"ENGLISH BELOWVOIL CE QUI TE MANQUE POUR TRE MEILLEUR EN AFROTOI SEUL(E) PEUX DCIDER D'UN CHANGEMENT OU TE POUSSER FAIRE DES CHOSES DIFFRENTES. NE PAS PROFITER DE LA MUSIQUE CAR TU N'ARRIVES PAS REPRODUIRE DES PAS DE DANSE, CELA NE DOIT PLUS ARRIVER. TON MANQUE DE CONFIANCE FAIT QUE TU RESTES TOUJOURS L'CART QUAND LES AUTRES, TES AMIES S'AMBIANCEnt , CELA NE DOIT PLUS ARRIVER. TU TE SENS EN DESSOUS DU NIVEAU EN COURS DE DANSE , TU TE SENS DPASS PAR LE RYTHME , CELA AUSSI NE DOIT PLUS ARRIVER.Depuis chez-toi , tu es dans le lieu idal pour te donner 100% , il ny a que toi et toi!Augmente le son et vibre sur la musique Afrohouse , ces sonorits sont connuEs pour faire danser tous les types de danseurs Afro. JE NE VEUX PLUS ENTENDRE Je nai pas le temps , Il ny a pas de cours prs de chez moi Plus dexcuses.Avec ce pack de danse de cours en ligne tu peux depuis chez toi, travailler les pas de base Afrohouse , tre sr des pas que tu feras dans l'avenir. les bases servent cela , ce sont les fondations.Ces bases sont dtailles dans le pack de manire t'apporter les infos ncessaires pour la bonne excution des pas de danses.slowmotionmoments astucesorigine des pas DE DANSEazuka : exercices pour assimiler les pasget flava : ajouter de la saveurs a un pas de danse ... "" le sucre""infos graphiques & AIDES & CONSEILSTout a DANS CHACUNE DES 15 videos .ENGLISH _______________________________ THERE IS WHAT YOU NEED TO BE BETTER IN AFRO DANCEONLY YOU CAN DECIDE ON A CHANGE OR PUSH YOU TO DO DIFFERENT THINGS. DON'T ENJOY THE MUSIC BECAUSE YOU CAN'T REPRODUCE DANCE STEPS, THIS MUST NOT HAPPEN. YOUR LACK OF CONFIDENCE MEANS THAT YOU ALWAYS STAY AWAY WHEN OTHERS AND YOUR FRIENDS ARE IN A GOOD MOOD, IT SHOULDN'T HAPPEN AGAIN. YOU FEEL YOU ARE BELOW THE LEVEL OF THE DANCE CLASS, YOU FEEL OVERWHELMED BY THE RHYTHM, THIS SHOULD ALSO NOT HAPPEN AGAIN.From your home, you are in the ideal place to give yourself 100%, it's just you and you!Increase the sound and vibrate to Afrohouse music, these sounds are known to make all types of Afro dancers dance. I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR ""I don't have time"", ""There are no classes near me"" No more excuses.With this pack of online dance classes you can from home, work on the basic Afrohouse steps, be sure of the steps you'll do in the future. That's what the basics are for, these are the foundations.These basics are detailed in the pack to give you the information you need to perform the steps correctly.slowmotionTIPS MOMENTSstep originsazuka: exercises to assimilate the stepsget flava : add flavor to a dance step ... ""the sugar.""graphic info & help & advicesall OF this in15 videos."
Price: 34.99

"Power BI for Data Visualization and Analysis" |
"In todays world, businesses are capturing huge data from various business activities. One can discover lots of precious information, patterns for making effective decisions from this data if you have right tool & right skills. Microsoft Power BI is a very powerful tool for this purpose & this course will provide the right skills to achieve these objectives.In this course, you will learn:What is data visualization, how to get data in Power BI & flow of creating chartData transformation, Data Summarization by Grouping, Joining Data Tables, Creating Calculated Columns, Creating Measures, Calculated Columns vs Measures, Grouping Data Categories, Applying Data HierarchyData visualization using charts like Stacked Column & Bar Charts, Clustered Column & Bar Charts Line Chart, Area & Stacked Area Charts, Pie & Donut Charts, Stacked & Clustered Line Column Combined Charts, Funnel Chart, Waterfall Chart, TreeMap Chart, Scatter Plot Chart, Geographical MapsPresenting data in tabular format using Table, Matrix Cross-tab & Cards.Visual Data Slicing & three different mode of filteringData Analysis using trend line, constant line, max-min line, average & median line. Forecasting & data clustering."
Price: 34.99

