uprazhneniya_dlya_krasivogo_zhenskogo_golosa_kak_uluchshit_golos |
"- ! , . - , . , . - ! ! 10 ( , -, , ..)! . , , , , ! . 10 , , !"
Price: 59.99

"Complete Digital Marketing course" |
"The Hands-On Digital Marketing Course has been designed for all the aspiring hearts who want to become an exclusive digital marketing professional in the future.This course is designed by practicing managers and subject matter experts in the digital marketing domain. Our trainers have proven experience in the digital marketing domain, and they have shared their practical knowledge and expertise in the learning sessions.Aiming at the essential marketing and advertising concepts, this course make a layman understand the fundamental aspects of digital marketing and also the analytical approaches to implement further in real life."
Price: 1280.00

"Master Adobe After Effects For Beginners" |
"This course delves into the fundamentals of After Effects. Students will go through the process from scratch learning key terminology and industry-standard techniques. Students will be challenged by understanding the process of creating a composition, key-framing, using the various tools and effects present in the program, and finally, exporting using After Effects and Media Encoder. In just under two hours, students will also be introduced to Rotoscoping, puppeteering, 3D, and the other features present in After Effects. They will also have gained a solid grasp of the formal devices discussed in the course."
Price: 199.99

"Presonus Studio One ile Harika Mzikler Yapn" |
"Aklnza gzel bir ezgi mi geldi? Gelin onu tamamlanm bir arkya dntrelim!Bu ders kimler iin?Mzik teorisi/nota bilgisi olmayanlar,Studio One kullanmay renmek isteyenler,Bestelerini kendi dzenleyip yaynlamak isteyenler,Farkl yaratc yntemler denemek isteyen profesyoneller,zgn mzikler yapma konusunda yeni yaklamlar renmek isteyen rap'iler, mzik yapmclar ve DJ'ler.Mzikle ilgilenenlerin en ok karlat sorun, kafalarnda duyduklar bir mzik fikrini nasl ortaya karacaklarn bilmemeleri. Gnmzde teknoloji yle bir noktaya ulat ki, hi nota bilmeseniz ve enstrman alamasanz dahi artk bunu yapabilirsiniz.Studio One'da mzisyenlere bu konuda yardmc olabilecek son derece gl aralar var. Bu derste bu aralar kullanarak mzik fikirlerinizi nasl tamamlanm arklara dntrebileceinizi gstereceim.Burada hereyi sizin adnza otomatik yapan bir yapay zeka szkonusu deil. Sizin fikirlerinizi ve yaratclnz, sizin yapacanz seimleri kullanarak size ait zgn mziinizi retmenize yardmc olan bir teknoloji ve yntem var. Bunu mzii ok iyi bilen bir alma partneri gibi dnebilirsiniz.Bu ders bestecilii, dzenlemeyi, miksi ya da Studio One'A'dan Z'ye retmeyi vaadeden bir ders deil (bunlar vaadeden derslere dikkatle yaklan!). Bu derste sizin arknza odaklanacaz. Mzik fikrinizi bitmi bir arkya dntrmek iin kullanacamz yntemi adm adm takip edeceiz.Bu dersten en iyi verimi almak iin nelere ihtiyacnz olacak? Ekipman? Akustik dzenleme? Mzik bilgisi? Hayr, bunlarn hibirine ihtiyacnz yok. Mzik hakknda renebileceiniz her eyi renmenizi yrekten tavsiye ederim, ama bilmemek sizin U AN harika mzikler yapmanza engel olmamal. Bu dersin amac da bu.Gerekenler:Studio One'n kurulu olduu, makul performansta bir bilgisayar,Yaptnz duyabilmeniz iin ses kart/ ses arabirimi (bilgisayarnzn kendi ses kart yeterli),Hoparlr veya kulaklk,Ezginizi Studio One'a kaydedebilmeniz iin mikrofon (bilgisayarnzn kendi mikrofonu yeterli)Hepsi bu. MIDI keyboard varsa harika olur, yoksa da sorun deil. Bilgisayar klavyenizi de ayn ama iin kullanabilirsiniz.Mzik fikirlerinizi nasl gelitirip profesyonel seviyeye getirebileceinizi gstereceim. Studio One'daki Chord Track ve Chord Selector zelliklerini kullanarak nasl harika akor yryleri bulabileceinizi anlatacam. Yeni fikirler aradnzda doalama melodileri nasl elde edebileceinizi reteceim.arknz dzenleyerek nasl son eklini verebileceinizi gstereceim.Dersin her bir blm arknzn yolculuundaki bir aamay kapsayacak. Dilediiniz noktada almalarnz bana gnderebilirsiniz. nceleyip nerilerimi paylamaktan mutluluk duyarm.Bu dersi tamamladnzda, yalnzca kafanzda duyabildiiniz bir fikri alp, tm dnyayla paylaabileceiniz tamamlanm bir arkya dntrebileceksiniz.Haydi balayalm!"
Price: 29.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate : Exam Prep 2020" |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate : Exam Prep 2020AWS Certification helps professionals to build credibility and confidence by validating their cloud expertise with an industry-recognized credential.AWS Certification helps any professional to demonstrates their technical expertise and advance their helps employers find skilled cloud professionals.AWS certification allows you to verify your technical understanding and skills.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking AWS Solution Architect exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Amazon AWS in any way."
Price: 24.99

