"Domina Microsoft Word 2019: De cero a experto" |
"Siempre has querido aprender a utilizar correctamente Word pero no has encontrado el curso adecuado? Ests acostumbrado a una versin antigua de Word y cuando utilizas una ms actual no sabes dnde estn las opciones que necesitas? O tal vez lo que quieres es mejorar tu conocimiento y aprovechar mejor todas las funcionalidades que un programa como Microsoft Word ofrece.Empieza ya este curso para aprender desde cero hasta funcionalidades avanzadas. En nuestras clases, divididas en lecciones cortas para su fcil asimilacin y seguimiento, te iremos guiando paso por paso en tu aprendizaje en Microsoft Word. Incluso los ms expertos pueden encontrar buenas prcticas que pueden ayudarles a ser mucho ms eficientes a la hora de utilizar Word.Una vez finalizado este curso podrs utilizar las herramientas que Microsoft Word facilita con confianza, y sabiendo cul se adapta ms a tus necesidades en cada caso. Entre otros, veremos las siguientes materias:Dar formato al texto en un documento de Microsoft WordComprender el concepto de estilos de documentoCambiar la pgina, en orientacin y tamaoTrabajar con tablas en Microsoft Word, aadiendo funciones.Cambiar alineacin y aadir tabulacionesInsertar imgenes en lnea, 3D y autoformasCrear formularios y restringir su edicinGenerar de forma automtica correspondencia utilizando una lista de contactosY mucho ms.Para este curso hemos utilizado la ltima versin de Word 2019 a travs de Microsoft Office 365, capturado en su versin de Windows. Si tenis una versin anterior de Microsoft Office, la mayor parte del curso os ser til, y podris ya ir viendo las nuevas funcionalidades que Word 2019 ofrece.Qu esperas para comenzar ya y dominar Microsoft Word? Lo nico que necesitas son ganas de aprender."
Price: 34.99

"Giriimci retmenler in Materyal Gelitirme Kursu" |
"Merhaba! Bu kurs ile hayal ettiin harika eitim materyallerini gelitirmeye balayacaksn. alma katlar, ders notlar, formlar, izelgeler, modler panolar, sunumlar, etkinlikler ve ok daha fazlas. Hem de hibir n bilgiye gerek duymadan. Sfrdan balayacak ve kurs ierisindeki rnek ve altrmalarla kendi zgn materyallerinizi tasarlayabilir hale geleceksiniz. Tasarladnz materyalleri isterseniz EBA, uzaktan eitim srecinde kullanabilir isterseniz de ulusal veya uluslararas materyal maazalarnda satabilir, bunlardan kazan elde edebilirsiniz. Bu kurs bir st seviyeye kmanz salayacak. Kurs ierisinde takldnz bir nokta olduunda soru sorabileceiniz ve ksa zamanda yant alabileceiniz bir eitmeniniz olduunu da eklemeliyiz.Kurs Sonrasnda Yapabileceklerin:yi Dzeyde Grafik Tasarmlar YapabileceksinDers Notlar, alma Katlar tasarlayabileceksin.Labirent, Yapboz ieren harika materyaller tasarlayabileceksin.Aklndaki harika oyun ve etkinlikleri ksa srede etkili bir materyale dkebileceksin.Modler Pano Nasl Yaplr? reneceksin.Harika PowerPoint sunumlar hazrlayabileceksin.Tasarladn materyalleri bir rn haline getirebileceksin.Gereki ve etkileyici materyal grselleri hazrlayabileceksin."
Price: 49.99

