"Basics of Photoshop in 35 mins (for Absolute Beginners)" |
"Want to learn Photoshop but dont know where to start from?This course is well designed and prepared to make you a decent Photoshop user. All the course contents and examples are wisely chosen and each chapter is explained using the step-by-step method to better fit your needs. The initial chapters are basics and further chapters are explained in more details without making things overcomplicated. To help you follow along with the lectures, exercise files are included in each chapter.If you are looking for a faster way to learn Photoshop then you are in the right place. This course is designed to be quick and easy thus it only teaches the basics of Photoshop and it best fits those who are preoccupied and cant take a full-length course.What you will learn:This course covers the basics of Photoshop, and its chapters are as follows:Getting Started: In this chapter, I will introduce you to Photoshop and its interface, you will learn how to create a new document, open, save, and export files for web and print. And you will master some tips and tools to use Photoshop more efficiently.Layers: This chapter covers anything you need to know about layers. You will learn how to use the Layers Panel, Layer Mask and other useful layer properties.Selections: By completing this chapter you will be able to select and modify objects using Photoshops enhanced selection tools such as, the Marquee Selection Tools, Lasso Tools, Magic Wand, Quick Selection Tool, and newly introduced Object Selection Tool.Transform and Crop: This chapter will teach you how to transform, resize, crop and straighten images.Retouching: And in the final chapter, you will learn how to retouch and remove skin issues using Photoshops powerful healing tools.About the Instructor:My name is Abdul Ahad and I am an IT Expert as well as a Professional Designer, I started my journey working as a freelancer and managed to work on several projects. And I am here to share all those experiences with you. By being self-taught, I know all the necessities and requirements that an instructor needs to be able to provide quality courses.By completing this course, you will have a decent understanding of Photoshop, and you will also have a sound foundation of Photoshop to build upon."
Price: 199.99

"Taller Prctico de Autoconocimiento #Darelsalto" |
"Te damos la BIENVENIDA al taller DAR EL SALTO!FELICITACIONES por emprender este camino de AUTO CONOCIMIENTO!Escuchamos ""concete a ti mismo"", ""tienes que estar en el Presente"", ""Aprende a pensar bien y vers que tu vida mejora"", la pregunta es:COMO LO HACEMOS? COMO APRENDO TODO ESO QUE SE ESCUCHA MARAVILLOSO?A travs del taller DAR EL SALTO te ensearemos un mtodo y lo mejor, es que lo haremos contigo. Te vamos a acompaar en este proceso de aprendizaje para que puedas expandir tu YO lo mximo posible.El taller consta de 5 Modulos terico /prcticos y finalmente el Modulo 6 KIT 2020 con el resumen de todas las herramientas para que puedas utilizarlas cuando quieras.Te dejamos un breve video para que puedas tambin conocernos!De que se trata #DarelSaltoModulo 1: Vivir en el presenteModulo 2: AceptacinModulo 3: AfirmacionesModulo 4: EspejosModulo 5: GratitudModulo 6: Herramientas Kit 2020 /Rueda de la VidaEn este taller aprenders a: Empezar la aventura del autoconocimiento Asumir el protagonismo de tu vida Habitar el presente con estrategias de mindfulness y afinando los sentidos Darle un nuevo significado a la aceptacion Accionar a travs de Afirmaciones Empezaras tu nuevo diario de gratitud"
Price: 29.99

"O Manejo na psicanlise winnicottiana" |
"Este curso tem o objetivo de apresentar a concepo de Manejo segundo o mdico e psicanalista D. W. Winnicott. Para tanto apresentamos brevemente a definio de Manejo e de Interpretao, a fim demostrar a diferena entre eles como conceito e como tcnica de interveno. E ento apresentamos casos clnicos de Winnicott que so emblemticos para se entender como e quando se deve utilizar o Manejo."
Price: 54.99

online_lessons |
Price: 99.99

"Studied Method to Learn the Piano Faster" |
"WEPLAY is a new fast and fun way for complete beginners to learn the piano. And it's not just words. Nowadays there are a lot of different apps that claim to teach you how to play the piano but after you close them, you realize you can't actually play anything and you don't really understand what you are doing.That's why I created a course where, in short, video lessons, I connected theory and practice. I give you the exact amount of theory you have to know to start playing the piano. No useless information and a waste of your time.My goal is that by the end of this course (if you honestly practice everything you are supposed to) you will be able to google any song you like and play it or accompany your friend. According to my experience if you want to learn how to play you need to learn it fast and start playing something immediately. Because we are all busy and you know that if you don't start now you are never going to start. To be a professional you have to spend years of practicing 5-8 hours per day, but to reach an acceptable level where you can play the songs you like, you can accompany yourself and your friends you have to learn few basic things and what is the most important - you have to understand how to use it on practice with any possible song.That's why if you have a keyboard and you practice 20 minutes per day - soon there will be one more ""piano playing"" person in the world : DWelcome to the course!"
Price: 49.99

