"Certificado Fundamentos de Google Ads 2020" |
"La certificacin de Google Ads es una acreditacin profesional que Google otorga a los individuos que demuestran un alto nivel de conocimiento en los aspectos bsicos y avanzados de Google Ads. Una certificacin de Google Ads les permite demostrar que Google los reconoce como expertos en publicidad en lnea.Sobre este certificadoA travs de los 3 mdulos que conforman el curso de Fundamentos de Google Ads, aprenders a:Crear campaas y anuncios acordes al objetivo, conociendo los aspectos bsicos de la plataforma Google Ads.Seguir los lineamientos de Google en la segmentacin y creacin de campaas y anuncios exitosos.Mejorar el ranking de anuncios, establecer y cuidar el presupuesto de inversin para Google Ads.Desarrolla nuevas habilidades en:Google AdsPublicidad DigitalEstrategias pagas de marketingPosicionamiento webModulo 1 Generalidades en Google AdsRelaciona la publicidad online, Google Ads y su estructura para conocer qu espacios en la red de Google son ideales y crear campaas y anuncios acordes al objetivo.Lo que puede hacer Google Ads por nuestra marca y cmo podemos controlar los anuncios.Objetivo publicitario y el lugar donde se deberan mostrar los anuncios de acuerdo con este.Correcto planteamiento de anuncios de texto para Google Ads.Tipos de campaa, el formato de trabajo y los casos de uso.Orden adecuando de la cuenta de Google Ads para tener un buen rendimiento.Mdulo 2 El pblico y la marca a travs de Google AdsUsa las funcionalidades de Google Ads aplicando el conocimiento previo sobre la herramienta para crear campaas y anuncios exitosos.Segmentacin adecuada para llegar al pblico objetivo.Palabras clave correctas para cada campaa.Factores que influyen en el ranking de anuncio y cmo optimizarlo.Anuncios creativos y llamativos bajo las polticas editoriales de Google.Uso apropiado de marcas registradas en nuestros anuncios.Mdulo 3 La campaa en Google AdsAnaliza los resultados de las campaas y las optimizaciones necesarias a travs de los informes y mtricas para mejorar el ranking de anuncios y cuidar el presupuesto.Modelo de pago segn el presupuesto y objetivo publicitario.Tipo de oferta (automtica o manual) ajustado a cada campaa.Presupuesto diario para obtener las primeras posiciones para tus anuncios.Importancia y funcionalidad de los diferentes informes y mtricas que ofrece Google Ads.Caractersticas del examen de certificacin de Google Ads."
Price: 19.99

"Funnelhacking Mastery" |
"In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir was Funnel sind, wie man diese einsetzt, du lernst die perfekte Funnel Software kennenund als Teilnehmer dieses Kurses bekommst du meinem 400.000 Euro Erfolgsfunnel geschenkt. Den kannst du dir dann direkt importieren und starten. Also es lohnt sich definitiv deine Zeit in diesen Kurs zu investieren."
Price: 29.99

"Creating a Project Budget (PMI - PMP)" |
"The Creating a Project Budget (PMI - PMP) is course 12 of 28 of the Project Management Professional Certification Program (PMI-PMP). Let's face it, at the end of the day, projects are really all about profit, no matter what kind of company you work for. Even if you work for a charitable organization or government, nobody wants to see a project lose money. That's why developing a realistic budget and then managing it well is such a critical part of project management. In this course, you'll learn what goes into a cost management plan, how to estimate costs, and how to establish a realistic cost baseline for your project.1. Project Cost Management Processes2. The Plan Cost Management Process3. Inputs to Estimate Costs4. Tools and Techniques of Estimate Costs5. Using the Bottom-up Technique to Estimate Costs 6. Outputs of Estimate Costs7. Inputs to Determine Budget8. Tools and Techniques to Determine Budget9. Outputs of Determine Budget10. Exercise: Estimating Costs and Developing the BudgetThats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 24.99

"Tunne ennast - kes ma olen ja mida priselt tahan teha?" |
"See kursus aitab Sul ppida tundma iseennast - mista, mis on Sul hsti vlja tuleb ning mida tahad priselt teha. Kuna vastused peituvad Sinus endas, ei tle see kursus, mida peaksid enda eluga peale hakkama, vaid aitab ksida igeid ksimusi, et saaksid iseendas selgusele juda. Siit leiad ksimused ja harjutused, mille abil enda andeid ja huvisid mista ning oma kutsumust avastada.Kursuse lisamaterjalidest saad laadida alla spetsiaalse tvihiku, kus loovharjutuste abil enda mtted ja tunded snadesse panna. Kirjutamine loob selguse ning htlasi on hea materjal, mille juurde tagasi prduda, kui enda suund ja kirg kipub argitoimetuste kes hgusaks muutuma.Kursusel ksitleme:Kuidas mista, kes ma olen?Kuidas leida enda anded ja tunda ra see oma rada?Kuidas unistada ja luua kitev tulevikuvisioon?Millised harjumused toetavad enda tundmappimist?Millised piirangud hoiavad meid tagasi ja kuidas neid letada?Kursus sisaldab:2 tundi videoloenguidAlla laetavad slaididAlla laetav helisalvestus kogu kursusestAlla laetav (ja prinditav) tvihik harjutuste tegemiseksKursuse juhendaja Harald Lepisk on loova eneseteostuse uurija ja koolitaja. Haraldil on le 14 aasta koolitamiskogemust enam kui 1000 ppesndmusel 18 riigis. Tema e-kursustel on le 20 000 pilase enam kui 160 riigist le maailma. Ta on Inspiratsioon_ee arengukeskkonna looja, ""Elu looming"" taskuhlingu saatejuht ja raamatu ""Minu elu kutse"" kaasautor. Sinus on peidus erakordsed anded. ra jta maailma sellest kingitusest ilma. Avasta oma kutsumus ja rakenda tegelik potentsiaal."
Price: 49.99

