"Bestehe deine SAP Cloud Platform Zertifizierung (C_CP_11)" |
"Du mchtest die Zertifizierung C_CP_11 mit Selbstvertrauen bestehen? Mchtest du mehr wissen, bevor du die Zertifizierung zum SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Cloud Platform ablegst? Du hast Zugang zu den Schulungsunterlagen zur SAP Cloud Platform, mchtest aber sicher sein, die Prfung zu bestehen? Bereite dich auf einen garantiert erfolgreichen Zertifizierungsprozess vor.Baue dein Wissen und Selbstvertrauen mit zwei Tests auf bei denen du Fragen bst, von denen ich garantieren kann, dass sie in einer echten Zertifizierungsprfung so vorkommen knnen. Die zwei bungsprfungen stellen dich auf die Probe, um dich auf die Zertifizierung vorzubereiten. Jede bungsprfung enthlt einen Satz von 80 Fragen, die ber die Themenbereiche gem den Prfungsrichtlinien verteilt sind. Nachdem du diese Prfungen bestanden hast, bist du vollstndig darauf vorbereitet, die SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Cloud Platform Zertifizierung abzulegen. Dieser bungskurs basiert auf dem offiziellen Prfungshandbuch fr C_CP_11. Er gewichtet die zehn Themen richtig, so dass du die eigentliche SAP Cloud Platform Zertifizierung sicher bestehen kannst!Die Zertifizierungsprfung ""SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Cloud Platform"" besttigt, dass du die notwendigen und grundlegenden Fhigkeiten besitzt, die fr das Profil SAP Cloud Platform erforderlich sind. Diese Zertifizierung beweist, dass du ber das Gesamtverstndnis und fundiertes technisches Fachwissen verfgst, um als Mitglied eines Projektteams in einer angeleiteten Rolle zu arbeiten. Das Zertifikat baut auf den Grundkenntnissen auf, die durch entsprechende Schulungen zur SAP Cloud Platform erworben wurden.Konkret bezieht sich die Zertifizierung auf das Material ""E-Book CP100_EN_Col04"", das ber das entsprechende SAP Learning Hub Subscription erhltlich ist. SAP empfiehlt Schulungen und praktische Erfahrung zur Vorbereitung auf die Zertifizierungsprfung, da anhand von Fragen deine Fhigkeit geprft wird, das in der Schulung erworbene Wissen anzuwenden. Das bedeutet, dass die Antworten auf die Zertifizierungsprfung durch das Erlernen des entsprechenden Kursmaterials gelst werden knnen. Bercksichtige jedoch am besten, dass sich die Prsenzsveranstaltungen der SAP auf neuere Versionen der Schulung CP100 SAP Cloud Platform beziehen.Die beiden bungsprfungen werden dich auf die Probe stellen, um dich auf die Zertifizierung vorzubereiten. Jede Prfung enthlt einen Satz von 80 einzigartigen Fragen, die ber die in den Prfungsrichtlinien beschriebenen Themenbereiche verteilt sind. Nachdem du die Prfungen bestanden hast, bist du vollstndig auf die Zertifizierungsprfung fr die SAP Cloud Platform vorbereitet. Dieser Prfungskurs basiert auf dem offiziellen Prfungshandbuch fr C_CP_11. Er gewichtet die 12 Themenbereiche richtig, so dass du die eigentliche SCP Zertifizierungsprfung selbstbewusst ablegen kannst!Werfen wir nun einen Blick auf die Themenbereiche und die Prfungsablufe:Die Prfung enthlt 80 Fragen und hat einen Cut Score von 63%. Das bedeutet, dass du insgesamt 51 Fragen richtig beantworten musst. Du kannst 29 Fragen nicht richtig beantworten und trotzdem bestehen - genial. Fr die Beantwortung der 80 Fragen hast du 180 Minuten Zeit. Normalerweise wirst du nicht so viel brauchen. Fhlen dich nicht unwohl, wenn du frher fertig wirst.Schauen wir uns also die Verteilung der Fragen genauer an:Frontend-Anwendungsentwicklung > 12% oder mehr als 10 FragenSAP Cloud Platform integration Services > 12% oder mehr als 10 FragenSAP Cloud Lsungen erweitern 8% - 12% oder 6-10 FragenEinfhrung und Architektur 8% - 12% oder 6-10 FragenJava-Anwendungsentwicklung auf der SAP Cloud Plattform 8% - 12% oder 6-10 FragenSAP HANA XSC Anwendungsentwicklung 8% - 12% oder 6-10 FragenSAP Mobile Services < 8% oder weniger als 6 FragenSAP API Management < 8% oder weniger als 6 FragenSAP Cloud Data & Storage < 8% oder weniger als 6 FragenSicherheitskonzepte der SAP Cloud Platform < 8% oder weniger als 6 FragenSAP Cloud Platform Cloud Foundry Services < 8% oder weniger als 6 FragenInternet of Things (IoT) Services < 8% oder weniger als 6 FragenBist du bereit, ein SAP Certified Development Associate fr die SAP Cloud Platform zu werden? Machen dir keine Sorgen. Sei erfolgreich!"
Price: 199.99

"Personal Finance 101" |
"This course is designed to provide new insights into personal finance, including some of the basic personal finance principles, as well as ways in which these principles interweave into your own personal financial lives. Through a combination of course delivery, outside reading and specific, targeted course assignments, attendees utilize new learning in mapping their own financial plans.Outline of major content/topic areas:Personal BudgetingInvestingTime Value of MoneyPersonal Finance Opportunity CostsGoal SettingDebt InstrumentsCourse Information/Expectations:Course Schedule:The course is structured in weekly blocks. Participants will find a variety of articles and recorded lectures relevant to specific areas of personal finance. While participation in reading and listening to lectures is encouraged, it is also optional in nature.Of greatest importance is your participation in the course activities as outlined in the course schedule below. These assignments are absolutely crucial to the course and your full participation is required.Assignments Summary & ExplanationLearning Exercise #1Learning Exercise #2Learning Exercise #3Learning Exercise #4Learning Exercises #1-#4In addition to learning new and old personal finance topics, the bread and butter of this course are the learning exercises. Rest assured that they will be insightful and some legwork (though mostly enjoyable wink!) and will set you on a course to really discover yourself and what you do after leaving the course.Student Responsibilities:Everyone who participates in this course has paid their way in, so what you put in is what youll take out. I dont enforce any rules as it relates to your responsibility you reap what you sow so come and go as you wish. I hope to see you around frequently and very active. I hope youll come along with me on the journey. I hope youll leave reminded of whats important to you.What You Can Expect From Me:Your success is my most important objective. Its my goal to provide you positive and constructive feedback designed to help you learn and improve. Reach out anytime with questions!"
Price: 29.99

