marketing-advanced |
"() "" ()""! , . :1.1. 1.2. , 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. SMM 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.9. UTM 3.1. TAG MANAGER3.2. GOOGLE ADWORDS3.3. GOOGLE3.4. SENDPULSE3.5. SENDPULSE3.6. - FACEBOOK MESSENGER SENDPULSE "" ( )"" : SMM Social Media Marketing UTM TAG Google Adwords Google SendPuls Facebook Messenger SendPuls"
Price: 99.99

"Vintage Classics De Havilland DH.98 Mosquito. X plane 11" |
"You will need twin engine controllers. 2 throttles, 2 mixture controls and 2 propeller pitch controls. Superb aircraft to fly in VR.If you want to learn to fly on a basic level you are on the wrong page.What a fantastic bird to fly. Follow me around the world.The object of this course is to feel what it was like to fly such a legend of an aircraft. We will be going through all the sort of things the Mosquito crews would have done and get ourselves familiar with handling and take off/landings at different weights. Then we will do low level navigation cross country to other airports and practice flying and landing on one engine.The de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito is a British twin-engined, shoulder-winged multirole combat aircraft, introduced during the Second World War. Unusual in that its frame is constructed mostly of wood, it was nicknamed the ""Wooden Wonder"", or ""Mossie"". Lord Beaverbrook, Minister of Aircraft Production, nicknamed it ""Freeman's Folly"", alluding to Air Chief Marshal Sir Wilfrid Freeman, who defended Geoffrey de Havilland and his design concept against orders to scrap the project. In 1941, it was one of the fastest operational aircraft in the world.Originally conceived as an unarmed fast bomber, the Mosquito's use evolved during the war into many roles, including low- to medium-altitude daytime tactical bomber, high-altitude night bomber, pathfinder, day or night fighter, fighter-bomber, intruder, maritime strike, and photo-reconnaissance aircraft. It was also used by the British Overseas Airways Corporation as a fast transport to carry small, high-value cargo to and from neutral countries through enemy-controlled airspace. The crew of two, pilot and navigator, sat side by side. A single passenger could ride in the aircraft's bomb bay when necessary.The Mosquito FBVI was often flown in special raids, such as Operation Jericho an attack on Amiens Prison in early 1944, and precision attacks against military intelligence, security, and police facilities (such as Gestapo headquarters). On 30 January 1943, the 10th anniversary of the Nazis' seizure of power, a morning Mosquito attack knocked out the main Berlin broadcasting station while Hermann Gring was speaking, putting his speech off the air.The Mosquito flew with the Royal Air Force (RAF) and other air forces in the European, Mediterranean and Italian theatres. The Mosquito was also operated by the RAF in the Southeast Asian theatre and by the Royal Australian Air Force based in the Halmaheras and Borneo during the Pacific War. During the 1950s, the RAF replaced the Mosquito with the jet-powered English Electric Canberra."
Price: 19.99