"1z0-047 Oracle Database SQL Expert Certified Practice Exam" |
"121 UNIQUE practice questions for 1z0-047 Oracle Database SQL Expert Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1z0-047 Oracle Database SQL Expert Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 121Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (90 of 121)"
Price: 149.99

"Ad Words Google Reporting & Analysis Advanced Practice Exam" |
"210 UNIQUE practice questions for Ad Words Google Reporting & Analysis Advanced Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Ad Words Google Reporting & Analysis Advanced Practice ExamTotal Questions : 210Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :125 minsPassing Score : 75 (157 of 210)"
Price: 164.99

"Pratik Meditasyon Teknikleri" |
"Bu uzaktan eitim program ile meditasyonun ne olduunu ve nasl uygulanabileceini pratik yollarla renebileceksiniz. Nelere dikkat edilmesi gerektii ve meditasyon kalplar paylaldktan sonra, son blmde rnek meditasyon videolar bulacaksnz. Bu videolar izleyerek ve size verilen ynergeleri takip ederek, kendi kendinize pratik meditasyon tekniklerini uygulayabileceksiniz.Meditasyon yaparken belli szcklerin zenle seilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle paylalan rnek meditasyon kalplar, size bu konuda fikir verecektir.Ve ltfen bu uygulamalar yaparken dikkat gerektiren bir ile megul olmayn. Ara kullanrken ya da bir i makinasyla alrken bu program takip etmeyin. Buradaki ynergeleri sessiz ve sakin kalabileceiniz bir ortamda, mmknse dikkatinizi datacak baka bir etken olmadnda aln."
Price: 49.99

"Successful Supply Chain strategies during turbulent times" |
"The daily front page news is about critical supply chains failing and how we rely on them in our daily lives .From health care to food supply chains these are essential to every one and especially to a business . Plus projects will remain within budget and on time .You can become successful and elevate your career and your status by taking this course and understanding the skills and approaches needed to be a trusted adviser in your business . I am Steve wills and have worked with students around the world to improve skills and capability in procurement and supply chains . My students are now high paid leaders in companies applying the skills I taught them"
Price: 69.99

"C/C++ fr Ingenieure (Teil 1 - C)" |
"C und C++ sind Programmiersprachen, die maschinennah ausgelegt sind. Insbesondere C eignet sich wunderbar fr IIoT-Lsungen, die bspw. mit einen Arduino oder Rasperry Pi Board betrieben werden knnen (insbesondere wenn es um Echtzeitlsungen geht).Die meisten Betriebssysteme, Compiler, oder Java-Laufzeitumgebungen sind in C/C++ geschrieben. Wer C und C++ beherrscht, ist in der Lage schnell sich in weitere Programmiersprachen einzuarbeiten.Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Ingenieure und Techniker mit einem naturwissenschaftlichen Background (Maschinenbau, Elektrotechnik, Bauingenieurwesen). Somit steht der praktische Bezug im Vordergrund hands-on eine Software zu schreiben, die fr Ihren Einsatz geeignet ist."
Price: 144.99