"Wordpress Crash Course For Beginners" |
"This course is designed for people who have never used Wordpress.This course has been made to give people the basic skills to succeed with using Wordpress.You will learn how to add images,videos and some cool tips and tricks.I just wish there was a video like this one,when I was learning how to use Wordpress for blogging."
Price: 19.99

"Circuitos Eltricos" |
"O curso abordar desde os conceitos bsicos de circuitos eltricos at a anlise de circuitos complexos. Alm disso, bastante exerccios e aplicaes prticas sero abordados para melhor fixao do contedo. A teoria apresentada de forma detalhada e ao mesmo tempo de fcil entendimento com animaes, imagens e vdeos. O curso voltado engenheiros, tcnicos, professores e estudantes."
Price: 39.99

"Complete Danish for Beginners" |
"The #1 Danish Course. LEARN DANISH THE EASY AND SIMPLE WAY.The course is designed for absolute beginners or those with very limited knowledge of the Danish language.What does this Danish course entails?Produce thousands of practical phrases for daily use.Learn the proper way of pronouncing Danish wordBe able to understand spoken DanishLearn how to use the Danish Grammar with easeBe able to relate with people in Danish100% Confidence within you when speaking the Danish language.If youre a beginner or someone that is very busy, this Danish course is perfect for you. The basic skills that youll cover are; speaking, pronunciation, reading, listening and writing and during this course of learning you can learn all this at your own convenient time.This is what you get in return when you sign up for this course;More than 50 online lessonsDownloadable PDF files of the lessonsQuiz at the end of each lesson so as to test what you have learnt during each lessonImprove your understanding of spoken Danish through ear training thanks to the native Danish speaking teacherPronounce the Danish words appropriatelyEasy and understandable learning platformDo you want to sign up for this course now? Then you need to enroll for this course and get started to know to speak the Danish language fluently.Learning the Danish language with us will cost you less money, we make the learning platform very accessible and easy by providing you with expert, native educators that will provide quality learning experience with greater value.Enroll for our COMPLETE DANISH FOR BEGINNERS by DAILY DANISH and see for yourself how lively learning can be."
Price: 49.99

"Self-Cleansing 101" |
"This course does NOT include any information about any healing modality.All the healing modalities I teach, are classroom training.This is about How one should start with the self-actualisation process in day to day life.I am assuming that the student has already decided to start a self-cleansing process. You bought this course, this means you have identified that you need to make some changes in your life as the current way of doing things is probably not working out for you. Dont worry, we all have to start sometime, somewhere.Theres a saying a willing student finds his master. Now I am no master and this book is just a guideline, things which helped me in my life and continue to do so. Let this book be a catalyst in your personal success too.This course is for those who resonate with anyone of the following :1] I always want to take care of myself and my loved ones better during challenging situations.2] I want to excel in personal and professional life.3] I want to be better at handling my life without taking a long break from my career.4] I want to have better control over my mind during tough situations.5] I want to maintain a balanced state of mind when I feel overwhelmed.6] I want to stay motivated and pursue my dreams, irrespective of what is happening around me.7] I want to learn more about forgiveness and be a compassionate person.8] I want to learn to be myself without bothering about herd mentality.9] I feel there is more to life which I am yet to explore.10] I feel out of place when surrounded by people at the workplace or within my friend circle.11] I feel I am still stuck in my past which is not allowing me to move ahead in the future.12] I have no control over my monkey mind and negative thoughts trouble me during challenging situations."
Price: 19.99

