"Angular Material: Ultimate Masterclass With Angular 9 (2020)" |
"Do you want to master Angular 9 and Angular Material to become a highly paid, professional web developer, who can build beautiful websites with material design?If the answer is yes, then this course is for you!Hi my name is Rangel and I now serve more than 35.000 students on Udemy and I have partnered up with Shahzaib Kamal who has more than 200,000 happy students, and we have came together to create a masterclass course on angular 9 with material designHere is what you are going to gain from enrolling in this course with 10 + HOURS OF HD VIDEO CONTENT:You will learn the ins and outs of TypeScript even if you have never used it beforeTypes, Functions, Arrays & Tuples in TSUnions, Interfaces, Classes & Inheritance in TSAdvanced TypeScript Concepts in order to understand Angular 9 betterYou are going to learn the basics of Angular 9 from setting up your first app to building a working application using public APIsComponents, Data Bindings, Attributes & moreClass, Style & Event Bindings in Angular 9You will understand Directives and how to interact with themYou will learn how to use templates & Decorators in AngularWhat is Observable & how to process a responseHow to style your applicationLearn about Typography, Buttons & Badges in Angular MaterialUnderstand the usage of Chip, Icons & Progress Spinners in Angular MaterialGet to know Cards, Dividers & Expansion Panels in Angular MaterialIntroduction to Lists, Steppers & Tabs in Angular MaterialLearn how to use Grid Lists & make a Layout in Angular MaterialHow to use side navigation & side drawer with Angular MaterialLearn how to use Tables with Angular Material+ constant updates with new contentIn this class you are going to learn not only how to use Angular but also you are going to deepen your knowledge on TypeScriptYou will start with the basics of TypeScript and learn how to use it in order to understand its usage in Angular projectsYou are going to go through arrays, tuples, unions, classes and interfaces in typescript and many more important concepts in order to move forward to the Angular section.After that you are going to go through every part of creating and setting up an Angular 9 project.You will learn about components, data binding, events, two way data binding, directives and many more concepts that are required in order for you to become a highly paid angular programmer.We also believe the best way of learning is by doing so along the way you will have projects and a lot of practice.You are going to learn about HTTP requests and how to interact with APIs in order to build working angular applicationsAfter that you are going to learn how to use angular material in order to build well designed web apps fast and with less effort.You will learn all of this and so much more by enrolling.We are going to take you from a complete beginner to advanced angular developer with more than 10h+ of HD Video contentNow, we always want our students to feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that is why we have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever. Go ahead and click the Buy now button and I will see you inside."
Price: 199.99

"Local Interconnect Network-LIN Protocol" |
"LIN protocol overview: Introduction to the LIN protocol, Overview of Reasons for the development of LIN, Comparison of LIN with CAN communication protocol, Intra-vehicle network , Features of LIN protocol, Frame formats of LINLIN physical layer: LIN nodes, LIN Bus voltage levels and node interfacing techniquesPID CalculationChecksum CalculationError detection and Handling"
Price: 1280.00

"Curso Produo Musical Modulo 1" |
"O nosso curso gratuito ""A estao de trabalho de udio digital"" fornecer todo o conhecimento bsico necessrio para comear a produzir, incluindo: udio e acstica, Configurao de hardware, Configurao de software, Sequenciador, Mixer, Instrumentos MIDI, Automao, Exportao e muito mais. Aprenda Ableton Live e como todos os seus principais recursos funcionam de graa. Comece a produzir hoje! Se voc deseja produzir msica eletrnica ou gravar instrumentos ao vivo, nosso programa de certificao cobre todo o conhecimento fundamental necessrio para iniciar sua carreira na produo musical. Nossos cursos so ministrados usando o Ableton Live, com exemplos fceis de entender, e voc no deve ter nenhuma experincia anterior em engenharia de msica ou udio para realiz-los. Aprenda no seu prprio ritmo, com acesso vitalcio aos cursos e todas as atualizaes futuras. Encontre nosso certificado de produo musical em nosso site."
Price: 19.99

"Google AdWords Fundamentals : Practice Test Questions" |
"Google AdWords Fundamentals : Practice Tests IT certifications are important credentials that can boost your value, your salary, and your employment opportunities.AdWords allows you to take advantage of the benefits of online advertising show your ads to the right people, in the right place, and at the right time.AdWords certification is a way for you to show that you're competent in AdWords.The Google AdWords exam certification is a professional accreditation that Google offers to individuals who demonstrate proficiency in basic and advanced aspects of AdWords.Everyone working on getting an AdWords certification should start with the Advertising Fundamental exam. It covers the basics of AdWords, from the Search Network to the Display Network.The AdWords Fundamentals exam covers the following topics :Introduction to AdWordsAccount ManagementCampaign and ad group managementKeyword targetingLanguage and location targetingAd formatsBudgets and biddingMeasurement and optimizationPerformanceProfitability and growthManaging multiple accountsThis practice test will help you prepare for the real official exam test environment and do more practice by this practice tests until you succeed .This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed , trademarked with Google in any way.Wish you all the best for your exam and bright career"
Price: 29.99