"Il corso propone l'apprendimento dei meccanismi di base dello STRESS, dell'ANSIA e del PANICO che irrompono nella nostra vita, creando alterazioni e squilibri spesso dolorosi nella nostra coscienza.Vivere sotto STRESS spesso diventa un'abitudine cronicizzata e si perde di vista che in realt una modalit deviata di vivere la vita.Ove manca la serenit, la pace interiore e la calma e le stesse sono sostituite dall'agitazione perpetua, dall'insonnia, dall'irritazione, dalla preoccupazione, fino al panico, si profila una situazione aberrante che mina la nostra salute.Perdiamo lucidit e capacit di concentrazione, ci sentiamo perennemente stanchi e fiacchi a livello fisico e mentale, compromettiamo le relazioni sociali, la nostra resa sul lavoro, non riusciamo ad essere in pace con noi stessi e creiamo le condizioni per il proliferare di disturbi di natura psico-somatica.Questi meccanismi sono subdoli ma molto comuni e diffusi, per cui bene comprendere come si insinuano, compromettendo il nostro equilibrio per accorgerci in tempo della loro attivazione, scongiurandone gli effetti sul nascere. Per questo il corso consiste di una prima parte TEORICA, ove si illustrano le emozioni, lo stress, l'ansia e il panico nel loro concatenarsi e da una parte PRATICA, ove sono descritte le 4 tecniche da apprendere. Una tecnica di respirazione, una di stimolazione punti del corpo, una di autoinduzione al relax e l'ultima di autosuggestione: sono una rassegna da me selezionata di tutti gli strumenti che considero al top per tutte le esigenze, dopo anni di sperimentazione pratica.Tutte da provare ed eventualmente combinare a piacimento, sempre verificando attraverso un'attenta misurazione il livello dei progressi conseguiti.Sono ""buone pratiche"" da apprendere in modo semplice e veloce; in brevissimo tempo restituiscono benefici impagabili e si mettono in pratica in autonomia, nei momenti disponibili e in base alle proprie preferenze. Posso dire con certezza che, una volta apprese, faranno certamente parte del corredo di abitudini cui non sar pi possibile rinunciare.La terza ed ultima sezione comprende le CONCLUSIONI, con una riflessione che porta all'ascolto del messaggio di questi disagi che ci colpiscono in modo tanto sconvolgente."
Price: 34.99

"Mobile App Flutter (Android iOS)" |
"Mobile App Flutter open-source SDK Framework UI Mobile App iOS Andriod Web App Desktop App () (RESTful API) Flutter Barcode/QR Code Scanner App Store"
Price: 4600.00

"Curso de automaquillaje Todo lo que necesitas saber!" |
"En este curso de 8 mdulos aprenders a detalle todo lo que necesitas para que puedas realizar tu maquillaje del diario o para algn evento. Si tienes dudas o te gustara mejorar tu maquillaje, debes tomar este curso. Mdulo 1: Introduccin-Una breve explicacin del contenido del maquillaje.Mdulo 2: Tipos de piel y preparacin del rostro-Hablaremos de los tipos de piel que existen y cmo identificar el tuyo.-Veremos paso a paso que productos debes usar para preparar tu rostro antes del maquillaje y as tu maquillaje luzca mejor y dure ms.Mdulo 3: Gua y cuidado de las brochas-Te explicar las brochas que debes de utilizar para cada area de tu rostro y como utilizar cada una.-Te dir la manera correcta de limpiar tus brochas con el mayor cuidado para no afectarlas.Mdulo 4: Bases y correctores.-Hablaremos sobre los correctores y pre correctores, sabrs diferenciarlos y saber cual es el que tu necesitas.-Te enseare a detalle como aplicar el corrector y sabras que tono necesitas para cubrir alguna imperfeccin en especifico. -Hablaremos de las bases, la manera correcta de aplicarla y cmo sacarle el mayor provecho.Mdulo 5: Ceja-Aprenders a maquillar tu ceja para un maquillaje casual o de noche, todos los trucos y tips para que luzca definida pero elegante y natural.Mdulo 6: Maquillaje de ojos y contouring- Te mostrare la manera de aplicar las sombras y difuminarlas.-Cmo aplicar la mscara de pestaas correctamente para dar un efecto de alargamiento y no te queden grumos.-Hablaremos del contouring, como dar profundidad e iluminacin a tu rostro.Mdulo 7: Labios-Te mostrar paso a paso como enmarcar tus labios y te dar pequeos tips para que tus labios luzcan espectaculares.Mdulo 8: Sellado de maquillaje-El ltimo paso pero muy importante, sellar tu maquillaje para qu dure lo que realmente la marca promete. Usaremos dos tipos de productos los cuales tu tambin los puedes conseguir."
Price: 270.00

"Learn to Code for Business" |
"This course is designed to teach those new to programming how to complete introductory coding in Python, VBA, and SQL. You will learn to install a SQL database, create some working data, query data, and pull this data into reports in both Python and Excel VBA. You will also learn how to setup automated reporting to be run on a daily basis using this database as a data source and an Excel template."
Price: 49.99

