"Freelancing On Upwork: Secret Formula For Getting Contracts" |
"FREELANCING ON UPWORK:Welcome to the next course on Freelancing via Upwork this is Phase 2, which represents the second course in this series. Upwork is a platform designed for both Freelancers and Clients to conduct business.WHAT STUDENTS WILL LEARN:You will learn about the importance factors to consider for closing jobs on Upwork such as:HeadlinesQuick TipsTiming VariablesAnalyzing Job DescriptionSpecial PromotionsAnalyzing The MarketplaceAnalyzing The ClientWHO IS THE CLASS FOR?This class is specifically made for those who either desire to be a Freelancer or already are a Freelancer. Additionally the classes are designed for all skill levels.ABOUT ME:I am a professional Freelancer with over 12 years of experience with a very high quality record with almost every review resulting in a 5 star performance. In fact even in 2020 I have even achieved top rated status due to exceptional performance.WHY STUDENTS SHOULD TAKE THIS CLASS?You should take this class if you expect a teacher to have real world experience and draw from that experience to teach others the skills that were used to close deals or contracts on Upwork. I help you avoid mistakes by teaching you best practices.WHAT WILL YOU GAIN FROM THIS COURSE:You will gain knowledge of how I retained a competitive advantage over other Freelancers by knowing key factors to grab clients attention, which resulted in me closing new job opportunities.WHY I CREATED THIS COURSE:More than ever the world is becoming more globalized and working as a freelancer opens so many opportunities such as being able to work from home and spend more time with family. Also being able to connect with different people all over the world from different countries is also beneficial and learning how to conduct business globally will be important for everyone.Learn the secrets I've used to close and win contracts for jobs in various industries. This course will be helpful to you rather a newbie or veteran when it comes to winning jobs on Upwork.Also get insight into things to evaluate about your client to ensure you are both a good fitLearn how other freelancers are performing and use that to gauge what factors you should consider when applying to jobs"
Price: 199.99

"Cinema 4d animation and visual effect" |
"CINEMA 4D SOFTWARECinema 4 dimension ,, , basic intermediate advance level apple logo ARTIST 50,000 10th -12th - , , CERTIFICATE UDEMY CERTIFICATE - INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATE UDEMY COMPANY certificate show off confusion confusion"
Price: 12800.00

"Bajar de peso + sesin de coaching" |
"OJO! Este curso no es como los que ves en internet o aquellos que has comprado, este curso ms es una clase de nutricin la cual te guiar de la mano en tu objetivo por bajar de peso, esto mediante el uso del Coaching para cambiar tu mentalidad y creencia y adems el uso de jugos y comidas que te ayudarn a bajar de peso, al tomar el curso encontrars el testimonio de unos de mis clientes cuya mentalidad cambi radicalmente y ahora disfruta de bajar de peso sin problema ni lmite alguno."
Price: 49.99

"Master en Marketing Digital: Prof CEO Business School" |
"El mster Intensivo en Digital Business te formar en las materias necesarias para hacerte un experto en habilidades digitales y poder liderar la transformacin digital. Dominars los conceptos y disciplinas ms relevantes que hoy por hoy afectan a la estrategia de tu empresa en todo lo relativo a Internet.Diseado por profesionales y para todos los que necesitan hacer una inmersin profunda y rpida en el mundo del negocio digital. El programa se llev a cabo mediante metodologa presencial en nuestras instalaciones de Madrid (Espaa) hace pocos meses y ahora lo queremos compartir con vosotros."
Price: 99.99

"PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP): 2 Practice Exams" |
"This course is for individuals aiming to pass PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP) Exam in the first attempt.This course gives you 2 practice tests, 260 hand picked questions to help you to pass the official "" PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP) "" certification Exam.We highly recommend retake all the tests until you get 100% on each one, you should be able to ace the real exam with confidence.At the end of the exam, click the Review Questions button to view the correct answer for each question.PMI-RMP Official examination:The PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP) highlights your ability to identify and assess project risks, mitigate threats and capitalize on opportunities. In this capacity, you enhance and protect the needs of your organization.The PMI-RMP certification exam has 170 multiple-choice questions and you have 3.5 hours to complete it.----------------------------------------MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThis course comes with a 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!---------------------------------------** Make sure you are ready to pass the PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP) Exam by using these practice tests, written to mimic the kinds of questions you will see on the real exam."
Price: 84.99

"Grey Hat SEO Techniques Gray Hat SEO Get Fast Ranking" |
"Gray Hat SEO is the latest one method to get rank on any search engine. If you want to get quick rank and traffic then this technique is for you.Grey Hat SEOEverything in Grey Hat SEO practice is the term that remains by search engines published where guidelines can be accepted. In case of fast example Bait refers to a practice where someone can catch up the link or piece of content encouraged between readers to click. Few Grey Hat is a step way from the wheel and define Grey Hat techniques to define for entire published material coming out of Google. It is for reasonable people where one can agree upon tactics support contrasted with published guidelines"
Price: 24.99

