"Web Data Scraping using Excel VBA" |
"In this course, you'd learn how to automate steps on a website to do your form filling job or data scraping work. You need to have good command over Excel and VBA before you start this course. You can refer my free course about Excel VBA on my youtube channel ""Extreme Automation - Kamal Girdher""Happy Learning!"
Price: 29.99

"I Will Teach You to Read! - Course #2 (of 5)" |
"This course is the second of five, and includes Lessons 1-20 of the Ready, Set, Read: Reading Program (100 lessons in all).Ready, Set, Read, taught on video by teacher and author, Vera Clark, teaches a person how to read fluently, using the phonics-based, Ready, Set, Read: Reading Program. Beginning with learning the sounds of the letters, then learning to blend letters to make words, I then teach 100 reading lessons leading to fluent reading at a 6th grade level. (Each lesson is about 10 min.)This Course (#2) begins with Lesson 21 with words containing 'st' and 'sk,' and each lesson teaches new skills and letter combinations, such as 'nd' 'nt' 'fl' 'br' 'bl' 'sm' 'tw' 'sh' 'th' 'ch' 'tch' 'wh' 'qu' 'ee' 'ea' and 'oo' using them in sentences. In this course we will learn to use 'ing,' 'ang,' 'ong,' and 'ink,' 'ank,' and 'onk'. We will also learn to read contractions.There are five courses, each containing 20 lessons on video. This course is appropriate for all ages young to old, if they are alert and able to focus attention. All ages enjoy the adorable dog, Buddy, as well as the pleasant music. In Course #1 students print the following:*Success Chart your ""log"" to chart student's progress. This chart motivates the student. Parents or tutors may offer an incentive to the student for reaching certain goals.*Flash cards for learning the sounds of the letters.*Print the List of ABC sounds and pictures (which contains the same info as the flash cards, but in list form).*Print the Lesson Index, which lists the skills being taught in each lesson.*Print the Reading Lessons (1-20), for student practice and independent reading.In Course #2 students print the following:*Print the Reading Lessons (21-40), for student practice and independent reading.Finally, you have an easy, fun way to learn to read, with short lessons, which motivates your student to learn! Let Vera Clark teach your student to be a confident reader with Ready, Set, Read!"
Price: 34.99

"Graph Theory" |
"Graphs are very simple mathematical objects that can model basically every problem in combinatorics, and as such one can rapidly go from what is well known to what is unknown with just a few more definitions. Discover with me the beauty of this topic.This is part of the syllabus for maths olympians in high school. Also discrete maths in undergraduate university."
Price: 134.99

"Category Theory Crash Course" |
"Introduces the philosophy and basic results of category theory. The main one that has become quite well known is called Yoneda's Lemma and is a really fun way to apply the philosophy of category theory. We also have simple but fundamental notions in theory such as duality and universality which relate many of the constructions we knew about but perhaps didn't realise we related in this or that way. Will try to be a living course that grows with student participation."
Price: 59.99

"Harp Lessons 3.0" |
"In this course you will learn:- Strengthen finger independence- Left hand harmony patterns (4-2-1)- Scales- Triplets- Arpeggios- Pop tunes to accompany the technique lessonsTechnique is always addressed for those who are continuing harp as well as those who are using this course as a refresher course.Improve your playing today!If you haven't done so already, check out the previous two courses Harp for Beginners and Harp for Beginners 2.0"
Price: 24.99

"Apprendre AutoCAD Civil 3D (Partie 1)" |
"Le logiciel AutoCAD civil 3D est le produit par excellence d'Autodesk en ce qui concerne le gnie civil, il est complet et trs puissant. Cette formation qui allie thorie et pratique vous permettra de mieux comprendre l'utilisation de civil 3D et ainsi damliorer vos comptences professionnelles. Dans cette formation, nous commencerons par le tlchargement et l'installation du logiciel, ensuite nous verrons comment partir d'un lev de terrain et aboutir un projet d'amnagement en 3D, tout ceci en passant par la cration des gabarits de dessin, le calcul de la des polygonales , la gestion des points, la gestion des surfaces, la gestion des parcelles, les lignes caractristiques et les plateformes de terrassementCette formation a t ralise sur la version 2019. Vous pouvez galement suivre cette formation si vous utilisez une version antrieure d'AutoCAD Civil 3D.A la fin de cette formation , le logiciel AutoCAD civil 3D n'aura plus aucun secret pour vous"
Price: 149.99