"TOGAF: The Open Group OG0-091 & OG0-092 Practice Tests" |
"English Course Description / Explicacin del curso en EspaolHello there!I am extremely pleased to have you on board.Lets begin a journey where we would be working together to go through every possible challenging question TOGAF 9.2 - Part 1 & Part 2 exam offered by The Open Group has to you.Here is what makes this course so unique and beneficial for you. Since our material TOGAF 9.2: The Open Group OG0-091 & Part 2 is based on a real test, We can guarantee that you would be able to solve 70% questions(at least) in your exam without putting any extra effort by going through all those reference textbooks.My purpose here is to ensure that when you appear in the real exam, you are calm and super confident about yourselves.This test is being offered by The Open Group and our material has about +200 questions. Now, each question has been specifically designed for this course that will push your cognitive abilities to the limits. This intense journey will not only make you have a good idea about what type of questions the real exam would have but also cover the tiny concepts people usually miss while preparing for TOGAF 9.2 Part 1 & Part 2The test was last updated on May 30th 2020 and covers all the latest concepts as per the course requirements and it is written in English.I have a firm belief that you are going to ace that exam like a true champion!#### Spanish ####Hola a todos!Estoy muy contento de tenerte a bordo.Comencemos un viaje en el que estaramos trabajando juntos para pasar por todas las posibles preguntas desafiantes que ""The Open Group"" le ofrece el examen ""TOGAF 9.2 - Part 1 & Part 2"".Esto es lo que hace que este curso sea tan nico y beneficioso para usted. Desde nuestro material ""TOGAF 9.2 - Part 1 & Part 2"" podemos garantizarle que podr resolver el 70% de las preguntas (al menos) en su examen sin hacer ningn esfuerzo adicional al revisar todos esos libros de texto de referencia ya que se basa en una prueba real.Mi propsito aqu es asegurarme de que cuando aparezcas en el examen real, ests tranquilo y muy seguro de ti mismo.""The Open Group"" ofrece esta prueba y nuestro material tiene aproximadamente ""+200 preguntas"". Ahora, cada pregunta ha sido diseada especficamente para este curso que llevar sus habilidades cognitivas al lmite. Este intenso viaje no solo le har tener una buena idea sobre qu tipo de preguntas tendra el examen real, sino que tambin cubrir los pequeos conceptos que la gente suele perderse mientras se prepara para ""TOGAF 9.2 - Part 1 & Part 2""La prueba se actualiz por ltima vez el ""30 de mayo de 2020"" y cubre todos los conceptos ms recientes segn los requisitos del curso y est escrita en ingls.Creo firmemente que vas a obtener ese examen como un verdadero campen!"
Price: 345.00

"Asp.Net Core MVC 3.1 alan Takip Sistemi" |
"ndirimli satn almak iin Kuponumuz=> 0C52E4C9AB1073C82DCCEer sresi gemi olursa yeni kupon kodu isteyiniz.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sfrdan Asp.Net Core MVC 3.1 ile Entity Framework Core Kullanarak alan Takip Sistemi Gelitirmek steyenler ve hereyi adm adm renip uygulamak isteyen arkadalar iin mkemmel bir frsat.Repositoy Pattern ve Dependency Injection Yaklamn renmek isteyenler.Microsoft Identity kullanmn renmek isteyenler.Projeni her aamasnda adm adm ilerleyerek N-Tier (Katmanl Mimari) eklinde projemizi gelkitiriyoruz ve profesyonel anlamda kendinizi gelitircekseniz.AutoMapper Kullanmn grceksiniz.Asynchronous Programlamann ne olduunu anlyacaksnz.Projenizi Github ortamna atcaksnz ve deiikliklerinizi kendiniz kontrol ediceksiniz.Uygulamanz canl ortama atmanz cn gereken ozellkler ogrenceksnz.Uygulaml olarak goruceksnz.Elmden geldiince aktif bir kurs olmasn salyacam.Eklenmesi planladm bolumler aadaki gibi:--Filter Attributes --Custom Middleware --Rabbit MQ Kullanm (Eklenicek)--Loglama lemleri (Eklenicek)--Windows Service Yazm (Eklenicek)--oklu dil destei (Eklenicek)"
Price: 409.99

"Sihir gibi Sunumlar ile Mteri Etkileme Teknikleri" |
"Geleceinizi grmek istiyorsanz, gemiinize bakmanz yeterlidir. nsanlar hayatnda olduu kadar iinde de ayn dorular yapmaya devam ettii kadar, ayn yanllar da yapmaya devam eder. Zaman deiir, teknoloji deiir, konfor ve i yap eklimiz deiir. Ancak insan yaratl ayndr, ayn kalr. Gemiiniz bu nedenle geleceinizdir. Sadece %3 orannda bir grup insan geleceini deitirecek ""KSEL DEVRM""ine cesaretle ve ak yreklilikle yol alrken, kalan %97 deiimi ve baary yakalayanlardan olabilmek iin ayn hatalar daha inatla, daha sklkla tekrarlamaya ve ayn duvara tekrar tekrar midini kaybetmeden kafasn vurmaya devam eder.Kiisel Devriminize hazr msnz? Hayatnz ve iinizi daha iyi yapmak iin attnz her adm Kiisel Devriminize atlm bir admdr.Sat baarnz, sunum beceriniz kadardr. Mterinizi sunumunuz ile ikna edersiniz. Sunumda ise asl ama mterinize uzun uzun hikayeler anlatmak deil, aklda kalc, z mesajnz en ksa srede ve etkili bir ekilde verebilmektir.Eitimimizde; - Sunumunuzun amac, - Sunumunuzu stne kuracanz en nemli temel hedef, - Etkileme Teknikleri- dikkat etmeniz gereken dier konularda tecrbelerimi aktaracam."
Price: 49.99

