"Launch Your Website With GitHub Pages" |
"Are you looking for an easy way to launch your website? Or are you looking for a way to share your coding projects? In this class you will launch a new website using GitHub Pages. GitHub Pages is a free service and there are no servers, no configs, and no payments (it's totally free!) With this course you can launch your HTML, CSS and JavaScript website on the internet for free and in less than an hour!To really build your skills you will learn by doing. You will create a public repository on GitHub where you can share your code. And if you set it up right, GitHub will create a website for you and make it accessible to the internet.You can use Windows, Mac or Linux in this course, too. It's all covered and supported! Together we'll get started with Git (beginner friendly) and we'll create a new GitHub account and repository. If you don't want to learn how to use Git, that's OK, because I'll show you how to edit files directly on GitHub as well.Then we'll add files to our GitHub repository and deploy it to the internet.And just like that... you have a website that friends, family, and future employers can look it.As always, and with all my other courses, I am here to support you. If you get stuck or have questions I am 100% here to help you throughout this entire class.Let's get started right away!"
Price: 19.99

"MikroTik Wireless Engineer with LABS" |
"***This course is not officially sponsored by MikroTik and not an authorized course by MikroTik. We are neither affiliated with nor endorsed by MikroTik. We respect the Trademarks of the mentioned company and institution.***Wireless has became an essence in the IT industry, we do have wireless everywhere: at home, at work, in the restaurant, in the airport .... and everywhere. MikroTik have a very reputable hardware when we speak about wireless. In addition of the WLAN, MikroTik devices works perfectly in the outdoor environment and they can be deployed for Point-to-Point and/or Point-to-Multipoint wireless networks. The only drawback is that configuring the wireless correctly on the MikroTik routers is a challenge. For this reason, I have designed this course to be such a reference for you in case you want to deploy a wireless network using MikroTik products, or in case you want to be ready for the MikroTik MTCWE exam.In this course I will cover the following topics:Wireless Fundamentals,Wireless Tools on MikroTikWireless Frequency mode and TX power changeMikroTik Wireless Data rate and chainsWireless Link Quality - TroubleshootingChannel Width, Channel Bonding & Guard intervalWireless Protocols: Nstreme vs NV2Nstreme DualWireless Bridging on MikroTikMikroTik Wireless RepeaterWireless Bridging using EOIP and MPLS/VPLSWireless SecurityWireless WDS and MeshIf you want to become a professional MikroTik wireless engineer and be ready for the MikroTik MTCWE exam, I advise you to take my course which will surely help you to get what you want."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Growth Mindset Course - The Mindset for Success" |
"The Complete Growth Mindset Course - The Mindset for SuccessBuild a Growth Mindset for Your Organization and Yourself - Leadership for Life Success - Learn Habits to be SuccessfulThe happiest, most fulfilled and most successful people in the world all have one thing in common: a growth mindset.A growth mindset, in contrast with a fixed mindset, is essential for any individual who wants to have a meaningful life filled with positive change and growth. Fortunately, if you have been brought up to have a fixed mindset, you can change. Anyone can learn to develop a positive growth mindset to carry them through life.Personal development expert TJ Walker will be your guide through this course on how to create, build, strengthen, and maintain a growth mindset for every aspect of your life.If you are looking to improve your own leadership capabilities, your confidence and your own personal success, then this is the course for you.If you are ready to get more out of life and to see more positive change in your life on a daily basis, then enroll in this growth mindset course today."
Price: 199.99

"Learning DAX in Easy Steps" |
"Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) is the formula language of Power BI, Power Pivot, and SSAS (Tabular models). DAX is a functional language (executed code is contained inside a function). Learning DAX is much like discovering how to use formulas in Excel.This course covers all the essentials functions/parameters that make DAX unique.If you are learning DAX from scratch or already know the basics, this course will help you all to master the Power BI.We'll first get started by learning the essential terms in DAX such as:Implicit and Explicit MeasureCalculated fieldsEvaluation ContextTable RelationshipTable Types and moreNext, we'll see DAX functions in action like, DISTINCTCOUNT, COUNTROWS, CALCULATE, DATESBETWEEN, DISTINCT, and more.By the end of this course, you'll have the knowledge of:How the DAX engine worksUsing DAX to model and analyze your dataHow to aggregate and filter with easeThe course is structured to minimize theory and focus more on action. The quick wins will keep you motivated to deep dive further"
Price: 49.99

"Certificado Fundamentos de Excel 2020 aplicado a negocios." |
"En la actualidad las compaas almacenan enormes cantidades de datos y los profesionales se enfrentan a escenarios donde es necesario interpretarlos para obtener informacin y conocimiento, con el objetivo de tomar mejores decisiones y generar una ventaja competitiva. Los estudiantes, a travs de ejemplos prcticos sobre visualizacin y anlisis de datos, obtendrn las herramientas para afrontar los retos tecnolgicos relacionados con el anlisis de datos. Este curso se enfoca en el anlisis de datos, su aplicacin a los negocios y al marketing digital, con la finalidad de ayudar a las empresas a ser ms eficientes y productivas, por lo tanto, est dirigido a personas que trabajan en el mundo de los negocios y estn interesadas en mejorar su perfil profesional sumando habilidades de anlisis de datos para la toma de decisiones estratgicas.Contenido de estudioMdulo 1 Anlisis de datos con ExcelExploracin de la herramienta de Excel y sus funcionalidades.Crear y trabajar con hojas de clculo, as como facilitar el anlisis de datos.Aplicar operaciones simples para la recoleccin, almacenamiento y anlisis de datos, como: conteos, sumas y frmulas.Mdulo 2 Procesamiento de datos con tabulacin cruzadaUsar las tablas dinmicas de Excel para procesar datos a travs de la tabulacin cruzada.Usar una perspectiva para el procesamiento y anlisis de datos.Calcular las tabulaciones cruzadas.Mdulo 3 Introduccin a Power Pivot para ExcelComprender la importacin de datos y data feed con Power Pivot.Crear enlaces de tablas.Generar columnas por defecto y ocultarlas.Crear grficos avanzados.Mdulo 4 Anlisis y modelado de datos con Power PivotAnalizar las caractersticas avanzadas de Power Pivot para el modelado de datos en Excel.Aplicar el anlisis y modelado de datos en Power Pivot, considerando situaciones que desde los negocios puedan surgir."
Price: 19.99

