"La qualit : Les outils du responsable qualit" |
" * LISEZ CECI AVANT D'ACHETER*Dans ce cours vous aurez une ide claire sur la qualit travers des leons vido des supports techniques et des quiz courts et faciles comprendre.Voici un rsum des sujets traits dans ce cours : Dfinitions de qualit bases sur ISO 9000 Une Histoire de la qualit. Le vocabulaire utilis au domaine de la qualit. Les outils de rsolution de problme. Le systme de management de la qualit et ses principes. Laudit qualit et ses techniques. Le contrle qualit, lassurance qualit et le management de la qualit. Le cot de la qualit et du non qualit.Ce cours est ralis avec beaucoup de soin en utilisant mon retour dexprience de plus que 10 ans dans lindustrie et les formations que jai fait pendant cette priode.Jai anim durant mon parcours plusieurs formations des ingnieurs, chefs de projets, techniciens qualit et chefs de service. Leurs taux de satisfaction tait lev.Pas besoin de payer 300 $ 800 $.Pas besoin de prendre 2 4 jours de cong de votre travail.Certificat d'achvement fourni.Tlchargez les notes d'tude et supports techniques en pdf.Ce que vous allez apprendre:Comprendre le concept de la qualit.Le rle de la qualit dans lentreprise.Une dmarche parfaite pour rsoudre les problmes en entreprise.Connatre les principes, les pratiques et les types d'auditsGestion de la qualitAvoir une ide claire et parfaite sur le management de la qualit.Connaitre les diffrents niveaux de la qualit en entreprise.Y a-t-il des exigences ou prrequis pour ce cours?Une certaine exprience dans l'industrie est prfrable. qui ce cours s'adresse-t-il?Personnes intresses par la qualit.Etudiant en licence ou Master/ licence professionnelle en management de la qualit ou gnie industriel.Reprsentants de la direction.Responsables de l'assurance qualit.Responsables du contrle qualit.Auditeurs qualit.Techniciens qualit.Responsable indutriel."
Price: 19.99

izgqgvnc |
"Scratch Programming "" Scratch"" ""Blocks"" . "" Scratch"" . "" Scratch"" . 1- . 2- . 3- ."
Price: 69.99

"ESL Cambridge PET - B1 writing skills" |
"The course will cover how to write in an intermediate English as a Second Language. Do you need to improve your editing skills? Would you like to write in a correct Intermediate English? Are you ready to review all the B1-level English that is required for your new career?Improving any required personal skill is easier said than done!Writing successfully includes having a clear idea of the topic & writing task, creating a mental map, having some minimum background knowledge, and a general cultural preparation, choosing the best vocabulary, using syntax and Grammar appropriately, organising the text correctly, being confident in semantics, feeling free to express your ideas, having in mind where the text will be used and who is going to read it, having familiarized with and practiced both reading and editing real examples and skills, in the past.This course focus on all the above abilities; in particular, real British English is covered and a broad coverage of Intermediate English is included.You will find customized quizzes, practice and assignments. By the end of the tutorial, you will be able to:write clearlywrite emailswrite letterswrite articleswrite essaysuse the correct tensecomplete the Cambridge PET (B1) writing paperfeel relieved that you can express yourself, your ideas, and your opinion where you study or workEnglish language, related to Dutch & German, is a West Germanic language of the Indo-European language family that is spoken all over the world by 1.5 billion inhabitants. It is the most studied foreign language.You may know that the World Wide Web (the Internet) is mostly (around 60%) in English language. Not only is this the language of the Internet, but also business is made through it and scientific research is delivered in English.The Cambridge Preliminary English Test, PET, or B1 Preliminary, is one of Cambridge Assessment English Qualifications. It is the English language exam that shows you have mastered the basics and now have practical language skills for everyday use.*By the end of the course, you will be more confident and have reached, at least, a B1 level of English, that is to say an Intermediate level.The author is Salvatore Novello, an Ofqual UK qualified TEFL teacher, also holder of a Postgraduate Diploma in Translation by the University of West of England in the United Kingdom.Salvo's experience include English editing, Cambridge Proficiency studies, English as a Second Language tutoring with patience, both online and offline.His approach is step-by-step: he is writing with you in real time, by giving tips & tricks, and by verbalizing which mental operation he is performing to create/edit the text.Solid fundations in ESL Intermediate linguistics complete the plan of study.[*source: the Cambridge english assessment website in the section exams-and-tests --> preliminary]"
Price: 44.99

