"Qualidade & Sucesso na Advocacia" |
"O curso abre as portas para que o profissional faa diferena no mercado e projete uma carreira de sucesso, com reconhecimento pelos clientes, partes, autoridades e sociedade;No concorrido mercado da advocacia, o aluno deixar de ser mais um nmero de inscrio na OAB ou algum procura de emprego. Com as ferramentas usadas por profissionais de elite, construir a sua prpria trajetria de sucesso.No h crise para profissionais de carreiras jurdicas. Mesmo os autnomos encontram as melhores oportunidades nessas situaes em que o mercado precisa de quem faa a diferena. As dificuldades alheias, afinal, so os nutrientes da profisso. Ningum vai a Juzo por prazer; as partes procuram a Justia por necessidade e nessa premissa que se sustenta o exerccio da advocacia digna.O curso desenvolvido em torno de quatro contedos, ministrados com a experincia de jurista que tem trabalho reconhecido em trs continentes como doutrinador e conferencista - professor Lo da Silva Alves, autor de 52 livros."
Price: 84.99

"Chatbots for Network Marketing" |
"Network marketing is a business strategy that involves a multilevel structure of interconnected individuals that generate money through direct sales or new members affiliations. It is a model that promotes the creation of networks of individuals or companies to grow the business.Most of the time you have two kind of persons. The ones who uses/consumes the product and the ones who are in for the business opportunity that grows a team so they get residual income in the end.There are many well-known companies whose business model is based on network marketing. A few examples are Avon, Amway, Herbalife and 4Life. These companies have different tiers or levels that are created each time a new member is added to the network. Depending on the number of levels these systems have they can be classified as single tier, two tier and multi-level. A single tier network is a company that recruits individuals that become direct affiliates and benefit from discounts and sales commissions. A two tier model can involve the creation of a new level below the first affiliate, established by members recruited by this individual.The top earners are in these MLM companies use offline strategies but also online strategies through social media. With our online agency we help some MLM businesses to generate leads online. We do this through Facebook Messenger Marketing. We generate leads in Messenger and they get followed up automatically. When the lead is hot enough they can be send to the network marketing website to buy the product our they get contacted by the team to do a threeway call or setup a online meeting through Zoom. What will you learn in this course:How to make a chatbot in ManyChatWhat questions to ask your prospects through Facebook MessengerHow to automate messages and get leads through your online funnelHow to make a onboarding opportunity MLM chatbotHow to make a onboarding product MLM chatbotHow we generated 5000+ leads through Facebook MessengerWho this course is for:Take this course if you want to create an extra, residual income stream with multi-level marketingThis course is for all network marketers who wants to use social media te generator more leadsBoth beginner and experienced network marketers can learn a lot from this courseThe network marketer that wants a system that can be duplicated"
Price: 29.99

"Python Interview Preparation Course - ( Questions & Answers)" |
"This course has been intended to assist you with passing your next coding meeting. It centers around puzzles from Codility's preparation exercises, so on the off chance that you have a web based coding test coming up, this course is ideal for you. The way to passing coding interviews is to rehearse however much as could be expected by understanding different sorts of coding puzzles. In doing so you hone your critical thinking aptitudes and in the end you will begin to see designs among the distinctive coding arrangements. You additionally increment your odds of being asked a difficult you've just comprehended. The course covering: 1. Word reference, various sorts of capacities and inherent functions.Argument Passing 2. Useful programming apparatuses, mapping capacities, modules like python, math, rand 3. Irregular, Sys Module, Date time, Pickle and Tutrle Modules. 4. Customary articulations and documents. In this course you'll get the chance to rehearse a large number of these coding puzzles. In each segment we present the subject, clarify the issue and later furnish you with a couple of clues that help unravel the riddle. At long last we show up at the arrangement together. Go along with me on this course, and we should get you to pass this meeting! Python is the most well known language with its different characteristics. On the off chance that you need to be a specialist in Python, join our Python courses and comprehend its basic and complex highlights. We train understudies from the extremely fundamental level just as create them to deal with complex assignments utilizing this language. For the comfort of understudies, we have structured an inquiry answer segment. Understudies can improve both their insight and certainty by rehearsing them routinely. It is an incredible activity of the association to confront talks with all the more certainly and without any problem. Understudies have a genuine assistance by this portion. The training tests will cover the accompanying schedule."
Price: 19.99

"La tua voce" |
"Il corso La tua voce ha lo scopo di aiutarti a utilizzare correttamente lo strumento vocale per prevenire tutte le complicanze derivate da malmenage (cattivo utilizzo) e surmenage (eccessivo utilizzo) vocale.Chi utilizza la voce come strumento di lavoro deve averne cura, conoscerne le potenzialit e i limiti, apprenderne luso corretto e pi funzionale alle proprie esigenze.Saper gestire lo sforzo, i limiti e le potenzialit vocali costituisce una risorsa fondamentale per prevenire abbassamenti di voce, raucedine, dolori e fastidi laringei, fatica fonatoria e stanchezza.Prevenire meglio che curare!Evitare di mettere in sofferenza lapparato fonatorio contribuisce alla prevenzione di cronicit di comportamenti errati e preserva da patologie laringee (noduli, polipi, edemi).La Voce inoltre uno dei prerequisiti fondamentali del public speaking, e usarla bene rende il parlare efficace, piacevole, comunicativo.Parlare a un pubblico e in pubblico richiede volont e capacit; impostare i corretti comportamenti vocali e saper sfruttare al meglio le potenzialit del tuo strumento ti permetter di: rendere lascolto piacevole e migliorare la tua capacit verbale di agire sugli altri ampliare la tua capacit comunicativa che ti far apprezzare e rispettare maggiormente dagli altri prevenire situazioni di fatica e stanchezza dovute a un cattivo utilizzo aumentare lautostima"
Price: 89.99