"Agile Scrum and how NOT to do it" |
"There are many ways companies routinely misuse Agile Scrum. In fact, some misuses are so common they even got their own nicknames!This course will shed some light on various nicknames and terms used by the Agile community. You will learn about Fragile Agile, TrAgile, WaterScrum, ScrummerFall, WaterScrumFall, Cargo Cult, Zombie Scrum, Dark Scrum and more. Sometimes controversial, sometimes insightful, I will give you information (as well as my own biased opinions) on the most common mistakes and failures, discuss what they mean in practice, and how to avoid them in your own work. The course is meant in a lighthearted way, so please do not get upset if you recognise any of the faulty behaviours or practices in yourself or your team. The idea behind inventing those names is not to put labels on or criticise other people's work but rather to raise awareness of the common issues experienced by Agile teams and help them overcome those issues moving towards a more successful and sustained adoption of Agile."
Price: 29.99

"10 minutes de Yoga pour atteindre le bien-tre" |
"Le secret c'est qu'en pratiquant seulement 10 minutes de yoga chaque matin, vous pouvez atteindre le bien-tre, tre relax et simplement profiter votre vie...Pourquoi le yoga est le meilleur moyen d'atteindre le bien-tre intrieur ?Comme expliqu dans un article du Yoga Journal, plus de 183 tudes scientifiques ont montr que le yoga aide se librer des tensions et permet d'amliorer notre sensation de bien-tre dans tout les aspects de notre vie.D'aprs un sondage mondial effectu en 2019 par le Yoga Magazine, la pratique du yoga est le moyen le plus efficace pour lutter contre l'anxit, la dpression et le stress. Il suffit de pratiquer convenablement les exercices de relaxation pour se procurer un esprit dtendu et donc de mieux aborder les ventuels problmes de la vie de manire plus positive.Le yoga amliore les fonctions crbrales, la concentration et la mmoire. Selon une tude de l'Universit de l'Illinois, des participants ont bien mieux russi des tests intellectuels aprs un cours de yoga en comparaison avec les mmes tests raliss sans avoir pratiqu de yoga.Une vie sexuelle amliore. Une tude publie par l'Universit d'Harvard dans le ""Journal of Sexual Medicine"" a montr que pratiquer le yoga peut amliorer le contrle de l'excitation, du dsir et de l'orgasme chez les femmes comme les hommes.Le yoga c'est fait pour tout le monde ! L'association mondiale du yoga, la Yoga Alliance certifie que chaque posture et chaque mouvement pourront s'adapter vos capacits personnelles, il suffit d'couter votre corps et de demander conseil votre professeur.La routine du yogi : L'ultime secret pour atteindre l'tat de bien-tre.En pratiquant correctement cet enchanement traditionnel de 7 postures, vous pouvez atteindre le bien-tre n'importe quel moment de la journe et a en seulement 10 minutes. C'est le secret que j'ai dcouvert auprs des authentiques matres yogi babaji Rishikesh en Inde et au Npal.Jai nomm cette mthode ""La routine du Yogi"" et je vais tout de suite vous expliquer en quoi elle consiste alors soyez bien attentifs :C'est un enchanement du yoga ancien compos de 7 postures spcifiques et chacune de ces postures agissent directement sur l'ouverture de nos 7 chakras et sur la circulation de notre nergie vitale, le Kundalini.Cette mthode active notre bien-tre intrieur de faon instantane. Tout ce que vous avez faire c'est d'effectuer pendant 10 minutes l'enchanement des 7 postures. Elles vous librent du stress et des tensions du dos qui empche la circulation de l'nergie vitale ""kundalini"" dans les chakras.L'ide c'est qu'en pratiquant chaque jour seulement 10 minutes de yoga vous allez faire du bien-tre une prsence constante dans votre vie. C'est gnial non ?J'utilise cette mthode chaque matin et mme quand je suis dans un avion a fait vraiment du bien et a m'aide viter la fatigue du dcalage horaire ! (le fameux jetlag)Tout ce que vous allez dcouvrir dans la routine du yogi :Je vous enseigne l'ultime mthode du yoga afin de mieux vous sentir en seulement 10 minutes.3 relaxation guide (exercices de respiration) pour tre dtendu et vous librer du stress.Comment booster votre niveau d'nergie et liminer la fatigue.Quand et comment pratiquer le Yoga ? (pour bnficier un maximum des bienfaits de votre pratique vous allez recevoir un guide tableau dans lequel je vous rvle les 4 meilleurs moments de la journe pour faire du yoga.)Comment raliser une posture correcte peu importe notre niveau de souplesse.Les rgles fondamentales du Yoga pour une pratique en toute scurit.L'importance de la respiration(respirer nous semble quelque chose de normal et nous n'y faisons mme pas attention la plupart du temps... pourtant la respiration a le pouvoir de nous faire atteindre un tat de relaxation profond et c'est exactement ce que je vous enseigne.)Et bien plus encore !"
Price: 19.99

