"Introduction to Game Cheat and Software Hacking on Windows" |
"Generally, This course covers about practical game hack in Windows and you will understand how to make a cheat in ANY games after this course, you also getting ton of source code , tools and skills that are able to be reused on your next game other than the sample oneFor anyone who interested in game cheating, this course is going to teach you a general skill in software hacking , especially in game hack, after this course you are able write you own game cheat for plants vs. zombie. You are going to learn how to analysis the game data by practical reverse engineering techniques as well as some tools, and also you are going understanding the engineering part of game cheat, how can we make a cheat in real world? like unlimited coins, unlimited points, unlimited everything, invincible character, etc.Except for the game hacking, the skillset can also be generally applied into different cases of traditional software security industry, such as, malware behavior analysis, credential steal, and Trojan analysis, etc.For defensive security folks, you will have better understanding what is the hacker doing everyday to your commercial product, so that you are able to provide more concrete respond to your company's security incident. For programmer, by learning software assembly level analysis / debugging / reverse engineering skills, you are able to troubleshoot your programming problem by its nature, and getting the idea what's the things happening behind your problem, and what behind the scene, it will exponentially open your eyes and increase your experience and knowledge base for solving the high level problems from low-level perspectives, for example, calling-stack problem, instruction unaligned problem, etc."
Price: 19.99

"BIM (Building Information Modeling) Nedir?" |
"BIM (Building Information Modeling) kavram ile ilgili hereyi tm detaylarn reneceksiniz. Kavram ve uygulama detaylarn grm ve anlam olacaksnz. Geni bir kaynak arivi ile daha fazla bilgi isteyen rencilere ilerisi iin de destek olacaktr. BIM 'in ne olduundan daha ok ne olmadn reneceksiniz. Neler renilecek : BIM nedir? Ne deildir. BIM iindeki kavramlar, tanmlamalar, nerede kullanlr? Ne iin kullanlr? Kimler hangi ama ve ilevlerini kullanr, uygulamalar nedir? BIM yaklamnda hangi programlar kullanlr, BIM Ex.Plan nedir nasl hazrlanr? Dnyada ve Trkiyede durumu, Protokoller.vbnemlidir : Eitim bir proje deil sadece BIM tanm zerinedir."
Price: 409.99

"CEP - Controle Estatstico do Processo" |
"O Controle Estatstico do Processo (CEP) uma tcnica estatstica que envolve a coleta, a organizao e a interpretao de dados para o controle de um processo durante a produo, com o objetivo de controlar e melhorar continuamente a qualidade do produto.Os grficos de controle fornecem informaes sobre um processo atravs dos resultados de pequenas amostras (grupos) coletadas periodicamente. Cada grupo fornece a imagem do que o processo est fazendo ou produzindo naquele momento."
Price: 99.99

yvuuvjcu |
"SMART1234Step.15Step.26Step.31.2107Step.4 SMART SMARTSpecificMeasurableAchievableRelevantTime-bound8Step.5 9Step.6Do not list10Step.7RAS11"
Price: 7200.00