"Corte de Cabelo" |
"Como cortar sua Franja sozinha ou com auxilio de algum em casa. Em tempos de pandemia muitas pessoas esto com dificuldade de cortar seu cabelo. Esse tutorial simples pode ajudar a ajustar sua franja e deixar ela de um jeito bonito e sem correr riscos de estragar seu cabelo. De forma bastante leve com esse tutorial voc pode cortar seu cabelo sozinha ou mesmo com ajuda em casa. Para profissionais da rea de beleza esse tutorial mostra tcnicas que podem ser aplicadas no dia a dia com suas clientes para ter um resultado dinmico e bonito, sem perder tempo ou ficar horas para fazer!"
Price: 39.99

"Memria na Psicologia & Neurocincia" |
"Este curso estende-se a todos aqueles interessados em conhecer mais sobre neurocincia, sobre psicologia, sobre psicoterapia e sobre diferentes tipos de memria de curto e longo prazo no indivduo normal, mas tambm alteraes em pacientes que sofreram de trauma psquico e pacientes que sofrem de demncia.Com os avanos recentes no campo da neurocincia todos os psiclogos e psicoterapeutas precisam manter atualizao sobre memria. Aos poucos perdemos todas as molculas que nos compem, mas diferentes tipos de memria do sentido a nossa histria pessoal e organizam nosso senso de identidade e nossas redes afetivas/sociais. Certos transtornos emocionais alteram a memria, bem como doenas demenciais. Neste curso oferecemos viso de aspectos fundamentais para melhor compreenso do tema, em nvel terico e prtico. Informao poder. Boas vindas ao Espao da Mente.pblico alvo: psiclogos e mdicos"
Price: 249.99

"Curso de Bateria Cleverson Silva" |
"Nesse Treinamento 100% Online e Completo, o grande baterista brasileiro CLEVERSON SILVA mostra atravs de aulas prticas e simples, todos os rudimentos e tcnicas utilizadas por ele em seus trabalhos. CLEVERSON SILVA destaca-se como sendo um dos melhores baterista da atualidade, alm dos inmeros projetos do meio gospel que j participou, Cleverson tambm j gravou com grandes nomes da msica brasileira, como Michel Tel, Ivete Sangalo, Mariano Torquato, entre outros."
Price: 54.99

"Grooves de Baixo Eltrico / Iniciantes e Intermedirios" |
"Curso para baixistas iniciantes e intermedirios, nesse curso voc vai tocar grooves bem legais e desafiadores, e assim desenvolver sua tcnica de mo direita e esquerda, alm de desenvolver linguagem do funk fusion no instrumento e vai estar ampliando muito seu vocabulrio musical no baixo eltrico.Excelente material para quem deseja ser um profissional no baixo eltrico, ou simplesmente tocar com muito estilo e tcnica."
Price: 84.99

"How to Start a Green Team" |
"Do you want to reduce the impact you and your friends at work (and other community organizations like churches, clubs, or neighborhoods) are having on the planet? One of the best ways to do this is to start a green team.The purpose of this course is to give you very specific planning tools to help you recruit and develop a green team and create a plan for starting green initiatives. Your mission as a green team leader is to engage your colleagues and friends to join you in this exciting journey, to do their part (and yours) in creating a more eco-friendly organization."
Price: 59.99

"Encuadernacin Bsica I" |
"El curso Encuadernacin Bsica I: Rstica est dirigido a estudiantes con poca o nula experiencia en el oficio de la encuadernacin. El contenido se encuentra dividido en tres categoras principales: las recomendaciones para encuadernar, la nomenclatura de los elementos del libro, y la tcnica de encuadernacin rstica dividida por elementos del libroDurante la enseanza de la tcnica, aprenders a preparar el cuerpo de libro, conocers el proceso de elaboracin de la costura rstica fuerte (incluyendo la unin y preparacin del hilo), aprenders los tratamientos que requiere el cuerpo cosido y, por ltimo, la elaboracin de la cartera flexible y la camisa decorativa.El curso est diseado para que pueda completarse en un mismo da, una vez que tengas las herramientas y materiales necesarios para trabajar.Si ests interesado, inscrbete! Solamente es necesario que tengas la disposicin de aprender, ya que el dominio de la tcnica vendr con la prctica."
Price: 345.00

