"Smart Presentation - Study and Work" |
"(Italiano, English, Francais, Spanish, Deutsche, , , )250 DIAPOSITIVE GIA' COLLEGATE TRA LORO CON I LINKS IN CUI DEVI SOLO INSERIRE I TITOLI E I CONTENUTIIl corso consiste nell'apprendere come utilizzare un meccanismo molto semplice sviluppato per creare rapidamente presentazioni e memorizzare qualsiasi argomento. Pu essere utilizzato anche per presentazioni aziendali.Inserendo il livello inferiore, che equivale a fare un breve riassunto di diversi paragrafi nel quaderno, si ottiene automaticamente la composizione dei paragrafi, gli schemi dei capitoli e degli slides shows, che saranno molto utili per una rapida consultazione.Il materiale gi strutturato per includere 16 capitoli, ognuno dei quali contiene 12 paragrafi, in modo che possa essere utilizzato anche per esami universitari complessi e presentazioni aziendali strutturate.Collegamenti a 40 siti Web per arricchire la presentazione, con immagini, video, gif animate, caratteri particolari, ridimensionamento di immagini e siti di stock su questi argomenti da cui possibile raggiungerne molti altri.ENGLISH250 SLIDES ALREADY LINKED BETWEEN THEM WITH THE LINKS IN WHICH YOU MUST ONLY ENTER THE TITLES AND CONTENTThe course consists of learning how to use a very simple mechanism developed to quickly create presentations and memorize any topic. It can also be used for business presentations.By inserting the lower level, which is equivalent to making a brief summary of several paragraphs in the notebook, you automatically get the composition of the paragraphs, the layouts of the chapters and the slides shows, which will be very useful for a quick consultation.The material is already structured to include 16 chapters, each of which contains 12 paragraphs, so that it can also be used for complex university exams and structured business presentations.Links to 40 websites to enrich the presentation, with images, videos, animated gifs, special characters, image resizing and stock sites on these topics from which you can reach many others.FRANCAIS250 DIAPOSITIVES DJ LIES ENTRE EUX AVEC LES LIENS DANS LESQUELS VOUS NE DEVEZ INSCRIRE QUE LES TITRES ET LE CONTENULe cours consiste apprendre utiliser un mcanisme trs simple dvelopp pour crer rapidement des prsentations et mmoriser n'importe quel sujet. Il peut galement tre utilis pour des prsentations commerciales.En insrant le niveau infrieur, ce qui quivaut faire un bref rsum de plusieurs paragraphes dans le cahier, vous obtenez automatiquement la composition des paragraphes, la disposition des chapitres et les diaporamas, ce qui sera trs utile pour une consultation rapide.Le matriel est dj structur pour inclure 16 chapitres, chacun contenant 12 paragraphes, de sorte qu'il peut galement tre utilis pour des examens universitaires complexes et des prsentations commerciales structures.Liens vers 40 sites Web pour enrichir la prsentation, avec des images, des vidos, des gifs anims, des personnages spciaux, des sites de redimensionnement d'image et de stockage sur ces sujets partir desquels vous pouvez en atteindre bien