"Basics of Venture Capital Funding" |
"Venture Capitalists (VCs) provide entrepreneurs much needed capital in the initial days of the startup when there is little to show for success. While VCs get to repeat the process of evaluating, investing, succeeding, and failing on a day-in day-out basis, most entrepreneurs at best get a few shots (most likely 1 or 2) to securing venture funding. Therefore, the VCs negotiate from a much stronger position. Knowing how VCs operate can help level the playing field to some extent and help entrepreneurs negotiate better terms with the VCs."
Price: 8000.00

"Fundamentals of Business Finance" |
"This course is a complete package on Business finance which will help students to gain complete knowledge on Business finance. This Course contains lectures on -Financial Decisions- Investing, Financing & Dividend decision.-Functions of a Business Finance Manager-Capital Market- Participants & Various Instruments of Capital Market-RBI- Functions, Monetary Policies for the supply of Money.-Time Value of Money to determine the investment proposal is profitable or not?-Strategic Financial Planning process - Types, Process & factors affecting the plan.-The capitalization of a Business- Overcapitalisation & Undpitalisation.-Short term finance- Working Capital Requirements.-Project Financing - Types & its process."
Price: 3520.00

"Salsa Ladies Style & Technique" |
"This is a course especially made for you ladies..! Now is your time, to find your confidence, embrace your femininity and feel beautiful inside out through Dance ..! My purpose in this course is to make you learn, explore, feel active, get fit,love your body, be creative, feel sexy and mostly have fun ! With my help and guidance, in little time , you are going to be able to: Dance various salsa moves (L.A style), steps and combinationsimprove your dancing skills if you are already dancingLearn how to isolate different parts of your body, move your hips and arms in a feminine and elegant way and kill it on the Dancefloor! Are you ready to follow me to this amazing journey and Change your life ? Let's go!"
Price: 29.99

"AP Music theory (part 1) - Fundamental theory concepts." |
"This class will go over every single concept in AP music theory from the very beginning. It will cover all the chapters in Julie Johnson's Guide to AP music theory and use ABRSM theory books as well as College board AP music theory guide as references. This class will include strategies for the test and practice problems just like the AP test. It will prepare you well for the AP test. Specifically, this part will cover pretty much everything besides four part writing and continuo realizations. I will reserve those two concepts in the part 2 lecture, as they are pretty complicated and extensive."
Price: 99.99

"Orthodontic biomechanics and anchorage" |
"This course will take you from zero to hero of the following orthodontic topics: Orthodontic tooth movement; Biomechanics of tooth movement and Anchorage.Here are the main headlines that this course covers:Orthodontic tooth movement1. Role and structure of periodontal ligament2. Theory of tooth movement3. Optimal orthodontic force4. Tissue response to orthodontic force4.1 Changes in the pressure zone4.2 Changes in the tension zone5. Stages of tooth movement6. Types of force based on magnitude and force decay.7. Effects on drugs on the response to orthodontic forceBiomechanics of tooth movement1. Introduction2. Laws of Newton3. Definition of force4. Definition of center of resistance5. Center of rotation6. Definition of moment7. Types of dental movements7.1 Tipping7.2 Translation7.3 Root movement7.4 Rotation7.5 Intrusion7.6 Extrusion8. Definition of a couple9. Static equilibrium10. Action and reaction11. Deep bite correction12. Correction of bilateral posterior open bite13. Correction of anterior cross bite14. Use of V bend15. Diastema closureAnchorage1.Introduction1.Definition for anchorage2. Classification of anchorage2.1 Intraoral or extraoral2.2 Intramaxillary and intermaxillary2.3 Type A, Type B, Type C3. Intramaxillary anchorageAnchorage preparationSoft tissue anchorageFree anchorage4. Intermaxillary anchorage5. Extraoral anchorage6. Indications for anchorage7. Factors to consider determining the type of anchorage8. Tips to reinforce posterosuperior anchorage9. Tips to reinforce anteroinferior anchorage10. Types of anchorage10.1.1. Minimal Anchorage.Stops.Tip back.Arch wire tie back.Toe-in, Toe-Out.Retro-ligature.Intermaxillary elastics.Lip Bumper.10.2. Moderate Anchorage.Nance Button.Transpalatine Arch (TPA).Lingual Arch10.3. Maximum or Severe Anchorage.Chromosome arch.Transpalanance10.4. Absolut Anchorage"
Price: 199.99