"Guitar Lessons - Single Note Guitar Runs To Minor Chords I" |
"The Ultimate Guitar Lessons Beginners Guide For You To Play Single Note Runs To Minor Chords And Beyond on Your GuitarAs a Guitar player have you ever asked yourself how do they play those nice bits between the chords, major and minor, on the acoustic guitar or electric guitar?LOOK NO FURTHERThis course of guitar lessons includes the challenge of runs between minor chords and major. The Course takes you on a journey breaking down everything you need to know. You use a few basic guitar chords plus the bass strings of your guitar and learn some progressions. Each Guitar Lesson builds on the previous one. This culminates in you playing a guitar chord progression of the 3 major chords in a key plus the relative minor. This is an enormously practical guitar chord sequence that is used in thousands of the most famous songs ever written in all popular styles from Blues Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Fingerstyle Guitar to Rock Guitar and everything in-between.All it takes on your behalf is to have fun learning and practising the basic patterns. These are presented in small manageable chunks. You will have Multi-angle Videos and pdf files in TAB for each pattern and sequence. Through a process of repetition you will build them up into an invaluable toolbox in your quest of mastery of your instrument.You will use SOME or ALL of these sequences for the rest of your guitar playing life.This course builds on it's companion course Single Note Guitar Runs To Major Chords and Beyond - Part I which serves as an introduction to build the foundations necessary to play between chords. The Aim of This Course ? To enable you to easily join the major guitar chords and the relative minor guitar chords using the bass strings of your guitar in a coherent and musical manner in EVERY KEYBonusThroughout the videos I will share many tips, tricks and techniques which I have gained from over 30 years experience of being a guitarist. These are all designed to help you on your musical journey of mastery of the guitar."
Price: 99.99

"Fundamentals of Insurance" |
"This course is designed for those who need a strong foundation in insurance. The information in this course is designed to prepare its participants to understand the concept and from the concept you can build up on it a strong structure of this field.Any following insurance courses require this course.Note: This course is a part of 10 courses designed to put you in the right track of your career.Targeted Audience:This course is suitable for:v Students.v Job seekers.v Working in insurance.v Secretary.v Call center agent.v Sales staff.v Underwriting beginners.v Claim personnel beginners.Course Requirements:This course does not require any previous experience or previous knowledge.Course Objectives:Understand the fundamentals of insuranceCourse Instructor:Name: Bassel ZeidanProfession: General Insurance Specialist for Dubai based insurance brokerYears of experience: 10 yearsCoaching and training experience: 6 yearsCertifications and memberships:o Chartered insurance institute member and certified insurance professional"
Price: 29.99

"Cooking course Sicilian Street Food and Italian cuisine" |
"Cooking Street food in Traditional Sicilian Way and Italian food with Patrizia from Palermo. You will learn how to cook in easy way Sicilian and Italian dishes and cheap as: Caponata, Parmigiana, Sarde a beccafico, Anellini al forno, Pasta pesce spada e melanzane, Involtini di melanzane, Pasta alla norma, Polpette in brodo and STREET FOOD as Panelle, Arancine, Crocche, sarde allinguate, sfincione, Cannolo, Pasta con l Anciova"
Price: 24.99

"Affinity designer class: create realistic Isometric designs" |
"In this course, I will teach you how to create isometric designs using an affinity designer. i specially design my courses so that students of all level can understand the class very easilythe requirement is -you need to have a laptop or pcyou need to have affinity designer software.Beginner-friendly explanations.isometric designs are the most popular designs, the reason for being so popular is that they look realistic and three dimensional. this course is structured to make you learn how to create isometric designs in affinity designer.your learning from this course.Learn how to use isometric's an affinity designerLearn how to create an isometric small cube in affinity designer.learn how to use colors, shapes, and strokes in affinity designer.creating a project ( 2.5d laptop designs) using affinity designer.working on details with creating designs.after learning this course you will be able to use affinity designer isometric tool and you can easily create isometric designs.I also want you to create an isometric cube and color it effectively so that It looks like an isometric 2.5D cube and Create the laptop design, you can create the same as in the course or you can bring your concept of creativity. affinity designer is new and very popular tool to create designs and illustrations.so just join this course and start learning now."
Price: 199.99

