"Curso Liderana Avanada - Ferramentas Exclusivas" |
"Esse curso te trar diversas ""Ferramentas Exclusivas"" sobre como liderar pessoas e aumentar seu portflio profissional.Voc contar com vdeos prticos explicativos sobre a aplicao das Ferramentas, estudos de caso para ilustrar suas aplicaes e ainda materiais complementares (arquivo em PDF das Ferramentas) para usar no seu dia a dia. Aproveite esse curso e torne-se um Lder ainda mais completo!"
Price: 219.99

"Boost your Creativity and become an Illustrator" |
"If you ever wanted to become an illustrator but youve been thinking that you cant paint or draw, then this is the course for you. Here you can learn how your own unique experience can make you a unique illustrator and why. Our brain works in an amazing ways, creating associations and patterns in our heads to make sense of reality. To illustrate is not really how you draw but what you draw and what message you convey. I will teach some very interesting and fun techniques that will immidiatelly boost your creativity and will make you start illustrating without any knowledge of anatomy or the rules of perspective. You will learn how to convey strong ideas, how to use your memory database to illustrate and much much more.You will learn about how to work with color and graphic elements to enhance your illustration.This course is packed with fun exercizes that you can even do with your whole family.Now, lets begin."
Price: 19.99

"AUDACITY: Pro Audio And Podcast Production" |
"This complete mastery course is for you if you want to master the Audacity Audio editing and production software and learn how to podcast and broadcast your audio. It also includes extensive audio background and music stock library with the right for you to use in your audio production. This is what you will get with this course:Audacity Basic + Advanced CoursePodcasting Profit Secrets CoursePodcast Blueprint StartupBroadcast Audio With Blog Talk Radio VideosStock Audio Music with rights to useStock Audio Background with rights to useAudacity Beginners To Professionals.Completely FREE!Before we go any further, let me give you some insights about AudacityAudacity is a free and open-source digital audio editor and recording application software for professionals and beginners.The software is available for all platforms including Windows, macOS/OS X and Unix-like operating systems.In 2015 the software continued to dominate multimedia projects with over 50 million downloads.Over the years, Audacity has been commended for having excellent customer care and support service by users of the software.Why You Need To Get Started Now:Audacity is a freemium software.Audacity is cross-platform software thats available across many platforms.Easy multitrack editing.Never lose your work with the auto save function.Import audio from video and other media files.Audio Editing With AudacityHow To Turn Produce Pro-LevelAudios In Just A Few Clicks.Theres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to get started with Audacity to edit your audios and make it sound like pros in just a few clicks.I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite few knows.You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:How to get started with Audacity.Learn how to get use to the interface and configure your settings.Learn how to upload your audio file and what are the options to select when doing it.Learn how to work with Audacity features and which one you should choose to correctly edit your audios.How to quickly and easily reduce noises from your audio files to make it clearer.How to import and export audio files in multiple format quickly and easily.How to use record live audio with your microphone or mixer with audacity.And so much more...Podcasting Profit Secrets CoursePodcasting Profit Secrets is a step-by-step blueprint for launching a profitable Podcast.Here's what you'll discover in this course:The importance of branding and building a community around your brand.The 4-step process to finding the perfect niche for your show (yes, its extremely important you pick the right niche).The one secret no one tells you about monetizing your podcast.How to quickly get in the right mindset to start and commit to your podcast.5 of the most essential tools you need for podcasting success.The right way to develop your podcast and establish yourself as a trustworthy expert in your niche.Why you should start your own podcast as soon as possible.The easiest way and top tools to use to organize your podcast content.How to sound like a professional podcaster even though youre totally new to the podcasting game!The not-so-widely known technique to cut down on your podcast editing time.Why you should never upload your podcast files to your web hosting provider.The top places where you can promote your show and grow your audience like a chia-pet.How to attract the right advertisers to sponsor your show.And so much more!Broadcast Audio With Blog Talk Radio VideosWhat you'll discover in this Course:Getting Started on Blog Talk RadioSetting Up Your AccountSetting Up Your BrandingCreating Your Show DescriptionCreating Live AudioCreating Recorded AudioUploading Existing AudioDoing InterviewsTaking Callers and Doing Live ChatsRepurposing Your ContentAnalyzing StatisticsAnd Much, Much MorePodcast Blueprint Startup - 11 Part Video CourseVideo #1: Introduction to Podcast MarketingSo before we jump right in and get into the meat of this video course, in this specific video we are going to show you a quick overview of the course itself, tools you're going to need, and of course, how it all works. This way you have a birds-eye view of how everything is going to be implemented to create your successful podcasts.Video #2: What's In A Podcast?While it's easy for you to want to jump right in and begin creating your podcast, it's important to plan ahead and know exactly what you're going to talk about and how you're going to lay your podcast out. So in this specific video we are going to not only plan ahead, but I'm going to show you how to do some basic research so you have an idea of the other podcasts in your niche.Video #3: Writing a Intro and Outro Script (Copy and Paste This)Writing what we call the intro and outro is important. Basically, this is the beginning and the end of your podcast. The intro is what introduces you as the expert and speaker. Doing this wrong can actually backfire, so you want to make sure you do it the right way. The outro allows a person to take action. Fortunately for you, you get the copy and paste script so you don't really have to think about what you should write - just fill in the details.Video #4: Hire Voiceover Artist for Intro and OutroWhile you can create your own intro and outro, it's better to get somebody else to introduce you, and then you introduce yourself, especially when you're trying to position yourself as the expert. Therefore, in this specific video I'm going to show you two sites that you can use to hire voiceover artists for fairly cheap. I'm also going to discuss what types of voiceover artists you should hire for your specific podcast, because it can vary from niche to niche.Video #5: Microphone and Software Editing ToolsWe all know that having the right microphone and software editing tools is a huge factor, so here we're going to cover specific types of microphones. I'm actually going to show you what I use and recommend highly, including the software editing tools. Just a reminder though - we will mainly be focusing on audio since this is more about the basics. However, bear in mind thatwith iTunes you can always upload video as well, so I'll ensure that I cover video editing software tools.Video #6: Record Your Podcast (How to Create Soundproof Environments) Now that we have laid out the groundwork, it is time to record your podcast. But the big question remains - how can you record your podcasts in such a manner that you can remove all of the room sound? For example, how can you create a soundproof environment when you have a noisy neighbor or house? You'll learn some shocking truths as to how to create a soundproof environment with items that you most likely already have.Video #7: Edit Your Main Podcast YourselfOnce you have recorded your podcasts you still need to edit them. So, since we have an introduction and a call to action at the very end, I'm going to show you how to add these two parts to the main podcasts. I'm also going to show you how to edit the podcasts, and of course how to add a soundtrack to create a specific environments for your listeners.Video #8: Podcast Hosting - Sites to UseBefore you can submit to iTunes, you need to have a place that will host your audio files. The big question here is what sites should you use? I am going to show you one specific site that I highly recommend. Using these types of sites will make your life a lot easier in terms of tracking your podcast and of course submission to iTunes.Video #9: Creating a Podcast - Upload Audio Files to Podcast HostingOnce you have signed up for the recommended podcast hosting or decided on where you want to be, it's time to create a podcast and upload your audio files to the podcast hosting sites. We'll go through the step-by-step process of creating a podcast correctly and getting up to the point to ensure that it is in the right RSS podcast format. Fortunately for you, while this does sound quite technical it really isn't, as long as you understand how to follow me step-by-step as you watch over my shoulder.Video #10: Get Your RSS FeedBefore you can submit to iTunes, you need your podcast in RSS format. You will need this to add to iTunes otherwise it will slow down the submission process.Video #11: Submit Podcast to iTunesBy this video, you'll be virtually done. However, there is one last step and that is to submit your podcast RSS feed to iTunes. I want to show you exactly how to do this step-by-step."
Price: 29.99