"Design Beginners Bootcamp Learn Graphic Design Skills Fast" |
"In the 21st century, pretty much everyone is a designer. Whether you want to be or not. If you work in marketing or comms youll be expected to just be able to design things. Or if youre a solopreneur or have your own side business, youll want to create things that look as good as your competitors.But as much as you might have good taste, and as good as you are with computers, or ideas, none of those things add up to having design skills.So how do you learn them? And while youre at it, how do you learn InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop the programs design professionals use? Our Design Beginners Bootcamp will teach you those foundational skills, and supercharge your creative confidence.Design Beginners Bootcamp is an intensive design workout. Starting from scratch you'll study a total of 12 mini courses, each one building on what you've learned previously to build your skills and confidence fast.Youll learn a mixture of Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign skills alongside graphic design theory. Its very practical, teaching you how to create very specific things like infographics, branding and social media imagery, all the while attempting to explain why particular design choices were made.This is the course I would have loved to have studied when I started as a young designer. I hope you find it super useful, and you end up brimming with design confidence.Here's a list of the courses in order:1 Create Icons and Logos with Illustrator2 Ten steps to better graphic design3 Working from InDesign packages & templates4 Improving Images with Photoshop5 Create Website & Social Media Images with Illustrator6 Typography Course7 Create Posters, Flyers, Adverts & Postcards8 Create Social Media images with Photoshop9 Creating Basic Infographics with Illustrator10 Create a logo for your brand11 Getting Your Work Commercially Printed from InDesign12 How to cut people out with Photoshop""I am so glad I joined this bootcamp when I did. My job at a non-profit requires me to regularly create posters, social media posts, and brochures, but as a new Creative Cloud user, these projects were taking me longer than necessary. Peters class was a helpful foundational course that showed me just how much is possible with InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator. By implementing his tricks and tools, Im on my way to becoming a better, faster, and more creative designer."" Heather Pentecost, Events & Development Associate, Linc HousingVery very good. Great pace and easy to follow. Lucy Joy, Artist""I really enjoyed taking this class. I have learned so much from each module. Its easy to follow and this is something that I will be going back to for future references. Im hoping to take more classes in the future"". Gladdie Cabral, Social Media Assistant"
Price: 199.99