d'autres.ESPAOL250 DIAPOSITIVAS YA CONECTADOS ENTRE ELLOS CON LOS ENLACES EN LOS QUE DEBES SOLO INGRESAR LOS TTULOS Y EL CONTENIDOEl curso consiste en aprender a usar un mecanismo muy simple desarrollado para crear rpidamente presentaciones y memorizar cualquier tema. Tambin se puede utilizar para presentaciones de negocios.Al insertar el nivel inferior, que es equivalente a hacer un breve resumen de varios prrafos en el cuaderno, obtiene automticamente la composicin de los prrafos, los diseos de los captulos y las presentaciones de diapositivas, que sern muy tiles para una consulta rpida.El material ya est estructurado para incluir 16 captulos, cada uno de los cuales contiene 12 prrafos, por lo que tambin se puede utilizar para exmenes universitarios complejos y presentaciones comerciales estructuradas.Enlaces a 40 sitios web para enriquecer la presentacin, con imgenes, videos, gifs animados, personajes especiales, redimensionamiento de imgenes y sitios de inventario sobre estos temas desde los cuales puede comunicarse con muchos otros.PORTUGUS250 SLIDES J CONECTADOS ENTRE ELES COM OS LINKS EM QUE VOC DEVE SOMENTE INSERIR OS TTULOS E CONTEDOO curso consiste em aprender a usar um mecanismo muito simples desenvolvido para criar rapidamente apresentaes e memorizar qualquer tpico. Tambm pode ser usado para apresentaes de negcios.Ao inserir o nvel inferior, equivalente a fazer um breve resumo de vrios pargrafos no caderno, voc obtm automaticamente a composio dos pargrafos, os layouts dos captulos e as apresentaes de slides, o que ser muito til para uma consulta rpida.O material j est estruturado para incluir 16 captulos, cada um com 12 pargrafos, para que tambm possa ser usado em exames universitrios complexos e apresentaes estruturadas de negcios.Links para 40 sites para enriquecer a apresentao, com imagens, vdeos, gifs animados, caracteres especiais, redimensionamento de imagens e sites de aes sobre esses tpicos, dos quais voc pode encontrar muitos outros.DEUTSCHE250 Folien sind bereits zwischen ihnen mit den Links verknpft, in denen Sie nur die Titel und Inhalte eingeben mssenDer Kurs besteht darin, zu lernen, wie man einen sehr einfachen Mechanismus verwendet, der entwickelt wurde, um schnell Prsentationen zu erstellen und jedes Thema auswendig zu lernen. Es kann auch fr Geschftsprsentationen verwendet werden.Durch Einfgen der unteren Ebene, die einer kurzen Zusammenfassung mehrerer Abstze im Notizbuch entspricht, erhalten Sie automatisch die Zusammensetzung der Abstze, die Layouts der Kapitel und die Diashows, was fr eine schnelle Beratung sehr ntzlich ist.Das Material ist bereits so strukturiert, dass es 16 Kapitel enthlt, von denen jedes 12 Abstze enthlt, sodass es auch fr komplexe Universittsprfungen und strukturierte Geschftsprsentationen verwendet werden kann.Links zu 40 Websites zur Bereicherung der Prsentation mit Bildern, Videos, animierten Gifs, Sonderzeichen, Bildgrennderung und Websites zu diesen Themen, von denen aus Sie viele andere erreichen knnen.250 , , . -. , , , -, . 16 , 12 , . 40 - , , , , , , .250161240gif250161240WebGIF"
Price: 129.99