"WordPress en Espaol desde Nivel ""0""" |
"En este curso aprenders a disear tu propia Pgina WEB y Blog en WordPress desde nivel CERO!Sin requerir ningn conocimiento previo del programa, en pocas horas aprenders a trabajar con la interfaz de WordPress hasta crear tu Pgina WEB y Blog de diseo utilizando increbles Temas y Plugins que veremos durante el curso.""El curso est orientado a todos los estudiantes con ganas de aprender""De una forma muy intuitiva aprenders a trabajar en WordPress. Hemos desarrollado clases muy sencillas y dinmicas para que aprendas de una forma muy amena y entretenida, desde la Instalacin del programa hasta la publicacin de tu WEB y/o BLOG online.Tambin hemos aadido una clase extra donde recomendamos otras opciones de investigacin dentro de WordPress en las que podras estar interesado al terminar el curso para seguir profundizando.Al finalizar, adems de recibir el Certificado de Udemy, habrs adquirido los conocimientos clave para desarrollar ms Pginas WEB!"
Price: 129.99

"Design Principles of Concrete Structures - I" |
"Learn to become expertIn this course you will learnLecture - I - Introduction of Concrete, Rebar (Reinforcement) , Merits and Demerits of Concrete ConstructionLecture - 2 - Design Loads, Load Combinations , Mechanism of Load Transfer, Specification & Codes, Ultimate Strength Design (USD)/LRFD Method Lecture - 3 - Shrinkage & Creep , Testing Criteria Concrete Lecture - 4 - Study of Flexural Behavior (Derivation) , Minimum Depth for Deflection Control ACI 318Lecture - 5 - Study of Flexural Behavior (Derivation) , Whitney's Equivalent Stress block DiagramLecture - 6 - Under Reinforced & Over Reinforced (Derivation) , Tension Controlled , Compression Controlled and Transition SectionsLecture - 7 - Capacity Analysis & Rebar Guidelines Lecture - 8 - Example and Assignment"
Price: 199.99

"Poderosamente - Desperte o seu Poder Pessoal" |
"Este curso online foi organizado no formato de um plano de ao.Em cada etapa, voc vai trabalhar um aspecto especfico para fortalecer e maximizar o seu poder pessoal.Poder pessoal uma fora interior que s voc tem e que geralmente no sabe disso, mas descobre quando encontra uma situao que te coloca medo de verdade."
Price: 129.99

"Guia do estudo a distncia." |
"Seja bem-vindo ao Guia do estudo a distncia. Neste curso abordaremos as melhores dicas para aprender a estudar a distncia e voc entender a importncia dessa modalidade. O curso te ajudar a organizar no s seus estudos, mas tambm sua vida. EaD o que tem de melhor para o seu futuro. Neste curso nada ser engessado, a proposta abrir novos horizontes e a partir da minha experincia e da sua criatividade aumentar sua produtividade do estudo online.O mundo est cada vez mais conectado e isso no poderia ser melhor, venha aprender comigo como estudar online e tornar essa nova experincia extraordinria."
Price: 39.99

"Python Matplotlib" |
Price: 10200.00

"GereksinimlerTemel bilgisayar bilgisi yeterlidir.AklamaAutoCAD'i sfrdan renmenizi salayacak bir kurstur.Bu kurs ne hakknda?Bu kurs, bu yazlmla almak iin ihtiya duyacanz neredeyse tm konular ieren tam uzunlukta bir AutoCAD 2019, ve 2021 renme paketidir. Kurs, yeni balayanlarn yan sra kendini gelitirmek isteyen kullanclar iin de tasarlanmtr.Yeni balayanlar dersi derhal takip ederek yazlm sfrdan renmeye balayabilirler. Tecrbeli bir AutoCAD kullancs da bu kursu ok kapsaml bulacaktr ve temel konular geerek bir sonraki blm seebilir.Uygulama iin izimlerUygulamalar, her alanda insann yararlanmas adna eitlendirilmitir. Makine parasndan futbol topuna, dili sisteminden mimari izime kadar bir ok rnee yer verilmitir.Sorular iin eitmen desteirencilerin kursla ilgili sorular olacan ve bunun salkl bir renme sreci iin gerekli olduunun farknda olarak 7/24 destek sunulacaktr.Burs stabil bir kurs olmayp srekli videolar eklenerek bymeye devam edecektir. rencilerin de ders isteklerini karlamak adna istek videolar da ekilecektir.Bu kurs kimler iin uygun:AutoCAD hakknda n bilginiz yoksa ve birok pratik ieren kapsaml bir kurs istiyorsanz bu kurs tam size gre.Eer becerilerini gelitirmek ve yeni ve ileri konular AutoCAD'de renmek isteyen alan bir profesyonelseniz, o zaman bu kurs tam size gre."
Price: 59.99