"Investigating the Paranormal" |
"Topics covered in this class will include the history and theories behind residual hauntings, poltergeist activity and apparitions, how psychic abilities may play a role in the paranormal, how to use the scientific method and technology while investigating, how to interview witnesses, the importance of historical research in paranormal investigating and step by step guidelines on how to conduct actual paranormal investigations. There are a couple of ways you can engage with this material. You can take the class for fun and not worry about completing the quizzes or assignments or you can take it for a certificate of completion. If you choose the certificate route, you must take the quizzes and complete the assignments. "
Price: 79.99

"Arkadaslar Merhaba. Ben Mustafa Hoca, Ingilizce egitimindeki yanlis yontemlerden oturu, Ingilizce ogrenememektesiniz. Piyasadaki var olan cogu kitaplar, metodlar, dersler Ingilizce ogrenmekten cok ogrenmemeye yoneliktir cunku o kitaplar ve digerleri daha cok ana dili Ingilizce olan kisiler icindir. Bu yuzden herseyden once neden ogrenemedigimizi bilmemiz gerekiyor, ardindan ogrencinin tek hatasinin tekrar etmemek oldugunu ve bununda %10'a karsilik geldigini, %90'lik kisminin ise ogreten egitmenlerden ve sistemden kaynaklandigini goreceksiniz. Tabi burada maksadim hocalarimizi karalamak degil, ama var olan sistemin ciddi kusurlarinin olmasi ve buna dikkat cekmek. Basit bir ornekle, 50 kisilik bir sinifta 5 kisi ogrenemiyorsa bu normaldir ama 50 kisilik sinifta 45 kisi ogrenemiyorsa, burada hata sistemden ve onu olusturan unsurlardan kaynaklanmaktadir. Bu da degisim gerektirir. Benim derslerimdeki tek handikap video'larimin normal ozel ders gorunumunde olmasidir, yani animasyan vs yoktur, zaten burada bilgi ve bilgi aktarimi onemlidir, bu bir yazilim, animasyon kursu degildir. Ilk ingilizce dersimizden sonra kendi kendinize disardan yardim almadan, mesela ' Onlar bugun calismaya baslarlar. ' cumlesini yazabileceksiniz. Derslerimde kesinlikle vakit kaybina yer yoktur, o yuzden alfabe, basit cumle kaliplari(Nerelisin, kac yasindasin gibi), Gunler, Aylar vs ogretmiyorum. Su anda uygulanan sistemin disinda, eksiklerini belirledigim ve cozum olarak kendi olusturdugum bir kitap uzerinden anlatiyorum. En guzel yani sifirdan ileri seviyeye tasimasi ve bununda herkese hitap edecek sekilde olmasidir. Su ana kadar derslerimden memnun olmayan, ogrenemeyen ogrenci olmadi. Bu arada * 30 Gn inde Para ade Garantisi * oldugunu unutmayin!Bu kursumuzda Simple Present Tense, yani Genis Zaman'i ve To Be (am/is/are - olmak) kalibini ogrenecegiz.(NOT: Bu Ingilizce Eitim kursunu indirip oaltan veya paylaan kiiler hakknda yasal ilem balatlacaktr.)"
Price: 99.99

"Wine-Tasting & Restaurant Assessment Criteria" |
"This Wine-Tasting & Restaurant Assessment Criteria course covers the following important aspects i.e.- Introduction.- How To Assess The Color / Appearance Of A wine.- How To Assess The Nose / Aroma Of A wine.- How To Assess The Taste Of A wine.- How To Use The Assessment Sheet To Assess A White Wine.- How To Use The Assessment Sheet To Assess A Red Wine.- How To Use The Assessment Sheet To Assess A Champagne / Sparkling Wine.- Restaurant Assessment Criteria: How To Assess The Quality Of Food.- Restaurant Assessment Criteria: How To Assess The Quality and Appropriateness Of The Wine / Drinks List.- Restaurant Assessment Criteria: How To Assess The Quality Of Quality of Service (Staff & Management).- Restaurant Assessment Criteria: How To Assess The Appearance: Look & Feel / Dcor / Crockery / Cutlery / Glasses / Menu / Wine List / Ambience.- Restaurant Assessment Criteria: How To Assess The Value For Money Perception. - Restaurant Assessment Criteria: How To Use The Restaurant Rating Sheet. - Conclusion."
Price: 54.99

