"Come preparare la Vera ed Unica New York Cheesecake" |
"La Cheesecakes uno dei pi popolari dessert, amata per la sua dolcezza, consistenza ricca e morbida su una base croccante. Vuoi conoscere il segreto della cheesecake perfetta? Stai per scoprirlo in questo corso best-seller!Non solo imparerai tutto sulla cheesecake, ma anche, molto importante, i miei tre topping preferiti, perfetti per qualsiasi fetta!Tutte le lezioni sono filmate da vicino, il che perfetto se stai imparando su un telefono o un altri dispositivi portatili.Sar la tua guida mentre esplori tutti gli elementi che ti permetteranno di creare le tue cheesecake lasciandoti a bocca aperta! incluso anche il supporto personalizzato ... mandami un messaggio e sar lieto di darti ulteriori spiegazioni e consigli!Sei pronto a dominare questo dolce popolare e delizioso? Iniziamo! Ci vediamo nel corso."
Price: 19.99

"SAP Fiori Application Developer {C_FIORDEV_21} Exam Question" |
"250 Unique questions!!! No duplicates like other websites.Exam Questions similar to actualC_FIORDEV_21 - SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Fiori Application DeveloperC_FIORDEV_20 - SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Fiori Application DeveloperEnhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications.Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Topic Areas:SAPUI5 Foundations >12%Deployment & Testing > 12%SAP Fiori Launchpad Configuration 8% - 12%SAP Fiori Strategy, Standards and Guidelines 8% - 12%SAP HANA Cloud Platform and Web IDE Basics 8% - 12%OData and Advanced Data Handling 8% - 12%Extensibility in SAPUI5 8% - 12%SAP Fiori Elements & Smartcontrols 8% - 12%SAP Fiori Architecture Overview < 8%Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Fiori Application DeveloperExam Code : C_FIORDEV_21Exam: 80 questionsExam Cut Score: 66%Exam Duration: 180 minsType of Questions : Multiple choice (single/multiple), True/FalsePractice ExamTotal Questions to check your knowledge: 250Type of Questions : Multiple choice (single/multiple), True/FalsePassing Score : 66%"
Price: 19.99