"1Y0-308 Citrix Gateway Advanced Edition Administrator Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What are the three settings, the administrator can configure the access point for applications published? (Choose three.)a) window sizeb) Clipboard mappingc) window Colord) SoundQ) Users having problems with the website, which is not found on the navigation page to login. Which instrument should be used whether the Citrix administrator to determine whether the user has permission to access certain resources?a) resource managerb) Network managerc) Viewer Presentation Server Sessiond) policy managere) NoneQ) The user is denied access to the login page in the system after entering the correct login information. The administrator verifies that allows you to set the input is activated and the user has permission to log on. Which tool can be Citrix administrators use to determine what affects the user's ability to log in?a) browsing sessionsb) policy managerc) resource managerd) Event Log Consolidatore) NoneQ) What are the two steps required to create a typical filter, which will require users to log in using a specific URL and client devices run specific anti-virus software? (Choose two.)a) Select Create filter with a master entry point.b) Select a filter on the basis of the entry points into the system and endpoint analysis options node filters.c) Search for the filter based on the endpoint analysis of scanning results.d) Select to filter based on input points."
Price: 179.99

"250-371 Symantec Net Backup 7.5 Administration Windows Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which version of Symantec Net Backup 7.5 provides an integrated, end-to-end protection of NAS storage devices using pictures?a) Symantec Net Backup Acceleratorb) Symantec Net Backup Replication Directorc) Symantec Net Backup Shared Storage Optiond) Symantec Net Backup Snapshot Managere) NoneQ) What are the two factors to consider when evaluating the images directory space required? (Choose two.)a) number of policyb) Number of protected filesc) average file sized) storage lifee) File System SizeQ) What is the situation in the backup directory of the media about the successful completion of the recovery catalog using the Catalog Recovery Wizard?a) suspendedb) activec) importd) frozene) NoneQ) Which Symantec Net Backup 7.5 feature allows tape devices that support hardware encryption?a) Media Server Encryptionb) encryption of customer datac) Key Management Serviced) Optional access controle) None"
Price: 149.99

"300-115 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Network Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The protocol allows the network to fully utilize the redundant routers in the group of redundancy without any additional administrative burden?a) HSRPb) VRRPc) GLBPd) IRDPe) NoneQ) The network consists of a group of six HSRP routers. All routers are functioning correctly. The network was stable for several days. In most states HSRP routers?a) Learnb) Listenc) Expectationd) activee) NoneQ) What's next hop Router Redundancy Protocol provides backup for the assigned real IP-address?a) HSRPb) GLIPc) VRRPd) CGMPe) NoneQ) In the state of HSRP router is a candidate to become the next active router for groupa) Learnb) Sparec) Listend) The firste) Expectation"
Price: 164.99

"AWS SAP-C00 Solution Architect Professional Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) By default, the Amazon supports Cognito final written version of the data. You can override this behavior and resolve data conflicts programmatically. In addition, the use of push synchronization Amazon Cognito send a silent alert for all devices associated with identity, to notify them that the new data.a) Receiveb) Afterc) impd) Pushe) NoneQ) User configure MySQL RDS with PIOPS. What should be the minimum size of the user database storage?a) 1 TBb) 50 GBc) 5 GBd) 100GBe) NoneQ) Message detail, AWS IAM policy contains an array of individual operators. Each individual statement (n) {} block in braces.a) XMLb) JavaScriptc) JSONd) AJAXe) NoneQ) The organization hosting scalable Web applications using AWS. The organization has set up ELB and Auto Scaling to make scalable application. Which of the following should not follow the UDR when the program is planning to host a web application on a VPC?a) Elb and all copies must be in the same subnet.b) Configuring security groups and network rules ACL, to allow traffic between subnets to be in the VPC.c) Internet before ELB should have a routing table associated with the Internet gateway.d) Internet for ELB should only be in the public subnet.e) None"
Price: 154.99

