"CEH v.10 Practice Questions 2020" |
"The Certified Ethical Hacker Certification Exams provide you with what it takes to be certified from the first attempt. The practice questions are very similar to the real questions. 120 minutes for each exam. - Most Trusted Sources - Accurate & Verified Answers - Better understanding of the content with proper explanations of answers - Lifetime access - 30 day money back guarantee"
Price: 39.99

"CISM Practice Questions 2020" |
"The Certified Information Security Manager Certification Exams provide you with what it takes to be certified from the first attempt. The practice questions are very similar to the real questions. 120 minutes for each exam. - Most Trusted Sources - Accurate & Verified Answers - Better understanding of the content with proper explanations of answers - Lifetime access - 30 day money back guarantee"
Price: 39.99

"CEH v10 Exam" |
"Test Exam, this exam will help you assess or analyze your knowledge and reinforce those subjects that you have not yet fully mastered, this exam will help you prepare to take the official Certified Ethical Hacker v10 exam.Examen de Prueba, este examen te ayudara a evaluar o analizar tus conocimientos y as poder reforzar aquellos temas que aun no domines por completo, este examen te ayudara a prepararte para presentar el examen oficial Certified Ethical Hacker v10.- Security Fundations.- Footprinting and Reconnaissance.- Scanning Networks.- Enumeration- System Hacking.- Malware.- Sniffing.- Social Emgineering.- Wireless Security.- Attack and Defense.- Cryptography.- Security Architecture and Design."
Price: 420.00

"Curso de Edio de Vdeo com Vegas Pro" |
"Chegou a sua hora de aprender a editar seus vdeos com qualidade profissional!Voc sempre teve vontade de se destacar pelas suas edies ou de ter autonomia pra produzir seus vdeos sem precisar da ajuda de algum? Ento esse o curso certo pra voc!Nesse curso voc aprender desde os conceitos fundamentais do Vegas Pro at as ferramentas mais complexas, lhe possibilitando aplicar os ensinamentos em projetos pessoais ou profissionais.O Curso de Edio de Vdeo com Vegas Pro dividido em trs mdulos:Mdulo I) Aqui passado um panorama completo do programa, explicando a interface, configuraes adequadas e funes fundamentais para a edio do seu projeto.Mdulo II) Nesse mdulo do curso so ensinados e aplicados conceitos mais avanados do programa, abordando assuntos como Correo de Cor, Efeitos e Animao. Para facilitar o aprendizado, todos os conceitos so aplicados em um projeto geral do curso que representa uma das maiores demandas do mercado: um vdeo para o YouTube.Mdulo EXTRA) Pensando na aplicao do aprendizado do aluno, foi disponibilizado um mdulo extra com exerccios. Em cada aula abordado um tema de grande demanda do mercado, a partir disso o projeto desenvolvido e disponibilizado para o aluno que deseja estudar o que foi ensinado de forma prtica.Mais de 3 horas de contedo para quem deseja sair do zero e se tornar um editor respeitado.Seja bem-vindo!"
Price: 114.99

"Edicin Profesional en Adobe Premiere Pro desde cero." |
"Adobe Premiere Pro, es una herramienta profesional de video para editar de forma gil y prctica todo proyecto visual, en este curso aprenders a crear flujos de trabajo, ingesta, montaje, color, audio, efectos y grficas en textos, pero no todo queda ah una gua profesional en iluminacin y composicin te ayudaran a subir tu nivel creativo."
Price: 19.99

"Avrupa'da irket Kurulumu ve Oturma zini" |
"Son zamanlarda yaygnlaan yurt dnda zellikle Avrupada irket kurma ve PayPal gibi birtakm avantajlardan yararlanma talebine ynelik hazrlanan bu programda, Avrupada ve zellikle Macaristanda nasl irket kurulacandan balayarak btn prosedrler detayl olarak anlatlyor. zellikle yeni bir i kurmak veya iini yurt dna tamay dnenlerin merak ettii konulara cevap nitelii tayor."
Price: 59.99

"Become a Neo4j Cypher Expert: Cypher Puzzles with Answers" |
"Become an expert in Neo4j Cypher programming! Learn advanced Cypher through a large collection of complex queries.The queries have been collected from the knowledge base, Neo4j forums, Q&A sites.Each query, good or bad, is properly discussed in the answers.Each answer contains a list of references for the addressed topics.We present and discuss gotcha tricks, and unusual use cases.The course contains:Three large puzzles or practice tests, with 10 questions each.Each puzzle is timed with a 30 minutes limit.You must answer correctly to all 10 questions to pass a quiz.Each question is with either a single-choice or multiple-selections.Each question has between three and six choices.Each choice is a Cypher query you must select as either a good or bad answer.You can always stop a puzzle and switch to the answers.""Advanced Neo4j Cypher Puzzles with Answers"" is also available as a Kindle ebook, on Amazon."
Price: 19.99