"Basic Drawing Techniques" |
"Afraid of trying to draw? This is the course for you. I teach you the very basics of drawing techniques. I teach you how to start without fear. Drawing is easy if you follow basic steps. Learn these steps and become a drawing expert. You will learn how to analyse forms, basic shapes, adjusting shapes and three ways to shade your project. Join me in learning the basic techniques of drawing. "
Price: 24.99

"Voice Training - Develop A Deeper Voice in 7 Days or Less!" |
"Is It REALLY Possible To Get A Deeper Voice in Only 7 Days?YES - This Voice Training Course Totally Transforms Your Voice Within Less Than 1 Week!Follow this step-by-step voice training course for a deeper more resonant and attractive voice within as little as 7 days or less...WITHOUT any need for medication, surgery or strenuous exercise.Understand how speech is created and learn how to improve your voice!While there are plenty of books on voice improvement, most are aimed at actors and focus on elocution, poetry and advanced speech and breathing techniques. However, this course is targeted at everyone who feels the need to improve the sound of their voice to help their relationships or business work. Books of course can never let you hear voice exercises either and although there are various disparate YouTube videos where you CAN hear what is expected, this is the first time a full course has been developed with everything you need to know in one place, presented in the correct order so that you can progress carefully over the videos to really be able to hear a difference.This course is designed for everyone who realises the importance of positive human communication, whether its to gain or to maintain friendships or to assert authority in the workplace. It contains explanations of how the voice is created and why some people have different vocal characteristics, and the exercises will help you understand your own vocal creation capabilities. Often with people who dislike their high or scratchy voice, its not just a case of working on the flexibility of their physical apparatus with exercises, but it touches on confidence and psychological issues as well. This course will help you unlearn bad habits and show you how to unlock the true potential of your speaking voice.What will you learn: Understand how the human voice is created. How you can open up your own voice to improve its richness and depth. How to feel the vibrations and resonances in your own body. How to safely and gently stretch the important sections of the vocal tract. Unlearn bad vocal habits. Understand the importance of tension and posture with the human voice. Learn how excellent communication skills is more than just speaking.Improve Your Voice, Make More Friends, Be Respected At WorkRegardless of what type of voice you currently have, everyone can learn to improve it to help communicate more effectively in everyday life. Many people dont make the most of what vocal equipment they have, or dont look after their bodies with poor posture or lack of hydration and wonder why their voice gets sore, sounds thin and uninteresting. Well also show you how understanding how the voice is created can also reduce nasality and by doing so, improve the rich timbre of your voice further.Contents and OverviewThis course is aimed at everyone who is past puberty and would like to understand and improve their adult voice, particularly to boost resonance, depth and quality, whether man, woman or trans. There are videos that are assigned to be watched on 7 separate days, and also associated exercises which are detailed on a downloadable resource.Each day has a separate subject assigned to it, building on the day before to help build on your knowledge. Day 1 Resonance DAY 2 Tension DAY 3 Breathing DAY 4 Posture DAY 5 Speaking With Your Whole Body DAY 6 Confidence DAY 7 Putting it all together.By the end of this course, you will understand much more about your own voice and your body and be well on the way to a fitter you with a richer and beautiful voice that youll be proud to use with friends, family and at work!Who is the main instructor?Peter Baker is one of Udemys best-selling authors on Udemy with excellent feedback on all the courses. He has spent all his working life using his voice on major radio stations, BBC News television and as a busy voice artist, where his skills for years have pulled in a six figure annual income recording commercials, training videos, audiobooks and character voices for video games. This course is the result of many decades of real experience in the broadcast voice world.Our happiness guarantee...We have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, we will refund your course with no questions asked!We can't wait to see you in the course!Enrol now, and we'll help you understand and improve your speaking voice and communication skills!"
Price: 39.99

"Email Marketing Mastery in 2020" |
"In this course you will learn the best practices of email marketing for capturing leads, sending emails and growing your customers.***********Did you know that most people check their email first thing in the morning?Or whenever they have a break they take out their phone and browse through their emails.In fact, email checking has become habitual for many people. If you build a list of targeted users then your emails will be read.Especially since now most people have smartphones and have linked their email account to their phones.For that very reason I believe you need to use email marketing.Another advantage of email marketing is that its essentially a traffic source that you own.Paying for traffic can be expensive. If you are spending on Google Ads or Facebook ads, you will get traffic. But its costly and once you stop advertising you stop getting traffic.But if you have a list full of potential customers, and previous customers, you can send emails regularly and have a dependable source of traffic.And this is much warmer traffic than Google or Facebook, because people already know who you are and what you offer.Which brings me to another thing because its warmer traffic, your conversion rates will be higher.Compared to paid ads, social ads, YouTube marketing, * email is still ranked as the top traffic source for leads and conversions.So, how do you start to build your own list?Thats the purpose of this class.If you havent started email marketing, or you are just getting started then inside this training youll get a full overview of the techniques of email marketing.Here's a fraction of what you'll learn inside:Youll learn how to setup your FROM email address so that your campaigns look professionalHow to create an email list and set it up for new subscribersThe best ways to add subscribers to your listYoull learn how to start building your list even if you dont have a websiteAnd, how to automate sending email campaignsAnd much, much moreJoin this course and get started growing your business with email marketing."
Price: 179.99

