"Meditao para Autoconhecimento" |
"Esse curso para voc que quer iniciar, estabilizar ou aprofundar sua prtica por meio de orientao profunda e autntica meditao. Vamos gui-lo pelo caminho da transformao e criar mudanas positivas e duradouras em sua vida. O Curso oferece todas as ferramentas necessrias para uma prtica de meditao bem-sucedida. D a si mesmo o dom de transformao pessoal e maior bem-estar.Usamos a sabedoria antiga para ajudar os meditadores a enfrentar desafios modernos, como estresse.A meditao pode ser pensada como uma disciplina ou treinamento. Com a meditao, voc est treinando a mente para se tornar mais gerencivel e aprendendo muito sobre isso no processo."
Price: 294.99

"Be Maker 08. Elettronica e Robotica per Ragazzi con Arduino." |
"Cosa imparerete nel Modulo 08 del Corso Be Maker:ROBOTICA- Accenni sul dare l'udito e la parola ai nostri robot- Il Buzzer attivo e differenze con il buzzer passivo- I Sensori: Misurare il suono/rumore o usarlo come SwitchSCIENZE- II Suono e il rumore- Le onde sonore e la loro propagazioneELETTRONICA- Il funzionamento del microfono- Il funzionamento dellaltoparlanteARDUINO ED IDE- Ripasso delle principali istruzioni in C++ per ArduinoPROGETTI PRATICI- Progetto 22 Modulo active buzzer (buzzer attivo)- Analisi dello Sketch del Progetto 22-Progetto 23 Modulo Sensore suono/rumore usato come SWITCH- Analisi dello Sketch del Progetto 23- Progetto 24 Sensore suono/rumore usato come strumento di misura- Analisi dello Sketch del Progetto 24PER CHI E' INTERESSATO AL MATERIALE DIDATTICO UTILIZZATO NEI CORSI BE MAKER CHE INCLUDE ANCHE UNA ROBOT CAR, PUO' SCRIVERMI TRAMITE LA PIATTAFORMA UDEMY."
Price: 19.99

"CIPS Advanced Diploma L5M2: Managing Supply Risk" |
"It is a challenge to find practice tests for the CIPS examinations at the Advanced Diploma level. As a person who has successfully completed the CIPS Level 6 Professional Diploma, I can fully understand the importance of practice tests. The passing of CIPS examination is no mean feat. You do not want to be under prepared and then fail the exams. This practice paper will not only increase your confidence but will assist you in achieving high scores in the examinations. There are over 60 questions designed by experts and more will be added regularly.The practice test contains comments that gives an explanation of the right answer. The explanation also helps you revise the concept.Connect with me on LinkedIn or through email and I will send you the lecture notes which will be useful for revision. Be Prepared. Best of Luck."
Price: 34.99

"Exam AZ-220: Microsoft Azure IoT Developer" |
"Hello, Students!Are you looking for the best course to test your knowledge?So, you are on the right course to examine your skills. Because this course is designed by our IT team members.In this course, there are 4 Practice tests and multiple Case Studies which gives you benefit while doing your real exam. Each Question required a detailed explanation.By Attempting this test you will get good marks in your Real Exam."
Price: 24.99

"PMI CA0-001 Associate Project Management Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following is an example of the risks of the symptoms?a) Failure to meet milestonesb) Natural forces such as riverc) risk threshold goald) Crashes front-loading or fast trackinge) NoneQ) During this process, the quality policy defined?a) initiateb) performc) Pland) controle) NoneQ) What is one of the main outputs verksamhets sekvense?a) Responsibility Assignment Matrixb) Work Breakdown Structure Updatec) The project network diagramd) Mandatory dependenciese) NoneQ) Checking Scope primarily connected with any of the following?a) Approval of the work.b) Accuracy of operating results.c) Approval of the application.d) Accuracy Breakdown Structure.e) None"
Price: 159.99

"SAP C_TAW12_70 Associate Development ABAP Net Wear Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) When you write a list of what the team allows to overwrite the line?a) agob) dubbingc) reserved) type 1e) NoneQ) Determine the number of the line will result in a breach of the new connection?a) All lines will failb) twentyc) thirtyd) No lines will faile) NoneQ) Which of the following short program will not display text SY-LSIND = 1 for interactive reporting?a) ZPGM3b) ZPGM2c) ZPGM1d) None of themQ) Which of the following is a valid way to fill an internal table?a) Map IBb) Attachc) More Table IBd) Select the table in the IB DBB.e) None"
Price: 174.99

"G Suite Certification Practice Exam" |
"A Google Cloud certification in G Suite signals to employers that you possess the digital skills to work collaboratively and productively in a professional environment. By earning the G Suite certification, you prove your ability to complete common workplace activities using cloud-based tools to create and share documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and files. You demonstrate that you can communicate effectively with email and online meeting solutions.This exam verifies proficiency in key features of the G Suite platform:DriveGmailHangouts MeetDocsSheetsFormsSlidesGoogle Cloud encompasses a wide array of solutions today. This includes G Suite with its offerings like Mail, Calendar, Slides, Drive, Hangouts, etc. There is also the provisioning and management of devices like Chromebook, mobile phones, teleconference equipment, etc. These resources are typically accessed via user identities, either using Google as the Identity Provider (IdP) or via third party IdPs. Managing all of this usually comes under the purview of the IT department. The Collaboration Engineer validates your ability to administer users, G Suite Services, devices, and also migrate from/to alternate office solutions."
Price: 19.99