"Lean Six Sigma - White Belt" |
"Esse curso para quem quer conhecer a metodologia Lean Six Sigma e se certificar no primeiro nvel, atuando como White Belt onde poder ser membro de equipe e falar a mesma lngua dos demais belts. Conseguir entender ferramentas de soluo de problemas e interpretar os grficos bsicos da metodologia. O curso aborda ferramentas como: Diagrama de Ishikawa, 5 Porqus, Anlise de rvore de Falha (FTA), Mapeamento de Processos, entre outras. Alm de apresentar os seguintes conceitos estatsticos: Disperso, Regresso, Teste de Hipteses, etc."
Price: 69.99

"Flutter et API Rest: L'Appli COVID-19 en temps rel de A Z" |
"Ce cours est une formation complte sur flutter et api rest . Vous apprendrez les bonnes pratiques de l'utilisation de l'api rest en crant votre application sur le coronavirus qui sera en temps rel . Donc si vous avez envie d'accrotre vos comptences en flutter et crer une application de A Z , ce cours est fait pour vous ."
Price: 59.99

"SAP C_TAW12_70 Development Associate ABAP Net Weaver Exam" |
"332 UNIQUE practice questions for SAP C_TAW12_70 Development Associate ABAP Net Weaver ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP C_TAW12_70 Development Associate ABAP Net Weaver ExamTotal Questions : 332Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :210 minsPassing Score : 75 (249 of 332)"
Price: 179.99

"CWNA-106 Certified Wireless Network Administrator Exam" |
"249 UNIQUE practice questions for CWNA-106 Certified Wireless Network Administrator ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CWNA-106 Certified Wireless Network Administrator ExamTotal Questions : 249Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (186 of 249)"
Price: 159.99

"PW0-071 Certified Wireless Technology Specialist Sales Exam" |
"286 UNIQUE practice questions for PW0-071 Certified Wireless Technology Specialist Sales ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PW0-071 Certified Wireless Technology Specialist Sales ExamTotal Questions : 286Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :170 minsPassing Score : 75 (214 of 286)"
Price: 174.99

"Curso de Sndico Profissional com Certificado" |
"Esse curso online proporciona ao aluno contedo terico e prtico dos principais conceitos de administrao condominial de acordo com a legislao vigente.Recomendado paraSndicos (iniciantes ou experientes) que buscam se profissionalizar ou obter um conhecimento amplo de todos os aspectos da gesto condominial.Receba o Certificado DigitalReceba o certificado digital com a chancela Soluciona Sndico aps 100% da concluso do curso."
Price: 219.99

"Spark AR ile Kendi Instagram Filtreni Yap! Spark Ar Studio" |
"Spark AR Studio kullanarak Instagram iin Artrlm Gereklik Kamera Filtreleri yaparak bir Spark AR Gelitiricisi olun. Instagram (ve Facebook) iin kendi artrlm gereklik kamera efektlerini olutur ve yaynla. Instagram ve Facebook iin kendi filtrenizi nasl oluturabileceinizi anlattm videoda, ilk olarak en basit haliyle temel bileenleri reniyoruz. lerleyen zamanlarda ok daha detayl rneklerle filtre yapmlarn anlatacam..Ayrca filtrelere grseller oluturmak iin bir Adobe Photoshop dersimiz bulunmakta. Detayl anlatm kursumuz sayesinde program ok iyi renip, stne yaratclk katarak, Facebook partneri bir filtre artisti olabilirsiniz."
Price: 59.99

"Machine Learning in Indian style teaching" |
"This Course is for all who are aspiring to be a Data Scientist or a Machine Learning Engineer but do not know from where to start.I have explained this course with several examples so anyone can easily understand core concepts of machine learning and can utilize the ssame going further."
Price: 1280.00