"Investissement Immobilier : Guide Crdit Bancaire de A Z." |
"Cette formation est un Systme complet en 3+1 tapes pour :Crer une Vraie Bonne Affaire Immobilire et Obtenir facilement Votre Prt bancaire pour le financer un investissement immobilier.Avec ou sans Apport personnel,En peine une demie journe de prparation et un quart d'heure de prsentation chez le banquier,... mme si vous dtestez la paperasse !Le levier immobilier sur lequel s'appuie les investisseurs immobiliers est d'acheter un bien immobilier avec l'argent emprunt la banque et ensuite c'est le locataire qui rembourse les mensualits avec les loyers.On voit bien que s'il n'y a pas le financement de la banque le systme ne tient pas. Vous nirez pas bien loin.Donc la partie vraiment centrale d'un investissement immobilier qui va vous enrichir, est de pouvoir obtenir rapidement le credit bancaire.En ralit, il faut bien plus que simplement obtenir un crdit ... lisez bien la suite.Ce qui fera vraiment la diffrence entre un multi-investisseur ou un investisseur en srie (j'adore ce terme au passage) et les autres, c'est que, pour pouvoir multiplier les oprations, il faut tre capable de d'obtenir le Oui du banquier avec le minimum de temps de prparation, en un seul rendez-vous chez un banquier.Je vais vous donner une technique qui risque de changer votre vie si vous tes intress par l'investissement immobilier. C'est une technique toute simple qui tient en 3 tapes toutes simples pour tre sr d'obtenir un crdit bancaire en peine un quart d'heure de prsentation chez le banquier. Les 5 paramtres qu'il faut calculer et valider systmatiquement sont :- Le prix d'achat versus prix du march, il faut toujours tre en dessous du march. Pour la raison toute simpleque si jamais les choses ne venaient pas tourner comme vous l'avez pens, que vous soyez capable de revendre rapidementen sauvant la mise.- Votre Taux d'endettement aprs l'opration, car il faut surveiller d'tre toujours en dessous de 33% pour trecapable de faire un prochain investissement, sinon vous serez bloqu et votre carrire d'investisseur immobilier s'arrtera , ce quiserait juste dommage.- La rentabilit de l'opration, qui doit tre la plus lev. Et pour a, dans la formation, je vous donne les diffrentes stratgies que vous pouvez utiliserpour augmenter significativement votre rentabilit.- Le TRI ( Taux de Rendement Interne) de votre apport personnel, c'est tout simplement le taux dintrt de l'argentque vous avec mis dans l'opration. Vous comprendrez alors pourquoi il est prfrable d'investir avec le moins d'apport possible.- Le Cash Flow que vous dgagez sur l'opration. Bien videment le but ultime est que ds la fin de l'opration.Tous les mois vous recevez un cash flow, l'argent dans votre compte en banque. Il faut calculera avant d'aller la banque. Si ce n'est pas intressant, ce n'est pas la peine. En combinant la mthode rationnelle du courtier avec les secrets de l'ancien marchand de bien, j'ai conu un systme efficace qui permet non seulement de Slectionner une Bonne Affaire immobilire, mais aussi d'Obtenir son financement coup sr par la banque.Et puis comme je suis ingnieur de formation, j'ai cr un logiciel simple d'utilisation, puisque c'est sur Excel.Ce logiciel que j'ai appel ""RADAR Immo"", permet de calculer automatiquement les 5 paramtres cls instantanment et vous permet alors de valider immdiatement votre projet avant mme de prendre rendez vous avec le banquier afin d'obtenir le prt.Le systme tient donc finalement en 3 + 1 tapes toutes simples. La mise en place vous prendra une demi-journe au maximum pour rassembler tout ce qu'il faut.Premirement, commencer par calculer et valider les 5 paramtres cls d'un projet d'investissement en utilisant le RADAR immobilier, qui calcule instantanment ces paramtres et vous indique si le projet est intressant ou pas. En plus vous avez mme une reprsentation graphique pour dcider en un coup dil.Deuximement, prendre des documents bien spcifiques que vous allez mettre dans votre classeur pour ramener chez le banquier afin d' tayer votre dossier pour que le banquier dcide sance tenante aprs avoir rentr les chiffres de votre projet dans le logiciel interne la banque. Je vous donne la liste dans la formation, vous n'avez plus qu' les rassembler. Donc avec a, vous tes sur de ne pas faire plusieurs rendez-vous parce-que vous avez oubli tel ou tel document. Vous gagnerez donc du temps!Enfin, troisimement, bien prparer et ficeler votre prsentation que vous allez faire chez le banquier, pour lui vendre votre projet sans ambigut.Il devrait au terme de votre prsentation en moins d'un quart d'heure vous donner un accord verbale ferme, parce-que vous l'avez convaincu.J'ai conu un fichier Excel en 4 parties, chacune correspondant :Votre Situation Personnelle,Votre Situation Professionnelle,la Description de votre Projetet enfin Votre patrimoine:Vous devez tout simplement remplir ce fichier qui vous servira de support votre prsentation chez le banquier.Et une fois chez le banquier, vous n'aurez plus qu' lire ce document et cela vous prendra moins dun quart dheure pour lui dire exactement ce qu'il a besoin de connatre sur votre projet.Cest comme cela que vous deviendrez un investisseur en srie, pour vivre de vos rentes immobilires.Du coup, vous Deviendrez votre tour un initi et prenez les meilleures dcisions la manire des riches familles rentiresCette formation est faite pour ceux qui dtestent l'administratif mais qui souhaitent quand mme investir dans l'immobilier sans trop se prendre la tte.Je l'ai mise au prix le plus bas possible, juste pour rembourser les frais techniques de mise en ligne parce que je sais que a va aidertellement tellement des gens qui veulent se lancer dans l'investissement immobilier, peut tre comme vous, mais ils sont coincs dans la case Banque.Qui est tout simplement le point le plus sensible de tout le processus d'investissement. Car comme je l'ai dit, rien n'est possible si vous n'avez pas l'accord de la banque.A trs vite de l'autre ct pour commencer travailler sur votre dossier et le systme qui ferra de vous un investisseur immobilier en Srie.Car vous garderez cette dmarche toute votre carrire et c'est en rptant les oprations plusieurs fois avec ce systme, que vous deviendrez un rentier de l'immobilier."
Price: 29.99

"Disorders and Animal Cell Culture MCQ Practice (Bio Tech)" |
"A disorder is a functional abnormality or disturbance. Medical disorders can be categorized into mental disorders, physical disorders, genetic disorders, emotional and behavioral disorders, and functional disorders. The term disorder is often considered more value-neutral and less stigmatizing than the terms disease or illness, and therefore is preferred terminology in some circumstances. In mental health, the term mental disorder is used as a way of acknowledging the complex interaction of biological, social, and psychological factors in psychiatric conditions; however, the term disorder is also used in many other areas of medicine, primarily to identify physical disorders that are not caused by infectious organisms, such as metabolic disordersCell culture refers to the process by which cells are grown in a controlled artificial environment. Cells can be maintained in vitro outside of their original body by this process which is quite simple compared to organ and tissue cultureIn a cell culture technique, cells are removed from an animal or a plant and grown subsequently in a favorable environment. For animal cell culture the cells are taken from the organ of an experimental animal. The cells may be removed directly or by mechanical or enzymatic action. The cells can also be obtained by previously made cell line or cell strain. Examples of cells used to culture are fibroblast, lymphocytes, cells from cardiac and skeletal tissues, cells from liver, breast, skin, and kidney and different types of tumor cellsThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Disorders, Animal Cell Culture and Regulation.Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 44 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side"
Price: 19.99