"Disegna il TUO Futuro" |
"Ogni fine o inizio anno ognuno di noi fa la lista dei buoni propositi. Voglio e desidero riempiono liste molte lunghe.Quante di queste promesse fatte a se stessi o ad altri dopo di un anno saranno mantenute?A molti in una revisione attenta accade di accorgersi che alcuni buoni propositi sono andati in fumo poche settimane dopo!Non accade perch siamo sbagliati o i nostri obiettivi sono sbagliati, di sbagliato c' solo il modo in cui definiamo e pianifichiamo gli obiettivi.In questo corso potrai fermarti per un attimo a pensare, fare un resoconto, riflettere e disegnare il tuo prossimo anno, il tuo FUTURO come lo desideri.Troverai una risposta per IMPARARE dal tuo PASSATO anno e DISEGNARE i 12 mesi di futuro che hai davanti attraverso domande come:Come andato l'ultimo anno?Cosa ho fatto?Cosa mi sono solo promesso di fare?Cosa desideravo?Cosa cambiato in questo anno?Perch andata cos?Cosa ho imparato?Eviterai anche di cadere nei 11 fattori di insuccesso nel raggiungere obiettivi:Definire obiettivi non fattibiliDefinire obiettivi troppo faciliPerdere motivazione lungo la strada perch non hai gi ottenuto tutto il risultato ( voglio dimagrire, mi sacrifico, nn vedo risultati dopo di un p mollo e riguadagno tutti i chili persi)Sai quello che vuoi , ce l'hai chiaro ma non ne conosci il motivo, il perch e anche qui mollerai a met.TI fai influenzare dall'esterno : amici, parenti e conoscenti che ti dicono di volare basso o che non a per te.Hai la meta, l'obiettivo, ma ti manca il metodo efficace ed efficiente.Non ti senti all'altezza, non pensi di meritarlo in fondo.Non credi abbastanza in ci che vuoi realizzare.Essere un perfettino, se non tutto perfetto non inizio, e forse non inizierai mai.Avere troppi focus, inizi troppi percorsi senza arrivare mai in fondo a nulla.Non avere voglia di ""sudare"" cio di sacrificarsi per gli obiettivi.OK ma PERCHE' Funziona e COME funziona il corso ?Solo semplici domande a cui rispondere: quindi semplice, analitico e veloce. Dedica meno di tre ore del tuo tempo una sola volta per pianificare tutto lanno.Ti aiuta a non ripetere gli stessi errori che hai fatto gli anni prima senza rendertene conto, a causa di comportamenti e convinzioni abitudinarie.Puoi analizzare successi e insuccessi dellanno appena trascorso, di tutte le aree della tua vita per trarre la lezione pi importante. Per cui, anche se stato uno dei peggiori anni, questa analisi ti aiuta a tirare fuori qualcosa di estremamente importante e positivo, una lezione che una volta compresa, far la vera differenza per realizzare i sogni del nuovo anno.Definisci quale deve essere il principale focus dellanno: gli obiettivi spazieranno nelle diverse aree della vita, ma ci sar qualcosa pi importante di tutto, che sar realizzato attraverso i vari step, perch sar il tuo principale interesse.Potrai decidere quale sar la credenza che potr guidarti di pi: la troverai grazie alla consapevolezza di tutte quelle credenze che ti hanno limitato negli anni passati. La maggioranza delle persone, non realizza i propri sogni perch non sa di avere delle credenze limitanti, ovvero delle sensazioni di certezza che per coerenza dobbiamo confermare, ma che sono un limite per quello che voglio realizzare.Potrai dare una valutazione alle tue aree di vita, famiglia, lavoro, soldi, tempo libero, salute ecc per consapevolizzare quello che vali veramente secondo il tuo punto di vista e quello che ti meriti. Una specie di voto, sulla tua qualit di vita a 360 gradi. Molto rivelatorio come esercizio.Infine, farai la tua Top Ten, ovvero i 10 principali obiettivi che vorrai raggiungere questanno.AL termine del corso avrai tra le mani una scheda di una pagina con le tue principali linee guida: saranno indicative per ricordarti il modo in cui hai deciso di comportarti, il tuo focus principale, la credenza guida e gli obiettivi mensili che potrai monitorare e controllare per garantirti il risultato.Con questo metodo potrai ottenere almeno l80 per cento degli obiettivi che definisci di fare. Basta applicare quello che hai imparato con costanza nella propria AGENDA o con le schede del corso.Bisogna per mettersi in gioco e assumersi la Responsabilit necessario mettersi in gioco e prendersi la RESPONSABILIT,(cio l' abilita di rispondere, ogni giorno!SE anche tu stai cercando un metodo per non lasciare le cose a met, per non mollare i tuoi oobiettivi, i tuoi sogni quello che hai deciso e che meriti allora inizia subito il corso!"
Price: 19.99

"HTML5 Basics - Fundamentals" |
"In this course, we will cover the basics of programming using HTML 5. you dont need to have any IT experience to complete this course. I demonstrate every single lecture on how to write HTML. You will find all the code examples on each lecture. What you will learn is how to create a static web site, using the basic fundamentals using HTML code."
Price: 19.99

"Crack OCI Architect Professional Practice Exams: 1Z0-997" |
"If you are looking to prepare and pass the OCI Architect Professional Practice Exams: 1Z0-997, you should check out our practice exams. We have personally taken the exam in May 2020 and covered all the relevant topics to help you prepare for the exams. With each question, you will also get the relevant explanation and link to OCI documentation. Please note that these exams are not dumps but meant to help you succeed and deepen your understanding of OCI concepts.Exam ObjectivesPlan and design solutions in Oracle Cloud InfrastructureDesign, implement and operate databases in Oracle Cloud InfrastructureMigrate on-premise workloads to Oracle Cloud InfrastructureImplement and operate solutions in Oracle Cloud InfrastructureDesign for hybrid cloud architectureDesign for security and compliance"
Price: 19.99

"Pro Phone Photography for Beginners and Young Learners" |
"Are you the type of parent who stokes the flames of your child's imagination?Are you or your children curious about photography?A moment captured through the eyes of our children is priceless. The way they see the world, if given the chance, can even transform the coldest of hearts. With access to the world at the click of a button, our children have access to more information than we could have dreamed. Which is why it is important we take responsibility to show them safe, informative and fun content.This course is designed to be an engaging and informative course for the young and the young at heart. This course can immensely benefit parents and teachers as part of the curriculum or home school activity. Taking time from her busy international schedule, professional photographer, Madhavi Patil-Bessette, felt the need to show how easy it is to take better pictures from our most accessible device, the mobile phone. She and her husband developed this program for beginners and newcomers to smart phone photography. Simple. Informative.Edutainment.Come and be a part of the excitement today."
Price: 3200.00

