Controluce |
"Le immagini con livelli di esposizione molto diversi, come i controluce, presentano problematiche e caratteristiche che richiedono un trattamento speciale. Come rendere pi chiare le zone di ombra senza sovraesporre quelle pi in luce? Come ottenere colori vividi ed esaltare i dettagli in quelle pi chiare? Come regolare il colore in maniera specifica? Il video corso insegna diverse tecniche per lavorare su intervalli di luminosit specifici. Verranno mostrate soluzioni per migliorarne l'esposizione, il contrasto, rendere una scena pi efficace e d'impatto con Photoshop e Camera Raw."
Price: 104.99

"Become an Algebra Master in Less than Two hours" |
"HOW BECOME AN ALGEBRA MASTER IS SET UP TO MAKE COMPLICATED MATH EASY:This course includes video and text explanations of everything from Algebra. To help you test your understanding along the way. Become an Algebra Master is organized into the following sections:Operations and rules of polynomialsSimple equations and advanced equationsFunctions and manipulating functionsInequalities and graphing inequalitiesSystems of two equations and systems of three equationsPolynomials and factoringBinomial TheoremComplex NumbersPermutations and combinationsExponential and logarithmic functionsAND HERE'S WHAT YOU GET INSIDE OF EVERY SECTION:Videos Lectures: Watch over my shoulder as I solve problems for every single math issue youll encounter in class. We start from the beginning. I'll explain the problem setup and why I set it up that way, the steps I take and why I take them, and how to simplify the answer when you get it."
Price: 19.99

"AP Calculus (AB/BC) Prep course" |
"Basics Information about the course Masters guide to AP CalculusThis course is designed for those who are somewhat weak in calculus and trying to find a way out of the AP Calculus AB/BC exam or College Calculus One. If you are trying to become a calculus master, then this course might be a great choice for you. But if you have no clue what's going on in your math class and you are looking to pass the AP Calculus AB or BC exam in May, then just get a notebook and calculator, because I am going to give you the most easy and the best methods to do well in your exam. In this course, I will cover all topics that you need to know for the AP/BC Calculus exam. After AP Calculus AB, there are really only two major extra chapters in AP Calculus BC. By breaking down these topics, you will learn how to approach and solve different questions. My focus, similar to my course on AP Calculus AB, is on both teaching the topics and connecting them to the relevant AP style questions.This course also comes with practice tests and quizzes, these tests will test your skills on real exam like parameters and help you improve your final performance.What is covered in this course?This course will give you strong intuition and understanding of Calculus, and you will be trained to apply it in real life. It will stay in your brain for good -and believe me this is going to be a GREAT investment! Watch some free preview videos, enroll in this course, and I'll make Calculus so easy for you. And, that is a promise!These are the topics that this course covers:Single variable functionsEven-Odd properties of functionPeriodic properties of functionConcept of LimitsFirst principle of Differentiation Derivatives of miscellaneous functionsApplication of derivativesMean Value TheoremIntegration as Anti derivativeDifferent Techniques of IntegrationApplication of integrationFinding Area Under the CurveMost sections contain a small number of free preview videos for you to check out.Good luck!Who this course is for:All serious pre-College students moving into collegeStudents struggling in Calculus coursesStudent willing to develop intuition of Calculus All Science and Engineering studentsWorking Scientists and EngineersWho this course is for:Students looking to review for the AP Calculus BC examStudents seeking to expand their understanding of calculusIndependent students looking to learn calculus on their own"
Price: 29.99

"Learn Fibonacci numbers from Scratch!!" |
"Learn the mathematics behind the Fibonacci numbers, the golden ratio, and how they are related. These topics are not usually taught in a typical math curriculum, yet contain many fascinating results that are still accessible to an advanced high school student. The course culminates in an explanation of why the Fibonacci numbers appear unexpectedly in nature, such as the number of spirals in the head of a sunflower.Fibonacci numbersGolden ratioFibonacci identities and sumsBinet's Formula and its applicationFibonacci Numbers in trading"
Price: 44.99

"Success, Wealth, and Leadership 101" |
"Success is a Study, Continuous Learning. Wealth is Ideas in Your Minds. Learn all the secret to become rich until become everything your knowledge. Knowledge is NOT POWER. Knowledge is your potential power, It is your use of knowledge which gives you power.Andrew Carnegie, the great steel tycoon who was the richest man in his time and who gave his millions to help others, used to say... ""There is no use whatever in trying to help people who do not help themselves. You cannot push anyone up a ladder unless he is willing to climb himself."" You must willing to uplift yourself first.Everyone who reaches success today is lifted to success by the willing hands of those who want to help him/her succeed! You get the credits, get promoted, get richer, and become famous. Whatever You can conceived, you can accomplished it.Do you need a brilliant mind? Or a miraculous memory? Or high educational credentials?You cannot win friends and influence people who don't even notice you. Get you noticed, known and liked!Get richer quicker in direct proportion to your use of facts as springboards to lift your ideas to great heights of improvements and profitable progress. Fulfilling one or more of their basic subconscious needs. So that your personal popularity and influence will skyrocket!A real leader - not one of the many who would like to have the title and authority, but those who attract and skilfully lead multitudes of loyal ""associates"", and the success of the project is thereby assured.German philosopher, Gothe said, ""What you can do, or dream you can, BEGIN it! Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.""Two Secrets To Become RichHow to Push Yourself Up The LadderHow to Attract Favourable AttentionHow to Become Super Rich, What is Marketable SkillsHow to Make Yourself Become More UsefulWhat is The Most Profitable ProductMagic Questions to Improve Almost AnythingHow to Find Profitable IdeasHow To Get The Best RewardsHow To Propose Ideas - Golden Road to RichesHow To Get Continuous Flow if IdeasHow To Apply Idea Power to FactsHow To Create More OpportunitiesHow To Get Rich by ImperfectionHow to Become IndispensableHow to Be Rewarded with High PositionHow Would You Like You As BossHow to Persuade Others to Do What You WantHow to Get Rich by Fulfill The Eager WantsHow To Work in Harmony - Be HappyHow To Succeed in Any Type of WorkHow to Build Personal MagnetismHow You Can Be a Great LeaderAnd so many more..."
Price: 114.99