"Music Theory Explained #1" |
"This course goes over the chromatic, the major and minor scales as well as the major and minor chords. It also covers the 12 keys and the cycle of fifths. This is not a course on how to read music; it is designed to give a simpler explanation of music theory that will help you to write and play music with greater understanding. If you are interested in understanding the basics of music theory, this is the perfect course for you.Ive been a professional musician for over 25 years and Ive taught numerous students on how to understand music theory.In this course I will explain to you in a simple way the key concepts of music theory and how we use it in music. You will also learn some secret nuggets of information that many people dont know as well.Hope to see you in class!"
Price: 29.99

"Curso de Ayurveda" |
"Este curso es para cualquier persona y terapeutas holsticos que estn interesados aprender sobre la Aromaterapia y Ayurveda. Ambas medicinas alternativas ayudan a equilibrar nuestra salud. Tendr el suficiente conocimiento para poder empezar su propio negcio de herbolrio y terapeuta de Ayurveda con los tips y productos. Este curso est acreditado y se otorgar el certificado despus que envien el proyecto final por corro electrnico. En este curso aprenders lo siguiente:Qu es el Ayurveda?Histria & orgenes de AyurvedaPancha Maha BhutaSaptu DhatuEl sistema de tri-doshasPrueba de Dosha (PDF)Nutricin VdicaManual de Aromaterapia & Ayurveda en PDF.Qu es la aromaterapia?Historia de AromaterapiaBeneficios de la aromaterapia.El sistema del tracto respiratorio.Cmo funciona la aromaterapia en nuestro sistema.Propiedades qumicas de los aceites esenciales (PDF)Como usar aceites esenciales Como mezclar aceites esencialesAceites portadoresAceites esenciales para nuestro sistema respiratorio y virus (PDF)Tips para empezar tu negocio de terapeuta de AyurvedaProyecto final**Solamente para los estudiantes que estn interesados en convertirse en terapeutas professionales de Ayurveda."
Price: 24.99

"Dagger 2 ile Android Bamllk Enjeksiyonu." |
"Bu kurs sayesinde siz Java,Kotlin ve Android , gibi platforumlarda byk projeler gelitiren zaman yardmnza koucak olan android mobil framework olan Dagger-i yreneceksiniz....Ksacas temel olarak dagger nedir ,MVVM tasarm nedir , gibi sorularn cevabn bulucaksnz.En temiz yaklam kullanarak Dagger 2'yi Android uygulamalarna entegre edeceksizniz..Eyerki kurs dahilinde anlamadnz herhangi bir soru veya baka bir neden olursa o zaman yretmenle iletiim kura bilirsiniz...."
Price: 19.99

"Banco de Dados Oracle Completo: SQL+PLSQL+Modelagem de Dados" |
"Perfeito para iniciantes!Este curso Oracle Database Completo direcionado para quem quer aprender Oracle SQL, PL/SQL e Modelagem de Banco de Dados utilizando a Metodologia Oracle (Oracle Method) literalmente do Zero, elaborado para ser o melhor curso completo para iniciar em Oracle Database, incluindo teoria e prtica.ltima verso do OracleO curso foi desenvolvida na ltima verso do Oracle que a verso 19c, mas seu contedo abrange tambm as verses anteriores 11g, 12c e 18c.O que voc vai aprender?Voc ir aprender desde onde realizar o download dos softwares da Oracle (Oracle Database XE, Oracle SQL Developer e Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler) para estudo e pesquisa, realizar o download dos softwares (Oracle Database XE, Oracle SQL Developer e Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler), instalar o banco de dados Oracle Database XE para Windows 64 Bits, configurar uma conexo ao Oracle Database XE utilizando Oracle NET, instalar e utilizar as principais ferramentas utilizadas para desenvolvimento em Oracle SQL, tais como SQL Developer e SQL*PLUS, configurar conexes no SQL Developer ao banco de dados Oracle e instalar e utilizar a ferramenta de Modelagem de Dados Oracle Developer Data Modeler.Alm disso, voc aprender as linguagens Oracle SQL e Oracle PL/SQL, todos os conhecimentos tericos apresentados sero totalmente demonstrados na prtica, todas as prticas alm de demonstradas sero disponibilizadas para download para que voc possa tirar quaisquer dvidas e executar todos os comandos realizados no curso.Voc tambm aprender as fases da Metodologia da Oracle e as tcnicas de Modelagem de Dados bsicas e avanadas, todos os conhecimentos tericos apresentados sero totalmente demonstrados na prtica para que voc possa entender e realizar na prtica todos os conhecimentos apresentados no curso.Voc aprender a realizar a Modelagem de Dados (lgica) e a partir de sua concluso gerar automticamente e refinar o Projeto do Banco de Dados (database design) que implementa o Modelo de Dados.Voc aprender a realizar o Projeto de Banco de Dados (database design) e a partir de sua concluso gerar automticamente os comandos (DDL) que criam os objetos de banco de dados que implementam o Projeto de Banco de Dados, gerando 100% do seu projeto a partir do seu Modelo de Dados.Os 3 pilares na formao de um desenvolvedor OracleEste curso contm os 3 pilares na formao para um Desenvolvedor Oracle (Oracle SQL, Oracle PL/SQL e Modelagem de Banco de Dados), que poder atuar em desenvolvimento de sistemas corporativos, aplicativos, Business Intelligence ou Data Science.Os 3 pr requisitos na formao de um DBA OracleEste curso contm os 3 pr requisitos (Oracle SQL, Oracle PL/SQL e Modelagem de Banco de Dados) para formao de um Administrador de Banco de Dados Oracle (DBA). Enfim, este curso se destina a quem quer iniciar e aprender na prtica Oracle SQL, Oracle PL/SQL e Modelagem de Banco de Dados ou para quem deseja iniciar a preparao para conquistar certificaes Oracle. Alm de todo o conhecimento incrvel que voc vai adquirir, voc ainda ganha:Acesso vitalcio ao curso e todas as suas atualizaesSlides e todos os recursos adicionais usados no cursoArquivos scripts de todas as prticas realizadas no curso disponibilizados para downloadCertificado de concluso online do cursoMeu suporte personalizado e respostas as suas dvidasA Udemy possui uma poltica de reembolso de 30 dias"
Price: 579.99

