"How to experimentally test your UI design" |
"Youll learn the basics of designing an experiment to test your interface. Youll learn how to test whether a design decision will help or hurt your product in a scientific, data-driven way. Well learn about the 5 key elements of every experiment: participants, conditions, tasks, measures, and analysis.This course is for designers and UI/UX professionals who are new to experimental methods.The skills you learn will get you started with designing experiments yourself and are the perfect starting point for learning more about this powerful technique for evaluating user interfaces.No special software or equipment is needed."
Price: 19.99

"Investing Basics for Beginners" |
"The F.I.T Method - Systematically understanding the fundamentals of investing in stocks and options.Basics of investing in the stock market using stocks and options.The cornerstone of investing for both stocks and options for long-term growth, real passive income and short-term gains.How to lookout for news and events that could have long-term impact on businessesBasic Technical Analysis. The steps to take before even opening a trading account.Starting out even if you have a small portfolio."
Price: 94.99

"Aula de redao para conquistar sua nota mil no Enem" |
"Ol, meu nome Cryslaine. Sou professora de Redao para o Enem; portugus para concursos e interpretao de texto. No meu curso voc ir aprender, de maneira eficaz, como fazer sua redao 1000 para o Enem. Com aulas dinmicas e bem explicativas, voc vai aprender os macetes e informaes necessrias, para conquista sua to desejada entrada para a Universidade. Atravs de aulas que apresentam, individualmente, cada parte da redao, ns iremos aprender a escrever a redao ideal, para o Enem!"
Price: 39.99

"How To Prevent Common Sports Injuries" |
"Whether youre a healthcare professional or an individual looking to improve your physical health, this course will help you to prevent sports injuries and enable you to achieve long-term training techniques and sports performance. The ultimate aim here is to help improve your overall health and well-being.In this course, Ill guide you through on how to exercise carefully selected muscles and areas over your entire body, in order to improve its abilities to function smoothly and to protect it from short and long term injuries.Youll LEARN how to quickly relieve aches and pains before they become more serious.Youll ACHIEVE prevention of serious physical condition!Youll LEARN how to strengthen the core and supporting muscles accurately.Youll ACHIEVE resistance to common injuries and physical ailments!Youll LEARN how to actively align your spinal joints.Youll ACHIEVE better posture and improved body positioning!Youll LEARN how to prevent future sports injuries.Youll ACHIEVE longer injury-free periods!BONUS: Exercises to improve dynamic muscle balance and joints stabilizationThe course is based on practical knowledge that Ive been testing for years and which I teach and practice in my clinic on a daily basis. You will learn not only the practical techniques and exercises, but also about the anatomical components that youre training, and how they are linked to some of the most common injuries and physical ailments.Better understanding means better outcomes!Who is it for?This course is perfect for anyone interested in learning more about their body and how to improve its performance, in order to remain injury-free in the long run.You dont have to be in great shape or particularly flexible or strong. The exercises are clearly explained along with the relevant background theory. Each exercise is also accompanied by a video demonstration.None of the exercises require heavy weights or purchasing any expensive or space-consuming equipment. They all require only a little amount of time and can be done at home. If you tend to get injured often, or if you wish to protect your body and enhance its overall physical abilities then this is the course for you!This course reflects my vision of continual education, daily exercise, and the overall aim to help you all to achieve physical well-being.Gal"
Price: 129.99

"SWOT Analysis for Strategic Transformation" |
"The main objectives of this course are to provide you with the:Knowledge: Deep understanding of the SWOT analysis, and areas of strategic transformation.Skills: solid understand of SWOT analysis development and execution, analyze areas of most effect on strategic transformation.Outcomes: detailed implementation process, hands-on exercises and discussion, ability to apply what you have learned to achieve strategic transformation.This course provides you with detailed explanations on how to apply SWOT on the main three areas that we should focus on while developing our Strategic Transformation Strategy, which are:Value GapChange AgendaValue Chain"
Price: 99.99