"SNAGIT: Pro screen capture, edit and share your screen video" |
"SNAGIT WILL TRANSFORM YOUR COMMUNICATIONMAKE VISUAL HOW-TO GUIDESGIVE QUICK, SIMPLE ANSWERSPROVIDE BETTER FEEDBACKSIMPLE POWERFUL FEATURESCreate From TemplatesPre-made layouts within Snagit to create visual documentation, tutorials, and training materials.Create Video From ImagesTalk and draw over a series of screenshots to create a quick how-to video or GIF.Enterprise Sharing DestinationsSnagit 2020 now lets you share directly to Slack and Box.Screen capture and recordingTake a screenshot or record a quick video of what you see on your computer screen.Panoramic captureCapture wide, horizontal scrolls, scrolling webpages, and everything between.Create from templatesUse pre-made layouts inside Snagit to create visual documentation, tutorials, and training materials in no-time.Create video from imagesTalk and draw over a series of screenshots to create a quick how-to video or GIF.Simplify toolConvert standard screenshots into simplified graphics.AnnotationsAnnotate screen grabs with professional-looking markup tools and text.Step toolQuickly document steps and workflows with a series of numbers or letters that automatically increase.Grab textExtract the text from an image, screen capture, or file and quickly paste it into another document for edits.Learn faster, enjoy the full benefit and avoid the biggest mistakesThe biggest mistake anyone ever makes when starting to use Snagit is that they think they can use it right out of the box.Sure, its possible that youll be able to do some screen capturing right out of the gate.However, youre not going to be a pro at it until spending needless hours trying to figure out all of the features.The way you cut back on time spent is by watching our videos. You wont be in the dark any longer about how to use all of the features of the software.This, in turn, means youll produce higher quality videos that will require much less time.Instructional Videos Are Hot Right NowYouve got something you want to teach someone. By using Snagit, you can make videos to put on YouTube or even sell them as digital courses.You may want to teach people how to sell on eBay or the best way to set up a blog.Regardless of what you want to show people, its your goal to do so using video. Screen capture gives you the chance to teach others by allowing them to watch what you do.Snagit is the perfect software to do this, and well show you how to capture it all on video. You wont have a single question have youre done watching our videos.Capture Your Screen With SnagitBe The Teacher Youve Always Wanted ToDeep down inside you, theres a teacher just begging to come out. You want to teach others what youre good at.Youve been on the fence about using Snagit since it seems so difficult. Dont think twice about using this fantastic piece of software.Well walk you through the entire process of creating high-quality videos. Better yet, well also teach you how to edit them.Your videos will be ready to be uploaded the minute youre done with them.Being able to take advantage of todays video trends means youre able to get stuff uploaded quickly. It wont take you long at all to create videos and edit them.Video Will Always Be In DemandYouTube is the second most visited site on the internet. Thats not going to change any time soon.Many people go there wanting to learn how to do something. You can be the person who teaches them. Well show you the ins and outs of Snagit.The information that you learn will provide to be invaluable as you continue making videos.You will continuously use this software to provide instruction for your viewers and to grow your business.It will all be possible with the over the shoulder guide that our videos have to offer."
Price: 19.99