"How To Become A Better Soccer Player In Just 60 Days" |
"Have you ever felt like a loser because you're not good enough at soccer?Have you ever wondered why those around you seem to be getting better all the time and you're not?Are you stuck because you don't know how to actually improve your soccer skills?I Totally UnderstandIt's not your fault, you've probably heard a million opinions and gotten some free advice (usually worth about what you pay for it) and you're more confused than ever...That's OK. This is what I do, so help is on the way.It's Possible To Become A Better Soccer Player, Even If You're A Total NewbieYou could go out and read EVERY book ever written about becoming a better soccer player, spend HOURS interviewing experienced soccer coaches, and actually go out on the field and DO this stuff like I have.or...Follow this simple, content packed, 13 video training course that condenses down everything I've learned about becoming the best soccer player possible into just 90 minutes of film.No fluff and NO B.S. Just the raw information and systems you NEED to become a better soccer player faster than ever before!Here's Just A LITTLE Of What You'll Discover: The few simple tricks that give you the power to improve your soccer skills Improve your ball control even if you're constantly tripping over the ball Warning: leaving out my #1 how-to-defend-better exercise could get you red carded in your next game How to get less injuries & improve your max performance level with just a few new stretches The secret to never running laps again The custom workout journal to use if you want to achieve all your goals in soccer And a whole lot more I Can't Take Credit For This Training ProgramI consulted EVERYBODY that I knew who was a success at soccer, read EVERYTHING available on the subject of improving your soccer skills and then added my own personal experiences to develop this training program...Don't let the size (just 13 videos) fool you. Over 241 hours of research went into this project.It is truly, the best of the best there is, and the program is simple and FAST to learn so you can start improving your soccer skills immediately.Learn From Those Who've Done It Before...You could go out and try to become a better soccer player on your own.But think about how much faster and easier it is to become a better player when you follow a proven system that hundreds of players just like you have already benefited from?Can you imagine what it will be like when you are...Finally knowing how to master the best soccer moves in less than 5 minutes (even if you don't know any soccer moves right now)Seeing people cheer for you (and then personally congratulating you for your performance after the game)Watching the look on your friends and families face when you amaze them with your new soccer skillsBeing proud of the fact that you are the best player aroundEnjoy playing the game without worrying about what others are thinking of youand a whole lot more...Here is the Real Proof This Training Program WorksLook, don't take my word for it. This training program works, and these notes I've received from my happy customers will prove it to you.Take a look for yourself...Here's What People Have To Say...""I didn't know what to do to become a better soccer player. I've tried to become a better soccer player by myself and it's not really worked out. Once I found Chris's training program I started seeing improvements in my game right away. The training program is so simple but the results are powerful.""- Ahmad Ibrahim, International Soccer Player""Improved my juggling technique drastically. I'm really starting to beat more defenders with the ball!""- Travis, Soccer Player from Kentucky, USA""Coach Chris is an excellent soccer coach."" - Don, Soccer dad whose paid me $746.70 to coach his son one-on-one using this exact same training program""Coach Chris is doing an excellent job. I can already see improvements in the way my son plays.""- Tammy, Soccer mom who paid me $229 last month to coach her son one-on-one using this exact same training program""Chris is awesome! I started from scratch with my soccer skills and couldn't even dribble a ball correctly. Now I am comfortable with the ball and I have developed good footwork through the drills and exercises Chris has taught me. He is very patient and encourages me to reach my full potential in soccer!! I highly recommend Chris to anyone looking to get a jump-start in the sport, or even just to polish some things up in their game!"" - Noah, soccer player who pays me $424.75 every month to coach him through my training program. In just 60 days I helped Noah go from being a total newbie to making his high school soccer team this season. ""Chris gave me great soccer tips. Especially on how to get a better first touch and how to make turns. Check him out!""- David C, soccer player from CaliforniaSo Here's What You Get!Video 2: What you'll need to use this program I'll show you how to get all the tools you'll need if you want to take your game to another level Sneak peak into the 3 days per week training schedule that'll skyrocket your game in just 8 weeksVideo 4: Day 1 Learn how to master Messi's favorite move with this one exerciseHow to get better at shooting using these 4 exact exercises Prevent stiffness and soreness with the cool down I created from studying the famous Brazilian national soccer team.and much more...Video 5: Day 2 3 cone drills that'll help you turn with the ball so that you stop losing it under pressuremy secret eight-part warm up routine that'll lower your risk of injury in games!How to master the top 10 most frequently used soccer moves seen on TV.Learn how to do Cristiano Ronaldo's favorite move, the Ronaldo chop and much more....Video 6: Day 3 Master your ball control with 18 exercises that'll get you over 1,000 quality touches on the ball in under 20 minutes!3 drills that'll help you pass the ball more accurately on the ground and in the air3 dynamic cone weaving exercises that'll unlock the skills you need to keep defenders from stealing the ball from you.and much more...FAST ACTION BONUS When you make the decision to take your game to another level today you will get the Training Program Workbook for free! Get the ONLY soccer workout journal created to take your game to another levelCreate goals that help you accomplish your biggest dreams in soccerLearn and understand all the training benefits as you work through the programGet the full 8 week training calendar so you can keep track of your progressEasily track your training results so that you can see the stats behind how you're progressing over time30 Day Money Back Guarantee!I guarantee that if for any reason my training program isn't working for you just simply ask Udemy for a full refund within 30 days of purchase."
Price: 19.99

"Blender para vdeos de marketing em animao 2D" |
"Voc ver como criar uma animao de marketing desde o roteiro, escolhendo a estrutura mais eficaz; como utilizar o Inkscape para criar os layouts das cenas; utilizar o Audacity para editar o udio; o Blender para animaes 2D e edio do video; assim como ter acesso a templates que criei para o curso."
Price: 54.99

"The Empathy Principle - Emotional Intelligence - EIQ-2" |
"Empathy is required for any type of success in personal and family relationships, and business. Most people think they know what empathy is, but they misunderstand what it really is and how it impacts those around them.No one knows exactly how another person feels. By relating to the feelings of others, you are able to connect at a deeper level and really know them. Care and consideration are key skills that have their basis in Empathy.In this highly impactful course, you will discover:The Benefits ofUnderstanding your perspectiveTypes of empathyEmpathy advantageEmpathy MixEmpathetic ListeningBeing AuthenticBeing Sensitive, Appreciative and ConsiderateThe topics covered include:Sharing a Constructive PersonalityEmpathy & InfluenceThe empathy advantageEmpathy, resonance, and rapportInferenceAttunementCommunicating with empathyVAKDealing with Difficult people, emotions & situationsLeading & Influencing with empathyImproving your skills and relationshipsAnd much moreEnroll today!"
Price: 99.99