"React Redux Crud app Add, Edit, Delete, Loading and Firebase" |
"Work code for adding, editing and deleting data. Image loading functionality implemented. Error handling. Let's make a loading indicator. Let's create a database on Firebase. We will use React + Redux. Let's make cross-browser layout. Connect normalize.css and bootstrap. Let's do the routing between pages. At the end of the course you will have the full application code. You will be able to apply this knowledge in your projects."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams" |
"This course is for complete preparation of AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate practice It includes 6 Practice Tests with 390 questions. All questions have been designed based on real exam questions. Some questions may have more than one answer because in the actual exam you might expect some questions with multiple answers. I have explained the trick behind each question and tips to remember the answers in addition to detailed explanation with reference for each answer so i think well crafted Questionnaire material will help you to trust in yourself to gain the confidence on taking the exam. This practice tests are based on official AWS Certified Solutions ArchitectAssociate exam objectives, and covers the following Knowledge areasHands-on experience using compute, networking, storage, and database AWS servicesHands-on experience with AWS deployment and management servicesAbility to identify and define technical requirements for an AWS-based applicationAbility to identify which AWS services meet a given technical requirementKnowledge of recommended best practices for building secure and reliable applications on the AWS platformAn understanding of the basic architectural principles of building on the AWS CloudAn understanding of the AWS global infrastructureAn understanding of network technologies as they relate to AWSAn understanding of security features and tools that AWS provides and how they relate to traditional servicesThe Practice exams cover version SAA-C02all answers with references from official AWS Docs."
Price: 79.99

