"Direito Desportivo - Prtica de Pareceres e Consultas" |
"O objetivo deste curso trazer ao aluno situaes prticas enfrentadas todos os anos em competies promovidas pela CBF. Ao final do curso, voc ser capaz de navegar pelos regulamentos dos torneios, pelo regulamento de transferncia de jogadores e pelo STJD.Conseguir solucionar problemas complexos da realidade dos clubes de futebol. Com isso, voc efetivamente ter um diferencial competitivo para poder se candidatar a vagas em escritrios de advocacia ou em clubes de futebol."
Price: 99.99

superfreelancer-freelancing-arab-arabic-freelancer-make-money-online |
"- / 1- !2- 3- / / 4- 5- ( Email Marketing , Sales Funnel , Landing page , Lead magnet , Sales sequence , Autoresponder ) !6- ! . : . lead magnet landing page . sales funnel : sales funnel traffic : - : - PDF"
Price: 199.99

"How To Create a Niche Affiliate T-Shirt Store With Wix" |
"What Is Included In This Course? Learn how to make an online t-shirt store with Wix Learn how to sell t-shirts online and make passive income Learn how to market your t-shirt designs Learn how to take advantage of seasonal celebrations to maximize your profits!---What my past students say about me and my other courses:""Lee ably shares a step-by-step means of becoming a profitable book publisher using Amazon KDP""""Very helpful course, thanks Lee! Will be looking out for any follow-up courses Lee puts out to help us publishers become more profitable.""""Found it very useful as someone with almost no idea about how Kindle publishing works. The instructor is quite straightforward with not just information but also his own experiences and expertise""""Straightforward, action-based and no BS (something hard to find in ""make money online"" courses these days lol)""--- Be trained by a serial entrepreneur who does this for a living! Get a fantastic look for your website that will impress! 2020 course!. no outdated content! Get a demonstration of how to create a beautiful websiteThis lecture is very detailed and will make you fully understand how you can create your Wix website from scratch as a beginner."
Price: 199.99

"Kotlin Programming Masterclass 2020" |
"Stai cercando di lanciare una tua app? Oppure vuoi trovare lavoro come sviluppatore Android ed essere assunto da grandi aziende come Google o Apple?Vuoi raggiungere i tuoi obbiettivi.. senza dover comprare lunghi e noiosi libri... senza spendere un sacco di soldi frequentando corsi... imparando in modo interattivo e innovativo... stando comodamente a casa tua... Vero? Questa Master Class ti porter a imparare tutti gli argomenti pi recenti come Kotlin 1.3, le Coroutines e Koltin Multiplatform in modo da darti un ottima preparazione su tutto il mondo Kotlin. Le app che questo linguaggio ti permetter di creare avranno una compatibilit tale da poter funzionare brillantemente su sistemi operativi precedenti ad Android 10 cos da avere un numero pi vasto possibile di utenti. Con Kotlin sarai anche in grado di sviluppare programmi per Windows, MacOS, iOS, WatchOS, Android Wear, Android Things, Web e Data Science. Da questo puoi capire che oltre che per interesse personale imparare il linguaggio Kotlin, pu essere una vera e propria svolta lavorativa. Per prepararti al meglio ad affrontare un futuro in questo settore ho cercato di creare un corso che sappia trasmetterti tutte le conoscenze di cui hai bisogno e che ti metta subito in condizione sviluppare.Potrai iniziare a seguire tranquillamente questo corso senza possedere nessuna conoscenza di programmazione, infatti tutto quello di cui avrai bisogno sar spiegato all'interno del corso.Il corso comprender molti file, come il codice sorgente, commenti, appunti, link esterni per approfondimento che ti consentiranno di capire meglio gli argomenti trattati e risolvere eventuali errori. Come strutturato il corso?Il corso strutturato in maniera tale che gli argomenti siano trattati nel modo pi esaustivo possibile, rispettando degli studi fatti da universit americane che spiegano come apprendere in maniera pi efficace, pi rapidamente e con meno sforzo. Il tuo apprendimento sar diviso in 4 semplici e innovativi passaggi:Ti verranno forniti degli appunti, in cui le cose saranno scritte con molteplici colori, per aiutarti a memorizzare velocemente i concetti pi importanti, e spiegheranno la teoria con immagini intuitive e semplici da capire Ti guider nel cuore della programmazione scrivendo codice, molto codiceTi verranno forniti dei siti esterni e documentazione per poter approfondire ogni argomento trattatoTi verranno proposte delle challenge che ti permetteranno di testare le abilit acquisiteCosa imparerai a fare in questi corso? Scaricare i vari ambienti di sviluppo (IDE) dove andremo a scrivere le nostre righe di codice Iniziare a scrivere codice Kotlin con esempi pratici Creare la nostra prima applicazione attraverso l'ultima versione di IntelliJImparerai a destreggiare il linguaggio KotlinImparerai a convertire il codice Koltin in codice Swift (usato per crare app iOS)Imparerai le basi di AndroidCreerai un app AndroidDurante il corso ti saranno presentate molte challenge che ti permetteranno di metterti alla sfida e di esercitarti sugli argomenti appena imparati. Se vuoi imparare tutto questo iscriviti adesso al corso e inizia subito a cogliere le opportunit che il mondo del lavoro di offre!"
Price: 199.99