"SAP ABAP on HANA Simplified" |
"Introduction SAP HANA Technical Concepts, ADT, HANA StudioArchitectural ScenariosSAP HANA as Database for other ApplicationsSAP HANA HW and SW TechnologyRow Store Vs Column StoreData CompressionParallel processingWhen to Use Row and Column StoreClassical Vs New ApproachIntroduction to HANA StudioIntroduction to Core Data ServicesParadigm ChangesCDS EnablementWhat are Core Data Services ?Core Data Services - ABAPBottom DownTop Down approachABAP CDS ArchitectureABAP CDS ViewsCDS SQL FeaturesGeneral and Enhanced featuresSimple CDS View ABAP CDS EntityCase Expressions in CDS ViewsABAP CDS LiteralsJoins in CDS ViewsAggregation, Grouping, Filtering GroupsAdvanced Concepts in CDSAnnotations in CDS ViewsUnions in CDS ViewsConsuming CDS ViewsView on ViewView ExtensionsABAP CDS AssociationsPath ExpressionsFilter ExpressionsView with Input parametersDifferent ways of exposing CDS Views as OData ServiceExpose CDS Views as OData Service Type 1Expose CDS as OData Service Type 2Expose CDS as OData Service Type 3Where CDS Views are used?New Open SQL FeaturesNew Features in Open SQLFew Limitations RemovedNew Open SQL SELECTTaking ABAP to SAP HANASAP HANA as Secondary DB ConnectionTools to Analyze potential functional and performance issues in ABAP Programs Guided Performance AnalysisPerformance Rules and Guidelines for SAP HANACode to Data with SAP HANA as Secondary DatabaseParadigm ChangesOpen SQLABAP Database IntegrationLimitations of Open SQL in ABAP < 7.4ABAP Database Connectivity ADBCUse of ADBCNative SQL in ABAPTesting native SQL in HANA studioHANA Artifacts, HANA StudioBottom up approach AS ABAP < 7.40Search functions in HANA StudioHANA ViewsConsuming HANA Views via Native SQLDatabase Procedures in HANA StudioCalling HANA Procedures in ABAPUsing ABAP Managed Database ProceduresTop Down approach ABAP 7.4AMDPsCDS Table Functions ABAP NW 7.5AMDP Sample methodSAP HANA Proxy ObjectsBottom up approach AS ABAP < 7.40External ViewsCreating External View in ADTData type mapping between HANA and ABAP Dictionary Access HANA Views via ABAP External Views HANA Transport ContainerCalling SAP HANA Procedures in ABAP Procedure Proxies in ABAP 7.4 Database Procedure ProxiesCreating Database Procedure Proxy in ADTData type mapping between HANA and ABAP Dictionary Access DB Procedure Proxy in ABAP Code to Data Techniques PreferencesDebugging in ABAP Development tools(ADT"
Price: 149.99

"SAP MDG - Master Data Governance Certification Training" |
"Configuring MDG for different mastersIntroduction to MDG and concepts ofMDG(Theoretical)Concepts of Data ModelingCreating data model in SystemConcepts of Financials Data model (0G) and other data models like (MM,BP) (Theoretical and In System)Concepts of Webdypro and FPM(Theoretical and In System)Concepts of UI Modeling and creating UI for the previous created data model (Theoretical and In System)Creating a Change Request Process for the previous created data model (Theoretical and In System)Enhancing and modfying UI by BADIimplementation(Theoretical and In System)Concepts of enhancing existing data model(Theoretical and In System)Setting up replication model (Theoretical and in system)Concepts of Value Mapping, Key Mapping and"
Price: 154.99

"SAP FSCM ( Financial Supply Chain Management ) Simplified" |
"provides a solution to improve your AR processes; it provides functionalities for electronic billing, managing billing disputes, collections management and credit risk management. As such, SAP FSCM has compelling benefits to the business through reduction in working capital and managing of bad debt through effective efforts by the AR team for managing customer collections. In this blog, we provide an overview of the SAP Financial Supply Chain Management components of the overall FSCM solution.Business PartnerCredit Control AreaIDOCCredit ManagementCredit Limit RequestCollection ManagementPromise to PayDispute ManagementIn-House Cash Management"
Price: 89.99

"Sales Psychology Certification" |
"If you work in sales or have your own business, this course is for you...Learn the secret to what makes people buy, and what turns them off!Selling can be a struggle and, if you have your own business, it can be particularly hard as your livelihood is tied up in how many people you can get to buy your products and services and you get to learn pretty quickly that YOU are your business.If people aren't buying from you or if you struggle to sell and market your products effectively, this course can help.Find out what makes people want to click the buy button and what causes them to run for the hills!Sales psychology teaches you how to dig deep into people's personalities, behavior and the emotional triggers that make them want to buy or not and this course will teach you the main psychological principles that can improve your sales and help you create the perfect marketing copy that your potential clients will love.What you will learn:*What motivates someone to buy*What will stop someone buying from you* How to position your products or services to help people buy* How to effectively price your products and services* Effective strategies you can use to improve conversions on your website and adverts* and much more...This is a beginner's course and is targeted at those of you who are new to sales or who have a business that is struggling and you want to know how to get more people to buy from you.This course is not for experienced marketers as you will likely know most of this anyway.If you need help with your sales and you want to learn the secret to what really makes people buy then take a look at my intro videos and, if you like what you see, I'd love you to join me in this valuable course.You will get a Udemy certificate of completion when you successfully complete this course, which you can use for CPD.**Comes with a handbook you can download from the resources section before you start the course so you can make notes as you go along**Best WishesAngie xx"
Price: 39.99

"Create a Survival Game in Javascript with Phaser 3 in 2020" |
"If you need to practise your javascript...If you want to learn some new ES6 stuff...If you have ever wanted to create a survival game...Then this course is for you!You will get experience using:ES6ClassesArraysObjectsFunctionsPhaser 3TiledAnimationSpritesheetsCreating a survival game is fun and a great way to learn some Javascript and Phaser fundamentals.The game includes:AnimationsBasic Enemy AIAudioMouse & Keyboard Input HandlingAdvanced Matter PhysicsFull source code is included.I hope you enjoy the course!"
Price: 54.99