"Elementary English Level II: Complete Course" |
"This course covers the basics of the English language for beginners and false beginners.Included in the course are:- More than 500 vocabulary words- Grammar: Possessives, Adverbs, There Is/There Are- Verbs: Zero Conditional, Present Continuous, Present Simple vs. Present Continuous More than 400 multiple choice questions and various reading, writing, and listening exercises help the student practice and implement the language skills they have learned. All exercises are reviewed with correct answers and explanations."
Price: 49.99

"Data Science Grundlagen: Python, NumPy, Matplotlib & SciPy" |
"In diesen Kurs erhltst du einen berblick in die beliebtesten Module in Python fr Data Science, Deep Learning und Machine Learning. Die Module NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, Matplotlib sowie die Programmiersprache Python sind in diesen Themenbereichen nicht wegzudenken und jeder zuknftiger Data Science Experte sollte diese kennen! Hier erhltst du das alles und kannst sehen, ob das was fr dich ist!"
Price: 49.99

"Python A-Z - Lerne es schnell & einfach, inkl. Data Science!" |
"Werde ein Python Programmierer! Egal, ob Du noch nie zuvor programmiert hast, Grundlagen der Syntax kennen oder die fortgeschrittenen Features von Python lernen mchten, dieser Kurs eignet sich fr Dich! Dieser Kurs ist fr Anfnger und Wechsler aus einer anderen Programmiersprache geeignet.Dieser Kurs wird dir Python in einer praktischen Art und Weise beibringen, in dem jede Lektion sowohl einen Coding Bildschirmaufnahme und ein zustzliches Code Notebook bietet! Du erhltst lebenslangen Zugang zu ber 100 Lektionen und den passenden Notebooks zu den Lektionen!Zustzlich bietet dir dieser Kurs eine 30-tgige Geld-zurck-Garantie. Wenn du in irgendeiner Weise nicht zufrieden sein solltest, erhltst du dein Geld zurck. Und du darfst alle Notebooks als Dankeschn fr das Ausprobieren dieses Kurses behalten!Also worauf wartest du noch? Lerne Python 3 auf eine Weise, die deine Karriere voranbringt und dein Wissen erweitert, das ganze auf eine pragmatische und professionelle Art!"
Price: 124.99

"Learn and Understand Regular Expressions(Regex)" |
"Welcome to ""Learn and Understand Regular Expression(REGEX)"" course!This is a course of regular expressions(REGEX). When I start leaning regular expression I found it really difficult to understand. I think regular expression is a pain for beginners. I designed a course to help you out. If you are not understanding regular expressions(scratching your head) then just enroll this course and see how easy it is. Course Content:#1 Meta charactersLiteral characters, flag modifiers, dot metacharacter, anchors, escaping metacharacters and word boundaries#2 Character ClassesCharacter classes, negate character classes, shorthands character classes#3 RepetitionsPlus (+) quantifiers, asterisk (*) quantifiers, controlling repetitions, greediness and laziness#4 Grouping and Back ReferencingGrouping, Capturing and Back Referencing, Non Capturing Group, Alternation and Nested Alternation#5 Look Around - Look Ahead and Look BehindLook Around and Assertions, Positive Look Ahead, Negative Look Ahead, Positive Look Behind and Negative Look Behind#6 Solving real world problems with regexUsername validation, Email validation, Password validation, Coupon code validation , Date validation, Zip code validationSee you inside!"
Price: 19.99

"Java9 New Features - Learn by coding it" |
"You will get better understanding about new features introduced in Java9 and new enhancement to existing concepts. The following topics discussed in detail. Java 7 and 8 features also explained based on requirement. Hence students not familiar with old versions will be able to understand the new changes.Topics : -Private Methods in InterfacesDiamond Operator EnhancementsTry With Resources EnhancementsSafeVarargs Annotation EnhancementsFactory Methods for Creating unmodifiable CollectionsStream API EnhancementsThe Java Shell(RPEL)The Java Platform Module System(JPMS)JLINK(JAVA LINKER)Process API UpdatesHTTP/2 Client"
Price: 12800.00