"Agile Vs Waterfall comparison + Agile Scrum Introduction" |
"Hi! I am Angelo Tofalo and I have more than 15 years of professional experience gained within an important multinational Consulting company first as Project Manager and subsequently as Agile Transformation Coach. I have many projects to my credit and, like many of you who are looking at the Agile, I have a strong background on traditional projects, and I became passionate about the agile methodology when I understood its strengths and the great interest that many companies are having about it.I am certified in PSM I, and also got other important Certifications like SAFe SPC (the most important worldwide Framework to scale Agile to the entire Organization), LeSS (another very important framework to Scale Agile) and PMP (prestigious certification as Project Management Professional issued by PMI institute). In this course you will explore which are the typical challenges faced by traditional (Waterfall) project methodology and how Agile paradigm differs and let to overcome these challenges in today's 'VUCA' world. It is further shown a brief history of Agile frameworks, the Benefits of Agile, recommendations on when Agile best fits, the Key success factors for an Agile Transformation and a good focus on the most used Agile frameworks, which goes under the name of Scrum.This course is targeted to people with some (also minimal) understanding of traditional (Waterfall) project methodology who want to know how Agile differs, and is perfectly aligned to the Scrum Guide and describes it clearly and using a structured approach. If you intend to prepare for Professional Scrum Master I Certification, you would probably love my other course. Find it under my published courses (click on my profile picture below in this page)Further, i prepared a special activity for students that consists in analyzing your current Waterfall project in terms of challenges, market conditions, type of technology and in understanding which methodology, between Waterfall and Agile, is best suited ! The project is supported by the provided template to be filled and will take not so long (i think less than 1 hour) but will let to practice all you have just learned !"
Price: 19.99

"Pack Edio de video 2 em 1 ( Filmora e Movavi)" |
"Ol seja bem vindo ao nosso curso de filmora9 e Movavi onde voc aprender a gravar e editar vdeos de maneira profissional.Seja voc um professor, instrutor, youtuber ou apenas algum que deseje aprender a editar seus vdeos com qualidade, esse curso foi feito para voc.Neste curso voc ir aprender de maneira bem objetiva, fcil e prtica como realizar a gravao e edio de vdeos que podero ser utilizados para videoaulas, videos tutoriais, videos promocionais, dentre outros tipos.Durante o curso ns vamos partir do zero, aprendendo desde os conceitos bsicos da gravao e edio at chegar a criar um projeto real com elementos visuais animados que podero ser reutilizados em todos os seus vdeos e projetos.Voc aprender a criar efeitos animados, transies, comportamentos dos elementos, fundos chroma key, alternncia das mdias de maneira interativa e tudo isso em apenas algumas poucas horas de curso.Ento se voc deseja aprender a criar vdeos profissionais, aproveita e clica agora para adquirir o curso que eu estou te esperando em nossas aulas, um forte abrao, e at j."
Price: 219.99