"NCLEX Power review" |
"NCLEX Power Review course is designed to help the student excel and pass the NCLEX. This comprehensive course is divided into sections that cover a number of topics and strategies to effectively and efficiently answer NCLEX question. There are strategies, mnemonics and other memorization devices that will help the student pass the exam with ease. The most valuable asset this comprehensive review course has to offer is, that it will teach the student to think like an astute nurse. When the time comes for the student to answer NCLEX questions: he or she will feel more confident and prepared to perform and answer like a successful NCLEX passer! The student will know what the test is composed of as this review explains the importance of various sections and topics of the test.Get ready to be the next student nurse to pass the NCLEX and become a registered nurse. With hard work, question practice and dedication nothing is impossible. This is a comprehensive review of NCLEX topics but it is not a substitute for hard work and constant question practice. So find a comprehensive and dependable practice question program, implement the strategies from this review; and watch the success come. This review is an excellent aid to practice questions programs and other NCLEX materials. Now let's get started!"
Price: 29.99

blog_text |
"10212PDF1.2.WordPress3.4.5W3H1R5.6.Google AdSenseGoogle AdSense7.SEO8.9.10."
Price: 4800.00

"Raising your dog from pup to adult (sport) dog" |
"This course will teach you how you can train your dog to become a physically healthy and happy dog. From a young age we can train our dogs to become healthy and sportive. This course helps you to give your dog this good start in life it needs!It contains the anatomy you need to know to train your dog, training principles, how and when to apply these principles, how to prepare your dog for competition, and how to keep a senior dog physically active. For each age category there is also an overview of which exercises they can perform. This offers a framework in which all kinds of exercises fit.Captions are available in:EnglischDutchFrench (automatically translated)"
Price: 29.99

"Docker Fundamentals (Arabic - )" |
". DevOps"
Price: 19.99

"Matriser Google my business comme un chef !" |
"Cette formation s'adresse aux professionnels de sant installs en libral ou ayant le projet d'ouvrir leur cabinet. Vous apprendrez matriser l'outil Google my business, indispensable pour votre bon rfrencement local. Dans cette formation vous dcouvrirez galement quelques astuces pour optimiser votre site internet avec des outils gratuits. Cette formation est accessible aux dbutants puisqu'elle vous propose des tutos vidos suivre pas pas."
Price: 124.99