"Francs: El ""Cdigo Secreto"" De La Pronunciacin En Francs" |
"Bonjour ! Tu aimerais amliorer ta prononciation en franais ?- - - - - - - - - - - - - No importa tu nivel o tu objetivo: si apenas ests empezando a aprender francs, si lo has estudiado por mucho tiempo o si simplemente quieres aprender este hermoso idioma para viajar a algn pas de habla francesa.Si quieres: Tener ms seguridad al hablar en francs.Desmitificar la pronunciacin francesa: entender cmo se lee y se pronuncia este idioma. Dejar atrs el miedo y evitar momentos vergonzosos.Que cuando te escuchen hablar te digan: Oh ! Vous parlez trs bien franais.Ahorrarte tiempo, dinero y muchos momentos de frustracin por no entender el cdigo secreto de los diferentes sonidos en francs y las combinaciones de letras que producen cada sonido.Estudiar y mejorar tu nivel de francs a tu propio ritmo y desde cualquier lugar.Aprender con una profesora francesa por tan solo una pequea fraccin de lo que normalmente pagaras por clases o cursos particulares.Ver y escuchar lecciones de video con audio grabado profesionalmente; repetir, adelantar y pausar los videos tantas veces como lo necesites.Aumentar tu vocabulario en francs con cientos de ejemplos traducidos al espaol.Entonces este curso es para ti!- - - - - - - - - - - - - El principal problema que los estudiantes de francs encuentran y que an despus de muchos aos de estudio an no dominan, no es la gramtica (que obviamente es un poco compleja). El problema #1 es la pronunciacin.A la mayora nos cuesta mucho trabajo leer correctamente en francs y decimos: Es que el espaol se lee como se escribePero tambin el francs! El problema es que no sabemos cmo leerlo. Pero no es tu culpa: En francs hay varios sonidos que simplemente no existen en espaol. An no te han enseado las frmulas secretas o el cdigo; las funciones de los acentos diacrticos, las combinaciones de letras que producen cada sonido y la diferencia entre sonidos similares que pueden cambiar completamente el significado de lo que realmente quieres decir.- - - - - - - - - - - - -Nuestro nuevo curso online: Estamos muy emocionados por poder compartirte nuestro nuevo curso de pronunciacin en francs, cuyo objetivo es ayudarte a que la pronunciacin en francs deje de ser un misterio. Despus de varios aos aprendiendo y enseando el idioma francs, hemos descubierto que aunque (como en todos los idiomas) siempre hay excepciones, existen patrones o frmulas que funcionan al menos el 90% del tiempo para saber cmo pronunciar una palabra. Un cdigo secreto que hace que el francs se lea como se escribe.Hemos organizado este ""cdigo"" de la forma ms clara y lgica posible. En este curso no solo entenders estos patrones, tambin escuchars su correcta pronunciacin en francs con audio grabado profesionalmente por Camille. No importa cuantas veces lo hayas intentado o lo ""difcil"" que sea aprender idiomas para ti, cualquier persona puede entender este ""cdigo"", ponerlo en prctica y mejorar notablemente su pronunciacin en francs con este nuevo mtodo que hemos creado para ti. - - - - - - - - - - - - -Qu ests esperando para mejorar tu pronunciacin en francs? El precio de una clase particular con Camille y con la mayora de profesores de francs profesionales es de 50 por 50 minutos. El costo de un curso de francs tradicional es de cientos o incluso miles de euros. Crees encontrar otro curso completo de pronunciacin francesa de esta calidad y por un precio tan accesible? - Un curso profesionalmente grabado, paso a paso y especialmente diseado para hispanohablantes. - Con una profesora francesa (nativa) y con un profesor que como t, no creci hablando francs y conoce tus dificultades para aprender este idioma. El material gratuito en internet (YouTube, Blogs, etc.), aunque tuviera una calidad aceptable, no sigue un sistema paso a paso como el de este curso en lnea. En lugar de pagar con dinero pagars con muchsimo tiempo perdido, estrs y confusin al no saber por donde empezar, que aprender despus y cmo poner en prctica lo que vas aprendiendo. El da de hoy puedes inscribirte a este nuevo curso online completo por tan solo un pago nico, equivalente a una pequea fraccin de lo que pagaras normalmente por aprender francs de la forma tradicional. Una vez que hayas comprado el curso, obtendrs acceso inmediato y de por vida a todo su material, no importa en dnde se venda o cuanto cueste en el futuro.- - - - - - - - - - - - -T decides: Puedes salir de esta pgina, seguir pensando que la comunicacin francesa es un misterio y continuar con problemas o miedo para darte a entender en francs. Puedes estresarte y gastar demasiado tiempo tratando de mejorar tu pronunciacin por tu cuenta con material gratuito que no sigue un sistema paso a paso. Puedes pagar cientos de euros por clases o cursos particulares. Puedes aprovechar esta increble oportunidad y tomar accin en este momento. Solo necesitas hacer una pequea inversin en tu educacin personal ahora mismo para mejorar enormemente tu nivel de francs y tu pronunciacin en el menor tiempo posible, con el ""cdigo secreto"" que nos ha tomado aos organizar y que te compartiremos paso a paso en este curso online, al cual tendrs acceso de por vida. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Y si an no ests completamente seguro o segura de que este curso sea para ti, no te preocupes. No tienes nada que perder. Estamos tan convencidos de que nuestras lecciones te ayudarn enormemente que si despus de haber tomado este curso no consideras que haya valido la pena la pequea inversin que has hecho, tienes 30 das para pedir el reembolso total de tu dinero a Udemy.As que no lo dejes para otro momento, no importa que nivel de francs tengas. Inscrbete ya y empieza a mejorar tu pronunciacin hoy mismo. bientt dans la premire leon !Camille & AlnFundadores, French Academy Online- - - - - - - - - - - - -"
Price: 179.99

"Accounting for Beginners: Bookkeeping made Easy" |
"Are you afraid of making mistakes in accounting? Well, everyone is. It took me years to properly understand the bookkeeping system and it's rules. It is very difficult to cram the rules of accounting without understanding it. hence, Here is a short course which will help you build an understanding of the bookkeeping system and it's logic. Learning always becomes easier and fun when it is with proper logic.This is a simple and basic course for the individuals who come with an Accounting background, to refresh what they have learnt in their colleges or universities. Not only that, it is also beneficial for the ones who are willing to build their career in Accounting and Finance OR would want to understand their businesses in order to improve their decision making skills.In this course you'll be learning;The cycle of AccountingWhat Debit and Credit is, and its ruleThe use of Source documents and Books of Prime entries."
Price: 99.99

tcuskystw |
Price: 2000.00

"Basic Theory of Chinese Medicine: Chapter 2" |
"Do you want to realize the mysterious Chinese medicine? Someone thinks that Chinese medicine is very difficult and unscientific.In fact, Chinese medicine is not only scientific but also effective.Even though the nouns in Chinese medicine are difficult. Dr. Kao will lead you to realize them easily.Just listen, memorize, and ask questions.Chapter 2 Yin-Yang and Five ElementsSection 1: Yin-Yang theoryIntroductionBasic Contents of yin and yang theoryApplication of Yin-Yang theory in Chinese MedicineSection 2: Five elements theoryIntroductionBasic Contents of the five elements theoryApplication of the five elements theory in Chinese MedicineSummaryAfter you finish them, you can learn about basic concept of the herbs, formulas, and diagnosis of Chinese medicine.Everyone can learn about Chinese medicine, especially medical students, TCM students, physicians, or medical doctors.Good luck!!"
Price: 19.99