"Mapas Mentales: usos prcticos" |
"En este curso te compartir los grandes secretos de todas aquellas personas que dominan como si fuera magia la informacin.Si te has preguntado cmo tomar apuntes fcil y rpidamente, aqu lo descubrirsPodrs leer con mejores resultadosDescubrirs cmo el uso de imgenes y colores puede aumentar tu memoriaRealizars planes y proyectos con mapas mentalesConocers cmo organizar tu tiempo con una agenda mapa mentalSacars el mximo provecho de las juntas y las reuniones de trabajo con herramientas de pensamiento constructivoConcentrarte eficazmente es fcil si aplicas esta poderosa estrategia grfica!"
Price: 420.00

"Deno : The Complete Guide for Beginners" |
"Technology is evolving rapidly and keeping abreast of the latest advancements is a need today. If you explore google trends you can find out how popularity of Node.js increased from 10 in 2009 to 100 in 2017. But now it has fallen down to 80 in the last couple of years. The same person Ryan Dahl who had created Node.js has now released the first version of Deno. Deno already has 50k+ stars on Github. This might be the fall of Node.js and Deno might replace Node in the coming years. Through this course, you will get the opportunity to get started early, keep your knowledge up to date and upskill yourself."
Price: 19.99

"Politics in/out of you - foreword by Dr. Richard Bandler" |
"Learn wonderful new things with the power of timeline.Did you know that ancient emperors used to study timeline too, and pick up learnings from what they had seen, felt, heard, smelt and tasted while immersing themselves in the timelines of others? Be like them. Learn timeline the proper way.This course primarily uses timeline, which is a simple method/ subject that only requires a mind to visualize. The learnings here are primarily based off three wonderful pillars:- Sun Tzu's Art of War - 18 strategies- NLP Presuppositions- Sun Tzu's Art of War - 36 tacticsOf course, there is no need to memorize the tactics and strategies. Do as you please. These are mere guidelines and you are free to take whatever learnings you like from this course."
Price: 34.99

"Video Camera Confidence - The Complete Guide" |
"Defeat camera fear and master how to present confidently on video. Learn video communication and planning skills essential for: Corporate Videos, YouTube Channels, Vlogs, Video Courses and Websites.Taught by a Video Presenting Coach and includes downloadable resources for each lecture. This course covers: *Video Planning & Scripting*Mindset Routines*Physical Body Routines*Overcoming Camera Anxiety*Lighting Strategy*Camera Options*Quality Sound*Best Hand Gestures*Cothing*Charisma On Camera and more. By taking this course you will ensure your videos are unforgettable and you deliver with impact and ease."
Price: 24.99

"Digital Marketing: Where the heck to begin?" |
"If youve landed here on this page, youre likely asking yourself the question presented in the title of this course:Marketing: where the [bleepity bleepity bleep] to begin?Dont worry, you are NOT alone. Marketing is complicated and its gotten more and more complicated over time.The ease of self-service ad platforms has only made marketing harder for people. How? Because this makes competition fiercer. There are more than 7 million active advertisers on Facebook alone and Google has even more! This means that breaking through to reach your audience has a lot of competition.Luckily, marketing is much much more than Facebook and Google ads. The key is to find your customers and understand how to connect with them in a meaningful way that breaks through the noise. And that is what this course covers.In this course, youll get everything you need as an overview to get started with your marketing strategy. Youll start off by learning exactly how to find out who your best customers are. Well also cover some research tools, and discover various techniques on finding where your audience gathers, and who with. Using this data, well give you the templates that you need to design a full tactical breakdown of 3 key audiences."
Price: 199.99

"Build a JAMStack Blog Site with Gridsome & Tailwindcss" |
"Have you ever wanted to build a blog or portfolio site, but didn't know what tech stack to use? This course is for you! You will learn how to use the modern JAMStack where you'll get familiar with Gridsome, one of many static site generators. JAMStack is SOO HOT right now! It's the future of web development, and this is the perfect time to dive in. I'll walk you through step-by-step, line-by-line, from zero to fully functional blog site that will be deployed LIVE via Netlify."
Price: 19.99

emocionalnoe_nasledie_roda |
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Price: 24.99

"Build Application for Google Assistant" |
"In this course you will learn about how the google assistant development.How the google assistant works and steps to build your own application for google assistant.This course is for beginner, people with no programming language knowledge can also build this application.Requirements tools:Any Web browser for developmentAndroid smartphone for testingAfter completion of the course, You will be able to :Know about Google assistantWhat Action on Google really doesFundamentals of NLP( Natural Language Processing) Build your own applicationTest and Publish the Action for Google Assistant"
Price: 1280.00