"Beginners Guide to AI (Artificial Intelligence)" |
"Artificial Intelligence (AI), also known as Machine Intelligence, is the ability of a system to think and learn like humans. AI starts as a computer program, written by humans. These computer programs allow machines to think like humans and mimic their thought processes and actions.AI makes it possible for machines like computers to perform these human-like tasks by learning from experience. Using AI, a machine takes data and information, known as the input, and performs calculations that produce a result, or output. AI continually adjusts the calculation[SD1] s to gain the best results or the most advantageous and favorable output.AI is everywhere and it's already making a huge impact on our lives.Join us to find out what exactly is Artificial Intelligence and how much does it impact our lives."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Figma for Web Design, User Interface, UI UX in an hour" |
"Learn the most important Skill of 2020, Graphic design in Figma in just an Hour!Taught by a Professional Web Designer who has his own multiple startups.Figma is the best tool to start your design career and fill your Passion for design. With it you can do UI UX Design, Graphical User Interface, Web Design, Wireframe, User Interface, Icon, Logo design, Graphic Design all in Figma!It is simple to use, is portable, ultra-light, and has amazing features to give your creativity wings!You will know why Figma is much better than other Softwares and why you should be using it to help you become a better designer, SO you keep designing and leave the worries to Figma!"
Price: 54.99

"Vitria - Conquiste a sua Felicidade Plena" |
"Este curso disponibilizar aos alunos um mtodo prtico para que possam atingir a sua Autorrealizao atravs da Harmonizao dos 5 Elementos.Desta forma o aluno poder Conquistar a sua Felicidade Plena, pois estar vivendo a sua Essncia Sagrada em cada momento de sua vida.Viver a sua Essncia Sagrada em seu dia-a-dia justamente o que far com que o aluno se torne Autorrealizado e Plenamente Feliz.Assim o aluno se conectar com sua Divindade Interior e propiciar a manifestao desta sua divindade em seu viver."
Price: 204.99

"Jump Rope Fundamentals & Tricks Course" |
"Through my passion to jump rope, I share with you all the knowledge I have!We cover the basics movements of jump rope, essential tricks, warm routine, and much more.The course also includes 2 interactive workouts that correspond with the learned material!This course is a one-stop-shop that will take you from absolute beginner to a confident jumper in less than 2 hours!"
Price: 19.99

"Indie Filmmaking: Editing Masterclass for Feature Films" |
"This course is a step-by-step guide to editing and executing the post production of cost-effective narrative films. Taught by award-winning filmmaker and educator Luke Aire, it covers everything from importing footage, creative editing, sound editing, color grading, graphics and exporting for distribution.After gaining his Masters degree in cinematography and post production, Luke has worked on many high-quality low budget films for under $7000.Luke has adapted a unique approach to low budget film editing and post production and using an actual film project, He shares his knowledge and experience for getting the most out of any project in this course. You will learn the basics of editing, how to edit a scene, produce quality soundWhats different about this Course?This course is for you who wants to become a better editor or get an insight into what it takes to edit a low budget feature film on a professional level.The lessons are taught using a real life film project as a walk through.The knowledge and experience Ive gained came from actually working on movie projects and this takes time time spent making mistakes and learning from both bad and good sources. This course saves you from all that. It gives you an advantage of having all that information in one comprehensive package and fast-tracks your career by a couple of years. Its a course I wish I had when starting out but never did.Why Listen to Me?I've edited several feature films, short films and documentary features. Ive worked on projects for organizations and brands like Guinness, SuperSport, Facebook and World Bank.Course RequirementsYou need to have some basic editing knowledge and skills. If you've never made at least a 3-5 minute story and video, this course might be too advanced for you.You should also have some knowledge of your editing software of choice; in this case, Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe Audition.What this Course is NotThis is not an introduction course to using Adobe Premiere and Audition. There are a number of entire courses dedicated to that on the Udemy learning platform"
Price: 49.99

"KNIME - Datenanalyse/Datenverarbeitung + Machine Learning" |
"Download der SoftwareKennenlernen von KNIME AnalyticsDas Konzept ""Workflow"" und ""Node"" verstehen und anwendenBauen von Datenverarbeitungsprozessen mit Hilfe von KnotenBetrachtung einzelner Knoten (Zum Beispiel Eingabe / Ausgabe / Filteroptionen / Arbeit mit unterschiedlichen Datentypen)Automatisierter E-Mail Versand mit dem ""Send E-Mail""-NodeArbeit mit Datenbanken am Beispiel mit einer eigenen MySQL DatenbankWorkflow Steuerung durch Schleifen und VariablenVisualisierung von Daten und AnalyseergebnissenDesktopanwendung bauen""Machine Learning"" anhand realittsnaher Beipsiele (Autoverkauf / Versicherung / Online Shop)"
Price: 44.99