"PMI Agile Certified Practitioner Practice Tests - PMBOK 6" |
"These PMI Agile Certified Practitioner Practice Exams provide you with realistic 3 full-length timed practice exams, with 360 carefully hand-crafted questions , to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the certification exam with confidence.You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 75% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money. Our practice tests have been created in accordance with the PMI-ACP certification objectives for the PMBOK Guide, Sixth Edition, and covers all 7 domains:Agile Principles and Mindset 16%Value-driven Delivery 20%Stakeholder Engagement 17%Team Performance 16%Adaptive Planning 12%Problem Detection and Resolution 10%Continuous Improvement (Product, Process, People) 9%Official Exam Details: Total Questions: 360 (120 per exam)Type of questions: Multiple choiceTime Allowed: 180 minsPassing score: 70%Average Certification Salary: $108k (payscale)This course is constantly updated to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the PMI-ACP exam, and also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!"
Price: 19.99

"Master en R para Data Science y Machine Learning" |
"Los profesionales de Data Science y Machine Learning son los perfiles tnicos con mayor sueldo actualmente.Este master est diseado para aprender desde cero, paso a paso, hasta convertirte en un experto.Todo est explicado mediante ejemplos para facilitar el aprendizajeEstos son los temas tratados en este master:Configuracin del entorno (instalacin de R y RStudio)Introduccin a R (operaciones aritmticas, variables, tipos de datos, vectores, operadores de comparacin, ayuda y documentacin)Matrices en R (operaciones aritmticas con matrices, seleccin de elementos, seleccin por filas y columnas, funcin factor)Data Frames en R (creacin de Data Frames, dataset, seleccin y ordenacin, exportar e importar datos, tratamiento de valores nulos)Listas en R (creacin y manejo de listas)Entrada y salida de datos en R (ficheros csv, ficheros excel, bases de datos)Programacin bsica de R (operadores lgicos, condicionales if else, bucle while, bucle for, funciones)Programacin avanzada de R (funciones predefinidas, funciones sobre vectores, funciones annimas, funciones matemticas, expresiones regulares, fechas y horas)Manipulacin de datos con R (manipulacin de datos con dplyr, operador pipe, limpieza de datos con tidyr)Visualizacin de datos con R (histogramas, scatterplots, barplots, boxplots, grficos de distribucin, lmites y dimensiones)Grficos interactivos con PlotlyIntroduccin a Machine LearningMachine Learning - Regresin lineal en RMachine Learning - Regresin logstica en RMachine Learning - K vecinos ms cercanos en RMachine Learning - rboles de decisin en RMachine Learning - Random Forest en RMachine Learning - Mquinas de vectores de soporte en RMachine Learning - K medias en RDeep Learning - Redes neuronales en RApntate a este curso y conviertete en un cientifico de datos!"
Price: 199.99

"xito en YouTube y Negocios en Linea Desde Casa" |
"En este curso obtendrs los conocimientos necesarios para tener un canal y negocio exitoso en YouTube, con instructores que han sobrepasado los 100,000 suscriptores y con ganancias de cientos de dlares mes tras mes durante aos. Las lecciones tienen fundamento en la honestidad y veracidad, as que si quieres hacerte millonario con YouTube, este curso no es para ti.Algunos de los temas a tratar son:La realidad de tener un canal en YouTube econmicamente sustentable.Cmo encontrar un nicho, generar ms vistas y obtener buenas ganancias residuales.Cmo crear miniaturas y banners para YouTube en Photoshop.Nuevas lecciones gratuitas mensuales para los que se suscriban este mes al cursoMuchas gracias por tu tiempo y atencin, nos vemos en el curso."
Price: 199.99

"Mastering ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC (Edition 2020)" |
"ASP.NET Core 3.X MVC, the Microsoft web development framework, includes an optimized developer experience, better performing runtime, and cross-platform support for Windows, Mac, and Linux. In this course, I introduce the basics to get you up and running with ASP.NET Core MVC, and creating your own professional quality applications. He explores setup and installation, working with the ASP.NET Core framework, and the techniques you need to manage data with Entity Framework Core, reuse code and secure your new applications with Identity. All of this is included along with industry-standard best practices such as dependency injection and the model-view-controller pattern for more modular code.Topics include:Building Web Applications E-commerce for Library Book from scratch.Building blocks of ASP.NET Core applicationsCreating a new project Responding to HTTP requestsServing static filesUnderstanding the MVC patternHandling requests with controllersRoutingRendering HTML with RazorRendering data, view markup, and view logicUsing SessionValidating form dataReading and writing from a database with Entity FrameworkImproving the user experienceSecuring your ASP.NET application with IdentityAnd on top of all these, you'll get:Download the source code"
Price: 19.99