"Treinamento do core poderoso" |
"Por que treinar o core?Treinar de forma correta o core proporciona potncia, fora e estabilizao. Afinal, os msculos centrais criam uma base slida para o seu corpo, permitindo que voc tenha estabilidade corprea.Ao treinar o core, voc estabiliza a coluna, o que melhora e controla a postura. Alm disso, o treinamento funcional do core permite que voc pratique movimentos que proporcionam um desempenho ideal para as tarefas dirias. Desafiando o seu core, no s melhora o equilbrio e o movimento funcional, como tambm cria aquele visual tonificado que tantas pessoas desejam."
Price: 99.99

"CPA 10 ANBIMA Completo + Dicas De Como Trabalhar Em Um Banco" |
"Imagina voc trabalhar em um banco...Voc finalmente trabalhando no mercado financeiro...Em uma das profisses que possui um dos maiores salrios do Brasil...Imaginou?Ento pare de imaginar porque totalmente possvel e eu vou te mostrar como.E voc s precisa de 1 coisa.Qualificao...Exatamente. a nica coisa que voc vai fazer para conseguir trabalhar no mercado financeiro.E como eu consigo essa qualificao?Antes de eu te falar, preste ateno nessa histria:Era 2018, em um dia ensolarado e muito quente...Por volta das 14 horas...L estava eu, sem nenhuma noo de mercado financeiro, entregando currculos em cada banco que tinha na cidade que eu moro...Na minha cabea eu iria ser contratado, mesmo sem ter nenhuma qualificao.Infelizmente, eu era inocente naquela poca e no sabia o que eu vou te ensinar nesse curso....Se no tudo teria sido diferente.No fim ningum sequer ligou para o meu celular e eu no pude nem participar de uma entrevista de emprego.Hoje eu trabalho em uma instituio financeira, e amo o mercado financeiro.E eu vou te ensinar exatamente tudo o que eu fiz para que VOC consiga ter o mesmo resultado que eu tive...De uma forma muito mais simples e rpida.Ento, como realmente conseguir a tal da qualificao?No mercado financeiro existem certificaes que te deixam em destaque sobre os demais.E geralmente somente que possui elas so as pessoas que j trabalham em uma instituio financeira.A que esta a grande chance!Praticamente ningum que concorre a uma vaga de emprego no banco possui essas certificaes...Exceto uma pessoa.Voc!Porque depois desse curso, voc vai possuir uma das certificaes mais valiosas e bem vistas pelo mercado financeiro e vai se destacar facilmente na hora de fazer uma entrevista de emprego.Mas que certificao essa?A certificao que voc vai obter depois desse curso se chama CPA 10.e o que a CPA 10?Ela basicamente comprova que voc possui qualificao e conhecimento sobre o mercado financeiro de uma forma geral.E no s isso, mas tambm demonstra que voc tem capacitao tcnica para oferecer os produtos de investimento do banco.E esse curso totalmente focado em voc conseguir essa certificao e se destacar no mercado financeiro.Preste ateno nos principais benefcios:Os 7 mdulos completos de contedo para se obter a certificao CPA 10.Mais de 70 exerccios resolvidos ao longo do curso.Adquire a apostila utilizada no curso com todo o contedo.Aprende os principais ndices do mercado financeiro.Garante o bnus de como funciona a estrutura de um banco.Garante o bnus de dicas secretas na hora de realizar uma entrevista de emprego.Disponibilidade para tirar dvidas a qualquer momento.E o melhor, tudo isso na prtica. Eu e voc.E como eu vou conseguir a finalmente essa certificao?A CPA 10 uma prova de marcar com 50 questes, onde voc tem que acertar 35 questes para passar e obter ela, ou seja 70% da prova.Cada questo possui 4 alternativas de marcar e s 1 a verdadeira.Meu deus uma prova, e difcil? A prova muito tranquila e eu vou te ensinar todos os macetes e o contedo completo durante todo o curso.Alm disso voc ver ao longo das aulas a correo de 70 questes que j caram em prova.E o melhor voc ainda nem sabe...Voc pode assistir o curso inteiro por 30 dias sem nenhum compromisso.Caso no goste por qualquer motivo aleatrio que seja do curso, voc pode pedir todo o seu dinheiro de volta no prazo de 1 ms.A partir de agora, s existem duas opes:Opo 1# - Ou voc ignora tudo isso que voc acabou de ler e continua a sua vida do jeito que ela est e est tudo bem.Mas voc nunca mais vai poder reclamar que no teve uma chance real de mudana, porque hoje, voc teve a melhor oportunidade para mudar seu futuro.Opo 2# - Acreditar no que eu estou falando e confiar no seu potencial e tomar a deciso que voc precisa tomar, que de se inscrever no curso CPA 10 ANBIMA Completo + Dicas De Como Trabalhar Em Um Banco.Agora a deciso totalmente sua.Voc quer realmente trabalhar no mercado financeiro?Adquira agora e aproveite as 77 aulas e os 7 mdulos inteiros do curso. menos que o valor de uma pizza.Uma pizza vale mais que todo o conhecimento que voc ir obter?Claro que no, ento obtenha agora!Lembre-se: Voc pode ver por 30 dias totalmente sem compromisso e se no gostar a Udemy devolve todo o seu dinheiro.Aproveite antes que o desconto acabe.Te vejo na primeira aula.-Rafael"
Price: 579.99