"Awareness - Energy Immersion - A4.1" |
"Welcome to the ""Energy Immersion"" Course-Series where we learn the basics of managing and wielding the benefits of recognizing the energetic-platform of all the universe. This specific course is uniquely focused on attuning and becoming aware of the experiences of the frequencies of the spiritual universe. This is the place to start in the series for the most benefit.The entire course-seres consists of these seven courses: Energy Awareness, Energy Dynamics, Energy Maneuvers, Energy Interchange, Energy Enhancement, Energy Conversion, and Energy (World) Perception.***Course Key: Everything is energy representing the consciousness of everything. Much like many different energy-focused modalities, these courses will teach you how to become aware of what your energy is, how it works and what it is about, how to move it around, remove blocks and hindrances, raise your vibration, channel knowledge and talents as well as become aware of the transparency and residence of the spiritual universe.The videos explain more than this text, watch the previews, and dive in!"
Price: 169.99

"Aula de DAX" |
"Aula com conceitos e exemplos prticos de algumas da principais funes DAX utilizadas no Power BI e tambm no Power Pivot.Aprenda sobre o conceito de Medidas implcitas e explcitas. Aprenda em quais circunstncias se deve utilizar colunas calculadas para evitar perda de performance. Use funes DAX para criar tabelas automticas no Power BI!"
Price: 39.99

"Learn to Fly. Cheap helicopter Aircraft pilot Schweizer 300" |
"The Schweizer 300 (formerly Hughes 269 ) is a light utility helicopter , designed by Hughes Helicopters , as a development of the Hughes 269 . Later the production passed into the hands of Schweizer Aircraft , although its basic design hardly changed. In 2009 , Schweizer became a subsidiary of Sikorsky, making the Model 300 renamed Sikorsky S-300"
Price: 19.99

"Badminton, Skills, Drills and Training Tips" |
"Join coach Efendi Wijaya as he covers the Skills Drills and Training Tips that you will need to improve your badminton game and help you dominate your opponent. Among the topics covered are: footwork, defense and body coordination, attacking and counter attacking tips, how to develop speed and power, details of essential shots, singles and doubles drills and much more. This video is an excellent training resource for any serious badminton player or coach.About the coach: Efendi Wijaya is a professional badminton coach with over 17 years of International Coaching Experience (Canada, Indonesia, and Singapore). He has been the coach in numerous World Badminton Events, including the World Championships, World Junior Championships, Youth Olympics and Pan-American Games. Efendi was the Badminton Canada Coach of the Year in 2017. He currently coaches at the E Badminton Training Centre in Markham, ON, Canada."
Price: 24.99

"Mastering Badminton Vol. 2 - Doubles" |
"Take your badminton doubles game to the next level with over two hours of instruction from Kowi Chandra. Assisting him are several other top players: Andrianus Prasojo Adi, Jenna Gozali and Febriyan Irvannaldy. Chandra teaches numerous tips, techniques, strategies and drills that will help give your doubles team an edge over the competition. Among the topics covered are: The Four Major Areas and Rotation, Back Court Drills, Front Court Drills, Defense and Various Training Methods. This comprehensive video can help improve your game and teach you to play like a champion!About the coach: Kowi Chandra was ranked as the number 1 player in Indonesia in 2003. He was a member of the Indonesia National team, which is rated among the best in the world. He moved to the United States to continue his badminton career in 2006. Chandra won the U.S. National Badminton Championships in 2008 and 2012. He has excelled in numerous National Men's Doubles events and the Mixed Doubles events.In 2010, Chandra was named as the head coach of the Bay Badminton Club in Milpitas, California. He has taken students to various prestigious tournaments around the world. In 2015, Chandra led Team USA for the World University Games and Pan American Junior Championships. The team won the Gold Medal at Pan Am Junior Championships in Mexico.Chandra is a USA Badminton High Performance Certified Coach, was the recipient of 2013 USA Badminton (USAB) Development Coach of The Year. He is also a member of Coaching Advisory Group, which is responsible for the development of badminton coaches in the USA."
Price: 24.99