"Acceptance and Commitment Therapy" |
"Are you interested in learning about 'Acceptance and Commitment Therapy'?Perhaps you have heard that Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a very effective tool for treating depression, anxiety, and many other psychological disorders. Did you know that ACT is also a great tool for managing our own thoughts and behaviours, improving our emotions and moods on daily basis?Get what you want in life faster with more enriching and satisfying experiences. Get there more efficiently with the greatest in sustainability possible with ACT. ACT is a ACTion based modality. It requires effort. And it is a top to bottom and a bottom to top complete mind mastery Discipline.The journey between where we are and where we want to be in life is the greatest challenge humans face. The journey itself is a mix of simultaneous voyages. Personal, Relationship, Leadership, Management, Production and Transition development are 6 main phases of our human voyage. Life is made up of large and small chapters with emotional markers that deeply impact our self-concept. We might get stuck with thoughts about the past or the future that bring up emotions that either helps us move toward, away or frozen from what we desire (our bullseye). We might find that our reasoning isnt working for us any longer. We might find that our judgment keeps creating barriers. We might have no idea what is happening other than we are unhappy, uninspired and mostly dissatisfied with life. The emotional Consequence!When we feel dissatisfied with being stuck in thought with no answers, or feeling emotionally overwhelm, or being busy but not getting anywhere, we have choices. The internal choice of seeking information for a means to change the consequences of our behaviors leads us to our external choices of exploring our options.What are your options? Do nothing and hope that things change for the better? Examine what part we play in the unsatisfied consequences that bequeath us? Look for some help?People that choose to examine themselves and/or look for help have a lot of options. Books, Audio Tapes, Video Series, On-Line educational Platforms. Also IN-Person Therapists, Counselors, Mentors and Life coaches. Once we figure out who and or what we get the information from, we still need help selecting the method or modality that works best for us. There are many to choose. Mindfulness is a broad category, so which one or more? What about NLP or CBT? What about a Life Coach, but do I choose the SMART, TGROW, TIGER, COACH or some other model? The irony for seeking help is that this search to overcome overwhelm can be overwhelming. So what about ACT Acceptance Commitment Therapy/Techniques?All modalities are helpful, some more than others. It depends on each individual. Honestly it comes down to willingness. If you are willing to change and apply a modality you will get results. Some results are better than others. This is where ACT separates itself from the others. ACT is different in the areas of Feelings and Emotions. These two areas of our lives represent the foundation of our human experience. Emotions and Feelings are like accelerators and brakes. Thinking and thoughts are like roads and maps. Humans are like vehicles moving towards or away what we want or dont want. NLP, CBT and the traditional Life Coaching frameworks are super at focusing on the roads and maps of your life. However, they are somewhat dismissive and disingenuous with feelings and emotions. The arrow of thinking and thoughts create feelings that are real. So this is where these modalities focus their intervention and change work. However, Feelings also creates thinking and thoughts and this is where ACT jumps in with both feet. In fact ACT does both. ACT is a Thinking and Feeling modification strategy system. Being a Practitioner enables you to become fully empowered. ACT frees you from the hiccups of growth and often the case, relapse that sends you to additional therapy and coaching. And it taps into the raw levels of motivation your emotions. With a sound thinking strategy and well-tuned emotions, the speed of moving from A to B in life increases with richness and experiential depth that other modalities do not provide."
Price: 49.99

"renciler in Para Kazanmann 10+ Yolu" |
"renciler in Para Kazanmann 10+ Yolu ile kendi gelir kaynaklarnz oluturarak bir renci olarak para kazanmaya balayabilirsiniz.. 70+ ders ve 3+ saatlik eitim ierii ile sizlerle birlikte en batan balayarak; Doru bir zihin yaps oluturacak;Gelir kaynaklarn tanyacak;lk adm atp para kazanacak; Gelirimizi belirli teknik ve ipular ile arttracak;Ve bundan ok daha fazlasn baaracaz..KURS ER-Blm 1: Kursa GiriBlm 2: Giri 1.2: Para Kazanmann MantBlm 3: 1# Tasarm Yaparak Gelir Elde EtmekBlm 4: 2# Tutkunuzu Paraya evirinBlm 5: 3# Bilginizi Paraya evirinBlm 6: 4# Yaz Yazarak Para KazanmakBlm 7: 5# Affiliate Marketing ile Para KazanmakBlm 8: 6# Instagram ile Para KazanmakBlm 9: 7# Freelancing ile Para KazanmakBlm 10: 8# Shopify Dropshipping ile Para KazanmakBlm 11: 9# Sat ve PazarlamaBlm 12: 10# Dier Para Kazanma YollarBlm 13: Daha Fazlas.."
Price: 49.99