"3d printing basics with blender 2.8" |
"3D designing beginner course with 3d blender 2.8 with acknowledging the mistakes that could be avoided while designing. This course is aiming for who want to start 3d designing for 3d printing on blender 2.8 and for those who want to see if blender is good or heard how fast and easy blender is. this course will help reduce the material use when 3d printing and it will reduce the price if you use an online service."
Price: 24.99

"Curso Avanado em Microsoft Access 2016" |
"Este curso destinado para usurio que queira aprender tcnicas avanadas do Microsoft Access 2016. Contedo que tambm poder ser aplicado para as verses 2010, 2013 e 2019 deste sute. Este curso aborda os conceitos importantes como tcnica de normalizao de tabelas, propriedade de junes entre tabelas, consultas avanadas, controles de formulrio (propriedades e tcnicas de utilizao), formulrios e subformulrio, operadores e funes internas do access (teoria e prtica), relatrios e subrelatrios (criao passo-a-passo), importao de base de dados do Excel, Access, Arquivo Texto e SQL Server e Tcnicas de Automatizao com Macros do Access."
Price: 39.99

"Aprende sombre el Marketing de Afiliados" |
"Bienvenido al mundo del marketing de afiliados! y no importa que en la universidad hayas estudiado una carrera que no tenga relacin bueno, aparente relacin con el mercadeo.Partamos desde la base qu es el marketing de afiliacin ?Es aquel en el que ganamos un porcentaje de comisin por realizar una venta de un producto que nos es nuestro, gracias a la promocin que hacemos.Si el producto o servicio no es nuestro, entonces de quin?: puede ser de empresas, influenciadores, o personas que estn en el mundillo de los blogs.Asimismo, dentro de los programa de afiliados , podrs encontrar una gran cantidad de alternativas como cursos, servicios de tecnologa, mentoras y ms.Con este increble curso te ensear todo lo relacionado al marketing de afiliados, anmate!"
Price: 19.99

"Despierta Tu Energa Curativa" |
"Accede a un mtodo nico basado en conocimientos milenarios secretos para sentir de forma clara e inequvoca tu energa vital y mejorar tu bienestar fsico y emocional. El curso est estructurado en 3 etapas de trabajo a desarrollar de forma progresiva.El chi o energa vital es una de las capacidades ms asombrosas del ser humano. Con tcnicas milenarias, normalmente mantenidas en secreto, en un nivel avanzado aprenders no solo a sentirlo sino tambin a manejarlo a tu voluntad. Sus posibilidades son enormes, por ejemplo para la mejora de la salud."
Price: 19.99