"Google Search Console: Wie Du es fr SEO nutzt (Aug. 2020)" |
"Die Google Search Console ist eines der wichtigsten SEO-Tools. Darin findest Du alle wichtigen Daten fr On Site SEO - und zwar aus erster Hand, nmlich direkt von Google, und das noch dazu kostenlos. In diesen Search Console Kurs, den es in Deutsch und Englisch gibt, haben sich bisher mehr als 10.000 Teilnehmer (Deutsch und Englisch zusammengenommen) eingeschrieben.In diesem regelmssig aktualisierten Search Console Kurs lernst Du die einzelnen Berichte und Funktionen dieses SEO Tools kennen. Anhand von vielen Praxis-Beispielen einer live Website mit 10.000 monatlichen Klicks von den Google Suchergebnissen zeige ich Dir, wie Du die Berichte und Tools der Search Console dafr nutzen kannst, dass Google deine Website liebt. Damit kannst Du SEO endlich selbst in die Hand nehmen ganz ohne zustzlich und kostenpflichtige SEO Tools.In diesem Kurse lernst Du, wie Du mit der Google Search Console herausfindest:Welche Seiten fr welche Keywords in den Suchergebnissen angezeigt werden (und umgekehrt)Wie Du die Performance einer Seite vor und nach einer Optimierung vergleichen kannstWelche Seiten und Keywords Impressionen, Klicks und Positionen verloren oder gewonnen habenWelche Seiten fr dasselbe Keyword angezeigt werden (Keyword Kannibalisierung)Wie Du Dir vielversprechende Keyword-Ideen aus der Search Console holst und deine Seiten damit optimierstAuf welche 3 Arten von Keywords Du in der Search Console achten solltestWelche Seiten Optimierungspotential haben.Auerdem zeige ich Dir:Wie Du herausfindest, welche Seiten Google indexiert hat und welche nicht und wie Du diese Probleme behebstWie Du Seiten aus dem Index entfernst und welche Voraussetzungen dafr zutreffen mssenWelche Berichtskategorien Du dir genauer ansehen solltest um ein schlechtes Ranking zu verhindern.Wie Du Probleme im Hinblick auf Nutzerfreundlichkeit analysierst, was der hufigste Grund fr solche Probleme istund wie Du diese behebst.Was die neuen Core Web-Vitals bedeuten, die ab 2012 ein Ranking-Faktor werden, und wie Du herausfindest, was Du an deinen Seite verbessern solltestWie Du deine interne Linkstruktur mit der Search Console analysierst und verbesserst.Worauf Du bei links von externen Seiten achten solltestWie Du die Google Search Console mit Google Analytics verknpfst und einen kleinen Trick, der Dir die Keyword-Analyse in Google Analytics erleichtertAuf ber 30 Seiten Dokumentation habe ich Dir alles wichtige aus dem Kurs zum nachschlagen zusammengefasst.Wusstest Du, dass Du in der Search Console fr jede Seite bis zu 1000 Keywords siehst, fr die Google die Seite in den Suchergebnissen anzeigt und nicht nur die 10, 20 oder 100 Keywords fr die Du in anderen SEO Tools bezahlen musst? Ich verwende die Search Console (und den Vorgnger, die Webmaster Tools) seitdem es sie gibt - sowohl fr meine eigenen Webseiten als auch fr die Website meiner Kunden. Einige Erfolgsbeispiele:Steigerung der Klicks aus den SERPS fr ein Nischen-Blog von 2.000 auf ber 8.000 im Monat in 6 Monaten (mittlerweile 10.000 Klicks und das nach mehreren Google Core Updates)Steigerung der Impressionen fr einen neuen Online-Shop von 10 am Tag auf 150 am Tag innerhalb von 2 WochenSteigerung der Klicks auf einzelne Seiten von 200 im Monat auf ber 900 pro Monat.AktualisierungenDa ich die Search Console tglich nutze, werde ich sehr schnell auf Neuerungen und nderungen aufmerksam. Auerdem aktualisiere ich den Kurs regelmssig mit neuesten Erkenntnissen und Bonus-Kapiteln. Kursteilnehmer knnen auerdem ber kommende Erweiterungen und Bonus-Kapitel abstimmen! Die letzten Updates sind:Anfang August 2020: Neu aufgenommenes und erweitertes Kapitel ber die Core Web VitalsMitte Juli 2020: Kleineres Design-Update der Kursunterlagen.Anfang Juli 2020: Neues Bonus Kapitel Search Console mit Analytics verknpfenDirekter Draht zu mirHast Du fragen zu den Kursinhalten? Schreib mir deine Fragen. Ich beantworte sie gerne.Bist du bereit, SEO selbst in die Hand zu nehmen und gleichzeitig Geld fr SEO Tools zu sparen?Schreib Dich jetzt ein!"
Price: 24.99

"21. Yzyl retmen Aralarn renin" |
"Z kuann teknolojiye olan dknl bizlerin meslek hayatmzda onlara ayak uydurmamz gerektirmektedir. Artk eskisi gibi bilgiyi vermek yerine bilgiye ulamalarn, bilgiyi aktif bir ekilde kullanmalarn salamamz gerekmektedir. Tam da bu noktada 21. Yzyl retmen Aralar imdadmza yetiiyor. Gerek animasyonlu, hareketli, grsel len sunan ierikler; gerekse de onlarn aktif rol oynayarak gelitirebilecekleri almalar uygulayabileceimiz aralar bu eitimde yer alyor. En gzel taraf da bu aralara srekli yenileri eklenecek ve antamzdaki aletler artm olacak."
Price: 49.99

"Videobearbeitung in DaVinci Resolve 16" |
"Hi, mein Name ist Julian und ich bin seit mehreren Jahren Filmemacher und schneide in der Videosoftware DaVinci Resolve.KURS: Videobearbetiung in DaVinci Resolve 16Wolltet ihr schon immer eure eigenen Videos schneiden? Egal ob einfache Urlaubsvideos oder professionelle Kurzfilme, hier werdet ihr alles rund um die Videobearbeitung in DaVinci Resolve 16 lernen. Davinci Resolve ist eine kostenlose Videobearbeitungssoftware fr professionelle Videobearbeitung. Ich zeige dir Schritt fr Schritt ganz einfach, wie das Programm aufgebaut ist und wie du es benutzen kannst. Dieser Kurs ist fr Anfnger, die das Programm zum ersten Mal ffnen, aber auch fr etwas fortgeschrittenere Filmemacher, denen viele Funktionen noch unklar sind. Ich werde dir von Anfang an, Schritt fr Schritt, alles erklren. Du brauchst also kein Vorwissen. Wenn dir jedoch einige Funktionen bereits bekannt sind, dann kannst anhand der Zeitcodes, die am Anfang jedes Videos erscheinen, ganz einfach zum nchsten Thema springen. Fr wen ist dieser Kurs?Dieser Kurs richtet sich an alle, die Lust haben ihre eigenen Videos zubearbeiten und zuerstellen. Dabei ist es egal, ob es sich um ein einfaches Urlaubsvideo handelt oder um einen professionellen Kurzfilm."
Price: 59.99

"Selbstverteidigung lernen mit Sandsack Training" |
"""Die Fhigkeit, dich selbst und deine Familie zu schtzen, ist die wertvollste Fhigkeit, die du haben kannst!""In diesem Kurs lernst du alle wichtigen Selbstverteidigungstechniken und Szenarien am Sandsack. Somit kannst du alleine oder mit Partner trainieren. Du wirst deine Schlagkraft maximieren, um effektive harte Schlge ausfhren zu knnen, und somit den Aggressor kampfunfhig zu machen. Gefahrensituationen erkennen ist das eine, richtig zu handeln, ist das andere. Du lernst durch das Training deine Hemmungen fr z.B. einen Erstschlag abzubauen. Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung. Hier geht es um das richtige Mindest. Du erhltst fachkundige Anleitungsvideos fr verschiedene Situationen.Es wird der gesamte Bereich fr deinen Schutz abgedeckt.Mit diesem Kurs erhltst du mit schrittweiser Anleitung einen Modernen, fortschrittlichen Lehrplan.Dieser Kurs ist fr absolute Einsteiger, sowie fr erfahrene Kampfsportler.Du lernst keine Hollywood Techniken, die zwar cool ausschauen, aber auf der Strae unter Stress nie funktionieren werden.Du lernst keine Hebel- oder Kontrolltechniken, die fr Showeinlagen einiges hermachen. Dies ist bei einem Gegner, der sich bewegt und sich wehrt, nur unter Jahrzehnte langen Training mglich sind.Realistische Selbstverteidigung die wirklich auf der Strae funktionieren muss, hat nichts mit Show und sthetik zu tun. Die Verteidigungstechniken haben nur eine Aufgabe - SIE MSSEN FUNKTIONIEREN! Und das so leicht und effektiv wie nur mglich. Nur so haben kleiner und schwchere Menschen eine Chance.Ich freue mich, dich mit meinem Kurs zu deiner Sicherheit zu begleiten.Viel Spa beim Training!PS: Mit diesem Kurs hast du Trainingsprogramme und Trainingsmglichkeiten fr mindestens 1 Jahr Training und mehr!"
Price: 99.99