"Quantitative Project Risk Register" |
"This course starts by explaining traditional qualitative risk registers and risk matrices. We explain why this methodology of listing risks for a project or company is full of weaknesses and flaws, in its attempt to use frequency and severity components to build a risk analysis. By comparison, we will carefully build a case for quantitative risk analysis for a project, using an @RISKs Monte Carlo simulation approach. Along the many lessons, we carefully add all the components on how to build a robust risk register, able to build probabilistic contingencies on a project. We add proper distributions for dealing with frequency and severity, simulation techniques, correlation, scenario analysis, and optimization of mitigation strategies. At the end, we compare qualitative and quantitative risk analysis powered by simulation."
Price: 44.99

"Getting started with Google Tag Manager" |
"So you have heard about Google Tag Manager but never had a chance to know what it is and if you need it.This course will help you to get the basic knowledge about Google Tag Manager and apply it to practice, by installing Google Analytics, Facebook pixel, Google Ads conversion tracking on your website.Topics that are covered in this course: What is Google Tag Manager and how it can be useful Basic concepts and terminology Installation of Google Tag Manager on any website, including Wordpress, WIX, Squarespace, Weebly Interface overview Google Analytics installation using Google Tag Manager Track any element clicks using Google Tag Manager Install Facebook pixel using Google Tag Manager Setup Facebook conversion tracking using Google Tag Manager Setup Google Ads conversion tracking tag using Google Tag Manager"
Price: 24.99

"Rhetorik im Business" |
"Verschaffe dir einen Vorsprung im Business!Was bringt dir ein tolles Arbeitsergebnis, eine fantastische Idee oder ein gutes Produkt, wenn du es nicht prsentieren kannst? Eine souverne Rhetorik ist frs Business ein absolutes Muss. Und genau das lernst du hier. Der Kurs hangelt sich an Situationen entlang, die hufig vorkommen und gibt dir dafr einen klaren Plan: Das Vorstellen/Pitchen von neuen Ideen, Lsungen ...Deine Prsentation ist auf 30 min vorbereitet, aber du hast pltzlich nur 10 min Zeit. Du stellst die Zahlen der letzten Monate vor. Du hast den Eindruck, dass deine Inhalte zu trocken sind und mchtest sie mit Storys auflockern. Der Trainer transferiert die mchtigsten Erkenntnisse aus erfolgreichen Investoren-Pitches und jahrelanger Speaking-Erfahrung in diesem Rhetorik-Kurs.Viel Spa beim Kurs ;) "
Price: 69.99

"Master Pre-Calculus" |
"This course is designed to cover topics in Algebra ranging from polynomial, rational, and exponential functions to conic sections. Trigonometry concepts such as Law of Sines and Cosines will be introduced. This class is important for any student planning to take a college algebra or college pre-calculus class. This course is an intensive study of the basic functions needed for the study of calculus. Topics include algebraic, functional, and graphical techniques for solving problems with algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions and their inverses.Students will be able to solve the problems below after completing this course.Graph many types of functions including trigonometric functionsDraw conics and write their equations, including parabolas, hyperbolas, and ellipsesUnderstand angles and their measure, both in radians and degreesSolve trigonometric equations that include factoring and multiple anglesSolve triangles using the laws of sines and cosinesDiscover the shapes of high degree polynomialsFind the domain and range of any function"
Price: 19.99

"CISM Certification:150 NEW Questions CISM Practice Test 2020" |
"DescriptionThe CISM certification is highly sought after by HR and recruiters, with over 50,000 open CISM jobs in the US with salary's ranging above $100,000At the end of each test you will get an explanation for each question, explaining why the right answer is the right answer.Sample Questions A gaming software startup company does not employ penetrationtesting of its software. This is an example of:A. High tolerance of riskB. NoncomplianceC. IrresponsibilityD. OutsourcingWhich of the following metrics is the best example of a leadingindicator?A. Average time to mitigate security incidentsB. Increase in the number of attacks blocked by the intrusionprevention system (IPS)C. Increase in the number of attacks blocked by the firewallD. Percentage of critical servers being patched within service levelagreements (SLAs)The questions on these tests have the same domain weight as the real CISM exam does.Domain 1: Information Security Governance Domain 2: Information Risk ManagementDomain 3: Information Security Program Development and Management Domain 4: Information Security Incident Management The more practice exams you take the better your chances of passing on your first attempt. I encourage you to access multiple test banks. Remember you can always guess by elimination so even if you do not know the answer because you've seen so many questions you can eliminate the bad answers. You can take this CISM certification practice test as many times as you want, the questions and the answer order is randomized. I would suggest 85%+ of right answers consistently using multiple practice tests before booking the exam.Prepare for the 2020 version of the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) Certification Exam, which is what you will be tested on until the next planned CISM curriculum update by ISACA in 2022Who this course is for:Anyone wanting lean more about the CISM certification!People wanting to grow their IT Security and Cyber Security knowledge.New and experienced IT Security professionals.Anyone wanting to break into IT Security.Students preparing for the ISACA CISM certification exam"
Price: 19.99