"Funnels Training for Beginners" |
"Imagine that you double your conversions with the same traffic! And increase the size of each conversion!If you have spent some time researching marketing then I'm sure you have come across the term funnels. Funnels are basically the journey the customer goes through to buy your products or services.The goal of the funnel is to capture new customers and convince them to spend more money.Here are a couple of examples of funnels in action.Wizz air is a low cost airline in Europe. The ticket prices are low. But, during the buying process, the customer is offered a series of up sells and cross sells such as Extra leg roomPriority BoardingTransport to and from the airportBigger luggageAnd theres more, when you buy the ticket your email gets added to a database and you get notified about promotions.Heres another simple example of improving the customer checkout process to get higher sales.Have you ever been to McDonalds?Now, they have touch screens which optimize the funnels. But when you order at the counter, they still ask you:Do you want fries with that?This is a simple change in their funnel. They added an up sell of fries in the checkout process. And have increased their sales figures.These are 2 examples of optimizing a funnel for higher conversions.If you are involved in selling online, or you are just getting started then you need to apply funnels into your strategy.Ive discovered a user friendly and wallet friendly solution to building your own funnels. And the process is so simple because you dont need to do any coding. You dont have to set up your own website or hosting.Its a do it yourself solution for funnel design. Which is great because you dont have to be relying on your developer for setting up your funnels.Ill show you the exact steps to take to create your own funnels. You can follow along each tutorial and create your own funnel as the course progresses.And at the end of this training youll be equipped with:The know-how for setting up your own high conversion funnels.How to design your own web pages with a click and drag interface.How to build your email list so that you can target your leads on multiple occasions.How to send out email campaignsAnd in general youll be able to create your own custom funnels for your business.Join the training and Ill see you inside."
Price: 199.99

"Art & Drawing Bootcamp Challenge: Developing Daily Habits" |
"Are you ready to develop the skills and discipline that it takes to defeat creative blocks, procrastination, laziness and fear of failure, which may be holding you back from becoming a productive artist?Do you have just 10-20 minutes during the day to dedicate toward achieving your goal of becoming a better artist? This Art & Drawing Bootcamp Challenge is a Udemy course designed to increase your artistic skills by helping you to develop the daily habit of creativity. This course was inspired by a study done at University College London by Phillippa Lally, a health psychology researcher. In her study, which was published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, Lally and her research team discovered that it takes an average of 66 days for a new behavior to form in to a habit.This art bootcamp contains 66 drawing exercise videos for you to draw and create for 66 days in a row... all with the ultimate goal of getting you in the habit of drawing every day; which will result in a disciplined lifestyle that will turn you into a much more productive and skilled artist.The videos in this course address multiple drawing and illustration techniques, while teaching you the important fundamentals of light and shadow. The power of having a structured program that keeps you on track every day can increase your ability to achieve a productive creative lifestyle. If you're ready to fulfill your highest potential as a productive artist, join me in this Art & Drawing Bootcamp Challenge, and together we will take your artistic journey to new heights."
Price: 19.99

"VFXAdobe After Effects /" |
"VFXVFXSNSVFXAfter EffectsBlenderCG"
Price: 199.99

"Project Management Skill for Functional Professionals" |
"This course is all about improving your managerial effectiveness by applying some of the project management concepts, tools, and techniques when you are dealing with non-routine or project types of activities in your functional domain.This course is structured with basic understandings of your day to day functional activities vs non-routine, uncertain, project type of activities in your functional domain. Explained the relevance of some of the project management skills in for your functional activities and how it will improve your business leadership qualities, personal effectiveness, and execution skill.I have picked up the best seven practices of project management and its application in your functional activities with practical insights in each practice. Also discussed some of the business, the interpersonal skills you should possesses which will help you to work with any cross-functional team and in uncertain activities with full confidence. I also shared the professional growth opportunities when you possess project management skill.To get confidence to learn and implement Project management skills, i have given a summarised action plan in each of the best practices. This course is very useful if you struggle to work with people beyond your functional domain and work in uncertain environments in your functional activities. You can be working professional from any functions like Human resources, supply chain, operations, marketing, and engineering.At the end of the course, you will be able to re-look at your managerial capability from a different perspective, identify the gaps, and able to apply some of the project management skills to accelerate your growth."
Price: 34.99

"Master Agile Planning and Estimation Agile techniques" |
"Agile project planning is collaborative and involves the team in the planning and decision making process. For any agile project to be successful, project managers and team members alike must have a thorough understanding of estimation and planning tools and techniques. While the agile process is flexible and adapts itself to change, accurate and reliable planning is still possible within the framework of the agile methodology.This course in Agile Estimation and Planning will give you a solid base in agile iteration planning, and aid you in understanding various estimation tools that support iterative processes. Proper use of these tools and techniques will help accomplish tasks smoothly and complete the project successfully, with measurable savings on both time and resources. COURSE STRUCTURE The purpose of planning How to estimate size and time requirements Units of estimation Techniques for estimating and planning (Planning poker, Affinity estimating, T-shirt sizing, Wideband Delphi, Bucket system ...etc) Release and iteration planning Final tips and techniquesBENEFITS OF THE COURSE Get an introduction to Agile methods Traditional planning and estimating vs the Agile methods How to implement Agile estimating and planning principles Master agile estimation techniques Learn the tips of successful estimation sessions Release and Iteration planningWHO CAN ATTEND?Anyone involved in estimating or planning projects using Agile methodology, such as programmers, testers, project managers and members of delivery teams.At the end of the course, you will be able to download useful excel templates to manage your Agile project.STILL NOT CONVINCED?And if youre still not sure heres our promise to you:This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee! That means, if you arent completely satisfied with your purchase, I well give you a refund no questions asked!At Elite instructors we are providing our students 24x7x365 Support. You can contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year round, even on holidays, Christmas and New Years Eve; I will get back to you quickly (in a few hours tops) and deliver outstanding quality of service in my support. Enroll today and get started learning the fundamentals of Agile estimating and planning."
Price: 119.99

