"Agile (evik) Proje Ynetimi ve Scrum Metodolojisi" |
"Kursumuzda Agile yani evik proje ynetimi yaklam ve bu yaklamn en popler metodolojisi olan Scrum erevesi ile ilgili detayl bilgilere erime ansnz olacaktr.Ayrca Kanban ve Extreme Programming gibi dier Agile metodolojileri ve Waterfall Yaklam (PMP) hakknda da fikir sahibi olmanz hedeflenmektedir.Eitimimizi benzer eitimlerden ayran en nemli zellik Agile yaklamlara niye ihtiya duyulduunun daha net anlalmas iin Waterfall yaklama ve bu yaklamn eletirildii noktalara da deinilmesidir."
Price: 49.99

"Learn HTML5 and CSS3 from zero" |
"We are going to understand how to create a web page using HTML and CSS.At the end of the course I will introduce also Bootstrap which is an easy way to start a web page in minutes.We are going to touch the following topics: HTML5, CSS3, Head, Body, Semantic Tags.Images, External Links, Colors, Meta Tag, Nav Bar.Fonts, Forms, Box Model, Contents, Padding, Border, Margin, Flex Box.Bootstrap Themes."
Price: 19.99

"10 Easy PowerPoint Tutorials for Absolute Beginners" |
"PowerPoint is widely used in every aspect. However, it is not easy to create precise and attractive slides, especially for beginners or anyone who seldom uses PowerPoint. In 10 Easy PowerPoint Tutorials for Absolute Beginners, we do not go through every command or function. Instead, we share all the commands and basic skills that are commonly use. Together with work file, participants can learn all necessary command and technique in short time.10 tutorials with 16 videos in total. No more than 1 hour, you will be able to have overall understanding of PowerPoint and create a simple presentation in 3 steps. Let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"NCR NR0-017 Tera data Masters Update V2R5 Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which two statements are true regarding the parameters within a stored procedure? (Pick one.)a) The parameters and their attributes are always stored in the Data Dictionary.b) Parameters can be used to create dynamic SQL statement.c) The parameters can be modified using the FORMAT clause.d) The parameters may include status as ACTIVITY_COUNT variables.Q) What are the two tools can be used to alter the database objects to improve the performance of workloads? (Pick one.)a) Teradata Tool emulation system (TSET)b) . Teradata Visual Explainc) Teradata Statistics Wizardd) Teradata indices GuidedQ) Which three are attributes of an Active Data Warehouse? (Choose three.)a) high availabilityb) tactical queriesc) complex queriesd) expansion batch windowsQ) What brands combine floor controller of a primary index on each of the two tables with the correspondence partitioned primary indexes (PPI)?a) Merge rowkey-basedb) nestedc) exclusion uniond) merge rowhashQ) It is considering the possibility of using a hash index of a multi-terabyte table. What are the two factors that complicate the implementation of a hash index on a table that? (Pick one.)a) A primary partitioned index (PPI) is defined in the table.b) A large number of users access to the tablec) Triggers are defined in the table.d) The maintenance work to the table is MultiLoad."
Price: 174.99

"Snowflake Cloud Data Warehousing-Basics to Advanced concepts" |
"This tutorial helps you to understand basic and advanced concepts of cloud technologies and their advantages over traditional and on premises data warehouse. You will learn how to load the data and unload the data from/to snowflake account. We create snowflake tasks which will be used to schedule stored procedures or data loading activities. We cover discussing about snowpipe which is a continuous data loading process. Snowflake comes with Time travel and zero copy cloning, We do discuss about these concepts in this tutorial."
Price: 2880.00

"ethical hacking practical bases" |
"An Ethical Hacker exposes vulnerabilities in software to help business owners fix those security holes before a malicious hacker discovers them. In this course, you learn all about Ethical hacking with loads of live hacking examples to make the subject matter clear.What should I know?Nothing! This is an absolute beginner guide to Ethical hacking.Course SyllabusTutorial: What is Hacking? Tutorial: Potential Security Threats To Your Computer Systems"
Price: 19.99