"MOBILE MARKETING: Build Mobile-first Websites With MOBIRISE" |
"This Course includes Mobirise training and additional Mobile Marketing content:Mobirise training - Mobile Responsive Website BuilderMobile Business Empire Ebook - 36 pagesMobile Cash Madness Ebook. 241 pagesMobile Marketing. Insider Strategies. Ebook 27 pages Mobile Marketing Guide. Ebook. 26 pages.Mobile-Marketing-Quick-Start-Guide. Cases and Best Practices.Mobile Trend Marketing. Ebook. 43 pagesMobile Marketing Made Easy Video CourseIs your website mobile-friendly?Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On To Create Mobile Responsive Websites With Mobirise.Mobirise allows users to create bootstrap websites offline for free without coding.Mobirise is completely free for both commercial and non-commercial use.No coding knowledge is needed in order to build a website using Mobirise.100% mobile-friendly websites that score high with Googles ranking algorithm.A cost-effective and working solution for budding companies.What is Mobirise?Mobirise is a free offline app for Windows and Mac to easily create small/medium websites, landing pages, online resumes, and portfolios. 2500+ beautiful website blocks, templates and themes help you to start easily.Who is it for?Mobirise is perfect for non-techies who are not familiar with the intricacies of web development and prefer to work as visually as possible. Also great for pro-coders for fast prototyping and small customers' projects.Why Mobirise?Key differences from traditional website builders: Minimalistic, extremely easy-to-use interface; Mobile-friendliness, latest website blocks and techniques ""out-the-box""; Free for commercial and non-profit useHOW MOBIRISE WORKS?Drag blocks to pageStart with creating a new website and picking up the theme. Then expand the blocks panel with the big red ""plus"" button in the lower right corner and start dragging the blocks you like.Edit and style inlineEdit the content of each block just like you would in a regular text editor, click on media elements to insert your own image, video or icon.Set block parametersSet the appropriate options through the Parameters Panel being brought out by the blue ""gear"" button. Preview and PublishClick on ""Mobile View"" in the website builder to check how your site looks on different devices and publish to local drive, FTP or Mobirise subdomain.2500+ amazing blocksMobirise Builder offers 2500+ website blocks in 5 free and 75+ premium HTML themes and 200+ home page templates that include sliders, galleries with lightbox, articles, counters, countdowns, full-screen intros, images & videos, features, data tables & pricing tables, progress bar & cycles, timelines, tabs & accordions, call-to-action, forms, Google maps, social blocks, testimonials, footers, and more. Blocks are designed considering the latest web design trends, and they are flexible and full of customizing options.FREE DOWNLOADMobirise Free Website Design Software is free for both personal and commercial use. Download now and use Free Website Builder for your own or client's websites without restrictions.DOWNLOAD FOR WINDOWS DOWNLOAD FOR MACYou don't have to codeMobirise is an easy and simple free website builder - just drop site elements to your page, add content and style it to look the way you like.Make your site uniqueFree Website Builder offers a huge collection of 2500+ website blocks, templates and themes with thousands flexible options. Combine blocks from different themes to create a unique mix.Automagically mobileMobile web traffic overtook desktop one in 2016 and will only grow in 2020, and that's why it's important to create websites that look good on all devices. No special actions required, all sites you make with the Builder are mobile-friendly. You don't have to create a special mobile version of your website, it will adapt automagically.IT'S EASY AND SIMPLECut down the development time with drag-and-drop website builder. Drop the blocks into the page, edit content inline and publish - no technical skills required. Watch the video below to see the Mobirise in action.Boost your ranking!Sites made with Mobirise Website Builder are 100% mobile-friendly according the Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially). Moreover, if you'd like to try the latest Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) initiative - Mobirise supports it too!Bootstrap builderMobirise templates are based on Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.Trendy website blocksChoose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, shop, forms, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.Host anywherePublish your website to a local drive, FTP, or host on mobirisesite, Amazon S3, Google Cloud, Github Pages. Don't be a hostage to just one platform or service provider. Your site is yours - you have total control over it."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering STM32CubeMX 5 and CubeIDE - Embedded Systems" |
"Hello Welcome to the Mastering STM32CubeMX 5 and CubeIDE course This course teaches you how build embedded systems firmware and peripheral drivers using the STM32CubeMX 5 framework and the STMCubeIDE development environment. This course has many sections but primarily the course can be divided into three parts. The first part deals with peripheral driver development. In this part we master how to use the STM32CubeMX framework to setup the clocks and register parameters of our peripheral drivers and then go on to the CubeIDE development environment to complete the development and testing of peripheral drivers. We shall master different setup configurations of our peripheral drivers in this part. These peripherals include the Universal Serial Bus (USB), the PWM, the SPI, the ADC, UART and the DMA.The second part of this master course deals with developing embedded firmware applications using some of the Middleware provided by the STM32CubeMX framework. One of such Middleware we shall master is the FreeRTOS Realtime Kernel. We shall see how to use STM32CubeMX to create tasks and semaphores and other kernel components for realtime firmware development. We shall also see how to develop these kernel components from scratch using our CubeIDE development environment alone.The third part of the course deals with working the CubeIDE as a standalone development environment. Over here we shall see how to develop bare-metal embedded-c firmware and drivers without using any libraries. We shall literally download the microcontroller chip's datasheet and develop our firmware and drivers using information from the datasheet only. We shall then go on to use this same datasheet information to develop firmware and peripheral drivers using ARM Assembly Language.Please take a look at the full course curriculum.REMEMBER : I have no doubt you will love this course. Also it comes with a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So put simply, you really have nothing to loose and everything to gain.Sign up and let's start building some drivers."
Price: 39.99