"how2Py 101 - Beginners Python Crash Course" |
"Hey Everyone,Welcome to how2Py 101! Often times I got messages from my friends and collogues saying even though there are tons of resources to learn python on the internet, almost everyone just gave up because it was too much at once.This course is totally focused on the beginners who have never done programming but want to learn it.I focus on only the core things you need to start programming in python. The Essentials.This course is not for a Certification preparation.This course is not a deep dive into Python.This course is meant to be short and simple to let you get started on coding. Once you start, things will come to you as you practice. You'll start understanding codes. How to solve problems. Unfortunately, most beginners courses try to teach everything at once, often overwhelming everyone and leading to students giving up before reaching this point.Which is why I kept all the videos short - 4 to 7 minutes and tried to cover only the basics you need to start programming.Like always, if you ever need any help, please do not hesitate.If you have any audio/video problems or have suggestions, feel free to message me!If you love the course or hate the course, let me know :)"
Price: 24.99

"Curso Spark AR Studio Espaol" |
"Este curso de Spark AR Studio en Espaol es un curso que desarrolla en profundidad todos los conocimientos necesarios a la hora de crear un efecto tanto para Instagram como Facebook con el software de Spark Ar Studio.No requiere de ningn conocimiento previo en desarrollo o programacin.Slo te recomiendo tener nociones bsicas de Photoshop (o cualquier editor similar de fotografa/edicin de imagnes) y tener muchas ideas.El curso se estructura en varios mdulos que se dividen en:Mdulo 1: Qu vas a aprender y conctate a la comunidad.Mdulo 2: Herramientas y mecnicas esenciales en Spark Ar Studio.Mdulo 3: Animacin y movimientos.Mdulo 4: Ideas aplicadas a casos concretos.Mdulo 5: Inspiracin.Un curso muy completo, totalmente dinmico y actualizado que busca desarrollar a todos aquellos perfiles que quieren usar los efectos de Instagram y Facebook para crear filtros con los que poder expresarse."
Price: 34.99

"Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python with 8 Projects" |
"Recent reviews: ""Thorough explanation, going great so far. A very simplistic and straightforward introduction to Natural Language Processing. I will recommend this class to any one looking towards Data Science""""This course so far is breaking down the content into smart bite-size pieces and the professor explains everything patiently and gives just enough background so that I do not feel lost.""""This course is really good for me. it is easy to understand and it covers a wide range of NLP topics from the basics, machine learning to Deep Learning.The codes used is practical and useful.I definitely satisfy with the content and surely recommend to everyone who is interested in Natural Language Processing""------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Data Lovers,Do you have idea about Which Artificial Intelligence field is going to get big in upcoming year?According to statista dot com which field of AI is predicted to reach $43 billion by 2025?If answer is 'Natural Language Processing', You are at right place. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you want to know How Google News classify millions of news article into hundreds of different category.How Android speech recognition recognize your voice with such high accuracy.How Google Translate actually translate hundreds of pairs of different languages into one another.If answer is ""Yes"", You are on right track.and to help yourself, me and my friend Vijay have created comprehensive course For Students and Professionals to learn Natural Language Processing from very Beginning-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NLP - ""Natural Language Processing"" has found space in every aspect of our daily life.Cell phone internet are the integral part of our life. Any most application you will find the use of NLP methods, from search engine of Google to recommendation system of Amazon & Netflix.Chat-botGoogle Now, Apple Siri, Amazon AlexaMachine TranslationSentiment analysisSpeech Recognition and many more.So, welcome to my course on NLP.Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python with 8 Projects-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This course has 10+ Hours of HD Quality video, and following content.Course Outline : 1 : Welcome In this section we will get complete idea about what we are going to learn in the whole course and understanding related to natural language processing.2 : Installation & Setup In this section we will get our online environment Google Colab setup.3 : Basics of Natural Language Processing In this section we will dive into all basic NLP task like Tokenization, Lemmatization, stop word removal, name entity recognition, part of speech tagging, and see how to apply with different functions available in a Spacy and NLTK library.4, 5, 6 : Spam Message Classification, Restaurant Review Prediction (Good or bad), IMDB, Amazon and Yelp review ClassificationIn the next 3 section we will get dive into a real world data set for text classification, spam detection, restaurant review classification, Amazon IMDb reviews. We will see how to do Pre-Processing and make your data suitable for machine learning algorithm and apply different Machine Learning estimator (Logistic Regression, SVM, Decision Tree) for classifying text.7, 8 : Automated Text Summarization, Twitter sentiment Analysis In this 2 section we will work upon real world application of NLP.Automatic text summarisation, Which compress your text to find the summary of big articlesAnother one we will work is finding the sentiment from the recently posted tweet about some specific keyword with the help of Twitter API - tweepy library9 : Deep Learning Basics In This Section we will get a basic idea about Deep learning concept, like artificial neural network activation function and how ANN works.10 : Word Embedding In This Section, we will see How to implement word2vec on our custom datasets, as well as using Pretrained Google Model.11, 12 : Text Classification with CNN & RNN In this section we will see how to apply advanced deep learning model like convolution neural networks and recurrent neural networks for text classification.13 : Automatic Text Generation using TensorFlow, Keras and LSTM In this section we will apply neural network based LSTM model to automatically generate text.14, 15, 16, 17 : Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib + File Processing In this section, for all of you who want refresh concept related to data analysis with Numpy and Pandas library, Data Visualization with Matplotlib library, and Text File processing and PDF File processing.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So, This is the one of the most comprehensive course on natural language processing,And I am expecting you to know basic knowledge of python and your curiosity to learn Different techniques in NLP world.YOU'LL ALSO GET:Lifetime access to Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python CourseUdemy Certificate of Completion available for downloadFriendly support in the Q&A sectionSo What Are You Waiting For ? Enroll today! and Empower Your Career !I can't wait for you to get started on mastering NLP with Python.Start analyzing your text data & I will see you inside a class.RegardsAnkit & Vijay"
Price: 199.99