"Project Management Essentials" |
"O Project Management Essentials est baseado no conceito de Ultralearnig proposto por Scott H. YoungDomine as habilidades difceisSupere a concorrnciaAcelere sua carreiraPblico AlvoO Project Management Essentials destina-se profissionais que desejam aperfeioar seus conhecimentos em gesto de projetos. O curso foi projetado tambm, para o pblico que ainda no atua como gerente de projetos, porm gostaria de se preparar para esta experincia aprendendo conceitos e ferramentas de gesto.Prepare-se para gerenciar projetos em um mundo complexo e em constante transformaoAprenda apenas o que precisa de forma objetiva e eficaz e transforme, definitivamente, seu desempenhoDomine ferramentas e aplique imediatamente em sua carreira e vida pessoalAprenda a utilizar templates de gesto em tempo real e domine todas as reas de conhecimento dos projetosAprenda com base em casos reais do mercado de trabalhoSaiba como elaborar e executar projetos, do incio ao fimVantagens e Diferenciais Aprendizagem interativa e dinmicaMetodologia baseada nos conceitos de Ultralearning e AndragogiaMaterial didtico baseado nas publicaes mais recentes das instituies de referncia em gerenciamento de projetos como o PMBok (6 Edio), do Project Management Institute (PMI)Aulas gravadas e disponibilizadas aos alunos de forma vitalciaContedo exclusivo ao acessar nosso grupo no TelegramO Project Management EssentialsO Project Management Essentials consolida quatro anos de experincia do Curso Conceitos e Ferramentas para o Gerenciamento de Projetos, ministrado como disciplina eletiva compactada da Ps-Graduao em Ecologia (PPGE) da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Em seu formato original, o curso possui 40 horas de durao, sendo realizado de segunda a sexta. Atenta s necessidades dos clientes, a Jamile Marques Consultoria extraiu a essncia deste curso e oferer em formato acessvel para todos que desejam aprimorar continuamente sua performance profissional."
Price: 504.99

"10 Acupressure Points and Aromatherapy to Ease Anxiety" |
"In this course, you will learn 10 highly effective acupressure points, 5 essential oils and 3 acupressure techniques to help relieve anxiety. The great thing about a course like this is that you can ake it with you wherever you go. We cover the basic theories of meridians, the five elements, and fragrance energetics. By the end of this course, you should get a sense of what system may be off in your body and what you can do to restore balance."
Price: 24.99

"Introduction to Social Media Marketing" |
"Welcome to my Introduction to Social Media Marketing course! This course is for you if you want to:Understand the basic functionality of social media networksUnderstand how to develop and execute a social media strategyUnderstand the difference between organic social media and paid social media (and how basic paid media works!)Learn about helpful resources and tools which will inspire you and help you #dodigitalbetterI can't wait to hear what you think of my first Udemy course and I'm so glad to have you onboard."
Price: 19.99

"English Leo" |
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Price: 1799.00

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Price: 19.99

"Leitura Perfeita: Como ler no mnimo 1 livro por semana" |
"O desenvolvimento pessoal parte integral da nossa vida. impossvel realizar sonhos e objetivos sem crescer como pessoa e profissional. E a maneira mais eficiente de alcanar esse crescimento atravs da leitura.Grandes CEOs e empreendedores fazem leitura de dezenas (e at centenas) de livros por ano. o que os mantm frente de qualquer concorrncia, e sempre capazes de enxergar frente os desafios de seu trabalho, e contribuirem ainda mais para o mundo.Voc tambm pode ler como eles. A realizao que voc deseja em sua vida est atrs do prximo livro que voc ler. Isto inegvel.Aprenda tcnicas, utilize ferramentas simples e eficazes para desenvolver esse hbito, ou melhorar a maneira como voc l seus livros.Voc aprender:Os elementos que compem um livro;Ter uma experincia nica a cada novo livro;Eliminar o sono e a preguia durante a leitura;Adaptar seu ambiente para uma leitura livre de distraes;Conhecer ferramentas e tcnicas necessrias para uma Leitura Perfeita;Ler centenas de pginas em pouco tempo;Estudar de maneira eficiente;Eventualmente ler no mnimo 1 por semana. Voc quem dita o seu ritmo.Se conhecimento poder, aprender seu super-poder.-Jim KwikComece o Leitura Perfeita hoje mesmo. A mudana definitiva em sua vida te aguarda."
Price: 69.99

"Azu Forex Course For Beginners and Experts" |
"In this course you will learn the following: whats is so amazing about forex? how much money can i make as a trader? can i still learn forex trading? introduction: forex trading for beginners start trading: learn our strategy first fundamental vs technical analysis day traders vs the buffetts how to open a broker account (demo/live) how to trade Azu forex signalsForex is not a once of course, so it is very important that you discuss with a friend or friends what you learn on each lecture. Apply day by day fundamental and technical analysis in your trading until you formulate an approach that profits you best."
Price: 164.99