"MATLAB and Simulink programing" |
"Section 0 : OrientationGetting startedExplaining about what Matlab is all about and how can one install the softwareSection1: Introduction to Matlab ProgrammingIntroduction to Enviroment - Environment of Matlab, Toolbars and RibbonsSectopm 2: Fundamentals of MATLAB PROGRAMMINGVariables, Arrays and Matrices - Software variables, arrays and matrices are DiscussedArithmatic Operations - Students will learn how the arithmatic operations are done using this sofwareRelational Operations - Students will learn about the realtional operations like greator than, less than Logical Operations - Students will learn how the Logical operations are done using this sofwareRoot, Trignomatric and Logarthmic Operations- Learn about the commands for Roots, Trignomatric and Logarthmic Operations Some Statistical Commands - Learn to take out the maximum out of an array, mean of a matrix or a sorting analysisSome Useful Commands - All other miscillaneous commands that are used for instance, help, exit and many moreScript Files, Function Files - Explanation about function files and how to make and use themInput and Output Representation - Asking for user inputs and Printing the informationGraphical Representation - Plotting commands and Presentation SkillsStructures and Data Formats in Matlab - Getting to know about the types and used of various variables and structuresConditionals - switch, case and if else statements will be discussedLoops - Loops like, FOR, WHILE will be discussed,An Example Task - From task assigning to the task completion an example discussedLecture 3: Fundamentals of SIMULINKIntroduction to Enviroment- Environment of Simulink, Toolbars and LibraryCommonly Used Blocks - Bus Selector, Bus Creator and scope BlocksCommonly Used Blocks - Data type conversion, constant and Display BlocksCommonly Used Blocks - Ground, terminator in-port and out-port blocksCommonly Used Blocks - Gain, Product, Sum and Unit Delay BlocksCommonly Used Blocks - Mux and Demux Blocks, with integrator and discrete time integrator blocksCommonly Used Blocks - Logical operator and Relational Operator blocksOther Block Sets - Various Toolboxes and its usage like Power blockFew Examples - Will be looking in few examples of SimulinkFew Examples - Will be looking in few examples of Simulink"
Price: 199.99

"Design 3D models using PTC CREO Parametric" |
"This is a course focused on mechanical design using CREO Parametric software.In its first chapter the generalities of the interface for the construction of parts are explained.The second section explains the main CAD drawing commands, and the third section models the third dimension in commands such as extrude, revolve, and sweep; culminating with a practical exercise.The following sections explain routines like hole, round, and edge chamfer modeling. The practical exercise develops these functionalities on the same element of the previous chapter.The course is totally practical, explained by an expert who gradually develops the commands on an object that culminates assigning colors, render presentations, assembly and simulation mechanism."
Price: 199.99

"Printing 3D using Cura" |
"This is an introductory course to SolidWorks tools and fundamental modeling techniques. It will give you a solid understanding of SolidWorks and cover creating 2D sketches and 3D models. Later, you will learn how to export to a format for 3D printing.Basics of Solid worksSketching and DrawingCura3D modeling for 3d PrintCura Installation and Machine Setup. Exporting Solidworks File to STL and Opening in Cura. Cura View Movement and Model Selection. Cura Model Rotation and Scaling.Right Clicking Cura Model.Cura Preferences and View Modes.Basic Cura Settings Part 1Basic Cura Settings Part 2Advanced Cura SettingsExpert Cura Settings Part 1Expert Cura Settings Part 2Cura advanced.In this section is included 2 default cura plugins: Pause at height and tweak at Z.Too, is covered what a temperatura tower is and how to set one up in Cura using the tweak at Z plugin.Aditionally, how to interpret the result of temeprature tower, some general tips and finally how to work Gcode in Cura."
Price: 199.99

"Advance flutter and firebase, apps for a Billion users." |
"Want to learn how to build native mobile apps with Flutter?Then you are in the right place.Flutter is a mobile framework by Google for building beautiful and fast native apps. Flutter is very productive and offers a rich set of widgets that makes building apps a breeze. Once you experience hot-reload and everything else Flutter has to offer, you will never want to go back.In this course you will build a complete, real-world application for iOS and Android, by using Dart, Flutter and Firebase.This course starts from the basics, and includes a full introduction to Dart and Flutter. This means that NO prior experience with Dart and mobile app development is needed.As you make progress, the course will introduce more advanced topics, with special emphasis on writing production-ready code, so that you can learn how to build robust applications that scale.And by learning Firebase as well, you will understand how to make modern reactive apps, and see why Flutter and Firebase are a great combination.Important concepts are explained with clear diagrams. You will always learn what you will be building and why, and then how to do it.This will give you a strong foundation, and the techniques you learn here will be valuable in your own Flutter apps.So by the end of this course you will be a competent Flutter developer.Included in this courseIntroduction to DartSetup instructions for macOS and WindowsIntroduction to Flutter and widgetsNavigationFirebase Authentication (anonymous, email & password, Google, Facebook)State Management: how to use setState, lifting state up via callbacks, global access, scoped access with Provider, BLoCs, ValueNotifier & ChangeNotifierForms, input handling, and validationManaging and updating packagesDatabases and Cloud FirestoreWorking with Forms and Cloud FirestoreImage Upload ]to firebase storageInapp messagingRemote configurationSystem requirementsWindows, macOS or Linux for Android app developmentmacOS for iOS app development"
Price: 34.99