"Formation complte du modle MVC en PHP procdural" |
"DescriptionVous souhaitez apprendre coder en PHP de manire propre, simple et efficace laide de larchitecture MVC (Model, view, controller), ce cours est fait pour vous.Apprenez les concepts de base de l'utilisation de larchitecture MVC (modle-vue-contrleur) qui rendra vos projets PHP plus rapides, plus faciles crire et maintenir, et plus srs.Apprenez structurer votre code PHP comme un professionnel en dveloppant une application partir de zro.Faites passer vos projets de dveloppement Web au niveau suprieurLa plupart des sites Web et les applications web crites en PHP utilisent ce modle MVC qui devient le plus populaire.L'cart entre la connaissance de PHP et l'utilisation d'un framework peut tre norme. Ce cours vise vous faire doter des principes de base du modle MVC en PHP Procdural qui vous faciliteront ensuite ladoption de ce modle de conception en PHP Orient Objet puis lapprentissage dun framework comme symfony, zend framework ou laravel.Contenu et vue d'ensembleJ'ai conu ce cours pour tre facilement compris par les programmeurs qui connaissent PHP mais ne savent pas comment coder en utilisant le MVC. Mettez-vous du code de base de donnes et du HTML dans le mme script PHP ? Vous voulez savoir pourquoi c'est une mauvaise ide ? Voulez-vous savoir comment le faire mieux ?En commenant par les concepts de base du MVC, ce cours vous fera dcouvrir toutes les tapes ncessaires pour mettre en place larchitecture MVC tape par tape.En commenant par un simple script PHP, chaque cours vous montre ce que vous allez ajouter au code et pourquoi, en construisant le modle MVC tape par tape. la fin de ce cours, vous aurez construit plusieurs fonctions dune application de gestion et dinscription aux cours en ligne volutive que vous pourrez la dvelopper et lamliorer comme il vous semble.Dans ce cours, nous dvelopperons tape par tape, dans le cadre de larchitecture MVC (Model View Controller), une application Web de gestion et dinscription au cours en ligne en utilisant le PHP procdural. Nous mettrons en place, le systme de routage et de rcriture dURL (en utilisant le .htaccess). Nous traiterons galement la gestion de la base de donnes laide de lobjet PDO, en mettant en lumire les quarte oprations du CRUD.Lapplication que nous allons dvelopper comprendra :Gestion des cours (CRUD) : ajouter, rcuprer et afficher, mettre jour et supprimer un cours.Cration de compte utilisateur (tudiant)Authentification complte de lutilisateurValidation du formulaire ct serveurInscription un coursRcupration et affichage des cours auxquels est inscrits un utilisateur.Mise en place et adaptation dun thme bootstrap (gratuit)Le code source est libre et reste votre disposition en tlchargement. qui s'adresse ce cours ?Ce cours MVC PHP est destin ceux qui connaissent dj PHP mais qui veulent savoir comment ils peuvent amliorer leur code en utilisant le MVC. Ce cours n'est pas pour vous si vous ne connaissez pas dj PHP procdural."
Price: 69.99

"Power BI Essentials: Build & Share a Dashboard for COVID-19" |
"We live in a world that is driven by data and having data skills is needed in just about every job. Learn the best practices of data visualisation using Microsoft Power BI and gain practical experience by developing a COVID-19 dashboard. This course will introduce you to power BI, a data visualisation tool which enables you to create professional dashboards and perform analytics with a few clicks of a button. This is what you will learn:Best practices for building an engaging and meaningful dashboard Create a professionally designed interactive dashboard in Power BI using COVID-19 as the real world scenarioConnect Power BI to live data on the web Build visualisation charts and learn how to format themPerform calculated measures in Power BIShare your dashboard online with the public"
Price: 24.99

"Microsoft MB-230 and MB-240 Cert Exam : Practice Test 2020" |
"Welcome to the practice test exam Microsoft MB-230 and MB-240 Cert Exam : Practice Test 2020MB-230 exam candidates are Dynamics 365 functional consultants with customer service expertise. Candidates are responsible for implementing omnichannel solutions that focus upon service, quality, reliability, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.Candidates should understand industry terminology, priorities, standards, methodologies, customer service operations, and best practices. Candidates should include a comprehensive understanding of the Customer Service application's role in relationship to the Dynamics 365 suite of applications along with a basic understanding of the solution architecture and quality assurance.MB-240 exam candidates are Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement functional consultants with Field Service expertise. Candidates are responsible for implementing solutions that manage resources that complete the field service lifecycle.This practice test will help you prepare for the real Microsoft official exam test environment. Microsoft Exam MB-230 Certification Exam improve the following skills questions:Perform configuration Manage cases and the knowledge base Manage queues, entitlements, and SLAs Configure Forms Pro Microsoft Exam MB-240 Certification Exam improve the following skills questions:Configure field service applications Manage work ordersSchedule and dispatch work orders Manage field service mobility Manage inventory and purchasing Manage assets and agreements This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.Best of luck !"
Price: 29.99

"Introduccin al desarrollo backend con Node.js y Express" |
"Aprende a crear aplicaciones backend con nodejs y express desde cero con ejemplos prcticos, buenas practicas de programacin y tips que te ayudaran a convertirte en un experto en el desarrollo backend.Crea tus propias APIs REST usando una de las tecnologas ms demandas en la actualidad para el desarrollo de software."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Unity 3d For Absolute beginners 2020" |
"Well UNITY is a beast for building games and its one of the best tool you can find out there. I don't think there is any other tool for building games. Unity is becoming faster and more powerful and easy to use and more importantly it FREE. You can make a game and with a press of a button u can ship it to multiple platform. With more and more people playing games on the phone these day its best time to get in to the game making business. In this course you will learn the foundation to building any Game. You will learn all the foundational c# for unity that is needed build any game.You will learn a lot of trick and tip on how to build. Finally we will upload the game to play store"
Price: 69.99

"Android Q App Development Mastery Course - Build 20+ Apps" |
"If you are looking for Complete Android App Development Masterclass , then this course is specially designed for you. In this course, we are going to explore android app development from basic to high level concepts. You will LearnAndroid ArchitectureAndroid Jetpacks ComponentsNotificationsGoogle ServicesRemote Database connectionPersistent Memory options in AndroidThird party Library IntegrationXml and Json Parsingand tons of useful stuffs about android app developmentWant to get highly paid job as an android developer in 2020 ?After joining this course, your chance of getting respected position as an android developer will be high because you will get to know about the actual development concepts of a High Level Android App Development here."
Price: 199.99

"Explicando LinkedIn" |
"Apesar de funcionar basicamente como uma rede social comum, o Linkedin uma Rede Social Profissional, ou seja, uma rede voltada para sua carreira. um espao para voc mostrar suas habilidades, expandir seus conhecimentos dentro da sua rea de atuao e entrar em contato com o mercado de trabalho e outros profissionais, mostrando um pouquinho do que voc faz e como voc atua. Conhea nesse curso os conceitos bsicos dessa rede."
Price: 39.99

"Explicando Loja Integrada" |
"A Loja Integrada uma plataforma de loja virtual muito simples que possui planos gratuitos e que pode te ajudar muito a comear a vender seus produtos online e de maneira escalvel.Entende como usar um e-commerce para colocar seus produtos online, com todos os recursos para voc comear agora mesmo a vender pela internet."
Price: 39.99