"ASP .NET Core. API User Identity & more + Azure Cloud deploy" |
"The .NET Core platform is the latest tool from Microsoft enabling the creation of cross-platform applications, including web and web APIs. Due to its high performance, open-source code, and the possibility of implementation on various systems, it is becoming more and more popular.The course presents how using ASP.NET Core a web API application is created, which ultimately can be consumed by SPA (single page application), mobile applications, IoT applications, or any application where communication takes place via the HTTP protocol. First of all, the course will show you how to build applications in accordance with the REST architecture. Good practices will be discussed, such as dependency injection, auto-mapping, error logging, model validation, use of object-relational mapping.During the course you will: authenticate users via JWT tokens create your own authorization policies authorize users create a user and role entities tables hash users passwords authorize based on users claim and its value configure entity framework relationships validate incoming models and return appropriate messages in case of incorrectness use the built-in container to inject dependencies log errors or specific information to a text file authorize based on users role restrict resource access authorize based on custom requirement use the built-in container to inject dependencies log errors or specific information to a text file use the Postman to consume the web API"
Price: 24.99

iPad |
"1. iPad2. 3. MP44. iTunes5. iPadApple TV6. 7. OpenMediaVaultWindowsiPad"
Price: 2400.00

"10 Days To Rejuvenate Your Relationship" |
"The present course designed especially for married couples and people in relationship, who are undergoing certain turbulence in their relationship but they are looking out for ways to come out of it. It is a 10 days course and there is a video for each day with a task to perform. And after 10 days you will come out as a better individual and a winner in your relationship."
Price: 29.99

"FortiGate SDWAN" |
"In this course, you will learn and explore common SD-WAN deployment scenarios using and configuring Fortinet Secure SD-WAN solutions. In this course, we will present different situations, from a single Enterprise site to multiple datacenter environments, that will help you to improve and troubleshoot most of the concepts related to SDWAN's deployments.Objectives :- After completing this course, you should be able to: Describe capabilities of the Fortinet Secure SD-WAN solution Configure basic SD-WAN features l Configure advanced SD-WAN features Differentiate the basic static routing from the advanced dynamic routing capabilities of Fortinet Secure SDWAN Solution Configure SD-WAN with advanced VPN features Integrate FortiOS SD-WAN solutions with FortiManager for central management"
Price: 19.99

"Hacker Game Sfide per Aspiranti Ethical Hacker!" |
"L'obiettivo di questo corso quello di mostrarti, passo dopo passo, come si risolve una sfida di tipo CTF!CTF significa ""Capture The Flag"" ed proprio quello che faremo: cercheremo di ottenere una SHELL PRIVILEGIATA (scoprirai poi a cosa ci stiamo riferendo!) e ci confronteremo con decine di macchine virtuali Windows e Linux.Macchine virtuali pronte all'uso, non dovrai fare altro che avviarle e dimostrare le tue abilit utilizzando le TECNICHE DI HACKING che ti verranno mostrate nel corso.Infatti, il corso diviso in due parti:Una parte pi teorica (anche se ci saranno molti esempi pratici!).Una parte esclusivamente pratica.Non necessario che tu abbia gi delle competenze specifiche, partiremo da zero e cercheremo di dare per scontato meno argomenti possibili!E poi non dovrai preoccuparti: se avrai qualche dubbio, all'interno del corso troverai un'area riservata per le domande e risposte.Che tu voglia diventare o meno un ETHICAL HACKER, ti assicuriamo che ti divertirai moltissimo e la soddisfazione sar enorme quando vedrai migliorare, sempre pi, le tue abilit!Il viaggio sar entusiasmante e il percorso che affronteremo insieme consister principalmente in queste fasi:SCANSIONE della macchina virtuale.ENUMERAZIONE dei servizi.EXPLOITATION di una o pi vulnerabilit.ESCALATION dei privilegiE allora cos'altro aspetti?"" la tua ultima occasione, se rinunci non ne avrai altre. Pillola azzurra, fine della storia: domani ti sveglierai in camera tua, e crederai a quello che vorrai. Pillola rossa, resti nel paese delle meraviglie, e vedrai quant' profonda la tana del bianconiglio. Ti sto offrendo solo la verit, ricordalo. Niente di pi.""Ci vediamo dentro!"
Price: 199.99