"Male Character Creation - Complete Game Pipeline" |
"Instructor InfoAbraham Leal is the Director and Founder of Critical Hit Studio & Academy. With the studio and academy, he is proud to be able to spread his artistic knowledge to everyone in his hometown and is extremely excited to be working on big entertainment projects in Mexico. What inspired Abraham to be a 3D artist is The Hobbit book and all the lore that surrounds it. Being able to tell stories and share his own voice is what motivates him to create and imagine new and exciting characters. Prior to becoming a 3D artist, he was going to medical school and he decided to do a complete 180 and get into Digital Design and Entertainment Production. When he quit medical school, he couldn't draw, paint, or sculpt to save his life but he was so convinced of his definite desire and worked hard to turn it into a reality. His advice to artists who want to get into the 3D industry is to practice properly, be patient and stay humble. He believes in always having a goal in mind, and always open to learning and improving. Course Info Would you like to know how to sculpt a high resolution full body character and take it to a complete low poly game ready mesh? Would you like to improve your skills as a 3D character artist to boost your portfolio? Then this course is for you.My name is Abraham Leal. Im a professional 3D artist with several years of relevant experience and I am the owner of Critical Hit Studio. In this course, I will show you how to create a game character from start to finish.We will begin by sculpting our character in Zbrush. I will show you the important things you need to watch out for when sculpting a male character, and how to get a perfect proportion so the character will look great with clothing. We will create our cloth in Marvelous Designer and then add extra details in Zbrush to really bring out the quality. We will model our armor, sword and our accessories using Maya, we will cover techniques on how to create clean hard surface edges and a nice organic feel for some specific props. We will create details like scratches and damages to the armor, belt, straps, and the rest of our accessories to truly bring them to life. After creating our high resolution meshes, we will retopologize everything so we can have a clean topology that is animation-ready. Then we will unwrap our models, bake our maps and create our textures. We will then apply all of these textures to our character to further enhance it. Our final result will be an amazing full body male character fitted with clothing and props that is suitable for animation and game engine.From sculpting your character, to retopologizing and creating proper UVs, to texturing and presentation, by the end of this course, you will have a professional game-ready character. Commit to being the best artist you can be. Be actively engaged in the pursuit of success. When you put in the work with patience and effort, achievement will follow. Come and join me in this course at Victory3D."
Price: 49.99

"Manejo de Crisis (Ejemplo Covid19)" |
"A veces no sabemos que hacer cuando se desarrolla una crisis en nuestra empresa, esa crisis puede ser por algo externo a nuestra organizacion, pero que requiere de que lo comuniquemos debidamente, tanto a la familia de los colaboradores, como los otros colaboradores y la prensa.Sobre todo la prensa, anda buscando noticias, tanto buenas como malas. Pero un buen manejo de crisis nos permite que podamos salir airosos de la situacion, e inclusive con el publico a favor. Por el contrario una crisis mal manejada puede sepultarnos con comentarios negaticos del pblico en general asi como de nuestros clientes.En la actualidad no solo tenemos que estar pendientes de la prensa, tambien las redes sociales pueden jugar para bien o para mal con nosotros y con nuestros clientes o nuestros fans.Este curso analiza con un ejemplo muy actual: Covid-19 sobre el manejo de una crisis si un colaborador de nuestra empresa tuviera la enfermedad. Que hacer? Como enfrentarlo? Tips para el manejo de la situacion. Todo esto se podra ver en este curso muy actualizado a nuestras necesidades."
Price: 19.99

"Painting Animals in Watercolor Step by Step: Fluffy Duckling" |
"In this duckling painting, I will show you how to achieve hard and soft edges to create the texture of both the defined and the soft, downy feathers. You will also learn how to paint with the wet-on-dry and wet-in-wet methods.You will learn:Wet-in-Wet Watercolor PaintingWet-on-Dry Watercolor PaintingHow to Use Water and Paint to Create TextureHow to Mix Dynamic ColorsHow to Use a Limited PaletteHow to create Depth by Layering ColorsHow to Use These Techniques on Other Animal PaintingsI included the link to the royalty-free photo reference, a recommended supplies list, as well as an outline I made that you can print and trace for your own painting.My aim for you in this class is to learn how to paint fluffy feathers with more confidence, and apply it to your other paintings of birds and even furry animals."
Price: 24.99