"Oracle Card Certification for Beginners" |
"You do not need to be a psychic, spirit medium, or clairvoyant to read oracle cards. This course will teach you how to tap into your own intuitive gifts and develop spiritually, giving you the confidence to use oracle cards as a tool to make empowered choices and awaken your purpose.This course includes a comprehensive guidebook.Bonus Material: Three meditations total, with two guided meditationsBonus material: 6 Magic Steps for Angelic AssistanceBonus material: The 12 Chakra System: Facts about each chakra, the color, and best crystals to use for each chakraReceive a downloadable PDF certificate of completion from the Oracle Card Academy by Chakra To YaWhat youll learn:Online training program teaches you a step-by-step approach to using Oracle CardsHow to ask the right questions to deliver clear results (List of over 40 questions to get you started)Develop your natural intuitive gifts and connection to Divine energy of the Universe, and receive accurate spiritual guidanceHow to develop a relationship with your higher self, spirit guides, and AngelsHow to choose the right oracle deck for youThe major differences between Tarot and oracle cardsHistory of oracle cardsWhat the best decks are for beginners with a list of highly reviewed decks, including my personal favoritesHow to interpret the cards: recognizing & decoding metaphors, symbolism & colors used in messagesYou will learn 1-7 card spread readings, multiple ways to use each card spread, plus how to create your own card spread! This includes past, present, and future readingsStep-by-step tutorials for multiple ways to shuffle and draw the cards for readings for yourself and othersStep-by-step tutorials to give readings to yourself, friends, family & clientsHow to clear your energy and oracle card decks before and after a readingHow to energize your oracle cards before and after a readingCommon mistakes and helpful professional card reading tipsSpiritual ethicsBonus material: Two guided meditations, with a third in the guidebookThis course will set you up for success so you will be able to offer paid readings as an oracle card readerReceive a downloadable PDF certificate of completion as a certified oracle card reader"
Price: 19.99

"Google Earth Pro Eitimi" |
"Google Earth Pro, Google Earth'n artc ilevselliinin zerine eklenen daha da gl aralarla oluturulmutur.nceden cretli olan yazlm ubat 2015'te cretsiz hale getirilmitir. Google Earth Pro'nun en ekici zelliklerinden bazlar yle sralanabilir:Gelimi lmler: Poligon alan lmn kullanarak park yerlerini veya arazi gelitirmelerini ln veya ember lmn kullanarak etkilenen yarap belirleyin.Yksek znrlkte yazdrma: Resimleri 4800x3200 piksel znrle kadar bastrabilirsiniz.zel Pro veri katmanlar: Demografi, parseller ve trafik says.E-tablo e Aktarma: Ayn anda 2500'e kadar adresi ieri alarak yer iaretlerini ve stil ablonlarn topluca atayabilirsiniz.Corafi Bilgi Sistemi e Aktarma: ESRI shapefile (.shp) ve MapInfo (.tab) dosyalarn grselletirin.Movie-Maker: 1920x1080 znrle kadar Windows Media ve Quicktime HD filmlerini da aktarn.Google Earth'n uzay izlemeye olanak veren yeni hizmetidir. Kullanc uzayda gezinebilmekte, yldzlar, nebulalar, galaksileri izleyebilmekte, gezegenlerin rotalarn takip edebilmektedir. Ayrca yldzlar ve gezegenlerin zaman iinde geirdikleri evreler grlebilmektedir.Google Earth pek ok zellikle birlikte gelir. Bunlardan balcalar unlardr:Yldzlar, Mars' ve Ay' gezebilme,Tarihi grntlerle deiiklikleri grebilme,Okyanus diplerine dalabilme,Tur kaydedebilme,Dalar ve tepeleri boyutlu grebilme,Belirli yerlere arama ubuuna yazarak hzlca gidebilme,Yerel iletmeleri bulabilme,3 boyutlu binalar,Harita katmanlar,Yer iareti atayabilme,Uu simlatr,Sokaklar net grebilme."
Price: 49.99