"Ti insegno a Suonare la Batteria come un vero Professionista" |
"Sai perch i migliori batteristi del mondo suonano a livelli straordinari? perch hanno vissuto pi del 70% della loro vita sullo strumento..se chiedessi a Dave Weckl o a Vinnie Colaiuta che cosa davvero importante.. ti risponderebbero ""L' espressione"" unita allo ""stare insistentemente"" sullo strumento..Questo quello che Dave Weckl mi disse quando 10 anni fa lo incontrai in una nota fiera di steumenti misicali.. SARAI UN VERO BATTERISTA PROFESSIONISTA SOLO QUANDO AVRAI LA PIENA CONOSCENZA DELLE TEMPISTICHE E DI COME UTILIZZARE REALMENTE CON ESPRESSIONEQUANDO AVRAI PIENA COMPRENSIONE DEI TEMPI PARI E DI QUELLI DISPARI CHE CREANO IL RITMO E SAPRAI USARLI CON ESPRESSIONE E QUANDO SARAI IN GRADO DI LEGGERE LA MUSICA E APPLICARE TECNICHE DI RIMBALZO SOFISTICATE MA SEMPRE CON ESPRESSIONE.. MA QUESTO NON BASTA.. NON DOVR MAI MANCARE LA PERSONALIT IN QUALSIASI TUO COLPOO SARAI SOLO UN BATTERISTA ""MECCANICO"" PERCH NON ESISTE MUSICA O MUSICALIT SENZA ESPRESSIONE!! CI SONO GI TROPPO BATTERISTI MECCANICI IN GIRO!! CHE MANCANO DI MISICALITCHE SONO TROPPO RIGIDICHE SONO DEI METRONOMI VIVENTI MA.. CHE NON HANNO ESPRESSIONE E SWING.. Beh questo tutto quello che tu da buon professionista NON devi essere se vuoi dabbero suonare a livelli professionali e ""spiccare tra tanti"" se vuoi davvero poter emergere su tutti gli altri, se vuoi davvero avere SWING!! FINCH NON GOVERNERAI QUESTI ARGOMENTI PIENAMENTE NON POTRAI REPUTARTI UN BATTERISTA PROFESSIONISTACON QUESTO CORSO VOGLIO INSEGNARTI A DIVENTARE UN VERO PROFESSIONISTA! Paradiddle, Double strock, Single stroke, poliritmia, velocit e precisione, sono tutti begli argomenti, ma serviranno a niente senza un pieno e completo piano di studio che ti porter a capire come funzionano realmente e come applicarli senza perderti in argomenti inutili!!La chiave imparare ad inserirli in breve tempo NELLA MUSICA REALE!!Batteria non vuol dire lanciare colpi a casaccio sui Tamburi, e Batteria non significa andare dietro un metronomo senza la propria espressione.. Batterista significa preparazione ed essere completo sulla conoscenza dei vari parametri che ti permetteranno di suonare ad alti livelli, a livelli professionali.In questo corso non ho voluto dilungarmi in concetti inutili e inutilizzabili, ho voluto inserire invece TUTTO QUELLO CHE REALMENTE IMPORTANTE CHE TU Sappia per suonare la Batteria ad un ottimo livello.. Avrei voluto avere io questa fortuna.. un corso pratico e reale per apprendere senza inutili perdite di tempo, per mia sfortuna invece ho purtroppo perso molto tempo dietro argomenti EFFETTIVAMENTE DI POCHISSIMA UTILIT.. In quanto dietro all' argomento Lezioni di Musica in generale e indipendentemente dallo strumento suonato, ci sono e ci saranno sempre dei tasselli oscuri, questi tasselli oscuri non sono altro che centinaia di lezioni inutili che molti insegnanti ti diranno che dovrai fare e studiare, ma che alla fine QUANDO SUONARAI DAL VIVO NON TI SERVIRANNO A NULLA!! In questo corso ho quindi eliminato diversi argomenti non effettivamente utili e creato un corso pratico e sensato per insegnarti a dominare gli argomenti che ti aiuteranno a suonare bene e in breve tempo!!La Batteria uno strumento eccezionale.. Molti non sanno che la Batteria uno strumento che nasce innanzitutto per accompagnare, il punto fondamentale di questo strumento IL TEMPO!!Ma non parliamo solo di Tempo, se pensi che un Batterista debba essere un metronomo vivente, non corretto questo discorso, infatti devi sapere che la Batterai non ha note, proprio per questo la tua inventiva diventa di IMPORTANZA CRUCIALE!!Ci sono molti batteristi in circolazione, ma non tutto hanno compreso ancora bene questo discorso, la Batteria deve essere la base per tutti gli elemento del gruppo, ma allo stesso tempo, non gradevole sentire suonare un Batterista troppo preciso ma allo stesso tempo poco personale e con pochissima inventiva!!Questo corso ti insegner molto, di seguito ecco cosa:1) TEMPISTICHE E UTILIZZO DEI TEMPI PARI CON MODELLI DI RITMO2) TEMPISTICHE DISPARI SVILUPPO DI UTILIZZO E MODELLI DI TEMPO 3) SINGLE STROKE/DOUBLE STROKE E TECNICHE DI RIMBALZO PROFESSIONALI4) PARADIDDLE E GLI UTILIZZI SUL DRUM SET SENZA ESERCIZI SUPERFLUI E INUTILI5) TECNICHE DI RIMBALZO DI DITA E 4 X (FINGER CONTROL)6) OTTENIMENTO DEL RULLO DI TAMBURO CON UTILIZZO DEL 4X FINGER CONTROL7) ESERCIZI AVANZATI E ABBELLIMENTI DA USARE NELLE TEMPISTICHE8) LETTURA DELLA MUSICA A LIVELLO PROFESSIONALE CON UNA SPIEGAZIONE SEMPLICE E CHIARA9) STACCHI E DIVISIONE DELLE TEMPISTICHE CON MODELLI DA UTILIZZARE SUBITO10) 30 GIORNI PER PORMI TUTTE LE DOMANDE CHE DESIDERI E TUTTI I QUESITI CHE DESIDERISono Michael De Piscopo e insegno e suono la batteriaQuindi non perdere altro tempo, guarda tutti i video e inizia a suonare la Batteria a livello professionale!! Michael DP."
Price: 149.99