"Build no-code Facebook Messenger medical diagnosis chatbots" |
"Would you like to know how to build advanced medical diagnosis chatbots with a unique visual feature? Then this course is for you. In this masterclass, you will learn how to set up a professional symptoms checker bot by combining the strength of Dialogflow, and the power of Integromat to Chatfuel or Manychat and extend your chatbot capabilities by connecting apps like Google Maps, Airtable, Datastore and more.I'm Rmi and I have been self-learning chatbot from 2017. I have developed several bots. The most recent one calls Jody which is able to analyze my users' pictures and extract data in real-time to value their car worth. If you are here you might be like me without any coding skills, I have been using Integromat for all my chatbots development. From now, I got a strong knowledge of how to add amazing and unique functionalities by building my own backend to process my users' data. Because Chatfuel and ManyChat have become leaders as chatbot building platforms for none coder people. I believe this course will be helpful for anyone who wants to develop chatbots which can really offer unique services like a professional medical diagnosis feature.This is what you will learn:Medical chatbot rules - You'll learn all key rules which are essential to know and to apply if you want to launch a successful medical chatbot.Initial set up - Even if this course is for intermediate level students, I will spend a bit time to show you the first set up of the chatbot that I build with you. And make sure that the crucial and essential first steps are completed properly.Build an Airtable dashboard - Because I want to develop a medical diagnosis chatbot I need to save disease details in a professional and safe spreadsheet/database like Airtable. I will show you how to use Airtable and why you can rely on this software to develop advanced chatbots.Build a basic symptoms checker feature - You probably signed up for this course because you wanted to learn more about developing the same tools as a professional programmer. In this part of the course, we'll learn how to launch a step-by-step medical diagnosis feature which will allows users to declare their symptoms ad let the chatbot analyze them to define what illness could be.Build a complex symptoms checker feature - Link to the previous learning step, we'll move up in complexity to develop an open symptoms checker feature that can handle any users' inputs, whatever they tell to the chatbot symptoms one by one or all of them in one time. Plus, we'll spend a moment to manage any date or time period that users' may share to determine the illness starting date.Validate and save user phone number - You will learn how to validate users' phone numbers with a regular expression method from a DialogFlow entity function and by using a special app in Integromat before to save the internal version into your user database.Automate sending SMS messages - You will learn how to send automatic and custom SMS text messages to specific users at certain period of time.Add a medical library to your chatbot - Providing illnesses details to users may be a huge job for your chatbot. Too much info. Let's connected your chatbot to your own medical library. Your chatbot will be able to pick from it any info that the user may ask about a specific illness. At the same time, you will be able to keep this library fresh and up to date easily without changing any technical set up for your chatbot.Set up a helpline feature - You want to let your chatbot provides help contacts to users and guide them to their destination. This feature will do the job. Let your chatbot offers multiple contacts, like hospitals, doctors,... And offer a Google Maps button to give the direction.After completing this course you will be able to do the following things:- Create professional chatbots by connecting advanced services like DialogFlow to Chatfuel or ManyChat- Extend your chatbot functionalities with Integromat- Combine open intents with global scenarios to handle any medical diagnosis situations- Connect different apps or external APIs- Offer a high custom user experience by personalizing each of your chatbot replies according to your user data- Process and save user data- Personalized your visual replies with advanced image transformation- Send automate and custom SMS text messages- Let your chatbot pick the best answer from a custom knowledge libraryWhat are you waiting for? Enroll in this course today and launch an advanced medical chatbot that really engage users.Finally, I've saved the best for the last.I will build with you all the technology to offer a great and visual unique feature focus on COVID-19 disease. Let's developed a visual statistic feature that gets the COVID-19 data in real-time from a certified app. Users will get a visual stats message depending on their location. This is a step-by-step ready project without coding.See you in the first video.Best,"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Animation Video Playbook Course" |
"Once you've learned how to use a software and how to create a story, you've become an expert on how to create one video. Whit this product you can get to know a process to create multiple kinds of video, multiple stories and multiple scenarios. You can attrack new customers and prospects with these easy and simple steps to creating animated videos!In this Video Course you'll discover:Creating Your ScriptImplementing Business Growth EnginesNarrating Your AudioEditing Your AudioDetermining KeywordsGathering AssetsDesigning ScenesAdding MusicUsing Video SourcesUsing Audio SourcesAnd Much, Much More"
Price: 19.99

"Derivativos Expert - Tudo o que voc precisa saber" |
"Eu trabalho no mercado financeiro h 10 anos, mas tenho esse hobby de dar aula e compartilhar conhecimentoJ dei aula para mais de 1.000 alunos presencialmente e sei as principais dvidas que eles tem.Reuni nesse curso, ento, os conceitos fundamentais de derivativos. Os conceitos fundamentais que voc deve saber para no passar vergonha quando entrar nesse mercado.Importante, no um curso de investimento. um curso de conhecimento! Meu objetivo transformar aquela sua aula chata de um semestre na universidade, em uma aula mais prtica e direta.Bom Curso!"
Price: 489.99

"Learn to assess your body with functional movements" |
"The first step that you need to do before beginning a workout is not to assess power, cardiofitness or muscle strength. The first step is to assess your body and the movement made by your body through movement patterns. Why is this important?Ask yourself the question, do you want to prevent injuries and maximize your performance by moving in a more efficient way? To achieve this, you'll need to correct the issues that the patterns may have and only through a movement screen you may accomplish this.This course is designed for people who whats to know how to identify muscle imbalances and asymmetries that are responsible for problems in a movement pattern, joints or muscles and how to correct them. This is part of my course ""Correct posture and run from pain with corrective exercises"", but including a second assessment approach that i usually make to assess the body as a whole, his strong and weak links and how to correct them through exercise, which is not included in that course. Here is what's inside this course:The importance for assessing movement and how to assessStrategy number 1Overhead SquatPushing testPulling testShoulder assessmentsMobility assessmentsStrategy number 2Functional Movement AssessmentDeep SquatHurdle StepInline LungeShoulder Mobility testActive Straight Leg RaiseTrunk Stability Push UpRotary StabilityCorrective Exercise AlgorythmAfter completing this course, you are going to understand how to apply two diferent assessment protocols and which muscles imbalances the client or you may have. As i said before this is part of my course ""Correct posture and run from pain with corrective exercises"", if you want to learn even more from this area of knowledge and expertise, enrol this course after this one."
Price: 79.99