"Google Keep - Curso Completo" |
"Organizar-se e aumentar sua produtividade pode ser difcil se voc no tiver as ferramentas, tempo ou dinheiro para investir em um sistema. O Google Keep uma ferramenta gratuita que permite que qualquer pessoa capture idias rapidamente, crie listas e faa anotaes. E mais importante, voc pode visualizar, manipular e usar seus dados instantaneamente e compartilh-los com qualquer pessoa.Neste curso voc aprender:Como usar o Google KeepDicas e truques do Google KeepComo criar notas e lembretesComo criar, editar e baixar desenhosComo criar lembretes e notificaes com base no localComo utilizar o Google Keep no seu SmartphoneE muito, muito mais ...Este curso foi desenvolvido de forma para facilitar a organizao de suas idias e definir seus prprios lembretes personalizados. Atravs de aulas ricamente passo a passo, voc ir descobrir como Keep pode ajudar voc ou sua empresa a aumentar a sua produtividade em pouco tempo. Este curso mostrar os detalhes do Google Keep para que voc possa us-lo para atender s suas necessidades.Ento, o que voc est esperando? Inscreva-se hoje!"
Price: 54.99

"Gmail - Curso Completo" |
"Voc sabia que possvel aumentar a sua produtividade dominando os recursos do Gmail e economizando assim horas de trabalho por semana?Ao organizar sua caixa de entrada e tornar-se mais produtivo, voc pode economizar muito tempo para tarefas mais importantes nos seus negcios.Apesar das redes sociais e do WhatsApp, o e-mail ainda a forma de comunicao mais usada no terreno profissional. Mas tambm o maior responsvel por sugar tempo e produtividade dos usurios, e provvel que voc verifique seu e-mail todos os dias, diversas vezes ao dia.Mas, se voc como a maioria das pessoas, apesar de tanto tempo acessando seus e-mails, voc provavelmente nunca dedicou tempo suficiente para aprender os recursos, dicas e truques que o Gmail tem a oferecer.Com que frequncia voc perde o controle dos seus e-mails ou percebe que esqueceu de dar retorno a e-mails importantes dos seus clientes que deveriam ter sido respondidos h alguns dias?Vamos ser honestos, ter uma caixa de entrada lotada com mensagens de e-mails pendentes de respostas, leituras ou at mesmo cheias de SPAM no um mtodo eficaz de organizao e trabalho.Uma caixa de entrada de e-mail abarrotada de e-mails e desorganizada tende a levar a esse tipo de problema, perda de tempo em vez de eficincia e produtividade.No quer dizer que voc precise responder todos os e-mails imediatamente. Dependendo da quantidade de e-mails recebidos diariamente, isso seria invivel. Porm, isso significa que voc precisa aprender a utilizar de forma correta e eficaz os recursos que o Gmail possui.Apesar de muitos no saberem, o Gmail conta com truques que poucas pessoas conhecem, mas que podem ajudar (e muito!) no dia a dia.VOC SABIA?Segundo Adam Alter, professor da Universidade de Nova Iorque e autor do livro ""Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked"", os usurios em mdia abrem um e-mail seis segundos aps serem alertados de sua chegada.O problema, segundo Alter, que, depois de abrir um e-mail, cada usurio leva pelo menos 25 minutos para voltar ao estado de mxima produtividade na tarefa a que estava dedicado quando foi interrompido, ampliando em muito os efeitos do e-mail no trabalho. Portanto, saber como abrir e lidar com os e-mails pode ser vital para sua carreira.PARA DE SER ESCRAVO DA SUA CAIXA DE ENTRADA!Bem, exatamente nisso que quero te ajudar com esse treinamento. Ensinando a voc dominar os recursos do Gmail.Este curso tem por objetivo explicar claramente o que cada boto de comando ou recurso faz, alm disso, ele ensina como usar esses recursos para tornar sua experincia mais eficiente, confortvel e produtiva.Este curso um guia completo de uso e de fcil compreenso. So 38 aulas organizadas em 11 mdulos e mais de 4 horas de durao!Voc descobrir que nunca foi to fcil aprender os incrveis recursos que o Gmail oferece a seus usurios."
Price: 114.99