"Amazon FBA Course 2020 - Expert Blueprint to Dominate Amazon" |
"Create a winning business using Amazon FBA. Tap into almost 20 years of experience from an Amazon FBA expert and successful entrepreneur. This Amazon FBA course will enable you to start a business and take your business to the next dimension and more importantly avoid the pitfalls that force 99% of Amazon FBA sellers to fail or never reach their potential. If you haven't already heard about the need to understand Amazon A9, Register a trademark, A+ content, Amazon Launchpad, Amazon Review funnel, etc you are already getting bad advice and setting yourself up for failure. If you want to dominate your Amazon category, taking this course is your first step in the right direction. Isn't it time you learned from the best?Who is this Amazon FBA Course For?Beginners and New to Amazon? Ill show you how to properly plan, structure, find products and suppliers, build brands, and create a massively scalable profitable Amazon. You cannot start a business from poor advice or people who haven't successfully created and ran a successful business.I'll show you how to quickly build a massively profitable Amazon business following a fine-tuned roadmap containing EVERYTHING you need to know!Already Selling On Amazon? I'll show you step by step traffic, rankings, and sales overnight as well as implementing proven strategies to explode your long term sales.Whether you are a new amazon seller or an existing one, the complete information and worksheets in this Amazon Fba course will guide you step by step through the entire process. You will also have access to me personally to answer any questions or guide you through any problem you may experience.This Amazon FBA course not only covers the basics such as supplier searches, inventory ordering, marketing and promotion, packaging and premium branding... list building, external traffic sources, etc, but it also provides you with the blueprints to grow and scale your business and take your brand to the next levels.This Amazon FBA course is a process, it is not a get rich quick scheme. This blueprint will allow your business to grow across multiple amazon marketplaces and even into retail giants if you wish. What limits most Amazon FBA to low monthly sales and no business growth is how they start. Starting without access to the right mentor means your business will never scale and you will lose hundreds of thousands of potential sales.Who is Your Mentor and Why You Should Choose Me to Help Build Your Amazon FBA Business?My name is Thomas O'Donoghue, my track record is proven and available for all to see. If you can name it Ive done it. Over the last 20 years, Ive founded, built, and sold multiple companies, brands, and products. Ive even had competitors buy my product and business out. The products Ive created and built, are not just successful on Amazon, but also sit in shops such as Walmart, Costco, etc. These products are successful because of the blueprint I follow. I leave nothing to chance and any product I create has massive potential and can and will go toe to toe with the best in their category. I have no doubt many of you have or will in the future buy products Ive created. The methods and techniques I use to ensure the results.Built three 7-figure/year businesses in media and sportCreated multiple brands with 6-figure annual sales on AmazonSuccessfully scaled multiple businesses from Amazon to retail stores such as Costco, Walmart, and secured nationwide and international distribution agreements on all brands dramatically increasing sales and profit margins.Ive purchased domains in excess of $5000 to tap into search traffic and created almost 50 trademarksWhat I Do Not Do or Encourage on this Amazon FBA CourseWhat I do not do is waste time doing is dropshipping, affiliate programs, selling products for Ali Express, etc. I do not focus on selling one product, while that's ok for starting off only and learning, your plan needs to be better. I do not focus on the ""50 hottest selling products on Amazon"". Do you remember the Fidget Spinner? Do you have any idea of how many people invested life savings into buying these type products to sell on Amazon and lost everything? The failure rate is 90%+ for a very good reason. The only people making money here are suppliers.These all quick get rich schemes which will never generate real profit for you and never create a business. I would never work on any project that cannot be scaled or that puts everything down to hope. Nor do I waste time thinking I cannot be a top category Amazon FBA seller. Perhaps I will enter a category as a newcomer, but my intention is always to dominate that category in 12 months and Ill show you exactly how to do this with my proven step by step blueprint to success.My Failures and What I Learned in the ProcessAside from reward I also know risk and failure. Of course, there have been many problems along the way and Ive learned from each of them and grown. Ive had businesses that never reached the goals I had set, partnerships that failed, and sales and distribution agreements that fell apart and products that never were brought to market where 250,000 had been invested not to mention time. Ive learned not to rely on one avenue of revenue and to understand Amazon is just a sales channel, a great one, and invaluable for learning.You can imagine that after 20 years in the business Ive seen a lot. It is this very experience and understanding which allows me to steer you in the right direction. Added to that Ive years teaching experience in entrepreneurship and have guided many many businesses to success with the same blueprint Ill be showing you. Ill help you use data to make decisions which dramatically will increase your chances of succeeding.Other Amazon FBA CoursesI am an Amazon expert when it comes to finding opportunities, creating brands, finding suppliers, and generating Amazon sales. Of course, there are many Amazon FBA courses out there for creating Amazon FBA business. I would charge three times the price of the most expensive one out there because I know the value of my Amazon FBA course. However, you wont hear them talking about processes and procedures, planning documents, management systems, trademark registration, Brand Identity, Amazon A+, Amazon EBC, Amazon Early Reviewer, Amazon A9b strategy, Amazon Startup program, Amazon Vine, etc. They have never been to the top levels of Amazon. What's more is that none of the above is difficult or costly, and Ill bring you to step by step through it all. Youll see a lack of experience shows by taking shortcuts, missing knowledge, talking about logos, cheat sheets and magic strategies, etc, and missing the big picture play. Did you know Amazon has its own internal search engine as such called A9 which requires its own SEO? Therefore product page optimization is crucial for sales velocity. Succeeding on Amazon is about understanding business and how Amazon functions at its core and applying the right strategy to succeed. Amazon is easy when the plan is right. Wrong plan, wrong result. By all means, search the contents of all Amazon FBA courses on this platform.Why the gaps? This is because they have never in reality grown or scaled a business properly on Amazon. Sure some may have had 6 figure sales, but what were the expenses and why did the business not grow to 7 figures? My businesses constantly grow because that was the plan. If the foundation of any house is not right, the building will fall, if the plan is not right, how do you move forward? The point here is simple, if you start on the wrong foot you will never grow your business to the full potential. Plan your business and product growth maps and your house will become an estate. The work effort will not change, but results will. The question is whether you want to spend time working on a process that will work or something that will limit your success.Amazon FBA Course - Platform for Business SuccessThe success of any business is not simply down to its execution, it's down to the quality of the plan and its execution and understanding when to take corrective action. It is a fact and not a view, that most businesses fail not on execution but on planning. Wasting hours executing a plan will not work if the plan is not based on a solid strategy, planning, techniques, and experience.My blueprint will ensure you are properly set up to avail of every opportunity on Amazon, fighting for scrapes is simply not the way to build a business, simply because you received bad advice starting off. Worksheets, videos, lessons, and case studies are all provided to literally walk you through the process and ensure you get the right advice and take the right actions.Why You Should Take this Amazon FBA CourseIf you can relate to any of these three statements, then this Amazon FBA course is the only course youll ever need an opportunity to take the success you deserve.You already sell on Amazon and want to increase profits or expand your businessYou want to create your first business and grow sales and scaleYou want to take your business on to the Amazon platformYou wish to generate a full-time employment position where you can work from anywhereYou wish to create a passive income using Amazon FBAThe blueprint Im providing you will offer you the chance to make the right decision when starting your business and guarantee you the opportunity to create multiple revenue streams online and offline. You will set your Amazon FBA business up to dominate the marketplace, customers will love your business and you will have a following of screaming fans.You will develop a rock-solid plan for your business, built with data and knowledge, and that the plan will succeed once it is executed. You will use tracking documents provided by this Amazon FBA course to identify goals, objectives, and tasks required to bring you to step by step through the process. What's Included in the Amazon FBA CourseProven step-by-step blueprint to build a successful Amazon FBA BusinessLessons from a mentor with a proven track record10+ hours of video contentQuestion and Answer opportunities with me personallyDedicated action steps at the end of each phaseTemplates to get you organizedTemplates to evaluate options for suppliers, products, etcTemplates for planning goals, objectives and task managementTemplates for process documentingReal-world case studiesWinning product and sales optimization techniquesYour blueprint to a successful Amazon business contains the roadmap to bring you step-by-step from start to finish. Isn't it time you took the next step?"
Price: 199.99