"Konstruktives Feedback in der Lehre: Videofeedback" |
"In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir eine neue Technik, Feedback auf Texte, Bilder und hnliches zu geben: Openbox Videofeedback.Openbox bedeutet, dass die Blackbox des traditionellen Feedback-Gebens in der Lehre aufgehoben wird. Der Prozess des Feedback-Gebens wird vereinfacht, der Prozess wird zum eigentlichen Produkt. Videofeedback bezieht sich auf das Medium der Wahl: Video - mit allen seinen Vorteilen.Insgesamt wird so ein Feedback-Prozess geschaffen, der aus Lehrenden-Sicht nicht nur einfacher und weniger zeitaufwndig ist, sondern der aus Lernenden-Sicht eine groe Zahl an Vorteilen bietet - zum Beispiel eine hhere Feedbackdichte, mehr Klarheit in der Kommunikation durch kontextualisierte Informationen oder der strkere persnliche Bezug zwischen Feedback-GeberIn und Feedback-NehmerIn."
Price: 24.99

"Introduccin a MATLAB en menos de 3 horas" |
"Este curso llevar a los nuevos / principiantes en MATLAB a travs de temas bsicos en que todo programador en MATLAB debe entender. El curso cubrir lo bsico, desde la interfaz de usuario, hasta como resolver problemas matemticos sacndole provecho al poder analtico que MATLAB tiene. El curso explicar cmo realizar ciertos anlisis en MATLAB que le muestran (lnea por lnea) cmo escribir el cdigo."
Price: 44.99

"Flutter avec Mysql php Crud" |
"Une application crud flutter avec mysql et php exigence: un niveau minimum de php et mysql un niveau minimum flutter les dpendances utiliser dev_dependencies: image_picker: ^0.6.5 http: ^0.12.0 dio: ^1.0.17 Toutes vidos et codes sources, nous allons utiliser toutes les oprations ncessaires pour grer une base de donnes, c'est a dire lire, ajouter, modifier et supprimer"
Price: 24.99

"Art Photography: How to Photograph Your Art & IIlustrations" |
"By the end of the course, you will know everything you need to capture beautiful photos of your artwork for social media, your website, or general online presence. You'll learn all the basics of capturing beautiful shots of your artwork, as well as plenty of tips and tricks for how to present your art for the camera in the best way possible.Whether you want to sell more prints online, or just share stunning photos of your work on social media, this course will give you the understanding you need to up your art photography game!.Here's some of what you will learn:How to create a mini photo studio at homeHow to style your image in a way that enhances your artHow to capture beautiful flat-laysHow to present your work in a way that sellsHow to edit your images to make them popHow to create mock-ups of your art in PhotoshopPlus plenty more tips and tricksWhether you're a complete photography beginner with nothing more than a Smartphone, or a veteran photographer looking to learn a few more stylistic tips, this course has all the info you need to capture beautiful photos of artwork.Hope to see you in the course!"
Price: 99.99

"Ingls com Autonomia" |
"Como aprender ingls sozinho do zero?Este curso foi desenvolvido por Melanie e Karl, da Nebula English (@nebulaenglish), para equipar voc com todas as ferramentas necessrias para se tornar fluente em ingls de maneira independente, ou seja, sem escolas ou professores.Ateno: este curso NO um atalho para aprender ingls com menos esforo ou em menos tempo. Voc ainda ter que dedicar muitas horas e muito foco ao aprendizado de ingls, mas poder fazer isso do seu jeito e no seu tempo, se divertindo e gastando apenas uma frao do valor de um curso tradicional. Alm disso, voc vai poder usar os princpios ensinados aqui para aprender quantas outras lnguas quiser.Se voc focado, disciplinado e sabe se automotivar, este o curso ideal para voc."
Price: 39.99

"Tcnicas de estudio eficaces. Mtodo activo y visual." |
"No es mejor estudiante el que ms estudia, sino el que estudia mejor!Eso es precisamente lo que aprenders en este curso, a ser el MEJOR ESTUDIANTE, un estudiante que aprovecha al mximo su tiempo consiguiente un alto rendimiento en el estudio.Eso se consigue con aplicando un buen mtodo de estudio que se adapte a la forma en la que aprendemos.Con este curso aprenders un mtodo de estudio activo, dinmico y visual donde pondrs en prctica estrategias efectivas de aprendizaje con las que comprender los contenidos y retenerlos en tu memoria ms rpidamente.Olvdate de tus sesiones de estudio aburridas y montonas en las que la memorizacin y el aprendizaje es lento y pesado. Lo que tu cerebro necesita es actividad, aprendizaje emocional, comprensin y memorizacin rpida y eficaz.Aprende qu estrategias son las que realmente te ayudarn a aumentar tu rendimiento acadmico.Estudiar ms y mejor en menos tiempo.Mtodo de estudio activo, diseado por Pedagoga, especialista en orientacin acadmica y xito acadmico.Mtodo de estudio activo de OrientaNova.Todo lo que vas a aprender:- Subrayado prctico y visual aplicando una estrategia y cdigo.- Localizacin de ideas principales, secundarias y detalles relevantes.- Organizacin mental de ideas.- Elaboracin de esquemas.- Elaboracin de mapas conceptuales.- Elaboracin de mapas mentales.- Elaboracin de cuadros comparativos.- Elaboracin de lneas temporales.- Elaboracin de grficos de ideas.- Elaboracin de secuencias y procesos.- Tcnicas visuales y estrategias con las que potenciar tu memorizacin.Lo aprenders paso a paso y de forma sencilla con ejemplos prcticos y actividades dinmicas y sencillas.Contiene materiales de descarga.Dale un giro a tu estudio y potencia tu capacidad de aprendizaje!"
Price: 94.99