"Rock Your Job Search" |
"The world has changed and with it comes a lot of uncertainty and anxiety. Maybe youve been downsized or furloughed. Or maybe you want to up-level your resume so you can move up in your industry or change careers altogether. Whatever your reasons, youre in the right place. This course will teach you how to showcase your talents and professional skills so you can land your dream job.Taught by Michelle Puchal, an executive recruiter and career coach with more than 20 years in the recruiting industry who has helped thousands of job seekers find and land their dream jobs, and master networker Howard Kra, founder and host of HowieDoinIt. This course will show you how to create an incredible resume that makes you stand out in a crowded marketplace, and craft an amazing LinkedIn profile that gets employers to notice you and reach out. Plus, youll learn valuable interviewing strategies to help you nail the job interview.Michele has helped thousands of job seekers find and land their dream jobs using simple, practical tips to look great online and in person. Here are just a few things clients have said about working with Michele:Michele is an absolute superstar! Her insight and suggestions have helped me transform my resume. I work in an industry where I have become dependent on personal relationships. Now as I am looking to spread my own wings, I needed help to make my resume standout. She did that and so much more! I feel like I can stand up to any candidate because of her. If you want to make a positive change, reach out to Michele! - Jason G.Michele was a great help and did a fantastic job from translating my European based CV into a US conform resume. I couldn't have asked for a better and more professional help. Highly recommended! - Jens J.(Michele helps create) resumes to have a more concise and direct message to employers resulting in amazing outcomes with job offers and successful opportunities. She utilizes years of experience at an expert status to level-up anyone that she connects with and cuts to the chase and wastes no time in establishing a desired outcome. I highly recommend her! - David K.Michele has helped me with my resume, my job search, and my media profile. She is always available when I reach out with questions or to ask for advice. She is professional, knowledgeable and really understands what companies are looking for. I would recommend her to any individual looking to make a career move. - Clare H.M"
Price: 19.99

Produktfotografie |
"Du lernst in diesem Kurs Grundlagen und fortgeschrittene Techniken der Produktfotografie. Wir arbeiten mit Low-Budget und Profi Lsungen. Wir beginnen mit Freistellern vor weiss und auch vom Hintergrund freigestellt fr Online Shops oder Verkaufsplattformen wie ebay oder amazon. Dann gehen wir Schritt fr Schritt verschiedene Techniken an - von einfachen Layflats bis hin zu kreativen Kompositionen. Grundlagenkenntnisse in Lightroom oder Capture One helfen dir, organisiert und korrekt zu arbeiten. Um einige kreative Setaufbauten und Bildkompositionen zu verwirklichen helfen die Photoshop Kenntnisse enorm weiter. Du solltest mit Ebenen arbeiten knnen und auch Ebenenmasken, Kopierstempel oder Pfade sollten keine Fremdwrter sein. Dennoch habe ich versucht in diesem Kurs in den Videos und auch Unterlagen alle Schritte immer leicht verstndlich und nachvollziehbar zu erklren, damit du deine Skills auch in diesem Bereich noch weiter aufpolieren kannst."
Price: 79.99

"Branding and marketing 101 for small business owners" |
"In this course you will learn how to establish your brand to be memorable, recognisable and easily shareable. You will also learn how to market it correctly and reach your target audience.By the end of this course you will be able to set up your brand including best practices for logo, website, and other brand guidelines. As well as stay organised and set up systems in your business.You will have the experience from a professional and learn to be aware of the details that customers notice. You will know what to tell your designer, webmaster and marketing manager. You will gain that extra edge because you will know what to look for."
Price: 99.99

"Rsoudre un Rubik's Cube : Etape par Etape et Facilement" |
"Apprenez rsoudre un Rubiks Cube avec des instructions tape par tape par un passionn de ce case tte voulant partageant cette passion un maximum de personne.Si vous tes frustr de ne pas pouvoir rsoudre un Rubik's Cube, mme aprs avoir suivi les manuels ou les didacticiels, alors vous tes au bon endroit!Le cours est construit en gardant l'esprit que vous tes en phase d'apprentissage, de sorte que toute personne, des enfants aux adultes, pourra suivre le cours. Donc, la fin de ce cours, vous aurez rsolu votre Rubik's Cube !Bon courage et surtout ne lcher rien."
Price: 24.99