"How To Build Your Brand With Instagram Images" |
"How to Tell Your Own Success Story With Instagram!Instagram is often described as being Twitter with images and this is largely a fair description of what the social media platform does and how it works. But to say that that is all Instagram is would be a big disservice. Instagram is actually an incredibly powerful tool, a highly nuanced platform and something that deserves a big place in every single internet marketing campaign.And now, Instagram has added to its roster of capabilities even further with its awesome stories function. Instagram has gone from being an indispensable and highly underused tool for engaging with an audience and establishing authority, to being something even more powerful an opportunity to bring your fans along with you and to let them feel like theyre really a part of your brand.In this course, it will be taking an in-depth look at Instagram and at how you can use it, along with all of its most modern features, in order to build massive trust and influence and have a huge impact on your audience. At the same time, well be taking a more in-depth look specifically at Instagram stories.Youll see why this is an incredibly important addition from a marketing perspective and how you can start using it right away to make the biggest impact possible."
Price: 29.99

"IELTS (Academic) for Writing Tasks, Bands 6 to 8" |
"In this intensive IELTS course, students will learn a wealth of strategies in order to meet the criteria for achieving Band 6 to Band 8 in writing. We will begin with an introduction of the four sections, touching on what to expect and how to approach the questions and prompts, and then learn grammar points, structures, vocabulary, and style, all of which will be applied and explained in our model responses. This course will certainly give you expert knowledge and skills, and ultimately boost your ability and confidence before the next exam. Hope to see you in the course!"
Price: 69.99

"Easy Steps of Meditation" |
"According to the spiritual meaning of the Meditation is not a process of the mind, but of the spirit. Meditation goes through two stages: the preliminary one which can be defined as concentration, and the final one which can be called contemplation. Contemplation consists of gathering our attention with devotion in God, and raising it to one's own focal Center in the body. Meditation is an approach to training the mind, similar to the way that fitness is an approach to training the body.In this course you will get- Detail knowledge about the 7 Chakras of Meditation. - Benefits of Mediation. - 5 Simple Steps of Meditation.- Psychological symptoms , Physical symptoms and Healing of Chakras.- Mediation Guidance Power point presentation"
Price: 1280.00

"How To DJ - Online Multimedia Course" |
"Learn How To DJ OnlineGrow Your Musical Passion and CollectionUnderstand the DJ Equipment and Technology to Mix Music.Use all the Mixing Knobs and Faders to Captivate Your AudienceDon't waste Hundreds Of Hours of Your Life, Getting Misinformation.P.S - If you don't take action now, think about all the time and money you are going to waste trying to learn the hard way. We will give you everything you need to achieve your dreams to be a DJ in a short time."
Price: 84.99

"Oracle Autonomous Database Specialist (1z0-931)Exam" |
"With this practice exam you should able to clear the certification.I will be updating the exam based on my understanding.An Oracle Autonomous Database 202 Specialist has demonstrated the knowledge required to provision, manage, and migrate to Autonomous Transaction Database (ATP) and Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW). It is designed for database administrators, monitors, and Dev Ops admins who want to validate their knowledge and skills.Individuals who earn this certification are able to understand the features and workflows of Autonomous Database; provisioning and connecting, migration using SQL Developer, Data Pump and Golden Gate, manage and monitor, and understand tools, reporting and analytics using Autonomous Data Warehouse."
Price: 1280.00

"SAP Business One Eitimi" |
"SAP Business One kullanm, uyarlamas ve satn alma yaplrken nelere dikkat edilmesi hakknda bilgi veriyorum. Sertifikal bir danman olarak, sizlere kurs aralarnda kendinizi snamanz iin sertifika snavnda sorulmu sorular ile quizler hazrladm. Bilgilerinizi lmek ve snav sorularna aina olmanz asndan faydal olacan dnyorum. 6 yllk SAP Business One danmanlndan edindiim proje ve sre deneyimlerini sizlerle paylamaya alyorum. Ders anlatrken verdiim rnekler ile gerek hayatta karlaabileceiniz durumlar hakknda n bilgi vermekteyim.Trkiye'deki KOB'ler veya orta lekli firmalar iin global bir ERP program olan SAP Business One, kullanc dostu ekranlar ile kolayca renilebilmektedir. SAP'ye bir yerden balamak isterseniz mutlaka byk resmi grebilmeniz asndan SAP Business One renmelisiniz. nk bu program tm modlleri ieren bir paket programdr. Bylece sadece sat veya sadece satn alma modllerini renmi olmayacaksnz, sat, satn alma, muhasebe, finans, retim, lojistik, sat sonras hizmetler gibi bir firmann tm i srelerini kapsayan modlleri grm olacaksnz."
Price: 399.99