"Salesforce Development for Intermediate Developers" |
"This course is for people who want to learn Apex programming and looking to become a Salesforce Developer. This course covers topics related to Apex Programming which you will use in real world. This course will prepare you for your first Salesforce Developer Job.What you will learn in this course?Learn about Developer Console.Overview of Salesforce WorkbenchDevelopment using Visual Studio CodeIntegrating Salesforce with External System Asynchronous Apex Versus Synchronous ApexBatch Apex, Schedulable Apex, Stateful Batch ApexFuture method in SalesforceREST API Test Framework in SalesforcePowerful Google Chrome Extensions for Salesforce DevelopersWhat else is included in this course? Lots of Quizzes in every sectionLearning through real world examples Mini project halfway through the courseIs Salesforce developer a good career?Salesforce Developer has once again been named one of the world's best jobs. In a list of 25 job roles, Salesforce was the only company to get a mention. The rest were generic positions, not tied to a particular technology or brand. The tenth best job in the US today is not a CRM developer; it's a Salesforce Developer.Is Salesforce still in demand 2020?The Salesforce Job Market is Growing!!! Im continuously updating and improving this course as I teach more people and learn what sticks. The goal is to make coding as accessible as possible and in a digestible time frame."
Price: 99.99

"UiPath Test Automation" |
"Selenium test automation has always been a bit hard to learn, has limited capabilities, and yields less than desirable results. In my Robot Framework courses, I showed how you can use a free, pre-existing framework to make Selenium test automation much easier.Now that the wildly popular UiPath RPA platform has started offering test automation features, Selenium test automation has never been easier or more powerful!!!All UiPath skills are HOT. I received a quote from a vendor recently and they are asking $207/hr for their resources. Wow!In this succinct & powerful course Ill provide you with a the most critical UiPath skills for test automation including:UiPath platform InstallationUiPath Studio Pro OrientationTest case structure (Flowchart vs. Sequence vs. State Machine)Executing automated tests locally and via the Orchestrator serverSharing reusable automation workflows between RPA and test automation (this is HUGE!)My goal is to help you get up and running with UiPath test automation best practices faster than any other method, so you can start saving time & money at your company, maximize the value of your UiPath tools & shared workflows, and level up your career!"
Price: 199.99

"Aplicativo para Delivery com Ionic 6" |
"O curso para criao de um aplicativo para delivery com ionic 6 e mysql possui 65 aulas, neste curso voc vai aprender a criar um aplicativo do zero, onde seus clientes podero acessar e fazer os pedidos, nele ter login, carrinho, produtos, categorias e muito mais, este aplicativo se comunica com um sistema web/site que foi feito em PHP7, aconselhvel fazer tambm o sistema para que ambos possam se comunicar, adquira j nosso curso e comece a desenvolver aplicativos de forma profissional."
Price: 399.99

"Active Campaign fr dein eMail Marketing - Einsteigerkurs" |
"Listbuiding mit Active Campaign - so richtest du alles ein:Alle im Online Marketing trumen von einer groen Liste. Denn nur viele Interessenten bringen am Ende des Tages auch viele Kunden, denn Marketing ist ein Zahlenspiel. Damit du deine Liste DSGVO konform aufbaust, bentigst du eine entsprechende Software - und diese ist idealer Weise auch Tag-fhig - so wie Active Campaign. In diese Kurs zeige ich dir, wie du auf Active Campaign einsteigst und wie du alle wichtigen Grundfunktionen, bedienst, wie zB Formulare, Listen, Kampagnen, Autmations und so weiter. Zum Schluss zeige ich dir einen ganzen Optin Prozess im berblick und gebe dir noch einige Bonus-Infos.Wichtig: In diesem Kurs geht es um die technischen Aspekte und das Einrichten von Active Campaign und nciht um die Strategie und das Wording deiner eMails"
Price: 99.99

"Schrpfmassage (Video inkl. Zertifikat)" |
"Die Schrpfmassage (mit dem Udemy Online-Kurs lernen)Das Schrpfen ist eine traditionelle Anwendung der Alternativmedizin. Es handelt sich um ein ausleitendes Verfahren, bei dem durch Unterdruck auf einem begrenzten Hautareal bewusst Hmatome erzeugt werden. Die Schrpfmassage selbst ist eine besondere Form des Schrpfens. Hier werden besondere Schrpfglser, die mit einem Gummiball versehen sind, angewendet. Bei Kontakt mit der Haut wird ein Unterdruck im Inneren des Glases herbeigefhrt. Danach kann das Glas auf der vorher eingelten Haut bewegt werden.Aber auch zur reinen Wellness und Prvention kann die Schrpfmassage optimal genutzt werden. Nur, wie funktioniert sie wirklich? Welche Vorbereitungen und Handgriffe sind im Einzelnen wichtig und in welcher Reihenfolge? Wie gehe ich mit dem Kunden um, damit er die Schrpfmassage perfekt gelagert optimal und effektiv genieen kann?Alle diese Fragen und Punkte kannst Du lernen und beantwortet bekommen, wenn Du unsere Online-Ausbildung Schrpfmassage (WIP-Akademie) absolvierst. Jedes Hauptkapitel ist dabei in mehrere Lektionen untergliedert, die wiederum aus anschaulichen Videos oder kurzen Skripten bestehen - so macht das Lernen Spa und Du kannst die Grifftechniken der Schrpf-Massage zu Hause direkt ben und ausprobieren. Kleine Wiederholungsfragen am Ende eines Kapitels helfen Dir dabei, das Gelernte selbst zu berprfen.Zum Abschluss des Online-Fernlehrgangs wird Dir die von UDEMY ein Certificate verliehen, das direkt online zum Download bereitsteht. Whrend des Lehrgangs kannst Du natrlich immer Fragen stellen und Profi-Tipps von uns erhalten. Mein Team und ich freuen uns darauf, Dich kennen zu lernen und im Fernlehrgang betreuen zu drfen.Herzliche GreDein Uli Ptter (Direktor WIP-Akademie)WellnessInPerfektion WIP GmbH"
Price: 34.99