"Personal Financial Budgeting" |
"- This courses will help you manage your personal budget in an easy, simple and very practical way.- Managing your money inputs (i.e. income) and assign them to your regular expenses, extraordinary expenses, and your long term objectives (i.e. outputs).- The core of the courses is to set the plan, and I will show you how to do it from scratch and apply it easily."
Price: 24.99

"Seja Mestre em Televendas" |
"Seja Mestre em Televendas1- Introduo1.2- Principais ideias para vender mais por telefone1.3- Passo a passo para auxiliar nas vendas1.4- Principais ideias para vender mais por telefone - 21.5- Recomendaes do curso2- O que no fazer em televendas3- Mtodo G.S para vender mais pelo telefone4- Tcnicas para vencer objees de vendas por telefone4.1- Gatilhos mentais4.2- Frases de fechamento5- Corpo , voz e mentalidade para vender mais5.1- Estado emocional 6- Treino Mental6.1- Academia Mental6.2- Afirmaes para vender mais pelo telefone 7- Outras dicas para vender mais pelo telefone8- Concluso"
Price: 39.99

"Premiere Pro for Beginners" |
"In this course we will be focusing on all the essentials for any beginner in Premiere Pro: GETTING STARTED IN PREMIERE:Familiarizing yourself with the Home InterfaceAccessing Tutorials Searching for Projects Creating A Project Workspaces, and how to use them Walking through the 8 Different types of Workspaces Customization of, and Saving a Workspace that suits you WORKING WITHIN YOUR PROJECT:Importing assets The best methods on how to import Organizing your assets within the Project Bin Sequences Creating a new sequence Comparing the different Aspect RatiosSource Monitor vs Program MonitorHow to use both to streamline your edit Navigate the various tools to use within your edit USING EFFECTS AND COLOR GRADING:Step-by-step guidance on using effects within your project How to manipulate parameters Applying keyframes to your animation Adjusting Effects and Transitions Introduction to Color Grading Browse the Lumetri Presets Learn how to apply a preset and color correct Color Correction BasicsTintTemperature ExposureHighlightsShadowsWhitesBlacks SaturationCreative Color Correction Color WheelsCurves WORKING WITH AUDIO:Audio Editing BasicsImporting Adding Keyframes Applying Effects and Audio TransitionsSync Footage with an External Audio Using Essential Sound IMPLEMENTING GRAPHICS: Adding graphics to your projectMultiple ways of creating text Text box vs Legacy Text Using Essential Graphics Working with a Photoshop file Importing Animating with effects, transitions and keyframes EXPORTING FILE: Finalizing your project for deliveryPreparing your project for an export Navigating your Export Window Saving and Exporting....AND MUCH MORE!!!"
Price: 99.99

"Popular Interior Design Styles and How To Use Them" |
"Personal style is integral to all decorators and key to their reputation. Learn how to identify and establish a personal style, recognise and work with others and their differing styles, as well as understand the key characteristics of todays popular architectural & interiors styles. Understanding the three types of style will help you produce dcor projects and proposals that are sensitive to the space and design.IMPORTANT NOTE:All of our courses have been designed to be stand-alone courses and can be done in any order. However, if you are interested in taking all of our courses wed like to recommend an order in which to do them (although its not required): Popular Interior Design Styles and How to Use Them Design Principles & Elements in Interiors Introduction to Colour In Interiors Textiles & Fabrics Introduction to Space Planning Staging and Styling Interior Spaces Simple Guide to Curtains and Blinds in Interiors Simple Guide to Furniture Styles in Interiors"
Price: 1050.00

"Design Principles and Elements in Interiors" |
"Once you are able to identify and work with the essential ingredients - the design elements and principles - of interior decorating, you will be able to transform any space. Design principles and elements are the best toolkit for any interior space an all aspects of interior decorating and design is dependent on them. The correct and creative use of design principles will make an interior space feel cohesive and well put together. IMPORTANT NOTE:All of our courses have been designed to be stand-alone courses and can be done in any order. However, if you are interested in taking all of our courses wed like to recommend an order in which to do them (although its not required): Popular Interior Design Styles and How to Use Them Design Principles & Elements in Interiors Introduction to Colour In Interiors Textiles & Fabrics Introduction to Space Planning Staging and Styling Interior Spaces Simple Guide to Curtains and Blinds in Interiors Simple Guide to Furniture Styles in Interiors"
Price: 1050.00