"Windows10AIMask RCNN" |
"Windows10AIMask RCNN Mask RCNN(PythonPythonWebOSPythonWindows10TensorflowJupyterAnacondaMask RCNNGPUWidowsPCWebMask RCNNMask RCNNMask RCNNMask RCNNGitHubMask RCNNMask RCNN anaconda tensorflow keras python jupyter opencv windows windows10 AI"
Price: 5400.00

"Anlisis y Solucin de PROBLEMAS - Mtodo MASP / ISO" |
"Con este curso especializado conocers de manera profunda y prctica el Mtodo de Anlisis y Solucin de Problemas, conocido internacionalmente como MASP, y unido con las directrices de la International Organization for Standardization ISO, hacen de este curso nico e imperdible. Se revisarn en cada una de las etapas del mtodo todas las herramientas y tcnicas aplicadas en las empresas para la deteccin, identificacin, anlisis, solucin y verificacin de problemas. Sin duda llevar a su labor profesional o empresarial al siguiente nivel, aportando a la mejora interna de los procesos y la conformidad de productos y servicios. 17 aos de experiencia como Consultores y Capacitadores en mas de 300 organizaciones dan toda la confianza y respaldo en temas de calidad total, productividad, mejoramiento continuo / kaizen, estrategia, liderazgo y xito empresarial."
Price: 99.99

"Bu NGLZCE KELMELER sizi ne geirecek." |
"ngilizce Hap Kelimeler renme Eitimi;* TOEFL,YDS,YK-DL gibi ngilizce snavlarna hazrlananlara, * hayatnda ngilizceyi kullananlara, * Tm rencilere (lise, niversite..vb)* ngilizce makale yazan, okuyan, dinleyen, konuan yani ngilizceyi aktif olarak kullananlara,* Gndelik hayat iinde ngilizceyi kullanmak durumunda olanlara, * Kiisel geliim amal, ngilizcesine katkda bulunmak isteyenlereynelik titizlikle hazrlanm hzl, aklda kalc ve pratik olarak ngilizce kelime retmeye katkda bulunan bir eitim."
Price: 49.99