"How to Master your Social Media Content in 2020" |
"If you own your own business, work in digital marketing or social media, or are simply wanting to learn more about how to stand out on social media, this workshop is for you!I have condensed 10 years of social media experience into 5 modules to help you become a social media superhero. The 5 modules include:Humanizing your brand through social contentBuilding trust with your fans - the why and howMaximizing your content for each platformIntegrating video and live contentThe secret to social ads and real-world ROIBy the end of this workshop, you will be able to change your social behavior and start seeing a positive change immediately!"
Price: 39.99

"Class X Political Science Political Parties Test Series" |
"As per Latest CBSE Class 10 Social Science Board Marking Scheme 2020Format and marking scheme for Class 10 Social Science Annual Board Paper (out of 80 marks) are as follows 1.The question paper has 35 questions in all. 2. Section A : Questions 1 to 20 are objective type one mark each: 20 Marks (25%)Section-A consists of objective type questions of different formats which include: - Match the column type questions - Multiple choice type questions - Fill in the blank type questions - Picture based questionsThis course has 2 Tests, with overall 100 Qs based on the latest marking system for Class X . It covers all the four types pf questions mentioned above. Theses tests are available to you for lifetime, and can take multiple times.These questions have been designed to be at least as difficult as the actual exam. Please don't feel disheartened if you don't score well in your first attempts. The course provides a deep learning experience that prepares you for the latest exam. We recommend that you retake these practice exams until you consistently score 80% or higher.You may be asked to leave a rating/review at the end of this exam. Please make sure you've fully evaluated the course before rating it. Ratings are very important to both instructors and students and can be changed at any time.It will help you score maximum marks in your Xth Boards or IAS or Bank or SSC or other entrance exams.Please reach out using the Q&A forum if you have any questions or concerns."
Price: 1280.00

"CLASS X Political Science Challenges to Democracy TestSeries" |
"As per Latest CBSE Class 10 Social Science Board Marking Scheme 2020Format and marking scheme for Class 10 Social Science Annual Board Paper (out of 80 marks) are as follows 1.The question paper has 35 questions in all. 2. Section A : Questions 1 to 20 are objective type one mark each: 20 Marks (25%)Section-A consists of objective type questions of different formats which include: - Match the column type questions - Multiple choice type questions - Fill in the blank type questions - Picture based questionsThis course has 2 Tests, with overall 100 Qs based on the latest marking system for Class X Civics Challenges to Democracy. It covers all the four types pf questions mentioned above. Theses tests are available to you for lifetime, and can take multiple times.These questions have been designed to be at least as difficult as the actual exam. Please don't feel disheartened if you don't score well in your first attempts. The course provides a deep learning experience that prepares you for the latest exam. We recommend that you retake these practice exams until you consistently score 80% or higher.You may be asked to leave a rating/review at the end of this exam. Please make sure you've fully evaluated the course before rating it. Ratings are very important to both instructors and students and can be changed at any time.It will help you score maximum marks in your Xth Boards or IAS or Bank or SSC or other entrance exams.Please reach out using the Q&A forum if you have any questions or concerns."
Price: 1280.00