"Slack for beginners: complete guide (2020)" |
"Do you know Slack? This app used by start-ups or big companies becomes more and more famous!Why? Because it is an easy tool that allows you to communicate with your colleagues or your team in private. Slack has been made for big organisations like Nasa, Nintendo or Adobe. This type of organisation always need channels to communicate. Moreover, they need to share sensitive data or files: Slack is very efficient for this. Slack aims to replace e-mails and they've succeed.If you start a company or a start-up, you MUST add Slack to your work process!What is Slack?Slack is essentially a chat room for your whole company, designed to replace email as your primary method of communication and sharing. Its workspaces allow you to organize communications by channels for group discussions and allows for private messages to share information, files, and more all in one place.Why to use Slack?Slack is a collaboration software tool that allows teams to work together to share information and communicate through calls. Slack features organized conversations, a searchable history, and allows teams to work with external users. This course will provide an in-depth look at Slack, including joining a workspace and working with channels. It will also look at how to send and view messages as well as make calls to others. Finally, it will look at how to share files and to improve efficiencies search techniques and shortcuts.In this course, we are going to explore the whole application. We are going to create our own Slack, to customise our workspace, to manage settings and administration and to create channels for our teams to share and to communicate.At the end of this course, you'll be able to create and to manage your own Slack's workspace."
Price: 64.99

"React JS: Sfrdan Balayarak React JS, Redux ve Hooks ren" |
"MerhabalarReact JS: Sfrdan Balayarak React JS, Redux ve Hooks ren kursuna hogeldiniz. React renmeye yeni balyor,React ile modern web uygulamalar renmek istiyor,Reacti anlamak ve Redux, Hooks ve Context konularn renerek kendini React konusunda yetitirmek istiyorsan bu kurs tam sana gre.Sfrdan renin!Bu kurs sizi balang seviyelerinden alp ileri seviyeye getirmeyi hedefliyor. React JS, Redux ve Hooks kursumuzda grsel diyagramlarla ve basit web uygulamalaryla, React JS ile web gelitirme konusunda bilmeniz gereken konular sizlere anlatmaya altk. Eitim sresince React JS'i nasl kullanacanz renebilmeniz ve kullanrken kendinizi gvende hissedebilmeniz iin kursu mmkn olduunca kolaydan zora olacak bir ekilde oluturduk. Meslek transformasyonu yaayan rencilerimizin tecrbelerinden ve geri beslemelerinden istifade ettik. Eer sizde React JS'i ve React JS ile birlikte kullanlan en popler, React Router, React Portal ve Redux ktphanelerini en iyi ekilde renmek istiyorsanz bu kurs tam da aradnz React JS kursu. nk size bu kursta React JS'i tm ynleriyle anlatmaya alacaz. Ve sizinle bu kursta React Hooks konusunuda kapsaml sekilde ele alacaz. Konunun ne oldugunun daha iyi anlalmas iin Context Apinin ne olduunu ve nasl kullanldn, daha sonra Hooks yapsn ele alacaz. Son olarak Context Api ve Hooksu birlikte kullanldmzda bizlere salad kolaylklar inceleyeceiz. nk renmede, eitimin ierii kadar, konunun sunulma srasnn da ok nemli olduunu dnyoruz.React JS, Redux ve Hooks kursunda neler reneceksiniz?Bu kursta Reacti eitli projeler oluturarak reneceiz. Bu projeler, HTML,CSS ve Javascripti temel seviyede bilen ve Reactin temellerini renmek isteyen herkes iin tasarlanmtr. lk nce Reactin kurulumu ve React ktphanesi ile ilgili bilmemiz gereken kavramlar reneceiz ve ardndan 5 proje oluturacazFirst-App uygulamas ile create-react-app ile tanacaz ve jsx renmeye balayacaz.Blog-posts uygulamas ile Reactin en nemli konularndan propsu reneceiz.Hemisphere uygulamas ile component, state, lifecycle method ve asenkron ilemler gibi daha birok konuyu bur kursta reneceizImage-list uygulamas ile Apidan veri ekmeyi ve event handlerslar yardm ile gelen verileri browser ekrannda listelemeyi reneceiz.React-router uygulamas ile ok sayfal web uygulamas oluturmay ve ok daha fazlasn reneceiz.Ardndan;React JS ile single page application oluturmay,Reactin en nemli konular olan Component, Props, State ve Component Life Cycle metotlarn,Api'a istek atmay, Api'dan veri ekmeyi ve verileri browser ekrannda kullancya gstermeyi,Input form ve eventler ile kullanc isteklerini ynetmeyi,React Router ile ok sayfal web uygulamas yapmay,React Portals yardmyla hzl ve kolay bir ekilde modal oluturmay,React uygulamalarmzda, uygulamamzn verilerini Redux ktphanesi ile nasl ynetebileceimizi, global state de tuttuumuz verilere componentlarmzdan kolayca nasl ulaabileceimizi ve Redux store da depoladmz verileri actionlar oluturarak nasl maniple edeceimizi,Redux Thunk ile Asynchronous ilemleri gerekletirmeyi,En byk ve gelimi React uygulamalarn Redux ktphanesini kullanarak kolay bir ekilde ina etmesini reneceiz.Son olarakta Hooks ve Context konusuna balayarak;Class Component ile Context oluturmay,Consumer ile Context'e eriimiContext Type ile Contexte eriimi Contextde bulunan verileri maniple etmeyiuseState, useEffect, useReducer, ve useContext HooklarnReducer, Action ve Dispatch kavramlarnVe React Hooks hakknda ok daha fazlasn reneceksiniz.Neden bizim React JS kursumuza katlmalsnz?Bu konuda cevabmz basit: Kursumuzun kalitesi.Kaydolduunuzda, OAK Akademi'nin deneyimli eitmenlerinin konuya hakimiyetini ve ayn zamanda tecrbelerini aktarmadaki uzmanlklarn hissedeceksiniz.Gncel erikTeknolojinin hzl bir ekilde nasl gelitii sr deil. Her gn yeni aralar piyasaya srlyor, React JS de kendini gncelliyor ve en son bilgilerden haberdar olmak sektrde ok nemli. Bu kursla her zaman en yeni trendleri takip etme ansna sahip olacaksn.Video ve retim Kalitesi KalitesiTm ieriklerimiz size en iyi renme deneyimini sunmak iin yksek kaliteli video / ses olarak retiyoruz.Kursiyerlerimiz,Soru&Cevap blmnde hzl cevaplar alabilecek,Kursu bitiren tm kursiyerlerimiz kurs bitirme sertifikalarn Udemy'den indirebilecekDaha fazla zaman kaybetmeyin ve React JS: Sfrdan Balayarak React JS, Redux ve Hooks ren kursumuza siz de kayt olun!Kursta grmek zere!"
Price: 199.99