"Painting with colored pencils" |
"Painting with Colored PencilsSo you have discovered and mastered how to make lovely colored pencil drawings. You enjoy the results you get when working with this easy-to-use and readily-available medium. Its amazing, isnt it, how much expression, personality, beauty and details you can put into coloring. Its a wonderful thing to WOW people with impressive coloring pages and colored pencil drawings.But did you know that you can EVOLVE your pencil coloring into a GREAT-LOOKING-PAINTING without ever touching paint at all?! The techniques I discovered to make this happen, are such great fun and the results are truly awesome!My name is Benjamin Aeilkema and Im an Illustrator and Artist from The Netherlands. I love creating Artworks with all kinds of materials. Besides creating art, I love to help others in unlocking and growing in their own potential of making art. I love to discover and release special designed techniques that will make this journey of exploring and discovering accessible, doable and affordable for all.When I think about painting with Colored Pencils the words that immediately come to mind are: Such great fun, super relaxing, amazing transformation.In this Art Class you will discover the different ways of how to EVOLVE your COLORING into a PAINTERISH artwork. When looking at my painted-colored-pencil-work people have been completely convinced that is was a pastel painting or an oil painting. They could hardly believe this result was achieved with colored pencils.If you want to discover how you can do this with YOUR own coloring, then this Art Class will absolutely be a blast for you!Enjoy this specially designed Painting with Colored Pencils Method that will evolve your works into something beyond coloringDiscover these easy-to-master, special techniques I created for youWell work on a number of projects with various materials like: alcohol, white spirit, baby-oil and moreGain understanding of only the necessary theory with very plain and understandable step-by-step video lessonsDirectly apply your newly gained insights to fun assignments this course will walk you throughBecome confident in knowing how to apply your newly acquired skills and gained understanding to your very own colored pencils worksGain a whole new perspective on the way you color!Enrolling in this Art Class will give you 6 video lessons with clear instructions and examples and fun projects. In these videos, I will be sharing my painting with colored pencils secrets with you. You will greatly benefit from my decades long experience as an instructor and teacher.My easy to follow teaching method will help you to understand exactly how to get from point A to point B. The in-depth demos will give you the insight needed on how to apply the discoveries.The skill level advancing assignments are all truly focused on helping you grow. Theyre fun to do, allowing you to keep on discovering new potentials.There's more......Additional PDF: Great Time Savers in PDF formatTo help you save time, Im providing you with Templates. These templates quickly get you going, without the need of having to redraw the assignments in the videos. Just print out the template you need and youre set. This helps you to stay focused on the lesson, rather than being slowed down by extra work.Dont have access to a printer? Dont worry, if youre familiar with the grid method, you can use this to draw the projects yourself. A version of the all the projects with grid is included in the pdfs.Once youve completed an assignment, theres no need to re-watch the video lesson. Instead, all of the answers are in a handy booklet. Just find the lesson youre on and compare your work to the finished assignment in the book. Again, this will save you time and allow you to keep on going.Additional demos: Join me at workWouldn't it be great to see me at work, rather than only seeing me teach? Now you can. With these 3 additional videos you get to join me at work. While working I've filmed 3 projects from start to finish. Once you have gone through the complete Art Class, you can see how I actually use the techniques I teach. Even better, join me in recreating these projects yourself, using all that you've discovered.Enroll now to start having fun with Painting with Colored Pencils. See you inside."
Price: 19.99

"Google Adwords Fundamentals Exam 2020" |
"Description Want to get more visibility from recruiters and hiring managers? Become a Google AdWords certified professional, and start promoting YOURSELF, Now.About the Google AdWords Certification The Google AdWords certification is a professional accreditation that Google offers to individuals who demonstrate proficiency in basic and advanced aspects of AdWords. An AdWords certification allows individuals to demonstrate that Google recognizes them as an expert in online advertising.The exam is currently being offered for FREE. Take it before Google puts a price on it.It can be taken from anywhere, whether at home or workplace. You just need an internet connection and a computer.To obtain AdWords certificate, you will have to take two exams and not just one. For being fully certified, you will have to pass the AdWords Fundamentals exam along with one of the additional exams. Additional Exams include:Display AdvertisingSearch AdvertisingMobile AdvertisingVideo AdvertisingThis course gives you the practice tests for ""AdWords Fundamental Exam"" & ""AdWords Display Advertising Exam"". On passing these two exams, you will earn the ""AdWords Display Certification"" by Google (See course image)For other Additional exams, checkout my other courses on Udemy.Is the AdWords certification worth it?The AdWords Certification will not only help you stand out from the crowd, it'll also show that you have what it takes to succeed.Being certified means being tested, which adds more trust and credibility to your profile. This helps you get more visibility to recruiters and hiring managers.It can help you with new opportunities and higher salaries as well as help you retain your current job, which also is very important these days.A certification can help fulfill both professional and personal goals, which is satisfying and rewarding in it's own sense.By passing the exams, you get added to Google's database of certified individuals.You may have the required skills, but, by having the certification, you get accredited by none other than Google, which definitely would prove valuable in one way or the other. What you get from this course?127 practice questions ( 2 Tests) for AdWords Fundamental Exam144 practice questions (2 Tests) for AdWords Display Advertising Exam Why take this course?The questions in the practice tests always stay current. We ensure this by taking the Official AdWords certifications ourselves, every 10 days and prepare/update questions for practice accordingly. These questions will help you score at least 90% on the main exam. Many have managed to get 100%.Guaranteed passing the exam in the first attempt.You don't need to be an expert on AdWords to pass the certification exam. Neither do you need to setup any AdWords account. The process of taking the exam is real simple. Just take the practice tests a couple of times, then go ahead and appear for the Google AdWords certifications, and pass it. You're done! Who this course is for: Anyone who wants to get accredited on the world's most powerful and popular advertising platformStudents aspiring to become Digital MarketersDigital Marketing professionals looking to add more credibility to their profilesBusiness owners and Entrepreneurs"
Price: 3200.00