"Oil and Gas Process Analysers" |
"Process analysers,Hydrogen Sulphide analyser,application,working,Installation and testing;Introduction Process Analysers and the differences analysers and normal transmitters;Hydrogen Sulphide Analysers requirement in oil & gas field,;Hydrogen Sulphide sensor/transmitter wiring , principle of operation;Hydrogen Sulphide sensor/transmitter Test and calibration;Flue Gas Oxygen Analyser application,principle,test and calibration;Flue Gas Oxygen Analyser application study of Boiler combustion,excess air requirement;Flue Gas Oxygen Analyser and main parts;Flue Gas Oxygen Analyser test and calibration;PROCESS ANALYSERS-CHROMOTOGRAPH-Application,Principle,Functional Parts,Installation;Chromotograph-Oil and Gas Principle of Operation;Chromotograph-Oil and Gas Applications,Importance of Composition;Chromotograph-Description of Functional Parts;Chromotograph-Installation,Analyser ShelterPROCESS ANALYSERS-DISSOLVED OXYGEN-Application,Principle,Functional Parts,Installation;Dissolved Oxygen Analyser-Introduction,Application;Sensor and Transmitter;Sampling System Components;Sampling System P&ID and GENERAL ARRANGEMENT DRAWING;Dissolved Oxygen Analyser-Sampling System Operation of pump and solenoid valve operation;Sampling System Control Circuit,Wiring,cause & effect drawing"
Price: 29.99

"Chasing 100" |
"Nowadays, everyone talks about wanting to live their best lives, but how exactly do we do that? What does that even look like? Chasing 100 is a roadmap for designing your Best Life. You will walk away from the course knowing exactly where you're going and how to get there. "
Price: 74.99

"Estrategias de Partner Marketing" |
"Este curso est diseado para definir estrategias de Partner Marketing exitosas y que ayuden a crecer tu negocio. Como definir qu tipo de canal necesitas y as mismo como generar demanda con los Canales, una estrategia para crear campaas de marketing para tus canales y como medir los resultados.-Definicin de Partner Marketing.-Tipos de Canales.-Crear un Centro de Demanda para Canales.-Programas y Campaas de Marketing para los Canales.-Medir los Resultados y cuales son los KPIs."
Price: 270.00

"Global Player 2.0, the 5 communication skills, Part 1" |
"Global Player 2.0, has been developed specifically for Japanese people who are currently doing business in English. In this course, you will learn how to use proven techniques to develop key skills to be successful in global business.The course is in English with comments at the end of each section in Japanese by Masaru SomeyaCourse objectives:Whats actually important to your global business colleagues? Its not perfect English;-)Why Global Player 2.0. Five Skills?Our research data & what it means to youMindsets & behaviors for successful communicationCommunication tools & techniques that are commonly used in global businessHow you can use all of the above in both face-to-face & virtual settingsI want to completely change the way you think of communicating in English!This course is not about speaking better English.It is about communicating betterYou dont need a TOEIC score of 900, 400 is enoughThe 5 skills are the same skills taught to native speakersThe Five Skills:1. Speak Up!Gain confidence by learning to comment on any unexpected topic2. Intelligent ListeningQuickly create a good impression, understand more deeply & build better relationships3. Kaizen SandwichUse feedback techniques to give your opinion & develop relationships4. Smart CommentsUse simple techniques to join & lead discussions5. Controlling the ConversationApply a powerful technique that will help you to manage difficult topics so you can always follow & participate in those discussions"
Price: 15600.00

"Postman : REST API Testing for Beginners" |
"Postman is an application for API development environment which supports both SOAP and REST. API Testing has gained popularity these days because of evolution of Micro Services. Each components are made as web service and to test these web services we can make use of Postman to test RESTful APIs manually. In this you will learn from basics to intermediate concepts of API Testing using REST APIs using Postman.The topics which we have covered in this are .- What is Postman and how to install it?- Install and Use real time software and use it to send requests- Creating GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests- Creating collections- Global, Environment Variables- Using Snippets & Assertions- Using Console- Using Workspace- Using Mock Server- Using MonitorYou will learn all the above step by step with an example.I look forward to your participation in learning and gaining knowledge."
Price: 19.99

