"Veri Taban Programlama Kursu" |
"Kursu satn aldktan sonra bana udemy zerinden mesaj atarak whatsapp grubumuza dahil olmay unutma !! Bylece sorularn daha rahat biimde sorabilirsin ve eklenmesini istediin konular benimle paylaarak eitimi gelitirmeme yardmc olabilirsin.Buna ek olarak her gn sohbet ederek kendini gelitirebilir ve yazlm ortamna adm atabilirsin.Grubumuzda olan herkese cretsiz mentrlk yapyor olacam.Yeni eitimler geldike indirim kuponlarn whatsapp grubumuzdan paylayor olacam.----------------------------O--------------------------------Python yazlm dili son zamanlarda olduka popler hale geldi ve bu bir rastlant deil.Python'un salad kolaylklar ile birok ilemi rahat biimde gerekletirebiliyorsunuz.Ben bu eitimde Sqlite3 ve Python teknolojileri ile veri taban programlamay anlattm.Bu kurs sayesinde Python dilinde bambaka bir beceri kazanacaksnz. Bu kursta Python Programlamay , Sqlite Ktphanesini ve DB Browser teknolojisini reneceksiniz.Python diliyle veritabanlar oluturacaz ve Db browser ile veritabanlarn grselleirmeyi reneceiz.Sql komutlarnn mantn anlayacaksnz ve veritaban mantn kavrayacaksnz.Eitimi 1 ay boyunca haftada bir olmak zere gncelleyeceim.stediiniz bir konu olursa istemekten ekinmeyin.ndirim kodu talep edenler iin kurs tantmnda telefon numaram mevcut,yazabilirsiniz."
Price: 109.99

"Karnca Kolonisi Algoritmas Matlab Kod Yazm+GSP zm" |
"Karnca Kolonisi Algoritmas Matlab Kod YazmGezgin Satc Probleminin Karnca Kolonisi Algoritmas ile zmTraveling Salesman Problem using Ant Colony OptimizationKarncalar, yiyecek kaynaklarndan yuvalarna en ksa yolu grme duyularn kullanmadan bulma yeteneine sahiptirler. karncalar gidebilecekleri iki yoldan birini ncelikle rastsal olarak semektedirler.Ksa olan yoldan birim zamandaki gei daha fazla olacandan braklan feromon miktar da daha fazla olur. Buna bal olarak, zaman ierisinde ksa olan yolu tercih eden karncalarn saysnda art olur. Belli bir sre sonra tm karncalar ksa yolu tercih ederler. Bata rastsal hareket eden karncalarn izleri kontrol ederek yksek olasllkla izlerin youn olduu yn takip etmesi otokatalitik bir davran eklidir ve karncalarn karlkl etkileiminde sinerjik bir etki vardr. Algoritma, karnca kolonilerinden esinlenerek gelitirildiinden sisteme, karnca sistemi (KS), algoritma ise karnca kolonileri algoritmas (KKA) olarak adlandrlr. Karnca kolonileri optimizasyon problemlerinde kullanlr.Karnca algoritmalar ilk olarak Dorigo ve meslektalar tarafndan; gezgin satc problemi (GSP) ve kuadratik atama (QAP) gibi zor optimizasyon problemlerinin zm iin gelitirilmitir."
Price: 369.99