"Tout comprendre de Google Analytics et analyser son trafic !" |
"C'est bon, votre site internet est termin et en ligne. Le design est soign, les contenus optimiss et vous tes sr 100% de pouvoir transformer vos visiteurs en prospects ou clients. Vous avez commenc lancer des campagnes d'acquisition de trafic : de la publicit en ligne, un peu de rseaux sociaux et le rfrencement naturel commence porter ses fruits. Vous commencez recevoir des demandes de contacts ou des ventes si vous avez un site ecommerce.Tout a, c'est trs bien, mais l, vous naviguez vue. A priori, votre site gnre du trafic. A priori, votre site vous amne des ventes. A priori, votre site renforce votre notorit. Mais je vous rpondrais qu' priori, vous pourriez aussi gnrer plus de trafic, plus de ventes et tre connus plus rapidement.Le marketing digital prsente un avantage : avec internet, tout est traable. En tant qu'entrepreneur, web-marketer ou responsable marketing, vous devez tout mesurer pour vrifier que votre stratgie est efficace et pouvoir prendre les bonnes dcisions, au bon moment. Pour cela, vous devez utiliser un outil d'analyse de trafic. Dans cette formation, je vais vous montrer comment utiliser Google Analytics, l'outil d'analyse de trafic le plus utilis et qui prsente deux avantages : il est trs performant et gratuit.Voici ce que va vous permettre de faire Google Analytics :Comprendre combien de personnes viennent sur votre site, qui sont-elles ? Combien de temps restent-elles ? Sont-elles intresses par vos offres ?D'o viennent vos visiteurs ? Quels sont vos canaux d'acquisition principaux ? Votre stratgie d'acquisition de trafic est-elle efficace et sre ? Au contraire, votre stratgie est-elle dangereuse et tes vous trop dpendant d'un seul canal ?Quels sont les canaux d'acquisition vous amenant le plus de conversion et de chiffre d'affaires ? Car si l'on ne regarde que le trafic, on peut partir avec un mauvais priori !Oui, les priori sont trs dangereux en marketing digital, le web analytics est l pour vous prmunir de a.Mon objectif est de vous apporter suffisamment de connaissances pour que vous soyez l'aise avec Google Analytics et que vous puissiez piloter votre stratgie web et que vous puissiez prendre les bonnes dcisions.Que vous soyez tudiant, salari, indpendant, responsable marketing ou chef d'entreprise, ce cours vous aidera dvelopper vos comptences en marketing digital notamment car il est trs centr sur la pratique : peu de slides, beaucoup de partage d'cran.Dans ce cours, vous bnficierez de :presque 3 heures de vidos avec support, dcoupes en XX leons pour vous permettre de revenir quand vous le souhaitez une notion cl ;la prsentation d'un outil professionnel gratuit, le leader du march ;4 quiz pour valider vos connaissances ;3 exercices pratiques (expliqus en vido) pour vous aider mettre en application vos enseignements ;des ressources tout au long du cours ;un support par messagerie si vous avez des questions.Un mot propos de l'auteur :Je suis consultant indpendant en marketing digital depuis plusieurs annes maintenant. J'aide mes clients mettre en place des stratgies d'acquisition de trafic, de leads ou de clients ROIstes. J'utilise pour cela plusieurs leviers : rseaux sociaux, publicits en ligne, SEA et le plus souvent, le rfrencement naturel qui est le levier le plus intressant sur le long terme. Je peux aller plus en loin en accompagnant mes clients dans la mise en place d'une stratgie d'Inbound marketing et de marketing automation.J'ai travaill pour des entreprises de toute tailles, beaucoup de PME, startups et sites ecommerce. J'ai notamment une certaine expertise dans le secteur BtoB des nouvelles technologies.En parallle de tout a, je fais galement de la formation en prsentiel et suis chroniqueur sur Forbes, le Journal du Net et Webmarketing&Co'm.Je vous dis tout de suite de l'autre ct !"
Price: 29.99

"Beer, Wine and Antibiotics MCQ Practice Questions (Bio Tech)" |
"Beer is one of the oldest and most widely consumed alcoholic drinks in the world, and the third most popular drink overall after water and tea. Beer is brewed from cereal grainsmost commonly from malted barley, though wheat, maize (corn), and rice are also used. During the brewing process, fermentation of the starch sugars in the wort produces ethanol and carbonation in the resulting beer. Most modern beer is brewed with hops, which add bitterness and other flavours and act as a natural preservative and stabilizing agent. Other flavouring agents such as gruit, herbs, or fruits may be included or used instead of hops. In commercial brewing, the natural carbonation effect is often removed during processing and replaced with forced carbonationWine is an alcoholic drink typically made from fermented grapes. Yeast consumes the sugar in the grapes and converts it to ethanol, carbon dioxide, and heat. Different varieties of grapes and strains of yeasts produce different styles of wine. These variations result from the complex interactions between the biochemical development of the grape, the reactions involved in fermentation, the grape's growing environment (terroir), and the production process. Many countries enact legal appellations intended to define styles and qualities of wine. These typically restrict the geographical origin and permitted varieties of grapes, as well as other aspects of wine production. Wines not made from grapes involve fermentation of additional crops including, rice wine and other fruit wines such as plum, cherry, pomegranate, currant and elderberryAn antibiotic is a type of antimicrobial substance active against bacteria. It is the most important type of antibacterial agent for fighting bacterial infections, and antibiotic medications are widely used in the treatment and prevention of such infections. They may either kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria. A limited number of antibiotics also possess antiprotozoal activity. Antibiotics are not effective against viruses such as the common cold or influenza; drugs which inhibit viruses are termed antiviral drugs or antivirals rather than antibioticsThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Beer, Wine and Antibiotics.Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 69 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side"
Price: 19.99

"Efectos Visuales con NUKE -Escena Completa desde 0" |
"Si en algn momento te has preguntado como es que se realizan los efectos visuales realizados en las pelculas y estas considerando una carrera como Compositor VFX, este es el curso que usted esta buscando, En este curso te guiar por algunas de las tcnicas mas utilizadas en el cine y la televisin todo bajo mi experiencia profesional.Este ser un curso muy nutritivo para usted , usaremos Nuke'x para trabajar en una escena de Accin en vivo, aprenderemos a inciar correctamente con un proyecto seguido de la creacion de un sistema bsico de particulas para nuestra escena, aprenderemos a eliminar correctamente un fondo azul seguido de algunas tnicas para remover cables del set de filmacin, finalmente le daremos el look correcto a nuestra escena utilizando diferentes herramientas para la correccin de color."
Price: 19.99