"ROCK english method - A formula para aprender ingls" |
"O mtodo foi criado atravs da minha experincia, que adquiri fluncia aos 16 anos. Atravs dos meus resultados e somatria de experincia, tendo trabalhado como professor e intrprete, desenvolvi o mtodo para que o maior nmero de pessoas possveis possam alcanar o sonho de efetivamente falarem e conhecerem a lngua inglesa.Os alunos que adquirirem o curso tero benefcios como:- Vdeo aulas com qualidade- Material Rock gratuito- Acesso ao Rock Members (aulas complementares gratuitas)- Segundo mdulo completo gratuito.- Acompanhamento complementar diretamente com o professor gratuitamente para alavancar o aprendizado- Certificado de conclusoTudo isso por apenas com timo custo benefcio!O Rock English Course dividido em mdulos. No primeiro mdulo voc aprender:- Ritmo Lingustico- Relembraremos ""verb to be"" nos tempos presente, passado e futuro.- Aplicaremos conversao logo de incio e acordo com as diretrizes do mtodo Rock.- Utilizaremos pronomes demonstrativos, wh's e os auxiliares Do and Does.- Aprenderemos a conjugar verbos.- Aprenderemos a utilizar nmeros, de 0 a 1 milho em apenas 5 minutos de acordo com o mtodo.No segundo mdulo voc aprender:- Greetings- Verbo To be, negativo, negativo interrogativo e interrogrativo (passado, presente e futuro)- Pronomes demonstrativos no plural (these and those), interrogativo, afirmativo, interrogativo negativo e negativo.- Como treinar seu crebro para aprender ingls- 10 passos para aprender ingls- ContraesEste ser o Take off, o ponto de partida para voc aluno, comear a decolar!"
Price: 99.99

"Tik Tok For Entrepreneurs: How To Grow & Monetize FAST" |
"*Course will be periodically updated with latest algorithm changes, information and trends*Tik Tok is a brand new marketing platform that you simply can not ignore. A fleet of smart Entrepreneurs are utilizing it to stand out in todays crowded and oversaturated markets like instagram. Further growth is far easier than past platforms like Instagram. This platform simply should not be ignored as many newbies are getting millions of views at this stage. In this course, students learn about the best practices for growing their Tik Tok account. This value packed course gets straight to the point on how to grow an ideal audience that you can utilise for your marketing efforts today and in the future as you grow. No fluff, only pure value. This is your fully comprehensive guide on how to connect with & GROW your ideal Audience of engaged Clients & Customers on Tik Tok.Who is this course is for:Entrepreneurs looking to grow a powerful presence on Tik Tok Brand Owners who want to start growing a fan base immediately Small Business Owners looking to grow a valuable list of targeted customers and clients to build a relationship withBusiness Professionals looking to grow a community that will love your products and/or servicesStay At Home Parents who want a passionate audience interested in their products and servicesInfluencers interested in building a group of fans who they can communicate more closely with and make a income fromIn this course, you will learn:How the algorithm works today, and how to create an attention grabbing profile that appeals to your target audience. How To create Viral Content on Tik Tok.Best Type of content to post for growth (followers).How To get targeted followers on Tik Tok.Methods to monetization that are currently available. And more..Why Use Tik Tok: TikTok has 800 million+ active users worldwide.Users spend an average of almost 1 hour per day on the app.90% of all users tune in every dayHighest Social Media Engagement rates per postWhy Choose Me:I've been a digital marketer for 3+ years AND also grown my personal brand ""@Globopreneur"" to over 50,000 plus followers combined across social media and millions of views. I've grown my Tik Tok to over 10,000 followers and over 1.5 million views in a short time and 100,000 weekly views on average. I practice what I preach and all of my training has been tried and tested by myself and my team. I will only be bringing action packed, value filled information and executable knowledge every time you hear me speak.This Course Is Ideal ForThose who want to hit the ground running with Tik TokThose who want to get straight to the pointThose who want concise Value Packed informationThose who want to Master the algorithmWho This Course is NOT Ideal ForThose who want to know basic things you can google Those who want to create boring content on Tik Tok Those who want to see cute graphs & videos that don't help you grow**30 DayMoney Back Guarantee**Udemy is amazing! They have a money back guarantee if you are unhappy for any reason. ""All courses purchased on Udemy can be refunded within 30 days. For whatever reason, if you are unhappy with a course, you can request a refund. Most refunds are returned via the original payment method."""
Price: 199.99

"Complete Website Design Bootcamp! Front-End Web Development" |
"In this course, you will learn the specific technologies that are the most in demand in the industry right now. These include tools and technologies used by the biggest tech companies like Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc Its geared specifically for people that want to learn employable skills in 2020.When you're learning to program you often have to sacrifice learning the exciting and current technologies in favor of the ""beginner friendly"" classes. With this course, you get the best of both worlds. This is a course designed for the complete beginner, yet it covers some of the most exciting and relevant topics in the industry.Throughout the course we cover tons of tools and technologies including:How to create professional HomepageHow to create professional Media PageHow to create professional Blog PageHow to create professional Sign up pageHow to create professional Login pageHow to create professional Contact pageHow to create professional About pageHow to build a Responsive WebsiteHow to work with colorsHow to work with imagesHow to work with VideosHow to work with AudiosHow to work with TablesHow to create stunning websitesEmenwa Global instructors are industry experts with years of practical, real-world experience building software at industry leading companies. They are sharing everything they know to teach thousands of students around the world, just like you, the most in-demand technical and non-technical skills (which are commonly overlooked) in the most efficient way so that you can take control of your life and unlock endless exciting new career opportunities in the world of technology, no matter your background or experience."
Price: 199.99

"Een leven zonder middenrugpijn" |
"Ik heb de beste technieken uit verschillende werelden samengebracht om jouw middenrugpijn op te lossen. Deze cursus maakt de ideale combinatie van theoretische achtergrondkennis en praktijk. Ik vind het belangrijk dat patinten begrijpen waarom ze bepaalde zaken moeten doen zodanig dat ze zelf een beter inzicht krijgen in hun problematiek. Je zal kennis vergaren over de zaken die fout lopen bij middenrugpijn en wat je er aan kan doen. Je zal een breder inzicht inkrijgen in de pijnproblematiek. Tegen het einde van de cursus ben je in staat je eigen middenrugpijn op te lossen met de aangeleerde technieken.Heb je rugklachten door door lang aan een bureau te werken? Pijn tussen de schouderbladen? Steken in het midden van je rug? Of een trekkend gevoel naar je hoofd? Hier leer wat er oorzaken kunnen zijn, maar vooral wat je zelf kan doen. Leer je rugpijn oplossen en zelf behandelen; Net als een echte kinesitherapeut of fysiotherapeut.Rugpijn zelf behandelen Online zelfhulpprogramma voor je middenrugpijn of bovenrugcursus rugpijnrugpreventierugpijn door bureauwerklessen rugpijnbedrijfskinesitherapierugpijn oplossing kopenrugpijn zelf behandelenmiddenrugpijn zelf behandelenpijn in middenrugpijn zelf behandelenrugpijn zelf oplossenbedrijfsoplossing voor rugpijnbedrijfsinvestering voor rugpijnrugpijnoplossing voor werknemerswerknemers met rugpijnwerknemers rugpreventierugpijnpreventie voor werknemersworkshops bedrijven rond rugpijnwerknemers leren zelf rugpijn behandelenwerknemers leren zelf rugpijn oplossenworkshop middenrugpijn voor bedrijven"
Price: 79.99