"Parenting Kids (Part I) - The First 12 Months" |
"When a baby arrives, the whole world changes. A new human being , full of promise, has come into your life. The challenges may seem daunting in the early days and weeks, but the rewards will more than compensate as you watch your baby grow, learn, and transform from the helpless infant in your arms to the bright, curious dynamo he will be by his first birthday.You will be your babys first and most influential model of social behavior and respect for others. You are the center of his universe, and the bonds of love and trust you forge this year will be the underpinnings for his future learning. By loving and respecting your baby and treating others with respect, kindness and consideration, you will set standards for your child to emulate and eventually adopt as his own.Children are never quite what we expect! They develop on their own schedules and fill everyones days with surprises. During his first year, you will come to know your babys temperament and to appreciate his individuality. The parent-child relationship is complex, and as in all relationships, mistakes will be made. But as long as you love and cherish your baby, respond to his physical needs, and guard his safety, there is little you can do to impede his natural development at this stage, So relax, and trust and care for yourself as well as your baby.Parenting Kids is an awesome responsibility, but the pleasures of rearing a child are sublime. You and your child are beginning a great adventure together. In this first year, you will be marking the pathway that will lead him through childhood and adolescence, and into the world as a responsible, respectful, courteous, and socially assured adult.Enjoy the journey!"
Price: 29.99

"Java bsico entrega 1" |
"Este es el primero de una serie de cursos que te ayudaran a convertirte en un desarrollador Java, y como toda historia tiene un inicio y debe de empezar de alguna manera este es el curso diseado para ir de lleno en lo importante del lenguaje sin dar tantas vueltas, este curso te lleva directo al grano y te va ayudando a descubrir poco a poco el mundo del desarrollo de software."
Price: 270.00

"70-740 - Installation, Storage & Compute with Windows Server" |
"Welcome to the Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016 70-740: Practice Test.Are you ready to pass the Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) 70-740 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016 exam? Find out by testing yourself with this new offering on Udemy. Each of the practice tests in this set provides an entire exams worth of questions, enabling you to confirm your mastery of the topics and providing you with the confidence youll need to take your MCSA 70-740 exam.Microsoft 70-740: Identity with Windows Server 2016 is the last part of the three exams that you need to pass in order to earn the prestigious MCSA. In this practice test set, well cover all the topics included in Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) 70-740 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016 exam objectives such as:Installing Windows Server 2016Configuring Storage and File SystemsImplementing Virtualization with Hyper-VImplementing High AvailabilityServer Monitoring and BackupMake sure you are ready to pass the MCSA 70-740 exam by using these practice tests, written to mimic the kinds of questions you will see on the Microsoft exam."
Price: 19.99

"NLP'nin Hipnoz Trans" |
"NLP Hipnozu ile trans desteini renip Bilindnn gcn kefedip, hipnoz ile bilindnn srlarn reneceksiniz. NLP nin gc ile Hipnozun bilinalt farkndal ve stne stelik transn nrolojik aamalarn birlikte kullanmay reneceiz. Bunun sayesinde hayatmz da NLP, Hipnoz ve Trans birlikteliinin gcn greceiz. Detaylarn fark edip renebileceiz. Burada ki asl ama Bilindnn gc ile neler yapabileceimiz grmek ve NLP detaylarn reneceiz."
Price: 49.99

"Python For Blender: Artist Friendly Programming" |
"This course will take you from your very first line of Python code to creating advanced Addons with all that fluidity we expect of a professional. This is a detailed, Artist-friendly guide to understanding and using Blenders Python API. We will start with how a programming language works, what are different programming languages available, and when to use what. Then we will dive deeper into Python programming and start using it in Blender.In the latter part, I'll introduce you to Blender's API and we will create some simple tools in Blender to understand how blender works internally. When you're done with this course, you'll be able to write software for yourself, your team, or even your studio, making you the fastest artist around and invaluable to your employers.Looking forward to seeing you on the course!Cheers!!"
Price: 39.99

"Git e Github Essencial para o Desenvolvedor" |
"Aprenda a trabalhar em projetos de software utilizando a ferramenta de controle de verso de cdigo mais utilizada no mundo: o GitAlm de aprender do bsico ao avanado, voc ainda vai aprender a criar um portflio de projetos no Github e aprenderos principais fluxos de trabalho com o git.Neste curso de forma simples, direta e sem enrolao, a Geek University apresenta para voc uma das ferramentas maisessenciais para quem trabalha com desenvolvimento de sistemas.Voc ir aprender:- Introduo ao controle de versionamento de cdigo;- Introduo ao Git;- Instalao e configurao no Windows, Linux e Mac;- Criao de conta no Github;- Comandos bsicos e essenciais do git;- Comandos avanados do git;- Repositrios locais e remotos;- Colaborao em projetos;- Criao de branches e merges;- Resoluo de conflitos;- Usando o Git direto no seu Visual Studio Code;- E muito mais!D um passo a mais na sua jornada de desenvolvedor!Evolua seu lado geek!"
Price: 109.99