"GIT - 2020. ." |
"GIT. , . :- - git- - - - - git- - git merge- git rebase- , - github GIT ."
Price: 19.99

"RUBY - 2020. ." |
"RUBY. . , . RUBY. Ruby. : - TDD (Test Drive Development)- RUBY !!"
Price: 29.99

"Filmer en vido : Amliorez la qualit de vos images" |
"Savoir filmer correctement n'a rien voir avec la technique. Un bon appareil n'est pas une fin en soit, et s'il est important de matriser les rglages, ce n'est pas ce qui permet de faire des vidos de qualit. Il est tout fait possible de faire des images intressantes avec un smartphone ou un appareil travaillant en mode automatique.Je peux vous mettre la meilleure camra du monde dans les mains, vous pouvez connatre sur le bout des doigts les problmatiques d'ISO, de vitesse d'obturation, de profil colorimtrique, de balance des blancs, de profondeur de couleur, de rsolution, les notions de luminance et de chrominance, si vous ne savez pas comment aborder l'image, comment penser votre cadre et comment filmer votre sujet, vous ferez toujours des images moins intressantes que quelqu'un qui sait s'y prendre mme s'il n'a qu'un appareil mdiocre.Aussi pour amliorer votre faon de filmer, il est ncessaire de travailler sur des notions plus thoriques et plus pratiques. Il est ncessaire de comprendre l'image, de savoir la construire. Il est ncessaire d'en comprendre la grammaire et de savoir la mettre en pratique.Un jour, un ami m'a demand de faire un montage pour l'aider communiquer sur un vnement qu'il a organis, avec quelques images qu'il a film sur site. Soyons honntes les images n'taient pas terribles, elles taient mmes remplies de dfauts : mal cadres, tremblantes, des mouvements inutiles... J'ai alors pris conscience que ces dfauts, qui taient rgulirement prsents dans des vidos faites par des non professionnels, pouvaient tre facilement corrigs en suivant des principes simples comprendre et mettre en place.J'ai donc dcid de compiler ces rgles et astuces de bonne conduite et d'en faire une formation, pour apprendre comment filmer ou amliorer sa faon de filmer. Une formation qui n'est pas technique, mais qui explique comment on choisit la faon dont on va filmer son sujet.Cette formation se destine donc principalement aux dbutants, ceux qui ne connaissent pas l'image et la vido. Mais d'une manire plus gnrale, elle s'adresse tous ceux qui n'ont pas de formation particulire dans l'image et la fabrication d'image. Cela peut donc concerner des personnes qui ont une exprience ou un bagage technique mais qui manquent de rgles et de structures sur lesquelles s'appuyer pour travailler.Dans ce cours, nous allons travailler sur plusieurs axes, du plus simple et vident au plus avanc :Nous allons d'abord voir comment tenir sa camra et comment se tenir avec sa camra pour avoir des images stables, que ce soit en plan fixe ou en mouvement.Nous allons ensuite travailler sur la composition d'un cadre harmonieux, quilibr et lisible. Pour cela, nous allons nous appuyer sur les principales rgles de composition, comme la rgle des tiers, qui sont faciles comprendre et mettre en place, et qui serviront de base pour composer des images russies.Nous allons ensuite travailler sur les mouvements de camra que sont le panoramique et le travelling. Nous verrons dans quelles situations ces mouvements sont utiles et comment les aborder lors du tournage.Nous passerons en revue les principales erreurs de faon de filmer qui font amateur et qui peuvent ruiner les images que vous produisez.Et nous terminerons par voir comment faire des images dans l'optique d'en faire un montage et donc un film, en apprenant notamment choisir correctement son cadrage et la valeur de plan par rapport ce qu'on souhaite raconter.Chaque notion aborde dans ce cours est dfinie, explique et surtout illustre avec des images tires de la vie relle et non de films de cinma, pour coller au plus prs des cas que vous rencontrez lorsque vous faites de la vido.Alors si vous souhaitez amliorer votre faon de filmer, n'attendez plus et rejoignez-moi dans cette formation."
Price: 89.99

