"Introduction To The Christian Mystics" |
"Drawing on the best available writing on the topic of Christian Mysticism both ancient and modern, for a limited time we're offering a special course, Introduction To The Christian Mystics.This course helps contemplatives, healers, clergy, and spiritual directors get a handle on the daunting subject of Christian Mysticism to draw on this timeless wisdom for their own spiritual journey AND to provide care to those they serve.After taking this powerful course, you will know:The path of mystical transformationThe four main mystical typesThe three eras of mystical flowering in the Christian WestThe lives, key teachings, challenges, and major works of Seven of the Christian mystics:Ramon LlullHenry SusoJohn of RoosbroecCatherine of SienaTeresa of AvilaTherese of LisieuxEvelyn Underhill"
Price: 19.99

"Graphics T-Shirt Design Course Just The Way You Want It" |
"Graphics T-Shirt Design Course Just The Way You Want ItThis is a very comprehensive t-shirt design course, where I show you how to design 3 main types of t-shirt design graphics in very simple steps from scratch using photoshop. T-shirt design theory and thinking should not take you time after you have taken this straight to the point practical lectures where I show you the 3 most common t-shirt design types, so at the end of the course, you can pick what type of t-shirt design expect you want to be. "
Price: 199.99

"Comprehensive Teespring Passive Income Course Teespring A-Z" |
"Teespring A-Z Crash Course, It's So Comprehensive Teespring Passive Income Print On Demand Course 2020.Are you here to learn every single aspect of teespring? from creating your account, creating your designs, doing proper teespring SEO, free and paid promotion for your designs on Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and Facebook also how to receive payments form teespring and so on? If YES, Then this is the course you won't regret enrolling in.I'm David Oisamoje and I would be your course instructor for this amazing class. I would strongly advise that you watch every single video in the course so you have a better understanding of every single point.Feel free to leave me a message or question and I will surely get back to you with either a writing note or a video which will be added to the course curriculum for all to benefit from.Enrol Now And Start Learning how to make passive income from Teespring."
Price: 199.99

"Sketching And Drawing Head Short Into Digital Art Painting" |
"Sketching And Drawing Head Short Into Digital Art Painting Using Adobe Illustrator Draw [ Adobe Draw Digital Art 2020]In this comprehensive Sketching And Drawing Head Short Into Digital Art Painting course, I will take you through all the stages from scratch to show you how to create digital art in adobe draw which is an app you can get for android and ios.If you want to become an artist and work on your art digitally, then you will love this course.I will take you through the sketching, drawing, painting and shading process so that at the end of you taking this course, you will start making your own unique digital art.My name is David Oisamoje and I will be your instructor throughout this digital art painting class. I will meet you inside the course."
Price: 199.99

"Typography Logo Design 4 Photography Business Design Theory" |
"Typography Signature Logo Design For Photography Business (Comprehensive Course) Design Theory.Are you here to learn every single aspect of Typography Signature Logo Design from scratch? If YES, Then this is the course you won't regret enrolling in.I'm David Oisamoje and I would be your course instructor for this amazing class. I would strongly advise that you watch every single video in the course so you have a better understanding of every single point.Feel free to leave me a message or question and I will surely get back to you with either a writing note or a video which will be added to the course curriculum for all to benefit from.Enrol Now And Start Learning Typography Signature Logo Design For Photography Business or any business at all."
Price: 199.99

"Tableau 2020: Result-Oriented Data Visualization Course" |
"Learn data visualization through Tableau 2020 and create opportunities for you or key decision-makers to discover data patterns such as customer purchase behavior, sales trends, or production bottlenecks.You'll learn all of the features in Tableau that allow you to explore, experiment with, fix, prepare, and present data easily, quickly, and beautifully.Use Tableau to Analyze and Visualize Data So You Can Respond AccordinglyConnect Tableau to a Variety of DatasetsAnalyze, Blend, Join, and Calculate DataVisualize Data in the Form of Various Charts, Plots, and Maps"
Price: 19.99

"Como escolher o ttulo ideal para sua pesquisa cientfica" |
"Curso terico-prtico dedicado a quem tem e a quem no tem um tema de pesquisa definido. So compartilhados muitos insights que ajudaro o aluno na escolha do tema de sua pesquisa cientfica. So vrios insights e tcnicas que podero lhe ajudar na carreira cientfica ou parra entrar no mestrado, doutorado e ps-doutorado. E tudo muito prtico, sem enrolao."
Price: 174.99