"La psicologa como aliado del marketing." |
"Obtn todo el conocimiento para desarrollar campaas publicitarias que impacten en la mente de tus consumidores.Aprende sobre: Qu importancia tiene la psicologa en el marketing? Cmo conocer las necesidades del cliente? Corrientes de pensamiento psicolgicas (Conductismo, Gestalt, Psicoanlisis)Este programa de formacin esta diseado, para aprender como sacar el mximo partido a tus estrategias y lograr aprovechar el funcionamiento de la mente para poder vender un producto o servicio."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction au Marketing: Apprendre les bases du Marketing" |
"Pour travailler dans le commerce et la vente, il est ncessaire davoir suivi une formation marketing, qui permettra aux tudiants dacqurir des comptences professionnelles ncessaires lexercice des diffrentes fonctions dans le milieu de la communication et de la publicit.Cette formation marketing a pour but de former des professionnels de la relation client dans le domaine de la vente ainsi que de la stratgie commerciale. Grce cette formation, les participants acquirent une bonne matrise des outils et des techniques de la communication.OBJECTIFS DE LA FORMATION :Sapproprier les outils de lanalyse stratgique marketing et les modles daide la dcision.Utiliser les outils du marketing stratgique pour mieux piloter son activit.Identifier les dernires tendances digitales pour une stratgie commerciale.Explorer de nouvelles pistes de dveloppement commercial.Intgrer la dmarche marketing.Construire un plan marketing oprationnel multicanal.Rdiger les messages cls et les supports d'aide la vente.Intgrer le marketing oprationnel dans son plan marketingCONTENU DE LA FORMATION :Les cls du marketing stratgique,Les outils du marketing stratgique,Le plan marketing stratgique,Le marketing stratgique orient client,Les cls de la segmentation clients,Le positionnement et stratgie de marque,Les principes et concepts de base du marketing oprationnel,Situer le marketing oprationnel dans l'entreprise,Intgrer les tapes cls de la dmarche marketing,Construire des messages percutants,Btir le plan marketing oprationnel multicanal"
Price: 59.99

"Value Added Tax - KSA, UAE & Bahrain" |
"VAT is introduced in GCC, and 3 of the member countries already implemented Value Added Tax (VAT); however, the remaining are planning to implement it in the near future. This course will help you to understand VAT basics and techniques. Knowledge of VAT not only helps you stand out from others in your organization, but it will get you ready for the next level. If you are looking for a career, this course will definitely be a plus over your academic and professional qualifications.By the end of this course, you will be able to understand the VAT mechanism, VAT terms, their operations and accounting with practical examples. Once you get the basics right, you can apply the specific VAT laws and regulations to any organization or business."
Price: 19.99

"Faydal Kalplar ve Kelimeler Eliinde Kolay Essay Yazm" |
"Bu kursta bir yandan niversite hayatnda ve snavlarda baarl olmak iin en gerekli essay yazma tekniklerini ve stratejilerini edineceksiniz. Dier yandan ise adm adm essay yazmanz kolaylatracak pratik kalplar ve kelime bilginizi zengin gsterecek yeni kelimeleri reneceksiniz. Kursun sonunda ise essay yazma konusunda yeterli zgvene ve bilgi donanmna sahip olacaksnz."
Price: 409.99

"Orthodontic Treatment in the Early Permanent Dentition" |
"This course will take you from zero to hero of the following orthodontic topics: Orthodontic treatment in the early permanent dentition and Development of a vertical problem.Here are the main headlines that this course covers:Orthodontic treatment in the early permanent dentition.1.Space Gaining Procedures1.1 Extraction as a Method to Gain Space1.2 Extraction versus Nonextraction Controversy1.3 Extraction Choice1.4 Interproximal Enamel ReductionIndications and ContraindicationsSteps Involved in Interproximal ReductionTechniques for Enamel Reduction1.5 Derotation of Posterior Teeth1.6 Uprighting of Tilted Posterior Teeth1.7 Proclination of Anterior Teeth1.8 Arch Expansion1.9 Molar DistalizationUpper Molar PositionInuence of Second Molar on Molar DistalizationIndications and ContraindicationsComplications of Molar Distalization2.Treatment of Class I Malocclusions2.1 Arch Length Deciency2.2 Expansion2.3 Extractions2.4 Treatment Sequence for Class I Malocclusion CorrectionAlignmentCorrection of crossbitesAlignment of impacted toothClosure of diastema or anterior spacingLevelingSpace closureDetailing and nal settling followed by retention.Development of a vertical problem1. Diagnosis of vertical discrepancies1.1 Long face patients1.2 Short face patients1.3 Cephalometric characteristics1.4 Vertical Class II type1.5 Treatment planning2. Deep bite2.1 Types of deep bite.2.2 Possible treatment options to open a deep biteAnterior bite planeAnterior bite plane with intermaxillary elasticsBite rampsIndividual bypassIncisal bracket bonding.Intrusion bendTip backUse of a reverse curveUtility ArchCIA (Connecticut Intrusion Arch)Intrusive arch with loopsHeadgear3. Open bite3.1 EtiologyLocal FactorsGeneral Factors3.2 Types of open bite3.3 Clinical characteristics3.4 Treatment OptionsIn block extrusion bendSecond order or individual extrusion bendReverse curveIndividual bypassIn block bypassInverted tip backPosterior bite blockPosterior intrusion block with TMA wireHigh Pull HeadgearTPA or Chromosome arch with acrylic buttonIntermaxillary elasticsBracket bonding closer to the gingival marginMaxillary surgeryGlossectomy"
Price: 199.99