"GRATITUDE PARENTING : The 21 - Day challenge" |
"We know that parenting is the biggest responsibility, and despite all the odds, we all whole-heatedly wish to provide our children a peaceful and nurturing environment at home and make it the most rewarding experience for them. The question is how does a parent do that?The best gift we can give to our children is GRATITUDE. If your child practices gratitude in daily life, it models appreciation in action. Besides, this unique course has more to offer than just practicing gratitude. There is a hidden meaning in each letter of the powerful word GRATITUDE- a set of ten powerful life-changing daily practices. Each of these practices has the power of developing one or more of the physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of your childs life to unlock their unlimited potential. G stands for Generosity, R for Reading, A for Affirmation, T for Time-management, I for Imagination, T for Truth, U for Unity, D for Discipline and E for Exercise. These are all wrapped as a gift in the powerful word GRATITUDE. Thats the beauty of GRATITUDE PARENTING. This course is the best gift for all of you to wake up highly motivated each day to help your children take their life to the next level. This, ultimately, will lead them to a path of expanded consciousness; reveal new opportunities and abilities for their growth in every area of life.For those children who are in the midst of enduring times of struggle be it mental, emotional, physical, social GRATITUDE PARENTING is a boon for the parents. The insights shared in this course empower the children to overcome adversities, make major breakthroughs, and turn their situations around, as this course offers a whole new world of possibilities for parents and children.The GRATITUDE PARENTING practices have generated immense results for thousands of children around the world. Most of them have grown up to be successful people in their respective fields and their personal life. So, be ready to begin a miraculous journey with your child, which will surely transform any area of your childs life, all in 21 days.In just a few hours, this ground-breaking course will guide you to Discover an effective, empathetic road-map of ten most magical life-changing practices to be integrated into everyday parenting, to raise happy and successful children. Discover powerful ways to empower, awaken and unleash the true potential of the child by aligning the personal development tools with his or her positive state of mind Be a role model, so that the children feel proud to follow your footsteps to grow into a capable and responsible person successful in all spheres of life. Enjoy the process of parenthood, by making the most powerful parenting choices and by immersing yourself in shaping the valuable life of your child. To empower the children not only to develop healthy habits but also experience magical improvement in every area of their existence to lead an extraordinary life by following 21-day challenge.All the amazing parents are invited to make this course a part of your life and make parenting the most rewarding and miraculous experience of your life every single day.With sincere Gratitude and LoveWelcome and Enjoy the course"
Price: 1920.00

netbusiness |
Price: 29.99

resale01 |
Price: 29.99

investment01 |
Price: 29.99

"C Programming for Beginners" |
"This course teaches concept of C programming with examples. The goal is not just to teach 'how to' rather explain 'why'. The course is intended for absolute beginners as well as programmers trying to learn the fundamental concepts. The course starts with an overview of a generic computer system and takes all the way to an assignment that is a complete program based on real world needs.The course covers all the concepts including advanced topics: data types, macros, control, operators, arrays (1d and 2d), pointers, arrays of pointers, memory allocation, strings, file I/O, etc. Each concept is explained in detail with one or more examples.Assignments through course build up to a final assignment based on real world so you feel accomplished.Once you complete this course, you will not only learn programming in C but would also have learned fundamental concepts that you can take to other languages as well.Your feedback is welcome. What you liked, what you did not and what you think is missing"
Price: 59.99

"A Professionally Certified Supply Chain Management Course" |
"The SCMC program helps you demonstrate your knowledge and organizational skills for developing a more streamlined operation.This Program Is Delivered By Professor Karina Blanco .Master of Global Business Administration.(A.B. Freeman School of Business Tulane University.)Master Of Business Administration, IESAProduction engineer (cum laude), Universidad Simon bolivar, Venezuela.Partner, Director KMC Business Consulting Networks, PanamShe is a professional with more than 17 years of experience as a project manager (certified as PMP and Six Sigma Green Belt) with extensive experience in financial services (banking and insurance), and in the area of manufacturing and services. He has regional experience, being in charge of multicultural and interdisciplinary teams. able to identify opportunities and implement solutions to obtain process improvements and cost optimization; with proven management skills to improve productivity and teamwork. Adaptive leader, challenge-oriented, with strategic analytical skills."
Price: 164.99

"SOTIF Safety of Intended functionality -automotive ISO 21448" |
"ISO/PAS 21448 applies to functionality that requires proper situational awareness in order to be safe. The standard is concerned with guaranteeing the safety of the intended functionality SOTIF in the absence of a fault.Automotive engineers out there and safety managers out there are hearing this all day about SOTIF requirements and SOTIF analysis. But are not sure how to achieve compliance to this standard. Now you have the opportunity to do so.The coarse offers you in-depth awareness and analysis methods to apply SOTIF analysis and derive requirements. it also addresses how this standard is related to ISO26262, how are they different, if one is enough or both of them are required."
Price: 9920.00