"Meditazione Esoterica: Trascendere i Limiti Umani" |
"La meditazione nasce come pratica esoterica (cio strettamente riservata a strette cerchie di persone) e, attraverso i secoli, si trasforma e viene adattata alla new age e alle esigenze dell'uomo moderno. Ma la meditazione originale, essenziale, ben differente da quanto viene promosso oggi come rimedio per il dolore fisico ed emotivo: un percorso spirituale autentico, che innalza la natura umana oltre i limiti abitualmente conosciuti. Include pratiche guidate e pu essere approcciato senza nessuna conoscenza precedente).Il corso prevede anche la possibilit di usufruire di una Sessione Individuale e Gratuita con l'insegnante (in audio e video).Marco Cattaneo GOTAM, Ipnotista, Maestro di Meditazione e Mindfulness, propone un approccio radicale alla meditazione per trascendere i limiti della mente e della natura corporea umana."
Price: 49.99

"Seales de Calma: la clave del adiestramiento canino" |
"Descubre las seales de calma caninas.Toda persona que conviva o ame a los perros debe conocer las seales de calma: qu son, qu significan y cmo influyen en tu relacin con el perro.Si no es tu caso, este curso es para ti: en casi 1 hora aprenders todo lo que necesitas sobre las seales de calma, la base del lenguaje canino.Este es el punto de partida para toda relacin, educacin o adiestramiento que quieras hacer con tu perro.EXTRA: Obtendrs un Descuento en el precio del Curso si utilizas el siguiente Cdigo de Descuento: SENALCALMA"
Price: 19.99

"DevOps Ninja: Docker, Kubernetes e Rancher" |
"* ATUALIZAO: Muitas novas aulas extras e tambm Rancher em HA e o Kubernetes em HA tambm, prontos para produo.DevOps mo-na-massa, com uma abordagem prtica, onde voc ir aprender desde a implantao do cluster, at a construir as aplicaes com micro-servios:Aprender sobre Docker, Kubernetes e RancherCriar uma aplicao com containers DockerInstalar e configurar o RancherInstalar e configurar o KubernetesExecutar diversos exerccios para aprender os conceitos do KubernetesPipeline de CI/CD com Rancher+GithubHelm, entre outrosNosso objetivo e abordar os aspectos prticos e que acontecem no dia-a-dia de um mundo DevOps. Fazer o desenvolvimento da operao demanda que voc aprenda muitas tecnologias, esteja apto a implantar e gerenciar. Meu objetivo principal, que voc entenda estes pontos ao final do curso, e saiba como utiliz-los:- Grandes poderes trazem grandes responsabilidades. Quem cuida da produo da sua aplicao o prprio desenvolvedor.- Automao ao mximo. Todo Pipeline automatizado.- Zero problemas em produo. Usando os recursos do Kubernetes, podemos tornar nossas aplicaes praticamente indestrutveis."
Price: 84.99

"Storytelling for Change and Crisis Management" |
"Are you having a hard time adapting to change? Would you like to inspire your team to respond constructively to a moment of total disruption? Would you like to keep people focused and together during times of crisis?If so, youve come to the right place. Change and crisis management are messy processes and thats because they tend to bring out our insecurities, our limitations and blind spots.This is where Storytelling comes in. With the help of Storytelling you can not only help yourself adapt quicker to moments of change and crisis, it will help you become a voice of reason and a beacon of hope for those around you.My name is Alex Glod and I will be your instructor for this course. I am Senior Trainer, Storyteller and 3-times TEDx Speaker. For the past 8 years I have trained and educated thousands of people across Europe and Asia on the Art of Storytelling, Authentic Leadership and Creativity. All of these skills are crucial during times of disruption, skills that we will develop together.Throughout the course you will learn:How to reshape your personal narratives during times of change and crisisHow to better understand and adapt to the new reality that is surfacingHow to reshape the narratives of your team or communityHow to lead the change in a constructive wayand How to inspire other to follow your visionTimes of change and crisis dont have to be marked by fear, insecurity and frustration. They can be great opportunities for personal growth and meaningful transformation.Join the online course now! Sign up for the course now and lets make this change or crisis a meaningful experience for you and for those around you!"
Price: 124.99