"Android Mobil Uygulama: Adm Adm Android App Development" |
"Merhaba,Android Mobil Uygulama: Adm Adm Android App Development kursumuza hogeldiniz.Android Mobil Uygulama kursumuz sizi balang seviyesinden ileri seviyeye gtrecek. Bu kurs ile doru admlarla Android mobil uygulama dnyasna girmi olacaksnz. Paylamak bizim tutkumuz. Hedefimiz bu derse kayt olan herkese doru rneklerle tecrbemizi tamak ve Android dnyasnn kapsn aralamasna yardmc olmak.Anroid mobil uygulama kursumuzda adm adm Android uygulamas gelitirmeyi reneceksiniz. Dersler boyunca 10'dan fazla rnekle pratik yapacaz ve 2 byk uygulama gelitirmeyi ayn zamanda yaynlamay reneceiz.Bu Android kursu ile Android mobil uygulama gelitirmeyi en batan reneceksiniz!Android Uygulama kursumuzda Oreo ve Pie ile byk lekli, Web entegrasyonlu harika Android uygulamalar gelitirebileceksiniz. Android Mobil Uygulama kursumuz balang seviyesinden ileri seviyeye olacak ekilde dizayn edildi. Adeta bir baucu eser niteliindeki kursumuzla sizi sfrdan alp gerek hayattan derlenmi altrmalarla byk lekli Android uygulamalar gelitirmeye hazrlayacak. Ksacas bu Android kursu hem Android dnyasna yeni merhaba diyenler/diyecekler hem de farkl domainlerden Android'e gemek isteyen/bir sre aktif olarak Android uygulamas gelitiren ve bilgilerini tazelemek isteyen herkes iin faydal bir kaynak olacaktr.Android Mobil Uygulama: Adm Adm Android Oreo ve Pie kursunda neler reneceksiniz;Bu kursta fragmentlar, architectural room veritaban, notifikasyon, firebase realtime veritaban, retrofit ktphanesi ile rest api kullanm gibi ok nemli konular ele alacaz. Kurs sresince btn konular uygulamal olarak reneceksiniz. Ayrca 2 adet byk lekli, web entegrasyonlu, online veritaban kullanlan harika uygulamalar gelitireceksiniz.Android Ortam Kurulumu - Gerekli yazlm indirin, ykleyin ve yaplandrnAndroid ile Yeni Bir Proje OluturmayAndroid StudioAndroid BileenleriBileenler ve Yaam DngleriRoom VeritabanRepository Komponentini OluturmaVeri Tabanna Yeni Veri EklemeVeri Tabanndan Veri SilmeVeri Tabanndaki Verileri GncellemeFirebase'de Push NotifikasyonFirebase - Android Studio EntegrasyonuRest API ve Retrofit KtphanesiData Binding KtphanesiPicasso KtphanesiEvent Bus KtphanesiUygulamanz Google Play'de yaynlama ve ok daha fazlasnNeden bizim Android Uyguluma kursumuza katlmalsnz?Bu konuda cevabmz basit: Kursun kalitesi.Kaydolduunuzda, OAK Akademi'nin deneyimli eitmenlerinin konuya hakimiyetini ve ayn zamanda tecrbelerini aktarmadaki uzmanlklarn hissedeceksiniz.Gncel erikTeknolojinin hzl bir ekilde nasl gelitii sr deil. Her gn yeni aralar piyasaya srlyor, Google Android'i gncelliyor ve en son bilgilerden haberdar olmak ok nemli. Bu kursla her zaman en yeni trendleri takip etme ansna sahip olacaksn.Video ve retim Kalitesi KalitesiTm ieriklerimiz size en iyi renme deneyimini sunmak iin yksek kaliteli video / ses olarak retiyoruz.Android Kursumuza katldnzda;Kursa mr Boyu EriimSoru ve Cevap blmnde Hzl ve Kolay DestekUdemy Tamamlama Sertifikas ndirme ansn elde etmi olacaksnz.Haydi imdi Android Mobil Uygulama: Adm Adm Android App Development Kursumuza kayt olun.Kursta grmek zere!"
Price: 199.99

"Complete C# Programming: Beginner to Advanced with C# OOP" |
"Hello there,Welcome to Complete C# Programming: Beginner to Advanced with C# OOP course.Do you want to learn C# but have no experience at all. Our C# course is the perfect place for you to start. In this course, we designed C# .NET course to give you everything you need to become productive with C#.OOP, Object-oriented programming, is the foundation of many current application development approaches. Interfaces and principles of object-oriented programming are crucial. It does not important whether you want to use C# to build web apps, mobile apps, games, or understanding C# classes if you want to succeed with clean coding, agile, and design patterns, you have to master OOP. In this course, we use interactive programming techniques; which means we will be building applications together and furthermore there will have lots of home-works to be done, of course, followed by answers. There will be lots of tips and tricks regarding beautiful and efficient C# coding techniques.Code with C# today!Enroll and master fundamentals of C# and programming with .NET framework, because you'll have lots of options waiting in front of you. Either choose to build mobile apps or you can change a job and work as a web developer. We want you to know that when you know the fundamentals well, switching to different technology stacks is easier.That`s why you are at a great place to start with C#. All my students will have a chance to learn not only the whats but also learn the whys and hows. What you will learn?C# Programming and Features of C#Visual Studio IDEConsole Application VariablesPrimitive Types and Non-Primitive TypesFlow Control ExpressionsArrays and ListsError Handling and DebuggingFunctionsReading FileWriting to File DateTimeIntroduction to Object-Oriented ProgrammingClass Structure in DetailWindows Forms ApplicationsSystem Input OutputClass HierarchiesEvent-Driven Programming Exception HandlingTips and TricksWhy would you want to take this course? Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching. When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy`s seasoned developers expertise. No prior knowledge is needed! It doesn't need any prior knowledge to learn it and the C# is easy to understand for the beginners. This course starts with very basics. First, you will learn how to install the tools, some terminology. Then the show will start and you will learn everything with hands-on practices. I'll also teach you the best practices and shortcuts. Step-by-Step Way, Simple and Easy With Exercises By the end of the course, youll have a firm understanding of the C# language and valuable insights on how things work under the hood and you'll also be very confident in the basics of coding and game development, and hungry to learn more. The good news is since the Free and popular tools are used you dont need to buy any tool or application.Video and Audio Production QualityAll our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience. You will be,Seeing clearlyHearing clearlyMoving through the course without distractions You'll also get:Lifetime Access to The CourseFast & Friendly Support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDive in now to our Complete C# Programming: Beginner to Advanced with C# OOP courseWe offer full support, answering any questions.See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99