"Class X Political Science Democracy & Diversity Test Series" |
"As per Latest CBSE Class 10 Social Science Board Marking Scheme 2020Format and marking scheme for Class 10 Social Science Annual Board Paper (out of 80 marks) are as follows 1.The question paper has 35 questions in all. 2. Section A : Questions 1 to 20 are objective type one mark each: 20 Marks (25%)Section-A consists of objective type questions of different formats which include: - Match the column type questions - Multiple choice type questions - Fill in the blank type questions - Picture based questionsThis course has 2 Tests, with overall 100 Qs based on the latest marking system for Class X Civics Challenges to Democracy. It covers all the four types pf questions mentioned above. Theses tests are available to you for lifetime, and can take multiple times.These questions have been designed to be at least as difficult as the actual exam. Please don't feel disheartened if you don't score well in your first attempts. The course provides a deep learning experience that prepares you for the latest exam. We recommend that you retake these practice exams until you consistently score 80% or higher.You may be asked to leave a rating/review at the end of this exam. Please make sure you've fully evaluated the course before rating it. Ratings are very important to both instructors and students and can be changed at any time.It will help you score maximum marks in your Xth Boards or IAS or Bank or SSC or other entrance exams.Please reach out using the Q&A forum if you have any questions or concerns."
Price: 1280.00

"Preparao Vocal Para Iniciantes" |
"Conhea a sua extenso vocal, e avalie as mudanas da sua voz no decorrer do curso. Aprenda a se preparar antes de cantar com alongamentos e aquecimentos que vo te ajudar a despertar o melhor da sua voz. Melhore a sua respirao, voc vai aprender exerccios que iro te ajudar a desenvolver a respirao diafragmtica. Conhea os registro Vocais e aprenda a domin-los com exerccios vocais."
Price: 39.99

"Pentatnica Direto ao Ponto" |
"Neste curso ser abordado de forma clara e objetiva a aplicao e a visualizao da escala pentatnica de forma cronolgica, onde te possibilitar improvisar, criar frases, aprender licks prontos, aprimorar sua tcnica e muito mais. E tudo isso sendo aplicado em outros tons o que te possibilita tocar qualquer musica e improvisar em qualquer tom."
Price: 39.99

"Edio de Vdeo com EDIUS" |
"Aprenda a usar a ferramentas de forma rpida e orgnica com edio prtica no EDIUS.Vamos te mostrar alguns detalhes de como planejada a rea de trabalho do programa, atalhos de teclado, uso de recursos bsicos que te auxiliam na edio de forma rpida e pratica.Aprenda cmera lenta, transio de imagens e udio, utilizar uma ferramenta muito importante como o layouter, color balance, modos de exportao. Criando chromakey (fundo verde) e textos com a ferramenta Title."
Price: 99.99

"Project management has been an integral part of our daily lives for decades but even more so today. Although regarded a relatively new profession, it is relevant to every industry. This course will be valuable to anyone interested in learning the fundamentals required to proficiently manage simple or complex projects regardless of industry and function.Project Management: Mastering the fundamentals delivers a comprehensive overview of the project management life cycle, as well as the fundamentals required to excel as a project manager. The course also equips practicing project managers with an engaging refresher on key principles and best practices. You will embark on a pragmatic journey of the five process phases presented by the Project Management Institute (PMI). Most of the methodologies presented are based on practices within two major associations of project management PMI and APM (Association of Project Management). This course delivers a solid foundation for a project management career and highlights the relevance of risk management planning. Mastering the fundamentals also delivers FRESH knowledge regarding communication efficacy, emotional intelligence, and new trends which can be adopted to exploit a project managers full potential.Finally, this course masterfully curates a delightful experience which will leave you with a desire to delve deeper into project management. This training teaches a PMP approach for managing projects and so much more!"
Price: 89.99

"How to Pitch a Streaming Series or Business Idea" |
"Having won first place in 2019 in the Defy Ventures Business Pitch Competition. I bring all the knowledge I've learned on how to wow an audience and capture their attention into this course. It's 4 very basic and easy steps, but learning them will put you MILES ahead of your competitors and you'll land that sale every time. Whether you are pitching a Streaming Series idea or a Business Venture. You'll take your audience by surprise and keep them glued to you to help land that funding."
Price: 19.99