"The Science of Teams (TSoT) - Theory" |
"One of the top struggle leaders face is learning how to articulate a vision and communicate a philosophy in a way that motivates and inspires people and moves a team forward to a common goal.What if I told you that there was more to being a leader and to organizing people than the classic halftime football speech you see in sports movies?What if there were a science that existed, that you could learn quickly, that provides a repeatable organizing framework that helps leaders organize teams of people to be more efficient, better prepared, in harmony with their work, and be more productive?Well there is, it is called The Science of Teams, and it uses analytical models to help a leader work through what they want their teams to achieve and how to explain it in simple and impactful terms. This course serves as an introduction to the science of teams and the team solution algorithm so you can see if it is right for you and gain an understanding of significant tools you can add to your leadership tool-belt.The Science of Teams (TSoT) is an original scientific framework for analyzing systems of people, or what are frequently called teams, and finding ways to better organize them to improve team output without negatively impacting team efficiencies or increasing a teams costs.Professionals interested in TSoT includes leaders and aspiring leaders at all organizational levels: individual contributors, supervisors, managers, directors, department heads, project managers, human resource professionals, and anyone tasked with producing outputs using people and seeking a best-practice functional technical framework.This is the first of two courses. This course focuses on the theory behind TSoT the second course, ""The Science of Teams - Practice"" reviews putting the theory into practice."
Price: 49.99

"Cisco CCNA 200-301 Practice Real Questions" |
"The ultimate exam preparation, 200-301 practice questions cover all 200-301 exam topics and technologies, allowing you to prepare and pass the exam.1. Network Fundamentals: Includes basic fundamentals of networking 20%2. Network Access: How to connect to a network 20%3. IP Connectivity: Basics of Routing and Switching 25%4. IP Services: Includes services DNS, DHCP, FTP 10%5. Security Fundamentals: Foundational knowledge 15%6. Automation and Programmability: Importance, basics and application 10%"
Price: 54.99

"Pan sin gluten S se puede!" |
"Este Mtodo es el camino ms rpido y directo que encontrars para volver a saborear un buen pan casero sin gluten.He creado este curso online para que te preocupes de lo que de verdad importa: de disfrutar de la vida con tu familia, de los pequeos momentos, de los sabores y texturas .He creado cada mdulo de este curso con cario. Y no te voy a mentir, no ha sido fcil. He probado muchas formas de hacer pan, de mezclar ingredientes, he probado diferentes masas hasta dar con la receta que realmente te va a cambiar la forma que tienes de la vida sin gluten.Mi idea es que, cuando termines el curso, sientas que tienes tu propia panadera en casa y que sepas con certeza que comer rico y casero solo depende de ti, Quiero que vuelvas a sentirte bien y a disfrutar de un pan con sabor a pan.Te ensear a hacer todo tipo de panes sin gluten:Mdulo 1. BsicosAprenders las reglas bsicas que necesitas saber para que todas las recetas salgan perfectasMdulo 2. 3,2,1...Vamos!Dominars un punto clave: la fermentacin. Te contar todos los secretos que necesitas saber.Te Mostrar los utensilios que yo utilizo para facilitarte el camino. Y ya vers el tiempo que vas a ahorrar gracias a ellos!Mdulo 3. Baguettes o PanecillosUna fiesta para tu paladar. Vamos a por esas cortezas crujientes y migas esponjosas que tanto has echado de menos!Mdulo 4. Pan de moldeY dejars que los sandwiches entren por tu puerta con el pan de molde ms delicioso y tierno que te puedas imaginarMdulo 5. Pan de hamburguesaVamos a hacer pan de hamburguesas. Y s, van a ser tan esponjosas que nadie notar que no llevan gluten.Este curso es el que necesita cualquier persona con celiaqua o intolerancia al gluten.Si quieres volver a disfrutar de un pan con sabor a pan sin tener que recurrir a alimentos procesados o mixes comerciales"
Price: 74.99