"Como fazer projetos da rea ambiental" |
"So poucos aqueles que conseguem obter financiamentos para aes de sustentabilidade financiadas pelos governos federal, estadual, organismos internacionais e entidades privadas; assim, o presente curso aborda a confeco de projetos ambientais (que geralmente so muito mais simples do que os projetos das demais reas de conhecimento), vindo a preencher uma lacuna na formao acadmica, pouco voltada para o desenvolvimento profissional. Trata-se de vdeos curtos, com narraes em fundo simples, com fornecimento de modelos reais de projetos, culminando com a confeco do SEU PRPRIO PROJETO (o qual posso corrigir diretamente, basta entrar em contato pelo chat da plataforma). O pdf base do curso tambm pode ser fornecido, a pedido. Caminhemos, ento, juntos, rumo ao sucesso profissional!"
Price: 39.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Practice Exams 2020" |
"Included in this course: Three Practice Tests (65 questions each with an exact AWS CLF-C01 domains' breakdown): Udemy multiple-choice/multi-response format.Answer Key: why this, not that + clickable links to supporting materials (docs, blogs, wikis, and videos)Free online resources: books, video, blogs, podcasts Please note that provided three practice tests are mock exams, not brain dumps. They are designed to replicate the style, topics, and complexity (or simplicity ;8-) of the real-world AWS certification exams. The number of questions for each Domain Topic is chosen to match current AWS exam guidelines (2020 AWS CLF-C01). The sentence length and structure of questions are adjusted to match examples from the AWS Sample Exam Questions document.The multiple-choice questions are written with plausible distractors, using memory + application method that tests students' knowledge of principles and facts in real-life situations.The question subjects (eg. a customer, AWS team, etc) and the question conditions (eg. ""which feature of"", ""a company wants to use"", "" which of the following"" etc) also follow the AWS Sample Exam Format. A candidate preparing for the exam will expend about the same time and apply about the same mental effort understanding the question as he would in the real test center environment.P.S. If you are planning to take the associate level and later professional level AWS exams I recommend you first take the AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam. There are two advantages: (i) you get familiarized with the AWS Exams format and physical exam center (or online) environment, and (ii) you can get rolling 50% off discounts on all future exams! Also, if you are not a native English speaker, you can apply online for a 30-minute extension (""ESL +30 minutes"") to the exam time from your CertMetrics account.P.S.S. A final comment about the validity of the answers: each practice exam question is followed by an answer, explanation of the answer, and explanation of why other multiple choices are wrong. The link(s) (between two and four) to the free online resources are provided (AWS documentation, other documentation, pdf articles, blogs, and videos). Some questions on a real AWS Certification Exam are not perfectly worded. (Sorry -- that is not my fault.) Sometimes two multiple-choice options appear to be an almost equally acceptable answer. You should not get too worked up over that: if you use these practice exams as one of the building blocks of your studies, you should be able to demonstrate your broad AWS Cloud Services knowledge in a job interview and you should be able to pass the AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam (70% passing score required)."
Price: 29.99

"Grounding for Spiritual Connection" |
"This course was created to give you additional support in your spiritual practices. The Masters, Guides and Being of Light channeled through us important information, practices, meditations, exercises, etc that can help you stay balanced and grounded. In this course we go into a lot of detail about why grounding is so important for you and your spiritual path. Some things we talk about in the course:* The 7 chakra and which chakras are connected to grounding* What it means to be grounded * Positive affects of being grounded in your physical and spiritual life* What it means to not be grounded* Negative affects of not being grounded and how this affects you physically and spiritually* Introduction to grounding exercises/meditations* Grounding exercises/meditations that you can use to ground (downloadable)* Mantras and activities for grounding yourself* Foods that will assist you in groundingThe Masters also share with us how not being grounded can affect your manifestations and your health. In essence this is lack of abundance, lack of your needs being met. In order to live a fulfilled life we need to be grounded, centred and balanced in order to attract health, abundance and spiritual clarity.With the help of channeling through our own Akashic Records, the Masters, Guided and Being of Light were able to share with us special exercises/meditations that will help you identify and cope with different types of grounding issues. You will learn why these meditations work and what additional actives and exercises you can add to your day to day to enhance your quality of life, your spiritual awakening and to keep your channel flowing with no energy blocks.Having over 20 years of Akashic Record channeling experience between the two of us, we have found grounding to be one of the most important tools to stay aligned and prepared to channel information clearly and openly. Through our own experience with lack of grounding the Masters, Guides and Being of Light were able to teach us the importance of grounding and to avoid similar situation for ourselves and our students. We personally feel very passionately about grounding, and have been personally affected with this issue and we were called to share this information so that you can avoid being affected physically and spiritually. You may find that your material needs are not being met when you are not grounded which can result in mental and emotional issues in this physical realm. You will learn about these struggles, how they come into play and how to heal it and realign your life and soul path. Grounding is the key to aligning to our soul guided path and to receive the intuitive messages we need with more clarity and confidence.x love and light xThe Soul Tribe Academy"
Price: 19.99