"Learn C / C++ Programming Language From Scratch (Beginners)" |
"This course is specially designed for beginners.A good lecture length is 2-7 minutes, to keep students interested and help them study in short bursts,therefore all the lectures are made short and in easy words so that the students take interest and don't get boor.Student can easily take a break so that they could refresh their mind.Hope so you'll learn from it.Feel free to ask questions. "
Price: 24.99

"Learn the Persian (Farsi) Alphabet" |
"Learning to read Persian (Farsi) script might be a daunting task as a beginner. But worry not. In this course, you'll start to grasp the writing system easily and step by step. In this course, we use the common words between English and Persian as a starting point to read Persian. This way you can be an absolute beginner, without any knowledge of Persian, but start to learn the Persian alphabet smoothly."
Price: 19.99

"Kursumuz Borsa ve vb. finansal piyasalarda alm satm yapmak isteyen, her dzeyden kursiyerin faydalanabilecei,teorik ve pratik derslerden oluan bir almadr.Kursumuzun Temel Analiz ile hisselerin temel ve mali dzeydeki durumlarn anlamaya ve bu bilgiler nda yatrm yapmay renecekler.Teknik analizde ise seilen hissenin alm zaman ve konumunu belirleyip uygun zamanda uygun hissede olarak zaman kaybn en aza indirgeyecekler.Takas analizi ile genel piyasanan hisseye olan ilgisini lebilir ve trenddin artt hisselere ynelebilirler.Viop da ise az yatrmla ,iyi bilginin bulumas sonucu yuzdesel anlamda daha karl ilemler nasl yaplr renecekler.Portfy ynetimi renip,sermayelerini en etkin ekilde kullanabilecek yetiye ulaacaklardr.Kursumuzun kursiyerlere finansal doygunlua ulatracana inanyoruz...yi almalar..."
Price: 49.99

"Salk Ynetimi ( Bilgilendirme ) Sertifika Program" |
"Salk kurum ve kurulularnn hastalara salk hizmeti salarken kurumun idari ve ynetim ksmna da grev ve sorumluluk salamas gerekir. Bir kurumun ayakta kalmas ve tm fonksiyonel ilerini doru dzenleyebilmesi iin ynetim altyapsna ve ileyiine hakim olabilmesi gerekir. Salk kurumlar asndan baktmzda da kaynaklar ve kurumsal dzen, salk hizmetinin ihtiyac olanlara ulamas ve en iyi ekilde srdrlebilmesi iin byk neme sahiptir.Salk kurumlar iletmecilii alan da iletme bilgi ve uygulamasnn salk sektrnde fayda sunmas iin zel bir meslek icras gelitirir. Salk kurumunun arka plannda onu asl ayakta tutan; idari, mali, kurumsal iletiim, muhasebe, retim, insan kayna ve hizmetin yrtlmesi gibi unsurlar salk iletmeciliinin geni alma blmleridir.Salk iletmecilii salk sektrne sunduu katksna ramen ilgi ve alakann salk blmlerine gre ok olmad bir alan. letme blmnn grd talebin yannda salk kurumlar iletmecilii daha yeni bir meslek icras olarak grlyor. Buna ramen lkemizdeki salk sektrnn canll ve genilii, salk ve idari alannda alacaklar da rahatlatacak olanaklara sahip. Salk kurumlar iletmecilii, kurumun ynetim ve insan kayna ihtiyalarn karlayacak bilgi ile uygulamalara da vakf olarak bu alanda almak isteyenlere bir kap ayor."
Price: 249.99