"De 0 a Experto en Pipedrive" |
"Pipedrive no solo se limita a un CRM que nos gestiona la informacin comercial y de nuestros prospectos sino que tiene funcionalidades que facilitan nuestra actividad comercial como automatizar el envo de correos electrnicos, agenda de actividades, envi de llamadas a tu celular y ms. Pipedrive si se implementa de forma ptima es una mquina de ventas que nos ahorra tiempo, facilita nuestra actividad de venta y nos permite ganas ms negocios en menos tiempo, en este curso cubriremos Todos los aspectos de Pipedrive."
Price: 270.00

"How to Stop Yo-Yo Dieting and Lose Weight For Good" |
"This weight loss course will help you stop yo-yo dieting by discussing mindset tricks and staying motivated, why food companies are lying to you, different healthy eating swaps, and provides recipes for you to try. This course also provides recipes and a shopping list of tools I used to help me lose 75 pounds."
Price: 19.99

"Utiliser le marketing sensoriel et fidliser vos clients" |
"Cette formation aborde comment utiliser les 5 sens humains dans la cration d'une exprience client extraordinaire.Afin de crer une exprience client pour vos clients, il est important de prendre en considration plusieurs lments relis l'utilisation des sens dans vos stratgies marketing. En passant de la vue, au toucher, l'oue, au got et l'odorat, les sens sont tous stimuls dans une exprience client efficace.Cette formation aborde aussi les 5 grandes stratgies de fidlisation de la clientle.Afin de crer une relation long terme avec ses clients, il est important de prendre en considration plusieurs lments relis leurs comportements d'achats. En passant de la comprhension du besoin jusqu' la personnalisation de vos produits, vous devez faire un sans fautes afin de fidliser vos clients."
Price: 49.99

"Mastering the art of Macarons" |
"The mighty Macaroon, they have thwarted many a confectioner, but no more. For baking enthusiasts, macarons are the ultimate show stopping dish to perfect. This is finally THE class that will teach you how to make these delicate confections, achieving perfect results every time. Their pretty colours and endless selection of fillings mean they not only look great, but will taste delicious too.If youve ever walked past the window of a French patisserie, you will have noticed the macarons. Bright and colourful, all neatly stacked up, it's a highly attractive display - and just so tempting. When they are beautifully wrapped they make for delightful gifts to give when invited to dinner or visiting friends, which is just why they are so popular in France, especially in the chic bakeries of Paris.So, how do you make French macarons? The recipe couldnt be easier. Its just egg whites, ground almonds and powdered sugar. The tricky bits are the method needed to get the consistency right, how you get those uniform shapes and how you bake them. As well as learning how to master those tricky macaroon shells, youll also learn to create four decadent fillings. I will guide you through the mixing, drying and baking of the shells, talking through potential pitfalls you might experience at each stage.Add a bit of ooh la la to your cooking with a macaron class!"
Price: 29.99

"How to send the perfect email action guide" |
"How to structure, write and send the perfect email in professional contexts, improve your communication skills and become more effective at your job.If you are professional working a company, or by yourself, and you use email to communicate with your colleagues, team, bosses, partners and clients, this course is for you. While I focus on email, many of the techniques you will learn here are applicable to writing any kind of text message.You will learn:What is email good for, when to use email and when to use something elseStructures and guides for writing clear, concise, easy to understand, assertive emails that get resultsWhat are the different types of email: chatty, announcement and convincingThe difference between stirring up curiosity and getting to a decision via emailStorytelling techniques that you can apply on a day to day basis for more impactful emails7 detailed examples (day to day and famous) analyzed and explainedList of Dos and Don'ts fo email communicationStop it: a list of bad email habits to drop nowThis course is for professionals of all levels, from beginners looking to advance their career to leaders looking to strengthen their leadership skills with better written communication."
Price: 19.99