"Bachata sensual estilo chicas" |
"Mejora tus movimientos en el paso bsico de bachata. ( curso tanto para nivel inicio como para nivel medio )Frmate con este curso en cuanto a tu tcnica, es imprescindible para una mayor calidad de baile.Aprende a mover cada parte de tu cuerpo.Disfruta de las secuencias de pasos libres y coreografas con Azahara."
Price: 19.99

"Kickoff Your Online Career: Social Media Management Course" |
"Do you want to start an online career and work from the comfort of your own home?Are you a business owner who wants to create an online presence or improve your current social media accounts?If your answer is BIG YES, then this Kickoff Your Online Career: Social Media Management Course is for you.Just like me, you can start your online career and start working as a freelancer.Just like my clients, you can create a strong social media presence for your business.Is it really possible?My answer is YES, IT'S POSSIBLE!Millions of people from around the world are using social media networks every single day. That means, great opportunities are waiting for you, whether you are a person who wants to become a social media manager or a business owner who wants to reach more people.After taking this course:You can be someone who can offer social media management services.You can be a business owner who will have a strong social media presence.You can be someone who earns money online.You can work anywhere, you can travel and earn money at the same time.You can be someone who is successful that earn 6 figures a year.Nothing is impossible!Why choose this course over other courses?My husband and I actually do this for a living.Everything is covered in this course. From creating a social media presence for businesses up to starting an online career as a social media manager.Keys for creating awesome and branded content.Best tools for social media manager.High quality and helpful information.Access anywhere, 24/7."
Price: 99.99

"PMP Practice Test 2020 (PMBOK6): 300+Question & Explanations" |
"01_Project Procurement Management : 27 Questions02_Project schedule management :23 Questions03_Project Communication Management : 14 Questions04_Project Cost Management : 18 Questions05_Project Integration Management : 73 Questions06_Project Recourse Management :21 Questions07_Project Risk Management : 44 Questions08_Project Scope Management :8 Questions09_Project stakeholder Management :38 Questions10_Agile Questions :25 Questions11_ITTO[Inputs, Tools & Techniques & Outputs] Questions :50 QuestionsSample QuestionsQuestion 1:Alice Newland is a Project Manager for XYZ consultants. She has been asked to help choose one of the four potential project candidates. The management used internal rate of return technique for project selection. Which of the following projects should Alice recommend to the management?A. Project D requires making an initial investment of $200,000 and will give annual return of $60,000.B. Project B requires making an initial investment of $200,000 and will give monthly return of $8,000.C. Project A requires making an initial investment of $100,000 and will give monthly return of $5,000.D. Project C requires making an initial investment of $100,000 and will give annual return of $40,000.Answer: CExplanation:Project A has best internal rate of return of $60K annually for an investment of $100,000."
Price: 19.99

"Scrum Master 1 practice Exam" |
"The Course is a set of question and explanation inspired by the Scrum guide itself.This will help you to better understand the Scrum Guide and become effective Scrum Master as a servant leader.It may help you to pass the PSM I or any other globally recognized certification exams. This course, quizzes, course materials, and practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum. org or Scrum Alliance."
Price: 19.99

"Autodesk Revit MEP Impianti Elettrici e di Illuminazione" |
"Redazione di un progetto di distribuzione elettrica e di illuminazione in ambiente BIM mediante utilizzo del software Autodesk Revit. Il corso e' stato concepito per progettisti di impianti elettrici ed installatori che si affacciano per la prima volta all'utilizzo di un software di progettazione in ambiente BIM. Il livello del corso e' da considerarsi come ""principiante"". Il corso si articola in vari tutorial video dove vengono dettagliatamenti illustrate le fasi di settaggio dei parametri di progetto e le procedure per poter facilmente procedere alla redazione dei vari elaborati, layout e tabelle splicative di calcolo."
Price: 49.99

"Curso de Mantras" |
"En este curso dars respuesta a las preguntas:Qu son los mantras?Cmo funcionan?Adems veremos 21 mantras tradicionales, su significado y efectos fsicos, mentales, emocionales y espirituales de cada uno.Con tu prctica en cada mantra, manifestars en tu vida diferentes energas que te apoyarn a vivir en paz y en conexin contigo."
Price: 39.99