"Intro to Korean Natural Farming - Farming With Microbes" |
"Korean Natural Farming (KNF) Is the process of cultivating Indigenous Microorganisms (IMO) through simple, natural, and affordable methods. IMO allows farmers to create all organic and high grade living fertilizers, fungicides, as well as medicines for human, plant, and animal consumption.In this course we will go over the 9 Core Solutions of Korean Natural Farming. This will include how to make the solutions, how to use the solutions, as well as the background knowledge to understand how these probiotic solutions work. We will also go over the Microbial Kingdom and how it not only applies to our farms, but to our bodies as well.Since this is an intro level class, no previous knowledge on microbiology or even farming for that matter is needed.This class is designed to enable anyone to become a probiotic farmer/gardener. Ideally, by the end of the course students will have a strong basic understanding of microorganisms and the role they play in our farms, gardens, and bodies.See You In Class!"
Price: 199.99

"Building a Professional Reputation Using LinkedIn (2020)" |
"""Always do, say, and engage on LinkedIn in ways you want to be seen, heard, and perceived in life. @TLBurrissHaving a well built LinkedIn Profile is an important first step when using LinkedIn as a business tool.Growing and continuing to grow a relevant LinkedIn Network is another important step.However, these are only two of the important steps you need to fully create value using LinkedIn as a business tool.The third step is to build a Professional Brand through engagement on LinkedIn.As in any other area of our lives, including our careers and businesses, our brands and our reputations, are developed through our actions and words. When people see what we share, read our words, and see how we act on LinkedIn, our personal and professional brand begins to develop, whether we like how its developing or not. Therefore, it becomes important to pay attention to what we are doing, saying and engaging on within LinkedIn and beyond.Our professional reputation is the backbone of our success in life, career, and business. Investing time to develop and manage this reputation is critical for us to continue achieving our career and business goals. This work extends beyond Face-Face, but also to our social media presence and engagement.In this course, I will show you ways to develop your professional brand on LinkedIn and how to measure how your brand is developing.We will look at the many different areas of LinkedIn you can use to grow your professional brand.We will also explore the many unique activities you can use to achieve the goal of building a Professional Brand on LinkedIn.Some of the learning objectives include:Explore areas of LinkedIn useful for Professional Branding activities.Identify the best practices of sharing content on LinkedIn.Discover the best ways to engage with your LinkedIn Network and the best tactics of doing so.Identify unique ways to engage with your LinkedIn Network in ways most people dont, in order to build a stronger professional brand."
Price: 29.99

"Certificate in Training Evaluation" |
"Course SummaryEvaluate your training programmes overall effectiveness in addition to assessing training at learner or course level. Discover how to demonstrate value through return on investment (ROI) or non-financial return on expectation (ROE) to create compelling business cases and management reports. With practical advice on how to monitor and measure your results against department key performance indicators (KPIs). This course also includes a recap on the basic theories of learning and principles of assessment.Learning OutcomesBy the end of this course, you will be able to:Assess learners using various methods and toolsDefine Return on Investment (ROI) and Return on Expectation (ROE)Calculate a financial ROI and express in various waysRecognise the key principles of Kirkpatricks Evaluation modelList various KPIs suitable for monitoring training department performance."
Price: 39.99

"Panificao 3 em 1: Po Metro, Delicia e Hamburguer Gourmet" |
"Voc acha que consegue fazer um po delicioso dentro da sua cozinha?O curso baseado num estudo de possibilidades, foi feito um estudo de funo de cada ingrediente e a partir disso fizemos uma porporo exata que agregava mais sabor e maciez ao nosso po.So 11 vdeo aulas que sero ensinados desde a funo quimica/biolgica de cada ingrediente at o passo-a-passo da preparao como movimentos de manuseio da massa.O curso voltado para voc que trabalha em casa ou faz a receita caseira, pois utilizamos ingredientes totalmente acessveis e maqunrios que possuem em qualquer casa.Sendo assim, a resposta sim. Voc pode fazer um delicioso po, melhor do que qualquer padaria chique, totalmente feito dentro de sua cozinha.Venha comigo e tire suas concluses."
Price: 39.99