"German B1 - 100% German (with English subtitles)" |
"Lerne Deutsch von einer erfahrenen Deutschlehrerin!Der Kurs beginnt mit einer Einfhrung in den einfacheren Teil der deutschen B1 Grammatik und geht Schritt fr Schritt tiefer in die Materie. Dieser Kurs wird ausschlielich auf Deutsch unterrichtet (mit englischen Untertiteln).Neben den 37 Grammatiklektionen enthlt dieser Kurs auch Videos ber deutsche Redewendungen. Zungenbrecher (Aussprache), Eselsbrcken, wie man Lernblockaden loswerden kann, deutsche Zitate, wichtige Links, um Deutsch zu lernen, Diktate, verwandte Wrter und Prfungen. Es gibt auch einen Fragenmarathon, bei dem du Testen, ob du noch Lcken aus den vorherigen Sprachniveaus hast. Im Allgemeinen ist das ein sehr interaktiver Kurs, bei dem du auch Vokabeln fr das B1 Niveau lernst. Ziele:Werde kompetent in der deutschen B1-GrammatikErfahre mehr ber die deutsche Kultur durch Redewendungen und ZitateErhalte wertvolle Tipps, wie du effizienter Deutsch lernen kannstLerne das B1-VokabularDu wirst Folgendes lernen:Grammatik:Futur I Modalpartikel das Wort ""nmlich"" als ob zweiteilige Konnektoren Genitiv Demonstrativpronomen Genitiv Possessivartikel Adjektivdeklination im Genitiv Genitiv Prpositionen Konjunktionen Wortbildung Adjektivdeklination im Komparativ / Superlativ Partizip I als Adjektiv Partizip II als Adjektiv Prteritum lokale Prpositionen N-Deklination Adjektive als Nomen das Wort ""es"" Infinitivstze Plusquamperfekt indem & sodass bevor, whrend, nachdem Konjunktiv II - Wunschstze das Wort ""brauchen"" Relativstze finale Nebenstze Relativstze mit Prpositionen Passiv mit Prsens mit Modalverben Vorgangspassiv im Perfekt Vorgangspassiv im PrteritumBonus:deutsche Redewendungen wie du Lernblockaden loswerden kannst deutsche Zitate Diktate Prfungen Eselsbrcken Zungenbrecher verwandte Wrter wichtige Links, um Deutsch zu lernen Tipps zum Sprachenlernen I Vorbereitung fr den Sprechteil der B1 PrfungDieser Kurs ist fr alle Schler, die Deutsch lernen und bereits das Sprachniveau A1 und A2 abgeschlossen haben.Wenn du mit dem Gemeinsamen Europischen Referenzrahmen fr Sprachen nicht vertraut bist; Hier ist eine kurze bersicht:A1 - Kompletter AnfngerA2 - GrundstufeB1 - MittelstufeB2 - Obere MittelstufeC1 - FortgeschrittenC2 - KompetentIch hoffe, dich bald als eine/n neue/n Schler/in in meinem Kurs zu sehen!Schreib dich jetzt in diesen Kurs ein!"
Price: 49.99