"Photography Masterclass" |
"Photography Masterclass is a complete and detailed photography training system that shows you the basic, core, essential, foundational principles every photographer must know in order to capture clean, well exposed, well composed, colorful, sharp, professional quality images. This step-by-step video course can teach any beginner how to go from zero to hero with their DSLR, as well as giving intermediate photographers a systematic overview of industry standard equipment and principles.The course is divided up into the following modules:1. Mastering Your DSLR (2 Hours, 20 minutes)Master Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO, Focus, White Balance, and Camera Modes. Understand what the buttons do on your camera and how to operate it. 2. Equipment (2 Hours, 30 Minutes)Know about the industry standard DSLRs, Lenses, Filters, Tripods, and other Accessories to have in your kit to take pro images.3. Composition and Light (3 Hours, 35 Minutes)Discover the tried-and-true universal composition principles that make images stand-out and lighting set-ups for making flattering portraits.4. Post-Production (4 Hours)Learn the best ways to edit images using Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop software."
Price: 99.99

"Resume Writing Masterclass with CV Templates Included" |
"Recruiters spend around 7 seconds screening a resume and in this course you will learn how to impress any recruiter or hiring manager in that time.On top of all the tips & tricks that will get you more job interviews, you will learn more about resume personalization, updating your Linkedin Profile, taking professional photos for a resume at home, what is job hopping and much more.Looking it from both a recruiter and a hiring manager standpoint, the course key focus points are:- Create a clearly structured resume from scratch or update your current one- Help recruiters to find what's more important in under 7 seconds- Emphasize your experience and skills mostly related to a position- Get more job interviews- Personalize your resume so that tells a story about you that recruiters can relate to- Make a recruiter like you even before he/she meets youIn the past several years I have landed a number of jobs even without having the necessary experience and my resume has helped me a lot to do this. I have worked both as a recruitment manager and as a hiring manager and I am sharing all my secrets with you and also my winning resume template.As always, you get 30-day money back guarantee which practically means you can prepare your resume using this course and then return it, if you are not satisfied with the results. It's absolutelly risk free!In addition, I will be next to you all along the way to guide you and help you write the best version of your resume that you and your future employer will fall in love with.See you in class!Zlatin"
Price: 69.99

"Japanese listening & reading comprehension improvement" |
"This course aims for ""improvement of listening comprehension and reading comprehension"" (=> grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation practice is not enough) Most ""online Japanese language learning"" focuses on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. Almost no courses have been established to improve listening, reading and writing skills.The purpose of this course is to have ability to find out the important part of a sentence with background knowledge and creativity / imagination, and understand what you want to say as a whole, even if you do not understand some vocabulary, grammar, and expression methods.It is not easy for foreigners to increase their vocabulary. I also find it difficult to learn the detailed expressions and grammar of Japanese.I keep grammar and vocabulary to the minimum necessary, and with the given background knowledge and creativity and imagination, what do I want to say in the whole sentence, what kind of way of thinking, what is the conclusion. The emphasis is on understanding that.Therefore, after learning ""conjunctions that influence the development of a story or sentence"", ""contracted forms"" that are often used in conversational sentences, and ""sentence patterns"" to understand the structure and flow of sentences (syntax of conclusions and reasons, 5W1H syntax, etc.) "", I try to improve listening comprehension and reading comprehension by using the words that Japanese people use in ordinary life in ""commentary sentences"" and ""conversational sentences"".The practice of reading aloud and slash reading is taken into consideration because it is very important to improve reading and listening skills in order to improve Japanese.In addition to information on university life, we will introduce many wonderful seasons in Japan.The teaching materials are ""conjunction"" and ""contracted form"", ""commentary"" on social and economic issues, and ""conversation"" on how to study Japanese between international students and Japanese uncles.The Conversation Sentence is based on a conversation between Rion, an international student from Australia, and the uncle at the house where he is homestaying."
Price: 18000.00

"Embedded C for Professionals- Automotive / Industrial" |
"In this course we will learn how to develop professional Industrial grade code for embedded systems using Embedded C language.We will focus on the non-obvious topics of embedded C language, that are not covered by any other typical courses on Embedded C Programming.By the end of this course, we shall gain the confidence and knowledge necessary to design and develop any embedded systems coding application."
Price: 29.99

"How to create Excellent customer Service and Become #1" |
"During the course, we will jointly develop a plan of service strategy implementation and work out in practice possible measures to improve the service of your company.In this course, I will share with you my experience in creating an inspiring service in 10 steps, tell you 20 ways to retain customers that you can apply here and now.You will also learn 10 techniques to create an inspirational service that will create an emotional connection with your customers that will make them a fan.Have there been situations in your life when you received a service in one company for a long time could not calm down and shared with everyone the amazing service that you received there? After that, you became a frequent guest and visitor to this company.Or were you shocked by the terrible service, after which you never returned to this company? Also, you told all your friends and acquaintances about this case.Both situations happen all the time, so companies acquire regular customers and lose them forever.How do I get into the company from the first list? How to create in your company a service that will be a magnet for your customers?"
Price: 44.99