"Managing Office 365 Content Services - Franais MS-300 T01" |
"Cours MS-300T01-A: Grer les services de contenu dOffice 365Le contenu reprsente lactif numrique le plus critique de toute organisation. Dans cette formation, vous apprendrez planifier, configurer et grer les regroupements de sites SharePoint et OneDrive for Business pour permettre les services de contenu moderne qui transforment le cycle de vie du contenu. Cette formation discute spcifiquement de la structure de site moderne de SharePoint, tels que les sites hub de SharePoint. Elle fournit les meilleures pratiques pour ladoption et le dploiement de OneDrive for Business dans votre organisation. Elle couvre galement le partage, la scurit et la surveillance de SharePoint Online et de OneDrive for Business. Cette formation est conue pour les professionnels de l'informatique qui dploient et grent linfrastructure Teamwork dans leur organisation.Cest la premire formation d'une srie de quatre formations pour le rle d'administrateur Teamwork. Ces formations aident acqurir des comptences Office 365, SharePoint et OneDrive et se prparer lexamen MS-300 : Dployer Microsoft 365 Teamwork.101 sessions60 demos10 sectionsenviron 9h de 101 vidos"
Price: 49.99

"Build Image Recognition App" |
"This course has been designed to equip students with the ability to develop mobile applications. Building mobile apps is a challenging skill where imagination plays a vital role. An app builder can imagine any design or an application and build it accordingly. The complexity of the app development increases as per the customer requirements. In the age of mobile revolution, we have witnessed the usage of mobile apps and its convenience for many applications. This course will provide a good understanding and ability to develop Mobile apps in Android platform."
Price: 84.99

"How to Save and Invest Money" |
"In this course, you will learn skills in Money Management. You will learn how to construct a balance sheet, cash flow statement, and a budget. You will learn about Consumer Credit, and the uses of Consumer Credit. This course covers selecting and how to finance a house. You will also explore Investing in Stock and Investing in Bonds."
Price: 19.99

"Energy Vampires: Identification and Protection" |
"DescriptionBased on the teachings of Moscow's Academy of clairvoyance, their academics have compiled a list of groups and situations that can deplete you and drain you.They have found, researched, and devised methods to help you along your journey of life to:*Protect and preserve your energetical balance*Recharge and rejuvenate yourself*Deal with situations that drain and deplete you*Regain the missing parts of your energy and life-force*Live a more fulfilled life in harmonyIn this course, you will learn: Subtypes and archetypes of many different kinds of entities that may be responsible for your depleted and drained state in life.In-depth knowledge and workings about energy-draining situations and people.Many different meditational practises that will enhance you and help you deal with difficult and unexpected situations. Incredible and rare ""Night Meditation"" to boost the missing energies of your life-force."
Price: 109.99

"How can you make a LinkedIn professional account" |
", 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9-10- 11- 12- 13- 14-"
Price: 24.99

"Learn Eggless Healthy Homemade Cookies (without margarine)" |
"Learn to make varieties of delicious cookies at home. whole wheat atta cookies, digestive oats / multigrain cookies, fruit cookies, chocolate chip cookies, checker board cookies / flower cookies, vanilla choco chip cookies, cinnamon cookies many more varieties.Each recipe shows you exact measurements what you'll need to add it - how much time, which tools, which ingredients. All of the ingredients are whole foods only. Clear procedure is written along with ingredients measurements."
Price: 1280.00

"20'de 20 LGS" |
"8. snf rencilerin mezun olur olmaz girdikleri LGS snav maratonunun ilk basama. yi bir niversite iin iyi bir liseye gitmek gerekiyor. te bu frsat size LGS veriyor. Snava giren 2 milyondan fazla gencin kyasya yart bir snavda rakiplerinden bir adm nce balamak gzel olmaz m? Cevabnz evetse hemen 20'de 20 LGS Kursu senin iin. 25 yllk dersane tecrbemle, ifre ve taktiklerle hayatn iinden rneklerle sadece Trke sorularnda deil tm LGS sorularnda iinize yarayacak formllerle yannzdaym. "
Price: 59.99