"Impara a programmare con Scratch" |
"""Impara a programmare con Scratch"" il videocorso completo di Scratch 3.0 in lingua italiana!4,5 ore di contenuti originali e dettagliati, per imparare i concetti di base della programmazione con un approccio di ""Learning by Doing"".Non mancheranno le applicazioni pratiche, come ad esempio la realizzazione di videogiochi, Digital Storytelling, e composizione musicale!Il corso pensato per studenti, genitori ed insegnanti, ma rivolto a chiunque si volesse avvicinare alla programmazione, senza limiti di et e senza alcun prerequisito.A presto, e buona programmazione!"
Price: 29.99

"GCP GCP20~301GCP 3GCP 70"
Price: 2400.00

hrlpvxzu |
"Udemy &!!!![]::::5: 6: 7:8:9:&10:&"
Price: 10200.00

"Fotografia noworodkowa - metody owijania noworodka" |
"W ponad pgodzinnym materiale zobaczysz Alin ""NA YWO"" - autentyczn, realn, bez powtrek i ci. Podpatrzenie, w jaki sposb Alina pracuje z noworodkiem to najlepsza forma zdobycia wiedzy i nauczenia si ponad 10 sposobw owijania noworodka. Ten kurs online to wietna moliwo uzupenienia wiedzy, niezalenie czy rozpoczynasz swoj przygod z fotografi noworodkow, czy masz ju pierwsze sesje za sob. Kada z technik opatrzona jest krtkim komentarzem i oczywicie zdjciem, ktre ukazuje kadorazowo efekty pracy Aliny. Na kolanach autora tego kursu zobaczysz maluszka, ktry czasem niesfornie wierzga nkami, a innym razem sodko pi. Bowiem raz przyjdzie Ci spokojnie owija pice mae cudo, a raz zmierzy si z niezwykle aktywnym noworodkiem. Wszyscy jednak fotografowie noworodkowi maj ten sam cel stworzy pikny i ponadczasowy portret. W ponad pgodzinnym materiale w doniach Aliny pojawia si pitnastodniowy maluszek."
Price: 144.99

"Dein Erster Privater Finanzplan - Fr Mehr Geld als Monat" |
"Dieser Kurs befhigt dich zur Anwendung der genialsten Geldaufteilung der Welt - und obendrauf erhltst du deinen fix & fertigen Finanzplan als Excel-Download, damit du ab sofort dein Geld im Griff hast und nicht dein Geld dich.Ein kurzer Ausschnitt der Kurs-Inhalte:1. Einnahmen aufschreiben2. Ausgaben planen (im genialen 6 Kontenmodell)3. Schulden abbauen4. Monatsbersicht5. Netto-Grundvermgen-Rechner - ""So reich bist du heute unterm Strich""6. Traumleben-Rechner - ""Das kostet 1 Jahr deines Traumlebens""7. Einnahmen-Rechner - ""Damit du weit, wie du dein Traumleben bezahlst""Alles Schritt-fr-Schritt bis zum Erfolg erklrt.Bei Fragen schreibst du mir einfach eine E-Mail an team@cashcockpit.de :-)"
Price: 29.99