"250-270 Administration of Symantec Net Backup 7.0 Unix Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) An administrator is remotely recorded in a Symantec NetBackup 7.0 server through the terminal window and needs to configure robots and drives. What command should be used to complete the setup?a) vmconfb) tpreqc) nbdevconfigd) tpconfigQ) In an environment Symantec NetBackup 7.0, where does the live image database?a) within the EMM databaseb) on the media serverc) on the master serverd) within the master server Sybase databaseQ) What are the two databases are used by Symantec NetBackup 7.0? (Select two.)a) Averageb) Imagec) Volumed) EMMe) DeviceQ) One Symantec NetBackup 7.0 environment uses a tiered architecture. Which system functions as the upper level?a) media serverb) enterprise clientc) customerd) masterQ) A collection of all the backup data from a client is assembled in a single stream and written to tape or disk. What's your name?a) file metadatab) backup policyc) categorize .f filed) backup image"
Price: 164.99

"ECCouncil 312-76 Disaster Recover Professional Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following Helix Windows Live tools you are used to reveal the passwords to password protected MDB database file created with Microsoft Access or with Jet Database Engine?a) Asterisk loggerb) FAUc) Access Pass Viewd) GalletaQ) Mark is the project manager of the project HAR. The project is scheduled for a period of eighteen months and six months already elapsed. Management Marco asks that the frequency with which the project team participated in the re-evaluation of the risk of this project. What should mark the management to say if you are following the best practices for risk management?a) At each meeting the status of the project team, the project risk management is an item on the agenda.b) managing project risk occurs at every stop.c) The project risk management was concluded with the project schedule.d) The project risk management is scheduled for each month in the project for 18 months.Q) It works as a project manager for the project TYU. It is planning for risk mitigation. You need to identify the risks that will need more in-depth analysis. Which of the following activities will help in this?a) Quantitative analysisb) Activity Duration Estimatingc) risk identificationd) qualitative analysisQ) Of working as a security officer for SoftTech Inc. She it is training some of the newly recruited staff in the field of security management. She is giving a tutorial on DRP. It explains that the main objective of a disaster recovery plan is to provide an organized way to make decisions, if a disruptive event and asks for the other objectives of the DRP. If you are among some of the newly recruited staff at SoftTech Inc, what will be your answer for your question? Each correct answer represents a part of the solution. Choose three.a) Ensuring the reliability of standby systems through testing and simulation.b) Protecting an organization from IT services major failure.c) Minimize the risk to the organization by delays in the delivery of services.d) Maximizing the decision-making process required by the staff during a disaster.Q) Which of the following teams BCP is the first responder and offers with the immediate effects of the catastrophe?a) Emergency management teamb) Damage assessment teamc) storage off-site teamd) Emergency Action Team"
Price: 169.99

"CISA Systems Infrastructure Cycle Management Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following encryption services ensures the recipient that the received message has not been altered?a) Authenticationb) confidentialityc) Non-repudiationd) IntegrityQ) Which of the following statements about the disaster recovery plan documentation are true? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.a) The documentation with respect to a disaster recovery plan must be stored in backup tapes.b) The documentation with respect to a disaster recovery plan must be stored in diskettes.c) The documentation of the disaster recovery plan should be kept in one location.d) The documentation of the disaster recovery plan must be kept out only seatQ) Which of the following is the duration of time and a level of service within which a business process must be restored after a disaster in order to avoid unacceptable consequences associated with a business continuity solution?a) RTAb) RPOc) RCOd) RTOQ) Which of the following roles is responsible for the review and analysis of the risk of all contracts on a regular basis?a) The IT service continuity managersb) The Configuration Managerc) The Supplier Managerd) The Service Catalog ManagerQ) Which of the following teams BCP is the first responder and offers with the immediate effects of the catastrophe?a) Emergency Action Teamb) the emergency management teamc) Damage-assessment teamd) off-site storage team"
Price: 159.99

"CompTIA SY0-201 Security + Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following is the best choice of cryptographic algorithms or systems to provide full disk encryption?a) Once padb) PGPc) MD5d) TKIPQ) Which of the following allows a malicious insider to remove the information in secret by an organization?a) NAT traversalb) steganographyc) Non-repudiationd) protocol analyzerQ) The 25 sessions SSH server access log shows the hour. However, it is a great company and the administrator does not know if this is normal behavior, or if the network is under attack. Where you should look for the administrator to determine if this is a normal behavior?a) Change managementb) Code reviewc) Baseline reportingd) The security policyQ) Which of the following is the best approach for performing risk mitigation of user access control rights?a) surveys and rank the results.b) Perform routine reviews permission.c) Implement a periodic vulnerability scanning.d) Disable user accounts that have not been used in the last two weeks.Q) Which of the following software should implement a security administrator if multiple users are stating that they are receiving unsolicited email containing advertising?a) host-based b) firewallsc) Anti-spywareSpamd) Anti-Virus"
Price: 174.99