"Pginas de vendas profissional de graa" |
"Essa forma que lhes apresento nesse mtodo, aquela velha histria, como eu queria que aguente tivesse me falado sobre assim que eu comecei. Trabalhando quase que exclusivamente com o google, podemos criar pginas na internet para TODAS as funes que possa imaginar, desde de captura de Whatsapp, emails, venda de produtor, formas de distribuir seu link de afiliados e etc.De uma forma gratuita comeamos a vender na internet, e o que tem de melhor que isso, comear um negcio sem investir nada, apenas com o conhecimento."
Price: 99.99

"Advanced SEO for Amazon KDP" |
"Whether youre self-publishing your first book or youre an experienced author, optimizing your book listing within Amazons KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) platform can boost your visibility and sales. This course is perfect for improving your SEO for non-fiction books, fiction books, or even low or no-content books. Great for Kindle books or print editions.If youve ever wondered how to improve your books rankings on Amazon, this course is for you.In just under an hour, Amazon best-selling author and digital marketing expert Ryan Morgan will go through six essential lessons to help your book show up for the right search queries, rank higher, and boost sales.Amazons A9 Algorithm - Learn the ranking factors that impact how Amazon products rank within their search engine.Keyword Research - Learn how to research the right keywords to leverage in your product title, subtitle, product description, and backend keywords and categories.Title and Subtitle - Discover how to write a compelling title and subtitle to increase the click-through rate of your book in Amazons search results.Description - Learn the formula for writing a book description that will entice the user and convert more browsers into buyers.Keywords - Take advantage of the 7 backend keywords within Amazons KDP platform to match as many search terms as possible.Categories - Discover how to leverage categories to improve your exposure in search rankings, and learn the secret to adding bonus categories for your book.Youll walk away with an actionable, step-by-step strategy for optimizing your Amazon KDP book listing, including dozens of free SEO tools that can be used to make the process more efficient and more effective. The ideal course for independent authors looking to increase book sales.If youre ready to take your self-published book to the next level on Amazon, this course is for you!"
Price: 19.99

"Como fazer um projeto de TCC consistente em apenas 3 dias" |
"O TCC a ltima barreira para quem busca se formar e comear uma nova profisso. Porm, a cada dia, milhares de alunos sofrem nas aulas de metodologia de pesquisa e afins porque no entendem o trabalho de concluso de curso.Nosso curso desenvolvido no formato de oficina prtica. Aps breve apresentao de conceitos e estrutura, promovemos uma srie de guias passo a passo para que voc crie o seu projeto de TCC etapa por etapa. So exerccios prticos que fazem voc refletir sobre as suas escolhas de pesquisa e que ajudam voc a colocar o seu projeto no papel, seguindo uma lgica bem estruturada.Se voc se sente perdido nas aulas de TCC, esse o seu curso. So trs horas de videoaulas que correspondem a 24 horas de trabalho prtico. Se voc quiser, possvel fazer um projeto consistente, como indica nosso ttulo, em apenas trs dias. Se preferir usar mais tempo, fique vontade.Oferecemos um e-book para acompanhar as lies e rever os guias passo a passo, assim como um guia ABNT e modelos para fichamento dissertativo e de citao para serem usados nas leituras para o seu projeto.Feito primeiramente pensado para alunos das humanidades e cincias sociais e sociais aplicadas, nossa oficina virtual serve tambm para alunos de graduao e ps-graduao das outras reas do conhecimento (biolgicas e da sade, por exemplo), pois se baseia em princpios da produo acadmico-cientfica.Cursos com alunos que mais iro se beneficiar do contedo:AdministraoAntropologiaArqueologiaArtesCincia da ReligioCincias EconmicasCincias JurdicasCincias SociaisCincias PolticasComunicao SocialDireitoEconomiaFilosofiaGeografiaGestoHistriaJornalismoLetrasMarketingNegciosPedagogiaPlanejamento TerritorialPolticas PblicasPublicidade e PropagandaRelaes InternacionaisRelaes PblicasServio SocialSociologiaTeologiaTurismo"
Price: 69.99