"Trading: Indices NQ" |
"Objetivo principal va dirigido a la preparacin analista del mercado, que cada inversor sea capaz de entender y analizar el mercado de la manera correcta, formar un equipo de trabajo consolidado, capaz de invertir y tomar decisiones a tiempo real y siga creciendo da tras da en el mundo del trading de Futuros burstiles (NQ)"
Price: 34.99

"Automated financial ratios visualization modeling with excel" |
"In this course you will learn how to build a full financial ratios analysis sheet for your business of for your investing activities.Great financial management is the key to success in any business and financial ratios are the key indicator of how well a business is managing their finances. From a business administration point of view you having this knowledge is essential to your continued success as you will better understand how your business is doing after you take this course.If you are an investor it will help you visualize what has been happening over the past few periods or years at the company and therefore help you make the correct investing decisions."
Price: 19.99

"Understanding and creating an automated GE investing matrix" |
"The GE matrix helps a strategic business unit evaluate its overall strength. Each product, brand, service, or potential product is mapped in this industry attractiveness/business strength space.The GE matrix is essential to any company or investor who is interested in making the best decisions about their products or investments. The matrix lets you understand what type of product or investment you have and therefore take actions to protect or improve your products or investments and generate better results from your overall product or investment mix.Along with learning how the GE matrix works you will also learn how to build an automated GE matrix in excel that can be updated as your products, company or investments evolve and change over time."
Price: 19.99

"Rewiring your brain with neural plasticity and NLP" |
"In this course you will learn the science behind the process of rewiring yourself to become anyone you want to be. You will also be thought methodologies you can put into practice to rewire your brain. You will learn exactly how the brain and neurons work and how these neurons can alter themselves to stop old habits and create new habits.You will be learning from the person who went for the world record for having heard the word love and has been recognized by Forbes for cracking the financial markets and many other outlets as an expert in many fields and in thought leadership. The information in this is absolutely priceless.If you do this right there are no limits. The movie limitless or Lucy are just the start."
Price: 19.99

"Classic Eyelash Extension Course+How to Start Lash Business" |
"Success doesn't just come and find you, YOU have to GO and GET IT! Finding a good mentor can make all the difference. Learn the ins-and-outs of the lash industry, as well as tips and techniques to start lashing right away. This course is ideal for beginner lash stylists or lash artists who want to improve their lashing skills. *Disclaimer*I teach this classic eyelash extension course on a mannequin head. Before you practice on a live model I always recommend you do so under the supervision of a lash trainer or a licensed technician.The resources can be found in the following lectures:1) Lecture 1 - The Natural Eyelash and How it Grows2) Lecture 2 - Curl Types3) Lecture 3 - Thickness and Lenght4) Lecture 4 - Eye Shapes5) Lecture 5 - Eye Stiling Techniques6) Lecture 6 - Eyelash Extension Tools and Products7) Lecture 7 - What is Lash Retention and why it is so Important8) Lecture 8 - How to Store and Look After Your Glue Correctly9) Lecture 9 - How to start Your Lash Extension Business10) Lecture 10 - How to Apply Eyelashes11) Lecture 11 - Lash Removal"
Price: 199.99