"Selbstverteidigung lernen mit Pratze - Anfnger" |
"""Die Fhigkeit, dich selbst und deine Familie zu schtzen, ist die wertvollste Fhigkeit, die du haben kannst!""In diesem Kurs lernst du alle wichtigen Selbstverteidigungstechniken und Szenarien mit deinem Partner an der Pratze.Auch werden alle Drills und Szenarien in Bewegung trainiert. Also nicht statisch, sondern alles in der Vorwrtsbewegung um Druck auf den Aggressor auszufhren. Es gibt wichtige Grundprinzipien fr eine effektive Selbstverteidigung, auf die in diesem Kurs laufend Wert gelegt wird.Kurz - Hart - Dynamisch - Effektiv! Kein Schnickschnack! Du wirst deine Schlagkraft maximieren, um effektive harte Schlge ausfhren zu knnen, und somit den Aggressor kampfunfhig zu machen. Du trainierst alles mit Widerstand auf die Pratze. Keine Schlge oder sonstige Techniken werden in die Luft ohne Widerstand geschlagen, denn das ist nicht effektiv.Gefahrensituationen erkennen ist das eine, richtig zu handeln, ist das andere. Du lernst durch das Training deine Hemmungen fr z.B. einen Erstschlag abzubauen. Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung. Hier geht es um das richtige Mindest. Du erhltst fachkundige Anleitungsvideos fr verschiedene Situationen.Es wird der gesamte Bereich fr deinen Schutz abgedeckt.Mit diesem Kurs erhltst du mit schrittweiser Anleitung einen Modernen, fortschrittlichen Lehrplan.Dieser Kurs ist fr absolute Einsteiger, sowie fr erfahrene Kampfsportler.Du lernst keine Hollywood Techniken, die zwar cool ausschauen, aber auf der Strae unter Stress nie funktionieren werden.Du lernst keine Hebel- oder Kontrolltechniken, die fr Showeinlagen einiges hermachen. Dies ist bei einem Gegner, der sich bewegt und sich wehrt, nur unter Jahrzehnte langen Training mglich sind.Realistische Selbstverteidigung die wirklich auf der Strae funktionieren muss, hat nichts mit Show und sthetik zu tun. Die Verteidigungstechniken haben nur eine Aufgabe - SIE MSSEN FUNKTIONIEREN! Und das so leicht und effektiv wie nur mglich. Nur so haben kleiner und schwchere Menschen eine Chance.Ich freue mich, dich mit meinem Kurs zu deiner Sicherheit zu begleiten.Viel Spa beim Training!"
Price: 99.99

"Azure Fundamentals - Simulado Az-900 Portugus e Ingls +300" |
"Utilize este simulado King para que possa aprender conceitos bsicos sobre a nuvem da Azure. Faa o teste, revise e veja os pontos em que precisa ainda estudar mais um pouco antes da prova, caso tenha acertos mdios em mais de 90% existem grandes de voc passar na prova. As perguntas e explicaes sobre a resposta certa esto descritas em ingls e portugus. Lembrando que no um curso completo e nem oficial, um simulado para a prova."
Price: 39.99

"How to earn with Blogging in 2020 [ LIVE Step-by-Step ]" |
"This course is designed and made for beginners who are interested in blogging and passionate about learning how to earn from blogging.The course has LIVE demonstration of deciding your blogging topic and niche, creating your own blog or website, customising the blog or website and in-depth training on getting traffic to your blog using many mediums like Facebook, Instagram, Quora, Twitter etc. You also learn the hacks that top internet marketers use to gain 100-300 followers a day on Twitter and Instagram without any investment."
Price: 19.99

"Online Kurs - ein Mandala zum Thema ""Freude"" malen" |
"In diesem Online Video Kurs zeige ich dir in Echtzeit und mit Erklrungen, wie du ein wunderschnes Mandala zum Thema Freude malen kannst. Dieser Kurs ist fr Anfnger ohne Vorkenntnisse geeignet. Schenke dir selbst eine kreative Auszeit, geniee das Spiel mit den Farben und tauche ab in die Magie der Mandalas. Ich wnsche dir ganz viel Freude dabei :-)"
Price: 19.99

"Instagram Marketing: 4 Strategies for InstaGROWTH" |
"In 2020, do you really need a course thats 24, 8, or 5 hours long? Do you really need to pay over $50 to learn the secrets of IG and crack the algorithm? Ive spent all that time, so you dont have to. From Beginner to IG Intermediate, lets cut right to whats absolutely necessary.Ill walk you through Instagram photography, images, branding, collaborations, product marketing, show you how to increase organic followers, and more. You need to use your time effectively and begin to post with confidence. When youre ready to implement these strategies, I offer my tool chest - FREE - that you can use right now!So either you want to do social media marketing for business, become an influencer, or practice digital marketing, this is your perfect starting block. This SIMPLE, FAST, and POWERFUL course will crush the old way of little results, and launch you into instagrowth. Create stories and craft posts with confidence, intention, and efficiency, right here on my 4 Strategies for Instagram Marketing.Change your social media game in less than an hour. Select Enroll Now to begin your influential journey."
Price: 19.99

"ITIL 4 Fundamentos 2 Simuladores de Examen con 40 preguntas" |
"En este apartado tendrs la oportunidad de practicar para el examen de ITIL 4 Fundamentos - Gestin de Servicios de TI. Son 40 preguntas similares a las de examen de certificacin y se aprueba con 26/40 respuestas correctas (65%).Contars con un simulador de la ltima versin de ITIL 4 en idioma espaol y al final del examen podrs revisar tus respuestas correctas e incorrectas, porcentaje de cada una de ellas y la explicacin de cada respuesta correcta."
Price: 270.00

"Learn how to avoid spammers , how to success ?" |
"Spam emails are messages randomly sent to multiple addresses by all sorts of groups, but mostly lazy advertisers and criminals who wish to lead you to phishing sites. The sites attempt to steal your personal, electronic, and financial information. Discerning what to look for in spam emails will help you avoid becoming a victim of spam. how can we avoid all of that ? "
Price: 99.99