"Learn Python Libraries For Data Analysis & Data manipulation" |
"Lecture 2:Introduction to Python PandasLecture 3:How to Install Python Pandas on ComputerLecture 4:Data Structures in Python Pandas Section 2:Pandas SeriesLecture 5:How to Create Pandas Series from ScratchLecture 6:How to Create Pandas Series Using Ndarray and Dictionary Section 3:Pandas DataframesLecture 7:Creating Your First DataframeLecture 8:Creating a Datafram Using Python ListsLecture 9:Create an indexed DataFrame using arraysLecture 10:Getting Data of a Row or Multiple Rows in Pandas DataframeLecture 11:Basic Operations on Pandas Dataframes - Using Some Methods and AttributesLecture 12:Setting and Resetting Index of a DataframeLecture 13:How to Locate Values On the basis of Index Name Section 4:Reading CSV Files - With Exploratory Data Analysis on DatasetLecture 14:Reading CSV Files EDA On GOT Dataset Part 1Lecture 15:Reading CSV Files EDA On GOT Dataset Part 2Lecture 16:Read Excel OR Csv File and Write to an Excel Or CSV File Section 5:Handling Missing DataLecture 17:Handdling Missing Data in Dataframes - Fillna MethodLecture 18:Handdling Missing Data in Dataframes - Fillna Method ContinuedLecture 19:Interpolation in Dataframes - Handling Missing DataLecture 20:Replace Methodd in Dataframes - Handling Missing DataLecture 21:Groupby in Python Pandas on Columns with repeating valuesLecture 22:Concatenate Dataframes and visualize them Section 6:Connecting Pandas Dataframe with MySQL Server DatabaseLecture 23:How to Connect Pandas With MySQL Server DatabaseLecture 24:Use of Merge Method in Python Pandas Section 7:Reshaping DataFrames in PandasLecture 25:Pivot and Pivot_Table Methods in Python PandasLecture 26:Stack and Unstack Methods in Python PandasLecture 27:Melt Method for Data Manipulation in PandasLecture 28:Crosstab method in Python Pandas Section 8:Working with Time Series Data in PandasLecture 29:DatetimeIndex in Python Pandas - Time SeriesLecture 30:date_range() method in Python Pandas - Time SeriesLecture 31:to_datetime() Method in Python Pandas Section 9:Working with JSON Data Using JSON Module and Pandas ModuleLecture 32:What is JSONLecture 33:What is an API ?Lecture 34:JSON API Weather Data Analysis Project Using Python Pandas and MatplotlibLecture 35:Stock Price Data From JSON API Analysis using Python Libraries Section 10:EDA on Titanic Dataset from ScratchLecture 36:Exploratory Data Analysis on Titanic Dataset - Pie Chart and DropLecture 37:Correlation Matrix or Heatmap using Seaborn EDA on Titanic DatasetLecture 38:Analysis of Parch and Sibsp Columns in Titanic Dataset - 3 Graphs Side By SideLecture 39:Histogram Plot and Kernel Density Estimation Using Python Section 11:Restaurant Tips DatasetLecture 40:Scatter Plot using Python Libraries on Tips Dataset"
Price: 189.99

"Dynamics - Energy Immersion A4.2" |
"Welcome to the ""Energy Immersion"" Course-Series where we learn the basics of managing and wielding the benefits of recognizing the energetic-platform of the universe. This specific course is uniquely focused on how energy frequencies move and its representation of our world.Energy Awareness, Energy Dynamics, Energy Maneuvers, Energy Interchange, Energy Enhancement, Energy Conversion, and Energy (World) Perception.Much like many different energy-focused modalities ..."
Price: 169.99

"MM-01 Material Management Basic Structure" |
"A practice of essential MM transactions for beginners in logistics and SAP.After creation of a Purchasing Organization elements, you shall link it with the company structure.After then, you shall create material and industry defined with these structural elements.It is a key training when setting up a new material landscape.Every lesson is achieved with a video review assessment for you to memorize previous instructions. After then, you shall proceed quiz for every lesson. I provide on request the quiz answers but you can find the answers in every corresponding lesson. This training is the first of a 2 volumes learning MM program, originally developed as a software simulator."
Price: 19.99

"Learn to fly in a Vintage Classic De Havilland Tiger Moth." |
"Before you can fly your Spitfire, you have to learn how it is all done on the De Havilland Tiger Moth. I found this aircraft as a free download on x plane 11. It is awesome in VR.This course is based at RAF Cranwell. Royal Air Force Cranwell or more simply RAF Cranwell (ICAO: EGYD) is a Royal Air Force station in Lincolnshire, England, close to the village of Cranwell, near Sleaford. Among other functions, it is home to the Royal Air Force College (RAFC), which trains the RAF's new officers and Aircrew. The motto, Altium Altrix, meaning ""Nurture the highest"" appears above the main doors of the Officers Mess. RAF Cranwell is currently commanded by Air Commodore Suraya Marshall The de Havilland DH.82 Tiger Moth is a 1930s British biplane designed by Geoffrey de Havilland and built by the de Havilland Aircraft Company. It was operated by the Royal Air Force (RAF) and many other operators as a primary trainer aircraft. In addition to the type's principal use for ab-initio training, the Second World War saw RAF Tiger Moths operating in other capacities, including maritime surveillance and defensive anti-invasion preparations; some aircraft were even outfitted to function as armed light bombers.The Tiger Moth remained in service with the RAF until it was succeeded and replaced by the de Havilland Chipmunk during the early 1950s. Many of the military surplus aircraft subsequently entered into civil operation. Many nations have used the Tiger Moth in both military and civil applications, and it remains in widespread use as a recreational aircraft in several countries. It is still occasionally used as a primary training aircraft, particularly for those pilots wanting to gain experience before moving on to other tailwheel aircraft. Many Tiger Moths are now employed by various companies offering trial lesson experiences. The de Havilland Moth club, founded in 1975, is now an owners' association offering a mutual club and technical support."
Price: 19.99

"Deno crash course beginner to advanced bootcamp +3 projects" |
"Deno is a simple, modern and secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that uses V8 and is built in Rust.Secure by default. No file, network, or environment access, unless explicitly enabled.Supports TypeScript out of the box.Ships only a single executable file.Has built-in utilities like a dependency inspector (deno info) and a code formatter (deno fmt).Has a set of reviewed (audited) standard modules that are guaranteed to work with Deno: deno.land/stdYou will learn:How to prepare the environment on Windows, Linux and MacHow to use Deno's standard library Copy filesCreate and delete foldersMove filesUse WebSocketsGenerate UUIDsConfigure a file serverWe will create a micro web framework from scratch and on top of it we will buildA whole website A RESTFull APIUse Databases like sqlite3 and PostgresWe will deploy the website and API to a VPS on AWS on a setup that works for Azure and Google as well"
Price: 19.99