"Treasure Hunting with Metal Detectors" |
"You will learn the concepts and fundamentals of searching for lost and buried treasures using metal detectors in this course. Youll see what it takes to find metallic items underground and the effort it takes. Youll also see how to use detectors to find items that arent even metallic and some of the ways you can go about that. The class is a great introduction to treasure hunting using metal detectors. Youll be able to apply the techniques using the settings presented in the class immediately to your treasure hunting outings.In this class, you will learn:Different detector qualities and price pointsHow to avoid damaging items once you find themHow quickly a metal detector can work to find lost itemsWhat the different coil types areAdvanced techniques for specialized conditionsImprove your treasure hunting with these new skillsThis course will take you into the realm of professional precious metal seekers. In order to get the most out of your metal detector, Mike Bowers provides competent instruction and insight. Professionals use the techniques presented in this course and the payoff for the class will be almost immediate when you find your first lost item. Youll gain more consistency in your finds and learn new concepts you may not have considered before.Follow Mike Bowers into the field and learn how he works. Youll be able to better understand the nuances of detectors and some of the settings to use to try on your own. Youll learn the various aspects of different valuable items and what they sound like.Designed for beginners who want professional resultsThis is for aspiring treasure hunters and anyone interested in using metal detectors. There are no computers needed or other requirements in this course. Youll have fun, learn as you go, and be inspired by some of the amazing stories in this course."
Price: 24.99

"Kaltakquise Masterkurs 1.0" |
"Herzlich Willkommen Lieber Leser! :-)Du mchtest endlich mehr Umsatz mit der Kaltakquise machen? Du kannst, oder mchtest kein Geld ausgeben, um fr Dich Neukunden zu gewinnen?Du kannst die Einwnde, die Du beim telefonieren schon oft genug gehrt hast, nicht richtig behandeln? Du weisst einfach noch nicht so richtig, wie Du produktiv & strukturiert Kaltakquise betreibst?Oder kann es sein, dass Du noch irgendwelche ngste vor der Kaltakquise hast?Dann bist Du hier genau richtig!Ich Marco Bartholm mache seit 2015 Online-Marketing, im Bereich Kaltakquise, Funnels Erstellung, Google & Facebook Ads und Affiliate-Marketing. Seit 2 Jahren bin ich intensiv im Agentur Business und generiere fr lokale Geschfte Neukunden, mithilfe von Online-Werbeanzeigen, auf den Social-Media Kanlen & Google. Meine Kunden habe ich zu 80% per Kaltakquise gewonnen, ohne dass ich Geld in die Hand nehmen musste, um fr mich Neukunden zu gewinnen. Warum ich auf Kaltakquise schwre, erfhrst Du in meinem Kurs...Was bringt Dir mein Kurs?Ich habe mir viel Mhe gegeben, um fr Dich nur Wissen rauszugeben, was Du auch einfach umsetzen kannst und was Dir anschliessend auch Umsatz bringt und dass egal ob du Anfnger, oder Fortgeschrittener bist! Es gibt viele Kurse da draussen, wo nur aus Theorie und keine Praxis bestehen, deshalb habe ich in jedem Abschnitt ein klares Lernziel, mit Praxis Arbeit fr Dich parat gemacht, damit Du auch motiviert umsetzt und nach meinem Kurs von A nach B kommst. Wenn Du meinen Kurs von 0 - 100 durcharbeitest und korrekt anwendest, wirst Du 4 grosse Ziele erreichen:Wie Du endlich mehr Umsatz mit der Kaltakquise machst.Wie Du fast jeden Einwand behandeln kannst.Wie Du produktiv & strukturiert Kaltakquise umsetzen kannst.Wie Du Deine Angst vor der Kaltakquise kontrollieren kannst.30 Tage Geld-zurck-Garantie bei Unzufriedenheit.Wenn Du diese Probleme mit dir mit trgst, dann nehme Ich dir gerne den Rucksack ab und begleite Dich sehr gerne auf deinen Weg zum Kaltakquise-Master!"
Price: 34.99