"The Complete Guide to Unlock and Fix your Hips for Good" |
"In this course Unlocking Hip Series, you will be able to change the way you move, run, walk, exercise and sleep. I will provide you the tools to erase years of hip pain that has prevented you from living the life you deserve to live. And most importantly, all of the exercises are bodyweight based with very little equipment needed (only a towel and broom stick) so you can start today!This program will not only help you become pain free, but it will also show you how to apply this information to everyday activities such as recreational running, weight lifting or competitive athletics. I will also walk you through the anatomy of the pelvic gridle, explaining the science behind why your hips are tight in the first place. During this video I will go over one of the most important muscles in your body and why it is keeping your from moving the way you want to.By providing you with this background anatomy knowledge you will be able to better understand why your individual hips are tight and what you have to do to increase your flexibility.Unlocking your hips will not only increase your flexibility, it will also: Relieve back and knee pain Allow you to stand and walk without pain Sleep throughout the night and wake up feeling rested Gain the ability to exercise on back-to-back daysI have been fortunate enough to work with hundreds of fitness clients and athletes from theNBA, NFL and MLB. You will be doing the same exercises as these elite athletes.Here is what you will find inside my program: Over 30 different bodyweight workouts that can be done at home Demonstrations from multiple different angles for each exercise Detailed instructors on how to safely complete each workout Exercises for warming up your hips in preparation for playing a sport, weight training and jogging Exercises you can do in the morning to wake up your hips, in the afternoon after work and in the evening before going to bed Specific exercises for recovery after playing a sport, weight training and joggingThis at home hip series is great for all fitness levels and ages. I look forward to seeing you in thecourse!"
Price: 64.99

"Pass your SAP Cloud Platform certification (C_CP_11) easily" |
"Do you want to pass the C_CP_11 certification with confidence? Do you want more knowledge before taking the SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Cloud Platform certification? You have access to SAP Cloud Platform training materials, but want to feel confident about passing the exam? Prepare for a guaranteed successful certification process.With the two practice tests, youll build up your knowledge and confidence while studying questions that I can guarantee that could appear in a real certification exam. The practice exams will put you to the test to prepare you for the certification. Each contains a set of 80 unique questions distributed across the topic areas as detailed in the exam guidelines. After you pass these exams, you will be fully prepared to take the SCP certification exam. This practice exam course is based on the official exam manual for C_CP11. It correctly weights the 12 topics so that you can confidently pass the actual SCP certification exam!The ""SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Cloud Platform"" certification exam confirms that you have the necessary and core skills required for the SAP Cloud Platform profile. This certification proves that you have the overall understanding and sound technical expertise to serve as a member of a project team in a mentored role. This certificate builds on the basic knowledge gained through appropriate training on the SAP Cloud Platform.Specifically, this certification refers to the material ""E-Book CP100_EN_Col04"", which is available via the corresponding SAP Learning Hub Subscription. SAP recommends training and practical experience to prepare for your certification exam, as questions are used to test your ability to apply the knowledge you have acquired in training. This means that the answers to the certification exam can be solved by learning the relevant course material. However, it would be best if you kept in mind that classroom training refers to newer versions of CP100 SAP Cloud Platform training.Let us now take a look at the subject areas and examination outlines:The exam contains 80 questions and has a cut score of 63%. This means that you have to answer 51 questions correctly. You can fail 29 questions and still pass - ingenious. You have 180 minutes to answer these 80 questions. You usually will not need that much. Don't feel uncomfortable if you finish earlier.So let's take a closer look at the distribution of the questions:Frontend Application Development > 12% or more than 10 questionsUnderstanding of how to develop SAPUI5 and SAP Fiori ApplicationsSAP Cloud Platform integration Services > 12% or more than 10 questionsDemonstrate understanding of the use and use cases of the SAP HANA Cloud Platform integration serviceExtend SAP Cloud Solutions 8% - 12% or 6-10 questionsDescribe the tools ,procedures and processes to extend SAP Cloud Solutions.Introduction and Architecture 8% - 12% or 6-10 questionsDescribe the basic technology and service support of the SAP Cloud Platform, and outline the operational model. Explain runtimes and containers, as well as development options on SAP CP.Java Application Development on SAP Cloud Platform 8% - 12% or 6-10 questionsDescribe the understanding of the needs and use of the Java Application tools used in SAP Cloud Platform . Discuss use cases, and details of the usage of tools.SAP HANA XSC Application Development 8% - 12% or 6-10 questionsDemonstrate understanding of the Application Development in SAP HANA. Discuss the use, the modeling and the build of ServicesSAP Mobile Services < 8% or less than 6 questionsDemonstrate understanding of the use, use cases and implementation of mobile services within the SAP HANA Cloud PlatformSAP API Mangement < 8% or less than 6 questionsDemonstrate understanding of the use and use cases of the SAP API ManagementSAP Cloud Data & Storage < 8% or less than 6 questionsOutline the Data & Storage Services. Explain the required tools, procedures and processes to use them.SAP Cloud Platform Security Concepts < 8% or less than 6 questionsExplain the Security Concepts on SAP Cloud PlatformSAP Cloud Platform Cloud Foundry Services < 8% or less than 6 questionsDiscuss Cloud Foundry Services. Explain the required tools, procedures and processes to use them.Internet of Things (IoT) Services < 8% or less than 6 questionsDiscuss Internet of Things Services. Explain the required tools, procedures and processes to use them.Are you ready to become an SAP Certified Development Associate for SAP Cloud Platform? Don't worry anymore. Be successful!"
Price: 199.99