"Beginner Coding Projects in : Python JavaScript Java" |
"Learning a new skill can be both fun and rewarding. Python is programming language that can be used to build various types ofapplications . Examples include desktop, web ,games. Python can also beused in data science and machine learning.Java is a programming language that developers use to create applications .The type of applications created with Java includes:Banking,Retail,Android apps,Stock market etc.JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that is used in most web applications. It can also be used on desktops and servers.Creating various types of projects with different programming languages is a good way to build up your skills.Topic include:Install PythonCreate project directoryCreate and activate a virtual environmentCreate a python projectCreate a JavaScript ProjectSet up Java development environmentCreate a Java Project"
Price: 69.99

"SQL Server Database Engine For Beginners" |
"The Database Engine component of SQL Server is the core service for storing, processing, and securing data. The Database Engine provides controlled access and rapid transaction processing to meet the requirementsof the most demanding data consuming applications in your enterprise. SQL Server supports up to 50 instances of the Database Engine on a single computer.This course is intended for users who are new to SQL Server and who have installed SQL Server or SQL Server Express.Learn how to connect to an instance of the database engine using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and then build and run Transact-SQL statements.What You Will Learn :Connect to a SQL Server instanceWriting Transact-SQL StatementsCreate a databaseCreate a table Insert rows into the new tableQuery the table and view the resultsVerify your connection properties by using the query window tableDatabase Engine Tuning AdvisorBasic Navigation in Database Engine Tuning Advisor (DTA)Tuning a workloadView tuning recommendationsView tuning reports"
Price: 69.99

"Learn Dutch in Dutch 3: master the 1000 most used words" |
"Know already a bit of Dutch? Want to improve your understanding skills?Can you use some repetition?Do you want to learn the most important words?You're at the right spot!In this course, you'll learn how to use the 1000 most common words. Yes, 1000!From the comfort of your own home, you're about to learn Dutch... in Dutch!A beginners' courseYou'll start where you've left off in the previous course on this platform. But, no worries: if you know about 500 words already, you can start following this one. Basics will be covered again at the start of the course to ensure you can follow the rest of the course.What are you minutes away from learning?How to use the 1000 most used words in Dutch. These words are used over and over again by Dutch natives, which will help you a lot to get around with Belgians or Dutch people. You'll understand a much bigger portion of what people are saying after having done the whole course. You will learn how to properly use the past tenses, which means you'll be around mid-A2 level after following the course.How will you learn?The course includes over 100 video lectures. They are all completely in the Dutch language so you will be totally immersed. Over 100 downloadable audio files are includes so you can repeat the new words whenever you like. Each lesson will have a test to make sure you can apply what you've learned.The Belgian accent, called Flemish, is used. The Flemish accent is also understood in the Netherlands.I guarantee: Full, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guaranteeNative Dutch teacherReady to learn Dutch online?Happy learning,Alain"
Price: 59.99