"Fundamentos bsicos de entrenamiento deportivo." |
"En este curso realizaremos una introduccin a los principios bsicos de entrenamiento deportivo desde una perspectiva cientfica. El conocimiento cientfico demuestra, de manera contundente, que la prctica regulada y regular de Actividad Fsica es el medio ms eficaz y socialmente ms rentable para lograr una saludable calidad de vida. Por eso y por la creciente relevancia del fenmeno deportivo a todos los niveles, es necesario formar profesionales expertos en Actividad Fsica y Deporte.En este curso adquirirs formacin sobre los fundamentos y funciones de la motricidad humana, el entrenamiento deportivo, los aspectos psicolgicos, sociales y mecnicos del ejercicio fsico, y la aplicacin de nuevas tecnologas en el deporte."
Price: 19.99

"Flower Arranging Workshop (Posy)" |
"DIY Floral Arranging (Posy)The ChildThis floral posy class is designed with passion and extra care in mind for the student who is anxious and who is overwhelmed with dyslexia.Simple how to steps with layered learning in mind.Isnt it time you get floral Blossoms!DIY Floral Arranging (Posy) made EASY with Mercedes!DIY PosyWhat tools you will need for Floral Class Workshop!SecateursElastic BandRose Stripper (Optional)What cut flower's you will need for Floral Class Workshop!THE CHOICE IS YOURS.RecommendationsSweet WilliamSweet PeaMini RoseMini GerberaFreesiaFloral Posy is perfect for the next bride to be, bridesmaid or flower girl?"
Price: 19.99

"Flower Arranging Workshop (Floral Crown)" |
"DIY Flower Arranging (Floral Crown)This floral Crown class is designed with passion and extra care in mind for the student who is anxious and who is overwhelmed with dyslexia.Simple how to steps with layered learning in mind.Isnt it time you get floral Blossoms!DIY Flower Arranging (Floral Crown) made EASY with Mercedes!P.S. View the Floral Crown student photos for some floral workshop inspiration.DIY Floral CrownWhat tools you will need for Floral Class Workshop!SecateursParafilmFlorist wire - 18, 22, 24 & 26 gauge wireFine ribbonScissorsWhat cut flower's you will need for Floral Class Workshop!THE CHOICE IS YOURS.RecommendationsBaby's BreathSweet PeaMini RoseChina AsterHydrangeaTIP - Make sure most of the cut flowers you're handling have thin stems. Helps a lot in wiring, makes it easier.Floral Crown's are perfect for the next bride to be, bridesmaid or flower girl?"
Price: 19.99

"Flower Arranging Workshop (Bridal Hand Held Posy)" |
"DIY Flower Arranging (Bridal Hand Held Posy) This Floral Bridal Posy class is designed with passion and extra care in mind for the student who is anxious and who is overwhelmed with dyslexia. Simple how to steps with layered learning in mind.Isnt it time you get floral Blossoms!DIY Floral Arranging (Bridal Hand Held Posy) made EASY with Mercedes!DIY Floral Bridal Hand Held PosyWhat tools you will need for Floral Class Workshop!SecateursParafilmFlorist wire - 22, 24 & 26 gauge wire (Optional)Fine ribbonScissorsPot tapeElastic BandWhat cut flower's you will need for Floral Class Workshop!THE CHOICE IS YOURS.RecommendationsSnap DragonSweet PeaRoseCarnationGardeniaTIP - Make sure most of the cut flowers you're handling have thin stems. Keeps your Posy light weight.Floral Bridal Hand Held Posy is perfect for the next bride to be, bridesmaid or flower girl?"
Price: 19.99

"E20-005 Backup Recovery Systems and Architecture Exam" |
"206 UNIQUE practice questions for E20-005 Backup Recovery Systems and Architecture ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : E20-005 Backup Recovery Systems and Architecture ExamTotal Questions : 206Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :130 minsPassing Score : 75 (154 of 206)"
Price: 169.99

"TE0-126 Teradata 12 Enterprise Architecture Practice Exam" |
"134 UNIQUE practice questions for TE0-126 Teradata 12 Enterprise Architecture Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : TE0-126 Teradata 12 Enterprise Architecture Practice ExamTotal Questions : 134Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (100 of 134)"
Price: 144.99

"NCR NR0-017 Teradata Masters Update V2R5 Practice Exam" |
"166 UNIQUE practice questions for NCR NR0-017 Teradata Masters Update V2R5 Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : NCR NR0-017 Teradata Masters Update V2R5 Practice ExamTotal Questions : 166Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (124 of 166)"
Price: 169.99