"Matlab Simulink Simscape ile Mekanik Modelleme" |
"3 boyutlu cisimlerin Newton teoremi gereince basitletirilmesi noktasallatrlmas gerek hayatta yaplan uygulamalarda tutarsz sonulara yol amaktadr. zellikle ayrk modelleme yerine yayl modelleme gerek hayatta daha doru sonular vermekte ve 3 ana sistem dinamii parametresini (ktle, yay, damper) zamana ve boyutlara bal olarak ifade edebilemeye imkan salamaktadr.Bu derste, kat modelleme ile gereklenen mekanik tasarmlarn nasl 3 boyutlu olarak gerek zamanl olarak altrlaca ve sistemlerin noktasal deil, geree yakn bir sonularla nasl Matlab Simscape'te gereklenecei anlatlmaktadr. zellikle Makina elemanlar gibi zamana bal zmlerin zor yapld alanlarda zmlerin srekli itere edilmesi ve yenilenmesi gerekmektedir. Anlk moment ve kuvvetlerin bir mekanik tasarma nasl yansd ise zamana bal bir sistem dinamii zm olmadan mmkn olmamaktadr. te bu yzden bu dersin 2. blmnde makina elemanlarnda kullanlan basma-ekme kuvvetleri ve dnel moment/tork deerlerinin anlk olarak nasl elde edilecei anlatlmaktadr."
Price: 49.99

"Pactice Test 1Z0-931 1Z0-1072 1Z0-1085 1Z0-1067 & 1Z0-997" |
"100 % passing guarantee for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) program.(1Z0-997) Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect ProfessionalYou will learn a bunch of skills in this course like Design For Hybrid Cloud Architecture, Design For Security And Compliance, Implement And Operate Databases, Implement And Operate Solutions, Migrate On-premises Workloads To OCI and Plan And Design Solutions.Plan and design solutions in Oracle Cloud InfrastructureDesign, implement and operate databases in OCIMigrate on-premises workloads to OCIImplement and operate solutions in OCIDesign for hybrid cloud architectureDesign for Security and Compliance(1Z0-1072) - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect AssociateThis course will make you understand Cloud Architect, Cloud Computing, Cloud Security, IaaS Architect, and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. This is the best course that will fulfill your desires.Identity and Access Management (IAM)NetworkingComputeStorageDatabase(1Z0-931) Oracle Autonomous Database SpecialistThis course includes but not limited to the skills like to understand Autonomous Database Features And Workflows, Data Pump And Golden Gate), Load Data Using DBMS_CLOUD, Manage And Maintain Autonomous Database Using Rest APIs And The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Command-Line, Manage Backups And Restores, Migrate To Autonomous Database (using SQL Developer), Monitor Autonomous Database Performance, Provision And Connect To Autonomous Database Services and Reporting And Analytics Using Autonomous Data Warehouse.Autonomous Database Technical OverviewMigration and Data Loading into Autonomous DatabaseMonitoring Autonomous DatabaseProvisioning and ConnectivityManaging and Maintaining Autonomous DatabaseTools, Reporting and Analytics using Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW)(1Z0-1067) - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Operations AssociateTarget audience: Designed for professionals responsible for designing infrastructure solutions using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure servicesAutomating cloud tasksPerformance tuning and troubleshootingManaging costSecurity and complianceMonitoring and alertingData retention and archivalDesigning for cloud-scale agility Certification Details(1Z0-1085) - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations AssociateIn this course, you will get the knowledge about Core Solutions On OCI, Core OCI Services, and Cloud-Native Services. In addition, you will learn how to Explain The OCI Security Model, Compliance Structure Support, and Operations Understand Basic Cloud Concepts.Cloud ConceptsGetting Started with Oracle Cloud InfrastructureCore Oracle Cloud Infrastructure ServicesSecurity and CompliancePricing, Support and Operations"
Price: 19.99

"Python for Automating Information Security" |
"The process of finding and eradicating an attacker is time-consuming and costs a lot, which hurts your organization. You need to write tools that will help you automate your defensive and offensive security. As a penetration tester, you need to evolve quickly. When off-the-shelf tools and exploits fall short, writing your own tool will help you safeguard your data.In this course, learn how to leverage Python to perform routine tasks quickly and efficiently. You will automate log analysis and packet analysis with file operations, regular expressions, and analysis modules; interact with websites to collect intelligence; and develop TCP client and server applications for use in penetration testing. You will learn how to build automation tools for information security, and will hopefully find that these examples will help inspire you to design and build your own!By the end of this course, you will have the skills and confidence you need to automate both offensive and defensive security techniques using Python; and have developed several small security tools and one large comprehensive penetration testing tool, all of which can be used in the real world.About the AuthorThomas McNeela is an experienced information security professional and continuing-education instructor. Over his nine-year career, he has worked for several companies including Motorola Mobility and U.S. Cellular.Thomas specializes in network engineering and security, security assessments, threat intelligence, and automation. He earned a Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Information Systems from Northwestern University and holds many industry-recognized certifications including the CISSP and CEH (Master), and is currently working for information security software and services firm located in the Chicago area."
Price: 124.99

"Svelte.js 3 and Sapper Projects" |
"This course will take you through three core projects to help you build effective, reactive, and attractive apps with Svelte, demonstrating its intrinsic benefits, including less code and impressive reactivity/state management along the way.Our first project, a vCard generator app, will demonstrate the modularity and reactivity web applications you can develop with Svelte. We will build reusable and dynamic components that we will later enhance with more advanced features. Sections on animation and transitions are included to make applications look as good as they perform!Our second project will be a fully functional Kanban board application, similar to Trello. This application will also have effective state management, by making use of stores and other key Svelte features.Our final application will be based on the previous Kanban board application but making use of Sapper, the official Svelte framework. However, we will build this application with Sapper, the official Svelte framework. We will learn how to create web apps with Sapper and master its most useful features, such as routing and prefetching.We will also provide an introduction to testing Sapper applications with Cypress, and we finish the course by deploying our application in two different ways: as a static page, and as an SEO-optimized server-side rendered (SSR) application.About the AuthorGermn Men Santa Olaya is an engineer and a software developer. He loves programming and building web applications using Svelte and Sapper. These front-end tools allow him to build modern and complete web apps in a modular and approachable way. There are endless possibilities when it comes to web applications, and many frameworks and ways to approach them, but he believes that Svelte makes the process easy and scalable. That is the reason why he believes that it will become a mainstream and widely used tool for front-end web development in years to come."
Price: 124.99