"CPA 20 ANBIMA Completo - Trabalhe no Mercado Financeiro." |
"Imagina voc trabalhar em um banco...Voc finalmente trabalhando no mercado financeiro...Em uma das profisses que possui um dos maiores salrios do Brasil...Imaginou?Ento pare de imaginar porque totalmente possvel e eu vou te mostrar como.E voc s precisa de 1 coisa.Qualificao...Exatamente. a nica coisa que voc vai fazer para conseguir trabalhar no mercado financeiro.E como eu consigo essa qualificao?Antes de eu te falar, preste ateno nessa histria:Era 2018, em um dia ensolarado e muito quente...Por volta das 14 horas...L estava eu, sem nenhuma noo de mercado financeiro, entregando currculos em cada banco que tinha na cidade que eu moro...Na minha cabea eu iria ser contratado, mesmo sem ter nenhuma qualificao.Infelizmente, eu era inocente naquela poca e no sabia o que eu vou te ensinar nesse curso....Se no tudo teria sido diferente.No fim ningum sequer ligou para o meu celular e eu no pude nem participar de uma entrevista de emprego.Hoje eu trabalho em uma instituio financeira, e amo o mercado financeiro.E eu vou te ensinar exatamente tudo o que eu fiz para que VOC consiga ter o mesmo resultado que eu tive...De uma forma muito mais simples e rpida.Ento, como realmente conseguir a tal da qualificao?No mercado financeiro existem certificaes que te deixam em destaque sobre os demais.E geralmente somente que possui elas so as pessoas que j trabalham em uma instituio financeira.A que esta a grande chance!Praticamente ningum que concorre a uma vaga de emprego no banco possui essas certificaes...Exceto uma pessoa.Voc!Porque depois desse curso, voc vai possuir uma das certificaes mais valiosas e bem vistas pelo mercado financeiro e vai se destacar facilmente na hora de fazer uma entrevista de emprego.Mas que certificao essa?A certificao que voc vai obter depois desse curso se chama CPA 20.E o que a CPA 20?Ela basicamente comprova que voc possui qualificao e conhecimento sobre o mercado financeiro de uma forma geral, alm de disso voc esta apto a lidar com investidores de alta renda.E no s isso, mas tambm demonstra que voc tem capacitao tcnica para oferecer os produtos de investimento do banco.E esse curso totalmente focado em voc conseguir essa certificao e se destacar no mercado financeiro.Preste ateno nos principais benefcios:Os 7 mdulos completos de contedo para se obter a certificao CPA 20.Mais de 90 exerccios resolvidos ao longo do curso.Adquire a apostila utilizada no curso com todo o contedo.Aprende os principais ndices do mercado financeiro.Disponibilidade para tirar dvidas a qualquer momento.E o melhor, tudo isso na prtica. Eu e voc.E como eu vou conseguir a finalmente essa certificao?A CPA 20 uma prova de marcar com 60 questes, onde voc tem que acertar 42 questes para passar e obter ela, ou seja 70% da prova.Cada questo possui 4 alternativas de marcar e s 1 a verdadeira.Meu deus uma prova, e difcil? A prova muito tranquila e eu vou te ensinar todos os macetes e o contedo completo durante todo o curso.Alm disso voc ver ao longo das aulas a correo de 90 questes que j caram em prova.E o melhor voc ainda nem sabe...Voc pode assistir o curso inteiro por 30 dias sem nenhum compromisso.Caso no goste por qualquer motivo aleatrio que seja do curso, voc pode pedir todo o seu dinheiro de volta no prazo de 1 ms.A partir de agora, s existem duas opes:Opo 1# - Ou voc ignora tudo isso que voc acabou de ler e continua a sua vida do jeito que ela est e est tudo bem.Mas voc nunca mais vai poder reclamar que no teve uma chance real de mudana, porque hoje, voc teve a melhor oportunidade para mudar seu futuro.Opo 2# - Acreditar no que eu estou falando e confiar no seu potencial e tomar a deciso que voc precisa tomar, que de se inscrever no curso CPA 20 ANBIMA Completo - Trabalhe no Mercado Financeiro.Agora a deciso totalmente sua.Voc quer realmente trabalhar no mercado financeiro?Adquira agora e aproveite as 90 aulas e os 7 mdulos inteiros do curso. menos que o valor de uma pizza.Uma pizza vale mais que todo o conhecimento que voc ir obter?Claro que no, ento obtenha agora!Lembre-se: Voc pode ver por 30 dias totalmente sem compromisso e se no gostar a Udemy devolve todo o seu dinheiro.Aproveite antes que o desconto acabe.Te vejo na primeira aula.-Rafael"
Price: 579.99

"Certification in Personal Image Consulting - Part 2" |
"Tap into a multi-million dollar industry TODAY!As a profession, brand and image consulting is one of the fastest growing industry that offers unlimited opportunities. And having the knowledge and certification as a BrandImage Consultant will give you the extra boost to propel your business and career to greater success!You dont need years of experience to succeed. All you need is the desire and the right training with BrandImage International Institute (BII). BIIs intense training will take your passion and turn it into a rewarding profession! Our trainings will help you to:Enhance your business success.Empower you with valuable skills and knowledgeMove way ahead of competitionEnhance your professionalismHelp men and women feel good about themselvesBroaden your career scopeThis is PART 2 of a 2-Part CertificationYou are fully certified when you gain certificates from both parts"
Price: 194.99

"Learn Front-End Web Development from Scratch" |
"Learn how to develop responsive front-end websites the fun and easy way with this course. It will cover the basics of HTML, CSS and Bootstrap to get you up and running with your ideas quickly, while giving you the essential knowledge and understanding of the concepts needed to help you realise your web development potential."
Price: 49.99