"Inner Transformation" |
"You will look at the various reasons that can motivate your transformation, and which learning outcomes you would like to achieve. A unique phase of personal exercises will be conducted that will allow you to discover yourself in unusual ways. You will then create a concrete program that will include the development of qualities and talents, as well as the transformation of characteristics you like less about yourself into strong points."
Price: 124.99

"Email Marketing Mastery: Grow your business with emails!" |
"To really get the full value of the course, you need to be watching 100% of it to absorb all the information.I will continuously update this course - just message me through udemy on what else you think is lacking that will help aid your learning.------------------Running a business and you NEED to grow your business yetFacebook and google ads are getting too expensiveYou cant seem to get your advertising profitableAnd now youre just struggling to grow your business.How about this?Imagine being able to open your laptop, sending a bunch of emails and just seeing money come into your bank account. You dont need to pay for ad costs, youre not reliant on these big companies to grow your company predictably down to the dollar. 100% profit.Thats why email marketing - on the outside may not seem like fun.But once you seem the numbers and PROFIT (not revenue) come in, its really quite sexy AND it is the backbone of your online business. You wont be able to succeed without it.After generating more than $2m+ in trackable online sales, I personally can vouch that although paid advertising is important, your email list is going to ensure you will never go hungry again.You can send a bunch of emails to your list and you can make money. As long as you have an internet connection. No matter the economic environment.If you dont currently run a business, you can even make money - without a product.Here's just a little bit of what you're going to learn on the inside:Why email is your most profitable channel for your businessHOW you can technically retire with JUST an EMAIL listSTEP-BY-STEP Guide on Setting up your email marketing softwareCreating high converting lead magnets to suck in LEADS like wildfireCreating your list to store your leadsHow to integrate your forms so you can start growing your list FASTAutomating your entire sales process with email automations to save your timeLearn how to create your own automations so you become a FULL stack digital marketerSetting up website tracking so you can see lead activity and improve conversion rateHow to measure success with your reportExact content of what type of emails to writeHow to start collecting leads with FREE traffic to get startedHow to grow your company FAST with paid trafficReal life case study of how I use lead generation and paid traffic to grow my listReal life case study of making money with email + affiliate marketingDid I mention the BEST PART?Because I am committed to your success, I will be Including some resources that I think you will find incredibly valuable.You will have FREE access to email automations that I use for my own business, I usually charge my clients for these, so PLEASE use them!You can adjust these templates to fit any business!So If you're looking for simple, yet proven strategies to increasing your profits, this course is for you!It doesnt matter if you're an advanced or beginner marketer, social media expert, entrepreneur or business owner, this course guaranteed to help you increase revenue and sales!I hope to see you on the inside!To your success,JonathanWhy learn email marketing:You want to increase PROFIT and LTV of your current customer baseEmail marketing has been the longest technology to exist and its not going anywhereIts an evergreen skill and you can make money in any economic environmentYou dont have to keep catching new digital marketing trends to keep upWho this course is for:Running any type of business that acquires customers in an online capacityEntrepreneurs and small business owners that want to make more PROFIT to increase the growth of their business.Perfect for any Marketer/Freelancer wanting to learn email marketingDigital products based businesses, brick & mortar, or any type of service business!Aspiring affiliate marketers or Anyone with something to sellOnline course creator/bloggerInfluencer/Personal Brand looking to monetize their audienceCoaches/consulting/marketing agenciesWho this is NOT for:- E-commerce Store Owners"
Price: 19.99

Violo |
"Neste curso, Fernando ensina os principais acordes de violo de maneira simples, descontrada, passo a passo e em uma linguagem de fcil entendimento. Busca ensinar acordes de msicas populares para que o aluno possa acompanhar suas msicas favoritas, em poucas aulas.Prope exerccios prticos para que o aluno treine e teste sua percepo de sons.Inicia ensinando a afinao bsica do violo e segue com acordes passo a passo."
Price: 39.99

"Reprenez le contrle de 2020 !" |
"Reprenez le contrle de 2020 !Nous proposons dans ce cours une mthode unique et intgrative, combinant corps, esprit et motions, pour transformer la crise en opportunit.Ce cours vous apportera une mthode complte pour :Surmonter le stress et l'anxitAugmenter considrablement votre confiance en vousTrouver de la clart, dfinir votre but et vos objectifs de vie et gagner en concentrationApprendre trouver l'quilibre, afin de rester sur la bonne voie sans vous puiserNous couvrirons ensemble 3 objectifs principaux :Trouver l'acceptation : dveloppez des techniques pour grer votre stress et entraner votre agilit motionnelleReconstruire votre confiance : trouvez l'quilibre, clarifiez votre identit et recentrez-vous sur l'essentiel et vos prioritsRetrouver de l'nergie et de la rsilience: stimul par votre autonomie, rebondissez et restez sur la bonne voieRinventez-vous et faites de 2020 votre meilleure anne !"
Price: 49.99