"Siyasette Beden Dili ve Liderlerin Analizi" |
"Siyaset ve beden dili ayrlmaz bir btndr. yle ki liderler birbirlerine stnlk kurmak iin her daim beden dili kullanlr. Seim kampanyalarnda, sunumlar da ve konumalarda hatta halka seslenilerin her birinde beden dili kullanlr. Bu beden dilleri bilin altna verilen mesajlarla dolu olduunu biliyor musunuz? Beden dilini okumak mmkndr, asl sylemi bulmakta mmkn, asl sylenmek istenen dilde deil beden dilindedir."
Price: 49.99

"Barber State Board Exam- Setup, Cut, Shave, Facial, Blow Dry" |
"You are on your road too being a true licensed professional. The barber exam can be a challenge. This video will help you to learn how pass the long hair sections of the state board barber exam. If you are interested in the videos for the thermal curling, chemical waving, coloring and relaxer sections, we have that too!"
Price: 79.99

"Enterprise Java : SOA, Web Services & Enterprise Beans" |
"Bu eitim, datk bilgisaym (distributed computing) ve rn igrleri (web services) alannda Java evresindeki teknolojileri iermektedir. lk blmlerde REST tekniinin Java dilindeki standard JAX-RS ile bata JSON ve XML olmak zere HTTP zerinden veri alverii anlatlmaktadr. Sonrasnda SOAP iletiim kuralyla gelitirme yapmak iin JAX-WS anlatlmaktadr. Burada WSDL ve XSD gibi XML teknolojileriyle gelitirme gsterilmektedir. Son blmde EJB, JMS ve JTA gibi, Java EE / Jakarta ierisindeki en ileri konular ilenmektedir. EJB iinde Oturum (Session) ve leti-Srml (Message-Driven) ekirdekleri anlatlmaktadr. Dersler uygulamal olarak anlatlmakta, kuramsal bilgiler yeri geldiinde rnek zerinde anlatlmaktadr. Genel olarak SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture - gr Ynelimli Mimari) ve Ufak grler (MicroServices) konular kapsanm olmaktadr."
Price: 34.99

"CURSO DE DIBUJO - Cuando el Dibujo Creativo supera al Arte" |
"En este Curso de Dibujo aprenders todo lo que tienes que saber acerca del dibujo, djame explicarte por qu! Hay dos formas principales en las que el dibujo es enseado a los alumnos: Dibujo Artstico (Dibujo de Retratos, Dibujo del Figuras, Dibujo a Lpiz, Dibujo de Paisajes, Dibujo Urbano) Dibujo Tcnico(Dibujo de planos, Dibujo Tcnico, Dibujo Arquitecto, Perspectivas con mtodo)Cada una de estas formas de ensear tiene sus caractersticas principales, pero ambas se enfocan sobre una nica forma de entender y ensear el Dibujo. Sin embargo en este curso abordaremos el Dibujo de una forma mucho mas amplia, ya que al margen de lo que tu quieras expresar, el dibujo es un lenguaje de comunicacin y es mucho mas potente de lo que te han contado. De esta forma no nos concentraremos en un tipo de dibujo o el otro, sino que abordaremos las bases para que puedas dominar cualquier tipo de dibujo, ya sea que quieras dibujar rostros, autos, paisajes o un nuevo producto que estas desarrollando.El dibujo es el lenguaje principal para: Artistas Diseadores -Grficos, Industriales, Indumentaria, Automotrices... Arquitectos y todos aquellos que trabajen con la forma y el espacioEn este curso concentro mis mas de 6 aos enseando Dibujo en la Universidad de Arquitectura de mi ciudad. Esta experiencia me ha permitido conectar los conocimientos de los mejores libros de Dibujo del ramo artstico (como Betty Edwards y Andrew Loomis) con los del ramo tcnico (como Frank Ching y Juhani Pallasmaa). En la conexin de todos estos conocimientos nace este curso, el cual posee una mirada mucho mas amplia que un simple Curso de Dibujo.Actualmente me dedico a ensear en Internet todo lo que he aprendido a lo largo de estos aos, y hoy aprenden conmigo mas de 9.200 alumnos de 111 pases, tanto en Espaol como en Ingles."
Price: 199.99

"Build advanced serverless workflow with AWS Step Function" |
"In this course, you will learn how to build serverless applications by building applications for IAM keys rotation. You will learn how to orchestrate multiple lambdas by using a step function. You will get the experience in deploying serverless infrastructure using terraform and how to use GitHub actions to deploy and verify your code"
Price: 19.99

