"Preo de Venda Para o Setor da Indstria" |
"O curso ""Como Calcular o Preo de Venda para ter Lucro - Indstria"", tem objetivo de mostrar a nica metodologia que levar o empreendedor a aprender e formar o preo de venda de maneira que conseguir pagar todos os itens para a produo do produto e da venda, poder efetuar os pagamentos das contas fixas sem atrasar 1 dia se quer, poder saber o lucro ideal para fazer outros investimentos e descobrir o ponto de equilbrio da sua empresa, e lgico, poder aproveitar a vida no que ela fornece de melhor, aps conseguir lucrar em cada venda realizada.Com o preo de venda unitrio bem calculado e podendo pagar todas as obrigaes da empresa, o empreendedor poder ter o seu to sonhado lucro e com ele poder fazer boas viagens de frias, ter uma moradia segura e confortvel, possuir os melhor carros/motos e com certeza, poder fazer investimento em diversas outras frentes, alm de saber a quantidade mnima que a empresa ter que vender para no ter lucro e nem prejuzo, ou seja, saber o seu ponto de equilbrio.O curso abordar uma metodologia 100% real com o mercado, sem a abertura para o achismo e sim para os fatos."
Price: 39.99

"Preo de Venda Para o Setor do Servio" |
"O curso ""Como Calcular o Preo de Venda para ter Lucro - Prestao de Servio"", tem objetivo de mostrar a nica metodologia que levar o empreendedor a aprender e formar o preo de venda de maneira que conseguir pagar todos os itens para a prestao do servio, poder efetuar os pagamentos das contas fixas sem atrasar 1 dia se quer, poder saber o lucro ideal para fazer outros investimentos e descobrir o ponto de equilbrio do seu negcio, e lgico, poder aproveitar a vida no que ela fornece de melhor, aps conseguir lucrar em cada venda realizada.Com o preo da hora do servio ou do pacote bem calculado e podendo pagar todas as obrigaes, o empreendedor poder ter o seu to sonhado lucro e com ele poder fazer boas viagens de frias, ter uma moradia segura e confortvel, possuir os melhor carros/motos e com certeza, poder fazer investimento em diversas outras frentes, alm de saber a quantidade mnima que a sua atividade empreendedora ter que trabalhar para no ter lucro e nem prejuzo, ou seja, saber o seu ponto de equilbrio exato.O curso abordar uma metodologia 100% real com o mercado, sem a abertura para o achismo e sim para os fatos."
Price: 39.99

"20 Milyon nsana Sigaray Braktran Kolay Ve Acsz Yntem" |
"Sigaray brakmay denediniz fakat baaramadnz. 6 ay veya 1 yl sonra bir daha m itiniz? Bu kurs bu sorunlar ortadan kaldryor. Bende sizin gibi sigaray brakp defalarca baladm. Bende sizin gibi sigaray braknca, boluk duygusu, can sknts, konsantrasyon kayb, huzursuzluk, hayattan bezme, tadn ve kokusunu zleme, sigarann zevk vermesi gibi aldatmacalara kar yenildim. Ta ki bu yntem bulunana kadar. Yntem basit sadece admlar takip ederek sigaradan temelli hayat boyu kurtulup hayattan zevk alabileceksiniz. Merak etmeyin sigaranz zararlarn sizlere anlatmayacam. Tiryakiler aptal deildir sigarann zararlarn sizden daha iyi bilirler. Sigara bir zeka kp gibidir, zmeye alrsn zemessin ve en sonunda zersin ya ite sigarada ayn bunun gibi. nce sigarann oyunlarn renelim ki yenerken glk ekmeyelim. Korkmayn sadece sakin olun ve eitim setindeki admlar takip edin sigaray brakmak zevkli bile olacak :)NOT: una emin ol 2 veya 3 kuruunu alaym diye bu eitim setini karmadm. Bu eitim setinde gerekler sylenecek ve bu oyun bozulacak!. He bu arada arkadalarna artk sigara imiyorum demenin hayalini yavatan kurmaya bala, nk diyeceksin. NAN!"
Price: 99.99