"IELTS Master Class How to Confidently Write a 7.5+ Essay" |
"This course will teach you every important aspect of writing a 7.5+ essay. Our course is different. We focus completely on how IELTS grades your exam and we teach you EXACTLY what skills are necessary to score high. IELTS Writing does not need to be hard. The first step is really understanding what is important in an IELTS essay. We teach your to be very confident in the important skills. IELTS explains exactly what you need to do and we teach you how to do every detail. Success on IELTS is not based upon fancy academic words, memorizing catchy phrases or using writing template. Those methods are built for failure. Course designers and IELTS centers want you to fail, so that you will continue studying with them as you take the test multiple times.Importantly, we also focus on how to mentally prepare yourself for success on IELTS Writing. Confidence is something you can be taught and you can learn. If you are confident, you will succeed. We train you to be ready for every situation and we teach you how to do great when the unexpected situations happen. This is known as Situation Awareness Training and we will prepare you in the best way.We built this course for YOU. If you do the work, you will succeed. "
Price: 34.99

"Lead Generation Magnet for Business Organic & Inorganic Way" |
"In this special course, I am going to provide you Lead Generation System which will explain to you how to bring Leads. Grow customer through this technique Lead Generation marketing. Grow customer for your social media marketing reach through the best Facebook Marketing & Facebook ad agency courses 2020The GetResponse online campaign management platform helps to design, implement, and track digital marketing activities. Companies can do that using Email marketing, Newsletter, Autoresponders, Landing pages, Advanced analytics, and over easy & powerful features.In this video, I talk about Getresponse Tutorial for beginners and how to add, remove and manage the contact from Getresponse. Ill also talk about how to maintain Getresponse list hygiene so that you can save more money with your Email Marketing Platform Getresponse.In this video I show you Graphic design made easy. By the end you'll be able to create a graphic design faster than Photoshop will even open on most computers."
Price: 2240.00

"ember Ve Daire" |
"Bu kurs 6.snf ember ve daire konusunu ele almaktadr.Bu kursun sonunda ember ve dairenin anlamn renecek ayrca ap,merkez,yarap tanmlarn da renmi olacak ve bu kelimelerin getii soru ve konulardan korkmayacaksnz.Ayrca matematikte nemli ve gizemli olan pi saysn renecek ve nasl hesaplandn renmi olacak pi says hakknda bir ok gizemli bilgiye sahip olmu olacak; ember ve dairenin evresini hesaplayacak bu konuda karlaacanz sorularn kolay zm yntemlerini renerek matematiin hayatnz kolaylatrdna ahitlik edeceksiniz."
Price: 44.99

"Chakras and their influence on health. Diagnosis and care" |
"In this course you will learn among others:what is chakra,how chakras work,what are chakra's connections with emotions and organs,what damages chakras and what makes them strong and healthy,how to harmonize chakras with Reiki energy or mental energy,how to diagnose energetic problemsand more.I am teacher of Reiki since 2009. I taught over 1000 people in several countries. All of them are good in this, what they do.I also published a book about Reiki healing, which was for 3 months on bestseller list (""Reiki. Odkryj moc zdrowia"", Helion publishing house). In the course I explain you everything you need to proper and safe Reiki practice. I teach you lots of different techniques in Reiki healing. Thanks to this you can start help yourself and others and you can improve your health and quality of life.Read my course curriculum - you will get know, that the course will be probably interesting, useful and worth for you. Stay healthy and be happy!Martha"
Price: 19.99