"Learn To Focus: Meditation & Mindfulness For ADHD" |
"ADD and ADHD can make it hard to focus & get things done. You have lots of mental energy (that's why you're so smart!) but you have a hard time directing it to one thing at a time. Many people go through their entire lives in this scatter-brained state, jumping from thing to thing, never fully concentrating on, or actually enjoying, anything. This can lead to major school & career problems (not paying attention in class, not paying attention at work, not caring about what you're working on, bouncing from job to job, career to career, etc), and problems becoming a successful adult.For some handicaps, there is simply no cure, no way out. Thankfully, ADD/ADHD is NOT one of those handicaps. ADD & ADHD can actually be a blessing in disguise, if you learn how to channel your mental energy, to focus it, to make it like a laser. This is called hyperfocusing, and it is a superpower unique to ADD/ADHD people!You may have noticed that while you sometimes can't focus on anything at all, sometimes you can get extremely zoned in to one thing (like these words, for example). And oftentimes (for some of us, more often than not), the thing that you're zoned into is the wrong thing. For example, my first year in college I got so sucked into social media that I barely went outside and met actual friends. Sometimes this still happens to me, if I pick up my phone right when I wake up and click on a social media notification before I start meditating for the day. Social media platforms are designed to suck you in -- that's how they make money. That's bad news for ADD / ADHD people. And there are tons of other useless, unproductive, time-wasting things that can suck in your attention, if you don't learn how to control your hyperfocus.The good news is that you can learn how to control your hyperfocus, and use it to supercharge your life by focusing on the things you actually want to be focused on! It's not easy, but it is actually very simple. The answer can be written in just ten letters: MEDITATION.Meditation is the single most important key to controlling your hyperfocus, focusing on what you want to focus on, and moving your attention to the things that you want it to be on. Meditation is not some woo-woo magical thing... it's literally just training your brain to focus. That's literally what meditation IS. It's a practice of bringing your mind into the present moment, and focusing it on one thing at a time. This practice strengthens the parts of your brain that are responsible for regulating your attention. Just like lifting weights builds muscles in your body, practicing meditation builds neural connections in your brain (it's a process called neuroplasticity -- look it up!). Just like your muscles get bigger from lifting weights, your brain gets bigger by practicing meditation! And just like you can focus your exercise on strengthening a particular part of your body (arms, legs, chest, etc), you can focus your meditation on strengthening a particular part of your mind (deep focus, broad focus, generating joy, love, happiness, etc).Many of the world's most successful entrepreneurs, futurists, inventors, and celebrities are people who have learned to direct their ADHD energy and control their innate powers of hyperfocus. In this course, we will use meditation to do that, and more -- to become more focused, successful, stable, joyful, energized, and just plain happier in life!By the end of this course, you will be experienced with five different meditation techniques, which you can practice in daily life:- breathwork- mindfulness- mindfulness of breathing- concentrating on a physical object, and- concentrating on an activity,You'll be equipped with the tools you need to become the best version of yourself, and transform your ADD/ADHD from a handicap into a superpower!The skills you'll learn in this course will be worth 1000x more than the price of the course. Not only will this course save you money on ADD/ADHD drugs like Adderall & Ritalin, and help you make tens, hundreds, or thousands of times more successful in life than you would have been without being able to control your superpowers of hyperfocus, the meditations you learn in this course will make you immeasurably happier, over the course of your lifetime. And that's kind of the point of this whole ""life"" thing anyway, isn't it? What's $50 in comparison to a lifetime of sustainable happiness?Don't get distracted by any shiny things or other tabs. Click the button to sign up for this course now. This may be the single most important moment in your life. Stay focused, sign up now, and start watching right away!"
Price: 29.99

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Price: 29.99

"LinkedIn 2020 Complete Guide For Business and Marketing" |
"LinkedIn 2020 Complete Guide For Business and Marketing: The Ultimate LinkedIn Guide for Business, Lead Generation and Professional NetworkingHave you ever wonderedWhat the top salespeople using LinkedIn are doing differently than you?How to generate more leads and close more sales with LinkedIn?How to find and connect with your target prospects on LinkedInMOST PEOPLE FAIL AT UTILIZING LinkedIn TO ITS FULL POTENTIALFor most people, whether theyre sales people, recruiters, freelancers, consultants, or entrepreneurs, they spend hours of their personal time writing and sending poorly written LinkedIn messages that get ZERO RESPONSESand eventually give up thinking LinkedIn doesnt work.Or they may even spend hours of time trying to generate leads on LinkedIn using marketingbut without a blueprint, fail to capture a single lead.Heres the good news: this failure is an OPPORTUNITY for YOU.In this course, Im going to teach you:1) How to Optimize profile for SEO Rank #12) How to Use LinkedIn for Business, Marketing And Professional Networking.3) How To make Company Pages4) How To grow your authority & generate leads with LinkedIn5) Find and connect with Your Target Prospects on LinkedIn6) How to build your network faster with the right peopleMAKE THE DECISION OF GENERATING LEADS IN A MORE EFFECTIVE WAY FOR YOUR BUSINESS, AND FOCUS YOUR TIME IN THE BEST DIRECTION, TO GET THE BEST RESULTS FOR YOUR BUSINESS, YOUR FAMILY AND YOU.After this course you will have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that will make you a nightmare for your competitors.============================What really sets this course apart is the personal time I give to hold office hours with students in this course. During the office hours, you can ask me any business question you want, and I will do my best to help you. The office hours are free, I don't try to sell anything. It is just another thing I do to help you achieve your goals.You can also get my help and advice at any time! Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I love helping students who take my courses and I look forward to helping you.============================Invest in your future. Enroll Now!!!"
Price: 5760.00

"Robotic Process Automation: Process Discovery for Finance" |
"Robotic Process Automation: Process Discovery for Finance will present Finance processes and how to identify processes for Robotic Process Automation (RPA). We will walk through in great detail procedures and tasks for the following: 3rd Party ProcurementInvoicingAccounts ReceivablesAccounts PayablesEmployee Expense ManagementPurchasingInternal/External ReportingSOX ComplianceStudent so not need to have experience with a Finance function or hands-on experience with Finance systems. The course explains the standard processes included within a Finance function and help you understand how to map Finance processes. This course will give you an understanding to enable automation professionals to build process workflows and build a business case for automation."
Price: 199.99

"Live Trades on Gold Simple Strategy to Double Your Account" |
"How to trade gold as a professional traderSo many of us constantly search for ways to supplement our incomes, or even quit our jobs altogether to work for ourselves. And almost everybody could use a little more money in the bank. With a bit of practice and some funds to get started, trading can be a lucrative method to build real wealth.Trading itself is nothing new; people try their hand at it all the time. But so many fail, either because they dont take the time to learn the ropes or they overcomplicate it and get stuck in the weeds. In fact, as many as 98% of small-account traders fail, many going bust, before theyve even been in the game for a year.Isaac Asimov has been successfully trading since 2006, specializing in gold, oil, and US stocks. Over the years, he has developed an exhaustive understanding of the market and its tendencies. However, what has put him above so many others is a simple, but well-planned and thoroughly-tested strategy.In this course, Isaac offers students an in-depth look at his exclusive trading strategy and gives them a chance to apply what theyve learned with a real account. This is not an academic path; youll get plenty of practice, with Isaac there to show you how to remain calm under pressure and deal with the myriad difficulties that inevitably arise if you trade long enough.Isaac breaks the process down, trade by trade, to show you exactly what happens at each crucial step. Hell show you how you can double the worth of your account in under a month, without overcomplicating things.Whether youre looking for a sizeable side income or a full-time job, Isaac will welcome you into the profitable world of trading, so you can take the money and run.We aim to show you simple strategies to apply while trading gold and help you earn more within a month or less without making things complicated.We hope youre excited to learn, so what are you waiting for? Click on the course and lets get started!"
Price: 199.99