"Sonicwall Training" |
"Aprenda a implantar e configurar o firewall Sonicwall, o que lhe permitir concorrer vagas no mercado de trabalho que visam profissionais com esse conhecimento.O curso focado na implantao e configurao de um firewall SonicwallO curso todo em Portugues(BR)O que voc aprender neste treinamento?- Principais funcionalidades do Sonicwall.- Firmware e backup.- Address Objects, Address Groups , service Objects e service Groups- VPN (IPSEC, Tunnel Interface, Dial-in)- Policies NAT.- Policies - Access Rules, APP Control, APP Rules.- Integrao com AD via LDAP e SSO- Configuraes de Network - SD-WAN- HA (Alta Disponibilidade)- Firewall Settings- Security Services"
Price: 309.99

"Zend Framework 3 for beginners: Master the PHP framework ZF3" |
"In this course, you will learn how easy and fast you can build web applications with Zend Framework 3. ZF3 is the latest Zend framework. This technology is widely used in the world of software development. It is praised for its speed, security, and its wide-open source repositories that can be integrated easily in a ZF3 project. We will work with PHP classes, HTML + PHP for views, database management, input filters, AJAX functions. No experience of Zend Framework or any other PHP frameworks is required. I will keep updating the course and its documentation every time that a big change has been made into our ZF3 universe."
Price: 44.99

"Tm Ynleri ile Gayrimenkul Fotoraflama Eitimi" |
"Gayrimenkul Danman olarak, portfylerinizde fark yaratacak harika fotoraflar bu eitim sayesinde ekebileceksiniz.te reneceiz konulardan bazlar:Blm 1: A- Fotorafa Giri1. Eitime Giri2. Fotorafn sata olan mucize etkileri3. Fotorafa Giri4. Grmek / Bak Asnn Yaratt Farklar5. Gayrimenkul Fotoraflamada Bak As rnekleriBlm 2: Fotorafn Temel Unsurlar / Teknik6. Fotoraf Makine eitleri7. Objektifleri Tanyalm8. Gayrimenkul i iin En Uygun Fotoraf Makine Tavsiyeleri9. zetBlm 3: Fotorafn Temel Unsurlar / Ik10. Fotorafta Ik Bilgisi11. Gayrimenkul Fotoraflamada In KullanmBlm 4: B - Kompozisyon12. 3ler kural / Altn Oran13. Bak Boluu14. Simetri15. Sadelik16. izgiler17. Tek Say Kural18. Gayrimenkulde Komposizyon rnekleri Blm 5: ekim Modlar19. Otomatik Mod, Kullanm ve Avantajlar20. Program Modu ile Ustala21. A Modu / Diyafram ncelikli Mod22. M Modu / Tm kontrol sizde23. Gayrimenkul Fotoraflamada En Doru Modu Kullanmak.Blm 6: Gayrmenkul Fotoraf Tekniklerini Kullanmak / Daha iyisi olmanziin ipular24. Doru Fotoraflama Teknikleri25. Yannzda Olmas Gereken Ekiplanlar26. Fotoraflarn zerine Yazlar Yazmak27. Balkgz Lens Kullan veya Kullanma te Tm Mesele Bu28. Bu hatalar asla yapmayn."
Price: 49.99

"Certificate in Training Delivery" |
"Course SummaryCreate lesson plans, schemes of work and training materials to promote inclusion and maximise learning. This course provides a foundation of knowledge of how people learn, how to consider individual, group or organisational training needs and create effective learning aims and objectives. This course includes practical tools and advice on planning and designing outstanding courses.Learning OutcomesBy the end of this course, you will be able to:Demonstrate knowledge of learning theories, with an insight into how people learn.Plan and design training sessions to meet learner or organisational needs.Design inclusive learning programmes with SMART learning objectivesIdentify methods of assessment that can be incorporated into course design"
Price: 49.99