"Lgica de programao e construo de algoritmos" |
"O objetivo deste curso ensinar Lgica de Programao para iniciantes. O curso baseado em pseudocdigo e no em uma linguagem de programao especfica. Portanto, o aluno aprender o conceito de programao e poder depois aprender uma linguagem de programao de sua preferncia com muito mais facilidade.Durante o curso, o aluno aprender:Introduo Lgica de Programao (lgica e algoritmos);Tpicos preliminares (variveis, constantes, tipos primitivos);Estruturas de controle (comparaes, condies e laos);Estruturas de dados (registros, vetores e matrizes);Arquivos (operaes em arquivos);Modularizando algoritmos (mdulos e parametrizao);No h pr-requisitos para este curso. Mas, ele pr-requisito para qualquer curso de programao, incluindo os cursos de banco de dados da Escola Para.TI;"
Price: 54.99

"Aromaterapia - de Iniciante a Avanado" |
"Ao concluir este curso voc ter os conhecimentos necessrios para usar os leos essenciais de aromaterapia para tratar as condies de sade fsica e emocional de si mesmo, de seus entes queridos e de seus clientes.Neste curso de aromaterapia, nos concentramos no uso de leos essenciais em seus mtodos mais puros e teraputicos, pois a aromaterapia se destinava originalmente a obter os melhores resultados clnicosObserve que, neste curso de aromaterapia, no vamos nos concentrar em fazer produtos com leos essenciais, como sabonetes, loes etc. Apesar de conter receitas para produtos como estes.O que isso significa que estaremos focados no uso de leos essenciais puros de aromaterapia por via tpica ou inalados com as taxas de diluio corretas, para que voc possa ver e sentir seus incrveis benefcios de cura!Voc poder usar seu novo conhecimento em aromaterapia e leos essenciais para combinar os melhores leos essenciais com os leos, cremes e gis carreadores mais eficazes para melhor ajudar:- condies de pele como problemas de fungos, caspa, eczema e psorase- dores musculares e articulares, contuses, feridas, picadas e queimaduras- distrbios sistmicos como constipao, nusea e distrbios digestivos- questes psicolgicas como estresse, depresso, mudanas de humor e ansiedadeO curso est cheio de recuros variados para voc baixar com receitas que voc poder, testar, misturar e usar no difusor em qualquer ocasio e muito mais!Te damos o suporte completo para qualquer dvida que possa ter.Aps a concluso deste curso, voc receber um certificado da Lamai Cursos e Capacitaes. Assista primeira aula gratuitamente e saiba mais sobre o curso completo."
Price: 324.99

"ECCouncil EC0-349 Computer Hack Forensic Investigator Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) When the investigator contacts the administrator or a domain controller contains the phone who's a search to retrieve all e-mails sent and received for the user account is stored, what U.S.C. The Constitution allows the phone call and oblige the provider to store e-mail account?a) Name 18, Section 1030b) Title 18, section 2703 (g)c) Name 18, Chapter 90d) Title 18, Section 2703 (b)e) NoneQ) Point 2If you are faced with a car on the spot for bathing sheep client site, what would you conclude?a) Coordinates several places for swimming lures sheepb) Computer room for bathing sheep other names for the baitc) Computer bathing areas sheep are used only to fight off viruses.d) Computer shoots bathing areas refusal sheepe) NoneQ) In a study of forensic computer examination, that it describes the way in which evidence takes from when you find it, until the case is closed or goes to court?a) rules of evidenceb) law of probabilityc) traceabilityd) policy to separatee) NoneQ) Honey pot is deployed with IP has been compromised by hackers. The following excerpt is from Snort binary capture attacks. Deciphering the activities carried out by an attacker by examining the log. Please note that you need to stop only that which is apparent in the statement.a) The attacker carried out a network scan on port 111b) The attacker scanned and used to buffer overflowc) The attacker used a backdoor on port 32773d) The attacker installed a backdoore) None"
Price: 169.99