"Part 6 FAA Private Pilot Ground School (Part 61)" |
"Read the course description in its entirety before enrolling. This course is optional and does not cover any additional topics that are not already covered in Part 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. This is a review/practice course to prove that you are ready to take the written exam and worthy of a written endorsement. *** If you already have a flight instructor who is willing to sign you off for the exam, you DO NOT need to enroll in this course *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You studied, you practiced, you think you are ready for the FAA Private Pilot Written exam... In order to do so, you need a written endorsement from a Certified Flight Instructor who agrees to sign you off. At this stage, you have two options to get this endorsement: You are actively part of a flight training program and your flight instructor can quiz you to make sure you are ready, that you ""know your stuff"", and then agree to sign you off. You are not part of a flight training program yet but want to take the test and I give you the endorsement after you enroll in this course and meet the requirements. This course will provide you with several resources to complement the knowledge you learned in Part 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of this course series in the form of review material. This course will also provide you with six (6) FAA practice exams (60 questions each). In order to receive my endorsement, you must meet ALL the following requirements: You must be enrolled in Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of my Private Pilot course series on Udemy and have completed at least 90% of each courses (I will verify via my dashboard). You must provide a screenshot of two (2) practice exams showing a passing grade of 80% or more. You will have access to six (6) practice exams in this course. You must then contact me with the information so I can send you the graduation certificate. In return, you will receive a graduation certificate that you can take to the testing center to prove you received training. My endorsement does not have an expiration date but once you pass your written exam, it will be valid for 24 calendar months (you must pass the FAA checkride during that time). Note that, by signing you off, I put my Flight Instructor Certificate and reputation on the line by acknowledging that I gave you proper training and that I feel you are ready for your exam. As such, it is imperative that you DO NOT CHEAT. Do not take the practice exams using outside aid (including using notes). You are only cheating yourself. It will cost you more money and time in the long run. In the unlikely event you fail the FAA exam, you will need recurrent training from a flight instructor (which will cost you) before attempting the exam again (and pay for another test fee). This is NOT something that I can provide remotely. If you agree to all of the above, please enroll in this course. I look forward to finalizing this step in your training."
Price: 29.99

"YouTube ads 2020: Promociona y monetiza tus videos" |
"Quieres darle ms visibilidad y valor a tu negocio? Sabes qu aspectos tcnicos debes tener en cuenta para no perder dinero en publicidad? Conoce paso a paso cmo armar una estrategia publicitaria con una inversin baja. Obtn las herramientas, estrategias y tcnicas que te permitirn llegar a tus potenciales clientes.Para poder realizar el curso necesitars:Cuenta de YouTubeCuenta de Google AdsBuscas mejorar tus campaas en YouTube? Realiza tu proyecto final, crea tu video, optimiza tu campaa publicitaria y obtn tu certificado.El curso es intermedio, se recomienda que tengas creado un canal de YouTube y una cuenta de Google Ads."
Price: 79.99

"Master Course on Discrete Math - Sets, Relation and function" |
"This 7.5 hours course on Discrete math contain 88 lectures with theory and question practice, 12 quiz to get deep understanding of topic , 20 resources that contain subjective as well as objective questions to prepare for academics and competition. This course covers Sets, Relation and functions comprehensively so that students gradually move from basics to advanced topics. Students will learn following topics inside this course :Sets and Types of setsOperation on sets, properties of sets.Venn diagram and sets representation using Venn diagram.Practical Problem in sets.Cartesian product of sets.Relations, representation of Relations , and Terminology used in relations.Types of relation : Trivial, Reflexive, Symmetric, Transitive, Identity, Equivalence, Anti - symmetric relation.Congruence modulo and Equivalence class.Inverse and Composition Relation.Functions, Vertical Parallel line ( VPL) test.Types of functions: One - One, Many - one, Onto and into function and methods to determine them.Some important functions : constant and identity, Modulous, Signum, Exponential, square and square root, Greatest integer , Fractional part, and Logarithm function.How to draw graph of functions.Methods to find Domain and Range of functions.Even and odd functions with their properties.Composition, Inverse and Periodic function and their propertiesBenefits that students get:1. Lifetime access.2. Question and answer session directly with instructor 3. Multiple window doubt clearance sessions. "" You never know the taste of a fruit, until you bite ""So enroll today to taste mathematical visualization. What students are saying about my previous courses :"" The explanation meets my expectations and cleared all my doubts successfully, Enroll now, I assure you won't regret "" by - Shivam Kumar "" Got many new things to learn, well explained topics with good question exercises "". by - Thakur 220"" learning new things everyday "" by Abhinav Hind"
Price: 2240.00

"Mental math :Smart speedy calculation tricks." |
"Highest rated course on udemy for Mental math This course contain tricks to calculate fast using multiplication tricks and Algebra tricks. Topic covered are 1. 2 digit numbers multiplication with another 2 digit number 2.3 digit number multiplication with another 3 digit number 3. 4 digit number multiplication with another 4 digit number 4. Fastest way to solve equations in two variable 5. Trick to find square and cube roots .6. Division trick What students are saying about the course :""Very easy tricks and also easy to remember "" - John""Learning new tricks , each day "" - Abhinav Hind ""Great , I learned some tricks that I will now use in my exams"" - Thakur 220Exclusive benefits of the course :1. Doubt clearance within 24 hours Guaranteed. 2. Additional material provided time to time. 3. Multiple window doubt clearance. Students are loving this course, enroll now to boost your calculations skills and beat others in the game."
Price: 1280.00

"Curso Experto en Laravel" |
"En este curso aprenders a utilizar Laravel para poder desarrollar sistemas o aplicaciones web, en este curso veremos los elementos de Laravel ms importantes para poder empezar a trabajar nuestros sitios en lnea, haremos uso del sistema de rutas que usa Laravel as como muchos elementos propios de este framework, tambin aprenders a poder aadir dependencias externas compatibles al proyecto con Laravel para aadir ms funcionalidades."
Price: 270.00