"conquering dysleixa video series" |
"During the course, you will learn how to transform your learning disability so it empowers you. It is not a magic wand and will not make all your problems go away. No course can do that!It will give you a clear insight into the causes of the real problems limiting your life and share with you ways to break past your limiting beliefs that stopped you in the past.There are people out there with life threatening illnesses and disabilities but yet some of them are really happy and live a really successful life. They aren't the lucky ones! In fact quiet the opposite!This course will share with you what Richard Branson, Albert Einstein, Tom Cruise, Walt Disney, Jim Carrey and many other successful dyslexics have in common, and how you can use what they do to be more successful. This is not something I read out of a book, this is what I have learnt through my own experiences and life so far.When I was younger, I had what they said was the best help and support, in an amazing special needs school from year 3 to year 11.However, when I got out into the real world, I hated it! I fell apart and struggled. My disability was showing more then ever. It was disabling me. I was so shy, and just hated my life. But to cut a long story short and through a long progress of self improvement and money, I realised what was stopping me. I was stopping me! My limiting beliefs, (I cant do it, I'm stupid, I'm not that person because of my dyslexia), about myself and my dyslexia.Once I got rid of my limiting beliefs, my confidence exploded and I improved my reading and writing skills five times more in one year compared to 8 years of having the best help.What I'm going to share with you during this course changed my life completely. This is a very unique and bespoke course and I believe there is noting like this out there for people with learning disabilities."
Price: 199.99

"Machine Learning For Predicting Corona Cases in Maharashtra" |
"Get ready for the exclusive Machine Learning Competition during this lockdown.To make predictions for any State in India, just replace the String ""Maharashtra"" with name of that State in all the source code examples discussed in this course. Prevention: Lockdown? Social Distancing?Will that work in Maharashtra?What will be the future?How many will die or survive?We are the first to launch this course... ""Machine Learning For Predicting Corona Cases in Maharashtra""After completion of this course you will get Udemy certificate.Get Flat 50% OFF with the Coupon A5CEA6205776EE211298.At the end of this course, you will be able to...Fetch live data from any website...Create pandas DataFrame with fetched data...Extract the date from web page...Data SlicingRead and Write CSV files in different waysSave the data on daily basisCombine many CSV files into 1 CSV FileMake Attractive VisualizationsMake Predictions with X and y of your choiceSplit the data..Plot and Predict the future values...Build your first prediction ModelTrain and Test the ModelLinear PredictionsBuild your Second prediction Model for higher ScoreSearch the best parameters for your ModelTest the Model and Predict...Make Non-linear Predictions Higher Accuracy...Analyze the dataAnswer the questions... Are Lockdowns successful? Do we need next Lockdown? In future, how many people will get infected by Corona? How many people will die? How many will survive? and much more...Anyone who... knows python... want to make career in Data Science... passion of solving the unsolved problems... wants to make better predictionscan join...We explain every line of code...So even a beginner who has... passion of solving the unsolved problems... and want to make career in Data Science...can join...So, what are you waiting for?Join the course and learn to predict... make your own predictions...Join the course andGet Ready For the...Exclusive Machine Learning Competition...""Machine Learning: Learner the Winner"" At the end of this course, you will be given a prediction problem...Best prediction will be awarded with a prize...In case if you have the option to take back your money using the Money Back Guarantee, no questions asked."
Price: 1600.00

"The Complete Business Plan Course (Include 30 Templates)" |
"Welcome to the Complete Business Plan Course. This course will help you create an effective business plan from the ground up. You will learn everything that you need to make your great business plan is included in this course, including 30 business plan PowerPoint and Excel templates and amazingly detailed 10 steps process to help you create an entire business plan from the very beginning. I guarantee that this course is the most comprehensive and intensive business plan course. This course is for the pure beginner to an advanced business developer who would like to create a high-quality business plan systematically. This COMPLETE BUSINESS PLAN COURSE will instruct you on essential elements to make an excellent business plan, including a simplified 10 STEPS plans.STEP 1 out of 10: Executive Summary -STEP 2 out of 10: Industry AnalysisSTEP 3 out of 10: Company OverviewSTEP 4 out of 10: Product & Service DescriptionSTEP 5 out of 10: Marketing StrategySTEP 6 out of 10: Development Plan STEP 7 out of 10: Management Plan STEP 8 out of 10: Operational Plan STEP 9 out of 10: Financial PlanSTEP 10 out of 10: Business Model CanvasBonus PDF lecture files, Business Plan PowerPoint, and Excel Templates."
Price: 199.99