"Oracle 1Z0-497 Database 12C Fundamentals Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What command do you use to create a local role when connecting to a local user?a) create a local role l_hr;b) establish role _ ## with h = flow of containers;c) create a container role l_hr = current;d) create a role container l_hr = all;e) NoneQ) To move all user objects consultants from the test database to theDBUSER database diagram. Whichever option impdp you would use to accomplish this task?a) FULLb) schedulesc) CONVERTd) REMAP_SCHEMAe) REMAP_TABLESPACEQ) For any database operations require a database to be able MOUNT?a) Rename the control filesb) Control file recoveryc) let the user in the databased) delete a table in the databasee) configure the database instance for use in ARCHIVELOG mode and NOARCHIVELOGQ) Real-Time ADDM discovers the problem of high performance load on the database. What state was the reason?a) The active sessions were on average more than three times more processor cores.b) Active sessions were more than 10% of the total load of the processor and was more than 50%.c) memory distribution were more than 95% of the physical memory.d) Hung session amounted to more than 10% of the total number of sessions.e) Deadlock detected.f) The session limit was close to 100%."
Price: 179.99

"PEGACLSA_6.2V2 Certified Lead System Architect Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) When designing an update strategy to get updated data from the recording system should _______________. (Choose one)a) select a single coherent strategy for all data sources used by the applicationb) Consider the pros and cons of options for each data source and requirementsc) Always receive data using declarative pagesd) Always choose a strategy is the best runtime performancee) NoneQ) When using the declarative page to keep a list of currencies used throughout the application, that is the most appropriate scale? (Choose one)a) nodeb) the acquirerc) the wired) requeste) NoneQ) Labeling Case and the Case for called social BPM. Which of the following statements is true about the social BPM? (Choose one)a) Prp together automatically lists the ""seed of the mark"", which are based on the most frequently used tags in Annexb) Default Deck PrP Tag only standard Case Manager Portalc) To run the following cases, the administrator can lock cased) When properly configured, according to CASE followers of the case via RSS-channel only when the status of the event changese) NoneQ) When using the default ""start a new process"" to start a new thread in the open job positions, which of the following best describes the rules for eligible flow can you be? (Choose one)a) All sub-flows of powerb) All flows that are defined in the current working poolc) All threads in the current class hierarchy work facilities will be installed on the object of workd) All feed streams are available for the current usere) None"
Price: 154.99

"TIBCO TB0-121 Active Matrix BPM Solution Designer Practice E" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What type of file is used to distribute the active processes on the node Matrix BPM server?a) DAAb) EARc) CANd) MAAe) NoneQ) Process multiple parallel paths with one path must converge to a single path. When a branch operation is completed, and reaches the convergence point, control should be the only way, without waiting for other branches to complete. Workflow template that controls should be used to achieve this functionality?a) structured discriminatorb) termination discriminatorc) Combine structured Synchronizationd) Multi-Mergee) NoneQ) What are the requirements of the user data linked together?a) They should be offered to the various stakeholders.b) They should have a proposal for all of its distribution strategyc) They should have a proposal on the Common as a distribution strategy.d) They must be assigned to the various participants.e) NoneQ) When you import processes that are two formats supported imports of TIBCO Business Studio? (Choose two.)a) BSTb) filec) XFRd) MAA"
Price: 154.99

"CompTIA FC0-U11 Strata Fundamentals PC Functionality Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following areas of your computer is built into the motherboard?a) Joystickb) mousec) Sound cardd) CD-ROM, drivee) NoneQ) You select the memory to be placed in a notebook. Which of the following types of memory chips you are likely to choose?a) 72 pinb) PIN-240c) PIN 184d) PIN 144e) NoneQ) You are working with a team that will bring in new computers in the sales department. sales department to save not only their old files, but the system settings, as well as on new PCs. What should you do?a) Make a backup copy of the system (complete) on each of the old machine, and then restore it on a new machineb) Copying files and Windows registry on the removable media, and then copy it to the new machine.c) Use the User State Migration Tool, to migrate settings and system files to the new machine.d) Use Disk Management to move everything to the new computer.e) NoneQ) Which of the following is designed to infiltrate or damage a computer without the owner's consent?a) Sharewareb) malwarec) Freewared) Stealing Waree) None"
Price: 169.99

"IBM 000-S02 DR550 Technical Skills Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) After you stop the Cluster service on a dual system unit DR550, which of the following statements is true?a) Cluster service can be stopped from any node uses the AIX HACMP command - stop.b) Cluster service can be stopped from any node uses the AIX command SMITTY clstop.c) the Cluster service must be stopped from both nodes individually using AIX HACMP commands - stop.d) the Cluster service must be stopped from two separate sites with AIX SMITTY clstart team.e) NoneQ) What is the process to configure the client so that the data to be sent to a DR550?a) Creating a display CIFS each client to match DR550b) Create NFS mount to / repository directory on the DR550 then display the directory for customersc) Download API System Storage Archive Manager on each client and edit the dsm.sys or dsm.opt and customer registrationd) Download Driver System Storage Archive Manager on each client and edit the dsm.sys or dsm.opt on the customer registration servere) NoneQ) Script Files System Storage Archive Manager is stored in the volume group?a) / Libb) / USRc) TSMAppsd) TSMDbLogse) NoneQ) Which version of API Tivoli Storage Manager must be installed and configured on the Content Management Server resource?a) TSM API 5.3.2 or laterb) TSM API 5.2.2 or laterc) TSM API 5.0.0 or laterd) DR550 supports all versions of TSM APIe) None"
Price: 169.99