"Hands-On Transfer Learning with TensorFlow 2.0" |
"Transfer learning involves using a pre-trained model on a new problem. It is currently very popular in the field of Deep Learning because it enables you to train Deep Neural Networks with comparatively little data. In Transfer learning, knowledge of an already trained Machine Learning model is applied to a different but related problem.The general idea is to use knowledge, which a model has learned from a task where a lot of labeled training data is available, in a new task where we don't have a lot of data. Instead of starting the learning process from scratch, you start from patterns that have been learned by solving a related task.In this course, learn how to implement transfer learning to solve a different set of machine learning problems by reusing pre-trained models to train other models. Hands-on examples with transfer learning will get you started, and allow you to master how and why it is extensively used in different deep learning domains.You will implement practical use cases of transfer learning in CNN and RNN such as using image classifiers, text classification, sentimental analysis, and much more. You'll be shown how to train models and how a pre-trained model is used to train similar untrained models in order to apply the transfer learning process even further. Allowing you to implement advanced use cases and learn how transfer learning is gaining momentum when it comes to solving real-world problems in deep learning.By the end of this course, you will not only be able to build machine learning models, but have mastered transferring with tf.keras, TensorFlow Hub, and TensorFlow Lite tools.About the AuthorMargaret Maynard-Reid is a Google Developer Expert (GDE) for Machine Learning, contributor to the open-source ML framework TensorFlow and an author of the official TensorFlow blog. She writes tutorials and speaks at conferences about on-device ML, deep learning, computer vision, TensorFlow, and Android.Margaret leads the Google Developer Group (GDG) Seattle and Seattle Data/Analytics/ML and is passionate about helping others get started with AI/ML. She has taught in the University of Washington Professional and Continuing Education program. For several years, she has been working with TensorFlow, and has contributed to the success of TensorFlow 2.0 by testing and organizing the Global Docs Sprint project."
Price: 124.99

"Mastering SAS Programming" |
"SAS is one of the most popular applications for data analysis and is used widely in enterprises across various sectors such as finance, and healthcare. It holds the highest job market share of all analytics tools available today. If you have a basic SAS programming background and want to get into Data Analysis by mastering SAS and taking your skills to a different level, then this is the right course for you!This course will help you become proficient in using SAS to handle data, build models, and analyze data so you can gain powerful insights quickly and easily. You will start with a quick refresher of basic SAS and then explore advanced statistical concepts (such as clustering and linear/logistic regression), decision trees, and time series analysis in-depth in SAS. You will also master SAS macros, PROC SQL procedures, and advanced SAS procedures so you can use SQL queries to manage and manipulate your data efficiently.By the end of this video, you will be an expert in SAS programming and will have taken your skills to the next level. Also, you will be able to handle and manage your data-related problems very easily in SAS and build statistical models.About the AuthorEkta Saraogi has been a computer engineer for the past 12 years. She started her career as a Java developer. One thing that has always intrigued her is the power of data to drives business outcomes by the right tools.She ventured into the field of data science to get the best out of her technical and business experience and drove and delivered cost-effective business analytics solutions for global businesses.She is now a freelancer, a corporate/online trainer, and a mentor in data science with SAS, R, and Python. She is working on various projects across different domains for global clients across the US and UK. She is also the author of the 'SAS in Practice' video course Published by Packt."
Price: 124.99

"Learning the Cisco Application-Centric Infrastructure (ACI)" |
"Automation, objects, and policies are replacing traditional networks as we know them. North-to-South or East-to-West traffic flowsdo you know the difference between the two? Don't worry if you don't: this course will remedy that! Traditional campus networks are static, and won't change much because they can't scale up. Data centers are not meant to be static.Today's Data Center architecture requirements are: scalability, geo-redundancy, security, multi-tenancy, and speed! Data center traffic flow should be highly available and predictable. As the demand for talented ACI engineers and architects is rapidly increasing, knowing the foundational aspects of SDN-based architectures and being able to implement and support them are crucial for your career development.This fast-paced course uses a whiteboard-based approach with hand written explanations. We start with an introduction to fabric data center designs, Spine and Leaf architectures, and ACI. We then start to implement them and deploy a fabric from the ground up. Then we build a multi-tenant environment.After completing this video training course, you will have gained a solid understanding of how to administer an Application Centric Infrastructure.About the AuthorRene Cardona is a Network Solutions Architect with over 8 years' experience in core data center and security infrastructure designs, architecture, consulting, and implementations. He has performed many security and data center architecture refreshes for major US corporations in the logistics, retail, healthcare, and education fields, and provided expert insights during datacenter migrations (Campus to VXLAN, ACI, and UCS environments) as well as multi-pod and multifabric architectures. Areas he is more than proficient in range from hyper-converged data center environments, VXLAN, SDN, SD-WAN, and Multi-Datacenter High Availability (MDHA) all the way to network security (firewalls, network admission control, and network security architectures).He has also performed numerous VXLAN, BGP, EVPN, and ACI deployments for major corporations in various corporate sectorsall with great success! Rene is a CCIEx2 #62050 holding two CCIE's in Data Center and Service Provider track.Rene is driven by experience. He likes to talk in layman's terms and will make sure you understand the necessary concepts. He does not teach in a bookish way; his training methodology is very straightforward. He authored the following Packt video course: Mastering Palo Alto Networks."
Price: 124.99

"Mastering Puppet 6 for Large Infrastructures -Second Edition" |
"Puppet is a configuration management system that helps you automate all your IT configurations, giving you control of what you do to each node, when you do it, and how you do it.This course will take your knowledge of Puppet to an advanced level, and covers the latest and most advanced Puppet features. You will explore advanced techniques to deal with centralized and decentralized Puppet deployments and take control of your servers and desktops. Via interesting examples, learn how to automate Puppet deployment for configuration management and to automate every aspect of your systems including provisioning, deployment, and change management. You will integrate Puppet with Jenkins and Git to build an effective workflow for multiple teams and use the new Puppet Tasks feature and the latest Puppet Orchestrator language extensions.By the end of this course, you will be confident and skilled enough to scale and troubleshoot Puppet and overcome issues faced in larger deployments with real-world examples.About the AuthorBob Hendry is a technology writer based out of Chicago. Over the past 25 years, he has written many books on software development, and has extensive experience teaching in academic and corporate environments.Bob specializes in DevOps tools and has authored dozens of courses on tools such as Puppet. He is a former columnist for the Java Developer's Journal and the New Product Editor for the Wireless Business Technology Magazine. When he is not writing or teaching, you can find him spending time with his family or attending Chicago Cubs baseball games."
Price: 124.99