"Reiki principles, their meaning and influence on health" |
"In this course you will learn among others:what are Reiki rules,what is meaning Reiki rules for health,what is meaning Reiki rules for life,understanding Reiki rules in practiceand more.I am teacher of Reiki since 2009. I taught over 1000 people in several countries. All of them are good in this, what they do.I also published a book about Reiki healing, which was for 3 months on bestseller list (""Reiki. Odkryj moc zdrowia"", Helion publishing house). In the course I explain you everything you need to proper and safe Reiki practice. I teach you lots of different techniques in Reiki healing. Thanks to this you can start help yourself and others and you can improve your health and quality of life.Read my course curriculum - you will get know, that the course will be probably interesting, useful and worth for you. On May my course of second degree of Reiki healing should be available on Udemy. You will learn there to do all these kinds of healing from distance as well as sending Reiki in intention. Stay healthy and be happy!Martha"
Price: 19.99

"Gestin Estratgica del Desempeo Empresarial (SPM)" |
"Te preguntas cmo es posible asegurar que la estrategia de una organizacin se ejecute y todos sus integrantes entiendan cmo contribuir a su cumplimiento? En este curso aprenders una metodologa integral para definir de forma prctica las estrategias y prioridades de una organizacin y cmo convertir dicha estrategia en objetivos, KPIs y metas escalonadas y encadenadas que aseguren el alineamiento organizacional y la consecucin de la misin y visin de dicha organizacin.Desde el ""boom"" generado por las ideas de Robert Kaplan y David Norton en la dcada de los 90, se ha escrito mucho sobre la forma de planificar y convertir la estrategia en accin, pero ello ha carecido de enfoques prcticos y ""aterrizados"", lo cual ha llevado a muchas organizaciones a desistir o en el mejor de los casos a aplicar enfoques que no logran los resultados esperados.A partir una ms de 25 aos de experiencia prctica en organizaciones de Amrica Latina, este curso presenta conceptos, mtodos y herramientas concretas para poder implementar un proceso real de gestin del desempeo organizacional, desde la estrategia hasta la accin."
Price: 49.99

"ITIL-4 Foundation Verified Practice Tests" |
"If you plan to take the ITIL-4-Foundation Exam, choosing us may be your best choice in acing the test and saving you huge retake fees. Our pass rate is as high as 97% and the similarity percentage between our ITIL-4-Foundation study guide and real exam is 95% based on our seven-year educating experience."
Price: 19.99

"Investimentos para iniciantes: o curso completo" |
"No Brasil quando se fala em investimentos logo se pensa que complicado e coisa de rico. Mas na verdade hoje, o acesso a diversos tipos de investimentos bem fcil para qualquer pessoa.Se voc pensa em ter uma vida financeira tranquilo no longo prazo e ter certa liberdade para tomar suas atitudes, fundamental que aprenda a investir da forma correta. Nesse curso, voc vai aprender as principais caractersticas dos diversos tipos de investimentos disponveis no Brasil.Voc vai aprender tudo o que precisa sobre: Renda Fixa, Fundos, Bolsa, Risco, Diversificao e muito mais!Depois de 3 anos estudando tudo que tinha disponvel em cursos e na faculdade de Economia da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, decidi criar esse curso, no qual voc ter horas e horas de estudo compilados da melhor forma para que voc aprenda e consiga tomar boas decises de investimentos.Todo esse contedo ser disponibilizado principalmente no formato de vdeo, mas tero tambm diversos materiais para download, artigos e checklist.Ainda assim, caso esteja na dvida se faz ou no o curso, voc pode testar durante 30 dias. Ou seja, voc pode fazer o curso todo durante esse tempo de GRAA. Caso no goste ou no seja para o seu perfil pode pedir o reembolso.Como eu assumo todo o risco de voc no gostar do curso, voc no tem nada a perder.Posso contar com voc para ser mais um investidor bem sucedido?"
Price: 39.99

"Amazing AutoCAD Commands Course is designed on innovative commands. The content explained in the whole course works in any version of AutoCAD Software. In this course you will be learning new skill sets which will change your whole working style in office work or into academics. It is the only course which will be covering every aspect of the key commands and their best possible use specifically on projects unlike general demonstration of commands.This course will bridge the gap between academics and industry as learning the skills from this course, students will meet the expectations of Industry. Professionals working on AutoCAD, they will be able to learn effective usage of the software, enhance competency of people working on projects and manage the work within time deadlines."
Price: 119.99