"Metoda Massive Learning" |
"Metoda Massive Learning to kurs, ktry powsta na podstawie wasnych praktyk i bada naukowych. Odpowiada na aktualn potrzeb edukacji w XXI w. dotyczc szybkiego i praktycznego przyswajania wiedzy. Ma za zadanie umoliwi Ci sprawne reagowanie w sytuacji, gdy musisz szybko przyswoi now umiejtno.Kurs nakieruje Ci na efektywn metod dziki, ktrej w cigu 20 godzin bdziesz w stanie na tyle opanowa dan kompetencj, e wyprzedzisz pozostae 97% osb, ktrymi si otaczasz. Opanujesz je na takim poziomie, e zobaczysz wyrany postp i bdziesz w stanie samemu si poprawia oraz udoskonala.Zacht do stworzenia tego kursu s suchacze jednej z konferencji dla przedsibiorcw i freelancerw, ktrzy w ramach mojego wystpieniach o realizowaniu wielu projektw w jednym roku. Poprosili o wytumaczenie im w jaki sposb mona wprowadzi taki model w ycie.Zobacz metod, ktra wg. wielu specjalistw powinna stanowi wany element edukacji w czasach gdy uczymy si przez cae ycie."
Price: 84.99

"Complete Beginner Yoga Course" |
"As the course is for beginners, the course is designed to be simple to follow.The areas forced on is basic flexibility around hip, hamstrings, thoracic, back body and shoulders.Episode 1. Seated stretching:- this episode is for the overall body. Mainly focused on shoulders and abdominal area. This can be practised by old people and pregnant women (with certain modifications and keeping the body limitations).Episode 2. Core strength:- this episode is particularly helpful for improving the strength around the abdomen area. This is for people who have obesity issues and low metabolism, irritable bowl syndrome weak back or hips.Episode 3. Suryanamaskara:- This episode is on Shivanandha and Ashtanga suryanamaskara A and B. If one is extremely busy and doesnt have time for full practice then doing 12 rounds to 18 rounds of suryanamaskara pumps the cardiovascular muscles and burns the calories which help to improve flexibility and also helps to burn fat.Episode 4. Standing stretches and Forward folds:- this episode helps you to understand the connection between your feet and ground. In this episode, it covers basic balancing and forward stretching, which is focused on improving the digestive areas and relieves tension and stress, stimulates circulation.Episode 5. Backbends:- open your heart.This episode is largely focused on upper thoracic, shoulder blades, spine, legs, opening in your hip joints. It calms the brain, treats fear, anxiety and depression. Stretches and strengthens the neck and back.How to get started?BreathingYes, Breathing in and Breathing out.With proper breathing, one can get the maximum benefits of the posture/asana.Breathing helps to go beyond the limits of flexibility but also helps to concentrate.ApproachSitting with an observant and unbiased mind, one will learn to Surrender the ego and embrace the acceptance of who we are and what are our limits.Each physical poses (asanas) will give you an opportunity to heal the body and train the mind.Focus on your body, know your limits. If you are sensing pain in any joints of your body apart from muscular stretching pain while doing a particular pose take a step back and set your alignments and work on your basics.Dont push too hard, dont beat yourself which also means dont stop trying.Asanas need to be practised on an empty stomach or 2 to 3 hours of gap after your meal, preferably in the morning.What do I need?You. Your commitment and time. If you can block 30 to 45 minutes three times a week. You will be rewarded with benefits worth larger than the paltry investment.What else do I need to get started?Nothing else really. However, it would help you can buyYoga Mat.Comfortable clothes.Yoga Bricks (optional)Belt /towel. (optional)"
Price: 24.99