"Quick Guide for Fiverr Freelancing and extra way to income" |
"Want to Sell on Fiverr without no skill?I've been selling on Fiverr as a new seller,level 1 seller and level 2 seller for over 2 years. In this Fiverr Mastercourse, you'll learn everything you need to establish a successful seller account on Fiverr and how to create gigs that sell best on Fiverr.this course is a quick guide to setup your fiverr profile and make your first gig,this course suitable for students who love to earn 100-200$ month as a new seller.Let me tell a story i really didnt know how to design anything in the beginning but through many failures and many tries i learn so many things to design,if you think you dont have any skill to sell on fiverr check my other courses.Thank you"
Price: 24.99

"Preprate para el examen UNAM (rea II)" |
"Con estos reactivos, que abarcan absolutamente todo el temario del examen, podrs aumentar tu oportunidad de quedarte en la carrera que elijas. Esta dividido en 6 secciones de acuerdo al tema del reactivo. Podrs responder y en caso de fallar tendrs la oportunidad de repasar el tema y volverlo a intentar. Tambin tendrs la oportunidad de ver el enfoque que se le da en cada una de las preguntas en este tipo de exmenes. Los reactivos que hay en estos exmenes no son como los de tu escuela, tienen una manera diferente de abordar los temas y en una pregunta pueden abordad distintos temas, es por eso que debes prepararte muy bien. Estos reactivos te ayudaran prepararte mejor para ese gran reto."
Price: 270.00

"Ejercicios de Matemticas para examen UNAM (Nivel Superior)" |
"Con estos reactivos, que abarcan absolutamente todo el temario del examen, podrs aumentar tu oportunidad de quedarte en la carrera que elijas. Esta dividido en 6 secciones de acuerdo al tema del reactivo. Podrs responder y en caso de fallar tendrs la oportunidad de repasar el tema y volverlo a intenta. Tambin tendrs la oportunidad de ver el enfoque que se le da en cada una de las preguntas en este tipo de exmenes. Los reactivos que hay en estos exmenes no son como los de tu escuela, tienen una manera diferente de abordar los temas y en una pregunta pueden abordad distintos temas, es por eso que debes prepararte muy bien. Estos reactivos te ayudaran prepararte mejor para ese gran reto."
Price: 270.00

"Transformational Leadership Theory - Leadership Wisdom" |
"Transformational Leadership Theory:Most of what is taught in leadership courses today is Old B.S. (""Belief Systems"") that just doesn't work for the Modern Leader. Old, Outdated ideas will actually Hurt you in the New Millennium. You need Cutting-edge Tools, Tips and Strategies that REALLY get the job done. Let CEO & Celebrity Trainer Prof. Paul teach you the Hidden Secrets that Real Leaders use Rise above the rest. Learn the Hidden Secrets that Top CEOs and Team Leaders use to produce Impressive Results day after day. This top-notch training can help you rise to the top faster than you ever thought possible. Let Prof. Paul show you the Hidden Secrets of Psychology Known only to the most Educated and Elite CEOs and Leaders in the World. Learn Tools, Strategies and Techniques even Harvard doesn't teach.Discover The Hidden Secrets Of The Worlds BEST Leaders ...1) Basic Through Advanced Leadership Skills2) How To Deal With Staff Issues Fast & Effectively3) Eliminate Old Lies & Misperceptions About Leading4) Gain New Empowering & Effective Beliefs & Values5) Gain Powerful New Skills To Help You Excel6) Improve Your Relationships With Staff7) Learn How To Get The MOST Out Of Your Team8) The Secrets Of How REAL Leaders SUCCEED9) How To RISE Above the Ordinary Leader10) ... And So MUCH MORE!30 Day FULL Money-Back Guarantee ... ZERO-Risk To You ... Get Started NOW!Leaders Take ACTION! Start Today ... Be A Better Leader Tomorrow!INSTRUCTOR: ""Prof. Paul"" - Serial Entrepreneur and Psychology Expert. CEO at Advanced Ideas, Inc, Award Winning University Professor, Therapist, Corporate Trainer, Professional Speaker, Internet Marketing Expert and Business Consultant. I have 4 Advanced Degrees, Extensive Experience in the fields of Business & Psychology ... and a Wealth of Information to Share!Our Goal Is To TRANSFORM Your Life! Gain An Unfair Advantage In Life By Learning From The BEST. Advanced Ideas, Inc. Is A Top Online Educational Company Dedicated To Bringing You The BEST Cutting-Edge Tools From Award-Winning Educator, Businessman And Celebrity Prof. Paul J. Cline. Our Goal Is to Make YOU Massively Successful. If You Want The BEST Tools, Strategies And Techniques In The Areas Of Psychology & Business You Are In The Right Place.PS - Let Us Help You Transform Your Life Today Gain Tools/Skills You Never Even Knew Existed."
Price: 199.99