"The nature of the Kingdom" |
"This course covers key aspects of the nature of the Kingdom of Heaven. It's major focus in to help you to understand and engage with the spiritual nature of the Kingdom. This course draws on the understanding that our universe exists in at least 11 dimensions. The spiritual realms are real and surround us. They exist in dimensions that the natural man cannot perceive. Understanding and living by the wisdom of the Scriptures about the spiritual realms becomes a whole lot simpler and clearer when we understand that heaven is actually all around us, in unseen dimensions. We need to be engaged in four dimensions of devotion that include spirit, soul and body to access these spiritual realms. It includes Jesus's role in the kingdom, how religion distracts people from the kingdom and how we can also understand more of the unseen realm by observing what has been brought from Heaven into the seen realm"
Price: 39.99

"DevOps Catalog, Patterns, And Blueprints" |
"Unlike my other courses and books where I typically dive into a single tool or a single process, this time, I chose a different approach. Instead of going to great lengths trying to help someone become proficient in one thing, this time, I am trying to give you a quick introduction into many different tools and processes. We will skip the potentially lengthy discussions and in-depth exercises. What I want, this time, is to help you make decisions. Which tool works the best for a given task? What should we explore in more depth, and what is a waste of time? The goal is not to learn everything about a tool in detail but rather to dive into many concepts and a plethora of tools right away. The aim is to get you up-to-speed fast while producing useful ""real world"" results. Think of each chapter as a crash-course into something with the outcome that you can use right away.I will assume that you don't have time to read hundreds of pages to learn something that you are not even sure is useful. Instead, I will guess that you got up to one hour to read a summary, and then decide if a tool is worthwhile a more significant investment.This is a catalog of the tools, and the processes I believe are useful in this day and age. I will try to transfer what I think works well and what might have been the right choice in the past but is not optimal anymore.Nevertheless, even if the scope of this course is different than others, some things are still the same. This is not a book with lots of theory. Sure, there will be some text you might need to read, but most of the content consists of hands-on exercises. I always believed that the best way to learn something is through practice, and I am not giving up on that. This is a book full of real-world hands-on examples, and each chapter will let you dive into a different tool or a process. At the end of each, you will be able to say, ""now I know what this is about, and now I can make a decision whether it is a worthwhile investment.""Think of this course as a catalog, combined with patterns and blueprints."
Price: 34.99

"Pilates de los elementos, meditacin y Danza-forma (aire)" |
"Con este tercer curso del programa Pilates de los elementos trabajaremos el Aire y su principal caracterstica: la elevacin.Con l practicaremos la concentracin y la fluidez desde las posiciones de desequilibrio, controlaremos desde el centro las diferentes respiraciones, trabajaremos las uniones de posiciones desde la fluidez y con un ritmo marcado por la respiracin, sabremos encontrar la calma antes y despus de una tarea estresante, dominaremos las elongaciones desde la relajacin muscular, exploraremos los movimientos en espiral: la energa que no se pierde e investigaremos las posibilidades del elemento aire: confianza, objetividad y ligereza. Finalmente nos centraremos en ejecutar movimientos de calidad sin dejarnos llevar ni por la prisa ni por la pereza. A movernos con precisin y control y a mantener un ritmo regular sin esforzarte. Al avanzar el curso investigaremos cmo fundir posiciones, movimientos y respiracin en las secuencias de ejercicios, como un todo continuo y fluido. Nuestro objetivo final es la comprensin del flujo infinito de la energa, como un circuito que nos alimenta sin agotarse.El elemento aire es ideal para inducir sosiego antes y despus de una tarea estresante y confianza en nosotros mismos. Tambin para barrer esas ideas obsesivas, recurrentes, que a veces nos atenazan; sobre actos pasados, que ya no podemos cambiar, por ejemplo. El aire nos ensea a apartarlas de nuestro camino para poder avanzar."
Price: 19.99

"Typography & Social Media Using Adobe Illustrator CC 2020" |
"This course will help you learn the basics as well as advanced levels of Typography, color theory and social media posting. Also, the tools of Adobe Illustrator have been thoroughly explained that will help you in creating the designs with much ease. With Adobe Illustrator, you can put words that matter in a custom font or typeface that stands out on the page and the screen. Serif or sans serif fonts, handwriting, or tattoos whatever your typography inspiration its time to make your font a reality.Finding the right words can be hard, and so can finding the right type design. But Illustrator can help you create custom letter forms and fonts that fit your unique layout and design.Salient Features of this Course:A comprehensive course consisting of 71 video lectures that are organized in a pedagogical sequence.Detailed explanation of all tools and commands used in the course.Step-by-step instructions to guide the users through the learning process.Practice TestYou will get a Certificate of Completion after completing the course."
Price: 29.99

"Preparao para a Prova HSK 2 - Chins - Mandarim" |
"Este curso direcionado queles que querem fazer a prova de Certificao do HSK 2 (Mandarim) e querem ter certeza que esto preparados para alcanar a aprovao (60% de aproveitamento). Fazemos a preparao tanto da parte de Audio quanto da parte de Leitura e Compreenso Escrita.Fornecemos tambm um Vocabulrio completo do HSK 2 classificado e com Hanzi e Pinyin, que permitir ao aluno sempre ter em mos o significado, escrita e pronncia de cada palavra que tiver dvida."
Price: 19.99