"Segredos da Edio de Fotografia Pelo Celular" |
"Seja para ter um feed organizado, ter mais curtidas e comentrios dos amigos e familiares nas redes sociais, ou simplesmente melhorar a qualidade daquela foto que no est legal, este curso vai te ajudar a causar timas impresses em todos com fotos incrivelmente lindas, independentemente de como estava o cu ou se tinha algum que saiu atrapalhando a sua foto.Neste curso, utilizando apenas o seu celular e aplicativos 100% gratuitos, ns vamos aprender a alterar o cu nublado por um cu azul, apagar pessoas ou objetos indesejados das nossas fotos, incluir efeitos de neve, pssaros, entre outros, alm de aprender a editar utilizando Presets, criando assim uma harmonizao entre todas as nossas fotos e muito mais.Vrios alunos j tiverem suas fotos levadas para o prximo nvel.Faa parte deste grupo voc tambm e edite fotos incrveis!"
Price: 54.99

"Yang Tai Chi 108 Form Parts 2 and 3 with Master Yang (YMAA)" |
"2 hours 30 minutesLearn Parts Two and Three of the Yang-style Tai Chi 108-form with step by step instruction by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming. Front and rear view. A detailed private tai chi class with Master Yang.Tai Chi Chuan is a kind of moving meditation with ancient roots in Chinese martial arts. In this program, Dr. Yang teaches you Parts Two and Three of the traditional Yang-style long form step-by-step, while explaining the meaning of each movement. Traditionally, a student will practice the Part One of the 108-form for 6-12 months before moving on to learn parts 2 & 3. The classical Yang 108 form is constructed of 37 postures, or moving patterns, repeated with transition forms to total 108 movements.Yang Tai Chi is the most popular style in the world, and it is practiced by millions of people every day. By practicing Tai Chi, you relax the mind and body deeply, which is the key to maintaining and improving your health. When you are calm and centered, your body's natural restorative abilities are most efficient.Regular practice can benefit your strength, flexibility, bone-density, and muscle mass. The low-impact exercise has been shown to improve symptoms of depression and insomnia, and promote the healing of chronic conditions. Tai Chi is an excellent way to relieve stress, lower your blood pressure, and develop a positive attitude toward life. Tai Chi will increase your circulation of blood, nutrients, and energy throughout the body, resulting in improved vitality and longevity.Master Yang instructs the complete Tai Chi form from the front, and shows each movement one-by-one from multiple angles. There is also a rear view of the form that you can simply follow-along with once you're familiar with the movements.Tai Chi will develop your mind's alertness, awareness, and concentration. Most importantly, as you practice, pay attention to the feeling within the movements, so you may appreciate the profound essence of Tai Chi Chuan.Learn Parts 2 & 3 of the Yang-style 108 form Low-impact movements; good for all fitness levelsEvery movement explained in step by step detail10 video lessons / 2 hours 30 minutesAlso available: Yang Tai Chi for Beginners Part 1 of the 108 form (157 minutes)Dr. Yang's tai chi lineage can be traced back to the Yang family through Grandmaster Kao, Tao () and his teacher Yue, Huanzhi (), an indoor disciple of Yang, Chengfu ().""The Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi"" says: ""regular practice leads to more vigor and flexibility, better balance and mobility, and a sense of well-being. Cutting-edge research from Harvard Medical School also supports the long-standing claims that Tai Chi also has a beneficial impact on the health of the heart, bones, nerves and muscles, immune system, and the mind."""
Price: 69.99