"Vdeo - Criao Fcil de Vdeos para Marketing com InVideo" |
"Voc quer criar lindos vdeos de marketing para promover o seu negcio, mas no sabe nem por onde comear?No sabe gravar, editar, colocar som e vrios outros efeitos?Esse curso de VdeoMarketing chegou para salvar seu dia.Ele vai te ajudar a criar vdeos promocionais lindos, profissionais e bem feitos de forma muito fcil e muita rpida tambm.Tenha em poucos minutos vdeos impactantes para todos os tipos de negcios - blogs, sites, lojas online, canal do YouTube, cursos - e para todas as finalidades - institucional, promocional, divulgao de contedo e muito mais.Voc vai aprender nesse curso a:Criar vdeos impactantes para seu Instagram Stories, Facebook, Canal do YouTube, Blog, Site, Whatsapp para promover sua empresa e gerar mais compartilhamentos, conhecimento de marca e vendas;Utilizar estratgias de marketing para criar vdeos que chamem a ateno e impactem seu pblico;Saber como avaliar e obter retorno do investimento com os seus vdeos;Usar a plataforma InVideo e todos os seus recursos;Ter acesso a vrios recursos extras gratuitos e apoio do instrutor e de um grupo"
Price: 189.99

"Tedarikilerle Mzakere Eitimi" |
"Mzakere eitimleri genelde sat yetkilileri iin gelitirilmitir. Ancak bu tip mzakere becerileri ve prensipleri satn alma, tedarik zinciri ve idari blmlerde grevli yetkililer iin gerekli yetkinlikler iin yeterli olmamaktadr. Bu eitimde tedarik zincirinde ve idari pozisyonlarda grevli yetkililerin Tedarikilerle mzakere yaparken bavurmalar gereken prensipleri, becerileri ve davranlar renecekler ve kendilerini daha da ileriye tayarak kurumlarnn krllklarn maksimize edebileceklerdir."
Price: 179.99

"Inbound Marketing: Estrategia e Implementacin" |
"Aprende las estrategias para implementar Inbound Marketing en tu negocio, y conoce la herramienta GRATUITA perfecta que te ayudar a lograrlo. Olvdate de pagar por diferentes plataformas para configurar tus pginas de destino (landing pages) o tu email marketing. Automatiza todo tu proceso de marketing y ventas de tu emprendimiento en un solo lugar, sin pagar un centavo.Lo que incluye el curso:Conocimiento excepcionalDespus del curso, no solo habrs transformado tu negocio, sino tambin, aprenders cmo manejar de principio HubSpot que te ayudar a automatizar tus procesos de marketing y ventas. El curso incluye el acceso a la plataforma completamente gratis.En tu cuenta de HubSpot GRATUITA obtienes todas estas herramientas- Landing pages- Llamados a la accin (CTAs)- Listas- Email marketing- Chat en directo- Formularios- Pop up forms- Chatflows- Gestin de contactos- Datos de contactos y empresas- Integracin con Gmail y Outlook- Documentos- Anuncios de lead ads para Facebook e Instagram- Fragmentos definidos- Notificaciones y seguimiento de correos- Plantillas de correos de ventas- Llamadas- Reuniones- Negocios- Tareas- Tickets- Panel de informesEntrenamiento CertificadoUn entrenamiento 100% prctico y estratgico, facilitado por un entrenador certificado de HubSpot.Plantillas de trabajoObtendrs muchas plantillas para usar y maximizar el uso de HubSpot en ese momento y para siempre.Programa Acadmico:Qu es Inbound?Qu es un Buyer Persona?Qu es el Buyers Journey?Por qu es importante el set de herramientas de HubSpot para tu negocio?Cmo crear tu cuenta gratuita en HubSpot?Overview de tu cuenta y configuraciones principalesQu son y cmo capturar Inbound Leads?Cmo usar las herramientas del CRM?Cmo integrar herramientas a tu CRM?Cmo permiten las herramientas incrementar tu productividad de ventas?Cmo monitorear el progreso de tu proceso de ventas?Cmo configurar tu Inbox de Live Chat?Cmo usar la herramienta de Chatflows?Cmo se puede crear llamados a la accin usando HubSpot?Cmo crear Landing pages en HubSpot?Cmo crear listas en HubSpot?Cmo crear emails de marketing en HubSpot?Cmo usar los tickets del Service Hub?Cmo crear y usar Reportes?Integraciones - cmo conectar plataformas a tu cuenta de HubSpotCmo usar la herramienta Archivos en HubSpotAccede ahora!"
Price: 49.99

"Excel Bsico" |
"Curso rpido objetivo voltado para quem precisa aprender o que essencial do Excel Bsico, mas no quer perder o seu tempo com cursos longos e cheios de coisas desnecessrias. Este curso est estruturado de forma a dar nfase nas atividades prticas e no na aprendizagem passiva da ferramenta. Habilidades e Competncias que voc desenvolver nesse curso: FiltrarClassificar dadosConstruir Planilhas SimplesInserir e Excluir Linhas e ColunasInserir Tabelas do Excel e aproveitar a formatao automticaRealizar Operaes SimplesRemover Itens Duplicados de uma listaTransformar uma coluna de dados em vrias colunasCongelar painis de um relatrioCompreender e utilizar referncias absolutas e relativasAplicar Formatao CondicionalAplicar funes SE, Cont.SE e SOMASEInserir e Formatar GrficosImprimir Planilhas"
Price: 54.99

"Google AdWords Display Exam : Practice Tests questions" |
"Google AdWords Display Exam : Practice Tests questionsIT certifications are important credentials that can boost your value, your salary, and your employment opportunities.Validate your expertise using Google Display to deliver results that get the most from your display advertising investment.This exam is designed to give you feel of an actual Google AdWords Display Advertising Exam with questions on most important topics and features of Adwords.This practice test will help you prepare for the real official exam test environment. This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Google in any way.Wish you all the best for your exam !"
Price: 29.99