"Transformez Stress et Emotions en Energie Positive" |
"Ce cours va vous apporter :Une mthode complte pour liminer le stress et l'anxitDes outils efficaces pour lutter contre la dprime post-traumaDe la clart sur votre vision et votre plan daction pour rebondirNotre objectif principal est de vous aider surmonter une crise en en acceptant tous les effets : dvelopper des techniques pour grer votre stress et entraner votre agilit motionnelle, accepter ce que vous ne pouvez pas contrler et trouver la paix.Pour liminer les effets du stress post-trauma, nous proposons une mthode unique et intgrative, combinant corps, esprit et motions, pour rebondir et se transformer aprs la crise."
Price: 29.99

"Transformez le doute et la confusion en Confiance en Vous" |
"Ce cours vous apportera:Une mthode complte pour augmenter considrablement votre confiance en vousDes outils efficaces pour trouver la clart, dfinir votre but et vos objectifs de vie et gagner en concentrationTrouver l'quilibre pour rester sur la bonne voie sans s'puiserNotre objectif principal est de vous accompagner dans la (re) construction de votre confiance en vous : clarifiez votre identit, dfinissez vos buts et objectifs de vie et trouvez une concentration et un quilibre long terme.Que ce soit aprs une crise ou parce que vous en avez plus que jamais besoin, nous vous proposons une mthode unique et intgrative, alliant corps, esprit et motions, pour transformer les doutes et la confusion en confiance en soi et retrouver du sens. Ce cours vous ouvrira les yeux et il vous fera vous sentir bien dans votre peau."
Price: 29.99

"Burnout : Transformez la Fatigue en Energie et Concentration" |
"Ce cours va vous apporter :Une mthode complte pour liminer le stress et l'anxitDes outils efficaces pour retrouver nergie et focusDe la clart sur votre vision et votre plan daction pour rebondirNotre objectif principal est de vous accompagner dans la prservation ou la rcupration de votre nergie et de votre concentration, en vous proposant une mthode unique et intgrative, alliant corps, esprit et motions. Aprs avoir suivi ce cours, vous ne vous sentirez plus fatigu et dpass, mais en contrle et au top. C'est un investissement vie pour votre bien-tre."
Price: 29.99

"3D- Blender" |
": ; ( 3D , , );, Blender 3D- . ?3D- , . 3D- , , . 3D 2D. 3D-, 3D- . , .* . , , ."
Price: 5799.00

"Excel : Do bsico ao Avanado - Com Planilhas de Exerccios" |
"O curso mais completo de todos e de forma Divertida! Do nvel mais bsico ao nvel avanado, com tabelas e grficos dinmicos, macros e VBA. E para todos os nveis, o curso est separado por reas de conhecimento, e vdeo-aulas curtas, ento se voc tem uma dvida especfica, poder ir direto para a aula sobre aquele assunto. Disponibilizarei tambm, o arquivo de excel para voc fazer junto comigo, passo-a-passo, e tambm outros exerccios para fixao, que ter claro o gabarito."
Price: 39.99

"Fundamentos de ventas" |
"Vender no es simplemente suerte y persuasin. En este curso descubrirs que hay otros factores que influyen a la hora de lograr ventas, y en que estas sean habituales.Para vender necesitas conocer los productos, los clientes y las necesidades del mercado.En este curso abarcaremos todo lo que necesitas saber en un principio para ser un excelente vendedor y aumentar las ganancias de tu negocio, as como tambin qu habilidades debers desarrollar ms para disminuir tus debilidades y aumentar tus fortalezas.Utilizaremos un lenguaje claro y conciso para que los conceptos sean ms fciles de adquirir y poner en prctica, adems de actividades integradoras para que evales los conocimientos adquiridos.Tambin encontrars varios recursos de mucha utilidad para que utilices en tu da a da, tales como materiales de apoyo para el vendedor.Al adquirir nuestro curso recibirs adems todas las actualizaciones que se hagan en su contenido. En Virtual Learning Academy nos esforzamos da a da por mejorar nuestra enseanza, as que tenemos muy en cuenta las opiniones de los alumnos para hacer actualizaciones en los mdulos de aprendizaje, o mejoras en el estilo de impartir las clases.Ten en cuenta que el curso Fundamentos de Ventas se enfoca en emprendedores y pequeas empresas que quieran incursionarse en el mundo de las ventas, as que si quieres obtener conocimientos especficos de Marketing Digital te sugerimos ver los dems cursos que tenemos en la plataforma.Bienvenido y esperamos que disfrutes tu proceso de aprendizaje!"
Price: 24.99