"Video Editing with VSDC Video Editor" |
"Hi. Welcome to the video editing course on VSDC Video Editor. VSDC Free Video Editor is a non-linear editing application developed by Flash-Integro, LLC. The program is capable of processing high-resolution footage including 4K UHD, 3D and VR 360-degree videos. VSDC allows for applying post production effects, live color correction, and motion tracking.At the end of the course you will have the complete knowledge about video editing."
Price: 19.99

"Crie ambientes decorados com qualidade profissional avanada" |
"O curso tem como objetivo potencializar o conhecimento dos alunos que j tiveram contato com a interface no curso Homestyler nvel 01. Com a criao prtica de projetos de interiores e decorao utilizando a interface voc vai extrair ao mximo suas funcionalidades.Com as tcnicas aplicadas, voc ser capaz de criar um Loft com espaos arquitetnicos integrados, compor decoraes, otimizar o processo de criao, extrair imagens de alta resoluo e criar tour virtual do ambiente."
Price: 69.99

"Naturopathic Protocols to Heal the Gut" |
"Gut health is critical to the immune system, hormonal system and digestive system.Navigating Gut Health can be very confusing if you do not have the right tools and treatment protocols. Often people give up and put up. This snowballs into potential chronic health challenges which can lead to long term pain and suffering.Often we try to fix things ourselves by googling or heading to a chemist. Often these things can help but dont ultimately fix nor diagnose adequately without proper testing access. This leaves people feeling like they are going through the wringer with the same symptoms popping up over and over.An imbalance in our gut (Dysbiosis) can occur though exposure to:- excessive sugars in diet & poor diet and lifestyle choices- too much alcohol / caffeine- overgrowth of bad bacteria- parasite or fungus- IBS/IBD- food allergies/sensitivitiesSymptoms can range from:- Weight Gain- Fatigue / Brain Fog- Headaches/Migraines- Bad breathe / Body Odour- Poor Dental health- PMS- Bloating / Gas / Wind- Constipation- Loose Bowels- Acne/Pimples- Eczema / Psoriasis / Dermatitis- Allergies - increasing (food, seasons etc)- Insomnia- Joint Pain- Ulcers / Peptic UlcersAnd lead to chronic health conditions such as:- IBS - Auto-immunity- Metabolic issues such as Obesity / Diabetes- Hormone conditions such as Thyroid dysfunction, Endometriosis, PCOS- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome- Periodontal disease / Gingivitis- Cancer - Fibromyalgia - Peptic Ulcers - GORD (Reflux / Indigestion)- AsthmaCOURSE OUTLINEYou will be supported all the way through your course via the the ""Question section' in the course profile, plus the course contains:- 45mins worth of Audio and Video instructions from Carly Gallagher (Naturopath)- Full protocol guide (4 Phases)- Links to purchase relevant test kits for diagnosis- Detailed Instructions for Practitioner based treatment recommendations and links to purchase products via supplier.Your 4 Phases:Remove - Based on diagnosis from chosen completed tests. Using a course of recommended antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiviral or anti parasitic therapies in cases where organisms are present. It will be necessary to remove offending foods, gluten, or medication that may be acting as antagonists. This phase also can be related to Food sensitivities and completion of an IgG teat can be done to assist in the elimination and reintroduction of sensitive food groups.Replace - In cases of mal-digestion or malabsorption, it is necessary to restore proper digestion by recommending supplementing with digestive enzymes. This is also critical for assisting hormone regulation as well as maintaining proper body functions.Repopulate - Recolonisation with healthy, beneficial bacteria. Supplementation recommendations for specific probiotics based on test results, along with the use of prebiotic's helps re-establish the proper microbial balance.Repair/Rebalance - Restore the integrity of the gut mucosa by giving support to healthy mucosal cells, as well as immune support. Address whole body health and lifestyle factors so as to prevent future GI dysfunction. This will include recommendation of intestinal support and repair products."
Price: 59.99