"All-Arounder WordPress Expert for 2020!" |
"Cover the fundamentals of running a full WordPress site and use it to leverage into becoming an expert WordPress all-arounder. Learn the basics, intermediate, and advanced levels of WordPress Development with supplementary courses for Design, QA, SEO, and management of WordPress team.Learn how efficiently design with the available popular free and several premiums tools.Learn how to perform manual and automated content and design QA.Learn the SEO tools and techniques for the year 2020.And if you're working with a team, learn all these and bridge the gap in your team and lead them to success.Now is the time, let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"(Ken Cen)Machine Learning - Clustering" |
"Ken CenLinear RegressionClassificationClusteringClassificationClusteringClustering ClusteringK-MeansPythonHello everyone, I am Ken Cen. This is the third part of our machine learning course. Following the last two Linear Regression and Classification, this course focuses on Clustering. Unlike classification. Clustering does not know the class label of any sample but divides a group of samples of the unknown category into several categories through an algorithm. This is especially suitable for processing massive data, which can save the time cost of marking the category labels one by one. At this time, you can consider using clustering.In this course, we will introduce the main algorithm of clustering: K-Means, let everyone understand the mathematical principle behind the algorithm, and how to actually operate this type of algorithm on Python. Hope can meet you all in the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Nutrition Certification: Advanced Diet & Meal Planning" |
">>>THIS COURSE IS CPD ACCREDITED. COMPLETE IT AND YOU AUTOMATICALLY EARN YOUR CERTIFICATION & 10 CREDITS<<<Learn Advanced Diet And Nutrition Strategies And Create The Perfect Meal Plan For Yourself Or Your ClientsHi, I'm Felix Harder fitness and dieting coach and amazon best selling author. My ""Advanced Nutrition Certificate"" is designed for anyone who wants to get the most out of their diet, no matter if you want to lose fat, build muscle or simply be healthier.In this course I will take you through the process of becoming a nutrition expert step by step. You will learn everything you need to know about the fundamentals of good meal plans and how to design your very own for you or your clients. COURSE STRUCTURE - 3 PARTSI created this course as a complete program that will help you understand the science behind advanced dieting and then apply this knowledge in real life. It is divided into the following 3 parts:Part 1. Recap Of Nutrition Fundamentals Everything You Need To Know About Calories, Protein, Carbs & FatHow To Determine Your Optimal Calorie IntakeMeal Timing: When To Eat For Optimal PerformancePart 2. Advanced Nutrition Theory The Building Blocks Of Food: Amino Acids, Glucose, Triglycerides Etc.How Your Body Turns Food Into Energy How Your Metabolism Really Works - Can You Break It?Part 3. Applying Theory To PracticeHow To Create The Perfect Fat Loss Diet: Step-By-StepHow To Create The Perfect Muscle Growth Diet: Dirty Bulking, Regular Bulking Or Lean Bulking?What To Eat To Get Six-Pack Abs (incl. Sample Meal Plan)How To Avoid Diet Related Diseases Like Diabetes, Acid Reflux & Leaky Gut SyndromeThe Pros & Cons Of Common Diets (Low Carb, Low Fat Etc)Researching and gathering all the knowledge you need to create the perfect meal plan takes a lot of time, so I created this course as a complete program to teach you everything there is to know about dieting & fitness. LESSON OVERVIEW - WHAT YOU WILL LEARN:Dieting FundamentalsEverything You Need To Know About Calories, Protein, Carbs & FatHow To Determine Your Optimal Calorie IntakeFind Out Exactly How Much Protein, Carbs & Fat You NeedThe Perfect Pre- & Post-Workout Meals Diet Breaks: How To Take Them Correctly Ready To Use Meals Plans To Lose Weight And Build Muscle Advanced Dieting For Fat LossShould You Build Muscle Or Lose Fat First?The Different Phases Of A Fat Loss DietThe Settling Point Theory ExplainedHow To Reverse DietHow To Set Up A Refeed DayScience-Based Strategies And Supplements To Reduce HungerAdvanced Dieting For Muscle Growth:The Muscle Growth Priorities (You Have To Get These Right!)Step By Step Dirty BulkStep By Step Regular BulkStep By Step Lean BulkIntra Workout Carbs: Do You Need To Consume Carbs During Your Workouts?Popular Diets & Fallacies Explained:High Carb vs Low Carbs Diets High Fat vs Low Fat Diets Carb CyclingThe HCG DietThe Blood Type DietHow To Avoid Common Diseases:The Right Diet To Avoid Acid RefluxThe Right Diet To Avoid ConstipationThe Right Diet To Avoid DiabetesThe Right Diet To Avoid Leaky Gut SyndromeAND MUCH MORE...The nutrition program is made up of multiple downloadable worksheets, eBooks and other printable resources. If you sign up you get access to all of them so you can study anywhere and at any time. BONUS RESOURCES (Downloadable PDFs, eBooks & Printables)100-page Nutrition Theory Guide Printable Course SlidesSix Pack Meal Plan (incl workout)Fat Loss Meal Plan (exact calorie, protein, carbs & fat values)Muscle Growth Meal Plan (exact calorie, protein, carbs & fat values)Vegan Meal PlanPre- & Post Workout MealsRecommended SupplementsAll In All The Program Includes Over 60 Lessons On Dieting And NutritionSo If You Want To Boost Your Performance, Feel More Energized And Live A Healthier Life, This Is The Right Course For YouLearn about proper superfoods nutrition, meal planning, healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. Better meal planning and healthy cooking will help with weight loss, building muscle and overall well being."
Price: 149.99