"1Z0-1067 : OCI Cloud Operations 2019 Associate Practice Test" |
"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Operations Associate Practice Exam is designed for all candidates, who is responsible for designing infrastructure solutions using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services, cloud architects, and consultants. who want to validate their knowledge and skills to pass 1Z0-1067 exam.This course is specifically designed for 2019 exam version and WON'T be VALID for 2020 exam version.Exam Topics:Automating Cloud Tasks- Use the OCI CLI to simplify repetitive tasks- Utilize configuration management tools to control infrastructure- Manage infrastructure as code- Explain user resource manager processes to implement infrastructure as codePerformance Tuning and Troubleshooting- Explain Troubleshooting resource availability and accessibility- Validate OCI performanceManaging Cost- Utilize billing tags to track cost- Explain how to Implement billing alerts- Leverage automation to control costSecurity and Compliance- Create secure access control policies- Leverage compartments for resource isolation- Audit cloud accessMonitoring and Alerting- Understand Metric Query Language (MQL)- Create and managing alarms- Implement automated notificationsData Retention and Archival- Use Object Storage Lifecycle policies for tiered data storage- Manage automated block storage and database backups- Implement cross-region data copy strategiesDesigning for Cloud-Scale Agility- Utilize edge services for automated failover / recovery- Implement hybrid network environmentsWhat youll learnThis Practice Test will help you in preparing and passing Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2019 Cloud Operations Associate 1Z0-1067 and earn Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2019 Cloud Operations Associate certificationAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?No Prerequisites. but hands-on experience or practice in Oracle OCI is highly recommendedWho this course is for:Professionals responsible for designing/operating infrastructure solutions using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services"
Price: 29.99

"Creiamo con WordPress!" |
"Questo un corso che mostra come creare un sito web.Vi far vedere com' semplice e veloce realizzare la homepage di un sito web, partendo dalla creazione del server su cui verr installato WordPress.Vi spiegher come usare alcune caratteristiche di base della potente piattaforma WordPress e alcuni tra i plugins oggi pi utilizzati.WordPress un CMS (Content Management System), ossia un gestore di contenuti con cui si pu realizzare qualsiasi tipo di sito."
Price: 199.99

"Requirements of the Health and Safety Act" |
"This course is a summary of the important legal requirements stipulated by the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Employers and other important industry stakeholders can avoid fines and legal issues by complying with the law. Employees can understand their rights including the right to refuse dangerous work. The course also provides details and samples of the forms available to assist employers, employees and other stakeholders with complying with the requirements of the law."
Price: 34.99

"Wiccan Tools of the Trade" |
"A wonderful overview of the tools that can be used not only as a part of a Wiccan or Pagan ceremony or ritual, but tools and products that can greatly benefit your Witchy practices. Each video talks through how each tool is used, its role as part of a ritual and gives you an overview and guidance on which tools you will definitely need to practice, and which tools may be nice to have but not essential. If you have felt overwhelmed by all of the product available on the market, and have no idea what some of the tools do, or what products you need to get started, then this course is for you."
Price: 19.99

"Candle Magick" |
"A wonderful deep dive into Candle Magick, its principles and uses. This includes a guide to the different types of candles and how they are used, along with the importance of candle colour and its vibrational qualities. Candle maintenance is explored with how to prepare your candles for ritual and the spell writing and casting processes. If you are looking for an informative course on Candle Magick and have no idea where to start or what candles or tools are best to use, or what products are needed to get started, then this course is for you."
Price: 19.99

"Celiaqua: Nutricin y Cocina Libre de Gluten, sin TACC" |
"En este curso describiremos qu es la Celiaqua, sus sntomas, diagnstico y nos enfocaremos principalmente en su tratamiento, que es la ""Dieta Libre de Gluten"". Veremos diferentes ideas de mens y combinaciones de alimentos para tener una alimentacin sin gluten equilibrada y saludable para prevenir las complicaciones de la enfermedad celaca. Haremos las recetas bsicas que no te pueden faltar a la hora de cocinar sin gluten, masas dulces y saladas, postres y platos principales. Incluye archivos adjuntos descargables de recetas y de ideas de mens aptas para celacos."
Price: 19.99