"Test Preperation Course For CEH" |
"Hacking (both good and bad) seems to be in the news on a daily basis now. Large data breaches, phishing attacks, voter registration hacked, Smartphones hacked, etc. In this course we go over the basics for ethical hacking and penetration testing. We go step by step building a virtual lab, loading various tools and learning how a malicious hacker thinks and operates. Phishing, password hacking, methodology, OSINT, DDOS attacks, and much more is covered in this course. Learn how a hacker thinks, their methodology and tools in order to help defend from them."
Price: 189.99

"The Ethical Hacking Bootcamp" |
"In this course i will assume that you have no knowledge about ethical hacking and by the end of the course you will be able to launch hacking attacks like a pro! This course starts with setting up your hacking environment then you will learn scanning, information gathering, password hacking, dos and ddos attacking and much more. All of the lectures contain practical demonstration without neglecting basics. This is a complete hands on course with great details of each and every attack that i have showed."
Price: 189.99

"Web Application Hacking Course For Beginners" |
"Welcome to my comprehensive course on Ethical Hacking! In this course, you will start as a beginner with no previous knowledge about penetration testing or hacking. The first thing you will learn is some basic information about ethical hacking and the different fields in penetration testing.The course is structured in a way that will take you through the basics of linux, computer systems, networks and how devices communicate with each other."
Price: 194.99

"Metasploit Framework Guide For Certified Hacking" |
"In this amazing course, we are excited to share with you,the techniques and the concepts for the ethical hacking and the penetration testing. We are providing every essential you need to know as an ethical hacker, insights this course. This course is a complete guide for you.This course starts with the introduction, followed by the required software installations. You will learn about network and web scanning, deep scanning, deep scanning phases, hacking systems, different attacks and malwares. You will also learn about Hijacking, Hacking Servers, Hacking Websites and SQL Injection."
Price: 169.99

"Creating A Keylogger For Ethical Hackers" |
"Have you ever wanted to build a keylogger but didn't know how to? May be you even know how a keylogger works but have no idea how to make one in the Python language. In this course we will be building a Keylogger for Ethical hacking and Security.With this course you will be able to create a powerful Keylogger pretty quickly.All source code shown in this course is also available for download."
Price: 199.99

"WiFi Hacking Guide For Pentesters" |
"Before jumping into hacking, you'll first learn how to gather comprehensive information about the target website, then the course is divided into a number of sections, each section covers how to discover, exploit and mitigate a common web application vulnerability, for each vulnerability you will first learn the basic exploitation, then you will learn advanced techniques to bypass security, escalate your privileges, access the database, and even use the hacked websites to hack into other websites on the same server.From here onwards you'll learn everything by example, by discovering vulnerabilities and exploiting them to hack into websites, so we'll never have any dry boring theoretical lectures."
Price: 174.99

"Kali Linux Cyber Security Guide For Beginners" |
"At the beginning of this course you will get a breakdown of the world of ethical hacking. If you ever wondered what ethical hacking is or what an ethical hacker does, this is for you. This section will be covered by a certified ethical hacker (CEH) and trainer who has 20 years of experience in the world of information securityNext we will go into Kali Linux which is the ethical hackers OS for all things hacking. We will show you how to install Kali using VMWare. We will show you some important configuration settings that you should be aware of and go over some of the top tools in Kali. We will end with a demo on how to crack Wi-Fi passwords on a WEP network."
Price: 159.99

"Nmap Scanning Cyber Security Course" |
"In this course you will learn about network penetration testing using NMAP. NMAP is most popular tool in ethical hacking world. This tool is widely use by Penetration Testers, Ethical Hackers, System Administrators, Network Engineers. This tool has great capability to gather information about computer networks. In this course you will learn from lab setup to complete network scanning using NMAP. In this course i will guide you step by step to setup lab and use NMAP. This course will give you complete knowledge about network scanning. After completion of this course you will be able to find weaknesses and vulnerabilities of network."
Price: 194.99

"Application Ethical Hacking Course" |
"If you are passionate about learning hacking but have no idea where to start then this course is for you. It does not matter if you are absolute beginner or intermediate because I will start with very basics and if you are intermediate then you also can join this course because this course contains lot of practical experiments. This course demands one thing i.e. hard work. You have to perform various practical experiments on your Computer."
Price: 194.99