"250-254 Administration Symantec Cluster Server 6.1 UNIX Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) While Veritas Cluster Server supports nodes in a cluster using different hardware or operating system versions, this is potentially undesirable for two reasons? (Select two.)a) user securityb) Inability to handle the failover loadc) cluster updatesd) operational complexityd) Network ConnectivityQ) What are the two operating systems supported by Veritas Cluster Server? (Select two.)a) Fedorab) Red Hat Enterprise Serverc) openSUSEd) Mac OSe) AIXQ) That is a feature of the web-based setup?a) It can be automated with an answer file.b) It can be run using the Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari.c) You can install multiple operating systems simultaneously.d) It runs the same installer command line commands.Q) What is a feature of keyless licensing?a) It works on all versions of Veritas Cluster Server.b) It requires a server accessible Veritas Operations Manager (VOM)c) It requires that at least one key to be installed on each cluster host.d) You have to install before installing Veritas Cluster Server.Q) Symantec Tools the activation functions (SORT) provides what service?a) It automates the installation of product updates.b) It handles notifications for changes in the patch.c) Stores the operating system patches required for the upgrade.d) It maintains common configuration files needed for disaster recovery."
Price: 149.99

"200-310 Designing Cisco Inter Network Solution Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following is a technology of dedicated WAN line that divides the bandwidth of a connection into segments equal size based on the clock frequency?a) TDMb) ATMc) WDMd) DWDMQ) Which of the following statements best describes the purpose of the CDP?a) CDP is a proprietary protocol used by Cisco devices to detect neighboring Cisco devices.b) CDP is a standard protocol for IP devices Power over Ethernet.c) CDP is a proprietary protocol used for IP devices Power over Ethernetd) CDP is a standard protocol used by Cisco devices to detect nearby devices of any kind.Q) Which of the following statements are true regarding the IP standard ACL? (Pick one.)a) Standard ACL should be placed as close to the source as possibleb) Standard ACLs can filter traffic based on source and destinationc) Standard ACL can be numbered in the range from 1 to 99 or from 1300 to 1999.d) Standard ACL can be numbered in the range from 1 to 99 or from 1300 to 1999.e) Standard ACLs can filter traffic from a specific host or a specific networkQ) In which of the following situations would be static routing is the most appropriate routing mechanism?a) when the router has a unique connection to a router in the same ASb) when the router has redundant connections to a router in the same ASc) when the router has a unique connection to a router in another ASd) when the router has redundant connections to a router in another ASQ) You are installing a 4U device in a data center. Which of the following are you installing?a) wiring to demarcb) an environmental controlc) a network device in a 7-inch spaced) a lock for the safety rack"
Price: 144.99

"Paint a watercolor mixing chart" |
"Watercolor charts are all about mastering mixing. These simple charts help you learn how to mix your collection of paints and remember which ones you need to reproduce a particular hue.Color Mixing Charts are awesome tools for learning color referencing and an excellent way to understand your watercolors. By creating your own watercolor mixing chart you'll unlock many color variations within your own paint box. Allow yourself to play with colors and explore new mixtures that you may not of ever found otherwise.For our Class Project, were making 2 color mixing charts /grids with 8 true colors. This is a project that will serve useful to all levels. From beginner to professional artists or hobbyist interested in expanding their knowledge and familiarity with their color palette at hand.In this course I demonstrate how to create a watercolor mixing chart with the:Angora, 36 watercolor pan set andYasutomo, 21 watercolor pearlescent pan set.(Both brands of watercolor can be found and purchased online but are not mandatory to use in order to execute the class project.)"
Price: 19.99

"The Metasploit Course For Ethical Hacker" |
"The Metasploit Project is a computer security project that provides information about security vulnerabilities and aids in penetration testing and IDS signature development. Its best-known sub-project is the open source Metasploit Framework, a tool for developing and executing exploit code against a remote target machine. Other important sub-projects include the Opcode Database, shellcode archive and related research. The Metasploit Project is well known for its anti-forensic and evasion tools, some of which are built into the Metasploit Framework."
Price: 189.99

"Learn Password, WiFi, OS Hack - Starter Guide" |
"You've likely heard about hackingperhaps in movies or on the newsand you've certainly taken steps to protect your online identity from hackers. But what is hacking, who does it, and why? In this comprehensive course on the fundamentals of web hacking, answer these questions and more. Begin by reviewing the hacker methodology, types of hack attacks, and learn to configure test servers to hack yourself! Finally, review network mapping, and think through potential careers in cyber security."
Price: 179.99

"Scanning & Discovery Techniques For Penstesters" |
"Nmap is an indispensable tool that all techies should know well. It is used by all good ethical hackers, penetration testers, systems administrators, and anyone in fact who wants to discovery more about the security of a network and its hosts. You cannot be a good ethical hacker or systems administrator without being an expert in Nmap.The ideal student for this course is technically minded with an interest in ethical hacking and network security."
Price: 169.99