"Formation Unity 3D (2020) : Crez des jeux avec Unity et C#" |
"Il s'agit de la formation complte la plus rcente sur Udemy. Elle est base sur la version 2020 de Unity3D.Envie d'apprendre Unity ? De crer des jeux ? De migrer depuis un autre moteur ? De vivre de votre passion ?Cette formation est faite pour vous ! Pas besoin de connaissances particulires, nous allons tout voir de A Z ! Nous utiliserons la toute dernire version de Unity pour ce cours, vous aurez donc accs la formation la plus jour du net !Cette formation complte sur Unity 3D vous permettra d'apprendre crer des jeux 3D avec le langage de programmation C#. Cette formation vous permettra d'apprendre utiliser Unity tout en mettant vos connaissances en pratique immdiatement. Tout au long de cette formation, nous allons suivre notre fil rouge : Crer un jeu de plateforme/aventure 3D.Nous dcouvrirons tout depuis le dbut (pas besoin de connaissances pour suivre cette formation) et nous irons jusqu' la publication de notre jeu en ligne. tant expert certifi Unity, j'ai fait en sorte de vous transmettre les bonnes pratiques pour aboutir un projet de qualit pro. J'enseigne Unity depuis plus de 10 ans et j'ai publi de nombreux livres sur ce logiciel. Aprs avoir suivi cette formation, vous serez l'aise avec Unity et vous serez en mesure de dvelopper n'importe quel type de jeux. Ce cours est bas sur la version 2020 de Unity. Vous y apprendrez les techniques essentielles du dveloppement de jeux 3D :Importer des assets (modles 3D, textures, sons...)Mettre en place de la physiqueCrer des prefabs (objets rutilisables)Concevoir des interfaces utilisateurProgrammer avec C#Crer un prototype avant le dveloppementParamtrer la lumire et l'clairageAmliorer les graphismes avec le post-processingAnimer les objets et personnagesGrer les collisionsCrer des interactionsUtiliser les camrasCrer des effets visuelsCoder toutes les fonctionnalits d'un jeu de plateformeGrer le score Combattre des ennemisProgrammer une intelligence artificielle complteMettre en place des objectifs/missionsCrer une minimapCompiler et distribuer votre jeuDes heures de bonus, conseils, astucesUne formation bonus complte pour crer un FPS...Alors n'attendez plus, lancez vous et devenez dveloppeur de jeu indpendant pour vivre de votre passion.*** NOUVEAU ***Apprenez crer un FPS 3D avec UNITY !Cette formation volue et continuera d'voluer. J'ajouterai du contenu et je raliserai des vidos selon vos demandes. Je viens d'ajouter prs de 10 heures de vidos pour vous permettre d'apprendre crer un FPS 3D avec Unity et C# et j'ai ajout 25 conseils pour amliorer vos jeux et votre game design !*** BON VISIONNAGE ***"
Price: 199.99

"Modlisation d'environnements 3D de jeux vido avec Blender" |
"Passionn par la modlisation 3D et le logiciel libre bienvenue !Cette formation vous permettra d'apprendre la modlisation 3D low poly avec Blender 2.8. Le low poly consiste limiter la complexit des modles 3D afin d'optimiser les performances. Cette technique est idale pour la cration de modles propres au jeu vido.Au cours de cette formation complte, nous allons modliser deux environnements complets : Un appartement avec tout son mobilier et un environnement 3D destination d'un jeu de plateforme. Pour vous faire une ide du rsultat final dans le jeu vido, j'ai utilis l'environnement 3D de cette formation dans ma formation sur la cration de jeux avec Unity. Vous pourrez ainsi visualiser cette modlisation dans un projet concret.Vous n'avez pas besoin de connatre Blender ni de connaissances particulires pour suivre ce cours. Nous allons tout revoir depuis le dbut puis nous modliserons ensemble, pas pas les diffrents environnements 3D. Cette formation se veut claire et pratique. Vous aurez toutes les ressources ncessaires ainsi que le projet final si vous avez un doute.Aprs avoir suivi cette formation, vous serez en mesure de crer n'importe quel type d'environnement (intrieur ou extrieur) ainsi que n'importe quel type d'objet 3D grce aux techniques que nous aurons vues. La mthode que je vais partager avec vous s'adaptera vos futurs projets et vous serez en mesure de crer tous les modles dont vous aurez besoin. Je vous assure que vous russirez crer les modles 3D de ce tutoriel. Si ma formation ne tient pas ses promesses, je vous rembourse intgralement !Vous apprendrez les techniques essentielles de modlisation :Le mode objetLe mode ditionLes outils de modlisationLes modifiersLes materialsLes pluginsL'utilisation d'images de rfrence...Puis nous continuerons nottre apprentissage par la pratique et des projets concrets. Alors n'attendez plus, vous avez trouv LA formation idale pour apprendre la modlisation low poly et la cration d'environnements 3D de jeux."
Price: 99.99

"Godot Engine : Cration de jeux 3D avec le moteur libre" |
"Ce cours vous permettra d'apprendre dvelopper des jeux avec un outil libre et gratuit : Godot Engine.Godot est le moteur de jeux libre par excellence. Cette formation vous permettra d'apprendre utiliser ce logiciel et programmer avec GDScript, un langage trs proche de Python.La premire partie est ddie l'apprentissage des bases afin de mettre tout le monde niveau puis, dans la seconde partie, nous allons approfondir nos connaissances et dvelopper un jeu 3D complet jusqu' sa publication en ligne. Vous n'avez pas besoin de connaissances particulires pour suivre cette formation, il vous faut simplement l'envie d'apprendre crer des jeux. Godot fonctionne sur tous les systmes d'exploitation et vous permettra de compiler vos jeux pour les plateformes les plus courantes.Je sais que vous prendrez beaucoup de plaisir crer vos jeux avec Godot. Je vous invite partager avec moi vos crations afin que le puisse crer un article de blog avec les jeux de toutes les personnes qui suivent ma formation. C'est satisfait ou 100% rembours ! Si ma formation le tient pas ses promesses, je vous rembourse intgralement.Vous apprendrez toutes les notions essentielles :Instancier des objetsImporter des modles 3DCoder avec GD ScriptMettre en place un personnageGrer les inputs clavier/sourisProgrammer la camraCrer des lments interactifsMettre en place la lumire et l'clairageAmliorer les graphismes Animer des objets et personnagesGrer les collisionsUtiliser les materialsJouer du sonChanger de niveauCrer un menu Compiler et partager le projet...C'est LA formation francophone la plus complte que vous pouvez trouver sur le net alors n'attendez plus, rejoignez ce cours et lancez vous dans la cration de jeux avec Godot Engine !"
Price: 99.99