"Exploit Ethical Hacker's Guide" |
"With the skills you gain here, youre equipped to pursue the Security+ certification from CompTIA.The Security+ Certification by CompTIA is an international and vendor-neutral certification that has been endorsed and recognized by industry computing manufacturers and organizations. This course provides foundational knowledge of the principles, techniques, and tools needed to successfully prepare for the SY0-401 exam. With the skills you gain here, youre equipped to pursue a number of security certifications including the Security+ from CompTIA and the CEH from EC-Council."
Price: 199.99

"Kali Linux Guide For Beginners" |
"Learn ethical hacking through Kali Linux, one of the leading Computer Security operating systems! In this course, you will learn how to gather information, detect vulnerabilities, and exploit them using tools in Kali Linux. This course will give you all of the tools you need to be able to test your own servers and applications for vulnerabilities."
Price: 194.99

"The Kali OS Uses In Cyber Security" |
"At the beginning of this course you will get a breakdown of the world of ethical hacking. If you ever wondered what ethical hacking is or what an ethical hacker does, this is for you.We will go into Kali Linux which is the ethical hackers OS for all things hacking. We will show you how to install Kali using VMWare. We will show you some important configuration settings that you should be aware of and go over some of the top tools in Kali. We will end with a demo on how to crack Wi-Fi passwords on a WEP network."
Price: 194.99

"Scanning Cyber Security Hacking Course" |
"Nmap is the Internets most popular network scanner with advanced features that most people don't know even exists! Discover the secrets of ethical hacking and network discovery, using Nmap on this complete course.Nmap is an indispensable tool that all techies should know well. It is used by all good ethical hackers, penetration testers, systems administrators, and anyone in fact who wants to discovery more about the security of a network and its hosts."
Price: 194.99

"Complete VMware NSX-T 2.4 Data Center" |
"This course provides comprehensive training on how to install, configure, and manage a VMware NSX-T Data Center environment. This course covers key NSX-T Data Center features and functionality offered in the NSX-T Data Center 2.4 release, including the overall infrastructure, logical switching, logical routing, networking and security services, micro-segmentation and firewalls, and so onBy the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives: Describe VMware Virtual Cloud Network and the NSX-T Data Center architecture Describe the NSX-T Data Center components and main functions Explain the NSX-T Data Center key features and benefits Deploy and configure NSX-T Data Center infrastructure Configure layer 2 logical switching and bridging Explain the tiered routing architecture and configure gateways Configure advanced services such as VPN and load balancing Describe the NSX-T Data Center security model with micro-segmentation Configure Distributed Firewall and Gateway Firewall to protect east-west and north-south traffic Explain advanced security enforcement with partner service insertion Integrate VMware Identity Manager with NSX-T Data Center and configure Role-Based Access Control Gather relevant information and perform basic troubleshooting with various tools"
Price: 49.99

"Introduction to Programming in Python" |
"Taking this course is a great step towards learning programming. Throughout this course you will learn the very basic topics in programming, starting with variables, control statements (if statement, for, while and do..while), functions, and lists. This beginners' course was specifically developed for those that want to learn Python... and fear to fail."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Virologia" |
" Eu como Biomdica, assim que me formei, senti a necessidade de me aprofundar em muitos assuntos que foram pouco explicados. Com a finalidade de ajudar os profissionais da sade ou da biologia e ainda estudantes, com grande alegria que compartilho meu conhecimento com voc. Esse o curso de virologia ideal para aprofundar e complementar os seus conhecimentos sobre vrus, para quem tem curiosidade sobre esse microrganismo extremamente pequeno e que pode causar muitos danos sade. O curso te possibilitar entender sobre a morfologia (anatomia) , transmisso e potencial infectante dos vrus, profilaxia, vacinas e a produo delas, tratamentos, mutaes, alm dos surtos e epidemias recentes no Brasil e no mundo, com uma linguagem de fcil entendimento. Durante o curso disponibilizei questionrios e pequenas tarefas para avaliao e fixao de aprendizagem.Desejo a todos um bom curso e que esses conhecimentos possam ser aproveitados. Muito obrigada!"
Price: 54.99