"Solution Starter Prediabetes Course" |
"This course is ideal for:People who have recently learned they have Prediabetes or High Blood SugarPeople who have a family history of Diabetes [Type 1 or Type 2] and want to stop this legacy nowProgressive Companies or Human Resource Departments wanting to help their workforce stay healthy and productiveThis course includes:58 active-learning lectures by Prediabetes Expert Georgianne Holland, from her Holland Health Coaching offices in Colorado.200 pages of science-backed worksheets, charts, and assignments that are written for everyone to easily understand and use at home.The 35-page digital download of Coach Georgianne's popular Solution Starter Prediabetes Workbook.The 11-page digital download of her popular Crash Course on Carbs!Lifetime access so you can take your time learning at home and share what you learn with your family.You'll learn how to:Solve prediabetes and avoid type 2 diabetes from the comfort of homeLose at least 5-10% of your starting weight, if you are overweightIncorporate at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week (for example 30 minutes, 5 days per week)Feel emotionally confident and less stressedGet quality sleep for at least 7 hours per nightTrack your progress by learning to check your blood sugar regularly at homeConnect with people who will support you in this journeyDemonstrate resilience after setbacks or challenges6 Months After Completing the Program, you can expect to:Maintain weight loss or proceed toward your goal weightContinue or expand enjoyable physical activity habitIncorporate new fitness activities to keep it interestingAdd in strength training when appropriateContinue monitoring your sleep quality and strive for 7+ hours per nightUse your blood sugar tracking as a guide for course-correction and long-term motivationMaintain your supportive communityEncourage others going through the same thingBecome a health leader in your family and communityYou're in the right place if your doctor has told you that your Prediabetes or High Blood Sugar is a serious issue for your health and wellness. You may also be: overweight, lacking physical fitness, experiencing feelings of high stress, or come from a family with a history of diabetes. After this prediabetes diagnosis, you wonder:Do I have Prediabetes or not?Are they sure?What am I going to do now?How will this change my life?Am I ever going to enjoy my food again?This ""Now What?"" stage of hearing you have prediabetes is frightening, yet Coach Georgianne wants to help you feel confident in your ability to make this better. Think about that for a moment: one year from today, your life and your health could be dramatically different. Dramatically better!Instead of recommending another quick fix, 30-day miracle idea, fad diet plan, or shaming you for past efforts gone wrong, this course has been designed to build you up and help you create a Personalized and Sustainable Solution. And instead of trying to take the place of your medical team, Health Coach Georgianne will help you to work WITH your doctor to create robust health. Yet, not everyone has a medical team they can afford or trust...So, when you do not have access to a diabetes doctor or a prediabetes course in your home town, the Solution Starter Prediabetes Program can come to your home through this Udemy course! If multiple people in your family are suffering from unstable blood sugar or other complications of the ""Standard American Diet"", this program will gently help you to start a family-inclusive plan. A solution starter that can make a difference for generations to follow.Coach Georgianne has taught thousands of people:When we THINK we can make a difference in our health...We gain the courage to TAKE ACTION and do something about it...Which fuels the momentum to PERSEVERE despite challenges...And generates the POSITIVE RESULTS that improve our health.Thank you for checking out all that's included in this Prediabetes Program. We look forward to being of service to you!The team at Holland Health Coaching"
Price: 159.99

"Beginner Tech Recruitment Bootcamp" |
"In this course, you will learn how to be a successful Recruiter no matter if you are in Business or Tech. Also if you want to transition from Business to Tech faster this is ideal as you will be learning about Software Development from its roots. Later on, you will learn more about Sourcing and Interviewing with one whole chapter dedicated to each one of them. To end with high standards I will be sharing very interesting sourcing techniques so you can find more talent.If you want to learn tech concepts in-depth you can visit my channel ""Tech for Recruiters"" and subscribe in Youtube"
Price: 19.99

"Quantum Crystal Healing (2) - Develop Your Intuitive Healing" |
"Expansive Learning:This crystal healing course gives you the theory and practical tools to develop your knowledge and application of crystals in the wider context of the cosmos and its amplifying powers. If you are new to crystal healing, this course will both broaden and deepen your understanding of their healing power. If you are experienced in energy healing, this course will connect you with your 'supernatural powers' and enable multi-dimensional healing by tapping into the quantum field of possibilities and your own crystalline matrix. (Read more detail for course 2 further below)Different Learning Styles:I design my courses so they satisfy people who like to learn 'actively' by practical demonstrations you can follow; people who like time to reflect and embed learning, through a well paced curriculum with opportunities to journal; people who are pragmatists, so like to try things out and see how they respond; and finally people who are theorists who enjoy supportive documentation and the science behind each subject.How to gain full benefit:Please note, if you wish to gain complete knowledge of how to use crystals for your own healing in life, you will need to work through all 3 separate courses in the collection 'Quantum Crystal Healing':(1) Ignite Your Healing Potential(2) Develop Your Intuitive Healing (3) Apply Deep Healing For LifeYou are of course, able to select any of the 3 courses as stand alone learning, however you may find there are gaps in your knowledge in order to fully benefit from all the topics I talk about.What I will cover in Course 2 ~ Develop Your Intuitive HealingNow that you have 'Ignited Your Healing Potential' from course 1, OR you have come to this course with an existing knowledge of energy work (allowing you to fully trust your intuition and you have experience using crystals in some personal way); I invite you to DEVELOP your intuitive healing FURTHER.I will start sharing practical ways in which you can care for your crystals (to cleanse and energise them) and also how you can integrate them into your life and home. I then go on to teach you how you can tap into your innate wisdom by dowsing with crystal pendulums. This will further develop and grow your confidence in terms of trusting your intuitive healing. Then, the fun really begins as I invite you to connect with each stone using a powerful crystal journeying meditation. This is the first step in connecting your personal energetic blueprint with your chosen stones. Furthermore, I will teach you how to grow and develop your internal crystalline matrix and ultimately connect with the quantum field of possibilities to shape shift energy and distance heal with crystals!By the end of this course I hope you will come to realise how 'supernatural' you really are...I look forward to sharing this valuable knowledge with you.Best Wishes,Sonya :-)P.S. Apologies if the captions on this course are not accurate, Udemy can't always translate 100% perfectly!"
Price: 149.99