"Microsoft MB-200 Certification Exam : Practice Tests 2020" |
"Welcome to the practice test for Microsoft MB-200 Certification Exam : Practice Tests 2020MB-200 exam candidates are functional consultants who have access to the features and functionality of the enterprise licensed product. As a functional consultant, the candidate is aware of bundled versions of features but does not primarily work with these bundled products.This practice test will help you prepare for the real Microsoft official exam test environment. Microsoft Exam MB-200 Certification Exam improve the following skills questions:Perform discovery, planning, and analysis Manage user experience design Manage entities and data Implement security Implement integrationPerform solutions deployment and testing This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.Best of luck !"
Price: 29.99

"Coding Challenge in C Programming" |
"Welcome to ""Coding Challenge in C Programming"" course!In this course you will learn how to solve coding challenges with C programming. Coding Challenges You will Learn:#1 Add Sub Mul Div & Mod#2 Even or odd#3 Area of a circle#4 Swap value#5 Min max of two#6 Min max of three#7 Second largest of three#8 Sort value in ascending order#9 Leap year#10 Distance between two points#11 Factorial of a number#12 Greatest Common Divisor#13 Perfect number testing#14 Fizzbuzz#15 Reverse a number#16 Count digits of a number#17 Sum of digits#18 Palindrome (Number)#19 Reverse a string#20 String palindrome#21 Decimal to binary#22 Decimal to octal#23 Decimal to hexadecimal#24 Binary to decimal#25 Octal to decimal#26 Hexadecimal to decimal#27 Most frequent30 Days Money Back Guarantee. So nothing to lose.See you inside!"
Price: 19.99

"Python Coding Challenge Bootcamp: 2020" |
"Hello!Welcome to the ""Java Coding Challenge Bootcamp: 2020"" course.I designed this course for you to help you solving coding problems using java from scratch.If you are beginner and looking for learn programming or you want to be a programmer as early as possible, then this is the course for you. I designed this course with easy to average level of coding questions for you.No worries, we have 30 days money back guarantee. So nothings to lose.See you inside!"
Price: 19.99

"Transform Your Thoughts From Wanting To Having - ALL CLASSES" |
"**SPECIAL PRICING FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY!**PLEASE NOTE: This is the Full Version of the ""How to Transform Your Thoughts from Wanting to Having"" CourseDiscover the secrets to change the thoughts that are holding you back from getting from where you are, to where you want to be in life. Here's What You'll Get:""CLASS ONE""Discover the three-steps to clear out confusion, gain control over your emotions, and clear your thoughtsLearn what separates the people who succeed from those that don'tStart to tap into the power of your Negotiator Mind to get what you want""CLASS TWO""How To Recognize Hidden Fears That Are Holding You BackThe Difference Between Healthy and Unhealthy FearsHow To Turn Your Fears Into Freedom""CLASS THREE"" (part 1 + 2)Why You Are Struggling With Loved Ones and Friends Who Don't Support YouHow To Make Those Who Don't Support You, Work For You Instead of Against YouHow To Ask For (And Get) What You Want In Life""CLASS FOUR"" (part 1 and 2 + Continuation)Why You Are Struggling To Get Everything You Want In LifeHow To Listen To Your Negotiator MindHow To Connect With Your Negotiator Mind To Get Everything You Were Meant To Have In LifeHow To Recognize the Difference Between Healthy and Unhealthy EgoIN SUMMARY6 individual lectures, approximately 15-40 mins each, for a total of 2.5 hours of lectures, exercises, stories, and instruction to help you start to activate your Negotiator MindIncludes home study worksheets to give you clarity on how you can achieve your goals and start to transform your thoughts and your relationshipsAt the end of the class, you'll also be given an invitation to continue mastering your Negotiator Mind at a very affordable price. We want you to succeed!Who This is For? This is for you if you are...Wanting to improve your resultsFeeling stuck or blockedWanting to start to master your thoughts to create successExcited to unlock your potentialGetting started on your personal development journeyFeeling lost or not making progress towards your goalsOn the journey of discovering and sharing your special gift with the worldReady to access your inner powerReady to get unblocked and unstuck and move towards your goals and dreamsFeeling scared, anxious or fearfulWanting direction and clarity on how to get what you wantWanting to activate your inner powerWhat Others Are Saying""My income increased $20,000 last year after I received coaching from Aimmee. What an inspiring and methodical instructor Aimmee is I am so looking forward to another successful year. Because of her guidance and the ongoing success in my business and personal life, I follow everything Aimmee teaches. I highly recommend anyone who wants to improve their life or business, to check out what Aimmee has to offer!"" - Cindie Schum""A lot of coaches have told me what I WANTED to hear. Not what I NEEDED. It didnt take me too long to realize how INTELLIGENT she was. Aimmee starts from the inside out. She showed me the process and gave me the tools that helped me in my business as well as personal life. I learned from Aimmee more than I have ever learned from COLLEGE!"" - Josh CarpenterFor more video and written testimonials, visit the link on Udemy for the Negotiator Mind website.Meet Your InstructorAuthor, speaker, TV show host and producer, and Special Liason Officer for the Women's Federation of World Peace, Aimmee Kodachian, shares her secrets for successful transformation. In this class, you'll learn the life lessons Aimmee learned while creating her own life transformation, coming from only a 4th grade education and creating success. Aimmee Kodachians mission is to Empower Humanity through Inspiration and Education, helping leaders and people around the world who are feeling stuck in their life, guiding them to see light in the midst of darkness and transform their life from surviving to thriving, finding Healing, Hope and Love.Besides her TV Show, Book, Upcoming Inspirational Movie, Online Programs, Transformational Keynote Speaking, and her Coaching, Aimmee continues to come up with creative ideas for us to bring our hearts and unique gifts together and Elevate humanitys consciousness worldwide so we can have peace in the world."
Price: 19.99