"HACKING THIQUE Piratage des rseaux sans fil (WIFI)" |
"Vous trouverez ici tout un tas dastuces et de conseils pour pirater la connexion Wifi (cracker une cl WEP/WAP/WAP2/WPS). Si vous tiez un pirate, et si nous avions vocation vous expliquer comment entrer par effraction sur le rseau du voisin afin de lutiliser des fins malhonntes. Or, ce nest pas le cas. En partant du principe qui veut quun homme averti en vaut deux, voici un bref topo sur les vulnrabilits inhrentes au sans fil et les moyens de renforcer sa scurit, mme si aucune mthode nassurera une protection 100% de votre systme face un Pirateur wifi en 2020.CRACKER LE WIFI CEST POSSIBLEAttention, la scurit du rseau est une affaire de spcialiste. Cette formation a juste vocation montrer quelques exemples de mthodes qui peuvent tre utilises pour pirater une connexion, dans un seul but prventif. Dailleurs nous reviendrons aprs sur les dangers de vouloir pirater une connexion Wifi."
Price: 199.99

"How to write research paper: Effective factors and sources" |
"Which factors affect your success? How each factor will affect your success? Which factors are more imortant than others? How can you benefit from the website of the target journal, editorial board, scholars, databases, publishers, readership, websites & tools for plagiarism, retraction, referencing, downloading free books? Which sources to read and to cite in your paper? Which authors' papers are more imortant? What are the factors that affect the process of writing a research paper? How does each of these factors affect the process of writing a research paper? What sources I had better study before the process of writing a research paper? Where can I find these sources? While studying the sources, which sources should be prioritized over others? And why? The sources published in what time frame are better? The sources written by which authors are better to read and to cite? The sources published by which publishers and which journals are better? The sources published in which languages are better? and many other similar questions. In this course, all these questions will be answered."
Price: 29.99

"Html, Css Dersleri ve Boostrap 4 Eitimi ile Proje Oluturma" |
"uan okuduunuz sayfa dahi HTML temel yapsn kullanmaktadr. Web teknolojilerinin temeli olan HTML'i kursumuzda uygulayarak renebileceksiniz. Video kurs boyunca w3 standartlarn baz alarak HTML etiketleri ve ablon yaplarn renerek web sayfas gelitirebilir bir hale geleceiz. Video derslerde karkla sebep olmadan pratik ekilde rneklerle ilerleyeceiz. Ayn zamanda HTML dersleri bittikten hemen sonra CSS dersleri ile hazrladmz veya birlikte hazrlayacamz html ablonlar stiller ile gzelletireceiz. Son olarak bootsrap ile bir web sitesi projesi gelitireceiz.rendiklerinizle hazrladmz rnek web sitesini FTP aracl ile alan ad (domain) altna ykleyerek internet yaynna aabileceiz.Faydalar:HTML etiketlerini ve CSS temelini renmi olacaksnz.Kendi HTML ablonunuzu hazrlayp web sitesi projelerinizde kullanabileceksiniz.Gncel HTML - CSS Frameworklerini kolayca uygulayabileceksiniz.Responsive yani mobil,tablet ve masast cihazlar iin tek yap kullanma mantn anlam olacaksnz."
Price: 49.99

"Kaynakl malat Mhendisi/Uzman Yetitirme Eitim Program" |
"Kaynakl imalat ISO standartlarnda zel bir proses olarak nitelendirilir. Bu nedenle de kaynak ilemlerinin de kalite gvencesi ve ynetimi iin Uluslararas zel standartlar yaynlanmtr. Ergitme kaynaklarnn kalite gvence artlarn belirleyen ynetim standart ISO 3834 standartdr. Kaynakl imalatta bu standartlardaki ynetim ve kalite gvenceyi salayabilmek iin ise gerekli teknik bilgiye sahip yetkin personellere ihtiya duyulmaktadr. Eitimimizin amacda bu aamada balamaktadr. Bu imalar alannda alacak yetkin mhendis/uzman personellere gerekli bilgiyi aktarmay planlyoruz."
Price: 49.99

"How to Become a Certified Copywriter in 1 Day" |
"SO I HEARD YOU WANT TO BE A CERTIFIED COPYWRITER. Maybe you found out that copywriters make A LOT of money? Or maybe you're struggling to sell your products or services because you just don't know how?Then this course is for you! WHAT IS A COPYWRITER ANYWAY? A copywriter is someone who takes the reader to take action through his or her play of words. This action may be to purchase a product or service, to subscribe to a newsletter, or to participate in something. Ever seen an ad that convinced you to buy what was being sold? You barely even hesitated. You just BOUGHT. Chances are, a copywriter was behind that campaign! Copywriting is NOT the same as just writing though. Sure, you can write, but CAN YOUR WRITING SELL? This is what this course is for. By the end of this course, you will learn: The basics of copywritingThe stages of a winning campaignHow to hypnotize your prospect to buy from you with your wordsHow to write sales letters that actually get repliesHow to write emails that get opened and readHow to write blogs that get clicked and readHow to write for online sales pages to get high conversionsBONUS Materials include: How much copywriters can make freelancing (hint: it's A LOT!) Sample winning copy materials WHO AM I? *My name is Reese. I'm a lawyer, professor and certified direct-response copywriter. I love to write and I love to teach. But the thing is, I have a VERY short attention span, and a lot of courses out there bore me out of my mind! Don't get me wrong. Learning is beautiful, but some lessons just make you want to take a nap!Remember when you once struggled with algebra as a kid? Then when you grew up, you realized you never needed it anyway? Seriously, the world would be a much better place if we were just taught what we NEEDED and WANTED to know in just a few minutes. Who EVEN has time to go through several minutes of lecture? I know I don't! Hence this course! I made sure to cut through the noise and just give you the facts as they are. Each video is less than 10 minutes long. In fact, most are under 5 minutes. This way, you won't be struggling to get out of your seat. ;)To make sure that you get the most of this course, please check out the attached PDFs, and do your assignments. If you need any help and feedback, you may message me here on Udemy, and I will gladly check it out and get back to you. To make sure that you understood the modules, don't forget to also quiz yourself! And of course, PRACTICE. Don't be afraid to test things out. I look forward to seeing you in class and joining me. I've gotchu! P.S. You will be awarded a Certificate of Completion once you pay for the course and complete it. But if you get access to this course with a free coupon or for free, then a Certificate won't be available as per Udemy's terms."
Price: 19.99