"Comprehensive Body Weight Workout Routine (Full Body)" |
"This course covers a total body workout you can do quickly, easily and conveniently at home or in your hotel while traveling. This course outline does not require any weights but instead utilizes ordinary objects in a room and specific, variable and pinpointed body angles/ positions (home workouts bring out your creative physical side). Once you learn how to do these workouts you can tailor them to your own abilities and personal goals. The objects, positions and angles can be altered to achieve a scalable workout targeted to your needs and individual physical fitness level. You will gain muscle mass and lose weight if you consistently engage in and master the exercises in the course and vary them from time to time (i.e. every three to four weeks) to avoid the negative effects of ""muscle memory"" on your fitness objectives. There is no longer any reason for most people to go to gym, pay expensive fees or wait for machines when you can do everything you need at home by applying the proper methods and techniques contained in this body weight workout course which is accessible to all fitness levels! You will see results in a few short months if you consistently apply this program."
Price: 19.99

"How To Play The Drums From Beginner To Pro" |
"Have you always wanted to learn how to play the drums but never got the chance to learn?Do you want to master the drums?Tired of searching on YouTube to try and learn the drums?Are you ready to take your drumming to the next level? Then my complete How To Play The Drums From Beginner To Pro course is perfect for you!This course will take you from beginner and intermediate to advanced and pro - in less time that most YouTube tutorials! You Get Over 2.5+ hours and 30+ Lectures of FULL HD content! Watch the Promo Video to see how you can Get Started Today!_________________________________________________________________________I believe the best way to learn is by doing! That is why I have created this course for you to learn and play right along with me.By enrolling in my course today you will receive more than 30+ lessons, PDFs and more.This course is designed to shorten your learning curve and have you learn the most essential parts of drumming without wasting time.I use a studio kit in this course, but if you dont have that, drumsticks and a practice pad will do.So... What are you going to learn?!What drumsticks to use and how to hold themThe names of the drumsHow to play singles and doublesHow to play your FIRST groove and fill!How to play to a clickHow to develop your hand and foot techniqueHow to play accents and ghost notesHow to play rudiments and how to apply them to the kitHow to play the paradiddles and how to apply them to the kitAbout independence on the kitHow to play a cool cross over fillHow to go proAbout the pros and cons in the music industryGreat tips to become a professional drummerAfter enrolling in this How To Play The Drums From Beginner To Pro course....You Will Be Able To...Play the drums with ease! Whether you are going to play drums as a hobby or planning to go pro, this course will help you get to the next levels and beyond._________________________________________________________________________With the right mindset, understanding, and application, you will instantly begin learning how to master the drums.When I learn something new - I'll add it to the course - at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life.In addition to the 30-day money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course._________________________________________________________________________What I can't do in this Course..I can't guarantee your success this course does take work on your part. But it can be done!I am also not responsible for your actions. You are responsible for 100% of the decisions and actions you make while using this course._________________________________________________________________________It's time to take action! This course will not remain this price forever!Click the ""Buy Now"" button, top right, Today!Every hour you delay is costing you money...See you in the course!Sincerely,Ihan Haydar"
Price: 199.99

hkkbwyjo |
Price: 18600.00

"Liderana Engajadora" |
"O Curso Liderana Engajadora tem como objetivo: capacita-lo e desenvolve-lo sob os aspectos fundamentais da Liderana e como fazer Gesto de Pessoas de forma correta e que apresente resultados satisfatrios para a empresa.Este curso destinado a pessoas que esto em cargos de liderana e que buscam desenvolvimento continuo para melhorar seus resultados e para pessoas que esto sendo preparadas para assumir a posio de Gestores de Pessoas ou Lderes de empresas ou empreendedores que desejam saber como obter melhores resultados por meio do capital humano."
Price: 84.99