"Cloning Vectors and Plant Biotechnology MCQ (Bio Tech)" |
"A cloning vector is a small piece of DNA that can be stably maintained in an organism, and into which a foreign DNA fragment can be inserted for cloning purposes. The cloning vector may be DNA taken from a virus, the cell of a higher organism, or it may be the plasmid of a bacterium. The vector therefore contains features that allow for the convenient insertion or removal of a DNA fragment to or from the vector, for example by treating the vector and the foreign DNA with a restriction enzyme that cuts the DNA. DNA fragments thus generated contain either blunt ends or overhangs known as sticky ends, and vector DNA and foreign DNA with compatible ends can then be joined together by molecular ligation. After a DNA fragment has been cloned into a cloning vector, it may be further subcloned into another vector designed for more specific usePlant biotechnologies assists in developing new varieties and traits include genetics and genomics, marker-assisted selection (MAS), and transgenic (genetic engineered) crops. It allows researchers to detect and map genes, discover their functions, select for specific genes in genetic resources and breeding, and transfer genes for specific traits into plants where they are neededThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Cloning Vectors and General Plant Biotechnology.Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 53 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side"
Price: 19.99

"Landscape Editing for Beginners" |
"Have you always wanted to learn how to completely transform your Landscape images by using Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop?Then you've come to the right place!This course will teach you how to use Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop in conjunction to edit your landscape images and make them go from boring and dull to vibrant and amazing!In this course you will learn how to seamlessly move between Lightroom and Photoshop to edit your images. This will be achieved by following a set of steps that you will be given access to using out workflow document.Each image that we edit in this course will follow these standard flow of steps which will enable you to apply this learning and workflow to any landscape image.Each image that we edit in this course is shown right from the first step to the last step.You'll be getting access to the actual RAW files so you can edit them along with me which will make your learning really practical.Here are some of the things we'll be learning in this course:Correcting Shooting, Equipment and Lens IssuesCorrecting Exposure, Contrast and White Balance in a technically correct mannerManipulation in Photoshop by creating compositesChallenging Sky Replacements in Photoshop Using Select and Mask and Color Range Tools in PhotoshopUsing Filters in Photoshop to enhance our shotsUsing Advanced Layer and Brush Functions in PhotoshopColor GradingLocalized Adjustments in LightroomAdding Watermarks and Exporting in LightroomAnd so much more...By the time you finish this course you would have repeated the workflow process and the steps so often that it will become second nature to you and you will master the art of editing any type of a landscape shot.More importantly, mastering landscape editing will actually make you fall in love with landscape photography even more since you'll be able to think far ahead and shoot in situations where it normally would not be possible. You will no longer have to wait for the perfect weather and conditions to take your landscape shot since you will know that you can achieve anything in editing. It will make you very stress free as a landscape photographer.I'm Kush Sharma and I'm the creator of this course. I can't wait to see you inside it :)"
Price: 109.99

"Music Production Fundamentals: Arrangement For Beginners" |
"Do you start a lot of tracks but never seem to finish them?Do you have dope loops but arent sure how to turn them into a full song?Youre not special.One of the biggest problems that I hear from music producers starting out in any genre is that they get stuck with arrangement.The dreaded 8 bar loop.We all have good ideas that are fun to make initially but then dont seem to go anywhere.If youre anything like most beginners youre able to make some cool loops, but then struggle knowing what instruments to add or direction to take it next.So you end up with a bunch of 1 minute drafts that sit on your hard drive in the graveyard of good ideas.The good news is?This is a common problem.When I first started I thought every track needed to be a banger.Every hook needed to feel anthemic.I couldnt have been more wrong.Now that Ive been at this for over a decade I realize that most of the big producers we look up to use a handful of the same techniques to turn simple ideas into finished, polished, poppin tracks.We think we know what arrangement is...but we all seem to struggle with this when we first start.And after teaching hundreds of students I know now why.The answer is simple:Arrangement is so much more than a beginning, middle, and end.It comes down to instrument choice, voicing, and hundreds of small choices throughout the production process that hinder us along the way.We want to know what comes next.But heres the kickerThere's no clear cut path.It took me years of trial-and-error, wasting time trying to learn concepts I thought I needed only to end up months later in the same spot.So how do we tackle this once and for all?----After being frustrated with how confusing my own journey was learning music production I decided to do something about it...I created Beat School, an online academy that teaches the foundational elements of music production in a simple and effective way.This course on arrangement is one of the beginner programs designed to help students gain an understanding of beat making with a step-by-step approach.----In this course you'll learn:-The three types of musical arrangement (and why they matter)-The key elements that go into a completed track-How to quickly make new melodies without knowing music theory-Mixing tips & tricks that took me years to learn-What voicing is and how it can speed up your workflow-Simple steps you can start using today to make music more quickly-How to make better decisions in terms of sample choice and sound design-Only the necessary information that you need to make better well structured beats, without the overwhelm and confusion of complicated techniques-My goal is simple:I created a simple 3 step system to arrangement to help you generate ideas and create music quickly and efficiently without needing to know music theory.In this course I wont overwhelm you with fancy software or advanced techniques. Youll learn exactly what you need to get producing as fast as possible.In doing so, I have built what I believe is the most effective way to easily arrange your songs and break out of the 8 bar loop.-My courses are effective, impactful, and include extra resources to help you level up.In the Class Project section you'll be able to download all the files I use so that you can see the creative choices I make and follow along with me.That being said, your progress is completely up to you. I cant do the work for you.But I CAN lessen the learning curve, provide an easy to follow system, and shave years off your path to mastery.I hope to empower you with the knowledge, practice, and resources you need to realize that this isnt rocket science.You can do this.If you are willing to invest in yourself and commit to learning a few hours a week, I have no doubt youll be able to make this happen.You ready to rock?Download the files, set aside a few hours for dedicated learning, and lets make some music!"
Price: 199.99