"Bonding with Babies during Pregnancy" |
"Are You Well Prepared for the Emotional and Physical Health of your baby during pregnancy?Do you know you can start to prepare your precious baby to be ready for life during pregnancy?During my first pregnancy in 1999, I was so excited and yet anxious about bringing my baby to this world.While I look forward to spending an amazing life with him, I realized I had no knowledge and wasn't prepared just like most first-time parents.These were my worries""Am I doing things that affects my baby's health?""""How do I prepare him to so that he is equip for the challenges ahead in life?""""Is it true that what we say or do during pregnancy, affects the babies' learning abilities?""I decided to do my part as a mum and research more. I found this class that taught me how to connect with my baby. And I realised some important things.1. We CAN communicate with our babies as early as the first 3 months. So it is an opportunity for us to connect with our precious babies early.2. Relaxation is not common for most first-time mummies as this is a new experience. However, if we do not know how to relax, it affects our babies' physical and emotional health.3. There is power in the words used by the parents. We can use what is known as ""Prenatal Suggestions"" to promote babies health and even build their self-esteem.In this online course, I will be sharing with you exactly how to achieve above.This course is a gift for all parents who treasures their babies and want the best for them.Benefits of TrainingTo help mother to connect with their babies during pregnancy, I came up with a course where you will be able to:-build up a communication channel to enhance communication and bond with your baby-learn and practise prenatal suggestion and relaxation skills to enhance the health and well-being of baby-connect with baby through bonding activities to enhance a close and lasting relationship with your babies-learn and practise emotional coping skills during pregnancy and cope with labour so that you will be more empowered during pregnancy.You will be able to learn and practice at the end of the online training: 7 communication activities 4 relaxation techniques 40 weeks prenatal suggestion practice 11 bonding activities 4 coping strategies to pregnancy stress 5 ways to cope with labourBonusesBonus 1: Course Note for Bonding with babies during pregnancy -46 pages (Worth $80)Bonus 2 : Workbook for Bonding with babies during pregnancy - 31 pages (Worth $50) Bonus 3: Checklists for mother during pregnancy - 13 pages (Worth $40)Bonus 4 : Ebook of Prenatal Bonding - 22 pages (Worth $20)"
Price: 99.99

"Master course on overcoming Procrastination" |
"If you're a serial procrastinator who struggles to keep your habits under check, then I understand your plea. I have been there. That's why I created this course and wrote a book on it.In this course, you will learn how to overcome procrastination and become super productive from a former master procrastinator.You will learn a system to get your procrastination under control and become productive perfected by a former master procrastinator.You will learn tools to overcome procrastination and bonus techniques to get your task list done.You will learn why we procrastinate and how to create a system to minimize your tendency to procrastinate.You will Learn The Fundamentals of creating good habits and create an environment to become super productive.You will get a BONUS FREE COPY of "" The Lazy man's guide to Productivity "".You will get a BONUS FREE ebook called "" 5 books to action"". Excerpts from 5 best books on self-improvement to get you motivated.You will learn tools to overcome procrastination and bonus techniques to get your task list done.You will get resources on tracking your mood and focus levels so that you can build your own ideal schedule.Ready to challenge yourself and change your life as I did? Come on let's go. All your goals and wants are on the other side."
Price: 19.99

onlinesalon |
Price: 9600.00

"Desenvolvimento de Jogos e Realidade Virtual" |
"Este curso ir ensinar os principais conceitos envolvidos em Jogos Digitais, tanto do ponto de vista conceitual como prtico. Alguns conceitos relacionados a Realidade Virtual tambm sero apresentados. A parte prtica do curso usar o Game Engine Unity como ferramenta. Este um resumo do curso que ministro dentro do Departamento de Computao da Universidade Federal Fluminense. Aulas semanais so postadas no sistema!"
Price: 39.99