"ISTQB Advanced Test Automation Engineering (CTAL-TAE) Q&A" |
"The Advanced Level Test Automation Engineer qualification is aimed at people who have already achieved an advanced point in their careers in software testing and wish to develop further their expertise in automation testing. The Q&A offered at the Advanced Level cover a wide range of testing topics from the syllabus.What do you learn from this Q&A Udemy Practice Tests?40 Repeated Questions Sourced From Recent Test Takers in 202020 Selective Questions Answered from Model Paper20 Important Questions Answered from Selective ChaptersNote-Professional Online Training for Test Automation Engineering (ISTQB Advanced) can be found in Udemy with following titles:English Version:ISTQB Advanced Level Test Automation Engineering TrainingSpanish Version:ISTQB ADVANCED LEVEL INGENIERO DE AUTOMATIZACIN DE PRUEBAVersion History:Version 2.0 June 07,2020 Q&A Justifications added,Answers updated (based on recent test takers), republished the course.Version 1.2 March, 2020 Q&A unpublished to make changes to questionsVersion 1.1 Feb 28,2020 Question 2 and 7 updatedVersion 1.0 Initial Q&A ReleasedWhat are the entry criteria?To get the Advanced Level certification, candidates must hold the Foundation Certificate and have sufficient practical experience.Important Note: Completing this Practice Tests in Udemy will not give accreditation of ISTQB Advanced Level hence this training has been made purposefully to help candidates prepare for the online examination; Candidate has to book exam online at ISQI website and pass the exam in order to get the official certification.Reviews (for ISTQB CTFL course of Trainer):""A very must course for the QA engineer. It covers the topics that come in ISTQB paper. Go for it.""""Awesome materials and sessions to listen to them. It really helps with my foundation level examination. Thank you Narayana Palani. I will definitely suggest to my fellow members.""""Thank you for this course! It's well structured and contains very useful information for my certification preparation.""""I've been in the QA industry for 7 years and this course is teaching me things I didn't know. It makes sense, straight forward and gets to the point. the instructor is knowledgable and clearly a professional. I'm learning so much. Looking forward to completing the course and taking the big test!""""This course has given me value addition in my learning phase of ISTQB. One amazing trainer with detailed explanations to each and every topic. Abundant questions and in depth coverage of the syllabus.Many Thanks! :)""""It'a good course for going to certification""""Very good content and briefly explained the all test techniques in simple way, easy to understand. Course content might be very good but what is the use if you have to wait forever and ever for videos to stream. I always come up with lot of interest to learn in Udemy course which is posted by Narayanan.""""An extremely helpful and informative course. The course is nicely designed keeping focus on entire ISTQB Foundation Course 2018 syllabus, it's contents are very well organised. All lectures are very clear, the instructor have good hold on the respective topics and explains the concepts nicely in understandable manner. Every section has relevant assignments and resources, which are extremely helpful. Instructor is very professional and pleasant to learn from. The videos used are of high quality, in terms of video and audio quality. I would strongly recommend this course..!!""Syllabus:Refer to ISTQB TAE official website to extract the latest syllabus documentsDISCLAIMER:YOUR USE OF UDEMY.COM (THE SITE),THIS COURSE (THE ""COURSE"") AND ANY AND ALL OTHER CONTENT, INFORMATION, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED ON OR PROVIDED BY OR THROUGH THE SITE OR OTHERWISE BY NARAYANAN PALANI (""INSTRUCTOR"") , IS VOLUNTARY AND SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY. INSTRUCTOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY INCORRECT ANSWERS, PARTIAL MATERIALS, OR ANY KIND OF PROBLEMS THAT MAY RESULT OR ARISE FROM YOUR USE OF THE SITE AND COURSE, ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM THE SITE, AND/OR ANY OTHER CONTENT, INFORMATION, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OFFERED OR PROVIDED BY OR THROUGH INSTRUCTOR, INCLUDING, VIDEOS,QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS,ASSIGNMENTS,PRACTICE TESTS,CAPTIONS,DOCUMENTS,POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS (COLLECTIVELY, THE CONTENT). International Software Testing Qualifications Board"
Price: 199.99

