"Como elaborar sua aula online mais atrativa" |
"Inserir o professor e o educador no ensino digital, proporcionando ferramentas, tcnicas e dicas para que o mesmo adquira conhecimentos e realize as suas vdeo aulas com qualidade superior e consiga entregar excelentes resultados aos seus alunos.Compreender as relaes intergeracionais e sua importncia para o processo ensino aprendizagem;Conhecer os alunos e principalmente saber utilizar-se de empatia nas relaes aluno - professor;Apreender tcnicas de ensino aprendizagem que possam ser utilizadas em qualquer momento e em qualquer lugar;Olhar para o professor como referncia em suas inmeras funes dentro dessa nova perspectiva do ensino;Conhecer e aplicar metodologias alternativas a distncia;"
Price: 144.99

"Direito e Pandemia aes para seu negcio" |
"Apresentar de formas objetiva e acessvel solues juridicas para segurana das transaes e atividades desenvolvidas durante o estado de calamidade pblica, abordando orientaes gerais a serem adotadas nas relaes jurdicas e analisando as recentes Medidas Provisrias 927 e 936 e seu reflexos nas relaes trabalhistas.Otimizao e Transparncia das informaes de seu negcioRemodelao jurdica de seu negcioReduo de gastos na esfera trabalhista para superar os picos da criseBlindagem jurdicaPreveno contra eventuais demandas judiciais futuras"
Price: 144.99

"3ds Max: Lighting in V-Ray Next Module 1 - The V-Ray Light" |
"In order to learn the 'Art' of lighting in V-Ray Next for 3ds Max, we will first of all need to know how to use the tools that we have at our disposal. In this 1st in a series of V-Ray lighting courses, LinkedIn Learning and Packt Publishing author Brian Bradley will walk us through the controls and settings that can be found on the V-Ray light in its various Operating Modes. To go beyond that though, we also have a 'Challenge' chapter that will give us the opportunity to put into practice some of the things that we will have learned whilst working through the course."
Price: 29.99

"Identifying Procurement Fraud Risk" |
"We will examine the nature of procurement fraud and its typologies including the areas of the procurement lifecycle where fraud and corruption can occur. We will reveal the areas within projects that can be targeted and the individuals and roles that can illicitly manipulate or influence areas of projects for their own or others financial benefit. We will also scrutinise the many data sources that can be used to profile procurement fraud risk within an organisation. By the end of the course you will have an understanding of the complexities of procurement fraud and how it can occur and be able to create a procurement fraud risk matrix that you can use to profile organisation procurement fraud risk and as a briefing tool for senior management."
Price: 49.99

"Curso de iniciacin para tocar la guitarra" |
"Con este curso, podremos tocar desde esta leccin, los primeros acordes y la primera progresin armnica, conoceremos los principios bsicos y su lenguaje, aprenderemos el valor rtmico de las notas. aprenders la notacin bsica para leer cifrados y nomenclatura necesaria para acceder a casi todos los contenidos disponibles tanto de manera fsica, como digital que hay en el mundo.Con este curso podrs tocar este instrumento desde esta primera leccin, lo hars con la limpieza mnima requerida , con las posturas tcnicamente adecuadas para evitar cansancio y que el rendimiento sea siempre el optimo. Ademas de tocar correctamente los acordes, podrs hacerlo con cadencia rtmica, entendiendo bien el valor de tiempo de los acordes que estas ejecutando."
Price: 19.99

"Redaccin de anuncios para Facebook, Instagram y Google Ads" |
"Anunciarse y vender en internet no es algo que slo saben hacer las agencias de publicidad. Negocios locales, marcas, emprendedores y profesionales que ofrecen productos o servicios tambin pueden hacerlo y es ms fcil de lo que crees. En estos tiempos, saber crear anuncios que llamen la atencin e inviten a los usuarios a interactuar, puede incrementar exponencialmente tus ventas.En este curso aprenders, al mero estilo de un redactor publicitario, a hacer varios anuncios de Facebook, Instagram, Google Search y Google Display Responsivos. Te ensear mis tcnicas de redaccin ms efectivas para que puedas diferenciarte de tu competencia y te brindar las herramientas necesarias para crear un anuncio desde cero, hasta subirlo a la plataforma.Si t quieres aprender a hacer anuncios que vendan, no te pierdas este curso."
Price: 270.00