"1Z0-1072,1Z0-1067,1Z0-1084-20 - Oracle Infrastructure Dumps" |
"This is practice test which has total 6 tests for oracle infrastructure certification exams.Total 6 tests - 2 tests for each certifications mentioned below: -Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2019 Architect Associate 1Z0-1072Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2019 Cloud Operations Associate 1Z0-1067Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer 2020 Associate 1Z0-1084-20What youll learnThis Exam simulation will help you in preparing and passing Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 1Z0-1072, 1Z0-1067 and 1Z0-1084-20All answers and explanations are provided by expertsAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?No Prerequisites. But hands-on experience or practice in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is highly recommendedWho this course is for:Working DBAs, Cloud data management professionals, and consultants"
Price: 19.99

"Tulum almaya Giri" |
"Tulum almak istiyorum!Hi bir enstrman alamadm!nternette bu tulum alma ile ilgili gerekli eitim aralarna ulaamyorum!Benim mzie hi yeteneim yok!Hi bir mzik altyapm yok!Keke basitte olsa bir enstruman alabilseydim!Yukardakilerden herhangi birini diyorsanz, bu kurs tamda size gre.Hereyin tek tek basit bir ekilde anlatld kursumuzda. ncelikle sipsi almay reneceksiniz.Bu renim metodu ile hevesiniz gelecek ve tulum almaya hazr hale geleceksiniz."
Price: 249.99

"Salesforce Administrator - Complete training for everybody" |
"Are you looking for good quality training which can help you learn Salesforce Administrator end to end ?Salesforce professionals are high in demand and highly paid professionals. This course is designed to help learning salesforce administrator completely and you can pass the Salesforce Certified Administrator Exam. Even if you have never logged in to the Salesforce platform before, by the end of our Salesforce training you will be able to take the Salesforce exam with ease. No programming knowledge is needed and no prior Salesforce experience required. With this Salesforce certification, you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary.This course is very interactive and project based which will be very helpful in grasping the knowledge with ease and feel confident."
Price: 94.99

"Oracle Fusion End to End Tax Module Training sessions" |
"This course is designed to provide a complete understanding on Oracle Fusion Tax Module.It explains and demonstrates all the components for Regime to rate flow as below.It is a step by step guide to create the complete Tax configuration by taking reference country as Germany Tax Regime.Students can take this as a blueprint to setup regime to rate tax flow and scenario for any other country .Tax RegimeTax CodeTax StatusTax JurisdictionTax ZoneTax RatesTax Determination FactorsTax ConditionTax Rules This training also explains the real time tax scenarios with examples and created the complete flow with results.So any Student new to Oracle Tax Module can take this session and at the end of this session can implement Oracle Fusion Tax module with lot of confidenceThe training covers the important checklist to consider while setting up the tax module.It explains how to analyse the client business requirement and configure the tax rule accordingly.It is one of the most comprehensive tax module training which can give clear understanding on Oracle Fusion Tax Concept"
Price: 5440.00

"WordPress: Make A Professional Website Without Coding" |
"This course Includes Free downloads and resources Discover how most people Create Professional Website with WordPress and Sell it Online.If you have an idea for a business, want to start creating websites, tired from hiring other people and pay them to create your own websites, then this course is for you.Building websites with WordPress isn't difficult, but doing it right wants knowledge and Practice.This course introduces you to both free and full versions of WordPress, shows you how to set up a website for nothing, and then gives you a quick look at how to use templates to customize it.In less than an hour, you could have your first website up and running.Some great bonuses are provided with this course, plugins, and templates.Start Now and discover how you can become a professional website maker."
Price: 1280.00