"Personal Leadership Training Program - From ZERO To HERO" |
"Leadership starts with you mastering some basic fundamentals that will lead you towards a successful life. Leadership is not given, its earned. Today you can earn it, and unleash the leader within you with the Personal Leadership Training Program - From ZERO To HERO.If you want to boost your productivity and become more productive, you are already ahead of tons of people who don't understand the importance of being productive.. Yet. In a digital world, where every second count, improving your memory, and your learning ability can give you a huge advantage over everybody else around you by making you more productive. You have the chance to master productivity, to be the "" productive "" version of yourself, the version you always wanted to be. In this course, we will go through the Scientific Background of learning strategies and how it learning works, memory and how you can control it and use it to your advantage, speed reading and how to read way more in less time while ensuring proper comprehension of the content. You will learn the fundamental scientific basis behind productivity and time management.We even went beyond that to explain different concepts related to your daily life that, by controlling, you can even take it up a notch and control some of the detrimental habits that you haveYou will not just learn how to be more productive, you will rewire your brain into being more productive, more effective, become a proficient speed reader and perfect your reading, improve and enhance your memory on a daily and natural level, and learn like you never did before."
Price: 199.99

"Java for ABSOLUTE beginners! [April 2020 Edition]" |
"Java for Absolute Beginners is designed for those who have no previous experience in computer programming/coding. This course aims to teach programming at a steady pace with straightforward explanations so that you are not left with a thousand questions. Topics are explained in plain English and with the necessary depth, enabling you to piece everything together with ease."
Price: 174.99

"Presentation Design Masterclass" |
"This course is a complete Masterclass on how to design effective and engaging presentations that look beautiful and help you stand out. A distillation of 15 years experience crafting professional strategy presentations at the highest levels, this course is a step-by-step breakdown of the structure and techniques behind great presentations, and gives you concrete methods and process to apply the insights to the presentation you're working on right now."
Price: 54.99

"MS PowerPoint (Beginners & Advanced): Fast Track Training" |
"MS PowerPoint (Beginners & Advanced): Fast Track Training:Upgrade Your Skills And Expertise With Our Beginners and Advanced Video TrainingHere's What You'll Learn In These Video Series:How to use PowerPoint Animations to impress your audience.How to customize Shapes use Objects in PowerPoint.Learn how to group and ungroup functionalities with your favourite tool.How to create space within PowerPoint shapes and internal marginsHow to add and use quick access toolbar buttonsLearn how to format text, resize and rotate objects easily.How to use the slide structure and how to succeed with it.Learn the different techniques used by top speakers to make their presentation interesting.And many more...Do you have a presentation to do? Do you plan to create an info-product?Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Present Your Idea Effectively Using PowerPoint.Do you have a business proposal to present to your clients?...or maybe you are just an infopreneur looking to sell your knowledge onlineIf your answer is a big yes... then this could be the most important letter you will ever read.Do It Like The ProsDo you know what all the top speakers have in common when they deliver a message to their audience?In one word: PowerPoint.Thats right.They use PowerPoint to present their ideas to the public.Why?Because its super easy to use and its very flexible.Did You Know1. PowerPoint was created by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin in 1987, then it was an independent company owned by Forethought, Inc.2. The software was initially developed to work on Macintosh computers only. Microsoft decided to acquire PowerPoint the very same year it was developed, they paid $14million.3. In 1993 PowerPoint became part of Microsoft Office.4. PowerPoint's market share is estimated to be around 95% together with that of Microsoft office.5. Currently, over 500 million people use PowerPoint, with about 30 million presentations being created everyday.6. Over 6 million teachers around the world use PowerPoint for classroom lectures. While more than 120 Million people use PowerPoint to create business presentations.7. PowerPoint is now available as an app across all mobile devices.8. PowerPoint online is a cloud based version of PowerPoint that allows users to create, edit and share PowerPoint presentations. Users can work with others on shared projects, in real-time.Why You Need To Get Started Now:Stay on top of your presentations with PowerPoint mobilePowerPoint online provides the highest level of convenienceMake use of PowerPoint templates in over 40 categories.Keep your thoughts and ideas organized for a presentationKeep the attention and engagement of your audienceIntroducingHow To Organize & Present Your Ideas With PowerPointTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to get started on PowerPoint and how to use it organize your ideas with it.I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite few knows.You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover Inside This Video Training:How to get started with PowerPoint.Learn how to get use to the interface and configure your settings.Learn how to create your first presentation slide and what are the options to select when doing it.Learn how to work with PowerPoint templates and backgrounds.How to quickly and easily work with body text and headlines.How to create attractive PowerPoint slides that will WOW your audience.How to use the configuration settings and organize your ideas properly in these slides.How to insert graphics in your presentation slides and how to make good use of it.Learn how to clone multiple slides at once to speed up your time.Learn the different techniques involved in creating presentations like the pros do.And so many more...------------------------------------------------------MS PowerPoint For Beginners Fast Track Training:1 - Overview - Beginners2 - Using The Right Mouse Button3 - The Home Menu - Clipboard Sub Menu - Editing Sub Menu4 - The Home Menu - Slides Sub Menu5 - The Home Menu - Font and Paragraph Sub Menus6 - The Home Menu - Drawing Sub Menu - Dictation Sub Menu7 - The Home Menu - Importing from Keynote and Google Docs8 - The Insert Menu - 3D Models and Add Ins9 - The Insert Menu - The Images Sub Menu10 - The Insert Menu - Media Sub Menu11 - The Design Menu12 - The Transitions Menu13 - The Animations Menu - Part One14 - The Animations Menu - Part Two15 - The Slide Show Menu16 - The Presenter View17 - The Review Menu18 - Sharing and Collaboration19 - The View Menu20 - View and Outline Command Example------------------------------------------------------MS PowerPoint Advanced: Fast Track Training:21 - Overview and Workspace - Advanced22 - The File Menu - Export Command23 - The File Menu - Options Sub Menu24 - Adding Sections25 - Using Smart Art26 - Hyperlinks27 - Adding 3D Images28 - Using the Actions Button29 - Using the Zoom Feature30 - Using the Screen Recorder31 - Using the Picture Background32 - Slide Master - Part 1 Picture Background33 - Slide Master - Part 234 - Using the Slide Sorter View35 - Using the Presenter View36 - Recording Our Presentation37 - Present Your Presentation Online38 - Insert Menu - Add Ins39 - Add Ins - Camtasia40 - Conclusion and Collaboration"
Price: 34.99