how-to-choose-an-adsense-blog-theme |
Price: 15000.00

"Amazon FBA Course for Beginners 2020 (Private Label Product)" |
"Amazon FBA Course (Private Label) - Beginner to AdvancedIn This Course You will Learn ;Business models in AmazonAmazon FBA road mapHow much budget do you need?Product Research ToolsCompetition AnalysisKeyword ResearchGoogle and Price TrendsProfit Margin CalculationProduct Idea TableHow to decide to sell a productHow to list your productHow to find SuppliersContact SuppliersAmazon A9 AlgorithmLaunch StrategiesGiveaway productsPPC campaignsAmazon FBA Guide for Beginners 2020 :Let Amazon pick, pack, and ship your ordersYou sell it, Amazon ship it. Amazon has one of the most advanced fulfillment networks in the world. With Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), you store your products in Amazon's fulfillment centers, and Amazon pick, pack, ship, and provide customer service for these products. FBA can help you scale your business and reach more customers.The benefits of Amazon FBAYour products are eligible for Amazon Prime FREE Two-Day Shipping, FREE Shipping, and more.Prime members love FREE Two-Day Shipping, and all Amazon customers can get free shipping on eligible orders. When you list products for FBA, they are eligible for free shipping, too. Qualified FBA listings are displayed with the Prime logo, so customers know that Amazon handles packing, delivery, customer service, and returns.Customers get Amazon's trusted customer service and returns.FBA leverages the Amazon customer service network stretching around the globe, managing customer inquiries, refunds, and returns for your FBA orders.FBA customer support: Customers can contact our customer support via phone or email, day or night. This service is provided at no extra charge to you, with the exception of the Returns Processing Fee for select product categories. When you use FBA, your time can be spent growing your business or taking a vacation, rather than managing customer serviceFBA returns: For orders from the Amazon website that Amazon fulfills, we will manage all customer service associated with fulfillment of your FBA products. Our Online Returns Center provides customers with help pages and details about how to contact us in case of concerns. If the customer wants to return a product, we direct them to our convenient Online Returns Center. Read more about FBA policies regarding Customer Returns for Orders Placed on Amazon.Amazon services let your business scale quicklyAmazon fulfillment centers are built with your inventory in mind, and there's no minimum for the number of products you send. Amazon handle the details to save you time, so you can focus on your business. FBAs specialized services can help you grow your business without new investments in capital or staffing:FBA Small and Light: Reduce the cost of fulfilling orders for low-cost, small, and lightweight FBA inventory.FBA Subscribe & Save: Offer discounts on eligible FBA products for repeat customers.FBA Pan-EU: Offer fast delivery in Prime-eligible European countries.FBA Export: At no extra charge, expand your FBA business to more than 100 countriesminus the complexities of international selling.Multi-Channel Fulfillment: Sell from your own or third-party ecommerce sites, with Amazon picking, packing, and shipping to your customers.It's cost-effectivePay as you goyou are charged for storage space and the orders Amazon fulfill. The cost of shipping is included in your fees, with no extra charge for Amazon Prime FREE Two-Day Shipping and free shipping on eligible orders. Fees for Selling on Amazon and optional services may apply."
Price: 199.99

"Customer Service Excellence - from customers to operations" |
"Answer these questions:Do you struggle dealing with angry customers?Do you customers love you?Do your customer recommend you to their friends?Do you feel you are always at the mercy of your customers?You may think that it's a very hard task to get customers to actually love your company, that only big companies can achieve that you that it's simply unpractical for a business like yours, but guess what: it's not!Customer Service Excellence can help your business thrive in many ways, like increasing sales, make your customers recommend you to others, comment and rate your company (helping your marketing team), and it ultimately make your customers even more open to your calls and to your proposals.In this course Customer Service Excellence, you will learn not only what's an excellent customer service and learn and see new unique and amazing tools and frameworks, but also how to shape your own customer services guidelines and also how to create strategies that fit perfectly to your business and customers, so you can achieve an excellent service.What's in it:Ten unique downloadable tools, ready to printThere are almost 70 lessons, short and straight to the pointMore than 6 hours of content: the most complete course on UdemyIt's proven to be successful: it was built upon a face-to-face courseTen exercises with feedback given within 48 hoursWatch it whenever you want and in the order you like10 sections covering customer services from A to ZSupport and interaction with the instructorLifetime acess to the contentCertificate of conclusion"
Price: 59.99

"Analog Circuits With LT Spice - Complete Course (33+ Hours)" |
"1.This Course is for Students having background in Electronics and Telecommunication or any relevant stream.2.This Course is also called as Analog Electronics.3. If you have any experience in any Circuit Course prior then you can have a look.4.The Prerequisites required are mentioned in the Course Introduction Video.5.This is a Theoretical and Analytical Course.What youll learnTechniques of handling complicated Circuits and analyzing Input Output Signals.Using Transistors Diodes Op amps and Study Characteristics Achieve from them.Who this course is for:Electronics and TelecommunicationElectrical EngineeringWho had prior experience in some Circuit Theory CoursesWhat youll learnTopics in Analog Electronics and How to deal with Circuits having Diodes Transistors.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Basic Circuit Theory"
Price: 199.99