"(ISC)2 Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Exam" |
"In this course, you will get 6 Full Length Practice Exams with 1050 Unique Questions and explanations from (ISC)2 Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) covering all the topics for the SSCP Exam.What do you get in this course?6 Full-length mock tests with 175 Unique Questions in each practice test.In-depth and exhaustive explanation for every questionReliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknesses1050+ Latest Questions with explanation for each questionQuestions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.****************************************************************************************************Below are Official details of (ISC)2 Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Exam :About SSCP :The Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) is the ideal certification for those with proven technical skills and practical, hands-on security knowledge in operational IT roles. It provides confirmation of a practitioners ability to implement, monitor and administer IT infrastructure in accordance with information security policies and procedures that ensure data confidentiality, integrity and availability. The broad spectrum of topics included in the SSCP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) ensure its relevancy across all disciplines in the field of information security. Successful candidates are competent in the following 7 domains: Access Controls Security Operations and Administration Risk Identification, Monitoring, and Analysis Incident Response and Recovery Cryptography Network and Communications Security Systems and Application SecurityExperience Requirements :Candidates must have a minimum of 1 year cumulative work experience in 1 or more of the 7 domains of the SSCP CBK. A 1 year prerequisite pathway will be granted for candidates who received a degree (bachelors or masters) in a cybersecurity program.A candidate that doesnt have the required experience to become an SSCP may become an Associate of (ISC) by successfully passing the SSCP examination. The Associate of (ISC) will then have 2 years to earn the 1 year required experience.SSCP Examination Information :Length of exam : 3 hoursNumber of questions : 125Question format : Multiple choicePassing grade : 700 out of 1000 pointsExam availability : English, Japanese, and Brazilian PortugueseSSCP Examination Weights :Domains Weight1. Access Controls 16%2. Security Operations and Administration 15%3. Risk Identification, Monitoring, and Analysis 15%4. Incident Response and Recovery 13%5. Cryptography 10%6. Network and Communications Security 16%7. Systems and Application Security 15%Total: 100%Who Earns the SSCP?The SSCP is ideal for IT administrators, managers, directors and network security professionals responsible for the hands-on operational security of their organizations critical assets, including those in the following positions:Network Security EngineerSystems AdministratorSecurity AnalystSystems EngineerSecurity Consultant/SpecialistSecurity AdministratorSystems/Network AnalystDatabase Administrator"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Node.JS from Beginning to Mastery 2020" |
"Learn the Basics of Node.js, asynchronous JavaScript and promises, Node.js core modules, Node package manager basics, Express, API Development, MongoDB Driver, Sending Emails, Data Validation, Logging system, Password Hashing, Authentication and Authorization system, User Verification, Pagination and Using Environmental Variables.This course is designed for anyone curious about web development with JavaScript.You will learn a lot of important concepts about Node.js:-- NodeJS basics.- Event Loop.- Loop Tick.- NodeJS core modules.- Node package manager.- Asynchronous JavaScript and Promises.- How to develop full API"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Modern Calligraphy with Brush Pens" |
"Learn how to write in modern calligraphy with brush pens, step-by-step! I've been teaching students (ages 10 to 60+) how to write in modern calligraphy for over a year, in both in-person workshops and online. Good handwriting is NOT required for this course! I break down calligraphy into the basic foundational strokes, so this course is perfect for beginners. I also go beyond the basics in this course, so when you're ready, I'll teach you flourishing, loops, and bounce lettering. By the end of this course and with the practice that you put into it, you will be able to write in modern calligraphy. You can use this skill to address envelopes, make beautiful signs for your home, or personalized gifts for others. It's also a skill that is relaxing and enjoyable once you learn the basics!This Course Includes:Brush Lettering Workbook (downloadable)This can be re-used and is available in both a small and large pen versionIt includes the practice sheets for every topic covered (below), as well as reference sheets, and blank guideline sheetsOver 90 minutes of instruction with Kelli McIntosh of ""Mac 'n' Fox Designs,"" covering:Proper SuppliesHow to hold and use a brush penFoundation Strokes and ExercisesHow to form the lowercase alphabet with foundation strokesHow to connect letters into wordsHow to form the Uppercase AlphabetLoops & UpstrokesBounce LetteringFlourishing"
Price: 29.99

"Index Funds: Successful Investing Made Easy" |
"Through this course you will develop the knowledge and skills you need to eliminate any confusion and intimidation about investing. After just a few hours of instruction, you will be able to construct and maintain a diversified portfolio of low-cost index funds that allows you to build substantial wealth and achieve financial independence."
Price: 39.99