"Warrior Plus 2.0 (Beginners & Advanced): Fast Track Training" |
"This is the Marketers platformBrand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Increase Profit With Warrior PlusIntroducingWarrior Plus 2.0 Beginners & Advanced: Fast Track TrainingHere's What You'll Learn In These Upgraded Video Series:How to work with the advanced features and make the best of it.How to become more efficient in your daily activities and speed up your output using this platform.Learn the smart way to make things happen fast as the experts do with some key features of this service.Learn how to reduce frustrations and time-consuming activities by applying my practical advice when using this service.How about automation? Learn the simple tricks and tips we use to get it done.Master every aspect of this service so that you can train other people how to use it as it.Stay at the top of your competition and keep your business ahead of the learning curve.And so many more...Youve been wanting to get your offer out there to be seen by others.Its almost impossible for a new affiliate program to gain traction.The mistake many program owners make is thinking that affiliates will flock to them.Very few people are going to promote your program if they dont know who you are.Trust is an issue in todays world of online marketing. The affiliate needs to put a lot of trust into someone who is unvetted.That trust means risking valuable time and money that an affiliate may not have.Warrior Plus Is The Trusted Platform Online Marketers UseYouve been considering about putting your offer out there on Warrior Plus.Its both an exciting platform and also somewhat confusing to those whove never used it before.We help take out the confusion by explaining the entire process in our video series.All you need to do is watch our videos to fully understand how to take advantage of all the Warrior Plus benefits.Well even show you how to use their wallet system to make paying affiliates a snap. No longer do you have to worry about cutting checks or anything like that.The entire process has been streamlined so that you can focus all of your efforts on profits.The Growth Potential Is Almost LimitlessMany people promoting Warrior Plus offers are in the make money online niche. Every year there are more and more people wanting to make money on the internet.If youre in this niche, then you already know how profitable it can be. Though you should be aware other niches are being promoted at Warrior Plus.You can tap into all of the marketing power the site has to your offers, and it will result in sales.There arent many other places on the internet where you have the eyes of so many marketers focused on your offer.If what you have converts, youll have an almost endless amount of affiliates ready and willing to promote your offer.Let The Affiliates Do All The Hard Work For YouHow does that sound? It has to sound pretty good.Just think of how having others promote your offers will free up your time. It will allow you to focus on growing and expanding your business.Who knows, it may even give you enough time to create a new offer. All of this is possible if you fully understand how Warrior Plus works.No one signs up and understands all the bells and whistles the site has to offer. Anyone who thinks they do are fooling themselves.Itll be costly if you make this mistake. Instead, watch our videos and learn from the pros.Youll turn your offer into cash with the help of our videos and the professional marketers who promote the offers at Warrior Plus.Our Easy To Follow Videos Will Show You How Its DoneYou wont have any questions after watching our videos.Youll not only fully understand how Warrior Plus works, but you will also learn how to get affiliates to promote your offer.Our videos are fun, entertaining, and highly educational.Youll have a firm grasp of how to get your offer on Warrior Plus and the best ways to ensure that affiliates actively promote it.Sign up for this training today and make your future as bright as it possibly can be.Warrior Plus 2.0 Beginners & Advanced: Fast Track Training:-------------------------------------------------------------Warrior Plus 2.0 Beginners: Fast Track Profit Training1 - Overview2 - Sign Up Process3 - Account Settings4 - Vendor and Affiliate Settings - Part 15 - Vendor and Affiliate Settings - Part 26 - Vendor Settings - Warrior Plus Wallet - Part 17 - Vendor Settings - Warrior Plus Wallet - Part 28 - A Customers Warrior Plus Wallet Purchase9 - Creating a Product Offer - Part 110 - Creating a Product Offer - Part 211 - Add a Product - Part 112 - Add a Product - Part 213 - Preparing the Product Button14 - Activating Your Product Offer15 - Affiliate Auto Approval Thresholds Set By Vendor16 - Pre-Affiliate Offer Request17 - Affiliate Promotion Statistics18 - Affiliate Offer Request19 - What Happens When You Make A Sale20 - Doing Customer Research as a Vendor-------------------------------------------------------------Warrior Plus 2.0 Advanced: Fast Track Profit Training21 - Adding A Bonus As An Affiliate To An Upsell22 - Adding An Upsell To Your Offer - Part 123 - Adding An Upsell To Your Offer - Part 224 - Adding A Downsell To Your Offer25 - Creating A Subscription Product26 - Adding A Dime Sale To Your Product27 - Adding An Auto Responder To Your Product28 - Adding After Sale Customers To A Webinar29 - Adding Zapier To Warrior Plus - Part 130 - Adding Zapier To Warrior Plus - Part 231 - Adding In A Time Sale32 - Adding In A Countdown Timer33 - Adding In A Scarcity Warning34 - Adding In A JV Partner35 - Adding In A Coupon - Part 1 - Enter At Checkout36 - Adding In A Coupon - Part 2 - Auto Assign A Coupon37 - Adding An Affiliate Program - Part 138 - Adding An Affiliate Program - Part 239 - Adding An Affiliate Program - Part 340 - Adding An Affiliate Specific Coupon---------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 34.99