"Melhoramento Focado: Ferramenta Matriz de Priorizao G.U.T" |
"Este curso foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de formar GESTORES, que possam obter maiores resultados de forma imediata, buscando melhor capacitao e assim obtendo melhores resultados profissionais. As organizaes atualmente vem buscando profissionais que possam trazer meios de melhorar seus resultados e assim possam se manter competitivas, para isto, estas organizaes vm se preocupando em buscar profissionais que j possuam estas capacitaes e que possam aplica-las sem se preocupar em desenvolver o profissional.Hoje, profissionais que procuram se capacitar, tm uma grande vantagem competitiva neste mercado.Para capacitar estes profissionais como gestores, apresento a srie de treinamentos MELHORAMENTO FOCADO, que demonstrar de forma prtica e objetiva, ferramentas e tcnicas que proporcionar esta vantagem competitiva e assim formar como gestor.Neste treinamento o aluno ir aprender a ferramenta MATRIZ DE PRIORIZAO G.U.T, o qual ir mergulhar no conceito, estrutura de montagem e como utilizar esta ferramenta no seu dia a dia.Na resoluo do treinamento o aluno ter acesso a exerccios, casos prticos e dinmicas de utilizao e aplicao da metodologia."
Price: 39.99

"Test English Grammar Level (Present Tenses) CEFR A1-C2" |
"How well do you know English Grammar? In this course, you can test your level of understanding Present Tenses according to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) A1-C2. This test contains grammar and vocabulary questions and your test result will help you choose a level to practice at."
Price: 19.99

"Arquitetura de testes com Protractor" |
"Testes automatizados de GUI (Graphical User Interface) devem ser escritos com o mesmo cuidado que cdigo de funcionalidades, portanto, devem ser legveis, para que se entenda quais comportamentos cada testes est validando, estveis, para que o time confie em seus resultados, e de fcil manuteno, para que possam evoluir ao longo da vida do software o qual eles suportam.Neste curso voc ir aprender como arquitetar um projeto de testes end-to-end automatizados com Protractor, onde legibilidade, estabilidade e manutenabilidade sero o principal foco.Ao trmino deste curso voc estar apto a implementar testes automatizados em projetos de software de forma eficiente e efetiva, seja em um projeto novo, ou mesmo na refatorao de projetos legado."
Price: 54.99

"Fiverr ile Pasif Gelir" |
"Bu kurs fiverr nedir ve fiverrden nasl gelir elde etmenin yolunu sizlere gsternektedir.ngilizce bilmeden bile bu yol ile kendinize yeni bir pasif gelir elde edebilirsiniz.Fiverr de tercmanlk,bilgisayar ile ilgili ,logo yapm,banner yapm,web sayfas yapm ve birok dallarda yardm ederk pasif gelir elde etmenizi salar.Fiverr nemli gelir kaynaklarndan birisi olduu iin bu kurslar sizler iin hazrladm.Herhangi bir sorunuz olduunda ekinmeden bana sorabilirsiniz."
Price: 19.99

"Maestria na Realizao de Objetivos" |
"Este curso ir lhe ajudar a:1. Ter objetivos empoderadores2. Ficar motivado para realizar o que desejar3. Ter um planejamento ninja de suas aes4. Saber como agir para fazer acontecer muito comum as pessoas fazerem uma lista do que querem realizar. Comeam com muito empolgao e uma certeza de que tudo ir acontecer... mas, com o tempo, esses objetivos vo caindo no esquecimento. Algumas metas so at iniciadas mas nunca so terminadas.A chega o final do ano voc olha a lista de metas e quase nada aconteceu. Como voc se sente? Frustrado, decepcionado, chateado?Pare de ficar patinando na vida! Conhea a metodologia capaz de potencializar seus resultados!Maestria na Realizao de ObjetivosBENEFCIOS:Aprenda a criar um novo caminho neural no crebro, ao treinar o seu crebro a realizar e no mais postergarTenha clareza dos passos a serem trilhados para realizar o objetivoSaia do reino dos sonhos e tenha aes concretas para a realizao do seu objetivo.Comece a ter conscincia dos seus pensamentos. Transforme pensamento limitantes e empoderadores.Tenha uma mentalidade de crescimento constanteSeja mais eficiente e produtivoESTRUTURA DO CURSOCurso divido em 7 mdulos:Mdulo 1 - Introduo: Conhea o Mapa para voc materializar os seus sonhos e objetivosMdulo 2 - Comece Com o Fim em MenteTenha clareza do caminho a ser trilhado para realizar o objetivoMdulo 3 - Seu Estado Interno Influncia A Sua PerformanceA forma como voc pensa gera emoes que afetam positivamente ou negativamente o seu estado. Mdulo 4 - Todas as Coisas so Criadas Duas VezesA importncia do planejamentoMdulo 5 - Sem Ao no h RealizaoSaber o que fazer e no fazer igual a no saberMdulo 6 - Autoconscincia (bnus)Ajudar voc a ter mais clareza do que deseja conseguirMdulo 7 - Recursos Extras (bnus)A forma de pensar pode ser a barreira para realizar seus sonho"
Price: 189.99