"Chernobyl - cosa realmente successo?" |
"Quello che avvenne nellimpianto di Chernobyl il peggior evento nella storia dellindustria nucleare.Devastanti furono gli impatti sociali ed economici, sia a breve che a lungo termine.Mi ha colpito:il modo di ragionare dei protagonisti;gli errori che sono stati fatti;e le giustificazioni date.Le cause principali dellevento sono state attribuite alla peculiarit proprie del Regime Sovietico.In parte vero, ma quel che mi ha colpito che questo tipo di mentalit lho riscontrata, talvolta, nella mia esperienza lavorativa.Ho visto diverse realt aziendali, ho seguito diversi progetti con team di tutti i tipi e di tutte le nazionalit e spesso ho ritrovato questo modo di fare, di lavorare che mi ha messo in discussione e ho cercato di capirne le cause. Questo pu essere sintetizzato in questa espressione: Cultura della Sicurezza o meglio Mancanza di questa cultura.IL problema che oggi sento tanto parlare di Cultura della sicurezza, tutti la esaltano, ma mi accorgo che pochi sanno realmente cos.Tutti le indagini e studi fatti confermano, infatti, che la scarsa Cultura della Sicurezza stata una delle principali cause di Chernobyl.Quindi prima di tutto, vedremo cosa realmente avvenuto a Chernobyl.E scopriremo come gli incidenti sono tipicamente il risultato di pi cause consequenziali.E durante il corso, capiremo come questincidente poteva essere scongiurato o, in ogni caso, come le sue conseguenze sarebbero potuto essere mitigate, con una formazione, una gestione e una supervisione efficaci."
Price: 184.99

Vue.js |
"Vue view Vue.js open-source Vue.js Evan You Google Vue.js Front-End Framework Javascript dev Vue.js User Interface Element Realtime ajax jQuery Event Vue.js"
Price: 800.00

"Cmo convivir con tu hijo adolescente" |
"En este curso aprenders las herramientas necesarias para convivir con tu hij@ adolescente. Como mejorar la comunicacin.Cmo enfrentarte a los conflictos tpicos de adolescencia. Cmo poner lmites.Es un curso muy prctico, apto para todo tipo de padres, en el que les aseguro que si ponen en prctica el material de este curso les ayudara a mejorar su relacin."
Price: 19.99

"Amona Modal, Modo Drico" |
"Vers en profundidad todo lo relacionado con la escala y principalmente la armona modal, con 3 formas distintas de construir los acordes y ordenarlos para generar sonoridades nuevas y aumentar tu creatividad, junto con tus recursos.Profundiza tu conocimiento armnico, y ampla tu visin de la armonaObtendrs ejemplos concretos con los cuales trabajar, pistas de prctica donde poder utilizar la escala para improvisar melodas desde otro ngulo distinto, diferente al que estamos acostumbrado.En 8 clases, podrs abrir un mundo nuevo, lleno de opciones poco comunes."
Price: 44.99

"Complete Python Bootcamp! Build Real Projects with Python 3" |
"Complete python bootcamp starts from the very beginning by teaching you Python basics and programming fundamentals, and then going into advanced topics and different career fields in Python so you can get real life practice and be ready for the real world.The topics covered in this course are:-Introduction to Python programming-Basics of Python programming-File Handling in Python-Object Oriented Programming -Python GUI development-How to build a message box-How to create a digit counter-How to create a color chooser-Files, Radiobutton, Checkbox, Entry Boxes etc-Graphic Designs in python-Complete Calculator Development-Database Management System for school portal-How to build an E-learning application in python-Image processing in python with Adobe Photoshop CS6-Movable Text Display-Complete Hotel Management System from scratch-100+ BEST python practices for absolute beginnersEmenwa Global instructors are industry experts with years of practical, real-world experience building software at industry leading companies. They are sharing everything they know to teach thousands of students around the world, just like you, the most in-demand technical and non-technical skills (which are commonly overlooked) in the most efficient way so that you can take control of your life and unlock endless exciting new career opportunities in the world of technology, no matter your background or experience."
Price: 199.99