"vSphere 7 Foundations - VCP: New Features & Troubleshooting" |
"Interested in learning how to virtualize your environment?VMware vSphere 7 Accelerate your digital transformation through a software-defined approach to business and IT. The trusted platform provider of choice for more than 500,000 customers globally, VMware is the pioneer in virtualization and an innovator in cloud and business mobility. A proven leader, VMware allows you to run, manage, connect, and secure applications across clouds and devices in a common operating environment, so you get both freedom and control.PS: Check the Free Preview videos to know more about the course and to be sure you can get accustomed to my accentThis course introduces you to VMware's virtualization solution, and VMware training online. With comprehensive coverage of this industry-leading toolset, this course acts as a training guide and valuable reference. The step-by-step tutorial walks you through installation, configuration, operation, security processes, and much more as you conquer the management and automation of your virtual environment.This course guide provides hands-on instruction and detailed conceptual explanations, anchored by practical applications and real-world examples.This is the ultimate guide to vSphere which is VMware training online, helping administrators master their virtual environment.What You Will Learn in VMware vSphere 7 Course?The VMware training videos course is designed to teach you:How to set up your own Hands-on Labs in this vmware training videosInstall, configure, and manage the ESXi 7 HostsInstall, configure, and manage the vCenter Server 7 componentsCreate and manage virtual machines, templates, clones, and snapshotsCreate and configure virtual networks and storage devices in Automate and orchestrate routine administrative tasks with this vmware training videosCreate and Manage User Permissions and Privileges in vsphere 7 updatesConfigure and manage Local and External Storage in this vmware training online...This course requires the following prerequisites:Have a basic knowledge of Ethernet and TCP/IPHave Some Networking knowledgePrior experience installing Windows desktop or server operating systems.ESXi 7 and vCenter Server 7 Version CompatibilityThe VMware Product Interoperability Matrix provides details about the compatibility of current and earlier versions of VMware vSphere 7 components, including ESXi 7, VMware vCenter Server 7, and optional VMware products. Check the VMware Product Interoperability Matrix also for information about supported management and backup agents before you install ESXi 7 or vCenter Server 7The vSphere 7 Lifecycle Manager and vSphere Client are packaged with vCenter Server 7Hardware Compatibility for ESXi 7 To view a list of processors, storage devices, SAN arrays, and I/O devices that are compatible with vSphere 7.0, use the ESXi 7.0 information in the VMware Compatibility Guide.Device Compatibility for ESXi 7To determine which devices are compatible with ESXi 7.0, use the ESXi 7.0 information in the VMware Compatibility Guide.Guest Operating System Compatibility for ESXi 7To determine which guest operating systems are compatible with vSphere 7.0, use the ESXi 7.0 information in the VMware Compatibility Guide.Virtual Machine Compatibility for ESXi 7Virtual machines that are compatible with ESX 3.x and later (hardware version 4) are supported with ESXi 7.0. Virtual machines that are compatible with ESX 2.x and later (hardware version 3) are not supported. To use such virtual machines on ESXi 7.0, upgrade the virtual machine compatibility. See the vsphere 7 updates documentation.vSphere 7 updates requires one CPU license for up to 32 physical cores. If a CPU has more than 32 cores, additional CPU licenses are required as announced in ""Update to VMwares per-CPU Pricing Model"". Prior to upgrading ESXi 7 hosts, you can determine the number of licenses required using the license counting tool described in ""Counting CPU licenses needed under new VMware licensing policy""."
Price: 19.99

"N-Tier Architecture .NET Core 3.1 Web API" |
"Hello every one,I decided to create this course because I actually couldnt find many courses explaining on how to separate your application in multiple layers with ASP.NET Core 3.1 Web API.Here we are building a nice API with basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. It will be an API for an app that stores which musics you like with its artists.I will show you how to: Create an application in separated projects to make it decoupled from each module. Implement Repository and Unit of Work pattern. Use Entity Framework Core for persistence with SQL server. Use MongoDB Database for NoSQL Add AutoMapper for mapping models into API resources. Add Swagger to have a friendly API interface. Integrate the Authentication & Authorization with JWT (JSON Web Token) Application Client with ASP.NET CORE MVC to consume the APIsAnd on top of all these, you'll get:Download the source code"
Price: 19.99

"Ecommerce App with Angular 8 & Firebase (Edition 2020)" |
"Building Web Applications (E-commerce - Elearning ) with Angular 8 (Material) & Firebase (2020).Angular and Firebase had become one of the most widely used web development frameworks. This course, Angular & Firebase , will teach you the fundamentals of writing applications with Angular & Firebase- whether or not you've had past experience with Angular.By the end of watching this course, you'll be able to:Build real client apps with Angular & FirebaseDefine an architecture for the projectWrite clean and maintainable code like a professionalApply best practices when building Angular apps.Over the next 5 hours, you'll learn the essentials of building client apps with Angular & Firebase & NoSQL:Displaying data and handling eventsBuilding re-usable componentsManipulating the DOM using directivesBuilding template-driven and reactive formsUsing a Material.Using Reactive Extensions and observables.Adding routing and navigationImplementing authentication and authorization with FirebaseAnd on top of all these, you'll get:Downloadable source code"
Price: 19.99