"Google Tag Manager Course 2020- From Beginner To Advanced" |
"Google Tag Manager (GTM) is the cornerstone and foundation of any Digital Marketing and Digital Analytics Strategy. This is because you need to measure the impact of your marketing activity in order to make right decisions. For this you need to set up tags that capture user behavior as events in Google Analytics. For creating tags you cannot run to your developers every time and this is where GTM comes into use . GTM is a marketer's tool to deploy tags without the help of developers and track user behavior. In this course we have covered everything related to GTM starting from how to set up GTM right up to how how you should be deploying tags through GTMSo if you want to dive into the world of Google Tag Manager, this course is tailor made for you."
Price: 19.99

"India's 1st Olympiad Exams Guidance Course - Olympiad Helper" |
", :- - - - , , , , , - - - - - - ?- - - - - , - , - , - ?- 12 th - cbse / icse state board , - IIT JEE, NEET - - ?- - , , , - - - - :- , - A Z - - 8 40+ - - - , - , , , Udemy app Contact Us:8369222785Mail Id: kishmore09@gmail.com"
Price: 1280.00

"Erstelle mit der Synology Photo Station DEINE Foto-Cloud!" |
"Dein Synology NAS (Network Attached Storage) ist weit mehr als ein ""Datengrab""!Jeder nutzt bestimmt einige Cloud-Dienste von Google oder Apple. Sei es die iCloud oder Google Cloud - diese integrieren beide unter anderem einen Cloud Speicherdienst, einen Fotospeicher, Adressbcher und einen Kalender. Doch habt ihr euch mal gefragt, auf welchen Servern eure zum Teil sensiblen Daten wie Kontakte und Fotos gespeichert werden und wer da alles Zugriff darauf hat? Oder seid ihr bereits bei den Cloud-Diensten an die kostenlose Speicherkapazitt gelangt und msst nun monatlich fr eure iCloud 9,99 bezahlen? Und das macht ihr obwohl ihr das ntige Handwerkszeug, euer Synology NAS, bereits zu Hause stehen habt?bernehmt mit eurem Synology NAS selbst die 100%ige Kontrolle ber eure Daten und nutzt dieses wie ein Profi.Lernt in diesem Kurs, wie einfach ihr anstatt bei Google Fotos oder Apple Fotos euren zentralen Fotospeicher mit der Photo Station auf eurem Synology NAS verwaltet. Zustzlich werden Grundkonfigurationen, welche fr die Erreichbarkeit eures NAS von extern bentigt werden und Sicherheitsaspekte, wie die Nutzung eines TLS Zertifikats und die Einrichtung einer 2-Faktor-Authentifizierung, erklrt. Und das Beste: die Photo Station und die DS Photo App ist kostenlos mit dem Erwerb eines Synology NAS mit dabei. Und sollte euer Speicher nicht mehr ausreichen, so erweitert ihr einfach den Speicherplatz eures Synology NAS und somit auch jenen von eurem Cloud Speicher.Werde vom Synology NAS Besitzer zum Synology NAS Benutzer und erstelle dir noch heute deine eigene ""Foto-Cloud"".PS: Es wird der Disk-Station-Manager (DSM) in der Version 6.2.2 verwendet.Viele Gre,Patrick"
Price: 39.99

"Grupos de Melhoria (CCQ) na Prtica!" |
"Este curso foi preparado para voc que quer reduzir drasticamente os problemas do dia dia de sua empresa, e com isso obter melhores resultados, de forma estruturada utilizando o capital humano que j possui e aplicando as ferramentas bsicas da qualidade.Na situao em que as empresas esto vivendo atualmente contar com um grupo de colaboradores treinados e motivados faz toda a diferena, ainda mais quando este grupo preparado para resolver os problemas do dia a dia de maneira estruturada e voluntariamente.Empresas que aplicam esse programa tendem a ter os ambientes de trabalho mais participativos, reduzir desperdcios, reclamaes de clientes, aumentar a produtividades e consequentemente a reduo de custos. Com isso alcanam uma grande vantagem competitiva no mercado.Neste curso voc compreender como funciona um programa de Grupos de Melhoria, entender o que essencial para a implementao. Entender os benefcios para a empresa e para todos os envolvidos no programa.Conhecer as etapas que devero ser executadas para implementao de um Grupo Piloto que posteriormente poder ser multiplicado para outras rea da empresa.Ser apresentado as ferramentas bsicas da qualidade que os Grupos de Melhoria devem ter acesso para executar suas atividades com assertividade. Ter acesso a materiais que auxiliaro na implementao do programa e na utilizao das ferramentas da qualidade. Estes conceitos so implementados a dcadas em pequenas, mdias e grandes empresas, trazendo resultados extraordinrios para todos os envolvidos.No recomendado para aqueles que j conhecem ou usam esta abordagem no seu dia-a-dia, porque um curso inicial."
Price: 84.99