"How To Create A Lead Magnet" |
"In this course, you are going to learn step by step how to create an eBook and use it as a lead magnet to generate business leads for business. If you are a Home Business Owner or you are struggling to promote your service or product you will have to take this course to learn how to generate leads. I also included two bonus trainings on Facebook Marketing and LinkedIn Marketing."
Price: 94.99

"Crea el Plan de Comunicacin de tu proyecto de investigacin" |
"Para conseguir subvenciones y financiacin para proyectos de investigacin cientfica, cada vez es ms importante acompaar la propuesta del proyecto con un Plan de Comunicacin que asegure una difusin eficaz del asunto que se investiga. Pero no es fcil preparar un plan que est bien valorado por las personas que conceden y dan el visto bueno a esta financiacin.En este curso, aprenders a preparar, paso a paso, un plan eficaz de comunicacin estratgica para tu proyecto de investigacin, profundizando en cada uno de los apartados que lo componen para que adquieras toda la teora bien explicada y con ejemplos reales. As, al finalizar, podrs elaborar tu propio plan.Adems, trataremos otros aspectos como la relacin entre la comunicacin y la ciencia, la importancia de establecer una estrategia de comunicacin en un proyecto cientfico, qu es eso de un plan de comunicacin y qu particularidades tiene para proyecto de investigacin."
Price: 59.99

"Tedarik zinciri, tedarik, satnalma, sourcing, hangi kavram ne anlama geliyor? Dnyada farkl tanmlar olan yukardaki kavramlar lkemizde olduka kark ekilde kullanlyor. Henz departmann adnn doru konulamad veya kapsamn doru anlalamayan bir ortamda netlik salanabilir mi? Departman algs doru oluturulabilir mi? Peki ya bu departmanlarda grev alanlar kendi kiisel markalarn nasl parlatabilirler?te kavramlarn yerli yerine oturtularak balayan kursta tedarik zinciri sreleri detayl ekilde irdelenmekte, ok boyutlu bir perspektifte tedarik zinciri departmannda alanlarn ihtiya duyduu kabiliyetler ve deneyimler ortaya konularak bu ynde bilgi, deneyim aktarm yaplmaktadr.Dnyada tedarik zincirinde yaanan trendler zerinden gidilerek sorunlar ve geliim noktalarnn alt izilmektedir. Temel sre bilgileri, uygulamadaki hali ile sizlere aktarlmaktadr. Yine tedarik zincirine ait sre rnekleri zerinden gidilerek doru sorularn nasl sorulaca gsterilmektedir. Bu balamda yaln felsefesine giri yaplmaktadr.Zaman zaman excel ile matematik modelleme detaylar vaka olarak deerlendirilmeniz zere sizlere verilmekte, okuYorum ve izliyorum ksmlar ile sizlere bilgi, deneyim bazl yorum frsatlar salanmaktadr.Kendi kiisel geliimimizden kendimiz sorumluyuz. SATZA 101 ile balayacak olan kiisel geliim yolculuunuzda kontrol sizde olacak. Kiisel aksiyon planlarnz sizlerden hazrlamanz istiyor olacaz ve bu kursun sonunda elinizde kendinize ait spesifik aksiyonlar olmasn hedefliyor olacaz.Arkadalar, SATZA kurslarnn fark yaratan taraf hi tartmasz 25 yllk tedarik zinciri, satnalma, szleme ynetimi, planlama deneyiminin, 22 yllk ekip ynetme tecrbesinin ve 10 yl aan st dzey ynetim birikiminin aktarlmas olacaktr. Elbette akademik olarak gerekli girdiler eitim esnasnda salanmakta, kitaplar nerilmektedir. Ancak hayatnda en kritik olan husus pratikler ile teorik bilginin sentezlenmesidir ki SATZA eitimler bu kapsamda sizlere beklenen fayday salayacaktr.ayHaydi bu keyifli yolculua hazr msnz?"
Price: 379.99