"Arquitectura y diseo de unas cejas perfectas" |
"Sabias que al cerebro humano le toma tan solo unas dcimas de segundo identificar tu estado anmico, pensamientos, sentimientos y hasta tu posicin social tan solo a travs de las cejas? Este diplomado en arquitectura y diseo de unas cejas perfectas, te lleva de la mano de la GrandMaster Worldwide gueda Gonzlez a recorrer las bases y puntos que hacen la diferencia entre saber trazar un diseo de cejas y conocer realmente como realizar una arquitectura de cejas.No importa si crees saberlo todo acerca de las cejas; o no tienes ningn indicio de unas cejas perfectas, con el afamado mtodo patentado por gueda Gonzlez y Studio Cejas Perfectas: De cero a cien, recorrers 5 secciones con ms de 20 clases en video, diapositivas y recursos de trabajo para imprimir en casa, desde los puntos y claves a prueba de error por la misma gueda de xito para la industria de la belleza y el poder de unas cejas para despus entender, comprender, y palpar la estructura sea del rostro (osteologa, morfologa, miologa y estructura tisular.) Hasta conocer las diferentes herramientas de diseo como el calibrador, comps ureo, etc y no solo conocerlas; sino saber utilizarlas desde el momento cero. Tambin podrs descubrir nuevos patrones de diseo en cejas (ceja recta, oriental o asitica) y la diferencia entre toda la morfologa y diseo de un rostro femenino a uno masculino, para lograr estructurar tambin al final del curso unas cejas 100% masculinas.Ya sabes, no importa lo que hagas, tu profesin o que te dediques, lo importante es lo que quieres ser, conocer o hacer. Lo nico indispensable, es el deseo de ser diferente, de sobresalir en el mbito que te guste (maquillaje, micropigmentador, lashista o te fascine comunicar seguridad travs de tu mirada).Porque conformarse con saber hacerlo, cundo puedes ser el mejor?."
Price: 720.00

"Learn IP addressing and IPV4 Subnettings" |
"Subnetting allows you to create multiple logical networks that exist within a single Class A, B, or C network. If you do not subnet, you are only able to use one network from your Class A, B, or C network, which is unrealistic.In this course you will learn the necessary information about IP addressing and subnetting such as how addresses are broken down and how subnetting works. you will learn all necessary information about subnetting through practical examples which help you answer any questions about subnetting easily and in a very short time.any one who wants to take CCNA exam need to know how to do subnetting."
Price: 19.99

"German Beginner Course - Express" |
"Have you always wanted to learn German but always thought it was too difficult and that you have too little time? Then this course is for you.This course is your ticket to enjoying street culture in Berlin, skiing in the Bavarian and Austrian Alps, enjoying the beauty of the Black Forrest and the Rhine Rive Valley and many other great experiences.You will learn basic vocabulary and phrases that will help you to communicate with the locals. There will also be some real-life conversation examples after each section, where you will learn, how to apply the new words and phrases.And all of that in just 2,5 hours!!What this course is: a great introductory course to learning German a more condensed version of the ""German Beginners Course"" a fast paced course for people who are fast at learning languages created for learners with low time budget tought by a native speakerWhat this course is NOT: a detailed grammar course a course that brings you to an intermediate or expert level a course about formal conversation a universal reference course about every topic of lifeAre you ready to take your German to the next level?Let's go!"
Price: 89.99

"Handy Sigil Magick" |
"Call forth the energies of the universe through kinesthetic sigil magick. Sigils are symbols that activate charged will, creativity and imagination, allowing magicians to communicate with beings and manipulate energies. Traditionally, sigils are activated through various techniques, from the recitation of a word of power, visualization, or undeterred focus. Explore how to create sigils and activate them in spellwork through a structured system of gestures and movements that activate intention and will throughout the mind, body, and spirit. By pulling from astrology, palmistry, and psychology, Handy Sigil Magick presents a new way of working with sigils for any magician to use in their workings."
Price: 19.99