"FullStack WEB - JavaScript para Iniciantes 2020" |
"Ol, meu nome Jonatan Pietroski e hoje eu vou te mostrar como qualquer pessoa pode se tornar um programador javascript independente.Isso mesmo, independente! Voc no vai precisar da ajuda de ningum para criar e publicar as suas aplicaes.Talvez voc esteja pensando que isso parece ser bom demais. No d pra aprender todo este processo, ou que no to simples assim.Sabe qual o maior problema das pessoas que querem aprender programao? Todos querem aprender recursos avanados para criar aplicaes mirabolantes e extremamente complicadas. No entanto se esquecem de que o mais importante em qualquer conhecimento o fundamento. Na verdade, o fundamento o mais importante na programao. Na maior parte do tempo voc vai trabalhar com conceitos fundamentais e no avanados.Deixa eu te perguntar uma coisa. Voc sabia que 75% das pessoas no gosta do que faz como profisso? isso mesmo que voc ouviu, 3 quartos das pessoas no gosta do que faz para viver. Dizendo isso para voc, existe uma grande possibilidade de que voc seja uma destas pessoas e est aqui em busca de uma mudana de vida.Algumas pessoas fazem faculdade de Tecnologia da Informao e no saem da faculdade com um conhecimento pratico para o mercado de trabalho. Ou at mesmo voc, j tentou aprender a programar sozinho e achou que isso no era para voc. como eu falei anteriormente, programar pode parecer muito difcil se voc olhar primeiro os recursos avanados. Pra aprender o recurso avanado voc precisa primeiro aprender o fundamento, ou o bsico. No d pra fazer o teorema de Pitgoras sem aprender os fundamentos matemticos primeiro. propsito voc no precisa ser um mestre da matemtica pra saber programar, isso um mito!Meu nome Jonatan Pietroski, eu sou um Engenheiro de Software especialista em JavaScript. J trabalhei para grandes empresas do mercado Nacional e Internacional desenvolvendo aplicativos para celular, sistemas para internet e inmeros Sites.Eu sei muito bem o que ter dificuldade de aprender a programar Javascript, eu aprendi do jeito mais difcil. Eu trabalhava com PHP e estava feliz da vida, embora no soubesse muito pois era o meu primeiro emprego como programador. Um belo dia meu colega de trabalho me disse que ele iria sair da empresa e que eu teria que cuidar de todo o restante do projeto, isso envolvia trabalhar com Javascript que na poca eu no sabia nada. Eu tive que me matar atrs de contedo para iniciantes, confesso que fiquei com medo de no conseguir aprender, foi um desafio enorme, achei que no iria conseguir, pois o contedo era muito disperso e vago para o que eu precisava. Era um pouco aqui e um pouco ali e isso acabou tornando o processo muito demorado e difcil. Como o aprendizado foi mais demorado, eu tinha medo de acabar perdendo minha vaga no trabalho para algum que soubesse mais do que eu. Foi ai que eu descobri que se eu tentasse usar o Framework que meu colega estava usando, que era o AngularJS, sem aprender os fundamentos do JavaScript eu no iria conseguir realizar as minhas atividades. Ento, eu resolvi fazer um dos melhores cursos que h nos Estados Unidos de JavaScript. Aprendi todos os fundamentos que eu precisava, e trabalhar com o AngularJS no foi mais um problema para mim, dali pra frente eu acabei me apaixonando por JavaScript.Paralelo a isso eu havia comeado a faculdade e eu comecei a perceber que os meus colegas tinham as mesmas dificuldades que eu tive quando comecei a estudar o JavaScript. Me lembro de ouvir muito o Choro dos colegas de que o professor era horrvel e que no sabia ensinar. O resumo da pera que nenhum deles havia aprendido os fundamentos de forma correta, e isso era a causa raiz do problema. E isso algo bem comum dentro do meio acadmico, o aluno no aprende a base da matria e acaba se ferrando nos contedos que dependem dos conceitos bsicos.Por que estou contando esta histria pra voc? Porque pra voc no precisa ser assim, eu quero ensinar a voc como iniciar a sua carreira como programador utilizando a linguagem de programao que eu sou apaixonado. Vou pegar voc pela mo e te ensinar da forma certa, ensinando todo o fundamento antes de qualquer recurso mais avanado.O mercado de trabalho para programadores est extremamente aquecido. Todo mundo que quer trabalhar como programador consegue emprego. A expectativa que o setor demande 420 mil vagas entre 2020 e 2024, mas a projeo que as somente 258 mil pessoas vo ter a capacitao para realizar este tipo de trabalho. Mas essas vagas no vo ficar para sempre sem serem preenchidas. Eu espero sinceramente que uma destas seja a sua!Deixa eu te contar uma coisa que talvez te deixe com vontade de comear a trabalhar hoje como um programador. Geralmente o ambiente de trabalho de TI bem descontrado, as empresas onde trabalhei, por exemplo, tem at video-game pra galera dar uma relaxada. Teve at um campeonato de Mortal Kombat uma certe vez! O horrio de trabalho flexvel, tem gente que chega s 8h e tem gente que chega s 10h da manh. bvio que as coisas so bem organizadas e o trabalho focado em entregas, voc precisa estar disponvel para tirar dvidas da sua equipe e ser pontual nas reunies. Mas imagina que legal vai ser quando voc estiver trabalhando em um lugar assim? O melhor de tudo, voc vai ter a possibilidade de trabalhar em casa! Foi o meu caso, que fui contratado para trabalhar no modelo Home Office, tendo a possibilidade de passar mais tempo com a minha famlia e desfrutando de uma melhor qualidade de vida. Se voc quer ter este estilo de vida, voc precisa comear a estudar hoje!Lembra que eu te contei a histria do meu inicio na carreira como programador e dos meus amigos na faculdade? Ento, Depois de ter passado por tudo isso, eu resolvi reunir todas as minhas dificuldades quando comecei a programar e montar um curso voltado para iniciantes, que este curso que voc est prestes a comprar. bvio que ele no se trata