"Curso COMPLETO de Microsoft EXCEL: do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"O Microsoft Excel uma das ferramentas mais utilizadas em qualquer rea do mercado. Descubra como voc pode utilizar o Excel e melhore as suas competncias executar as suas tarefas.O curso Curso COMPLETO de Microsoft EXCEL: do Bsico ao Avanado foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de proporcionar aos participantes competncias avanadas na utilizao das funcionalidades de uma planilha de clculo. Competncias que permitem criar solues profissionais na rea da gesto entre outras.Os alunos tero oportunidade de utilizar as funcionalidades bsicas e avanadas do Microsoft Excel atravs de 36 vdeo-aulas (6 horas de vdeo) e exerccios prticos que simulam situaes reais em contexto de trabalho.Contedos das Vdeo-Aulas:Folha de clculo - conceitos geraisFolha de clculo, formatao de linhas e colunasURLFunesURLFormatao de ClulasURLFunes de Lgica e Formatao Condicional Endereo Relativo e Absoluto GrficosURLPropriedades dos GrficosGrficos SparklineFunes de Data e HoraURLInserir elementos grficosURLLigar Planilhas de ClculoFacilidade SeriesFormatao como TabelaURLAplicao financeira simplesURLMltiplas folhas e proteo de documentosModelos e Proteo de DocumentosCriao de Listas Personalizadas e SriesFunes AvanadasFunes de Procura e Validao de DadosFunes de Lgica e Formatao CondicionalFormatao como tabela e frmulas com nomesFiltros automticos e avanadosOrdenao, Destaques e SubtotaisBases de dados e ferramentas de anlise de dadosTabelas DinmicasCampos e items calculadosFunes FinanceirasGesto de CenriosAtingir ObjetivoConsolidao de dadosSolverCriao de FormulriosCriao de MacrosCriao e Edio de MacrosA quem se destina o curso:Este curso destina-se a todos os que pretendam iniciar e aprofundar os seus conhecimentos em Excel. Se estudante universitrio e pretende desenvolver os seus conhecimentos no domnio avanado do Excel.Se profissional, das mais diversas reas de atividade, e pretende desenvolver as suas capacidades/conhecimentos no domnio avanado do Excel para aplicar nos problemas do dia-a-dia dentro da sua empresa."
Price: 19.99

"SCRUM Burndown Chart with Excel:Follow up of Remote Projects" |
"This course shows how the Burndown Chart of Scrum-Agile methodology indicates the following state of the assignment for the remote job team:a) Remaining Scheduled or Planned Hours.These are the ideal number of hours to accomplish the assignment in a timely manner day by day.b) Remaining Actual Hours. The ideal or planned hours are affected after the start of theexecution with delays and change controls that add new tasks. The line above the Remaining Scheduled orange line shows the delays of the assignment. These delays above the Remain Scheduled are over costs to the assignment that must be paid.c) The effective hours worked for each day. By effective weunderstand how much work we finished using the Scheduled hours. For example, for day One we have planned 8 hours. But we just accomplished 50% of the job. That means we had an effective performance of just 4 hours.Build the BurnDown Chart with Excel from the Work Breakdown Structure and the Gantt Chart."
Price: 19.99

"Business Statistics with Excel" |
"Learn business statistics through a practical course with Microsoft Excel using S&P 500 Index ETF prices historical data. It explores main concepts from basic to expert level which can help you achieve better grades, develop your academic career, apply your knowledge at work or do your business statistics research. All of this while exploring the wisdom of best academics and practitioners in the field.Become a Business Statistics Expert in this Practical Course with ExcelChart absolute frequency, relative frequency, cumulative absolute frequency and cumulative relative frequency histograms.Approximate sample mean, sample median central tendency measures and sample standard deviation, sample variance, sample mean absolute deviation dispersion measures.Estimate sample skewness, sample kurtosis frequency distribution shape measures and samples correlation, samples covariance association measures.Define normal probability distribution, standard normal probability distribution and Students t probability distribution for several degrees of freedom alternatives. Evaluate probability distribution goodness of fit through quantile-quantile plots and Jarque-Bera normality test.Approximate population mean and population proportion point estimations.Estimate population mean and population proportion confidence intervals assuming known or unknown population variance.Calculate population mean and population proportion sample sizes assuming known population variance for specific margin of error.Approximate population mean two tails, right tail and population proportion left tail statistical inference tests probability values.Estimate paired populations means two tails statistical inference test probability value.Assess population mean two tails statistical inference test power for several levels of statistical significance or confidence alternatives.Become a Business Statistics Expert and Put Your Knowledge in PracticeLearning business statistics is indispensable for data science applications in areas such as consumer analytics, finance, banking, health care, e-commerce or social media. It is also essential for academic careers in applied statistics or quantitative finance. And it is necessary for business statistics research.But as learning curve can become steep as complexity grows, this course helps by leading you step by step using S&P 500 Index ETF prices historical data for business statistics analysis to achieve greater effectiveness. Content and OverviewThis practical course contains 34 lectures and 4.5 hours of content. Its designed for all business statistics knowledge levels and a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel is useful but not required.At first, youll learn how to perform business statistics operations using built-in functions and array calculations. Next, youll learn how to do histogram calculation using Microsoft Excel Add-in.Then, youll define descriptive statistics. Next, youll define quantitative data, data population and data sample. After that, youll define absolute frequency distribution and relative frequency distribution or empirical probability. For frequency distributions, youll do frequency, density, cumulative frequency and cumulative density histograms. Later, youll define central tendency measures. For central tendency measures, youll estimate sample mean and sample median. Then, youll define dispersion measures. For dispersion measures, youll estimate sample standard deviation, sample variance and sample mean absolute deviation or sample average deviation. Next, youll define frequency distribution shape measures. For frequency distribution shape measures, youll estimate sample skewness and sample kurtosis. Then, youll define association measures. For association measures, youll estimate samples correlation and samples covariance. Next, youll define probability distributions. Then, youll define theoretical and empirical probability distributions. After that, youll define continuous random variable and continuous probability distribution. Later, youll define normal probability distribution, standard normal probability distribution and Students t probability distribution for several degrees of freedom alternatives. Then, youll define probability distribution goodness of fit testing. For probability distribution goodness of fit testing, youll do quantile-quantile plots and Jarque-Bera normality test evaluations.After that, youll define parameters estimation statistical inference. Then, youll define point estimation. For point estimation, youll do population mean and population proportion point estimations. After that, youll define confidence interval estimation. For confidence interval estimation, youll do population mean and population proportion confidence intervals estimation assuming known and unknown population variance. Later, youll define sample size estimation. For sample size estimation, youll do population mean and population proportion sample sizes estimation assuming known population variance for specific margin of error.Later, youll define parameters hypothesis testing statistical inference. Next, youll define probability value. For probability value, youll do population mean two tails and right tail tests. Also, for probability value, youll do population proportion left tail test. Additionally, for probability value, youll do paired populations means two tails test. Finally, youll define statistical power, type I error, type II error, type I error probability and type II error probability. For statistical power, youll do population mean two tails tests for several statistical significance or confidence levels."
Price: 24.99