"Technical Analysis for Everyone - Learning with Charts" |
"There are lots of things when you hear about Technical Analysis; materials, texts, drawings, charts... It is important for traders to find the information that will be useful to them for the practical use of technical analysis, which contains lots of information in theory. You can find the information that will be useful for traders and put theory into practice in a simple way in this course. There is an unconventional and narrative style in this course. You will get the chance to learn channels, formations (patterns), various useful indicators and the tricks of technical analysis through the charts. You can learn 100 indicators, but can you put 100 indicators on the same screen and try to get results? Of course NO. The important thing is to get accurate analysis with sufficient data.BUT, how is this possible? Today, there is a fact that people buy and sell with what they hear from other people. The profit of every person is valuable for him/her and losing money by acting with sensations can have bad consequences. Therefore, CONSCIOUS trading is very important. You can learn Fundamental Analysis, but the information you need to learn may differ depending on the market and instrument you are investing in. You may be both looking at the news in oil market and looking at the financial accounts of a stock you bought. So what distingueshes technical analysis from others?TECHNICAL ANALYSIS is a dynamic that operates in the same way regardless of market or instrument you trade. It is the art of making predictions about the future from past price movements. It is based on the science of statistics. It takes into account the possibilities. If you think this is important, then you should learn and apply technical analysis. You have to do this on your own. The most correct decisions are the decisions you get from the data you put into practice with your own knowledge and skills. You will be able to interpret all instruments such as gold, silver, oil, stocks, cryptocurrencies, indices and whatever with the same technical analysis knowledge after this course.GET UP, STAND UP, DONT GIVE UP THE FIGHT"
Price: 19.99

"7 methods of tying Kimono belt (obi) with English subtitles!" |
"I introduce 7 methods of tying Hanhaba-obi (belt) from the one which is basic and easy to the one which looks very difficult but easy. Hanhaba-obi is the most casual obi. It suits for Komon, Tsumugi and Yukata. You can enjoy whole year!"
Price: 19.99

"MS-300T02 SharePoint Online" |
"User Profiles Apps SharePoint Online. SharePoint Online App Catalog SharePoint Online. Manage User Profiles Apps : User Profile Audiences App Catalog Managed Metadata Managed Metadata . Managed Metadata : Managed Metadata . Result Sources Crawling Schedule .Crawling Rules Query Rules Result types . SharePoint Online Search : Modern and Classic Search Experience Content Sources Search Schema Result Sources"
Price: 24.99

"Building your personal brand in your small business" |
"The world is inundated with small business professionals all cramping to rise to the top. Yet, how many of us actually know how to stand out and do so effectively? Welcome to this course where you will be taught high level skills on how to craft and manage your mindset, understand the importance of priority planning, leverage on question handling during networking, negotiate effectively with your clients and stakeholders and ultimately position your personal brand effectively on social media.There is nothing but fun, engagement and inspirational videos to inspire and motivate you!Welcome and thanks for joining."
Price: 1650.00

"The Business Of Speaking Course" |
"Are you tired of speaking for free and want to turn your passion into an income-generating stream? Are you tired of getting only Thank-yous and God bless yous after pouring out your heart at a speaking engagement?Are you a budding speaker and want to build a profitable speaking career?Are you a transformational (or certified) speaker who delivers impact but somehow, you are not making income as a Speaker?Yes? Then this is for you.In 2015 when I started my speaking career, I didnt even know who was going to listen to me not to talk of who will be willing to pay me for just speaking words. The one thing I was sure of was my message. I knew I had something to say. I knew I had VALUE that could change someones life coated in words. But how to structure it eluded me.I would go on Youtube to watch videos and practice what I saw. I attended training and spent millions in naira so I could become an authority in the speaking industry. Well, I did become a respected speaker and lots of people are ignited when they hear me but something in me desired for payments beyond basket of fruits as honorariumDoes this describe your situation right now?Today, I make millions as a public speaker and the best thing for me is that I get to make money doing what I love.Are you a speaker who delivers excellently but no one is seeing your worth enough to compensate you financially for it yet?Do you want to know how I landed multiple paying speaking engagements in a matter of minutes?Do you want to learn the easiest ways to hit BIG money as a speaker? There are over 10 ways to do thisLast year I had a lineup of Paid Speaking Engagements without submitting proposals to speak and I had to turn down some of them so I could have time for my family and business. Its funny because I used to beg for these opportunities.Let Me Show You How To:Land multiple paid speaking engagements.Move from FREE to FEE without feeling like a fraud.Deliver world-class content that will land you more multiple speaking engagements.Monetise your passion for speaking.Then Sign up for The Business of Speaking Online Course to learn how you too can move from FREE to FEE as a Speaker."
Price: 99.99