"HACKING THIQUE CERTIFICATION 24H d'un Hacker en srie" |
"Pour battre un hacker, il faut penser comme un hacker. La rfrence depuis 2019 & MEILLEUR VENTE DEPUIS 2 ANS Cours jour + Accs vie + Des nouvelles vidos rgulirement : Dernire mise jour le 24/09/2020 SATISFAIT OU REMBOURS durant 30 jours !Le hacking thique semble tre une carrire prometteuse pour les annes venir. Cybersecurity Ventures prvoit que les dpenses mondiales en scurit informatique vont dpasser le trillion de dollars entre 2017 et 2021. Une telle croissance inclura sans aucun doute des investissements en hackers thiques, qui bnficient dj dun salaire moyen suprieur 70 000 $ par an.les hackers thiques sont des profils de plus en plus recherchs car prcieux pour les entreprises qui les emploient. Si toi aussi tu te sens une me de Mr Robot, sans vouloir basculer du ct obscur de la force, dcouvre vite ce mtier.Sil y a un moment pour se mettre au hacking thique, cest maintenant. Vous tes prt vous y mettre ? Voici une formation pour dbutant o vous pouvez acqurir les connaissances et certifications ncessaires pour commencer votre carrire de hacker thique.1 Les conditions de travailLes hackers thiques sont souvent employs par des grosses entreprises dans des industries de pointe ou par des socits de services informatiques. Frus d'informatique, ils ne comptent pas leurs heures pour trouver et rsoudre des failles dcouvertes dans les systmes d'information.2 Comment devenir hacker thique ?Le mtier d'hacker thique n'est pas encore vraiment reconnu en tant que tel dans les entreprises, mme si cela tend changer. Des diplmes ddis ce poste existent ainsi que des certifications, mais la plupart des professionnels ont suivi des formation en ligne.3 Le salaire dun hacker thiqueExpert en scurit informatique et rseaux, un hacker thique peut prtendre une rmunration comprise entre 6.000 et 7.500 euros bruts mensuels selon son exprience. Beaucoup d'entre eux sont galement de plus en plus rmunrs sous forme de rcompenses la rsolution d'un bug grce aux plateformes de bug bounty.4 Les perspectives dvolution dun hacker thiqueAux tats-Unis, il n'est pas rare que des hackers autodidactes estampills white hat et rsolvant des bugs via des plateformes de bug bounty soient par la suite embauchs par les entreprises victimes de ces bugs (Google, Facebook...). En France, les hackers thiques sont souvent, la base, des experts en systmes d'information ou des experts scurit et rseaux, forms par la suite en cybercriminalit. Il s'agit plus d'une volution de poste que d'un vritable changement de fonction.5 Entreprises qui emploient des hackers thiquesindustrie ;socits de services informatiques ;administrations ;banques ;socits du numrique. la fin de ce cours, si vous le suivez en entier et russissez l'ensemble des quizz : obtenez votre certification lectronique insrer dans votre CV et profil LinkedIn."
Price: 199.99

"Customer Experience Certification Workshop" |
"Customer Experience is fast becoming the industry standard in marketing, and HR (employee experience). Many companies have set up departments within their organisations to focus on Customer Experience. Companies have even set up Director and VP level positions for Customer Experience. Unfortunately there aren't too many people who have much knowledge on Customer Experience. Consequently the demand for people with customer experience knowledge (and certification) is very high.I have been delivering this workshop to clients all over the world for over a decade now. This workshop will take you from learning the basics of Customer Experience, all the way to advanced topics within Customer Experience. Normally charged at $2000 for a workshop, this course is being offered on Udemy at a discounted price! The videos in the workshop are actually edited recordings from actual workshops that I've delivered. That means you will get the same value, as someone who attended the live version of the workshop. What will you learn from this workshop:What is customer experience (CX) and how to apply it to your organisation What is customer experience management (CEM) and how to adopt it to your organisationLearn about customer journey mapping, Develop a customer journey map (using our template)What it takes to get customers to love your brand (customer loyalty) and how CX fits into itWhat you need to pass the CCXP (Certified Customer Experience Practitioner) certificationWho is this for:Anyone looking to improve their career within marketing and HRPeople working in the customer services domain, looking to get advanced knowledgeAnyone interested in getting CCXP certification for career change / progressionThose who are interested in improving the business performance of their organisationsManagers, business owners, startups, looking to create USPs for their businessWhat's on offerSame value as a $2000 workshop delivered in personCustomer Experience tools which you can useCustomer Journey Mapping toolkit (just download and use)Taught by one of the pioneering experts within customer experienceKnowledge to get CCXP certificationTaught based on personal experience and the latest market researchBecome an Alumni of the Institute of Customer Management (UK)Certificate of completion from the Institute of Customer ManagementWho teaches thisPhD in Marketing from one of the leading universities in the UKMBA, with over 20 years of experience in customer servicesLondon based consultant and trainer, who has worked all across the globe with all types and sizes of companiesAuthor of 3 books on customer experienceOne of the leading customer experience and customer loyalty experts in the worldFormer Director of an MBA programme at a leading London UniversityFormer professor at leading universities in the world (including Harvard and Bradford)Former VP of a leading consultancy company in London"
Price: 199.99

".Net Core Asenkron- Multithread Programlama (TASK,TPL,PLINQ)" |
"Bu kursumda TASK, TPL ve PLINQ teknolojilerin gcn kullanarak asenkron ve multi-thread kodlar yazabileceksiniz.Bu Kurs aadaki konular iermektedir.Task nedir ?Async-Await nedir ?ContinueWith methodu ne ie yarar ?Task.WhenAll methodu ne ie yarar ?Task.WhenAny methodu ne ie yarar ?Task.WaitAll methodu ne ie yarar ?Task.WaitAny methodu ne ie yarar ?Task.Delay methodu ne ie yarar ?Task.Run methodu ne ie yarar ?Task.StartNew methodu ne ie yarar ?Task.FromResult methodu ne ie yarar ?Cancellation Token nedir ?Task instance Property'ler nelerdir ? ne ie yararlar ?ValueTask nedir ?Task ak nasl gerekleir ?Task Parallel Library(TPL) nedir ?Race Condition nedir ?Parallel.Foreach nedir ? nasl kullanlr ?Parallel.For nedir ? nasl kullanlr ?Parallel.For/ForEach Thread-Local Variables nedir ? nasl kullanlr ?Parallel.For/ForEach CancellationToken nedir ? nasl kullanlr ?PLINQ(Parallel Language-Integrated Query) nedir ?Array.AsParallel methodu ne ie yarar ?Array.AsParallel.ForAll methodu ne ie yarar ?Entity zerinde PLINQ sorgusu nasl yazlr ?"
Price: 149.99

"Robotic Process Automation (RPA) - Automation Anywhere v11" |
"Robotic Process Automation(RPA) is a new disruptive technology that is sweeping across every industry around the world. RPA will dramatically shift the way people work in the same way mobile phones have changed industries and society. One of the hottest skills emerging is the ability to build software robots to automate business processes. This course teaches you the fundamentals of RPAdevelopment using Automation Anywhere to solve real world business problems."
Price: 49.99