"Advanced Video Marketing for Beginners Video Marketing Ads" |
"Are you still struggling to grab laser targeted audience and retain them forever?This is your Ultimate Chance to Get Tons of Targeted Traffic to Your Offers & Boost Sales For Your Products & ServicesNow you too can take your business to the next level with the best use ofAdvanced Video Marketing for Beginners Video Marketing AdsIncrease your brand awareness and online presenceBoost social media engagement levelBuild trust and relationship with the audienceImprove search engine rankingCost-effectively get best results.Video Marketing has become the best technique for marketers to make the most from their advertising efforts, and if not given adequate importance to, it can prove fatal for your business. Not only does it give you more opportunities to enhance your credibility, but you can easily stay on top of the minds of your targeted audience on a long-term basis.Guys, Video marketing, is the hidden key to generate tons of targeted traffic to your business & boost ROI conveniently.Let's check out some fascinating facts that will get you glued to it-85% of Internet Users in the United States Watch Online Video Content Monthly on Their Devices.87% of Marketing Professionals Use Video Marketing.Over 88% of Video Marketers are Satisfied with the ROI of their Video Marketing Efforts on Social Media.Video Marketers get 66% more Qualified Leads per Year.54% Consumers Love to See more Video Content from a Brand or a Business they Support.The Average User Spends 88% more time on a Website with a Video on it.There's no hype hereonly cold hard facts.Indeed, that's just a small piece of the immense possibilities that it holds for business owners of all shapes and sizes. Yes, benefits are getting BIGGER AND BIGGER, so the opportunity to generate tons of targeted traffic to your business & promote your offers to increase sales & profits*And you know what the best part is, now you don't need to worry about the complexities involved in mastering these techniques. I have this revolutionary blueprint that takes you by the hand and ushers you safely through the complete process fast and easy.Advanced Video Marketing for Beginners Video Marketing AdsThis step-by-step video training course will take you by the hand and teach you how to create engaging and profitable video marketing campaigns & boost leads, sales and profits.With its proper use, you can learn alternative video marketing methods that make instant money.And,MOST IMPORTANTLY,You'll discover advanced video Marketing Tips and Tricks to boost sales and profits.Well, this is proven, tried and tested method and...It works today...It will work tomorrow...It will work for months and years to come...It works for product creatorsIt works for service providersIt works for me and will work for youAnd all you need to do is to follow the exact steps mentioned in the training guide. And as they say, rest will be history."
Price: 99.99

"O Marketing da Nova Era e os Novos Meios Para Obter Leads" |
"Nesse curso voc vai conhecer como empresas fora do Brasil esto usando Marketing Digital gastando menos dinheiro e tendo melhores resultados.Voc vai conhecer uma estratgia de mdio prazo para gerar na sua empresa uma cultura de gerao interna de contedo direcionado para gerar familiaridade, autoridade e confiana do seu pblico.O resultado uma reduo drstica dos custos de aquisio de clientes, e o aumento de vendas.Cada passo-a-passo mostrado acompanhado de vrios exemplos. Independente do seu nvel de conhecimento de marketing ou marketing digital, voc poder se beneficiar dos mtodos simples e extremamente eficazes que ensinamos nesse curso."
Price: 369.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Practice Tests" |
"The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Practice Tests is intended for individuals who have the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively demonstrate an overall understanding of the AWS Cloud, independent of specific technical roles addressed by other AWS Certifications. Becoming an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner is a recommended, optional step toward achieving an Associate-level or Specialty certification.Abilities Validated by the CertificationDefine what the AWS Cloud is and the basic global infrastructureDescribe basic AWS Cloud architectural principlesDescribe the AWS Cloud value propositionDescribe key services on the AWS platform and their common use cases (for example, compute and analytics)Describe basic security and compliance aspects of the AWS platform and the shared security modelDefine the billing, account management, and pricing modelsIdentify sources of documentation or technical assistance (for example, whitepapers or support tickets)Describe basic/core characteristics of deploying and operating in the AWS CloudRecommended Knowledge and ExperienceWe recommend candidates have at least six months of experience with the AWS Cloud in any role, including technical, managerial, sales, purchasing, or financialCandidates should have a basic understanding of IT services and their uses in the AWS Cloud platform"
Price: 199.99

"Narcissistic Behaviour & Relationships: PSYCHOLOGY Cert" |
"Welcome to the course on Narcissistic Behaviour & Relationships: Psychology.If you are interested in learning about relationships and psychology, then you are in the right place. Or perhaps you are a therapist, a coach, or a person engaged in self-development and growth, who wants to learn about narcissism and NPD? Perhaps you would like to understand your own experience of being in a toxic relationship or, maybe you work with the clients that have been through toxic relationships (or still in them!) and who want to improve their life for the better?In any case, welcome to my class! My name is Elmira Strange and Im a professional researcher, instructor and motivational coach with MPhil in Counselling and Psychology. After completing this course you will have a good and clear understanding of the relationships where narcissism plays a vital role. You will understand the nature of toxic relationships, how to prevent them by spotting the Red Flags during dating, and how to set up healthy boundaries in any relationship.You will also learn about various forms of abuse, and you will understand how gaslighting, manipulation and control happen within a toxic relationship.Additionally, in this course you will learn about: the nature of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), the symptoms of healthy Vs toxic relationships, the signs of a narcissistic behaviour ('Red Flags') during datinghow to decide 'should you stay or should you go'how to improve the relationship (if you decide to stay)how to separate and 'heal' after traumatic relationship (if you decide to leave)If you (or your client) ask yourself should you continue with the existing relationship or should you leave for good, then you will get some answers in this course too.Finally, if you (or your client) remains in the relationship that is turning toxic, you will understand what is possible to do in order to resolve some issues by setting up healthy boundaries.However, if you (or your client) decide to leave the relationship, in the last section of this course you will learn how to separate from a narcissist effectively and how to heal from the experience afterwards.If you feel that this course can provide you with some important answers, then dont wait any longer. Enrol now and Ill see you in my class!"
Price: 199.99

"Music Theory Chords, Scales and the Harmonic Series" |
"This course aims to consolidate musical information about how the musical staff relates to nature through the harmonic series. Basically, as sound vibrates, the proportions of those vibrations create overtones that have been observed for many centuries, if not thousands of years. Understanding how they relate to the musical staff can deepen one's theoretical understanding of chords and scales. This is definitely the course for a musical beginner looking to learn more!"
Price: 24.99