"Introduction To Colour In Interiors" |
"Most people are unsure of where to start when it comes to colour but on the flipside, colour is one of the most important elements in interior decorating. Explore the science behind colour, colour combinations and schemes, working with a colour wheel, choosing and using colour, and selecting colour schemes for interiors.IMPORTANT NOTE:All of our courses have been designed to be stand-alone courses and can be done in any order. However, if you are interested in taking all of our courses wed like to recommend an order in which to do them (although its not required): Popular Interior Design Styles and How to Use Them Design Principles & Elements in Interiors Introduction to Colour In Interiors Textiles & Fabrics Introduction to Space Planning Staging and Styling Interior Spaces Simple Guide to Curtains and Blinds in Interiors Simple Guide to Furniture Styles in Interiors"
Price: 1050.00

"Curso Declarao de Imposto de Renda 2020" |
"Pra quem indicado?Para voc que quer saber como declarar o seu prprio imposto de renda de forma pratica, rpida e dinmica, sem complicaes e entendendo as diferenas entre modelos de declaraes. Maximizando a sua restituio e te possibilitando a liberdade de realizar a sua declarao para este ano, e uma base de conhecimento para anos vindouros. Sobre o cursoNeste curso voc aprender o passo a passo para a declarao do Imposto de Renda, ensinando como declarar seus dados, dados de dependentes, despesas, aes e dividendos, alm de explicar os conceitos por trs do processo. Voc tambm ter suporte por e-mail para quaisquer duvidas relativas a sua declarao!O que voc vai aprender?Voc ira aprender a declarar dependentes, alimentandos, MEI, despesas passiveis de deduo, diferena entre declarao simples e completa, declarar rendas fixas, fundos imobilirios, acoes e dividendos, utilizar prejuzos em operaes de trade para compensar o imposto de lucros."
Price: 39.99

"PYTHON - Sfrdan Uzman Seviyesine Programlama" |
"- Bu kursla sfrdan ileri seviyeye Python ve Programlama renmenin tadn karacaksnz. - Bu kursu alannda profesyonel, pedagojik formasyon eitimi alm, 2007 ylndan beri binlerce renciye yz yze eitim vermi bir eitimciden alacanz unutmayn.Kursun leyii :1. Konu anlatmlar esnasnda rnek kodlamalar eliinde konular rahatlkla anlayabileceksiniz. 2. Bu kursta her konunun zengin ve zenle seilmi egzersizleri eliinde ok daha kolay renme gerekletireceksiniz.3. nite sonlarndaki rnek projeler ile renmelerinizi kalc hale getireceksiniz.4. nite sonlarnda bulunan alma sorular ile rendiklerinizi pratie dkebileceksiniz.5. Videolarn sonunda kafanza taklanlar, projelerinizde zemediiniz sorunlar benimle iletiime geerek ortadan kaldrabileceksiniz.Bu Kurs le reneceimiz Genel Konular:- Veri Tipleri ve Veri Tiplerinin Dntrlmesi, Verilerin Kullanlmas- Koullu Durumlar, (if - elif - else yaplar)- Dng Yaplar (while - for), Dnglerle alma- Fonksiyonlar - Modller- Nesne Tabanl Programlama (OOP)- Hata Trleri ve stisnalar (Try - Except - Finally yaplar)- Dosyalarla alma (Dosya ama, okuma, yazma) ve Dosya Metotlar- Gml Fonksiyonlar- Python'da leri Seviye Modller- Tkinter ile Arayz Gelitirme- leri Seviye Tekinter Kullanm- PyQt5 ile Arayz Gelitirme- Sqlite ile Veritaban Programlama- Flask Framework ile Web Programlama*** Bu kurs srekli kendini yenileyen ve gelitiren bir kurs olaca iin yeni ders konular ve yeni ierikler eklenmeye devam edecektir."
Price: 49.99

"Conhecendo a Constelao Familiar e Sistmica" |
"Este curso para voc que deseja saber como as Constelaes Familiares e Sistmicas podem ajudar alcanar a vida abundante.Ao longo da vida, integramos vrios sistemas: famlia, escola, grupo de amigos, sociedade, empresaMuitas situaes que vivemos no presente esto sendo fortemente impactadas por escolhas, dores e eventos experimentados pelas geraes que vieram antes de ns, na nossa genealogia. O mesmo ocorre em empresas, porque tambm so sistemas nos quais seres humanos interagem.Por outro lado, como libertador saber que herdamos a fora da vida daqueles que vieram antes de ns: nossos pais, avs, bisavsPor que agimos como agimos?Voc tem uma relao instvel com o dinheiro?O dinheiro no para na sua mo?Trabalha, trabalha mas o sucesso nos negcios no vem?No consegue definir a carreira profissional?Sente-se insatisfeito profissionalmente?Sua empresa estagnou?No consegue engajar os colaboradores e fortalecer seu time?Convido voc a conhecer a Constelao Sistmica.Atravs do exerccio da viso sistmica, poder identificar os bloqueios, desordens nos seus sistemas e encontrar respostas para estes e outros questionamentos.Constelao sistmica a possibilidade de uma vida abundante.Vamos juntos por esta trilha de descobertas e aprendizados."
Price: 39.99