"Spring Framework - Core Module - A Practical Approach" |
"Course is designed mainly with busy developers in mind.Students will learn about the various approaches that are available to inject objects using Spring Framework's core module.Instead of lengthy videos with hours and hours of lecture, this course covers the different approaches that are available for dependency injection in a very short span of time.Learn to inject dependencies via XML, Annotation, Java Config.In no time, students will become aware of the syntax of all the approaches.Highly practical with less theory.Covers all approaches in less than an hour.Learning about bean creation & bean injection separately will help us understand the concepts clearly."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Python3 Course For beginners" |
"In this Course, you will learn about Python3 concepts in easy way and all at one place.This course is designed specific for beginner who willing to learn Python from scratch and want to make a career in IT industry.This course does not require any prior knowledge of programming, it was designed to help any person learn to code. What you will get and learn by taking this Python3 Programming course: - Installation of Python3 in your computer. - Writing the first Python3 program. - What is datatypes and how to work with that. - How to work with data structures like list,tuple, set and dictionary. - Different types of operators like membership, relationship, assignment operators and more. - Learn the ways of control flow of your program using loops. - How to work with string and concept of string slicing. - How to work with python in-built package and also create your own package. - Learn to take inputs from users. - Understanding of function and arguments. - What is class, when to use class and how to use it. - Use of Decorators and inheritance in Python3. - Understand the concept of recursion with examples. - Learn how to create pyhton3 programs for prime number, patterns and more. - Learn to work with files to read and write data. - You will able to write python program by your own.Don't Wait! Join the Course and Begin Coding in Python3 today!"
Price: 19.99

"Revit Iniciante - Vamos sair projetando!" |
"Este curso foi pensado para que o aluno alem de ter uma capacitao no programa seja capaz de de submeter seu projeto a aprovao da prefeitura de sua localidade.Este curso o primeiro de muitos, e a ideia ter uma linha progressiva de capacitao no programa e assim ao final o aluno alm de conhecer e aplicar grande parte das ferramentas em seu dia a dia, seja capaz de aferir seu ganho de produtividade.A verso utilizada a 2019, no entanto voc poder utilizar qualquer verso posterior a 2019 para abrir os arquivos utilizados nas aulas."
Price: 39.99

"How to write your first Piano Song" |
"Writing songs can be hard. But If you take it section by section like in this course, you'll be amazed by the results you can get! Here you'll learn everything you need to know to compose a piano song in no time, everything from how to play chords to writing a really good melody. My name is Johannes. During the past years I've learned various teaching methods, some of which I've combined in this course to make it as fun and rewarding as possible. I look forward to hearing your awesome song! See you soon, Johannes Johansson"
Price: 19.99

"3ds max 3D ." |
"- Lighting"
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda msica sem tocar nenhum instrumento. Teoria Musical." |
"Este um curso que vai ensinar as notas musicais e fundamentos da msica de forma rpida, interativa e com multimdia.Inicia para iniciantes e leigos e se aprofunda, sendo recomendado para msicos que queiram aprender a teoria da msica!Totalmente recomendado para quem j toca um instrumento e quer entender como a msica funciona.Durante o curso eu irei escrever na tela como uma lousa virtual, facilitando a transmisso de mais informaes.Voc aprender as notas musicais, o que ritmo, harmonia, melodia, partitura, campo harmnico etc..."
Price: 39.99