"Houdini FX - effetti visivi e simulazioni 3D" |
"Con questo corso ho voluto racchiudere tutte le informazioni e le spiegazioni che io stesso avrei voluto sapere quando ho mosso i primi passi alla scoperta di questo bellissimo ma al contempo, diciamocelo, complicato programma!Ho cercato di spiegare i concetti pi importanti partendo dal punto di vista del perch si deve fare in un certo modo e non semplicemente di dire come fare in modo meccanico: questo sarebbe quello che gi si trova in un manuale.Ho gi realizzato due altri corsi su Houdini in inglese qui su Udemy e, in particolare, il corso ""Houdini FX step to step - Visual Effects made easy"" ha riscosso un grande successo.Per questo motivo ho deciso di realizzarne un'altro in Italiano partendo da zero e cercando di fare tesoro di tutti i feedback ricevuti sugli altri.Il corso rivolto a quanti non hanno ancora alcuna conoscenza di Houdini ma desiderano acquisire solide fondamenta per poi poter proseguire con corsi pi approfonditi.Nonostante il corso sia rivolto a principianti, tutti gli argomenti vengono presentati in modo approfondito e completo.Non quindi un corso per chi ha fretta e vuole avere delle ricette veloci!Ogni argomento spiegato e sviscerato nei vari dettagli... quindi prenditi tutto il tempo necessario!Non solo: ove possibile, la gran parte degli effetti speciali saranno realizzati da zero, senza l'ausilio degli effetti gi pre impostati in Houdini.Questo dar modo di comprendere a fondo la filosofia del programma ed essere in grado di effettuare qualunque personalizzazione in modo semplice ed efficace.Questi alcuni degli argomenti trattati: la modellazione procedurale, la realizzazione di animazioni, creazione di effetti visivi e simulazioni (oceani, fluidi, fuoco, sistemi particellari, distruzioni, terreni, ecc).NB: il corso in fase di completamento. Quindi nuove lezioni saranno aggiunte settimanalmente!Se non trovi alcuni argomenti (come simulazioni, ecc) perch saranno aggiunti a breve."
Price: 94.99

"Fundamentals of Switched Reluctance Motor & Drive" |
"Switched Reluctance Motor is one of the oldest electric motor that is competing since 180 years. Availability of sophisticated and economical power electronics technology gave rebirth to the most efficient and robust motor -SRM. Due to higher efficiency, magnet-less operation and simple mechanical structure, SRM becomes most preferable electric motor for latest electric vehicle applications. Recently advanced version of SR technology have been used to power Tesla Model 3 electric car and claimed significant increased in range (efficiency) compared to induction motor used in Model S.SRM offers numbers of benefit like higher efficiency, less weight, mow cost, reduced manufacturing process time, wide constant power region, fault tolerant operation and superior performance even at comparative higher temperature.This course explains each and every fundamental detail about switched reluctance motor and drive. Starting from fundamental operation of SRM, it covers extreme detail about each parameters and terms related to Motor, converter as well as controller. It includes SRM geometries, magnetic characteristics, inductance profile, angular parameters, torque equation, torque speed characteristics, converter topologies, speed control, closed-loop control, braking, regeneration, torque ripple, acoustic noise etc.Animation and visualization developed for this course will help in learning with easy.Hello!,I am Dr. Jignesh Makwana. I am working of SRM since 2005 and my first research paper on SRM converter was published in 2008. Then after I have published numbers of research articles on SRM in various journals, conferences and books. Other than theory and publications, I have worked intensively on SRM hardware as well as simulations. I have also provided consultancy service to the industry for designing and manufacturing SRM, converter and controller. This fundamental course is compilation of all the important aspects of switched reluctance motor drive in very well organized manner and easy to understand with visual animations. It will give you the initial boost by clearing your all doubt about switched reluctance motor and drive. Even if you know few basic things about SRM ,I assured that you will learn so many more important things.Thank you."
Price: 34.99

"Wordpress Eklenti (Plug-In) ve Bileen Gelitirme Eitimi" |
"Wordpress Bileen Gelitirme EitimiBu eitimde aadaki konular ilenecektir;Wordpress eklentisi nedir? Neden ihtiya duyuyoruz?Localhost Ortamnn OluturulmasLocalhost Wordpress KurulumuDersin sonunda hazrlayacamz rnek bileenimizSenaryo ve rnek ProjeEklentinin ana yapsnn hazrlanmasEklenti mensnn hazrlanmasEklenti ayar sayfasnn hazrlanmaserik tiplerinin hazrlanmasE-Mail Fonksiyonun Yaplandrlmas ve Test EdilmesiE-Mail Ayarlarnn Panele EntegrasyonuAbone Ol Form ve shortcode oluturulmasAbone Ol Fonksiyonunun OluturulmasAbone Formu Bileeni OluturulmasAbonelik Onay Sayfas Shortcode, sayfa ve fonksiyonun oluturulmasAbonelik Onay Sayfas Sayfann ynetim paneline entegrasyonu ve kontrolAbonelik k SayfasAboneler Ekrannn DzenlenmesiMetabox Nedir Nasl EklenirMetabox le Admin Panelinden KaytAjax ile abone kontrolGnderim Yaps ve Panel EntegrasyonuGnderim erik Tipi ve Metabox OluturulmasGnderim erik Planlamas ve KopyalanmasGnderimler Ekrann DzenlenmesiGnderim Fonksiyonun OluturulmasCron Dngleri-Grevleri ve Fonksiyona BalanmasGnderim E-Mail YapsManuel GnderimAyarlarn Panele EntegrasyonuAbonelerin Da AktarmAbonelerin eri AktarmTemizlik ve nce Ayarlaroklu Dil KonusuWordpress Bileen Dizinine Gnderim"
Price: 299.99