"Juniper Specialist JNCIS-SP Routing and Switching Exam" |
"Juniper Specialist JNCIS-SP Routing and Switching ExamJNCIS-SP exam check your knowledge of routing and switching implementations in Junos . Juniper Specialist exam certification is beneficial for networking engineers those who are working in networking industry.I make this practice tests for all those candidates and students who are planning of taking Juniper JNCIS-SP actual exam.Specialist JNCIS-SP Routing and Switching Exam Topics :-Protocol-Independent RoutingStatic, aggregate, and generated routesMartian addressesRouting instances, including RIB groupsLoad balancingFilter-based forwardingOpen Shortest Path First (OSPF)Link-state databaseOSPF packet typesRouter IDAdjacencies and neighborsDesignated router and backup designated routerOSPF area and router typesLSA packet typesAreas, interfaces and neighborsAdditional basic optionsRouting policy applicationTroubleshooting toolsIntermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS)Link-state databaseIS-IS PDUsTLVsAdjacencies and neighborsLevels and areasDesignated intermediate system (DIS)MetricsLevels, interfaces and adjacenciesAdditional basic optionsRouting policy applicationTroubleshooting toolsBorder Gateway Protocol (BGP)BGP basic operationBGP message typesAttributesRoute/path selection processIBGP and EBGP functionality and interactionGroups and peersAdditional basic optionsRouting policy applicationLayer 2 Bridging and VLANsService provider switching platformsBridging elements and terminologyFrame processingVirtual SwitchesProvider bridging (for example, Q-in-Q Tunneling)Port modesTaggingMVRPIRBInterfaces and portsVLANsMVRPIRBProvider bridgingSpanning-Tree ProtocolsSTP, RSTP, MSTP and VSTP conceptsPort roles and statesBPDUsConvergence and reconvergenceSpanning-tree securitySpanning-tree protocols: STP, RSTP, MSTP, and VSTPBPDU, loop, and root protectionMultiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) and MPLS VPNsMPLS terminologyMPLS packet headerEnd-to-end packet flow and forwardingLabels and the label information baseMPLS and routing tablesRSVPLDPMPLS forwardingRSVP-signaled and LDP-signaled LSPsIPv6IPv4 versus IPv6Address types, notation, and formatAddress scopesAutoconfigurationTunnelingInterfacesStatic routesDynamic routing: OSPFv3, IS-IS, and BGPIPv6 over IPv4 tunnelingTunnelsTunneling applications and considerationsGREIP-IPGREIP-IPHigh AvailabilityLink aggregation groups (LAG) and multichassis LAGs (MC-LAGs)Graceful restart (GR)Graceful Routing Engine switchover (GRES)Nonstop bridging (NSB)Nonstop active routing (NSR)Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD)Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)Unified In-Service Software Upgrade (ISSU)LAG, MC-LAGGR, GRES, NSB, and NSRVRRPISSUThis is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Juniper in any way."
Price: 24.99

"70-243 Administering Deploying System Center Practice Exam" |
"85 UNIQUE practice questions for 70-243 Administering Deploying System Center Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 70-243 Administering Deploying System Center Practice ExamTotal Questions : 85Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :55 minsPassing Score : 75 (63 of 85)"
Price: 144.99

"Programacin en Java para Selenium Webdriver" |
"Sabas que para aprender a automatizar el primer paso es dominar un lenguaje de programacin?En este curso te ayudar a dar el primer paso para iniciarte en el mundo de la automatizacin aprendiendo a programar haciendo uso del lenguaje Java, comenzando desde la base para que en pocos das puedas empezar a dar tus primeros pasos en el mundo de la programacin y crear las bases de tu carrera como QA Automation. Durante el curso podrs seguir las sesiones en videos, paso a paso y tambin tendrs varios desafos a realizar que te ayudarn a poner en prctica lo aprendido y comprobar tus conocimientos. En la documentacin que acompaa las sesiones se incluyen las presentaciones vistas en las clases para que puedas repasar y continuar perfeccionando las habilidades adquiridas."
Price: 99.99

"The Complete Python Course :From Basic to Advance Level" |
"This Course is aimed for beginner who never make programming first but their dream to become a good programmer as well as the existing programmer who want to increase their skills . This Course Contain 19 sections in which the Nine section contain basic Level and Ten contain about the advance level .All the sections contain Theoretically as well as Practically . First tell about the basic of Contents then told by Practically . In the end of All sections there is Quiz and Assignment about the sections what learn about this sections .We will try to convey complete concept of python which you may use it as professionally. The course contain of Following sections Basic Level Flow Statements and its applications .Functions and complex form of Functions .Iterations Tuple Dictionaries String List Number System and their Conversions .Files Advance Level Network Programming and their Application on python .Socket Programming .Object orientated Programming .Encapsulation with examples Inheritance on python Polymorphisim + Operator Duck Typing Interference and abstract class .HTML File Classes and ObjectsMulti Threading Programming SMTPGUI Programming and its application in website designing CGI Programming and its application in website designing Regular Expressions Fibonacci Series in python .Matplotlib in python YOU Will get Life Time Access to 201 Lectures if you not happy with this course with in 30 days you can return your money back and also access to this course .You literally can not lose.You Ready to get started, developer?Enroll now using the Add to Cart button on the right, and get started on your way to creative,Basic and advanced Python .Or take this complete course for a free spin using the preview feature, so you know youre 100% certain this course is for you. And you happy in your life .When you become Expert you server with others .So Why you waiting enroll your self and become expert in python field . Will This Course give you core python skills ?yes . This course make you professional experts in this field Who this Course For ???The Beginners who never programming First People who never know about programmingExpert who want to increase their Ability ."
Price: 19.99