"4G LTE EPC - Advanced Troubleshooting using Wireshark" |
"Ask your self -Are you a LTE engineer who is looking to take their understanding of LTE EPC to the next level ?Do you want to become an expert at identifying and resolving issues ? Do you want to learn how to use Wireshark (industry leading tool for network analysis) for analyzing LTE call flows ?Do you want to learn by analyzing traces and network captures from real networks ?Do you want to ace your LTE interviews by answering trick questions ?If yes, then this course is for you. This course will cover all practical aspects of EPC troubleshooting by analyzing captures from real networks. Unlike other courses and books that offer theoretical background this course relies on real world examples. We will go through all concepts related to LTE EPC and offer tricks/tips for identifying and resolving network issues. After taking this course you will become an expert at LTE debugging. Course Objectives -Provide solid foundation to troubleshoot real network problems by introducing all necessary concepts.Analyze practical call flows for the following scenarios/Interfaces -Enodeb - MME - S1AP (S1 setup, Heartbeat, enb configuration update etc.)LTE attach/detach (combined/PS only)SGs for CSFB (MT/MO voice and SMS)Default Bearer Creation (S11, S5-C)Authentication (S6a), Cancel Location Update procedure.Role of Diameter Routing Agent in LTEDNS in LTE EPC SGW and PGW selectionProvide tips and tricks for troubleshooting problems in LTE EPC by looking a real network traces using wireshark.Make you a power user of Wireshark for debugging LTE issuesUnderstand all the key parameters and failures using real-network traces"
Price: 49.99

"Creare un Sito Internet con WordPress senza conoscere HTML" |
"Il modo migliore per farsi trovare online ed acquisire nuovi clienti sicuramente quello di avere un sito internet.Non un normale sito internet uguale a tutti quelli che ci sono in rete, ma un sito internet personalizzato sulla base di quelle che sono le priorit.Infatti per ogni azienda e per ogni settore c sicuramente bisogno di valorizzare uno o pi punti di forza.Quindi, questo intro per dirti che: Sia che tu voglia imparare a realizzare il tuo sito oppure voglia imparare a fare siti internet per aziende, la direzione da seguire corretta, infatti abbiamo la possibilit di vivere in unepoca di forte espansione tecnologica e di conseguenza chi ancora non online oggi dovr per forza sbrigarsi prima di restare indietro.Perci il perch dovresti fare questo corso labbiamo capito Ora per entriamo nei dettagliA chi rivolto il corso?Questo corso rivolto a imprenditori digitali o aspiranti tali, a coloro che vogliono imparare a realizzare il proprio sito internet, chi vuole realizzare un portfolio lavori e chi ancora vuole apprendere come creare siti internet per puoi aiutare aziende o professionisti ad accedere al mondo online, e come abbiamo detto poco fa OGGI OBBLIGATORIO altrimenti il rischio equivale a non esistere.Hai capito bene, come pensi che le persone scelgano unazienda piuttosto che unaltra?La scelgono in base a ci che ha fatto, in base allaspetto ed ai valori che questa azienda sa comunicare ed in base allattenzione che ha verso il futuro..perch sar quello il posto in cui vivremoInfine come credi che queste aziende verrano trovate dalle persone?Non certo percorrendo centinaia di km in auto e bussando alle porte, ma semplicemente tramite un smartphone seduti sul loro divano.Quali requisiti devi avere per accedere al corso?Questa sicuramente la parte migliore: Nessuno.Infatti partiremo dalle basi, ed anche se tu non conoscessi alcuna regola di codice (html o php), NON PREOCCUPARTI potrai accedere al corso e capire ogni passaggio, infatti per creare il sito internet useremo wordpress (che se ancora non conosci il miglior programma al mondo per la realizzazione di siti internet).Inoltre grazie a wordpress potremo creare un sito seguendo regole molto semplici e non avremo bisogno di alcun codice HTML o PHP.Piccola parentesi ( se non avessi mai sentito parlare di wordpress, in questo corso ho voluto includere GRATIS 11 lezioni dintroduzione a wordpress).Ma il mio consiglio quello comunque di guardarle inseguito al corso per affinare le tecniche, quindi non preoccuparti Ovviamente se tu avessi gi competenze da programmatore o web designer (quindi html, css, php o altro) va ancora meglio infatti potrai imparare ad ottimizzare il tempo di sviluppo che al giorno doggi il vero guadagno.Inoltre potrai tranquillamente integrare o modificare il sito usando anche il linguaggio di programmazione che preferisci, insomma avrai piena libert di modifica ed integrazione.Cosa imparerai in questo corso?Cosa WordPress e perch usarloCosa Elementor e perch usarlo insieme a wordpressCome scegliere e registrare un dominio (il nome del sito internet) con ArubaCome installare WordPressCome installare ed usare al meglio il plugin ElementorCreare una base solida sulla quale sviluppare il sito intenetCreare il menu di navigazioneModificare laspetto del sito a piacimentoInserire video allinterno del sitoInserire immagini allinterno del sitoCreare la pagina HomeCreare la pagina Chi siamoCreare la pagina Portfolio / RealizzazioniCreare la pagina ContattiCreare box modulari personalizzabiliCreare una galleria immaginiCreare un Form di contattoInserire una Google MapRendere il sito Responsive, ovvero ottimizzato per i dispositivi mobili (tablet e smartphone)Rendere un sito sicuro grazie ad SSL (https)Creare caselle di posta elettronica con il nome del sito.Lezioni EXTRA:Perch WordPress essenzialeDifferenze tra wordpress (com) e wordpress (org)Cosa un Database e perch utileCome installare WordPress in localeCosa Mamp e come pu aiutarci a sviluppare un Sito OfflineCome funziona linterfaccia di WordPressCosa sono i Temi di WordPress e come scegliere i miglioriCreare PagineCreare ArticoliDifferenze tra Pagine e ArticoliCreare CategorieCreare un menu di navigazioneCosa sono i WidgetCosa sono i PluginDifferenze tra Widget e PluginPubblicare Online un Sito sviluppato Offline (sul nostro computer)Ok carino il tuo discorso ma io non ti conosco, tu chi sei?Hai ragione io mi chiamo Edoardo Rinaldi e da oltre 10 anni lavoro ogni giorno per accrescere le mie competenze digitali, non mi dilungher raccontandoti la mia storia e spiegarti come sono diventato web designer, project manager o altro, ma se c una cosa che ho imparato in questi anni di duro lavoro che non si mai arrivati, e questo un bene perch adoro essere affamato di conoscenza e adoro stabile anno dopo anno obiettivi concreti da raggiungereQuindi se anche tu come me non ti accontenti mai, ti aspetto con molto entusiasmo!Se ancora tu non fossi convinto al 100% ti invito a seguire i miei profili YouTube (Edoardo Rinaldi), Instagram (edoardo_ _rinaldi) ed il mio Blog (edoardorinaldi .com), insomma non scappo!Sono e sar a tua completa disposizione :)"
Price: 94.99