"Nei Gong System 1 Livello Prima Parte" |
"Cominceremo con gli esercizi del primo livello, che si svilupperanno dal pi semplice al pi complesso, in una progressione didattica facile, e fruibile da tutti.Vi seguir, passo dopo passo alla scoperta e sviluppo del nostro fisico, dai muscoli profondi (dormienti e contratti), sino ai movimenti energetici della nostra energia interna (il famoso Qi).AVVERTENZELe videolezioni qui presentate insegnano i vari metodi di benessere che aiutano a mantenersi in salute e in forma, non sono in alcun caso sostitutivi ad un trattamento medico, psicologico o fisioterapico.Tutti i termini utilizzati come terapia, disturbo, guarigione, sintomo, cura, diagnosi, medicina ecc., usati in questi video, sono da intendersi in senso strettamente ed esclusivamente ""energetico-bio-energetico"" (per aiutare a mantenere il benessere e l'evoluzione della persona), e non in senso medico o psicologico.Le tecniche ed informazioni presentate in questo video non sono atte a diagnosticare, trattare, curare o prevenire una qualunque malattia o disturbo psicologico.L'autore consiglia vivamente per un qualsiasi problema fisico o psicologico di rivolgesi alle cure del proprio medico, al proprio psicologo o a professionisti specifici, prima di prendere qualsiasi decisione riguardo alla propria salute.Nel caso usiate le informazioni contenute in queste videolezioni per voi stessi, che un vostro diritto, l'autore e l'editore non si assumono alcuna responsabilit delle vostre azioni.M Fabrizio Caspani"
Price: 29.99

"Como gerar Renda Mensal com Opes" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a gerar renda passiva todos os meses na Bolsa de Valores, Alm dos dividendos e Juros Sobre Capital Prprio. Atravs de uma abordagem simples e objetiva eu ensino o mtodo passo a passo. Grandes Players do mercado utilizam a estratgia ensinada para fazer renda mensal. Um deles o Grande Luiz Barsi, o maior investidor pessoa fsica da Bolsa de Valores do Brasil. Se voc uma pessoa que deseja aumentar seu patrimnio e viver de renda no futuro este curso para voc! Vamos criar riqueza juntos para viver um futuro mais tranquilo e no depender somente de nossa fora de trabalho. Atravs da nossa inteligncia e estratgias lucrativas podemos colocar o dinheiro para trabalhar por ns. Venham comigo nessa jornada de aprendizado e vamos criar ""Dividendos Turbinados"" utilizando as Opes de Aes!"
Price: 489.99

"Pregnancy 101 - Workouts" |
"This course offers you a variety of different workouts especially adapted to each trimester of pregnancy. Developed by a health professional, fitness trainer and mom of two during her second pregnancy. There are 10 different workouts and 80 different exercises in total. Relaxing cool downs can be used any time to stretch, relax and feel better. The exercises are especially designed to support muscles we needed especially during pregnancy. All exercises are safe to do. Following these workouts will make a big difference in how you feel physically during and after pregnancy. Back pain can really affect your quality of life, not only during but also after pregnancy. These workouts help you to prevent those issues.You need a yoga mat, a pilates ball and a resistance band. Latter one is the least important, you can substitute it with a towel for example. A pilates ball is a great investment for pregnancy, post-pregnancy and in general life. It is a versatile and super convenient and efficient fitness-tool worth having. Most important: Read the safety instruction before starting to work out. It is absolutely necessary to get the ok from your physician to do workouts during your pregnancy."
Price: 39.99

"Complete English Course -Grammar Conversation - Level Basic" |
"Hi everyone,This course was created to help you learn basic English from the beginning (A1-A2), with an easy explanation.You are going to learn, present tense, past tense, future tense using the best methodology to you learn in an easy way.If you have any questions during the course, please let me know, it will be a pleasure to help you.GET BEST PRICE WITH THIS COUPON: A9BD02CAC4652961E71C"
Price: 19.99

"Mercado de energia eltrica, tudo o que voc precisa saber!" |
"O Curso ""Mercado de energia eltrica, tudo o que voc precisa saber!"" tem como objetivo apresentar os conceitos bsicos e introdutrios sobre comercializao, gerao, transmisso e distribuio de energia eltrica.Nesse curso voc entender de forma didtica e dinmica: Cada uma das etapas desde a produo de energia at o consumidor final;Qual a diferena entre consumidor cativo e consumidor livre;Analisar e entender cada detalhe da tarifa de energia;Quais so os processos para aquisio de energia eltricaSe voc estudante, tcnico, engenheiro, profissional ou mesmo um entusiasta da rea de engenharia eltrica e/ou energia, no deixe de conferir!"
Price: 39.99