"Warrior Plus (Beginners & Advanced): Fast Track Training" |
"Do you want to know where to launch your products?See This Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Launch And Profit From Warrior Plus.Introducing...Warrior Plus (Beginners & Advanced): Fast Track TrainingAdvanced Edition...Here's What You'll Learn In These Upgraded Video Series:Learn how to create an affiliate contest and what are the right settings to choose.Learn how to look for good affiliates and how to approve them.Discover how what you should do after you create your offer so you can get your listing approved.Learn how to quickly and easily clone a funnel in just a few clicks.Learn how to check your account balances and how many sales you made over different interval of time.Learn who are your returning customers and what are their real worth.Is your customer and also an affiliate? Learn how to find this information.Advanced tips to use Warrior Plus to squeeze the maximum benefits for your business.Dear Friend,Whenever you launch a product, you want to make sure it gets the maximum exposure.But not only thatYoure also looking for a platform that is dynamic and flexible that you can rely on.There are so many of them available online and it seems like everyday a new one pop-outs from nowhere and everybody is just talking about it.Then after a period of time, its no more shiny and people lose interest.What To Look For? & Who To Trust?This is not an easy guess. The answer isnt always that obvious.Weve seen many companies come and go overnight. They made big promises to people, you trust them - you move your business on their platform, and then one day comes some bad news.Your business falls apart.What do you do? Who will you trust?The Ultimate Selling Platform For Internet Marketers.Ive tried so many platforms over the years.Ive been disappointed by many of them and lost a lot of money.But out of the so many platform Ive used, theres one which has always stand out of the crowd, and thats Warrior Plus.The first of its kind instant-split payment platform that was created way back a decade ago.The first approved and endorsed by the previous owner of Warrior Forum himself - Allen Says.Even with the influx of competitors in the market, Warrior Plus is still standing and stronger than before - still processing millions of dollars every year flawlessly.Why You Need To Get Started Now:Robust and Reliable. Its been there for over a decade.User Friendly. The interface is well thought and easy to use.Feature Rich Interface. The sky is the limit. There are so many things you can do with it when launching a product.Security. Years of programming and improvements.FREE. You can get started today without paying an upfront fee.And the list goes on and on...Launching with Warrior Plus will also help you grow your business because it has a huge affiliate network helping you succeed.So taking all these awesome benefits into consideration, I decided to come up with this unique over the shoulder video series to get you started very quickly with it.How To Unleash The Full Power of Warrior Plus Affiliate Network.Theres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how launch your product with Warrior Plus and get your offer up and launch faster than you expected.I reveal my best tips for using this amazing platform. You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover Inside This Video Training:Learn how to quickly and easily get use to the Warrior Plus interface and find your landmark.Learn how to configure your main settings in your account properly.How to connect your PayPal to warrior Plus to enable to adaptive payment.Learn the simple and fast way of creating a product inside Warrior Plus.Learn whats the difference between an offer and a product.Discover how to configure properly your product settings for launch.How to prepare a sales funnel and link them with Warrior Plus.Learn how to properly configure an offer and what you should fill in.How to use the Dimesale feature and regular pricing.How to integrate your autoresponder account in just a few seconds.-------------------------------------------------Course Description And Overview:Most people do not know how to get started with all the puzzling functions of the Warrior Plus Platform today. With this Fast Track Training courses designed to take you through the Advanced level, you will be up and running in no time using Warrior Plus with confidence.Warrior Plus Beginners & Advanced: Fast Track Training 2020 is a straight to the point, step by step training course to get you started immediately.See the course subjects below:--------------------------------------------------------Warrior Plus For Beginners: Fast Track Training1 - Overview and Pricing2 - The Affiliate Menu3 - Account Settings Menu4 - The Buyer Marketplace Menu5 - The Vendor Menu6 - Creating an Offer7 - Creating Products8 - Connecting Products with The Offer9 - Creating and Connecting Sales Pages10 - Delivering Your Products11 - Testing Your Purchases12 - Tracking Statistics13 - Warrior Affiliate Landing Page14 - Managing Affiliates15 - Commission Rules16 - Creating A Product - Part 5 - Advanced Settings17 - Creating Affiliate Contests18 - Creating Coupons19 - Customer Research20 - Conclusion - Beginners--------------------------------------------------------Warrior Plus Advanced: Fast Track Training21- Course Overview - Advanced22 - Time Sale Set Up23 - Limited Quantity End of Sale24 - Warrior Plus Exit Pop Set Up25 - Recurring Income Set Up26 - Increasing Affiliate Income Opportunities27 - Split Test Set Up28 - Pre Launch Set Up29 - Upsell Set Up30 - Countdown Timer Set Up31 - Keywords and Promotion32 - Understanding Parameters of the Warrior Plus Marketplace33 - Warrior Plus Data Export Points34 - Time Saving Product and Page Relationships35 - Commission Rules36 - Advanced Funnel Set Up Part 137 - Advanced Funnel Set Up Part 238 - Paging Set Up for Advanced Funnel Part 139 - Paging Set Up for Advanced Funnel Part 240 - Conclusion - Advanced"
Price: 34.99