"Gravao e edio de voz com Reaper" |
"Este curso como um grande tutorial em que o aluno vai entender como gravar, editar e finalizar um audiolivro ou outro trabalho de voz. O aluno ir do comeo ao fim, sem aprofundamento em questes que possam desviar a ateno. No caminho, vai conhecer alguns recursos do programa que ajudam a trabalhar com economia de tempo e ao final aprender a verificar a qualidade do seu udio."
Price: 39.99

"Atitude Vencedora" |
"O curso ATITUDE VENCEDORA foi desenvolvido com o principal objectivo de alavancar resultados, melhorar desempenho e performance, e sobretudo sendo uma ferramenta de desenvolvimento pessoal eprofissional.O que distingue as pessoas que vencem das que no conseguem vencer? A mentalidade e a atitude diferem? isso que vamos perceber. Ao longo destas 8 aulas vamos descobrir como vencer nos mais diversos mbitos da nossa vida.O Workbook apresenta exerccios que ajudaro na mudana, e na implementao de uma atitude de sucesso, com resultados tambm eles de sucesso!Obrigada por estar desse lado, e parabns pela tomada de deciso, e pela entrada em aco!"
Price: 19.99

"Python III (Orientao a Objetos)" |
"Se voc deseja aprender os conceitos da orientao a objetos como a criao de classes, herana e polimorfismo. Ento este curso para voc. Trata-se do terceiro curso da srie Python. Este curso objetivo e prtico. Por meio de quizzes e soluo de problemas aprender de forma prtica como aplicar os conceitos aprendidos ao longo do curso."
Price: 39.99

"Copywriting Para Agentes De Bienes Races" |
"Una gua de ms de 1000 palabras y frases para potenciar la descripcin de tus casas que har que se enamoren de ellas al instante,Un listado temtico de palabras poderosas y vibrantes que te darn las herramientas que destacarn los beneficios de la propiedad. Desde las palabras que necesitas para comenzar tu descripcin, hasta aquellas que definen el estilo del inmueble o las que cierran tu venta. Y adems las palabras que minimizan sin mentir los posibles defectos u obstculos que tenga la propiedad. Una amplia gama de posibles palabras para describir espacios, colores, ubicacin y mucho ms!Provoca emociones en tus clientes con tu descripcin. Usa slo palabras de marketing probadas y utilizadas por los ms grandes genios de las ventas. Frases hechas para persuadir, comprobadas y diseadas para atrapar la atencin de tu prospecto al instante. Sin importar si tienes poco presupuesto para promocionar tu inmueble (en la web o cualquier tipo de publicidad).Incluye un cupn con un importante descuento de los tres libros que se venden en Hotmart y en Carmen Presenta punto com por 40 USD los tres:1.- PALABRAS MGICAS PARA VENDER CASAS2.- ESTILOS ARQUITECTNICOS3.- MATERIALES Y ACABADOS"
Price: 24.99

"How to Master the LSAT" |
"If you're looking to get a top LSAT score - you've come to the right place!Whether you're about to begin prepping for the LSAT or you've been studying for months and are stuck, this course will teach you exactly what you need to do to start improving your LSAT score today.The methods in this course have been used with hundreds of students, and many improve by 10-20 points in just a week or two.In this course, you'll learn:- a structured study regimen you can begin following immediately to improve your LSAT score- a dozen customized study schedules to pick from- how to track your improvement over time- many study tips from someone who has thoroughly mastered the testFor beginners, an overview of the LSAT is included, and basic strategy for each of the 3 sections (Logical Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, and Reading Comprehension).Can't wait to see you inside!"
Price: 19.99