"2020 YouTube Video Ads" |
": Masthead Ad : Skippable In-Stream Ad : Non-Skippable In-Stream Ad : Bumper Ad : Out-Stream Ad : Discovery Ad : Text Overlay Ad : Search Ad : Inventory Type : Excluded Content : Excluded Types and Labels : : Influence Consideration : Ad Sequence : Shopping : Skippable In-Stream : Bumper : Non-Skippable In-Stream : Outstream : Ad Sequence"
Price: 19.99

"A'dan Z'ye MS Excel ( Makrolar , zc , Dashboard laveli)" |
" Eitim Setinin dier eitim setlerinden ayran en nemli zellii tamam uygulamal ve karabileceiniz tm durumlar detayl bir ekilde anlatlmtr. Eitim setinin slogan alanndaki En yisi olmasdr.Excel eitim seti 13 yllk eitmenlik dnemimden ve firmalardan gelen taleplerin birleimi eklinde sentezlenmitir. Konularn tamam uygulamal ve en az 3 farkl rnekle anlatmaya zen gsterdim. Sfr seviyedeki bir kii ve st dzeydeki kiilerin tamamna hitap edecek bir set hazrladm. rnein yeni balayan bir kii biim boyacsn anlatmak zorundasnz ancak iyi seviyedeki kii bu dersten biim boyacsnn ksayol tularn aktif bir ekilde renecek. Her derste balangtan en u kullanmna kadar rneklerle gsterilmitir.Eitim seti her hafta gncel videolar ekleniyor olmas, sizlerden gelen talepler dorultusunda yeni videolar eklenecektir.Bu eitim setinden gelecek gelir ile kimsesiz ocuklarn eitimi iin bir ksm ba yaplyor olacaktr. Ve ba makbuzlar aylk olarak kaytl rencilere gnderilecektir."
Price: 309.99

"Formation SEO qui fonctionne" |
"Voici, Growing PRO, la meilleure formation SEO en ligne, enfin disponible sur Udemy !Voici les points forts de cette formation :Formation ultra complteSuivi d'un site tmoinAccs 24/24h en ligneUniquement de l'utile et du concretA qui s'adresse cette formation?A toute personne ayant un site web et souhaitant amliorer le positionnement de ses pages sur les moteurs de recherche: TPE, PME, Travailleur indpendent, blogueur, Start Up, Freelance ...Je ne connais vraiment rien au rfrencement, vais je y arriver ?Bien sr ! Cette formation a t pense pour les personnes qui dbutent, elle est galement adapte ceux qui ont dj des notions et souhaitent maitriser compltement le rfrencement de leurs sites web.Est-ce que j'aurai besoin de dpenser de l'argent supplmentaire pour suivre la formation et appliquer concrtement les actions prsentes?Non, tout t prvus pour que vous n'ayez rien acheter pour appliquer les actions de cette formation."
Price: 89.99

"Refuerza la Confianza en ti Mismo con un Plan de Accin" |
"Curso enfocado, a partir de herramientas prcticas, en reforzar la confianza en nosotros mismos para vivir una vida repleta de abundancia y bienestar, en armona y libre de inseguridades. A su vez, se comparten varias meditaciones guiadas y fciles de seguir con el fin de cambiar los patrones de nuestra mente para enfocar la atencin en el pensamiento positivo. A su vez, se incluye un bonus de regalo que consiste en una sanacin a desarrollar con hooponopono, una tcnica ancestral de conflictos internos."
Price: 19.99

"CISSP Practice Questions 2020" |
"The Certified Information Systems Security Professional Certification Exams provide you with what it takes to pass the exam from the first attempt. It covers the 8 domains, very similar to the real questions. 120 minutes for each exam. - Most Trusted Sources - Accurate & Verified Answers - Better understanding of the content with proper explanations of answers - Lifetime access - 30 day money back guarantee"
Price: 39.99