"The Pharmaceutical R&D Process in Healthcare" |
"Are you curious about the drug R&D process? Are you considering a career in the pharmaceutical industry? The discovery and development of medicines is one of the most interesting and impactful areas of human endeavor. And the pharmaceutical industry that supports it is growing every day, providing jobs that are intellectually challenging, pay well, provide a pleasant work environment, and contribute to the health of the nation. When you complete this course you will understand the ""Big Picture"" of pharm R&D and know where you could fit in. You will be able to...Describe how drugs are discovered, developed, and marketed, and the role of the FDAEvaluate job descriptions in pharmaSelect the appropriate career training courses and conferencesConfidently dicsuss oppurtiuties with career counselors, recruiters, and people working in the pharmaceutical industry. Your instructor, Dr. Jim Mitroka, has the experience and training to be your guide. He worked as a Research Group Leader in Big Pharma for over 20 years and as a Pharmaceutical Sciences professor for over 10 years. The course is composed of modules that build on each other taking you from drug discovery to drug marketing. Each module contains...A series of short fact-filled lecturesA quiz or activity to test your knowledgeAn opinion question to get your thoughts on a controversial topic, and Additional resources for you to deepen your knowledge. This course is designed for... Anyone considering a career in the pharmaceutical industry or Anyone who would like to know more about the way modern drugs are discovered, developed and marketed"
Price: 99.99

"Grow Your Audience With Video Content" |
"Psychological Methods Meets Piratical Strategy in this insightful course on How To Grab Attention, Engage and Grow Your Audience Organically.Entertainer & Performance Coach Rob Du Haime shares his knowledge, strategies and proven methods used by the top performers in the world.Rob Breaks down nine elements of video content that you need to grow your audience and a strategies you can use right away to accelerate your growth without spending a ton of money.You'll Learn How To:Open StrongShock and AweEntertain and InformUse ComedyEvoke EmotionBuild CuriositySum It UpAskEnd: Close StrongThis class is perfect for marketers, entrepreneurs, small business owners, network marketers, brand managers, and any creator who wants to grow their audience.By the end of this course, youll have an plan of action to make videos that grab more attention than ever and build your community.Class Projects"
Price: 19.99

"How to Podcast When You Aren't Tech Savvy" |
"This course is based on the popular book ""How to Podcast When You Aren't Tech Savvy"" and includes25 straightforward ""how to"" videos with author Casey Callanan.A full digital version of the How to Podcast book.A full audio version of the How to Podcast book.A complete step-by-step document on how to record a podcast (for free) with a guest over the phone.Templates for creating an editorial calendar, episode outline and more!Join author and podcast enthusiast, Casey Callanan, for this course as he maps out a blueprint to launch a great podcast in the simplest way possible!"
Price: 19.99

"Multimedia Educativa" |
"Con ayuda de herramientas bsicas como Power Point e Internet, este curso pretende ayudarte a realizar productos multimedia utilizando todos los factores como son texto, imagen, animacin, audio y vdeo. Con ayuda de plataformas encontradas de forma gratuita en Internet podrs apoyarte para obtener material de alta calidad para tus trabajos. Crear vdeos animados nunca fue ms fcil."
Price: 270.00

"Aviation: Aircraft Ground Support Equipment" |
"Do you know there are nearly 20 different Ground Handling activities performed on an airplane? and that each of these activities is performed by a specialized machine, vehicle or piece of equipment designed for that very purpose. An airport gate, aircraft bay or stand, whatever you name it, becomes a very busy place when an aircraft is parked there. Tens of different machines and personnel gather around the aircraft for its servicing to make it ready for the next flight as soon as possible because an aircraft doesn't make profit staying on the ground. It needs to get back in air as soon as possible.Aircraft Ground Support Equipment (GSE) refers to all these specialized vehicles and machines that are used in Ground Handling Operations/Ramp Operations to service an aircraft in-between flights. They are of many types and perform many different aircraft support operations and aircraft servicing activities to prepare the aircraft for the next flight. This course is designed to explain all of these ground support operations performed by each of these Ground Support Equipment in detail to look at how many of them are there and what role does each equipment play. It explains how each equipment works and its different types and configurations. This course will not just name the equipment with their descriptions, NO! This course will explain why is this ground support operation there? Why does the aircraft need support in this thing? Why a specialized machine for this purpose? By explaining these intuitive questions, this course will build a good conceptual foundation of ground support operations."
Price: 34.99