"Success Optimisation Formula" |
"This course is for you to uncover the mindset for success. You would be moving towards understanding the true meaning of success and what stops you from going ahead in this journey towards fulfillment. As you go through the 14 videos that are spread out over a 14 day period, you learn how to bring about the shift in your mindset to achieve success. Your journey begins here."
Price: 24.99

"aprendizaje con termux de bsico a intermedio" |
"en este curso se les ensea el uso apropiado de termux para evitar errores al momento de su uso ademas de ser un curso de forma tica y todos os derechos reservados a los respectivos dueos de los script de github. habiendo explicado esto no me hago responsable del uso dado a el conocimiento."
Price: 19.99

"Ataques Desde Termux" |
"Aqui se llevaran acabo muchos atques pero de forma Etica lo que ustedes desidan hacer no esta bajo mi resposabilidad cada quien es responsable de sus actos esto es con fines educativos para darse cuenta como funcionan los atques y prevenir dichos casos. espero este curso sea de su agrado ya que se hizo con ezfuerzo dedicacion y esperando que les sea de utilidad para un futuro no muy lejano sin ms por el momento buena suerte."
Price: 19.99

"Trader Consistente Opes Binrias" |
"TRADER CONSISTENTE tem tudo o que voc precisa saber para Trabalhar de Casa no Mercado Financeiro da maneira realista. O conhecimento certo vai te levar a ser um profissional capaz de Trabalhar de Casa negociando para assumir os riscos do mercado de opes binrias de maneira segura e confiante, ou seja, frio e calculista em abrir suas ordens . Aprenda anlise grfica raiz, com o timing especifico para fazer suas operaes."
Price: 219.99

"Tcnicas Avanadas de Melodias" |
"Ol a todos!Esse um curso bsico sobre as cinco espcies do contraponto, porm um curso de nvel intermedirio, visto que necessrio um conhecimento prvio de partituras. Porm, vamos passo a passo nos familiarizando com esse tipo de tcnica que, com certeza, ia agregar bastante na sua jornada musical!Pr-requisitos:Leitura de partitura bsica (disponibilizei um E-book grtis no material de apoio com dicas para aprender a ler e entender uma partitura)Noes de HarmoniaSobre o cursoO contraponto uma tcnica de composio onde duas ou mais melodias so combinadas levando-se em conta, simultaneamente o perfil meldico de cada uma delas e a qualidade intervalar e harmnica gerada pela sobreposio das duas ou mais melodias.Neste curso vamos abordar as regras, tcnicas, e diversas abordagens possveis para desenvolver uma melodia coesa. Utilizaremos alguns Cantus Firmus para desenvolver as linhas meldicas e aplicaremos fundamentos tradicionais para resoluo de notas e para a conduo de vozes."
Price: 114.99

"Injection Plastic Molding" |
"This course is perfect for people who want to learn more about the plastic injection process and injection molds and expand their knowledge in an industry in high demand.This course is also essential for those people who have been in the sector for a long time and want to consolidate concepts, discover the why of things or simply remember concepts and see the latest trends in the sector.""Remember that everything in nature when it stagnates begins a decline""Index:Chapter 0: IntroductionChapter 1: Injection Molding ProcessIntroductionInjection cycle stagesPvt DiagramsInfluence of injection parametersCalculation in injection processDeffects in injection moldingChapter 2: Scientific MoldingRheology curveCavities balanceDrop pressureSeal gateprocess windowChapter 3: Types of injection moldsIntroductionclasficaction by feeding systemClasification by number of plates in cavity/coresClasification by number of cavitiesSpecial toolsChapter 4: Ejection systemIntroductionEjection system compontsEjectors (pin ejector, sleeve ejector, blade ejectors)Undercuts( slider, lifter and hydraulic movements)Design of slider (components, calculations and recomendations)Design of lifters (components, calculations and recomendations)Design of Hydraulics (components, calculations and recomendations)Double ejection systemsCavity ejection systemHow is acted the ejection systemChapter 5: Cooling systemIntroductionCalculations: cooling timeCalculations: heat transfer, coolant flow and diameter of channelsCalculations: cooling channel depth and pitchCooling channel lay-outsComponents in cooling channel Temperatur control unit (TCU)Chapter 6: Injection systemIntroductionTypes of injection systemHot runnersLay-out for moldingsCalculations: runner diameters.Chapter 7: GatesIntroductiontypes of gatesCalculate shear rateStandard gates and runner shu-offChapter 8: VentingIntroductionDeffects and locations for ventingVenting designChapter 9: GrainingIntroductionChemical and laser graining"
Price: 44.99