"Final Cut Pro X Essentials: Go From Newbie to YouTuber" |
"If youve reached this page, chances that you want to learn how to edit videos with Final Cut Pro X, right?Video surrounds us practically every day. I'm sure the thought of video editing has come to your mind.You dont have to be an expert in editing videos, especially not in this day and age. Learning how to edit your videos on Final Cut Pro X can:Turn into a great & valuable lifetime skillSave you time from having to find someone else to video edit &Produce your own professional-looking videos.This is the perfect course to jumpstart your video editing skills and techniques.If youre looking to edit your videos for:YouTubeTravelBusinessOr Personal ReasonsThis is the perfect course for you!Whatever your motivation is for learning how to edit videos on Final Cut Pro X, youve come to the right place.This is the one place with everything you need to learn to create professional-looking videos.The Final Cut Pro X Essentials class is a fast and effective course that takes you from zero skills to a fully-fledged video editor.While there are plenty of final cut pro x courses out there, its hard to find one that isnt trying to turn you into the best FCPX video editor in the world. I teach you the essentials in this course which means learning just enough to edit videos in a professional-looking way. This includes trimming clips, color grading, speeding up clips, adding titles, adjusting audio, and more!I won't be including any advanced information that youll only use once every 50 videos, and as the saying goes, If you dont use it, you lose it. Whats the point of learning things about FCPX if youre not gonna use those aspects of the software in every video that you edit?This course is designed to teach you the ESSENTIALS of Final Cut Pro X and is for anyone who wants to edit videos. So if youre a complete newbie or someone who wants to dive into FCPX, youre in the right place.Who Am I?My name is Jon- and I'm a licensed physical therapist in the US, but I also have a Bachelor's degree in YouTube (I have 140k subscribers on my brand channel). I taught myself how to film and edit videos years ago back in high school. My first video I ever filmed and edited was me time lapsing a walk from my house to the community gate (note on this day, it was actually garbage day, so there were trash cans to be seen EVERYWHERE throughout the video).Fast forward to today, and I have now edited probably over 2,000 videos. I've seen a few Final Cut Pro X courses, but my problem with those is that they teach you a lot of unnecessary functions of Final Cut Pro X that make the program confusing. I put this course together to show how I edit a video from start to finish using my own methods and techniques. Hopefully this will help anyone interested in editing their own videos:)."
Price: 149.99

"The Path of Celtic Shamanism" |
"===Questions for You===Would you like to learn about the wonderful path of Celtic Shamanism?Would you like to walk an earthy and soul kindling practice of inner shamanic development and tune into the wisdom of the ancestors? ===What to Expect===In this course you will learn about who the Celtic Tribes and the Druids were and how we can practice Celtic Spirituality and Shamanism today! We will explore what we know about how the Celtic Tribes structured their society, their vision of life and spiritual practices. You will learn Celtic meditations that will help you awaken your body, mind and Soul, the mythology of the Celts and and also how to connect today with the living Celtic pantheon of Gods and Goddesses. ===What's Included===Lectures exploring the Celts, Druids, Bards and Ovates. Their vision of life and what they practised. How to practice simple Celtic rituals How to explore the shamanic world of Power Animals and the importance of Shapeshifting and having a fluid sense of identity Celtic themed meditations that will help you awaken body, mind and spirit A guided Shamanic JourneyBONUS MATERIAL: This course now contains detailed interviews with the wonderful Druid Teacher and Author Robin Herne. ===About the Facilitator=== Your facilitator and Bestselling and Highest Rated tutor Tom Llewellyn has 20 years of experience within the realms of meditation, psychic development, Kundalini, celtic spirituality and Druidism, lucid dreaming, astral projection and sound healing. He has a diploma and is fully insured to offer Sound Healing. He's also a trained and skilled teacher of Kundalini Yoga and has written two books."
Price: 144.99

"nemli Noktalarla TYT Biyoloji Tekrar" |
"nemli Noktalarla TYT Biyoloji Tekrar YKS snavna girecek renciler iin hazrland. Canllarn Ortak zellikleriCanllarn Temel BileenleriHcre ve OrganelleriHcre Zarndan Madde GeiiCanllarn SnflandrlmasMitoz ve Eeysiz remeMayoz ve Eeyli remeKaltmEkosistem EkolojisiGncel evre SorunlarBiyoloji testlerinde hzl bir tekrar yapyoruz. Verilen bilgilerin doru mu yoksa yanl m olduunu hzl bir ekilde cevaplayarak aklda kalcl salyoruz. Herkese snavda baarlar dilerim. Umarm bu testlerin size faydas olur."
Price: 19.99

"Sfrdan E-Ticaret Sertifikal Gittigidiyor -N11 v.s..." |
"NEDEN E-TCARET SANAL MAAZA'NIN AVANTAJLARI NELER?- E-ticarette Balang maliyeti az- Dkkan kiras yok- E-ticarette zaman/mekn kst yok- E-ticarette maazanz 7/24 ak- Gece uyurken bile sat yapabilirsiniz- E-ticarette btn Trkiye, hatta btn dnyaya ulaabilirsiniz- E-ticaret Pazar pay gittike artyor ve artacak- nsanlar rnlerin evine gelmesini istiyor- nsanlar internetten alverie alyor- Sadece N11 ve Hepsiburada yaklak 90 milyon aylk ziyareti alyor- Eer bir fiziki maazanz varsa hemen e-ticarete balayn- Satlarnz Trkiye de en az 3 kat artacak- Amazonda 10 kat artabilirWEB STES M & PAZAR YERLER M?- Mteri gznde Pazar Yerleri ade Gvencesi sebebiyle daha gvenilirdir- Pazar yerinin mevcut bir trafii var- Kendi sitenize trafik ekmek ok ural, maliyetli ve dnm oran dk- Web sitenizde dnm oranlar %2-3 iken pazar yerlerinde srekli sirklasyon var- Pazar Yerlerinde Kredi kart gveni var- Pazar yeri hem kendi reklamn hem sizin reklamnz kendi yapyor- Pazar yerleri promosyonlar yapyorlar (Black Friday, Anneler Gn v.s...)- Pazar yerinde web sitesi tasarmyla siz uramyorsunuz- Pazar yerlerinde yksek komisyonlar varBu kurs kimler iin uygun:E-Ticaret renmek steyenlerN11 - Gittigidiyor - Hepsiburada - Trendyol 'da sat yapmak isteyenler"
Price: 349.99