"Cookie Baking Arts: Learn 3 Worldwide & 3 Moroccan Cookies." |
"Who is this Class For?- Everyone interested in Cookie baking & Pastry Desserts!What we will Learn?- How to Bake Three of International Cookies that are Chocolate chip cookies, Coconut Cookies, and Sabl with our Pastry Fondant Secret Recipe!- How to Bake Moroccan Cookies that are Ghriyba cookies, Bleegha Cookies, and Segar Cookies!- Final thoughts: Explaining some things you need to focus on to succeed Baking Our Cookies Suggestions.Let's learn Cookie baking together and make lovely Cookies and Pastry Desserts! Enroll now!-BONUS-Here are extra history Infos for Cookie baking, Cookies, and Pastry Desserts in this course if youre interested in it!A cookie is a baked or cooked food that is typically small, flat, and sweet. Cookie baking usually contains flour, sugar, and some type of oil or fat. It may include other ingredients such as raisins, oats, chocolate chips, nuts, etc.In most English-speaking countries except for the United States and Canada, crisp cookies are called biscuits. Chewier biscuits are sometimes called cookies even in the United Kingdom. Some cookies may also be named by their shapes, such as date squares or bars.Biscuit or cookie variants include sandwich biscuits, such as custard creams, Jammie Dodgers, Bourbons, and Oreos, with marshmallows or jam filling and sometimes dipped in chocolate or another sweet coating. Cookies are often served with beverages such as milk, coffee or tea and sometimes ""dunked"", an approach which releases more flavor from confections by dissolving the sugars,[4] while also softening their texture. Factory-made cookies are sold in grocery stores, convenience stores, and vending machines. Fresh-baked cookies are sold at bakeries and coffeehouses, with the latter ranging from small business-sized establishments to multinational corporations such as Starbucks.Cookie-like hard wafers have existed for as long as baking is documented, in part because they deal with travel very well, but they were usually not sweet enough to be considered cookies by modern standards.Cookies appear to have their origins in 7th century AD Persia, shortly after the use of sugar became relatively common in the region. They spread to Europe through the Muslim conquest of Spain. By the 14th century, they were common in all levels of society throughout Europe, from royal cuisine to street vendors.[citation needed]With global travel becoming widespread at that time, cookies made a natural travel companion, a modernized equivalent of the travel cakes used throughout history. One of the most popular early cookies, which traveled especially well and became known on every continent by similar names, was the jumble, a relatively hard cookie made largely from nuts, sweetener, and water.Cookies came to America through the Dutch in New Amsterdam in the late 1620s. The Dutch word ""koekje"" was Anglicized to ""cookie"" or cooky. The earliest reference to cookies in America is in 1703, when ""The Dutch in New York provided...'in 1703...at a funeral 800 cookies...'""The most common modern cookie, given its style by the creaming of butter and sugar, was not common until the 18th century.A chocolate chip cookie is a drop cookie that originated in the United States and features chocolate chips or chocolate morsels as its distinguishing ingredient. Circa 1938, Ruth Graves Wakefield added chopped up bits from a Nestl semi-sweet chocolate bar into a cookie.The traditional recipe starts with a dough composed of butter and both brown and white sugar, semi-sweet chocolate chips, and vanilla. Variations on the recipe may add other types of chocolate, as well as additional ingredients such as nuts or oatmeal. There are also vegan versions with the necessary ingredient substitutions, such as vegan chocolate chips, vegan margarine, egg substitute, and so forth. A chocolate chip cookie uses a dough flavored with chocolate or cocoa powder before chocolate chips are mixed in. These variations of the recipe are often referred to as double or triple chocolate chip cookies, depending on the combination of dough and chocolate types.Sabl is a French round shortbread cookie that originates in Sabl-sur-Sarthe, in Sarthe.According to the letters of the Marquise de Svign, the cookie was created for the first time in Sabl-sur-Sarthe in 1670.The French word sabl means ""sandy"", which is the French term that takes the place of the English ""breadcrumbs"". Generally, the baker begins the process by rubbing cold butter into flour and sugar to form particles of dough until the texture resembles that of breadcrumbs or sand.A ghoriba (Arabic: , also spelled ghribia, ghraba, or ghriyyaba) is a type of cookie prepared in the Maghreb and other parts of the Arab world. It is a rounded, shortbread cookie made with flour, sugar, butter, and usually almonds. It is often served with Arabic coffee or Maghrebi mint tea. Ghoriba sometimes pronounces as Ghurayba, has been around in the Greater Syria area, Iraq, and other Arab countries since ancient times. They are similar to polvorones from Andalusia and qurabiya from Iran."
Price: 24.99

"El hojaldre es una de mis masas favoritas por muchos motivos, entre ellas, la principal es por su versatilidad ya que nos sirve para recetas dulces y saladas, nos vale para comer solo o para preparar infinidad de variaciones. El hojaldre es pura magia desde su elaboracin hasta su final en tu paladar, saboreando todas y cada una de las ms de 2.000 capas intercaladas de mantequilla y masa que te sorprender como desarrolla en el horno sin necesidad de levaduras. Tengo el placer de presentarte en exclusiva este fabuloso taller dedicado en exclusividad al HOJALDRE. un extenso y completsimo taller que he dividido en 3 partes muy diferenciadas para que aprendas poco a poco y parte a parte donde aprenders:Cmo hacer masa de hojaldre casera a mano sin maquinaria desde 0 de una manera profesionalA elaborar una seleccin de hojaldres dulces A preparar un variado buffet de hojaldres salados Adems de todo este aprendizaje en este taller de hojaldre casero aprenders a preparar:Crema pasteleraEl relleno perfecto de hojaldres y empanadasPesto de espinacas y anacardos Que los usaremos en varias de las elaboraciones que aprenders a hacer en este fabuloso taller totalmente audiovisual y con contenido adjunto en formato PDF para que completes todo tu taller y consigas ser un verdadero artista del hojaldre casero. Cuando termines este TALLER DE HOJALDRE CASERO sers un autntico maestro/a de esta masa y esto solo ser el comienzo ya que el lmite solo lo pones tu."
Price: 44.99