"How to reach your Goals and Dreams in 6 easy steps!" |
"Hi! And Welcome!This course will help you reach your dreams in the easiest, quickest way possible. This can be a career goal, personal goal, relationship goal, any goal that you dream of reaching!We all have so many hope, dreams, and goals that just become forgotten over time- I'm here to tell you that reality does not contradict achieving your life dreams.We will learn:-What your personal life purpose is according to ancient Jewish mysticism-How to build a vision board-How to break down a dream or vision into actual goals and steps-6 Easy practical steps to achieving your goals including motivation techniques, toolbox building, how to change your mindset, and more!YOU deserve to finally live the life you were meant to- it's not so far off!Ita"
Price: 29.99

"English Grammar" |
"During this course you will master:Simple Present AffirmativeSimple Present UseSimple Present NegativesSimple Present QuestionsPresent Progressive continuousPresent Progressive usePresent Progressive negativesPresent Progressive QuestionsThe difference between simple present and present progressiveNon-Progressive verbsHOW TO MAKE HE/SHE/IT FORMSDoubbling, Stopping, RunningThe most important NON-Progressive Verbs #This course includes:1. Comprehensive Examples2. Fascinating graphic design3. Interactive Exercises"
Price: 24.99

"Aprenda ECF - Escriturao Contbil Fiscal do zero" |
"Neste curso o aluno vai aprender do zero a fazer uma ECF Escriturao Contbil Fiscal de um modo fcil e com qualidade. Vai entender o que est envolvido na preparao e na criao da ECF e antes da entrega saber o que dever verificar e validar. Ver na prtica exemplos dentro do validador com exemplo de uma empresa Lucro Real e outra Lucro Presumido."
Price: 99.99

"Construa o Seu Negcio do Zero" |
"Se voc quer empreender e no sabe por onde comear, este curso para voc!No curso Construa o Seu Negcio do Zero, eu, Walterly Torres, vou ensinar a voc a construir o seu negcio desde a ideia at o modelo de negcios.Na nossa primeira aula, vou apresentar a voc o conceito e a teoria sobre a Inteno Empreendedora.Nessa aula, vamos conhecer os gatilhos que levam as pessoas a empreender e como funciona o processo de deciso do empreendedor. Alm disso, vamos entender o porque algumas pessoas conseguem enxergar oportunidades em momentos de crise e outras no.Para construir um negcio do zero, sem grana ou com um investimento baixo, voc vai precisar ter os conhecimentos e ferramentas certas, foco e criatividade. Mas no se assuste, no segundo mdulo vou te ensinar as fases do processo das ideias criativas.No ltimo mdulo vou ensinar voc sobre o que um modelo de negcios e como surgiu a ferramenta que vamos utilizar, o Business Model Canvas. Alm disso, vamos dar comear a conhecer os nove campos desta ferramenta, dando incio ao lado direito ou o lado do Valor.E ai, vamos comear"
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Jabn Saponificado (Proceso en caliente)" |
"En este curso vas a aprender a crear jabn artesanal por medio de la tcnica de saponificacin por proceso en caliente. Esta es la mejor tcnica para hacer jabn artesanal, ya que a diferencia de la saponificacin en fro, los principios activos se mantienen intactos al final del proceso, por lo que tienen mayor beneficio sobre la piel. Este jabn estar listo en menos de 24 horas, y podrs usarlo en pocos das, una vez el secado se complete.Este es un proceso que te permite crear tus propios diseos y utilizar una gran variedad de productos naturales, por lo que podrs potenciar tu creatividad.Empezars elaborando un oleato (extraccin de principios activos de productos naturales en aceite).Aprenders a realizar tu propio molde en madera.Aprenders a utilizar la calculadora de saponificacin para crear tu propia receta.Llevars a cabo el proceso de saponificacin para obtener el jabn.Cortars tu barra de jabn del tamao y peso que desees.Recibirs 2 recetas adicionales originales como regala."
Price: 24.99