"Securing .Net Web Applications - C# Edition" |
"Every day we hear news of yet another breach of some organization's data. Many of these result in huge costs to the organization, some have even gone out of business as a result. The Payment Card Industry (PCI) as well as many other international and local regulations require some level of security awareness for developers. This course was designed specifically to increase the awareness of security flaws in code.Students will learn the OWASP top 10 as well as software engineering practices that lead to a more secure development work product through many hands-on exercises complete with instruction and source code.This course has been presented to thousands of developers over the last 2 decades with great success. Evolving the course to keep up with todays challenges and technologies is a primary goal for us."
Price: 99.99

"2D Character Animation: Dialogue and Acting" |
"Thanks for checking out this course on 2D Character Animation for Dialogue and Acting! If you love animation and want to know how to bring your characters to life, have them speaking and moving around a scene, this course will teach you exactly that. Im going to guide you through, step by step, the exact process that professional animators use to add lip sync animation to a dialogue track, and set key poses to their character in any scene for a TV show or a movie.This course is the third course in a series on learning 2D animation. My first two animation courses are:Learn to Animate: Animation Principles2d Character Animation: Walk CyclesIf you are brand new to animation, and want to know how to set key frames, how to work with animation principles, check out the first 2 courses in the series. This course focuses solely on how to rig and animate a character for dialogue. At the end of the course, youll be able to animate a character to a short audio clip, and be bale to do smooth, acting poses.To start out, youll learn things like the proper order of rigging and how to build a simple character in Adobe Animate.From there, youll learn how to take your assets and build out multiple frame options, inside each one, so that you can have things like eye blinks and facial expressions.Youll then learn all about animation mouth charts, Ill show you exactly how to make your own mouth charts and set them up inside your character, so that when it comes to animating, all youll have to do is use Adobe Animates powerful Frame Picker to speed through your dialogue scenes.This saves you so much time, and allows you to focus on the fun part of animating, which is setting up the big acting poses.Then youll learn the template used for making any key pose read like a fluid and natural movement. Ill show you how to set your anticipation, over-shoot and settle and explain why you animate in these 3 steps.As you progress step by step throughout the course, there is opportunity to complete assignments and to ensure that you are moving through the process and able to achieve the final project.After you are finished, youll be a fully fledged animator, with a crucial dialogue project under your belt. With this, youll be able to finalize your animation reel and know that youve got a professional grade portfolio piece to show to an animation studio.WWhen you enrol in this course, youll be joining a growing group of artists and animators, that have come together and are sharing their skills, talent and ideas. Youll be able to see their work in the project section, and you can also direct message me at any time to ask questions, or to get personalised feedback on your work. I love working with students and spend time each day discussing ongoing projects and work.I cant wait for you to join in and get started. Animation is an really exciting, creative and rewarding field to work in. Together, were goon to spend the next few hours with me, to improve your animation skills today and help you take your first steps towards an exciting career path in animation."
Price: 149.99

"Microsoft Excel Simulator -" |
"[ A R A B I C B E L O W - ]Whether you are a person who likes to write down all your expenses and earnings, or if you are an entrepreneur, or if you have a big company and you need to manage all your reports, you definitely need Microsoft Excel.If you want to learn Microsoft Excel, you either have to attend training courses which is costing a huge amount of money or watch tutorial videos, which is not really convenient because you have to pause the video every while and then to navigate back to Excel to follow up with the instructor, and definitely need to have the same files that he is working on, which is not practical at all.Another way is to read books or articles on the internet and then you have to follow and apply the same steps on your own Excel program, and in most cases, you will struggle with that too, because you are not finding the same buttons.For this reason, I have invented the first ever Microsoft Excel Simulator. It makes everyone capable of learning Microsoft Excel using a step by step, bilingual (English and Arabic), interactive and guided tutorial, without any prerequisite, and in the easiest way possible!For this simulator 5 main features:1- BILINGUAL: This E-Training solution will be provided in both languages, English and Arabic2- RESPONSIVE: This E-Training solution opens perfectly from any desktop, laptop, tablet (iPad, ), and mobile phones (iPhone, Android, )3- STEP BY STEP: For every trainee learning a new technical lesson, he definitely has the fear of messing things up by pressing the wrong button. This simulator eliminates this psychology by guiding the trainee to a step-by-step tutorial. It is guaranteed that every trainee will reach the correct solution without making any mistake.4- AUTO CORRECT: After finishing the lesson on the simulator, the trainee has the option to practice the same exercise, but this time on real Excel without any help. Moreover, and in some exercises, the cell turns green if the trainee entered the correct result.5- ONLINE: This is an online web application. It means that there is no need to install or setup any application. This simulator works on all browsers (Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Edge, Safari, Mozilla FireFox, Opera, )************************************************************************** . Excel , , , . Excel , . (Microsoft Excel Simulator) . Microsoft Excel . 5 :1- : .2- : , , (TABLET) .3- : . . , .4- : .5- : ."
Price: 199.99