"Electrical Transformers: Testing and Diagnostics" |
"Electrical Transformers: Testing and Diagnostics is an intermediate video course where you will learn all about electrical transformers troubleshooting that are essential in working within this industry; from general failure investigation methods to specific transformer tests such as Dissolve Gas Analysis (DGA).I have handcrafted this course to allow students to acquire fundamental troubleshooting skills on electrical transformers as well as how to apply it in the utility industry.If you are currently or working towards a career where you need to manage/maintain/troubleshoot transformers, you will find this course of great help to get the foundations you need to kick start your professional career. If you work on the vendor/supplier side, this course will provide you with the tools to effectively and efficiently find out the root cause and to answer basic transformer issues for your clients.Please note, this is not a Fundamentals Course! I would assume that you already have foundational knowledge on transformers. Please enroll in my Electrical Transformers Fundamentals to gain fundamental knowledge of Electrical Transformers if you doubt your own knowledge and experience.So let's get started! Let's start your fulfilling journey and mark an important point of your phenomenal career!"
Price: 159.99

"Pilates con attrezzi" |
"Il pilates un tipo di ginnastica (metodo fitness) di tipo rieducativo, preventivo ed ipoteticamente terapeutico (riabilitativo), focalizzato sul controllo della postura tramite la ""regolazione del baricentro"" a sua volta necessario a guadagnare maggiore armonia e fluidit nei movimenti.Nel corso una serie di circuiti di pilates da poter fare a casa con l'aiuto di 3 attrezzi principali: la soft ball, l'elastico e il ring"
Price: 24.99

"Aprenda a Manipular Arquivos no Hadoop - 2020" |
"Voc vai aprender como manipular arquivos no Hadoop Distributed File System HDFS utilizando os principais comandos: -put, -get, -count entre outros, criar queries que acessam os dados armazenados no HDFS, mas antes de fazer tudo isso voc ir aprender como trabalhar com virtualizao de sistemas operacionais, criao de mquinas virtuais, instalao e configurao do Hadoop e seus componentes de armazenamento (HDFS) e de processamento distribudo (MAPREDUCE) como tambm a instalao e configurao do motor de processamento da linguagem SQL padro do Hadoop que o Hive. Se voc quer conhecer o Hadoop e como ele funciona esse curso vai fazer uma introduo ao ambiente, ensinado o que , para que ele server e tambm te ensinar a instalar e configurar um ambiente perfeito para desenvolvimento com os seus principais componentes.Venha aprender como trabalhar com Hadoop e dar um start na sua carreira de analista de Big Data, engenheiro de Big Data ou cientista de dados. No perca essa oportunidade e venha fazer parte desse grupo de profissionais que atualmente esto sendo muito requisitados pelo mercado de trabalho."
Price: 279.99