"Excellence through leadership." |
"Gallup released a study that said 33% of people at any time are looking to leave their job, and the principle reasons for this are: poor leadership and lack of recognition. Of these the studies show the main driver for demotivation is a bad or poor boss because fundamentally we are not taught how to lead or manage people.Synapse leadership is a structured programme that gives you the key takeaways and tips, such as how to recognize and deal with fear, rejection, how to structure a meeting, set realistic goals and how to negotiate.These have led to a 25% reduction in staff turnover, 73% reduction in safety related accidents, 29% increase in production and output. People are the heart and soul of any business and they need to be upgraded and maintained as you would do the machinery or equipment in your office."
Price: 39.99

"Treinamento medies na odontologia com GOM Inspect" |
"Voc conhece a tecnologia GOM de sistemas de medio por coordenadas 3D? A Vtech te apresenta neste treinamento:Aqui voc aprender as funes bsicas do software GOM Inspect, capaz de analisar dados resultantes de scanner 3D (intraoral e de bancada) e tomgrafo, permitindo a medio e comparao da evoluo do paciente, alm de comparao de metodologia de escaneamento, de contrao de material de moldagem, entre outras aplicaes. Com essa tecnologia 3D, suas consultas se tornam mais versteis, com maior custo benefcio e o melhor: pacientes super satisfeitos.Quais os benefcios em utilizar a tecnologia de scanners 3D na sua rotina de trabalho?Maior aproveitamento da quantidade de material utilizadoMenor desperdcioAgilidade nos procedimentos odontolgicos, antecipando o resultado finalMaior precisoTratamento com menor duraoVamos comear?Link para Download do Software est na descrio da aula 1!"
Price: 129.99

"Terminars siendo el Mejor DJ" |
"Bienvenido a tu nuevo curso de DJ. Aqu te ensear, de una forma muy sencilla y muy prctica, todo lo bsico que senecesita para ser un excelente DJ.Este curso esta dividido en varias secciones: inicia con lo ms bsico, como aprender a utilizar los softwares de DJ y conceptos bsicos, hasta aprender nuevas tcnicas y conseguir tu primer toque en un evento o local.Te dar las herramientas necesarias para que empieces en este increble mundo de ser un verdadero DJ, y cumplas tu sueo de empezar a mezclar.Te prometo que no te arrepentirs y aprenders mucho despus de haber tomadoeste curso.Recuerda, Cualquiera puede ser un DJ, pero no cualquiera puede hacer que la gente baile, se inspire y se conecte con la msica."
Price: 34.99

"Curso Completo de Excel - Mtodo Guia do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Voc j teve a oportunidade de participar de algum processo seletivo para sua rea de atuao ou exercer a sua profisso? Seja ela: administrao, engenharia, economia, direito e etc... Sim? Ento voc sabe qual a importncia de dominar o Excel. No? Ok, eu te conto.O Excel um editor de planilhas que tem o intuito de facilitar a sua vida. O usurio poder desenvolver planilhas para diversos fins, como exemplo, gerir processos, otimizar tempo e reduzir desperdcios, planejamento financeiro, controle de estoque e por a vai...Agora imagina voc sendo qualificado a desenvolver planilhas sofisticadas na qual, principalmente, v fazer com que o leitor entenda de maneira simplificada a mensagem que voc pretende passar? E, de uma maneira natural, impressionar seu chefe? J que voc e fera no software.Neste curso aprenderemos desde as ferramentas bsicas no Excel at as ferramentas mais avanadas. Podemos citar, como exemplo, a criao de Dashboards, aplicao da ferramenta de performance Solver, tabelas dinmicas e introduo a Macros.O que voc precisa?Somente vontade de aprender e se dedicar as aulas. Conte conosco."
Price: 99.99