apenas de JavaScript, mas o JavaScript o fundamento de tudo.Bom, ento deixa eu te falar o que voc vai aprender neste curso.Como eu falei para voc, este curso voltado para iniciantes, pra quem no sabe programar, ou para voc que j programa em alguma outra linguagem, mas que aprender o JavaScript.O curso, no momento, possui 10 Mdulo, aproximadamente 200 Aulas em vdeo, explicando o passo passo da criao e publicao de uma aplicao WEB. Porm o nmero de aulas vai aumentar, porque eu estou sempre atualizando o curso com novidades e melhorias. O curso 100% online, ou seja, voc pode acessar de onde estiver a hora que quiser. Eu escolhi criar um curso prtico. Eu no vou ficar te contando a histria por trs das coisas, a no ser que isso seja necessrio. Vou te mostrar a teoria e vamos praticar, construindo um conhecimento progressivo e notvel. A cada mdulo prtico voc vai perceber uma progresso bem legal.Mas talvez voc esteja ai pensando, sou muito velho para aprender a programar. Bom, idade no um impeditivo para se tornar um programador. Na verdade, voc nem mesmo precisa ter algum conhecimento prvio especfico. Basta que voc tenha um computador para praticar as aulas. E digo isso porque se voc no praticar, voc no vai alcanar o potencial mximo do curso. Se voc seguir a metodologia do curso, voc vai se surpreender com o mundo de oportunidades que voc vai ter a sua frente.Ento vamos deixar de conversa e deixa eu te apresentar o que voc vai aprender.Mdulo 1 - No primeiro mdulo eu vou ensinar a voc quais so os fundamentos do HTML que a linguagem de marcao da WEB, com o HTML que construmos os blocos que so interpretados pelo nosso navegador e constroem os nossos Sites.Mdulo 2 - Neste mdulo eu vou te ensinar a deixar o site bonito, utilizando uma folha de estilos, chamada de CSS. o CSS que deixa o nosso site colorido e atraente ao olhos dos nossos usurios.Mdulo 3 - Aqui vamos construir um site totalmente responsivo. Aqui, se voc quiser, voc j vai poder trabalhar como um desenvolvedor de sites. o nosso primeiro mdulo prtico. Vamos fazer passo passo toda esta construo.Mdulo 4 - JAVASCRIPT. Este o mdulo mais importante do curso. Aqui voc vai aprender todo o fundamente do Javascript pra que a gente possa trabalhar com ferramentas mais avanadas no futuro.Mdulo 5 - Projeto prtico JavaScript. Aqui a vida comea a ter mais cores. Voc vai entender como o Javascript trabalha com as interaes em tela e vai ter o gostinho do que uma aplicao e como ela funciona. Vamos fazer aqui uma simulao das principais operaes de transao de dados, que vai nos preparar para os projetos futuros.Mdulo 6 - GIT . O GIT um versionador de cdigo. Em outras palavras, tipo um google drive, ou iCloud, onde voc salva o seu cdigo. A diferena que voc consegue trabalhar com vrias verses da mesma coisa ou do mesmo arquivo e no final voc pode juntar tudo em uma verso s. O GIT o versionador mais utilizado no mundo.Mdulo 7 - Banco de Dados. claro que a gente vai aprender como gerenciar um banco de dados. A final no banco de dados que as nossas informaes ficam armazenadas. Neste curso vamos utilizar o MySQL, um banco de dados de mercado utilizado por grandes corporaes.Mdulo 8 - LoopBack. Aqui vamos aprender o nosso primeiro framework. Um framework uma ferramenta que facilita o desenvolvimento das nossa aplicaes, eles automatizam tarefas repetitivas, deixando o fluxo de trabalho mais eficiente. O loopback o framework que vai se comunicar com o nosso banco de dados. Ele voltado para a criao de APIs. Uma API uma ponte entre 2 lugares que no podem se comunicar diretamente. Ele cria todas as operaes bsicas para gerenciar um Banco de Dados em apenas 5 minutinhos. realmente uma ferramenta poderoza.Mdulo 9 - VueJS - Aqui voc vai perceber que trabalhar com o JavaScript muito mais fcil quando se tem uma ferramenta que facilite as operaes mais simples do dia dia. O VueJS um framework extremamente fcil de aprender e trabalhar. Foi por isso que escolhi te ensinar ele e no outros tantos que tem por ai. O VueJS trabalha com o conceito de componentes. Voc cria um componente para realizar uma tarefa especfica. Por exemplo, um componente que cria um Menu. Aquele Menusinho de navegao que voc v em tantos sites. Dentro do seu componente de Menu voc tem toda a lgica de criao do seu Menu, assim o seu cdigo fica mais organizado.Mdulo 10 - Projeto Final. Por fim, vamos aplicar todos os conceitos que aprendemos criando uma aplicao completa, com nvel de acesso, gerenciamento administrativo, e por ai vai. Vamos criar todas as camadas da aplicao, Banco de Dados, parte visual, etc. e ao final vamos publicar esta aplicao na nuvem para que ela fique disponvel para outras pessoas. Vamos aprender todos os fundamentos do fluxo de trabalho que voc vai precisar para criar as suas prprias aplicaes.Ao final do curso voc vai receber um certificado confirmando que voc concluiu o Curso. Para voc exibir para os seus amigos. heheheQuando voc terminar este curso, voc vai ter todo o conhecimento necessrio para comear a concorrer a vagas de programador ou tirar os seus projetos do papel. Voc vai poder realizar atividades da parte visual (HTML e CSS), at a parte que se comunica com o banco de dados e faz algumas outras coisas mais complexas, chamada de Back-End.A propsito, deixa eu te contar uma coisa bem curiosa sobre o ramo da programao. Geralmente ningum vai te pedir que voc apresente um diploma de formao acadmica ou um certificado de concluso de curso. O que eles querem saber se voc consegue realizar a tarefa proposta. Ou seja, se voc sabe fazer!Antes de eu terminar, quero que voc pense no seguinte: No adianta esperar chegar a um lugar diferente se voc sempre segue o mesmo caminho. Traduzindo, se voc quer mudar a sua vida voc precisa sair da zona de conforto e trabalhar pra chegar a algum lugar diferente.Ento isso, eu espero voc nas nossas aulas. At mais!"
Price: 189.99