"Principles of the Montessori Method" |
"This is a course full of lectures which will make you understand how and why the Montessori method works. Montessori vocabulary like ""The Absorbent Mind"", ""Polarisation of Attention"" , ""Human Tendencies"", ""Sensitive Periods"" and many more are being explained in this course. You will get to know why methods work and why others dont. You will learn which type of language to use in order to be heard and understood by your students or kids."
Price: 44.99

"Diploma in Radiology" |
"The course planning and execution has taken time for months and years of the technical team and the faculties at Heartbeatsz academy. To do a simple Master review course, the chief faculty had to spend few thousand $ and of course travelling expenses were extra. We aim to share the knowledge in compact way at very affordable price to be able to help our students save money. If you will notice, our faculty are highly qualified across the best academic centers but price wise we have tried to keep more money in your pocket rather than someone else. Moreover, our courses have highest hours of quality video content compared to others surely (please check and compare). Please support us by giving good review for our course, so that we can add more lectures. Don't forget to follow us on Youtube, facebook, facebook group Instagram and Twitter.##There are special discounts for students giving 5 star rating for other course by messaging screenshot#Welcome to Heartbeastz academy course which has been made by experienced researcher and clinician with global reputation and ECES (EHRA Certified Electrophysiology Specialist). He was trained at at the top 50 clinical global university and also at Harvard Medical school for advance medical education. The course is designed with more focus on cardiac radiologyThe course is meant for doctors, technicians, researchers or even patients and all knowledge enthusiasts who like to know more about the functioning and the details about Indications, programming, trouble shooting etc. Some video focus on tips and tricks and do it yourself (DIY) like videos to make it really efficient and user friendly. The videos contain practical examples with images and easy to understand format."
Price: 199.99

"Palo Alto Networks Automation with API, Python & Ansible" |
"*** The only Palo Alto Networks Firewall course on Udemy 100% Automation oriented .***Automation via API, Python or Ansible is now a ""must-have"" skill for network & security engineers. We have more equipment than ever to deal with and a lot of daily and repetitive tasks to execute. Tools like API or Ansible were created to help , however, online information is sometimes hard to find or difficult to interpret if you are a beginner.I build this course from scratch with ""Simplicity"" in mind so that you can be efficient very quickly with API, Python & Ansible on Palo Alto Networks firewalls. The course includes a Virtual Machine that has all the automation tools to start playing with more than 15 awesome labs. You will also be given working samples of Python code and Ansible playbooks for each lab and get familiar with them. 01/06/2020- v0.1 : Course Release"
Price: 49.99

"Crer un site wordpress professionnel en quelques minutes" |
"Ce cours facilite entierement la tache aux gents qui cherchent un site personnel performant pour y mettre leur contenu et ganer d'argents soit au moyen des annonces google ou d'affiliation ou plutot des services de prestation.Ceux qui ont peu de difficults peuvent aussi compter sur ce qui est trait dans ce cours pour y remedier.Ceux qui sont nouveaux dans ce domaine peuvent crer tous seules l'aide de ce cours leurs propres sites sans avoir besoin d'en demander quelqu'un et dpenser beaucoup d'argents."
Price: 19.99

"Sistems Neumaticos y Electroneumticos desde cero" |
"El curso est orientado a los involucrados en el sector industrial estudiantes/ tcnicos de mantenimiento/ instrumentistas que desean avanzar sus conocimientos en neumtica, desde una perspectiva bsica hasta el modelado de sistemas neumticos y electroneumticos mediante su simulacin.El enfoque que se emplea a tratado de describir la mayora de los elementos bsicos que se tiene en una instalacin industrial, adems se provee los archivos de prctica de cada leccin para lograr el aprendizaje.Actualizacin 1. 06/2020Se aadio:En la Seccion 6, La leccion : Simbologa de vlvulas reguladoras y el circuito AND / ORUna nueva Seccion 7: Clculos en neumticaLecciones:- Clculos en neumtica- Seleccion y desempeo de circuitos de cilindros- Clculos en el cilindro de doble efectoSeccion 10, Lecciones:- Ejercicios secuenciales Cilindro de Doble efecto circuito A-B-A+B+- Ejercicios secuenciales Cilindro de Simple efecto circuito A-B-A+B+- Ejercicios secuenciales Cilindro de Doble efecto circuito A+B+C+C-B-A-"
Price: 39.99

"Instagram commerce" |
"Obtenez notre formation ? Instagram Commerce ? Dans cette formation je vais vous transmettre une mthode complte que j'utilise moi mme.Mme si tu es dbutant tu vas voir que tu peux largement crer ton business de formation en ligne facilement. ?Nous allons voir comment crer votre business d'achat revente de compte Instagram. De la recherche jusqu' la revente je vais vous partager toutes mes techniques pour russir votre business.A tout de suite!"
Price: 19.99

emotionalsinging |
""" "" ! :1. , .2. , .3. , .4. .5. , , .6. .7. .8. . , , , . ! , ! ! ! , . . , , , . , , . ! ! , ! !"
Price: 114.99