"TE0-124 Teradata 12 Database Administration Practice Exam" |
"145 UNIQUE practice questions for TE0-124 Teradata 12 Database Administration Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : TE0-124 Teradata 12 Database Administration Practice ExamTotal Questions : 145Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (108 of 145)"
Price: 159.99

"TE0-121 Teradata 12 Basics of Certified Practical Exam" |
"189 UNIQUE practice questions for TE0-121 Teradata 12 Basics of Certified Practical ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : TE0-121 Teradata 12 Basics of Certified Practical ExamTotal Questions : 189Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (141 of 189)"
Price: 154.99

"TE0-122 12 Teradata SQL Certified Practice Exam" |
"114 UNIQUE practice questions for TE0-122 12 Teradata SQL Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : TE0-122 12 Teradata SQL Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 114Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :70 minsPassing Score : 75 (85 of 114)"
Price: 144.99

"TB0-120 TIBCO Enterprise Message Service 6 Certified Exam" |
"229 UNIQUE practice questions for TB0-120 TIBCO Enterprise Message Service 6 Certified ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : TB0-120 TIBCO Enterprise Message Service 6 Certified ExamTotal Questions : 229Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :130 minsPassing Score : 75 (171 of 229)"
Price: 159.99

"Personality Development with Communication skills" |
"This course will help you to become successful Business Leader as well as successful in every walk of lifeAfter Completion of this course you will be able to explainCommunicationProcess of CommunicationTypes of CommunicationBarriers in CommunicationImportance of Communication for BusinessImportance for Good BusinessmanListening SkillsReading SkillsWriting SkillsBecome Successful in LifeBest of Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Fotografia da drone" |
"Hai appena acquistato un drone?oppure ce lhai da un po ma sei stanco di vedere incredibili fotografie sui giornali e su Instagram e chiederti come hanno ottenuto questi bellissimi scatti?Lo facciamo tutti. Lho fatto anche io.Ora per sono qui per insegnarti tutto quello che ho imparato in questi anni sulla fotografia di droni.Cos non sarai pi uno che guarda quelle foto ma uno che le scatta!Grazie a questo corso imparerai a districarti nel complicato mondo dei droni e a scattare video e foto aeree mozzafiato.Cosa aspetti?"
Price: 139.99

"The Science behind Intermittent Fasting in Weight Loss" |
"Through experimentation and research on effective ways to incorporate intermittent lifestyle into my life. Youll learn facts and myths I use and that you can incorporate into your life to save you hours of time and give you more control over your weight loss and more importantly managing the weight loss.In this class youll learn:What is Intermittent Fasting? History and Practical Use in Daily lifeHealth Benefits of IF and Powerful Weight Loss ToolWhy Breakfast isnt the most important meal of the dayTypes of IF and Practical application in your daily lifestyleHow to Start Losing Weight? Couple of important things to Do as BeginnerEven if youre new to this concept of Intermittent Fasting and have many doubts which got instilled throughout your childhood and adult years; youll find these simple and yet effective techniques easy to use and apply to get your ideal body weight range!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Home Automation Using J.A.R.V.I.S AI With Arduino" |
"In this course, you will learn how you can make Home Automation with AI Assistant (JARVIS) using Python & C/C++ Programming Languages From Very Basics.This course will teach how you can create a basic Artificial Intelligence Assistant similar to the one from Marvel's Iron Man movie And Implement Home Automation. It Will Cost Only 15$ or 1200 RS For the components and you can control up to 4 devices at a timeIt is a Beginner level course and more following courses are coming up soon.So what are you waiting for?Enroll now."
Price: 199.99

"Corso di Russo (Livello Base A1)" |
"In questo corso impareremo le fondamenta della lingua russa.Ho cercato di personalizzare il pi possibile il materiale nel modo che possa essere mirato a far comprendere a ciascuno dei miei studenti questa lingua difficile. Conosco le metodologie per semplificarvi questo lavoro. L'obbiettivo del corso rendere le lezioni pi facili e divertenti nel modo che impariate la lingua russa pi in fretta. Sei uno studente che deve dare l'esame di russo? O sei in cerca di lavoro da casa per la Russia? Devi trasferirti o fare un viaggio in Russia? O vuoi creare nuove amicizie? O forse vuoi farlo per arricchire il tuo CV o per la cultura personale? Non esitare a cominciare questo corso, perch questo il punto di partenza.Non dire: Domani lo far. Nessun proposito della nostra vita andato a buon fine dopo questa frase.Non rimandare a domani quando il tuo sogno pu iniziare gi oggi:)"
Price: 19.99