"Coding Mistakes that Hackers Abuse" |
"This training is about writing secure software. We chose to deliver secure coding practices using a perspective where widespread coding security mistakes are classified into understandable chunks. We hope that this will make more sense and be more helpful to hardcore developers and analysts.Security should be an intrinsic part of any software production methodology and its implementation. However, development is a complex process and it is extremely hard to keep a software secure as it ages. There are numerous security tools, methodologies and knowledge to produce a secure software. However, still vast number of applications include critical security bugs. Most of these bugs stem from bad coding patterns that we call software security anti-patterns or in simpler term, mistakes.An anti-pattern is a common response to a recurring problem that is usually ineffective or worse carry risks. In simpler words, anti-patterns are commonly reinvented bad solutions to problems.For example, one of the famous anti-patterns in software development is Spaghetti Code. In early phases of being a developer, we are usually not familiar with the importance of modularity or find little time to design first. So, we tend produce extremely complicated, hard to understand unstructured software. This way of coding produces Spaghetti Code but the end product application still may run and serve in production. However, it is extremely hard to adapt to new changes. Because since the code is not modular or structured, it is hard to add new features. Moreover, any change in the code effects other flows in an unpredictable manner. The maintenance is also crippled. Since the codes complicated form will make the life of new developers difficult when they are adjusting.Similarly, there are bad design or coding choices that repeatedly lead to security bugs. It is important to be aware of these software security anti-patterns in order not to fall prey to hackers. The course will contain eight different core mistakes. Some are more prevalent than the others, however, all of them produce deadly results. In each lesson, we will first try to explain what the specific anti-pattern is all about. Then, we will move on giving one or more demos on what can go wrong when that mistake is made. At the end of each lesson, we will look at different sound and widely acknowledged solutions against insecure design or coding choices."
Price: 129.99

"How to Speak English Professionally" |
"People all over the World learning English since their childhood Unfortunately, Educational Institutes, Language schools and teachers teach grammar and boring grammar rules only...From the very first day at school our brain boggled by the unpedagogical approach by the teachers, our brain simply bombarded by present perfect tense, past perfect tense and other 16 different tenses in English which is not necessary while learning the language.None of us learned our native language from grammar and complex rules of language, but, we learn from by hearing parents and analyze the environmentFor example: all of language course teaches to ask someone WHAT DO YOU WANT TO EAT? However, in real American conversation we hear YOU WANNA EAT SOMETHING? You can see the difference lets look another example YOU ARE RICH (which shows someone has money or assets) but, in real life we hear YOU ARE LOADED (loaded means also rich).Let's dig more: Most of us use ARE YOU JOKING? But it also comes out YOU KIDDING?As you can see in real case there are numerous idioms, phrasal verbs, slang words those uses widely among native speakers.In this Course, we uploaded lessons that you can use to speak effectively and quickly by saving you from boring grammar details. One of the most important asset of this course that there are 10 scripts of Holywood movies, you will read these scripts while watching movies, and you will improve your speaking and listening abilities enormously.In this course we aim to teach real life phrasal verbs/idioms/slang words which you will encounter while talking with native speakers or watching movies. Last but not least, we tried to teach you new vocabulary by images which will retain in your memory because your memory will be pinched both by visual and hearing strikes. This Course Also Includes:- 10 Hollywood Movie Scripts- nnovative teaching method- New vocabulary retain in your sub-concious with image method- Downloadable PDF Books- Assignments- Video lessons- Subtitlesin this course 30-day money back guarantee policy that states if you are not completely satisfied with a course, you can request a full refund."
Price: 19.99

"Score 8+ in IELTS Speaking Test / Instant English Vocabulary" |
"Happy to welcome you to course!Do you need a band score 8 or above in IELTS-English Speaking test?Do you want to develop instant ENGLISH VOCABULARY quickly and smartly?Then this course is perfect for you.I have personally tried my level best to feed all Important tips and tricks in this course which will help you to improve your English speaking stamina and vocabulary faster.Because,Smart work is equally important as hard work is.This course is not exhausting at all.It is fast,exciting and interesting enough to engage the student.I have covered almost all tips and techniques which will help you to learn English vocabulary instantly along with focusing on English Speaking stamina,Correct grammatical range,Pronunciation,Accuracy,Intonation,English Fluency and coherence.All important frequently asked student questions related to English speaking exam have been answered in detail."
Price: 19.99