"Power BI Essential Training" |
"Knowledge is Power. Learn how to use it.We all are surrounded by data and data is everywhere, but problem is to handle chaotic data to turn into the reports to take business decisions.WHAT IS POWER BIPower BI is a collection of software services that work together to turn your unrelated sources of data into interactive insights.Power BI lets you easily connect to your data sources, visualize (or discover) whats important, and share that with anyone or everyone you want.BIG DATA IS EVERYWHEREThe term big data has been around since the 1990s, yet the explosion of data in the past few years has driven home its relevance and importance. The world is already generating an estimated 2.5 exabytes of data every day. Thats expected to rise to 463 exabytes daily by 2025.Learn Microsoft Power BI (Business Intelligence) which creates useful report quickly and let you improve your Data Analysis techniques. There are many programs you can use to prepare reports and analyze data, but Power BI is the leader in market of business intelligence and easy to acquire the necessary skills. WHY USE POWER BIStarts from Free and then minimal upfront cotsBig Data connectivity, live query connectionAutomation of tasks and create reports onceView Power BI reports across multiple platforms and devicesConsolidate multiple data sources through Power BIDrag-and-drop functionalityQuick sharing of DashboardsDrill-down functionalityNatural Query LanguageGrowing Power BI online communityWHAT YOU WILL LEARNSimple methods to Analyze data with Power BI and gain InsightsAutomate manual reporting processes with Power BIPREREQUISITESFundamental Excel Knowledge is an added advantageKnowledge of Excel Pivot Tables is an added advantageWHO THIS COURSE IS FOR?Power BI beginnersData AnalystVisualization and Dashboards loversIt is for everybody who want Business Intelligence skills"
Price: 199.99

"HTML 5 ." |
"Chapter 1: New Tags in HTML 5Layout Elements (header nav section article aside footer details - summary)Picture TagsEmoji CharactersChapter 2: Responsive DesignWhat is Responsive Design?Using View PortResponsive ImagesResponsive TextMedia QueriesChapter 3: FormsData ListInput Type NumberStep, Min and Max AttributesInput Type RangeInput Type SearchRequired AttributeInput Type ColorInput Type DateInput Type Datetime-localInput Type TimeInput Type MonthInput Type WeekInput Type EmailInput Type TelephoneInput Type URLPlace HolderAuto Focus AttributeAuto Complete AttributeChapter 4: GraphicsCanvasLineCircleTextLinear GradientCircular GradientChapter 5: SVGWhat is SVGSVG LineSVG PolylineSVG CircleSVG RectangleSVG Rounded RectangleSVG PolygonSVG EclipseChapter 6: MultimediaVideoAudioYouTubeChapter 7: GeolocationGeolocationGetting User LocationDisplaying Location in Google Maps"
Price: 29.99

"Psychological Manipulation: Dark Psychology" |
"Have you ever been manipulated to do something you didn't want to do, and not even know you were manipulated before it was too late!?Mind control and forced hypnosis is still science fiction, however it's a fact that manipulators gain control over their targets through subtle social cues and persuasion tactics. Nobody is immune to manipulation, but there are ways you can stop manipulation dead in its tracks!Whether you're at your workplace, social setting, family functions, outdoors, and even among friends you need to be able to identify and spot manipulation before its too late! The fact is that everyone uses persuasion to differing degrees. From the Police, Lawyers, salesmen, politicians, bureaucrats, etc. Simply put the art of persuasion isn't anything new, but has existed since ancient times. Persuasion can be defined as convincing someone to agree to your terms and arrangements.There's nothing fundamentally wrong with persuasion, ordinary everyday people engage in this behavior at different points in their lives. Perhaps you want a pay raise from your boss, thus you need to be able to persuade him to justify your wage increase. The problem arises when people intentionally use persuasion for malicious purposes and to take advantage of the vulnerable by using under handed tactics to prey on unsuspecting victims.In this course you will learn how to identify people with malicious intent, dark psychology, spot persuasion tactics, and the art of persuasion. What You'll LearnNormal Psychology Vs Dark Psychology How to Identify ManipulationUnderstanding Human BehaviorThe Art of PersuasionVulnerability Cues Historic Case Studies of PsychopathsAnd, much, much more!Equip yourself with the knowledge of the many intricacies to dark psychology combined with historical psychological case studies all found inside this course.BUY NOW!"
Price: 199.99

"Advance Maths: Part III: Statistics & Probability" |
"This course covers all the details of Statistics like range, coefficient of range of descrete and grouped data, mean deviation and standard deviation from mean of grouped and ungrouped data, weighted means, variance and coefficient of variance, comparison of two sets of observation, etc.This course also covers a major and important part of Probability like algebra of sets, theorems and their applications, probability distribution: Binomial, Normal and Poisson, etc."
Price: 1920.00