"Comunicacin Aumentativa Alternativa." |
"Este curso se encuentra basado en una idea bsica.Todo ser humano se puede comunicar. Esta habilidad, confinada en ocasiones por una situacin, que podramos describir como una escafandra; requiere de la bsqueda de alternativas, que permitan a la persona con ausencia, o graves dificultades del habla, la comunicacin eficiente en los contextos de su inters. Con base en la implementacin de contenidos entendible para la persona. Independientemente de su discapacidad"
Price: 99.99

"(Randomized Controlled Trials, RCT) RCT , . , IRB , . , concealment blinding ITT . ."
Price: 29.99

"Acrylic lesson - Swan Lake - Landscape" |
"We paint the Lilly flower step-by-step! You will learn how to create sunset sky, beautiful soft clouds, calm lake with a reflection on it, paint grass (cane), boats and flying swans - detailed, layer by layer! You will learn how to mix complicated colors from simple ones, analyze the type of brushstrokes and how to choose brushes depends on it!Techniques in this tutorial: layering, flat brush, gradient, work with shaped sponges, glazing."
Price: 24.99

"BOSS RC-505 Loop Station The Ultimate Guide" |
"There are so many awesome settings on the BOSS RC-505! Too many to choose from! For many people it can be very overwhelming, knowing where to start! But now there is a solution! This BOSS RC-505 Loop Station Course will take you through the various settings and features available on the BOSS RC-505 Loop Pedal! The 12 Modules and 55 Videos will take you from the beginning of using your BOSS RC-505 explaining the Basic operation of the loop pedal, all the way to advanced videos... such as: Explaining the various MIDI Settings on the BOSS RC-505 and how you can use the loop pedal with software like Ableton Live! This course will help you learn the best way to run the BOSS RC-505 for your own personal Live Looping Rig! Providing you with clear and concise multi-camera video explanations and demonstrations of the BOSS RC-505 settings! "
Price: 39.99

"Windows Kernel Defense and Hacking for beginners to experts" |
"P.S. If you do have any kind of question during the course please let me know. Moreover, for student interaction and connecting, you guys can join the channel I was created in slack here : winkersec , please feel free to connect kernel folks!! or Page on Facebook - Computer Security InstituteHave you ever imagine to work in a big IT company like Microsoft , Google or Facebook ? Have you ever want to be a fineness hacker in kernel and learn related knowledge and experience from Microsoft Security Researcher? If the answer is YES, don't hesitate to take this course, It will guide you from zero to one into the kernel security by easiest way i'd say. Understanding a low-level knowledge is a big plus for your career growth. Except for security folks, understanding it also enable us to have better ability to debug our high level program, this course will show you how am I explorer and leverage the knowledge of kernel and low level in research and development for production.With attending this course, you will be enabled to understand what behinds the low level security project scene, how does it works behind the anti-cheat engine in general.You will understand how to start a driver development in Windows whether as your hobby or career. You will be able create your customized anti-cheat engine after this course from kernel , virtualization and hardware level.Practically, after this course, you will know how to write your own kernel drivers for security, debugging the kernel, troubleshooting the Blue Screen, develop a anti-cheat like kernel based security solution, to create a kernel based weapon on your own, also enable you to develop a hypervisor based security solution, to create the hypervisor based security weapon for attack and defense on your own.This course is teaching technique in general, however, it's the usable skills to develop or analysis on anti-cheat or rootkit, or game cheat as well.This is my first time to be a lecturer, Hope you all have a nice journal during this course, and if you have any question during this course, please let me know :)"
Price: 19.99