"Analisi Commerciale e Reporting Excel" |
"Questo corso si rivolge a chi vuole avvicinarsi per la prima volta all'analisi commerciale e a chi vuole trovare nuovi strumenti, in particolare su Excel, per elaborare i propri file.Imparerai a capire il significato dei numeri, ad interpretare grafici, trend e a creare dashboard per avere sotto controllo la tua attivit commerciale. Insieme viaggeremo nel modo delle vendite e ti rendero' piu' semplice la comprensione dell'utilizzo di alcuni strumenti Excel utili al raggiungimento dei tuoi obiettivi. Attraverso file scaricabili potrai provare con mano quanto vedrai nelle lezioni ed esercitarti tu stesso anche sugli argomenti piu' complessi.Troverai un'intera sezione dedicata ad esempi concreti come il calcolo della redditivit dei clienti per marchio o l'analisi degli scostamenti rispetto al budget.Ci sar ampio spazio dedicato alle previsioni di vendita e agli strumenti utilizzati per effettuare proiezioni nel futuro.Inizia il viaggio, la formazione il primo passo verso il successo!In bocca al lupo!"
Price: 69.99

"Public Speaking That Connects!" |
"Mengapa Anda Perlu Kelas Public Speaking That Connects?Ketika berbicara di muka umum, apa yang Anda alami?Gugup, mulut kering, lidah kelu, bahkan berkeringat dingin?Bingung, salah tingkah, tidak nyaman, dan kehilangan kata-kata?Kondisi tersebut membuat public speaking menjadi hal yang kurang disukai, bahkan dihindari oleh banyak orang. Mungkin termasuk Anda! Keengganan bertambah lagi, karena ada sebagian orang yang berpendapat bahwa berbicara di muka umum dengan lancar dan asyik perlu bakat. Padahal, banyak sekali moment dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di mana kita harus berbicara di muka umum, apalagi jika Anda berkecimpung di dunia profesional. Sehingga, menghindari public speaking jelas bukan pilihan yang masuk akal.Mungkin banyak yang sudah menyadari hal tersebut, sehingga mulai mencari public speaking course. Sayangnya, kita kerap dihadapkan pada berbagai course yang memusingkan kepala, bahkan menakutkan. Misalnya, Public Speaking dengan Teknik ABC, Public Speaking yang Menyihir, Public Speaking yang Menerapkan Teori XYZ, dan lain-lain. Setelah diikuti, ternyata teori, konsep dan teknik yang diberikan sukar diterapkan, sehingga kita tetap saja menjadi pembicara yang membosankan.Apa masalahnya? Kerap kita berimajinasi terlalu jauh tentang public speaking. Seolah kita harus tampil formal, sempurna, tanpa cela. Padahal, public speaking is just speaking. Tujuannya membangun koneksi dengan pendengar. Tidak jauh berbeda dengan kita ngobrol biasa dengan sahabat, anggota keluarga, atau kolega di kantor. Apalagi, dunia kita sekarang didominasi generasi milenial. Mereka suka pembicara yang genuine, natural, dan tidak lebay. Untuk itu, story telling menjadi teknik public speaking yang tepat digunakan untuk membangun engagement mereka."
Price: 2380000.00

"CSS for Beginners" |
"Students learn to harness the true power of front-end development using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Through comprehensive exercises, students will develop stylish, responsive web layouts using CSS properties and style definitions. Students who want to learn how to Develop Web Pages using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) will find the fundamentals they need in this course.Who This Course Is For:Anyone interested in Web DevelopmentWeb DesignersProgrammersSolutions ArchitectsCloud EngineersDevOps EngineersCybersecurity AnalystsNetwork Security EngineersSystem Administrators"
Price: 19.99

"Drum programming basics for ALL GENRE Beats in Ableton live" |
"This course will help you guys to program drums for hip-hop, trap, house, dubstep, drum & bass in Ableton live. This production class on programming drums will walk you through the process of using piano roll to program drums in Ableton live 10.This course explains the basic structure and tempo of each genre in drum programming. The genres of music focussed are,HOUSE MUSICDUBSTEP MUSICDRUM & BASS MUSIC.HIPHOP DRUMSTRAP DRUMSThis course will guide you through the beginner steps in writing drum beats in Ableton live. The music production will be made easier through this course. This basic rhythm programming will walk you through all these five genre of music to get a better idea of music theory behind them."
Price: 19.99