"Candlesticks Trading Masterclass with TRREE Trading Setup" |
"Welcome to this amazing course on Candlesticks Trading Masterclass with TRREE Trading SetupJapanese rice traders have been using candlesticks for over 400 years to create huge fortunes. With the passage of time and testing over the years, these Candlesticks are now being used all over the world in almost all financial markets including stocks, derivates, forex, commodities, and many others.But the fact of the matter is, most traders/investors think that Candlestick Trading is hard and takes a lot of time to master. Many even find it difficult to scan the Candlestick patterns on their chart or are confused with which pattern to trade and which to leave.But this course will help you in achieving that key skill which will minimize your loss-making trades.It is extremely important for you as an investor or trader to educate yourself and learn this language of the market called Candlesticks. Learning Candlesticks becomes more important if you are new to the world of financial markets or trading.This course designed for both new as well as experienced traders will teach you this important language called candlesticks from level 0 in a very simple, systematic, and effective manner.In this course, you will learn a very effective technique called ""TRREE"" ( yes its TREE with a double R) to generate consistent trading profits from the market by using candlesticks charts.What you will learn in this course?1) Candlesticks' historical background.2) Candlesticks designing3) The life cycle of candle4) Importance of Wick, Body, Range, and Closing Price.5) Advantages of using Candlesticks.6) Candlesticks Maths or Candlesticks blending.7) How to read any Candlesticks pattern without memorizing any pattern name?8) Fundamental Candlesticks types9) ""TRREE"" trading setup10) Single Candlestick Patterns (with the application of ""TRREE"" Setup) Doji The Hammer and The Hanging Man The Inverted Hammer and The Shooting Star11) Double Candlestick Patterns (with the application of ""TRREE"" Setup) Engulfing Patterns The Dark Cloud Cover and the Piercing Line Pattern The Harami Patterns The Bullish and Bearish Railway Track Patterns12) Triple Candlestick Patterns (with the application of ""TRREE"" Setup)The Morning Star and Evening Star PatternsThe 3 White Soldiers and 3 Black Crows Patterns13) How to search Tradable Candlesticks Patterns in the Jungle?See you inside the course!"
Price: 99.99

"AWS-Sysops Administration" |
"Hello Cloud Gurus!We designed this cloud certification Practise Exam for anyone interested in taking the AWS-Sysops Administration SOA-C01 Exam. By the end of the Practise test, you'll be prepared to pass the newly-released associate-level AWS Certified SysOps Administrator exam confidently.The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate ( SOA-C01 ) is consistently among the top-paying IT certifications, considering that Amazon Web Services is the leading cloud services platform in the world with almost 50% market share!The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam is specifically designed to validate the technical knowledge of AWS SysOps Administrators, Systems Administrators, and those in a DevOps role who create an automatable and repeatable deployment of applications, networks, and systems on the AWS platform. Take your career and salary to the next level with an AWS SysOps Administrator Associate certification!This AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Practice Exam course is for anyone who is looking for a study material that provides the following:At the end of this practise exam course you will be able to confidently sit the associate-level AWS SysOps Administrator exam, and earn one of the highest paying certifications in the industry.The average salary for AWS-certified IT staff is 27.5 percent higher than the normThe average salary for those holding the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate certification is $111,966."
Price: 19.99

"Kurumsal Deiim Liderlii - Kurumlar ahlandrma" |
"Kurumlar da srekli deiim kanlmazdr. Deiimin olmad kurumlar batmaya mahkumdur. Deiimi irket kltr haline getirmek aa uyum salamann balangcdr. Deiim irketin personeli ile balar ynetim ile desteklenir. Byk irket olmann srr deiimden geer. Kurumlar da deiim liderleri kurumlarn geleceini oluturma asndan nem arz eder.Kurumsal deiim gelecein ykselen yldzdr. Deimeyen kurum gemiin tozlu sayfalarnda sadece kalr. Kurum lideri"
Price: 49.99

"Zengin Yaam Srlar ve Kaliteli Yaam Oluturma" |
"Kaliteli yaam ile baar dolu bir hayat iin atlacak admlar. Doru hedef stratejileri, baarlar, motivasyona, baarnn anahtar ve formlleri, yaam da mutlu olmann sihirli adm, zengin bir yaam ile hedefleri gerekletirme admlarn reneceksiniz.Bu kur sayesinde artk hi bir ey eskisi gibi olmayacak yaamnz da SALIK, BAARI, MOTVASYON, SALIKLI YAAM daha fazlas bu kurs ieriinde sizi bekliyor.. Yaam daha kaliteli yaamak isteyenler hazrsa kursa bekliyoruz..."
Price: 49.99

"IIS Web Server: Publishing and Deploying Web Applications" |
"Internet Information Services (IIS) is not only a web server but it's also a full application server that we can deploy various web application platforms. IIS supports HTTP, HTTP/2, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, SMTP and NNTP. This bootcamp focuses on how to deploy various web application platform as followsASP.NET web application (.NET Framework)ASP.NET Core web application (.NET Core)PHP web applicationNode.js with Express frameworkPython Django web applicationThe bootcamp provides a complete guideline with step-by-step for deploying web applications. We use Internet Information Services (IIS) version 10 that is available on Windows 10, Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019. For demo, we use IIS on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019."
Price: 24.99

"Complete Procure to pay cycle in oracle cloud/Fusion ERP" |
"Procure To pay cycle in oracle Fusion Cloud ERP 1. Create Requisition2. Create Purchase Order 3. Create Receipt 4. Create AP Invoice 5. Create Payment 6. Post To GL 7. Bases tables For requisition8. Base tables For Purchasing 9. Base tables for Receiving transactions 10. Base tables for AP invoice and AP Invoice payments 11. Base Tables For XLA and GL 12 .Roles required to perform P2P Cycle 13 .Basics for Payment Format (Manage Formats)14.Payment Documents for bank accounts (Manage Bank Accounts )15 . Payment Process Request / profile 16. How to create item / item class 17.base tables for item and item class"
Price: 89.99