"Resume e Cover Letter para trabalhar no Canad e EUA" |
"Crie o melhor currculo e carta de apresentao e aumente suas chances de conseguir trabalho rapidamente na Amrica do Norte, Canad e Estados UnidosBem-vindo ao Curso Completo de criao de currculum (resume) e carta de apresentao (cover letter) em Portugus voltado para trabalhar na Amrica do Norte!Nosso objetivo te ajudar a criar o melhor currculo e cover letter para que voc maximize suas chances de conseguir seu emprego dos sonhos no Canad / Estados Unidos rapidamente. Voc vai se destacar da concorrncia utilizando as melhores estratgias para chamar ateno de forma muito positiva.Este no um curso como os outros cursos em que voc assiste aos vdeos e nunca implementa, vamos trabalhar com aes para garantir que at o final do curso voc domine a forma correta de criar e moldar seu resume e cover letter e obtenha resultados reais, usando as melhores estratgias, voc vai chamar ateno das empresas que pretende trabalhar, desde as pequenas at grandes corporaes. So estratgias que voc comear a usar imediatamente.Por quanto tempo os recrutadores analisam os currculos? Pesquisas apontam que voc tem entre 6 a 15 segundos para chamar ateno de um gerente de contratao. Ou seja, seu currculo precisa atrair a ateno de um recrutador quase instantaneamente. Esta a primeira impresso que seu futuro empregador ter de voc.Voc vai aprender a vender sua imagem e demonstrar sua capacidade! No adianta s ser bom se voc no sabe se vender da forma correta. De nada adianta ser o melhor se voc no mostrar suas capacidades de maneira acertada.Como fazer isso? No curso voc vai aprender a tornar seu currculo instantaneamente atraente. (e para isso voc no precisa usar grficos coloridos ou design profissional) Mas, como otimizar o seu currculo para conseguir a vaga de trabalho? Como planejar o seu contedo para aumentar exponencialmente o nmero de entrevistas de emprego e ser contratado? Quais so as estratgias vencedoras para se destacar entre a concorrncia? Quais so as coisas que voc precisa fazer e as coisas que voc deve evitar? Como construir um currculo perfeito? O que a cover letter e como aproveitar ao mximo este recurso? Como usar de forma eficiente todas as suas habilidades?No utilizar as estratgias certas para a busca de trabalho pode causar desgaste de sua imagem perante s empresas e perca seu tempo sem obter resultados. Usando as estratgias certas, voc obter excelentes resultados, aumentando suas chances de conseguir o emprego dos sonhos.Bem-vindo ao melhor treinamento de Como Fazer Resume e Cover Letter para trabalhar no Canad e Estados Unidos.Neste curso, voc aprender como ser notado rapidamente pelas empresas. Vamos juntos criar e otimizar o seu currculo para deix-lo irresistvel e garantir que, cada vez que um recrutador receb-lo, o colocar na lista de prioridades.Voc se far as informaes mais importantes e relevantes se destacarem imediatamente.Falaremos sobre as formas de criar o melhor currculo e cover letter, otimizando seu tempo e facilitando o processo.Daremos dicas de como usar palavras-chave secretas, as power words, de forma eficiente e que garantam a diferena, destacando voc entre todos os outros.Vamos aprender com EXEMPLOS REAIS de resumes e cover letters vencedores, juntos faremos um raio-X desse contedo, aprendendo as estratgias que comprovadamente funcionaram, e voc vai conseguir aplicar essas estratgias imediatamente e acelerar seus resultados.E voc tambm aprender como criar estratgias para enviar este material de forma eficiente para que consiga atingir o mximo de resultado. Usando a ao perfeita, converteremos seus envios em resultados concretos.Voc ter acesso tambm a erros mais comuns, o que no deve ser feito, mostrando exemplos reais de currculos ruins e como voc vai evitar estes erros.Como um bnus, voc vai ter um rico material complementar, como por exemplo Templates de resumes e cover letters, lista de power words, teste de conhecimento, links teis e mais material de apoio complementar, que vai estender sua experincia e eficinciaLembre que no suficiente apenas assistir a todos os vdeos, os resultados reais surgem somente quando voc AGE! Voc poder aplicar imediatamente todas as estratgias que aprender em seu currculo e cover letter, e assim garantimos que voc est dando os passos certos para conseguir seu trabalho dos sonhos.O que voc vai aprender? Maximizar suas chances de conseguir trabalho em pouco tempo na Amrica do Norte. Adequar seu currculo o mais rpido possvel para entrar no mercado de trabalho. Destacar seu currculo e cover letter entre as centenas que o empregador vai receber. Aprender na prtica os pontos mais importantes e que realmente fazem a diferena. Mostrar exemplos reais de aplicaes de sucesso. Porque currculo e cover letter importam? Para que voc precisa de um resume? O que incluir em um resume? Exemplos de resumes Como construir um bom currculo Como ser notado rapidamente Quais so suas habilidades (skills)? O que so Hard Skills e Soft Skills e como us-las de forma eficiente O que no fazer em um currculo Exemplos de resumes ruins Como atingir o alvo certo O que e os perigos do Spray and Pray Formas de chamar ateno dos empregadores Power words, palavras de poder - O que so e como us-las da forma correta Tipos de power words Exemplos de power words Dicas e exemplos de formatao Estudo de caso com o currculo real vencedor Montando a cover letter, a carta de apresentao Quais as regras para se fazer uma cover letter eficiente O melhor formato para uma cover letter Exemplos de cover letters O que deve fazer para criar uma cover letter O que no se deve fazer ao criar uma cover letter Estudo de caso com a cover letter vencedora Dicas de como enviar seu currculo e cover letter Dicas reais de um gerente de RH e muito mais ...Por que voc tem que fazer este curso agora? Empregadores podem receber em mdia 250 inscries por vaga. Como voc vai se qualificar entre tantas pessoas? Se voc seguir as dicas deste curso, voc vai se destacar! Voc precisa deste curso porque aqui voc encontrar estratgias do mundo real. Estratgias que so utilizadas diariamente. Voc vai ver e aprender, e assim implementar imediatamente em seu currculo e cover letter. Voc precisa deste curso porque identificaremos suas qualidades e vamos descobrir as estratgias que melhor servem para seu objetivo. Voc vai adorar este curso, porque voc vai colocar na prtica e obter resultados. Voc vai adorar este curso porque no importa se voc est entrando no mercado de trabalho agora ou tem anos de experincia, a gente vai do iniciante at avanado! Voc vai adorar este curso porque todas as estratgias so simples mas muito poderosas, e aps cada aula, voc pode tomar colocar na prtica e comear a ver os resultados. Voc vai se divertir!Este curso somente voltado para encontrar trabalho no Canad e Estados Unidos?No! As regras e dicas explicadas neste curso so universais. Podem ser aplicadas para conseguir trabalho em qualquer parte do mundo. Apesar de ter sido otimizado e construdo voltado aos empregadores da Amrica do Norte, voc pode aplicar o que aprender com este curso para trabalhar em qualquer pas do mundo. Voc vai se destacar entre todos os candidatos sempre.BNUS DO CURSO:Ao se inscrever hoje, voc ter acesso imediato a este bnus: Templates de resumes e cover letters, lista de power words, etc (para referncias de formatao e composio de texto) Teste seu conhecimento Links teis Material de apoio complementar Frum de perguntas e respostasTenho certeza que voc vai adorar o curso, e que este curso vai revolucionar sua vida!Inscreva-se agora e vamos comear a usar todo o conhecimento para conseguir seu trabalho dos sonhos!Se voc seguir estas dicas, tenha certeza que sua contratao estar muito prxima.Requisitos Nenhum conhecimento prvio necessrio, este um curso completo que vai desde o bsico at o avanado. Voc deve estar pronto para aprender, e aplicar as melhores estratgias para fazer seu currculo e cover letter que vo lhe trazer resultados reais!Quem o pblico-alvo? Qualquer pessoa que busque trabalho no Canad ou Estados Unidos, independente da rea profissional. Voltado tanto para pessoas com experincia profissional quanto para pessoas entrando no mercado de trabalho. Se voc quer economizar tempo e aprender as melhores estratgias para chamar ateno das empresas e ser contratado rapidamente, este curso para voc. Invista seu tempo fazendo algo que ir gerar resultados. Voc quer resultados. Voc vai conseguir!"
Price: 99.99