"Science Based Fat Loss Course: Be Your Own Fitness Trainer" |
"OBJECTIVESThe primary goal of the program is to introduce the users to the fundamentals of fat loss, fitness and fundamentals of planning out a self-designed fat loss & weight loss plan. The secondary goal of the program is to provide the users with the necessary techniques that would self-sustain their fitness in day to day life with home workouts and self planned fat loss diet plans.The program is expressed in a manner to ensure that the users are able to progress throughout the program with easy to grasp summarized knowledge that can be practically executed. Lastly, anyone with health condition or medical issue must consult their doctors prior to beginning the provided program. The program is built with the assumption that the users have no medical condition except obesity or are looking for a easy to follow fitness plan to stay fit.COMMENTS FROM AXE:""I have developed the course to provide you with easily executable fitness plan that is focused on fat loss and weight loss as it's primary focus. Nearly 64% of the people are looking for fat loss plan that can help them achieve their fitness goals and hence, the very course is designed by Axefit to ensure that users are provided with quick relevant knowledge about fitness, fat loss and weight loss. It is highly recommended that you execute the provided knowledge as explained in the course and your chances of achieving your fitness goal are going to be higher""ON BEHALF OF AXEFIT, WE WISH YOU A HAPPY AND HEALTHY LIFE."
Price: 199.99

fourelements |
"6 - 3 500"
Price: 19.99

"Negociao e Fechamento de Vendas: a chave do seu Sucesso!" |
"Negociar e fechar a venda deve ser o foco do vendedor. Um bom consultor de vendas sabe diferenciar o momento da venda e o momento do fechamento. Nesse curso voc receber informaes de alto nvel de forma dinmica e bem humorada. O curso composto de vrias histrias, reflexes e exemplos prticos que faro a diferena no seu aprendizado atravs das aulas e, ao final, impactar positivamente os seus resultados e os da empresa."
Price: 39.99

"Flower Arranging Workshop (Front-view Arrangement)" |
"DIY Floral Arranging (Front View Arrangement)Mrs Palmer and her five DaughtersThis floral front view arrangement class is designed with passion and extra care in mind for the student who is anxious and who is overwhelmed with dyslexia.Simple how to steps with layered learning in mind.Once class is completed you will be able with Blooming confidence to put together with EASE a Front-view Arrangement.Isnt it time you get floral Blossoms!DIY Floral Arranging (Front View Arrangement) made EASY with Mercedes!DIY Front View ArrangementWhat tools you will need for Floral Class Workshop!SecateursFloral foamFlorist wire - 22 gauge wireNo. 5 or 6 plastic bowl & guardKnifeWhat cut flower's you will need for Floral Class Workshop!THE CHOICE IS YOURS.RecommendationsGladioliGerberaRoseIrisStaticeFloral Front View Arrangement is perfect for a get well gift, wedding church feature, reception display and just because."
Price: 19.99

"200-125 Cisco Certify Network Associate (CCNA) Practice Exam" |
"346 UNIQUE practice questions for 200-125 Cisco Certify Network Associate (CCNA) Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 200-125 Cisco Certify Network Associate (CCNA) Practice ExamTotal Questions : 346Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :230 minsPassing Score : 75 (259 of 346)"
Price: 174.99

"400-101 CCIE Routing and Switching Written Practice Exam" |
"386 UNIQUE practice questions for 400-101 CCIE Routing and Switching Written Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 400-101 CCIE Routing and Switching Written Practice ExamTotal Questions : 386Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :240 minsPassing Score : 75 (289 of 386)"
Price: 179.99

"ST0-237 Symantec Data Prevention Technical Assessment Exam" |
"354 UNIQUE practice questions for ST0-237 Symantec Data Prevention Technical Assessment ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ST0-237 Symantec Data Prevention Technical Assessment ExamTotal Questions : 354Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :240 minsPassing Score : 75 (265 of 354)"
Price: 164.99