"Cours complet sur la Blockchain & les Crypto monnaies" |
"Vous souhaitez devenir votre propre banque ? Ou bien commencer investir ou tracer dans la crypto monnaie ? Ce cours est le plus complet de Udemy France : il va vous donner les moyens et la mthodologie pour comprendre comment fonctionnent les crypto monnaies, acheter des Bitcoins et toutes les autres disponibles sur le march, trader, vendre et scuriser vos actifs.Dcouvrez et apprenez les crypto monnaies avec un formateur reconnu dans ce domaine Qui matrise le sujet depuis le dbut des crypto monnaies Qui investit activement Qui participe la blockchain !Ce cours va vous permettre de :Comprendre la blockchain et dcouvrir les crypto monnaiesConnatre les diffrences et les spcificits de chacune avant d'acheterAcheter des crypto monnaies avec votre carte bancaire / par virement sur des sites srsDcouvrir les outils de tradingApprhender les diffrentes places de march (Coinbase, GDax, Bitsamp)Choisir sa technique d'investissementConnatre les plateformes d'achat de crypto monnaies secondaires (Binance)Scuriser vos crypto monnaies sur votre ordinateur ou cl USBtre conscient des responsabilits et des imptsCe cours vous donnera toutes les cls pour investir sereinement et pouvoir prendre la parole sur ce sujet. qui ce cours s'adresse-t-il ?Toute personne qui souhaite commencer investir dans les crypto-monnaies mais qui ne sait pas par o commencer !Toutes les personnes souhaitant acheter, vendre, trader, stocker et scuriser des crypto monnaiesToutes les personnes souhaitant investir durablement dans les crypto monnaiesToutes les personnes souhaitant comprendre les crypto monnaies et la blockchain"
Price: 29.99

"Business Communication" |
"Course Objectives :The objective of this paper is to develop effective business communication skills among the students.Course Contents :Unit-IIntroducing Business Communication-Definitions, concept, objectives, importance, limitations of Communication, communicationmodels and processes, principles of effective communication.Unit-IICorporate Communication-Formal and Informal communication networks;Unit-IIIBarriers and Improvement in Communication, Non-Verbal aspect of CommunicationEffective listening-Principles of effective listening.Unit-IVReport Writing- Business Letters,"
Price: 1280.00

"Adobe Illustrator Para No Diseadores" |
"Bienvenidos y bienvenidas al curso de Adobe Illustrator para no Diseadores, soy Paco Aguirre y ser tu instructor durante todo el curso. Este curso est dirigido y desarrollado para todos aquellos que -como su ttulo lo refiere- no son diseadores de profesin, pero s de pasin, gusto o hasta para ser honestos por necesidad. Pero hey!, si eres diseador tal vez te sirva tambin, hay muchas cosas que por falta de prctica o que no nos ensearon en la escuela desconocemos o hasta olvidamos. He sido instructor de Artes Grficas Digitales desde hace ya 8 aos y he tenido la oportunidad de ensear a una gran variedad de profesionistas, alumnos y alumnas desde: Diseadores Grficos, Arquitectos, Doctores, Psiclogos, Mercadologos, Comuniclogos, Fotogrfos, etc.He desarrollado este curso totalmente pensando en aquellas personas que quieren emprender algn negocio o servicio, para aquellos que ya lo tienen y para aquellos que realmente les apasionan las artes grficas digitales y no saben por dnde empezar- No importa si no tienes conocimiento sobre Adobe Illustrator; si sabes algo o ya eres todo un master. tampoco hay problema, el nico requisito es que te comprometas contigo mismo y alcances tus objetivos. Agradezco de sobremanera tu preferencia y estoy completamente seguro que el curso ser de tu agrado y expectativas.En el transcurso del curso iremos realizando prcticas que te permitirn afianzar de mejor forma el conocimiento que vas a adquirir, siempre aconsejo a mis alumnos y esta no es la excepcin, que despus de realizar cada ejercicio, inventen uno parecido y realicen de nuevo la prctica.Al terminar el curso tendrs los conocimientos para crear entre otros:Grficos vectoriales.Logotipos.Diseos para estampados textiles y publicitarios.Diseo de papelera empresarial.Diseo de flyers. (panfletos).Diseo de Carteles.Diseo de Iconos.Diseo de Invitaciones.Diseo de Reconocimientos.Diseo de Tarjetas de presentacin.Tu esfuerzo y compromiso en este curso te dotarn de excelentes herramientas para adentrarte en el campo del diseo grfico.Sintete con la confianza de contactarme para aclarar dudas, recibir comentarios o sugerencias. Bienvenido(a) y que disfrutes tu curso."
Price: 2970.00

"Wie Du findest was Dich erfllt - Ikigai Class" |
"Finde ganz ohne das klassische Ikigai Modell heraus, was dich erfllt und was dein nchster Schritt, dein nchstes Projekt im Leben ist. In diesem Kurs wirst du dein Ikigai mit einem neuen, klar strukturierten Prinzip finden, das dich nachhaltig im Leben begleiten wird. Inspiriert von buddhistischer Lebensphilosophie nimmt dieser Kurs Abstand von dem ""Finde deine Leidenschaft""-Mainstream und begleitet dich auf dem Weg zu langfristiger Zufriedenheit in deinen Ttigkeiten."
Price: 19.99

