data Warehouse Concepts" |
"The objective of this course is to learn/know the fundamentals of the Modern Data Warehouse and what strategies can be used move from a traditional Data Warehouse in combination of Big Data Technologies, Data Lakes and Data Visualization. A Modern Data Warehouse gives us flexibility to analyze the data we need, in the format we need it by using familiar tools , technologies, concepts like Big Data, Hadoop, Cloud Ecosystems, BI tools and SQL/NoSQL. A Modern Data Warehouse will be able to consume and process variety of data formats like the semi structured, unstructured and multi structured. These data sets come in multiple formats and are generated from a non-transactional systems such as machines, sensors, and customer interaction streams. These systems are not only varied but also, they're producing data at volumes, varieties, and velocities like we've never seen before. This kind of data is not new. We've actually had multi-structured data for a long time, but very few organizations could work with it before because it is so expensive to store and so hard to connect or link them using the traditional data warehouse architectures or models."
Price: 199.99

"Leer Nederlands in het Nederlands: de 1000 woorden" |
"Ken je al een beetje Nederlands?Wil je beter Nederlands begrijpen?Kan je wat herhaling gebruiken?Wil je de belangrijkste woorden leren?Je bent op de juiste plek!Een cursus voor beginnersIn deze cursus leer je de 1000 belangrijkste woorden. Ja, 1000! Dat zijn de woorden die Nederlanders en Belgen opnieuw en opnieuw gebruiken. Je zal veel meer begrijpen na deze cursus. Er zijn meer dan 50 videolessen, 100% in de Nederlandse taal, zo leer je snel. Er zijn ook meer dan 100 MP3s. Zo kan je opnieuw naar de nieuwe woorden luisteren. Elke les heeft ook een toets op het einde om zeker te zijn dat je alles begrijpt Je kan dit thuis doen met deze videolessen.Je kan aan deze cursus beginnen als je al ongeveer 500 woorden kent. Het Vlaamse accent, uit Belgi, is het accent van deze cursus. In Nederland kunnen ze dit accent ook begrijpen.Klaar? Dan beginnen we!Alain"
Price: 59.99

"Decoding Language for Coaches" |
"As a coach, you're used to listening to your clients, but do you really hear what they're saying?With this online course from internationally recognised neurosystemic coaching expert Peter Freeth, you will discover the hidden world of the structure of language.Some aspects of this course will make you slap your forehead in astonishment that there are things you didn't realise before.Other aspects will make you scratch your head as your brain performs gymnastics inside your skull.And some aspects of this course will have you wildly disagreeing with me. Yet bear with me, faithful student, the truth will be revealed.You have spent a lifetime learning everything that you know. Every fact, memory, song, book, movie, relationship, argument, disappointment, breakthrough, inspiration and spark of genius is written into the connections in your nervous system. Your brain is a very important part of that system, but it's not the only part.The connections in your brain are a multi-dimensional map of your life experience. And, if you don't go back and update that map, you are doomed to make the same mistakes, over and over again.On the other hand, with an accurate and up-to-date map, you are fated to enjoy wonderful successes, over and over again.Your mind contains all the instructions to help you get through life, and sometimes those instructions work out perfectly, like a recipe that you know inside out, and sometimes, those instructions let you down, like the new recipe that you're trying from the latest celebrity cook book. How is it possible that your dish never looks like the picture in the book?I'm guessing that your job involves working with people, and that you're interested in the possibilities of personal change, both for yourself and for the people you work with.In this course, you will change the way that you think about language. You will begin to see the simple and predictable connections between the way a person structures their experience of the world and the way they structure their language as a symbolic representation of that world. In other words, regardless of the story that your clients tell you, you will reveal their truth. They go to some lengths to hide this, so you have to treat this information with care, tact and empathy. All I promise to teach you here is the technology. You have to apply that technology for good, kind, ethical purposes. Do unto others, as they say.This course is presented as a series of modules, each one focusing on a different aspect of the structure of communication. Take your time to work through them, and most importantly, make time to practice. I have always found that news reports, TV interviews, radio talk shows and overheard conversations are a great way to practice your skills for listening to and analysing language. There will be plenty of practice examples for you to work on too. When you're working with a live client, you can take that practice a stage further, but let's take it one step at a time, eh?Once you begin to discover the hidden depths of language, your natural question will be, ""How do I use this with a client?"" or ""What would I say to a client if they said...?"" These are fine questions, which I will answer at the end of each module, and at the end of the course. I said one step at a time, remember?What this opens up for you is a world of possibilities, in which you will be able to build relationships with your clients that go beyond anything you've experienced before. You will understand people at a deeper, almost psychic level. Your clients will feel totally understood and accepted, without having to tell you every detail of their experiences. You will have a different way of relating to people, and a depth to your work with clients that you have never experienced before."
Price: 19.99

"Reiki: Corso di Perfezionamento per iniziati di 1, 2 o 3" |
"Il corso richiede almeno l'iniziazione di primo livello Reiki, in qualunque stile affine a Mikao Usui, ma nasce per offrire approfondimenti adatti a Master, praticanti e operatori di ogni livello. Dopo aver erogato oltre 350 seminari fra Italia e Spagna, e conseguito 4 Master in Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho, Karuna, Tibetano e Teate, Marco Cattaneo GOTAM, Master Reiki, autore, maestro di Meditazione e soprattutto praticante Reiki (con oltre 5.000 trattamenti alle spalle) offre questo corso di approfondimento sui concetti fondamentali della disciplina, sullo stile di vita e sulla gestione delle energie sottili.Il corso prevede anche la possibilit di usufruire di una Sessione Individuale e Gratuita con l'insegnante (in audio e video)."
Price: 49.99

"Performance Management and Coaching via timely feedback" |
"This course highlights the current challenges in Coaching and Performance Management. All the details are explained with the help of currently faced scenarios in the form of challenges and opportunities in in organizations. The course explains what kind of reviews help in building a successful coaching culture and how it impacts the success of a coach when he helps the employees in differentiating their personal goals from professional ones.The course has 7 Sections and 21 Lectures. The main areas discussed in each section are the following.Introduction to Coaching CultureHow to be a successful coach?Why is feedback important?The role of managers/coaches in delivering feedbackChallenges in feedback deliveryChallenges in developing a coaching culturePersonal and Professional GoalsInnovative Ways to be a successful coachAll the above listed topics are discussed in detail in each lecture giving a comprehensive knowledge to know what are the changes you can face either as Manager , Leader , Trainer or Coach in an organization and how you can find ways to face those challenges. This course will give the idea to develop an effective coaching culture if you want your organization to get listed among the top ones and build a rapport in the heart of your employees.Students will be able to know how traditional techniques need to be eliminated and replaced with the innovative ones and how to determine critical situations and then analyze the gap existing in their coaching."
Price: 59.99