"Drum Programming for AFRO-CUBAN style Beats in Ableton Live" |
"Hey guys, In this course of Drum Programming for AFRO-CUBAN style Beats in Ableton Live we will be taking a in-depth approach in learning programming drums using patterns in piano roll .This course will show you how to use your piano roll to its potential to program drums for afro-cuban style beats effectively .This course consists of two sections ,1.BEATS - 9 beats2.BREAKS - 6 breaksBREAKS can also be called as fills or fill ins .these patterns are crafted for you to learn and understand the bounce of the drum programming patterns .you will not require any finger styling techniques in this method.This course comes with an amazing sample pack provided in resources section as well.the drum patterns can also be downloaded from the resourses section .see you all in the course"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Introduction to Data Analytics with Tableau" |
"Are you ready to kickstart your career in Data Analytics?Need more knowledge in Tableau, Data Visualization and Analytics?This course is for YOU.In this course you will build 5 separate dashboards depicting real world problems. You will learn how to connect to various data sources from Excel files to cloud servers. You will also learn how to build interactive dashboards and publish it to Tableau Online!You will master the skills to become a good Data Analyst and build a solid foundation in understanding the data pipeline.In this course you will learn:Create 5 interactive dashboards and publish it online to shareLearn how to connect to different data sources such as Excel, Google Sheets and Cloud Servers.Create a variety of charts including bar charts, line charts, donut charts, maps, tables and dual axis charts.Create calculated fields including developing IF Statements.Create sets, hierarchies and groups.Understanding how joins work.Understand Level Of Detail calculations.Create ParametersMake use of the analytics pane including using trend linesHow to use dashboard actions and create interactive dashboards.Creating a dashboard which updates daily via google sheets.By the time you complete this course, you'll be a highly proficient Tableau user and use all the learning from to course to enhance your career in Data and Analytics.Projects you will work on:Discount Mart: Discount Mart is a small supermarket.The owner wants a dashboard where he can track how well Discount Mart is doing for this year (in terms of Sales, Profit and Quantity Sold).Green Destinations: Green Destinations is a well known travel agency. The HR Director has recently noticed an increase in employees leaving (attrition). She would like to figure out any trends or patterns based on a dashboard we will be building for her.Super Store: Superstore is a famous retailer in Canada. They have expanded into the USA and their business model involves placing Sales Agents in every state in the USA. These sales agents are responsible for bringing in sales for the state that they are assigned.The Sales Manager wants a dashboard to track how Sales Agents are doing.Northwind Trade: Northwind Trade is a company which ships a variety of FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) all over the world.The Shipping Manager doesn't have much visibility and doesn't know how many orders are processed and shipped on a monthly basis. He would like a dashboard of this where he selects a month and can tell how many orders are outstanding a day and where they should be shipped.Tesla: Tesla is an American electric vehicle and clean energy company. An important shareholder is tired of receiving only monthly updates of the stock price. The shareholder would like to see any trends of the stock price specifically for the last 3 months. He also wants this data to be updated daily."
Price: 19.99

"Garanta-se no mercado de trabalho atual e futuro" |
"Este curso apresenta os conceitos de tecnologia da informao, inteligncia artificial e mercado de trabalho em surgimento e torna o aluno apto a aprofundar-se nestes temas to requisitados atualmente pelos recrutadores das melhores empresas. Os conhecimentos adquiridos permitiro a voc aperfeioar o seu currculo aumentando sua empregabilidade e sua chance de ser chamado para entrevistas de emprego. Alguns temas abordados: informao, sua histria e algumas peculiaridades, tecnologia da informao, funo e aplicaes da tecnologia em profisses modernas, inteligncia artificial, o futuro do mercado de trabalho, habilidades necessrias em empregos face inteligncia artificial, home office e seus desafios e oportunidades."
Price: 189.99

"Haz yoga con tus hijos en casa 1" |
"En este curso aprenders a practicar yoga en familia, mediante cuentos divertidos para los nios y entrenamientos sencillos. Una forma ideal para conectar en familia, hacer ejercicio todos juntos, respirar y relajarse. Conoceras los beneficios del yoga infantil.Aprendern secuencias de calentamiento, posturas de fuerza, de equilibrio y ejercicio cardiovasculares para elevar las pulsaciones de manera saludable.Tambin podrs ayudar a tus hijos a relajarse, calmarse y autoregularse."
Price: 34.99