"Princpios de Gesto de Pessoas" |
"Ol! Seja bem vindo certificao ""Princpios de Gesto de Pessoas""Te convido a refletir conosco sobre os fundamentos para uma boa gesto de pessoas. possvel uma boa gesto de pessoas sem a compreenso dos fundamentos da liderana humana? E da motivao? Vamos nesta certificao refletir e explorar essas conexes.A Cidinha escolheu materiais de apoio que te ajudaro a consolidar mais conhecimentos sobre essa premissa.Ela tem uma carreira inspiradora no RH e compartilha ideias relevantes para os profissionais da reaAproveite o curso ao mximo, leia com ateno os materiais complementares, faa conexes e anotaesA Recrutei Academy est comprometida com seu aprendizado contnuoAt brevePaulo Rogrio LzariCEO Co-fundador Recrutei"
Price: 39.99

"A Basic Contact Form Using HTML5,CSS3 and Javascript" |
"This is a course about making a basic Contact Form.It involves starting with the:Creating the folder on the desktop to contain our files and uploading it to the visual studio code.We also also upload images for use in the body background.The course will entail understanding of the input tags,div elements,form tags and finally the textfield.In the CSS section,the course will entail styling our Contact Form and finally we are going to use javascript to validate the form input before it can enable us to submit."
Price: 19.99

"Robtica - Aprende Arduino con Tinkercad desde cero" |
"El objetivo general del curso es adquirir los conocimientos necesarios de sistemas electrnicos y manejo del entorno de programacin de Arduino como para poder hacer un uso eficaz de estas herramientas, ya sea en otros proyectos de robtica o para uso personal (domtica, automatizacin...).Usando la herramienta de diseo 3D Tinkercad para la simulacin de circuitos electrnicos, el alumno aprender los componentes bsicos de electrnica de Arduino y como conectarlos y utilizarlos. El alumno tambin aprender a programar la placa de Arduino."
Price: 19.99

"App Inventor - aprende a crear y publicar tus propias Apps" |
"Aprende a programar tus propias aplicaciones usando AppInventor, una sencilla herramienta online creada por el MIT para que personas de todas las edades y sin necesidad de ningn conocimiento previo puedan aprender desde cero y de una forma visual los conceptos bsicos de todo lenguaje de programacin. Crea y publica tus propias Apps mviles."
Price: 19.99

"AWS essencial com Terraform e Spring Boot" |
"Talvez voc seja um desenvolvedor iniciante. Ou, quem sabe, um desenvolver mais experiente. Pode ser que esteja no meio do caminho.Independente do seu caso, um fato inegvel: voc precisa saber AWS. E com urgncia.As grandes solues de software e microservices rodam na AWS. As melhores oportunidades de emprego exigem AWS. Os profissionais que mais se destacam nas empresas conhecem AWS. E eu sei que, quando voc no sabe AWS, ela parece um bicho de sete cabeas. Mas, creia-me: no .Nesse curso, voc conhecer quatro dos principais servios da AWS: S3, EC2, RDS e SQS. Alm disso, aprender a usar cada um desses servios com o incrvel Terraform, que implementa o moderno conceito de ""infrastructure as code"". Tambm far o Spring Boot integrar com cada um desses servios. Inclusive, voc far o deploy de um microservice na AWS!Venha comigo. Vou ensinar AWS a voc."
Price: 19.99

"Shape Break: Transform Your Posture, Energy and Focus" |
"Neck, shoulder, wrist or back pain, headaches and low energy ALL can be improved with the right movement.This course was created after seeing many in pain and needing therapy after long hours sitting at the keyboard. I realized that if people had the tools to take care of their body as they worked, and iron out niggles early, they could both avoid complex pain conditions by giving the body the regular breaks from repetitive tasks it needed AND stay energised and focused as well. Balancing out the negative effects of sitting is even more important if you are working from home in a less than ideal office environment, or using a laptop more often then not. So - welcome to SHAPE BREAK ! Learning and implementing some simple strategies to move regularly in your working day in a way that is deeply therapeutic to the body isn't just sensible, it's one of the most powerful investments you'll ever make in your health. If you - are getting soreness or tingling in arms and neck and back that comes and goes - feel you need to stretch regularly to relieve tension and clear the mind - are interested in better working habits to avoid the negatives of sitting in the long term - need the best exercises to move throughout your working day with the least time and the most benefit Then this is for you !!! Be sure to watch the Health and Safety video, and listen to your own body with any movement exercises!Dr Carlyle JenkinsChiropractor and Movement Magician"
Price: 69.99