10-zhjdq |
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Price: 19.99

"WordPress pentru nceptori: Creai-v Propriul Site Modern" |
"Acest curs este pentru : oricine dorete o modalitate simpl, dar eficient pentru a crea un Website oricine dorete s fac primul pas n Web Design oricine dorete s nvee cum s creeze Websiteuri pentru a vinde serviciulScopul acestui curs este s v art cum s configurai i s creai un site website complet, uimitor i cu aspect profesional, folosind WordPress fr s scriei o singur linie de cod!Vom construi mpreuna siteul n WordPress de la zero folosind teme si module, vom merge pas cu pas, astfel nct s putei construi site-ul dvs. WordPress n timp ce urmrii leciile la acest curs.BONUS : V voi arata de unde s accesai o mulime de siteuri gata fcute, tot ce va trebui s facei este s schimbai pozele i textul.Acest curs este pentru nceptori."
Price: 19.99

"NHS Fundraiser - Quarantine 101" |
"During this quarantine I was thinking what I could do to help the amazing NHS workers that get up every day and assist people in such crazy times, and decided to put my videography skills to use by creating a short course centred around improvement.All the profit will go directly to the NHS Charities Together, and I ""teach"" in this course based on experiences that have helped me through life but am in no way a professional, but it felt right to be able to offer some help in any way possible.Feel free to ask me any questions in the comments and I hope you enjoy this course and get something out of it!"
Price: 19.99

"Pressure Vessel Fabrication -Mechanical Engineering, Oil&Gas" |
"This course is designed for providing basic & advanced knowledge about pressure vessel fabrication which is the back bone of Oil & Gas Industry.If you are an aspiring engineer with a strong determination to top in your career, here is the right course available for you.Pressure vessel is a collective name of Tanks, Towers, Columns, Reactors, Desalters etc used in Petrochemical IndustryIllustrated with examples of successfully completed major projects.You will gain knowledge about all important aspects in Pressure Vessel Fabrication like Codes used, how to read and understand the fabrication drawings, important workshop activities, welding & NDT etc,Course outline is given belowMajor Topics Covered Types of Pressure Vessels Design Standards Understanding Fabrication Drawings & Details Quality control Documents Understanding Fabrication Sequences & Activities Workshop calculations basics Types of Welding NDT & Hydro Testing Final Documentation ( MDRB )"
Price: 24.99

"Introduo Linux - Instalao e Conceitos Bsicos" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender a instalar e utilizar uma distribuio Linux. Partindo do histrico e contexto do Linux, passando pela instalao e comandos bsicos de utilizao, gerenciamento e administrao de sistemas Linux, este curso pretende fornecer o conhecimento essencial para se poder utilizar uma distribuio Linux da melhor forma."
Price: 39.99

"Dieta Cetognica na Prtica" |
"Voc gostaria de aprender as melhores estratgias para emagrecer de uma forma muito mais rpida, segura e sustentvel? Eu sou Thiago Sampaio, especialista em nutrio clnica e esportiva e meu compromisso a partir de agora te ensinar o passo a passo de como fazer a Dieta Cetognica na Prtica para extrair resultados alm das suas expectativas.Voc definitivamente vai entender como eu utilizo essas estratgias e o que eu fao para conseguir resultados to expressivos com milhares de pacientes. Tudo isso sem uso de medicamentos, cirurgias ou quaisquer outros procedimentos caros e arriscados. Por isso se prepare para entrar nessa jornada e vamos juntos conhecer em detalhes essa abordagem poderosa que ajuda inmeras pessoas a experimentarem todo o potencial do seu corpo de forma definitiva!"
Price: 279.99

"Flower Arranging Workshop (Sheaf)" |
"DIY Floral Arranging (Sheaf)The BabyThis floral sheaf class is designed with passion and extra care in mind for the student who is anxious and who is overwhelmed with dyslexia. Simple how to steps with layered learning in mind.Isnt it time you get floral Blossoms!DIY Floral Arranging (Sheaf) made EASY with Mercedes!DIY Floral SheafWhat tools you will need for Floral Class Workshop!SecateursTear ribbonCelloScissorsElastic bandWhat cut flower's you will need for Floral Class Workshop!THE CHOICE IS YOURS.RecommendationsDelphiniumIrisAlstroemeriaDahliaLilySunflowerP.S. View the Floral Sheaf student photos for some floral workshop inspiration."
Price: 19.99