"Apprendre docker pour les dbutants" |
"Ce cours sadresse des informaticiens qui dbutent avec Docker. Nous allons commencer par une rapide introduction thorique et passer ensuite la pratique sur des cas concrets.Nous allons apprendre comment installer Docker sur Ubuntu et comprendre l'architecture de la plateforme docker.Nous allons ensuite voir comment crer des conteneurs et voir les commande de base qu'on utilise avec docker.Nous allons apprendre comment trouver des images de conteneurs cres par dautres et comment les utiliser.Nous allons voir comment crer des images personnalises/Nous verrons aussi comment partager nos images, comment les stocker pour pouvoir les rutiliser.Nous allons ensuite apprendre comment installer et utiliser docker compose pour mettre en place une architecture de l'application et communiquer les services entre eux."
Price: 29.99

"CISA Protection of Information Assets Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following functions should be performed by the heads of the applications in order to ensure a proper separation of functions between end users and IS?a) Analysis of the systemb) Data Access Authorizationc) application programmingd) data ManagementQ) Responsibility for maintaining adequate security over information assets resides with:a) Security Administratorb) system administratorc) data and proprietary systems.d) systems operating group.Q) The greatest risk when end users have access to a database to its system level, rather than through the application, users can:a) unauthorized changes to the database directly, without an audit trail.b) make use of a system query language (SQL) to access information.c) remotely access the database.d) update data without authentication.Q) To determine who has been given permission to use a particular system resource, an IS auditor should review:a) task listsb) access control lists.c) access lists IDd) password lists.Q) Which of the following is the most effective control in grant temporary access to providers?a) access provider corresponds to the service level agreement (SLA)b) User accounts are created with expiration dates and are based on services provided.c) Administrator access is provided for a limited period.d) User IDs are deleted when the job is completed."
Price: 149.99

"AWS ANS-C00 Advanced Networking Specialty Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) You YRE serve for setting the AWS Direct Connect connection between the data center and AWS Partner OnPremise position. You must ensure that the network can support the connection. What you need to be under control for it. Choose 3 answers from the following optionsa) The network must have support for 802.1Q VLANb) The network device must support BGPc) The network device must support static routingd) Auto-negotiation for the port must be disabled for the network deviceQ) A company has setup an AWS Direct Connect connection to access AWS resources via their on-premise data center. They are the estimated costs that would be involved. Which of the following should be considered from the point of view of costs for AWS Direct Connect? Choose 3 answers from the following optionsa) Number of hours consumed leadsb) The transfer of data in AWS Direct Connectc) The transfer of data from a bucket 53 via a public v1fd) The transfer of data from one VPC via a private VIFQ) A company is obliged to send large amounts of data that must be ingested in S3. This must be done on a regular basis. Even the transfer of data should be encrypted. The data transfer line must be low latency and reliable. How could you do this?a) Use a VPN connection AWS Managedb) Use an AWS Direct Connect connectionc) Use a Managed VPN AWS AWS Direct Connect.d) Use AWS AWS Direct Connect on a Managed VPNQ) Your company is planning on creating an AWS Direct Connect connection and a VPN connection as a backup. Incase the AWS Direct Connect connection drops, then the traffic should be routed on the line VPN. What can you do to ensure this happens during the autumn in the best possible way.a) In AWS Direct Connect, make the VPN as a secondary device.b) In AWS VPN, making AWS Direct Connect as a primary devicec) Enable Bidirectional Forwarding Detectiond) Enable BGP RoutingQ) Your company is planning to create a private area hosted in AWS. They need to ensure that on-premise device can reach the resources defined in the Private area hosted. As can be achieved, ensuring minimum effort is put in the configuration of this.a) Consider using simple AD to resolve DNS requestsb) Convert the private area hosted a publicc) Create an EC2 instance and install a DNS resolverd) Create an EC2 instance and install AD Domain Services"
Price: 149.99

"Preo de Venda Para o Setor do Comrcio" |
"O curso ""Como Calcular o Preo de Venda para ter Lucro - Comrcio"", tem objetivo de mostrar a nica metodologia que levar o empreendedor a aprender e formar o preo de venda de maneira que conseguir pagar todos os itens para a composio do produto ou da venda, poder efetuar os pagamentos das contas fixas sem atrasar 1 dia se quer, poder saber o lucro ideal para fazer outros investimentos e descobrir o ponto de equilbrio da sua empresa, e lgico, poder aproveitar a vida no que ela fornece de melhor, aps conseguir lucrar em cada venda realizada.Com o preo de venda unitrio bem calculado e podendo pagar todas as obrigaes da empresa, o empreendedor poder ter o seu to sonhado lucro e com ele poder fazer boas viagens de frias, ter uma moradia segura e confortvel, possuir os melhor carros/motos e com certeza, poder fazer investimento em diversas outras frentes, alm de saber a quantidade mnima que a empresa ter que vender para no ter lucro e nem prejuzo, ou seja, saber o seu ponto de equilbrio.O curso abordar uma metodologia 100% real com o mercado, sem a abertura para o achismo e sim para os fatos."
Price: 39.99