"Inglese per le e-mails - Parte 1" |
"Con questo corso imparerai a scrivere e comprendere le e-mail utilizzando l'inglese che ti serve davvero.Dalla struttura del messaggio di posta elettronica allo stile da utilizzare fino al linguaggio specifico da utilizzare per ogni tipologia di messaggio. Impara come rendere efficace una e-mail!E tanti esercizi, per mettere subito in pratica quanto hai imparato."
Price: 19.99

"Preveno de Erros na Manuteno de Aeronaves" |
"Este curso ajudar voc a desempenhar o melhor das suas funes. Mesmo que voc ainda no atue como Tcnico de Manuteno de Aeronaves. Voc aprender mtodos utilizados por tcnicos de alta eficincia em todo o mundo. Este contedo foi criado com base no curso ministrado pela autoridade aeronutica norte americana - FAA (Federal Aviation Administration)Voc aprender a utilizar o PMC (Personal Minimums Checklist) - Uma lista de verificaes de preveno de erros."
Price: 54.99

"Learn Snapseed Mobile" |
"This course is all about Snapseed. Anybody can take this course and after completing this course you will be able to edit all types of images professionally.This Course is very easy to understand.It is for everybody no matter if you you are beginner. This is easy to understand for everyone of you."
Price: 49.99

"The Complete Autodesk Navisworks Course (Arabic)" |
"Navisworks This program is used in the field of design and construction, It is used to help you to discover problems in the construction 3D model, Thus, avoiding any time delay or excessive cost of implementation, Muhmmed Elkhayat shown how to use the Navisworks and explain Full comprehensive for all program ribbons and you can learn how to find clashes between models, Quantification and Timeline simulationsNavisworks Navisworks"
Price: 199.99

"metasploit desde android" |
"en este curso se vera todo lo relacionado al framework denominado metasploit y se aprovechara cada parte del tambin se explicaran los conceptos ms relevantes de dicho tema as como los comandos ms usados los alumnos aprendern a desarrollarse en cualquier entorno y con ello saber como es que los atacantes logran su objetivo y tambin aprendern a defenderse de dichos ataques protegiendo a si su propia privacidad personal o la privacidad de la empresa en la que estn laborando."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Solution Architect Associate Practice Exams" |
"Welcome! I'm here to help you prepare and PASS the newest AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam.Amazon Web Services (AWS) Certification is fast becoming the must have certificates for any IT professional working with AWS. This course is designed to help you pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect (CSA) - Associate Exam. With this AWS certification under your belt, you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary.There are a lot of courses out there that are claiming that their courses are fully updated, but they're actually not! Our practice tests contain the new SAA-C02 topics such as AWS Global Accelerator, Amazon FSx for Lustre, Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA), Direct Connect Gateway and many others."
Price: 24.99

"ECCouncil 412-79 Security Analyst (ECSA) Practice Exam" |
"423 UNIQUE practice questions for ECCouncil 412-79 Security Analyst (ECSA) Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ECCouncil 412-79 Security Analyst (ECSA) Practice ExamTotal Questions : 423Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :300 minsPassing Score : 75 (317 of 423)"
Price: 179.99

"CAPM Certified Associate in Project Management Review Part-1" |
"360 UNIQUE practice questions for CAPM Certified Associate in Project Management Review Part-1Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CAPM Certified Associate in Project Management Review Part-1Total Questions : 360Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :240 minsPassing Score : 75 (270 of 360)"
Price: 174.99

"CAPM Certified Associate in Project Management Review Part-2" |
"360 UNIQUE practice questions for CAPM Certified Associate in Project Management Review Part-2Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CAPM Certified Associate in Project Management Review Part-2Total Questions : 360Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :240 minsPassing Score : 75 (270 of 360)"
Price: 164.99

"VMware VCPC510 Certified Professional vCloud Practice Exam" |
"328 UNIQUE practice questions for VMware VCPC510 Certified Professional vCloud Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : VMware VCPC510 Certified Professional vCloud Practice ExamTotal Questions : 328Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : 75 (246 of 328)"
Price: 164.99

"1Y0-351 Citrix Net Scaler 10.5 Essential Network Review Exam" |
"282 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Y0-351 Citrix Net Scaler 10.5 Essential Network Review ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Y0-351 Citrix Net Scaler 10.5 Essential Network Review ExamTotal Questions : 282Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :170 minsPassing Score : 75 (211 of 282)"
Price: 159.99