"Quick way to Learn Computer Typing for beginners" |
"Hai, I am G. Shiva, I am a tutor of my computer education center. I teach type writing courses to my students in my area. Now i come to teach type writing course an online. Udemy is the best platform to learn online courses. So I chose udemy to share my knowledge across the world. In this lesson first taught keyboard lessons to understand the keys functionalities of computer keyboard. then i covered base row, top row and bottom row functions with some examples. I gave some exercises to practice the keyboard keys. In the second part of the lesson, I covered number lessons, Spacing rules, Paragraph practice etc.. Through this lesson you will full fledged knowledge about keyboard keys. In this lessons also i gave some exercises to practice. If you follow my instructions while listening the lesson, I assure you will definitely became master of your keyboard keys. Just spend 1/2 an hour in your home or office, with in 15 days you will easy to handle computer keyboard keys. Finally,This course no need any qualification to learn, If you are interested to learn what are the fingers are used in keyboard keys, this course especially for you. Practice makes the man perfect, So watch the lesson and practice in your home. All the best from my heart.Thanks,ByG. Shiva"
Price: 34.99

"Data Structures and Algorithms" |
"This course is aimed at any undergraduate students who are at beginners level in learning Data Structure and Algorithm, This course focus on the fundamental concepts of Data structure, its analysis and analysis of algorithms.Basic ADT's Arrays, Linked Lists, Stacks and Queue are discussed in detail. The course is not aimed at writing the pseudo code for operations, rather on their working. Each one discussed with applications and their Pros and Cons.The second part of the course is to teach analysis of simple algorithms with appropriate example. The two algorithm design technique Iterative and Divide and Conquer are discussed in detail with reference to the sorting algorithms.Each session is provided with practice example and quiz to know the level of understanding."
Price: 1280.00

"Simple Facial Yoga Exercise" |
"Dr Tetiana Kapranova. Endocrinologist and therapist, International Yoga Alliance Instructor and Yoga instructor for kids, Beautician, Face Yoga Trainer, Acupressure Point Trainer and Make-up Artist.In Course: Simple Facial Yoga Exercise you will learn:1. Facial Yoga Exercise for every day (35 Facial Yoga Poses).2. Eyes Yoga Exercise.3. Neck Exercise4. Body Yoga (Surya Namaskar)5. Lymphatic Facial Self- Drainage Massage.6. Face Lifting Massage."
Price: 24.99

"Importing to Australia (Getting Started)" |
"Thinking of Importing to Australia? Learn the 7 keys to begin Importing goods in to Australia. Guided through the basics of Importing & essential terms you need to understand. Show you the Resources you need and how to do it correctly within the rules. Don't make mistakes and blow your money!! Where to find the right information you need to Import goods & Start your importing business today. What help you will need and which experts to consult to ensure your goods arrive where they need to be as easily and cost effectively as possible. Andrew has 8+ years of Importing and Retail / Wholesale trading experience. Learn what to do so you dont make mistakes. Free Templates provided to get you started Importing."
Price: 64.99

"Career Mastery" |
"This course is primarily aimed at young professionals who are looking to establish themselves in their careers. It also has powerful application in young entrepreneurs and anyone attempting to master their circumstances and the powerful forces working against them. It looks at 5 key mastery areas: Self, Team, Organisation, Context and Future. The concepts and exercises presented are based on the author's own career experiences and the author's work as a Leadership and Strategy Consultant working with large and medium size corporates."
Price: 300.00

"Fundamentos no Lean na Indstria 4.0" |
"Curso rpido e objetivo que expe a importncia e a integrao do Lean na Indstria 4.0. A Apresentao de exemplos prticos vivenciados pelo instrutor, fornece de forma realista, de que forma um projeto Lean na Indstria 4.0 pode ter sucesso ou no, seja na indstria, na rea de servios ou no comrcio. So conceitos abrangentes que envolvem qualquer ramo de atividade.O curso dividido em 5 partes, com vdeos rpidos. A primeira parte do curso, a abordagem nos conceitos do Lean, sua evoluo, a segunda parte aborda os princpios do Lean e logo em seguida, os pilares que suportam o Lean. A quarta parte apresenta os conceitos da Indstria 4.0 e finalmente na quinta parte, so apresentados exemplos e estudos de casos que mostram a integrao entre o Lean e a Indstria 4.0,com uma seo final concluindo o assunto ministrado."
Price: 279.99