"MySQL: A beginner's guide to MySQL" |
"Land Your Dream Programming Job! Learning about Databases and SQL is a skill that not only benefits Database Administrators, but also programmers too. This course is designed to give programmers a "leg-up" on the competition when it comes to landing a great job in the programming field. SQL in Plain English This course is taught by former senior software engineer and teaching expert Trevor Page. His "plain English" teaching style has students around the world jumping for joy as they pick up new and valuable skills with relative ease. You can learn the mysteries of Databases, how to "talk" to them and what a good Database design looks like. It may seem like voodoo, but with Trevor's help you'll be bragging to all your friends about how you created a relational database with a full spread of tables in third normal form. Full Walkthroughs (including how to install tools) Most courses just assume that you will know what tools to use and even how to install them. Not in this course!Trevor not only teaches you the core course material, but he also takes you step by step through the (sometimes) challenging process of installing a database server on your computer and the tools youll need to administer your new databases. Its all laid out for you in beautiful HD video and audio! Security and Automated Backups One aspect of Databases that always scares newcomers to the SQL party is how to make sure your databases are secure and backed up. No worries, youll learn exactly how to keep your data secure and backed up (automatically) so youll always hit the sack with a smile on your face knowing your data is safe!"
Price: 99.99

"Emotional Wellbeing" |
"Easy to follow videos to be able to positively self manage your thoughts and emotions.Effective emotional daily self management will mean that you will be able to cope in stressful times and also feel happier overall more of the time.If you want to lower your stress and be able to feel more calm and confident in your daily life, then this is the course for you. (document versions of video's also included)"
Price: 19.99

"How To Get Started With Video Marketing" |
"Video marketing is an incredible way to reach your ideal customer. However, before you add something new into the marketing mix, you need to review your business and make sure that everything is fully aligned and on message.In this course, you will start with a review of Your vision and missionValuesIdeal customerBrandGoalsYour messageYou will look at Telling storiesWhere to shareYour content planVideo marketing ideasOnce you are on track with where you are and what you want to create, you can learn how to utilise a powerful and effective video marketing tool - Invideo - to support your video marketing goals.Through a series of case studies, you will learn InVideo and be inspired to create your own videos to share your inspirational message and reach your ideal customer."
Price: 79.99

"Zero to Zoom, The Beginner's Guide to Using Zoom" |
"A NEW era of communication. Are you ready to create polished and professional online events but dont know where to start? If so, learn how to facilitate top-notch remote meetings, online conferences, webinars, or social get togethers to keep your attendees engaged.If youre intimidated with the thought of hosting a virtual event, youre not alone. Most people dread public speaking and the thought of speaking on camera can be debilitating.Although there is a need for social distancing during these unprecedented times, humans crave connection. Fortunately, the internet has offered a new way of communication. Telecommuting, virtual meetings, teleconferencing has become the new normal communicate.However, it can be intimidating if youre afraid of technology.Imagine reaching your goal of leading a Zoom and ensuring everyone has a memorable virtual experience.In just over an hour, you will learn how to:The basics of using the Zoom platformPut attendees at easeCommunicate your message And most importantly, save time and energy. Communication through video is the new normal. Enroll today and improve your tech skills."
Price: 99.99

"Introduction to Schizophrenia - Certificate" |
"This course is packed with lectures and narrated PowerPoint presentations and overall, provides a comprehensive introduction to Schizophrenia, how it is assessed, how it is diagnosed, its symptoms, treatments available, historical developments and evidence about the potential causes of the condition. An excellent course for anyone with an interest in the topic, either from a personal or professional perspective. The course is taught by Kevin O'Doherty, Psychologist, Forensic Mental Health Expert Witness and CBT Therapist."
Price: 94.99

"How to Paint in Paintstorm: beginner to advanced" |
"Hi, welcome to Learn Paintstorm for digital painting where you will learn how to paint in Paintstorm. Im Neil Fontaine, a professional painter both digitally and traditionally with over 73,000 happy students.I will teach you everything you need to know about painting in Paintstorm so your digital paintings look and feel more traditional. By the end of this course, you will be able to paint great looking paintings in Paintstorm. In this course, we will learn how to blend colors, the basics of painting to more advanced techniques. We will paint flowers, a pear, and a female face. Why Paintstorm and not Photoshop or something else? Because no other software lets me paint so traditionally. The way Painstorm blends colors makes me feel like I am painting. No other software does that for me, which allows me to use traditional techniques. This course is for the beginning to the advanced painter that wishes to get better at digital paiting. Feel free to look through the course. I will see you inside."
Price: 54.99