"How to write academic research papers: Select best journals" |
"In this series of courses, you will learn how to write a research paper in English in 5+1 steps which will be dealt with in three phases (i.e., the pre-drafting phase, the drafting phase, and the post-drafting phase).In the 5+1 steps, which will be dealt with in separate courses, you will learn how to start by selecting your research topic, and you will be guided step-by-step from the journal selection (in this course) to the step of submitting your final draft to the target journal and getting it published.The information provided in this course is not only useful while writing a research paper, but a large bulk of it will also be useful while writing book reviews, review papers, short reports, and so on."
Price: 24.99

"Your English Speaking and Listening daily Routine by AnnaV." |
"Why should you choose my course:My talent is to know the exact needs of my students, define their student profile and select the appropriate resources for each case. This allows me to create a strategy and a learning routine that will help my students get the most out of the classes in a short amount of time.As a career, I studied the learning strategies of foreign languages and worked as a language teacher for 25 years in a face to face mode. I know the needs of the students in depth, as well as the difficulties that create barriers between them and their rapid and satisfactory progress, as well as the steps that can turn a problem into an opportunity. My professional experience allows me to group and classify these needs, link the difficulties related to each need and offer the strategies that work best in the vast majority of cases. For this reason, I have decided to address a single topic in each course (a lack, a need or a problem that students have) instead of offering a general course about the English language. Ive selected the topics that are of great interest because they cover the real shortcomings that exist so that each student is able to choose the class that will most suit and help him/her.How it works and why it worksI have created a new concept of video classes, that works in depth on a specific topic since Ive noticed that many times students have a good academic knowledge, but they are not able to use this knowledge when speaking. To understand it better imagine a great wardrobe (your head) with a lot of clothes (knowledge acquired previously) and you in front of this closet, looking at it and without knowing what to choose. Ignorance can lead to undesirable situations, such as throwing away a dress that suits you, going to the theatre in a tracksuit or practicing sports in pijamas. This is because we spend a lot of time shopping for new clothes (= doing the theoretical classes) and we dedicate little or no time to understand, assimilate, practice and bring to automatism what we have learned. The concept of my video classes is based on a quick review of academic subjects related to the practical part (Section 2) and a deep practice of the subject in question (Section 1). I will teach you some of the best learning strategies for each specific need that will allow me to create original exercises,which are fun and with great final results. This system is highly supported by my students, and it works because I know how to explain concepts in an easy to understand way and I am very demanding (and sweet at the same time) when training my students. I have adapted my personal method for video courses to help more people achieve their dreams when it comes to learning a language.Whos this course is for?Spanish Speakers who have been studying English for years with no results (eternal intermediate level students)Spanish Speakers in need to use English Language at workSpanish Speakers in need to attend meetings and conference calls in EnglishSpanish Speaking IT personnel in need to implant different work systems abroadSpanish Speakers working at multinational companies where the vehicular language is EnglishSpanish Speakers who get blank and struggle to speak in English with people who have better English knowledge than they.Spanish Speakers in need to stop translating in their heads and expand their vocabularyHow will you feel by the end of the course?You will feel a huge satisfaction and tranquility when noticing that it is you the one that controls the situation and hence secures your own success.You will notice huge progress in the quality of your spoken English and its pronunciation (when applied explanations provided in this course)You will feel more creative and capable of thinking out of the box.What will you learn by the end of the course?Section 1 :You will perfectly understand how the routine works and the benefits it can bring you.Section 2 :You will learn about the pronunciation of words while expanding your vocabulary at the same time.You will learn how to get rid of your mother tongues influence and hence acquire an English Language melody, rhythm, and intonation when speaking.You will learn easy, fun and powerful How to be Fluent and Sound like a Native strategies when listening and speaking in English.You will learn how to asses yourself and how to get an outstanding final result.How will this course help your professional and personal lives?Giving an elegant and complete personal introduction will allow you to feel really confident:It gives you the perfect opportunity to broaden your social circle. Speaking another language will give you a huge advantage when it comes to making new friends and contacts.Taking your speaking and listening skills to another level will allow youto improve your employment opportunities and develop your vocabulary and fluency skills.Creating and Practicing Speaking and Listening skills will allow you to get multiple benefits:get personal and professional successhelp with career advancementboost confidencebuild critical thinking skillsimprove communication skillsmake new social connectionsexpand your professional networkbuild leadership skillslearn performance skillsno fear of impromptu speakingget personal satisfactionIt allows you to learn something new, useful and different."
Price: 89.99