"Filzen - Nassfilzen fr Anfnger" |
"Aus Schafwolle, warmem Wasser und Seife wirst Du in diesem Kurs schne Objekte aus Wolle einfach selber herstellen. Schritt fr Schritt filzen wir gemeinsam Dekoratives zum selbst Behalten oder Verschenken.Der Kurs eignet sich auch hervorragend, um gemeinsam mit deinem Kind (ab ca. 6 Jahre) das Nassfilzen zu erlernen.Eine bersicht ber die einzelnen Arbeitsschritte und weitere Informationen, sowie eine Materialliste mit Einkaufs-Link habe ich Dir in einem E-book zum download bereitgestellt.Ein vorbereitetes Komplett-Material-Set findest Du in meinem Shop: SchoenesShop bei Etsy"
Price: 64.99

"Create your Instant Organic Food Garden During Corona Virus" |
"*******************************//////////ESPAOL ABAJO/////////***************************This course will teach you how to grow a food garden in a short period of time, with no previous gardening experience. You will learn which crops are the easiest and fastest, and that regrow after cutting, allowing you to harvest for many months.The Covid-19 has shown us the importance of food security, to help us build resilience as individuals and as a community. In this course you will learn how to produce food on different scales, even if you live in an appartment with no balcony. Apart from producing healthy organic food, having your hands in the soil is soothing, and healing.So, why don't you start your food garden?Section 1In this course you will learn about 3 different situations:How to grow sproutsHow to grow food when you have a balconyHow to start a small food garden Section 2You will also learn how to prepare your soil and prepare deal with possible pestsCompostingPest and disease managementIn the attached PDF file you will find: Sprouting info sheet Balcony growing and small garden info sheet. Compost info sheet Pest and disease management info sheetAvailable in spanish (with subtitles) ESPAOLEste curso le ensear cmo cultivar un jardn de alimentos en un corto perodo de tiempo, sin experiencia previa en jardinera. Aprender qu cultivos son los ms fciles y rpidos, y que vuelven a crecer despus de cortar, permitindole cosechar durante muchos meses.El Covid-19 nos ha mostrado la importancia de la seguridad alimentaria, para ayudarnos a construir la resistencia como individuos y como comunidad. En este curso aprendern a producir alimentos a diferentes escalas, incluso si viven en un apartamento sin balcn. Adems de producir alimentos orgnicos saludables, tener las manos en la tierra es relajante y curativo.As que, por qu no empiezas tu jardn de alimentos orgnicos?Seccin 1En este curso aprenders sobre 3 situaciones diferentes:Cmo cultivar alimentos cuando no tienes tierra y tienes espacio limitado (vives en un rea urbana, como un apartamento, por ejemplo).Cmo cultivar alimentos cuando tienes un balcnCmo empezar un pequeo jardn de comida Seccin 2Tambin aprender a preparar su suelo y a lidiar con posibles plagasCompostajeManejo de plagas y enfermedadesEn el archivo PDF adjunto encontrar:- Hoja informativa sobre brotes- Hoja informativa sobre el cultivo en el balcn y el pequeo jardn.- Hoja informativa sobre el compost- Hoja informativa sobre la gestin de plagas y enfermedadesDisponible en espaol (con subttulos)"
Price: 19.99

sbhzckpk |
Price: 39.99

"The Real and Only New York Cheesecake" |
"Cheesecakes are one of the most popular kinds of dessert, loved for their sweetness, soft consistency and crunchy base. Want to know the secret to the perfect cheesecake? Youre about to find out in this best-selling course!Not only will you learn all about cheesecake, but I also, the most important parts, my three favourite toppings, perfect for any slice! All of the lessons are filmed up-close which is perfect if you're learning on a phone or other small device.I will your guide as you explore all the elements that will allow you to create your own show-stopping cheesecakes.Personalized support is also included...just send me a message! Are you ready to master this popular and delicious dessert? Let's get started! See you in the course."
Price: 19.99