"MICROSOFT WINDOWS10 para Suporte em Informtica / Help-desk" |
"Com este curso, Dominar a verso mais recente e cheia de recursos do sistema operacional da Microsoft. medida que voc explora a interface do Windows 10, voc cobre tudo, desde a instalao do sistema ao seu computador ou mquina virtual, e a personalizao para atender s suas necessidades at o trabalho com arquivos e aplicativos.Com o curso windows 10, irs garantir que ests preparado para dar Suporte de TI, Helpdesk.No importa se tenhas experincia com o windows 10, neste curso vamos comear do bsico, comearemos por aprender como instalar o sistema operativo Windows 10."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Your Destiny" |
"Do You Wonder If You Are doing enough?Its About Time For You To Learn How To Survive and Thrive as Your Best Possible Self!Are you wondering if youve lost sight of what is really important?Is Your passion for life beginning to dwindle?Do you feel stuck and confined as you wonder about the things that might have been?Dear Friend,There comes a time in every persons life when they stop and wonder, Am I doing enough?Sure, working a regular 9 to 5 job and spending your time working your way up in your career can be satisfying, but sometimes the process of paying the bills can become tiresome and tedious, and you may find yourself wondering if youve lost sight of what is really important.All of us have great talents and aspirations that drive us forward in life, but if we arent taking steps every day to help us to achieve our goals, our passion for life begins to dwindle.Thats no way to live, and many of us begin to feel stuck and confined as we wonder about the things that might have been, were we offered better opportunities, or had been able to make more time to work on the things that we find the most important to us.Well there is no reason to wonderwhat if? any longer.Every one of us has a special purpose on this planet, and a singular life that belongs to us and us alone.Each of us has a duty to honor the purpose that we were meant to serve, and we are allowed to continue to create the changes that need to be made in order to make those dreams a reality.What most of us are lacking is the basic structure to get to where we want to be. Accomplishing our goals may seem obscure and idealistic, but there are steps that we can take every single day to get to where we want to be.Heres where my advice for you comes in.With My Advice, youll be able to...You will begin to see that it is not only possible, but essential, to master your destiny.Your will learn that knowing yourself is a tried and true way of mastering your destiny.You will learn the one thing that most people use as an excuse in giving up the control they need in their lives.You will learn how to obtain the power to turn dreams into a reality.You will learn How Feeling and Looking Your Best Can Help You Achieve Your DreamsAnd the list goes on and onIntroducingMastering Your DestinyA Guide to Surviving and Thriving as Your Best Possible Self!No stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert at Mastering Your Destiny, and youll get everything you need inside to do the sameHeres Just A Quick Preview OfWhat Youll Discover Inside...Know ThyselfBend, Dont BreakHow to Utilize VisualizationHow Feeling and Looking Your Best Can Help You Achieve Your DreamsLiving a Life of No ExcusesA Meditation Walk ThroughWalking on WaterIdentifying and Avoiding Toxic People and BehaviorsBuilding Your Support NetworkPutting it All Together to Master Your DestinyPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually survive and thrive as your best possible self!Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need thisYou want to get to where you want to be.You want to accomplish your goals.You want to stop wondering what if?.You want to become the best version of yourself.You want to know yourself.You want to Master Your Destiny.This Sounds Like Exactly What I NeedHow Much?GREAT! Ill See You In The Inside!"
Price: 179.99

"Einstieg in die Buchhaltung" |
"Allgemein""Die Bilanz muss immer aufgehen"" so heit es, nicht nur in der Buchhaltung. Im Rechnungswesen bzw. in der Buchhaltung fallen sehr viele Begriffe, wie HGB, GoB, Erfolgskonten, Erfolge, Kreditoren, Debitoren, AO, Buchungssatz, etc.Welche Begriffe in der Buchhaltung verwendet werden und was die Aufgaben in der Buchhaltung sind, erfahren Sie in diesem Einsteiger-Kurs fr Auszubildende und Studenten sowie alle Interessierten, die sich mit dem Thema Buchhaltung beschftigen mchten.InhaltAufgaben in der BuchhaltungDie Aus- und Weiterbildung15 Fachbegriffe die in der Buchhaltung verwendet werdenPflichten in der BuchhaltungAbschreibungenHinweis: Der Kurs ist ein reiner Einsteiger-Kurs und gibt einen ersten berblick der Buchhaltung"
Price: 39.99

"Software Architecture Security - The Complete Guide" |
"Software Security is one of the most important aspects of Software Architecture these days.Almost daily you hear about new security incidents which caused data leak, disruption of service, and often - billions of dollar in damages, and some companies even shut down because of that.You, as as software architect, has the responsibility to make sure your architecture is as secure as possible.You simply cannot allow yourself to release a system that is not secure. These days, it's simply unacceptable.Now, in order to design secure architecture, you must be well versed in all security aspects of software design. And this is exactly what this course is for.This course will teach you all you need to know, as an architect, regarding software security. When completing the course, you'll have the necessary knowledge to design secure architecture.Now, i strongly believe that talking just about secure architecture is not enough. In order to be a really great architect you must have a holistic view of all aspects of software security.And because of that, this course covers all the bases of software security.Here is a partial list of what we'll talk about in this course:- What is Security?- The Secure Architecture Process- Threat Modeling- The Five Perimeters of software security- Some common attacks and how to defend from them- Authentication and Authorization- Encryption- Secure CommunicationAnd lots and lots more...In this course you'll learn the terminology of Software Security, and you'll encounter terms such as SQL Injection, MFA, MITM and more. Don't worry - we'll explain everything, and will make sure you fully understand these terms.In fact, you don't have to have any prior knowledge of software security. We'll start from the very beginning.After completing this course you'll have everything you need in order to design software architecture which is as secure as possible.But that's not all...At the end of this course, you'll be able to download the Secure Architecture Checklist, a comprehensive checklist that will guide you through the process of designing secure systems, and provide a step-by-step guidance for each step.Using this checklist will ensure your system is as secure as possible, will make your client happy, and, most important - will make you a better architect.This course takes you from the absolute basics of Software Security to the most advanced topics, known only to few. Completing this course will give you all the knowledge required for designing secure systems, and, as a bonus, will put you in a great position when looking for your next job.No other course covers this topic in such a comprehensive and thorough way. I've put all my 20+ years of experience with hundreds of clients in this course, and I'm sure you will greatly benefit from it.------------------------------------------------------------What do my students have to say about my courses?------------------------------------------------------------""well done - The course was very practical"" - Sam ""Good explanation on the topics covered, ""Soft Skills"" section is a great addition of topics"" - Sergio ""[The course] given me the confidence to go out to the market and advertise myself as such [an Architect]"" - Mathew""Life Changing"" - ArivazhaganAnd lots more...------------------------------------------------------------Who is this course for?------------------------------------------------------------Any person who is involved in development, even system analyst, can profit from this course. That includes:- Junior developers- Senior developers- Architects- Anyone who is interested in software security.If you're not sure if this course is for you - drop me a note!------------------------------------------------------------What are the prerequisites for this course?------------------------------------------------------------It's a good idea to have some basic knowledge about software architecture, but it's not a must.In any case, you don't have to have any prior knowledge of software security!------------------------------------------------------------About Me------------------------------------------------------------I've been in the software industry for more than 20 years, and a Software Architect for more than 17 years, working with a variety of clients - Fortune 100 enterprises, start-ups, govt. entities, defense, telco, banking, and lots more.I'm an avid speaker and trainer, having trained thousands of students in various courses.I love what I do, and my greatest passion (well, besides my family...) is designing modern, practical, and reliable systems for my clients, using the best possible architecture patterns."
Price: 149.99