"Flower Arranging Workshop (Buttonhole)" |
"DIY Floral ButtonholeGetting married or going to a Prom?This floral workshop will show you in easy steps how easy it is to make you're own.Click on the Floral Buttonhole (Intro) to be introduced to the tools and cut flowers needed for class.DIY Floral ButtonholeWhat tools you will need for Floral Class Workshop!SecateursParafilmFlorist wire - 20, 22, 24 & 26 gauge wireFine ribbonPearl tip pinLeaf shineWhat cut flower's you will need for Floral Class Workshop!THE CHOICE IS YOURS.P.S. TIP - Make sure most of the cut flowers you're handling have thin stems. Helps a lot in wiring, makes it easier.P.S. View the Floral Buttonhole student photos for some floral workshop inspiration."
Price: 19.99

"1Y0-309 Citrix Access Gateway 8.0 Enterprise Edition Exam" |
"240 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Y0-309 Citrix Access Gateway 8.0 Enterprise Edition ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Y0-309 Citrix Access Gateway 8.0 Enterprise Edition ExamTotal Questions : 240Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (180 of 240)"
Price: 169.99

"1Y0-351 Citrix NetScaler 10.5 and Networking Essentials Exam" |
"344 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Y0-351 Citrix NetScaler 10.5 and Networking Essentials ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Y0-351 Citrix NetScaler 10.5 and Networking Essentials ExamTotal Questions : 344Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :230 minsPassing Score : 75 (258 of 344)"
Price: 174.99

"Citrix 1Y0-A16 architecture Virtualization Solution Exam" |
"312 UNIQUE practice questions for Citrix 1Y0-A16 architecture Virtualization Solution ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Citrix 1Y0-A16 architecture Virtualization Solution ExamTotal Questions : 312Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : 75 (234 of 312)"
Price: 159.99

"E05-001 Data Storage and Management of Version Practice Exam" |
"170 UNIQUE practice questions for E05-001 Data Storage and Management of Version Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : E05-001 Data Storage and Management of Version Practice ExamTotal Questions : 170Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (127 of 170)"
Price: 144.99

"E10-110 Enterprise Content Management Practice Exam" |
"273 UNIQUE practice questions for E10-110 Enterprise Content Management Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : E10-110 Enterprise Content Management Practice ExamTotal Questions : 273Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :170 minsPassing Score : 75 (204 of 273)"
Price: 174.99

"E20-007 Data Science Associate Certified Practice Exam" |
"134 UNIQUE practice questions for E20-007 Data Science Associate Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : E20-007 Data Science Associate Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 134Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (100 of 134)"
Price: 149.99

explaining-complex-concepts |
", , , , . . , , , , . , , , . , , . , , ."
Price: 19.99

"SELLING LUXURY: Become a Sophisticated Selling Machine" |
"This course is all about SELLING LUXURY but it can be used to sell also premium or even mass products.It's divided in three main sections: Before, During and After the sale.In the first section you will learn the difference between luxury and mass products, which are different luxury categories, who are luxury consumers, why do they buy, and which skills are essential to become a successful sales professional and sell luxury.The second section is dedicated to the sell process. Explanation of seven steps of sale with affluent customers in mind. You will learn some tricks of the trade and how to change your mindset to be able to sell high-end products and services.Third section is about handlig a complaint and create loyal customers. You will learn how to recognize behaviors that might hold you back in order to become great, and how to make a goal plan.There is also an extra PDF file with examples of Sale Presentations and tips on how to make a great Sales Pitch."
Price: 24.99

"Nonverbal Communication From Scratch To Mastery" |
"Nonverbal communication from scratch to mastery course is design, In a very simple and effective way. The focus of this course is to provide straight forward,clear and usable guidelines, So you can apply the science of nonverbal communication in everyday conversation daily. After completing the course you will make your nonverbal communication your super power. Up to 55% of our communication is nonverbal. However, we often only think about the words we say, not how we say them. In this course, we will review the face, the body and how it expresses emotions and even talk a little bit about the lie detection. How to know the other peoples decision and emotions by just looking there body gestures. How to grab the attention of peoples around yourself without saying a word. How to become more self-confident, more positive, more attractive.At one point you will be on a date, in a business meeting, or in a negotiation and wish you know how to know the other peoples decision by looking their body gestures. Invest the time in this course and you will be happy to have a leg up on your communication in the future.Doesn't matter who you are a business owner, parent, spouse, employee, human resources director, teacher or student, everyone can enroll this course. Before completing the course you will change the way you interact with those around you.If you have ever interacted with another person, this course will be useful to you because our everyday interactions are filled with secret nonverbal cues just waiting to be uncovered.Pradeep Prajapati become an entrepreneur at the age of 13 and currently he is the founder and CEO of Financial Freedom . He has also guided more than 1500 peoples in developing their personality with his seven years of experience.He wrote a very fascinating book ""How to win over instant gratification"". What are you waiting ? Make your nonverbal communication your superpower by clicking on the enroll button"
Price: 99.99