"Aprenda como fazer um jogo Liquid Puzzle com Unity" |
"Curso prtico e direto e objetivo! Nesse curso voc ir aprender como feita uma mecnica de jogos estilo puzzle com simulao de lquidos em um ambiente 2D como feito no jogo Where's My Water, um jogo da Disney que atra muitos jogadores. Com essa mecnica possvel criar jogos que agradam muito o pblico de todas as idades. Como um curso com o foco exclusivo nessa mecnica, desejvel que o aluno j tenha algum conhecimento prvio na linguagem de programao C#.Aprenda de forma rpida e objetiva e crie em poucas horas um jogo puzzle com simulao de lquidos!"
Price: 54.99

"Asp.Net Mvc5 ile Online Ticari Otomasyon" |
"n Not: Kursumuza yaklak 8 saatlik daha ierik eklenecek, ekimler sryor.Uzun sredir aklmda olan bir web projesinin daha sonuna gelmi bulunuyoruz. Bu proje bir maazann vitrin, admin ve kullanc olmak zere 3 temel panelinden oluuyor. zellikle admin panelinin dashboard ksm ile hem tasarm gl bir arayz hem de crud ilemlerinin tesinde Entity Framework, Linq sorgular zerinden Trigger, Procedure gibi SQL yaplar ile somut bir proje gelitirdik. Bu projeyi bitirdiiniz zaman reneceiniz balklar sralayacak olursak;Layout KontrolController YapsPartial ViewCode FirstEntity FrameworkModel YapsView YapsLinq SorgularEntity Framework Sorgularlikili TablolarDiyagramlarTrigger KullanmProsedr OluturmaHazr Template Kurulumu ve DzenlenmesiCSS KontrolleriBootstrap YapsDinamik Web Projeleri OluturmaDashboard yapsChartWidget Cards kullanmlar"
Price: 409.99

"C# DevExpress ve Mvc5 ile Otel Rezervasyon Sistemi" |
"Bu bir test aklamasdr,C# ile DevExpress Ara ve Bileenlerini KulanmayRibbon Form DizaynnTemel SQL Komutlarndan Sonra Kapsaml Bir liki OluturmayMdi Form YapsnKritik Seviye YapsnEntity Framework ile Crud lemleriLinq Sorgular ve MetotlarTrigger ve Prosedr KullanmayOOP Yaps ile Proje GelitirmeyiDb First YaklamnAsp.Net ile Web Projesi GelitirmeyiAsp.Net Master Page YapsnHtml5 Template ile Arayz DzenlemeyiKargo Takibi YapmayQR Code OluturmayBarkod OluturmayQR Code ile rn TakibiniXtrareport ileDetayl RaporlamayDevExpress Chart ile Grafik lemleriniC# ile Modern UI Oluturmay"
Price: 409.99

"Test unitario con junit y mockito en Spring Java 8" |
"Una de las partes ms importantes de un buen programador es la calidad de su cdigo. Para obtener dicho resultado, existen multitud de factores. Algunos de ellos pueden ser: buenas prcticas, limpieza del cdigo, la experiencia del programador y la mas importante en un proyecto realizar testing.Junit, es el un framework que nos permite escribir y ejecutar pruebas unitarias en Java. Con estas pruebas, buscamos evaluar si la unidad de trabajo responde correctamente a los test.Mockito, es un framework de cdigo abierto, que nos permite la creacin de objetos simulados, con el propsito de realizar pruebas unitarias en Java.Diferencias entre el testing con JUnit y MockitoSi realizamos pruebas con una nica clase, no necesitaremos realizar Mocks (burlas) a otras clases. Por tanto, ests pruebas, las podremos realizar mediante a JUnit.En el caso la clase con la que vamos utilice a otras clases, ser cuando requerir la realizacin de Mocks. Por tanto, el uso de Mockito, se puede decir que, complementa a JUnit, con la finalidad de realizar pruebas ms exhaustivas.En este curso aprenders los principios para realizar test unitario y es el complemento perfecto que necesitas para entrar en este hermoso mundo del desarrollo web, el cual tiene mucha demanda en la actualidad ya que el desarrollo web industrial crece de forma exponencial."
Price: 149.99