"LVE 2D : Apprenez crer des jeux 2D facilement avec LUA" |
"Cette formation va vous initier la conception de jeux 2D avec LVE. Vous n'avez pas besoin de connaissances particulires, simplement avoir envie d'apprendre avec un expert certifi et reconnu qui vous transmettra les bonnes pratiques.Cette formation dbutera par des notions fondamentales afin que vous puissiez prendre en main LVE et LUA puis nous poursuivrons notre apprentissage de la cration de jeux 2D en dveloppant un petit projet. Nous mettrons donc en pratique nos connaissances afin de bien assimiler toutes les notions.Nous apprendrons programmer avec LUA, langage extrmement simple utiliser et nous verrons les diffrentes fonctions proposes par Lve2D. LVE est bas sur la SDL, c'est dire qu'il propose les fonctionnalits de la SDL mais utilise le langage LUA. Cela vous permet de faire la mme chose qu'avec la SDL mais sans la complexit du langage C.A l'issue de cette formation vous matriserez les principales fonctionnalits du framework. Vous serez en mesure de dvelopper vos jeux 2D avec LVE. Nous verrons mme comment crer un mode multijoueur en ligne grce aux sockets.Il s'agit donc d'une formation complte qui vous permettra de faire un premier pas dans le monde du dveloppement de jeux vido. Nous allons faire le tour des principales fonctionnalits de Lve2D savoir :Crer un projetUtiliser les variables et tableauxProgrammer des conditionsGrer les entres clavier / sourisAfficher des lments l'cranDplacer un personnage avec le clavierGrer les collisionsJouer du sonUtiliser des tiles pour crer nos mapsMettre en rseau un jeu avec les socketsTirer sur des ennemisRamasser des objetsChanger d'cran de jeuAnimer les personnagesGrer un inventaireCompiler le projet...N'attendez plus, rejoignez ma formation, vous ne le regretterez pas, c'est satisfait ou 100% rembours !"
Price: 99.99

"Irish Dance for Beginners: The Single Jig" |
"In this course, Martin Percival takes students from no knowledge to dancing 2 full steps (sets of movements created for going in the right direction and the left). Each movement is broken down into incremental lectures that build upon the one previous. Before long you will be dancing along to the music"
Price: 39.99

"[TELUGU] Complete Manual Testing, Agile & Jira with project" |
"MANUAL , & Covered all Topics like : (SDLC) (STLC)Black Box Testing And project agile/ examples"
Price: 24.99

Mathematik-Algebra-Gleichungen-Aufbaukurs |
"Du hast Gelegenheit, grundlegende Techniken der Mathematik anhand von kommentierten Musteraufgaben zu trainieren. Als erfahrener Mathe-Lehrer erklre ich Hintergrnde und Zusammenhnge. Das Verstehen steht im Mittelpunkt.Inhaltlich im Zentrum stehen die Algebra und das Lsen von Gleichungen: Binomische Formeln, Faktorisieren, Quadratische Gleichungen, Wurzelgleichungen, Gleichungen mit der Variablen im Nenner, Gleichungssysteme mit zwei Variablen, Textaufgaben mit Hilfe von Gleichungen lsen.bungsaufgaben mit Lsungen stehen zum Download bereit.Dieser Kurs baut auf den Inhalten meines Kurses Mathematik-Basics-Potenzen-Wurzeln-Brche-Gleichungen auf. Er kann jedoch bei bereits vorhandenen Kenntnissen problemlos auch unabhngig von diesem Kurs belegt werden."
Price: 19.99

"Email Productivity Crash Course: Gmail & MS Outlook" |
"Are you submerged by plenty of emails daily? Do you want to learn all the secrets of Gmail and save HOURS of your time? Now it's time to master Email Management, and maximize your Productivity.In this course, you will learn various strategies and hidden features that most users neglect. You will learn how to manage your inbox efficiently and save time doing so. Additionally, you will be given insights onto hidden, professional secrets to using Gmail and get the most of your inbox.This course is divided into several sections. Each section discusses certain topics about email management. Further, you get a chance to practice what you learned as you follow the course. Finally, this course is a combination of two courses: Gmail productivity and Microsoft Outlook productivity. So, you get an insight on both inbox systems in one course.You'll learn how to:Add and manage multiple email accounts in one placeManage your emails with labelsUse filters to automatically process a messageOrganize your messages with the stars systemReply to mail faster with TemplatesSchedule sending and set email remindersDelegate the management of your inbox to an assistantSet a Gmail reply for you if you are on vacationSearch in Advanced and find any email you're looking forAnd MoreWho this course is for: People who want to increase their productivityAnyone from Beginner to Expert Gmail UserBusiness ownersStudents"
Price: 49.99