"Aprenda desenvolver personagens para jogos de luta 2D" |
"Um treinamento simples e fcil de concluir. Se voc gosta de jogos de luta, gosta de animao, tem vontade de criar seu prprio personagem ou editar um jogo de acordo com sua vontade, podendo escolher cenrios e os personagens, esse programa ideal para voc. Com a plataforma Mugen, poder adicionar os personagens que desejar, personalizar os cenrios e toda a parte visual do jogo. Com o programa Fighter Factory voc poder desenvolver seus prprios personagens, desenvolvendo as animaes, os golpes bsicos, golpes especiais, combos, lanamentos de projeteis, entre outros. Sua criatividade o limite. Torne tudo personalizado como voc desejar."
Price: 129.99

"Adobe Premiere Pro mesleki eitim seti" |
"Merhaba, ben iyar Kendirci Her eyden nce emek kokan bir eitim seti sayfas grntlyorsunuz. Bu eitim setinin retim srecini ister istemez eitim seti ierisinde yer alan videolara da yansttm. Yeri geldi sabahlara kadar ders ektim, yeri geldi kap ald dersi brakp gidip geldim. Komu ocuklarnn sesi ise video ya ahenk katt :)Bu eitim seti sadece izlensin diye ekilmedi, izleyen bu eitim setinden rendikleri ile evine ekmek gtrsn fikri ile ekildi. Bu eitim setini izleyip yaptklarm tekrarlayan kiiden beklentim u ynde olacaktr, Bir film irketinin yada reklam irketi kurgucu aryoruz ilanna gven ile bavurabilmesi. Ksa yada uzun metraj fark etmeksizin en zor film teklifine bile evet diyebilmesi. nk bu eitim setini bu sektrde varlk gsterebileceiniz ekilde planladm. Siz dilerseniz reklam filminin montaj dilerseniz sanatnn mzik klibini montajn yaparsnz nk siz benle birlikte pratik yapacaksnz ve yaptm btn almalara ait dokmanlar sizinle paylayor olacam. Eitim seti kimlere uygundur?Bu eitim seti hem sfrdan balayanlara, hem de orta ve ileri seviyeye kurgu bilgisine sahip rencilere uygundur. Eitim seti sfrdan ileri seviye kurgu bilgisi eklinde ilerliyor.lk olarak programn mantn ve ileyiini reneceksinizProgramn aralarn, ksayollarn ve bu aralar kullanmay reneceksiniz.Sektrde sizden istenilen ve ihtiyacnz olan standartlam mesleki bilgileri de reneceksiniz.Programn btn becerilerini kullanarak neler yapabileceimizi greceksiniz.Yeil perde, Logo ekleme, yaz almas, deep ses silme, grntye renk verme gibi nemli konulara hakim olacaksnz.Birlikte bir ok farkl ierikli pratik montaj/kurgular yapacaz Gncelleme notlarBu eitim seti bitmi deildir, hi bir zaman bitmesini de istemiyorum. Sizden gelen yeni ders istekleri yada benim yeni tecrbelerimin bir havuzu olacak. Ayrca Adobe Premiere Pro program gncelleme yaptka bende faydal gncellemelerin Trkesini buraya aktaracam.Soru / CevapEn ufak soru iaretinde dahi bana soru sormaktan ekinmeyin. Ben yllarca youtube platformunda gelen her soruya cevap yetitirmi bir sanat severim."
Price: 49.99

teachable |
"teachable teachable"
Price: 24000.00

"AutoCAD ve SolidWorks ile Tasarm" |
"Gnmzde Tasarm yapmann nemi her geen gn artmaktadr. Bu dnce ile hem kendimi hem de ihtiyac olan arkadalarm gelitirmek zere bu kursu hazrladm. Kursu hazrlarken kiisel olarak kendini gelitirmek isteyen herkesi dnerek AutoCAD hakknda tm detaylar aklamaya altm. zellikle tasarmn ilk adm olan AutoCAD zerinde detayl olarak durmaya altm. Hem kendimi hem de sizleri daha da gelitirmek iin srekli gncel videolar ve dkmanlar ile gncellenecektir. Her blmn ilk ders videosunda detayl dkman bulunmaktadr. Aklnza taklan her konuyu bir eitimci gzyle bakarak aklamaya altm."
Price: 69.99

new_business_prep |
Price: 4800.00

"Dywidendowa Strategia Inwestycyjna dla Rynkw Akcji!" |
"Kurs dotyczy kompleksowego podejcia do strategii dywidendowej na rynkach finansowych (Gieda Papierw Wartociowych w Warszawie, Wall Street)Przeznaczony jest dla wszystkich osb ktre chciayby zacz inwestowa na rynkach finansowych, wykorzystujc do tego strategie inwestowania dywidendowego (inwestowania w oparciu o Warto)Ze szkolenia dowiesz si:- jak zacz inwestowa na giedzie; - na czym polega inwestowanie w oparciu o ""warto"" ;- jakie czynniki wpywaj na sukces inwestujc w oparciu o wypacane dywidendy;- jak analizowa i dobiera spki do portfela akcji;- jak dobra metod inwestycyjn do swoich potrzeb;- gdzie szuka pomysw inwestycyjnych;- jak zdywersyfikowa swj portfel inwestycyjny; i JAK ZROBI BY W MAKSYMALNY SPOSB ZADBA O BESPIECZESTWO SWOICH PIENIDZY? tego wszystkiego i jeszcze wicej dowiesz si biorc udzia w Szkoleniu!"
Price: 99.99