"Linkedin Booster - Le programme n1 sur Linkedin" |
"+ de 15 vidos de formation: Vous n'aurez besoin d'aucun autre achat pour appliquer cette formationBoostez votre compte: dcouvrez des outils puissants et mconnuesAutomatisez votre compte: soyez partout les mains dans les pochesMatrisez Linkedin comme un pro: dcouvrez les fonctionnalits sous estimesMises jour incluses vieModule 1 - Les basesPrsentation de LinkedinPourquoi Linkedin est incontournable ?Comment crer un profil INCROYABLE sur Linkedin ?Tous les paramtres connaitre absolument pour un profil au TOPComment optimiser son compte Linkedin ? Les astuces mconnuesLe site gratuit qui va vous aider tre reconnu dans votre domaineModule 2 - Booster son LinkedinAjouter des contacts en automatique: le HACK ultimeComment booster la visibilit de ses publications: la mthode (trs) puissanteComment se crer un rseau rapidementAutomatiser son profil Linkedin: la solutiontre partout sans rien faire: l'outil qui travaille pour vousComment rcuprer les informations d'un contact Linkedin en un clickComment agrandir sa liste email facilement et rapidement: technique lgaleModule 3 - Matriser LinkedinL'astuce utile que beaucoup de personnes souhaiteraient connatre...Comment ajouter des milliers de contact en une foisLA mthode pour gagner en crdibilit sur LinkedinQuand publier sur Linkedin ?La fonctionnalit de Linkedin trs puissante mais sous-estimeBONUS : Linkedin ADS - comment utiliser la publicit sur Linkedin (TUTO)BONUS 2: Gagner de l'argent grce son compte Linkedin"
Price: 134.99

"Continuous Code Inspection with SonarQube" |
"If youre looking for a hands-on practical course to integrating continuous code inspection of your Java and Angular applications, youve come the right place.The course that will guide you through the process of installing, integrating and using SonarQube with applications that use the Maven build system.As a byproduct, you will also get to know DevOps tools like Jenkins and learn how to setup continuous code inspection for your codebase.This course is focused on Maven projects. It reflects all scenarios that can occur during the integration of SonarQube with your single- or multi module Maven applications. We will briefly go over maven basics, and we will discuss single module Java applications, single module Angular applications, as well as multi-module mixed applications, where your Java and Angular codebase is placed in different modules.Finding the right pieces to the puzzle is often times demanding, but using the resources Ive prepared, you will be able to configure your projects without wasting any valuable time on research.By the end of the course, you will get to know how to implement continuous code inspection with SonarQube automated by Jenkins, and take the firsts steps to developing an easily maintainable product with high quality.DURING THE COURSE, YOU WILL LEARN TO:Install and setup Jenkins and SonarQubeIntegrate your Maven Projects with SonarQubeCreate code coverage reports manuallyCreate a Jenkins pipeline that automates scanning for youIdentify bugs, code smells, vulnerabilities and code debt in SonarQubeCreate quality gates and quality profilesUnderstand maintainability, reliability and security ratings in SonarQube"
Price: 44.99

"Basit Metotlar ile Temel Dzeyde Kpek Eitimi" |
"taat eitimine balamadan nce kpeinizin sizleri nasl algladn, kpeinize lider olduunuzun sinyallerini nasl aktaracanz ileyeceiz. Sonrasnda kpeinizin algsna ynelik metotlar ile kpeinize olumlu yaklaarak temel komutlar nasl retebileceinizi renebilecek bu vesileyle de kpeinizle aranzdaki iletiimi kuvvetlendirmeyi bol tekrar ve sabr gstererek baaracaksnz. Bu baarnza ahitlik etmekten mutluluk duyarken alma esnasndaki geri dnleriniz ve yorumlarnz ile de sizlere rehberlik etme frsatn yakalayabileceim."
Price: 49.99