"English: #Making an appointment. Aprende a aprender by AnnaV" |
"VERY IMPORTANT: this course does NOT provide an academic material of the English language, its objective is to TEACH HOW TO LEARN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE through specially elaborated exercises that allow creating patterns to obtain security and fluency in speaking. It is a PURE TRAINING course.Its maximum value is the exercises attached to the lessons in the mp3 format, which allow the brain to be trained at any free time (walking, cooking, on public transport, in a caravan, queuing, etc ...). The active principles of linguistic programming and psychology applied to teaching used in these exercises, together with the discipline and persistence of the student, allow you to stop studying English forever and start speaking it, making it a useful tool at your service.I have created this course to teach you how to learn English effectively, I have designed the strategic exercises that help you acquire a better accent, understand the construction of phrases as native speakers do, eliminate the vice of direct translation from the mother tongue and Consolidate the habit of speaking fluently by creating quick and natural reactions.The central theme for this course is #Making an Appointment.To give you more comfort I have created the audio material that allows you to automate the entered topics. It is recorded in the mp3 format, so you can listen to it at any time available, thus ensuring daily practice, since persistence and discipline are the keys to success.Try mindful learning and enjoy studying.Course detail: English: #Making an appointment forma parte de la serie APRENDE A APRENDER . Es un curso rpido ideal para el autoaprendizaje.Caractersticas clave del curso.Lenguaje presentado en contexto con ejercicios de seguimiento.Enfoque especial en el lenguaje apropiado para situaciones formales e informalesEstimulante audio material para la rutina diaria.Consejos lingsticos clave para trabajar en un contexto internacionalSeccin STARTER con actividades de calentamiento y sensibilizacin lingsticaSeccin English in Use con patrones de habla para practicar cmo hacer, cambiar y cancelar citas/reuniones.Seccin de OUTPUT con temas de reflexin sobre el aprendizaje de lenguas (coaching lingstico)Multiple choice tests and exercises for language practice.About the courseAsking for a job meeting appointment could be a real challenge for non-native speakers and could even cause some anxiety.English: #Making an appointment presents the skills one needs to feel fluent in speaking English, as this compact course contains the typical everyday expressions of work related to our subject.Includes helpful tips in the areas of phonetics, tag questions, ""false friends"", speaking patterns, and word order activities in the sentence.It also includes effective study techniques."
Price: 89.99

"Aprenda Python do Zero" |
"Aprender python com pratica intensa e interativa, sem exerccios mega difceis para matemticos, s o necessrio para te tornar um timo desenvolvedor e te possibilitar usar a ferramenta python para fazer coisas incrveis.Aprenda python de forma rapida e simples, veja, faa, crie.Aprenda python com praticas que agregam valor ao seu portifolio profissional.Aprenda python com intensidade e leveza.Aprenda python com valor e mentalidade certa.Aprenda python para ter um diferencial no seu portifolio profissional.Aprenda python para ser incrivel."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction To Manufacturing Accounting" |
"This course introduces the different expenses in manufacturing while creating a visual representation of each transaction. This allows each employee to understand how each business activity is accounted for in the accounting system. This course also explains the variables that must be addressed to create strategies to budget costs in each major manufacturing accounting category. Lessons are reinforced with chapter quizzes and finally with a case study exercise."
Price: 19.99

"Creating a Manufacturing Health and Safety Program" |
"this course reviews the core elements of a health and safety program in a manufacturing environment. the course includes spreadsheets with a reporting dashboard and failure mode and effects analysis that can be implemented into a current program or used when creating a new program. A publication from the Unites States Occupational Health and Safety is included and referenced often in this course."
Price: 19.99

"- - A1 / A2" |
"- 15 -- "
Price: 19.99

"- - B1 / B2" |
"- 13 -- "
Price: 19.99

"Curso profesional de Adobe XD: De cero a Experto!" |
"Adobe XD es la herramienta gil y dinmica que presenta Adobe para el diseo de interfaces web y mviles. Con esta herramienta podrs crear prototipos interactivos en minutos de forma profesional.En este curso aprenders desde lo ms bsico a lo ms avanzado poniendo en prctica tus conocimientos con un proyecto real que ser una aplicacin mvil. Esta aplicacin puede ser usada para Mac como para Windows. En este curso mostrar la app en Windows por lo que si tienes Mac solo vers algunas diferencias en cuanto a atajos de teclado y funcionalidades."
Price: 19.99