"Certify in SAP Cloud Platform Integration C_CPI_13 C_CP_I_12" |
"Do you want to pass the C_CP_I_12 or C_CPI_13 certification with confidence? Do you want more knowledge before taking the SAP Certified Application Associate for SAP Cloud Platform Integration certification? You have access to SAP Cloud Platform Integration training materials, but want to feel confident about passing the exam? Prepare for a guaranteed successful certification process.Youll study questions that I can guarantee could appear like this in a real certification exam. The two practice exams will put you to the test to prepare you for each of the two certifications. Each contains a set of 80 questions distributed across the topic areas, as detailed in the exam guidelines. After you pass these exams, you will be fully prepared to take the SCPI certification exam. This practice exam course is based on the official exam manuals for C_CP_I_12 and C_CPI_13. It correctly weights the 11 respective eight topics so that you can confidently pass the actual CPI certification exam!The ""SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Cloud Platform Integration certification"" certification exam confirms that you have the necessary and core skills required for the SAP Cloud Platform Integration profile. This certification proves that you have the overall understanding and sound technical expertise to serve as a member of a project team in a mentee role. This certificate builds on the basic knowledge gained through appropriate training on the SAP Cloud Platform Integration.Specifically, this certification refers to the materials CP100 and CLD900, which are available via the corresponding SAP Learning Hub Subscription. SAP recommends training and practical experience to prepare for your certification exam, as questions are used to test your ability to apply the knowledge you have acquired in training. This means that the answers to the certification exam can be solved by learning the relevant course material. However, it is possible to pass the exam without first attending the courses in case of sound and intensive training for the exams.Let us now first take a look at the subject areas and examination outlines of C_CP_I_12:The exam contains 80 questions and has a cut score of 69%. This means that you have to answer 56 questions correctly. You can fail 24 questions and still pass - ingenious. You have 180 minutes to answer these 80 questions. You usually will not need that much. Don't feel uncomfortable if you finish earlier.So let's take a closer look at the distribution of the questions:iFlow Objects > 12% or more than 10 questionsOperations and Monitoring 8% - 12% or 6-10 questionsInfrastructure and Database Service in PaaS 8% - 12% or 6-10 questionsSecurity 8% - 12% or 6-10 questionsBasic building blocks < 8% or less than 6 questionsProduct Overview < 8% or less than 6 questionsIntroduction to SAP Cloud Platform Integration < 8% or less than 6 questionsSAP HANA Enterprise Cloud (HEC) < 8% or less than 6 questionsSoftware as a Service (SaaS) < 8% or less than 6 questionsApplication Development Services in PaaS < 8% or less than 6 questionsSAP Cloud Overview < 8% or less than 6 questionsThe newer certification, C_CPI_13, has a slightly changed content and focus. Still, there are many overlaps:The exam contains 80 questions and has a cut score of 68%. This means that you have to answer 55 questions correctly. You can fail 25 questions and still pass - ingenious.So let's take a closer look at the distribution of the questions:iFlow Objects > 12% or more than 10 questionsSecurity > 12% or more than 10 questionsIntelligent Enterprise > 12% or more than 10 questionsCloud Native Application Development > 12% or more than 10 questionsOperations and Monitoring 8% - 12% or 6-10 questionsIntroduction to SAP Cloud Platform Integration < 8% or less than 6 questionsProduct Overview < 8% or less than 6 questionsBasic building blocks < 8% or less than 6 questionsAre you ready to become an SAP Certified Application Associate for SAP Cloud Platform Integration? Don't worry anymore. Be successful!"
Price: 199.99