"Game Art Basics: Create a 3D Environment" |
"This Environment Art Basics Course is an introduction to the latest techniques and workflows of the best 3D environment artists in today's video games industry. Whether you're creating an indie game or building an eye-catching portfolio to break into some of the top AAA studios, this course will sharpen your artistic eye and give you concepts and foundations to make your workflow efficient. By going through this fundamentals course, you will have started as an artist overwhelmed and confused with the plethora of techniques and workflows out there to an artist who has gained confidence and a solid understanding of game environment development.Course Outline:1. IntroductionStages of DevelopmentTools and Software2. PlanningImportance of ReferenceOrganizing Assets3. Blocking and CompositionStructural Asset BlockoutPreliminary Lighting Prop Asset BlockoutCamera Placement4. ModelingStructural DetailingProp ModelingHigh Poly Modeling5. TexturingPhysically Based Rendering OverviewTexturing Techniques OverviewMaterial SetupHigh to Low BakingTiling TexturingDecals6. Scene PolishLighting Techinques OverviewHigh Quality LightingPost Processing"
Price: 64.99

"How to Recognize and Protect against Phishing Emails" |
"This course will teach you what Phishing is, the different variants of Phishing, how to recognize Phishing emails as well as providing several Phishing email examples and steps to protect you from becoming a Phishing victim. The information in this course can save you the grief and expense incurred from Identity Theft."
Price: 39.99

"Asp.Net Core 3.1 con Entity Framework Core y Tag Helper +30h" |
"Aprende a crear aplicaciones web multiplataforma utilizando Asp.Net Core tecnologia multiplataforma , en este curso veremos manejo de Listados , Filtros ,CRUD , Reporte Excel , Word , PDF , Manejo de Popup , flujo asincrono y sincrono , manejo de Jquery UI , Seguridad (Autenticacion y Autorizacion) , entre otras muchas cosas mas . Inscribete y aprende de verdad Asp.Net Core con conexin a la base de datos SQL Server"
Price: 24.99

"5 Insane Kettlebell Workouts (part 1.)" |
"Learn how to work out in the privacy of your own home with minimal space and equipment needed. All you need is 1 or 2 Kettlebells and you are set for some amazing workouts you will have not seen anywhere else.You will burn fat, improve your cardio fitness and conditioning and most of all have FUN! you will achieve something that you never thought possible, by learning new exercises."
Price: 29.99

"AppSheet Tutorial de Cadastro de Cliente em portugus-br" |
"Aprenda o Passo a Passo para criar um bom cadastro de clientes para seu negcio atravs dos aplicativos AppSheet. Voc aprender as boas prticas de criao de planilhas no google Drive, para otimizao do seu tempo na criao do aplicativo. Ainda, identificar qual o perfil de cadastro que mais se adapta ao seu negcio e como configur-lo em seus aplicativos AppSheet."
Price: 309.99

"Financial Modelling in MS Excel" |
"OVERVIEWFinancial Modeling is an essential skill for accounting and finance professional. It is very much in demand in the job market and is highly valued by employers.Our Financial Modeling training takes you from basics to professional level. This sixteen hours training is based on practical exercisesThe course focuses 40% on honing the participants MS Excel skills and 60% focus on application of MS Excel in Accounting and FinanceWHAT YOU WILL LEARN1. Learn many of MS Excel advanced features2. Become proficient user of Excel within your team3. Carry out regular tasks faster than ever before4. Build Profit and Loss, Statement of Financial Position and Cash Flow statements5. Build valuation models from scratch6. Build Net Present Value model from scratch7. Learn how to make neat and professional looking charts and graphsDETAILED CONTENT1. Introduction to Excel2. Useful tips and tools for your work in Excel3. Keyboard shortcuts in Excel4. Excel's key functions and functionalities made easy5. Update! SUMIFS Exercise6. Financial functions in Excel7. Microsoft Excel's Pivot Tables8. Case study - Building a complete P&L in Excel9. Introduction to Excel charts10. Profit and Loss Case Study continued with great-looking professional charts11. Financial modeling fundamentals12. Introduction to Company Valuation and Introduction to Mergers & Acquisitions13. Learn how to build a Discounted Cash Flow model in Excel14. Business Valuation - Complete practical exercise15. Capital Budgeting - The theory16. Capital Budgeting - A Complete Case study17. Impact of interest rates and exchange rates on NPV18. Sensitivity Analysis in Capital BudgetingPREREQUISITES1. Participants are expected to have basic knowledge of MS Excel. This could be measured as an MS Excel user for more than one year.2. Basic knowledge of financial accounting. 3. Microsoft Office 2013 or later installed on your computer."
Price: 19.99
